tv Varney Company FOX Business November 10, 2020 9:00am-12:00pm EST
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maria: have a fantastic day. i will see you tomorrow. "varney & co." begins right now. stuart: good morning. we are still talking covid vaccines and covid treatments as stock prices go up except for technology. the dow jones after again of 834 points monday it up another 130 as of now and that means it's closing in on 29551 which i believe is the time closing high with s&p 500 down just a fraction at this moment, but look at the nasdaq. its way down.
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there seems to be a movement of money out of highflying technology stock. that money looks like it's going into companies that would benefit from the vaccine like travel companies. nasdaq is down. bottom line, the market overall continues to rally as the senate looks like a state republican. profit reports recently and yes the vaccine is really helping. lets get to the election with contested and investigated. attorney general bill barr tells the justice department for checking for voting irregularity specifically backdating and 3000 invalid vote-- votes cast in nevada. are there enough invalid votes to reverse the count in any state? we don't know that yet. the supreme court today with hearings beginning and obamacare specifically individual mandate with newly installed justice barrett on the court.
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we would love to show you, but we can't. no cameras in the supreme court. wait till you see how far left-- how far as the left is planning with biden calling for healing and socialist wanting public shaming. "varney & co." is about to begin. ♪ susan: don't bring me down. stuart: our producers do a terrific job of organizing music relevant to the stories of the day. big tech is coming down. susan is with me. positive vaccine news, is that giving a boost to the economic outlook we took yes.
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susan: after a record-setting day to start off the week with 9% in six straight days with part of the stock market overbought territory. there may not be that much less-- left at least in the next few days. look at this, banks are up 15% with energy stocks up of 15%, industrials like caterpillar gaining. stuart: bank stocks premarket today? susan: yes, after this huge rally yesterday. there has been extreme rotation that we saw from gross like technology stock to value plays like general election and honeywell and that's alive and well. in fact, the widest move in the biggest move we have seen since bubble in 2000 so that rotation is in force. also factoring in a vaccine with a low interest rate and better economy as you say and higher profits from
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corporate america. positive environment for investors. stuart: thank you. what does this mean for wilderness vaccine? they are very much in the lane. what's the latest on madonna? lauren: it could be just as effective, 90% effective as pfizer. we don't know it is, but we are hopeful because it uses the same technology so that mrna sequence coded for specific antigen that they inject into your body and they fight the infection. they started their phase three trial in late july with 30000 volunteers. results are coming this month, which means it could apply for fda approval next month, producing 20 million by the end of the year. after that, it ramps up 500 million to 1 million doses-- 1 billion doses.
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you need to shots and you must store and transport in very cold conditions. stuart: that could be a problem for distribution. you also have a news on eli lilly. lauren, you are still on lauren: i have a lot to say about eli lilly. screwup. they have an anti- body therapy that's been greenlighted by the fda, a treatment for those that have mild and earlier stages of covid-19. you take it out of the hospital and it's intended to keep you out of the hospital. it's free for you but the insurer is on the hook for about $1200. lily is a shipping to start 100,000 to their distribution partners and then the federal government will allocate that to the states and then the state say this hospital gets it, this health facility etc.
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yes, you can get it outside of the hospital but it still needs to be administered by iv so infusion clinic or something like that. stuart: i did hear you and that was a great report. i hope you can hear me saying that. is that thing in your ear, the producers and director talk to you while you are on the air joining me now market watcher mike murphy who is working just fine and dandy. he looks like he's in the dark shadows but we will get over that. why are-- wise money coming out of that big tech today: next line, stuart. if you look at the big tech, apple, amazon, microsoft even after yesterday's selloff and with today's selloff they are still trading up three to four, even 5% in the last week so
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these stocks had a big run a pre-election and now some money is coming out of the big tech names that have been the winners for as long as we have known each other and it's going into some of the latter which is fine. you shouldn't let it disrupt your plan for your overall portfolio we had ae record highs for the dow jones, s&p, this calendar year? >> we will, stuart. you asked me that question over the summer and that was my question then you also asked about what if joe biden becomes the president will the market to be okay and my answer then was yes and it's going to stay yes so regardless of the present coming out of this pandemic we will have big economic growth
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you are starting to see what happens when the vaccine miraculously is announced with all of a sudden companies moving higher on the expectation of stronger earnings. are going to hit new highs. i think the united states economy is in a position to support much higher stock prices for companies continuing to perform and continuing to show growth. stuart: everything depends upon effective vaccine, widely distributed and republicans keeping control of the senate. of those are the two items which you got to have before you see a strong economy and a strong market next year; correct? >> correct. there still talk out there. .-dot election is not finalized, but i think just the economy under president trump was a so strong before the pandemic and in the recovery was so strong after the pandemic that it still can lift the market regardless of whether president trump is the ultimate winner
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or if joe biden is the winner. stuart: mike murphy, always a pleasure and thank you for joining us. we followed the real estate boom closely-- look, it's a big deal in the financial world these days and real estate is booming and we have news. dr horton a homebuilder just reported, and looking at the stock. i bet they did well, ashley. ashley: correct homebuilder reported prophet and revenue easily beating the dreaded expectations including 81% jump in net sale orders or more than 23000 homes and the value of sales orders group 84% to 7.3 billion that would imply the average price per home just over $307,000. revenue also group 27% with 6.4 billion. year over year of 27% in a pandemic.
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of the company says that outlook is cautious because of the pandemic but forecasting revenue above average-- estimates giving the stock a nice boost of 23% this year already and up another 3% in the free market. pretty good for the homebuilder. stuart: pretty good real estate market in florida is not, ashley ashley: yes, it is. stuart: thank you. he will be back. check future, mixed bag, way down on the nasdaq with the money out a big tech. dow jones doing pretty well, 29200. california seen a spike in virus cases after huge crowds gathered to celebrate joe biden's when. what happened to social distancing? we will tell you all about it. new york governor cuomo wasted no time polluted-- politicizing pfizer's vaccine progress. watch this. >> the bad news is that it's about two months
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before joe biden takes over and that means this administration will be implementing a vaccine plant. stuart: way to go, governor. meanwhile, near bill de blasio said new york city is dangerously close to a second wave. does that mean shutdowns are coming? this city, i tell you, it's really suffering. we have the story for you next. ♪
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competing products and that was first reported by the "wall street journal" in that also opened a investigation into seeing how amazon chooses their preferred to sellers. remembered the eu find google $5 billion last year for allegedly abusing its dominance. many european countries are trying to levy digital taxes on these tech giants so it's a warning that if you are a big silicon valley name you are on fire
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across the atlantic. stuart: them new administration may not be quite so supportive of american technology companies when they are under fire from the europeans. susan: lets say the oversight isn't done with the biden white house, the antitrust cases are still in play i assume and i know you say the vaccine from pfizer is a stunning, great news, but i think you are skeptical on a couple points. what is the problem? >> yesterday, overall good news. 90% effective vaccine. the question i have is 97-- 90% effective at preventing what? they didn't say. preventing fever, chills, cough.
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the thing doctors are asking is what does the vaccine do, so we have cause to celebrate and you saw the markets reflected that, but there's more information we need. the other thing we are eager to see is how long the protection lasts. is it a durable immune response we are generating from the vaccine or brief protection. these will determine whether or not pfizer's vaccine is the one you when i are getting in our armed because it may not be even though it has extraordinary early data, so more to come. overall, good news out of fire-- pfizer. stuart: new york governor cuomo, the man is politicizing pfizer's vaccine progress. hold on a second. watch this took rolled tape. >> bad news is that it's about two months before joe biden takes over and at that means this administration will implement a vaccine plant and of the trump administration is
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rolling out the vaccination plan and i believe it's flawed. stuart: that statement there makes me skeptical about taking the vaccine and me introduces skepticism to the whole idea that it's a good vaccine under the trump plans. >> lets me alleviate some of those concerns. the thing that wasn't really talked about yesterday with the vaccine is that it's a huge headache to distribute. of this have to be kept at subzero temperatures and requires multiple doses. it's not easy and to pull this off we will need really good coordination between the federal government and state and local officials, so this has the potential to be really complicated and it's going to require the president and the governor to mend fences to get on the same page to do this and it's already going to be a headache to distribute pfizer's vaccine and an even bigger headache if governors have to deal with two different presidents with different plans so i will be honest when i
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saw that comment i smiled to myself because i said what governor cuomo is getting at i went to ae your concerns that the vaccine looks good. it will just be a big hassle for governors like other cuomo to actually distribute it. stuart: we just crossed the 10 million case level in the united states and new york city mayor and bill de blasio is talking about here comes a second wave and says we are close to it. can you see the day coming under biden administration where we go for more lockdowns and if we did-- if they did would you approve? >> i came on your show in late february and is said there will be a major disruption to daily life in america. i don't see that coming again. i think we will have
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minor disruptions. what we see across the country now is nonessential businesses told to close at 10:00 p.m. or certain aspects of our daily life being in hinged upon. we will see more of that and frankly the case numbers are concerning in new york right now. i was walking on the street sunday morning and got in a line three blocks on them young people and i thought they were in line for some new swanky brunch place and i got to the line and they were getting tested. that's a bad sign for that could be the canary in the coal mine that we are on the verge of a dramatic uptick and i would not be surprised if the governor and mayor try to change behavior in places where we know there are hotspots i don't see shelter in place orders coming, but i see nonessential businesses may be told to change their hours. stuart: dramatic stuff. we appreciated always. thank you. amc the movie theater
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people are getting to a new line a business. they are renting out: theaters for private parties. ashley, i take it they are doing really well and i think they will keep doing it; right? ashley: exactly right. they are doing better than they thought as they officially launch the rental program now. people can rent out a showing at any amc approximately 600 theaters nationwide for as low as $99 for a wider read of the-- array of new releases available $149 plus tax and could be up to make $349 depending on location and theater but the rental charge covers the cost of up to 20 tickets so it works out pretty well. the theater chain did a test run and was amazed when it received 110,000 inquiries without any significant marketing so
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now they are going full board into the private screening business. people who rent the theater as comply with safety rules and mandatory mask wearing and social distancing, but this has taken them by surprise and now they are into it full board for as low as $99, 423 people, your-- four, 20 people. stuart: you can actually throw them out for not being quiet. looking at futures one more time, dow jones up about 100, nasdaq down about 140. back in a moment. ♪ businesses today are looking to tomorrow.
