tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 16, 2020 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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bon voyage, naomi. thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance." i'm jamie colby. remember -- you can't take it with you. watching. "lou dobbs" starts now. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. president trump today declared the dawn of a new era in the middle east. president trump signed the abraham awe accords, accords that normalize relations between israel and the united arab emirates as well as israel and bahrain. previous administrations could only dream of achieving such foreign policy victories as these. this president has accomplished all of these historic achievements in fewer than four years. president trump's plan to build a peaceful coalition with israel's arab neighbors putting intense pressure now on the palestinians and iran to begin
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to negotiate with their neighbors. president trump says husband strategy is obviously working -- husband strategy is obviously working, and it's changed the course of history. >> after decades of division and conflict, we mark the dawn of a new middle east thanks to the great courage of the leaders of these three countries. we take a major stride toward a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity. these agreements prove that the nations of the region are breaking free from the failed approaches of the past. today's signing sets history on a new course, and there will be other countries very, very soon that will follow these great leaders. the people of the middle east will no longer allow hatred of israel to be fomented as an excuse for radicalism or extremism. so important. and they'll no longer allow the great destiny of their region to be denied.
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lou: and our first guest this evening has worked closely with president trump as his administration creates a new peaceful future for the middle east. joining us tonight is national security adviser robert o'brien. great to have you with us and congratulations. this president is accomplishing literally wonders in foreign policy. give us a sense of who you believe will be next to join with these arab nations and with israel in building a future that will be peace and prosperous in the middle east. >> well, thank you, lou. it's so good to be with you on this historic day here at the white house. in answer to your question, we've got four or five countries with whom we're having conversations and the israelis are having conversations, and we're looking forward to building on the momentum.
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but before we start talking about the next deal, i'd like to make a couple of points. number one is it took tremendous courage for prime minister bibi netanyahu expect crown prince to bring their countries together and sign these accords, so i want to give a lot of net to those -- credit to those leaders. that was, they're all statesmen, and i was proud to work with all of them on this under the president's leadership. as far as president trump goes, quickly, lou, you've known him for many, many years. he's been known as a dealmaker. the greatest dealmaker in history. i think what's going to happen when he leaves office, hopefully four years from now, he's going to be known as a peacemaker. what he's accomplished with the abraham accords but also recently with serbia and kosovo, defeating the caliphate, saving the kurds from the invasion, potential annihilation by the
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turks with the ceasefire, the afghan peace agreement with the taliban, he's really on a tear, and it's impressive, and i think that's going to be his legacy when he leaves office. not just the economy, but as a world peacemaker. lou: and let's not leave out the fact that this president is bringing our troops who have been stationed abroad for years, bringing them home which is, to me, a significant, historic achievement as well. >> 100%. lou: and i want to turn now to what we confront in the way of threats, particularly from china. we learned this week that china has nuclear capabilities that we didn't know, we could suspect, but now we know that they can launch nuclear warheads from missileses launched from submarines and hit the united states. how long, how should the
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american people react to the reality of this threat? >> well, lou, thanks for raising that issue. i've been writing about the chinese military buildup for the last decade. i was one of the first people to really raise these issues talking about the south china sea, the buildup of the chinese navy, and you rightly talk about their boomers, their nuclear missile submarines, slb ms. so it's a real concern. we've watched them build a massive military, and they've done it financed in large part by the u.s., by investment dollars that go into chinese state-owned enterprises from wall street and our other exchanges. they've taken billions and billions of dollars a year off this country through their unfair trade practices and currency manipulation, and this is the first president in my lifetime to stand up to the chinese. it started with the tariffs that president trump put on to tray to make -- try and make the
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trading situation fairer. he's taken over a hundred different actions to make sure they don't get the advanced materials they've been using from us to build up their military. but it's a heck of a challenge, this president's ware of it, we're facing it and, look, we're building up our own defenses in response. we had a decimated military, and the president is rebuilding it like reagan did. so we're responding, but it's a real challenge, and you're right to point it out. lou: it is a difficult challenge and a difficult threat, and i liked -- as we put a, if you will, a bottom on this particular point -- admiral chazz richard, commander, as you know, of the u.s. strategic command said it this way. he said i get apprehensive that we are not fully conscious as a nation of the threats we face. that looks to be changing, and good for you and good for this administration. and, of course, this president. i want to turn to iran and the
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threats, and the president responding that the threat by iran against one of our ambassadors would be met by a return force of a thousand times greater. i can't tell you how delighted i was to hear it put in those terms by this president. i'm sure the american people are as well. this is a new policy that i think has been long in coming, too long. your thoughts about the threat and the now-promised response of the united states to the awe saws nation of any -- assassination of any one of our ambassadors abroad. >> well, listen, the president has had a peace through strength philosophy, and by being strong to our foes. in this case, there were press reports that iran was targeting a u.n. ambassador -- yes, i can hear you, can you hear me? lou: yes, i can hear you well.
