tv Kennedy FOX Business October 27, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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us. here tomorrow night, eric trump, newt gingrich, the wall street journal's kim strassel guest tomorrow. we hope you'll join us for that, thanks for being with us tonigh tonight. see you tomorrow and good night from sussex. ♪ ♪. kennedy: holy underwear there is now just mother loving week until the election. joe biden is in the lead. the question is can the former vp run out the clock before he sent hunters baggage sinks is a father's entitled battleship. there is been accusations that shady dealing in ukraine and china for years now pre-the trump campaign claims the bidens made a fortune. and that joe was corrupt, sleepy joe says it is all a load of pony bag luncheon hogwash. joe biden should excite himself to the american people. we do have a right to know what he and his son were doing and how much they made doing
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it. instead, he keeps dodging questions. and we don't need no stinking dodgers. but there's another side to this coin. is this a winning issue for the trump template? should the president instead be focused on other things like an economic recovery? texas republican senator ted cruz is on yesterday's episode on hbo where he said this. >>'s you don't believe parties are moved by the hunter biden? >> i don't think ms. a single voter. >> so can and will the trump campaign he'd ted's advice? joining me now is the former mayor of new york city, and personal attorney to the president, really giuliani is here for the very first time. welcome to your maiden voyage on the ss kennedy. >> theory nice to be with you pleasure person to act rightly so. so how often do you get calls like this from people saying you are not going to believe what just fell into my lap?
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sabina probably not since i was u.s. attorney. when sometimes that would happen and they were reporting crimes. and this was a call, actually to my lawyer. because he felt bad for me. he said i was being accused of all kinds of false things by the press. that the ukraine story was entirely verified, which it is in the hard drive. and that he had given it to the fbi. but after seven months the fbi had done nothing with it. so he wanted to get into the hands of somebody who would do something with it. he got in touch with me and he got in touch with senator johnson. xo what did you finally get the laptop? >> i finally got about ten days ago. maybe two weeks ago. claims will discovering things. just today i discovered, last night we discovered a it contains audio recordings that he did not realize were up in the cloud. and then in his drive. and one of them is very
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incriminating. it is a recording which he talks about the chinese spymaster that he and his father were in business with. and one of the chief intelligence offices in china who subsequently has been murdered by the chinese. he has a description of that in his own voice. all this nonsense that it is not his hard drive, is now completely silly. we now have his voice in the hard drive. >> so you say you found all these things on the hard drive. you cracked the encryption and the hard drive? >> not all, some. kennedy: how did you get into it? >> an expert. kennedy: [laughter] i can't do it. a former lease and federal officers who do this kind of work. i also found, just today, an entirely new, more money from
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the chinese. another $10 million that went into the company that joe is a 10% partner of. so we are constantly finding new documents. the most extraordinary thing is the amount of money in this period of time, at least now that we can count that went to hunter and joe. it is somewhere between 35 and $40 million. if you count the money from ira iraq, the money from ukraine. the money from russia. see for these are some big claims. i know you have been back and forth between the u.s. and the ukraine for a couple of years now. and one of the meetings you had with andriy dirk chess, that was about a year ago. he was believed to be a russian asset, to be an agent working on behalf of russia.
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and he has been saying for some time that not only does damaging evidence exist from hunter biden's laptop. he's also saying there is a second laptop. how does a ukrainian lawmaker who may be compromised of a second laptop? in this person by the way is someone. [inaudible] questioned him and he had no information directly relevant to hunter biden. nor does he have any information about this laptop or anything to do with this laptop. the constant democrat. kennedy: than why is he saying that? >> i he did have other laptops. there are two laptops that are in the possession of other people. this laptop might have been his main one. but there are whole gaps in this laptop, for five months was nothing in here so he must've been using another one. before so hunter biden allegedly reptile up the laptop off in april of 2019, i
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believe that completely. you given possession of it ten days ago. so they've just been floating around for your half? how do we know that these laptops asked mike you have cracked the encryption, how do we know by some of this stuff on here and special some of the most salacious stuff? when will you show the evidence to prove these are unadulterated advices? >> i gave it to the post and they did their own separate verification with independent experts. and they came to the conclusion that it is his hard drive. there are internal pieces of information that only he could have, that i know for my investigation. we also have his signature, and the gentleman who had it, it was in his constant possession for all of that period of time. there were witnesses that can testify to it. i mean all of the issues that are brought up our phony issues. this is hunter biden's laptop. his voice is on it.
