tv Kennedy FOX Business November 10, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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journalist. by your copy of my book "the trump century" at that's thanks for being with us. we'll see you here tomorrow. good night from sussex. kennedy: look at the form vi director appeared before the senate judiciary committee today where he made some standing omissions that should bring about strict and swift reform. here is his first dip into that vat of deep senatorial yogurt courtesy of chairman lindsey graham. stay back if you knew then what you know now would you sign the warrant application in june of 2017 against carter page? >> no, sir. super good stuff but so carter page was the launching point for this massive political campaign. never charge and his life will
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never be the same. but the fact that led to the fight the war and application was ignored got it. while then ted cruz took over and got mccain to admit james comey committed perjury when he denied authorizing to be classified into on the clinton foundation to the wall street journal. for which mccabe was referred for formal prosecution in the horwitz report. watch this. did james comey authorize you to disclose information about the clinton foundation investigation to the press? >> i did not need james comey authorization very >> i did note if you'd needed it did he authorize you to disclose a question at that as a yes or no question per two i authorize the disclosure. you still did not answer the question, did james comey know about it and authorize it yes or no. did he know about it? >> to my recollections are yes basement according to the washington times, 2018 mr. mccabe told investigators
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that mr. khamenei he had authorize disclosure and agreed it was a good idea. is that accurate? is that your testimony to this committee? >> that is my recollection. kennedy: oh that's gotta hurt jim, the true blistering camper angry off constitutional likelihood pulled no punches from they weathering adult with this lightning bolt soliloquy. >> the pfizer process must be reformed. we cannot ask americans to continue to give the federal government this enormous amount of unsupervised scrutiny and discretion only to have it abused by this. how are we supposed to tell the american people? do have confidence in the fisa surveillance process if mind you, this is hard to believe, no one in fbi leadership. no one in leadership of d.o.j. or fbi wants to admit that they were aware of serious flaws in a very high-profile investigation part it is the law that is the problem. gives an un- amount of
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discretion to human beings have been proven time and again they cannot be trusted with it. support damn skippy was i arouse in a nonsexual way. senator lee has tried to change the law with bipartisan legislation with senator patrick leahy. democrats should be clamoring for this kind of surveillance reform given executive branch has been led against them for four years. they say is so unscrupulous and evil he is literally hitler. the problem is not just the career's inarguable deep stater andrew mccabe who is greatly aided and undermined the fbi's credibility that is the bureau itself which has a massive power through congress and that means to be pulled back and restrained for good. these outraged chin structures need to do more than slip flap their gums. they need to follow mike leads lead and act. otherwise even with the new administration nothing will change. in the meantime the present is
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still so outraged at the easy spying on his campaign, he should do the right thing. and pardon edward snowden at once. and that is the memo. kennedy: so is there a snowballs chance in phoenix this bs will ever stop? or is this the same grandstand that makes americans want to throw our lawmakers into a volcano? let's meet tonight part or panel. we have peter's tutoring, hi peter, graybeard no beard for democratic posterior fox news contributor jessica karloff. in the future founder and executive director of the clean-shaven daniel turner, welcome one at all. this should be a good nights. let's start it out with you peter. i assume you agree with me we have a lot of hearings have a lot of outrage. there is even been some bipartisan cooperation. will any of this ever-changing should it? >> well i hope so.
