tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 20, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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paul: that's it. i am paul gigot and i hope to see you all here next week. lou: good evening everybody. president trump today with a full-throated defense of american history, american heritage, american culture and the patriotic and powerful speech at the national archives. president trump today reminded americans of the values that made america great. he warned of a radical movement in this country that is fighting to demolish the fundamental tenets of our free society. president trump pledge to uphold and to build upon america's values in the years ahead and to launch a counteroffensive
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against the left indoctrination of america's children. >> we want our sons and daughters to know that they are the citizens of the most exceptional nation in the history of the world. the left-wing, cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the american revolution. as many of you testified today the left-wing are the direct result of decades of left-wing indoctrination in our schools. it's gone on far too long. our children are instructed from propaganda tracts like those of howard zinn. they try to make students ashamed of their own history. the left has warped, distorted and defiled the american story with deceptions, falsehoods and
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lies, teaching this horrible doctrine to our children is a form of child abuse and the truest sense of those words. lou: president trump also slammed "the news york times" 6019 project which is a platform that some schools believe it or not have adopted in their curricula. it is a false rewrite of history. it seeks to redefine the united states describing this country founded on oppression rather than on freedom and liberty. president trump says those kinds of toxic false teachings are similar to the very propaganda put out by this nation's enemies >> this project rewrites american history to teach our children that we were founded on the principle of oppression, not freedom. nothing could be further from the truth.
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america's founding set in motion the unstoppable chain of events that abolish slavery, secured civil rights, defeated communism and fascists and built the most fair, equal and prosperous nation in human history. the narrative is about america being pushed by the far left and being chanted in this tree's bearing a striking resemblance to the anti-propaganda of rm emissaries because both groups want to see america weekend, derided and totally diminished. lou: at the end of his speech president trump signed that executive order. that order creates a new commission. this commission is called the 1776 commission and it will promote the president says
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patriotic education in american schools, colleges and universities. president trump today declared the dawn of a new era in the middle east. president trump signed the abraham accords, chords that normalize relations between israel and the united arab emirates as well as israel and bahrain. previous administrations could only dream of achieving such foreign-policy victories as these. this president has accomplished all of these historic achievements in fewer than four years. president trump's plan to hold a peaceful coalition with israel's arab neighbors putting intense pressure now on the palestinians and iran to begin to negotiate with their neighbors. president trump says the strategy is obviously working and it has changed the course of history. >> after decades of division and conflict we marked the dawn of a new middle east thanks to the
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great courage of the leaders of these three countries. we take a major strike towards a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity these agreements prove that the nations of the region are breaking free from the failed approaches of the past. today signing a new course and there'll be other countries very very soon that will follow these great leaders. the people of the middle east will no longer allow hatred of israel to be an excuse for radicalism or extremism, so important and they will no longer allow the great destiny of the region to be denied. lou: our first guest this evening has worked closely with president trump as his administration creates a new peaceful future for the middle east. joining us tonight is national security adviser robert o'brien.