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his signature is on the receipt. there are things in your only he could know. and when you look at the photographs section, you are darn right it is his laptop. and it is disgusting. and it includes a large number of underage girls. so far we could talk about under age girls and just a little bit. you know fox news is not >> nobody is taking care of this underage girls for the fbi has had this for nine months. there is a statement here makes to his father, he admits to his father that he is a danger to the kids. and joe biden does nothing about it. and the fbi said nothing about it. and the police have done nothing about it. because they are biden's. and biden's can get away with $40 million. c4 are you asserting right now that local and federal law enforcement are allowing young children to be abused, to
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protect the biden's? i did not say abused. i used their words. joe biden says that he is a danger i will read it to you. i was on september 3, 2018 and it says unequivocably, he is a danger to the children. there are three other references. and then if you look at the pictures, you see filthy pictures. c4 come on man, here's what we will do. we will have the people in our news department verify all of this. that sounds like there may be something here that's fishy that's causing americans, getting a pause. and now they're stuff that might've been completely adulterated over the 15 months. some could say you're acting like christopher that you are abstracting information. >> you've got to be kidding me?
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i am acting like christopher still? you better apologize for that. i mean i have been a united states attorney, associate attorney general, mayor of newark city and a member of the bar for 50 years but i've never been accused of anything. you are accusing me of being christopher still? >> i am act accusing you to acting similar to christopher still. >> signature occur? similar tuneup structure of justice? kennedy: you're going between the united states and ukraine. you are having a defamation of me, reputation for it every single thing is here. and i want you to look at it. i want you to apologize to me. but you can come to my office. and you can look at it. and tomorrow night you can apologize to me. to say that i am like christopher silbert i told her there under age girls there, there are. i told two there are documents that show that he is getting 10%. there are. there are documents that show he's getting half of what hunter gets, there are.
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and when they are there, i want you to apologize to me. >> that is outrageous. because you have no basis for that. i came on your show in good faith to give you evidence that has been withheld from the american people. and i get defamed. that is outrageous. >> alright, you you still working on behalf of the president? >> i think our interview is now overpaid >> i'm not even gotten to the part of 1994 in the video music awards. that's a lesson you and i were on camera. and it has taken this long, unlike at that beautiful part about you and me. this is the last time i'll be on camera because i don't people, christopher silbert i am sorry. christopher steele is a criminal. you are asserting i'm a criminal. >> state farm saying eastern europe is a cesspool. >> i did not get them from eastern europe. you are now repeating lying propaganda from the democratic
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national committee. and the crooked biden family. i had nothing to do eastern europe. i got this from the repair man who corroborates it. this is hunter bidens, this is hunter bidens material. it is proven a hundred times over. and i have a voice recording of him in which he talks about being in business with the chinese spymaster. maybe should play the recording and see if i don't have it. it is been all over the internet today. and if you are better informed you would have known that. >> i have read plenty about this, i have. >> have you heard the recording? it is been out there all day of hunter biden saying that he is in business with the chinese spymaster, patrick hoke? and his think a partner, the richest man in china, may be dead? and he and his father may be called as witnesses? did you hear that one? >> know we have not been able
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to verify large swaths of the material that has allegedly come. >> that is because you don't want to verify food >> kennedy: i would love to verify, i'm mrs. verify. >> "new york post" his verified it. before i have the opinion editor from the post on this show. >> you think the printing false material question if you think rupert murdoch would let them print false material? kennedy: heavens no. >> just because i gave it to them? do you think they would print that material kennedy: do you regret your interaction the brat movie? >> that's a stupid question isn't it? kennedy: know i have a 15-year-old daughter. i watched that it was kind of grossed out by. i'm giving you a chance to explain. >> i called the police when i realized that it was a scam. i called the police and he ran away. because the minute, the minute she said something