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and i think you pointed out that senator mike lee has been at the forefront of pushing for change the fisa courts have always been a problem. they conducted their business in secret. and when the government conducts a business in secret it is a problem for the ordinary citizens, sometimes up to and including the president that secret business revolves around. that said i do think there is an element here of a distraction. this is being talked about in part because of president trump is trying to distract people from what happen with the election, which he lost to joe biden. he wants to go back and take it back to stuff that happened before the last election. i think that is also a problem. kennedy: understand that. fox news is called the race for joe biden print i congratulated president alecto biden i do not have a problem with any of that. my problem is with the surveillance state that's only growing under success of administration and congress has the power to rein it in and they have not acted. and jessica, i am surprised
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that people like amy klobuchar want to talk about children in cages when they should be talking about this. at the same on the republican side per there only a few lonely senators who wants this kind of meaningful reform but psychiatrically and rob whited and sometimes bernie sanders that is pretty much it. why are democrats marked outrage of the apparatus they help create that easily could been trained on them? >> while a lot of democrats i think would say that a sub that could potentially happen if we do see a donald trump run and 2024 which is team has been floating. why didn't joe biden bring this up white and he talk about surveillance reform? is not part of either one of the presidential debates. because i do not want to diminish what's exciting and arousing for you but for the average american surveillance data what were going to do but pfizer warns is not something that necessarily get some to turn out to the polls. i think this actually should
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be. think it's an important step towards that there is now agreement on both sides that carter page was on fairly surveilled. kennedy: and maligned in the press. >> carter page i apologize i was not even that friendly to him in the greener months. and i feel terrible about it. it's obviously incredibly unfortunate what happened to him. i think having bipartisan support with mike lee and patrick leahy is an important step in the right direction. this is something i think joe biden could support a more moderate candidates and someone who will be influenced by folks like patrick leahy was a long. [inaudible] kennedy: understand both parties tend to pay more attention to candidates who emotionally excite them. with issues that jessica says are popular part i'm sorry daniel this is very important, our civil liberties are incredibly important especially when you're talking about the erosion of basic rights. which is what is happening at the executive branch grows
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because of the evocation of congress would take it away and tells what you saw today the pfizer courts are like that with power and the token lord of the rings series buried when you get it you're not going to give it up. as a conservative i tend to believe the left loves government. and they love big government power bird we saw joe biden in 2016, 2017 when he proposes in the logan act against general flynn. look for they did to his life. for mccabe to say i regret doing that this is someone whose lives are run his reputation as a road they are called traders right financially destroyed and now we say i regret doing that. so the left always likes to talk about things that corporations and corporations have so much power. they never talk about how much government has so much power. it is someone who hates government, government growing government power as a threat to all this. i wish those more bipartisan
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response support they once you have the ring of power you're not giving it up enough said. support right think it's a much daniel. the factor still litigating 2016 makes it easier to understand why the 202020 election has become such a ship show with ap. both sides are really big and in this time. just ask objective secretary of state mike pompeo, watch. >> smooth transition to second trump administration. alright, we are ready. the world is watching what is taking place here. >> of course joe biden has a very different view, joe? >> i just think it is an embarrassment quite frankly. the only thing how can i say this tactfully, i think it will not help the president's legacy. >> i'm sure that is what he is really worried about.
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so is this just a case of elections are fine as long as your guy wins? peter? >> i think biden did win this. fox news has called it for biden has as has other every news organization. traditionally when that happens the president concedes. trump is not done that. he is on the opposite of that. i think biden is right in some ways. this is an embarrassment to the president and his party. to the american people. people did to get on with this. the other thing though is president trump is hurting the republican party's chances here. by casting doubt on the electoral process he is going to discourage republicans from coming out to vote in crucial elections in georgia here for open senate seats. we get to runoffs in january. >>'s before a budget brought that up her and talk about georgia later in the show. >> this is going to have consequences for the republican party going forward.
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so far don't think donald trump cares about his legacy here, jessica. i think he does not give two flying toots about people who voted against him. and for the people who are still invested who feel there is some level of election fraud he is going to take this one is deep as he possibly can. i think it helps his legacy will for people who support in the most. so becky does only cater to that very specific base. and he has done that he started out in the primaries with his crazy rhetoric that attracted a specific group and that is he what he has been writing through this adapter comes through his rallies into thousand 16 he's got conservative judges on the court to rollback policies the president obama put in place was too intrusive with climate change et cetera. but obviously america has spoken now.
