tv Kennedy FOX Business November 5, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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there's nothing in place to stop it from continuing, the vote counting. lou: let's hope that that isn't the resolution because it would be disastrous. we thank you for being with us and we'd like to see her tomorrow. please join us. good night from kennedy: the tension is so thick you can cut it with a chainsaw we just might do that tonight. fierce legal battles raging in a handful states. i could potentially decide the entire presidential election and potentially the fate of the world. less than an hour ago the president said something is rotten in the state of georgia, and michigan, and pennsylvania, watch. >> will not allow the corruption to steal such an important election or any election for that matter. we cannot allow silence of anyone to silence our voters. and manufacture results. kennedy: he called shenanigans. but joe biden says come on man
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, let this thing play out. joe. >> i ask everyone to stay calm, all of the people to stay calm. the process is working. the count is being completed. and we will know very soon. kennedy: orwell way? what will be no know and bible we know it? [laughter] who won the freaking election program foxbusiness team coverage all over. hillary vaughn in wilmington, delaware. first let's go to our man connell mcshane live in harrisburg, pennsylvania. it has been crazy there, take me to it it. >> that is quite an introduction kennedy great to see you again tonight. it has been crazy, a two track story for us. all the log of looking at the count, is leading pennsylvania's smaller and smaller and smaller. now look at the legal challenges to that counts. first on the numbers itself for the secretary of state of pennsylvania as a woman named
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kathie bouffard. she had a press conference here in harrisburg this week this evening. they asked her when the process of become plated? when will be finished? she did say we're almost there. here she is. >> the overwhelming majority of ballots will be counted by friday. i still think we are ahead of schedule. we arty have counted the overwhelming majority of ballots. but since it is a close friend close race is not quite clear for the winner is. what is clear is the race is getting much closer. probably to close the president's likings. his leg was hundreds of thousands of votes. as the mail in votes that lead gets smaller, well under one of the thousands a speaker tonight. one of the other things on the mail in ballots. they still have a number of mail in ballots. about 250 that have not been counted to hunt a 50003 to 80 those in philadelphia county. another 35000 in allegheny, that is pittsburgh.
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those are both heavily democratic areas. the watch that vote throughout the night. on the legal front you have the trump campaign asking the supreme court to be part of an existing case that was challenging the three day mail ballot extension here pennsylvania. the ag in pennsylvania, who is a democrat came out to challenge that tonight as well. lot birther pam bonding others in philadelphia but getting that counters to see the vote. note winner sandy federal judges ruled on this tonight, they're going to go for the count in philadelphia. and the observers of the accounts can go in. songs and keep a social distance because of covid and keep an eye on things. they save the trump campaign has asked for their getting that. they're able to go in and observe. the bottom line is these legal challenges have continued. we have seen nothing presented to us in terms of evidence or fraud, nothing like that. we'll keep monitoring the challenge was seen all day long but the president sleep in the state shrinking big time.
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back to you. support lots of shrinkage, thanks so much for that. [laughter] biden camps as their very call for their the bus to win. looks like they are heading in their favorite right now got foxbusiness correspondent hillary vaughn in wilmington, delaware. hillary what are you sensing on the ground there? stupid kennedy things are picking up here. we have noted here in the parking lot where the stage is set up behind me throughout the day, there was a mic check that happens. they adjusted some lights earlier as well. but also around that time that was happening here, a few minutes away in downtown wilmington joe biden gave a very brief address to the press. he spoke for just under two minutes. the point of that was to assure everyone that they are still confident that they have a path to 270. but biden admitted today that path is getting a little messy. >> each ballot must be counted. and that is what we are going to see going through now.
