tv Varney Company FOX Business November 24, 2020 9:00am-12:00pm EST
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loungewear is a good holiday shopping tip, thank you so much to steve and john hylton, always a pleasure, could not of picked a better day to talk about unit yelling, thank you both, it is all about stuart varney, take it away. stuart: you make it sound terrible, good morning, everybody. was not a sigh of relief? senator elizabeth warren is not going to be the treasury secretary, that was a sigh of relief, the treasury secretary is going to be janet tl here is why wall street is so happy, the market and the economy will have a fed chair committed to stimulus in a treasury secretary who wants fiscal stimulus, it will be open, that is why the dow went up 300 yesterday and will go up another 300 today at
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the open this morning we will get really close again to 30000 on the dow. here's another positive in all the transition from trump to biden has begun and investors like it, the dow was up 1%, 300 points, s&p up three quarters in the nasdaq up close to half a percentage point, lots of green this morning and there's this, john kerry is back, the climate envoy and will sit on the national security council, not good news for america's energy independence. kerry will try to take us back into the paris climate record, but here is a guy taking us to the future, elon musk, yesterday as tesla stock rallied musk gained $7 billion in one day, he is worth 128 billion in the last week he surpassed mark zuckerberg and bill gates to become the second richest in the world, jeff bezos remains firmly in the number one spot.
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on today's show let's celebrate thanksgiving, the timing on the restrictions but resistance is growing, scott shalit he will join us from arizona he's part of the great exodus and will take into booming and wide open florida, the winner from the great exodus, big show, "varney & company" is about to begin ♪ ♪ ♪. stuart: that is red hot chili peppers, i like that. top left, cannot stop red hot chili peppers, we will not start calling out governor cuomo either. police officers who won't enforce his thanksgiving rules. >> you have sheriff's upstate
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who have said i am not going to enforce the law, i don't consider them a law enforcement officer, you do not have the right to pick laws that you think you will enforce and you don't enforce laws that you don't agree with, that is not a law enforcement officer. that is the dictator. stuart: by the way, the governor has two reverse his own thanksgiving plans, much more on that performance in the governor's coming up later on this program, let's get to mon money, if you look at that another rally, lots of green all over the screen, come in mike murphy, this is your day, is this flat out a yellen rally because she wants to stimulus package and so does the fed. >> good morning, i think that has a part to play but i think
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also you touched on at the top of the show a relief rally, the idea of somebody like elizabeth warren or another person who could've been very negative for the market is now out of the picture, janet yellen is a face pic and wall street is comfortable with, this is going to have an open spigot, the money will keep flowing and that's great news for investme investment. stuart: what about the transition that has begun formally from trump to biden, is that helping the market? >> it is, there was talk of possibly resistance or holding on or creating problems likely seen from one political side and riding and burning things down. as president trump son pointed out, 72 million disappointed republicans in the country and
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we see no cities burning down, it's a peaceful transition of power, very positive for the market. stuart: is there a dark cloud on the horizon that you see? >> we have coronavirus out there and that has been weighing on the market, 35% it cost us earlier this year but now the sun breaking to the clouds we have the vaccines that are out there, not one, not two but several. there will always be hiccups along the way, it can be a straight move to the upside, there will always be pullbacks which we watched for but right now we have new highs, 30000 coming on the dow, new highs and were not overextended, this is a great time to be an investor, look for quality companies into stay on the u.s. markets, we seen a lot of new highs but more new highs coming. stuart: were going to leave it right there mike murphy, more new highs to come as an out queue, we will see you again
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soon. the booming real estate market, we have the latest on home prices, the report just came out, lauren our home prices rising in and around our big cities? lauren: yes, they are rising everywhere. looking at the 20 big cities, prices rose a robust 6.6% in september from last year, largest annual gain since apri april 2018, where our prices rising the most and the fastest, phoenix, seattle and san diego at least 9% and prices are 23% higher than they were at the 2006 peak of the market. stuart: thank you for confirming that we have a real estate boom. thank you lauren, let's move on to the retailers, some of the big names reported earlier this morning, a list of the big guys. susan: big movers, best buy
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online shopping powering sales at best buy tripling from july to september, sales came in double forecast that the three months with household by appliances and laptops being stuck at home during the pandemic and the stock is down because as good as sales were, best buy refused to give guidance when the all-important holiday shopping. susan: i don't care about the stock price of best buy is an indicator how much were prepared to spend at this particular time in the recovery. susan: is profit-taking. let's take a look at that, new female ceo, lauren stepping up in february the company's president and reported quarterly sales of record in the summer months online shopping doubling as customers brought more comfortable workout gear outdoor equipment. stuart: dick's sporting goods no longer sells guns and even the gun sales have been rocketing hi.susan: .
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stuart: sorry i interrupted. susan: ever call me and finch, they made money in the quarter instead of breaking even, stay-at-home workers were shopping for abercrombie clothing. stuart: why not abercrombie and my demographic. >> you can buy for the younger people in your household. stuart: what else you got dollar tree. susan: it is done well during the pandemic especially with elevated unemployment topping forecast but says it can't give guidance on the holiday. because of uncertainty when it comes to stimulus and coronavirus. stuart: that was a good roundup. some doctors are saying that the cdc should warn people of the side effects of the vaccine, doctor jenness is with us, what are we talking about, what side effects, the cdc said the side effects are not a walk in the park, what are we talking about.
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>> good morning i wouldn't say warn i would say inform, anything in my open communication, honesty is the best policy, that's important when we are managing patients, critical to keep them informed, some potential side effects that could happen, maybe body aches, fever, headaches, chills, it will only last a day or two days, if you pick up coronavirus your symptoms can last weeks at a time, remember a temporary side effect, your body's immune system response in preparing you for one day if you do come into contact with coronavirus, it's a hard football practice before the big game to help you score the touchdown to protect you and keep you safe, it is definitely something you need to be aware of but i think the benefit of the vaccine outweighs the potential side effects. stuart: good to hear, one more, dr. fauci is telling new york governor andrew cuomo to get on board with the vaccine, are you
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on board with that? >> absolutely, the fda is held to the highest ethical and scientific standards when it comes to medication and vaccines, it is not safe or the governor of new york to withhold the vaccine to conduct another review, it is somewhat redunda redundant, dr. fauci if he approves that, if the fda approves it i am all on board with holding a vaccine to new yorkers to conduct another review and another study could potentially mean more lives lost in more new yorkers sick, if it's approved by the fda is safe and effective and we should be on board and not waste another day because were in the cold winter season and we have flu coming up and coronavirus, it's a double whammy, get on board and get the vaccines right away to new yorkers and all of america. stuart: i think you settled it for us, come and see us again really soon. now this, a new squad in town, they are called the freedom
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squad, members on your screen right now, one of the new squad members, not the left squad, florida congressman carlos hermanus is on the show, this is the freedom squad. biden appointing john kerry as climate envoy, it seems like back to the future to me, i'm not wild about that, i'll give you my opinion it might take, and pennsylvania bars and restaurants band from selling alcohol tomorrow evening until thanksgiving morning, what is happening in america, we want to celebrate thanksgiving, not submit to these rules, that's my opinion. the markets however, rallying, check your 401k and stay with us please don't you love that green, more "varney" after this. ♪
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when i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. the support we've had over the last few months has been amazing. it's not just a work environment. everyone here is family. if you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. we thought for sure that we were done. and this town said: not today. ♪
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stuart: thanksgiving lockdown, we are only two days away from the giving in some states are ramping up restrictions, come on in ashley and tell me about los angeles county banding in person dining, good lord. ashley: there on the verge, much of california under much restriction but in l.a. county eliminating a person dining for three weeks, also on the verge of declaring a safer at-home mandate that will only allow essential emergency workers to leave their homes in a curfew is becoming likely with gatherings
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among people with different households between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., ellie mayer is urging people to stay home for thanksgiving and by the way says travelers will be fine for failing to acknowledge the state advisory. let's look at pennsylvania, new order prohibits bars and restaurants from selling beer and liquor from on-site consumption between 5:00 p.m. wednesday and 8:00 a.m. thursday morning, heavy drinking. says the governor, not gonna happen, there are testing requirements for those traveling or returning to pennsylvania from another state, a stronger masking face covering guidelines are out there, philadelphia has also banned indoor gatherings and dining in" scene is, gyms, museums and libraries until january the first, bars and restaurants and other establishments have to close by
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10:00 p.m. for in-person service, indoor capacity been reduced to 50% and retail businesses, bowling alleys, fitness centers among and many others, there are also restrictions on visitation in maryland to hospitals and nursing homes and all masks must be worn in all public locations, indoors, just a few of those restrictions being imposed as we speak. stuart: have a good time, thank you, mike huckabee the former governor of arkansas and the governor joins us now, banning alcohol, shutting down outdoor dining how far is too far? >> my mother used to say nothing good happens after midnight, i guess she would be in sync with all of this. we have a serious problem 25% of all the coronavirus cases have happened in the last month from the entire beginning, it is serious but at some point we have to explain what the risk are and help them understand why we need to take certain measures
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and also trust people to use their own good judgment and common sense and not create this atmosphere. otherwise you're going to have governors with shoot to kill orders anyone seen outdoors and not wearing a mask, i guess that's one way to kill the coronavirus, kill the people they think might be spreading. stuart: is an ironic were used to hearing defund the police but now they want you to call the police on those ignoring restrictions. it seemed like they want it both ways and you can't have it. >> the craziest one in oregon where the governor was so adamant about not wanting to shut down the protest and talking about a peaceful protest even as cities were burning and cops getting hit in the head by bricks and police cars being torched and somehow now she says neighbors audit squeal on their own neighbors, that will make for a great neighborhood experience and a wonderful commodity out there in a backyard next summer when your
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neighbor was the one that told the governor of oregon you have 11 people after thanksgiving table, one too many, grandma has got to go, shove her out the door and send her where she came from. it has really gotten a little too much. we all ought to be careful, most of us are, most of us wear masks, socially distant, wash your hands and we don't go around hugging people, that is hard for someone in the south not to hug everybody. but at the same time don't threaten me with a pistol, if i did something that you don't agree with, let me see a person that lives in liberty and live my life and live it very responsibly and carefully, let me celebrate this great american holiday. stuart: hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving turkey. see you later. i gotta tell you this. millions are ignoring the cdc advice and still flying ahead of
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thanksgiving, lauren young the numbers i think. lauren: yesterday another 917,000 people went through tsa checkpoints, since friday 4 million have taken a flight to see family and friends, the busiest travel day of the thanksgiving. it is likely tomorrow, expect those numbers to rise even more, it is two things, everything the governor says, we want to hug her friends and family, lonely long year but also our trust in the airline that they're doing everything they can to keep us safe and i think that is speaking volumes right now. stuart: thank you lauren, i have to look over some markets for you see how they're doing. oil, what is that, booking holdings, i'm not sure what i have to say about that, up 5%. that is the national average for regular gasoline, no it is not.
