tv After the Bell FOX Business October 1, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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narrow. but i would say we would expect volatility to continue as we get closer. cheryl: we need stimulus. adam phillips, thank you very much. stocks up two days in a row. that will do it for me and "the claman countdown." connell mcshane and melissa francis pick it up for "after the bell." [closing bell rings] connell: we kick off the month with gains on wall street. some doubt about the dow in the last few minutes. it turned positive and will close higher for the day. everybody is watching washington again with stimulus uncertainty but the s&p and the nasdaq do end in the green and those gains are the second day of gains in a row for both of them following economic data earlier today. so thanks for joining us. i'm connell mcshane. melissa: and i'm melissa francis. this is "after the bell." we start with for example business team coverage. best of your memory burr is live at the white house. kristina partsinevelos from newark airport and ashley webster is following all
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the markets. ashley, first to you. ashley: well, guys as we say good riddance to september where all the major indexes posted a loss we embrace a new month but we haven't come exactly flying out of the gates although green across the screen. the dow finishing slightly higher as you can see, about 1/10 of a percent after being down more than 100 points. s&p up half a percent. but it was nasdaq showed the best performance of the new month up 1 1/2%. like charlie brown with a rain cloud over his head investors are frustrated by congress's inability to agree on a new stimulus bill. with the markets going up and down with each competing headline from nancy pelosi and the treasury secretary and everybody else. as a result we saw stocks move for the most part today sideways in somewhat flat trading but as i mentioned the big tech stocks did manage to give the broader market some impetus.
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amazon, microsoft, facebook, alphabet/google all managed to make nice gains today which you can see gave the nasdaq a boost. also keeping an eye on apple as well. the stock added what, nearly another dollar today. it is with sense, i say cents with a c valued to trillion dollars. maybe that will happen tomorrow. by the way we have plenty of economic data today, even if it did little to move the exchanges. initial jobless claims came in at 850,000, slightly her than the estimate as you can see. it brings the total number of jobless claims since the virus lockdown, 62.7 million, about 39% of the labor force. we also got some slightly better than expected numbers on manufacturing pmi. that came in at 56.4, beating the estimate of 55.4 and of course do not forget tomorrow morning we'll be getting that big september jobs report. the estimate again is for right
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around 850,000 jobs were being created last month. we shall see as they say. melissa, back to you. melissa: lots of news there, ashley. thank you. now to blake burman at the white house with the latest details on the stimulus talks the. reporter: certainly some news in washington today as nancy pelosi and steve mnuchin spoke earlier about a poe earnings covid relief package. we're told the phone call lasted about 50 minutes. the two were expected again at least one other time later today as well. over here at the white house the trump administration has countered the democrats $2.2 trillion plan with, by saying that they would support a $1.6 trillion top line number. earlier today press secretary kayleigh mcenany said that the administration takes issue with certain benefits that are provided to illegal immigrants in the democrats' plan. >> we raised our offer, but when you lower your offer 2.2 trillion, you ask for direct
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payments to illegal immigrants, you ask for certain deportation forgiveness in your offer, it is not a serious offer. what we're talking about here is relief for the american people, for american citizens, not direct payments to illegal immigrants. reporter: that is the perspective from the white house. the speaker of the house though says that republicans are low balling what is needed for state and governments. nancy pelosi called out a real estate tax incentive that republicans support. >> we're looking at it from the standpoint after family making $20,000 a year, family of four. they're looking at it from the standpoint of $150 billion to the wealthiest people in our country. that's why we not only have a dollars debate, we have a values debate. still i'm optimistic. reporter: sew while pelosi and mnuchin continue to negotiate separately a vote is expected up on capitol hill tonight on
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democrats $2.2 trillion man. bottom line here, melissa, we should, we should potentially know in the upcoming hours how this all might shake out. keep in mind while nancy pelosi talks about optimism and both sides are talking with one another still 1.6 trillion,.2 trillion, that is a 600 billion-dollar gap that remains. back to you. melissa: that's chump change. i could find it in the couch, blake. thank you. connell. connell: talk about the airlines who are watching this very, very closely. major carriers furloughing thousands of employees today with their federal aid money running out. so we turn to kristina partsinevelos reporting live from newark airport in new jersey and joins us now with the details. kristina. reporter: it is a devastating day for the airline industry. it is the first day that airlines can move ahead to start to furlough employees. when i say held off until
