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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 26, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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in much bigger results in this building is about preserving the constitution for your children and your children's children. there's great joy in network. shannon: that is our program. i'm shannon o good evening everybody. violence breaking out in louisville last night and then after her injury chose to charge one of three police officers involved in the march shooting of breonna taylor. to louisville police officers were shot as the radical leftist mob ransacked streets and protested in various ways and violent ways at that. the police do have a suspect in custody or and he has lorenzo johnson. he was charged with first-degree assault of a police officer,
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first-degree wanton endangerment. one police officer was shot in the abdomen and another shot in the leg. doctors said their injuries are not life-threatening. the university of louisville cancel classes after the riots and the shooting. one class the school has recently started is aimed at so-called systemic racism and the course is called breonna taylor's louisville race, equity and law. the ignorance of the radical left is hardly reserved for college campuses however. today it was on full display outside the u.s. supreme court where president trump and the first lady visited to pay their respects for the late justice ruth bader ginsburg. her body lies in repose at the supreme court. as the president and the first lady stood near the casket protesters cut through the somber moment by heckling and
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yelling at the president and first lady. listen to this. lou: at least there was no violence. tonight breaking news, there is newly-released evidence of the bias and the fbi as if we needed more against general michael flynn. today his attorney sidney powell filed a motion to dismiss with internal text messages in 2016 between fbi analysts involved in
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the flynn investigations. their names have been redacted. one person texted in august of 2016 quote doing all this election research i think some of these guys want a clinton presidency. in other replies, instead of a wildcard like trump in october 2016 another analyst texts about the flynn investigations saying quote i'm telling you man if this thing ever gets floyd referring to the freedom of information act there are going to be some tough questions asked. and on that day of the january 5 oval office meeting among president obama, vice president obama susan rice james comey james clapper and john brennan them all of them discussing general plan. fbi analyst writes how the meeting went. the reply, don't know the people here are scrambling for information to support certain things and it's a madhouse.
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another rights trump was right, still not put together. why do we do this to ourselves? what is wrong with these people? we will talk about what is wrong with those people and these clients, sidney powell's clients prospects right now with his new motion to dismiss. the national left-wing media ignoring how hunter biden sold influence to russia, to china outlined in yesterday's senate report. it reports all but ignored by the national left-wing media. president trump today tweeted quote russian billionaire wired hunter biden $3.5 billion. this on top of all of the other money he received while joe was vp. cricket as can be but fake mainstream media wants it to just go away. hunter biden should face a judge
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to explain his actions. instead a new york state judge is forcing eric trump to testify about an investigation into his family business just weeks before the election of which he is an integral part. and breaking news tonight out of the john durham obamagate investigation. durham is now reportedly expanding his investigation and looking into how federal law enforcement officials handled the investigation into political corruption at the clinton foundation. durham picking up the slack of u.s. attorney john hoover who was assigned to investigate the clinton foundation in november of 2017 and he wrapped up his investigation this past january without a word, without a report, without a charge, zero results. our next guest has been in
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covering the illegal activities of the clinton foundation and the biden family for years and joining us is peter schweizer. he is president of the government accountability institute and author of profiles and corruption, abuse of power by america's regressive elite and the monks of the progressive elites certainly in della blade the biden name appears repeatedly and often. peter, it's great to have you with this petty. you're -- reaction to the news apparently john durham's investigation is now investigating the clinton foundation or as it's been styled the act to be these and the conduct of those investigating the clinton foundation. >> yeah lou great to see you. congratulations are in your new book.