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i'm going to be back the whole thing, here's the story, the price of oil is at the highest level since march, $43 a barrel, the price of gasoline is dirt cheap, then nationwide is $2.11 a gallon, the cheapest in the land is missouri where the average is $1.76 in california the highest at $3.17 per gallon. susan: hawaii, okay fine. stuart: elon musk overtaking bill gates, the second richest person on the planet, we will give you all the numbers and next the opening bell, the markets clearly rallying, mostly on janet yellen, we will see what happens in just a moment, you will see a lot of green, that's a promise. ♪ hey!
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wants a big stimulus package, here is david kelli, i think wall street is happy because we have a fed that wants to. money and a treasury secretary that once fiscal stimulus. add them together and you have a rally. am i right? >> i think the other part of the story is janet yellen is so known, i think anybody he could've nominated that would satisfy progressives that they would do something about inequality and satisfy wall street with the mechanics of how the economy works and she does have the mechanics very well, an excellent economist and obviously she has a good working relationship to jay powell, it's a smoother water to the head helping the rally today. stuart: is it a question of the money now open. >> not necessarily whatever the administration wants to do on policy it's gotta get it through the senate and at this stage
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there are two senate elections down in georgia, if the republicans hold one or both of those, then i think that does limit fiscal stimulus somewhat, this is still a very expansionary washington whether republicans or democrats, we see an enormous increase in i think we will see in the years ahead. stuart: were going into the last five weeks of the year, is there any reason you can see why i should sell or any of our viewers to do serious selling before the end of the year? >> it is really hard to do this tactically because you get bad news with the pandemic which is spreading and getting worse but at the same time the good news of the vaccine and vaccines and market should be forward-looki forward-looking, the one thing look at evaluations, working to get their uncertainty over the next six months, you have a new government, it will calm down politically, we will know about vaccines and when the noise calms down people will look more carefully at what they own and there's cheaper things like value stocks and international stocks and frankly more
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expensive like growth stocks or treasury bonds and people need the evaluation of what's in a portfolio because it does seem out of whack right now. stuart: i'll try to remember that, a bit out of whack. thank you for joining us and i'm sure we will see you again right after thanksgiving. we have one minute to go before the market opens, i've been saying all morning it is the yellen rally, the fed rally, i wonder if susan will add anything to the mix. susan: i think there's election certainty, at least we will have a clean transition and handover engineering the 20th, that's relieving that some will be admired in the court for some time to come, i think that fred is off the table and the dow is on the pace for the best month since 1987, we are up 5% already, that is really impressive as we headed to the strongest month of the year for stock markets for the santa claus rally in december.
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stuart: we do have are dow 37 graphic ready to go in, we will open this morning with about 150 points of dow 30000 and let's see if we get there, when they start clapping that means they will ring the bell, they ring the bell, we have five seconds to the actual start of trading on this tuesday morning, right before thanksgiving. i'm gonna call this a thanksgiving rally but i will call it a rally, we are up 300 from the start, that is a 1% gain, only microsoft and merck are on the downside among the dow 30, the s&p 500, show me that, up three quarters of 1% and the nasdaq composite, i think that's a laggard indicator, it's up about a half a percentage point, we will take it but it's up less of the dow and s&p, let's take a look at big tech, mostly lower, now microsoft has turned slightly
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high, facebook has turned higher and apple has turned higher. apple and amazon are ever so slightly lower. let's have a look at tesla, talk about a stock on a tear, it's on a tear again today, up 2.8%, $15, that makes elon musk even richer. susan: $128 billion and counting in wealth and this is after a tesla rally expected today and he overtook bill gates of the world's second richest only behind amazon jeff bezos who was worth a little bit more, nine range, three, i am counting. musk had over $100 billion to his wealth just this year alone, the most of anybody in the bloomberg millionaire index, he
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was only ranked 35th, this is a big jump forward as we head into the end of this year, three quarters of his net worth comes from is 20% stake in tesla which we know has rally 400% this ye year, space with another hundred billion dollars in elon musk almost lost both companies in 2008 during the financial crisis, you must ran out of money for both companies in tesla ran out of cash or almost ran out of cash two years ago during the time with the infamous funding secured tweets, you have to applaud the man who has been on his knees on the brink of bankruptcy twice in the last 12 years and here he is second richest on the planet. stuart: he started out as the 35th richest and now he's the second. not bad. general motors, dropping objections to california fuel standards, tell me why. ashley: this is interesting doing a complete u-turn, no longer going to back the trump administration to stop california to the admission
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rules, it is time to move on says gm and also inviting other lawmakers to follow suit, the 180 comes, this is the key point as gm starts to work for joe biden, they want to make the production of electric vehicles the top priority. in other words gm says forgets the omission were going full ev, it announced it is investing $20 billion to deliver 20 ev's by 2023, four with the iconic mustang badge, it is part of an 11 billion-dollar commitment to electric vehicles and fee at price levels, multiple electric vehicles in the pipeline including alfa romeo plaintiff or 2022, what were seen is gm deciding it's time to ditch the lawsuit in the class-action if you like fighting the fact that california can set its own admission standards and said
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were all in on ev, so as joe biden, let's change direction. stuart: almost all of the carmakers with just a couple minor exceptions, all are higher this morning, ford is up $9 a share, look at that screen. we have researchers at city, they are trained to predict when will reach herd immunity. susan: not as soon as you think, city says final quarter of next year 2021 and that despite vaccine distribution pretty soon and just a couple of days, herd immunity means a mix of vaccine and also accommodation of those that have been infected so they recover with antibodies. overall cities the global economy will benefit under 1% next year but even more the year after 2022, that's when you get the entire global benefit of 3% to the world economy, that's a lot given the average is around 45 of the last ten years or so
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with emerging economies, we expect to go back to normal, in two years time. susan: in the developed economies will recover faster than others. stuart: most of the vaccine news positive having a direct effect on travel stocks as you might expect, we go through this every day. susan: take a look at the rallies, airlines, cruise lines, hotel operators, multiple vaccines, more stimulus would you janet yellen likely to be picked as treasury secretary, there could be a pick up soon in normal travel levels, take it the spike over thanksgiving much of the cdc dismay but it seems like things are getting slowly back to what were used to, the global airline industry says that revenue sales will pick up slowly next year, you will be down around 50% for 2019 which is the last normal travel year. stuart: everybody is looking to the recovery is before you price
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of what will happen 6 - 9 months and they're saying were on pace for light at the end of the tunnel. stuart: sounds good to me, let's look at macy's, that stock is up four and half percent, what is the news. lauren: it was up 15% yesterday and for the month it's up 69% which can be the best month in history, you are talking about e investors think there is hope for macy's, it was struggling before the pandemic and still struggling but with the vaccine coming and people shopping cyber monday and all that coming up, there is new life in macy's right now. stuart: new life in macy's shares. lauren: 69% month to date. stuart: i said there's new life in macy's, absolutely. now this, governor cuomo received an emmy award for his
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virus press briefings, here's a clip from his acceptance speech. rotate. >> i wish i could say my daily covid presentations were well choreographed, scripted, rehearsed or reflected any of the talents that you advance, they did not. stuart: brian kilmeade has a lot to say about governor cuomo, he will join us in the next hour, los angeles on the brink of issuing state home orders as republicans in california call for governor newsom to go, we are over that one, believe me. ♪
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stuart: netflix spending big bucks to expand production in new mexico, how much are they spending? lauren: $1 billion creating 1000 jobs in new mexico over the next decade, they will film "stranger things" for in albuquerque, it is close to hollywood, business friendly and they get incentives about $24 million, netflix is getting on state and local funding and look new mexico has established itself as a production hub, direct spending, last year alone $525 million, that is huge for the economy.
