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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  November 4, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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regulation. liz: got it. >> very market friendly. [closing bell rings] liz: steve, of federated hermes, good to see my friend. no way around it, wall street cheering potential government gridlock. time for "after the bell." connell: here we go the day of at election and the race for the white house at this hour is still too close to call. we got one very important call came in this afternoon in a key swing state. i'm connell mcshane reporting from another swing state. we're live once again from pennsylvania. this is "after the bell." we check the closing numbers. stocks have been jumping throughout the day. tech led rally on wall street. mt. hanging on razor thin margins. we're close with a gang as we settle in here of less than 400 points.
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as for the election, i want to focus at the top of our show what we know right now. and all of this has been changing throughout the day as we come to you from the state capital in harrisburg, pennsylvania. this is one of six states to be officially called by the fox news decision desk. just over an hour ago our fox team did project former vice president joe biden will win in the state of wisconsin. the trump campaign says a recount will be requested there. biden is expected to deliver remarks shortly live from delaware. we'll bring you comments as soon as he starts speaking that could be any minute. we'll watch that. look where things stand in the state of michigan as we flip it over there. 49.8%, biden. 48.7% trump. no check mark. has not been called yet. joe biden with a lead in michigan. back in pennsylvania, the keystone state. might take longest of the big three reporting those. here is democratic governor tom wolf was talking about that
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earlier this afternoon. he spoke here in harrisburg. >> it will be counted that hasn't already been counted. your vote will make a difference in this election. promise we give to all pennsylvanians, all americans that their vote counts. connell: waiting for mail in votes. i will speak to the lieutenant governor of pennsylvania. the trump campaign is threatening legal challenges even as votes in pennsylvania are being counted. with that to the map, the race for 270. nobody is there yet officially. georgia, north carolina, nevada, those are still also in play. alaska hasn't technically been called yet. many expect that to go into the column of the president. it is still on the board. 248-214 is the count. fox team coverage as we put stories in perspective. blake burman at the white house. hillary vaughn is covering the biden campaign as we wait for the former vice president in
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wilmington, delaware, grady trimble in philadelphia and gerri willis with an important story impacting your money. that comes up later in the hour. we'll get to everyone. while we wait for mr. biden, begin with jeff, wisconsin was the last race to be called. what is the latest from there? reporter: what the trump administration and campaign fears happening in pennsylvania and michigan already happened in wisconsin. that is to say those mail-in ballots that were counted overnight and are continuing to be counted in some states now have been counted here, it swung the race to joe biden. i show you the board. we just declared it. the fact wisconsin does not release overall numbers but each county puts their numbers in. they now say biden's the winner. that is precluding of course any challenge in court or a recount but governor scott walker, former governor, republican of wisconsin points out the last two recounts in wisconsin, won for supreme court race, moved
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total by about 300 votes. and in 2016 the recount in the trump hillary clinton case got trump 131 votes. he said it's a high bar. 20,000 is really a lot to overcome. so perhaps biden and, sitting pretty here. but then you know, when it comes to these counting, this is what is going on in pennsylvania and elsewhere now. in michigan, i want to show you, connell what it looked like to have that count here last night. they had 169,000 ballots. most of them, all of them from the city of milwaukee, big democratic strong hold. when they came in, it switched the state from 700 plus for trump to 7 or 8,000 plus for biden. by the time it was done, it was 20,000 biden. looks like that is in his column. if you harken back to, year 2000, and the bush-gore position, it would be biden in the gore, in the bush position
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in this one. the fellow who has got it, the other guy has to try to get it from him. that is the way it stands in wisconsin. we'll see what happens in the other states. connell? connell: jeff, indeed. blake burman joins us first from the white house. a lot going on with the trump campaign today. blake what is the latest? reporter: the trump campaign, president trump himself had been threatening legal action after election day. that is exactly what we've seen unfold in the last now hours here today. let's start with where you are right now in pennsylvania as the trump campaign filed several lawsuits there dealing with the postelection ballot process. we just were actually on a campaign call with the campaign manager bill stepien and they're even declaring themselves, the trump campaign is, the winner in pennsylvania. here was stepien when we heard from him within the past hour here. watch? >> we have high degree of confidence in maintaining our margin of victory.