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september 30th when the billion dollar package expired. there is no deal on the plate right now. united as well as american airlines furloughing roughly 32,000 employees. like our own blake burman just reported you have the fact that house speaker nancy pelosi, treasury secretary steve mnuchin, they're trying to talk it out, they're trying toe work through something but there is still no deal on the plate and that means american airlines moving ahead, furloughing roughly 19,000 employees today. then you had united also furloughing 13,000 employees today. with united putting out a statement, quote, we implore our elected leaders to reach a compromise. get a deal done now and save jobs. the only, i guess, can't say it is good news, right now delta air liness they're not folk to be furloughing employees at the moment. they wrote a statement, quote, thanks for the hard work, shared sacrifices and innovative thinking of our people delta will avoid involuntary furloughs
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for flight attendants and ground-based front line employees in the united states. they're working also very hard to avoid furloughs of 1700 pilots come november 1st. if we're talking about the landscape, even if the airlines do get this money, you could see just right behind me, i'm in newark, international section terminal b, there is not even 20 people behind me. the expectation for 2020, the predictions are a lot worse. that airline travel is going to drop 66% this year as a total compared to last year at this time. so it is a drastic change. american airlines and united ceo both said they are willing to bring back all of those thousands of furloughs and save those jobs if washington can only come to a bipartisan deal, $25 billion within the next few days. here we are. back to you. connell: the international travel presumably taking longer to come back than the domestic side. kristina, thank you, kristina partsinevelos.
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melissa. melissa: here to react now is steve moore, freedomworks economist. so i mean the picture that kristina just painted behind her really, you know, begs the question about this government money. you know on one hand you don't want to seep employees furloughed. you want to see the government bridging the gap. on the other hand i don't know, if nobody is traveling what, and we're sending all this money to the airlines to try to keep people employed, the real problem is that we need to get people traveling. isn't that, maybe what we should be focused on? >> yeah. we got to get the economy reopened. we've got to overcome the fear factor, melissa that is really kind of paralyzed people and made them very reluctant toe fly. i've flown a few times. you know the planes have been at least half empty, in some cases 2/3 empty but i want to go back to a point because i've been listen towing you know, what you've been reporting just in the last few minutes and i just
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think it's too negative. for example, on the unemployment benefits numbers that came out today, melissa, the big story that i look at when i look at those numbers is that net one million people, slightly less than a million people dropped off of unemployment benefits. more people signed up but also more people dropped off than signed up. that is a very positive picture. it means we'll probably be on the high-end on the jobs report that comes out tomorrow. now another one melissa, by far the most important. the latest forecast that just came out yesterday for the gdp for the third quarter in the united states is 34%, 34, 35%. that is gigantic. we've never seen anything like that before in the history of the united states any kind of number like that! this economy is moving forward at a very, very rapid pace. i don't care -- look some industries like airlines are hurting. some industries like restaurants that are hurting but the, they
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have kind of spirit of the american economy is coming back more rapidly than anybody thought. that is why i'm going to say i don't believe we need another estimate us are. i just don't think it is necessary. melissa: okay. let me ask you a few questions what you just said. when you talk about the number of people that have dropped off unemployment, that million number, do you know how many benefits ran out and how many dropped off because they found a job? >> that is good question, i don't know the answer to that but i do know this but one of the things that really turned around numbers, number of people collecting unemployment was something very smart donald trump did several weeks, several months ago that nancy pelosi 100% against. we dropped unemployment benefit level, those benefits from $600 to $300. you know what happened, melissa? funny how this happens. that as soon as these benefits dropped, people went out got jobs. there are six million jobs open
