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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 23, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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"the evening edit" on fox business. hope you join us tomorrow. hope you have a good evening. ♪ lou: good evening everybody, we begin tonight with breaking news urt of louisville, kentucky. where a curfew will go into effect at 9:00 p.m. local time tonight as a violent mob has already had scuffles with police officers that mob forming after the indictment of one of the three police officers involved inhe the shooting death of breoa taylor. the police officer was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment. each count carries with it a penalty of up to five years in prison. the grand jury chose not to
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charge the other two police officers involved in the shooting. the state attorney general, daniel cameron, said the use of force by the police officers was justified and that emotions cannot determine outcomes. >> we simply act on emotion or outrage, there is no justice. mob justice is not justice. justice sought by violence is not justice. it just becomes revenge. in our system criminal justice isn't the quest for revenge. it is the quest for truth, evidence,, and facts and the use of that truth as we fairly apply our laws. our reaction to the truth today says what kind of society we want to be. do we really want the truth or do we want a truth that fits our narrative? do we want the facts or are we
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contentt to blindly accept our owown version of events. wewe as a community must make ts decision. lou: the decision has been reached, at least in the courtroom, you see a decision forming in the streets of louisville. soon after the announcement of indictment, these people took to the streets. quickly, carrying bats, wearing hard hats, helmets, gas masks, carrying shields, knives, night sticks and at least one member of this mob openly carrying a rifle. they don't appear to be looking to protest peacefully. they seem to be preparing for conflict. we will continue to monitor the situation in louisville throughout the hour. we'll be talking with civil rights expert bob woodson in tonight's broadcast.
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earlier today on capitol hill the long-awaited report about hunter and joe biden's corrupt ties to ukrainian natural gas firm burisma. senators ron johnson and chuck grassley today published the report of their investigation into the bidens' connections to ukrainian natural gas company brees massachusetts the report painting a -- burisma. the report painting a clear picture, hunter biden's dealings were suspicious to officials, warning the seat on the board of directors created a conflict of interest that could undermine the anti-corruption efforts of the obama administration. led at the time by joe biden. american officials also flagged possible criminal acts linking hunter biden with possible ties to human and sex trafficking. the report saying, quote, hunter biden paid non-resident women who were nationals of russia or
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other eastern european countries and who appear to be linked to an eastern european prostitution or human trafficking ring. you wouldn't know about this activity from most of the left-wing media reports today. the hill, for example, does not mention or describe the criminal behavior, nor does "the new york times," nor "the washington post". "the wall street journal" notes the report of potential criminal activity, but it just does not mention the acts that are claimed. as senators johnson and grassley went ahead with investigation of the bidens, there were a number of major oversights. one, the report's failure to mention former cia counterterrorist director's current seat on burisma's board. hunter biden's role was unseemly. you would think having the state
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department's former head of counterterrorism on the board would be just as concerning. black also served as adviser to senator mitt romney during the 2008 election. whether black's republican credentials kept him out of the report, we can't say. romney called johnson's investigation, quote, a political exercise and was resistant to it. perhaps no journalist knows more about the biden corruption charges in you crane than our first -- ukraine than our first guest this evening. he has been reporting this story from the outset. "just the news" editor-in-chief john solomon, author of the book "fallout." john, good to have you back, john good, to have you back. i want to point out to our audience that you, you forecast last night, that this report would be coming from senator johnson'som committee today and,
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we thank you for that advance knowledge. what was to come. great reporting as always. let's begin with the odd, the odd nature of these charges. human trafficking, prostitution, prostitution the failure to mention cofer black on the board. osit would seem to pose a conflt ofst interest as well, not to en mention his presenceen or the concern that the united states government, thinking of them, this is a non-partisan government, just our federal government, why would we want to have a fan of such high office, former high office, on that board? >> the cofer black thing is a little unusual because the scope of this investigation was focused on obama period of time where there was conflict of interest. cofer black joined the board
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after trump became president or trump was becoming president in late january, outside the scope. it shows continued effort by burisma to use famous mention to buy good publicity for otherwise corrupt reputation t is concerning. it was not in the scope of this investigation. what was the scope of this investigation is very seriously disturbing. if you remember a year ago, democrats told us it was a fantasy, conspiracy theory to think anything was going on while hunter biden was there. joe biden was overseeing ukraine policy. the fact from o the obama administration, their witnesses, their files, while hunter biden on the board of burisma, amillion dollar bribe was paid to ukraine authorities. while hunter biden was on the inboard, state department told joe biden had conflict of interest while overseeing
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ukraine while his son was under investigation for corruption. millions of dollars of money flowing into hunter biden's accounts, not just people like burisma. how about a russian oligarch gave them $3.5 million in one day? chineseof officials tied to the communist party around chinese military. the treasury department flagged this. you mentioned sex trafficking. those were outbound transactions. foreign money comes in, money flows back out of hunter biden's according to the report to russian and ukrainian women who appear to be connected to some human sex trafficking. if this was tied to any other in history, vicar presidential nominee or american president, we would have a major scandal. the "new york times" and "washington post" covered this up. they have no problem covering neil bush's s&l time, they didn't think anything wrong with hunter biden.