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in fact, we are declaring a victory in pennsylvania. this is not based on gut or spiel. this is based on math. we feel, very, very positive, that the president an vice president will again deliver a victory in pennsylvania. reporter: move on over to michigan now, the trump campaign also filed a lawsuit there to halt the ballot counting process in that state. they said, in a statement, in part quote, president trump's campaign has not been provided with meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe opening of ballots and counting process as guaranteed by michigan law. the trump campaign also says, connell, will seek a recount in wisconsin, which fox projected today that joe biden has won. wisconsin in that state they allow for a recount if the vote total is under 1%. stepien said in a statement, the president is weld within the threshold to request a recount.
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we will immediately do so. on that call, two more notes real quick, connell, on that call, the trump campaign they predict they will be able to get past the 270 thresh hold by the end of this week. that is purely their prediction. on matter declaring themselves a winner in pennsylvania. the process works. you vote. the state counts the votes. the state certifies the votes. campaigns do not declare themselves winners. con until? connell: good points, blake burman on the white house. around mishkin joins us to talk about the math. go to wilmington, delaware. we're waiting for former vice president joe biden to speak. i believe that speech could happen any moment, right, hillary vaughn?
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reporter: that's right, connell. what is notable the remarks are happening inside, not outside, the stage was set up for what would be a victory speech. there is a prompter set up inside. we're not sure if the prepared remarks will include a declaration of victory. we do know his campaign has been very confident today. saying they believe they are on the path to 270. they think essentially it is already in the bag for them. we also, saw a second motorcade pull up. we believe we will also see his running mate, kamala harris here as well. while we wait for those remarks, the campaign struck a tone of confidence earlier this morning. >> we're winning the election. we won the election and we're going to defend that election. so we don't have to do anything but protect the rights of voters and to stand up for the democratic process. reporter: as the trump campaign is readying challenges in key states like michigan and wisconsin, the biden campaign
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says that is not the behavior of a winning campaign. that is the reaction moments ago to that and the campaign earlier also said that they're ready to combat any legal challenges that come saying this, quote, if the president makes good on his threat to go to court to try to prevent the proper tabulation of votes, we have legal teams standing by ready to deploy to resist that effort and they will prevail. now the biden campaign also launched today what they're calling the biden fight fund, fund-raising asking donors for money to contribute to make sure that they have the resources to combat these legal challenges, that they're seeing begin to pop up. and also, so that they can insure that every vote is counted. they think that is the key to insure that they clinch this. connell? connell: thank you, hillary. now vice president biden live. wilmington, delaware. let's listen. >> i have a statement, i'm sure will have more to say later
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tonight or tomorrow. let me begin by thanking the press for being here and thanking everyone else. my fellow americans, yesterday once again proved that democracy is the heartbeat of this nation. just as it has been the heartbeat of this nation for two centuries. even in the face of pandemic, more americans voted this election than ever before in american history. over 150 million people cast their votes. i think that is just extraordinary. and if we had any doubts we shouldn't have any longer about a government of, by, and for the people. it is very much alive, very much alive in america. here the people rule. power can't be taken or asserted it flows from the people and it is their will that determines who will be the president of the
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united states and their will alone. and now after a long night of counting it is clear that we're winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. i'm not here to declare that we've won but i am here to report, when the count is finished we believe we will be the winners. when all the votes are counted we have won wisconsin by 20,000 votes, virtually the same margin that president trump won that state four years ago. in michigan we lead by over 35,000 votes and it is growing. substantially bigger margin than president trump won michigan in 2016. michigan will complete its vote soon, maybe as early as the day. i feel very good about
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pennsylvania. virtually all the remaining ballots to be counted were cast by mail and we've been winning 78% of the votes by mail in pennsylvania. we flipped arizona and the second district of nebraska. of special significance to me is that we won with a majority of the american people. and every indication is that the majority will grow. we have a popular vote lead of nearly three million votes and every indication is that will grow as well. indeed senator harris and i are on track to win more votes than any ticket in the history of this country, that ever won the presidency and vice presidency, over 70 million votes. i'm very proud of our campaign. only three presidential campaigns in the past have defeated an incumbent president.