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today, million. six million. it is not as if there are no jobs out there. sometimes people aren't qualified for those jobs but we're coming back at a very rapid pace and the idea that somehow all of this government spending is going to stimulate the economy, i just don't get it. incidentally i just looked at numbers how much state and local revenues are down this year, they're down by about estimated 200 billion. but, congress, and white house are talking about 250, 300, $400 billion for states and localities. it is way too much. melissa: no, no. you're preaching to the choir on that one. everybody who watches our show understands the math on that. that all of the you know these states begging for money and are broke dug this hole for themselves with high taxes before this ever started. they are begging for money to bail them out from the feds which no doubt they will just waste rather than you know, following what is really going on. the only thing that i would say
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too though, to challenge some of your, hang on, to challenge some of our original thoughts idea that people going back to work. people gone back so far, those were layups where you could get back to work quickly. businesses that haven't reopened and people who still haven't gone back, those are the tougher ones. those are the businesses that are maybe permanently closed and jobs have been permanently lost. so while it is better maybe than you think it is being painted it is still we have a rough road ahead. give you the last word. >> melissa, you're exactly right. this has been a brutal period for the american economy and american worker and businesses. you're right, you're sew right about that, melissa. some of these businesses will never come back. some of them will never come back. the airline industry could take years to recover from this. the question whether that is the taxpayer's responsibility to pay for these businesses. i say no. you can't bail out everybody but i want to make one last point about the stupidity and
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unfairness of this, of this bailout of state and local governments. the ones that are requesting the most money are the ones that are still shut down. melissa, half of the states are open for business today. they have got jobs back. look at tennessee, look at texas, look at utah, look at florida. why isn't new york open? why isn't connecticut open? why isn't massachusetts open. if we give them, money, melissa all we're doing is enabling them to stay shut down. melissa: that is true. new york is closed because we're run by a pack of idiots. steve, thank you. appreciate your time. connell. pack of idiots. connell: a whole pack of them. speaking of new york, and also this idea of permanently closing down in certain industries you have to look at restaurants. i know indoor dining is back this week. that is one thing. we'll have an update on that. one of the things we'll talk about, restaurants are turn tock turning to high-tech solutions. will that be enough to turn customers inside. that is the next question.
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♪. connell: is it too little too late? new york city restaurants have resumed indoor dining this week at 25% of their capacity but a new audit done about it new york state comptroller is warning that half of the city's restaurants and bars may end up closing for good. uncle jack's meat house ceo willie daigle joined us three weeks ago on the program about concerns for timeline of reopening. here is what he said then. >> he said something about maybe november if everything goes well. 50%. i will take anything right now. i'm sure it's too late, probably two months too late for a lot of small businesses. connell: all right. what do you think, willie? willie is back with us today. we're 1st of october, 25% capacity. how do you look at things? >> well, listen, again i'm always trying to stay positive but i see what's happened. i have a lot of friends in the business.
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people come to me for advice, a lot of places are closed down. they're bankrupt. they're out of money. they're out of resources. they're in a state of depression. they're broken. but i'm taking the 25%. i have my team rally. we did well in bayside. we did well in astoria. still half the people satin side. some people came inside. my biggest store, which is my biggest rent and biggest supporter for the company is the west side store on nineth avenue and 34th street. that i didn't open yet, because i'm doing whole business analysis. i'll trying to get as much data as possible because i can't afford to open in a city with nothing open, nothing at jacob javits, nothing at madison square garden and hudson yards, open up, pay $25,000 a month for the location and staff in place. we're trying to come up with a two-week plan. maybe only open monday through friday, seven hours a day to try to feed all the regulars during
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the day time. connell: let me ask you a little bit more about that, just update our audience, willie has three new york city locations within the city limits. two he mentioned are in queens, the borough of queens and the third in manhattan. focus on the west side of man hat a little bit you say you might open part time because of the cost, not a lot of people around. are you thinking of abandoning manhattan all together or is that not on the table? >> you know i'm a winner, i'm a fighter, i'm an adapter, i'm a visionary entrepreneur so i try never to think that way. i'm looking every which way we can survive. thank god for the ppe money, small business loans i was able to get approved for. without that i would have been out of business as well at all the city locations. i'm here in georgia now. i'm opening two more locations. i just did site visits. i have one opening in four weeks. one opening in 12 weeks. so i'm trying to stay as positive as possible. connell: how is it down there?