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compromising, i called the police. whether you believe it or not, stacking my shirt in. he made it appear as if it was something different. the minute she said she would give me a massage, call my security guy we called the nook city police department who came there, and is 50 man crew ran out of the place but said that's what happened. would you like to ask me any other? any other questions to attack me for merely coming on your show to show you what criminals they are? from the hard drive that has been verified by about 50 people including "new york post". kennedy: know, see you tomorrow read it for myself for it i'll put my eyeballs on it, i cannot wait for you thank you for your time. >> maybe should have done some research and listen to the tape recording >> kennedy: i did my research. >> use sure did listen to the information came out today which hunter biden says in his own voice that he is partners with the chief chinese spymaster, patrick ho. now go figure how i made that
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u up. seeking, some creative theory how i made that up. kennedy: you can't tell you have it love this conversation, you've loved it. >> i have not love this conversation verify this conversation totally insulting. you do not impugn someone of being a criminal without any evidence for is to back i did not say you were a criminal. is that i was like christopher steele, christopher steele is a criminal. principal steele made up a totally fraudulent or point. i know that case because i represented the president of the united states and got them acquitted. i know christopher steele is. christopher steele is a peace of junk. he is a horrible person who made up a totally false report. when he was paid close to a million dollars by hillary clinton to do it. and your media, for four years generated false charges against the president of the united states based on christopher steele's fraudulent report. i am not christopher steele. i deserve an apology for
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that. >> and bludgeon came on the show, thank you for being here mr. mayor i appreciate it. >> i am not glad. before i appreciate you too. nearly 70 million people are devoted, some reportedly want to change their vote. how you do that? my monologue is next. get a quot really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (vo) i'm a verizon engineer and today, we're turning on 5g across the country. with the coverage of 5g nationwide. and, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. the fastest 5g in the world.
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♪ ♪'s. kennedy: welcome back. it's just getting fun. well there's been a massive push for early voting. especially from the miasma the pop cultural swap. and the idea is if you don't vote early, your vote does not count. that's fine, i'm a thin of voting and civic engagement. i'm also realistic enough that your vote probably won't be the deciding one. even though everyone feels like their voice matters most of all. but, not every choir boy is a soloist. what i don't understand is voting weeks and weeks earlier than the actual election day. and less were virtual signaling that you're better than everybody else because you licked the first envelope. if unocal forbids processing ballots after 29 days before election day? do you realize all that's happened in the past 29 days? this is 2020 knuckleheads. there's still plenty of october left. and they don't call the september surprise. this whiplash year started so
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many curveballs, it could be in the world series. there are still plenty of malarkey left between now and next tuesday. so what happens if you learn something new, not necessarily from some russian disinformation facebook ad. and you want to change your vote? the president is pretty confident such fickle kittens are voting for him. although the israeli that once loathing, he tweeted quotes, strongly trending google since immediately after the second debate is can i change my vote? changing it to me, the clustered most states is yes, go do it. most important election of your life. he is right and wrong. number one, can i change my vote is absolutely trending. number two, it is not the most important election of your life. it never is. we are in a slow road to hell. in either party is over spending us into oblivion and calling it a campfire.
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the details, they are not nearly as grave. for those of you suffering from electoral file mode there are solutions in swing states. in pennsylvania can change your ballot in person. and in michigan you can spoil your ballot until this friday. and in person on monday. which means you doesn't deserve it and the razorbacks can resubmit a bout twice. and wisconsin you can sweettalk your local election clerk to make sure you shower beef or you make your case. in florida, arizona and ohio you're screwed, blued and tattooed. you are stuck with whatever oval you shaded in. so i hope your buckeyes comic gators and sun devils got it right the first time. for the rest of you, get your keister off the couch and go a vote on election day. it's fun, where mass, bathe in puerile, vote your country, go to a strip club the work the polls in two ways on the same day, and that is the memo. select's before the votes are
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pouring it early, 70 million about itself are that's more votes than hillary clinton or donald trump wanted 2016. we are still weak with election day. early voter turn on key states like florida and wisconsin breaking records and some estimate that by the time voting ends a week from tonight, more than one or 50 million americans will cast a ballots. that is it possible to read the tea leaves and guess which candidate will benefit the most? here to break it down box news politics director, chris stirewalt is here. high chris. >> i didn't know my friend i can be so alternately amused depressed and excited after just one monologue part i it was possible to get so many emotions into one tiny space, but you did it pre-that's why your so great. [laughter] 's before after rudy giuliani i'm so great is so here.