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when it is finished, god willing, we'll be the fourth. this is a major achievement. this is a major achievement. it halves been a long and difficult campaign but it is a more difficult time for our country, a hard time. we've had a hard campaign before. we faced hard times before. so once this election is finalized, and behind us, it will be time for to us do what we've always done as americans, to put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us. to lower the temperature. to see each other again. to listen to one another. to hear each other again. and respect and care one another. to unite, heal, come together as a nation.
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i know this won't be easy. i'm not naive. neither of us are. i know how deep and hard the opposing views are in our country on some things but i also know this is as well, to make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies. we are not enemies. what brings us together as americans is so much stronger than anything that can tear us apart. so let me be clear, i will, we are campaigning as democrats but i will govern as an american president. the president, the presidency itself is not a partisan institution. it is the one office in this nation that represents everyone. and it demand as duty of care for all americans. that is precisely what i will do. i will work as hard for those
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who didn't vote for me as i will for those who did vote for me. now every vote must be counted. no one's going to take our democracy away from us, not now, not ever. americans come too far. america has fought too many battles. america has endured too much to ever let that happen. we, the people, will not be silenced. we, the people, will not be bullied. we the people, will not surrender. my friends, i'm confident we'll emerge victorious. but this will not be my victory alone or our victory alone. it will be a victory for the american people, for our democracy, for america. and there will be no blue states and red states when we win.
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just the united states of america. god bless you all, and may god protect our troops. [applause] thank you. connell: former vice president joe biden in wilmington, delaware where hillary vaughn is reporting for us. to me, hillary, the biden campaign will want the hoed line from that speech, when the vice president talked about how it is clear in his view that he has a path to 270 electoral votes but he says he won't declare victory. he just believes he will be declared the winner. so the contrast there from what we heard out of the president and white house overnight. pickup on that, what else you thought was important? reporter: connell, the campaign or biden in those remarks went right up to the edge of stopping short of declaring victory. he says they believe they are on a clear path to 270 and that when all the votes are counted he is confident that they will
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be declared the winner but stated very clearly that in this moment on that stage he is not here to declare victory. he also emphasized what he has been campaigning for since day one, to be a president for all people with a message of unity but he also detailed part of the strategy in what they're seeing and why they're so confident that they believe they are going to ultimately be the victorious once all these votes are counted. he talked about michigan, saying they lead by 35,000 votes. that lead is only growing. and in wisconsin, they're leading right now by the same margin that trump was leading by four years ago. so they are very confident that they are going to clinch those two significant states. of course they have already been called for wisconsin but connell, i think what is really important here, biden said that
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he will be making at some point a victory speech. that is not the moment right now but where they stand, once every vote is counted they're confident that they will be the winner. connell. connell: hillary thanks. hillary vaughn, wilmington, delaware. talk about the race to 270. arnonmiskin. from the decision desk. vyings president biden talked about it. it is still on the board. i thought outstanding votes in places like wayne county, other democratic areas of michigan. how close are you guys to making a decision on michigan? >> we're very close in michigan. right now basically it shows according to our models basically a lean biden. not quite yet at the call status. which is to say if we were running the needles, more like
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90% product, 9% probability that joe biden will within the state. not yet we want to necessarily put a check mark there. we're waiting for additional vote supposed to be finished today. we suspect that could easily put that take that state from a lean to all can to enautomobileen i believe us to make that call. that would get biden 16 electoral votes, 264. six votes away from 270. that could be decided in nevada. as soon as nevada finishes its count, nevada another state since last night has been looking like lean biden state or better, a state we put in the category knowable but not callable. and as soon as that thing happens it is very possible that the former vice president could be at the 270.