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>> sorry, had a cut-in from the control room. ambassador marx is a friend of the president's, but it doesn't matter that she's someone close to the president. if any of our ambassadors are molested or assaulted by any country, they should expect, as the president laid out in no uncertain terms in his tweet, that the united states will respond and will respond decisively. lou: robert o'brien, national security advisor to president trump, thanks for being with us. good to see you. the trump administration remains as well focused on the wildfires burning across the western united states. at least 87 large wildfires are building and burning in the region tonight. 4.6 million acres of land already scorched, 36 people are known to have been killed in these fires, dozens more are still missing. smoke from those fires are carried along the jet stream and across the entire united states.
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they can now be soon floating some 20,000 feet, as you see, in these pictures, in the these videos in the skies above new york city. this image from noaa's goes east satellite also shows those hurricanes, hurricane paulette in the atlantic and sally in the gulf of mexico, converge aring over the atlantic seaboard. hurricane sally is inching towards the gulf coast at this hour, moving about 2 miles an hour. it's about 105 miles south of mobile, alabama, at this moment. heavy rains and winds from the storm have already begun to cause widespread flooding along the gulf coast. hurricane sally threatens to bring in more than 2 feet of rain in some places, up to 9 feet of storm surge and strong, destructive, deadly winds in prospect. tropical storms teddy, vicki and
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tropical depression renee are forming behind sally in the atlantic. it is a busy, busy hurricane season. wilfred is, in fact, the only name left for the national weather service to name a storm this year before stormses take names from, of all things, the greek alphabet. the only time that has happened was in 2005, and i guess the alphabet would begin with alpha. up next here, the cdc canceling a critical race theory training session, defying the president of the united states and his order to get rid of them. we'll take it up with the vice president's chief of staff, mark short. he joins us next. and you can preorder my new book, "the trump century: how our president has changed the course of history forever," available now, available at our new merchandise store,, a place where all american patriots,
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republicans, democrats and independents alike. join us at and stay with us, we're coming right back with much, much more. ♪ age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. so the national eye institute did 20 years of clinical studies on a formula only found in preservision. if it were my vision, i'd ask my doctor about preservision. it's the most studied eye vitamin brand. if it were my vision, i'd look into preservision. only preservision areds2 contains the exact nutrient
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the dow gained only 2 points, but it was a gain. the s&p up 18, the nasdaq, though, gained 134 points. and volume on the big board validating, confirming all of that conviction, 4.1 billion shares, a positive sign for the market. crude oil finishing at $38.32 a barrel. and please listen to few reports three times a day on the salem radio network. breaking news now, the centers for disease control has been defying president trump's executive order banning critical race theory training at federal agencies. chris rufo of the discovery institute published documents yesterday of the cdc's planned course teaching its federal employees how to view, quote, racism as a public health crisis, end quote. claims that systemic racism causes, quote, police killings
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of unarmed black and brown men and women, end quote. this nonsense is being taught under critical race in the federal government to our employees. and it says the, quote, myth of american exceptionalism should be targeted and destroyed. white house budget director russ vaughn today announced that the cdc training program had been canceled immediately. but, of course, we heard the same thing from the white house. the president of the united states issued that order. somebody might want to follow up to make sure his orders are being followed to the letter. joining us tonight, mark short. he's chief of staff to vice president mike pence. and, mark, it is great to see you. let's start with the fact that the president banned this nonsense from the federal government. it's still going on, it's still going on in the cdc which has built up a rather checkered and
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controversial record for itself over the course of the past eight months fighting the pandemic, and now they're deciding to carry forward with critical race theory? how can this be? this. >> well, lou, it's great to -- thanks for having me on again tonight. i think critical race theory, as you've said on your show, is very insidious. it teaches, more or less, that america is inherently racist. this no longer identifies america as an exceptional company. but it's pretty orwellian in stating more or less that if you're born white, you ares necessarily racist. that's quite an ironic notion to say that you have critical rouse theory that -- race theory that identifies basically whatever a race you were born, you are therefore identified as a racist. it's seeped into federal training of employees. the president, when he learned about it, demanded that it end as far as taxpayer funding of that inside our federal agencies earlier this month. he requested an end to it.