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the wide margin of victory since fdr? he won by .6 in wisconsin bernie's up by point to percent in georgia. these are massive margins. it was not a close race at all except for the part where it is much closer than anyone thought it was going to be. >> fight, fight, fights. i'm sick and tired of the republican party be the neutered georgetown lapdogs and that is what people on the panel want, that's what the media once. that is not with the american population once. for four years, so serious were the allegations of russian collusion that we had a 47 million-dollar bob muller investigation. we had endless effort put to it for four years because the allegation alone were so serious right now the allegations alone are not so serious just roll over and take it the way the republican party always should. donald trump is given the
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republicans a spine and is nice to see people fight for a change. i've always admired that about the left, they fight. without maybe the right will fight to. kennedy: last question, where does the fight"? you keep fighting but it does not mean you win. trust me i've been a bunch of those fights. >> you are right. >> absolutely. look what happened in 2000 and gore and bush fought until the courts decided. so they took it to the legal process. that is why the courts are there. that is a people are saying this evidence of voter fraud present the evidence. let the courts decide. but the process work. why can't the process work this time? why do we have to russia? the associated press things we should be done with this and been read think that to be over. now that is not how the system works. with courts in place for a purpose what the process work. kennedy: ip to really have about 20 seconds. daniel brings up a good point. but listen. if the left is saying that russian so easily infiltrated
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our election, then why wouldn't they be easily infiltrated by everyone else? and why haven't we done more to both our elections? >> the argument here is coming down to the russian investigation was completely ridiculous. and we pursued it for a while. so let's also pursue this completely ridiculous argument. the trump administration is not presented serious evidence of widespread fraud. for folks in pennsylvania who are supposedly saying oh, i saw fraud. it turns out they are retracting their stories for the judges are laughing these cases out of courts. fox news had did cut off the press secretary for the president of the united states because she's making unverified claims about election fraud. it is just not there. it is not happening. trump lawsuit is to accept it. so far right we will see. i will call it along with them. but i will also say if there are any irregularities i think it is okay to investigate that. i don't think that is necessarily a farce but i don't think it's going to end
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up with a trunk victory, but we will see how it goes. the panel returns a little bit later. coming up next though news a big covid vaccine having hope and around the globe. but the crowds is not so fast we will debate the controversy of topics with the one and only robert f kennedy junior. and republican congressman buddy carter. let's see what they have to say next. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different.
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kennedy: hello there welcome backward pharmaceutical giant pfizer now says it is ready and waiting on fda approval to begin distributing its new coronavirus vaccine. it is one of 150 vaccine simultaneously and development around the globe. there are some major challenges for the vaccine has to be capped at 94 degrees below zero. that is colder than my heart. there's also a lot of resistance or folks who say they are very suspicious of this and other vaccines. is there solid reason to worry? twenty me to it discuss of children's health defense president robert f kennedy jr. and betty carter who received the pfizer trail vaccine but welcome gentlemen. very good to have you both. congressman carter i will start with you. tell me, how did you get
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involved in the trial? what was your experience? >> as a member of congress and eight membered of the doctors caucus professionally i'm a pharmacist. a member of the doctor's caucus in congress i felt was important to set an example but i volunteer for the clinical trials. fortunately there being some help here in my hometown of savannah georgia. so i was able to do that. i am in phase two -- three part of the trial. i received my first dose about a month ago. and then i got my booster shot today as a matter fact this afternoon. thus far everything has gone well part of course it is a double-blind study i don't know if i'm getting the placebo or the actual vaccine for the doctors do not know, the nurses do not know. that is why you have double blinded study. kennedy: so robert f kennedy jr., i know you have an issue in general with vaccines and their safety. what might be in them, the side effects of vaccines might cause and there are a lot of people who share your concerns. and that concern has only
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grown with coronavirus. so what is it specifically about the coronavirus vaccine that concerns you so much? >> if one of the companies are developing vaccines come up with a vaccine that we all want a vaccine to do which as you take a shot, you have immunity, long-term immunity. the shot is safe and it prevents transmissibility and it prevents hospitalizations and deaths. i will be the first one to get in line to take it. i want to commend congressman carter for standing up for this. the problem with this particular vaccine is the really the design of the study. the first medical journal on the associate senator has written an article about specific criticism in the p.m. jn in the "new york times" in which he shows the design of