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obviously there are a number of questions. the president has announced a lawsuit in michigan to try to address certain questions that the lawsuit has. there is also the, he asked for a recount in wisconsin. and he has a right to that recount given where the vote stands currently. as long as he is paying for that recount. he may ask for a recount in nevada if it is called for biden. the rule in nevada is, anyone can call for a recount so long as they're willing to pay for it. presumably the president can get resources to pay for that recount. connell: so you would think. >> it is about the vote. it is about what happens afterwards. connell: right. you have the path there, without pennsylvania where i am, if you add in nevada and michigan and hypothetical you laid out for us. what would you say though about pennsylvania? i know the trump team came out earlier today and, i believe in the words of the campaign
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manager, bill stepien declared victory, not based on his gut, but based on math? we know when we put pennsylvania figures on the board, we can do that as you and i speak it shows a sizable trump lead. we also know the number of mail-in ballots, vice president biden alluded to it, outstanding could be from heavily democratic areas. biden is -- how do you explain the numbers, 52 to just under 47 in pennsylvania? >> okay. in any other election if someone is leading by six points with6% of the vote counted it is done and president leading this election is very different. it is not so much where the vote is coming from, it is what kind of vote is coming in. this year, if we look at national numbers, people who voted on election day in person went for trump by roughly 25 points. people who voted either early in person or by mail went for biden
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by roughly 25 points nationally. and so, in the, in the election day in-person vote, president trump won every state with the possible exception of the firmly blue states of new york, connecticut and some others. i think even won in-person vote in california. on the other hand the early vote went -- go ahead. connell: just, i'm supposed to already wrapped this up to be honest but i want to ask you one real quick thing. >> sure, connell. connell: ask you about arizona. over and over the trump team, you guys were the first out, reminded me when you called wisconsin last time around for trump. this time you called arizona first for biden before anybody else. they're still saying i believe that you guys got it wrong. how are you so confident about what is happening in arizona? what do you actually see there? >> arizona is a different kind of state. almost all vote is mail-in. there is talk about the late
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mail-in different than the early mail-in it will not differ by enough. there is 500,000 votes outstanding. biden has roughly 100,000 vote lead. president trump needs to carry that late vote by 60 to 40, roughly. he is currently on track to getting about 40% of it. we don't see him able to capture, to get the 60% share of the incoming vote that he thinks, that we know and he knows he needs in order to catch biden and so we're very confident in that poll, in that, the call we made. we're, the associated press is also made the same call shortly after we did. and we anticipate that at the end of the night, we know that at the end of the night joe biden will have won arizona. now whether or not there will be a lawsuit or you know, irregularities will be found i don't know. my job, my team's job is to
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identify who is going to rack up more votes in the record of votes in any state and we think in arizona that is going to be joe biden. connell: all right. thank you. talked to some people. we scheduled a good night's sleep for you next thursday. i hope that is all right. arnon miskin. >> enough nicorette i will be fine. connell: that's all it takes. state capital behind me. we'll continue from the state. they were saying millions of ballots are still to be counted here in pennsylvania. turnout talking above 68%. first time since the 60 election. the trump campaign will hold that news conference we understand in philadelphia. that one could start any minute. so we'll monitor that. we'll be speaking to the state of pennsylvania's lieutenant governor. a lot more to do as the news breaks here in harrisburg. we'll be right back.
