tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business November 13, 2020 5:00am-6:00am EST
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alive. i'm jamie colby. thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. [ applause ] want to get out. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the battle for the white house is raging, and president trump and his legal team have no plans to call it quits. court action is picking up. it's underway in a number of battleground states, and we're told more lawsuits are planned and in the works. the trump campaign today filing new affidavits in pennsylvania. those affidavits allege newly-found voter you are regular fews. here's white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany on just some of what they've discovered. >> an individual who said they received a vote-by-mail, did not request one, went to the polls to cast her ballot, was told,
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sorry, you can't do that. you've already voted by mail. in seven counties democrat-leaning counties, if they received your ballot in advance, it's illegal to open those ballots until election day, the mail-in ballots. but somehow they were determining which ballots were not accurate, which was not properly done and telling voters to fix them. and, again -- lou: the trump campaign today also telling us that their main objective is for states not to certify fraudulent results. you would think that that would be transparently obvious and an immediate response on the part of election boards, but it is not. one of the campaign's legal challenges heads today a detroit judge tomorrow in which the campaign demands certification of detroit 's vote be halted altogether and an entire audit be done on detroit's entire vote. and today a judge in arizona is hearing now another of the trump
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campaign's legal challenges. the campaign claiming poll workers in maricopa county wrong lu rejected votes -- wrongly rejected votes cast by in-person voters on election day. president trump weighing in on the narrowing vote margin that he must overcome in arizona. he tweeted this, quote: from 200,000 votes to less than 10,000 votes. if we can audit the total society votes cast, we will easily win arizona also. fox news correspondent alicia acuna is in phoenix, she has the latest on the trump campaign's challenge. alicia. >> reporter: hi, lou. in his opening statement, trump campaign attorney corey langen offer said that this case is actually not about fraud. he said, quote: the allegation here that in what appears to be a limited number of cases, there were good faith errors in the operating machine that should result in further review of
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ballots. it is not a fraud case, it is not a stealing the election case. what this is is about in-person voting on election day, like you said. the trump campaign claims poll workers incorrectly told voters whose ballots were rejected by the machine as overvotes to discover ride the system by hitting a green button rather than letting them fix it. in openingings the defense pointed out, quote, out of the ballots cast on election day in maricopa county on the presidential line for electors, the electoral college either for defendant donald j. trump or former vice president joe biden or the libertarian candidate, only 191 of those election day ballots turned out to be overvotes. the judge granted a motion to exclude the declarations collected from a web site sent out by the trump campaign that solicited complaints. the attorney statedded their team did toss suspicious unmissions, but the judge said,
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quote: you obtained a group of affidavits from people all of them under oath, some you were able to determine through investigations they were false. you discarded those. that's not -- that simply means you can't disprove what's asserted. now, lou, the hearing does continue right now. it's been going multiple hours throughout the day. we have witnesses on the, quote-unquote stand. this is a remote hearing, but i can give you the latest numbers. the count here right now, biden leads the president by 11,537. the number of ballots remaining is 24,603. and the count does continue. lou? lou: the count does continue. my gosh. this many days after an election. >> reporter: right. lou: this is one for the ages. alicia, thanks so much, appreciate it. alicia acuna reporting. it should be noted that arizona's radical dem secretary of state who is in charge of certifying election results is
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an outspoken anti-never trumper. her name is katie hobbs. she tweeted this in 2017 saying,: the president is more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being president for all americans. end quote. katie hobbs, secretary of state, arizona. she is among those who president trump, his campaign and all of his supporters have been up against since the very beginning of his presidency. the president is also to fight the rest of the radical dems and their can cohorts in the corporate left-wing media, of course, and bug tech and social media -- big tech, social media, and the list goes on. all of whom are more than a little concerned that their voter fraud scheme will be revealed, and they're rushing to coronate joe biden. but there will be no coronation. just listen to this today from senate minority leader chuck schumer. >> the election is over.