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and reliable coverage, nationwide. forward-thinking enterprises, deserve forward-thinking solutions. and that's what we deliver. so bounce forward, with comcast business. hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this new robitussin honey severe. the real honey you love... plus, the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? new robitussin honey severe. strong relief for your severe symptoms.
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are in the middle of everything. one of their drugs is a delivery technology, which gilead is the buying poor graham damas-- remdesivir. this is not a covid play. they have a hundred and 30 different partners and its 11 times earnings, just unloved and no one seems to care , so i love it. stuart: right in the middle of this clinical trial business. how about the health-- e health, don't they make it easy to get health insurance? >> they have a website and they tried to make it as easy for seniors to buy medicare insurance as it is to buy basically a plane to it-- ticket to 10500 people turned 65 every day in the us and we think this is another huge disconnect and valuation and should work well. stuart: last one is caesar's. what's so special about caesar's? >> this is el dorado.
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they sort of swallowed the wayland bought caesar's and we think he will do an amazing job growing this business they just bought william hill for, 3.7 billion so now caesar's will dominate the online sports betting arena. it's going to be a big story from here on out. stuart: producers, please put those three stocks back on the air. sandy, e health is $74. where do you think it's going? >> and we think it's too cheap. stuart: caesar's, 62, where's it going? >> i think it could be a triple digit stock.
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i think it will be a $100 stock and be a great play on reopening of the economy. stuart: you did it. you are the for the generation runner of the money management firm you have their and we appreciate you getting all three of them in. in two seconds the market opens. year we go. tuesday morning off and running up 104 dow jones i'm pretty sure we will see dow stocks on the outside their dow jones up 120 in the first to second sub business. we opened higher. s&p 500 is down a tiny fraction .2%. nasdaq this interests me because i think we have big tech selling off with the nasdaq down three quarters of 1%. let's look at big tech. how is it opened? all on the downside red apples, amazon, alphabet , facebook on the downside. let's look at pfizer and
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bio intact, the big winners yesterday up more this morning and they have course have this vaccine that's 90% effective. pfizer up again this tuesday. how about some other vaccine makers especially moderna, it's up 1.2%. they may have a vaccine or at least out their taxes in a couple of weeks. how about those work from home stocks? i think they are still selling off. positive news on the vaccine so they have sold off and they are selling off more today. susan: very volatile. as you see opening higher but they lost around 20% for the zoom. losses as well for a cloud communication platform. it helps uber find your driver in the stocks have run up so much. i was looking at the zoom and right now zoom communications 404.
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don't forget zoom has run up close to 700% this year and i would say it's the stock of the year, don't you think? netflix losing a bit. the stocks have done so well this year. stuart: still way out. still doing well. susan: and with the vaccine you don't have to stay home and watch netflix one out of the corner of my off i saw the beauty way up 6% what are they doing? what is it doing. susan: both stocks are rallying with target and ulta opening up smaller makeup and skin care shops inside hundreds of target stores in the country. each of these shops will be 1000 square feet
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targeted with target employees. 40 beauty brands. assortment of products from haircare, fragrances to lipgloss. in-store retail struggled so far during covid because people can't go to close stores and as you heard from ulta ceo it is innovative and they will open in 2021. why are you laughing? stuart: because it makeup people always want to put lip gloss on. susan: they do? stuart: yes. susan: what is your color, by the way? stuart: let's move on. i see beyond meet plunging, disappointing third-quarter down 22% however, lauren, beats-- are they putting plant -based meat on their menu? lauren: it's not helping beyond meet at all or don't feel too
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bad for them. they have doubled, but it's a big selloff. pizza hut is adding their fake sausage for a limited time, the first national pizza chain to do so, but beyond meet reported a steep third-quarter loss with americans doing less of the freezer loading and the onto meat is this today. stuart: got that. what about mcdonald's? they are doing something plant -based out of their own plant -based food meet here? lauren: they sure do and it's on the same date beyond meet his face planting. mcdonald's has a plant -based sandwich hitting menus next year. there's a lot going on at mcdonald's. they had their investor day yesterday. another change is grilling the beef patties with onions giving it more flavor and adding another crispy chicken sandwich
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to compete with popeye's. that's just the menu. let's not salivate anymore and talk about their investments. drive-through only restaurants may be coming. that's where seven in 10 orders are placed at the drive-through. you can't sit down even if you want to them and they have an idea where there is a conveyor belt that circles and delivers food to your car so you open your car window in the window of the conveyor belt take sure orders or you don't talk to anyone and also a geo- locator so mcdonald's employees can know when your car pulls up so you can get your order. stuart: is that what we really want to speak directly to absolutely no one? we are in the position with the virus a lot. lauren: and that's where we are headed to. stuart: thank you. show me united, down a fraction. what are they doing, ashley?
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making changes that we fires may actually like? ashley: i have not seen too many people rushing to get airline food, but the chicago-based airline will start selling food, beer and wine. may be the beer and wine on select fights out of denver to economy passengers one week from today. currently they are only offering free snacks and a bottle of water to economy passengers on domestic flights. hungry travelers who want to buy food items have to get their credit card information, the united mobile app or website to avoid contact with flight attendants. slowly but surely we have seen an uptick in passengers with more americans increasingly comfortable with flying and by the way recent research suggests flying may be actually safer than grocery shopping and indoor dining things to mandatory masks and frequent changing of air
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filters inside the aircraft cabin. there you go. stuart: did you know, ashley webster, that the original mayor of united airlines was barney airlines? ashley: i did not know that. you sold it, well done. stuart: i don't know if it was a distant relative, but way back in the 20s, mr. varney got hold of the plane and called it barney airlines. i just had to fill 20 second so i thought i would check that out there. ashley: interesting. stuart: bitcoin shows a gain of 70 points so whatever rally we had at the opening, we have lost a lot of it. 10 year treasury yield .96%, up again. money coming out of bonds may be going into stocks? susan: this shows people are
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more at ease with what's happening in the economy and hopefully a vaccine. stuart: wouldn't it be nice to get to one? susan: how long ago was that? stuart: i can't remember. the price of gold is 1880 and counts up $26. bitcoin, always interesting. $15300 per coin and the price of oil this morning at almost $41 per barrel. whoopi goldberg spent the last four years going after president trump. now she's telling trump supporters to accept abiding. watch this. >> so, all of you suck it up like we sucked it up.
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- [narrator] compare prices to get the best discounts. - goodrx, smart. - [narrator] stop paying too much for your prescriptions. download the free app today. stuart: four more states legalized recreational marijuana, during the elections this month. let's bring in pot stock watcher, i hope he doesn't mind that title who is with us this morning. mitch, all right the big deal for the marijuana industry seems to be lehmanization at the federal level. that would open the whole industry up to proper banking service. do you think joe biden will federally act at the federal level? >> thank you so much forehaving me again. doesn't matter at the federal level driving stocks forward directly related to marijuana
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because of movement at the state levels. i think there will be federal movement because it is promised through the biden administration. i think the growth of cannabis is so inevitable, whatever happens at the federal level is a driving force, not necessarily a headwind anymore in the growth of the industry. stuart: are we at the point you can say legal weed has kind of suppressed and gotten rid of much of the black market? >> oh, certainly not. there is still $60 billion of illegal sales in the united states every year. 60 billion. not, that is a huge number. about four times the size of the legal market. so the legal market is continuing to grow at about 17 to 25% clip depending what is happening with state, state approvals for ballot measures like we saw recently this past election where five ballot measures passed but at the same time, if you look at the ancillary spending needed to support that growth, you're
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looking at a industry growing 30% that is with a illegal market for the legal market to target the next few years. stuart: how about tons, can you tell us how many tons of legal marijuana are sold in america now per year? >> tons of legal? it is, you have to take about 20 billion of sales and factor in about $1500 an average pound or so. so, just doing some quick math i think it is something like 200, or two million pounds i think something like that, two million tons. 200,000 tons. stuart: i'm trying to get a handle how big the market is. you're telling me it is big, getting much, much bigger. so buy the pot stocks, right? >> well the stocks are all a function of just growth. if you think about the largest marijuana stocks, they're all a function of how big their actual addressable market is and the
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addressable market for legal companies right now is enormous. it is growing quickly. the market cap should grow to reflect the inherent growth. not many markets you find 30, 40% a year for the next few years foreseeable regardless what happens at the federal level. stuart: absolutely, you got that right. mitch, come back soon. >> my pleasure, stuart. stuart: look what we have later in the show. we have ronna mcdaniel, antonio sabato, jr., brian i will mead, leo terrell. joe biden wants everyone to wear a masks. his virus task force is hinting at more lockdownses. when will we get back to normal? my take next. ♪.