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this is huge news and important news and here is why. i think one of the things that so frustrates people in the country right now is the two-tiered system of justice, whether it's violence in the streets or corruption in washington d.c.. certain people get investigated and certain people don't. certain people get prosecuted and certain people don't. remember in the clinton foundation course the investigation on the fbi site according to "the wall street journal" that investigation was led by andrew mccabe and there have been all kinds of questions of course about his conduct in the russia probe involving donald trump. also lots of questions because of the links that mccabe's wife who was a political candidate in virginia had with people in the clinton orbit who were raising money for her. i think it's a huge development and it's important hopefully we will get to the truth. lou: hopefully we will get to the truth and we approach
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election day in 40 days out. many of those, myself included, were hoping that we would see an investigation that. >> some things. a report about the truth of the investigators and obamagate and secondly charges that hold accountable those who we now know from all the documents revealed, everything from all kinds of documents that there is more than probable cause here. there is every indication that great crimes were committed against this great president and this great nation. yet right now with basically have crickets from the justice department. >> yeah. i think what's interesting about terms approach and again you were right to say based on what we know that what's being reported is that durham is looking at two things.
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he's looking at the manner in which the russian investigation was conducted against donald trump and in parallel how the investigation was handled into hillary clinton. i think what he is looking for is were they handled equally the same and they think we all know already that they certainly were not, just the fact that hillary clinton was not put under open she was given all of these courtesies. none of the courtesies were extended to donald trump or general flander anybody else, quite the opposite. i think this has the potential to be very very powerful. again what frustrates a lot of people whether they like a certain candidate or not they just want them to treat them all the same and they clearly have not done that. that's why it's important and by the way i hope that the investigation, the report from durham comes out whenever it's available. i hope they don't delay because of the election. i hope they release it when it's
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available and i think it's something that should be seen by people before the election in november. lou: one thing is very clear, that the democrats, the obama administration and the deep state of our in orchestration, worked hard and effectively to steal the midterm election of 2018 under the cloud of bringing the president into a special counsel investigation and all of the charges that were made that were proved to be groundless in investigations and actually preliminary investigations as well. it's an outrage and hopefully we will see justice served here and soon. peter schweizer we appreciate your being with us as always. i'm going to ask you as we wrap up here do you think we are
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going to see charges before election day? >> i doubt charges but i imagine we are going to see some very interesting point it reports that might be leading in that direction. lou: peter schweizer as always, we appreciate you being with us and thanks for all the great work that you do. up next the biden family corruption is coming out soon. it may be too little perhaps too late. we will find out what john solomon thinks. he's our guest next. stay with us. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ smooth driving pays off
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lou: on capitol hill the long-awaited report about hunter and joe biden's corrupt ties to ukrainian natural gas firm burisma, senators ron johnson and chuck grassley today published the reporter: their investigation into the biden's connections to ukrainian natural gas company burisma. the report painting a clear picture. hunter biden's business dealings were concerning to u.s. officials. one of those officials warning that hunter biden's seat on burisma's hoard of directors created a conflict of interest that could undermine the anticorruption efforts of the obama administration.
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at the -- lead at the time by joe biden great american officials also flagged possible criminal acts linking hunter biden with possible ties to human and trafficking. the report saying quote hunter biden. nonresident women who were nationals of russia or other eastern european countries and who appeared to be linked to an eastern european prostitution or human trafficking ring. you wouldn't know about this act of it is from most of the left-wing media reports today. the hill for example does not mention or describe the criminal behavior. nor does "the news york times," nor the "washington post." "the wall street journal" notes the reporter: potential criminal activity. it just does not mention the acts that are claimed. as senators johnson and grassley went ahead with an investigation of the biden's, there were a