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it wasn't close. president trump lost. joe biden will be the next president of the united states. kamala harris will be the next vice president of the united states. senate republicans, stop denying reality. the election is not in doubt. this is nothing more than a temper tantrum by republicans, nothing more than a pathetic political performance. lou: he had trouble getting those words out, didn't he? s it is, in point of fact, interesting to speculate about why are the dems so, so in a rush to move ahead here without checking to make sure the integrity of our electoral system is intact? we've got a lot to talk about this evening about the battle for the white house as well as some shocking details that are coming to light about a voting system used in a number of swing states that is a system wide
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open to fraud and to manipulation. we're joined later this evening by trump campaign legal adviser jenna ellis, congressman andy biggs. he's the chairman of the freedom caucus, he's with us tonight, as is president trump's attorney, rudy giuliani. and "just the news" editor-in-chief john solomon are will have the latest for us on what appeared to be widespreaderring regularities in detroit, michigan. more presumption on the part of joe biden today who's announced that ronald crane will be his chief of staff, if he's confirmed as the next president. klain, however, makes president trump's argument about a rigged election, well, much easier. in 2014 he he responded to a fox article on twitter. the headline was 68% of americans think elections are rigged. klain simply replied, quote: that's because they are. details of the election rigging are beginning to emerge from all around the country.
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the issue is how much was rigged, how pervasive and what are we going to do about it doubt is now being cast on reports of a burst pipe that was supposedly the reason that the vote was halted in atlanta, georgia, on election night. the county stopped altogether because of that burst pipe. however, the only evidence related to the broken pipe in atlanta's state farm arena is a text exchange between the senior vice president of facilities for the atlanta hawks, jeffrey stiles, and a fulton county official. stiles described the leak as a highly exaggerated slow leak that caused about an hour and a half delay. there are no invoices or work orders related to the burst pipe. well, since that incident, joe biden saw a rapid rise in his vote tally in georgia. some of that increase can be atranscribed in part -- attributed in part to a
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multimillion dollar link between three georgia counties and facebook ceo with mark zuckerberg. the metropolitan atlanta counties of cobb, fulton and wisconsin net received a combined $15 million from the safe elections project, the mark zuckerberg-funded center for technology and civic life. zuckerbergs' money was used to buy polling location equipment to send out mail-in ballots and to promote early voting in those counties. i wonder why. health and human services secretary alex azar says joe biden knew about the effectiveness of phaser's china virus vaccine -- pfizer's china virus vaccine before he did. azar learned about the vaccine from news reports monday, just like the rest of us. biden was informed, we're told, on sunday. pfizer's ceo, seems to have done pretty well on his company's announcement and achievement. he sold $5.6 million of his
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company's stock the very same day he announced the promising vaccine news. is that coincidence? and who decided what day that announcement would come? and why did it take place six days after the election, not before the election? apparently, there was a very important meeting before the election. i wonder what was discussed. up next, a major irregularity is discovered in pennsylvania's mail-in vote count. how some people were able to hand their ballots in days before they even received one. part of the pennsylvania mystery. it's all part of the battle for the white house as well. we'll be taking that up in just a few moments with president trump's attorney, jenna ellis. stay with us, or we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence... ...we can spend a bit now, knowing we're prepared for the future. surprise! we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us.
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lou: breaking news now, the trump can has earned an election victory in pennsylvania. a state judge there ruling that an estimated 10,000 mail-in votes from people who failed to provide a required id in time cannot be counted in the state's vote tally. none of those votes are currently in the official tally, or at least that's what we're told, as counties had been told
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to segregate those votes along with thousands of others. also breaking tonight, an analysis of pennsylvania's mail-in votes. it finds more than 100,000 ballots have either, have an impossible or questionable return date. according to publicly-available data -- excuse me, excuse me -- 23,000 ballots were returned in pennsylvania on a date earlier than they were supposedly set up. for example, a mail-in ballot was delivered to a voter in lehigh county on october 19th. excuse me again. that ballot is recorded as having been returned to the state four days earlier on october 15th before the, before they were mailed out and before they were received. thousands of other mail-in ballots marked as returned a day after they were mailed out. that's pretty fast too, isn't it? the like these in philadelphia