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the study is not designed to answer any of those questions. we do not know that this vaccine prevents transmissibility. if it doesn't prevent transmissibility, then it can handle lockdown. in fact it will turn us all into a symptomatic carriers. perhaps make the disease much worse. it's also designed to show it prevents a deaths or hospitalizations. and finally, this study is not designed to show it prevents increase at least long-term injuries. many of the injuries associate with fox nation are in the autoimmune injuries, allergic diseases, as long diagnostic horizons for them long intubation periods. it's over a 45 day period. kennedy: i understand that. but for a lot of people have
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lost family members or those who have gotten sick themselves, they know we cannot wait 14 years which is the average amount of time it takes for a vaccine to go from development to markets. so for the mostly vaccine has been in about four years. so congressman can you address some of those concerns? did you have any of those worries yourself about the fact that we may be asymptomatic carriers? does that worry you? >> [inaudible] hold on robert and let the congressman answer this to let him go and then you can. >> first about let's understand that operation warp speed is a private public partnership. yes, it is phenomenal we are getting this vaccine done in this clique of time. but if you look at the way it is being done, i am very confident, in fact i'm so confident i'm doing it myself. that it will be safe and it will be effective. that is very important. now you are right, generally takes much longer to come up
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with a vaccine. but with what they are doing now, it's first all hands on deck but it's all there working on right now but secondly their overlapping phases, generally, normally we would do is you have one face that have a review. then you start the next phase. well, they are limited in that review. they're still doing the review but they're having the company go ahead and start the next phase. another thing they're doing is they have the companies go ahead, make the vials, make the syringes everything you need so that when it is approved you can immediately get it to market. that is extremely important. kennedy: so we talked on the show with nano virus which is a company that's helping nanotechnology is a super vaccine because that way you're not injecting an actual live vaccine or a dead vaccine into someone through nanotechnology you are targeting exactly what you want to suppress. unlike the flu vaccine which is really throwing a handful of spaghetti at a wall.
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so robert would you be in favor something like that at the technology completely shifted? would you be more trusting of that sort of virus prophylaxis? >> i want to see double-blind placebo studies. the same studies we course every other medicine to go through. the problem with this vaccine is the one pfizer is currently putting out, and tony fauci says this. this does not prevent transmissibility per if it does not prevent transmissibility what's the point? it's not going to stop the lockdown. if the vaccine does not stop hospitalizations, what is the point? if it does not prevent deaths, what is the point? the way this study is designed is to show that the vaccine prevents minor symptoms of
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covid and people under 55 years old. while those are not the people we are concerned about. those are not the people dying from covid. the people dying are the fragile elderly. kennedy: and the immunocompromised. that is absolutely true. but congressman carter, two pfizer's point there is no way they would invest $2 billion in their own research and development in order to stick in the globe. when you have a private market forces at work, they want to succeed. and they don't succeed by harming people. they don't succeed with fox nation failure. would you like to speak to that? >> there are no market forces here. there is no liability. kennedy: know they go out to visit. that the thing about the free market. the liability take on entirely yourself. because of it doesn't work you go out of business and lose
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everything but i'm going to let the congressman move on. robert i understand you've had a nice chunk of time to talk let's give the congressman a little bit of chance. >> you made an erroneous statement there. these companies have no liability. they have no liability. >> yes they do that's what it means to be public. guess they do. and if they interviewed there are class action lawsuits but all you have to do is watch any news panel including this one here about all this class action lawsuits but especially if you use any sort of a weeds brand develop lymphoma per go-ahead congressman. [inaudible] >> the point is i have experienced this as a professional pharmacist. throughout my years of practicing pharmacy i've experienced the process by which the fda approves the medication. i can tell you it is a very strenuous process part of very detailed process. the fda regardless of political pressure these scientists are not going to
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allow a medication, a vaccine on the market that's going to harm people. you know, i was a consultant pharmacists and nursing home for many years. one of the things we always set in there was do the benefits outweigh the risks? there is no question here. vaccines are one of the most life saving innovations that we have ever had in medicine. there is no excuse why we should not bring this to markets. that it will be safe and effective as approved by the fda. there is no excuse that we should not get this to the market. kennedy: i think it's okay to be skeptical of vaccines by think it's okay to be skeptical of the fda. but i do share your optimism that through the private free market we will find a way, thank you so much for your time and you appreciated. thank you. so for all have aoc says she's looking for a dreamlike cabinet rock about amish
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so far and indeed here we are. this was this week's mouth trumpet monday luck, be a lady. enter lucky lady joan. speaking of lucky ladies are friend aoc looking to throw her weight right around under a new biden administration that she asked for 10 million twitter followers to come up with a dream cabinet for the next white house. too bad karl marked his arty dead am i right? just how badly can joe biden screw this up and by the extension the economy.