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and that is how it should be. democracy sometime is messy. sometimes requires a little patience as well. >> biden and his running mate kamala harris met in downtown several hours this afternoon can briefed on covid and the economy. by to beat out and about today resuming a normal routine is another sign of how competent the biden campaign is. even as a trump campaign continues to tangle in court and battleground states like pennsylvania of when both will get counted. >> donald trump continues to push a flailing strategy designed to prevent people's votes are being counted. we are seeing on these legal suits are they are meritless and nothing more than an attempt to distract and delay what is now inevitable. >> trumps team has been fighting for the poll watchers closer in pennsylvania too early ballots are actually being opened the votes counted. but the biden team says they
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really don't care how close these watchers are. just as long as the both actually get counted. bill russo from the campaign tweeted this, we don't care if you're observers are 18 feet away, 15 feet away or 6 feet away. as long as election officials can do their job. and candy, likely mention at the beginning of this we did see some activity of the stage behind me has been set up since election night. and has remained empty. this is where we expected biden to give his victory, a victory speech if there is a victory speech to happen on the stage behind me. we did see some activity. even at one point will they're testing the speaker systems here, they played a portion of the foo fighters solve, times like these. kennedy. supports not my favorite foo fighters song but we will take it. hillary thank you, hillary vaughn there and delaware prelutsky back to pennsylvania that is a state that could decide the whole thing. we have an all-star party panel tonight to do some
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discussing part we have got guy benson from the guy vincent fox radio show. it also the political editor. look at him, so wonderfully handsome. and his one-time partner in crime, america pac executive and fox news contributor, the proudest buckeye i know, but see if you got the haircut let's go to matt welch, reason editor at large, and the fifth called podcast host bruce offered a thousand dollars for a man but nobody donated to special olympics if he did in fact not cut the hair. let's cut to the chase. guy benson we see so much movement in so much insanity today the president really taking aim at the state that are close and only getting closer. what is your read? >> my read is these very likely to lose. because the votes are being counted legally and he is losing. that is my read because i think that is what is happening.
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i think what's important to note, there are some complaints about certain irregularities that have happened in a number of states. i'm open to being curious about those and investigating them, they should be run down and checked out. but we never run the very beginning based on the rules and the laws ahead of time, some of which were put in place by republican legislatures there's going to be day of election voting, counted first. which is going to favor trump in the midwest. and then e-mailing votes will come next in the counted process which will overwhelmingly help biden. some of the president or other citizens magical or mysterious in all these ballots are coming out of nowhere, it's neither magical nor mysterious. just what we knew the rules were all along. and to say this is being stolen. or this is fraud, is an extraordinary claim that requires massive extraordinary evidence. out of a few anecdotes but a systemic multiple state corruption to the tune of tens or hundreds of thousands of ballots.
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that evidence does not exist. and it's wrong for him to at least suggest to a lot of americans who might believe him that it does exist. and if it does by the way, show it to us we've not seen it in the trump campaign. mech i am all eyes i got four of them for it i delighted to see that evidence i want to make sure if there is corruption. if there is systemic corruption that is poisoning these ballots and the election system, we have to know about it. marie let's talk a little bit about how you felt, there's marie. [laughter] there she is. marie let's talk a little bit about how you might have been feeling election night as we saw some of those numbers shift. and it appeared the president had very big leads in places like michigan and pennsylvania. how is the vice president, former vice president feeling now? >> joe biden and his team feel incredibly confident tonight. we knew that on election night the first of the votes to be counted in many of the swing
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states would be votes which of overwhelmingly they be republican but we were ready for the shift that would occur when votes were counted. the biden team believes confidently they will win pennsylvania. if they do, that is the ballgam ballgame. they are also increasingly believing tonight that they will win georgia. which is an extraordinary state because it was not called on election night as are the most interesting things that evening. the work that stacey abrams has done over the past two years to build on her almost a gubernatorial, to register voters. to mobilize democrats, to get people to the polls. they believe they will win georgia. think the biden campaign feels very confident they will win michigan and wisconsin and donald trump did four years ago. he used to claim this huge mandate over the last four years. and look, the recent trump voters did not vote mail impala is because the trump campaign told them not to. and what we serve the president was so dangerous to