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♪. connell: we're back in harrisburg waiting remarks from trump campaign officials. a news conference they scheduled to take place in philadelphia. comes as votes are being counted in the crucial battleground race in highly contested race between president trump and joe biden. grady trimble live from philly with the latest from there as we await for the event to begin. reporter: connell, things took an interesting turn here this afternoon. that press conference originally scheduled for 3:30. it was supposed to happen on this street corner here, rudy giuliani, eric trump, lara trump, pam bondi, planned to be here to announce plans to sue pennsylvania democrats over this election. but then protesters showed up. police moved in to try to keep everybody safe. so they had to change where that
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press conference is happening. it should be starting any minute. i point out the building we're next to, why it is significant. this is the pennsylvania convention center. this, sr. with the city of philadelphia is counting the mail in votes that they have received. across the state this is critical because so far more than a million mail-in ballots still have to be counted. so that could tip the scales. the president's team, their campaign saying they will plan to sue to halt that vote count. the governor of pennsylvania saying that is not going to happen. listen. >> the delay that we're seeing is a sign that the system is working. this is a new system. it went into effect with act 77 last year. there are three million, millions of mail-in ballots that are being counted. and that takes longer than the, that the way we used to do it with the standard in-person voting. so we may not know the results
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even today. reporter: we have said all week and even last week, connell this, could be the state that we're waiting on for some time because those mail-in ballots could not be opened and they couldn't begin counting them until 7:00 a.m. when polls opened on election day. in addition to that, some polls, some mail-in ballots could be arriving up until friday as long as they're postmarked before the election or postmark is illegible. pretty interesting here, connell. we'll have to wait to see if this all becomes important because as of right now biden could have enough in other states. connell: he could do it with nevada, you're right. that is what they were talking about earlier. and michigan, without needing pennsylvania t could still come down to the state. you're right. we told people this could happen. grady played us a sound bite from the governor. we have the lieutenant governor of pennsylvania standing live
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for us. john fetterman. thank you, sir for coming on. we appreciate it. what would you add to what the governor said? maybe you have an update how the count is going as the trump campaign not only threatens lawsuits but claims victory in the state of pennsylvania? >> sure. well let me just say that the count is going great and it is going to continue. they can bring 1000 lawyers to pennsylvania, or they can hold as many you know, they can stand on a corner in philadelphia and yell at whoever they want, it will not change the fact. and just, let me say, what, you know what a sad day it is for the campaign and american democracy. it is just so weird and desperate to show up on a philadelphia street corner talking like you won. that would be me announcing i have a full head of hair. just because you say something doesn't mean it is true. it is bizarre. i have never seen anything like it. we're counting our vote -- >> nothing they can do to stop
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that. connell: one of the things they're going to say apparently, we'll see when rudy giuliani and company come out in that "philadelphia news" conference you referenced one of the lawsuits will be based on the deadline for ballots coming in was changed they say. that shouldn't have happened by the secretary of state. what is your response to that? >> my response is that, two separate issues. the ballots that are already in possession of the respective counties arrived well before or on election day. that second group of votes will be received at 8:00 or 8:00 yesterday for today or friday. they have already been sequestered. so that is a separate raft and distinct decision. now if they want to sue about those, that's fine but you can't sue about the votes that were legally received on election, by election day and are being counted by counties all across pennsylvania and right now there are more than enough ballots of
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those variety in county possession to trend in a direction that would likely deliver joe biden, pennsylvania for joe biden. it is just math. but we're going to let the process play out. i don't know what the final result is. they don't know what it is. but we'll find out what the final vote count is. they're welcome to sue on the latter but there is very two specific points. to come in and stand on, on a street corner philadelphia to say we won pennsylvania, that is like, you know, lol. i mean, like, it is just bizarre. it is like a bad, bad house "house" of cards episode. connell: i guess we get kwy, shot up from streets of philadelphia. this is an outdoor event. grady said they moved it around couple times. they have a microphone set up. maybe we'll here more specifics on what they're saying. do you have anything you can add on timetable?
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secretary boockvar said we'll on friday or earlier in the week, be patient, it might be friday, anything you can tell us on vote count. >> let me talk about transparency too. you can literally watch philadelphia count the votes. there is website. can watch from anywhere in the world to watch the votes. that is ridiculous, outlandish claim. the votes are counted. could be finished by end of the week. two separate issues. the ballots we received on election day and the ballots we will receive after 8:00 p.m., today, tomorrow and friday. those are separate and distinct issues. a lawsuit on the latter is their prerogative. what they're doing right now is, is a level of bizarre and sad that i can't remember last time i witnessed. connell: all right. we're going to watch this we'll see what happens. the news conference has been pushed back a couple times today. lieutenant governor john fetterman. thank you for your time live here in pennsylvania.