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jointly tonight from the king's college in manhattan we serves as a business and economic professor and chair is fox news contributor brian brenberg. welcome back. >> kate kennedy. kennedy: the funny thing is, aoc wish list is for bernie sanders and elizabeth warren to be on joe biden's cabinet which is really fun. the problem is they both come from states where there are republican governors. [laughter] i don't think she is thinking this whole thing through. >> know that is probably a saving grace if you are a business in this country that is worried the whole regulatory game is going to shift on you it's a good news elizabeth sanders and bernie might be locked into their positions right now. the fact is this ought to be pretty scary to people. there is a reason aoc is so excited about joe biden's cabinet. she knows is probably not a lot of legislation is going get to get through a senate that is controlled by republicans. but in this day and age the
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regulatory state is live and wellin the executive branch. the fact is the president can get a lot done there without ever having to bring anything to congress. and so even if it's not elizabeth warren, if it's not bernie sanders there a lot of folks on the left would love to be in that position. emma who would love to crack down on some of those industries that the left loves to hate. energy, transportation, banking. they can do it. they can get aggressive with enforcement. they can make a lot of trouble part even if congress ever passes a law about it. kennedy: even though congress was so mad at president trump for so long, they did not do anything about executive power when they could have. they just left the obama nest starting in 2009. and it really started the second bush administration. and we have never looked back. so who are some of the names that give you the most heartburn on this list? who could do the most damage as head of government
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agencies? >> well we already talked about two of them for sure. look, i doubt they're going to leave their positions but even if it's not elizabeth warren, there are a lot of elizabeth warren acolytes out there who could end up at the top of the treasury department. let me say this. lyle brainard is another one. part of the fed right now part of the obama treasury departmen department. she is considered a moderates. here is the problem purred biden could put up a lot of folks who have moderate credentials in order to get them passed the senate. but as soon as they get in those seats, that he is going to be turned up by the left for them to get down to the regulatory crackdowns. even moderates in those positions has no reason to resist that. they do not gain anything by resisting the hard left. a lot of the regulatory shenanigans habit in the dark it never sees the light of day for the public never knows what's happening there. screws get titans and businesses feel that. this is what scares me. at least legislation is
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somewhat in the light you can see it's happening and congress. you do not see what is happening in the executive branch. a gets hidden from the american public. they have no leverage a pole in reaction to it. totally nondemocratic. kennedy: the good thing is if he does put moderates and there they are not up for election. they say i don't need to go progressive what are you going do? hurt my feelings? >> you know i wish that was right, kennedy. i think in that washington d.c. cesspool, i just think there is a lot of pressure to gain a reputation, to be favored to be on the inside. and by the way sanchez who runs the agency but it is the people in the director and the under secretary positions. all of them have a law of leverage and a lousy way to do it. kennedy: it is the deep stators, brian brenberg we weren't you in the past and they were all unnoticed for a thank you so much good to talk to you. alright. george is that the center of the political universe but
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kennedy: the h is so. the pressure is on and george's republican senators david perdue and kelly leffler are fighting for their political lives in a high-stakes runoff race. the senate balance of power relies more on georgia as north carolina senator thom tillis today won reelection. that leaves 49 red seats, 48 blue for the democrats. so who is going to come out on top? and who is going to decrying themselves to sleep at the nearest waffle health smothered and covered in their own tears and spittle. the part of how has a turn, peter suderman, jessica tarlov and daniel turner. dan no i go to first because this is a series of must win runoffs for republicans.