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stuart: when do we get back to something like normal? we've been asking that for months. monday, euphoria. 90% effective vaccine widely available next year. this morning eli lilly gets emergency fda approval for its monoclonal antibody treatment. maybe we get back to flying, cruising, dining in, meeting in crowds, all the other things we used to, but, the election ushered in the lockdown crowd. the democrats at state and federal level are not open up people. they're telling us we have to
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hunker down. in many parts of the country the mime yesterday future will be more like the recent past. new jersey just announced a series of new restrictions. nokia governor cuomo says next two months would be some. worse the country has seen. new york city's mayor says we have to stop it. california trying to get around governor newsom's draconian thanks pitching restrictions. don't eat turkey indoors. limit to three per household. please, no singing or shouting. suburban cook county, that is the chicago area. no indoor dining. no group meetings. no dancing. you know the drill. the joe biden at the federal level wants everyone to wear a mask. his new covid task force leans towards lockdowns. the left hung its hat on restrictions in the name of safety. restrictions, vaccine or no, is what we'll be stuck with. it won't look like normal. it won't feel like normal and with an effective vaccine coming
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and effective treatments already here there will be a lot of frustration. the lockdown guys actual won. the second hour of "varney & company" about to begin. ♪. ♪ stuart: now you don't remember this but i do. i do remember this i'm not quite sure when it came out. '70s i think. susan: should start every morning with some stevie wonder. wouldn't that be great? stuart: fantastic. susan: great music. stuart: throw some beatles in as well, please. let's get serious, new numbers on job openings, job availability. the jolts report. susan: still a lot in the economy. 6.436 million.
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in september, actually in august we had similar levels, pretty much along the same bend. this is very stable. this is september for the jobs report, we saw 661,000 jobs added to the u.s. economy. there is still work out there. it still shows the recovering economy. stuart: the employment situation looks real good, can we say that? susan: call it recovery. we had seven million during the best jobs market in 50 years. stuart: that is the employment report from the jolts thing. we have happening right now. make-or-break time for obamacare. the supreme court will hear oral arguments on it right now as of now. this deals with whether or not it should be scrapped after the individual mandate was eliminated by congress. it starts now but don't expect a decision to be made public for a long time. let's get to my take. back to my take, i should say, my editorial at the top of the hour. scott shellady is with us. i say we don't get back to normal anytime soon. what say you? >> i think it will be at least three years, stuart.
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stuart: blow, three years, wow. >> you saw the world or u.s. do a victory lap yesterday. boil it down to the brass tacks. we did a victory lap yesterday because we found something 90% effective as a vaccine to help with something that has survival rate of over 98%. really? that, that is where the psyche is in america, that they're that happy about something that will be 90% effective helping something already 98% survivable? that is where the psyche in. in march, april, may, the american media beat up the american consumer and investors so bad, people a lot smarter than i still haven't gone out of their houses and still haven't gone to restaurants. this will not go away -- when is the next time a lot of people will get on a very, very tight elevator or go to a football game four hours shoulder to shoulder? that is the problem we'll deal with. we have to work through that. that is time. that is not money. that is not a vaccine. a vaccine is a part of solution.
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but it is not the solution. time is the solution. stuart: what i want is the choice. i want to make my own choice. if i want to see a foot gal game, stand shoulder to shoulder to a lot of other people i want to make the choice myself. they will not let me do that. they will say you are endanger ing a lot of other people. so you can't do it. that is the lingering fear factor here. >> that is because they think they know better than you. the argument is this, stuart, you're exactly right, if everybody knows the risk, if you're worried about getting sick at a football game, i got an idea for you, exercise your democratic right, don't go. what is the problem giving the choice back to the person? you know what? so many of the americans have been so cared they have given up those choices. they have given up those rights to stay safe. and now these governors are drunk with power. look what you said about newsom and thanksgiving. that is going to be the biggest reason why we can't recover
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quickly. lockdowns in europe, coming this way. mask mandate here, coming this way. it will get worse before it gets better economically speaking because these governors are so happy and drunk with the power that they have got to keep you at home and control you. stuart: i really do agree with you. i absolutely agree. but, i usually do but i got to tell you, some friends of mine have been flying around the country recently and every single time the planes have been jam-packed full, every single time. every time. so you give people a choice, let them go. let them do it, they will do it. >> agree with you, i've been on the planes shoulder to shoulder. nobody wants to sit next to me because there is no other room. they have cut off all the flights. they fly five a day instead of 20 a day. when it is over, i will tell you when it is over, the 75-year-old couple, celebrating their 50th anniversary, in a hot,
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steaming crowded chinese restaurant, they were we know it's over. stuart: end it on that note that was very good. you just pulled that right out of the hat, brilliant you are, that is a fact. scott, thank you very much. >> all righty. stuart: headline i would like to read. here it is, joe biden's bitter harvest. where might trump voters have got the idea that a president was illegitimate? the man who wrote that piece is bill mcgurn. before we launch here i want to share a montage where trump voters might have gotten the idea from. roll tape, please. >> he is knows he is an illegitimate president. he knows. he knows that there were a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out the way it did. >> trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. he lost the election and he was put into office because russians interfered. >> he is illegitimate. my biggest fear he will do it
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again with the help of vlad his best pal. we'll be stuck for six more years of this guy. that is terrifying. that is terrifying. >> would you be my vice presidential candidate. folks look i absolutely agree. stuart: that says it all, bill, have at it, please. >> yeah. my point was just that the opposition spent the last four years trying to undermine the legitimacy of president trump, even before he stepped into office and in doing this we saw the corruption of so many institutions. we saw the press abandon objectivity. even declare it. we saw the fbi and, and the justice department, you know, abandon fairness and so forth. going after these fisa warrants. and, we saw congress launch as an impeachment which was an effort to overturn the results. my point there is a lot of
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bitterness. joe biden was right to call for unity but if he really means it, you can't just decree it. you have to do hard work to get there. stuart: well, as we speak we have some people on the left trying to come up with, what i believe is going to be called a truth and reconciliation committee. >> right. stuart: in other words, that is a show trial of all supporters of president trump that we stood on the dock and insulted and shaled publicly. if joe biden really wants healing he should do something about that. >> absolutely. that would be a great place to start. look, my point is, joe biden rightly said we have to stop treating the other side as enemies and stop demonization of people but i think it is not going to be credible until he admits he played a part. he called president trump illegitimate. called him a racist. called him the first racist president. he played a role. we don't expect him to aways himself but you raise a good
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point, one of the best ways to start is if joe biden said anyone doing this stuff, trying to make blacklists or punish trump supporters for supporting the president, that person has no place in a biden administration. but the problem to do that, to do something strong and backup these claims, he risks alienating a lot of his supporters on the left. i don't know if he is capable of that kind of gesture. stuart: i think you're right. bill mcgurn, right on target. thanks very much indeed. appreciate you being with us. >> thanks, brother. stuart: it crossed 10 past 10:00 eastern time. this information was embargoed until 10:10. now we can release it. boston fed's rosen again warning from bubbles from extremely low interest rates could lead to the next rezero session. businesses and consumers and businesses take on more debt and more risk. around restoring economy based on getting the virus under
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control. he is warning about bubbles because of exceptionally low interest rates. no impact on the market i can see. that news was released 40 seconds ago. if it was any import to wall street, boom, you would have a reaction. we got no reaction. the dow is up 25points. okay, you have it. the future of obamacare is now at stake. edward lawrence this, is all about the individual mandate before the supreme court. what do you have? reporter: exactly. in fact arguments started at the top of the hour at 10:00, right now justice samuel alito asking lawyers defending the affordable care act. it all hinders whether the act can stand separate from the individual mandate. brought down to zero by congress, 2017. penalty for the individual mandate there. 18 republican attorneys general as well as the trump administration brief it cannot. the trump administration supporting this lawsuit. what is different today, the fact there are three justices now that are appointed by president donald trump on this court. we're talking about justices
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neil gorsuch, brett kavanaugh, amy coney barrett. justice barrett this year fielded a barrage of questions about this very case. in those questions she said she is not hostile towards the affordable care act. she also says she is not a mission. president-elect joe biden will talk about this later this afternoon. the decision will not come until 2021. stu? stuart: edward, thank you very much indeed. now this, whoopi goldberg, she has a message for trump supporters following the election. watch this. >> so all of you, suck it up. suck it up like we sucked it up. from now on suck it up. grow the pair for him that he can't grow for himself. stuart: well, i think we know where she is coming from. we'll see what hollywood star antonio sabato, jr. has to say about that a little later in the show. we'll talk to brian kilmeade. he spoke to senator lindsey graham yesterday who insists president trump should
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run again in 2024. all coming up on the show. but next, we're talking to the rnc's ronna mcdaniel. second hour of "varney" just getting started. ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ ♪
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bitcoin. what does he say about gold. susan: he holds a lot more gold than bitcoin. hedges against inflation and what he sees weakening dollar the next three or four years because of all the spending by the federal reserve and d.c. in washington. drunkenmiller says if gold works bitcoin will work, work even better, thinner, like quid, has more beta. you know what beta is. stuart: whatever. susan: to the asset. but he said you should not short the market right now. it would be mistake net short. you probably want to about long in the environment when you have a vaccine on the horizon or a strong economy. building up to it, right? stuart: drunkenmiller is basically using bitcoin the same way he used gold. it is a flight to safety. susan: i wouldn't say that. a protection of wealth, how about that? printing so much money, the dollar weakens you protect your assets. bitcoin doubled this year.