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so doubt among his followers that when joe biden wins, if he does that is not legitimate , that is dangerous. every republican should be condemning it tonight. >> yes i know part it's really tough but he got an entire party saying your victory is illegitimate. the former vice president is really facing that will have a lot of lawsuits. it's so interesting because it really reminds me of the process amy tony barrett just went through. in all the democrats screaming that he was illegitimate. this may be comeuppance, but now i want to talk a little bit about the state of play for republicans. and in the state of georgia we talk about the senate race a little later. there are still 35000 votes left to be tallied. most of them are in atlanta. biden is down by about 3500, i
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can't imagine that deficit stays where it is for him. >> and no, is most likely we're going to hear some network or some news organization called the race at some point today. once the vote tally flips either pennsylvania or georgia. it's going to seem pretty irreversible. all the votes been counted this one are coming from places that are heavily democratic areas. talk about the republican party right now being in a tough place. going to be really interesting we are in the biking funeral base of a tough presidency now. you have his sons out there trying to enforce, message discipline on wayward mickey haley's of the world for being insufficiently insane about having the conspiratorial as the president for another ounce harsh to people's ears. and i'm sorry for your ears. but the president came in power january of 2017 having nonsense about votes for it an
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incredible marketing campaign, they said three to 5 million votes were fraudulent. because that is a kind of number that gets me over the edge that maybe i want to popular with hillary clinton. he had a whole commission look into it has been doing this every day we tend to look away because it gets tiresome. the president today in his speech that is not the speech of an adults. he's going to be doing this for the next several weeks as a challenge i think increasingly like today lose inc. is going to be really interesting to see what republicans, elected officials, the mitch mcconnell's of the world, shall be sitting on their hands. how much are going to be edging away. what they will be same from now on will eric trump accuses them. [inaudible] sephora will say this about cocaine mitch pretties always looking on the road but is not sitting on his hands i don't care what color they are. he knows he's got his own lane he's going to drive a giant
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tanker down because he's got his own mandates. the stock little bit about nevada. that could also put joe biden at 270. they stopped counting votes today pray this was so frustrating, guy, i was there with neal on election night party at at 11:00 o'clock they just stopped counting votes. in several states. they said people are tired. we are all tired we are still tired. it was a huge election we knew would be close while they stop counting? >> i would clarify that was 11:00 o'clock a.m. it was not like 11:00 o'clock p.m. rob said they go we are tired. it's like lunch break maybe. this is honestly embarrassing. the fact that it is taking multiple days just to count the votes in a place like nevada. it should not be this way but california is even worse.
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it takes weeks and weeks to count votes in that place but it's totally an embarrassment. we are a first world country where the greatest country in the world. we should be able to do better than this. i know a lot of people make a lot of jokes of the florida, florida actually knows how to count ballots quickly, accurately and efficiently. more than they did 20 years ago. i think other states, florida can do it with a diverse giant populace swing state that spans two different time zones, florida can pick out the good system than like everyone else should be taking notes and following that system. because of the did we would not be sitting here right now. this single be called and over in virtually every race including the presidential one. >> it is so ridiculous for you are so right too point that out. pennsylvania, georgia, north carolina, alaska, california florida hold my beer.
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it think that was drama, elmer seabury there's something enticing about it. the panel returns in just a bit. coming up another state or trump supporters demanding more from the count continue, arizona. what is going on there? i will ask arizona congressman andy biggs that very question. and why the gop did better on election day than expected. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? uh, i'll have to check. (doorbell ringing) aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello?