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they had 100% on everything and able to get people in? if so, whatever the capacity, if so, how many people are actually showing up even in at your locations in georgia? what's the volume like? >> okay. so in georgia construction's booming. even through this covid phase everybody's doing handiwork at their houses, their lifestyle. people are home more. things they put off they're getting done. so that's good. so the restaurants, the construction is moving and moving fast and well. hiring on the other hand is hard. a lot of people are not filing and filling out applications. we're through different resources to try to get people. each of these restaurants are going going to hire 75 to 100 people full time. we'll have to open up limited hours, with limited resources staffing to execute the vision. down in georgia, 65% of your occupancy inside and outside is available right now. so there is one duluth location
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we have is doing about 85% of its sales compared to last year on six days a week. now next week we're opening up the seventh day. hopefully we'll get above 90%. it is coming back. georgia is way more open. they didn't react the same as new york and just shut down everything, been so controlled by the democratic mentality. new york, we could have been open inside months ago, no problem. connell: right. but you weren't and then you know it is out of your hands obviously. so you're trying the best you can but, melissa, steve moore were having this kind of discussion what happens next with relief money and stimulus all that kind of thing, whether we need a bailout or maybe that is not the best idea, some people have different thoughts on quote, unquote bailouts what should happen. what are you pushing for? you mentioned the money you had previously. i assume you run through a lot of that. do you want more now or what do you want?
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>> listen what i believe for small business we're the backbone of america. i respect these airline companies but when i look at publicly-traded companies that run algorithms and jack the prices up on us the public and fight their unions constantly and lower the pay scale and increase the prices on us, i don't really feel bad for the airline business. i feel bad for the normal, everyday guy trying to build his dream and employ local people that are putting food on the table for their family. so if there is a batch of money that should come, that is where it should be focused on. big corporate america and big publicly-traded companies, they eat the little fish, the big fish and then whatever is left over, everybody else eats again and they evolve faster and come back out in a new way. connell: all right. willie, said this before, we wish you the best. melissa agrees with me, because we love having you on. you're a straight-shooter. give us a real sense how people think. we hope it works out in georgia and new york for you. >> anybody looking for a job in
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georgia, we're hiring. connell: there you go. there you go. melissa. >> wow. we know how he feels about gore algorithms now i love it. one group of new york city restaurants taking innovative measures to insure a safe indoor safe dining experience for its customers. our own jackie deangelis is live at union scare cafe, i love that place, with details. reporter: melissa, this is danny meyer restaurant, when it opens here at the 5:00 is not crowded. it is set up for 25% capacity following rules here. look how far apart the tables are. when i spoke to danny meyer said easily in this space there could be 15, 20 more tables when at full capacity but they have to scale it back. danny meyer is seasoned ceo. he is not deterred what happened during the pandemic. he is trying to open safer and
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smarter, using technology, clear technology specifically. yes, it is the same clear that you see at the airports for security purposes. we talked to him about the process, how it is supposed to make everybody feel, the employees and the patrons. this is what he said. >> this is brand knew for everybody. everybody so far, 1000% said thank you. it is so easy. it is not intrusive. it's a great way for people, when they come to work, to take this cloud off of their head and allow them to focus on hospitality towards our guests. reporter: now this is an interesting partnership because clear's cofounder and ceo, karen becker, spoke to her as well. she is a new yorker. she said she had the technology for screening. she just adapted it during the pandemic to make sure that it could work with health as well. so everyone can feel safer as new york city is trying to reopen. this is her take. >> it is about driving accessibility and helping new york city reopen businesses,
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making safer and easier experience. making new york city come back better than it was. i think that is really exciting outcome of something that's been really terrible around really real and really hard. reporter: danny meyer is trying to set the table, set the model for other restaurants. remember they need to execute on the 25%, if they want a chance getting to 50% and beyond in the future, guys. melissa: very cool, jackie. thank you for that. i really want to go. i'm ready to go to danny meyer's right now. thank you. connell, you want to come with us. connell: let's go? we could do it tonight. the first time this year, major league baseball will allow fans in the stands. that is another place where people want to go, a baseball game. this is big thing. a limited number of playoffs for the national league championship series and the world series
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being held in texas. fans will spread out throughout the stadium. honor the social distancing measures. mask wearing will be mandatory for all the fans. they will have hand sanitizing stations across the park. bottom line, for first time fans in the stands for baseball. we'll be rightal back. thank you sofi for a great experience and for helping me get my money right. ♪ seaonly abreva cany to help sget rid of it in... little as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too.