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so. >> at least i will know i won't be the worst interview you're having tonight, that's for sure. best and worse. see for the site but the voting trend. they're saying this younger voters voted with frequency of florida and arizona parade there are more of them chronic twice as many as last time around in florida only 5% of voters were young and now it is 10%. it used to be just people, 65 and older were the biggest voting block. in florida met us come come down a little bit as younger demographics has cast their ballot so far. what can be read into these early trends? >> don't try. don't try to read into these things but here's what we know. there'll probably be something like a 50% increase in early voting, this time versus four years ago. so it last time it was 60/40
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and person predilection 40% early. now it will probably be about 50% early in 40% election day. and let me tell you something else. 90% of those votes, the huge, overwhelming preponderance of those votes could have been cast four years ago because they are from people who are not persuadable voters. that is the joke here. if you vote early, you are not a persuadable voter because you are voting early. people like and can't decide is at this or that, is it cocom is a pepsi? i'm not sure. those people don't sag sme to go ahead and vote anyway. those ones who wait till the end to deciphered the three or 4% of the electorate that says it's undecided those are people who vote last. they do not vote first. trying to, look obviously democrats have a lot to be happy about the cycle for them a lot to be happy about their turnout but we do not know it election days will look like we don't have an offset the
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early vote. we don't with the percentage and if you kick something up 50% going to blow through a lot of the expected lines. so throw all that stuff out and know that we are going to have a massive turn out election. >> asked tom bevan this last night. it's also the real estate that you barter in, is there any way the polls are wrong? are there trump voters conceivably withholding for some of the pollsters who call and contact them? and is it possible that the president wins and we know early, and all the polls are wrong? >> that he wins and we know early like election night? kennedy: like earliest, slow down. >> like election week? it would be like it was before. it will be so much tighter. here's a way to think about it. at this point, four years ago, our poll had hillary clinton up by one point.
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average pull has donald trump down nine or ten points. that is a big difference. as a much smaller number of undecided voter. sometime you're talking about half the undecided voters. which means he does not have enough gas in the tank to get there from here. another will be pulling errors, the polls will be wrong. we don't know by how much we do not know which direction. 2012 the understated barack obama more than they did mitt romney. c-5 and then chris christie hugged and then it changed everything. >> that change everything it was it, once you get the bro hug it's over. kennedy: i can't wait for that, chris stirewalt ocs at some point, probably just on booktv because were also spacing out. good to talk to you, thank you dear. said this i'm four years ago hillary clinton did have a comfortable lead over donald trump it a week later, what happened? right now many polls show joe biden in the bigger lead as
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chris stirewalt just pointed out. were told his neck and neck and traditional red states. if biden can shore up the latino vote and the female vocally seal the deal? are the polls wrong once again. let's begin tonight that man panel. got comedian, host a fox across american fox news radio it is a jimmy failla. and look at that common democratic pollster and author of the brand about the end of democracy, doug schoen is here. we got reason feature editor a look he's in from the beautiful library while it is a peter suderman. welcome what it all. so doug, i'll start with you. >> sure. kennedy: joe biden is enjoying so much success right now with those suburban moms who didn't love donald trump in 2016. and now they seem be really put off by him. if joe biden wins, will that be the demographic that is sealed it for him?
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>> that will be one of the demographics that seals it for him. also, he is doing better with noncollege whites. particularly women, but men to. then hillary clinton did. insofar, he is not running as strongly as hillary did with minorities. but increasingly he is improving. and it is getting close to the votes hillary got with hispanics and african-americans. kennedy: peter suderman, i turn to you because if this doesn't fact -- if we do not have a winner in it goes all the way closer and closer to inauguration day. what happens to the country? we all just moved to somalia? >> i think we watch a lot of kennedy to find out what's happening. that's obviously what's going to go on. look, people are arty stressing out this week. i have seen multiple guides how to manager election week stress.
