tv After the Bell FOX Business November 3, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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you. liz: thank you so much for that. michael arone. [closing bell rings] gold up $15 a troy ounce. you can't move. i'm going to be on "lou dobbs tonight," 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on line on biggest day for a market on election day since 1984. connell: it is election day in america. indeed we do have a rally on wall street. i'm connell mcshane once again reporting to you from the state of pennsylvania. this is "after the bell." stocks surging throughout the day. closing around the highs as a matter of fact of fact. investors seem to bet on more stimulus after the election. we'll talk about that throughout the show. the dow is actually up more than 1000 points now, just over the last two trading days. this is quite a stretch running into election day. speaking of which, the white house race could come down to this state, to pennsylvania. today we're coming to you from washington crossing. about an hour drive northeast of
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philadelphia. i'm sitting in front of mconkey ferry inn, that is the exact prays continental army stayed before general washington's fateful trip across the delaware river. this is a historic backdrop on history in 2020. susan li is in the newsroom in new york. grady trimble at the polls in harrisburg, pennsylvania. blake burman at the white house. hillary vaughn with the biden campaign in wilmington. we'll get to everybody. we'll start with you, grady, like me you're in pennsylvania. i was out at the polls. we saw long lines in bucks county outside of philly. some people waited well over an hour to vote. seemed like a lot of enthusiasm, pretty strong in-person turnout at least in county. what do you see where you are? >> that is the same scenario in pittsburgh this morning, connell. we have video of the polling place we were at just a few hours ago. when the polls opened, there
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were lines that lined around the block. what you're looking at ppg paint arena. that is actually where the pittsburgh penguins play. like many sporting arenas, and stadiums has been turned into a voting place. in pittsburgh, a lot of democratic voters. president is counting on republican voters to show up on election day in other parts of the state, more rural and suburban area. reason for that, three times more democrat returned mail-in ballots than have republicans. we've been talking to voters for the pastfy days from where we are here in harrisburg, to butler, pennsylvania. all the way up up to erie. a lot of republican voters show up today. listen. >> i want to make sure it counts. i have always done it that way. i just have a comfort level with showing up to vote in person.
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>> when election day comes you will see a big surge in republican voting. the way each side are pushing it. democrats say mail the vote in. republicans say go vote in person. i think that is what you will see come election day. >> young people, democrats will be scared about coming out today. so i am nervous about that. i could see about how that would be a possibility. reporter: as you know, connell, if this is a close race nationally and here in pennsylvania we might not have a result immediately. that is for a couple of reasons. the first is because seven counties in pennsylvania say that they don't plan to count those mail-in ballots until tomorrow. so that is largely democrat votes. as we mentioned. we might not have the total tabulation from those seven counties until tomorrow. the other reason is because mail-in ballots postmarked before election day but received on november 4th, 5th, or 6th will be counted. they will be kept separate in case more litigation comes from
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that. as of now, if returned by friday it will be downed. could go either way in pennsylvania. we're keeping a close eye on it because it is so critical to both parties. connell? connell: my understanding if that ballot comes in after 8:00 p.m. tonight, they will segregate them. you have until friday. thank you, grady trimble, now in harrisburg. he has been all over the state as well. blake burman live at the white house. there are a number of other states to watch, i'm sure the president pays close attention to all the battle grounds. when the latest. reporter: speaking to folks in and around president trump's orbit the last couple days they're very confident where things stand right now here on election day. so much so, press secretary kayleigh mcenany said publicly today, she believes it will be a landslide as she put it in her words tonight for president trump. as for the president's lone campaign event, his lone event, go across the river, thank the
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campaign staff, thank them for the work they have done weeks, months, really year plus heading into day. at least the president laid out how he believes the things could shake out this evening. listen. president trump: i'm looking right now, i'm looking at different locations and we're seeing lines of people and they're wearing a lot of red material including hats. but, no, we're seeing in certain areas that would be trump areas, we're seeing lines of people extended for miles. so i think we're going to have a great night but it is politics and it is elections and you never know. i can say texas, arizona, a few of them are looking very really strong. florida looking very, very strong. reporter: there has been some question as you have discussed about whether or not we will know who the winner will be tonight. calling into "fox & friends" earlier this morning the president suggested that he would not make any premature