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you know what the turning point? when paypal allowed 300 million accounts will use it. stuart: i remember you telling me how that works. susan: that was a good education. took a while. stuart: joe biden's top priorities may end up costing tom dollar. hillary vaughn is in wilmington, delaware. hillary, how much could biden's plans end up costing? reporter: stuart, we don't have an exact dollar for dollar price but we do have a good idea, how much he is at least willing to invest. if you look what the senate, senate republicans proposed in their stimulus package, that was 500 billion in spending. pelosi rejected it. she wanted 2.2 trillion. somewhere between the two numbers. but when you look at what pelosi wanted to get through, her stimulus package, we do have an idea how much biden would be willing to spend. about 436 billion to state, local and tribal governments. also he wants to extend covid crisis, unemployment insurance. pelosi wanted 600 a week for
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that. he also wants to provide a comeback package for main street businesses and entrepreneurs. we believe that would be in the form of another round of ppp for small businesses but we do not know how much he is willing to invest in that. one unique about his plan, he wants to form a public health jobs corps that would include 100,000 people to assist with testing and contact tracing. he would say that would help employ people out of work actually, not only fight the pandemic but employ them at the same time. he also signaled that his green energy job gender today, the two trillion dollar green energy infrastructure he says will bring a lot of jobs as well. he thinks that is the key also helping bring back the economy through this pandemic. stuart. stuart: thank you very much indeed. now let's bring in rnc chair ronna mcdaniel. ronna, welcome back, very good to see you. let me ask you from the start, have you seen any voting
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irregularities? what have you actually seen? >> well in michigan where i've been through this process we have 2500 incidents, incident reports of irregularities at polling locations where people weren't able to witness the process. beyond that we have 131 affidavits. one from a whistle-blower who says they were told to backdate ballots by the supervisor and everyone else in the facility was told to backdate ballots that would have been invalidated. people say they were at the polling place and ballots that were invalidated were then put into the valid pile. a lot of these incidents are piling up. they are, they are now affidavits which means these people are saying this under oath. we have to pursue it. you know, stuart, even one instance of voter fraud is too much. this is the type of time and place where we have to pursue this. stuart: fair enough. what is the objective here? to show there was chicanery?
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i think you can do that but there is another objective to overturn enough votes to overturn the results in any one state. are there enough irregularities to overturn the vote count that we've already seen in any state? >> there may be. and that's what we're pursuing. as we have the hotlines open. remember it is a long process. you have to canvas. we can only get this information before the elections are certified. so as our folks are out looking at this we're pursuing every irregularity. it is not helpful in these dem-run centers or counties they kicked republican poll watchers out. it creates a feeling of distrust for these people who were not able to meaningfully observe the election. why did they do that? why would you kick republican poll watchers out in fulton county, detroit, philadelphia? this is not right this is not okay. so we're going to pursue this. a lot of republicans really make sure we get to the bottom of this especially as democrats
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changed election haws because of covid and created the most porous election in our nation's history without safeguards to election integrity. stuart: ronna, i should tell you we are seeing some reports that the republican national committee is has layoffs. that layoffs are actually underway. can you confirm that? >> well, we of course, after every election have a bunch of staff that was working that didn't stay on. that was in place before the election, before we knew who the winner was going to be and of course this is something that is typical for any organization. our donors would expect us to do that. we don't have people knocking doors at the same level prior to the election. this has nothing to do with the outcome because we still think president trump is going to win. stuart: one more for you. fox has confirmed that president trump's is planning to launch a new leadership pac. does that allow him to keep hold of the gop even if he departs the white house?
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>> i'm not familiar with that so but i will say president trump received 71 million votes, more than any president in history. he is the leader of the gop. republicans support him. they want to see us, see this process through with these irregularities and he is the most popular figure in our party. i just can't think of any other person that could have achieve what he did. stuart: will he run again in 2024? >> i'm not going to go there. we're still in 2020, stuart. stuart: okay. >> that is where we are. i think we've got to pursue these irregularities. some are meaningful, when you have people backdating ballots, that is a problem. everybody, both sides should want to get to the bottom of this. stuart: ronna, thanks for taking time. you must be super busy. we appreciate it always when you come on the show. >> thank you for having me. stuart: how about this one? there is indeed a split in the democrat party. it is on full display. listen to what joe manchin had
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to say. roll it. >> i can tell you this country wants a mod race. when you're talking about basically green new deal and all this socialism, that is not who we are as the democrat ric party. that is not how i was raised in west virginia. that is not the democrats i know. you have a d by your name you must be for all the crazy stuff. i'm not. stuart: we'll talk to a a biden supporters in the next hour. how does that person's view of the democrat party square with joe manchin. we'll be back. ♪. your journey requires liberty mutual.
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stuart: i got to say this is one of the main features of the market's action today, that is a selloff in big tech. look at that. apple is down, not down by that much, maybe half a percentage point. amazon is down over 3%. down over $102. facebook down 4.6%, alphabet google down 1.7. microsoft, 7-dollar selloff. down 3%. susan: you did that on purpose. stuart: she likes me to do it in percentage terms. occasionally i do. susan: once in a while. stuart: thanks, susan. vaccine makers rising for a
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second day, look at that. pfizer up again 1%. biontech up another 4%. lauren you have an update on the next vaccines. i believe you start with moderna. what have you got? lauren: let's do it. moderna's phase three trial is expected this month, the results from that. they can produce 20 million doses by the end of the year. there is a chance that could be just as effective, that 90% effective rate as pfizer's because it uses the same technology. the stock is down 2 1/2%. the news is still good. let me give you novavax. they start phase three trial at the end of this month and they're expecting results from a uk phase three in the new year. then we to the the news on eli lilly this morning that its antibody treatment has been approved by the fda for emergency use. this is for mild symptom patients. you take it out of the hospital. distribution is immediate.
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they will have enough to treat about a million americans by january, eli lilly up 3 1/2% today. stuart: thank you very much, lauren. dr. fabio patente joins us now. by the way he is from the cleveland clinic. i'm told we need 70% of the people to take the vaccine to make it effective. will we get to the 70% taking rate? >> that is a good question, stuart. i don't think anybody has the answer. there is a lot of pushback from reluctant patients with the new vaccine. we know about vaccineses in general. as you know even with the flu vaccine during the short season of flu vaccination we achieve at best 50% of population that get vaccinated including health care provider which in some hospitals are mandated. so in our hospital, for example, we have over 90%, 95% of our health care providers that are vaccinated. so that includes in the 50%.
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the challenge is going to be of course the availability of the vaccine which sounds like in the 2021 we'll have enough vaccine doses to vaccinate potentially everybody in the united states but the people, are they going to be receptive to a vaccine. stuart: would you be in favor of, doctor, of the authorities saying you can't get on a plane unless you have a certificate of vaccination? your children cannot go to school unless you've got a certificate of vaccination? would you be in favor of that kind of forced vaccination policy? >> that is a very important question and i think at this time as you know the safety and efficacy of the vaccine are not available yet. what we have is a, it is a, a press release from pfizer and
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you can tell how the guys, the folks at pfizer were excited to say they had 90% success rate but we don't have long-term results. so i think at this point it would be premature for any health care professional or anybody in health care to make recommendation one way or the other. stuart: okay. it is possible we'll have multiple vaccines on the market. that's quite possible next year. how do we choose which one to take and who chooses? >> so the, again, the data from peer review journals, from peer review data is not available yet. once that is available the vaccine that is most effective and safest will probably be the one that will be distributed more thoroughly. stuart: okay. >> i think it is good to have many, many options. it is good we have about 10 different companies now developing vaccines around the world. i think it will be good to have
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all the companies producing vaccines and have them in the mix and be able to choose the most effective and safest one for our people. so i -- [inaudible] stuart: doctor, i know you have the virus. tell us how are you feeling? >> [laughter]. yes. i'm getting over it. as you can see i'm quarantined on my boat. i am, i'm here with my mask that is not on right now. my wife is quarantining with me on the boat. and i'm feeling better, thank you. been already 10 days. i will be soon able to go back and go back to work because, i will not be infected soon. stuart: doctor, thanks so much for joining us. we wish you well. hope you recover real fast real soon. thank you, doctor. see you again soon. sure thing. let's go to ash, i want to know is joe biden going to rejoin
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america to the world health organization? ashley: yes he is. wouldn't it be great to quarantine on a boat? any way, on his first day in office joe biden pledged to issue a number of executive orders rolling back some of president trump's actions including rejoining the world health organization. now democrats blasted trump's decision to get out of the global health organization in the middle of a pandemic but trump defended the move as we remember as a way to hold the organization accountable for missteps, alleged missteps during the outbreak, claiming a bias towards china and its show response to the coronavirus outbreak in wuhan. now the u.s. had been by far the biggest contributor to the w.h.o. close to $900 million or 10 times the amount paid by china but, oh, joe biden says we need to get back on the world stage. expect that to be one of the first things he does, stu. stuart: i hear you. ashley, thank you very much.
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then we have california's governor gavin newsom trying to enforce draconian rules on thanksgiving celebrations. hold on a minute, when it comes to celebrating joe biden's win the rules went right out the window. thousands of people took to the streets to celebrate. right now there is a virus spike in california. we're on it. whoopi goldberg, i will run this again, whoopi goldberg has advise for trump supporters. watch this. >> all of you sick it up. suck it up like we did. from now on suck it up. grow the pair for him that he can't grow for himself. stuart: well, i think we know how she feels. let's see how actor antonio sabato, jr., feels. he has a response to whoopie. he is coming up very shortly. listen to this. president trump expanding support in beverly hills? what? we have details for you. they are next.