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stuart: "stranger things" was a very big hit, that is interesting, the prompter says thank you lauren, okay susan, let's talk about the crowd, what do you have in mind. ashley: i've been ignoring you the past two weeks practicing my british accent. , it is been a huge opening, we don't have the full monthly figures in terms of viewing but season three had 73 million households watching and season for when you have compelling new characters like margaret thatcher and princess diana, this will make people tune in so were looking for larger numbers than what we seen in the previous season but i have to say i would say in the season, don't you think the crown took some liberties with historical truths. stuart: you don't know whether they're historically accurate but the margaret thatcher statement or episode i don't
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know if that is strictly true. susan: in the relationship between prince charles and princess diana, the dialogue in the way it paints camilla and prince charles may not be the most flattering light. susan: i don't want to give anything away. stuart: the latest episodes are spectacular, real breakout, real good. susan: only two seasons left. stuart: one other series which i know is popular on netflix and i've not seen it, the queens gambit, tell me where did they set a record? lauren: they sure did i finish the series, it is exceptional, this is the record that they set, the most-watched, scripted limited series on netflix, 60 million accounts tuned in for two minutes, if you watch it for two minutes accounts in the first 28 days on the site, but if you think it all not under netflix, queens gambit is number
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four behind "tiger king", "tiger king" number three. stuart: i remember when that was hot, not so hot now. let's get serious, why not, the holiday shopping season is upon us and malls all of a sudden are looking pretty good, they are full, gerald is with us, people flocking to the mall over this past weekend, is this a renaissance of brick-and-mortar? >> i think the head line took a little bit of what's going on, i think there flocking and it shows traffic in the malls down 20 - 30% but that's a lot bigger than it was when you get early in the pandemic which is booming the online shopping and continues to show amazing levels. i estimate over the next few days, inclusive we will do $50 billion of online sales
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everyone will sit at home watching the cloud and ordering on mobile phones. there is an increase people are going out more than they were before but it's still down in the mall. it is up by and large at target, said they had increased traffic, walmart said the traffic was down a little bit and the ticket was up, best buy reported spectacular numbers when you parse through them, their online sales are up a number like 175% and the stores were down about 6%, traffic is not quite restored, the not quite flocking but they are meandering through the malls. stuart: we will take meandering. tell me about the upcoming black friday, how will the stores handle the crowds. >> i think they will handle them fine, black friday has been declining in terms of traffic it is shifted online, some of the retailers are starting their online black friday sales, they
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started in october, the real black friday sales on wednesday, wednesday night, thursday will be a huge online day, it'll take the edge off the friday morning crowds, there will be people in line socially distant people where mask, it'll be okay i won't be the nuttiness of years past, more staggered throughout the weekend of the following weeks, i think were going to do just fine, my forecast for holiday season has been very bullish throughout, sales have been strong, very strong you see that every time a retail report, look at those incredible sales numbers, best buy up 23%, those incredible, accommodation of online and in-store. stuart: of record holiday season for sure, we will see you again soon, have a great thanksgiving. let's talk bitcoin. it is topped $19000 up $1000 as
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of right now, are the new price targets higher price targets. susan: think of 300,000 plus, what do you think of that, that came from city that raised a lot of eyebrows, their pricing and possibly by the end of next year for bitcoin, the reason bitcoin trades on a two year run and goes down the year afterwards, some of little bit more realistic calling for 25000 by the end of next year in the callus for the bitcoin bonanza were companies allowing users to buy and sell bitcoin, adoption as we call it, mainstream finance companies like fidelity, j.p. morgan and paypal being the latest, bitcoin is hit a record, 2017, he rallied around 19600, were very close to record levels within fell to 4000 year afterwards, you have to begin in stomach this volatility, a barometer as we call it. stuart: i like how you say bitcoin, sound like you're going to jump out of your seat.
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bitcoin is at $19000, where is gold? it is back to $1800 an ounce. susan: it's interesting that as broker between bitcoin and gold, bitcoin is at record levels once again. stuart: how about the ten year treasury yield, .87%, not much to be said but the market is absolutely rallied, you have to take a look at this. this is chaos at the biggest airport in shanghai, that is a mass covid test ordered rather suddenly, look at that, that is chaos, talk about a crowd. the shanghai airport, not good. plus we have private jet and helicopter company blade, they are the first aviation company requiring free flight covid test, will that spread? the ceo is on the show.
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here's what happened, cargo workers tested positive for the virus, covid, the airport ordered the immediate testing of all cargo staff, that meant 18000 workers have to be tested rather quickly, 11000 tests have come back so far, all of them negative but look at the chaos at a major airport in china. then there is this, blade, that is become the first aviation company to require pre-boarding covid testing for its flights within the united states, rob is with us, the ceo of blade mobility. are you using the covid test as a passport to get on board? >> absolutely this is something that our passengers really encouraged us to implement, it's a little bit easy to send a
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commercial airline, we take a small commercial jet that has 65 seats and converted to the 16 seats, 8c in each side social distancing a small enough and passengers only go to a blade round and pretested before entering with the rapid test that takes about ten minutes, that to miami into new york. stuart: who pays. >> the passenger in the pain, it's about $150. stuart: do you think this could become standard for larger airlines using as a passport to get on board the plane? >> i think it's very difficult, united deserves kudos for what they did in terms of creating one flight to london once a week where you can have covid free flights, right now you need infrastructure and testing facilities and you also need medical professionals to administer, airports are not designed to accommodate the staging areas, testing areas in the protocol as you mentioned in
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shanghai what you do when someone test positive, were able to test people outside the aircraft facility. stuart: you are the first with blade and we thank you for joining us on the show and telling us about it. still ahead harmeet dhillon, brian kilmeade, kt mcfarland, steve forbes, the biden camp to the obama administration, i'm talking back to the future, that is the subject of my take which is next. ♪ for over 30 years,
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♪ ♪ stuart: of course i know this, of course. you've never heard it before, have you? >> no, but i am hearing it now. stuart: it's sort of pleasant. you approve. >> absolutely. stuart: exclusive. we like that. okay, good stuff. here's who we have, look at that, that is called a rally, folks, and here's who we've got on the show, bill mcgurn, "wall street journal," carlos gimenez if, harmeet dhillon chairs the republican party in california and, not to mention, brian kill immediate. that's not all, we're talking to the owner of a mexican
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restaurant in kansas, because he is defying husband state's mask mandate. then, wait for it, in the 11:00 hour, jason katz, kt mcfarland and, yes, steve forbes. check that market, yes, it is a rally. i've been calling it the yellen rally. she's expected to be tab thed, has been tapped as biden's treasury secretary. wall street likes that. we've got green all over the mission if. the dow's up 345. 29,936. we do have a fan su graphic if we hit 30,000, and we would really like to use it. [laughter] the latest read on consumer confidence. >> so a little bit less than anticipated in the month of november. the fact that it's a november read, realtime data, the consumer is slightly less confident than 96.1. economists were calling for a 98 read in the month of november. also sliding, but e the way, and this is on a downward track from october.
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because in october and september the two previous months, we had reads above 100. so in november we're sitting at 96.1 heading into the all-important holiday shopping period. stuart: it doesn't look like it's had much effect on the market, you've still got a solid -- >> vaccines are on their way, i new that's what the markets are focusing on. stuart: yep, that's very true. look who's here now, scott shellady. normally we talk about the markets, interest rates and all that kind of stuff. but, no, no -- don't look bored, scott, we understand that you are now part of the great exodus, that you have left, given up on chicago, and you're fled, literally -- you've fled, literally, to arizona. now, when i took some time out to go to florida the other week, it was like day and night compared to new york. is it day and night comparing chicago and arizona? >> you know, stuart, a couple things really struck me. you're with absolutely correct. i listened to your comment about
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florida when you had them on last week, i think it was. it's the exact same thing here, stuart. i hopped in an uber, i asked him how business was, he said back to normal, back to january. i couldn't get a reservation in a restaurant two nights ago, on a monday night. plus they're set up for outdoor eating everywhere. there's a different mood. obviously, the weather has a lot to do with that. but, yeah, that's exactly the case. now, i'm not going to be staying here forever. i did come out for the holidays, and i'll stay for a little while. but at the same time, it's much more of a conducive atmosphere to your personal well-being and health. i think that goes a long way that people really don't get. and i drove out. so i went through oklahoma, some late time last week, and i'll tell you right now, stuart, growing up on a farm, gasoline is so cheap in oklahoma, it's almost to the point where you can start to light your barbecue with it again. that was another thing that really struck me. [laughter] stuart: i'll tell you one thing,
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scott, i want to celebrate thanksgiving. i don't want to be looking over my smolder to see if i'm -- shoulder to see if i'm obeying the rules. i want the celebrate it. this is the all-american holiday. it is quintessentially american. i feel i can celebrate in florida, but i can't quite celebrate in new york. can you celebrate in arizona the way you cannot in chicago? >> well, they've canceled it in chicago. i mean, you can't do it in chicago, yes. we're celebrating here. that's why i came. but you know what, stuart? the virus is real. we've had some unfortunate large are numbers of death because of it, some groups more than others. but it's not the coronavirus that's crippled the country, it's hysteria. people are worried about seeing family and friends that they've gathered with for the last 30 years in a row, and it's such a shame. everybody's had loss in their life, but how do you know this is not the last thanksgiving you're going to see those people alive, coronavirus or not? so you're going to stay home,
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lock yourself down, and you're not going to see your parents, and who knows what happens to them over the next six months. you may be giving up your last thanksgiving with these people. we aren't living. i put out the other day on twitter a caged bird may live longer than one in the natural, but it's the not really living, you know? stuart: that's a very good point, scott, and i'm glad we talked to you about thanksgiving and all the rest of it and not the markets. >> yep. stuart: even though we've got a wonderful rally. i'm happy to talk -- >> we do, we do. stuart: -- the exodus from chicago. scott, have a great thanksgiving, and see you again real soon. >> see ya. stuart: the dow's up 340, and now this. nothing symbolized the return of the obama years like the appointment of john kerry as the climate point man in the new administration. it's back to the future, and it brings back some unfortunate memories. the paris climate accord. kerry wants to talk us back into
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a deal that punished america. we had to jump through hoops to cut emissions while china could do what it liked til 2030. we had to pay billions of dollars a year to help others cut carbon. we're going back to that? by the way, america has cut emissions more than any other industrial nation because we went heavily into natural gas from fracking. and we're going to abandon that? john kerry will take us back to the energy nightmare. china will be happy. the iran nuke deal, that was barack obama, john kerry's baby. remember this? a planeload of cash shipped to the mullahs when the deal was signed. they spent it on terror and mischief throughout the mideast. kerry will sit on biden's national security council. iran will be happy. and who could forget the embarrassment that many of us felt when kerry introduced the singer james taylor in paris right after the dreadful terror attacks in france?
