tv Kennedy FOX Business November 4, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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and, go to trump century how our president change the course of"t history forever. thanks her being with us tonight. we will see you tomorrow, good night from sussex. ♪ ♪ >>. kennedy: it is the race that was destined for 2020, trump versus biden the crack in versus goliath. and now but loads of lawyers, the campaign trying loss willy-nilly as the vote counting in several battleground states continues. here is a life look at philadelphia, oh there is rocky. oh no, that's actually voting machine. what does victory look like for each candidate? we have every single angle covered. even the unflattering ones. connell mcshane is watching and harrisburg. first up is the anchor of bill
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memmer reports, magic hands bill memmer bills john joins us now for you are married to that board. you have done an outstanding job. i cannot believe your amount of counting geography in several states but it is unlike anything ever seen. i want to know what are you most drawn to you now? when you look to the board for knowledge, what speaks to you most about what could have the biggest outcome? sue back a couple of things. interact me anytime he wants. this is the game, kennedy. it is 270. right now is that joe biden at 264. we cannot call this tonight by the way. but if he would get nevada perhaps tomorrow as they sort that vote outcome that would be enough to get them to 270 based on our accounts. for donald trump here is got to run the table. that starts here in alaska which is not yet been called, kennedy. and then he has to hold georgia which would they feel good abou about.
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north carolina they feel confident about. this big one right here, pennsylvania. even that would keep him too shy. he would need to turn the trick in nevada in order to get a second term. based on the way this thing is laying out right now. that is that. seaports really incredible that joe biden could get adjusted to 70. that is all he needs. but that is a pretty outstanding thing. if the president doesn't that get alaska, north carolina and pennsylvania. but nevada on the table. i know there's a way the former vice president is up in nevada right now. is there any way that flips for the president? what is the white house counting on this point? >> not going to make the call tonight probe without more voting during the afternoon prevented not happen. the secretary states office in the data put out a notice that new and eastern, 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, nevada time will start to get more tally here.
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i could run into the screen here just a little bit in nevada to give you an idea here kennedy. there 75% of the vote and so silly quarter is out. this is clark county, this is las vegas out of the bottom part a ton of votes. reno to lesser but still very popular. what the trump team is arguing, there are still votes in some of these counties where he did and is doing quite well. and perhaps maybe 80% of the bows and some of these counties that have not. this will would not be there. but down here, you see a little more of the pickup here and rod numbers. a little more out here. i mean the percentages dominating here. this is really the game, kennedy. this is clark county. it is las vegas. right now joe biden has a 53 -- 45 lead here to give you a comparison of four years ago. that is what hillary clinton was doing. so donald trump is doing
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better percentagewise and rowboats but we do not know in cannot say as to whether that in this right here is going to be enough to put them over the top. so we await until tomorrow to see for another, recall a dump there from nevada to bring in summer ballots. support think it's exciting pretty got about 30 seconds (if there were any states that if it were contested with the lawsuit pending right now, from the administration what could flit back for the president? it would have to be pennsylvani pennsylvania. that's really the corner of the room at the moment. it's low spot into other states. pennsylvania is the keeper here. got 12% devout still outstanding. the present has a three-point lead us to watch this. but again with her throughout the day, down here in philadelphia, of your pittsburgh, this part of the state here, this is democrat rich country. and if you took philadelphia, just for example here. these are real votes now. 457,002 joe biden.