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had no problem covering a 20 minute meet don, jr. meeting had with a russian lawyer but hunter biden got $3.5 million from a suspect i russian oligarch. it is willful, disissing blindness, "washington post," cnn are imposing on the american people today. they are keeping the truth from the american people. lou: with that will there be any kind ever accountable in your judgment as a result of the committees investigation? >> i just talked to ron johnson a little bit ago, senator johnson, he said this is the beginning, not the end of their investigation. some very important questions exist. what did the fbi do. what did chris wray's fbi do when the transactions were reported? what did the state department do? what didtm joe biden discuss wih the state department officials, declined to stay anything to the vice president about? joe biden should be asked on the campaign trail every day until hehe answers.
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what did people say? did you believe you had a conflict of interest? did you know about the bribe? here is question i will put forward tonight, did joe biden meet with anyone involved with burisma holdings? i have reason to believe so. get the questions to vice president biden if he can answer them with a straight face we'll really know what the truth about what happened here. lou: it is a fascinating question. we look forward to that answer. turn to the oversight judiciary report on mail-in ballots and their initial concerns. give us your view? >> you know, it is an amazing thing to watch. i had an experience this morning, lou, that just struck me. i was driving into work. drove by a dmv in virginia. there were cones in the road. they were directing people come into the dms, register the vote, drop the ballot. they were directing the traffic into the lot like some sort of a blue light special at kmart. these activities catching people
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to vote are potentially ripe with fraud. we never practiced voting like this before. what that report these issues will end up in the courts before tothe election day. there will be a supreme court case whether about pennsylvania, wisconsin, virginia, where they decide to go. these issues have to be decided before votes are cast and counted on election day. we're headed to the coalition course. gu heard why the president wants a nominee confirmed on the court before election day. wewe all know it will end up in the courts. lou:lo it was a relief to hear e president say while some republicans have suggested that they would wait until after the election, that he wants this decided before the election because that ninth justice could very much could be critical justice being served at the high court. john so lon, thanks for being with us. as always congratulations.
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up next kamala harris' vision to dismantle the police. there w is very little sight of her or her vision. we'll talk about that with civil rights activist, bob woodson. buy my new book the trump send trip, available at lew dobbs, lou dobbs, barnes & noble and lou is place for all american patriots, be you republican, democrat or independent. right after the broadcast i will do virtual book signing hosted by none other than greg gutfeld. you can still sign up at lou dobbs stay withll us. we'll be right back.
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♪ lou: breaking news. president trump is expanding his fight against so-called critical race theory. president trump issuing an executive order that prevents contractors from training employees on critical race theory. the president's executive order states quote, the participation of contractors employees in training that promotes race or
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sex stereotyping or scapegoating similarly undermines efficiency in federal contracting. such requirements promote divisiveness in the work place and distract from the pursuit of excellence and collaborative achievement in public administration. radical dem vice-presidential candidate kamala harris says more police don't mean safer communities and that we need to reevaluatete policing. >> let's talk about america's failure when it comes to understanding how you create safe communities. and byy that i mean this, it is outdated, it is wrong-headed thinking to think that the only way you're going to get communities to be safe is put more police officers on the streets. what we have to do, what we will do is reimagine public safety.
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lou: reimagine public safety. you can't make this stuff up. seattle's city council has a lot to imagine. it l doesn't seem to care about protecting its citizens. it has got a demonstrated record of that over the course of the past six months. the council overrode radical dem mayor jenny durkan of proposed cuts to the city's police budgets which means those cuts will force seattle's first black police chief to retire earlier this month. it will remove as many as 100 officers from thee department. it will limit police staff pay to $10,050,000. that is the very same -- $150,000. that is the same amount the city is paying street czar, former street i'mp, andre taylor.