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he plaintively sang "you've got a friend," a classic demonstration of weakness that was widely laughed at. the biden team is reaching back to the obama/biden years. they want to reverse the policies of the trump years. what a shame, because it was president trump who contained the iranians and killed their terror leader or. it was president trump who engineered our energy independence and led the world in carbon cutting. and it was president trump who flattened isis. i'll close with a tweet from republican senator tom cotton. john kerry throughed at the prospect of -- throughed at the prospect of returning to living in european luxury hotels while making deals that are bad for america. yes, john kerry is back. look who's here now, "wall street journal" guy bill mcgurn. [laughter] now, i'm aware of your piece in the "wall street journal" which calls john curry catnip -- john
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curry catnip for china. exband on that, will ya? expand on that. >> well, not mine personally, "the wall street journal" editorial. look, john kerry's never been a tough negotiator. he put everything in the end into that ridiculous iran deal, and the journal went on to say if he's out there negotiating with china, he's going to come back wearing a barrel instead of clothes, you know? they're just going to take us to the cleaners. so i think this is a bad sign. i think the best we can hope for from the john kerry appointment that is just a lot of preening about climate, so forth, rather than real policy because if he gets into it, i just think it's going to be very expensive for the american people without many real gains to show for it. stuart: i just have to note, bill, that at the moment the dow just hit a new intraday all-time high. you're at 29,955. now, bill, part of that rally is the satisfaction or the --
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investors like that we've started the transition, and i think investors like -- >> right. stuart: -- janet yellen as treasury secretary and the stability which that might bring. so reaching back to the obama/biden years is not altogether bad, right? >> no, it's more reassuring. look, if you look at the democrats and the coalition that helped put joe biden into office, he's got his progressive wing and then he's got the kind of wing we saw that got the appointments these last couple of days. we call them liberal interventionists and so forth. they believe in american action so long as it's through the u.n. or some other international body. not likely to show force on our own. but these aren't, this isn't the real left-wing stuff. i think the progressives are far more interested in domestic policy and the spending. so we haven't quite seen what the reaction will be to that when, you know, when the rest of his picks come out later.
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stuart: can't wait. hey, bill, thanks for joining us this morning and have a great thanksgiving, please. >> you're welcome. stuart: sure thing. >> you too. stuart: i shall, thanks. all right. the airlines, all of them, nice gains all across the board. i think, ashley, straighten me out on this, is there some positive vaccine news that's giving us the rally in airlines? >> yes. more than that, in fact, the fact that two things, more than 3 million airline passengers, as lauren told the us earlier, passed through u.s. airports over this past weekend making it, by the way, the busiest air travel weekend since mid march but also showing travelers do, perhaps, have more confidence to fly. those numbers are rising. also the travel sector getting a boost as a number of countries are reducing restrictions for the upcoming holidays. passengers, for example, arriving in england will only have to quarantine for five days, not the fourteen that
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currently exists from decembers the 15th onwards provided they pay for a covid-19 test. but, you know, plus the vaccine news, you put all of these things together, and you're seeing a nice little jump in airlines, hotels, even the travel book sites. so things perhaps showing a little sign of life as we head towards this busy holiday period. stuart: all right. thanks for that, ashley. in a market like this, you're going to have quite a few significant winners, and one of the winners is nikola. why is that stock rally aring this morning? >> because you are thinking about the market share that electric vehicles can gain especially now that president-elect biden has formalized how important the climate is going to be in his administration. and as you know, they're planning a zero emission heavy duty truck powered but batteries and also hydrogen fuel cells. so nikola certainly a winner among the other evs today. stuart: thanks, lauren.
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wait a minute, wait a minute, you're also watching awe aurora. what's with them, lauren? >> politics too. look, you have the biden/harris administrationment not many are -- administration. not many of them are expecting them to nationally legalize marijuana, but they're expecting banking access to it. so the pot stocks which got hit really hard at some point during the pandemic have been coming back in the past month. stuart: some pretty wild swings there. lauren, thank you very much, indeed. up 23. are new york's governor cuomo getting praise from hollywood after receiving an emmy for his daily virus briefings. watch this. >> congratulations, andrew, on your much-deserved founders award. >> in the darkest days of the pandemic, your daily briefings live from new york gave us hope, gave us clarity, gave us the truth and gave us something that we were not getting from washington, leadership.
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stuart: okay. more on that story coming up later this hour. move over, aoc plus three. there is a new squad headed to congress, and they are called the freedom squad, and we're speaking to one of its members, florida congressman-elect carlos jimenez, right after this. ♪ oh, i heard it through the grapevine. ♪ oh, i'm just about to lose my mind. ♪ honey, honey, yeah when i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. the support we've had over the last few months has been amazing. it's not just a work environment.
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with tums smoothies. adapting. innovating. lsetting the course. but new ways of working demand a new type of network. one that's more than just fast. you need flexibility- to work from anywhere. and manage from everywhere. advanced technology. with serious security. and reliable coverage, nationwide.
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forward-thinking enterprises, deserve forward-thinking solutions. and that's what we deliver. so bounce forward, with comcast business. stuart: 47 minutes into the trading session and, yes, it is a rally. in fact, that's a new high of the day for the dow. you're at 29,970. 29 points away from 30,000. the dow is up 1.25%, a rally all
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across the board. dick's sporting goods, online sales surged 95% in the last quarter. their same-store sales up 23%. remember, dick's does not sell guns anymore. increased demand for cheaper groceries and household items-ed dollar tree. sales up for both its family dollar and dollar tree stores, and it's expanding its higher price dollar three -- sorry, dollar tree. made a mistake there. stop laughing. it's up 10% there. that's a nice gain. tiffany's, they're getting a boost from the recovery in china. sales there up 70%, the stock virtually unchanged. paypal and square have stored 100% of the new supply of bitcoins. i do not understand this, but susan does. [laughter] >> this is the reason why bitcoin is retesting record levels. trading, buying up most of the new daily bitdown supply according to pan terra.
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that's a big deal. square clients now up to 40% of bitcoin trading, and they have been for the past two years, and the payment company was one of the early adopters in allowing its users to buy and sell bitcoin. paypal just got onboard just a few weeks ago, allowing 3 million plus accounts to buy and sell and its clients now trading 70% of the new bitcoin supply. roughly, each and every day you have around 8-900 new bitcoins, that's about $15 million coming online each day, right? and the fact that there is scarce ity in bitcoin is one reason they're surging to record levels and beyond. think of it like gold, right? there's only a limited supply in the world, and there'll only be 21 million ever mined on the planet, so there is limited and finite numbers. now, bitcoin, i mentioned these record levels, $200, 300 away from that once again, and the fact that you spoke about that correlation with gold because
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they're seen as just hedges in safety and against uncertainty. the fact that they are going in opposite directions right now is bullish for bitcoin. stuart: i did not know that a new supply, albeit is a small new supply, comes on the market every day. it's mined, right? >> it's block chain money. stuart: look at that, dow is up nearly 400 points. you are now 14 points away from dow 30,000. how about that? mover over ao -- move over aoc plus three. there's a new squad going to congress. carlos jimenez, victoria sparks. one of those squad members joins me now, carlos jimenez, congressman-elect from florida. congressman, great to have you on the show. the original squad were all socialists. i guarantee you are not. >> no, i'm not a socialist, and really this is an association of
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people that think the same way. people that have actually had experience with socialism. i was born in cuba. victoria was born in the soviet union, and nicole and maria -- although born here, or you know, they have cuban roots. so they understand what socialism is all about, and that's what we're going to be combating. you know, the socialist policies that the squad is trying to push on america and also the fundamental changes that the squad is trying to push on america, i'm vehemently against it, and i'll be fighting against those ideas. ing. stuart: how can president trump did so well with hispanics not just in florida, but along the texas/mexico border? >> i think because, you know, we hold the same values. it's about exceptionalism, it's about america, the love for this country and the socialist, the socialism doesn't play well, will not sell in my part of florida and south florida. ing we have many people that
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came -- we have millions of people that came from cuba, venezuela, nicaragua. this firsthand experience with what that's all about and what they're trying to sell us, and we're not buying it. so the president did exceeding lu well in my part of town. stuart: you were the mayor of miami-dade. >> yes. stuart: we are told, and i have seen it, that businesses and people are just flocking to south florida. business is absolutely booming down there. will you confirm that for me? >> right. yes, it is, because of the policies of some of these other cities, new york, san francisco, chicago. people are just saying, okay, we've had enough, we need to go somewhere where there's some sanity, and that's why they're flocking to miami-dade county. one of the things that i did as mayor was to try to attract them into miami-dade county, attract new businesses here because we have zero astronaut income tax -- state income tax, and our taxes are really low here. and if you noticed during all the disturbances, you didn't
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hear much about miami-dade county because we don't believe in defunding the police. we believe in law and order. stuart: carlos, thanks very much for being with us today. best of luck in the new congress, we'll be following you. >> appreciate it. have a good thanksgiving. stuart: i most certainly shall. ing thank you, sir. by the withdraw, the dow is now 5 -- i'm trying to do the math -- >> 8 points. ooh. stuart: really close to 30,000. can we put it like that? [laughter] you're up nearly 400 points. that, ladies and gentlemen, is a rally. i want to bring this to you as well. we've got another high profile silicon valley type person -- [laughter] leaving california and going to texas. who is it? >> the ceo of dropbox. his new is drewhousen, and he's joining a long list ditching san francisco. the reason here likely to be taxes. san francisco earlier this month passed an overpaid executives tax which taxes companies an
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extra .1% if they pay their ceos a hundred times the average worker. it goes all the way up to .6% depending on how much more the ceo makes compared to their employees. i know you love this. wildfires, you throw in homelessness and conservative bias, you know, not just just he just heard from an influential tech investor who's heading to miami in florida. stuart: good grief. you pass some legislation called the overpaid executive act. >> that's what it's called -- stuart: wait a minute. these people created the most extraordinary it can logical leadership for the united stateses of america that's before been seen. they're just overpaid, tax 'em. i think they should leave en masse. >> california. the. stuart: leave, go. it's no longer worthy of being called home. >> does have great weather, by
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the way. stuart: i used to live in san francisco. it's not that great. luxury boat sales booming in florida. we have the ceo of the boat is seller marine max. he's on the show in our next hour. i want to hear about that boom in florida. the city of los angeles shutting down outdoor dining, indoor dining already banned. how are restaurants supposed to survive this, and where's the pushback? i'm asking those questions after this. ♪ ♪ l.a. woman -- ♪ ♪
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medicare options that are good for your health and your wallet. a licensed humana sales agent will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and help you enroll over the phone. plans with a zero dollar monthly plan premium are available in many areas. call now and we'll also send this free guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. stuart: we are awfully close to dow 30,000, but we've retreated a little bit from it. 29,977 as we speak. the dow's up 1.25%. bug deal. how about ford? show me that stock, please. look at that, 7% gain. there's a story on ford that's got nothing to do with the stock produce. they've just ordered a dozen ultra cold freezers that will safely store pfizer's covid vaccine. ford says this is going to make the vaccine available to their workers on a voluntary bay us.