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♪. melissa: in an effort to contain coronavirus outbreakses multiple colleges are already canceling spring break. what a bummer. let's go back to ashley webster for details on this story. ashley. ashley: bummer indeed, melissa. florida state said it is canceling spring break to keep students own campus. the college says the first three days of the spring semester will be conducted remotely. in a letter to students, faculty and staff, fsu's provost explains the university continues its efforts to mitigate the spread of covid-19. we believe these adjustment will
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reduce the potential for members of the campus community to return to tallahassee with the virus after traveling during spring break. okay. meanwhile the university of denver has suspended 38 student athletes from the mens women and swimming and diving team. activities, they have been banned from activities. they face possible suspension of the school for violating its safety protocols. but there is one bright spot. inside higher ed is reporting that students at historically black colleges and universities or hbcus, are wearing masks and social distancing at much higher rates than other campuses. school officials believe this is because of awareness minorities are at higher risk of complication from covid-19. the precautions seem to pay off. according to the same report, hbcus are reporting much lower infection rates during this pandemic. let's get over to the nfl,
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meanwhile, postponing sunday's game between the tennessee titans and pittsburgh steelers was supposed to take place at noon in nashville but will be pushed back later in the year because of a covid outbreak. five tate tan players have tested positive along with six staffers of the team. this is the first time in this young season a game has been delayed because of the pandemic. the first nfl game canceled since hurricane irma canceled the dolphins-bucs game back in 2017. so not a good development for the nfl. guys, back to you. melissa: no. or fantasy football leagues or suicide football pools. all kinds of things thrown into disarray, ashley. thank you. connell? connell: well, speaking of which, i guess, large weddings another thing that have been thrown into disarray. kind of think of the past, right. nobody is doing them these days, not too many of them. we coming up will talk the
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reporter: melissa, lawmakers upset about the power big tech wields over social media, over privacy, over competition. the ceos of twitter, alphabet, google's parent company and facebook will be compelled to testify in front of the senate commerce committee. jack dorsey, sundar pichai, mark zuckerberg declined an invitation to testify before the senate commerce committee. both republicans and democrats voted to issue the subpoenas. >> but it should speak volumes that every member of this committee just voted to issue these subpoenas. big tech are the robber-barons of the 21st century. reporter: republican senators on the committee voted over privacy concerns but also censorship of conservative media has them upset. also they the possibility of changing section 230, that gives social media companies immunity from prosecution. democrats concerned with privacy
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as well but also the monopolistic power of big tech companies. here is the arguments from both sides. listen. >> following repeated and consistent reports of political bias and the suppression of certain viewpoints, i fear that section 2 '30s sweeping liability protections for big tech are stifling a true diversity of political discourse on internet. >> issue of privacy and media domination by the platforms when they put their foot on the throats of local news media is also an issue. reporter: no hearing has been set, melissa. some senators want it before the election. some want it after. back to you. >> very interesting, edward. connell. connell: last-ditch efforts to salvage those coronavirus relief talks. the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, treasury secretary steve mnuchin, expected to speak for a second time today. here to discuss all this with us is the republican congressman fred keller from the state of
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pennsylvania. not sure, congressman, what's going on here. we had a report on earlier whether there is a head fake or a chance something gets done before the election. what odds would you put on a deal actually getting done? >> if the speaker wants to come forth to put meaningful proposals forward that will help small businesses american families, i think it can be done because the president and republicans are ready to do it. connell: priority for you or priority kind of one and two for you are what? you need x and y to be in this bill, what is the most important component for your constituents? >> well a lot of the small businesses need liability protection as well as our schools and some other organizations. so liability protection would be one thing. the other thing would be forgiveness of loans less than $150,000, making sure there is certainty with that. it is an easy application. it doesn't require a lot of records and things to being done by our small businesses, much of whom are family-owned businesses. connell: what about the money, the overall dollar figure?