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kennedy: some big news in the battleground state of arizona. about 40 minutes from now the county will be releasing more vote counts. fox news and the associated press have called the race there for joe biden. but the trump campaign claims the race is still not over. so what is going on and that the cac state? driving out arizona republican chairman andy biggs. andy welcome back brace to act thank you kennedy thanks. see for you pretty easily won reelection. you run your gent won by nine points correct? >> at least yeah. kennedy: well done. wiser state having such a hard time counting things? we're just talking about that. why is there any drama surrounding arizona? you are in the middle of a desert thing should be pretty
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good. >> here is the way we do it. i guess if you aren't looking from outside it might seem a little odd. but we are first in, first out state. what happens is are going to count all of the early ballots first. so that is what you are seeing posted on election day. we did not even starting counting election day ballots until probably either this morning or late last night. kennedy: fascinating. bad or good system, it is a system i live under right now. [laughter] so that leaves you right now about 300 some odd thousand votes to counts. and so you did late, early ballots followed by day of and drop off balance. those are the pool of over 600,000 that they started with yesterday morning counting up. kennedy: there about four to 50000 ballots left too go. i have heard kayleigh mcenany and other members of the trump administration say they were very confident that the vote
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tally will swing in their direction. but they are running out of votes for their have to win a vast majority of those outstanding ballots in order to claim the states. and the foxnews decision desk to still stand by the early call. >> good, they're going to be wrong saturday mid morning. here's the way it works. right now the out court is reporting today. one capsicum and 80% for trunk. you had - county which is heavily democratic county came in 51% for trunk. he's got to win about 56% of the vote ballot total that they have left accounts. we are not even getting the real -- it's much more republican. we have seen other out counties are republican in nature that came in. so i think there is plenty of one white left for him to land the trump plane victoriously here. so far victoriously for arizona or victoriously for the presidency?
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>> i think for president trump i think is going to win arizona price before he may win arizona, things are just crazy enough. speaking of crazy nancy pelosi said this going to be a big blue wave is going to be a mandate democrats are picking up so many house seats. what happened? >> this is why seven people struggling with the trump train. it looks like instead of them picking up ten to 15 seats it looks like the republicans will pick up ten or 15 seats. i think the radicalization of the democratic party to move to the left the hard left actually and affected a lot of people in close districts that's riven picking up seats. i'm not surprised by that. i thought we would come close to adding back to majority. she basically was off 20, 25 seats in her prediction. that is causing some consternation on her side of the aisle within the house.
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kennedy: yes. there's a lot of democrats who are very upset with some of the messaging this summer. and the ones who are still in office, they are not too please pleased. there's a different speaker in your realm, thank you so much congressman. thank you kennedy. sue for fox news confirming tonight nancy policy did get an earful at today's caucus conference meeting. notably from the moderate dems. they sent calls to defend the police and the cozying up to socialism to blame for dems disappointing election right on top of that, democrat failure to take the senate means joe biden, had a really tough time getting things done if he wins for particularly when it comes time to pick his cabot. or push for massive policy programs like the green new deal for the party panel is back, guy benson, marie harf,
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and matt welch. let's talk now about the two senate races in georgia. david pretty fell below 50%. kelly has already headed for a run up and generate looks like david perdue will be as well. so if both of those seats go democrat, then i believe at this point if joe biden does not become president then it will be a 50/50 senate. what do you see on your end could republicans pick up both of the senate seats. if so how could they do it what is the messaging to voters? >> so first of all alaska's not been called yet. that will be a republican seat, they'll be the 49th republican senator dan silva getting reelected. i note thom tillis has not been called yet officially north carolina but if you look at the map there it does not exist for democrats but he has won against the odds in the polls reelection i think. that would be the 50th republican seat to your points. because of these two runoffs
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in georgia, that is the difference maker between a 50/50 senate or a 51/49 senate or a 52/48 senat senate. typically both of these races and if there are two seats at the same time they tend to follow the same direction. both i would note the republican ticket if you will in the leffler seat if you add together all the republican votes it was leffler, collins and some others in the struggle primary. you add up all those votes thereby two or three points overall the democrat votes combined. and david perdue even those probably not going to get to win outright. and has to go to a runoff he's is up to answer points on his appointment as well. so all the republican party needs to do. i think most analysts agree that the republicans are favored in both of those races. in a special election setting, the run operates in january. they need their party to come home, probably lower turnout election. maintain the markings that they already have from the
