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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 20, 2020 9:00am-12:00pm EDT

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especially among republicans and conservatives in government and i think that's going to be a problem for them because those would have been natural defenders in the past. i don't see that happening now. maria: all right, dagen mcdowell, brian brenberg, great to be with you this morning. have a great day. seize the day, everybody. varney & company, stu, take it away. >> i will seize it. good morning, everyone. speaker pelosi says the gap is narrowing between the two sides in the stimulus talks and secretary mnuchin says the president will lean on reluctant republicans if an agreement is reached. just moments ago the president said he would be willing to go higher than pelosi's $2.2 trillion plan. investors seem optimistic. the dow after a 400-point drop yesterday bouncing back this morning with approximately 100-point gain, s&p, nasdaq also
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bouncing back a little. remember, please, this is how we started out monday. it ended badly. all right, walk into a super market just about anywhere in the world and several aisles will be dominated by proctor&gamble. here is the news. they are doing very well. profit is up, revenue is up, outlook outbeat and p&j, one more example of companies turning in strong financial results and the stock is up. on the campaign trail, joe biden stays home. no media appearances for 4 days. how convenient. he's safe from pesty reporter questions and gaffes and fatigue. he's preparing for thursday's debate and for the rules for that debate have changed. they'll be a mute button to kill mike -- mic of candidate if he he running over time.
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so keeping it out of the debate is in my opinion a form of bias against trump. another development, in pennsylvania, the supreme court says they can keep counting mail-in ballots for 3 days after election day. that means the delayed result in a swing state, dispute guarantied. i don't think that's good. president trump goes there today. kayleigh mcenany will surely have something to say about that. she's on the show so is florida republican rick scott, real estate there taking off and what happens if biden wins? by the way, we will also show the iphone 12 and all that it can do. as we said the president goes to pennsylvania today and varney & company is about to begin. ♪ ♪ note
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stuart: i like it. upbeat and positive and president trump, well, he was on "fox & friends" moments ago. listen to what he said about thursday's debates, roll it. >> well, i think the whole thing is crazy. i had problems with them 4 years ago where they stifled out my mic during my conversation with crooked hillary. they muted my mic. they did this to me already. actually the interesting thing, they said if you let him thought he will lose train of thought because he's gonzo. there are people out there that could be neutral. walker cannot be neutral at all. stuart: coming up in the top of the next hour you will get my take on precisely what the president was just saying. on the world of money another big day of earnings report.
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two big names. what do we have? susan: p&j reported better earnings, better than initially expected raising sales outlook for the rest of the year and profit bottom line as well. home cleaning products like mr. clean are cleaning well. we have insurance providers travelers better than forecast, strong reporting period so far for corporate america and we are talking about 80% of the companies doing much better than anticipated. stuart: very strong earning season. susan: high bars. highest mates. stuart: ubs, we didn't cover it yet but we will. the profit just about doubled. susan: doing better than wall street which is surprising. stuart: i like this. i like good news on profits, always did. thank you, susan. bring in market watcher mike murphy. mike, i know you think stocks are going to go up, maybe to new highs, what are you buying now
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or are you waiting until after the election? i want to know are you buying anything now and what is it? mike: we are putting money to work right now in disney and also in wal-mart. we are looking for any pullback in big tech because that's the sector -- that's a trade that's kept on giving, you get pullback and big tech where there's growth and you can put money to work there but i think it's very important, stuart, to point out that as professionals we are receiving money on a monthly basis and allocating money on a monthly basis. biggest risk for viewers at home is say, i want to pull out of the market because of the election as if some point they will get a knock on the door and say now it's time to get back in. the biggest risk is panicking and selling out. you can trade but the biggest mistake you can make is trying to sell and tieing the market around an election or any other event for that matter. stuart: well, i was thinking
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about selling. i guess you're telling me that i'm doing the wrong thing. if i were to sell now -- hold on a moment, if i were to sell now, i would pay capital gain's taxes, i made a profit, if i wait and sell next year, i will probably pay much higher rate if biden wins. that's an argument to do a little bit of selling now. mike: possibly, you don't know if taxes would be approved next year. i think that's a big leap there but also not -- sometimes people will sell a winner like say a microsoft and like for something like a boeing. [laughter] mike: if you have something that's working, i wouldn't sell it just because taxes may two up. stuart: 15 love to you, murphy. you're quite about microsoft and boeing. what about uber, i know you hold
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this thing, you held it for a long, long time. are you going to buy anymore? micheal: absolutely. uber about a week and a half ago was looking great up around 37, $38 a share and since pulled back now to 33, 34-dollar range. absolutely. last week, stuart, uber came out with a release around their out of home advertising so they were -- they talked about expanding car top advertising on all of their cars out in the united states and international into 20 markets in the short-term. this is one of the major ways that uber is going to be able to continue to generate more profit from the 106 or 108 million unique users that are going there every single month. so uber is a company that i still believe, we own it and i buy it at pullback, only 40 or 50 or 60. stuart: got it, mike murphy, thank you very much, indeed.
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always good. now what the big issue was stimulus. what do you have to say? >> i thought the price tag was probably the most interesting part when he said you can two above nancy pelosi and the democrats are proposing. >> but i want to do it even bigger than democrats because this is money going to people that did not deserve what happened to them coming out of china. we will see whether or not she changes her mind, but we want to do because people need help and they should get help. susan: democrats and nancy pelosi are pushing $2.2 trillion bill. don't forget that she and treasury secretary mnuchin made progress they said in stimulus talks yesterday and they'll speak again later on today, but, look, we have deadline, why don't we have a deal already. is this because senate republicans are blocking because
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we can't blow out the budget and we only want skinny bill. i wonder what's the delay is? stuart: i think it's politics and who gets the credit. both sides are going to say, look what we did for you, this is us. both sides want to take the credit. they are going to position themselves to get something tone and take the credit themselves, that's a very difficult -- susan: how much is unemployment benefits and stimulus checks? stuart: two sticks points and that would be aid to badly-run democrat states and also liability for companies which bring people back to work. that's a sticking point. those two are big sticking points. they don't have a deal at this point involving these two things. susan: it's not the gop way to blow out the budget as well. that's all i'm saying. stuart: we have john borrasso on the next hour. we will see. susan, good stuff, thank you.
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check futures again, please, because we are going up. remember, we are we are a long way down yesterday, this is a modest bounce from yesterday's big losses. studies show biden's tax plan could create a tax rate as high as 62% in california, 60% in new jersey, 58% in new york. would you stick around for that? we have more on it coming up for you. peaking of democrat states, governor newsom, california, cuomo, new york, they would not allow any distribution of a vaccine unless it passes their own independent review. watch this. >> governor: this vaccine plan will move by trust. stuart: to me that's an entirely political situation and political position to take. we are going to cover it for you next. we will be back.
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stuart: there's news on vaccines. well, this is important news. it comes from moderna. susan: they could get emergency authorization for covid vacseen as early as december similar to pfizer timeline. pfizer said that emergency use could be authorized by late november in their case. so they are just weeks apart. moderna says the emergency authorization is only possible, though, if they can get positive results in november from large clinical trial underway and also why government authorization probably won't happen for
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everybody until early next year, for everybody, that's for everybody, provide 100 million doses or so for vaccine use in the u.s. and if you factor benefits of moderna, the ceo says it comes to $25 a doze for vacseen. stuart: subsidizing from the government, from the taxpayer essentially. they will get it soon. susan: yeah. stuart: more on the virus i -- especially from europe. covid cases are on the rise. ashley, can you tell us -- which country is restricting in what way? ashley: a lot of countries with restrictions. in belgium, all bars and restaurants closed for 4 weeks. the country says it could soon be overwhelmed by, quote, a tsunami of new infections. italy is introducing a lot more new restrictions including potential curfews, limiting
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public gatherings and online learning now for older students. the czech republic which has the highest infection rate on the continent is now considering a full national lockdown. in germany new infections have hit record this past weekend, now the federal government is investing close to $500 million to improve ventilation systems in public buildings. poland is opening up a field hospital, national stadium as new infections risen to 10,000 a day. the country of whales announced a short-sharp two-week national lockdown beginning friday, starting tomorrow night and for the next 6 weeks the republic of ireland is asking people to basically stay at home, those who can work from home, must do. also nonessential businesses are to close and virus deaths at 3-month high in hardest-hit areas, travel penalties and
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westminster wants to go to tier 3, severe restrictions, manchester says not until you give us money for workers who will be affected. some internal strife in england as well, stu. stuart: massive new restrictions across the continent. that's something else. we need an expert and we have got one. infectious disease expert dr. matt mccarthy. to -- do lockdowns work? doctor: we will find out which lockdown works best. it's a circuit breaker lockdown. what that means rather than doing the open-ended lockdowns which they know no one has appetite for, we will do the very specific timed out lockdown where instead letting the vaccine play out, we are going to do a two-week short lockdown and see what happens. that's the term that i want your
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viewers to be familiar with which is a circuit breaker lockdown. that's what's heading into europe and maybe coming to parts of the united states. i hope not but we know there's no appetite for open-ended lockdowns anymore. do they work, we will find out. they absolutely were necessary in certain parts of the united states back in the spring. in new york city you ask any doctor who practices medicine whether a locktown was necessary, it absolutely was. the hospitals were overrun and we didn't have the testing capacity to determine whether lockdowns were necessary all over the country, so in some ways over aggressive with shutting things down. that won't happen again here. stuart: got it. governor an true cuomo, new york, gavin newsom in california are both casting down on a vaccine. listen to this. >> this vaccine plan will move at speed of trust, confidence that we are not rushing for judgment.