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declarations. president trump: when there is victory if there is victory, i think we'll have victory. i think the polls are you know, suppression polls and i think we'll have victory but only when there is victory. i mean, there is no reason to play games. reporter: as far as the president's plans, go he is over here at the white house, watching results and returns come in the residence potential lip. the campaign though, connell has set up a war room in the what is known as the eeob here in washington. about 50 yards behind my camera. that is a big sprawling massive government building. the trump campaign is paying for that setup inside the eeob. it appears the president will spend most of his night, with the president most everything is fluid. connell? connell: all right, blake. we'll see you throughout the night. we know where you will be. blake burman on the north lawn. the other side, hillary vaughn
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is in wilmington, delaware, for us at joe biden's headquarters. what is the latest from there, hillary? reporter: connell, biden is back in wilmington right now. he is at a community center talking to local teens right now but he did say earlier today he is feeling good but certainly not taking anything for granted because he has been popping up all over pennsylvania, his home state today. biden clearly trying to have the last word after trump held a rally in his hometown of scranton yesterday. >> as goes philly, so goes the state of pennsylvania? [cheers and applause] >> we love you, joe. >> turnout has been incredible. [cheering] reporter: biden campaign disagreeses that philly is the key, devoting their strategy to get to 270 electoral votes
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earlier today, they actually don't need to win four big battlegrounds, pennsylvania, florida, ohio, and texas in order to win. >> we don't need to win them. that is true luxury. we don't need to win any of these four big states in order to still get to 270 electoral votes. reporter: biden, who spent critical days in the general election playing it safe, socially distancing keeping voters at arms length got rid of the rule book they have been playing by. the candidate is crammed in the middle of crowds at multiple stops today. biden also visited his childhood home in scranton pennsylvania. he signed the wall in the bedroom during his visit today. he wrote this. from this house to the white house with the grace of god. it looks like he wrote that in permanent marker. so that cannot be erased but biden today, in a local tv interview with a station in
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pennsylvania was asked if we will be hearing from him tonight? he didn't answer with a vote of confidence. all he would say is, it depends. connell? connell: that's interesting. hillary vaughn. with the biden campaign in wilmington, delaware. how about this in relationship to the financial markets? nice rally today. susan li reporting on it along with gary kaltbaum, kaltbaum capital. susan, over 1000 points leading into the election for the dow? susan: the stork market is seen as a voting machine. investors are coming around to the idea regardless who wins the direction markets historically go up, 6% in the year afterward. going back to 1929. eventually we will get a stimulus package. will it be $2 trillion? maybe not if we have a split congress but we'll get something. don't forget even if taxes go up to corporate tax of 28% of
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biden, goldman sachs says you have repeal of tariffs and huge spending packages should make up for all of that. connell: my math is not that hot. i think it is a little under 1000. the point is, gary, it has been a nice run here, to susan's point there seems to abet on stimulus, does that have something to do few weeks ago we were told a democratic sweep, does it mean more spending with the democrats winning and keeping congress? what is going on with the election, do you think? >> last few days the fact we dropped 1800 points last week. so we're getting a bunch of that back. i think there is really a bet on maybe the economy getting better no matter who wins. the strongest area of the market right now are a bunch of these transport names like the rails and the truckers, a lot of economically sensitive names, like sherwin-williams and the like. so i think there is a move afoot here on a better economy and look, as far as the election i
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do believe we probably have a decent end of year no matter who wins but when all is said and done, and i know what goldman says and everything like that, when you try to take 4 trillion bucks out of the economy and put it in government hands, that is not good for profits, that is not good for business and eventually it will be a headwind for the market because profits will be down but that is for a little bit down the road. connell: so just to follow on that, gary, real quick, you're saying there is no bet here, i heard both arguments made on the air by different guests and contributors and the like, there is no bet that the president is winning and the market knows it or that the democrats will sweep? it is neither you're saying? >> we've been all over the map for the last two weeks. look for me, there is no doubt in my mind that the momentum is in the president's favor. maybe there is a component to that but i wouldn't give it 100% because, you know, just don't blink. you don't know what will come five minutes later. again we have a whole night,
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maybe, two or three days before we know what the heck is going on here. connell: could be especially here in pennsylvania. thank you, susan, thank you, gary. we'll continue coverage, whatever the reason after last week's selloff. vote es making their decision in the trump-biden race for the president. millions of americans have been at the polls today, so many more, 100 million voted early as the u.s. braces for any early indicators avictry. we'll look what some of those might be. plus next, the polls in pennsylvania and what it could mean for some other states we're watching closely. we're on the ground as a matter of fact in three other battlegrounds. washington moving across the delaware. years ago at least. we'll be right back. don't understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first.
