tv The Evening Edit FOX Business October 26, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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>> it is mouth trump monday ♪ ♪ tomorrow on the show nikola, jimmy and rudy giuliani and a microphone, good night. liz: the dow falling sharply as hopes for covid-1 covid-19 relif falling out between the trump administration and the democrats led by nancy pelosi the number of cases is climbing, president trump barnstorming into the home stretch into the final eight days before election, he is hitting the swing states, three back-to-back rallies in pennsylvania the president is speaking right now, then he heads onto michigan, wisconsin, nebraska, joe biden is going to broward county florida later this week as joe biden is trying to shut down the presidents test
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a victory which looks like the same path in 2016, this is more than 61 million have already voted experts say that the turnout that could be the highest since 1908, tonight we have for you congressman doug collins, congressman kelly armstrong, jim trusty, and tehran skinner on the big headlines of the day, the big x factor, the shy trump voter who is not being captured by the polls, pollsters are missing this, we are seeing word-of-mouth rallies for president trump, breaking out spontaneously around the country, these are totally unconnected to the trump campaign, the campaign and the race is coming down to this, who has the best covid-19 strategy and who has the best job strategy and who is dodging the question and what are the undecided saying. we have more hunter biden e-mails and text messages now
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been revealed showing that his alleged business dealings were closely connected to the biden family than anybody realized, we have more detail surfacing on the heavy heavy reliance in the biden business dealing on shell companies and llcs, this includes a dealings with china, experts say this hides the money trail and hides the cash flows and where they're coming from. members from the media stepping up to criticize their media colleagues and tech giants facebook and twitter for censoring the hunter biden e-mail story and the democrats next step in the battle against republicans as the senate is hours away from voting to confirm judge amy coney barrett to the supreme court, we have this foreign policy debate, it is a hot one, whose policy is better for america, the president or joe biden, thank you for joining us i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now.
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♪. liz: thank you for joining us you are watching the fox business network, is the campaign coming down to this, do voters see as joe biden see it get ready for a dark winter of covid-19 and also democrat senator say the supreme court fight is a manner of life or death or do they see it like trump sees it that were turning the corner, about optimism and prosperity. >> it is morning again in america and under the leadership of president reagan our country is brighter and stronger and better. >> are you better off than you were four years ago. liz: joining me now republican doug collins, great to have you back on. we are raising this issue because were tracking the national polls, the average by real clear politics that shows the biden's lead has been dropping since last week's
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debate he is now at 8% above trump down from 10% a week ago, what do you think of all of th this. >> it's great to be with you, what we see out here is what the tracking polls are saying that everybody is coming off, there is a silent majority and they know that he cares for him he has their back, i've been traveling all over georgia and you talk about the spontaneous trump rallies, i have heard, there is somebody talking about getting about rally together and this is on tuesday or wednesday and saturday five or 600 boats. you have people doing a trump train where they drive around south georgia and take a week to get it together and you have hundreds of people coming along, these folks have not been pulled, they said i've never been pulled, the real pull is november 3 and donald trump is going to win this thing. liz: here is the thing, biden's lead is getting tighter and the key battleground states of
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florida, were looking at the numbers, north carolina, arizona, ohio, iowa and georgia and ever talking about the shy trump voter that does not want to talk to pollsters who is reluctant to talk to any polls, that could mean that president trump does when the bottom, if they come in a five percentage points or four or five, trump wins the battleground, that's what were seen. >> i agree, many of the voters who don't go to polls, they don't inherently trust the media because they watch the media and the polls attack this president
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for three and half - for years, they are tired of it and they want to see the president reelected and don't want anything to do with these folks who have been attacking him and they want to see a president that fights and not hides in the basement, people are sick and tired of joe biden hiding in the basement while this president is doing three rallies a day in laying out a vision, we are better off than we were four years ago and that's the case that they will make. liz: something else to consider, do you know any trump voter from 2016 who is not voting for the president this time, we see rallies as you see pointing out by word-of-mouth on social media, facebook and unconnected and nothing to do with the trump campaign which is interesting spontaneous rallies for trump, what will decide the election we see coronavirus and jobs and the best strategy to deal with both, cases are increasing for coronavirus death surpassing 225,000 and we know the recovery rate is high but who has the best strategy because scientists ate a vaccine will not be ready nationwide until next summer. >> the president does not tell you why people want to get out, they understand this viruses with us in the therapeutics are being developed and people are getting developed at a high rate, and the vaccine is around the corner, they're very concerned when joe biden talks