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hillary clinton exceeded that it five at 60000. you can make a case. i could fly around this whole country and show you all these battleground states. you can make a case for either side still at this point and we shall. kennedy: believe it or not it's not over yet, bill memmer thank you so much. well done. alright, good job idiots. everybody was wrong. pollsters, strategists, pundits, leg helpers, analysts have all failed spectacularly by wrongly predicting outcomes and failed to simply take the national temperature. i am sure you have someone in your life you hates the president. and believe me, they really hate the president. the problem is three quarters of the media fall into this category. i have assumed the depth of their hatred equals the breadth of the electric. as the electoral map shows that is clearly a flawed premise. hatred was not enough to best the president. polls have shown for months
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and battleground states on minorities and suburban women that biden has insurmountable, up to ten-point lead because donald trump is awful and joe biden is not donald trump. there are two growing things have been embarrassingly missed here. one, even in victory, being joe biden is not enough. into, polemics will never replace policy. we are used to the president insulting his enemies, committing unforced heirs. succumbing to thin skin to lash out and force the issue and picture would naturally ensued. in other words, in the gallup poll showed 50% of americans feel they are better off now than they were four years ago, the president's annoying humorous stands in the way of a certain victory but if joe biden squeaks this out, it appears he will come it will not be because as virtue, political instinct or bland choice of running mates. it will because the nation is slightly more exhausted at the prospect of his challenges reelection than they are welcoming the vaguely defied biden makes that are far from
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a mandates. but by far the most 2020 outcome we deserve. do better ding's and that is the memo. so what happens if biden winston nevada sticks the landing? it exactly to 70 electoral votes? is there just discussing part is that a mandate to lead this nation. must kick off at the party, trump 2020 campaign board manager and acting director jason meister is here in recent editor-in-chief katherine mangu-ward we got transparent business cto and senior advisor to vice president joe biden moe vela is here, welcome everyone. so let me talk about this a little bit. jason inodes really frustrating for the president for his team heard i saw kayleigh talk earlier in great detail about the different places in different states were hoping to pick up votes.
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why weren't you able to solidify more votes in those key states? >> kennedy the president outperformed on election day. as lot in the mail in voting due to the coronavirus and the democrats push for the early voting, that's where the democrats really improved upon their votes. i hear bill hammer just saved you we have to run the table. actually, frankly the way i look at it is we have run recorders of that table. if you look at georgia and you look at north carolina and you look at pennsylvania i think we are very strong positions. bill was challenging pennsylvania i can get into details there. we are up 40000 votes, obviously us on giuliani and the trump campaign talk about a litigation with regard to republican poll watchers that were not allowed into the pole watching. there is about 125 ballots
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that were being worked through without a republican pollster looking at it which is absurd and illegal. but then you also have nevada and arizona. and in arizona they called the race really early. and we were winning that race, 60/40 was going to the president. i think we can also pick up nevada for its only 7800 votes right now. we are in a pretty strong position. kennedy: close is not good enough though party may be close in nevada but that will not get you that state. that is what they need right now. because joe biden only needs, that's true. think you have a better shot in arizona than you do and nevada. but catherine this was supposed to be a referendum on socialism. this was supposed to be rational people in the country standing up and saying we don't want the government to run every aspect of our lives at great cost with increased tax revenue.
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but you argued that latinos have seen this firsthand, when you see here? >> thing it's obviously little early to interpret tech suppose supposed. i think certainly we have once again learned our lesson on polling. i hope finally this time. but, one thing the exit polls show his latinos did not turn out for biden, and effect voted for trump in pretty large numbers. you know, the latino community is a diverse enlargement. but an awful lot of them have pretty near term memories of what it's like to live in a state where the government controls the economy. and i get why they might have been hey, we don't love the pitch joe biden, not a socialist as the other democrats but still kind of socialist. so you know, that is where the democratic party is choosing to go, i could understand why they might be losing a key demographic there. kennedy: yes unable also been witness to cronyism. the idea if you powerful entities in bed with
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government, then normal people suffer. and they have suffered enough. that was supposed to be the outreach of the 2020 post word and after mitt romney class of republicans are supposed to do better job of reaching out to latinos they kind of did but obviously not enough. so i want to shift a little bit but we saw yesterday, jason meister will tell you, they said if he wins pennsylvania employees gonna win the electio election. it's probably going to win pennsylvania pretty may not when the election. this is been a very strange path, tell me about that. >> first of all, it's good to be back with the academy, first and foremost. >> guest: thank you mo. >> second of all let me say thi this. as a latino i want to correct the record here. latinos did not leave the
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democratic party as dramatically as everyone wants to think. if you look at arizona, latinos shattered all records voting for joe biden in arizona. and i respectfully disagree with my colleagues who think the vice president will hold onto arizona part it will be due to latinos. anyway it listen, less popular than morticians they'll be the polling industry. that's absolutely amazing. what is unfathomable, candy, is they are so far off. this win florida, win pennsylvania going to win the whole thing. this goes to show us our elections are going to be fluid, probably the rest of our lives. you guys are all younger than i am so definitely the rest of yours. here is the deal. it's time to use technology. we use it for every aspect of our lives. that is what hope comes out of this on the polling side.