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seattle is the in grip of psychosis. we can't find the right name for it yet. joining us bob woodson, former civil rights activist. he headed urban league department of justice five years aroundn founder of the woodson center, helps residents in low income neighborhoods. he is a great american. i want to start with what we're looking at tonight in louisville, and that is a mob that apparently thinks its demand should be met by a grand jury , come hell or high water, noug matter the facts. your thoughts about a city like louisville having to meet demands, or to face riots instead of understand the course of justice and pursue the right thing, the american way? your thoughts? >> well it is clear to everybody that black lives matter and their so-called pursuit of justice for blacks is really
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morphed into a criminal organization and they are justifying destruction even death, in every time that i hear about kamala harris and someone talked about defunding the policeei or reimagine policing, they need to come with me down into ward seven and eight where all the murder -- where i spent the day with a group called, mamas safe haven. these are mothers who have lost children, 300 of them come together in an organization to give aid and comfort to one another. and they are saying to me and to the public, we want a voice to speak for ourselves. kamala harris does not speak and they are saying that the more you withdraw police, the more murders t that occur in these communities, there is a simple correlation that less police, more crimes, more deaths.
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it is so bad, lou, that in chicago one of the community leaders has now, raising money to buy bulletproof backpacks, bulletproof baseball caps for kids. they had a pressss conference, showing the children, when they hear gunshots to drop to their niece and put the back pac -- backpack up. he isbe trying to raise 4,000 because the city is not protecting them. there were 700 murders of blacks in chicago. they're not getting the backpacks to protect themselves being shot by the police. kamala harris, michelle obama, lebron james, they keep propagating this lie that black men have more to fear from being shot by the police than they do other black men. they're been 14 or 15 unarmed
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blacks shot by police officers. thr everyone of them, there were 270 shot by other blacks. so solutions have to come not fromm vilifying the police. in fact what is happening is that they're retiring in record numbers. in minneapolis, minnesota, recently they voted, overroad the over rode the decision to defund the police. there was a shooting. took 35 minutes before a police officer responded. guess what? those shootings are not occurring in neighborhoods where kamala harris or lebron james lives. because they an can afford to hire private security. the most havere inable people, low income blacks and brown people, they should look to the state for protection and they should. they will suffer the consequence of o this assault on police
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officers. the fact that recruitment is down. so they are the losers, lou. they ought to have a voice in what policing is. theon woodson center we're givig those mothers an opportunity to speak for themselves. they are saying do not reduce the police. lou: we'd like to invite some of those mothers to join you and me here on the broadcast and we can hear from them and, our audience at least with voices who have had to face tragedy in their own families ands have a very different perspective than idealogues who are w leading wht a mayor called this week a, terrorist organization when he was referring to the black lives matter and, and
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enantifa. apparently, by the way, we're going to find out, we found out, we learned that one big box store that is, costco, may have severed their relationship with his company because he said that about black lives matter and antifa. we're going to get what bob woodson thinks about all of that and more in our next segment. stay with us for that. and much more to talk about here tonight. it is that kind of a well, it is that kind of year in america. stay with us you think of people in a place. but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can save for an emergency from here. or pay bills from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?" you can tell them: here's my bank. or here's my bank.
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♪ ♪ lou: we're b lou: we are back with bob woodson as we were going to break i said we would take up your views on whether or not blm
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and antifa are terrorist organizations, apparently some in corporate america take that as an affront, give us your judgment. >> they are really a "parasite" on the black community because a "parasite" associates itself with a host and a disguise itself in such a way that it is allowed to destroy the hostt without the host being aware of it, that's exactly what is happening right now by the rich legacy of the civil rights movement to promote anarchy and they have migrated from seeking justice for george floyd to burning bibles and desecrating memorials, they use it to destroy this nation and also these corporations are giving
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money to people who have destroyed instead of investing in people with real solutions, i want to bringng good news and ge an example of what corporation should be supporting, we have a group, the liens that concern them in the washington highland area, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods because they are working with young people and earn their trust, they have not had a single act of violence in about 110 days, they created an island of peace, because they do not fit the race narrative, you will not see corporations running into fund them and also some good news we at the woodson center 1776 unite and release our curriculum that promotes affirmativee messages and accurate history about this
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country, and one week we have had 2300 people visiting our site and downloading our curriculum, that is more than 1619 program, then 4500 drawdowns in a year, just seven days we have had this response in america, the general public is really ready for affirmative solution and approaches and i think the very fact that the polls are indicating that the crime and support a black lives matter, 80% of black americans support the police, i really think that a lot of whites should be moving into race fatigue and i really think that i'm hopeful that if this trend will continue that we will see america is moving away from this
