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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 12, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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she described it as a nightmare peer welcome to andrew cuomo's new york. paul:ch that's it for this weeks show this week's show. thank you for watching. i'm paul gigot we hope to see you right here next week. lou: good evening everybody. president trump in the white house briefing room this afternoon there he blasted china joe biden is hypocritical criticism of the president's response to the china virus pandemic red president trump says biden's comments show how unequipped he really is to deal with the challenges of the presidency. >> joe biden continues to use the pandemic for political gain. i took early action in january to ban travel and all travel to and from china. the democrats and biden in particular quoted xenophobic.
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joe was willing to sacrifice american lives to placate the radical left, open border extremists and we saved tens of thousands of lives, probably hundreds of thousands of lives and we saved millions of lives by doing the closing enough the opening and joe's decision to publicly attack the china bans proves he lacks the character or intelligence or instinct to do what is right very lou: biden the radical dems the rhinos in the left-wing national media have exploded over bob woodward's new book. woodward reporting president trump intentionally downplayed the china virus in the earliest stages of what later would be a pandemic and a deadly one. president trump addressed woodward's claims have done today and in the process smacked down abcs hill manor disrespectful jonathan carl.
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>> why did you lie to the american people and why should we trust what you have to say now? >> i did lie. what i said is we have to be calm and we can't be panicked. what i said is very simple. i want to show a level of confidence and i want to show strength as a late -- leader in that want to show that our country is going to be fine one way or the other, whether we lose one person and we shouldn't lose any. this is nobody's fault but china. china should not allow that to happen. leia the president placing the blame for the china virus exactly where on the communist chinese party in the midst of a developing crisis. it was president xi jinping who covered up a new stop all travel domestically in china but encouraged international travel throughout which led to the global pandemic. the chinese also covered up the severity and the deadliness of
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the virus. they denied the virus was deadly. they denied it was transmittable. on january 14, the world health organization corroborated the chinese cover-up saying it was no human-to-human transmission of the virus at all. a full week later on january 21 the w.h.o. at headed there was in fact human-to-human transmission in wuhan, the city of origin of that deadly virus. president trump share that information by the way with bob woodward in a phonecall on february 7. yet today the "washington post" phil rucker tried to claim otherwise. >> you knew on february 7 and you told woodward how it transferred from person-to-person in the air and how deadly it was. why did you not come to the podium? >> this is stuff that everyone knew. there is a report that i have
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here some place where china said it was airborne earlier than the statements i made. people knew was airborne. when i said it was airborne everybody knew was airborne. this is no big thing. read the reports. china came out of the statement that it was an airborne disease. i heard it was an airborne disease. i assumed it early on. the fact is there has to be calm this. you don't want me jumping up and down and saying there's going to be great depth in causing very serious problems for the country. lou: a perp roster is set of questions by the president's briefing room and amongst the most disrespectful manners that i have seen in that ill mannered press corps. disgusting in fact. president trump called up of woodward for sitting on tapes of their telephone conversations. the president asked whether woodward thought the president
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wasn't doing enough and why didn't he think it prudent to report that in the "washington post" immediately instead of waiting five months for his book? >> of lob woodward thought what i said was that than he should have immediately right after i said it gone out to the authority so they can prepare but he didn't do that and he said he didn't think it was bad. he actually said he didn't think it was bad. the only one who thinks it was bad was the state news media. they take it and try to put it a certain way. if bob woodward thought it was bad than he should have immediately gone out publicly and not three or four months. he said the statement for four months, maybe five months. he's had it for a long time. lou: you may be asking right now why in the world with a president wastes his time with bob woodward when you know what you're going to get? apparently senator lindsey graham was amongst those who recommended the president talk