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stuart: whatever rally in the dow we had at the opening of trading an hour and ten minutes ago, mostly gone. we're up just nine on the dow. the nasdaq still, whoa!, way down. this is a huge loss in big tech we're seeing. the nasdaq is down 2.25%, over 250 points. big drop there. take a look. some winners. i think we do have some winners on the dow industrials. yes we do, caterpillar, cisco, coca-cola on the upside. no huge gains there. boeing on the upside. that is helping the dow squeeze out a 16-point gain as we speak. but microsoft is way down. that hurts the dow too. a spike in virus cases in california, uh-oh, that follows the huge crowds that gather to
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celebrate joe biden's win. no social distancing, not many masks. ash, how many cases are we talking about? ashley: hypocrisy anyone? in l.a. county, reported 2000 new infections for the fourth day in a row and hospitalizations are also rising steadily. the surge also comes of course as we see this video, thousands taking to the streets across cities in california, gathering in close proximity to celebrate the announcement of joe biden's presidential victory. i guess criticism of the trump rallies suddenly out the window there. health officials say, shouting, chanting, singing in large crowds can easily lead to increased cases of covid. public health experts urge people to stay indoors, avoid large gatherings. california has enacted some of the most restrictive measures but the positivity rate has climbed to 3.7% in just the past two weeks, stu. stuart: yes it has.
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thanks, ash, let's get reaction from actor antonio sabato, jr. antonio, you left california. you live in california. will there be pushback to governor newsom's draconian rules on thanks giving? are you seeing any pushback at all? >> yes, absolutely. one thing for sure i support the president. i'm here because i like you as a person, network let down millions of people. i'm not here for anything else but that let me say about california. california will go down with this governor who almost destroyed the entire state. there wit be recounts in california. the president won election. a matter of time. patriots, stay humble. stay fine. we'll win this. we probably won california. look in new york, for example. if you look in new york the way that town is shut down and destroyed, if i was living there, why would i vote for communist socialist party that will keep me locked up? why wouldn't i vote for trump.
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trump won the biggest election of our time. these people are trying to take it away from us, but at the end of the day they're not smart enough. patriots are intellectual, and intelligent people. we figured them out. we're 20 steps ahead. i'm excited about the next four years with our president. after that i don't know, but next four years we'll be taken care of god willing. stuart: hold on a second. i will run one more time the sound bite from whoopi goldberg. this will be the fourth time but it is worth looking at it, she has a message for trump supporters. roll that tape again please. >> all those people who don't believe that americans actually got out and voted let me say this to you, when you know who was elected four years ago, you know, hillary clinton didn't say, hey, wait a minute, this doesn't feel right, stop the count. she didn't say, this isn't right. i'm not going. she didn't say any of that. so all of you, suck it up. suck it up like we sucked it up. stuart: okay, antonio, i don't
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remember clinton supporters sucking it up four years ago. i remember the exact opposite. go ad it. >> they didn't suck it up for four years. five years of hell. look at this way, we haven't had a war. our stock market is still up because of our president. not because of them. right now we're dealing with a communist party. i dealt with it as a young boy. my family. i lost family members because of communism. i know what they're doing. pelosi, obamas, clintons, biden, whatever. biden is not even there he can't even function or speak. talking about full-on communism. if they get in office, talking about losing our constitution, our amendments everything else. whoopie is talking about sucking it up? you are voting for socialism? you're voting for locking people up for everything that is going to destroy our country, you're supporting that? the american people won this election because at the end of day whether you like trump as a person or not you know he is counting on you and working for you. people on the lefted biden hasn't done anything in 48
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years. stuart: we got it. i got it. i got it. thank you. antonio sabato, jr., thank you very much, sir. thanks very much. we're not done with hollywood yet. wait until you hear what katy perry has to say about the election. we'll show you a tweet that has the left really mad at her. lindsey graham says president trump should get ready for 2024. >> i would encourage president trump if after all this we fall short, we can't get there, not to let the movement die. consider running again. stuart: he said that on brian kilmeade's show. brian kilmeade joins us next. ♪ are you frustrated with your weight and health?
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it's time for aerotrainer, a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time, all while maintaining safe, correct form and allows for over 20 exercises. do the aerotrainer super crunch. the pre-stretch works your abs even harder, engaging the entire core. then it's the back extension, super rock, and lower back traction stretch to take the pressure off your spine and stretch muscles. planks are the ultimate total body exercise.
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build your upper body with pushups. work your lower body with the aerosquat. the aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. it inflates and deflates in less than 30 seconds using the electric pump. head to now. now it's your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. go to, that's stuart: here is a story i can barely belief. president trump gaining support in california. lauren, are you telling me is gaining support in beverly hills. really? lauren: in parts of beverly hills, the truce dale estates. where president trump used to own a property. went there for several times for fund-raisers. there is a place across from rodeo drive. that has been the sight of pro-trump rallies.
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many of those owners boarded up their businesses worried about potential riots. one other area called rolling hills. that is where the trump golf club is. that area has supported a republican president since 1964. so historically go red. stuart: i'm fascinated. good story. it is 10:51 on the dot. there is brian kilmeade with us. i know you had senator lindsey graham on your show yesterday. he talked about trump running in 2024. he wants him to run again, is that it? >> no question. he golfed with the president for about, it spent about an hour talking to him again over the last couple days. he just said, listen, let's exercise every area. let's find out what was happening in these battleground states. but if not, you're still the heavyweight. you still produce the transformation of the party. you still helped almost deliver the senate where we're one step away, almost take back the house as well as the statehouses. you got more votes than anyone except joe biden in the history
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of the country. looklook at the bright side. you can come back in 2024. he said, get your head around that, think about that. it is not over. of course there is a report today that the president is talking about a super-pac that he would put together and that even heard mitt romney, stuart, i don't know what you do on sundays. a lot of times you golf, hunt, or at same time you run biathlon and ski and shoot targets, i'm not really sure what it is, but during the sunday shows, you saw the fact mitt romney said he is the 900-pound gorilla in the party still. stuart: now let's get to another subject here, governor cuomo, new york governor cuomo. he is already politicizing pfizer's vaccine progress and success. just watch this, brian. roll tape. >> the bad news is that it's about two months before joe biden takes over and that means this administration is going to be implementing a vaccine plan and the trump administration is rolling out the vaccination plan and i
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believe it's flawed. stuart: brian, i would have thought that good progress on a vaccine is good news regardless of the timing. i don't think governor cuomo is encouraging me or anybody else to actually take the vaccine so long as he is on trump's watch. that is ridiculous. >> i'm going to tell you a secret. i travel with cotton balls in my pants just so i can be ready should a shot be available. that is how ready i am for the vaccine. a couple of things. with governor cuomo who week before election tuesday i would say he is playing politics. it is sad but i get what he is doing. now it makes no sense. who was on sunday, since i'm so lonely, i watch two shows, morning and afternoon. i watched 60 minutes. the military is ready to go with all the dosages. moderna comes out has their own. if anyone can implement it is the military, combined with fedex who will be delivering
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these things. they're already to go. this is cbs's "60 minutes" describing what will happen. he is trying to sell a book about a pandemic by most counts he destroyed a city, and wrote a book about it. to me i don't know how he is selling it. maybe he adding this to the paper back version. i'm curious about it. it will work. you know this better than me, stuart, if the company has a vaccine ineffective, it is good bye company. pfizer is done. moderna is done. they have more on the line than anybody else. this will be effective, put on the paces. america needs to be delivered from this. i don't know if you notice, no one is beating this. 180 countries. it is coming back and back. look at italy. look at germany. look at belgium. look what is happening around the world. this same thing is happening come back here with a second wave. our count is up to 2.1.