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now kelly loeffler would've prevailed that she would be the only republican but there is a jungle primary so there were at least 20 contestants in the race. and now she's going to go against preacher rafael warnock. how do you think this race will turn out? so back i think the trump base is pretty energized in this. especially whether there is impropriety in the buildings in georgia or not. if you are a citizen of georgia have to be concerned your state cannot protect in ten days for them hoping this motivates the trump base to come out and say look we really want our people elected pearl he went to read represent us and when to keep the majority the senate once keep crazy things like the green nude deal by getting passed by the incompetent biden/harris administration. were hoping it turns them out in big numbers. >> are democrats helping somehow a biden victory and the smell of total control in
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washington is that enough to lure voters back out in january? >> yes absolutely pay democratic voters were obviously fired up for this election. we talked about the huge numbers turn out. and donald trump did get great turn out as well, just not quite enough to win the election. dems are fired up. they're organizing his medic huge boon to democrats got over 800,000 people registered. but republicans have got to be sweating this because of georgia, a reliably red state now went blue for joe biden. the countess about 14500 votes that he is up at this point, well outside the range of any viable recounts the biggest with five or 37 votes for florida. rough ale warnock is a very formidable opponent especially for kelly loeffler's a bit of a lunatic. david produce more sensible can it. raphael warnock is a preacher of the same mlk was at, john lewis was his congregant. there is a rich history with
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his participation and the community there. obsolete deep roots. i see no reason that he would not get the same kind of turnout as joe biden would. i think the david perdue race would be a closer they are paid by the sea is picking up one seat. kennedy: houses get a play out? what is it mean to play out peter suderman? >> i think it's stopping and look at what's going on here. georgia is a state with a republican governor. it's a state with republican secretary of state. republicans are in power and in charge there. the republican senate candidates writing letters accusing the other republicans of not conducting votes of properly. that's crazy. that is how nettie all of this is. the margin there is 14000 votes. the accusation of election fraud or election impropriety is just completely implausible
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you'd come up with 14000 votes for the heritage foundation a conservative think tank that is staffed donald trump's administration and says election fraud is a serious issue found fewer than 500 instances of election fraud and the last ten years. out of all the votes cast in the last ten years. this is crazy. what he think is happening here is when you have these candidates casting doubt on the ability of the state to wear a good election, that is going to discourage republican voters who need to come out here to protect senate control for republicans to make sure there is a republican check on the biden white house. kennedy: but the fact that republicans did not lose as many senate seats as everyone predicted they would, you know the losses were only an arizona comment which was very predictable in colorado as well. thom tillis was absolutely supposed to listen he held on to his seat.
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lindsey graham as well, mitch mcconnell was in trouble at one point. so with socialism on the line because that is what is going to be on the ballot here and republican eyes. is that enough to energize people to come out and chilly january? >> there's even a question if she has enough votes to keep her speakership. the house is not a settled deal yet. you are absolutely right. did we actually than that joe biden had a 17-point lead in wisconsin? the fact of her starting at this level of stupidity to get where we are now. see ford where we are now's out of time, peter, jessica, daniel, it's great to see you all. amen. don't go, tropical storm is nex next. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance,
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♪ (music fades) (exhales) experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first month's payment. it's time for aerotrainer, with your weight and health? a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time, all while maintaining safe, correct form. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout. plus, you can easily transition from one exercise to the next. want tighter abs and a stronger back to help relieve pain? do the aerotrainer super crunch. the pre-stretch works your abs even harder,
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engaging the entire core. then it's the back extension, super rock, and lower back traction stretch to take the pressure off your spine and stretch muscles. planks are the ultimate total body exercise. start with a wall plank and progress with maximum muscle activation with comfort. work your lower body with the aerosquat or advanced super squat, all while in a safe, ergonomically correct position for maximum results. build your upper body with pushups. aerotrainer is perfect for bridges and total glute workout. (host) need to reduce stress? just stretch and breathe. (announcer) plus, it's a great platform to enhance yoga and pilates moves, even increase flexibility and reduce back pain for golfers. the aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. train hard, because aerotrainer can take it. it inflates and deflates in less than 30 seconds using the electric pump. aerotrainer works for families, beginners, and athletes. use it anywhere.