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about not just trying to mandate wearing masks or staying inside he is talking about shutting the business down and on top of it raising taxes, those are two things of the president will respond to, the president wants to get the country back open safely and efficiently and make sure our economy is working grown people can have jobs when people were able to work and do their normal functions they will respond to a positive vision the president has a positive vision in joe biden and negative vision, it is sunrise in america not sunset. liz: we are seeing with jobs, were seen voters not liking joe biden wanting to get rid of federal subsidies in the oil industry and we know that he wants to be in fracking on federal land but were seen voters in pennsylvania, texas and autoworkers in michigan reacted ned negatively to that and they see the trade deals done by republicans and democrats four years hollowed out american factories in the
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heartland and trump understood the need to bring back american industry, we see manufacturers added 467,000 jobs under president trump that is six times the manufacturing jobs in obama's last two years, we see tariffs are upsetting the federal job growth the federal reserve says that, that's an issue for the workers in the heartland. >> they are, people want to work in america and they don't want a president or like vice president biden who cannot tell the truth, let's be honest as simple thing, and camera that you would shut down fracking in the fossil fuel industry, he said that, let's be honest, tomorrow he is coming to georgia and down to the third district, my district and the textile industry and everything else is been devastate devastate bad trade deals of the democrats, he will come to georgia and see what dodd frank did and he will come to georgia and see the result of what happened and how that has been changed by president trump and how these people are going to reject joe biden because they understand he wants to go backwards in president trump
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wants to continue to put money in their pocket because the economy is good that the first and foremost thing with people. liz: we have some interesting soundbites from ice cube who said on this week's broadcast of "fox news sunday" saying listen hollywood i'm not a sellout, like the trump administration moving to push hundreds of billions of dollars into black communities. were gonna listen the ice cube and listen to undecided voters and we will listen to african-american women who told msnbc we are frustrated with the biden campaign. >> they listen, heard what i had to say and presented it to the people in september 24. >> we call it the platinum plan. >> they did not procrastinate they got every black celebrity on their team so they figured [bleep] and roll.
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liz: listen undecided black women talk about their frustration with joe biden on msnbc, then you're gonna listen to what the undecided voters are also saying. >> let's start at the crime bill in the fact that he is not only not apologized, joe biden, he has not only rectified every time he reversed back that the black caucus members, they were with it to, you fooled them as well. >> you talked about the e-mails tonight and hunter biden in the e-mails and wanting to hear more about that, i'm just curious as to whether or not that is affecting your decision. >> the fact that he doesn't want to answer scares me, it's one of my biggest deciding issues, that an crime rate, it's a simple question and he's been avoiding it and i don't know why, it was been a different answer. liz: frustration when joe biden and his campaign, what do you
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think, final word. >> is pretty easy it's about talk, action and truthfulness, joe biden is all talk and he devastated the community with the crime bill and we have the first step back that gives people hope and about honesty, tell the truth joe and he is not telling the truth, people are seeing, this is why president trump will win. liz: thank you, congressman, good to see you. coming up congressman kelly armstrong from house judiciary, we are more hunter biden e-mails and text messages showing that his alleged business dealings more closely connected than anybody realized and we will dig into shell companies and llcs we are fighting more on that front as well. stay right there. >> hunter has no energy experience, he has no job, no income, his father becomes vice president and here's a few of
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no more daily injections. it's game-changing. and the wireless controller helps deliver the right amount of insulin. plus, take your insulin anywhere with a small tubeless pod. get started with a free 30-day omnipod dash trial today. go to for risk information, instructions for use and free trial terms and conditions. consult your healthcare provider before starting on omnipod. simplify diabetes. simplify life. omnipod. simplify life. our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence... ...we can spend a bit now, knowing we're prepared for the future. surprise! we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. i'm good at my condo. well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. liz: let's welcome back kelly armstrong, uses on house judiciary, it's so great to have you back on, let's get into it we heard the hunter biden story is heading to the race undecided they don't like it's not a