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♪. connell: millions of americans out voting. we're just under three hours from the first poll closing. breaking down the early indicators we're watching for is pollster kristen anderson, looking at some key states wisconsin and nevada where lines formed. what are the best indications how the night is going? what are you watching early on?
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>> i'm a florida girl at heart. i will look at the state of florida. because florida is great at counting ballots quickly. there is really high turnout in florida. it's a place where a lot of pieces of different candidates coalitions will be voting in big numbers. joe biden has made inroads with the community, senior citizen community. that is a big republican group might be swinging towards biden. at the same time trump has made big inroads with latino voters, a democratic constituency that might swing back towards trump. florida will give us a nice snapshot how the coalitions are coming together and who the heavy turnout is favoring. connell: both sides expect result out of florida unless it is extraordinarily close. with that, what other states might we hear from? arizona would be pretty reliable. they have been counting ballots out there, right? >> that's right. typically on a election night you look from east/west as polls closed. this time around you will want to look from south to north.
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many of the southern sunbelt states, places like north carolina, for instance, are supposed to be a little bit quicker counting ballots. many have rules say the ballots have to begin today, to begin processing them earlier. once we move north towards places like michigan, pennsylvania, that is where we have the potential for a red mirage you might have a lot of election day votes counted, they might go for republicans but all of those mail votes left to come in later that might begin to swing things back towards the democrats. connell: the pictures you're looking at by the way on the screen as kristen was finishing comments of former vice president biden are coming live from wilmington, delaware. the former vice president is out and about. can we listen in? all right here is joe biden. >> [inaudible] are there any lessons learned? -- [inaudible] >> no, there's not.
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as you guys know, you have to cover me for a long time, i haven't changed what i've been saying since the day i announced. the day i announced everybody thought i was way off base. and by the way i don't mean that -- i'm not being critical of anybody else, i'm just saying i believed very, very strongly, i really mean it, that we have to restore decency and honor in our system, or it is just, it will fall apart. secondly i believe extremely strongly, and i know you all watched it from the very beginning, that we have to rebuild the middle class. we have to give ordinary people a fighting chance. they can do anything when you give them a chance. thirdly we have to unite the country. all three of those things were viewed as either too much of a reach or not a reach enough. and i haven't changed my view. and, so, you know, this is, for example, i didn't realize this was here, the reverend herring, who was one of the five major
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leaders in the black community when i got started in wilmington, back when i was a kid, when i started off as a lifeguard, my good luck charm is always go back to where i started, every election i go by. we'll go places -- swimming pool. and it was, you know, i, the leadership of the community from here, from riverside all the way up to places run on the east side was overwhelmingly african-american but it -- black church. the black church was the heart and soul of the entire movement for people here and, and so, it's and, when i started off as a kid getting involved i had, i had a job at a nice country club kind of pool as a lifeguard. i wanted to work on the east
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side -- connell: former vice president biden. kristen as we continue here, he is speak in wilmington, delaware, funny how superstitious abolish ounce can be, we saw that with president trump, ended the campaign the way he ended the last one, and vice president talking about super suspicions on election night. we talked about the indicators. talked about hypotheticals, florida you talked about earlier is must win for president trump. let's say president trump does win there. what is the next thing to watch for vice president biden after florida once it comes in. >> after you get florida, still stay in the south. look at places like georgia. texas the state the democratic campaign seemed to be reasonably confident in. you heard earlier today the campaign manager for joe biden we don't need to win florida or pennsylvania. gosh if you're not winning either of those states you must think a state like texas is about to fall your way. texas is a place where you've
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seen unbelievable surges in turnout. that is the kind of place where if you want to see this unprecedented early vote, if it winds up having replace ad lot of same day vote, or if it is lot of new voters entering the process i think texas will be an interesting place to watch for that. connell: that would be some story because you're right, very hard to imagine a biden win without florida or pennsylvania. thank you, kristen, good to see you. she will be with us on today and throughout the night. gamblers abroad are wagering record amounts of money on the u.s. election. this is some election. total betting is expected to be a billion dollars. according to the head of british gambling firm, gdc that is twice as much as 2016. this makes it the biggest political event they have ever had. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪. connell: you have heard it is an election like no other. one of the ways unfortunately businesses across the nation have been boarding up up in anticipation we might get some violence. kristina partsinevelos is live in new york with the view from there. reporter: i'm not just anywhere but in herald square. you have seen macy's boarded up. not the first time but second time since the protests of george floyd. they're even taking it a notch by painting it. it means the board may stay up couple days. you hear people are hammering, they don't want to take any chances. for example, foot locker, behind me further down. they incurred roughly 1million dollars in costs with the previous civil unrest. nobody wants to take any chances. speaking with people, small businesses this costs a lot of money. costs hundreds of dollars, to thousands, put up wooden planks, paint them, put up posters.