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current election. it may be billed on them. and then you'll see republicans, my guess with 52 senate seats after that and the new congress. kennedy: yes and there were some tough races that republicans were expected to lose in places like iowa and maine. they did not lose the seats. so let's just assume marie, that republicans maintain the senate and joe biden does in fact emerge victorious. how hard of a time could they give him on his cabinet picks? >> well first of all, i am not sure we should assume the senate seats will remain in public and hands. i do think joe biden may very well end up winning georgia. we have seen that when donald trump's name is not on the ballot, republican voters turn out in much lower numbers. so all eyes and all money will be on georgia for the next few months. but look, if any democratic can work with the republican senate it's probably joe biden. he and mitch mcconnell actually a pretty good relationship. there has historically been a
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tradition that new presidents get to a point there cabot and most of them get confirmed. traditions have been broken left and right this year so who knows if that will hold. i do think that joe biden based on his experience in the senate, based on the fact he is a moderate and won't nominate well-qualified cabinet secretaries for it hopefully will get most of them through. usually the opposition party finds like a one person to oppose and to try and get another. kennedy: usually they do and then just democrats did not show up for the final committee vote for amy coney barrett. matt, i think joe biden starts. okay tell it to them. if joe biden starts nominated people like elizabeth warren and bernie sanders and susan rice for some of these cabinet positions, you think republicans are going to play some strong defense? >> i don't think you'll nominate those people. i think of republican takes
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the senate which is likely, i think, do not want to give joe biden any credit. i do not like to biden particularly. you can see there's something on his face. he has been sort of grinning and bearing the fernie wing of the party for a long time while occasionally let slip through his dentures that i one, they lost. like a democratic socialist, it is me. i would think he'd be pretty relieved to not have treasury secretary elizabeth warren, right? i think that he would love to have aoc out there flailing around and being really mad at nancy closely. meanwhile he's playing ball with andy biggs as senator kristen sinema who was a very centrist and very well-dressed democrat. i think the center of gravity in washington looks a lot more copacetic from a libertarian point of view. certainly that it did three days ago. there is going to be no court packing. kennedy: a republican senate
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is the best case scenario for libertarians give this current climate. he well said. beautifully done panel. guy, marie, and matt thank you smetzer time and flexibility of things are changing minute by minute. including those conspiracy theories they are flying left and right. claims the present will not concede if he loses birthplace special edition of ken's conspiracy theories is next. ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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ask your parkinson's specialist ♪ ♪ anywhere convenience. everyday security. bankers here to help. for wherever you want to go. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪'s before welcome back with the special edition of ken's conspiracy theories. the transparency breeds interest. because no surprise accusations are flying about everything from secret ballot dumps to the rise of the living dead. an unholy sharpie markers for tonight will get to the bottom of all of it.
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here to discuss american majority founder and ceo former bush speechwriter. i was get them confused. [laughter] we've got the richard fowler richard fellow show radio show host richard fowler, welcome gentleman i ready to get into it? let's do this. i will start with you, ned. stinking of the nation their given sharpies to fill in their ballots. machines cannot count sharpie ballots. true or not true? >> according to the secretary of state, she said these sharpie votes will be counted. i think the thing though on a much bigger picture though i am with trump obviously that every legal vote we should have transparency in a trustworthy process. to know that every vote was actually counted. i have to tell you, canada, we
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are in a place right now. it's really sad place to be. no matter how this election turns out, fully half of the country will think the election was stolen. think that's a devastating place for this country to be in left front pulse it out or biting wind spread will now experience half of the country saying this is not legitimate. i think there are real questions about some of this. let's not forget the spring of this year paterson, new jersey we tried mail in ballots in which one out of five were found to be fraudulent. and you are telling me, kennedy, that tens of millions of mail and votes were expected to believe every last one of them was pure as driven snow? i don't believe so. one look at some the stuff taken place in milwaukee. the statistical improbability of the democratic vote in milwaukee, it does not make sense. there's a certain amount of human randomness missing have the democratic vote came in milwaukee. i think what i went to see his let's go for it. kennedy, the left wanted to so
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casper they wanted universal mail and they wanted to take election day turn intellectual weight let's do it. let's turn into weeks and weeks with litigation. savoy party seen the lawsuits. okay, great let's do it. richard fowler, joe biden said the president's not going to concede the military will have to drag about the oval office. that is a what if, what is. wisely former vice president floating that conspiracy theory there? >> listen, i hope my prayer is an we've heard from president trump's advisors, chris christie that said if the president loses he will leave the white house pretty think that is where we should leave that. unless we have a pens peace will transition a part of this country it we always have a think we will continue to have it. with that being said, feels they're grabbing it stronger's. patterson, new jersey? is not really the argument you're making in the closing of this election? here's what happened in milwaukee.