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>> we are going to put together our own group of doctors and medical experts to review the vaccine and if they say it's safe, then i will go to the people of new york and i will say it's safe. the cdc, george, and the fda doesn't have any credibility. stuart: doctor, do you think there needs to be an independent panel separate from the feds to investigate a vaccine? doctor: let's talk about why this is happening. i came on your show in february, the cdc has -- does not work, this is going to be a disaster and it was. the cdc also didn't recommend masks throughout the month of march, so they burned a lot of credibility with the general populist. the fda hasn't provided emergency use authorization for drugs that we now don't work and test that is don't work and perhaps worst of all back in august the head of the fda stood at a podium and look intoed the eyes of the camera and american
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people and said we we have a breakthrough treatment which decreases deaths by 35% and that wasn't true. and i can tell you as i was watching the press conference either this guy is getting manipulated or he doesn't know how to read the data and that really put things back in terms of public trust, so now what you see are the public confidence is dropping in a vaccine, it's 50% or less. so the states are going to have a huge investment to actually get people vaccinated. so we are talking about moderna and pfizer, those vaccines have to be stored at sub zero temperatures, multiple dosages, they are talking about potentially rolling out the national guard to get this right. so, yeah, i can understand why they want to have an independent group do a check on the fda. it's an unfortunate reality but i don't blame the governors at all. i can tell you before i recommend vaccine to patients i
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will be taking a look as well. stuart: let's talk masks. twitter removed scott atlas because he questioned masks. is the science settled on masks? doctor: let me be very clear on this. i support the use of masks. i recommend masks to everyone, but i saw dr. atlas tweet and it made me smile because he put -- he put out the comment, hey, these things don't work and i saw this as a great opportunity to discuss what we know and don't know about masks because there's still a lot that we don't know. the part that was concerning to me is that the second part of his tweet was using outdated information. it was stuff that we have known isn't true for months and so i thought to myself, you know, i hope this guy who has got the president's ear is using better information to counter the evidence on masks than this. the truth is we don't have a randomized control trial yet.
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the truth is we don't know exactly how masks work if you don't wear them properly, if you wear a gator, if you don't wear eye shields, if you don't stay 6 feet apart from people. there's wonderful robust inquiry trying to figure out exactly how masks work and there's a fine line between misinformation and minority opinion. i did not think they should be removing the minority opinion when we don't know the answer. stuart: fair enough. doctor, thanks for joining us. objective opinion, we like it. thanks very much, indeed, we will see you soon. look at the market, modest bounce-back from yesterday's losses. up about a 100 on the dow. we will be back after this. ♪ ♪
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through some of the good things that this -- the 12 has, what do you think is the best and most improved feature on the 12? >> i would say for people who have older iphones the most important features has to be 5g, you want a phone that's future proved. if you're going to invest a thousand dollars or $600 on a new phone, you want to make sure it's going to tap into the fastest networks, the iphone 12 and iphone 12 pro supports any network that's rolling out 5g right now and if you want the fastest speeds the iphone 12 is what to get. i prefer the pro over the regular 12 for other reasons including the camera. you will get 5g on both. stuart: 1 to 10, 10 knockout winner, what is the 12 according to you? >> sure, our review just went live and we gave it an 8 out of 10 and we loved the cameras, we loved the 5g, new ceramic shield
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that's built to make it more drop resistant. the reason we didn't give it perfect score is you only get 60 gigs of storage, android phones have twice as much. a stepback in terms of the rating. the iphone 12pro we gave 9 out of 10 because you get 3 cameras including one for optical zoom, there's also a sensor built in, basically helps with auto focus and also helps with portrait at night. the night mode on the cameras is unbelievable to the point where you are not sure that you took the photo at night. and i also just love the video recording on this. you get 700 million colors when you're recording video and it's the first phone in the world that records vision. for the cameras, i love the phone, 9 out of 10. the only strike against it is
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the battery life. when you're on 5g, we see an hour or -- hour and a half difference on 5g versus 4g. that's the trade-offs. stuart: gives the pro9 out of 10. thank you very much, indeed. let me turn to wall street. we are trading has now begun. we are off and running, we are on the green, in the green i should say. up 93 points for the dow right from the get-go. that's one-third of 1%. look at the level, please. 28,280, almost 28,300. dow is up about a third of 1%. the s&p 500 on the upside as well by almost a half percentage point and the nasdaq, where is that? it's up a half percentage point. show me big tech. i'm bret sure that's universally up across the board except for google which is town a tinny fraction. the department of justice has filed antitrust lawsuit against google, this is a long-running story. we've heard it before.
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the wall street journal says they are about to file the complaint. other than that, big tech up this morning. all right, check the vaccine makers, please, we have news earlier on moderna and that is up this morning, regeneron just town ever so slightly. the two front runners in vaccines, pfizer, moderna, both of them up some more today. kodak, remember them, there's news on kodak and i want to know what it is, ashley? ashley: nothing to do with photographs. in late july the trump administration announced a deal that kodak produce ingredients for generic drugs including antimalaria drug hcq which the president touted as treatment for covid. the agreement 765 million-dollar federal government loan. the journal reported that the plan was spear-headed by peter
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navarro who wanted to loosen drugs made elsewhere china and india. the loan was put on hold and the sec began an internal review in how the financing was disclosed and it's frankly unclear right now where that probe stands, but easement says it conducted its own investigation and found it broke no laws and the ceo says kodak will continue making drug ingredients whether it receives the government loans or not. it's hard to think of kodak as ingredient maker. stuart: thanks, ash. netflix and snap, both reporting earnings later after the bell. i hate to place the question -- susan: i will answer it without
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you asking it. analysts are bullish. we had goldman sachs calling street high, 670, new subscribers the key for netflix, pretty conservative i would say after a record 26 million new subscribers and sign-ups in the first half of this year. we are looking for possibly anounment on price increases, wall street has been anticipating this and netflix tends to move 4 and a half percent each way after earnings and all depends on subscriber numbers and how much they guide forward as well. snap is another one to watch. raising price target. expectations are pretty high for snap going into report card. how many daily active users, new ones the snap adds. people say 6 million, on top of 238 million at the end of june. stuart: i think netflix is running away from streaming wars
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maybe because i use it. susan: let's look at disney. stuart: netflix has got the content. you have news on ibm. the stock is town, i think. susan: big. 5%. it was a better forecast, better earnings than anticipated but it's a third straight quarter in a row of falling sales, in fact, they are pulling their guidance for the year. these are not bullish signs by the way and over the past 10 years it went back, you've only seen 5 to 6 quarters of growing sales and that's not a good sign for big blue for some say it's stayed operations. we know they are splitting off and spinning off infrastructure services and keeping cloud business. stuart: stock is town 5%. -- down 5%. not exactly a comeback story for ibm. look at apple, we got a preview of iphone 12. 9 out of 10.
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the other new model he gave an 8 out of 10 but my question is who is buying it? susan: china is key because 5g is made for chinese markets because all 5g phones are sold in china, three quarters. china has nationwide 5g where in the u.s. it's spotty and only big cities as of now and one chinese e-commerce site, nearly 30% of the iphones preordered are iphone 12 while more than a quarter are iphone 12 pro models. remember the pro macs were ship ped and also one of the most highly regarded apple analysts predicts 2 million iphone units have been sold in first 24 hours. higher than iphone 11 last year. stuart: that's worldwide.
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susan: yes, yes. 2 million is all of china. stuart: 2 million at a thousand bucks a pop if they do -- susan: they do. stuart: $2 billion, i believe. i think i have one more for you and that's general motors. another new investment in electric cars. susan: we are expecting to hear the gm is bedding big on plug-in cars, factory to produce electric cars including the fully electric cadillac according to bloomberg reporting. investment is more than a billion dollars, no new jobs which is disappointing but significant. means that gm will have 3 plants building electric cars as it shifts to battery power. we know that gm is trying to keep up with tesla. gm investing $20 billion to make electric new -- new electric models to the year 2025. stuart: maybe it's all over for the internal combustion engine.
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susan: the steam engine is over, the revolution? stuart: thank you, susan. a new study and it says, gun sales have skyrocketed since the pandemic in one to have bluest states in the country. which one, ash? ashley: yeah, california. a study of the university of california davis shows nearly half of more than 100,000 californians who have bought a gun since mid-march are first-time gun owners. 47,000 of the 110,000 people who purchased a firearm since widespread state lockdowns began in march had never bought a gun before. now, this is interesting. researchers say this most common reason given was worried about lawlessness followed worried about prisoner releases. the federal government going too far, sounds like california, does it not, government collapse and gun stores closing. now it's a trend being reported across the country, a record
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number of gun purchases with first-time gun owners making up 40% of all those sales. there's now by the way a national backlog in demand for ammunition. one final note and here is the irony in all of this, many new gun owners in blue states especially california are reportedly shocked at the amount of regulations and paperwork required to buy a firearm. ha, ha. stuart: that's a good one. great stuff. ashley: sure. stuart: watch this. >> this lid, you know what a lid is? he has a lid. it's 8:00 o'clock in the morning. that means you're out for the day. the fake news media can go home. we will put a lid on it and every day early in the morning they say joe, meaning joe biden, sleepy joe has put a lid on it.
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stuart: joe biden is currently in the middle of a lid. started sunday and won't come off until the debate thursday night and we are only 14 days from the election and he's back at his basement. good lord. rapper 50 cent says he's voting for president trump after seeing joe biden's proposed tax plan. we've got that story coming up for you. you've got to keep it right here on varney. ♪ ♪ i had saved up some money and then found the home of my dreams. but my home of my dreams needed some work sofi was the first lender that even offered a personal loan. i didn't even know that was an option.
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the personal loan let us renovate our single family house into a multi-unit home. and i get to live in this beautiful house with this beautiful kitchen and it's all thanks to sofi.