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county. the state sent ballots to these registered democrats on 26, october. all of them returned on october 27th. for context, the postal service service is says it took them an average of two and a half days to deliver a mail-in ballot. so joining us now, jenna ellis, spokeswoman for the trump campaign's legal team, and it is great to have you with us, jenna. >> great to see you, lou. lou: pennsylvania looks like a real mess. it is, whether it is ballots that are sent back before they're received, whatever you want to say, it is a real mess. what is the latest in terms of finding fraud, finding such irregularities that it will challenge the very heart of the election itself which seems like it will be necessary in. >> yes. it is a real mess, and that's why team trump is fighting to preserve election integrity and make sure that every legal vote counts. and this sixtily today in
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pennsylvania -- victory today in pennsylvania shows the judicial branch is inclined to do its job, which is to make sure to fairly and unbiasedly apply the law to the facts here. and so for this judge to say, yes, the secretary of state in pennsylvania cannot unilaterally change election law in pennsylvania where the legislature hasn't acted. so this is a good thing. and we're seeing this trend of results that the judicial branch is saying we're going to intervene, and we're going to make sure that every legal vote counts. and i have to say, lou, it's not the ballot that is a vote. a ballot is simply a method by which an eligible person can, if they do so legally are, properly, cast their vote. so we have to make sure that all of these ballots -- lou: jenna, let me, let me -- and let me, let me address one thing you said which is they cannot do it. they did it. they can't do it legally, but they did it. and that is going to be part of
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the, i'm sure, part of the challenge. let's turn to the judge who said he lacked authority to change a deadline two days before election day ballots that were previously set aside. give us your best, if you will, succinct thought about how that may apply to the broader state and mail-in balloting itself and all the votes that were received after election day? >> yeah. well, so the next question, of course, after receiving this great ruling from pennsylvania is to make sure that those ballots that were received after the deadline and also that were not cured by voter identification were actually segregated. and this is why it's so important that team trump has been fighting for meaningful access for the ballots to observe the ballots being counted. because if we don't know and they can't prove that the ballots were, in fact, segregate ed, it's an estimate of possibly 10,000, but it could be a lot more. this is why we're fighting to
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make sure we can actually observe this. if this is irredeemably compromised, the constitution also does provide four mechanisms where the founders specifically said that because we have a guaranteed representative republic, we have safeguards in place, and the court just has to fast -- to fashion an appropriate remedy. lou: this audience is very bright. they understand process intuitively. i don't want to spend our time on process, i want to turn, if if i may, to actually where we are in the challenges in all of these states and the most recent thing that gives you considerable confidence that you're going to prevail. no matter the state, no matter whether it's a mail-in ballot, no matter whether it is softwarer rigtieses or -- software irregularities or what some are calling glitches which may be malfunction or malign functions. >> yes.
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well, the thing that gives me the most confidence is that president trump is willing to fight this fight and that we are still uncovering more evidence. we're only eight days after the election. we still have a lot of legal challenges coming. that's encouraging, and it's also very encouraging that the judicial branch is stepping in and also states like and georgia will have recounts, they'll have hand recount toss make sure that every -- recounts to make sure every legal vote is counted accurately. it's very important that states do not certify false election results. there is no need to rush through this -- lou: are you confident that you're -- yeah, i know. are you confident that you're going to be able to stop the certification of fraudulent ballots? >> i'm confident that the court will look at this fairly and appropriately, and i hope so because there is no reason why they should rush to certification. lou: all right. >> state legislatures need to get involved as well. lou: jenna ellis, always good to talk with you, jenna. thank you. up next, senate rinos kowtowing to the radical left.
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imagine that. they say joe biden should get classified briefings, certainly one of them. finish what an interesting senator this fellow is. we'll be asking freedom caucus chairman andy biggs about that. and the battle for the white house goes on. we'll be back in just moments, we'll be back in just moments, stay with us, please. we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but, we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? uh, i'll have to check. (doorbell ringing) aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello?
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janie, come here. check this out. let me see. she looks... kind of like me. yeah. that's because it's your grandma when she was your age. oh wow. that's...that's amazing. oh and she was on the debate team. yeah, that's probably why you're the debate queen. - mmhmm. - i'll take that. look at that smile. i have the same dimples as her. yeah. the same placements and everything. unbelievable.
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♪ ♪ lou: radical dem leaders chuck schumer and nancy pelosi have, well, they put a huge price tag on their china virus relief package proposal. they say the house's $3.4 trillion heros act should be the starting point for negotiations with senate republicans and the white house. every time they want a lot of money, they put hero in the label. mitch mcconnell, however, today -- the senate majority leader -- said that's, quote, not a place i think we're willing to go.