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it's great to have you with us and congratulations. this president is accomplishing literally wonders and foreign-policy. give us a sense of who you believe will be next to join with these arab nations and with israel in building a future that will be peaceful and prosperous in the middle east. >> thank you lou. it's great to be with you on this historic day here at the white house. to answer questions we have four or five countries we are having conversations in the israelis are having conversations and we are looking forward to more success to build on the momentum but before we start talking about the next deal at buy to make a couple of points. number one took incredible prove -- prime minister bibi netanyahu to bring their people together to bring the country together signed these accords so i won to give a lot of credit to
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those leaders in the middle east and put aside literally 70 years of hatred and division to make peace. they are all statesmen and i was proud to work with all of them on this under the present leadership. as far as president trump goes quickly lou you have known him for many many years. he is known as a dealmaker, "the art of the deal" mcgrady steel maker in history. think what'll happen when he leaves office hopefully four years from now he will leave office being known as a peacemaker. what is accomplished with the abraham accords and in kosovo defeated the caliphate saving the kurds from the annihilation by the turks with the cease-fire , the afghan peace agreement with the taliban. he is really on it to air and it's impressive and i think that's going to be his legacy when he leaves office. not just says -- a world he's maker. lou: let's not leave out the
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fact that this president is bring your troops have been stationed abroad for years, bringing them home which is to me a significant historic achievement as well. >> 100%. lou: and i want to turn now to what we can look at as a threat particularly from china. we learned this week that china has nuclear capabilities that we didn't know and we did suspect that now we know that they can launch nuclear warheads from missiles launched from submarines and hit the united states. how should the american people react to the reality of this threat? >> lou thanks for raising that issue. i have been worried about the chinese military buildup for the last decade. i was one of the first people to raise these issues in the south
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china sea talking about the buildup of the chinese navy and you rightly talked about their nuclear missile submarines. so it's a real concern. we have watched them build a massive military and they have done it financed their large part by the u.s. by investment dollars have gone to state-owned enterprises from wall street and other exchanges. they have taken billions and billions of dollars a year off of this country there are trade practices and currency manipulation and this is the first present my lifetime that stood up to them. it started with making the trading situation fair and he's taken 100 actions with the chinese to make sure they can't advance materials they've been using from us to build up their military but it's a heck of a challenge and this president is aware of that and we are facing it. we are building our own defenses in response. we have had eight years a of
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defense sequestration under obama-biden where military was decimated in the present is rebuilding the military like reagan did. we are responding but it's a real challenges you rightly pointed out. lou: it is a difficult challenge in the difficult threat and i like if you will putting a bottom on this particular point and admiral richard commander of u.s. strategic command said it this way. he said i get apprehensive that we are not fully conscious of the nation of the threats we face. that looks to be changing and good for you and good for this administration and of course this president. i want to turn to iran in the threats and the president responding to the threat by a ram against one of our ambassadors. it would be met by a return of force of 1000 times greater. i can't tell you how delighted i
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was to hear it put in those terms by this president and i am sure the american people are as well. this is a new policy that i think has been long in coming, too long. your thoughts about the threat and the now promised response of the united states to the assassination of any one of our ambassadors abroad. >> listen the president has a philosophy and by being strong we deter our foes in this case there were press reports that iran was targeting the u.s. ambassador. i can hear you. can you hear me? lou: i can hear you well. >> sorry it was the control room. them it doesn't matter if that she is someone who is close to the president that if any of our ambassadors are molested or assaulted by any country they should expect as the president
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laid out in no uncertain terms in his two-week the united states will respond and will respond decisively. lou: robert o'brien national security adviser to president trump thanks for being with us. up next, china joe biden doesn't seem to care about the major state of michigan this week that we will take that up with chair robin mcdaniel in just a few moments and you can pre-order my new book predicts "the trump century". it's subtitled how our president changed the course of history forever and it is available now at our new merchandise store for free order and that is is a place for all american patriots. it will be doing a virtual book signing on september 23. meet with me and get your autographed copy of "the trump century" and sign up at
