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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 12, 2020 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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is actually growing. great ideas, thank you for that. to read more, check out this week's edition at wear your masks, and we'll bekkk on monday. have a great weekend. ♪ muck. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. for president trump this has been the week that was. it has been, in fact, his finest week since he was inaugust rated -- inaugurated president of the united states. president trump today the adding to his historic achievements, announcing that bahrain is normalizing relations with israel. finish this historic peace agreement brokered again by president trump. it is the second such agreement made over the past month, and president trump appears hopeful that he will have many more successes in creating a new future for the middle east. >>s this is a truly historic
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day. there have been two peace agreements with israel in the last 72 years. this is now the second peace agreement that we've announced in the last month, and i am very hopeful that there will be more to follow. i can tell you there's tremendous enthusiasm on behalf of other countries to also join. there's more countries -- as more countries normalize relations with israel, which will happen quite quickly, we believe, the region will become more and more stable, secure and prosperous. in the meantime, we're pulling most of our soldiers occupant. so we're doing it the opposite way. they were doing it with nothing but fight and blood all over the place. the sand was loaded up be blood, and now you're going to see a lot of that sand is going to be loaded up with peace. lou: the president's announcement coincides with the arrival of secretary of state
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mike pompeo in qatar. the secretary of state set to participate in peace negotiations between the taliban and the afghan government. those talks will reassume tomorrow and couldinging pave the way for the united states to ultimately withdraw our troops from what has become our longest war. president trump's bold diplomatic leadership in the middle east has already earned him one nomination for the nobel peace prize, and today he was honored with an unprecedented nomination for a second peace prize. a member of sweden's parliament nominating the president for spearheading peace talks between kosovo and serbia. the two balkan states normalizedded economic relations two decades after the commencement of their bitter war. the two countries also agreeing to move toward closer ties with israel. president trump's nobel nomination today makes him the
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first person in history to be nominated twice for the nobel peace prize in the same week for two separate accomplishments. and astonishingly, not one single radical dem left-wing official, left-wing politician or anyone in the national left-wing media has a taken the time to congratulate our president for the recognition of his success in foreign policy. in fact, the left-wing publication "the atlantic" today wrote this headline: end the nobel peace prize. thank you, jeffrey goldberg, ed editor of "the atlantic." the questioning of course, is what have the radical dems and their presidential nominee accomplished over these past four years? the answer is unequivocally, factually, empirically absolutely nothing constructive, absolutely nothing positive, absolutelying nothing that advances the national interests.
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yet the radical dems dare to attack and attack constantly our historic president, a man who's already achieved more than any other president since abraham lincoln in his first four years in office. without recognition from radical dems, the left, the left-wing national media at all. finish today's historic announcement followed a somber tribute from the president to the nearly e 3,000 the people killed by rah call islamic terrorists on september 11th, 2001. president trump in shanksville, pennsylvania, today where he honored the brave with men and women who fought back terrorists aboard united flight 93 and who courageously diverted their aircraft away from the nation's capitol. >> to the family members of flight 95, today every heartbeat in america is wedded to yours. your pain and anguish is the
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shared grief of our whole nation. the heros of flight 93 are an everlasting reminder that no matter the danger, no matter the threat, no matter the odds, america will always rise up, stand tall and fight back. lou: the president's recognition of american exceptionalism, american heroism continued this afternoon at the white house. president trump presented the medal of honor to sergeant major thomas paine, an army delta force member with extraordinary courage and valor in a 2015 operation in iraq where he was responsible for freeing 75 iraqis held hostage by isis. president trump is expected to return to the campaign trail tomorrow for a rally in nevada. this will be the fifth statement9 that he will have
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visited since monday. the state's radical dem governor trying to sabotage the trump event playing never trumper and point of the spear of the resistance. the governor cited restrictions on crowds because of the china virus pandemic. the trump administration and campaign working that out with innovation and a new plan. and thousands of supporters turning out for a similar rally last night in northern michigan where that state's governor didn't welcome him either. that state's governor also tried to be at that same point of the spear in the recity e dance. that didn't work out at all. the president stood in front of air force one, criticized china joe biden and the radical dems for their weak withness on the economy, weak stance on trade and crime. >> if biden wins, china wins. if biden wins, the mob wins. if biden wins, the rioters, an
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around -- anarchists, arsonists and flag burners win. but i wouldn't worry about it, because he's not winning. i don't think he's -- [cheers and applause] if we win, america wins, and that's what it's about. if we win, america wins. lou: and at this point, it's pretty clear that intensity and enthusiasm for this president's re-election is running high at every rally he's attended. at one point in the president's speech last night, supporters showed their appreciation for all of his hard work with this emotional and boisterous praise: >> we can solve those problems in a matter of literally minutes. >> we love you! >> thank you. >> we love you!