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even strengthen your core while watching tv. head to now. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout, all while maintaining safe, correct form. now it's your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. go to, that's kennedy: 200-0000-year-old skull has been found in australia paid the researchers thanks could belong to maine early cousin of humans? i always knew austrians were related to humans. like a boomerang in the keister. how are you doing mate? topic number one. it is time to catch up with kamala. yesterday i overheard a baby
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crying at the sound of nails on a chalkboard while listening to a yoko ono album from an active jackhammer. it reminded me, whatever happened to kamala harris? wasn't she running for senator something? it turns out a lucky camera crew caught up with kamala a few days ago she took a jogging break to discover she won the vice presidency, all my god. [laughter] >> we did it joe. you're going to be the next president of the united states. [laughter] kennedy: look i know we elected a lawnmower as president. the good you try not to laugh in our faces about it? by the way, joe still thanks she says nurse. later that day she sold her trip to the wax museum with a life-size replica of jimmy carter. she said was without a doubt her favorite james bond. but yesterday got personal but
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kamala introducing her family. >> yes this guy. and a tweet to no one. ladies meet your second gentlemen. to be honest is not really my second period fun. what an abominable couple. kamala because of the love of her life. but later clarified that what is truly best in life is to crush her enemies, see them driven before you and hear the limitations amen. nice to be second gentlemen. if you get stressed out talk the stock door. that is where karen pence heiser edibles. topic number two. the climate change is sweeping mcdonald's and now they are offering a green nude deal. coming to a restaurant near you, and new plant -based burger called the mick plant. which is what i used to call a fork leaved clovers. the mick plant to be entirely meatless. it is expected to taste like
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mick she will leather. this is the greenest mcdonald's menu item since the shamrock shake. the new burger will join in all entire line of plant -based products including vegetarian rectus sandwiches and plant -based chicken. be careful how you order that. i start a lot of fistfights at vegan restaurants by calling them a plant -based chicken. luckily makes their hay makers feel like hey. don't forget to make it a happy meals you can get a toy. whatever that is able taste better than your sandwich. topic number three. in colorado springs wildlife officials went beast to vow to capture a moose on the loose. oh no. yep first the news was forced to comply with the new biden mask mandate that a rescue team wrapped him up in a tarp and carried him into a truck. this is also had nancy pelosi expects to get president trump out of the white house. and here's what happened later when they most returned and he refused to put the lotion on
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his skin. [inaudible] this is a female moose. you can tell because it takes her forever in the shower. also she most likely came from the french part of canada because she does not shave her legs. [laughter] so hairy. love hockey. topic number four. when uptake into a small kentucky town for a bunch of booze hounds elected a real hound as mayor. on my god he is so cute that's america tiny river committee called rabbit hash. wilbur the beast is a french a. i love it i want to make out with his face. the town of rabbit hatch only has a few hundred citizens. they have been electing dogs as mayor since the 1990s which could explain the mandatory belly rubbing ordinance. also their crumbling school system i will say this gets all the how to give paul. plus the fire department gets funded and t. other than that it's a very normal town.
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there see the most votes in town history for the win. eating up the runner up jackrabbit the beagle. after losing jack rabbit followed the footsteps of hillary clinton lost a probe up the winners but. he beat out at least 15 other dogs for the position of mayor and one human called milk jim mike calhoun. mike said is real rough a break. not as embarrassing as losing to joe biden. we'll be right back. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa it's time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. powerful relief so you can restore and recover. theraflu hot beats cold. and remember the moment that things, for one strange time in our lives,
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got very quiet. we worried over loved ones, over money, over our planet, and over takeout. let's remember this time when so many struggled to feel secure, and build a future where everyone can. because when the world seems like it's standing still... that's the perfect time for us to change it. (teen) ♪ mom... it happened again. (vo) add some thrill to your wish list. at the season of audi sales event.
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9:00 pm
kennedy: thank you for watching the best our of your day, twitter an instagram at canedy nation, veterans day special guest, the greatest run ever. good night. elizabeth: tonight we have more details with attorney general william barr letting federal prosecutors look into trump team voter fraud allegations he has ten republican attorney general's calling on the supreme court to take on a case involving pennsylvania as critics say there is no evidence of systemic voter fraud, we welcome back to the show the wise amber, jim jordan, conrad skinner and james comber, and tom homan on these major headlines of the day. the trump team talks about ballot harvesting and thi
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