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stuart: microsoft is teaming up with spacex, is stock is up, what are they doing? susan: microsoft providing cloud computing. and then they are going to use spacex as orbit in higher altitude satellite and government space businesses and this comes 3 months after cloud
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competitor amazon web services says it's also getting into space. that would be interesting. you know some analysts have predicted overall revenue from space cloud computing can total $15 billion by the end of the decade at least several times higher from the current level that is we are seeing right now. microsoft team-up seen as united front against amazon. you know elon musk is competing against amazon when it comes to space, electric cars, microsoft all in cloud computing. stuart: isn't this great, major american technology company accumulating massive amounts of capital and using it for futuristic industries like space. what's wrong with that? susan: there's nothing wrong with it. i love competition because that brings better service. stuart: agreement across the 6 feet dividing line. i'm glad you agree with me. tsa numbers, 921,000 passengers past checkpoint yesterday, remember, well over a million who passed tsa checkpoint on
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sunday, first time we have seen that since march. look who is here tsa administrator david, david, welcome to the show, great to see you. will you tell our viewers where you are seeing the biggest increases in tsa checks? david: no, thank you, good to be on the show. we are seeing the biggest increases across the sun belt. you look at the state of colorado, florida, arizona, texas. those are the greatest increases. to give you an example ft. lauderdale airport, 52% recovered compared to the same day of the week last year. tampa, 52%. denver, colorado 56%. so it's been a good steady recovery since august and it's really good to see, you know, breaking the 1 million passenger threshold first time since st. patrick's day and compared to the lowest day of travel during the pandemic which was the 14th of april, that was
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86,000 passengers. 4% recovery to 40% is good. stuart: does the increase in airline travel, tsa checks match the opening up of various economies? you said the sun belt in particular shows a lot of gains in travel and they have opened up more than others, is there a match between opening up and increase travel? >> there is and there's also a match between leisure travel in these destinations. higher portion of leisure travel. looking at the destinations confirms that. stuart: how do you know they are leisure travels? david: a couple of things. generally may not be members of trusted traveler programs, for example, we look at the data, we get information from the airlines, they can determine whether a passenger is leisure traveler or business traveler and looking at the carriers that they are flying on and more
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travelers flying on ultra low cost carriers than others. that leads us to believe that the proportion of leisure travelers is higher now than it was last year at this time. stuart: now the amount of travel passing through tsa checkpoints is about less than half of what it was this time last year. all of you guys at tsa getting paid in full? david: yes, everybody is getting paid in full. we have furloughed not a single employee and don't have any plans to do that. what we've been able to do and is important in recovery we put more officers to work in checkpoint and so what travelers will see if they haven't traveled since march and they come to tsa checkpoint through the airport, they will see first and foremost, they'll see our officers wearing personal protective equipment. they'll have face shields and have masks and gloves on. the second thing they'll see is they won't see a line because we are i think to everything we can to make sure that we use all of the available capacity in the
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checkpoints so people don't cue up. because of the cue up, they won't be able to social distance. stuart: david, we are so glad to have you on the program. please, don't be a stranger, come back soon with more good news. david, tsa guy, thanks for joining us. david david appreciate it. stuart: threatening to move computer service out of new jersey, it has to be because of tax. susan: electronic trade via data server. tested a transition out of new jersey so this is not a threat, new jersey is so financially damaged, you know this, financially damaged by the pandemic that it's now borrowing 4 and a half million dollars to plug a budget gap and considering charging temporary tax of 100th cent portrayed which is actually less from
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their initial proposal of a quarter cent levy which was completely unpopular. taxing financial transactions has support from the governor phil murphy which is ironic given that he was goldman sachs executive and also democrat. stuart: multimillionaire and wants to stick wealthy people with massive tax increases to stop strivers get to go where he is now. susan: raise 500 million. stuart: the producers are telling me you have to move on before i explode my head. no foreign policy discussion, moderator with democrat ties, mute button, i'm talking about thursday's presidential debate. it's stacked against the president. i will call it out clear bias. white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany is calling out big-tech bias. >> let me tell you this, guys, with your help we can beat social media and we can beat the media because we have the greatest fighter in the history
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of the country in president donald j trump. stuart: that's the president press secretary giving a speech. she will join us in that story and we will be back with more. ♪ ♪ (vo) i'm a verizon engineer and today, we're turning on 5g across the country. with the coverage of 5g nationwide. and, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. the fastest 5g in the world. it will change your phone
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and how businesses do everything. i'm proud, because we didn't build it the easy way, we built it right. this is the 5g america's been waiting for. only from verizon.
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stuart: do you realize that we are precisely 2 weeks from the election and we do talk a lot on this program of what a biden win would mean for the stock market. let's bring in steve. short length of time here. if biden wins, you say the stock market goes down, make your case. >> good morning, thank you for having me. if joe biden wins the presidency the following reasons, i believe if you look at corporate tax structure, 21%, i think that joe biden has stated that he would raise taxes to 28%, under the prior administration we were at 30% and president trump took it down to 21% and looking at individual taxes. they are talking about raising
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taxes on individuals that make over 400,000 and who knows if that could be lower to a lower denomination. also if you look at what just came out recently, potentially 80% of the american household could be taxed at $6,500 for initiatives such as energy and health care. in my 37 years in the industry, i know two things that are certain, the markets does not like uncertainty and the market loves economic growth and i think under president biden, i think growth will be strangled. stuart: okay, last one. give me 30 seconds. what happens if trump wins, what is the market doing if trump wins? >> i think the market blows right through 30,000 and significant all-time highs and i think that you will have an economic boom in this economy and i think that it'll be great for investors and for the overall economy. stuart: well, your opinion, sir, is welcomed on the program. we love to hear stuff like that. you can come back any time you like and i will give you a lot more time next time as well.
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sir, steve, thanks for joining, we really do appreciate it. thanks very much. >> thank you, stuart. thank you. stuart: we are just getting started tuesday morning. still ahead kayleigh mcenany, brian kilmeade, first, though, foreign policy excluded from the debate, can you believe? i say this reveals bias from the moderator. we will take that apart next . .
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stuart: the decision to leave foreign policy off the table in thursday's debate is a clear example of bias. the moderator, kristen welker, made that decision. it is a deliberate attempt to shield their candidate, joe biden, and i say their candidate because welker, nbc, and the rest of the media is clearly all-in for joe. they hate trump and it shows. so they keep biden out of danger. the media doesn't want you to know that biden has a hopeless foreign policy history, hopeless t was the obama-biden team that brought us the iran nuke deal. and sent them a plainload of cash to get that deal.
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they then turned a blind eye when the syrians gassed their own people. they actually helped create isis. there was the paris climate accord, remember that one? we jumped carbon cutting hoops while china was allowed to do what it likes for the next 10 years. who coforget china itself. the obama-biden team constantly caved to them allowing them to steal our technology and suck up our jobs and money. hunter biden taking millions from china when his dad was vice president. no wonder nbc wants to steer clear questions about that hot mess. in contrast, big contrast, president trauma canceled the disasterous nuke deal and killed iran's terrorist chief. i would call that a foreign policy win. mr. trump walked away from the paris climate accord. we already cut emissions more than any other industrial country. he has confronted china with their suppression of hong kong, their threats to taiwan.
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he didn't cave. last but definitely not least, it is president trump who brought two arab states to the peace table with israel. that is a stellar foreign policy record. and that's why kristen weller didn't include it's a topic worthy of discussion at the debate. what we're looking at here an organized attempt to put the left's thumb on the scales. it is actually a denial of free speech and free debate. hopeless bias. i hope the president doesn't let them get away with it. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. president trump: this was supposed to be a foreign policy debate and now all of sudden we're talking about things that are not foreign policy and frankly it was a change that they made that was far bigger than the mute button frankly but they made a change and it shouldn't have happened.
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stuart: well you heard it, the president ask not happy that foreign policy not part of the debate topics. he was on "fox & friends" early this morning. you will hear more from that interview throughout the show. just over 30 minutes into the trading session, the market going up some more. a gain of 224 points. that is .8%. they have 25 of the dow 30 on the upside gaining ground. it is a rally this tuesday morning. let's get to our straight to kayleigh mcenany, white house press secretary. first off the supreme court allowing pennsylvania to count mail-in ballots received after election day. i think that insures chaos. about you? >> yeah, we think so too. why we argued against it in court. notably we did win on ballot harvesting. so that is a win certainly but, we think that the vote should be counted on election day. that is the way it should be.
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we want a fair, free, vote of the american people accurately encapsulated by the ballot count. stuart: you will not get that in pennsylvania that is a swing state. that is a vital state. in my opinion it interrupts the free flow of a decision in the election. i don't think that is good for anybody. >> yeah i think you're exactly right on that stuart. this mass mailout voting is a huge problem. on top of that when you extend the deadline. we saw what happened in new york when they did this, ballots were not postmarked. they were literally counting ballots coming in after election day. this is chaotic. the american people deserve better than this. stuart: the trump campaigns wants foreign policy as a topic in thursday's debate. at the moment it is not one of the topics in the debate. can the president get it included? >> he will certainly put those points in there. president trump insured that foreign policy would not be a topic in the debate but made middle east peace not once but
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twice. no president ever has done that when you have middle east peace by president trump, you can insure that the media will not talk about it. owe decimated isis. he will bring up the points even if the biased debate commission. stuart: what about the muted mics? the president won't like that. but he will go with it? >> he will go with it. the president want as chance to hold joe biden accountable. the upside of the mute and mics, joe biden will be forced to speak more than 30 seconds he will inevitably walk himself into a few disasters. stuart: caylee kayleigh, i see what you're doing. people tell me they are voting against mr. trump not for joe biden. they don't like the language he uses. he was calling people idiots. though don't want our president
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to speak in that fashion. they oppose his persona. what do you think of that? >> the president is a fighter. a lot of voters around the country will not talk to a pollster but support the president. i was with the president in california, california, not a red state, there were thousands of people, thousands lined on the street. we were gasp at the kind of crowd came out in a blue state. there are hidden trump voters around the country. make no mistake. they might tell a pollster one thing but they will do something much different when they get football lot box. stuart: could you reveal your own internal polls for us? i asked the spokespeople many, many times. they're never prepared to reveal it. i put it to you, kayleigh. it is make-or-break time. you have two weeks into the election. we really want to know if the polls you got are really showing a trump win? >> i appreciate the effort, stuart. as a member of the media for you to ask that question but we can't give our playbook away to the democrats. i will say this what your own bret baier said at the fox, that
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the polls today are closer than they were in 2016. we all know what happened in on election night in 2016. i will never forget where i sitting at biased fake news network of cnn as i watched their faces melt as president trump became the next president. stuart: do you think it is now or never? only two weeks to go? he has to move up now? >> look, he, he is there. he look at bedding odds. they're closing. the president is on his way to victory. we have two weeks. honestly curious and a bit befuddling candidate joe biden is off the campaign trail for five days. the american people deserve better. president trump is in five states over that period. he will travel 6,000 miles by air. joe biden took a few steps to the ice cream shop. stuart: okay. you had covid. you're back out in public. can you keep up? you must be working 24/7? >> it is exhausting following this president i will tell you.