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omb has decided to carry out those orders and make sure that taxpayer dollars are not used for critical race theory. i talked to russ a little earlier today, he's a assured us that it symptom stops across the federal government. lou: i would like to go just a little farther with this incurly if i may, mark, and that is who is responsible for having put this toxic, poisonous systemic lies into the training of federal employees? >> well, lou, unfortunately this is in many cases grown out of a politically correct movement that has been growing inside to our country and in many cases born out of our universities. but it's taken a step further when you're saying it's mandated training inside federal agencies and paid for with your view's' e and all americanss' taxpayer dollars. again, the president demanded that we put an end to it. i think that having was as head of omb, he's a great leader.
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he's going to make sure that those dollars are not used anymore to carry out mandatory training. lou: yeah. well, that's good to know. mark, i want to start with, apparently, kamala harris and former vice president joe biden can't, well, i thought that she was confused yesterday when she referred to the harris/biden campaign, but then today there was confirmation from none other than china joe bind himself who referred to administration as the harris/biden administration. i'm starting to wonder if they are as confused as i thought. maybe this is the new direction for their ticket. >> well, lou, i think that the president called attention to this a couple months ago when he said joe biden would be a trojan horse for the radical left. i think we've seen that time and begun. if you go back to the convention, it's when they unveiled the sanders/biden unity platform that more or less
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bernie sanders said joe biden has now become their tool for thed radical left positions, the socialist positions they held were considered outside the main stream, but now they're ordinary inside the democrat party. and you see that with the running mate that he chose who was voted the most liberal senator in the entire senate who, i think, has continued to push the radical agenda they brought in. if you think about where this president has rebuilt our economy where we had 7.5 million jobs created before the virus and china infected our shores, and you see this rebuilding, creating 10 million new jobs since the virus, and what they propose is $4 trillion in new taxes? they propose ending all fossil fuel development inside our country. that's on the economy alone. you look at what their agenda would be on the environment, on social issues, it continues to be a very radical one. so it's rather fitting that some of the most liberal senators in
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the united states would be setting the agenda for their campaign. lou: well, i think that that's, that $5 trillion as i did the quick math as you were rattling off the situation with the biden program, the $4 trillion, then destroy fossil fuel, another trillion. this is, you know, i don't know -- i can't even imagine what they're thinking. i personally don't want to get that acquainted with their thinking. mark short, always glad to hear your thinking. appreciate it. good to see you. mark short, chief of staff to the vice president. tonight's word of the day is maelstrom. with everything that seems to be raging in this 2020 year from wildfires to hurricanes, violence in democrat-run cities and the deadly virus unleashed but chew that on an unsuspecting world, economic turmoil that has
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followed, maelstrom seems to be a word that appropriately describes these extraordinary times in which we are living. up next, president trump rising in the polls in battleground states, swing states including the home state of our next guest, none other than florida congressman matt gaetz. stay with us, we're coming right back. ♪ introducing stocks by the slice from fidelity. now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. all with no commissions. stocks by the slice from fidelity. get your slice today. on king's hawaiian bread! yum! king's hawaiian.