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we love you! we love you! we we love you! we love you! we love you! >> don't say that, i'll start to cry, and that wouldn't be good for my image. [laughter] we don't want -- [cheers and applause] you don't want to see me cry. lou: president trump last night also eager to highlight a comment made by joe biden about the u.s./mexico/canada trade deal. here is the -- [laughter] here is bind on cnn admitting that the usmca signed by president trump is better than the nafta trade deal that, well, the obama/biden administration had approved. >> something else he did is he renegotiated nafta. >> he did. >> he renegotiated nafta. now, when you ran for president and when barack obama ran for president, you both said you would renegotiate nafta. you didn't. he did -- >> because we had a republican
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congress that wouldn't go along with us renegotiating. >> but doesn't he deserve some credit for that? it's better, usmca's and a half better than nafta. >> it is better than nafta. [laughter] lou: it just -- i don't know what you can say about the man. he's running on trump's accomplishments. that's -- [laughter] pretty impressive. the top aide for u.s. attorney john durham has resigned from the department of justice. we've just learned this over the last couple of hours. her name is nora danahy. she was part of the never trump resistance within the department of justice. this development follows the release of documents by judicial watch about the special counsel robert mueller's efforts to, well, control information and perhaps hide evidence. showing that at least 27 cell phones, all of them belonging to members of the mueller special counsel team including, of
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course, andrew weissmann and lisa page, they were wiped clear of data before the doj inspector general could are view them. those phones had been -- well, the i.g. had insisted on those phones being turned over. there, apparently, were no consequences whatsoever for the wiping of the phones. rino senate judiciary chair lindsey graham responded to that news by suggesting more damning information will soon be released. >> the question is, did they obstruct justice. did they intentionally delete information from their phone because horowitz was on the case. that's the question for durham. my job as chairman of the judiciary committee is to find out how the department of justice and the fbi got crossfire hurricane so wrong. but stay tuned, sean. you think you're mad about the phones being wiped? stay tuned.
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we'll talk in about 10 or 12 days, and we'll see if there's something else you could get mad about. stay tuned. lou: we've got plenty that anyone would be angry enough about. stay tuned, said senator graham. you know, that's the kind of pop pycock that graham's been saying for years, throughout what has been a year and a half of indolence on his part and a shirking of his responsibility as the chairman of the judiciary committee. he told fox business' maria bartiromo back in july stay tuned for information about the steele dossier. stay tuned, he said. that same month graham asked a crowd in south carolina if they were ready to learn what really happened in obamagate. when the crowd responded yes, graham said, quote, well, just stay tuned. and in august 2018, graham promised to investigate
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obamagate telling "roll call" magazine there's a good chance i'll be judiciary chairman if we hold the senate next year. if i'm judiciary chairman, well, stay tuned. ah. well, we've stay tuned, and what we have seen is a lot of dead air from the confused senator graham. up next, nancy pelosi's china virus hypocrisy. we take it up with author alex berenson in just a few moments here and bring you up-to-date on what is happening with the china virus pandemic. and a refinaller, my new -- reminder, my new book, "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history forever," it is available at our new merchandise store,, a place where all american patriots, republican, democrat, independent. and i'll be doing a virtual book sooning on september ifrd. meet me -- 23rd.
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♪ the big events are back. xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. lou: breaking news tonight, ohio state's head coach of football, ryan day, is pushing to play big
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ten football and play it now. day tweeted in part, quote: these young men and their parents have asked so many questions that i do not have an answer to, but the one that hurts the most is, "why can these other teams and players play and we can't?" president trump says he's pushing to get big ten football while pointing out new data that college campuses are extremely low risk environments. >> they only have so many years of this, and the players are missing a big opportunity including a chance in some of the cases to have some of the best players, college players in our country, and they want to get into the nfl, and they want to make money in the nfl, and they're not going to be able to do that too easy if you don't get to see them play. based on the recent data from more than 20 colleges, not a single student who tested positive for the virus has been hospitalized. so that's a lot of people, that's a lot of students. not one has been hospitalized.