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i got back at 11:30 last night. showed up here at 8:00 p.m. it is exhausting. this president is a fighter. he is more energetic than ever before. here at the white house we're trying to keep up with him. stuart: kayleigh, thanks for coming back to us. see you soon. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: thank you, kayleigh. move on. the mayor of chicago, lori light-foot threatening another lockdown if there is a whole lot more new cases of the virus in chicago. come on in, scott shellady. i would think he is a chicago kind of guy and he is. what happens if chicago locks down again? >> well it is already an utter disaster. she is waking up to the fact when she locks down this economy i know it's a big jump to understand this, lori, you don't have any revenues. so there is no taxes. you have to start making very difficult decisions within your own office. she has been on the radio and television here lamenting the fact this might be the case. but i don't understand. what happens for these lockdowns i have a proposition.
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if these, these elected governors and mayor throw us into lockdowns i believe that they should have their wages and or cut or frozen just like everybody else that has to suffer that will give them a different point of view how long and bad how it hurts. they get to sit there swan about knowing people paying taxes in the short term, the short term, they don't feel the pain the restauranttures or shops down at bottom of this building feel because they can't make anymore more none any who stay home with their children where children are not in their schools and chicago schools saw the biggest out take in 20 years. stuart: my goodness. the mayor has to cut services to get the budget back in shape or impose more tax increases. that is an impossible position to be in, isn't it? >> that is plan b and plan c.
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do you know what plan a is, stuart? stuart: tell me. >> she is at the table and she gone all-in on joe biden pause he will bail her out when she thes in office if he doesn't get in office they have to look at plan b, and plan c, it is too ugly for them to look like. she is almost crying on the at the vision beginning to talk about it. like it is her own kids are being fired. they right now are 100% and i'm sure it is same way with de blasio, all-in for biden because he will save the day. we can't even begin to think about plan b and plan c. stuart: you're absolutely right. that is why speaker pelosi is holding out for a massive bailout of big democrat states with the chicagos and new yorks, and los angeles of this world. that is what they're hoping for. you're absolutely right. they want the taxpayers of florida, missouri, tennessee, elsewhere, oh, bail out these badly-run cities and states. what an outrage, last 10 seconds
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to you, scott. make use of it. >> the world is upside down. there is no more common sense. we've got a candidate running on raising your taxes and in some places that it will be 62 cents on the dollar. how can that be -- i say to this. yes, a lot of wall street device say market will go up next year, maybe it does, it will go a lot higher on one president than one guy that wants to raise taxes 62 cents on the dollar. stuart: that was 21 seconds. we'll give it to you that was pretty good son. you're all right. see you soon. >> see ya. stuart: check the market again. not quite the high of the day but we're up there. we're up 250 points. what do we have, susan? susan: two factors, stimulus and vaccine hopes. president trump this morning on "fox & friends" he is willing to go even higher than the $2.2 trillion nancy pelosi package. house speaker, treasury secretary steve mnuchin will speak again today. making progress yesterday. still we have a pelosi set
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deadline by the end of today to get some sort of deal if you want it before the election. they can keep talking afterwards. vaccine hopes rallying the market. moderna, they have the same timeline as pfizer. emergency authorization by early decent for the covid vaccine. if that is positive. one important stock i want to highlight is google. have you looked at it today? stuart: down a bit. susan: rallying up close to one 1/2%. stuart: wait a minute. "wall street journal" said there would be a antitrust suit leveled against them. susan: that's right. that is what "the wall street journal" is reporting. there will be a department of justice lawsuit today, antitrust when it comes to the dominance in search and also ad tech. now people are thinking, we've been waiting for this, how many months now, since the summer? google has $125 billion in the bank to fight this. it will be a long, simmering dispute as well. stuart: can you imagine $125 billion in the bank right there. thank you, susan.
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the nypd as in the new york police department preparing a mass protest in lead-up to the election. i say this city has real, real problems. you know, they will still vote democrat. we'll talk about it. florida senator rick scott coming up on the real estate boom in his state. plus the president want as big, much, really huge stimulus package. would rick scott vote for it? i will certainly ask. florida shattering its early voting record. more than 350,000 votes already cast. that is on day one of early voting. check out those long lines. you're seeing them on your screen right now. that is florida, jacksonville, monday. varney rolls on after this. ♪.
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stuart: not quite the hide of the day but up there. dow is up 250. nasdaq up 101. nice bounceback from yesterday's major league losses. i will put on screens some video of the first day of in person voting yesterday in florida, long, long lines. ashley, come in to this. records were broken i believe? ashley: they say it could be one for the record books. absolutely stu. some cases they're already in the record books. long lines for voting around the country. show, florida, jacksonville on monday. arizona, texas, alabama, reported breaking its absentee voting record in georgia. georgia set record on first day of early voting. colorado set quote, a bonkers number.
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2400% increase in early voting. that that is a technical term, by the way, bonkers. 350,000 ballots cast in florida during the first day of early voting yesterday. that shatters the opening day record. vote by mail in florida already has seen a massive turnout. more than 2 1/2 million ballots collected. that is ahead of yesterday's first day of early voting. that is more than 20% of the total voter turn out in florida in 2016. more americans are choosing to vote by mail than ever before because of the pandemic. nationally more than 31 million ballots already been cast. you could say there is a lot of interest in this election. stuart: it is bonkers. but that is a technical term as you said, ashley. [laughter] on a related note, kamala harris campaigned in florida yesterday. she played up her jamaican heritage. abc news said that could help
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her attract voters in florida. look who is here. the republican senator from the great state of florida, none other than than senator rick scott. senator, did she draw, did kamala harris, the vice-presidential candidate did she draw a bigger crowd than biden when he was in florida? >> you hear stories like that but neither one of them have a story to tell. floridians like jobs. trump is better on jobs. in florida we don't want to defund the police. democrat parties as we know, they will defund the police. they will not support law enforcement. joe biden was part of the administration that appeased the castro regime and appeased maduro. won't hold xi accountable in china. none of those issues work well in florida. trump will have a win. i'm glad people will get out to vote. i already cast my vote. i did absentee ballot. my wife did absentee ballot. we want to make sure trump has a big win. stuart: i'm familiar with florida real estate.
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i know for a absolute fact -- you're smiling. >> better hurry. stuart: exactly. it is absolutely booming in florida. my question is, supposing biden wins? maybe you should root for biden, because if he does win, the flood to florida is an absolute tsunami. >> when i was elected governor in 2010, people were leaving the state for a few years. we added 1.7 million jobs. by the time i finished. 500,000 before moving to florida, and it used to be continued. used to be you go to florida for the weather. now lower taxes, 49-year-old low in crime rate, u.s. news world report great education system. people come down because it is safe. we believe in capitalism in florida. we're not big socialists in florida, because a lot of people from florida have watched what happened in cuba. what's happen with maduro in in venezuela, ortega in nicaragua.
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we believe in the free market in florida. stuart: let's get serious, mr. senator. earlier today on "fox & friends" the president was talking about a big, and i mean a big new stimulus deal, bigger than speaker pelosi's 2.2 trillion. just watch this for a second, mr. senator, roll tape. >> but i want to do it even bigger than the democrats because this is money going to people that did not deserve what happened to them coming out of china. we want to do it but nancy pelosi doesn't want to do it. we'll see whether or not she changes her mind. but we want to do it because people need help and they should get help. stuart: would you, sir, would you vote for a package bigger than $2.2 trillion? >> but we don't know what is in the package. what is frustrating is pelosi and schumer don't want to do a deal. we passed a bill. we worked all of august, republican senators did. we passed a bill first part of september. we'll do it this week to help people that lost their jobs. let's help the small businesses.
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let's help the get schools open. put more money for testing, vaccine, post office. guess what the? democrats block it. we need to help americans that have gotten hurt. what i will not do, i will not bail out states that don't want to pay for their own pension plans. can't live within their means like cuomo in new york and pritzker and newsom. they want federal government bail ail out all their problems because they can't live within their means. i made sure florida taxpayers didn't see a tax increase. we balanced budget, paid down our debt. florida taxpayers will not pay for california, new york, illinois. stuart: president will quote lean on reluctant senators like yourself. would you be prepared to be leaned on and vote for a big package if that is what the president wants? >> well i've been very clear. let's help the people that lost their jobs. help the small businesses. get the schools open.
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i'm very clear. i will not support florida taxpayers paying for excesses of cuomo and pritzker and newsom in these individuals that don't want to live within their means. florida taxpayers are not doing that. it is not fair that florida taxpayers would pay for the other states that don't want to do the, make the tough choices. you got to make choices. stuart: okay. mr. senator, thanks for joining us. i will put you down in the reluctant column, prepare to be leaned on. you listened but not sure you would ever vote to bail out badly-run democrat states. mr. senator, thanks for joining us as always. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: all right. another check on twitter and facebook. we have new numbers how many times they have censored the president and how many times they have censored joe biden. i have a feeling it is lop sided. >> they are skewed according to one study. doesn't surprise anybody. president trump has been censored by facebook and twitter 65 times since may 2018. presidential candidate nominee
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joe biden has gone completely unchecked according to new study by the media research center. twitter is far and away biggest offender, labeling fact-checking the president's tweets and tweets coming from his campaign accounts. 64 times since the president's election. tweets on mail-in voting, covid and black lives matter. facebook has censored trump five times over same period. this doesn't include recent controversy limiting the recent new york post article on hunter biden. stuart: definitely lopsided. you were right. susan: yes. stuart: big show still to come. yes indeed. brian kilmeade is here. by the way he interviewed president trump on "fox & friends" earlier. lots to go at with him. trump 2020 guy, hogan gidley coming up on the show. actor antonio sabato, jr., hopwood is not happy about him being a trump supporter. how nasty were they too him? we'll find out.