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stock's up. it's tesla up again, $17, 3.3%. remind me again how rush is elon musk? >> don't be jealous, $128 billion and counting with today's 3% rally. he overtook bull gates now as the world's -- bill gates only behind amazon's jeff bezos. he's added over $100 billion this year, the most of anybody on the bloomberg billionaires' lust. started off at 35, now up to number 2, and three-quarters of his wealth comes from his 20% the stalk in it is la which we know has rallied over 400% this year. the combined intu ifty is approaching $600 billion in value. you really have to hand it to musk because he survived two cash drains. back in 2008 he almost lost both companies when he almost ran out of money,-at $30 million, his
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last dollars there. people were questioning whether or not tesla still had any money to survive. and you have to say people that survive tough times, they deserve the rewards for their success. stuart: absolutely. i believe he deserves every penny he's got. you do too? >> of course. stuart: i love to see people as successful as that. isn't that what america's all about? the he's an immigrant. >> that's true. could get -- do the calculation, how much would he be worth if that went up -- stuart: he would then surpass jeff bee sos. >> amazon stock also gained during that time as well, so it's a horse race. stuart: susan, thank you. let's get to what's happening in los angeles county. you can't eat indoors, and starting wednesday you won't be able to eat outdoors at
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restaurants either. harmeet dhillon is with us,california's gop committee woman. good to see you again. i'm looking for pushback. we've got these extraordinary rules in california. where's the pushback? >> well, there is one member of the los angeles county board of supervisors who's pushed back on this and pointed out that pursuant to the last set of rules, many restaurants spent tens of thousands of dollars bidding these elaborate outdoor dining facilities, and people are getting ready for thanksgiving when people are going to be able to eat out in an outdoor setting with heat lamps and so forth and, boom, with little to no explanation, notice or science, the l.a. county health officials said we're going to pull all of that and, you know, she's sort of the grinch who stole thanksgiving. so now many of our restaurants are going to go under completely, and it's totally unnecessary because when you look at the numbers, the surge that she was pointing to is mainly at fast food restaurants, and it's almost entirely among staff. so why punish the diners at nice
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outdoor restaurants when the science doesn't support it? there is double the amount of a covid surge in l.a. county's government health offices than in the restaurant industry. so what we're suffering here in california is a science-free lockdown, and it is becoming miserable and punitive here in this state. stuart: but republicans actually did well in california in the election. i think that's, it's not a close ly guarded secret. but if you dig into those election results, the republicans did well even in california. >> yes. in other counties, not our most popular los angeles county, but in neighboring orange county we pucked up at least two seats -- picked up at least two seats. you know, it's a democrat-run state. just last week we saw our governor having a very nice meal with his friends drinking excessive wine in an indoor
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setting, and he's denying the same thing to the rest of us. our thanksgiving dining rules include, you know, doing it outdoors in the cold and only two families and sit apart and no singing and wear a mask and go to the bathroom briefly and leave within two hours. you know, what is the point? i personally would not be engaging in all of that. we'll be at home, myself and my husband. but what a percentage. as you just pointed out in the last segment, people are fleeing california. i live in san francisco. people who live here for 20, 30 years, their whole lives, they're fleeing the state, and it will have an economic impact at some point. we're going to have to pay the piper in taxes here, and i new you're going to see an accelerated departure from california. stuart: at some point maybe in my lifetime we'll see a republican elected to statewide office in california, and i'm just dreaming about it, that's all. i hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving. thanks, as always, for being with us today, appreciate it. >> thank you. you too, lou. stuart: that would be stu.
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[laughter] >> that's what she meant. same thing. [laughter] stuart: let's get to seattle. this is not a funny story, this is crazy. the seattle city council has just voted to defund the police. however, ashley, i am told that some council members wanted a much, much deeperut cututut to e police b bt. bt. b h,es. y s, ty did. d. on vot o 8-1 the sea sle s city cilncasse p p a budgetge to tt was a w w f fryryus jusnder 2 ge me byy sevfhe t neineineee cil mcirsrsooefun dhe the the tleattlolicattl deptlen a b 0%. 5 oall thal thaf thaha cou ce, ih ofkehefke geoee feeath d ininne minolis m dinginhattimim the the sum sr, s seatt'sttolie chfchesigchnene and, andnd by b, departmartart hasteene oersuihehe fce. b413ave13 lttt t depar depent b end of last las las month.. farfa seatt may jenny if --d.ted.ted.
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jen gnu durkan calls it a deliberate aapproach. you saw it on finishes shirts in seattle -- t-shirts in seattle. it's still significant when each department needs their money but maybe not as much as they wanted because, guess what? when you're in trouble and you need help, who do you call? the police. stuart: i mean, really, who do you call? ashley, thank you very much, indeed. now this. if you don't agree with what the left wants, they have a name for you. roll tape. >> you don't have the right to pick laws that you think you will enforce. that's not a law enforcement officer. that's a dictator. >> this is an attempted coup. this is what dictators do. stuart: dictator. interesting word. we're going to be taking that one on. first, though, i'm going to talk to a kansas restaurant owner who is refusing to enforce that
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- hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good, guess what, i just had my 13th surgery. - really? i just had my 17th surgery. - well, you beat me. - well, i am a little bit older than you. - yeah it's true. how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these.
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- kind of like how shriners hospitals for children is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened. - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care kids like us who need them most all because of caring people like you. - like me? - no, the people watching us right now at home. - oh, those people. hi people. - kaleb and i know not everyone can help right now, but for those of you who can, we hope you'll this special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors and nurses can keep helping kids like us, who need them now and in the days to come. - your gift will make a huge difference for kids like us. - ooh, ooh, show them them the thank you gift. - okay, okay, hold on a second. with your gift of $19 a month we'll send you this adorable, love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping
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with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy, good job. - my pleasure captain. please call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently, or you can go to to give right away. - [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling) stuart: the dow is at 29,971. it was much closer than that to
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30,000. we're waiting to use our fancy graphic. [laughter] we will -- i'm sure we will. i'd like to do it today too. smuckers jumping up, that's the stock price. they say cooking from home or cooking at home, i think, during the pandemic helped sales last quarter. the stock is up 1.5%. hormel foods down as the company says closed restaurants and schools continue to dampen sales. it's down 3%. that's the spam company, remember? down 3%. more law enforcement officers pushing back against thanksgiving covid restrictions. where now? >> new york city. law enforcement officers will not be knocking on doors on thanksgiving to make sure that you are keeping just a minimum of 10 guests for your thanksgiving dinner. both the new york police department and new york city sheriff's office say that they don't plan to enforce the order. in fact, what they want to do, they want to focus their attention on other priorities
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aimed at combating the virus and calling on residents to talk it on themselves to limit 10 at the dinner table. you brought up a very good point because in upper state new york, you can go around and look at how many cars are parked in the parkway and judge how many people are actually hat thanksgiving dinner. stuart: sure. it's nothing to drive around upstate new york and see 2 or 3 or 10 pickup trucks on the font lawn -- >> right. stuart: and that tells you they've got a big gathering for thanksgiving. they're not going to walk in and say you're breaking the law. not going to do that. >> not in new york city at least. stuart: there is pushback in kansas over that state's mask mandate. that includes my next guest who is not requiring employees or customers to wear a mask. barry calvin is with us, he's the owner of a mexican restaurant. okay, what's the reaction been so far? okay. we've got a communication problem here. we have what's called a failure to communicate.
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[laughter] barry is the man who's supposed to be with us. he runs a restaurant in kansas. they're not enforcing the mask mandate. if we can establish contact, we'll get back to that. meanwhile, i'm showing you the markets. we're at 376 up. >> yep. so -- we were 8 points away from hitting 30,000 just about, what, 30 minutes ago? so we've taken a step back but, still, the fact that we have some resistance at 30,000 makes us wonder if we'll get there in the next few days. hoping for the next few minutes. stuart: foolish of me to say the next couple of minutes, but i sure hope we will. let's line up the reasons why we've got this rally. first of all, treasury secretary janet yellen, the market loves that. you've got the federal reserve, which wants a lot more stimulus. so stimulus from yellen, stimulus from the federal reserve. >> from powell, yeah. stuart: good news on the vaccine. >> correct. stuart: president trump easing himself out, the transition is beginning, it's showing some
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stability right there. anything else that i'm missing? >> the fact that companies are making a ton of money. put good retail numbers from best buy and dick's sporting goods, as you mentioned. not to mention the fact that corporate america, 90% of them made more sales, more profit on already high expectations in the summer months, right? and that's leading us to believe as analysts have been raising again their forecast for the final three months of this year that corporate america continues to do well. stuart: 29,975 on your screens right now. next, ah, with winter weather putting a real deep freeze on outdoor dining, you bet it does, restaurants are having to zero in on delivery and curbside pick-up. so when we get back to normal, if we do, will the curbside pick-up and delivery still be strong for restaurants? jeff flock will answer that question. are you there, jeff? have we got a good connection? >> reporter: of course. i'm happy to answer the question. if you've got me, i've got you, sir. this is food.