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i was further uptown in midtown, talking to petron and shoppers how it feels to be in new york city at this moment right now? listen what they had to say. >> a little eerie. election day. sad to see the stores boarded up. >> how do you feel when you see all that, walk buy it? >> i can't imagine we've gotten to this point in our civilization in our society where we have to worry about civil unrest following an election. it's crazy. reporter: there is just a lot of uncertainty at the moment. that seems to be the consensus across the board. i spoke to one woman who said i will make sure my car is parked indoors tonight. we don't know what is going to happen. the city is calm. people are going about their business. they're heading home, hopefully but overall preparation has occurred. that is what you're seeing all around manhattan, midtown, times square, soho, east tied, preparing for the worst, hoping for the best. back to you guys. connell: hoping for the best.
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thank you indeed, kristina partsinevelos there. walmart reversing what had been a year's long push as the company said it will end its effort to use robots at 500 locations to monitor story inventory. they found after a surge of online orders after the pandemic, human employees are pretty good handling it too. a win for the humans. a few hours from now the very first polls will close in key states we're watching. we're watching this state very closely. more to come from here in pennsylvania. we'll be right back from washington crossing, pa. keep it here. non-valvular afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners.
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find a stock basedtech. on your interests or what's trending. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market. it's smarter trading technology for smarter trading decisions. fidelity. ♪. connell: americans all around the country of course are going to polls today but the outcome of this election looks like it will end up hinging on just a handful of states and we're in them. we've had a lot of reporting from here in pennsylvania. fox business team coverage with ashley webster in lake merry, florida. jeff flock in wisconsin. ashley, gotten you off the golf course as kristen soltys anderson pointed out you could be the early indicators. are we getting early results from there, what is the latest? reporter: you're absolutely right, connell. florida counts quickly.