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number of major oversights. one, the report's failure to mention former cia terrorist director blacks current seat on burisma's board. hunter's role on burisma was unseemly. you would think having the state department's former head of counterterrorism on the board with the just as concerning. lack also served as adviser to senator mitt romney during the 2008 election, whether lax republican credentials kept him out of the report we can't say. romney called johnson's investigation quote a political exercise and was resistant to it. or haps no journalist knows more about the biden corruption charges in ukraine than our first guest this evening. he has been reporting the story from the outset. just the news editor-in-chief john solomon author of the book
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fallout, nuclear brides, russian spies, the washington lies enriching the clinton and biden dynasties. john it's good to have you here and i want to say to our audience you forecast last night that this report would be coming from senator johnson's committee today and we thank you for that advance knowledge of what was to come. great reporting as always. let's begin with the odd nature of these charges, human trafficking, prostitution and the failure to mention black on the board. it would seem to pose potentially a conflict of interest as well but not to even mention his presence or the concerned that the united states government thinking of him as a nonpartisan government just our federal government why would we want to have a man of such high
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office, former high office on that board. >> is a little unusual because the scope of the investigation was focused on the obama administration where there's a conflict of interest and he joined the board after trump became president or as he was becoming president late january so i think it was important and it shows the continued effort by burisma to use famous americans to try to buy good publicity for corrupt reputation. it's concerning and it should be looked at and it just wasn't in the scope of the investigation what was in the scope of this investigation is very seriously disturbing. if you remember a year ago democrats said it was a conspiracy theory to thank anyone when on untoward life hunter biden. what do we now know in fact? the fact that documents came
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from the obama administration. their witnesses their files. while hunter biden was on the port of burisma 7 million-dollar bribe was paid by ukrainian -- state department official told joe biden yet a conflict of interest by continuing to oversee ukraine policy when the sons company was under investigation for corruption. the treasury department flag millions of dollars of money flowing into hunter biden's account from people like not just burisma put the corrupt ukrainian gas company but how about a russian oligarchy gave him $3.5 million in one day? chinese officials tied to the communist party and the chinese military. you just mentioned the sex trafficking. those were outbound transactions so foreign money comes than an money flows back out of hunter biden's account according to the report of russian and ukrainian women who appeared to be connected to sex trafficking and human trafficking. if this were any other figure in american history tied to a
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presidential nominee or president we would have a major scandal but "the news york times" and the "washington post" have covered this up or they have no problem covering the bushes silver rod aboard time get they don't think there's anything wrong with hunter biden. they had no problem covering the 20 minute meeting to don jr. had with the russian lawyer but they don't want to mention that hunter biden got $3.5 million from a suspect russian oligarchs. it is willful and deserving blindness that "the news york times" and the "washington post" and "cnn" are imposing on the american people. they are keeping this from the american people. lou: and with that will there be any kind of accountability in your judgment as a result of the committees investigation? >> i just talked to ron johnson a little at a gut he said it's the beginning and not the end of
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their investigation. some very important questions exist what did chris ray at the fbi do when these transactions were reported? what did the state department do and what did joe biden discussed with the state department officials? officials declined to say what they talk to the vice president about the joe biden should be asked every day until he answers what did people say? did you believe you have a conflict of interest and did you know about the bribe and here's a question i'm going to bid for tonight to joe biden never leave with anyone involved with burisma? i have reason to believe so but let's get those questions to vice president biden if he can answer them with a straight face then we'll know the truth of what really happened here. lou: well that's a fascinating question and we look forward to that answer. let's turn to the oversight judiciary report on mail-in ballots and their initial concerns. give us your view. >> it's a and amazing thing to watch. i had an experience this morning lou that struck me that i was
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driving into work and i drove by it dspd and virginia. there were constant the road and they were directing people to come to the dmv registered to vote in drop their ballot off. they were directing the traffic like it was some sort of light special at kmart. these sorts of activities that make going out to catch people and get them to vote are potentially rife with fraud. we have never practice voting this way before and the were a warning sign of that report was these issues will and up in the court before election day but there's going to be a supreme court case whether in sylvania wisconsin or virginia wherever they decide to go. these issues have to be decided before the votes are cast and counted on election day. we heard the president say that's part of why he wants to get a nominee confirmed for the court before election day. we all know it's going to end up in court. lou: it was interesting to hear the president say while some republicans have suggested they would wait until after the