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stuart: we're still up almost 200 points for the dow. we're up 61 on the nasdaq. nice show of green this morning after all the red from yesterday. take a look at moderna please. they're looking december rollout of vaccine if the november trial yields positive results. lockheed martin reported earlier, profits up 10% from a year ago and they fav a rosy forecast for the rest of this year and the rest of 2021. the stock nevertheless is down .37%. proctor & gamble, sales up 9% for the latest quarter. the virus boosted their home care products, no surprises there. they gave an outlook for the rest of this year as well. that is good for the stock up 2%. totally different subject, if you didn't want to go to the
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dentist before the pandemic didn't really help now, did it? people stayed away from the dentist during the pandemic. i think because the dentists were closed. susan: they were closed. 99% of u.s. offices were open through the first week of october. patients are not going back that quickly. patient volume down 20%. compared to precovid levels according to american dental association. the values are changed last couple weeks. maybe we reached a steady state for economic activity. let's extrapolate for this, what does it mean for the dentistty group. the policy institute, biweekly poll be maybe dental spending will fall by a third compared pre-covid that. is tough, don't you think? next year we're looking for a drop of 20%. despite all of that, dentists are hiring believe it or not. i was looking for a surprise look from you. a third of practices are hiring
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for dental assistants. a looking for hygienist is. stuart: i was source h surprised at a thought of you need it, you have toothache. you need this, you need that. go. susan: there are options, do you want to clean teeth three times a year, if you're afraid of catching covid that could be reduced from three times to one time each year. stuart: maybe we changed our habits. i fear of covid, i know that is a cone assistant. maybe we changed our habits. susan: smile direct club outperforming up 26% this year. stuart: you saved the best till last i think. violent protests, residents are fleeing the stitt of seattle. where are they going? they're going to the suburb. that spells big business for my next guest. sterling griffith is ceo of harbor development. you develop suburban areas
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outside the city of seattle. how well are you doing? can you put numbers on this, exodus outside of the city? >> we're doing very well, stuart. the exodus is extreme. in the current market you have literally thousands of seattle ites moving to the suburbs. as a result builders such as myself are well-positioned are able to successfully convert those into purchases. stuart: what kind of houses are you building in the suburbs and what are price points you're going at? >> the price points of houses we build typically build are 450,000 and 650,000. with interest rates at sub-3% it is very attractive. stuart: are you selling all the homes you're building and developing? >> stuart, we can't build homes fast enough. all of our homes that are built and completed are sold. stuart: okay. what are people telling you? they can't stand the city?
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they want out? >> well, it is the urban flight. the fear of the virus. leaving the tense population where you're generally more apt to be contaminated with the virus. so if you move to the suburbs, they're looking for larger homes, more space, yards, access to recreational facilities. it is just, a better living environment. stuart: i think that's true escape from the city all across the country but i want to talk about vacation homes. i believe for demand of vacation homes are soaring. is that what you're seeing in the seattle area? >> we're seeing it outside of the seattle area. demand for vacation and second homes is soaring, you're exactly right. we are actively pursuing that market demographic today. as you can imagine with covid and the work from home telework
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in seattle, they estimate 1.5 million, nearly half the adults telework. there is a good reason to be looking at vacation homes and secondary areas for -- stuart: what kind of prices are we talking about if you're leaving seattle the city and you want a vacation home what kind of price are people prepared to pay? >> well it depends. obviously those that have the means, the luxury market has soared as well as the secondary market but people are willing to pay 500 to one plus million for vacation homes. stuart: okay. well there is lots of money in seattle evidently and you're going to benefit from it. griffin, thanks for joining us this morning. you added to our knowledge of the exodus from cities. we like that. thank you, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: here's another real estate hot spot. wait for it. indiana. jeff flock is in for thage,
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indiana. what is so special about indiana, jeff flock? reporter: isn't this beautiful? it is lake michigan. it is very close to chicago. people, the same thing you were discussing, departing chicago even though we've had rising lake levels here. you would think people would not be buying right now because, look at this, they have had to put rocks up here because the rising lake levels have caused all this erosion. look at this, you have a thing here. we have got pictures too of other damage along the lake michigan coastline. despite that, real estate is booming. here. you can barely get one of these homes. why is that? let me show you something. let me show you a couple things. this town offing ogden dunes, indiana. 340,000.
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your property tax is $3588. 3 1/2 thousand dollars. if you go to a community, a beach front community in chicago, illinois, evanston, four bedroom, three bathhouse, $749. it is nowhere near the lake. nowhere near a beachfront property. the property tax is $15,828. so 3,000 property tax, on the beach in indiana. 15,000 somewhere in the middle of nowhere in illinois. you make the decision. stuart: case closed. reporter: what can i tell you? stuart: what can you tell me? case closed, illinois, prices, i'm sorry, taxes are going through the roof constantly, will go up some more versus indiana. there is no contest here. no contest. sold, jeff. reporter: bought a place here 10 years ago. susan: wow. stuart: really? reporter: i did. little place, a little vacation home. now i live in it.
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stuart: real smart guy. we always knew that. mr. flock, we'll see you again soon. stuart: rapper 50-cent, says he voting for president trump after seeing joe biden's tax plan. he is urging fans to do the same. how about that? median household income likely to be slashed by what, 6500 bucks by 2030 under that biden presidency. steve forbes doesn't like the sound of that well, he is on the show. he will sound off. plus new york police preparing for mass protests in the lead-up to the election. what does that tell you about new york city? more "varney" after this. ♪
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ghost town. what they have done to new york, it's a ghost town. stuart: yep. ghost town indeed. president trump slamming the ghost town. that is new york city. look at it right now. there are reports by the way that some residents are going to flee before the election because they fear unrest. mike la pietri, a new york state assemblyman, he is a republican and he joins us now. seems to me new york state, the economy is pretty much locked down. new york city, the economy is shot. this city is shot. and yet, the residents of new york will continue to vote democrat. how is a republican do you explain that? >> it is absolutely mind-boggling. the state of new york is run by a tyrant who rules by fear and fiat. the city of new york has a mayor who is communist and city council who are socialist who allow anarchists terrorize the streets of new york city. what makes matters worse,
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exactly that. it is run by democrats, people escaping the city better not bring their ideologies with them. because the city is burning, the state is dying and it is leaders are willing to stick the final knife in the back of the people of the state of new york if that means beating republicans and seeing president trump lose. and that is not what government is supposed to be. that is, whatever happened to working across the aisle? stuart: to me, the irony is, if you look at new york city, long island, and the counties south of westchester, that whole block, that is a very wealthy area and that is solidly democrat. all that money, all that wealth, democrat. you go up state, the lower tier, the upper tier, the whole of new york state, virtually is republican. and that's where working people, actually work with their hands. that is where they live. they vote republican. what a complete change. it used to be the rich voted for
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the republicans and working people voted democrat. in new york that stands on its head. >> absolutely. if you watch where the money is coming from, it is all coming from democrats. if you look at all the campaigns across the country, including right here on long island and in the city and throughout new york state, you are seeing democrats raising millions and millions of dollars to win confessional races and senate seats. so it is all hypocritical when you hear people like aoc and the squad say they want to focus on helping the working people. that is bs. no, republicans are the ones that stand by who care about community, who care about hard work, who care about effort and making it on your own as opposed to having victimization, identity politics and having money flow to take care of everything. government is not supposed to take care of the people. the people take care of the people. stuart: okay. i'm 72 years old. got a limited life expectancy. in my lifetime do you think i will ever see a republican elected to statewide office in
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new york? you got 20 second. >> i am praying, absolutely f we get the people out, republicans, independents, you can flip this state. it is possible. you have millions of people in the state that don't vote and need to get out on election day to actually flip the state. if that happens, i promise you it can happen. stuart: okay. especially if i got 25 or 30 years to live. thank you very much. mr. la pietri, thank you very much. good stuff. thank you. and there is this, actor kirstie alley responding to the backlash she received for supporting the president. roll tape. >> i feel people are angry, they have the right to say what they want to say, i have the right to block them if i don't like the way they speak. stuart: right. seems you're not allowed to exist in hollywood if you're a conservative. i will put that to actor antonio sabato, jr. he is a trump supporter. he is on the show. did he get some backlash? i think he did. officers, we're waiting for brian kilmeade. owe will roll up right after
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this. ♪ - the world is in turmoil. been turned on it's head. of a possible recession.. - american cities are experiencing a devastating surge.. - hello, i'm michael youssef. lately, we are hearing so many conflicting voices and i don't blame you if you are anxious and worried and troubled. but if i told you that there's only one voice
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that you can absolutely trust. after all, he wants nothing from you and wants to give you everything. i'm talking about the lord jesus christ, who said, " come unto me, all who are carrying heavy burdens and worry and anxiety. and i will give you rest. " he's the only one who can give you true rest and peace. will you come to him? - [female voice] are you waiting to find a trustworthy voice in the midst of the chaos of this world? visit to find a voice that will never let you down. again, that's so you're a small bor a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward,
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stuart: look at gm. the stock is up nearly 4 1/2%.