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maybe you already knew that the biden campaign doesn't have a ground operation in michigan of all places. >> not only did they not have a ground operation in michigan, key battleground state, they don't have one anywhere. hillary clinton made the strategic mistake of never going to wisconsin. joe biden's's decision is to stay in wilmington, delaware and not got any battleground state. he has no staff on the ground and every party chair in the battlegrounds date in the past week. there has been no presence of biden and not tell you what lou the trump campaign is energized and we are knocking on doors, a million a week. we have so much momentum on our side in the michigan people no president trump is about made in the usa and joe biden is about being in china and that resonates with wisconsin and ohio and that's why we will win those states again. lou: it's almost unimaginable
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that any presidential campaign might have a weak ground game might have a ground operation but none at all? does that speak to the sheer incompetence and extraordinary confidence in the outcome? >> i hear it all over that the biden yard signs -- that time article is really telling because it's democrats on the record saying where are you joe biden? why are you in our state? why are you fighting for her vote? president trump cares about the people of this country. he's out campaigning every day because he wants to be their voice in washington. he's done that for four years and that's why he's on the campaign trail fighting because that's what is going to do when he's reelected in 2020. lou: how are you going to
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exploit the extraordinary contrast between these two candidates, that is president trump obviously a high-energy, high performance individual with an incredible and historic record in his first term of office. there is no question of what he has achieved. it's irrefutable and undeniable. and then you have joe biden 50 years with no accomplishments and a week of absolute disappointment and disaster throughout his political career. >> yeah i mean we are seeing it already. joe is not out on the campaign trail. he's not willing to fight for votes. he feels like he is all of this after his 47 years in brockers seabreeze not going out to the american people and making a case for himself and the
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president and his kids are traveling the country. ivanka yesterday and don jr. is out and i will be on a bus tour in michigan next week. we are going to talk to the american people about president trump and his record in a state like michigan better trade deals lowering taxes lowering regulation. joe biden is i'm going to raise taxes on 82% of american families. joe biden says i'm getting rid of energy independence. he you'll pay more for gas and heating costs. he's hiding in the basement because he doesn't want to talk about the policies that were destroyed american families and make every american pay more taxes. lou: we see the president in his poll numbers are rising. titans are slipping. what was once considered a very big lead for biden never shows it to be a competitive race. the president closing in nearly every battleground state. let's put up if we can please
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the video of the trump boat parades across the country over the past week. if we could see that and, and joe biden being met by three cars. it's just unbelievable what we are looking at here, three cars for biden and i mean thousands of oates across the country and parades. it just doesn't make sense. there is no ground game. there is no energy. he is waving to an empty tarmac at an airfield the other day, biden and president trump shows up and there are thousands of people cheering him on. how could this in any way be reflected in these polls? something is very a mess here.
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your thoughts. >> you have seen a poll that said the 65% of voters are sharing their polling information. i think that's true and i like to be on the ground but i was with the president nevada last week and i've been with them throughout the country in ohio and wisconsin and the energy i'm seeing is bigger than it was in 2016. we have 2 million volunteers lou the twin the trump campaign in the rnc 2 million volunteers knocking on doors. i don't think it's a question of the polls but the polls we are seeing we are seeing the president getting closer and closer and every single state in taking a lead in most of the battleground states. internally we see him doing much better and the energy on the ground shows that. it's really interesting when you get out there. how when the world can joe biden even be competitive with this type of energy for donald trump? lou: and he doesn't seem to be
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any less dazed or confused as the days close on november 3. ronna mcdaniel it's always good to have you with the spare president trump rising in the battleground states in swing states including the home state of our next guest, none other than florida congressman matt gates. stay with us. we are coming right diane retired and opened that pottery studio. how did you come up with all these backstories? i got help from a pro. my financial professional explained to me all the ways nationwide can help protect financial futures in peytonville. nationwide can help the greens get lifetime income because their son kyle is moving back home and could help set up a financial plan for mrs. garcia. and he explained how nationwide can help mr. paisley retire early and spend more time with his pal, peyton. and their new band. exactly! yeah. don't forget the band. i haven't.
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tell your doctor about any changes in medicines you're taking. the most common side effects are swelling of the arms and legs and confusion. we spoke up and it made all the difference. ask your parkinson's specialist about nuplazid. lou: a new poll from a group show's president trump now leading in north carolina. president trump and in florida president trump and joe biden are tied 50-50 in part because undecided voters are breaking for president trump and by a huge margin according to a new florida atlantic university.