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election and he wants this decided before the election because that justice could be critical to justice being served in the high court. john solomon as always, it's great to have you with us. thanks and congratulations. more on the deep states persecution of general michael flynn and his attorney filing an important motion in court. she joins us here next. stay with us. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ wild thing i... think i... you know what i think? i think you owe us $48.50... wild thing. if you ride, you get it. geico motorcycle. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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lou: joining us now by phone sidney powell, and she is general michael flynn's attorney former federal prosecutor filing a motion today to dismiss. it's great to have it with us on the broadcast. tell us that cases of the motion to dismiss now and i'm afraid we all have a sense that least of why it's necessary and also
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amazingly that it is necessary at all, given what has become a phenomenon in the court system in washington d.c.. >> yes, the government originally moved to dismiss the case with a 100 page filing that included 80 pages of exculpatory evidence not previously. >> to the defense and the show's general plan is innocent. there was no crime ever by him and the government made up this quote to investigate him and everything else and falsify the 302 of the reported their interview. it's been a disaster from the get-go when it should never have been brought as prosecution much less investigation now we have an additional 40 pages of documents just. >> the two was late last night by the government filing crime out of the fbi. extricating is like trying to
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pull a listen to definitely. they sought professional liability insurance for themselves realizing they'd be sued if anybody ever found this and made a comment about this is ever being. >> under the freedom of information act there's going to be a a lot of questions answer. as one comment after the other that shows they knew they were playing games with general flans live and they did that and have done that for four years. lou: you know i guess the expression currently here again when we talk about the politically corrupt fbi and the justice department and what they have done to general flans and his family is their hides. the fact the one agent texted effectively an admission that he had a conscious and he just had overcome it. it is certainly insufficient. what is to be done now? you can't get justice in that
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court system in d.c.. the appellate court is rigged. they are political skunks. they have the whole system rigged. they would just as soon crushed general flans life and family as says upon their perches with black robes. they are an outrage. they are a disgrace to the nation. what in the world are we to do? >> judge sullivan is going to have to dismiss this case with prejudice and if he doesn't the supreme court will. it's an absolute appalling travesty of justice and the court has only exacerbated it by an unprecedented ruling. lou: unprecedented rulings and knowing full well that all they were doing was continuing to persecute general flans and his family and to do so, that he was an innocent man from the very beginning.
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do you know what else? sydney i'd like to get your opinion on this. i really think the supreme court, the chief justice should be ashamed of himself for letting this go on as it has. i think again it's outrageous what he has permitted and there is no way to hold them accountable but i have to say i think so little of this man now, it's impossible to express express. your thoughts. >> well there is a judicial ethics commission and a way to file grievances against federal judges. in fact any member of the public can do it. there may be plenty of reason to do that coming up if not already. lou: does not the chief justice of the supreme court have the capacity to power the authority and indeed the responsibility to reach into a court when it is serving everything but just as?
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>> generally as justice ginsburg wrote in a unanimous decision for the supreme court just a week before judge sullivan started this abusive process judges are not to valley forth. they wait for the litigants to bring issues to them so if judge sullivan doesn't grant this motion to dismiss with prejudice as must be done according to all existing legal precedent we will take it immediately to the supreme court. lou: sidney powell it's great to have you with us and we thank you so much and we wish you the best of luck and all the best to general flans, his family and again to those sitting on the court in d.c. you are an embarrassment to this nation and almost every value we hold dear. up next more on the university of louisville's ignorant response to racial unrest, to
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civil unrest as it's called, that is rioting in shooting and the critical race theory that pervades much of our education system. investigate reporter joins us next and no journalist has beat him on bleeding on this story. he is coming up here next. a reminder my book on sale. get your copies @lou dobbs., and bookstores everywhere -- stay with us we are coming right back. know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote.