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why? susan: they are announced they are making a one billion dollar investment in the saturn plant to turn it into another electric car production plant. they're catching up, trying to catch up to tesla when it comes to selling electric vehicles. stuart: they're catching up. they're at $34 a share. that is something. up 4%. bang, 10:51 on the dot. we're precise here. the man on the right-hand side of the screen brian kilmeade is on with me now. brian, get on with this i want to start with the supreme court which allowed pennsylvania to receive ballots after election day. seems to me that absolutely guaranties chaos in a swing state. what say you? >> here's a couple things. you know, 4-4, john roberts cast the 4th vote. republican placed by george bush. expose to the lower court. means they can extend past election day. it has to be postdated before. can't be november 4 h l or
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5th. i'm less worried about pennsylvania than others michigan, wanted to do 14 days, 14 days postmarked. is this pony express? it will take that long if you stamp an envelope, predate it before november 3rd to get there? that opens up questions about an election t worries me. pennsylvania could make-or-break the election. as you know the president, stuart, goes there today, erie, pennsylvania, a place he is slightly ahead of, he has a slight lead. he can't lose that lead. in pennsylvania he picked up two points in most polls. i think he is closing the gap similar to 2016 there. stuart: okay, he is closing the gap, just closing the gap but he has got a very limited amount of time, two weeks to really close that gap down. it is now or never to close that gap, brian. >> i think he is doing it. he thinks he is doing it. he joins us on "fox & friends" today. i've been reading, listening to some accounts on donors. he is so pumped up by the crowds he sees, not only ones on his
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events but ones who line up can't get into the events, that want to see the car drive by. how is it a president with supposedly 42% approval people can put together boats in flotillas in places he normally doesn't win, line up five deep in newport, beach, california, to see his car go by to a fund-raiser. why am i seeing cars go up in long island, go all the way out to montauk, deliver food to a food bank? coming into fifth avenue in new york city. why am i hearing about it in new jersey? in my lifetime i've seen more popular presidents. i have never seen more passion for a president. that just might on the formula that makes these polls somewhat closer than we've seen. stuart: but the trouble is, brian, most people don't see the flotillas and the parades and the pro-trump stuff. they don't see it because it is not in the media. do you think the media will cover that kind of thing? they don't. they dismiss it. it is a form of negating free
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speech. i have never seen anything like it before. the media universally hating donald trump. i think that is a terrible thing for our country. >> you know in america, the one thing we like is underdogs. we don't, when we think the cards are stacked unfairly against somebody, whether it's a president or starting running back, they will, they will act. and maybe they see that again. maybe the president's more comfortable as the undoing, the one who is supposed to beat the odds again. i really sense there is optimism in him. talking to him for 45 minutes today. i really believe he has got something going on. put it this way with the pandemic going on, with the risks out there, no one in america or around the world needs to be educated. six feet, wear a mask, wash your hands. got it. understood it. saying the same thing seven months. put on a mask, i will stay away but i'm showing up for that president. that to me shows great gumption and drive, that it matters. i think you will see big crowds.
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the other thing that people appreciate, stuart, you do as one of the hardest working people i ever met, though like people that actually work. you know what he is saying. don't give it to me. i will not sit in the oval office if you don't reelect me it is your problem, i will outwork you. doing between two and five events for the last 14 days. last week he did seven. biden did two. biden hasn't worked sunday night for 15 minutes in front of nine cars in a drive-n he is taking off until friday. he did "60 minutes" today, that airs sunday. americans like people that want to earn their vote. you cannot say that he is taking anything for granted. stuart: you can't hold up in your basement and run away from questions any possible gaffs say you're actively seeking the presidency. >> i will say this to your show and audience. if i ever decide to run for office, my son will give up all his romanian, ukrainian, chinese international business dealings. i will pledge that to you. i will ask him as a favor to
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stop trading on my name. stuart: you leave me speechless. that was pretty good. i got to say. brian, thank you very much indeed, sir. we'll see you again soon. >> go get em, stuart. stuart: big show coming up. we'll get em. steve forbes, hogan gidley, actor antonio sew bought toe. you will have my take on joe biden in his safe place, his basement. the third hour of "varney" right after this. ♪ businesses today are looking to tomorrow. adapting. innovating. setting the course.
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♪ ♪. stuart: what a wonderful music to play. i like the rhythm there. i thought it was upbeat. looking out on a deserted new york city, it is 11:00 o'clock, checked the market, of 160 for the dow jones industrial average, nice gain for the nasdaq, over 100 are there now up over 25, i still see plenty of green, that follows yesterday's very red day, hogan
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gidley, lieutenant colonel, john barrasso, all in a row, they are all on the show in this coming hour. the market showed a gain of 140 for the dow jones industrial average. now this. joe biden will not make any media appearances until after thursday's debate. , he said he is preparing for it, he will be held up in his house from late sunday morning until late thursday night, that is a long time to go quiet, two weeks from a presidential election, what is going on. it is called being safe, safe from the virus of course, safe from questions, safe from gaffes and senior monuments and say from the grueling campaign that might expose a 77-year-old fatigue, joe biden has pursued a basement strategy since day one,
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why not he's ahead in the polls, don't risk messing it up. okay but we the people want to know more about this candlelit, we want to know if he has the stamina for the oval office, we want to know when he would impose his massive tax hikes and what impact they would have, we want to know how far lefty will be back under drug by bernie sanders in the squad, i want to know why he did nothing when his son was taking millions from ukraine and china, if he becomes the president what did the chinese have on him for heaven sake, his campaign is determined to keep them under wraps. so we never find out what he is really all about, kamala harris has not done a press conference so we cannot find out anything from her either. she questioned judge. virtually even though she was in the senate building at the time keeping the pesky reporters at bay. democracy is not well served when the leading presidential candidate closes up shop days
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before the election. we should not be voting in the dark, seven out of ten think this is the most consequential election in decades, yes it is that important which makes joe biden safety play and his silence nothing more than a convenient dodge. the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: look at that, there is a study that says joe biden's tax plan would cut median household income $6500 over the next ten years, that is per year by the way. steve forbes is with us, chairman and editor at forbes, what happened to biden's plan that would only affect the very wealthy. >> it would affect the whole economy that is one reason why he's held up in the basement and
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why they hope the economy does not discuss the debate on thursday night. this report that came out from the hoover institution underestimate the damage that the bidens proposals would do, to answer your previous question the far left if they win, they will get the table, get the house in the senate they will go for everything right away, statehood for d.c. and packing the supreme court, massive tax increases, they know they have a short window and they will take every advantage of it, that will raise the cost of per capital investment in this economy which will hurt small businesses and you will have an economic disaster on your hands by the time the 22 elections come around, this will be instant, this will not be over a ten-year period the damage will be upfront, that is for household income when the amazing thing when the media has overlooked that the massive increase in the median household income over donald trump $68000, we have never had that growth and barack obama and joe biden. stuart: it is astonishing that the media has covered this up, you never see, very rarely do
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you see critical coverage of bidens tax plan or his foreign-policy defeats in the past or anything, there is no critical coverage, i just think democracy is very badly served when the people aren't told the full story and the full debate is clamped down, this is not america. >> it is not that's why this debate on thursday night is so important and why president trump has to focus and not let them baiting with other issues but focus on the economy and packing the supreme court, as you know packing the supreme court would get the constitution the third branch of government if a new president comes in and puts his cronies on the court to get decisions that he likes, bad stuff, fundamentally bad and in
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terms of the economy every question the president should pivot to the economy, the damage that the tax increases would do, capital gains everyone says is for the rich, no 100 million americans have 401ks and iras, stock prices get hit, pensions get hurt, that hurts everyone even if they have a traditional pension plan, what's back that up, stocks, stocks down, less for everybody. stuart: did you see the study that shows that bidens tax plan would have wealthy people paying up to 62%, that will be a tax rate of 62%, new jersey 60%, new york 58-point to percent et cetera. why would anybody stay, i'm saying steve forbes, why would you stay in new york when you're subject to that level of tax, let's not personalize it, why would anybody stay. >> i live in new jersey where we follow new york and bad tax policy and everything else healthcare policy and i'm staying around because we have a governor's election next year and we will fight and try to turn the state around the other people are leaving and that exit will continue, florida yet
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senator scott earlier, booming real estate because people are fleeing disasters of a blue state new york, new jersey, illinois california. >> do you believe the polls, at the moment they say biden is going to win. >> i do not, this is where the stock market is telling us something more hopeful, stocks trade into debate the future, they see bad times they will mark prices down now and the fact that there holding up as low as i have given what can happen if the democrats win everything on november 3, i think it indicates there is a lot of ferment out there, every simple find even though they have biden up eight points, 14% of the electorate is not firmly made up its mind one out of seven voters not firmly made up his or her mind, you may lean biden but that could change in the next two weeks, this thursday night the president
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must pivot every question on the economy, the stakes that are ahead, getting the constitution bike packing the supreme court and energy costs, how about $10 a gallon gasoline when they get there biden says i won't be on fracking, just as they did under obama biden by audits, new regulations making it impossible to let the industry get back on speed in the oil and gas industry. >> steve forbes have the fire in the belly and we love it, come again soon, it was a pleasure. >> thank you, bidens tax plan is making waves in hollywood, big time rapper says is solidified his support for president trump, who is that. susan: cit 50. stuart: 50 cents. susan: the 45 euro hip-hop mogul who was born curtis james jackson the third and he took to
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instagram on monday to offer his support for president trump after seeing bidens tax plan he showed an image from what appears to be a news broadcast with the tax rates by state under bidens plan and among the states mentioned new york which we know that will be taxed at 58% in new york city you're at 62% of taxes so you might as well work for the government and biden plans to raise taxes for those making more than $400,000 and yes curtis jackson, he does make more than that he worth around $110 million back in 2012. stuart: if you are going to lose, for every dollar that you make, the government takes 62 cents, what is the point of working, you only get 38 cents for yourself. susan: i never thought i saw the day that you and 50 cents have something in common. stuart: we are like this.