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straight answer, now we have a legend hunter biden and drug tapes posted on a chinese website link to steve bannon, this is getting uglier and nastier, that is still unconfirmed but when you here, set that aside, given the news that's what's going on when you hear joe biden saying the hunter biden e-mail the business family dealing is a smear, russian disinformation, what are your thoughts about that. >> my thoughts are joe biden has 30 changed the story the rapid response with no involvement and we could go when he said he never talked to his son about any of his business dealings, that may not seemed like a big deal but prior to the debate joe biden put a lid on his campaign and it seems i put a lid on his campaign until election day because regardless of how much the media has tried to censor this information the more and more is coming out and it is not good and i heard your last segment interviews with
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undecided voters. liz: by definition, disinformation means false information, senate republicans did in extensive probe, a report on hunter biden's business dealings overseas in countries like china, ukraine and russia hundreds of trips that hunter biden made with secret service protection where he was doing dealmaking overseas, the biden campaign is not denying hunter biden's laptop or his former business associate tony bobulinski who is a navy veteran a whistleblower and eyewitness to the biden business deal and the fbi in the d.o.j. concurred with dni ratcliffe that the laptop owned by hunter biden is not russian disinformation, that is the back story not getting out there to the voters. >> i think the angriest person in the united states right now is probably hillary clinton
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saying i wish the e-mail dump in 2016 would've been covered the same way the ho hunter biden sty is but it's abundantly clear the media learned their lesson, one of the e-mails has joe biden was staying at the beverly hilton in 2017, that something easy to verify but they are not even trying right now. liz: we have a newly revealed e-mail with tony bobulinski, he is a former business associate partner to hunter biden it shows how hunter and his team were working with the top official with sc energy, a bankrupt energy in china that official to wire $10 million into an account 5 million would be a nonsecure that's taken to mean the biden family, we hear joe biden at the debates saying i did not get millions of dollars from china, these text messages the more we see with tony bobulinski's, he's
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an independent whistleblower and a navy veteran and his grandfather, father and brother were navy veterans, you see this information in the denials, who do you believe. >> it gives veracity to tony bobulinski story, one of the reasons all the questions about this why did you come out so late, why is it occurring this way, the reason is senator johnson's report an and tony bobulinski new he got squeezed out of the deal, there is a loan but it sounds like it was a no interest loan, that is something of value in joe biden was not vice president at this time, he was not an office so there's not necessarily anything illegal but why all the shell companies in secrecy and more importantly why is nobody looking into this and seems like a lot of the stuff would be very easy to verify. liz: it looks like we lost, he is back, can you hear me.
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>> i hear you. liz: were gonna dig into this in the next hit but the biden shell companies and llcs, this is out of senate homeland securities report in september, were counting 16, we are seeing shows that were used to handle the three half-million dollar wire from the wife of the former mayor of moscow into account controlled by hunter biden initial company got 143,000 or so for a car for hunter biden business partner that was wired and from a business official in kazakhstan and we also see $100,000 shopping spree went to another shell company that was controlled by hunter biden, have you ever seen any family connected to 16 llcs and shell companies, one family. >> not anybody that is proud about the business that they are
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doing, that's a reality there's nothing illegal setting up an llc or doing any of these things just by setting them up, however, often times the reason they're set up is to avoid recognition, being named in taxes and different issues and again, i will give all these people the benefit of the doubt that they never gave president trump, that does not mean that there's anything necessarily horribly illegal but it's definitely curious and worth political investigation and it's absolutely in any other time that this would be a groundbreaking shocking story. liz: it's great to have you on, thank you for your insight, good to see you former federal prosecutor jim trusty, we will stay on the story about the details servicing and the reliance of the biden's business dealing the llcs and shell companies more widespread than realized experts say that the best way to hide the money trail we are staying on the story, that is next.
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>> of hunter biden was not trading on his family's name and father's office they would simply say this is false this is not authentic, this is fake but we know hunter biden like much of the rest of the biden family has been trading on the biden family name and joe biden's public office for decades [ engines revving ] ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. it's eithor it isn't.ance of a 165-point certification process. it's either testing an array of advanced safety systems. or it isn't. it's either the peace of mind of a standard unlimited mileage warranty.
