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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  October 29, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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ask your parkinson's specialist about nuplazid. kennedy: thank for watching the best hour of your day, see you monday, bye. sussex. elizabeth: okay. stocks popping higher on historic economic growth more than 33%. the dow up 140 points, ended the day at around 27,000. we have got this story for you. more than 79 million have voted. tonight we have the showdown, president trump squaring off against joe biden on the same day in florida. the president's north carolina rally has been postponed due to 50 mile-an-hour wind. with us bobby jindal, congressman guy reschenthaler and jump trusty, brian morgenstern. joining us in a fox business exclusive, donald trump jeb,
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taking on all of this. as the economy bounces back to 90, 95% of pre-pandemic output. joe biden saying downplaying this. president trump firing back, joe biden you will continue to put the economy? a national lockdown if you're elected. democrats look at this, top democrat representative out of michigan warning that auto workers in michigan are very clear, they're now voting for trump. we'll show you again the secret reveal that president trump is doing at his rallies that is hooking voters to his side. plus, two stories of censorship hitting the headlines today. twitter censoring top border official mark morgan what he already testified to congress, that the border wall stops gang members like ms-13, murderers, sexual predators and drugs. another story of censorship, frequent guest on our show, glenn greenwald, he quit media
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outlet for censoring his story about the bidens selling access and inannounce overseas. senate homeland security so far, tony bobulinski's documents, he is the former business partner of hunter biden, senate homeland security so far is saying those documents appear to be legit of the bidens selling access to joe biden overseas. we'll dig into what the next step for republicans in congress. joe biden is trying to run out of clock on this story. we have more on joe biden's brother james biden ducking questions about this and more on what exactly did james biden mean when he answered quote, plausible deniability to tony bob bosh, how are you going to handle the political risk to your brother? how will you get away with this? we'll drill into that. did the democrat strategy to call the hunter biden documents, things like we're watching the senate report and more did it backfire on them when they said
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it is russian disinformation. is it backfired on the media saying it is debunked? we're digging into government documents, treasury records, bank wires overseas, bank accounts and suspicious activity reports that reveal a bigger story. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. elizabeth: okay. welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. let's get right at it with former louisiana governor and 2016 presidential candidate, he is back with us, governor bobby jindal. governor, this is what we want to do first. house speaker nancy pelosi made a curious comment on what happens tuesday on the election. listen to this. >> i feel very confident joe biden will be elected president on tuesday, whatever the end count is but, on the election that occurs on tuesday
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he will be elected on january 20th. he will be inaugurated president of the united states. elizabeth: people are saying what did you mean by whatever the count is? what was your reaction when you heard that governor? >> liz, first of all thank you for having me back on your show. speaker pelosi, mainstream media don't even need bothering counting ballots. as far as they're concerned trump was not legitimately elected the first time. they don't respect the voters elected him being legitimate. they don't take seriously blue-collar workers and that voted for trump to drain the swamp, bring back manufacturing jobs, take on china, stop illegal immigration. doesn't surprise me. counting votes is an inconvenience. reality they're ignoring millions of voters across the country. it is not just nancy pelosi it is the mainstream media. the trump never won, they never accepted the victory. all the false allegations. doesn't surprise me they didn't
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respect the president and disrespected the vote that's elected him that will show up on tuesday. elizabeth: there is concerns that the fight over mail-in ballots, growing signs we may not have a winner declared next tuesday. the governor, the democrat governor of michigan saying, warning there is delays in the mail service with mail-in ballots. we also have the supreme court saying to republicans you know what, handed republican as loss in battleground states, pennsylvania, north carolina. justice amy coney barrett did not participate in either case. she hasn't had time to review the filings. the supreme court basically said you can continue to count mail-in ballot votes for number of days after election day. we have minority leader kevin mccarthy, warning networks don't make a call, don't be so sure with your calls on election night, telling the networks to hold off. when you hear that are you concerned it may take a few days to find out who won? >> liz, look, good elections, every american that is legally allowed to vote gets to vote,
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their votes are counted. i have no problem with that what concerns me you have partisan agencies, you have state judges who are ignoring what the legislature has voted to enact, they're ignoring election laws. they're changing it. i think they're changing it to help the preferred candidate. saw in north carolina and pennsylvania ignoring what the law is. ballots that arrive in time should be counted f you listen to the media, they think joe biden already won. i think race is closer than they think. i think trump has a pathway to win. pennsylvania, their polls close relatively early on tuesday night. i don't think the rioting and violence in philadelphia will help joe biden quite honestly. people will see that, remember why they voted for trump in the first place. the bottom line, it may take some time. we may not know tuesday night. what concerns me to allow votes come in after tuesday. that allows for voter fraud. elizabeth: got it. >> i think the supreme court needs to put its foot down.