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but they are terrorist, it is no doubt. what they want is a destruction of this country and as i said before, the salvation of america is going to be the patriots and knowing some of black neighborhoods are going to say enough is e enough. lou: they certainly have, a terrific example, robert whitson, let me tell you. bob, thank you for being with us, we always appreciate it and look forward to our visit next week, you can donate to the woodson center at woodson .-middle-dot ward and it is 1776 as well. in that on a patriotic curriculum for schools, what a thought. the "lou dobbs tonight" quote of the day comes from a new book the trump's century and i wrote about the president, if president trump can win again,
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he will join winston churchill and alexander the great among the greatest leaders of world history, if youou fall short, there is no point in considering the possibility, he is a winner, the winner. we would like to hear your thoughts on all ofwi this, share your comments, follow me on twitter at lou dobbs, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram at "lou dobbs tonight", fox news host, judgeo jeanine pirro and customs border protection, among our guest mark, we invite you to be with us for that. you would not want to miss it, up next, the chinese scientist escapes the communist regime to tell the truth about the origin of the wuhan virus and now the left in big tech are trying to silence her. she will be my guest right after this. and a reminder, my book is now on bookshelves and stores
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lou: breaking news tonight johnson & johnson announcing is begun the final stage of testing
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of a china virus vaccine, johnson & johnson will test 60000 people in the united states and other countries including argentina, brazil, mexico, south africa, johnson & johnson becomes a fourth u.s. company to enter phase three testing joining the moderna, pfizer and astrazeneca. as companies continue their warp speed efforts to develop a vaccine, president trump remains hopeful that one will be ready in the coming months and there will be enough doses to inoculate every american by next april, today doctor anthony fauci joining with the president on his timeline collaborating the timeline. >> in november you will probably be, maybe 50 million doses available, by december maybe another hundred plus million and
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when you get into january and february, by the time you get to april, there will be a total of 700 million but we will not have all of the doses available, for example by the end of december, they will be rolling in as the months go by and by the time you get to the third or fourth month of the 2021 then you have doses for everyone. lou: our next guest tonight because she has evidence that the china virus originated in the neurology bob and wuhan, she escaped for her own safety and she's telling her story on where the virus came from and how the communist regime covered it up, joining us now is overall it just, she worked at the public school health, good evening and it's great to have you with us, i salute your courage in speaking out forthrightly about what you know and all the
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courage it took to flee china, let's turn to first what do you believe is a specific origin of that virus and you think it was engineered or product of nature. >> they stand for having me, it's engineered based on the nature that coronavirus which was found and owned by chinese in the lab, this is a virus but after modification and become a final with the human very much have high receptor. lou: the unusual nature of the
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sequence of the virus, the genetic sequence of the virus, can you think of any virus that has an analog to it that is closest to it in the structure and the sequence. >> the covid-19 is they have comparison shared and also from some other highly lethal virus or high pathogen in each one is a virus, phase two function in other ones make the coated virus so lethal and can attack humans very well which in my paper that the founding domain and the other species of virus but not
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in this type of virus and it will modify in a very dedicated way which i explained to my paper, basically they tried to remove the evidence but they need the evidence, it shows who has done that. lou: is there in your judgment any possible the whatsoever that the chinese government, the chinese communist government will ever permit international authorities to inspect and see real evidence of what happened in that laboratory in the origins of this virus. >> according to my intelligence and the evidence and based on my knowledge, i know the structure because i was born in china, i tell you the only way to find
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out the motion and know exactly what happens is to remove this and go to a research and no matter they have it collaborated with the government to do this thing into study at and to make it and chase it. lou: do you believe china has a highly advanced sophisticated biological warfare unit that has perhaps other viruses that are at its disposal? >> they have this type of virus, what i can tell you during experiment they tried one strain of the virus and you can say
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chinese government has encouraged them to have a secret type of pathogen and also a different type of virus all over china and then they enjoy the material from here to there and make a function towards that. they should not believe that they only have one strain of this in their stuff, there is no choice that you can expect it. >> vicki very much, we are out of time, thank you for your extraordinary story, we thank you, doctor lee, president trump of vice president pence are
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traveling all over this country firing up their base while china joe biden sits in his basement, we sit down when john fossett to trump campaign rally in guilford new hampshire to talk to supporters about the democratic nominee. >> you think the american people what elect a president they can put in a full work week? >> not at all. >> no not why he's hiding in his basement. >> no speed. >> sleepy joke i don't think he's capable be president of the united states. >> i feel sorry for joe biden. >> do believe the polls? >> to a degree i believe them but no i believe they are flawed. >> a lot of fake news. >> absolutely not. >> none of them at all, look around and see the people. >> to think joe biden should be drug tested before the debate. >> yes. >> absolutely. >> i think you should, the way
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he's been talking these days has been way way out of touch. >> i'm a retired firefighter from new york city and my brothers a retired, we got drug testing, why not schoolteachers why not everybody. >> there's a new book out the trump century by the great lou dobbs. >> will you read it. >> yes. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> absolutely, i hope to meet lou again and have him sign it. >> i think the lou dobbs book will be great. thank you very much. lou: up next lebron james joining the insurrection to help the vote in florida, sara carter, sebastian gorka with us after these quick messages.