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♪ ♪ lou: a new poll from the trafalgar group shows president trump now leading in north carolina. president trump, 47.8%. china joe, 46.1%. and in florida president trump and joe biden tied 50-50 in part because undecided voters are breaking for president trump and but a human margin according to a new florida atlantic
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university poll. that margin is 4-1 in favor of trump. joining us tonight, congressman matt gaetz. he knows a thing or two about the state of florida. he has a new book, it's called "fire brand: dispatches from the front lines of the maga revolution." it is recall for preorder -- available for preorder now, and i encourage youd to do so. of we recommend it to you highly. congressman, great to see you. and the president -- the biden people were telling us it was completely out of reach a month ago for the president, and now they're tied and, in fact, undecideds, according to the trafalgar polling, are breaking hugely for president trump. your thoughts. >> well, first, i think fire brand is going to look good on every book shelf next to trump century, and i look forward to reading your upcoming book as well, lou. in florida, the jewish vote. donald trump has been the most pro-us israel candidate probably in america's history.
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today's abraham accords will only create more enthusiasm for the president in florida with those voters. second is the hispanic vote. this might not be politically correct, lou, but the hispanic vote is surging for president trump because they are turned off by this black lives matter movement that is becoming increasingly violent and destructive. and ill say the third reason is that the biden campaign itself has become paralyzed by their own political correctness. you won't believe this, but the biden campaign is refusing to go door to door the talk to their voters and encourage them to participate in the political process. and so it's a lot like the trump campaign going back and forth on the basketball court scoring uncontested layups because the biden campaign has become so paralyzed by this nonsense over the virus needing to impact every element of our life. lou: yeah. in this case it's darwinian for the biden campaign and the aspiration -- excuse me, i should refer to it as the
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harris/biden campaign. i got, i misspoke there. this is amazing. let's -- i want to show our viewers a snippet here, a video with the former vice president, china joe, waving as candidates do. if we could put that up, please. here he is. now, he's going to -- let's see. he's there and there's great excitement, he's waving. oh, he'sawaying. and, number -- waving. and number one, he says. as you look out there to see who's -- who he's waving to, there's no one. no crowds. no -- [laughter] no supporters. my goodness. what do you think about a candidate who waves at people who aren't there? >> well, in florida when joe bidens has arrived to hold campaign events, we've actually seen more trump supporters show up to those events to show their love for the president than
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biden voters. this harris/biden frame seems to be one the democrats are okay with. they're telling their own voters and the country that joe biden won't really have an administration, he'll have a puppet show. joe biden will be the puppet, and the puppeteers will be those who want to take the policies that have failed in portland, seattle and san francisco and me tsa size them around the country. -- metastasize them around the country. i think that's why we're starting to see more and more of those undecided voters. i talked to a person from and he shared with me the kenosha effect is spreading through that battleground state as more and more americans are looking at these policy that are anti-police, anti-law and order, and they're starting to see that would make them less safe and prosperous. this election's going to be about who can put down the mob and who can revitalize the american economy. the only thing joe biden's ever presided over is mediocrity.