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elizabeth: listen, we hear what you're saying that the race is closer than people realize. listen to democrat debbie gingell warning michigan, michigan auto workers are sticking with trump. >> it us tight here in michigan. i am out there, probably doing more than i should but i'm always masked, yesterday i had i, some of the auto workers who i saw, going back to joe biden, were very clear with me last night they were voting for president trump. elizabeth: okay. so that is congresswoman debbie beginning dell saying that. that is saying that -- dingell. >> absolutely. blue-collar workers in michigan, wisconsin. same workers in ohio, minnesota. got them in pennsylvania, across the country, especially blue midwestern states. trump won many states last time. they're competitive again. they're tired of being ignored by the d.c. elites in both
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parties. tired of bad tray deals. tired of the country giving away jobs to china. they see joe biden. they see more of the same. trump has the message resonates with voters. he is the underdog. let's be honest. i think the race is real close. some of those are shy trump voters. they may not be telling their neighbors i think they will show up an vote for president trump on tuesday. elizabeth: i mean, you look at the polls, if they come in at five percentage points for the president, those shy, so-called shy trump voter in the battlegrounds trump wins the election. joe biden speaking to oprah winfrey, saying his son hunter is the smartest guy i know. he says that on a zoom event. we'll continue to dig into the hunter biden story. we'll talk later in the show about how that story is hitting the race. you know, biden also is downplaying today the u.s. reporting the fastest economic
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growth on record, 33% annual growth, annualized. recovering a good chunk of the pandemic losses. but governor, you know, we want to show again the see credit ingredient, showing at rallies. the hook of one in four voters didn't vote for him in 2016. show up at rally, see what is going on here. watch the video the president plays. listen to this. >> i'm supporting nafta because i think it is a positive thing to do. i do not pretend to be an, expert on international trade matters. rising china is a positive development. it is in our self-interest that china continue to prosper. we want to see china rise. china is a great nation and we should hope for their continued expansion. allowing china into the world trade organization which you supported, extending most-favored nation status to china, which you supported,
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those steps allowed china to take advantage of the united states by using our own open trade deals against us. >> no. >> you think in retrospect you were naive about china? >> no. elizabeth: okay, governor, you can hear, we've watched this real and other reels like this, you hear people audibly booing, you know when you had joe biden talking about nafta, he was talking about the old nafta, that the president has since gotten revision of. governor, when you see what the president is doing, it seems to be working, getting voters to understand what he says the issues are. what do you say, governor? >> look i think he has to do that because the mainstream media won't cover it. you hit it exactly on the head. today's gdp report, 33% growth shows what will happen if we reopen our economy. biden has been unclear about everything. he has been unclear about this he suggested he might actually shut down our economy again. that would be terrible for
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america. i think if this election is about the future, who can get the economy growing again, trump wins hands down. the reality we'll live with the virus until a vaccine. we can accommodate that and be safe and reopen the economy. if trump can contrast record on taxes regulations, energy and china. that is a winning argument. biden didn't just make a mistake, when he said he would get rid of the oil industry. he was telling the truth. he didn't make a mistake when he said rising china was a good thing. that is what he really believes. trump has to continue to hammer on the economy. continue to hammer who do american people trust to grow more than the economy. poll after poll shows they trust trump more than biden. mainstream media won't cover 4years47 years of biden failures. trump has to make his own case. elizabeth: governor, thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. elizabeth: congressman guy reschenthaler from house
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judiciary. we'll put it to him, what will republicans in congress going to do next? we have reports coming in senate homeland security says so far what they're seeing that the documents from hunter biden's former business partner tony bobulinski showing joe biden was involved in hunter's business dealings overseas, those documents appear to be legit. we'll dig in to what is the next step for republicans as joe biden tries to run out the clock on this story. >> you just can't get 3 1/2 million dollars from an oligarch from moscow. anybody watching this, including myself, we would, the fbi would nuke our house. they would come after our house with more agents than they came averager stone ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart.