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lou: there's no question in my mind, certainly, that the big pen and the pac-12 are playing politics, and that is a shame. house speaker nancy pelosi yesterday blamed american china virus deaths on president trump. she says trump lied, people died. but how can pelosi say that about the president yesterday when she was saying this in san francisco's chinatown at the end of february? >> i'm so glad to see so many of you in chinatown. we should come to chinatown -- you know that there's tourism traveling all throughout the world, but we think it's very safe to be in chinatown and hope that others will come. it's lovely here. it's delicious. the shops are prospering, the parade was great, i hope it
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continues. people should visit and enjoy chinatown. lou: well, the radical dems are certainly the part of hate and hypocrisy, but no one a greater hypocrite in that party than nancy pelosi. los angeles county public health director dr. barbaraer ferrer wants to keep schools closed until election draw. steve gregory from radio station kfi obtained this recording of dr. ferrer talk with administratorses. take a listen. >> we don't realistically anticipate that we would be moving to either tier two or to are e opening k-12 schools at least through, at least until after the election. after, you know, in early november. like, when we just look at the timing of everything, it seems to us a more realistic approach to this would be to think that
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we're going to be where we are now until we get after, until we are done with the elections. lou: pretty obvious what is motivating her and the los angeles schools in closing. well, joining us tonight to talk all of this up -- take all of this up and give us his clear-eyed view of what is happening with the china virus pandemic and the politics that are being played around and about that pandemic, we're joined by alex berenson, former new york times reporter and author. amazon briefly refused to sell his new book, "unreported truths about covid-19 and lockdowns." we recommend the book to you highly. finish and, alex, it's great to see you. and your, give us your sense of where we are now in this pandemic and how accurate the information that we're getting from the cdc, the nih and other
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public health agencies at all levels of our government across the country. >> well, lou, thanks so much for having me. where we are with the epidemic and there's where we are with the politics of the epidemic. i prefer to talk about where we are with the actual academic, and it seems if you look at the sun belt, you know, which is a huge region of the country, if you look at what happened this summer with the sun belt, it seemed that we had a spike in cases. i mean, we know we had a spike in cases, not necessarily hospitalizations. but we had a spike in positive tests, a spike in hospitalizations, a smaller spike in deaths, and now we seem to be done with that. and, you know, all these large states -- florida, texas, arizona, georgia -- they have somewhere between one-half or one-third of people in the hospital than they did a month or month if and a half ago.
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and they did that without a second lockdown. one thing the left does not want to talk about and the public health establishment does not want to talk about is that six weeks ago they were screaming for a second lockdown. "the new york times" published an op-ed by one of the foremost epidemiologists in the united states calling for a second lockdown. it didn't happen, and guess what? the spike went away all by itself. there's just more and more evidence that the virus burns itself out in a matter of weichs no matter -- maybe -- weeks. maybe a month to two months no matter what we to or don't do, and that lockdown can be counterproductive. and the people who have been on the side of super aggressive government intervention from the beginning, from march, will not admit that, and i think it's getting harder and harder for them to make a case. lou: harder and harder for them to make a case, but they bryantly do so. and as we have just seen listening to the l.a. administrator of schools, making it very clear this is about politics for them. it is not about the well-being
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of the children, the students k-12 in particular. we see with the big ten, the pac-12, two power conferences, the only two not playing football. these are raw, blatant, bald political decisions being made in this country right now for no other purpose, and it's shameful. >> i'd like to think that's not true, but, you know, as the weeks and months go by, it's hard to disagree with that, lou. and especially, i'll point at something else, you're, obviously, you've got a business-focused audience. if you look at the states where unemployment has gone up the most, they're almost universally correlated with the states that had the hardest lockdowns. of it's not so much, you know, about how many positive tests there were. the sun belt has done much better economically since the beginning of march than the northeast or the midwest, and a state like hawaii which has had almost no depths but has had a super intense lockdown because they locked down very hard and very early, and they're an