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live pictures from the city of philadelphia. it is a win meantime for app based merchants. california voters approved a measure that protects their business models from effort to reclassify their drivers from being independent contractors to being employees in the state. 11% lift. 14 1/2% for upper. we'll be right back. -- uber. it was 1961 when nellie young lost her devoted husband. without him, things were tough. her last option was to sell her home, but... her home meant everything to her. her husband had been a high school football coach and it turned out,
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cover medical costs, update or repair your home. but best of all, it eliminates those monthly mortgage payments so you get more cash in your pocket, every month. learn how you can use a reverse mortgage loan to cover your expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve retirement savings, and so much more. a lots changed since 1961... since then over a million older americans have used a reverse mortgage loan to finance their retirements. it meant so much to nellie, maybe it could mean as much to you... call now and get your free infokit (vo) i'm a verizon engineer and today, we're turning on 5g across the country. connell: back to philadelphia. the that news conference is
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beginning. eric trump is here. >> totally illegal. supervisors of elections wearing literally biden-harris face masks in polling locations which is totally illegal. and now they won't let, we brought one great gentleman here, jeremy. who is a poll watcher, down in the convention center. they won't even let him watch as they count the ballots. they put them behind a fence. 40, 50-yards away where they can't see the counting happening. guys this is fraud. this is absolute fraud. we've seen in philadelphia before. they are making mockery of this election. my father is up half a million votes in this state, 80% of reported, plenty of right counties left to, plenty of right counties left to go. they're we're going to win pennsylvania this trying to chief us out of it. they know it is only path of victory. we came here today with all our lawyers.
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we are going to file suit in pennsylvania. it's a shame we have to do that. it is the last thing we wanted to do. the last thing my father wanted to do. this is rampant corruption. it can't happen. this is not fair. this isn't democracy. with that i want to pass it off to the great rudy giuliani who is really leading the legal effort. you will be hearing from rudy quite a bit. please. [cheering] >> thank you very much, eric. it is very, very sad here in the city really the birthplace of our democracy. this is among one of the most anti-democratic things i have ever seen or encountered and it is not just here in philadelphia. this is going on all over the country. we have filed a lawsuit. the lawsuit actually requires that when these mail-in ballots, that you know are highly suspicious anyway, this form of balloting has always been
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considered the most prone to fraud, that is according to "the new york times" when it didn't apply to candidate president trump. well, we were supposed to be allowed by law to observe the counting of the ballots. now observe means to any intelligent person being able to look at it. the way it is interpreted by the democrat crooked machine of philadelphia is that the observers can be 20 or 30 feet away. never able to see the ballot itself. never able to see if it was properly postmarked. properly addressed. properly signed on the outside. all of the things that often lead to disqualification of ballots or make it very easy to dump 50,000 totally fraudulent ballots because they're not observed. this went on for 20 hours while all of you thought there was some kind of legitimate count
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going on here in philadelphia, it was totally illegitimate. we went back to court. we went before a democrat judge. no need to tell you what the result in philadelphia is in front of a democrat judge. obviously a political hack who doesn't know the meaning of the word observe. observe means to be able to look. not a single republican has been able to look at any one of these mail ballots. they could be from mars as far as we're concerned or be from the democratic national committee. joe biden could have voted 50 times or 5000 times. the ballots could be from camden. philadelphia unfortunately, i would say this about my own city, has a reputation for voter fraud. you have a reputation for dead people voting. we're going to long how many dead people voted here. i didn't think we would have to do that but we will. you have a reputation of people being bussed in from camden voting here. wouldn't be the first time that
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happened. this goes way beyond any of that. and let me also add, that this isn't happening just here. we have exactly the same lawsuit in wisconsin where exactly same thing happened. except in wisconsin, mysteriously at 4:00, 3:00 in the morning, about 120,000 ballots appeared. oh, here come these ballots. well, we have no idea if they really are ballots. we have no idea if they're signed, if they are postmarked properly. if it isn't just same person who submitted 100,000 ballots. they all got counted. this is the way they intend to win. now i've been informed by former congressman sweeney who has been going around the country collecting this information that similar situation in arizona. similar situation in nevada. and similar situation, what am i missing john, where are you?