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president trump, given another four years, i'm sure he'll build the economy again. lou and we appreciate it. thanks for all you do, congressman. congressman matt gaetz. and the new book is entitled, what, i'm not sure i recall the title -- >> fire brand: dispatches from the front lines of the maga revolution, and i believe it's one that has to have energy. we can't go back to old, tired, establishment republican ways. we've got to seize the opportunities of the trump presidency. my book tells us how to do it. lou: nobody loves to hawk a book better than the author. "fire brand." matt gaits, great to have you here. today's quote of the day comes from attorney general william barr who slammed the national left-wing media for their lies while reporting about, amongst other things, the summer's riots in democrat-run cities. the attorney general said this, quote: most of the mainstream media, they're a collection of
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liars, and they know exactly what they're doing. a perfect example of that were the riots. now it's time for the attorney general perhaps to think about describing the department of justice and the fbi. what would he call them? a collection of what? for their highly illegal and persistent and pervasive political persecution of president trump for more than four years now. up next, decoupling from china and the united nations. we take it up with dr. michael pillsbury. here next, stay we us. and preorder my new book, "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history." it's available right now for preorder at our new merchandise store, as well as, i told you that authors like to hock their wares. stay with us, we'll be right
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screen. she also claimed she was silenced by the hong kong school of public health last december when she raised concerns about human-to-human transmission of the virus. well, joining us tonight is dr. michael pillsbury, director of the center for chinese strategy at the hudson institute. first of all, your -- we've talked about this many times. i i have always believed that the chinese manufactured this virus. what think you now? >> well, she makes a strong case, lou. it's a very detailed paper. she's not making a full claim that this was manufactured in the wuhan laboratory. she stops short of that. she's very cautious. she's saying it could have been. and she's attacking those scientists who have written papers already saying, no, this could never happen in the wuhan laboratory. so one of her important conclusions, i thought, she's calling for an immediate awed cut of the wuhan -- awe audit of
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the wuhan laboratory -- lou: yeah, but then -- >> i think not enough pressure's been put on china to agree to the audit. but that's what she's calling for at the end of her paper. lou: it's like asking for one of those justice department investigations. you're not going to get one. [laughter] the fact of the matter is that the chinese, i mean, everybody could -- in the world could say, xi jinping, we want to awed cut your laboratories. you know the answer to it. it's futile nonsense. but the fact is she makes a great case, and every inferential conclusion says it was manufactured in a laboratory in wuhan. right? >> no, not exactly. she doesn't say for sure. she says it could have been, and she makes another -- lou: oh, no, i said that's why we're doing -- dr. pillsbury, i referred to it as an inferential
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conclusion -- >> i must have missed that word. lou: you're the scholar here. [laughter] >> i only went to stanford, you went to harvard. let me -- [inaudible conversations] in her paper she draws attention to something else, the nih funding of the wuhan laboratory. she says the research that we paid for could have been part of this manufacturing in the laboratory idea. so she's calling for further investigation -- lou: [inaudible] yeah, let's go farther than that. we didn't just pay for the research, we also sent some of our best minds and some who think they're our best minds to wuhan and other places to help the chinese engineer those has been -- those has been stories, in point of fact, as you well know. here we are now -- i want to change subjects very quick lu.
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the chinese have submarines perfectly capable of launching existent missiles with nuclear warheads into the united states. we've been talking about this for years. it's here. the military finally acknowledges it, and the military finally says it's a good thing that the americans know what the threats are that we all face. yes, why hasn't there been more transparency and urgency given what we know about china? >> well, somebody persuaded the pentagon to be more public about the number of chinese warheads, and this opens up another area for president trump, you know, to talk about no ebell peace prize for -- nobel peace prize for some areas where some people, including me, think he's made a major effort. he's trying to bring china into arms control talks together with the russians and turn down the russian deal if the chinese don't put a cap or ceiling on their own forces. this is a really bug deal.