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island so they actually could do that in a somewhat effect i way, but all that really doing is postponing when they have to remove it because their unemployment rate is almost 20%. it's not clear that the lockdowns do anything positive. they delay e the virus spread, but they don't end it, and they cause all these other problems as well. you know, i just, i find it as an american and as somebody who's a parent, i find what we're doing right now intensely painful because people are cloaking themselves, they're saying we're doing what the science says, and it really, once you look into what the science and the data really say, you find out they're doing the opposite. lou: it is stunning. and the president is being attacked -- >> very effective -- [inaudible conversations] that's for sure. lou: i'm sorry? >> very, very i effectively. lou: go ahead, alex. >> they've very effectively -- [inaudible]
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no question. lou: and in point of fact, he did exactly the right things. and i think it's fascinating that woodward didn't focus on what the president's policies were, the decisions he took and what he did achieve made all the difference in whether people lived, americans lived or died. and that has been the cause throughout, without mention of the cover-up by xi jinping. the book doesn't go into for a moment who's really responsible for this pandemic, and that is the communist chinese party and xi jinping, the president of the people's republic of china. it's stunning stuff, and then to see nancy pelosi herself in the midst of chinatown during the same period that she is, you know, she says she is absolutely reviled -- repulsed by the
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president's shameless decisions but, in point of fact, he was keeping americans alive. you get the last word, alex. >> i'd certainly say you can point to mistakes that donald trump made, but on your point about china, that is your point that needs to be made over and over again. there must be, the world has to prep, not just the united states, europe, australia, the world must press for an independent investigation into where this virus came from, and not to do that, to let the chinese get away with -- they're not really telling us a story at all about what happened here -- is very, very dangerous. it says to them, it says whatever happened here, whether it was natural, we are afraid to stand up to you and look. and we need to, we need to push china on that. i'm not saying they weaponized it intentionally, i'm saying there's evidence this could have been a lab accident, and we need to find out. lou: yeah.
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alex, i agree with some of what you say, most of what you say, but at this up stance china -- instants china is responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people across this globe because they did not warn anyone of the deadly pandemic they were unleashing, and they could have done so. morally it is one of the most tragic times imaginable. alex berenson, i'd love to have you back as soon as, as soon as, well, maybe next week. we'll talk. and thanks for talking with us tonight. up next, the latest effort by the courts to block the president's fight against illegal immigration. congressman andy biggs joins us right after these quick messages. please stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ]
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♪ ♪ lou: well, two george w. bush-appointed judges and an obama-appointed judge are
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blocking president trump's executive order to exclude illegal immigrants from the census count for the purpose of congressional representation. the president signed that executive order in july after chief justice john roberts joined the four liberal justices to keep the citizenship question off the census. appalling. appalling judgment on the part of the chief justice, and here we go again. well, joining us now is congressman andy biggs. he's the chairman of the house freedom caucus, member of the house judiciary committee. congressman, great to see you. finish i have to say the president has the patience of job to put up with a judiciary that is so politically corrupt, and this includes now the supreme court. judge roberts is, to me, an absolute embarrassment. this apell a late court -- appellate court makes a joke of itself. what in the world is, can you do about it? and i don't want to hear
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nothing, because somebody on capitol hill has got to start thinking about the good of the country and what to do to end this madness in our politically corrupt judiciary. >> well, lou, you're exactly right. the ruling's terrible. it ignores the constitutional reasons why even do a census which is the reapportionment. you should not be counting people here in the country illegally, so that's horrible. but if we're going to remedy this, there are some things we can do. number one, you have the opportunity to impeach. you're appointed for a term of good behavior. if your behavior's bad, what happens is when they're clearly, cleary abrogating -- clearly abrogating the constitution, they're violating their oath. another thing you can do, lou, is you have to change the
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organizations that are providing recommendations for these judges and justices. and you need to get some people in there that can provide some constitutionally-based, constitutionally-respecting judges for the president to select from. these types of judges in the southern district of new york are not too dissimilar from what i face every day here in the ninth circuit. and we need to attack -- lou: right. >> -- these circuits and clear e them up. that's what we have to do. lou: but, congressman, the republicans have known what this is, the president has been -- i think he is almost at the point where his appointees will be the majority in the ninth circuit. it's been a remarkable, again, another remarkable accomplishment by this president. but the republicans have known what has been going on for decades and still they tolerated it. and when they had the opportunity, didn't do anything about it until this president.