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we got to incorporate advanced technology. kennedy: burger to talk about pulling a little later in the show. you're absolutely right. that is fine. but what i want to make sure is if and when vice president biden becomes president biden he does not take this as a mandate. he also does not hyperfocus on president trump and only talk about him. you've got to move forward. you have to lead the country. that's a great question kennedy support would gotta go make it quick. stu met bess on his nakedness not his style. when you like a matter voted for him or not, that's not who he is by don't think you'll have to worry about that. people i like him i did not vote for him. the panel returns a little bit later. coming up, if joe biden wins and if republicans hold onto the senate, what would sleepy joe's look like? one thing happen? we will look at a potential frozen presidency. that is coming up next.
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i signed a trump for you. joe biden could be sedated if not completely paralyzed that he becomes president pretty potentially taking office of the republican senate liking him in every senior moment. the conservative supreme court to strengthen all of his malarkey. and half the country is angry. this afternoon and eight not yet victory speech, the former vice president made his plea for peace and love, peace and love. >> i am not naïve, neither of us are part i don't hide deep and hard the opposing views are. and our country on so many things. but i also know this as well. to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies. kennedy: well national unity not likely. could joe wield the power of a potent presidency if elected? oh he just battling to himself in the country's most procedures basement. the party panel is a back. katherine mangu-ward, jason
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meister, and moe vela. let's talk about this. it looks like republicans are not going to hold onto the senate. i want to discuss that a little bit, it's interesting. the president may lose, you know it's not a foregone conclusion yet. and democrats that we're going to have this blue wave, like a sued nami just crushing freedom dreams across the land. and that is not to be. how much of it impacted the amy cody barrick confirmation process have on the senate outcome do you think? >> i think had a massive impact. i think it was absolutely no blue wave. in fact i would argue yesterday that in person voting there is a red way. president trump won florida by almost 5% in 2016 he beat hillary clinton by nearly 1%. he really turned out unbelievable amounts of voters but especially latino black community that we talked about earlier. the next presence either donald trump or mitch
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mcconnell. and if biden became president, he get as much done in this next presidency as he did in 47 years which is in nothing. i think as a president who be completely crippled by a republican led senate. kennedy:'s are something good, katherine about not having the hat trick for democrats and taxis are not going to go up by $4 trillion? >> is a certain type of libertarian who likes gridlock. i have been optical about thesi thesis. if spending actually goes up under mixed leadership governments. so a sum of his looking to keep those numbers low, that reduces my gridlock fandom. however, i'm so disillusioned with both of the parties right now for the idea that getting either one of them total control of washington seems downright horrifying. i am team gridlock these days. before i actually do not have a problem with this, moe. how would joe biden work with
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a republican senate? they are the only one to have a mandate. because nancy pelosi kinda got her aspen handed to her as well. >> kennedy, i think there was a reason our founding fathers created checks and balances. i think this is healthy for the country. i actually respectfully disagree with mr. meister. i know that's going to shock all of you. i think you might find it pleasantly surprising that some of us will. joe biden has 45 years of working across the aisle. before he's going to have to pay tsubaki taught me great lessons in my political career working for him. he really, from his heart actually puts out his hand to folks and does not ask you what party you are. i think you're going to be pleasantly surprised pretty think you'll actually get some stuff done with mitch mcconnell. elex: he definitely puts his hand out, 10% of the big guy.