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lou: our next guest has been uncovering critical race theory training within the federal government. he has been at the forefront. president trump decided executive order to stop it calling critical race theory a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue. joining us tonight christopher rufo filmmaker fellow at the discovery institute a conservative think tank and a terrific investigative journalists. it's great to have you with us and i want to compliment you on the great work you have done and i want you to give us if you will, your sense of the
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president's decision to issue an executive order stopping it in all federal agencies and secondarily ordering through his executive action federal contractors to end it could your thoughts on both decisions? >> the executive order is astonishing. for your scholars and conservatives have warned about think richmond a critical race theory and to our institutions over the last few years in particular please become the dominant ideology in education and universities in federal theocracy. this is the first time there has been a successful push back a the present order gets rid of race theory and critically companies who want to do business with the federal government we will see at least half of the fortune 500 companies scrambling to reform their diversity policies to make sure they don't run afoul of the president's order. lou: and you believe these orders will be effective and if
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so how soon? >> they will be effective in 60 days. that's the time limit that's been laid out and the built-in mechanisms of enforcement or the white house lawyers have ingeniously required all federal agencies to run all of their diversity training directly through the opm and the office of management and budget so it will be centralized oversight and if there are employees and federal managers that continue to implement a critical race theory the president has instructed the managers to immediately begin adverse action proceedings against them. this could be a road determination. i think the white house lawyers deserve enormous credit. they have really wrought into the playing field and gone after critical race theory across all the major cetaceans of our society and i think they are going to do it in a very strong and decisive way. lou: christopher lets talk about how this got started because all of a sudden there were something called critical race theory
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which i can recall years ago was dismissed out of hand. it was mocked and scoffed at as basically nonsense and the next thing we know the federal government has special training classes in critical race theory. how did it happen? >> that's absolutely right in what has happened is this is an idea that has been kind of circling around academia for decades and while it was limited to academia people could easily dismiss it or mock it or not think about it but what has happened is that this idea has been really escaped from academia and started penetrating first the institutions that are ideologically sympathetic to race theory and the corporations which have been bullied into adopting these programs and even the federal government so you have public employees were paid by taxpayers perpetuating ideology that is explicitly anti-american, explicitly
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anti-constitutional and until these stories weren't covered and exposed to the public they had been spreading for years but i think with this order and the continued fight against its at the time it's beginning to turn. lou: it's beginning to turn because of your extraordinary efforts and again i want to commend you for doing so. as we wrap up here, the critical race theory, is it actually an attempt is too if you will indoctrinate america's? is a part of what we see now happening on the streets of democrat run cities or whether it's what we see as indoctrination in schools? is a part of that effort to basically turn america upside down? >> that's exactly right. you can trace academic critical race theory to the federal training programs to the violence you are seeing in the streets of major american cities. it's all predicated on the same ideology and the same conviction
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that america is a racist country and its institutions have to be overthrown and this is the thing. this is an ideology that's been mainstream and i think we have to take great lengths not to underestimate its rhetorical power but i think you're exactly right it's modeled on the cold programming -- cold programming in the document should. they follow indoctrination 101. they convince federal employees of their guilt because their group identity and then they offer this universal solution that's always out of reach so they can keep people within the confines of this destructive divisive and pseudoscientific ideology. lou: christopher rufo thanks for being with us and we hope you'll be back soon as you discuss the madness that has gripped part of this country and what this great president has done to end it. before we go on a break i want
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to tell you in my new book is out today and i recommend it to you highly. "the trump century" how our president changed the course of history forever. it is a book i would hope that every american would have the opportunity to read the four making it -- making up their minds to vote in this election. this is the president who has achieved remarkable and historic things and will do much much more. go to our store that's and get your copy at barnes & oak stores everywhere. stay with us. we are coming right back. [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know there's a 30-minute limit, right?
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tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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lou: president trump going to the battleground states of north carolina and florida. china joe biden hunkering down in his basement still.
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for a ninth time this month, think about this, biden's campaign has called the so-called travel lid that is shutting down everything for the press for the day before noon. how about 9:00 a.m.? biden's hiding from the press again. this is really extraordinary and the national left-wing media is not speaking to pray this man is not engaging with the media not putting himself before an engaged news media. he is hiding. he is by the way getting away with it, make no mistake he's getting away with it and that's all the greater crime. president trump and vice president pence are traveling all over the country fire up their base. china joe biden sits in his basement. we set with john faucet to a trump campaign rally in guilford new hampshire to talk to
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supporters about the democratic nominee. >> do you think the american people will elect a president who can't put in a full workweek? >> no, not at all. >> now police hiding in his basement. >> now, sleepy joe i don't think is capable of being president of the united states. >> know, i feel sorry for joe biden. >> to you believe the polls? >> to a degree i believe them but intrinsically i believe they are a fraud. >> it's a fake news. absolutely not i do not believe the polls. >> now that all. just look around and see the people that are out here. spit at do you think joe biden should be drug tested before the debate? >> yes and mentally checked to. >> i think you should because the way he's been talking these days is way, way, way out of touch. >> i'm a new york firefighter and we got drug tested.