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[laughter] this is a chain that has 42 restaurants around the country, namely in metropolitan areas, but they have used this opportunity to expand. i've got justin siemens who is the ceo, took over what was it? >> february 3rd. >> reporter: welcome to trouble. >> great timing. >> reporter: yeah. they have used this opportunity, stuart, to expand, believe it orbit, in the midst of this -- believe it or not. you've got big plans. >> never waste a crisis, you know? >> reporter: you and rahm emmanuel. >> exactly. we have to become a different business if we're going to see the other side of this. >> reporter: stuart asks, is curbside -- because now you've really picked up the curbside -- is that something that's going to the stick with us even after we get to some semblance of normal? >> no question. people want to have the same kind of experience they're used to having in a restaurant at home. >> reporter: i think the dow may just be about to break 30,000. is that what happened, stuart, we brought you good luck?
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stuart: it's very, very close, jeff. 29,967 as we speak. so you got it right, we're real close. jeff, great report. back to you later, thank you. governor cuomo of new york picks up an emmy for his daily virus briefings. hard to believe that. [laughter] i think brian kilmeade feels the same way. brian will join us after this. ♪ ♪ businesses today are looking to tomorrow.
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adapting. innovating. setting the course. but new ways of working demand a new type of network. one that's more than just fast. you need flexibility- to work from anywhere. and manage from everywhere. advanced technology. with serious security. and reliable coverage, nationwide. forward-thinking enterprises, deserve forward-thinking solutions. and that's what we deliver. so bounce forward, with comcast business. that's it. i'm calling kohler about their walk-in bath. [ sigh ] not gonna happen. my name is ken. how may i help you? hi, i'm calling about kohler's walk-in bath. excellent! happy to help. huh? hold one moment please... [ finger snaps ] hmm. the kohler walk-in-bath features an extra-wide opening
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and a low step-in at three inches, which is 25 to 60% lower than some leading competitors. the bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. are you seeing this? the kohler walk-in-bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installer. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in-bath provides independence with peace of mind. wannit's timeight and for aerotrainer. a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time. it allows for over 20 exercises. do the aerotrainer super crunch, push ups, aero squat. it inflates in 30 seconds.
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aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. lose weight, look great, and be healthy. go to that's a-e-r-o stuart: look at that, perfect timing. we came out of the commercial break at 10:51, and that's exactly when we join brian kilmeade, "fox & friends" cohost. all right, brian, new york governor cuomo accepting an emmy for his televised coronavirus briefings. have at it, brian, what do you think about that? >> it's just unbelievable for a guy that leads the country in deaths, who also continues to govern over a city being hit again. he killed the patient and now gets an award for it. so, yes, did we bend the curve? yeah, the american people bent the curve first in new york, and then it spread throughout everywhere else while alienating the other 49 states, by the way. they were pretty angry at us, so we ended up sanctioning each other to not travel. in the end, you have a city that
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is an empty carcass that even when they opened up, gave an option to open up the restaurants, there were no people there, so they closed up again. the scientists said that the best place for kids from k-8th grade is school. guess what they did? they shut down school. and guess who didn't tell anybody about it and yelled at reporters for asking? governor cuomo. and he gets an emmy for his presentation. stuart, you give a lot of speeches. i appreciate a good show and tell, and he's good. he understood what was going on, communication was fine, it was good to see the charts. but then you realized-asking himself his own questions at the press conference and had almost no press challenge him ever while blaming president trump whenever he could. there's no way this guy deserves an emmy, nor should he accept it. he should be too embarrassed. stuart: well, he's not, but did you just see just a few moments ago, the nypd said, no, they're not going to listen to cuomo, they're not going to bust up,
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knock on the door to see how many people you've got for your thanksgiving dinner. so they, too, are rejecting that kind of oppressive rulemaking surrounding thanksgiving. i mean, it's spreading all over the state. >> well, people should understand too who watch us around the country is that new york is notnitis. most of -- not new york city. fourteen separate sheriffs in upstate new york have said we're notten forcing this at all, and the governor said it's not up to you to decide what laws to enforce. how unbelievable, can somebody get this guy a mirror? you're the dictator, you're signing this. and what if you're a minute of the legislature? what are you doing in elected office? because he's in your party, you're not going to press up against him and say this is too much? they're going to come down on staten island, i understand it's bad, they're setting up ten hospitals, but people understand what has to be done. if they don't, they'll pay the price. if they know there's somebody at
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risk, they understand how to take precautionses. if not, you have to let the people work through this because you are killing the country. stuart: yes, thank you. we've just got time for this, a list of celebrities lining up to congratulate governor cuomo. watch this, please. >> congratulations, andrew, on your much deserved founders award. >> governor andrew cuomo, you are the man. >> i was trying to think of something that i could say to you that would be funny, and so i called your brother chris who could not understand why you were getting an emmy since he's the one on television. >> on the darkest days of the pandemic, your daily briefings live from new york gave us hope, clarity, the truth and something we were not getting from washington, leadership. stuart: would you like to comment on that? >> a couple of things. the one you cut out was billy joel. i can't go against him.
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billy crystal is out in california, so what does he know? if that is an opportunity to say i didn't vote for trump, and that was the longest robert deniro's spoken in public without cursing whether because of his limo service, got confused in a court case he was released for or when he was on the stage using expletives to describe president trump. so, to me, more hollywood celebrities saluting governor cuomo is just a way to slap back at governor cuomo. keep in mind, too, he is so rich, even though his restaurants are hurting, he doesn't feel this. he's not one of the thousands who were told go do something else for a living. not even on broadway when those actors were told stay home until june. til june. he's also not one of those people on the subways being afraid of being thrown in front of an oncoming train. that's another thing. because they've released all of the mentally ill patients and homeless on people who have to work here. i can't see a guy less worthy to get an emmy than governor cuomo
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who was forced not to have thanksgiving with his mom because he told us not to and got caught. stuart: brian, thanks for being with us, and i end hope you have a great thanksgiving. >> you too. see you soon, stuart. stuart: big show coming up for you. it starts with jason katz, we have kt mcfarland, steve forbes also here. and you're going to hear my take on the growing resistance to the lockdowns this thanksgiving. ♪ ♪ paradise, paradise
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>> the idea of somebody like elizabeth warren or another person who could've been very negative for the market is now out of the picture, janet yellen seems to be a safe pick and wall street seems to be comfortable. >> the governor of new york to withhold the vaccine to conduct another review is somewhat redundant with holding the vaccine to new yorkers to conduct another review and another study could mean more lives lost, we need to get on board and get those vaccines out. >> is not the coronavirus, it's corona hysteria. >> trust people to use their own
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judgment, common sense and not create this atmosphere, let me be a person that lives in liberty ♪ ♪. stuart: florida georgia line, i like that. 11:01 a.m. on the east coast, the tuesday before thanksgiving and we have a rally on her hands, look at the market, we are up across the board, the dow is 29960, nasdaq up close to 100 points in the s&p up over 1%, big gains all across the board this morning, now this. thanksgiving is the all-american celebration, i took to it the conduct takes to water, i am all in, thanksgiving is not about religion on nationalism, it is about family celebrating
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america engine on the third thursday of each november. i don't want to be told who i'm allowed to celebrate with, i don't want politicians laying down rules that they don't keep themselves. if i'm in oregon i don't want a nosy neighbor turning me and if there's to be people around my dining room table, five in pennsylvania i don't want to be told i can't have a drink at the bar wednesday night, if i'm in l.a. don't tell me i cannot eat turkey inside a restaurant or outside, you see where i'm going for this, and some parts of america tradition is going out the window and our freedom with it, our freedom to celebrate as we have been salivating for generations, it's been eroded, are we being shoved around for no good scientific reason. his thanksgiving dinner a super spreading event, is wearing a mask between bites a safety measure? i'm using extremes to demonstrate the point,
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restrictions on thanksgiving have a chilling effect on our national holiday, however, i don't think it's working, resistance is growing, we are told not to mix with crowds but the malls have been packed, states like new york are discouraging travel but flights are full and used to see the traffic heading south on i-95, i don't think america is listening to the killjoy's, we don't care the one-size-fits-all rules especially when the rule makers become arrogant rule breakers. like a couple hundred million of my fellow americans, i shall be celebrated because in america despite it all we still have america to celebrate. as you will see in the third hour of "varney & company" which begins right after this. ♪ i don't think susan liked my
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editorial. i'm celebrating america. susan: you do you. , former fed chair janet yellen will almost certainly be the treasury secretary in the market is celebrating that, jason katz is with us, ubs managing director. i cannot resist a snarky comment, are you relieved it's not elizabeth warren? >> you took the words out of my mouth, the market is cheery not so much you will get the nomination, it's who has not gotten it. stuart: it seems to me with yellen as treasury secretary you will get fiscal stimulus, she's all about that and jay powell at the fed says he wants monetary stimulus, their coming together with one opening at the monies picket, that the factory of