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yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. let's go to the cemetery!
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elizabeth: welcome back. joining me back who is back with us, congressman guy reschenthaler. he sits on house judiciary. thanks for being here, congressman. what is the next step for republicans in congress. senate homeland security said documents from tony bobulinski, former business partner of hunter biden, so far they appear legit. what are republicans on house judiciary, what are you going to do? >> liz, thank you for letting me come back on and i always enjoy it, please call me guy. the senate is looking to verify
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all the documents. of course that takes sometime. the senate policy says the documents have to be verified before they issue subpoenas. in the house i wish adam schiff would stop spreading misinformation like he did before. so he should be censured. as far as the investigation, a lot of subpoenas should go out. we should have a subpoena on hunter biden. bobulinski, jim biden, joe biden's brother and perhaps even joe biden. it is so important, liz, we remain in control of the white house so we can further go in to this scandal. additionally, i can tell you that the house, if we retake the house, a speaker kevin mccarthy and a chairman jim jordan and chairman devin nunes, they would be looking at this, and we would have answers. >> okay. because here's the thing. joe biden was a private citizen. you know, at the time of these dealings, these alleged meetings. that is, that is the storyline that is out this, but bobulinski
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said wait a second, joe biden was involved as vice president earlier than people realize. he is saying 2015. an hunter and his partners were doing this deal-making while hunter, excuse me while joe biden was vice president in the white house and we're looking at chinese businessmen meeting with joe biden in the white house in 2011. that is according to official logs. i want to get to this, clearly tony bobulinski is fed up with what you pointed out adam schiff saying this is russian disinformation. he is fed up how the biden campaign is handling this. let's listen to tony bobulinski here. watch this. >> that is a blatant lie, when he states that, that is blatant lie. obviously the world is aware i attended the debate last thursday and in that debate he made a specific statement around questions around this from the president and i'll be honest with you, i almost stood up and screamed liar.
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elizabeth: he almost stood up and screamed liar. congressman when you heard that, what did you think? he is really mad. >> i would be mad too if we had adam schiff and mainstream media saying that bob bobulinski and joe biden saying refusing to deal with this. big tech tyrants refuse to allow posts on this story. i understand why bobulinski is upset and we are former naval officer and you never doubt the integrity of that naval officer unless you want to get that naval officer fired up. we know joe biden being a private citizen, that is not true. hunter biden flew on air force two to china came back with $1.5 billion with a hedge fund under his management. joe biden admitted publicly he bullied ukraine to fire a prosecutor that was investigating burisma who had on
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their payroll hunter biden. he openly bragged about it. remember it wasn't that long ago president trump was impeached for allegedly doing this. there is no evidence. we have evidence, showing joe biden was actually engaged in this behavior. elizabeth: okay. so we've got the senate report from september. people keep saying that senate report didn't find out joe biden did any wrongdoing. this is tip of the iceberg. banks were flagging the wire transactions coming into shells with accounts expected to hunter biden. the fbi has his laptop. there is so much more and about and biden campaign is not denying the specifics of this. we don't know the extent just yet. this is tip of the iceberg stuff. working on awful lot, awful lot of oil and gas deals that his
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father wants to get rid of the oil and energy sector, he is working with high-flying split-ally connected chinese energy conglomerate, run by a guy backed by chinese and military intelligence since disappeared. this is vague investment partnership that hunter expected to get paid millions of dollars. bobulinski finds out after it fell apart, chinese set aside, sending money through the shells towards hunter biden. we're looking at millions of dollars, five million dollar loan to the biden family from cefc. five million wired into accounts connected to hunter biden. he will be the personal attorney for cefc in russian rosneft deal, cefc buying 14% stake. the way we're looking at it, we're seeing the documents coming in and so far appear legit and the narrative is falling into place. your final word on this? >> jim jordan's office said everything they reviewed appeared legitimate. so much evidence came in after