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in michigan, in detroit, michigan. let me be specific what it is. this whole new thing that never happened before in our country, these mail-in ballots which has been a cause of real concern for everyone because they can easily be fraudulent, one of the things that the law attaches to that is, the right for both parties to observe the ballot, the way we do with absentee ballots. you make certain that it is properly signed on the outside. there is a signature. you make sure it is properly postmarked. you make sure it, you make sure it is properly addressed. and then you pass on it. a number of these are often challenged by the democrat representative or the republican representative. we never got a chance to look at a single one of them. connell: break into this news conference. we'll get back to what is said in philadelphia by eric trump, rudy giuliani, number of lawsuits. we have breaking story. you know the race to 270,
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joe biden is back to 264. six votes needed to win. the fox news desk declared vice president biden will win in the state of michigan. so that is two calls this afternoon going in favor of vice president biden. the first was in wisconsin. the second now is in michigan. it gives him a clear path to 270. that would not necessarily include pennsylvania. he could get there with votes coming out of nevada, for example. james freeman, from the journal. your reaction. we'll get back to what trump campaign is saying. joe biden is knocking on the door being president-elect in this count. what do you make of it? >> it is very close. what we're hearing from rudy giuliani is an allegation. he is talking about going to court, they claim that the law is not being followed and i believe he is saying in a number of states, especially in pennsylvania and in terms of allowing observers to view the counting of the ballots.
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this will, sounds like go to court and be adjudicated and we'll learn whether the law was followed or not. connell: you know, a couple of things on what was said there, first by eric trump and then by mayor giuliani. from our point of view as we look at numbers, the 500,000 vote lead or thereabouts for president trump in pennsylvania, arnon mishkin from our decision desk earlier this hour. he explains what that means, we're waiting, waiting for votes to be counted. they're mail-in ballots. joe biden is dominating on mail inside. same way president trump dominated in person vote. we don't know. we're not saying that we think president trump will not win pennsylvania or other way around, we don't know because of those male in ballots. to your point that will be contested, even if the 270 is declared today or tomorrow, this is not over, you think we're going to court. is that the larger point?
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>> we know it is not over today or tomorrow anyway, unless there is a change in the law because although it doesn't say this, under pennsylvania law, judges have decided that until november 6, rather than november 3rd, the ballots can continue to be sent in. so i think it is going to continue for a bit. unfortunately anyway. but even beyond that, if, the trump campaign, as we're hearing that press conference does file the suits they're describing, those would, i would think have to be addressed and then it's a question do they have sufficient evidence that the law is not being followed in these various places. there is a question of what, if they are, bringing a legitimate claim, what is the remedy? and so i think, unfortunately this could, this drama could play out for a while.
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i think this is one of the reasons many of us urged the states along the way to, to not create a process that allows it to go beyond election day. i think, i hope one lesson from all of this that people take is there is value in designing a system so that you get an answer and a winner declared election night that really should be the goal. connell: right. it is interesting though that now the path doesn't necessarily include pennsylvania for vice president biden. we were showing the map. nevada would get them there. would get them to 270. essentially making all of what we heard a moot point. unless maybe the wisconsin lawsuit is something to look at, because that is already on the board. my point he can get there without pennsylvania now, james. >> he can. and i think also there is obviously some, a lot of folks who are waiting to see that the
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expectations in arizona play out but, i yeah, i think there are a number of pathways. we would hope to have an answer very soon. seems like programs we shouldn't bet on that. connell: all right. good to see you as always. james freeman. james freeman. "wall street journal." 264-214. that is where we are on the fox map. matt finn is in a place getting a lot of attention here in the last few minutes. michigan has been called. matt joins us from a vote-counting facility from detroit. what is the latest in there? reporter: connell, the president's campaign says it has or will file a lawsuit here in the state of michigan arguing that it was not givenning meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the ballot counting. that is what is still happening here inside of this massive convention center in downtown detroit. here in this absentee ballot counting center we heard allegations from some of the voting challengers, they feel