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today's rally. >> without a doubt, the money for the time being has to be open to bridge the gap to get us through what will be a cold long dark winter but with yellen you have somebody with the technical knowledge, somebody who has the experience, she's not the logical choice, she's the right choice for this particular environment. she has been vocal about the fiscal stimulus but also proving to be over many years pretty dovish. i think this right recipe for this environment, that is what the market is cheering. stuart: you're still worried about georgia, it could go toward the democrats and that could upset a lot of the prospects for 2021. >> it is 2020 and i'm shocked the complacency around this coming senate runoff, there is so much at stake arguably more
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in the selection than the presidential election, our base case is not for there to be a suite by the democrats or even one seat but nonetheless it could happen with a higher tax regime, the market needs to be keenly aware of them. stuart: you been fairly bullish and pointing towards another upside move, would you change your mind if the democrats took the senate seat in georgia? >> i think you get a larger fiscal package which could help in the short run, also with a fragile economy it's unlikely in the short run that you would have higher taxes imminently nor do i think they would want to hurt the job market after going after energy, went to get into the summer into next year with a sweep and undivided government, we could be in for a lot of volatility, that's not our base case, we remain bullish and constructive. stuart: have a great think giving, we will see you soon. i've got to show you joe biden
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cabinet picks, that's his foreign-policy team, that is a foreign-policy team, the incoming team, kt mcfarland former trump deputy national security adviser, kt it looks to me like this is an attempt to completely reverse all of president trump's foreign policy, am i right? >> you are absolutely right, the first thing that goes out the window, america first, the first thing that comes back, globalism, international organization, america gets out the checkbook start subsidizing underwriting everything. the thing that will be worth in the obama administration is they will be on fracking, what does that mean, gasoline prices go up, the american economy suffers and were going to get sucked back into the middle east because will be dependent on it middle east oil again. stuart: can they reverse
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president trump's clear wins in the middle east. it's made peace with big deals of two arab states and i believe sudan as well. we just seen benjamin netanyahu fly secret to saudi arabia to meet with mohammed been engine it would be complete hard to reverse all of that. >> that is going to be on and have a life of its own in part it will probably be stimulated by the biden administration and rejoined the ironically are due, ron gets more money, around gets enabled, ironic its nuclear weapons, the deal was never to ban eye ron's nuclear weapon program, it was to delay it, even the saudi's have said iran is going to get nuclear weapons and if they're going to rejoined iran nuclear deal, the biggest problem will come with china. stuart: you think biden will
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cave? >> with china? in a new york minute. the biden family is beholden to china, the chinese corruption by buying family members. the other thing the national security team that he has assembled, these are guys who came to china before that would stand up to china when it would've been easy for intellectual property theft, to stop the treatment of trade agreement, these guys will rollover and you know who knows it, the other countries in asia because last week the asian countries joined a trade association, nobody paid much attention to this, they joined a trade association headed by china, they're looking at the united states saying abiding the administration, nobody will have our back, we better make our deal with china while we can. stuart: tell it how it is, kt, thank you very much, we will check out your new book
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revolution, trump, washington and we the people. kt, we will see you again soon, have a great think giving. >> happy turkey. >> amazon wants to help you keep your holiday gifts is secret, how do you do that. susan: they are going to offer ultimate tracking on delivery or pick up so they put their finger on the package, amazon is very sophisticated when it comes to partial tracking, real-time updates, note spending so you know when the president has arrived and you find it right inside these days, amazon is expecting a huge holiday season, that means billions of packages that need to be shift which will likely mean slower delivery time with the volume that we are looking at instead amazon is pushing holiday shoppers to pick up packages at stores instead of getting them delivered this year, the national retail
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federation for this holiday shopping. will be huge of three to half - 5% and rake and three quarters of a billion dollars in sales during just the holidays. stuart: who was at the national retail federation. susan: think all the shops combined. stuart: a 5% increase over the last year, that is a huge increase. let's look ahead, retail names are going to report "after the bell", born the big names plea please. lauren: american eagle, gap in nordstrom's, each of these is up at least 50% in the past three months. what are they going to say tonight about the momentum, i want to start with american eagle, a comfort brand called aerie, that should help overall sales fall modestly, gap is going to be a big one, fresh off the j.p. morgan at the success
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from old navy, affordable store, it competes with the off-price chain and online sales such a bright spot, can they sustain that. they are also doing a virtual store, i'm not sure exactly how this works if you put on the vr headset to go online and shop but the trying to keep the momentum building and finally we have the department stored nordstrom's looking for a loss although a narrow one it is helped nordstrom and a lot of the analyst satan under performer compared to its peers so now is the time to buy. stuart: we will see about that, thank you very much. los angeles county shutting down outdoor dining for at least three weeks, how are places supposed to survive, we will take eli to los angeles to find out former fed chair janet yellen, joe biden treasury secretary pick, what is steve forbes think about that, all asking because is on the show next. we are on a 30000 watch for the
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dow, you will not want to miss it, stay tuned we have a graphic just in case. we will be back. ♪ the support we've had over the last few months has been amazing. it's not just a work environment. everyone here is family. if you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. we thought for sure that we were done. and this town said: not today. ♪
11:14 am
lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. here's to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2021 is 300 for $339 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. (groans) hmph... (food grunting menacingly) when the food you love doesn't love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. ♪ tum tum-tum tum tums
11:16 am
with tums smoothies. adapting. innovating. lsetting the course. but new ways of working demand a new type of network. one that's more than just fast. you need flexibility- to work from anywhere. and manage from everywhere. advanced technology. with serious security. and reliable coverage, nationwide. forward-thinking enterprises, deserve forward-thinking solutions. and that's what we deliver. so bounce forward, with comcast business. and if we win, we get to tell you and doug.
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how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪ stand back, i'm gonna show ya ♪ ♪ how doug and limu roll, ya ♪ ♪ you know you got to live it ♪ ♪ if you wanna wi... [ music stops ] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stuart: several members of joe biden's national security team have strong ties to silicon valley, hillary vaughn reports from wilmington, delaware. >> several of biden's pics have done consultant work for google biden promise not to hire federally lobbyist to work in his white house because he did not want to be seen as being cozy with corporation or with wall street but two of the top
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spots in biden's cabinet and the national security team are tied to a group called west exec, they flaunted the access to 1600 pennsylvania avenue during the obama era to leeward clients infilling to covenant spots, one of the founders tony blinken is the biden's pick for secretary of state and one of the former principles avril haines is for national intelligence, michelle is a front runner for secretary of defense, she has ties to silicon valley and defense contractors in private equity, that is causing progressives to push back on her potentially coming onto the team, biden's pick for national security advisor left his job at a firm where he law lobbied labor leaders fighting for minimum wage to make a deal for his client uber, biden does have former lobbyists on his team, steeper shedding will serve as counselor, he was picking up to
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pay checks while serving as advisor, one from the campaign and one from at&t, his only corporate client for nearly a decade at his consulting firm, he's done work for gm, eli lilly, pfizer in the past, biden will have a socially distant event in person formally announcing who is on his national security team but in addition to those names that were announced yesterday in the people we will see shortly this afternoon we are learning that biden has settled on his pick for treasury secretary or my federal reserve chairwoman janet yellen, choosing her for that role, she would be the first woman to do the job, a role that has been held by men for over two centuries. stuart: hillary vaughn, thank you. i wonder bringing steve forbes, he is back this tuesday morning, janet yellen, we understand
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wants big fiscal stimulus, jay powell of the fed wants big military stimulus, it looks like were going to open the monies pickets, what to say to that? >> you better watch out they think there's a new theory called modern monetary theory, the idea that you can. money and has no consequences, after 2008 the fed printed a lot of money to put into a decrease in banks cannot lend it out, they think now we can. money and have no consequence. it will have consequence and one thing to watch out for the fed is sitting on $455 billion of cares act money that the treasury wants to be returned because the fed did not use it, senators like schumer are saying let's use that money to bail out the minutes of polities and states they knew they could not get it through congress to bail out new york, illinois and new jersey other states and mismanage their finances, they want the federal reserve to get involved, the senate which hopefully will remain in the
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hands of the republicans, have a real job to make sure there is not abuse by treasury and the fed to get around congress and do bailouts of actors who should not be billed out at all punished for their malfeasance and mismanagement. stuart: i agree with you entirely, malfeasance and mismanagement on a gigantic scale in illinois, new york, new jersey and california and so on down the line but i put it to you, i cannot see those states being bailed out by any senate even if the senate goes to the democrat, i'll be very surprised that you get 51 senate votes to bailout the badly managed stat states. >> along the answer is your right, they will try to include in a package that can buy off senators and say i did not like that part but i got something else that was really great, a logrolling, put a lot of stuff together and that's how you buy off both of people voting against these things, separate it would never pass, if it's part of the package, watch out.