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seems like the white house is going a little further than senate republicans would. on your side the house is controlled already by democrats. so the democrats will push for more money overall. should republicans maybe give in a little? do you think hold the ground in terms of the spending on that, that big overall trillion, trillions of dollars that we're talking about? >> i think there is some room to have discussion but not where the speaker is. the speaker just took her 3 trillion-dollar bill, repackaged it now around $2.2 trillion. some of the things she has in it, she has to come to the table not give being stimulus payments to illegal aliens and do some things really not directly related to providing covid relief to american small businesses and families. connell: all right. we'll see what happens with that. let me switch gears, congressman, here a little bit. talk about your state in the presidential race and the elections for congress if i can for a little, a few minutes.
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we'll bring up the poll in pennsylvania between president trump and joe biden. whatever poll it is, this being a recent one from likely voters, "new york times" sienna, biden has been consistently leading. happens to be up nine in this poll t could be seven or five. the average all the polls together it is five or six points, a consistent biden lead. what does the president have to do to turn it around here in the next month? >> i think the president needs to continue what he is doing all along and republicans. with message of how great americans are and the fact that under his leadership we dealt the greatest economy the world's ever seen. the things that the president wants to do, to continue to renew, rebuild and restore our nation sneads to happen versus the message of the former vice president which is dismantle and destroy the greatest economy the world's ever seen. the former vice president is, doesn't even know where he is on natural gas and energy things, that are so important to the commonwealth of pennsylvania.
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the president has a proven track record. that is really what is on the ballot here. the record of president trump over the last, less than four years, of great accomplishments believing in the american people. half a century of the former vice president where he thinks washington, d.c., politicians know better than the people that go up and work ever day in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. connell: i think you're right in the focus on the economy works for the president. we see that in all the numbers, when we ask about issues. that is his best issue. at the debate do you think he hurt himself and hurt republicans down the ballot by not focusing on that? instead going after vice president biden aggressively, interrupting, you think the president hurt his cause and hurt cause of republicans? >> i hate to be a monday morning quarterback. the thing i would say to the president, he has a great solid record when it comes to everyone in america. and everyone in pennsylvania. that is, that he cares about us. he wants to make sure the jobs come back to america, that we're
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energy independent for national security. we can all live the american dream and that is the message that the president has to put out there. that is what he has done, that is what is going to happen again. connell: we'll all be watching pennsylvania so closely of course now between the 3rd of november and keep in touch on stimulus talks. congressman, thanks for coming on. melissa. >> thank you, connell. melissa: no cruise ships will be sailing in u.s. waters for at least another month. the cdc extending its no-sail order through the end of october, far earlier than the agency's original proposal that cruise ships should be docked at least until february. all these backstories? i got help from a pro. my financial professional explained to me all the ways nationwide can help protect financial futures in peytonville. nationwide can help the greens get lifetime income because their son kyle is moving back home and could help set up a financial plan for mrs. garcia. and he explained how nationwide can help mr. paisley
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♪. melissa: social distancing from your wedding guests. the covid-19 pandemic has forced many couples to rethink their long guest lists and extravagant wedding plans. one online company is capitalizing on this trend. here now is jenesa white, cofounder of simply eloped. there is a lot of very good reasons to elope rather than having the giant wedding. do you really think that people are choosing to do this rather than waiting for their big
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wedding? if you have your heart set on a big wedding don't they just want to wait for that? >> i think people for all sorts of reasons elope but i definitely think you touched on one of them. a large wedding is not very realistic right now with cdc group guidelines on gatherings. we're seeing a lot of people elope now and have a large wedding later. that is definitely an option. some people didn't realize how much they would love eloping and choosing option for the large wedding for cost purposes and time purposes. melissa: it is so romantic, so intimate. it looks beautiful. do you need a company to help you plan that though? in my mind, eloping is, you pick a place, maybe it's a resort sort of go do it. what do i get like getting a service like yours to help me? >> i think there are different ways to go about eloping but planning a destination elopement, somewhere you don't live can be very challenging.
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finding vendors you can really connect with. finding a venue affordable available, kind of like what have in mind. process for applying a permit in rocky mountain national park can be complicated, you have to have insurance. we simplify the entire process. we're set up in 31 destinations around the nation. a whole variety from hawaii to mountains of colorado. we do everything. officiant, permit, advise you how to get the marriage license to make it legal in that state. from a to z, make it super simple. you can plan the whole thing in less than an hour. melissa: we're a business channel. i'm fascinated by the business of this. i can imagine the different vendors engage give you a percentage much their fee which makes sense. they have to be hurting for business right nows. as the bride and groom, do i save money? will you get me a deal? is it about convenience?