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they precount the early voting comes in. so all they have left in theory count who voted today. why we expect the results to come in perhaps ahead of everyone else. perhaps set the stage for later on in the evening. voting here in central florida in lake mary, north of orlando, has been steady early but since fairly light. that is because so many people in florida voted early. look at these numbers. i know we've been showing them but it is remarkable. 9.07 million ballots have been cast before today. that's remarkable. when you consider that in 2016 as you can see on the screen, 9.5 million voted in the entire election. so certainly getting out early has been the name of the game here. as i say unlike pennsylvania where you are, connell, we will have those votes already counted prior to today. another thing that is different of course is that the, number of polls that close here is split
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between two time zones so the theory being, is that we should hear fairly soon after 7:00 p.m., when eastern, when the polls close in this part of florida, we'll get some quick indications i think but we have to wait until 8:00 p.m. eastern which is, of course waiting for the florida panhandle which is on central time and in the past has been solidly republican strongholds. so if we see joe biden edging ahead early in the night or some early returns we will be waiting for that push from the republican voting in the panhandle. so it is very interesting. but one thing we do know, connell this, is going to be very close. we know that donald trump won here in seminole county where i'm standing right now 48% to 47%. that is what they do in florida. they conduct very tight races. dare i say hanging chad? no, i don't. throw it back to you. connell: don't say that again. that's 20 years ago. we don't want to go back in that
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direction. they expect a result, seems like, ashley, both sides expect a result tonight, that fair? reporter: they do. unless it is incredibly close. again maybe they will have to do, god forbid talking about recounting. if, it all goes to plan i think we should know tonight who has taken florida, critical for both candidates clearly. connell: thank you, sir. ashley webster there in lake mary. jeff flock is in madison, wisconsin. we dent know four years ago this time that wisconsin would turn into the story of the night. that sort of is what happened. how does it look now? reporter: here's the deal on wisconsin, what you need to know how the votes get counted and what we'll find out tonight. we're right in the middle between you connell, the way pennsylvania does it, don't start counting until after the polls are closed, the way it is with ashley in florida, where they started long ago. we started here in wisconsin in terms of the, the votes that
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came in absentee or vote by mail, started this morning. so they're already counting. they're going into the machines. we got pictures from inside of this location, the black hawk church on the edge of madison, wisconsin, already tabulating these votes. in milwaukee, for example, they already tabulated we're told by noon, 30,000 of these votes. so we're going to get a report from some locations of the absentee and mail in votes the same as the people that voted in person. however, there are 39 communities in milwaukee where they tabulate differently. they do the absent tees and mail-ins later. so here is the deal. ashley is talking about the panhandle coming in, largely republican perhaps. so biden has to be ahead before that comes in. just the opposite here in wisconsin. milwaukee, huge democratic strong hold, they're going to come in later. so trump has to be up before the
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late milwaukee votes comes in sometime overnight, the absentees. it could be 100,000 vote plurality for trump, i mean for vice president biden with that milwaukee vote, because it is a huge democratic city. so, hold on to your hat and stay up late if you want to know because, who knows. they're still counting. connell. connell: they have been talking about all these red mirage or blue mirage. your point is a good one, it depends on the state because these rules are all different. reporter: yes. connell: that gives us a preview how we should at least look at wisconsin. jeff, thank you. we'll see you later tonight with neil and the whole crew. marking the milestone the international space station is celebrating 20 years people living in orbit celebrating 241 visitors with astronauts from 19 countries. the space station has reformed dramatically.
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and if we win, we get to tell you and doug. how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪ stand back, i'm gonna show ya ♪ ♪ how doug and limu roll, ya ♪ ♪ you know you got to live it ♪ ♪ if you wanna wi... [ music stops ] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪. connell: in our travels here the last few months through the swing states we found that
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voters seem to be motivated most by their attitudes towards the economy, the coronavirus, and sometimes how the two of them connect. certainly true here in bucks county, pennsylvania, which is where we are today. we've seen voters disappointed how president trump led the response to the virus. >> i work in retail so, it was important to get back and to grow our economy but at the same time i feel everybody's health should be put first. so we're seeing that the numbers are rising. i don't think that we responded as well as other countries have. i think that we could have done a little bit better to be honest connell: we've also spoken to business owners like frank lyons, who have grown increasingly frustrated by the government's response which they say is having an impact on the bottom line. >> we're not doing well at all. we're down 35% since the start of the pandemic but our biggest problem, connell, we're down 28%
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in food. that is sustainable but we're down 48% in our bar trade. we're standing in our bar right now. and the state of pennsylvania you cannot sit at the bar and have a drink. notwithstanding the fact we built all of these specialized barriers at the request of the state and then on july 15th, we were told we couldn't use it. you also can't have a drink unless you buy an entree. that has essentially killed the bar trade. so we're down about 48% on bar business. if we could just get our bar business back we could break even. we can break even for a very long time in perpetuity but we can't lose money forever. so we're losing several thousand dollars a week. we know a lot of the other restaurants in the area and they're all in the same situation. connell: you say you can't lose money forever. how long can you go on like this? >> my wife patty is standing over here. i would say not much further than the first quarter of 21.