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with woodward despite woodward's history of graham telling "the daily beast" this quote the last book will woodward wrote trump said he didn't know he wanted to be interviewed so i said well that guy is a well-known presidential author and you know you've got a chance to give your side of the story. the president agreed in there you go and quote. just as a side here i think the on the one that needs to go as lindsey graham. he is without question capable of immense disservice to this president. the book has even been fully released at thanks to graham's handiwork. the washington swamp in the left-wing national media now are just using it as their latest tool with which to unfairly attack president trump. it is perhaps time that the white house consider the frequency of lindsey graham's counsel to the president. whether it be in the white house or every trump property
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including some golf courses. well, let's turn now to the rest of the day's news and that teens the senate failing to pass a republican china virus relief package, and other low to senate majority leader mitch o'connell who was apparently trying to lead his caucus to mask political suicide come november 3. rather than urging senators to run with the president, run with the president mcconnell has encouraged republicans to distance themselves from the president and to deem it necessary. if that is a decision that has already appearing to cost the republican party dearly. in the senate mitch o'connell and his leadership role are very much in question has several states now that the president carried in 2016 indicate its going to be a tough time for those republican senators
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against the radical dam opponents. north carolina thom tillis is down seven points in the latest poll. that is a race he won by fewer than two points just six years ago. joni ernst virtually tied with her radical dem opponent in iowa in 2014 currents won by more than eight points. that appears to be gone. her zone is martha mcsally down six points in her race against former astronaut mark kelly estate president trump one by or points in 2016. david perdue the senator from georgia has only a slim lead in his race within the margin of their in recent polls. perdue won by nearly eight points in his last election. colorado's cory gardner currently losing in his race against colorado governor john hickenlooper by nearly double the margin of president trump
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lost the state by in 2016. it looks in every instance those candidates, those gop candidates are not running with and in support of president trump and they are making a tremendous mistake. they are doing so at the backend of mitch mecom all. it's a tragic mistake of the republican party but still early enough to correct. president trump this hour will be heading to the battleground state of michigan for what is scheduled to be another high-energy electrifying trump rally. supporters of the president have been lining up all day and what has been described as a fun and festive tailgate like atmosphere. tonight's event is expected to draw about 5000 people to the international airport in freelance michigan. it comes a day after china joe biden's visit to the state. biden talking to a handful of
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reporters and carefully placed social distancing circles. there it is a dynamic electric environment don't you think? he later scurried away from the podium and refuse, refused to answer any questions from those people sitting in those chairs and those little circles. just take a listen to how the two events unfolded and how biden's event sounded compared to that of the president's most recent rally. >> look at this executive right here. jeff: [chanting] usa, usa, usa. [applause] [chanting]
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>> with american grit american determination and american union workers, [applause] look folks,. >> we will make america great again. lou: well i i think you call that intensity, enthusiasm. that energy in that momentum for the president is showing up in the polls. the president is only five points back of china joe biden in the latest poll out of michigan biden had been ahead seven points earlier. up next attorney general william barr says more indictments could be coming from john durham's obama investigation but will take that up with congressman devin nunes next and order my new book "the trump century" how the new president changed the
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course of history forever available their merchandise store lou dobbs a place for all american patriots republican democrat and independents alike about the doing of virtual book signing september 23. looking forward to that and you can meet me get your autographed copy. sign-up @lou dobbs we are coming right back. stay with us. my name is joe. i'm a sustainability science researcher at amazon. climate change is the fight of our generation. the biggest obstacle right now is that we're running out of time. amazon now has a goal to be net zero carbon by 2040. we don't really know exactly how we are going to get there. it's going to be pretty hard. but one way or another we're going to reduce our carbon footprint to net zero. i want my son to know that i tried my hardest to make things better for his generation.