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how much does it cost for me to go through the service as opposed to doing things on my own? >> you would be shocked. our average package $900. that includes the officiant and one hour of photography. we negotiate with vendors. take care of all the market, business development, ghosted leads. we essentially build that in. you would be shocked our prices are really affordable, i would say more often than not, a person will not find anything cheaper if they are planning on their own. melissa: sounds fantastic. is there a lot of competition in the space? a lot of people ripping off your idea? >> we have definitely seen some newcomers ever since covid hit, especially only thing that vend use and vendors can do at this point. there are a couple key players doing nationwide, you know, like launching of markets, generally like locals that have already been doing this for a long time. we don't see a ton of competition in terms of like the packages and obviously we're in
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more destinations than any company, 31 around the nation. that's a lot. we also see it as a good thing. i think eloping had a stigma a long time. now it is only option, we're seeing the stigma lifted. rising tide lifts all ships. we're happy people are able to provide services. we're happy that people are able to get married. melissa: just out of curiosity, if someone elopes do they also go on a honeymoon? that would be great. that would be a two-fer. or generally where they are? how does that work? >> we have different advice for different people. more often or not, 89% what we do are destination ceremonies. they are going somewhere they don't live. they're kind of folding the whole thing in. they're going to san diego. going to disneyland. going to the ocean. they're doing all sorts of activities around the trip. the elopement is kind of the highlight. melissa: jenessa white. it sounds fantastic.
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i might marry my husband for second time. >> we do vow renewals. melissa: i love it as a vacation. connell, back to you. connell: that is a plan. very nice. that is a good story. this next one is a good story as well. the mall of america out in minnesota it is opening up. the idea is to open small businesses. many small businesses in the area were devastated by the riots. grady trimble is there for us. he has all the details for us coming up next
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mall of america, but the mall decided to transform it, and now they've donated it to 16 local businesses who are here rent-free, and all of these businesses have been impacted by the pandemic or the unrest following the death of george floyd in minneapolis. and in some cases, both. brandon barnes is one of those business owners. we've been talking a lot today, brandon. first, talk me through what happened last may. you didn't have a store at the time, but a lot of your friends did, and they were selling your product, so you lost a ton of inventory. >> yeah. i was thankful to have an opportunity to have those resources. seeing the destruction physically, it was really intense. not only myself, but to see thousands of dollars of products that were totally ruined brought some intense empathy and a butch of feeling -- bunch of feelings. >> reporter: and you're just a young entrepreneur trying to build a business, and for this to happen, i would imagine, you didn't know where you were going
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to turn next. >> yeah. everything came to a complete halt. didn't know what to do, was wondering if i would have any resources or outlet, you know, soon. none of that looked like it was promising, so having this opportunity now being able to rebuild and remerge is just fantastic. >> reporter: it's a second chance for your business and for all of the 15 other businesses here. what does this mean for you after -- you've had a day now, it just opened today, the community commons, but what's it been like so far? >> i've been seeing a lot of smiles, i've been seeing a9 lot of end encounters, people have been socializing, a lot of happy feelings from what i've experienced and seen during last may. a lot of bad exchanges. >> reporter: a good turn-around. and, connell, the community commons will be open until at least next spring, possibly an idea that other malls could adopt to help small businesses. connell: maybe.
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i wonder if they'll keep it going longer than that. as you say, that retail space wasn't being used at the time. melissa: great idea with. connell: grady trimble, mall of america in minnesota. we thank you. it is a great idea. we'll see you tomorrow. it's "lou dobbs tonight" that starts right now. have a great night. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the washington swamp is in a full panic. they are frantically trying to stop americans from learning more about the corrupt, treasonous plot by the radical dems and the deep state to overthrow the presidency of donald trump. recently declassified intelligence reveals intel agencies, hillary clinton launched the phony trump-russia collusion farce in july of 2016. and now the federalist's sean davis is revealing the cia
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