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joining us tonight, congressman andy biggs chairs the house freedom caucus, also a member of the house judiciary committee. andy, it's great to have you with us. this business of voting in arizona's got everyone kind of wondering just how it's going to come out. why don't you give us the precise result that you expect right now. >> well, it's going to be really close, lou, and it's been close, and it's moving very slowly. almost desert tortoise-like. you have got a lot of things happening. you've got a couple of lawsuits going on, you've got various ways to challenge this thing. and we are approaching all of these and trying to exhaust all remedies and all options, and i think that's important. in the end it's going to be razor thin, and i'm hoping we'll know in the next couple days or so. lou: what about the -- excuse me, i'm having trouble with my if throat this evening, i
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apologize to everyone. what is the election system you're using, the voting company that you're using there in? in arizona? is it dominion? >> in maricopa county you have dominion is the vendor right here. and then you have, actually, you got two other systems, one in the're county is and one that's used by 13 counties. so, yeah, right here. lou: so you've got -- you decided to double up your fund with these systems -- [laughter] all sorts of allegations are being made about the trustworthiness of those systems and whether they are or are they not vulnerable to hacking. great concern, and we're being told by a lot of hacking experts that these machines are absolutely vulnerable to hacking.
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your thoughts and how concerned are you about it. >> well, i am really concerned about it. i've requested that we actually go through and test the integritity of the machines to determine whether there was an opportunity to hack or if there might have been a feature put in there, was there something algorithmically that could switch votes. we need to find that out and get to the bottom of this. and i'm told repeatedly by elections officials here that there's just no way, but i think so many questions have been raised around the country we ought to do the same kind of basically systemic testing here, systems testing here so we can find out for sure and, basically, assuage the concerns and fears of people in arizona. not just in arizona, because the whole country's looking at the results in particular of mare cope if pa county. so we ought to test it -- maricopa pa county. but some of our elections officials do not want to test these at all. lou: they do not want to test it. i really don't cower whether they want or to they don't, do you?
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>> i don't. [laughter] lou: most americans don't really care whether they want to or they don't, because they don't know where the servers are locatedded in which a all of this voting data resides. some of it resides in spain, some of it resides in germany, some of it in canada. we don't know what's going on, and they're private companies. every single company is a private company. handling 3100 counties in this country, 150 million votes. it's stunning that we we know so little about our own election system, can we've got such -- and we've got such varieties of them but none of which seem to inspire great confidence. it inspires a lot of rhetoric about how secure they are, but no one believes it. >> right. and they all seem to be interlocking in some place here or there in the ownership or in the processes or in the software sharing or whatever.
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but every -- just think about it, every election that we do from dogcatcher on up to the president of the united states is going through these probably half a dozen vendors, and that's it. we really should get to the bottom of this. it's not whether we should, we must. that's an imperative. we have got to get to the bottom of this because if you can't in a constitutional republic, cannot trust your elections, that is the bedrock of what a constitutional republic is about. and if you can't trust your elections, you've basically crumbled your entire system. and that's why this reticence, this opposition, because their candidate won for democrat election officials to actually engage in going through and checking this, these machines out, checking the front end of those things where you had all kinds of potential voter fraud on that end of it. we've got to do this. it is um pertive, not an option -- imperative, not an option. lou: congressman andy biggs, chairman of the freedom caucus,
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thanks for being with us, appreciate it. up next, more shocking debails about those dominion voting systems. how alarms were raised last year but not many people, only a few, paid attention. we take that up with president trump's attorney, rudy giuliani. and order my new book, "the trump century," available now at amazon, of course, but importantly at stay with us, we're coming right back.
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♪ ♪ lou: another gates-funded initiative. a group helped replace veteran poll watchers and workers with high school students for the election. the group called the campus vote project received millions of dollars from the bill and melinda gates foundation to recruit high schoolers and college students to work in battleground states. that's working out splendidly so far, don't you sympathy. president trump signing a new executive order today prohibiting u.s. investments in chinese firms that the trump administration say are owned or controlled by the chinese military. also tiktok is going ahead, the administration, i guess, giving up on the idea of blocking tiktok for national security or
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reasons but zeroing in on these other chinese companies. we'll see how that works out. also breaking, president trump is zeroing in on dominion voting machines. dominion voting systems used in 28 states across the country including battleground statements arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania and wisconsin. a january 2019 report from the texas secretary of state found a number of issues with dominion's democracy suite 5.5a machine, the same model used, for example, in pennsylvania. one of the troubling findings by the secretary of state in texas was that the voting machine was the voter's inability to check and retown a straight party -- retain a straight party ballot. another issue, the election management system was error-prone and, quote-unquote, nonintuitive, making it difficult for jurisdictions to master. even more concerning, the scanner and the tabulator subject to paper jams.