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that report. additionally we look at christopher wray. was he sitting on the laptop for a year? if so, he needs to be fired. we're at the tip of the iceberg, liz. elizabeth: corning man guy reschenthaler, good to see you. come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: we'll drill into the story with former federal prosecutor jim trusty back with us with more on that and on joe biden's brother james biden ducking questions about this and we'll try to figure out what did james biden exactly mean when he answered quote, plausible denyability to tony bobulinski and when tony bobulinski asked him how you will you handle the political risk for your brother joe? how will you get away with selling access to
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♪. elizabeth: welcome back. we're coming into the bottom of the hour. you're watching the fox business network. let's welcome back to the show, former federal prosecutor jim trusty. always great to have you back on. first do this. a fox news reporter, found james biden, joe biden's brother at a residence, asked him why he involved his brother joe biden in his china deal-making. let's listen to this.
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watch. >> mr. biden? mr. biden, can you answer some questions? >> nope. >> just wondering why did you involve joe biden in your china deal? why did you and hunter biden want joe biden to meet with tony b? >> what are you talking about? >> are you mr. jim biden? i want to ask but the china deal >> would you please stop bothering me? >> you don't want to comment, sir? >> i don't want to comment about anything to you. elizabeth: okay. he is doing his mr. wilson get off my front lawn routine. so, this is indicative of the entire -- good to see you, jim. of the entire biden campaign not commenting on anything tony bobulinski, anything what he is saying, details on laptop, they are just not commenting. will this work, will this hold?
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>> it might for the next five or six days. here was the bottom line, if i was representing james biden, you said too much. no one comes off looking good when a reporter shouts at you, you wander away. i say thank you. get in your house, hunker down and there is no upside. there is no one potentially under criminal investigation to be talking with the press. this very important phrase which is plausible deniability. that is huge because in in white-collar investigations that is the prove willfulness. if you have people talking about plausible deniability amongst themselves that is a gold platter for a prosecutor. that is basically what they call willful blindness that is the same as actual knowledge. when you have communications like that it can be a real anchor for a white-collar investigation over the long run. elizabeth: that's really
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interesting because he said, you know, tony bobulinski said, joe biden's brother james biden answered quote, plausible denyability. when he asked him aren't you worried taking political risk putting joe biden in these business deals, how are you getting away with this? we keep drilling down and digging into the shells of the bidens. you and i talked about this. the shells the bidens and chinese energy company used to bury the money flows, the submarine all this. show the viewer. tip of the iceberg shells we found out coming out of the adopt documents from the government. own personal deals and income from speeches. 14 or 15 other shells used in deal-makings. here is the thing, jim, shell was used for 3 1/2 million dollars went to hunter biden's accounts from the wife of the
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ex-mayor of moscow. 100,000-dollar shopping spree for james biden and his wife sara. $142,000 for a car for hunter biden's business partner. came from a kazak oligarch. millions to hunter biden's law firm. a million bucks to represent cefc official charged with money laundering. violating foreign corrupt practices act. it schuss goes on and on and on. this is out of the senate digging into this and treasury documents. when you see this shell activity does this make you suspicious? >> well, sure. i mean, look, we talked last week about shells and how they're not per se unlawful but if they're being used to mask financial transactions or a pay-for-play scheme, for instance, then that is certainly the type of stuff investigators look into. even with all the things the fbi when through under jim comey, i still have a lot more faith in their ability to do a forensic audit than i do congress.