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and now we're watching the people's will frustrated when it's judge emmet sullivan and the d.c. circuit court of appeals suggesting that they can write law and decide just how long to persecute a man without reason, irrationally and without any sense of humanity. general michael flynn persecuted for four years what he is and his family have gone through is outrageous. what are the republicans going to do? >> well, first thing we've got to do is we've got to get the house back so we can actually do something. i'm not going to discount what you said because i agree with you. we have allowed the uni-party, and that's some people on both sides of the aisle, to basically keep the status quo and punt stuff over to the judiciary. but we've got to get the house back so we can get the people on our judiciary committee so we're
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going to fight this battle. and it may mean bringing judges in to answer charges of impoochment because they can't keep trying to legislate from the bench. they have walked all over the separation of powers, and our remedy is to take it right back to them and kick them in the teeth. fig rah rahtively speaking, lou. figuratively speak. lou: well, i understand. but it's almost literal when we look at what the radical dems have been doing to the american people. congressman, good to have you with us. congressman andy biggs. up next here, the latest in the political persecution of general flynn. judicial watch president tom fitton with us after these quick messages. messages. we'll be right back with that. we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but, we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house.
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♪ ♪ lou: a mixed day on wall street to close out the week. the dow up 131 points, the s&p up 2, the nasdaq lost 66. volume on the big board a pal true 3.7 billion shares. and a reminder, listen to my reports three times a day on the salem radio network. breaking news now, rhode island will be sending out universal mail hundred ballots. the state's democrat secretary of state, nelly gorbia, says she can send applications with or without the astronaut legislature's approval -- state legislature's approval. democrats greatly outpacing
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republicans in absentee ballot reports in states like are florida and north carolina. the republican national committee tells us it isn't worried. the rnc claims many of president trump's supporters prefer to vote in person and will do so. judge emmet sullivan's appointed amicus john gleeson telling the justice department's motion to dismiss the case of general michael flynn should be denied. gleason calling the doj's motion to dismiss politically motivated. well, they should know. joining us tonight, tom fitton, the president of judicial watch. his new book is " a republic if under assault." we recommend it to you huguely. and, tom -- highly. and, tom, good to see you. let's start with what you have discovered through your efforts
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and skew additional watch's efforts, and that is records that show mueller and his team destroyed, wiped out the files on phones? what was it, 20-some-odd phones? this is outrageous. this sounds like hillary clinton all over again, we're just missing the, what is it, the bleach byte? >> yeah. it was accidental, of course, lou. all that was happening accidentally. one phone wiped itself out. so that's just complete magic. look, if the fbi went into a corporation and the entire leadership of the corporation among them wiped out clean the phones of 30 -- 30 plus phones, what would the fbi do? we already know, because mueller's team told us. i think said they raided manafort's home. remember that guns-drawn rad railed? -- raid? because they were worried he was
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destroying evidence. they find out quite apparently all this evidence is imagineically disappearing from this phones based on what i call a pandemic of phones being wiped. and they do nothing about it. and this would never have come out but for a lawsuit. and we just found out earlier in another release that mueller was in the running for the fbi position, wrote an e-mail saying he's taking himself out of consideration which means he was under consideration, and he knew it. which raises questions about perjury to congress. so there's -- between what happened with mueller's testimony and the destruction and potential -- of evidence and the potential obstruction of justice, there needs to be a criminal investigation of the mueller team. and the fact that it evidently hasn't been done yet speaks volumes about the way the doj is being run when it comes to their own internal corruption. lou: well, or their internal corruption is well documented
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thanks in large measure to you and judicial watch. but across the spectrum of terrific reporting and political watchdogs like you -- i guess we'll have to love it with like you, there is judicial watch and none other really -- this is, the case is sitting in their laps. this is outrageous. do you -- what would happen at the justice department if a corporation did it, imagine what would happen if you dud it to the irs. would they sit there and say, oh, really? 27 phones were just wiped out? this is outrageous, what this, what we're putting up with in this country. it's political corruption at the highest levels, at the, you know, the muddle -- the middle levels. my god, it's just, it's unthinkable that again we'll see these people get away with this,
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this horrible, horrible crime against this government, this president and this nation. >> well, if i were the president, i'd appoint a separate special counsel to investigate the justice department's misconduct here and the fbi's misconduct. the justice department has proven it can't do it itself. i mean, we have this resignation allegedly from the durham team because this was an anti-trump prosecutor who didn't like, quote, the pressure they were under. it tells you two things, lou. it's either that -- it explains why durham hasn't done anything because people like that working for him or, b, who knows, maybe he'll do something, and this person was trying to undermine him. either way we've waited much too long and faced unordinate hurdles to get the truth out. they haven't given us any text messages. we just beat them back in court over a detective message fought about andrew mccabe. they said they would start