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lou: attorney general william barr said there could be more criminal charges and john durham's obama case investigation. bar would not talk about where durham is in his investigation or whether anything else will be made made public before the election. you notice the justice department where truth goes to die. joining us is congressman devin nunes ranking member of the house intelligence committee and author of countdown to socialism available for pre-order now been recommended to you highly. congressman is great at be with us. i want to be encouraged by the attorney general's comments that there could be more coming from durham but i am at this point i am absolutely skeptical of anything the justice department
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doesn't certainly in any manner a timely result. your thoughts. >> you are right to be frustrated because justice delayed is justice denied as the old saying go and it's been way too long. this has been going on for far too long but you have to remember on the other hand this is a sprawling conspiracy involving many departments and including the dnc, the clinton campaign. there's a lot here that has to be unpacked and so i do think and i continue to say this to you, it's actually a good thing that we are not seeing leaks like we saw with the mueller witch hunt. i think that's a good thing and i don't buy the story that oh this could be political and somehow the election is going to deter durham. look nobody on the ballot is going to be investigated or part
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of this and we know that biden at least knew about this. i think you are exactly right it's obama officials and we don't know which one. that is what durham is trying to get to the bottom of so there's plenty of time. i would like to see before we vote in 2020 just too was colluding with russians because it sure as wasn't donald trump and would have been nice if the american people knew that it was democrats colluding with the russians and that's what we need need terms reports are due to come out in once and for all put an end to this russian nonsense about the trump campaign. lou: as an aside and i don't want to take much time but the senate intelligence committee was at the nexus of contacts with russians. they were actually back channeling senator mark war and the vice chair of the senate
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intelligence committee has much to answer for but the national left-wing media won't ask him a single question. i don't know whether or not the justice department has but i seriously doubt it. i don't see anything to suggest they are being thorough or expansive in this investigation. i take your point that it's complex but my god thanks to judicial watch and thanks to you and your committee and a handful of others john solomon and their reporting, the public knows so much about this so surely those investigators have one of a starting point and there are lots of points that they could begin this process. they don't have to do the drudgery. it's been done. it's been handed them as a point of fact don't you think? >> what i would add to that lou if we could get an interim report. i know just how big and long the
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list is the people who need to be interviewed and i'm sure they have more people to interview. i want a thorough investigation but in the meantime we should at least get some initial information that would be out before this election that would put to bed once and for all handy thing to do with trump and russia and just how corrupt this process really was. that's what we really need to get to the bottom of it as relates to the senate the senate took way too long to get anything done. i should go back to our gold standard report that was finished a couple of years ago that has stood the test of time. the only thing that we got wrong is that we didn't put enough in their at the time because we will just weren't so sure how deep the corruption actually went to lou: yeah and my purpose in this is straightforwardly, i do not want to see the radical dems
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steal another election as they did in 2018 he does the republican party leadership was made up of fools on capitol hill. the problem is right now you still have mitch mcconnell sitting there basically sacrificing the senate because of his obstinance and the science of this president rather than supporting him and backing up this president. i think he's committing political suicide. what do you think? >> look i think the senators have learned their lessons but i think you're right that some of the senate were buying into this fake news narrative that continued to come out and i will continue to say this is part of the ongoing problem. you have the atlantic story and now you have woodward's book. this is what they do. they build narratives and now they are running it through the social media. senators, congressman you shouldn't be talking to the media people.
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i don't know why -- i don't understand it. lou: the radical dems have become the party of hate and they lie, they cheat and they steal and they've been doing it from before this president was elected. they tried to stop his election. they have tried to stop his presidency to stop his agenda they have done it through lies and lies and more lies. i think the american people based on the polling we are all looking at they have got it figured out at this point. devin nunes that's in part because of all of your good efforts and we appreciated so much congressman. look forward to talking with you soon and good -- good luck with your book project a joe biden keeps going back-and-forth on major policy issues and the national left-wing media has been keeping score. we take up the latest with
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justin is editor-in-chief of john solomon. stay with us. we are coming right back. ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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is to be able to take these immune therapies and to make it a first line approach. because as more and more of these children survive into adulthood we are seeing more complications. it's almost like premature aging because of all the exposure to these drugs in the past. [female narrator] together, we can find safer treatments for kids fighting cancer. [john wagner, md] we have more hope than ever before. we keep trying and we'll learn from it. and, the children's cancer research fund allows us to do just that.