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the last thing we need is irresponsible governor telling us how we don't know how to implement it as a country. it is not about trump. it is about a country and military. i will not put down the men and women in camouflage one day before veteran's day. stuart: well-said, brian. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: take a look at the markets again please. we're barely higher on the dow. way, way down on the nasdaq. what is jpmorgan saying? susan: bullish call. jpmorgan says we could make another 11% by early next year. so just matter of months could get 11% more. more than 20% at the end of 2021. they're calling it market nirvana. the best backdrop in years for the stock market. meaning a divided congress, contingent on republicans winning two georgia runoffs controlling senate. you also get less regulation, lower taxes and they will likely block any democrat-led proposals
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on those fronts, right? the fed is still printing money. what does jpm recommending you buy into? stuart: tell me. susan: beaten down stocks. think of travel, think of airlines. think of those ones that probably need some help like ibm today. stuart: jpmorgan encouraging the bulls right there. we'll take it. a big show still ahead. we got john layfield. we have got the tax guy, grover nor norquist. several rights attorney leo terrell. joe biden says he might want to heal the country but other people in his party have a different idea, getting revenge. that is after this. ♪. ay, knowing we're prepared for tomorrow. wow, do you think you overdid it maybe? overdid what? well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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>> joe biden rightly said we have to stop treating the other side as enemies, but i think it's not going to be credible until he admits that he played a part. >> regardless of the president coming out of this pandemic, we're going to have big economic growth. >> good news, 90% effective vaccine. the question i have is, 90% effective at preventing what? you su -- saw that the markets refrequented that. >> it's the only way for travel to recover. still going to take a while for the travel sector to get back on its feet. >> lockdowns in europe coming
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this way. mask mandate here, coming this way. it's going to get worse before it gets better. the vaccine's part of the solution but it's not the solution. time is the solution. ♪ that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, i like it. >> even i know this song. [laughter] kc -- ♪ will you take me -- stuart: we have another winner. by that i mean susan knows the song we just played. >> kc and the sunshine band, of course. stuart: within the last 0 or 40 years -- 30 or 40 years, you know them. >> not 50. [laughter] stuart: you just saw the highlights from the first couple of hours. here we go. let's get to the markets. it's a mixed picture. huge loss, a 2% drop on the nas darks a small -- nasdaq, a small gain for the dow industrials. later this hour we're talking to
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grover norquist and wounded warrior ceo michael livington. and we're keeping a close eye on the supreme court where the future of obamacare hangs in the balance. as of now the justices are hearing arguments surrounding the individual mandate. we've got a live report coming up. and now this. joe biden says it's time to heal in america. perhaps he should tell that to the socialists who want nothing to do with healing. they want revenge. after four years of implacable hatred of our president, the left is not in a forgiving mood. far from it. professor robert reich wants a truth in reconciliation commission which would name and shame every official, politician, executive and media e mogul who enabled trump's lies and hatefulness, his words. in other words, he'll put your politics on trial. classic marxist practice, show
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trials by any other name. finish alexandria ocasio-cortez will archive the post of trump supporters. she wants to save a record of what she calls their complicity in the trump presidency. see how this is lining up? supporting trump makes you an enabler and, therefore, subject to shaming and perhaps reeducation? emily abrams, she is compiling a list of anyone who took a pay which can to help trump undermine network. that's -- america. that's her words. so they could be held responsible. add it all up and it spells revenge. a spiteful, hate-filled program of ruining the lives of your political opponents. the left assumes the moral high ground. they're so much better than us, respect -- aren't they? joe biden should get a grip on the vengeful socialists in his party. revenge, remember re, can really backfire. the third hour of "varney &
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company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: all right. we're going to show you pfizer. it's actually down a little bit today. it was way up yesterday. yesterday, as use know, it announced a virus vaccine that's 90% effective. fox news contributor john layfield predicted it last month. roll that tape. >> i think pfizer's a safe way to play it. their first trials came out, their antibodies were better in patients who had covid, the third phase trials end by the middle of this month which means by the end of november they could start producing a vaccine. i think pfizer's the way to play it, it's a great company. stuart: well, there you go, he's joining us right now. so tell us, which vaccine maker would you bet on next? >> for the same reasons i liked
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pfizer so much, i like moderna also. there's your gene-based vaccines and protein vaccines. gene-based vaccines is have never been approved, it uses a messenger rna to get into the gene. that's what pfizer has. moderna is doing the same thing. the protein-based vaccine, that's like your measles, smallpox, polio, that's the old school that's grown and cultivated. the newer -- [audio difficulty] much easier to produce. it looks like november 22nd no dern that's -- moderna's going to have these results, that's what they announced, and the same gene-based research they're using. stuart: we shall see, november 22nd. however, i want to ask you what you see as the biggest threat to the stock market under a biden presidency. >> i think there's two, and i think one is pretty immediate, and that is the market was up last week not because of who was
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going to be president, but because we're going to see what looked to be a balance of power. looked like republicans were going to hold on to the senate. the market traditionally over a long period of time likes a balance of power. we might not have that if the georgia election goes to the democrats. i think a clean sweep for the democrats could be bad for the market, it has been historically. that's the first thing on the agenda. the second is covid. i think vice president biden, president-elect biden is right in the fact that we could have up to 200,000 covid cases by the time of january 20th when he looks to be inaugurated if all the court cases goes as he thinks they will. you look at montgomery county where i'm at right now, bethesda, maryland, they're looking at another shutdown. this is not federal, this is not astronaut level, this is the local level. i've talked to a lot of businesses in this area, if they go back to 25%, they're just going to have to shut down. we're going to lose a lot of business if we have shutdowns around this country, and i think that's the biggest issue facing
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what looks to be a president biden. stuart: but a president biden would be lockdown joe, basically, wouldn't he? he's talking now about a national mask mandate. so i think you're on strong ground there. it would be really bad news for the economy if we have lockdowns anywhere whether it's local or statewide. truly bad news for the economic recovery. could it really upset the v-shaped recovery? could it be that bad? >> absolutely, because we have a lot of businesses that through the government stimulus had this kind of bridge to, hopefully, some type of normalcy which the vaccine looks to bring us around february or march when enough people have this vaccine that we can go back to some type of normal level of business. but if we have a mask mandate, that's not a big deal. if we have some type of shutdowns, we could lose a lot of this. right now if you tell a business before the pandemic we're going to shut you down to 50% and in your restaurant, bar area people can only be 6 feet apart, they
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would tell you they couldn't even be in business. they go back to 25%, we're going to lose a lot of businesses. a lockdown, to me, i think it can be done safely keeping this economy open. no reason to have walmart and cvs and home depot if stay open and shut down all these small businesses. most importantly, to the solvency of these small businesses, i think it needs to be done to keep this economy open. stuart: we would really like to see the economy stay open, but i've got my doubts. we'll check out moderna come november 22nd. thank you, john. check the markets, please, because we've come back nicely on the dow, up almost half a percentage point, but we're still way underwater on the nasdaq, down 1.6%. you've got to show me big tech, because they're really getting hit. there is a rotation, we are told, out of big tech, into some of the more promising up and comers. so you got apple down a fraction, but amazon is down 3%. facebook is down 4%.
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major league losses there. google's down 1%, and microsoft down nearly 3%. big tech selling off today. again, one more time, show me apple, please. they've got a big event -- are they showing new computers today? >> that's right. first time in apple's history that the new mac will come with apple's own chip ending its 15-year relationship with intel and at a time when the mac is making a big comeback. you know they sold a record $9 billion in mac computers? not iphones, not ipads although they did make money in those categories as well, and a lot of money, but from july-september, $9 billion as people worked from home, schooled from home, and that's why they need mac computers. 50% of these mac sales were first-time buyers as well. isn't that incredible? stuart: it was just july through september -- >> $9 billion in mac sales, and that is one and a half times what mcdonald's makes in sales each and every quarter from macs alone. this is a big deal because
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usually this is apple's playbook but they introduced their own chip, they can make it faster, they can build in their own products and enhance it a lot faster than they would if they were using intel chips. but if you think about it, apple's now one of the largest chip merricks in the world now. -- makers in the world now. they don't sell them right now, but you can imagine that that could be a revenue stream in the future as well. stuart: you've got a new iphone 12, are you looking at the new macs? >> you know, the fact that they are faster, they're going to have better battery life, you can't help but look at them if you have brand new chips that are faster, right? stuart: brand new chips. got it. [laughter] >> but i like the fact that you're talking in percentages. stuart: i'm trying to get on your right side, okay? >> good, good. stuart: still a big hour still to come. i've got a question, what would you do if you live in a high tax state and you're going to be paying 60 cents on every dollar
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you earn to the government? what would you do? i'll ask what grover norquist is going to do, because he's on the show next. we're also talking about the georgia state senate runoff. i'm sorry, the senate runoff. we're going to get some numbers to you as well. they could be the most expensive in history. we'll be back. ♪ did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ meet omnipod - it delivers insulin through a tubeless pod. just one small pod replaces up to 14 injections! and today - you can get started with a free 30-day omnipod dash trial at
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whoa, are they down big, 8% drop. why? >> well, the reason is it's kind of a stay at home stock since we know cloud is going to be profitable before year's end, but if there's a vaccine, do we these e to work and school from home as much as we used to? i guess the stock price reflects and says no at this point. we are heading into singles day on the 11, the largest single 24-hour shopping extravaganza where they sell about $40 billion each and every year. so i guess people might be, i don't know, selling off heading into the event. when we see the sales numbers, maybe that might be an attractive buy. stuart: it's a huge ree treat. -- retreat. >> they had a problem with the financial arm, that's what canceled, surprisingly, blindsided by the chinese government. stuart: still a huge drop. that's a fact. next case, joe biden pushed off his transition period by addressing the virus, creating a
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covid-19 task force. jenna arnold is with us. jenna is a former biden campaign surrogate. all right, jenna, when he actually takes office january the 21st, i'm told that on that day, day one, he raises taxes on individuals, rich people, and businesses. is that what he's going to do? that's his first priority, tax increases, is that right? >> stuart, thank you so much for having me on this beautiful day in the sing state of pennsylvania, currently in bucks county. while i was here, there was a lot of messaging coming out of the republican campaign that suggested that biden was going to take everybody's money. i understand how that's a fun and easy sound bite for audiences to grab on to, but as he has said on many occasions, he does not plan on raising taxes for anyone who makes less than $400,000 a year -- stuart: yes, but he does plan on, he did say on day one he would raise taxes on business,
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business profits from 21 to 28 president. he also said he would raise taxes for individuals on day one. my question was very simple, on day one does he propose, is his priority raising taxes? >> thank you for clarifying that the raising the tax it is has to do with the corporations of which trump offered huge tax cuts for, and we didn't see that the trickle down in the creation of additional jobs. i can't tell you what the president-elect is going to do on the first day, but i know he's going to reinstate our relationship with the rest of the world by joining the w.h.o -- stuart: okay. is it a priority, tax increases are his job on day one. he has said it, and i take it you agree with that? >> stuart, there is a tremendous amount of things for this president-elect to do. if it's on day one or day two and a half, i can't tell you, but it's at the top of the list somewhere. stuart: okay. but he could only do that, he
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could only raise taxes on anybody if he keeps -- if the republicans lose the senate. is so joe biden has to take the senate to get the tax increases that you admit to through, right? >> all eyes are on georgia, all eyes are still on those outstanding senate seats. i think everybody, you know, one thing that has become crystal clear to all of americans, particularly me, is that we now have an electorate on both sides that are highly engaged in democracy. we all know we have more people who voted in this election than ever before. and there is a very quick left turn to being focused specifically on georgia. it was a disappointment that we didn't get, that we didn't get the senate out of this election, but i think there's also it's a reflection of the state of this country. it's extraordinarily split. stuart: okay. yes, it is, and that's the