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[laughter] >> i am here just texting katherine and the brake making sure she is not offended i made a latino comments. and you are bashing biden. come on let's all come together. i'm not bashing him i'm just a puts his hand out. 10% of the big guy. kennedy: mobile i understand. i'm not speaking for katherine but i don't think she was offended. >> you know how i am, i respectfully disagree people because i agree with joe biden. and whether it's corny or not, it is not. we are very divided. and it starts with groups like ours, right here. we got to start learning to listen to each other and say you know what, i don't agree with jason meister, let's try to find something in common and start there. she forsook got a couple seconds jason, what would senate republicans work with the bided ministration on? >> that is a tough one.
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hopefully we can try to crack down on spying on her opposition candidates when elections are coming up. because honestly joe biden was number two that previously spied. i'll have a problem with that. maybe he will work on that it sees that as an issue. select the countries to be awfully in favor of drug rehabilitation these days. maybe they can work together on that. kennedy: absolutely. maybe organ is a place of democracy. >> , infrastructure? support your absolutely rightmost, privatized. privatized and the police. absolutely. the party panel is much more to agree and disagree on the coming moments. also all eyes on pennsylvania, the keystone state continues to count votes. it is still anyone's game.
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kennedy: for months of been her the presidential election would all come down to pennsylvania. but we know it's actually jigsaw puzzle of a few states. both sides really need to win. today the trump campaign began claiming there's rampant voter fraud in pa. is there any evidence of that? joining us from pencil berg, it is connell mcshane. take me through a party of been on quite a journey young man. >> yes i have, kennedy heavily although paired good to see him start hassan under these type of circumstances. it's interesting what's happening in pennsylvania pretty soppy only say work that trump campaign is making plant claims but it know we have not seen the evidence yet but we have seen lawsuits here and in michigan working up one late tonight in the state of georgia as well. the basic demand from the trump campaign as they want
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more access to the accounting process in locations and all of these states. there's news conference held early in the streets of philadelphia. rudy giuliani, those on hand outlining summing of the allegations. that drew a response tonight from pennsylvania's democratic governor tom wolfe, here he is. >> the trump campaign filed a lawsuit to stop the counting of ballots in pennsylvania. that is simply wrong. it goes against the most basic principles of our democracy. it takes away the right of every american citizen to cast their vote and to choose our leaders. >> wolf is made a number of appearances throughout the day here in the capital city of harrisburg. emphasizing in each opinion appearance all votes will be counted. the state of pennsylvania making similar comments in
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saying this evening that'll still be a matter of days until we get all of the votes in. frankly, kennedy, we had an idea this thing kind of thing might happen pennsylvania. because the mail in votes been counted after the polls close. we look at the numbers, president trump does have a lead. their time but that of the overall counts in pennsylvania ebay shipmate very well when the state payroll but with the fox decision desk said there's still so many of these mail-in votes outstanding. were joe biden has been dominating in the votes. we don't know quite frankly how pennsylvania will turn out yet. so what i know it is crazy. connell mcshane, stay safe at that biker rally is very loud. [laughter] the vote it might be able to the fight still much underway. president trump calling for a recount wisconsin following a lawsuit in michigan spreading to take pennsylvania back to the supreme court stopping ballots with no clear postmark. will this stop this deal or throw a fit?