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so, if you're really looking at it from a criminal justice perspective, these are clues more than they are the final case. you have all these organizations have been identified, all these shell entities. now you have to trace down the money. follow the money. see what the records show. see how things are dispersed and being spent. importantly, what never gets talked about, what is hunter supposedly provided for all these foreign leaders and all these foreign agencies? this is kind of a shock he could make this much money doing anything other than selling his family name which again is the allegation at this point. elizabeth: what is the easiest case or cases to make here? what is the easiest thing to go after here? >> there are a few that are in play. actually, if he was doing things on behalf of china or ukraine or russia, vis-a-vis american politics, like selling access, the foreign agent act is in play. statements being attributed to
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people that we don't want to register under fara under the acronym. that is great message a great moment for investigators trying to prove a willful intent if you have people saying we don't want to do this. the fara filings are very detailed. you have to lay out all the things you've done on behalf of a foreign government or foreign individual. the bottom line, going back to the al capone days, easiest thing would be a tax case, tax and money laundering case, if there was criminal intent in terms of the financial transactions that under lie these shell companies. elizabeth: one of the guys connected to cefc was charged with money laundering. you know was reportedly, hunter biden was paid a million dollars from by him to represent him. and he was charged with foreign corrupt practices act. general flynn was charged with violating fara. that is interesting it would come up here, hunter biden setting up a shell to reportedly
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avoid register as foreign lobbiest for a foreign government. your final word. >> for many years, fara was a dormant statute. people didn't get prosecuted for it. they wanted compliance. people investigate fara compliance, said file something now. don't do that again. that changed in the paul manafort cases where fair row was used. we'll see where it goes. elizabeth: jim, come back soon. >> sure. see you, liz. elizabeth: sure. up next white house press secretary, deputy press secretary brian brian morgensten this? is it backfiring? did the democrats story calling the hunter biden documents misinformation and media saying it is all debunked, backfiring? as we dig into treasury records, overseas wires, suspicious
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activity reports that reveal a bigger story? that story next. president trump: from what i understood you have only seen a tiny portion of it, but you know what the press is now doing, they're blaming russia. it is russia did it. russia's the one that created the laptop. [booing] and russia brought it into that little shop to have it fixed. russia ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪
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♪. elizabeth: okay, let's welcome back to the show white house deputy press secretary brian morgenstern. brian, always great to see you. thanks for joining us. here is the question for you. from where you sit how are voters looking at the bidens selling access story? because the media keeps saying it is debunked. what are you hearing? >> liz, the media has shot themselves in the foot frankly because we saw in the search trending searches, that when tony bobulinski offered his live
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eyewitness account backed up by devices and documents maybe the biden family is compromised by foreign powers, including our chief adversary china, you know what the google searches were, how do i change my vote and hunter biden. if you hide things from people, that is what is happening now. we're learning tonight, liz, there is active money laundering investigation apparently related to the biden family, and we already have as you just cited people doing business with them from china jail for bribery and money laundering. we had the quote about fara not wanting to register as a foreign agent. that suggests that these business deals involved potential foreign influence on the biden family, on joe biden when he was serving in our government. that is a conflict. that is tremendously troubling. the fact that the mainstream
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media is covering this up, that regular people will look even closer at this. because it looks like a coverup. often times potential crimes look very bad but often times the coverup is even worse. maybe that is what people are so energized about now. elizabeth: okay. tell us more about the active money laundering investigation that you just mentioned connected to all of this. can you tell us more? what is that? >> liz just now being reported publicly, that is all the knowledge that i have. i'm not allowed to be involved in those things. i wouldn't want to compromise any sort of investigation. we learned tony bobulinski interviewed with the fbi for many hours just recently and hasn't indicated, that the fbi, justice department confirmed there is money laundering investigation implicated hunter biden and associates that has been going on since 2019. that investigation is still