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lou: china joe biden continues to flip-flop on major positions. in the last couple of weeks by this change his mind about a national mask mandate. he now says there's a constitutional issue was such a move and therefore he is no longer calling for a national mandate. biden also says he's not going to ban fracking after all but in a campaign event in new hampshire this year biden said that he would read the former vice president has also said money should he diverted from police departments but yesterday he denied ever wanting to defund police. sounds like al sharpton here and amazingly claimed president trump actually wants to defund. these are just a few. joining us tonight is just the news editor-in-chief john
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solomon authored the important new book fallout nuclear vibes russian spies in the washington lies that enrich the clinton and leiden dynasties. we recommended to you highly of course. john solomon, good to have you with us on the broadcast. i want to start with the journalistic discussion if i may when i get to talk to the editor-in-chief. i want to get a straight shot at what is going on with unnamed sources and then using unnamed sources to corroborate name sources and holding that up to be a legitimate report about the president of the united states. something has gone awfully wrong in journalism. >> you said it right lou. the national media 20 years ago really did do their job but in the last 20 years they act more like a political action committee promoting the biden
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democratic ticket than they do are. >> of neutral truth and that comes in the form of many things whether it's anonymous stories or stories of russia that are just as anonymous and wrong is the story and atlantic this past weekend and most remarkably you have been on the sources of the stories, you have 21 people on the record denying the source. you would think that would be enough for the story to go in wore for her soul but not in this arab media. we doubled down and it's bad for the profession and bad for the american people and bad for democracy. lou: it's extraordinary. i think people have to really pay close attention as they watch these stories. the president calls out fake news, it is precisely that. this is not a standard that any legitimate journalists would have ever dreamed would be the standard of conduct within the journalistic community and for
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it to go unchallenged, my so-called journalistic watchdog is stunning as well. let's turn if we may to the mccabe call me and mark meadows chief of staff saying there is more to come and it looks ugly for these three, i would call them suspects to be nice about it. >> that's for sure. i think mark meadows is right we will see declassification and probably some action by the special prosecutor john durham. i would look for either an interim reporter in tram report combined with one or two more indictments are criminal charges filed between now and the end of the month but the pete struck story that he was overworked and that's why they messed up the fisa doesn't pass the smell test not even on the funny holiday weekend. no one was challenging him but
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peter struck me what he was doing and he knew his evidence was bad and he knew he wasn't meeting the standards for the issa quarter whether he did it to affect the election or not he did affect the election and we are still paying the price for that train a half years later. all these> >> jobs by comey and mccabe and struck are nothing but a prelude to the hammer falling and the misconduct is only going to get worse in the next few weeks. lou: do you believe now that we are past labor day the conviction was the charges would not be brought within that 60-day period before the presidential election. you think that this will be a moment of necessary breach? >> normally there's a prohibition against someone involved in the election. fbi agents in 2016 are not
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supposed to be involved in elections today so there's a greater latitude for the justice department to bring charges against those who are not part of politics even if it involves a 2016 election and i would not be surprised if that happens. the big thing is can the prosecutors bring these charges up in the bigger question we will have to wait and see but i expect more action this month either in the form of a report or additional criminal charges. lou: let's hope, don't mind the report but justice requires indictments. thanks for being with us. appreciate it. up next uncovering the secrets behind china joe biden and his family. we take it up with peter switzer as a new documentary out today and pre-order my new book "the trump century" how our president changed the course of history forever available at our new merchandise store lou dobbs
7:33 pm, place for all american patriots, republicans and democrats and independents back alike and i'll be doing a virtual book signing september 23. get your autographed copy of "the trump century." sign-up @lou dobbs stay with us. we are coming right back.
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when i came to the u.s., i was fifteen years old. my family was really poor. now, i've got fifty employees. when the pandemic hit, i was really scared about losing my business. but osmar, my financial advisor from northwestern mutual, he told me, brother we got your back. his financial planning helped to save my business. if i could talk to my younger self, i would say, you're going to be proud of yourself. ["thrift shop" (instrumental) by macklemo♪e and ryan lewis]
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lou: our next guest has released a new documentary today called riding the dragon and it's about
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the biden family's ties to china. >> china is not a problem. what are we worried about? he doesn't see them as a threat. >> i believe now what they believed then a rising china is a positive positive development. he welcomes the rise of the global power. why exactly? perhaps it's personal, perhaps it about his family. lou: joining us now peter schweizer the president of the government accountability institute. the document are based on his best-selling book profiles and corruption, visa power by america's progressives believe. is great to have it with us and congratulations on the documentary. this is extraordinary the degree to which the national left-wing
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media just simply refuses to deal with the stories of corruption which are ongoing as we speak. >> you are exactly right lou. the oldest playbook of the washington journalist is follow the money and how many times have we seen stories about wall street fund-raisers for candidates, big oil raising money for candidates and those are legitimate stories. this is the ultimate follow the money story because it involves the biden's, it involves deals with the foreign government, china ended deals with the foreign government that is her chief rival on the global stage. this is a classic story but even more than that would kill it's not just a story about a politician's kid getting rich because this politician has powered this has security implications because the chinese firm that hunter fused himself to ends up doing a series of
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deals that benefit directly the chinese military and the chinese strategic challenge to the united states. lou: and that company made an investment for example in the general nuclear power corporation. doesn't get much more integral to china's interest in that both national security and economic interests. >> right in cgn is the classic example. hunter biden informed h.r. with these chinese enemies and chinese government money and what hunter biden's firm does as they become an anchor investor in china general nuclear. about a year after that relationship takes place cgn that same company with hunter biden's group is anchor invested in this charge by our app the eye for stealing nuclear secrets in particular executives and
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engineers connected to that company are trying to get access to the nuclear reactors that we put on our navy submarine to give us a huge strategic advantage. that's one of the myriad of investments that hunter biden's firm that benefit the chinese military to the detriment of the united states. lou: now the left would say but of course hunter biden isn't associated with them, he's no longer associated with these investments in these no longer bring in money to his bank from china. what do you say? >> that's not true. he joined the board of directors in 2013. once the story was exposed i came on your show and other shows, hunter biden stepped down from the board of directors to what he is not done lou is removed the equity stake than he has in this firm.