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will litigation save the nation from a dark cloud of an uncontested election or a contested election. joining now his former assistant attorney, andy mccarthy is here. welcome back to the show, anti- >> 's right to see you again. there is some weirdness in pennsylvania. conceived of the you have mail and belts it could have been mailed after election day. as a menstruation right too go back into that supreme court to keep those questionable ballots to be counted? >> let me say two things if i may but the conversation you just had with connell mcshane. this is just on point and what you're getting at. the claim that pennsylvania authorities are making the trump administration trying to stop the accountants stop every from being counted. they conveniently leave out is there is a major legal disputes about whether the court that authorized the
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extra three days of the ballots being delivered had the constitutional authority to do that? those of the ballots we are talking about. there really is a legitimate constitutional issue about that. they really don't have to go back to the supreme court, kennedy, because at least the republican national committee -- make the republican party in pennsylvania i guess it is is already in the supreme court. last week they were trying to push the court to get an expedited review of the case. the court turned down the expedited part. because there was only five to go before election day. but justice alito had them segregate all of these ballots arriving in the three days after the election. so if the court has to rule on this after election day, they could do that on an expedited basis if they want to. the case is still in front of them.
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the interesting thing is some the things we are hearing including on fox about how this is all going is that there are not all that many ballots coming in, and this three day. there's a guy who was i think the administrator and luzern county he was interviewed earlier today on the news channel. but he said as they only got 200 ballots today. that is the biggest county in northeastern pennsylvania. they got 200 today predict to get less tomorrow and a chuckle on friday. >> if you are the administration. if you were legally advising them, where would you tell them to put the resources right now in terms of charting the state in their favor? i would leave pennsylvania alone for the moment. those ballots are going to be segregated. think the president is going to win pennsylvania. it will be much to do about nothing. so i would be looking at
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probably, i guess wisconsin where there's obviously some funky stuff going on. where you have situations where they got more votes in some places than they had registered voters. that would seem to me to it be more fruitful. because that is a state that has been called against sin that is got to flip. before alright we'll see what happens. obviously the various legal teams they are all over these background states. andy mccarthy thank you so much. subject thank you kennedy. before they are fighting the guess who's losing. they're repeating their 2016 blunders with phony forecasters and democrats demolishing republicans in the blistering blue wave that is yet to materialize. it turns out, more like a sprinkling of donkey spit. just like my prom night. some of the polls wrong? or were they just line? and why should americans ever trust them again? let's talk with the party
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panel jason meister, katherine mangu-ward, and moe vela. so katherine were to start with you. seeing some of these numbers. job items must be up seven points in wisconsin. and he won, the state was called with just .6% for him. couldn't it be in florida he was up for five or the president won florida by about three and a half. and ohio, again divided was supposed to be down by just a point and a half and he won big leave there. he was supposed to win nationally between seven and ten points. that is not the case. what the hell is going on katherine? the exact same thing that is going on in 2016. that's with is so. it is the perfect combination of a lot of motivated reasoning. i don't think for the most part posters want to be wrong. they are not trying to manipulate the outcome for their trying to be rights.
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there are so many people in the field but not one had a percent but so many in the field that either are conducting the polls are reporting them out who lean democratic. they simply say when they see a poll that says republicans are doing really well, well i'm inclined to try to figure out why that would might be outlier we should not counted. i would compound cross a lot of polls and a lot of months, you get exactly what happened. i actually just commission from a twitch or friend one of those embroidery samplers that just said will me once shame on you, full me twice shame on me. going to try to live by these words. we all should. falling forward again this time, was really our fault. kennedy: mel i look at this is a form of voter suppression part if you are just putting up whole numbers you wish were true, it makes democrats at home. if democrats thought there was
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more urgency, more of them would've gone to the polls and delivered a decisive victory last night. and certainly a majority in the senate. but that did not happen part i would be pissed if our youtube. >> i was about to say when you are frustrated i would say try being a biden supporter who thought we are going to have a blue wave, right? just a little trickle of whatever you said, donkey something. but anyway, listen there's something a lot of folks are leaving out. i know we are still fresh on this, we are just starting to talk about it. i think over the next several weeks wanted things we have to see the correlation between 2016 and how bad the polls were off or not accurate. and again now is the secret trump voter. i don't know how right am about this. i think the polls just two times now, work catching folks who just did not want to say who they were voting for.