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ongoing. as i stated, and you stated, people were doing business with hunter biden who have been convicted of bribery and money laundering involved with the chinese energy business. this is just an absolute bombshell and the american people are waking up to what is going on. this sort of behavior is being covered up by the mainstream media. elizabeth: because we were tracking the cefc official, the china energy conglomerate official, reportedly patrick ho, there was reportedly a fisa wiretap on patrick ho he was involved in money laundering in uganda and chad. there was money going into reportedly a account connected to hunter biden to represent patrick ho in those allegations. is this connected to patrick ho? that dates to 2018. >> all i know, liz. all i know what is publicly
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available. he was involved in that scheme. now we know that the fbi since 2019 apparently has been looking into money laundering that involves hunter biden and the biden family. this is really groundbreaking stuff. it really calls into question what the biden family is up to, whether or not they were selling access to joe biden, to foreign powers, potentially, foreign communist powers trying to influence the way our government works. that is tremendous -- elizabeth: let me just be clear. are you saying that you heard from the justice department that there is an active investigation into money laundering involving hunter biden? did you hear that? >> i'm saying, liz, that it is being publicly reported. if you look at james james rose- elizabeth: by who? >> james rosen at incident claire is publicly reporting that the justice department confirmed to him a money
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laundering investigation that somehow implicates hunter biden and his associates. i don't know any details. i'm not allowed to have any details. i don't want any details i shouldn't be privy to. all i know the public reporting which looks really troubling. elizabeth: okay. so we'll be staying on that story. you know, so, it is unclear yet. i mean, if this is an active case or if this allegation that hunter biden is being investigated for money laundering. it's a bombshell, brian. that you brought us. we'll stay on it. we'll drilling into it to try to verify it. brian morgenstern. thanks for being here. >> have a good night, liz. elizabeth: good to see you. we'll bring back in "the hill" media reporter joe concha. he will take on two new stories of censorship. censoring border commissioner
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mark morgan that the wall steps ms-13 gang members, murderers, drug traffics. this story, "the intercept"'s glenn greenwald. he is gone, quits the media outlet he cofounded for sense sorrying his story about the bidens selling access. these two items coming up for you next. >> in a time when hate, negativity and fear are messages the media sends into our homes and the large tech companies are protecting political censorship, we need to remember what is really important. my husband's administration is focused on the future. [cheering] the health and safety of the american people, the education and well being of our children. stock slices.
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♪. elizabeth: okay, let's welcome back to the show, look who is here with us "the hill" media reporter joe concha. joe, we love having you on. two stories of censorship. twitter censoring top border official mark morgan tweeting what he already testified to congresses that the border wall stops ms-13 gang member, murderers and drug traffickers. take that one on. >> sure. the ayatollah khomeni just tweeted yesterday, quote, the next question we have to ask, why is it a crime to raise doubts about the holocaust? prime minister of malaysia, muslims have to right to kill french people after massacres of the past. we saw the horrific thing that happened in nice. the border patrol that is the one that gets censored. are we seeing bias here by now? quite frankly disturbing and
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pathetic, elizabeth. elizabeth: you know, then we have the intercept's glenn greenwald. he quits the media outlet he co-founded for censoring his story about the bidens selling access and influence overseas. they censored him, the intercept censored the cofounder. >> that is amazing thing like steve jobs ousted from apple. he cofounded the publication. he is one of the gutsy journalists. glenn greenwald is not getting invited to cpac this is not some conservative getting out views. this is journalist pursuing a story. so few journthatnalists are sure pursuing. new revelations with investigation ongoing with hunter biden. is it a story by now? will we pursue it by now? we'll do things about like not reporting the story and suppress it and lock out the "new york post" from the twitter account, we're now day 15 of
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that elizabeth. this stuff is orwellian, it is not even that bad. elizabeth: i hear you. joe concha, you're always terrific. thank you so much for coming in. good to see you. >> good to see you. elizabeth: same here. coming up retired i.c.e. acting director tom homan is fired up about what happened to top border guy mark morgan getting sense toward by twitter. that story