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there was not a fair number of republicans or democrats in this room the entire time. i brought the allegations to the secretary of state's office and secretary of state's office is starting to welcome some of those challenges. >> we fully expect that, that there will be a number about people watching the process or perhaps even, as we already heard, putting out allegations about the process or anything in between. the bottom line for us is that we're focused on getting this right. reporter: and, this is a live look right now downtown detroit of the absentee ballot counting process apparently is still going on here, even after fox news has declared the victory here for joe biden. detroit says it received 167,000 absentee ballots. it expects all of those to be completely counted by 6:00 tonight. just about an hour. state of michigan had record all-time high 3 million plus
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absentee ballots casts. state law prevented those being counted earlier on election day. that is why there is it still ongoing counting happening, connell. connell: thank you, sir. matt finn, live in detroit michigan. michigan as we say is off the board from the fox news decision desk's point of view. georgia is not. georgia is out. jonathan scary joins us live from atlanta. reporter: connell, i'm at state farm arena. behind me you see fulton county election workers scanning the remaining ballots. they had some issues yesterday, a water break, a water pipe broke in this room. fortunately known of the ballots was damaged. they managed to count about 100,000 ballots yesterday. they broke for the evening. and then resumed counting around 8:30 this morning. they had about 42,000 ballots to count today. they're now down to 30,000. ,nally they were hoping to wrap
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up wrap up 7:00 this evening. they say it will be a little later. they will continue counting until every last ballot is counted. take a listen. >> we always planned on having the final ballots being scanned on wednesday. so that, that was always the plan to go through and finish today. reporter: lal ballot counting is on going in bennett and dekalb county. joe biden is expected to do well in three atlanta metro counties. georgia's election official is urging all counties to be finished by the end of the day. >> we're pushing really hard. if we don't get it there, but get the number so small, there is no question of who actually the winner is, i think that will be helpful. reporter: but for now the race in georgia, too close to call. connell? connell: all right. we'll see if they can hold to that end of the day, jonathan.
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thank you, jonathan serrie there. as we continue there, we'll keep up it todayed on the map as things changed a lot this hour. president trump defeated joe biden in florida. we've known that what seems like forever, right? there were other issues on the ballot there. we'll talk about some of those. voters in the sunshine state approving a 15-dollar minimum wage. current minimum wage in florida is $8.56. the minimum rate will increase to 10 bucks an hour next september. followed by yearly one dollar increases until they get up to $15. another story that may have been overlooked from last night in florida. we'll be right back. f blood thi. and if you're troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. it's a one-time, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk--
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the idea of higher taxes. meanwhile, one prominent red state doing just the opposite. gerri willis has more on that story. >> that's right, a big surprise on taxes. you know, voters facing decisions on 120 ballot initiatives across 32 states. let's get to those surprises. voters in three blue states rejecting higher taxes, in california voters deciding against raising taxes on businesses. a property tax hike there would have raised $12 billion in new revenue. prop 15 would have ended a decades-long policy that prevented property from being taxed at full market value. the initiative targeted commercial property valued at $3 million or more. voters said no. and over this illinois -- in illinois, voters decided against levying higher rates on wealthy individuals and couples. that being individuals earning
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$250,000 would see their state income tax rise to 7.75% from 4.95%. voters said huh-uh, ain't doing that. and over in colorado, voters approved cutting that astronaut's flat tax rate -- state's flat tax rate to 4.55% from 4.63%. and if arizona, normally a red state, voters deciding to institute a large income tax hike on individuals earning $250,000 and couples earning half a million. they'll see their state income tax rate jump to 8% from 4.5%. so big surprises. however, despite the general poor performance of initiatives to raise state income taxes, legislatures are raising taxes on marijuana. that's right, they found some more money. connell? connell: wow. interesting stuff. gerri, thank you. gerri willis on taxes. all right, as we wrap up from harrisburg, pennsylvania, the big story moments ago, the fox
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news discussion desk calling the state of michigan for former vice president joe biden. he's now 6 electoral votes away from being declared president-elect of the united states. this as the trump campaign is threatening lawsuits here in pennsylvania. more to come tomorrow, "lou dobbs tonight the" starts right now. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. it has been almost 24 hours since the first polls of yesterday closed, and we still don't know whether president trump or joe biden has won the election. at this hour joe biden is leading president trump by 264 electoral college votes to 214. 270, of course, needed to win. there are five battleground states that are still counting mail-in ballots. that could yet tip the scales toward either candidate. just about a half percent separates president trump and joe biden in


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