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for what ever reason for him not suggesting this some secret reason they did not want to say pete or they were embarrassed or anything. i'm not suggesting that. i'm just saying they were not captured kennedy. support i think they were shamed into silence. and they were made to feel that if they were supporting the president they were wrong. and they were bad. therefore it's much easier for them to not pick up the phone. and that's pollsters they don't tell friends, coworkers or family members. >> and up kennedy you are one 100% correct rate there's no question that was happening. there are trump supporters all across the country that said you pass on the present he's a racist, is a xena poke, he is a fear mongering all of the things they attacked they felt there personally going to be attacked for the thought they would lose their friends, they lose or family members, they lose their jobs. so of course are not going to take a poll and be honest.
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that is why travel guard, when the pollsters who is most accurate 2016 was really most accurate in 2020. they kept it way more anonymous. they did not have an actual real person on the phone. fast too simple questions, who are you going to vote for? and then how a child who is neighbor going to vote for? and they said they vote for biden and their neighbors going to bite her trunk. across the country. they were able to pull that shy boater out. going back to the pollsters in general they are so wrong. it's unbelievable. it's a combination of air and malicious suppression. they wanted so badly so they can manipulate whatever numbers their model showed in order to get to a certain solution. and then, the suppression came in because immediately report these poles. by the way suppress republicans as well as democrats. they thought they were getting blue wave. >> it is incredibly dishonest.
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they need to throw out all of their methods. selection interference. if over time but less light on foxbusiness. only betty's while betting sites and wall street can determine what the trends are. thank you so much jason, katherine and moe, great to see all of you. on this election hangover wednesday. coming up, california has been so redistrict its utmost impossible for republicans to win. can darrell issa beat the odds and when a housekeeper the second time? he is next.
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's before as the president pulls out the collective here, california taken a nap on the beach counting votes between blunts and inner out for the runs. has mifson house hopefuls lingering in limbo. one of them joins me tonight with 51% of votes counted pretty leads his democrat opponent by more than four points. can he pull off a rare red win
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in california? here to discuss republican candidates for california's 50th district, you know him it is darrell issa. welcome back. >> thanks for having me back kennedy. i am proof that california recycles just about anything. [laughter] 's before it is crazy. that state has been so redistrict, it is like a mr. potato head. and you can put different body parts everywhere. all the sudden they are all completely democrat body parts. but there you are in the very lonely 50th district figure represented the 49th district for years but how confident are you going to pull this off? >> very. even though i have a serpentine district that runs from the mexican border, or close to it, all the way up to riverside county. the district has -- was with me on election night and has only gone more in these 24 hours.
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at this point every time they report another group of votes i am going higher. so my expectation is i will finish between five and six. hopefully and it is possible michele steele, young kim, and david balla dale will be coming back as members. david like myself had served before and chose to run to take his old district back. supported young kim run against? >> no. but she is a great candidate. she is ahead right now, michele steele is further head than she was last night. and david is ahead by small amount up in northern california. but this is seven -- ten of us out a 53 tells you how much california. 40% of the voters that are
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registered as a party in california registered republicans. and yet we have the small fraction. because they've really spliced and dicey districts. kennedy: yes i have. maybe if you guys make an appeal to the federal courts, now that president trump has stacked the federal judiciary, they will give california a favorable ruling. it is not appropriate representation. you have sort of shifted into a more moderate lane. have you had to change your views in order to represent this new district? >> maybe others will. i got through this election with the national right to life and the nra supported me. plus the freedom caucus. no, i'm going to continue to be who i am. i will work with colleagues who are more moderate or even liberal. i came to congress as i am i
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will leave who i am one way or the other priest back are you surprised the presidential race is still ongoing? >> i am not surprised or serious corruption. the urban areas sometimes have more votes and they have voters. this country needs a national, overriding law to ensure boater integrity. and we do not have it. as you know in california you get registered to give a drivers license without any proof of citizenship. then you get to vote. when you go to vote you do not need to show any id paid we have a system that's broken in california and other places. it needs to be fixed by a national, if you build consistency that we don't have. i look for to work and that when i return. support some pointy states had learned count ballots. it's insane your district is only 51% of the way through paired were 21 hours postelection right now.