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♪. elizabeth: welcome back. we'r liz: welcome back were coming into the bottom of the hour and you're watching the fox business network joining me now is jim trusty, always great to have you on, we are staying on the story, biden's business deal, according to the senate report in september they used a lot of llcs and shell companies, 16 at last count make it difficult to show who paid what to whom, the shells have been playing for covering up money flows and mo more, this is what we know so far from the senate gop report sere not saying that there's anything illegal since is difficult to track the money flow. >> shell companies are illegal and limited corporations are legal and smart ways of protecting against broader liability or a way of organizing different corporate
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responsibility and personnel and we seen them before, the problem is if somebody looks into the activity on the assumption that there could be criminal activity they look quite devious in a purposeful attempt to hide crime and that is the issue in white-collar cases there is a question of criminal intent and certainly onemi clue when you fm corporations that are for limited purposes from accepting money abroad. liz: we have a new text message surfacing from tony bobulinski hunter fighting former business partner talking about hunter sibiden using a chinese energy b backed by china, this was surface to be the daily caller news foundation, it also helps hunter avoid having to register as a foreign agent with the government and government
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contracts, that is the other end run around the circumvention to use the shellpo corporation andn item holdings, that was energy deal with a chinese company inviting team, what is your reaction to that. >> this is your reaction to a little knowledge is dangerous in the white-collar potential cases and trying to prove criminal intent and for the foreign agency registration act you are woking for willfulness, they have to know what that law is an intentionally break it you don't usually get people to send an e-mail or text or an encrypted message that says i'm glad were willfully invading this law but you have t a second close finish with the e-mail that they are discussing farah and whether or not they would need to register thus the functional equivalent of willfulness, that's a huge piece of evidence with anybody to building a fair case.
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liz: we are looking at the shell companies and llcs of the bidens relied on in their business dealings they handled the wire from t the wife of former mayorf moscow wiring money to account controlled by hunter biden 142,000 for car for hunter biden's business partner another hudson west shell handled $100,000 spending free for his uncle james biden and his wife sarah, we are seeing the biden family using a lot of shell units and llcs and we see with the vice president biden and his wife and the two llcs holding their book deals from income and speeches, when he left office he was in debt by 780,000 to 1.6 million, that's how much debt he had in two years time he and his wife had more income than the prior 19 years
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combined, we noise they say from book deals and speeches but is quite the turnaround from when he left office. >> what they call conspicuous wealth or unexplained wealth can be a very important part of a criminal investigation imad my father did not have the same connections that's outrageous amount of money pouring into the biden family but the bottom line whether it's a crime or not there's an obvious err understandable methodism sty that offends a lot of people that have seen the sun get that job over them there may be more political than criminal will have to wait and see after the election. liz: jim trusty, thank you for joining us we really appreciate it next up fox news contributor david webb on members of the media stepping up to criticize their mediati colleagues like facebook and twitter for centering the hunter biden e-mail story. the story next.
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>> i'm not just running against joe biden i'm running against the left-wing media, silicon valley, sensors that want to manipulate and control the american people, it is believable and if you say anything bad about biden, they block you, they take you down or they make it so you cannot go on any of the sites, twitter or any of them. ♪ stock slices. for as little as $5, now anyone can own companies in the s&p 500, even if their shares cost more. at $5 a slice, you could own ten companies for $50
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so uh, mark? on now. open enrollment ends dec 7th. comparing plans... ...really pays. paid for by the u.s. department of health & human services. liz: with me now the host of the david webb show, david webb, we always love having you on, let's show the viewer this quote at "rolling stone", he is saying the incredible decision by twitter and facebook to block access to the new york post stories and basically unplugged the new york post twitter
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account, he is saying it's a major underreported scandal, he finds that mind-boggling hypocrisy he finds it just incredible, what do you say. >> i say thank you for finally coming to the big show, this is been going on for some time, let's think about what they did by trying to suppress and successfully suppressed in on those platforms, the reporting on the laptop under hunter biden, joe biden's political corruption they actually made the story bigger by blocking the nation's oldest continuously published newspaper, they made the story bigger, people begin to dig when you look into the traffic that went to the new york post website it has increased multiple times over especially in search engines and looking for that story, americans have started to see this, this is where the american people have called out the social media platforms for a
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long time and where we need to look into section 230 if you're going to act like a publisher then you have to lose those protections which protect the platforms. >> the you new york post does not have those from loss of protection, it is interesting what you're saying in the context he says the flow of information of the u.s. is become a politicized bottleneck of corporate tech platforms and they're making it harder for americans to see the facts and decide on their own without contextualizing about the stories where you get to see the facts, we want to dig into the facts and show the american people and viewer what is going on, he is saying imagine if you twitter or facebook censoring the new york times, the washington post or the los angeles times or politico on their coverage of russian collusion in the steele dossier, can you imagine what would've happened in reaction if that would happen. >> here's the key difference,