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and in order to clear those jams, protective seals had to be broken which allowed poll workers to see voter choices. the texas secretary of state's office ultimately denied the use of dominion voting systems in texas saying, quote: accordingly based upon the forgoing, i hereby deny certification of dominion voting systems democracy suite 5.5 for use in elections in texas. well, joining us now, president trump's personal attorney, former new york city mayor, rudy giuliani, and federal prosecutor. rudy, good to have you back with us. let's talk about just for a moment an update on dominion and how important do you believe the concerns that are being expressed in a number of states about the ability of these machines not to be hacked. >> well, first of all, the machines can be hacked. there's no question about that.
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their machines can be hacked. but it's far worse than that, lou. dominion, dominion is a company that's owned by another company called smart matter. through an intermediary company. smart matic is a company that was formed way back in about 2004, 2003, 2004. you're going to be astonished when i tell you how it was formed. it was formed really by three venezuelans who were very close to, very close to the dictator chavez of venezuela. and it was formed in order to fix elections. that's the company that owns dominion. chin onis a -- dominion is a cause january company, but all of its -- canadian company, but all of its software is smartmatic software. so the it votes actually go to barcelona, spain. so we're using a foreign company that is owned by venezuelans who
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were close to chavez, are now close to maduro, have a history -- they were founded as a company to fix elections. they have a terrible record. and they are extremely hackable. so, i mean, texas made the right decision. what the heck was georgia doing hiring this company? i'll tell you what they were doing, the lobbyist for dominion was the former chief of staff for the government. lou: [inaudible conversations] >> i'll give you another connection. smartmatic, the company that owns dominion, well, the guy who was running it was one of the people who was number two or three in soros' change the world organization.
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open society, right. we've got a very funny company here, lou. we've got a really strange company. they're very frightening. and, yes, they can be hacked, and, yes, they can change votes. lou: and now we have to find out whether they did. and with those servers whether they're in canada, whether they're in barcelona or spain or germ gnu, we -- germany, we know a number of companies, all of them are private, five of them, five of the top voting companies in this country -- at least if they're not in this country, they're processing our votes in this country -- they comprise 90% of all of the election voting market in this country. it's stunning. and they're private firms, and very little is known about their ownership beyond what you're saying about dominion. it's very difficult to get a handle on just who owns what and
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how they're being operated. and, but the way, the states, as you well know now, they have no ability to audit meaningfully the votes that are cast because the servers are somewhere else and are considered proprietary, and they won't touch them. they won't permit them to be touched. so it's really -- so how do you proceed now? >> well, i mean, i'm working on the part of the case which is demonstrating how many illegal votes were cast, and i'm way beyond the margin that i need in pennsylvania or michigan to overturn the vote there. we're up to about 623,000 unlawful ballots in pennsylvania and about 320 unlawful ballots in michigan. and in michigan, of course, we have a couple of extraordinary witnesses, one of whom was a democrat who worked for 30 years for the city of detroit who will explain that she started getting trained in how to cheat in
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september of 2020. they'll also testify to 100,000 ballots being shipped in about four in the morning after they had stopped counting, and they got into a panic because they thought that they had made up the lead, and trump was still aide ahead by 120,000 votes. so they brought these ballots in that had out of state license plates. they piled them on the tables, and from the witnesses that were there from whom we have affidavits, every single is vote was for biden. only one person voted for, rest of the ballot empty. nobody bothered to look or check whether or not the envelope was valid, they just threw it away immediately. there was no republican observer. it's a misdemeanor not to do it e. so i can't see these 100,000 votes standing, plus about
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140,000 more that were counted deliberately out of the sight of any republican who could check the validity of the ballot. i think that number will go up when we began in pennsylvania, we only had 130, we're now at 632,000. this was a, this was a stolen election, lou. i know the phony elites don't want to hear it, but this was a stole then election. the same pattern exists in nevada, arizona, georgia -- lou: yeah. >> -- wisconsin. lou: and i think, rudy, i think that, rudy, the fact of the matter is this is, this looks to me like it may be -- and i say may be, i'm not suggesting it is -- >> sure. lou: -- but following the operation as when president trump was a candidate to block his presidency. to follow -- >> yeah -- lou: -- the special counsel. 11 months of investigation, then the special counsel
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investigation which went nowhere except to exonerate him. and then the phony impeachment process. this looks to me like it is the end of what has been a four and a half -- the end game to a four-and-a-half-year-long effort to overthrow the president of the united states. it looks like exactly that. >> yeah, lou -- lou: these are all parts of a piece here. >> lou, it's impossible that in ten different crooked democratic cities on the morning of the election every single one of those democratic leaders woke up and said we're going to block the republicans from seeing any of the mail ballots. since whenever we count absentee ballots, we know that we have to have a republican and a democratic representative. the only reason -- lou: right. >> -- they did that is because they knew they were going to need that room to make up for his margins. and here's where they got screwed up. the margins were much bigger than they anticipated.