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why not the president why not schoolteachers a line of everybody? >> there's a new book out "the trump century" by the great lou dobbs. will you be reading at? >> absolutely. >> absolutely and i hope to meet lou again. >> lou dobbs book will be great. >> thank you very much. lou: is rhino loeffler driving the campaign? we will ask doug collins here next. i don't suspect he's going to argue with that predicate. stay with us. we will be right back. ♪ this is the feeling of total protection now that we protect your identity, mobile phone, auto, home and life
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lou: breaking tonight rino senator kelly loeffler is being accused of trying to buy her senate seat to congressman matt gaetz saying loeffler put's team went to president trump's team about november senate votes saying quote look you guys, got to get doug collins out of this race she said. i have $50 million for this project and i'm in either use the 50 million getting new voters in helping the trump campaign or i could spend that $50 million taking out doug collins. loeffler denies that charge and says collins campaign is in freefall and will say anything to distract voters. the point is this didn't come from congressman collins came
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from matt gaetz. joining us tonight is the man kelly loeffler desperately wants to get out of the race apparently. >> she certainly wants to be tempered my guest is congressman doug collins ranking member of the house judiciary committee and republican candidate for the united states senate from the great city of georgia. it's great to have you with us. congressman what credence do you give to the matt gaetz report on kelly loeffler? >> it's a great deal. it's something we have heard before. this is the most extensive thing going on in the history of georgia. a 40 million-dollar makeover of someone who is a moderate liberal last year and became an appointed senator and said oh by the way you have to be conservative. i will say this. they use the word fraught project. this is an arts and crafts project for kelly loeffler but it's about real people. doug collins cannot be bought
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off and more partly the people of georgia are not for sale. kelly camp by george pray she will lose because we have a better message and she is not authentic. lou: what do the polls say right now? >> the polls are good. her numbers are showing we are doing exactly what we need to do. everything is going well. she is desperate that people are finding out who she really is about the problems she has. she's throwing in money and as much as she can to make people forget that she gave money to planned parenthood and she worked with michael bloomberg on gun control and to do the things as she's trying to accuse me of. she's trying to make people forget who she is. lou: well she worked with who won gun control? >> michael bloomberg. the one who wants to take her guns. she and her team worked together. that shows you where her heart is. lou: and let's turn to a couple
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of issues and one is the house speaker saying she is going to use all the arrows or at least whichever arrows she wants in her so-called quiver to stop this president from naming a u.s. justice to the supreme court. what do you make of what they are doing? this looks like a scorched earth policy from the radical dems. i thought they couldn't go lower but they continue to dissent. >> the old saying goes they get to the bottom and began to dig. when i flew in to washington d.c. this weekend we have the house you could smell the desperation they are pretty good smell it around the speaker and the minority leader in the senate. the speaker so desperate because you know the american people are following what president trump is doing. they want a better vision for what we have to offer from the democrats and joe biden and the
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supreme court justices will do what he said he is going to. a conservative supreme court justice piercy has arrows in their quiver but none of them will topple what's happening she's desperate that people are seeing through her obstruction and what she's done over the last in the happen the democrats are going down because of it. lou: very quickly as we wrap up congressman, the reports today that john durham is expanding the inquiry into the investigation of the clinton foundation. your reaction. >> it's about time and what i'm looking for from john durham is an indictment. i'm ready for him to put the people who are behind going after our president trying to take them down as a candidate and as a president to be prosecuted and put in jail. lou: congressman doug collins always good to see you. thank you congressman put a reminder you can bite my new book out now "the trump century" how our president changed the course of history forever.
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copies @lou dobbs, that's and as well. thanks for being with us. good night from sussex. bret: it was one of the most powerful political ideas in history, a new faith for a skeptical age. it promised a world of harmony and abundance if only property were shared by all and distributed equally. the idea was called socialism and it spread farther and faster than any religion in history. then, and almost the blink of an eye, it all collapsed. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. [cheering and applause]


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