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my recommendation is make yourself a strong cocktail. right question but that's always my recommendation. i think you're going to have to make a lot of cocktails after the election. maybe for several days or several weeks. my hope is that all of this warnings about how in fact we're not going to know on election night. i really hope they turn out to be wrong. and we basically have a good sense of who won the white house, the senate, the house, most of the statehouses, the governor's office that we actually know. i don't think that's impossible. now if that happens that does probably mean it is a democratic sweep that joe biden won in a landslide. but i think, forgetting the actual political outcomes from kind of process perspective, it would be better for the country if we could just get this over with. find out who won. find out what's going to happen, and get on with it. >> jimmy failla, you know sometimes when you're in the office and were having an off day we do much in those
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youtube videos of hillary at the center. it gives us a little pick me up. at this time, if the president loses, who will be crying? >> will be just jump in right here. on the lewin's gonna go out and say this, trump is awaiting. kennedy: really? >> yes i'm going to look into the cam like job i met the debate. biden is not beating donald, he's not beating george, i don't care at the polls. look at what your eyes tell you. so much of this comes down to voter enthusiasm. i flavored anything in 2020s nothing goes away we expected too. as peterson advised predicting six-month election for this thing will be over on election night. i think a little past midnight i think all vessel be surprised and expecting to win the election. i really do mean this. people are underestimating the power of celebrity. what i mean by that is when you meet a celebrity's menu during the trump rallies,
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gives you an exponentially bigger investment in their prosperity. natalie drives you to the polls but it drives everyone you know to the polls. kennedy: betty a thousand dollars. >> i am betting trunk. steve are you betty get thousand dollars? >> i will bet you $8000 the k trade. i'm telling you. kennedy: i can't track down john delaney and got to go right now that the panel returning in moments. say here, chuck schumer's crime, i will tell you why. ♪ ♪ uh, you know there's a 30-minute limit, right? tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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so was his justice confirmed or justice denied? joining me now it's editor at large and host of the interview podcast, the one and only nick gillespie. they welcome back my friend. >> thanks for having me kennedy. kennedy: sows amy coney barrett that freedom forwarding harpy democrats claim? >> no, not at all. and actually from a strictly libertarian's perspective, she is a definite improvement of a ruth bader ginsburg. i think that, for me is what matters most. , like ruth bader ginsburg. she is a critic of roe v wade. i don't agree with amy coney barrett he wants restrict abortion rights. that's a mistake but she shares with ruth bader ginsburg, roe v wade is not the way to decide abortion. that is true. but like with ginsburg, she's actually challenge the police on various cases involving qualified immunity paid she looked pretty good in court amendment issues like ruth
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bader ginsburg. where she is much better she has a more constrained you of the commerce clause which is part of the constitution that congress uses to justify all sorts of logs. ruth bader ginsburg was very bad on allowing the congress claim to the commerce clause they had the right to govern and regulate every aspect of our lives preselect think 2012 reason had a video specifically about the commerce clause. and the implications within obamacare. i think that is part of what she was taking issue with. when the individual mandates. and obamacare made it to the supreme court with chief justice roberts had the deciding vote in there. so, you talked a little bit about her fourth amendment issues. and i think it was good news for several libertarians. her opinion on qualified immunity and that federal case that she sat on. but where do you think she is on the first amendment? and who is the best sitting
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supreme court justice on the first event right now? >> boy that is a good question. where 80 coney barrett is, is not fully clear. from the people i have talked to, she's not really decided a lot of cases about that deal with the first amendments in terms of freedom of speech. one presumes since she is very religious that she'll be good on the religious aspects of the first amendments. then there is a question about the rights petition and the right to protest or to assemble to protest. that is become a big issue anyway that it was not even a couple of years ago. think we have mass protest, suddenly the right to assemble and the rights to petition the government is kind of important. one of the things about the supreme court in general, and free speech issues they have been tremendously great, going back to things like citizen use united which are liberals and some conservatives denounce at the time. that's actually a victory for free speech. and almost across the board
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the supreme court over the last 20 years has been great on free speech. they strike down people who want to eliminate frese expression free speech among different kinds of things for the real challenge for free speech coming recently, starting tomorrow is that congress there dragging all of the big tech guys and try to get them to regulate speech so republican and democrats in washington get more of the speech they like. that is the big issue. this is the larger issue with the supreme court. if it's going to the supreme court, that is a sign that congress is not doing its job. congress is willing to punch him so many issues including things like the individual mandates. and this is what we need to be forcing into the discussion. the supreme court should not matter as much as it does. if congress and state legislatures did things like deal with it upfront and an
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open and direct way that people could argue about and vote about, have a lot less problems. would be talking less about the supreme corporate instead of shutting each other down your absolutely right but it's an application of the executive and legislative branches. too much power concentrated in the executive branch. and that's what happens. had the court system breaking ties they should not be involved in. nick, allege and please come back soon, thank you. coming up libertarian senator rand paul it has a crazy idea to ease the covid crisis. and has nothing to do a robots but it should. the panel debates his plan next. non-valvular afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners.