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they were figuring they had to make up a couple hundred thousand votes in pennsylvania, maybe 100,000 in michigan, maybe 80 or 90,000 in wisconsin. now they're looking at numbers like 800,000, 30,000, 400,000. they had to do plenty of cheating in the middle of the night in order to catch up. and that's whew they kept the republicans out. lou: rudy -- >> no reason not to let the republicans look at these ballots if they're legitimate. why do you want this issue? and if you know the history of absentee balloting, we never exclude the other side. never, ever -- lou: well, no one would. [inaudible conversations] lou: this election has got more firsts than any i can think of. and, rudy, we're glad you're on the case and pursuing what is the truth. and straightening out what is a very complicated and difficult
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story. and, by the way, it's not only difficult, it has the feeling of a cover-up in certain places. you know, putting the servers in foreign countries, private companies, we don't have transparency with those serves. this is, this is an election nightmare as well as a battle for the white house. up next here tonight, a number of michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in detroit. where's the fbi? we'll take that up and more right after this quick break. "just the news" editor-in-chief john solomon joins us. we'll be right back.
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♪ ♪ lou: on wall street, stocks finishing lower. the dow fell 317 points largely on concerns about a rising number of cases of the china virus. the s&p down 36, the nasdaq down 77. volume on the big board, 5 billion shares. a reminder to listen to few reports on the salem radio network. and a texas social worker faces 134 counts of fraud. she's been released on bond.
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kelly bruner allegedly registered 67 nursing home patients to vote without their permission and forged their signatures on documents. 16 of those patients are ineligible to vote because of mental inwhats talkings. joining us tonight is just the news editor-in-chief john solomon, author of "fallout." it's great to have you with us, john. let's turn to georgia where, again, mark zuckerberg -- we're starting to see more, well, billionaire money moving into our election system, aren't we? >> we are. lou: there's always a lot of talk about george soros, but now we've got zuckerberg, we've got gates. i mean, this is really extraordinary. give us a sense, if you will, of just why zuckerberg was involved and what has been the result. >> sure.
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so he funded by the tune of $350 million a group called the center protect and civic life, and that group started recruiting municipal fews and counties around the country starting in may of this past year to offer them large amounts of money to help carry out a general election that was going to obviously be in the shadows of the covid pandemic. what's interesting about it, the early documents i have seen through foias and lawsuits and other things that have i emerged indicate that they started by focusing on democratic stronghold cities. for instance, they approached the racine, wisconsin, mayor. that's a democratic city inside a republican county and asked them to work with madison, milwaukee, green bay, three very democratic cities. and this money goes to pay poll workers, create ballot drop box. in some cases in philadelphia where they got $10 million from zucker berke they sent --
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zuckerberg, they sent quotas that a said you have to get 800,000 people to the polls, have at least 800 voting locations in order to qualify for the money. lou: and let me see if i've got this right. this means you don't have to worry about f e c reporting because -- f e c reporting because you're a nonprofit foundation putting money in the hands of the candidates through the poll workers, through the political system and turning out the vote simultaneously. that's a clever little piece of architecture on their part, isn't it? >> here's what we now, lou. last week -- or actually earlier this week, i was able to get the center to confirm that they funded 2500 municipalities and counties around the country. if you look at the map, a9 lot of the red areas in the middle of the country are skipped. but what they won't do is they won't tell you how much money they spent per district. and so that preprevents us from
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analyzing did most of the money go to democratic areas, republican areas, we don't know. they're lacking great transparency, and that's kind of funny because a couple years ago mark suborrer berg, when he received about facebook, said the way to stop influencing elections is to have greater transparency. his group won't give us that transparent i say today. lou: you've got to be kidding me, an oligarch was lying through his teeth? [laughter] and trying to exert great influence on the -- >> imagine that. lou: -- direction of the economy and the market and the society? this we're all shocked, i'm sure. dominion voting systems, these are ugly, ugly charges we're hearing. what do you know, and are you digging deeply on this one? >> we are. and i'll tell you, the more we dig on it, the less we're convinced that there's any computer fraud going on meaning someone swapping numbers around. what we think we're beginning to see is the possibility that
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dominion machines were used to ballot stuff, meaning people would bring in -- just like what mayor giuliani said, extra ballots, and they weren't qualified to vote, but someone would make them el jill and run them through the story. we're going to have a late story tonight that will divulge in detroit which is, i think, ground zero for the investigation, your going to see the city of detroit hired a very interesting company with ties to a very corrupt political figure to provide the muscle, the bodies that would work and staff the election centers in detroit on election night. now, we know from the one of the election workers, a longtime civil servant, her name is jessie e jacobs, she's filed an affidavit in which she states flatly, i witnessed over several weeks thousands upon thousands of ballots fraudulently being processed. now we're going to find out who were the people processing those ballots, we're going to give you some answers in an exclusive story on "just the nudes."