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that margin is 4-1 in favor of trumpery joining us congressman matt gaetz. he knows a thing or two about the state of florida produce a member of the house judiciary and armed services committee and he has a new book called firebrand, dispatches from the frontlines of the maga revolution available for pre-order now and i encouraged you to do so. we so. we recommend it to you highly. congressman and the great to see you and the president, the biden people were telling us it was completely out of reach a month ago for the president and now they are tied and in fact undecided according to the polling are breaking hugely for president trump. your thoughts? >> are sticking firebrand is going to look great on every bookshelf next to "the trump century" and i look forward to reading your upcoming book as well lou. there are reasons why the president is surging. first the vote. donald trump's been the most pro-israel candidate probably in
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america's history. today's abraham accords will only create more enthusiasm for the president in florida with those voters. second it's the hispanic vote. this may not be politically correct lou but the hispanic vote is surging for president trump because they are turned off by this black lives matter movement is becoming increasingly violent and increasingly destructive. i would say the third reason is that the biden campaign itself has become paralyzed by their own political correctness. you won't believe this but the biden campaign is refusing to go door-to-door to talk to their voters and encouraged them to participate in the political process so it's a lot like the trump campaign is going back and forth on the basketball courts scoring uncontested layups because the biden campaign is become so paralyzed by this nonsense over the virus being the impact abrera lives. lou: in this case it's darwinian for the biden campaign and i should refer to it as the harris
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biden campaign. i misspoke there. this is amazing. i want to show our viewers a snippet here, video clips of former vice president, china joe waving his as candidates do as we could put that up please. here he is. let's see, there's great excitement and he is waving and number one he says. as you look out there to see who he is waving two, there is no one. no crowds, no supporters my goodness. what do you think about a candidate who waves at people who aren't there? >> in florida when joe biden has a right to hold campaign events we have actually seen more trump supporter show up to those events to show their love for
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the president than for biden voters. this harris biden frame seems to be one of the democrats are okay with a beard telling their own voters in the country that joe biden won't have an administration. he will have a puppet show. joe biden will be the puppet and the puppeteers will be those who want to take the policy to seattle and san francisco and metastasize them around the country. i think that's why we are starting to see more and more of those undecided voters come to the president. i talked to congressman from wisconsin yesterday and he shared with me the kenosha effect is really spreading through that battleground state as more and more americans are starting to look at these policies that are anti-police, anti-law and order and they are starting to say that would make them less safe and less prosperous for this election is going to be about two things, who can put down the mobs and who can revitalize the american economy. the only thing joe biden is ever presided over his mediocrity.
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president trump built the strongest economy america's ever seen and given another four years i'm sure he will do it again. lou: and we appreciate it. thanks for all you do congressman matt gaetz and the new book is entitled, i'm not sure i recall the title. c dispatches from the frontlines of the maga revolution and i believe it's one that has to have energy. we can't go back to the old tired establishment republican ways. we have to seize the opportunity of the trump residency in my book tells how to do it. lou: nobody loves to hawk a book better than the author. firebrand, matt gaetz great to have you here. today's "of the day comes from attorney general william barr who slammed the national left-wing media for their lies while reporting about amongst other things this summer's riots and democrat run cities. the attorney general said this quote most of the mainstream
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media a collection of liars and they know exactly what they are doing, perfect example of that or the riots. now it's time for the attorney general perhaps to think about describing the department of justice and the fbi. what would he call them, a collection of why? for their highly illegal and persistent and pervasive political persecution of president trump for more than four years now. up next senators ruby and warner block republicans from as a singh obama records. we will take it up with former director of national intelligence rick parnell. pre-order my book "the trump century" how our president changed the course of history forever available at our new merchandise store is well barnes & noble. stay with us. stay with us. we will be right back. - hey, can i... - safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys!