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the president hasn't succeeded completely yet, but just to start down this path was a very bold thing. and the idea of the president as a peacemaker and a dealmaker, this could be one of the triumphant things he gets done, is a ceiling on chinese nuclear weapons being built up. otherwise they're just going to go all the way. lou: yeah. well, they're going to go all the way anyway, in my opinion, but the only way to stop it through those arms talks, and those arms talks are are led by ambassador marshall billingsley who said on this broadcast that he is optimistic and that the president, as he has on other deals, is comfortable with bilateral agreements that would be initially with russia possibly. they're far away from that agreement right now but making it clear that they intend to also create an agreement with china. so he is commuted to that, and
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he is -- committed to that, or and he is in the role of, as robert o'brien put it, the national security adviser, he is the peacemaker right now and the only one at work amongst the heads of state on the entire globe right now. >> yes, i think it's a little known aspect of president trump's successes that he's done so much in the international area, not getting credit for it. and it's not like joe biden who talks so much about arms control but never actually brought off a real arms control agreement himself. here's president trump on the verge of doing just that. lou: yeah. i don't even know how you could mention the names in the psalm sentence, frankly. [laughter] he talks about lots of thicks, this fellow, china joe biden. he doesn't do much. he does now, nothing at all. you would never guess that he's running for an office, let awe e loan the highest office in the land. dr. michael pillsbury, always
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great to see you. thank you. and we'll be right back with a great deal more. but first, a miracle finish for a football team in alabama. you've got to see this. the game friday night, the hill crest patriots from tuscaloosa down by 3, three seconds left in the game and, yes, you're watching the laterals! oh, but not any series of laterals, nine, nine! count 'em. there we go! i say count 'em, i'm not counting them. i'm taking everybody's word for it. there were nine of them. [laughter] well, nine fumbles and then this, the coup de grace, as they say in football. nine laterals and a few fumbles later, crawford picked up the loose ball, and as you saw, sprinted in from 46 yards out for the touchdown and the
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amazing win. talk about alabama football. up next, another one of adam schiff's so-called whistleblowers. oh, he's got a stack of them. he's also got another liar. they're always the psalm, whistleblowers and liars in schiff land. just the news editor-in-chief john solomon with that and much more. he is with us right after these quick messages. please stay with us. we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but, we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? uh, i'll have to check. (doorbell ringing) aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello?
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♪ ♪ lou: well, adam schiff is one of those fellows who obviously never, never learns. big problems mounting for the radical dems, the leftists as well over the film cuties that sexualizes young girls. the obamas, who have a partnership with netflix, have remained absolutely silent on the controversy surrounding the film as have prince harry and meghan markle who recently signed a $150 million deal with netflix. and former national security adviser susan rice also sits on the board of directors at netflix. she has been absolutely silent about the charges of pedophilia and the concerns for innocent and vulnerable children.
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and what we are witnessing from netflix without apology. it's a shame. and a disgrace. former national security adviser and anti-trumper john bolton may be in serious trouble with, as a result of his new book. the justice department has launched a criminal investigation into whether bolton included classified information in bolton's book about his time in the trump administration. prior to the book's release, the justice department claimed it contained classified information that bolton bypassed proper classification processes. the book, well, they decided to publish anyway. schiff 's latest whistleblower, by the way, also as i said, has a problem, a credibility problem. former dhs intelligence chief brian murphy claims he was made to censor or manipulate intelligence for political purposes. a reported july e-mail from murphy reads: as i told you, the
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acting secretary has never given me any direction on what to do regarding threats. the same applies to the acting secretary. ukrainian gas company burisma reportedly paid a $7 million bribe to prosecutors looking into their corrupt ways, all of this as hunter biden was seated on their board of directors. joining us now, john solomon, "just the news" editor-in-chief and founder, author of the book "fallout: nuclear bribes, russian spies and the washington lies that enriched the clinton and biden dine cities." john, it's great to have you with us, we appreciate it, good to see you. let's start with this story on hunter biden on the board as they are bribing people. not much was associate -- not much was made of the fact, the timeline and, if you will, the overlap in his, his time on that