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lou: -- just the news. lou: will you give us a hint? >> yeah. we shouldn't tease you that much. i'll give you a little bit more. so the company that was hired to provide 2,000 workers to the city of detroit's election center on election night is dued directly to a longtime adviser and operative around the convicted mayor of detroit, kwame kilpatrick. kilpatrick is still in prison for all sorts of corrupt deeds he committed as mayor. this is one of his insiders. that company got the contract and provided 2,000 bodies. what were they supposed to do? run the dominion machines that night. that's what the contract says. lou: wow. well, and now we're finding out that the georgia water pipe, it was the ostensible reason for the stop in the count in georgia on election night. didn't turn out to be much of a -- was more of a georgia leak. [laughter] and that gets to be quite
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suspicious. ask they even acknowledge that it wasn't having an effect on the ballots, it just seemed like it was a convenient excuse. your thoughts about that, what do you know about that and how screwed up could an election be? >> listen, the sort of excuses and behavior we saw in this election, whether fraud occurred or not which we're still in the process of trying to determine, the sort of excuses are worthy of russia and ukraine and latin american banana republics, not here. you don't throw election observers out, you don't send everybody home at once saying we're done counting the ballots and as soon as the on seven everiers go -- observers go, you start counting the ballots. we advocate democracy around the world, and now we're seeing in these major cities we should be ashamed by the behavior, and it should cause us to dug deeply to find whether these excuses were used to carry out fraud.
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lou: do you believe, as i do, that the counting should be stopped right now? it should have been stopped immediately, but there are just too many, and we've got just a few second here. >> the good news is we can go back and recount. i think this sing is getting recounting and forensic -- someone like the fbi has to get off their dupf and do some investigative work. lou: oh, few god. you know, when i hear fbi -- >> the sorry about that. lou: i think -- [laughter] what a great contribution they have been to american society. john solomon, you make great contributions. thanks for being with us. >> have a good night. lou: you too. dr. anthony fauci today, that's right, he hasn't gone away. he is, well, he's up on a perch claiming . china virus vaccines will mean the china virus pandemic may soon be over. now you do remember how many times he changed his mind and how he made it a jihad of sorts against the trump presidency?
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here is his very latest pronouncement as of this morning. >> help is really on the way. you know if you think of it metaphorically, the calvary is coming here. vaccines will have a major positive impact. they will be implemented and deployed in december, early part of the year, january, february, march, more and more people will be able to be vaccinated, if we can hang there, do the public health measures we're talking about, we'll get this under control i promise you. lou: wow, dr. marc siegel tells us the vaccine is quote, our best hope for breaking the back of this pandemic and the public/private partnership by dod, hhs and the leadership of the trump administration deserve great credit for it. you know, it is amazing how fauci doesn't even mention the
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role of president trump's leadership in bringing that vaccine to america. that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. please join us here tomorrow. see you then. good night from sussex maria: good friday morning, everybody. thank you very much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo, friday november 13th, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. breaking news for fight for free and fair election. affidavit from someone contracted by deminion service cut, this is something rudy giuliani told me about yesterday that would be coming, stunning allegations, plus latest on campaign lawsuits all
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