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truth. jenna, look, thanks very much for being with us. please come back soon. we want to get -- look, i'm basically a conservative. i believe in free markets, so it's great to have you on the other side of the fence. come back soon. >> i'm happy to be here, stuart, and i think it's important we continue to have these conversations in rational ways where we don't use dangerous language, we talk about the facts. stuart yes. and don't -- keep smiling, you know? >> well, thank you. thank you. of. [laughter] stuart: there you go. jenna, thanks for being here. we'll see you again. thank you very much. all right. now this, walmart and general motors teaming up to test self-driving delivery cars. okay, they're teaming up. i want to know when they hit the road. >> next year in scottsdale, arizona. customers can get their groceries dropped off by a cruze car, one of six different companies walmart is working with. no word yet on these financial
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details of this deal, but other retailers have also been trying out autonomous driving and delivery, that includes krogerer's testing out driverless delivery, amazon also buying up a company for a billion dollars, and really this is focused on the last mile delivery that retailers need self-driving vehicles for meaning from the delivery centers to the consumer's or door. stuart: it's coming. i thought maybe the end of the decade or something but, no, they're coming. >> right. because you didn't think driving was going to be around in your lifetime as well -- stuart: i'm still alive, and it's here. >> exactly, so it might happen. [laughter] stuart: i think it probably will. there's a lot of things i have to retreat from i've said in the next five years. >> we'll hear about it in the commercial break. [laughter] stuart: all right. let's talk about the movie people, that would be amc. they had a great experiment
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renting out their theaters to private parties, you know, rent out the whole theater. not that expensively to private parties. and i think, ashley, i think they're expanding it. it must have been very successful. >> well, they are. in fact, it took them by surprise. launching private theater rentals program officially now. look, you can rent out a showing at any of amc's approximately 600 theaters across the country, and for as low as $99 plus tax for a wide array of popular movies. now, the newer releases available for $149, but you can run that up to 349 depending on lower case and theater. but the rental charge covers the cost of up to 20 tickets. so if you have, you know, 19 other friends who you can stand to be in a movie theater with, then hey, it's a good deal. they did a test run, to your point, of this program and was amazed when it got 110,000 inquiries without any significant marketing. so they thought, wait a minute,
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we're on to something good here. so they're going full bore into this private screening business. people who rent the theater, they must still come play with safety rules, mandatory mask wearing and social distancing and what have you, but it's quite a good deal if you think about it. and as you said earlier, you can throw out your friend who won't stop talking. stuart: can you bring in your own popcorn and soda? >> no. you have to go to the concessions. they'll make some extra money there. stuart: ah, they'll make a lot of extra money, $18 for two large cokes and a fry. all right, ash -- >> what about champagne? stuart: champagne? >> bring the booze. stuart: they can't do that in these private rentals. >> they could sell it, that's what i'm saying. stuart: norwegian cruise lines, have we got that on the screen? yes, we do. down 6%, down big. they're talking about trial sailings, and the stock is down. what's up, lauren? >> all right. well, let's do the bad news
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fist. they expect -- first. they expect the entire fleet to be sailing again sometime in the second half of next year. so we are delaying the restart of the cruising industry. but i will give you two pieces of good news. the first is those trial cruises, because they have all these cdc guidelines that they need to adhere to, testing of all crew and passengers, etc., that they can have the trial cruises to do that starting next month. and also bookings. probably because of the vaccine news yesterday, bookings were the most on a monday in a month. stuart? stuart: okay. they're down 6%. there you go. katie -- katy perry getting some backlash for calling for unity, i'm not kid. called for unity, got backlash against it. i'll tell you what she said that's got so many people so upset. and under the biden tax plan, californians could face a tax rate of up to 62.
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that means the government takes 62 cents on every dollar that you earn. let's talk mass exodus from california, shall we? grover norquist is next. ♪ ♪ sergeant o'leary is walking the beat ♪ turn on my tv and boom, it's got all my favorite shows right there. i wish my trading platform worked like that. well have you tried thinkorswim? this is totally customizable, so you focus only on what you want. okay, it's got screeners and watchlists. and you can even see how your predictions might affect the value of the stocks you're interested in. now this is what i'm talking about. yeah, it'll free up more time for your... uh, true crime shows? british baking competitions. hm. didn't peg you for a crumpet guy. focus on what matters to you with thinkorswim. ♪
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♪ ♪ stuart: look at that. see those tax rates on your screen? there's a new report that shows biden's tax plan would create tax rates like that and would surely accelerate the go discuss from these -- exodus from these high-tax states, california, hawaii, new jersey, illinois. grover norquist, i mean, tax rates like that, why stick around to be milked by the government? >> there's no reason to we've already seen people leaving the big cities in california, new york state, energies connecticut and move -- new jersey, connecticut and moving to states with no income tax. so that will continue and get stronger. but it's a real discipline on the incompetent states that their most, their richest
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taxpayers are beginning to leave and speeding that up because such a large percentage of the money that comes in on the income tax is from a handful of people, 1 or 2% in california, in new york city. that's a real discipline. real people leaving with real cash, and all of a sudden california can't pay its bills even worse. stuart: the situation would be alleviated if we repealed the cap on s.a.l.t. deductions. at the moment, i mean, that would really help new york, new jersey, california, illinois. and it would really help them if you repealed that. do you think joe biden will do it? >> joe biden won't do it because the republicans are going to hold those two seats in georgia. joe biden is not going to be able to pass a tax bill for the next four years. so he's going to have to figure out a way to get $11 trillion that he intends to spend. now, he did say on day one, on day one, he would repeal the entire trump tax cut.
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he's on videotape saying that over and over again. he also wants to have an energy tax. neither of those does he get as long as the republicans hold the senate, and that house is so close now that it's going to be interesting to see if they could get the votes for a massive tax increase even through the house. stuart: but he could vastly increase spending, give a lot of that money to bail out the bankrupt states of illinois, new jersey, new york, california. >> still requires, still requires a republican senate to give him the votes to take money from red states and give it to blue skates. by mess -- blue states. my guess is that never happens. the stock market is seeing biden as already a diminished president who can't get taxes or spending through congress. like the last six years of obama and the last six years of clinton. they were reasonably well behaved in the last six years as long as there was a republican congress to stop their worst excesses. stuart: reasonably well behaved,
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that's a nice way of putting it there, grover. it really does all come down to georgia, doesn't it? >> yep, it does. stuart: they're going to spend, i'm told, hundreds of millions of dollars. i'm even told that they might spend a billion dollars on that, the two senate seat runoffs january the 5th. >> if you have a billion dollars, it's worthwhile because that stops a $4 trillion tax the increase. stuart: let's just suppose just for one second that georgia goes democrat fully and those two -- just suppose for a second they both go to the democrats. that gives democrats control of the house, the senate and the white house. what happens then? >> everything goes to hell. they would pass a massive of tax increase, massive spending increases, they would tell all the blue states we're going to give you so much money, you don't have to fix your pensions, you can keep going bankrupt because come back in 20 years, or we'll give you another bailout there. they would change election law, they would change, they would
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pack the supreme court, they would turn around and change labor laws. a bill that they've already passed in the house would make illegal right to work states, so they would force more and more people into labor unions, and then they would get several billions of dollars every year to win the next election. between what biden wants to have happen and what i believe he's going to get, there's an awful lot of distance, and that's why they will spend billions to take those two seats in georgia. stuart: my goodness, me. a billion dollars on two senate seats in georgia. extraordinary. grover, thanks for joining us. see you later. >> good to be with you. stuart: thank you, sir. the future of obamacare, it's at stake. the supreme court hearing arguments surrounding the individual mandate. they're hearing those arguments now. edward lawrence outside the supreme court, what are you hearing? >> >> reporter: yeah, the first set of questions about whether it was actually enforceable at
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all or if it's just a hand or if it's -- command or part of the law. in 2017 the u.s. government or congress made the penalty zero. now, employers supporting the affordable care act say that making the penalties zero didn't get rid of the mandate, it just made it zero, therefore, there's no harm to people who are out there. now, justice brett kavanaugh did agree with the house of representatives' attorney saying, yes, you could separate out the mandate and not get rid of the entire affordable care act. he's one of three justices that was appointed by president trump. now, on the other side of this question, the question for the folks against the affordable care act, centered around if the supreme court gets rid of this mandate, could then anyone challenge any command or mandate from the federal government in court which would tie up courts on anything? now, the attorney said, no, basically the mandate is actually law are, and it's in there with penalties not for people, penalties for states not getting those taxes so,
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therefore, you could get rid of this. stu, arguments still going on. back to you. stuart: and it'll last quite only time before we get a decision that's made public. edward, thank you, sir. check the markets again. the dow is up a half a percentage point, the nasdaq is down 1.25%. tale of two markets. one factor today is big selloff in big tech. got it. look at eli lilly. they just got emergency fda approval for its monoclonal antibody treatment. the stock is up 3.5%. look at walgreens, that's a dow stock, walgreens is up 8%. do we have any reason for that? i'm not sure. there's a major leagues gain for walgreens. >> i would imagine with the vaccine we could go out to the stores once again, and also we had that partnership today with target and ulta which might be spurring some of these retail names. stuart: that's a stretch the, susan li. >> i'm trying here. stuart: i still don't know why
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walgreens is up 8%, but it is. now, the russell 2000, that, i am told -- >> record. stuart: -- record high there. lauren, can i take that when the russell 2000 is gaining a lot of ground, is that a good sign for the economy? >> absolutely. it's a bellwether for domestic and for smaller stocks. and look at the rotation that we're seeing out of technology. we saw it in a huge way yesterday. the russell hit an all-time high yesterday, and the difference between the outperformance of the russell versus the nasdaq was the most ever by 5.2 points, and it is happening once again today. so strength in the russell 2000 is usually reflective of a strong domestic economy but also this rotation we're seeing lately. stuart: we have a record number of women expected to serve in the next congress, and many of them are republicans. the media is ignoring that. we'll get into it though. and the republicans are martialing their forces in
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humana - a more human way to healthcare. >> this veterans day join fox natin supporting our vets ♪ ♪ stuart: a record number of women will serve in the next congress, and they include 13 republicans. jackie deangelis in new york. jackie, why are the republican women, they seem to be being ignored. >> reporter: well, they seem to be ignored, but wall street is quietly cheering this. they're cheering the vaccine, they're also calling it the election with the caveat, of course, that there appears to be a balance of power. but the house saw more seats going red than expected, and many of them, as you said, to
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women. this is so interesting, this little red wave of gop women. six republican women flipped house seats away from democrats while only one democrat woman flipped a seat away from a republican. now, the gop super pac winning for women action fund spent nearly $3 million supporting republican female candidates, and so far 23 women endorsed by the group have won their races including incumbents with multiple races awaiting results. but at least 13 new gop women have won their congressional contests so far. take a look at their a names here, but what's interesting is the states; iowa, tennessee, two in florida, colorado, michigan, georgia, illinois, minnesota, south carolina, oklahoma, indiana and new mexico. so you've got a number of these that are traditional red states, but many of them are states that have been or went blue this year. where we stand right now, the 116th congress, the current lineup has 232 dems to 197
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republicans, but wall street's expecting the democrats will hold on to the house. and as those numbers will stand right now, 215 democrats, 198 republicans so far. but women, stuart, taking some control here. stuart: it's a rather different republican party, isn't it? >> reporter: yeah. stuart: jackie, thanks very much, indeed. it's all hands on deck for the big fight in georgia over these two senate races. we're told that a billion dollars could be spent both sides, a billion dollars total. leo terrell is with us, and leo is a civil rights attorney. i know that you're headed to georgia to help the republicans. i just heard that reverend warnock, one of the democrat candidates in that senate race, he's refused to answer questions about packing the supreme court. that makes you want to go to georgia, doesn't it? >> it does. and before i go any further, i want to say i had the privilege to introduce you as a speaker in los angeles about a 15 years ago. so it's a privilege to be on this show, on your show.