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their estimates at fact and others have run that they believe it could be $30 million or more. the point here is they have lied consistently about this in a number of ways claiming that he was not affiliated in claiming he was just an adviser on the border to wreck truce. when that gets called out he steps down from the board of directors but he retains his equity stake. he is still making money off of what the chinese investment firm is doing. lou: still making money and he would not be the vice president's son if his father were to be elected. he would be the president and it's stunning he would not be totally vested as he runs for that office let alone what would happen if he were to win it. president trump says outright biden in the white house china owns this country. >> look, the chinese government
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has made the biden family lots of money. we are talking about the dhr deal as we point out in the film. hunter biden has another deal that involves rosemont real estate where he was a co-founder of chinese military linked company called gemini came in and lots that company and committed to put going to dollars of capitol. we don't know what hunter biden's stake was as a reason that deals so that's the inherent problem. they have not come clean. they have not told the truth and they continue to obscure what the relationships aren't again this is not about ukraine. this is not about great britain nor a government contract. this is about a financial relationship between our chief rival on the global stage china and the biden family. joe biden wants to be president of the united states and his family has become wealthy courtesy of our chief rival. that is a recipe i think for disaster.
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lou: and courtesy of course of his father's almost 50 years as a public employee and elected official over the course of time. as always thanks for your great work and all that you revealed. where can we go to see the documentary bassoonist? >> you can go to biden or find it on youtube "riding the dragon" movie and it will come up. lou: thank you very much. pre-order my new book "the trump century" how our president changed the course of history forever available now. pre-order your copies of their merchandise store lou dobbs a 15% discount just used the word dobbs. stay with us, we will be right back.
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lou: president trump today had a great day, a day that any president could only dream of. president trump started off the day with a nomination for the nobel peace prize. that nomination comes weeks after president trump brokered and historic east deal between israel and the united arab emirates.
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it's an achievement that has eluded every president, every demonstrations since the foundation in 1948. a member of norway's parliament submitted the nomination and praised president trump for his efforts to resolve conflict worldwide. >> you ask about the performance of the people. donald trump has performed well internationally. domestically it's what you achieve a national diplomatic send donald trump's proven he is worthy of the nobel peace prize. lou: former president obama was nominated for the nobel peace prize as well but his nomination came only after 11 days, 11 days in office. it was a decision that was followed by increased instability around the world and further u.s. military
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entanglements. in contrast to president trump holds an exemplary diplomatic record. he has to feed it isis held peace talks with north korea, taken on china's predatory trade practices and expansionary foreign-policy. he is strengthen nato holding its members accountable for the financing of the alliance. he is broke or peace deals between the taliban and afghan officials as well as kosovo and serbia most recently. just today president trump follow through on his promise to get america out of what seemingly were endless wars. more than a third of our troops not applied in iraq will be brought home this month. the u.s. troop presence will be cut from 5200, 23,030 is white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany on today's announcement. >> we believe that now is the time when we can make this drive down to keep the country stable
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because of the training our troops have had and tells the story that this president broke a 39-year-old streak of american presidents either starting a war or bring it the united states into an international armed conflict. unlike past presidents this president has prioritized peace through strength which is as foreign-policy. flu up next the nba and nfl are donating hundreds of millions of dollars to fight racial injustice. to what organizations will that money going twice and there were clear straightforward path for that money? we take it up next with judicial watch president tom fenton. stay with us. okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here.