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a whole wing for senior citizens or anyone who is worried about getting sick. and all of my servers and already had it. write a cruise, i would hire everybody, no exceptions, everyone would've had the infection that works on the vote. >> if i had a cruise ship i would sell it. so is this an innovative idea when the knees a little more? let's run back in with the pane panel, jimmy failla, doug schoen, and peter suderman. kennedy: is this a great idea people hit hard by the virus the jobs? working on cruise ships and waiting tables? isn't that wonderful love it. >> iran paul's a fine gentleman. this idea is awful. i mean people have been stressed out enough by getting the coronavirus. they now have to wait tables which is most stressful job in the world? why not have the work air traffic control to an direct traffic that has been under construction since a fillmore administration but i do not know why pray this is an awful
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idea. i cannot get behind it, rand paul. kennedy: doug schoen. >> we really don't know how long the antibiotics work. the idea of picking people have been infected and put them bent and enclosed spaces is one of the most truly dumb ideas i have heard in a world with many dumb ideas and many, many foolish pronouncements in the course of. [inaudible] i'm in for a thousand bucks i'm betting on joe biden and jimmy i'll be coming after you to collect. [laughter] kennedy: jimmy's get a lose. i'm not voting for either of them. but i cannot wait to spend jimmy failla money. >> know i will pay you. >> kennedy i will offer a 10% commission by collect for you. >> doug let's be clear for it as a democrat yet the kickback
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10% to the big guy. it. [laughter] >> that goes without saying. kennedy: hey man did you hear the recording today? [laughter] peter suderman. >> i also saw the borat movie so just pulling it up now. kennedy: we've got to bring suderman input has the world both informed healthcare virus but he knows the coronavirus better. i don't know about that. >> i like bars, i until the beginning of march. i spend a lot of time in them and i really miss going to bars and restaurants. i just don't think this is a great idea. i do think the restaurant world needs internal budget innovation and entrepreneurship. both lots of things in regards the private sector i don't think it's going to come from washington. as doug said, it's not just that we don't know how long immunity last, inside it's very hard to test for.
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the antibody tester action the least accurate of all the tests that we have. and also there's a bigger problem right now which is that if you look at some of the research on this, yes, we have problems with lockdowns. yes governments should open up businesses and let people make the choices they want to make for themselves. but at the same time, you've got real weariness, real caution on the part of individuals. not willing to go out in public spaces right now pretty saw that with movies this summer. that's why failed the united states there's a big budget movies coming out right now. who is going to be a problem for many restaurant and in the environment. >> soup or think iran paul's on be really upset. he thought you were his friends and you're appearing on the show because there is some goodwill. i guess he was mistaken. [laughter] that is the theme for the night. jimmy, doug, and peter thank you so much for being here tonight. i adore you all. ♪ ♪ amen ♪. tropical storm is next.
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ady. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with our renters insurance. yeah, switching and saving was really easy! drink it all up. good! could have used a little salt. visit and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be. did you try it yet? comparing plans? oh yeah. they sure can change year to year. i found lower premiums - and lower prescription costs. and those new insulin savings! hundreds of plans, $35 a month. that'll save you money. so uh, mark? on now. open enrollment ends dec 7th. comparing plans... ...really pays. paid for by the u.s. department of health & human services.