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lou: joining us tonight is the former acting director of national intelligence former u.s. ambassador to journey -- germany and in my opinion one of the greatest public servants in this country's history. it is ambassador gray tabby with us. i want to start with the inspector general digging up a sentencing recommendation of all that we know could be
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investigated by the justice department to decide on roger stone's sentencing recommendation dropping it from nine to seven years which is almost double the typical sentence of anyone found guilty of lying to congress. it's an absurd internal matter that to me speaks to the corruption still within the department of justice. your thoughts. >> lou we have a real problem in washington d.c. with a washington d.c. types who control the arms of government and they are weaponized thing the tools of government against the people that they don't like, the opposition. they are enemies, their political opponents and this is really a think a crisis in
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washington. we need to be able to clean it up. i know president trump feels very strongly as the outsider that coming and there's a whole bunch of insider rules and regulations and views and it's incredibly difficult to take on the entire system because the system is not only the bureaucrats but it's politicians, its reporters. the inspector general i think are supposed to be above it all. they are supposed to be the individuals who can look at the bigger picture and try to figure out where there are problems and then deep dive into the specifics. what we have is a whole group of inspector general's who really have been playing politics. you can go through every single agency in washington and it's these inspector general's and the entire system that is weaponized thing the tools of
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government. it's a big problem and i have to say that when you leave washington d.c. and you talk to normal people outside of washington d.c. they are beginning to dismiss the whole place. they are beginning to dismiss everything in washington. that's a very dangerous spot that we are in. there's a whole group of people in washington who keeps pretending like they matter and they block the american people. lou: certainly the political parties are looking awfully badly, both parties and all of this and the reality seems to be that the justice department is now an organization unto itself. it's where truth goes to die, documents are not. i mean look what happened the senate intelligence committee senators ruby owen warner rejecting senators jensen and grassley's requests for documents to assist chairman
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johnson's investigation. we are watching a division within the parties that is aimed at in this case there's only one explanation, they want to assist the radical dems who have conspired against president trump to overthrow a sitting president. i can't reach any other conclusion logically. can you? >> let me just say a couple of things. one senator johnson has been won, very few who have focused the senate on trying to figure out the truth. he is looking for transparency. he is looking for more information. he is not playing the game of hiding the information that doesn't help his narrative for his needs. that is exactly what many in washington do. they want to classify and push away reports. they want to create new reports that only look at one side of
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the situation. we have very few people lou in washington who just want to say let's just declassify the information. let's put it out. the american people are smart enough to look through the information and come to their own conclusions. we don't need to be spoonfed and we don't need to be told one thing on cable television and another when you are under oath inside a book congressional committee. we want the whole truth and transparency. senator johnson is looking to do that. he's trying to figure out where this all began and uncover at all and declassify it and get this information to the american people. transparency is not political. lou: and transparency was this president's commitment when he was elected. if indeed we find out that the justice department, the fbi and all of these investigative agencies and committees produce nothing going into this election would you recommend a different
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way? do you believe the president should declassify every document and put it in front of the american people? >> well it was my job as acting director for intelligence to question the system and question the bureaucrats who wanted to classify documents. wheel for classify. we now the system in washington that classifies to protect the public relations aspect of these agencies. what i tried to do is look at every document and say is there a source in here that needs to be protected or is there a method that points to how we got this information? the source and the method are the only reason why you should protect something and by the way you can then redact that line that talks about how we are getting something. i also went so far in message just to say if the method --
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message was finished and we were done using something then we should be classified and share it. if it's something old and useless because we want to show as much transparency as possible. only redact information that is current and relevant. lou: i'm getting the feeling that you might be willing to entertain detained classification bread i preferred that interpretation. richard grenell who has done so many things to create transparency around what we have come to call obama gate appreciate you being with us and hope you'll come back soon. stay with us. we are coming right back. ♪ limu emu & doug you know limu, after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need.