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only for a limited time. to learn more, go to ♪. elizabeth: okay, let's get you updated. donald trump, jr. got stuck at a rally, i believe it is in maine. we are going to have him back on the show very soon. he wants to come on the show. he sends his regrets he couldn't join us tonight. want to get you updated on that. look who is here now, he is fired up ready to go. he retired i.c.e. acting director tom homan. tom, thanks for joining us. twitter suspended the account of u.s. border patrol acting commissioner mark morgan for tweeting out what he already testified that the border wall stops gang members, drug traffickers and more. what is going on here? >> this is clear bias by
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twitter. me and mark morgan are friends. i've known him for years. he is doing a great job at cpb. he called me to ask for my opinion. i said he doing exactly what he should be doing. he is the commissioner of cpb. he has the responsibility to educate the american people on how much of the wall is going up and you know, what is the effects of that wall and because his tweet showed positive effects of the wall, stopping criminals and drugs, i mean that is a pro-trump tweet i guess, what twitter thinks. they don't want to give the president any credit or justify the existence of this wall. so they banned it and i think it is another example of clear bias by twitter against this president and this administration. elizabeth: i mean, we just had joe concha on, to keep up tweets from you know, the ayatollah khamenei, other, other tweets from dictators around the world. mark morgan was simply saying
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this is what i told congress, that we've got 400 miles of border wall right now and it is helping to stop criminality at the border including human traffickers. we did a story about human traffickers, you know, trafficking in, we hate to say it, trafficking in children. 1300 children rescued by u.s. marshals out of the hands, many of them out of the hands of human traffickers. why would twitter want to suppress that kind of a story? >> in my personal opinion they're anti-trump, anti-this administration. they want to silence the good work this president is doing. mark morgan simply stated facts. anybody can go to the cfpb website. every place they build a border barrier has less illegal immigration and illegal drug flow. i'm not saying everybody that crosses the border are a criminal or gang member but many are. that is fact. mark morgan stating the border
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wall is effective. that these policies are good for this country. there is a risk if we lose these policies this is a risk we'll have a real issue at this border and lose every -- [inaudible] immigration. and that goes away if this policy goes away. elizabeth: you know it is sort of like "an inconvenient truth" to people who haven't studied the issue and haven't dug into it as you have, that you know, the mayhem and chaos at the border, that if you cross illegally, or try to cross illegally you could be really seriously hurt by human traffickers, by drug traffickers. one in three women are assaulted on the journey in. it is dangerous for them. we have u.s. border officials talking about what we've been reporting on, they're are digging, drug traffickers digging tunnels to get under the border wall. also using drones to do drop-off
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deliveries. clearly evidence is there there is activity, criminal activity at the border, tom, right? >> yes there is. and that's why i spent 34 years fighting this. [inaudible]. i get angry with them, we get into an argument. the facts are facts. there is no downside on secure border there is no downside on less illegal immigration. there is no downside on less illegal drugs. there is no downside on less gang members. there is no downside on stopping women from being raped. i salute mark morgan sending that twitter out. i have hope he continues. >> so far, looks like the tweet is still suppressed and censored on twitter. tom homan, another crazy day in journalism. thanks for being on. tom homan there thank you for your service. >> you got it. elizabeth: i'm elizabeth macdonald. you've been watching
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"the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. we have want to thank you for watching. we hope you join us again tomorrow night and we hope you have a good evening ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. theree are only five days remaining in this campaign until election day. president trump today making a campaign stop in yet another major battleground state. the president rallying for an hour and a half in the hot sun. goes from the freezing cold of t michigan and wisconsin then to the blazing sun of florida. not complaining today, certainly. actually, not complaining about the cold in the midwest either. the president rallying in front of tens of thousands of supporters across the country. thousands o


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