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connell: wow. >> we're hoping for relief from the mitigation. there was a bill in pennsylvania which would have rolled everything back to july 15th, when the new negation. it was vetoed by the governor. it did not survive a veto override. we're back to swear one. we're hoping the election will bring relief t wouldn't be a political football. connell: sounds like a level of frustration with the governor, governor wolf? >> we're enormously frustrated. connell: talking about tom wolf, who is the democrat and governor here in state of pennsylvania. he has been targeted certainly by president trump in rallies leading up to election day for not opening up the state's economy more aggressively. let's talk about this area a little more. john joins us, the bucks county democratic chair with us in washington crossing. good to see you, sir, thanks for coming in. >> glad to be here. connell: a little bit of a distance. the state, if i could start there, there has been debate
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whether we should open up the state more aggressively, keep things closed. how do you think it is handled in the pennsylvania coming out. pandemic or going through the pandemic? >> i think governor wolf has done an excellent job trying to at least slow the virus down. i don't think we'll see an end to this virus until a vaccine can be safely distributed to the american people. and i think that is what we're looking at as relates to even joe biden going forward. nobody wants to shut the economy down but we need to slow the virus down, so that, we don't lose more americans and we don't see the growth of this virus as we've seen just recently. connell: what have you seen today, obviously supporting vice president biden. polling in the morning looked crowd, long lines. what are you picking up local in terms of turnout in such an important county? >> i think we'll surpass the turnout of 2016. i had gotten numbers at about
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2:00 and in one polling place in leavitt town, bucks counties, which is vastly populated, a mixture of republican democrat, we saw numbers at about 1500, when you include the mail-in ballots and the total for that day was 1900 in 2016. connell: what about the mail-in ballots and counting of those ballots? i know in bucks county officials i spoke to earlier said they started the process to process ballots at 7:00 this morning. tabulation starts at 8:00 tonight. other counties will delay things a little bit in terms of countying. are you worried about the on the democratic side because they skew democratic. >> we always have a concern about the unknown. the county made it a bipartisan effort trying to insure every vote will count. i think they are prepared as one can be under these circumstances. so, i don't expect significant
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delays here in bucks county. i can't really speak for the rest of the state but i would agree with you that at this point, based upon the amount of returns of ballots that i've seen in bucks county, which would kind of, i guess mimic the southeastern part of the state, it may be some time before those votes are finally counted. connell: i'm sure you're worried about just what is happening in your own county which is understandable, but hillary clinton won here barely, right? a little less than 1%. is it fair to say that joe biden needs a wider margin, if so, how wide in a place like bucks county in order to carry the state of pennsylvania? do you have any idea? >> well it is interesting you say that. senator casey put out about a few months back, if you win bucks county you win pennsylvania. you win pennsylvania you win the election. which caused my phone to ring consistently to get an opinion. all of sudden we became very significant in the process but the differential between whoever wins bucks and the state is
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within two points. so when i'm looking at this current situation i think that vice president biden needs a comfortable win out of bucks county, i would say, probably somewhere in the area of at least five to 6% differential. connell: okay. probably fair. we'll see. i don't think we'll get a call on pennsylvania tonight. but if matters, maybe we'll follow up in the next few days the way things are looking. but good to see you. thanks for coming on. >> my pleasure. connell: john cordisco, the local head of the democratic party in bucks county. bucks county, pennsylvania, such an important swing county. we talked a little bit about the virus there in the beginning. coronavirus cases are on the rise among children nationwide. 61,000 infections have been reported in the last week. that is more than any other week during the pandemic. american academy of pediatrics out with those numbers. stay with us. there is much more to come. the battleground of pennsylvania. we have you covered.