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lou: breaking news the house freedom caucus is calling on house minority leader kevin mccarthy to back their efforts to oust nancy pelosi as house speaker. they are trying to do so through a motion to vacate the chair. mccarthy however does not support their efforts. he believes it is best to win back the majority in november's election. americans who have been affected by the violent riots and democrat run cities were polled
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and overwhelmingly approve how president trump is responding to this civil unrest and outright violence in democrat run cities across the country. a new rasmussen survey finds 76% of americans who have had violent protests in their communities say those riots will affect their vote and 63% of those voters strongly approve of the job president trump is doing. the damage from the riots, the looting and vandalism will be the most expensive in history. the insurance information institute reports the cost of those riots and looting to be between one and $2 billion in just the two weeks after george floyd's death. members of the democrat run minneapolis city council, you remember them, now they are complaining about crime spikes in their city. this is the very same city
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council, radical leftists who voted three months ago to dismantle their police department. they cut a million dollars from their budget. three councilmembers complained to the city's police chief tuesday saying officers weren't doing anything to prevent robberies end quote, are not enforcing crime end quote and asked how they could get a spike in carjackings under control. the minneapolis police department has lost at least 65 officers since jim. they expect to lose another 35 by the end of the year. let's see, they defund the police, they insult the police, they will not support the police and they are wondering why their crime is rising in minneapolis. amazing. up next another one of adam
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shutts's so-called whistleblowers. he's got another liar. they are always the same. whistleblowers and liars in shutts land. news editor-in-chief john solomon with data much more. he is with us after these quick messages. please stay with ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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solomon just the news editor-in-chief and founder, author of the book fallout, and nuclear vibes russian spies in washington lies that enrich the biden dynasties. it's great to have you with us and it's good to see you. let's start with this story on hunter biden on the board as they are bribing people. not much was made of the fact the timeline and if you will be overlap in his time on that board and those bribes made by burisma. imagine a donald trump jr. was on the board in the company was caught bribing someone pay would be in on the front page of "the new york post" and for months. these are facts and evidence since the impeachment trial that the state department believes that hunter biden and joe biden have a conflict of interest which is prohibited under federal on hunter biden's
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company got a contract from the state department needs to be canceled because the company burisma was considered so corrupt and now we find out in january of 20158 months after hunter biden joined the board of burisma george can't the guy that wore the vote time during impeachment reported to the fbi that they have evidence that the company burisma had paid a 7 million-dollar bribe to the ukrainian prosecutors looking at all this corruption. it is they were marketable fact that all of these things have come out after the impeachment. what is the telesco is the democratic story during impeachment was just as reliable as it was in the russian collusion story three was all julian now we are beginning to see this was no conspiracy theory. hunter biden was engaged in a very corrupt company in our state department or barack obama and joe biden were deeply worried about it. lou: and it turns out the radical dems have got much more to be worried about.
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dhs now we have another whistleblower who has contradicted himself in documents. brian murphy the dhs e-mail, tell us how this is going to play out. adam schiff embraces the guy at the same time and question some of his background and the dhs has two officials who were exonerated by the evidence and yet schiff wants to go forward. straighten this out for us. >> i think we have seen this broadway play before. we called the russian collusion. christopher steele the whistleblower his dossier proved there was russian collusion and turned out to be rushed information than they gave us the ukrainian whistleblower who said there was a phonecall and donald trump connected the decision to investigate biden to the u.s.. no such connection made. we have a homeland security
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official who is alleging he was forced to manipulate intelligence data a high threat from russia are white supremacists or others and his own e-mail show he was claiming there was no pressure but he didn't have any conversation with his leadership. what else do we find out? another witness has come former deputy counsel for the current deputy counsel for the homeland security department told the committee listened this guy before he filed a whistleblower complaint -- complained he was spying on journalists because he didn't like them. if i'm a whistleblower the last person i want to embrace me as adam schiff if i'm superstitious because the last few whistleblowers have not fared so well. lou: were you able to mention the whistleblower who couldn't be mentioned in the hearing? can we mention his name yet? >> you know it's a funny thing i'm not sure he's a whistleblower. there've been some reports out there. i have a different theory for
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the whistle blower may be or may been to people acting as one was a blow. i'm going to hold my powder a little longer because next week we are going to learn valuable things from senator ron johnson senator chuck grassley about all these players around joe biden's national security council. i think we will learn a lot of big news next week. lou: senator johnson was pretty insistent that we are going to learn something next week. i have to say he gave me some pause when he they use the lindsey graham licuini said stay tuned until next week. >> i don't think it was just the state department word about hunter biden but i think you'll find out the treasury department was worried about hunter biden when barack obama and joe biden were in office but i think we'll learn more next week about that. lou: did you stay -- did you say stay tuned? did you really? >> i am guilty as charged.
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lou: always great to talk to you. thank you so much. that's it for us tonight. congressman jim jordan civil rights expert bob watson will be our guest tomorrow. please join us for that and thanks for being with us tonight. ♪ ♪ nancy: hello everyone, i'm nancy grace for crime stories on fox nation. the jeffrey epstein's story, jeffrey epstein was arrested july 2019 for sex trafficking young girls fight the feds but epstein committed suicide in his jail cell before he could be tried. while the billionaire pedophile never lived
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