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, we are actually. netflix and snap, they will be in the news about 4:00 o'clock this afternoon, they released their earning, just fill in the blanks. philip my sentences. tell me about an expectation. susan: analyst are bullish as you know and goldman sachs says it's around $670 for the stock, new subscribers, a key for netflix and guiding for 2.2 million new subscribers, that's conservative given the 26 million new sign up in the first half of the year, possibly an announcement when it comes to hiking the subscription prices maybe we will get that, about 4% on average between the two. stuart: 4%, that's a big move. tell me about snap. susan: snap is another one to watch as well, every quarter raising price targets on the
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social media giant $35, they called 33 bucks and expectations are pretty high, what were the is advertising to recover in harmony people are using snap at the end of june we had 238 million going to snapchat every day and they say another 6 million in the third quarter. stuart: that is huge, and america went to kid say the same word at the same time they say jinks, do you know what they say in england. snap. susan: what air was that. stuart: were learning that nancy pelosi and steven mnuchin are expected to speak around 3:00 p.m. they are talking stimulus, that news hitting us and that lifted the narco little, we are up 140 on the dow industrial. next case the city of compton in california launching a guaranteed income program for 800 residents, it is basically a handout. i will ask colonel allen west if
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he thinks free money works. exactly two weeks to the election, this is the time when the polls started shifting back in 2016 shifting towards and away from hillary, will we see that again in 2020, we will be back. ♪
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when i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. ♪ the support we've had over the last few months has been amazing. i have a soft spot for local places. it's not just a work environment. everyone here is family.
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with watchman. it's a one-time, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk-- and bleeding worry--for life. watchman. it's one time. for a lifetime.
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and if we win, we get to tell you and doug. how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪ stand back, i'm gonna show ya ♪ ♪ how doug and limu roll, ya ♪ ♪ you know you got to live it ♪ ♪ if you wanna wi... [ music stops ] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stuart: the poll says 77% of voters believe this is the most important election in decades, i think they are right, trump 2020
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national press secretary hogan gidley is with us now. two weeks to the election, this is the time when polls started to ship to 2016, you've left it a little late to start shifting now towards mr. trump haven't you. >> too late, absolutely not, the polls were wrong in 2016, they are grossly wrong now, we know that our internals have us in good shape, we talked about this many times on your show before and the enthusiasm is all there for this president, take a look at michigan for example democrats put everything into the fact that you should early vote absentee and other things because they tried to scare americans that they cannot get out of their houses and what we thought we would see is an 80 - 20 swing 80% of democrats would be out loading, 20% would be republicans in michigan it is like 50/50, our people are ready to get out and vote for four more years of peace and prosperity and when you got the best candidate with the best message in the best record, lord
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knows he is the best worth ethic, it makes it easier than having a candidate with 47 career of failure with nothing to point to both socialist agenda items for the future and someone who stays in their basement, it is clear people are excited about president trump and we look forward to a victory in november. stuart: a lot of people are voting against president trump, they don't like his persona, his language, his style they are not voting for joe biden, how does he turn around the ill feeling towards his persona. >> a couple of things, first of all being against something is not necessarily as good as a motivating factor as being for something, our people are for donald trump, being against donald trump does not work as well as far as turnout is concerned, second of all what was the descriptors about the president, his persona, his language, let me let you in on a
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little secret the persona and language gutters trade deals that benefit american workers for the first time in decades, joe biden could not do that, his persona and language got us peace deals in the middle east no one thought possible, defeated isis, rebuilt our military, got us tax cuts, got us in economy that benefited all americans regardless of race, religion, color and creed and while i understand there's plenty of people who said don't like every tweet or not keen on everything this president says, the results speak for themselves, joe biden has a 50 year career of failure in elected office with nothing to show for, this president was all about the promises made in 2016, this is about the promises he has kept in its improve the lives of all americans. stuart: on the debate thursday night foreign policy is not on the agenda and the president is not happy about it, watch this. >> this was supposed to be a foreign policy debate and now
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all of a sudden were talking about things that are not foreign policy. frankly it was a change that they made that was far bigger than the mute button frankly but they made a change and it should not have happened. stuart: the president wants foreign policy in the debate but he cannot force it can he? >> he can bring it up in the conversation if that something he deems necessary. foreign policy is one of the biggest responsibilities of the president of the united states and even joe biden's own secretary of defense robert gates said every sickle decision joe biden has made in the last 40 years has been completely wrong on foreign policy to say nothing of domestic policy for joe biden but it is no surprise, after all the president of the united states donald trump got us to peace deals in the middle east making the region safer, this president had countless foreign-policy victories whether moving the embassy to jerusalem, whether it is keeping north korea at bay punishing china and
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all of a sudden the news comes out that joe biden completely was aware of everything if various ukraine and china were doing with the contracts funneling to his family millions and millions of dollars and what do you know the debate commission yet again tries to tip the scales for joe biden pulling away foreign-policy it's one of the most significant things a president can do, one of the most significant things of president focuses on, this president had record-setting success on the foreign policy front and joe biden doesn't, that's why he did not want to talk about it. >> you are sure the president will bring up hunter biden angle on china, ukraine and joe biden, he will bring it up no matter what. >> i'm not absolutely sure and i don't want to get ahead of what he will do but it's a significant issue, the enter i understand the media is focused on what flavor of milkshake joe biden likes to drink, the
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american people care about what you're going to do to make this country safer, the american people care about what you're going to do to set up americans for success on the global stage, donald trump has done that, joe biden has not. stuart: got it, you must be working 24/7 but you still have lots of energy and we appreciate that. come and see us again soon. voters may be heading to stadiums and sports arenas to cast their ballots, christina parts and elements, madison square garden in new york city, is madison square garden a polling station? >> it's actually the first time in the 52 year history that these doors will open up to voters on saturday, october 24 will serve 60000 eligible voters in the area it will be the largest polling station in the city but you have sports teams across the country and sports
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leagues, wnba and the list goes on, they are opening up their stadiums and arenas for voters, the reason they are doing that is to ease the voting process and boost participation, so far we are already seeing voting underway at the fenway park, the charlotte hornets in the tampa bay bucs stadium, the reason this could help there is apple space, a lot of the stock members know how to deal with crowds and there's a lot of electricity for the voting machines, the thing is the arenas are teamed and if they're not team joan it's up to local officials to decide if they will open up the supercenters to voters, that is why there some stadiums and arenas that will not be open to voting that you have madison square garden enter garden and it will open up to voters but not sports fans. stuart: not sports fans, thank you very much.
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we spent a lot of time on politics, let's get back to money and check procter & gamble. they are reporting strong earnings today, the pandemic causing a surge in demand for the household products, the stock is up 1.3%, 143 is the price on procter & gamble. pretty strong earnings and that stock is up nearly 4%, $4 higher at 116. we are two weeks to the election and joe biden pulls another lid, yet he did. >> do you know what a lid is, it's 8:00 o'clock in the morni morning, a lid means you're out for the day, that means a fake news media can go home, we will put a lid on it and every day early in the morning they say joe, sleepy joe put a lid on it. stuart: actor antonio sobrato junior is fired up about this and he will join us shortly,
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president trump has gained ground with young black voters, disses platinum plan have anything to do with that, i will ask lieutenant colonel allen west he is back on the program today. stock slices. for as little as $5, now anyone can own companies in the s&p 500, even if their shares cost more. at $5 a slice, you could own ten companies for $50 instead of paying thousands. all commission free online. schwab stock slices: an easy way to start investing or to give the gift of stock ownership. schwab. own your tomorrow.
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stuart: stat state and play witr money, were gaining ground on the dow which is up one half of 1%, let me repeat which is helping the market speaker pelosi and treasury secretary mnuchin are expected to speak around 3:00 o'clock this afternoon, they are talking about stimulus which seems to be the overriding factor in the market as we speak, the dow was up 150, early voting really surged across the country and ashes here to tell us how many people have voted so far, it's a big number i am sure. ashley: is a huge number as of yesterday 31.7 million ballots already cast, that's nearly 23% of the total vote in 2016, impressive as we've said florida broker record for the first day of early voting long lines reported in many states, many people having to wait hours to
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vote in texas early voter records are early being smashed, the state leads the country with over 4 million ballots cast and that accounts for 14% of all votes cast nationally and represents 45% of the total votes counted in texas during the election four years ago, denton county has seen voter turnout jump 86% over 2016 and by the way, since jimmy carter won texas all the way back in 1976 no democrat presidential candidate has won texas, is it going to be closer this time, only time will tell. [laughter] stuart: stay tuned, i think this year is going to break some records for overall presidential election year turnout, i think it's going to be well above 60% which is big indeed, thank you,
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i appreciate it, check this out a new report from ucla says that president trump is gaining support among black and hispanic voters, colonel allen west is with the teachers the republican party. what i got, 201610% of young black voters voted for president trump, in 2020 that might be 21% of young black voters backing president trump, is this all about the presidents platinum plan? >> it is good to be with you it is not just about his platinum plan if you go back to 2016 when president trump said to the black community what do you have to lose and when you look at the policy that he has enacted in his very first term the opportunity scholarships and the economic opportunity zone study has two support the historical black college and university in the low unemployment rate in the criminal justice reform the proof has been in the pudding, the platinum plan will further
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take what he has done in the first term into the second term in the black community and other minority communities are recognizing this is a president that backs up what he says and they have seen the fruits of that labor. stuart: in compton, california, they have a pilot program giving two years worth of guaranteed income to a hundred residents, to me that is the exact opposite of the platinum plan, what it is doing is offering money walking around money, cash where the platinum plan is injecting capital that creates business and wealth, what do you think. >> that's the difference between constitutional conservative and free not under market economics where you try to infuse capital and try to have the policies and the programs that open up the way for economic investment as opposed to what you see from the progressive socialist left it's about reparation and free money in something that is never been successful anywhere in the world and they're going to try that in
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compton but what it comes down to is buying votes, i tell you in the great state of texas talking with members of the black chamber of commerce, they want is the economic infusion into the communities not just another check. >> some people in the black voices for trump have been on this program urging the president to go right into the heart of the minority enter majority community and address black folks directly. if you did that you think you would get a good reception. >> yes i really do, president trump has seen his approval ratings in the black community, his first term go anywhere for 27 - 34% and i think you're absolutely right we will see them get a national black electorates support from 20 20 - 25%, people are waking up and they see what they are talking about with the democrat party of handing out free money such as places compton as opposed to what we saw with the president think about the state of the union address where he
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looked to a 9-year-old black girl from the inner city of philadelphia which is a single black mother and gave her an education scholarship right on the spot, that's what they're looking for the looking for a hand up not a handout. >> real fast the president got 8% of the black vote in 2016, what proportion do you think he will get in 2020. >> i think summer 20 - 25%, i really believe that. stuart: that's a game changer, if he gets 20% of the black vote, he wins, case closed. >> that is absolutely right and that's why the left tries to continue to talk about him being a racist and that's where the debate commission wants to talk about race in the final debate when they should be focused on national security foreign-policy. stuart: colonel lieutenant allen, they get that right? you are a general to me, thank you for coming on the show we want to see you again real soon, i'll give you promotion, why not. see you again sir.