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board and those bribes made by burisma. >> imagine if donald trump jr. was on the board and the company was caught bribing someone. that would be on the front page of "the washington post" and the new york times every day for seven honors. we now know these are all facts in evidence, the state department believes that hunter biden and joe biden created the appearance of a conflict of interest which is prohibited under federal law, that hunter biden's company had gotten a contract from the state department that needed to be canceled because his company, burisma, was considered so so corrupt. and now we find out that in january of 2015, eight months after hunter biden joined the board of burisma, george kent, the guy who became a famous witness for adam schiff during impeachment, reported to the fbi that they had evidence that the company, burisma, had a paid a $7 million bribe to the ukrainian prosecutors that were looking at all this corruption. it is a remarkable fact that all
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of these things have come out after the impeachment. what does it tell us? the democratic story during impeachment was just as reliable as the russia collusion story. we're beginning to see this was no conspiracy theory. hunter biden was engaged with a very corrupt company, and our state department under barack obama, joe biden were deeply worried about it. lou: and it turns out the radical dems have got much more to be worried about. dhs, now we have another whistleblower who has contradicted himself in documents. brian more few, the dhs -- murphy, the dhs e-mails. tell us how this is going to play out. adam schiff embraces the guy, at the same time questions some of his background, and the dhs has two officials who are absolutely exonerated by the evidence. and yet schiff wants to go
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forward. straighten this out for us. >> i think we've seen this broadway play before, right? we called it russia collusion. trust me, adam schiff said. christopher steele, the whistleblower, his dossier proves that there was russia collusion. turned out to be russian disinformation. then they gave us the ukrainian whistleblower who said there was a phone call and donald trump connected the decision to investigate biden to u.s. foreign aid. get the transcript, no such connection made. now we've got a homeland security official who's alleging that he was forced to manipulate intelligence data, high threats from russia or white spectrum suggestions or others, and his own e-mails show he's claiming there was no pressure, he didn't have any conversation with his leadership about that. and what else did we find out today? another witness has come, former deputy -- current deputy counsel of the homeland security department, and he told the committee, listen, this guy, before he filed the whistleblower complaint, he was
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taking intelligence reports and spying on journalists because he didn't like them. the last person i want to embrace me is adam schiff if i'm superstitious because the that's three have not fared so well. lou: and are we able to mention the whistleblower who couldn't be mentioned in the hearing? can we mention his name yet in. >> you know, it's a funny thing, i'm not sure he's the whistleblower. i know there's been some reports. i have a different theory, or it may have been two people. i'm going to hold my powder a little longer because i new next week we're going to learn some really valuable things from senator ron johnson, senator chuck grassley about all these players. i think we're going to learn a lot of big news next week. lou: ron johnson was pretty -- senator johnson was put insistent that we're going to learn something next week. >> yeah. lou: he did, i have to say, he gave me some pause when he used
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the lindsey graham lewin when he said -- line when he said stay tuned -- [laughter] worried about hunter biden. i think you're going to find out the treasury department was also worried about hunter bide when barack obama and joe biden were in office. stay tuned, i think we're going to learn more next e week about this. lou: did you say stay tuned? >> now i did it. [laughter] i'm guilty as charged. lou: john solomon, always great to talk with you. thank you so much. appreciate it, my friend. a reminder, preorder my new book, "the trump century: how our president changed the course of history forever," available now at our new merchandise store, get a 15% kiss count, just -- discount, just enter the code dobbs. stay with us, we'll be right back. we'll give you the code for that 15% discount on the other side of these commercials. stay with us. this is decision tech.
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♪. lou: welcome back. and now it is time for our quotation of the evening from former president ronald reagan. we think is words ring true today, especially after the signing of these two historic peace deals with israel. reagan said this in 1982, quote, peace is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with conflict by peaceful means.
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the beginning of peace. that is it for us tonight. congressman jim jordan, civil rights expert bob woodson among our guests tomorrow. please join us for that. thanks for being with us tonight. good maria: good we understand morning everyone. welcome i'm maria bartiromo. and it is we understand september 16th. your top stories right now, 6 a.m. on the east coast. we are waiting on the federal reserve we get the very latest rate decisions this afternoon, and commentary about the economy. all eyes on fed chair jay powell what he says about supporting economic recovery. strength of the american consumer august retail numbers out this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern. we'll bring you those sales, report as soon as they hit and see if it is impacting markets. ahead of the retail sales numbers and fed decision futures are adding to this week gains attack look we have another rally underway the dow jones industrial average up, 137 points the nasdaq up 56 and s&p
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