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here's what's currently happening in philly. excuse me. before there are accusations, legitimate accusation of ballot harvesting in milwaukee. with no evidence no evidence. just like we saw a couple of minutes ago. kennedy: it's weird we have more votes than voters. >> this is what i would say really quick. kennedy: not at the same time. >> i did not interrupt you. >> go ahead richard. in milwaukee, in detroit and philadelphia and atlanta overwhelming african-american turnout. record breaking in detroit there is more most cast for president than ever in american history. that was showed up loud these votes to be cows without conspiracy theories come without shenanigans without lies, without misinformation.
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this is a democracy's anyone see what happens in the next person says shenanigans? we'll ask about the claim that there were thousands of ballots that were dumped in michigan. we think about that. listen we gotta get to the bottom of this. lemme just say i've incurred the trump white house. to get statisticians involved but let's get a look at hard data, hard facts. if there are enough vote anomalies that exceed the margin some of the states, that is actually a basis for lawsuits. so i've encouraged them let's take a look at some of these things. there is some strange behavior. you cannot tell me that suddenly tens of thousands about show up and not one vote for trump? an unexpected to believe that the kosher. no, not suspend my disbelief. the sad part is. >> don't be mad or losing. kennedy: hey that's my thing
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for a nothings are close and things her way closer than anyone thought they were going to be. i feel like there should've gotten more people to vote for you. we will never solve this, but we can always try together. thank you both so much i was appreciated. >> thanks kennedy. kennedy: thank you. coming up the biden campaign, get him out of here. [laughter] what they prove their methods worked in the midwest? is that really the case? what is going on with the vote count in detroit? journalist motor city madman charlie leduff was a captive of accounting team. as a mail cheerleader in college. he is next. r your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions,
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present demand to his campaign meaningful access to a bout counting operations in that statement president trump not backing down from his claims of voter irregularities. so was the vote legit? do they have to quit? are the very latest on journalism author no bs news host charlie the desperate he is back. you are the precinct captain of a boating team there in detroit, tell me what happened. >> here's what i saw. i knew this was coming so i volunteered to count, physically count these ballots watch the process, sued the computer does but iran a team. it was counting board 11 part we processed over 2000 of them. also being a reporter, everyone in their new me. the government knew me, the canvassers knew me, the people knew me. i was up and down in there. it went really well. it never goes wellin detroit we always screwed up. it works pretty well for the food was awful, the toilet
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blew up, covid was everywhere. which got old people with oxygen tanks but it worked. only belts the envelope with the ballot. in the end you got to have one envelope and one ballot. and what happens if you miss gannon envelope or kinda gets by you, they cut out of whack. that is human error. that is not fraud. so wake up today in this nonsense is going on about 137 belts showing up at four in the morning. that is what i heard but we processed 150. so we are talking truckloads. i was there. i was actually standing next to the loading dock because i am looking for my pulitzer prize and they're bringing them and it's going to be right there. but here are my notes. from 4:06 a.m. right here. we were done. 150,000 hushed, tired. but we were sequestered. word of trump started to
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percolate michigan employee pride we knew we were standing at ground zero. nothing happened. i was there and no other media was there. you know why? they went home and had their milk and got in their jammies and did not find it to be important enough. so shall meet one picture, tell me. because i love this country like you i'm a libertarian. truth and justice as the american way for there's no way it happened but there's fraud, i'm not signed there is not fraud summer i don't there's aliens or lifeforms. kennedy: so you worked on the inside of the counting system. i also worked at my precinct, many years and a row i worked as a poll worker in l.a. county. and i love the process. i also saw how seriously every single poll worker took that responsibility. >> oh my god. before go-ahead tells about it. could you commit fraud if you wanted to?