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stuart: i think he accepted the promotion, i think you like that. look at google in the news, google is facing an antitrust lawsuit from the department of justice. stuart: interesting that we reverse the rally, the justice department along with 11 state attorney general's are filing antitrust cases against google, this has to do with the dominance when it comes to search and they oversee 90% of online searchers in the u.s. in it when it comes to ad tech, in order to display your ads, you have to go through google own tool and that means they take 3y advertising dollar that goes onto the platform, that is a big deal in 80% of their money maker and revenue drivers, remember back to microsoft in the 1990s that was an antitrust case that took ten years, full decade through different administrations in some see that happening this time around but
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google does have the firepower in the bank they have $125 billion. stuart: they also have a monopoly, they even monopoly on surge about. susan: 90% according to this case of the justice department. stuart: a real strong hold on advertising, they are taking 30 - 40 cents on the dollar, that's exploiting monopoly pow power. susan: they argue there's other search engines, their superior when it comes to that, you can use yahoo and being, when it comes to advertising they say they and facebook share about 70% of the online advertising market, why should they be single out. stuart: i think you'll hear about this for ten years, thank you. look at the moderna, the experimental virus vaccine could reportedly be ready for
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emergency use in december, the timeline has positive results from a clinical trial next month, november, the stock is up 1% $71 a share, london airport offering one hour virus test for flyers headed to hong kong and italy. each one cost $104. they do not need to be sent to a lab, my question is who pays the $104, i really don't know. i will find out. next actor kirsty allen to her tax on a trump supporter. >> i feel that people are angry and have the right to say what they want to say and i have the right to block them if i don't like the way that they speak. stuart: antonio somer sabato ju, what is he think about all of this. he is next. ♪ tums versus mozzarella stick
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stuart: i'm going to show you this again, kirstie alley speaking out after she was attacked for supporting trump. >> it is funny i been talking about trump for several months and the other night i put out a tweet that simply says i voted for him the first time and it says i'm not a politician people are angry and that the right to say what they want to say and i have the right to block them if i don't like the way that they speak. i have to think for myself. stuart: here is actor antonio sabato junior, your a trump supporter and you went public, are you facing backlash? >> we talked about this in the past everybody knows what i've been through after i released my book when i was blacklisted, going back to kirstie alley, she's a wonderful conversant in the genius in comparison to these people, they completely lost their mind, we voted for somebody that you're not voted for and we arrived to protecting
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our voters and to make our lives a lot better in lower taxes, we know that but we plan to speak with our minds and hollywood is always bullying us, this is out of control the reason why they are doing this, they're going to lose the biggest collection of a lifetime, it will be a landslide for trump, i'm so excited for the next two weeks, america stepping up, we don't want socialism, i don't care how much money you make in hollywood, we want to be left alone, we want to go back to work and open our country and we don't want your policies, they do not work, biden has lost his mind, he cannot function, 47 years of hell and he's done nothing, these people in liberal cities and counties and states are destroying the lives of the american people it has got to end. stuart: i tell you are truly fired up about this, i believe
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you're also fired up about joe biden calling in list lids, what do you think about that. >> he's been in the lid his whole life, his whole entire career he's one of the worst politicians ever existed in this country and the things that he have done, he is officially being partnered with china and he's done things, things will come out sooner or later, they will, because we have a president who cares about the truth and biden has done a lot about that, obama, hillary, pelosi, they are promoting things that we do not believe as americans as individuals as human beings. and then they want to contradict themselves on a daily basis and put us down, we love our country and we will win this election, god bless our president in the american people and i'm excited about the future but hollywood has completely lost their minds.
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stuart: before we leave you i read parts of your books and if i'm not mistaken you left california because of the harassment. >> my friend you cannot live in liberal states, look what they did in san francisco, pelosi should be ashamed of herself, that place is disgusting one of the most beatable cities, los angeles homelessness thousands and thousands of people living on the street and pelosi and governor newsom and all these losers, they are destroying california and they blame on trump and everything else, no they should be responsible for what they've done to the beautiful state that is why i left, one more thing let me say before closes up anybody moving to red states, please do not bring your liberal crab tri-state we are doing well in the red states because of red policies, policies that are bringing our country together and moving forward. stuart: dean cain on fox news said 30% of hollywood people will vote for trump but they're
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too scared to admit it, they will never admit it but one out of three will vote for trump, give me 20 seconds on that. >> he is a good friend of mine and he is right but i think it'll be a lot more than that, a lot of people will vote for trump because they're sick of it they want to live a healthy lovable life and feel safe, they want to be left alone, i think they will step up and not a daily basis, they will vote trump. stuart: i know for a fact that there are people around this country standing up and cheering for what you just said, thank you for being on the show. >> we are building america. come back soon, we appreciate it, let's go to a story about the movies or movie companies, amc stocks way down, 12% lower, ashley are they talking about bankruptcy? ashley: they are it's a horror movie if you want to put in that
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terms amc warning investors that chapter 11 bankruptcy may be on the horizon if they cannot secure any additional sources of liquidity, they unveiled another plan to sell $15 million worth of class a shares, they did this several months ago and raise close to $55 million but it's unclear how far a new round of money raising will go analyst say amc is it a pretty precarious cash position and going through $100 million a month, equity seals or asset sales could be on the horizon with those cinemas outside of new york city can reopen but only at 25% capacity, i don't think that will help amc in the short term they are predicting third-quarter revenue close to 120 million but put this into perspective, the same. laster they generated
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$1.31 billion, that is how life is for the movie chains, they're getting hammered and it's a matter of hanging on. stuart: i see that you make a good point, the stock is down 12%, overall the market is up, look at the dow up 173..6% the nasdaq up .43%, plenty of green on the left-hand side of the screen, next president trump says he wants a bigger stimulus deal then house speaker nancy pelosi, would republicans in the senate support a much bigger deal than pelosi's deal, would they really, i'll ask republican senator john barrasso, he is on the show next. ♪ i don't want any trade minimums. yeah, i totally agree, they don't have any of those. i want to know what i'm paying upfront.
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pelosi and treasury secretary mnuchin are going to speak at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, they are still talking stimulus, on that note here is republican senator john barrasso on the great state of wyoming, the president is talking about a much bigger package, you expressed reluctance to vote for a much bigger package, we hear he will lean on you if they've got a much bigger package that might go to the senate, are you to be leaned on, could you vote for a bigger package if it included a bailout for democrat states like new york and new jersey in california. >> the president is right people need help all across this country and he's also right, nancy pelosi keeps moving the goalpost. >> so many things unrelated, it's the cost as well as the content as a senator representing the people of wyoming who know we need relief for people to get back to work, for kids to get back to school and put the disease behind us, they no way of having their
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senator vote for the bailout that nancy pelosi wants for new york, illinois, california, the people of wyoming are not for illegal immigrants, we need to do with the senate is going to put forward today, a second round of paycheck protection to help our small businesses, to key people on the payroll, those are the things that we need to do if nancy pelosi were serious, she would do a couple of things, she would call the do-nothing house of representatives back to washington to work on a bipartisan bill. stuart: are you prepared to be leaned on by the president of the united states none other than donald j trump. >> the president is not going to approve of something or come to the senate with something that he knows includes things that he is against in terms of what is for the good of the country the president was to focus on the disease and getting people back to work, kids back to school safely, those are the things for
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which there is united support on behalf of the republicans in the senate. stuart: 58% of likely voters are against court packing, do you think joe biden might come out and say i've always been against court packing, what do you make of this poll. >> i think there's a real threat to expanding the size of the supreme court if joe biden becomes president, the reason he is not leveling with the american people, he knows the position of the far left the people who control the party's unpopular position and if he says what he believes he is going to do that that could cost him the presidency, overwhelmingly people say do not increase the size of the supreme court from 19 mack 11 but his vice presidential nominee kamala harris said she is open to it, there have been nine people on the supreme court since 1869, nine is the right number, that is not me it's ruth bader ginsburg saying it and to expand
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it would be seen as political. >> i'm sorry i gotta go but they get for being with us, prepared to be leaned on, take that call from the president, john barrasso, good stuff, the dow is up 176-point, two thirds of 1%, more varney after this. . . non-valvular afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners.
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12:00 pm
you got a week to go. send your email questions in, you never know your luck. susan you might be featured on the show. susan: look forward to it. october 27th. stuart: what about stuart varney that is my question. the market up 180. neil, it is yours. neil: stuart, thank you very, very much. we'll focus on the markets. also focusing on the president whether he has anything new to say about the stimulus. he is heading out to pennsylvania. joe biden putting a lid on things, getting ready for the third presidential debate. we'll have feature former u.s. defense secretaries leon panetta and chuck hagel. they are worried things could get dicey over the environment we're in. it is not about politics. critics say it is very much about politics but what has got them worried? we will explore all of that. we're exploring the issue of stimulus. seems again and again we get tempted that the


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