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good luck with everything for it i love your optimism and you put still believe in california regardless of some of the things that has become. >> i believe in the 50th congressional district, not necessarily sacramental. kennedy: thanks it's great to talk with you. tropical storm is annexed. and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance. become a member today. get an insurance quote at usaa. what you're made of we're made for understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch.
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kennedy: it is a tenth night in america and a lot of us could probably use a few drinks, some laughs, and handful of pills, may be a bunker. alright, relax everything is going to be just fine. list try to have some fun part this is a topical storm. topic number one. this just in, no joke. one farmer in ohio went viral after filming herself kidding around about voting. oh look at these guys for they are so cute. they look like baby joe biden's. don't be alarmed of a few goats voted in ohio for the something up virtually dead people who voted in california for this is not the first time she has done this. in fact one has a detail of kelvin peeing on his tail. this farmer is really milking these goats. you note goats can be farmed for milk, meat or fiber. so you can soak them in water
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and making a goat t. [laughter] goat droppings are also used as fuel in much of the world. because goat dung is flammable. that only happens at schiphol tape. [laughter] topic number two. in washington state a 15-year-old boy drove his mother crazy when he stole her minivan and took her for a crazy driving. crashing into a power pole. the family said they were so focused on keeping their daughter off of the pole. they completely forgot about their son. the teenager has reportedly sold the vehicle to take a joy ride with a friend. making him the only person in history to take a joy ride in a minivan. but his autoerotic adventure took a wrong turn when his mother tracked on his location through his cell phone. good thing she just installed find maya whole. the sheriff's deputy confronted the teen on the
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road, turned on his light speeding into the powerful creating most of the neighborhood to blackout. investigators say they are looking into punishing the teen without giving him a criminal record. although in fairness, he was already charged with formatting and bolts of electricity. topic number three. we now take you to land of the rising sun. were you can think your teeth into a greasy bun. check out the new burger king menu item available only in japan. it is the new fake burger. it is starch raving mad. is eight french fried sandwich. as chris christie calls it, health-food. although when he really wants to be healthy he switches to a potato salad. this is the biggest monstrosity to hit japan since my throat. and he was ever a whopper. if a french fry salvage sounds
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weird to you. remember this is a country who sells used panties in a vending machine. and believe me, i have been there. i spent a fortune. [laughter] this special menu item is available for only 14 days, which is also how long it takes to digest. oh my gosh we'll be right back. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? uh, i'll have to check. (doorbell ringing) aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello? for bundling made easy, we try to soothe it with this. cool it with this. and relieve it with this. but new preparation h soothing relief is the 21st century way to do all three. everyday.
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make more of what's yours. did you try it yet? comparing plans? oh yeah. they sure can change year to year. i found lower premiums - and lower prescription costs. and those new insulin savings! hundreds of plans, $35 a month. that'll save you money. so uh, mark? on now. open enrollment ends dec 7th. comparing plans... ...really pays. paid for by the u.s. department of health & human services. safari hope your nursing your election hangover. it will all work out. everyone gets so upset but he just to work harder, keep your
9:00 pm
head down and thank you so much for watching the best hour of your d pretty can also all me on twitter an instagram at kennedy nation. expect kennedy fbn and for tonight guy benton, bryan and matt welch, will he get a haircut? stay tuned and good night. izabeg news mode tonight. we have headlines coming in. state of play right now, fox news calling michigan for joe biden but overall race very much hanging in the balance as we're still waiting on final results from four crucial states. joe biden has 264 elect to college votes, six shy of the magic 270 needed to win. in a fifth state, wisconsin, president trump demanding a recount after fox news projected joe biden the winner there. both sides are digging in very hard preparing to go to war in courtrooms from coast to coast. we've got the battle plans. with us tonight, jason chaffetz, jim trusty, congressman
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