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♪ ♪ connell: all right. let's get back to it. voters casting their ballots across the country, and at this point i guess we're a little more than two hours away from the first polls closing. the white house communications director, alyssa farah, joins us with a feel from there, doubling as a sort of campaign headquarters. how's the president feeling, is and who will he be with, where's he watching the returns? >> well, it's great to join you on this historic night. the president is in a great mood. we're energetic. we're excited. last time we were running on a promise and on a vision, this time we are running on accomplishments, promises made and kept over the last four years. so the president's going to be watching returns with senior aides, with members of the first
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family from the white house, from the east wing. he's excited. i mean, we've put in the work. we've not taken any vote for granted. he's been out on the trail meeting with voters doing as many as five events a day, and we're ready to see these results. connell: we all are, i think, at this point after the campaign. i know i'm in pennsylvania today, in bucks county, and, you know, this is going to be an interesting state, as you know, if it all comes down to pennsylvania in the end because the mail-in votes could take a few days to be counted. i saw you quoted as officials are putting their thumbs on the scale can,ning what dud you mean by that? >> we were a bit perplexed by the attorney general coming it out so early into the race before results have been called. this has been our point from the outset, every american has the right to vote. we support one person, one vote. but the american people are familiar with deadlines. we have them on tax day, on election day. we want to count ballots accurately. with we don't want to extend the
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deadline. and also it's really9 just not something we've seen in modern american history where the results are potentially called when people are still casting ballots after the fact. that's what we're concerned about. but the president's got a team deployed there, we do have states where we've got some of these concerns, and we're confident that the right results will be put out for the american people. connell: yeah. i know the president's talked about it being dangerous, i think, to count the ballots afterwards, but they would have been postmarked by today, so people are voting on time, it's just that the county can take a while if the ballots don't get mailed in in in time. nothing necessarily wrong with that, is there? >> well, absolutely. it's a trarnt parent process, we -- transparent process. we're working with state secretaries of state all over the country who are processing these and having plans in place. our concern has been mass mail-in voting when our country just hasn't dealt with this level of it previous lu. like i said, we're confident that we're going to get to the
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end game, but we anticipate some delays especially in pennsylvania. connell: now, blake burman reported earlier from the north lawn and was reporting that kayleigh mcenany said this could be a blowout or landslide. we kept hearing how the president's path was so narrow in some of these states, but what's changed in the way the white house has been looking at this race in the last few days? >> we're huguely confident. we feel the energy -- highly confident. we feel great about florida. we have really worked for the support of voters in florida, reaching out to the hispanic community, reaching out the seniors. you know, working over the past four years to bring down medicare costs, for example. north carolina, we we spent a ton of time there and really felt enthusiasm on the ground. there's a lot of paths to victory. we have quite a few, and, you know, we're eager to see where the results lie, but we're feeling very confident in the president's position tonight.
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connell: will we definitely hear from the president tonight? >> i anticipate you will. i don't want to get ahead of anything, but i think you might end up hearing from him tonight. connell: right. well, we were thinking of those reports we got, i guess it was yesterday, about the idea that the president might declare victory no matter what. i mean, that's not happening, right? >> the president answered that question on "fox & friends" this morning. he's not going to declare victory until the results of the race are called. so we don't need to get any of that prejudging the outcome before we have the results. the president's eager to see them tab thelatedded, and i think you'll -- tabulated, and i think you'll hear from him when the ballots are in. connell: okay. so most likely we will hear from him sometime tonight. is this a big gathering at the white house tonight? a big discussion about covid-related gatherings indoors, is that going to be a large gathering to watch the return? >> so it's smaller than we traditionally would have,
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obviously, for an election night party. we're testing ace ten dees, doing temperature checks, recommending folks wear masks, and we're doing it in a large part of the east wing, so we're taking precautions. that was part of the consideration in not doing something bigger at the hotel. and the president, frankly, wanted to watch results from the white house because only the incumbent president gets to do that, and he's our incumbent, and we hope he's going to be here another four years. connell: all right, it's good to see you, alyssa farah, communications direct for the white house. -- director for the white house. what a place this has been. it was the winter of 1776 that there was an army gathered here at the time they were trying to regroup, their leader, general george washington, was not about to give up. and he came up with this plan to cross the delaware river, do it under the cover of darkness, marched right into trenton, new jersey, and turned the war
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around. and they did. that's what happened. general washington, of course, went on to become president washington. and today or maybe in the days that follow, the country will -- that he helped create will elect its next president. thanks for watching, we'll see you throughout the night. ♪ lou: good evening. it has been 1456 days since donald trump was elected president of the united states, and tonight he is on the verge of winning a second term in the oval office. more than 101 million americans voted early this year. 35% of those were in-person votes. the other 65%, mail-in ballots. president trump says he feels good about his chances against joe biden today. the president making those comments while thanking all of the hard working men and women at his national campaig
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