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lou: the nba is pledging $300 million for a charitable foundation to fight what they call racial injustice. the nfl pledging $250 million neither league is listing the organizations that it is funding. today the nfl's official videogame by the way says colin kaepernick is returning to the game for the first time in four years. there you have it read michigan secretary of state jocelyn benson said her state won't have the full results on election night period and she says her pair for new look should week, not night. michigan starts mailing absentee ballots in two weeks.
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the postal workers union and part of the afl-cio endorses biden. nancy pelosi says the post post office has become what she calls election central so how do you feel about all of these unions, the postal service employees unions representing some half million workers being impartial stewards of an election? meanwhile the treasury announcing that 1000 people voted twice in its primary and babe will be prosecuted. we don't know how many of them were actually -- a libra joining us is tom fenton the president of judicial watch. his new book is available for pre-order now we recommended to you highly. thomas good to see you. let's take up michigan and the fact that they just won't have results available, thank you very much and trust your local
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post office in the postal system which is well running bankrupt concern. your thoughts. >> well in california they have 17 days after the election so we are facing, the left is planning it out. they are preparing the public and you saw the facebook ceo the other day talk about that the president may win on election night but he may not win after all the votes are counted and as you know votes through the mail or more suspect than votes at the ballot box and if they get there late they get there without postmarks and of course if they are counted in an inappropriate fashion the results are going to be questioned. i don't know how else to describe it other than by breaking the system by mailing hundreds almost 100 million
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ballots and ballot applications to people who haven't asked for them and waiting weeks to count the ballots how is it we are supposed to trust those results? people should vote in person to ensure their votes are counted accurately. lou: so who decided, just to decided that these ballots would be in the mail to whomever without any control and it's a complete, complete in control of the postal union workers who support left-wing radical dem candidates. how did this happen? >> the postal workers on a good day can get the mail to where it is supposed to be. there's at least an eight to 10% failure rate in terms of getting first-class mail there on time so what is going to happen is the ballots will get there late. no one will know when they were mailed. they could be mailed after the deadline which is an illegal way to undo the election and you can bet it will be left to judges
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waiting for officials to overrule republicans to object to changing the rules after-the-fact. it's going to be like florida 2000. member the first count had bush winning so the democrats wanted a second count and he was winning and they kept wanting a recount until they got a victory. lou: it sounds like this is going to be up to the postal services management of their unions to decide. we will turn it over to the afl-cio to get their judgment to one. i mean this is ridiculous. why isn't there some sort of intervention by the supreme court lacks why isn't the republican party -- the president talks about this every day, that he was scolded by kevin mccarthy for crying out loud because it might scare seniors away from voting in a rigged election. you can't make this up or it
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>> i be more concerned about seniors having their votes stolen are intercepted or otherwise not counted as a result of relying on unreliable mail-in ballot transactions. if i were running the justice department i would tell the 10,000 lawyers working for me, i want you to figure a way to protect the vote in november. i want to figure out a way to stop states from mailing 51 million ballots to people who haven't asked for them knowing the risk of fraud, knowing the risk of disenfranchisement of potentially millions of americans. that's election crisis we are facing and now the left knows that they are likely to lose if they count the vote on election day. they have admitted as much so now they are planning to count votes after election day and of course they are keeping the violence card in their back pocket as well. lou: tom fenton thank you very
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much. it's always good to have you with us. that's it for us tonight. follow me on twitter like me on facebook follow me on instagram @lou dobbs tonight and join us @lou dobbs as well. thanks for being with us. good night from sussex. define who they are. this is... these are the dice from "high rollers" on which you - were a contestant... - i was. who did not do particularly well. harvey: i'm harvey levin. this is the story of a man who's been welcomed into millions of homes across the globe for more than three decades. welcome to "jeopardy!" as we begin another week. alex was a young hellraiser in canada, something that enraged his mom. she would whack me pretty hard sometimes. if i did something that she considered... stupid. but after his parents divorced, alex was shipped off to boarding school,


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