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the difference between those two stories, russian collusion, all of that, we now know that the basis, the steele dossier was a hoax, it actually was a hoax, what are the contents of the laptop, they are actually the contents of the laptop the fbi has verified the coma they shut down the story and in fact while they pump up the story that was not that was debunked even by james comey fbi leadership when it first came out, the american people see this for what it is and we are big boys and girls in america, we can take the truth, we can consume the truth, let us be the judge but don't abuse these positions of the big tech companies. liz: you know what else is going on you see cnn quoting facebook's spokesperson andy stone about failing to note that
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he has a long career as a mouthpiece for democrat politicians in groups like the democratic congressional caucus and then you have the intercepts wayne greenwald going after the media saying the media is claiming we can't cover what is going on with the hard drive and laptop even though the fbi d.o.j. indian i say is not russian disinformation the media says we can cover it we don't have access to it, growing untangling greenwald is saying when you reported on wikileaks you used me as a source you never had access to the wikileaks archive, what are you talking about that's what glenn greenwald is saying. >> there are many out there that have been abused across the spectrum by this careful guidance of media and the reporting and whether you are left or right in america you have a right to have yourself published or right to have yourself heard if you put it out there, again they were suppressing what is fact versus what is fiction and when it
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comes to the fbi who verified the contents, how much more did you need from the very people who tell you you must believe the fbi, they say we can't believe fbi, which when can you have in right now they should be asking a question about the delaware state police who turned over what was given to them by rudy giuliani to the fbi, where does that go, does not go into another blackhole, those are questions for christopher wray, other members of the d.o.j., they need to answer questions about what they have been sitting on. liz: were gonna stay on that story two, cnn, the term campaign official, she nearly said i would love if reporters would start doing digging and verifying this information about the biden's business deal and answering were not to do your work for you, that is a
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journalist job to figure out if this is verified and dig in and get the facts about the story when she says were not going to do your work, it sounds like she's saying the journalist do the bidding of political parties but that is not true, would you think of that david. >> it is not supposed to be true, let's face who he has been for many years, look at the various stories that she's done and her past interviews of the blind shake that anybody wants to set that up in new york city, she is always carefully guided agendas, that's fine if you're an opinion person do whatever you want, left or right but if you're supposed to be a serious journalist then it's who, what, why, when, how and that is the reporting and that's not the heart of a job to do is be when you are always great, it's great to have your insight. we will stay on it, great to see you, come back soon. >> great to see you. liz: up next amanda rauh-bieri,
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the former law clerk for amy coney barrett, this is the vote, tonight to see judge amy coney barrett to the supreme court, the democrats next step in the battle against republicans in this fight, this is happening now, the story next. >> hollywood elites have been criticizing judge barrett for her face and convictions ever since. i've got news for the democrats and their friends in hollywood, the dogma lives loudly and me.
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and the wireless controller helps deliver the right amount of insulin. plus, take your insulin anywhere with a small tubeless pod. get started with a free 30-day omnipod dash trial today. go to for risk information, instructions for use and free trial terms and conditions. consult your healthcare provider before starting on omnipod. simplify diabetes. simplify life. omnipod. liz: looked to his back with us, former law clerk for judge barrett, great to have you back on, we know you testified in support of judge amy coney barrett, the final senate vote within the hour or so, clarence thomas will swear her and after
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white house tonight that is according to fox news john roberts, your thoughts on this american moment. >> it is so hard to put into words, it's an incredibly exciting moment for me to join the supreme court but more important is an exciting moment for the macon people, she is choosing and a fantastic process. liz: the debate raged overnight and they spoke from the senate floor, senate chuck schumer said we are going to fight this process by senate republicans, they are saying this is a do or die moment, this is life or death with the nomination and the seating of justice barrett, your thoughts in reaction to that. >> i think back to the hearings that were held two weeks ago, i think we heard so much from judge barrett, we got her
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answer, tough questions from both sides of the aisle and we've seen what a well-qualified candidate she is, we've seen how intelligent she is that she is a person of incredible integrity and principal and we think the senate is going to confirm her and we will see her on the supreme court. liz: lisa murkowski said she will vote to confirm amy coney barrett and so will mitt romney, soon susan collins is a no, let's turn to senator richard blumenthal threatening retaliation against republicans and joe biden was to restructure the supreme court and the commission to study to do court packing, democrat of biden's transition team has signed onto a letter for new democrat legislation that would do term limits for the supreme court to democratize the court, it is unclear that the democrats realized everything that they want could be flipped around and
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used against them in the future if they try to do these things, what are your thoughts about that amanda. >> were coming up to an election and were seen a lot of discussion about the supreme court and the future of the supreme court, i've gotta tell you right now, pretty focused on tonight vote in excited to see the result of this confirmation, the president has made an excellent choice and nominating amy coney barrett in the supreme court. liz: amanda rauh-bieri thank you so much for joining us, we really appreciate it. coming up, fox news pouring policy contributor kiron skinner on the debate that is cheating up washington, working from d.c. sources, the debate whose foreign policy is better for america, the president or joe biden, the story is next.