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giving us text messages. that's three months ago. three months. they're looking at a few hundred pages of text messagings. and thaw still can't turn them over to us. it's really inexcusable, the lack of accountability. it's one thing to say a criminal investigation -- lou: but why, why -- >> -- can take as long as it needs, but documents? just release them. lou: yeah. and why is this attorney general, william barr, not making certain that it's happening on a timely bay us. the justice department has been demonstrated throughout the obama years and the political corruption that ensued almost across the entire federal government that the justice d. is where with truth best goes to die. it hasn't changed. my god. a year and a half for an investigation? that's absurd. you can destroy, you can create, manufacture evidence. why in the hell would anybody think that that was an
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appropriate time for an investigation? is it too complex for the witless amongst the politically corrupt? i don't think so. this is pure corruption. >> that's right. and this came even after it was reported or around the same time it was reported9 that the strzok/page texts had been erased by the special counsel's office. so they had this wider spread problem, and with only find out because we sued. and, you know, this justice department in terms of the difference between the obama administration and this administration, there really hasn't been much difference in terms of the transparency. we just had a filing in court the other day, today's the anniversary of 9/11, not only the terrorist attack in new york, but here in d.c. and also in benghazi. they told the court, shut it all down. we don't want any more discovery in the clinton e-mails, no more questions about benghazi and what happened there. and that's this justice department and this state department. they're betraying, in few view,
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those americans who thought there ought to be accountability over those issues with this new add administration, and the president's being terribly undermined here because i suspect he'd be outraged. they probably tell the president, oh, you can't get involved in any of this. my view is he should order a transparency revolution right now. are lease everything. who knows what else is out there. lou: yeah. i would say it this way, tom, that if this attorney general and this justice department does not produce indictments against the politically corrupt criminals of the justice department and the fbi, then the president has, it seems to me, no other choice than to declassify all of the documents and i mean dump them into the public arena well, a month before that election so the american people can vote with
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us tonight, as he does nearly every friday, pastor robert jeff rest of the first baptist church of dallas, fox business contributor, great american. well, let's start, if we may, with president trump announcing several of the names of people he would make, put on the list for justices of the supreme court. amongst them, ted cruz and tom cotton. your thoughts. >> lou, in 2016 the exit polls showed that the number one reason conservative christians voted for president trump was his promise of a conservative judiciary, a promise that he has more than fulfilled. and, you know, for christians this is so important because the issues we care about, the sanctity of life, religious liberty, the right to bear arms, all depend upon conservative judges who will interpret the law by what the constitution the
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actually says, not by what liberals wish it said. [laughter] and the president this week was doubling down on that commitment. to me, the real question is whew hasn't -- why hasn't joe biden released his list of potential judicial picks? if joe biden released the people that he was considering -- let me change that, the people kamala harris and nancy pelosi would be considering for court picks, the american people would have the bejeebers scared out of them. and that's why no true conservative, lou, can allow joe biden anywhere near the oval office. lou: well, and we're getting treated to a lecture, it seems, from corporate america and commercials every night and at least in pupil time. -- prime time. we're getting treated to commercials from the nfl, and somehow they have achieved not just the mantel of social justice warriors, but they are
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now some sort of superior beings looking down upon the res of us mere mortals to tell us how it ought to be in the united states of america. finish -- it's become grotesque what the nfl has become. your thoughts. >> lou, we live in a great nation where players are free to kneel, fans are free to boycott and team owners are free to fire players who are bad for business. but nevertheless, the idea that you would have a black national anthem and a white national anthem, i mean, that is absolutely ludicrous. we don't have two national anthems. we don't have two flags. we don't have two americas. in spite of our diversity, we are one nation under god, and the singing of the national anthem is the time for us to celebrate our unity, not to
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denigrate it. and by the way, i think the president is absolutely right to hammer this truth home. lou: pastor robert jeff rest, as always, great to see you. thanks for being with us. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed.
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♪ ♪ lou: that's it for us tonight. thanks for being with us. former acting dnu ric grenell
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and larry elder among our guests monday. preorder my new book, "the the trump century," get your copies at our new merchandise shop, as well as and amazon. good night from sussex. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: americans today commemorating the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. president trump, the first lady, vice president pence and husband wife, the bidens all paying their respects. today is about commemorating 9/11, but america is also about september 12th, the day after, when america stood up, when stores ran out of american flags because everyone reason ran out to buy them, when america was united as one as americans first, not republicans or democrats. white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany joins us tonight on that story and history unfolding, another historic mid


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