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it's time for aerotrainer, with your weight and health? paid for by the u.s. department a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time, all while maintaining safe, correct form. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout. plus, you can easily transition from one exercise
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to the next. want tighter abs and a stronger back to help relieve pain? do the aerotrainer super crunch. the pre-stretch works your abs even harder, engaging the entire core. then it's the back extension, super rock, and lower back traction stretch to take the pressure off your spine and stretch muscles. planks are the ultimate total body exercise. start with a wall plank and progress with maximum muscle activation with comfort. work your lower body with the aerosquat or advanced super squat, all while in a safe, ergonomically correct position for maximum results. build your upper body with pushups. aerotrainer is perfect for bridges and total glute workout. (host) need to reduce stress? just stretch and breathe. (announcer) plus, it's a great platform to enhance yoga and pilates moves, even increase flexibility and reduce back pain for golfers. the aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. train hard, because aerotrainer can take it.
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it inflates and deflates in less than 30 seconds using the electric pump. aerotrainer works for families, beginners, and athletes. use it anywhere. even strengthen your core while watching tv. head to now. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout, all while maintaining safe, correct form. now it's your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. go to, that's kennedy: maryland is a part of their highest single day voting record and history. with voters waiting hours to cast their ballots. i have not seen lights that long since i parted with hunter biden. [laughter] that was a joke, was it?
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no trade and this is a topical storm. topic number one. if you are like me you're trying to make your house smell like fried meat paper you are not gassy enough to get the job done. well get a whiff of these. back by popular demand, ksc fried chicken scented fire logs. hot wings. that's right, the luscious locks have been engineered by casey's top scientist to simulate the smell of chicken without using any real animal products. just like their food. made by him viral logs these frequent waivers are guaranteed to keep you warm and single all winter long. now available at walmart which is also where you can buy chicken scented pants. they weren't designed that way , that is just what the last customer spilled on them before they were returned. this tasty timber is for a fireplace read the targeted customers for these most livid cargo vans or you can bring them camping and attract
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hungry bears to your campfire will you tell scary stories about the time you almost got a job. topic number two. we all know danny's favorite dish moons over miami. a ham and eggs scrambled sandwich served with cheese, hash browns and loose stools. but this we can come at offering a halloween treat. blue moon over miami made with the blue bread. did i say treats? i'm at trichinosis. and it's about the scariest things at denny's are the customers. nice to see they found a way to get rid of their pre-covid bread supply. the spooky sandwich of color was cooked up to honor the rare blue moon on halloween night. a blue moon is when there are two full moons in the same month. it only happens once every two to three years, which is also denny's bathroom cleaning schedule. denny's offering drive-up ordering and curbside pickup. if you are ordering at denny's
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are probably too drunk to drive. you also probably gambled away your car long ago. this once-in-a-lifetime blue plate special is only available in miami. it's once-in-a-lifetime because you will probably die after eating it. too soon. topic number three. we all remember the alcoholic energy drink, for loco. if you ever drank one, it was also the last thing you remember that day. with four to six servings of alcohol and four to six servings of caffeine, these blackouts in a can make 2005, the 2010 fly-by-night puke of an eye. now, just me thought you picked up the pieces of your shattered soul, it is back for more. introducing for loco pregame shots. perfect for the drunks who are always on the go. whether they were putting them in their pocket or sticking them into your parole hearing or hiding them in your purse, you can ruin your kids school
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play, you will never have to go anywhere without these tiny slices of hell. order now before florida buys them all. and they will, because it's florida. we'll be right back, or will we? ♪ ♪ but new preparation h soothing relief is the 21st century way to do all three. everyday. preparation h. get comfortable with it. for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started.
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job, nate. thank so much for watching the best hour of your day. better than ever, take that. follow me on instagram, @kennedynation. tomorrow night, thomas-and-a-half think, neil degrasse tyson. good night. elizabeth: the dow down 222 points, just shy of 27,500, as the senate is now not in session until november 9th. veat means no to covid-19 relief until after the election. and the president is again barnstorming across the country today, one week to go until election day. he's got rallies in michigan. you're going to be looking at a live rally in wisconsin in just a few moments. nextts stop, nebraska, then on o the nevada. the battle of the battlegrounds begins. with us tonight, saul wisen
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