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to president trump and it is great to have you both with us, let's start with lebron james, putting up money to help felons vote, at least selected felons vote in the state of florida, your thoughts about celebrity sponsorship of votes? >> we are seeing a lot of desperation, goes to show you that democrats don't think they will take the state of floridag, unless they have felons, we saw that with michael bloomberg when he raised about $16 million to pay 32000 felons fines. this is based on a new law that oallows felons to pay up with their fines to get their voting rights back, this is basically like the dirty tricksters that are going in and is the reason why congressman matt gaetz is calling for an investigation,
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they want to know what is going on and it's the reason why americans can be sure of themselves but the democrats are really worried, we are seeing a swing of hispanic voters move towards president trump particularly in the state of florida, that's a major state at play in the november election. lou: chuck schumer making it very clear if there is any doubt that he's going to use every tool available to stop the president of them united states from naming a justice of the supreme court and confirming that justice, and other words he will use every tool to violate the constitution of the united states. >> despite the fact that we have ruth bader ginsburg own words on the videotape where she says a president is elected for four years and each term, his powers to nominate supreme court associate justices don't magically disappear in his fourth year t in office, i think
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we should respect the analysis from the former associate justice, but sarah is right, there is a concept called a fact pattern and when you're looking for criminality or intent of criminality, that is what you look for whether gettinghe felos to vote, whether 80 million mail-in ballots be mailed across the nation without being requested by the voters, whether tabbing up to three weeks to count the vote after the election and lastly in virginia and elsewhere, not needing to verify the signatures in the mail-in ballots, that means one thing and one thing only, the democrats know they cannot win with beijing biden at the top of the ticket and they want to steal the election like they tried to do for the last four years. >> absolutely. lou: voter fraud, the house oversight judiciary, jordan reported, he laid out very clearly what that state and that
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the dems need to steal the votes anyway in the selection ifct thy can, do you believe that were going to see the selection become the most expensive in terms of lawyers, hours billed en history? >> absolutely, i absolutely believe that, i think this is the reason why were seeing right now that this probably in the modern history will be the most contentious election, we won't even know and some of the states who actually won the presidential election for months on in, this is the reason why the trump administration and why anybody should be saying go to the polls, we do not want universal mail-in ballots across the country, go to the polls, but at the polls so your vote count, this is what the men and
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women have fought for since the beginning, a peaceful transition of power and don't allow the democrats or anyone else to steal that away from you. lou: sebastian gorka, we have 20 seconds, you get theas last wor. >> just remember this, i gave america a warning from the stature of the 1960s if there is no clear winner or no electoral college to 17 mandate, the speaker of the house becomes acting president, that would be nancy pelosi, we have to stop them from stealing the selection, the fight of the republic stands uponnd the. >> absolutely. lou: thank you very much, we appreciate it and that's why the a president has announced he wants the ninth justice in place before the election, you can buy my new book the trump century how the president change the course of the history, get your copy at, stay with us we'll be right back. i can't believe it. what?
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that our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost? hey jill! hey kurt! movies? i'll get snacks! no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance with geico. i got snacks! ohhh, i got popcorn, i got caramel corn, i got kettle corn. am i chewing too loud? believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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♪. lou: "lou dobb lou: "lou dobbs tonight" quotation of the day thomas jefferson who said i predict future happiness for americans if theyar can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. that is it for us tonight, you can donate to the woodson center at the woodson or also go to the patriotic school
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curriculum 1776 you, a reminder to follow me on twitter at lou dobbs, like me on facebook an instagram at "lou dobbs tonight", thank you for being with us, see you tomorrow, good night from sussex. ♪ elizabeth: tonight president trump is about to hold a press conference from the white house. you're looking at a live picture of the scene there. the president earlier today said he will address the economy, jobs, covid-19 vaccines. he will likely be asked about his pick, his choice to replace the late justice ruth bader ginsburg on the supreme court. we will take you there live as soon as it starts. but first, tonight, house intelligence ranking republican devin nunes, much more on the explosive new senate gop report slamming the bidens for shocking and disturbing corruption. for pay-to-play conflicts interest while joe biden was


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