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you may not remember that, but i remember that. stuart: i've got no memory for what i did yesterday, but 15 years ago is crystal clear, sir. [laughter] >> well, let me be very clear, stuart, i am a trump republican. i've been to georgia already, and i'm going to be spending the rest of the month of december and january in georgia. and let me be very clear, the billion dollars that might be spent, it's a matter of issues. i am a trump republican. there was no blue wave. you saw the situation in south carolina where the jamie harrison had millions of dollars, but it's policies and issues. and i've got news for you, in georgia people want the same republican trump principles, and that's why -- keep this tape. trump, the georgia senatorial seats are going to go red, they're going to remain red. stuart: why is georgia so close? i mean, or it's a real toss-up between the two sides here. how come the left is so powerful in georgia these days?
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>> i would submit to you that the left, in my opinion, because of the balloting this year in the georgia election, it was a razor-thin election. and you might recall senator perdue at one point had a 50% majority. he fell below that. stuart: yep. >> but here's the issue, you look at what joe manchin said yesterday, stuart, he's against filibusters, he's against court packing. this country is center-right, and georgia in this off presidential election is going to stay republican. i'm on the, i'm working with senator kelly loeffler. and like i said again, it's people like me of california going to georgia, we want lower orer taxes, we support -- lower taxes, we support the police. those are american issues, and i guarantee you, keep this tape, georgia is going to stay red. stuart: okay. so you're a californian. you're going to georgia to help with the election fight. will you ever go back to california and pay a marginal tax rate of 62%?
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>> well, i'll tell you right now, the answer to that question is a simple no. i hate it. i hate the whole concept of that. but you know what? the whole idea -- i saw your interview with the biden surrogate. they won't answer the question. repealing the trump tax, it's repealing the tax for everyone, and they won't answer your question. but that's the game. the american public gets it. we want lower taxes, we support the police, and georgia stays red. stuart: leo terrell, it was a pleasure 15 is years ago, and it's a pleasure now -- [laughter] we'll see you again soon. sir -- >> yes. stuart: thank you very much. all right. katy perry attacked online for promoting unity after the election. what's this about, lauren? >> so katy perry supported joe biden, and after the election she sent out a tweet, and we'll show it to you, and she said, look, the first thing i did was call my family who didn't agree
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with me and tell them about it. well, she got shamed on social media and attacked for all sorts of things, everything from the having white privilege to some people even saying that her trump-supporting family should call her to apologize to her for their vote in the first place. so i think we've seen time and time again recently that anytime we feel someone tries to extend an olive branch and help unify the country in a peaceful, calm manner, they kind of get, you know, hit on social media for that. stuart: absolutely. the left wants revenge, not healing, in my opinion. lauren, thanks very much. we're talking peloton now. the peloton stock right now is up 6%. and susan is going to tell us about a celebrity -- >> celebrity. one of the biggest on the planet. stuart: who is -- there's a line that i missed there.
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>> oh, yeah? stuart: susan's going to tell us about a celebrity onboard with peloton. who is it? >> beyonce. can you name one beyonce song? try. try, try -- stuart: not right now. >> hail low. stuart: there you go. >> drunk in love. >> stuart: did you say drunk in love? >> yes. what's her husband's name in. stuart: no idea. >> jay-z. beyonce, actually, enlisted the -- lifted the stock 4%. it's a multiyear partnership, so they will create a series of themed workouts using beyonce songs, something that you will get into, i'm sure, as she's been a longtime peloton member. stuart: the stock went up 4%? >> came down -- oh, now we're back up -- stuart: so when that was announced, the stock went up. >> yep. the power of beyonce. stuart: tomorrow, november 11th, veterans day. we talk to the ceo of the wounded warrior project. keep it here on "varney" because we will be back.
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grace on thee -- stuart: i'll tell you, still gives me goose bumps when i hear that. ray charles, ain't he something? by the way, today is the united states marine corpses' e 245th birthday. we salute all those who served and continue to serve with the marines. semper fi. tomorrow the, that's veterans day, obviously, the wounded warrior projector normally they would hold big events, you know, parades to honor the nation 's heroes. this year they are going virtual. michael livington is with us, wounded warrior project's ceo. michael, great to have you on the show. tell our viewers how to get involved in a virtual veterans day celebration. >> stuart, thanks for for havine on. tomorrow's a huge day. of course, every november 11th we celebrate the service and sacrifice of the 18 million american service members that have served and continue to, or you know, just take care of our
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country. tomorrow or wednesday we're doing a virtual veterans day event at 11:30 eastern time where we're going to have personal tributes from world war ii veterans all the way down to currently serving service members, patriotic performances by military bands, we have world class performers, we have multi-platinum singers. it's going to be a wonderful 45-minute event. it's over the lunch hour, so we already want everybody to tune in and really celebrate the service and sacrifice of our nation's veterans and the families that support them because we know it is a family affair. stuart: okay. now, this is a celebration as opposed to the fundraiser, correct? >> pure celebration. this is our opportunity during this period of isolation, covid isolation -- normally we celebrate in cities all across the country. this time last year i was walking down fifth avenue in new york city with a thousand veterans and tens of thousands of people celebrating veterans day. we don't have the opportunity to do that this year, so we're
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going to do it virtually and, hopefully, we get many more citizens, not just veterans, participating with us in this virtual event. and it really is an opportunity to acknowledge our veterans, all of our veterans. but for wounded warrior project in particular, the 185,000 wounded and injured service members that we serve. stuart: okay. got that get this in, how do itune in for this? >> it's op our facebook channels, and it's on our queue talking about channels. so just go to, look up wombed warrior project, same thing on youtube, you can tune in and watch this virtual celebration. stuart: we appreciate you being here, and we'll be with you tomorrow. we appreciate your service. see you tomorrow. >> see you tomorrow. stuart: yep. dow is up, nasdaq down. more "varney" after this. ♪ hey, you, get off of my collude. ♪ hey, you, get off of my cloud ♪
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corvus gold, gold rediscovered. stuart: okay. quick reminder, please, we'll do it this week. we missed it for two weeks because we got bound up with other things, notably a presidential appearance. so we didn't do "friday feedback" but this week we are doing it. what do you think of the show this week? we want your comments of all kinds. suddenly we just lost that off the screen. do send us in your comments. twitter or facebook pages. the make comments. send videos. you never know. you might be featured. we'll do it this week, that is fairly firm promise.
12:00 pm
susan: don't forget to include the pets. we like your pets as well. stuart: we had a couple of pet shots, a cat, dog, some young children watching the show. we'll take it all. we take any and all viewers because we love you. market shows a gain for the dow, loss for the nasdaq. my time's up. neil, it is yours. neil: all right, stuart, thank you very much, my friend. we're up about 154 points. we'll try to maintain that. not quite the robust response we had across the board. that diddies sy pate by day's end. battle back and forth. technology under pressure. amazon under pressure. some of the old faves are under pressure. we're not sure the new cyclical stocks will save the day. by and large when you go outside the dow they're not. we'll keep very close eye on that. we'll keep a close eye on what joe biden the president-elect has to say about the health care
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