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not in any meaningful way but of course you could could take about them through the garbage. you could flush it, right? you cannot erase they are impending there's a barcode tracking them everywhere. there were no tables set up to have fake ballots. i went everywhere. i asked about the technology heard we are broke we need better technology. but we worked our asses off. because we know this thing is sacrosanct. we the people in detroit nailed it. as the mayor have a warehouse for the taking dead people off the rolls? which we have. so i asked the secretary of state why the roles were messed up where they have mysterious barcodes and slopes and mailing the men? maybe. call me if you know about it. it is a damn lie that they showed up. i was right there. kennedy: turned them so glad i got to talk to. i've missed talking to you. and pleasure on the ground,
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your stories and delivery always top-notch thank you. >> god bless america proud of you. suspect we will figure it out. we are that good. love you too. topical storm is next. stay with me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ noand if you're troubledan a liby falls and bleeds,ners. worry follows you everywhere. over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. it's a one-time, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk-- and bleeding worry--for life. watchman. it's one time. for a lifetime.
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kennedy: scientists have discovered an ancient shrimp that could be an ancestor to modern-day crabs. and last lived five and a million years ago. they said they found it on a free sample trey from panda express. i always knew crabs came from shrimp. that is why i never slept with danny devito. [laughter] this is a topical storm. topic number one. a ring ding dingdong fridley at all the story of laurie loughlin the actress caught in the act. busted for paying half a million dollars to get her dingdong daughters into usc. as rolling recruits. despite never competing in that sport part i heard there were so unqualified they could barely row their votes and gently down the stream. loughlin agreed to serve two months in federal prison despite her lawyer begging the judge, please excuse my dear aunt beck becky. well, now they wake up san
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francisco stars waking up in the slammer. loughlin now in the dublin third federal lockup in california, little security prison for roughly 12000 female inmates, talk about full house speaker for the good news is everywhere she looks, there'll be a hand to hold onto. the bad news is, she will be on the at the time for this is not the full house speaker cast number we're expecting to lead in the big house. mine is on baby michele for self-sealing cookies in the cookie jar. or possibly grown it michele. too soon. topic number two. two california kayakers became a mouthful this week when they found themselves in the jaws of a humpback whale. oh no. oh no. ironically this will turn them into a pair of slippers. the kayakers escaped unharmed.
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but it wasn't their finest hour. get it, i will try to keep my whale puns at bay. i swear i'm not spouting them off on porpoise. [laughter] humpback whales each have one or two blowholes just like all my favorite truck stops. that is where i find free willie. humpback whale is almost complete fish and krill yet they still do not fit into those bathing suits. the males are of the complex whale songs. the females are known. right grabbed a broom. after making it to dry land, two kayakers told reporters they felt lucky to be live. and that they never should have paid for boating glasses from laurie loughlin's daughter. topic number three. i love your feedback. it is like feedback to my ears. this is fewer mail. dylan starts us off with a fan camp. at kennedy nation i found
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their way to make you actually funny. thanks snapchat. take a look. [laughter] [inaudible] [laughter] i thought he was going to use the snapchat filter and not realize. mr. annoying voice, captain zack and rice you are weird and quite frankly not that good. yes could've been much worse. alright we'll be right back. more savings on car insurance!? they helped with homeowners, too! ok! plus motorcycle, boat and rv insurance! geico's got you covered! like a blanket! houston? you seeing this? geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more.
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kennedy: thank you you for what's the best out of your day. i get to see the president coming call me on twitter instagram, e-mail entity kennedy fbn . elizabeth: the fight to the finish. who will hit 270 electoral college votes first. as the trump campaign launches a blitz of lawsuits in four battleground. with is governor scott walker, 10 star, ari fleischer, ford o'connell, tom homan and congressman greg stuebe on the breaking headlines. trump's path runs through pennsylvania, arizona, georgia. pennsylvania says majority of 550,000 remaining votes could be tallied by tonight. arizona says it will have a good idea what the final result is tomorrow. we also have breaking news coming in right now to the st
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