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>> on friday we announced a historic peace agreement between israel and sudan, that is very significant, the third peace agreement we've been able to announce in the last couple of months i will say some people be in washington 30 or 40 years never able to work on a single foreign transaction, we have achieved three-piece deals. did you know that feeling sluggish or weighed down could be signs that your digestive system isn't working at its best? taking metamucil every day can help. metamucil supports your daily digestive health using a special plant-based fiber called psyllium. psyllium works by forming a gel in your digestive system
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♪. elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show former top state liz: will come back to the show kiron skinner, always great to see you and have you want again, whose foreign policy is better for america, whose foreign policy is better for the u.s., joe biden or president trump, that's the debate in d.c., what do you think. >> i actually think that donald trump is, you can say she worked in the trump administration and the trump campaign in 2016 and on the transition team but i'm looking at this objectively in terms of the results and outcomes. in the past few months despite covid-19 and all of the issues around race in america that we've been dealing with, we've also set the bar very high in this demonstration with peace deals in the middle east that no one thought in the post-world war ii world that ever happened. there are more in route this all
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came out in the white house in the shop of jared kushner and his small team and intellectual architectures that defies the logic of the middle east experts which have said you've got to have a land for peace deal and you got to resign the palestinian issue first, he turned the logic on the head and said let's work individually with countries and get an agreement if it will and fact make it easier for us ultimately to get a big deal with the palestinians that's happening at a level that no one thought possible but that's just part of the story, on the issue of china since the opening to china and the kinzinger era, the position had been that we will help china long to be a developed nation but it was very difficult for elites in the 21st century to face the fact that china was a global menace, donald trump
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somehow has led to a national consensus around the reality of c.geopolitical and domestic, that's an achievement right there and then the matter of burden sharing is so fundamental to the future of the united tates and the predominant out underpowered it is donald trump that has insisted that the nato country nearly 30 countries that they pay more of their fair mutual defense, when he campaigned in 2016 for five countries were meeting that challenge, it's doubled since then, hundreds of millions of dollars more into nato, when you look at thesei' issues that i mentioned, and makes one a bit nervous about abiding administration because there's a commitment on that side to unravel everything that this president has achieved.
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liz: biden 60 minutes name russia as washington's most serious global threat andy called china the biggest competitor were looking at a statement from joe biden going back to 1997 about how china admitted to the wto would not be an issue, were looking at a quote from biden 2011 that we have to go beyond china working with us on trade deals but allow china into our board room into our universities, enter athletic field, you see joe biden saying that china is just a competitor, not going to eat our lunch, when you hear that what is? yourhe reaction. >> that is a real joe biden hent is saying something different now joining the consensus that president trump has felt for china as a potential and a real threat withpo the potential to o enormous damage to u.s. interest in every part of the globe, he
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is changing his tune in real-time, he is a problem for some china and during his nearly 50 years in washington one of those who supported bringing china to the wto, he is one of those who did not hold china's feet to the fire on human rights issues anti-human rights abuses to u.s. china trade and he wants a corporate tax level for the united states that surpasses that of china, when you look at the range of domestic and foreign policy of joe biden, it is a danger for the united states on china, we will go backwards not forwards. >> what was the immediate danger be to americans. >> i think the immediate danger would be the signal would be received by the chinese, there is a new sheriff in town and
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what they are doing all over the world on the african continent in the broader middle east and the south china sea that the united states won't respond with the strength that donald trump has been building because he just sees the world biden in his camp and a very different way, let's cooperate first, even if it entails preemptive consumption making which we know is the biggest danger of all in ieternational relations. liz: white is that the biggest danger final word. >> we saw in the cold war with m the soviet union, once you begin to make concessions before the other side has delivered, would you expect from them the deliverance never happens, it just doesn't happen. liz: thank you so much for your insight, come back soon, good to see you. >> thank you.
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liz: i'm elizabeth macdonald you been watching "the evening edit", that doesn't for us and we thank you so much for watching join us tomorrow night and we hope you have a good evening. ♪ ♪ ♪. lou: good evening everybody we are going to take a look at the senate floor where in just about a half an hour we expect the senate to vote to confirm judge amy coney barrett, you are looking at senator lindsey graham hughes the judiciary committee voted amy coney barrett out of committee last thursday by a fully partisan vote 12 -
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