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>> you have us all worried, you really do, vigilance is required, i think we will have a senate that will do it in you and others will do it as well, we will watch the rascals. stuart: have a good thanksgiving, traditional thanksgiving. i'm going to show you big tech but look at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, nine points away from the dow 30000. look at big tech, i am told there are some analyst, tech analyst who say there is excessive optimism, what does that mean. susan: they would say that's complacency, and fear is low and tech is the most crowded trade according to bank of america, the recent of november survey, the fund managers are the most bullish, they have been all year long posing only 4% cash which
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is the lowest since before the pandemic, that means they are all in on the market and that is close to triggering a cell signal because the markets are only going to lean in one direction, this is herd mentality, evermore bullishness is coming as of late with the vaccine on the horizon with an indicator of caution in names like zoom, and chipmakers, some of run up so much to leave e-commerce players there is not much juice left in these names, complacency, nine out of ten fear is 0. you would have to credit the tech names for the reason rat record low for the stock market and the dow is breaking through 30000. stuart: do you think i'm complacent not selling microsoft at this point? susan: how many years has it been, you sold that earlier this year to get into boeing which was below $100 and then bought back in, no i would not call that complacency at all. stuart: let me divert your
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attention to the dow industrials three-point away from the dow 30 if i'm doing the math correctly, two points now. 29995, if somebody bought a couple of shares of microsoft we would be a dow 30000, come on people. in the absence of dow 30000, we are very close, let's take a look at the airlines, up all across the board, yet positive vaccine news and be we are flying again, 3 million passengers on friday, saturday and sunday, not quite where we were last year but 3 million passengers is a big gain. susan: hopes of a vaccine as well. stuart: one point away, i cannot keep my eyes off of that, bottom right-hand corner of the screen, to point away. i'll do other things while talk about that, cruise lines are up today, i've got my eyes glued on the screen, all of them royal
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caribbean, carnival, 8%, norwegian 4%, looks like we are traveling again, not yet cruising but the cruise lines are up, 29994, i'm obsessed with the dow, the luxury vote business is booming, one company seen sales by 25% compared to last year, hold on everybody right 29999, you are awfully close, awfully close is before do we take a commercial break? >> with the great danger of going to 30000 in the middle of commercial and i am not here. we are very, very close. susan: there it is. [cheering] susan: we got there. stuart: we made it, you and i, we saw 30000. we hit it ever so briefly. were going to commercial break,
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covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you have to meet a deductible for each and then, you're still responsible for 20 percent of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover your medicare deductibles and co-insurance, but they often have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. now, let's take a look a humana's medicare advantage plans. with a humana medicare plan, hospital stays, doctor office visits, and medicare deductibles are covered. and, of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. in fact, in 2019, humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved and estimated 7,800 dollars on average on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans include a silver sneakers fitness
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after the commercial, now were powering up from there, 30012 is the latest count, the dow was up 420 points, janet yellen to the treasury, investors like it, the fed printing money, investors like it, corporate profit, very strong, investors like. susan: vaccines, ibm, j.p. morgan, goldman sachs, the financials powering the advance, up for big blue in gpm. stuart: not necessarily big tech doing particular well. susan: basically the dow is more inclusive in the right description of the u.s. economy with manufacturing for, financial not bes just heavy ong tech. stuart: the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, that is the dow we will show you where it's going as we show you this, luxury vote sales booming, marine max dealerships saul of fourth-quarter sales of 33%
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compared to last year, the president and ceo of that company joins us now. i bet your business is booming especially in florida, am i right? >> thank you for having me on, the vote business is great, we've been very blessed and excited to get people on the water boating, it is booming in florida. stuart: is great, the place to do social distancing is on a vote because your away from everybody, you've had all made for you haven't you? >> when this all happened going into the lockdowns in march, just before that the vote business was great, when that happened we were worried and then lo and behold people said i'm getting get on the water with my family like i've always done and we've seen a lot of people doing it this summer, the waterways were busy but pretty exciting to see. stuart: you have quite a few outlets, marine max is quite a few places around the country.
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>> sure do, florida is booming but we have locations, 77 locations across the country, new york, minneapolis all over the place we are doing quite well and all of those places of course the weather is changing up north but people are excited to have the boats ready for next spring and we have locations all over the world. stuart: one quick question, your luxury vote sales person if i can put it like that, does luxury start at $100,000 and up. >> are average selling price is $200,000 but we sell boats that are $35000 to get a family into boating has never been into before which we seen a lot of this year end then those folks that are experienced voters and want to go fishing or something a little different, that can be upwards of a million dollars, just depends what they're looking for. stuart: you are doing well and that's what we want to hear. thank you for joining us,
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congratulations. >> thank you so much for having me. a totally different story, starting tomorrow los angeles county is shutting down outdoor dining for three weeks, jeff paul live in santa monica, what are the restaurant owner saying about this? >> i think there's an overarching feeling of frustration because a lot of the restaurant owners and their staff don't know what they're going to do starting tomorrow, many of them have invested in the outdoor dining phase, their planters built up, barriers, artificial turf, a few tables over here in this restaurant over here, jamison's even built an entire deck and decorated it to entice people to come out and spend money, eat outdoors, they won't be able to do that now for another three weeks in l.a. county and they said while they can still do the take away foods, it doesn't pay the bills
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it's the outdoor dining that helps them get back to even but right now as it stands they don't have a can keep their lights on. stuart: we hear you. >> is been devastating now that we have to close outside we will have to limit our employees, go home, how are they going to pay their bills? >> the l.a. county health director says they made this decision after a surgeon coronavirus cases and they also say you were seeing people going out to eat and different households were coming together and they weren't really wearing masks, starting tomorrow a day before thanksgiving or at least until mid-december there will be no outdoor dining for most of l.a. county. >> our goal is to not arrest folks and not use the criminal law to enforce these things but to utilize education and utilize humanity, to talk to folks about the issue. >> the one exception to all of
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this happening in l.a. county is pasadena, the city of pasadena will not be banning outdoor dining at least not as of yet, they have their own health department and they will look at the numbers on a daily basis and making decisions off of that for their community. stuart: thank you jeff, the rest are being treated like children, i don't like it, we told you about the story, new york city restaurant requires a covid test for customers, kristina partsinevelos is outside the restaurant and i believe you are going to take a test before being allowed in, is not right. >> i'm going to take it around 1230, when they come here, this could be the future, night on the town taking a rapid covid test and having a glass of bubbles, it could send you back a few bucks but this is where were heading in the future, this is where i came to city winery in chelsea, they are going to be forcing patients to take a 50-dollar rapid covid test
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before entering the building, when you reserve online or in person you pay $50 and when you come to the location you take the rapid test which is a nasal swab, you have to wait 15 minutes, during the 15 minute. they will give you a glass of bubbles, then you get the result if it comes back negative you can enter the building, positive then you're not allowed to enter the building, everyone including employees has to take this test on tuesdays and wednesday's, i spoke to the owner to find out why he wanted to make the $50 rapid test mandatory. >> only problem right now the tests are so expensive, it is costing us more money than we are charging the customer and even that got some pushback, for the first two nights we are fully sold out. >> with more than 1000 restaurants that have closed down since the beginning of the pandemic in march can understand
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why they are trying to get ahead of the curve, he has sold out and this could be what other restaurants follow suit, maybe that 50-dollar price tag could come down, so far working for tonight and tomorrow. stuart: it is good to hear that that restaurant is sold out for the first tonight. kristina partsinevelos, we will see you later after the test. the news this morning, there's a graphic, we spent half the budget on that, it was worth in my opinion, were at 30027, the dow hits 30000 for the first time ever. ever. a live look at san francisco, why not, it is a beautiful city, i used to live there, i love it. not so much now though, we will be back. ♪ ♪
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it ten or 15 minutes ago and we moved up from there, you're at dow 30000 in 19, the dow itself is up 1.5%, major rally all across the board, let's go to this, in florida, did you know they lost, president trump took the state by almost four-point, sean is with us, he is a democrat from florida, sean i believe you are calling out your own party for losing in florida, what do you think the democrats did wrong? >> thank you for having me i heard you talk about votes in florida earlier and i got excited, what i will say is we have done a lot of things wrong, this is not just about a bad fight this time, i ran for attorney general in 2018 and we lost that the cabinet races in 2016 trump one florida, this is not just a one-time deal but it was really bad this time because
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miami-dade democratic stronghold, we only won by ten points and we usually win by 30 points, we have messaging problems, the polling is off, our democratic coalition we can't seem to get it together, we don't know who our voters are, we don't know what motivates them, we have a lot of problems we need to address. stuart: do you think socialism killed the democrats chances in particular south florida? >> i think it's one of the things, that's part of a bigger problem, we don't have our own strong message to pushback on, what do we stand for, what excites her people, what gets them angry, what gets them excited, what motivates them, i don't think we have answers to all those questions, when a label like socialism is thrust upon us, were not strong enough to say what were for and what we believe in and that's ridiculous and we don't have strong enough ties to the community on the ground unlike a 24/7 - 365 bas
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basis. stuart: are you gonna tell us they are serious soul-searching going on within the democrat party in florida at this moment? >> there always is, that's what happens when you don't do good, there is a lot of soul-searching about where were going to go and what type of party we intend to be but i think there is a lot of soul-searching around the polling and messaging problem, at the polling if off, it was often florida if the polls tell you what the people want to hear, guess what you're giving the wrong message so we need to make sure were talking to the right people and saying the right things. stuart: thank you very much for coming on the show, we don't have any democrats on this program but we welcome your appearance and we hope you come back soon. >> next time let me talk about votes and social distancing. stuart: you are on, you're all right, you can come back anytime you would like. have a good thanksgiving.
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look at this, some people waiting hours in line for virus test that they are not all waiting for themselves are they. lauren: it is a gig economy, some new yorkers with extra money are hiring people to wait in line for them for hours and it's really popular right now because thanksgiving is upon us and people want to know do i have it or not, can i safely go see friends and family, this job and you can see advertisements for instance is in high demand right now in the gig is considered very favorable for the person waiting in line because all you have to do is stand there, feet away from someone else, where your mask any good play on your phone and this is apparently a thing in the 2020 gig economy of covid. stuart: i like the way you say that, the 2020 gig economy of covid. lauren: if i had extra money and
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really wanted to test and the line was rapid around the block in new york city, what i pay $80 an hour, let's say $240 for that test if i was not desperate to see family, maybe i would, it's not right but people are doing it. stuart: it's your money, spend how you will. campus reform, catching up with students heading home for the holidays, roll tape. >> at thanksgiving will you wear a mask inside with your family. >> that's what i'm planning on doing, bringing a few masks. stuart: masks at the thanksgiving table, is that what it comes down to, we have a lot more where that came from and will show it to you next. ♪ ♪
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that's exactly what these people thought. (woman) i lost 75 pounds with golo. (announcer) nambu lost 48 pounds. hannah lost 60 pounds. and graham lost 131 pounds. how? they went to now it's your turn to lose weight quickly and easily with golo. head to now. that's do you think the government should help people how many people they can have. >> i think the government should do something. >> they should not have a government telling them what to do especially when they're not doing the same thing themselves. >> coakley i see other family from a distance, it makes sense. >> my choices are my choices and
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your choices are your choices. >> all over the place, that was new video from campus reform asking students about the thanksgiving plans, the campus reform reporter, let me change subject for second, you spoke to the youngsters there, it appears to me that some parents will be worried if the kids came home and some schools will be very worried when the kids want to come back to college, they might all be carriers. >> that is exactly right and the students that i talk to a lot or not so sure about the government restrictions put forth and they were a little more reluctant for restrictions put forth by the university as well, the university of florida, they encourage students if they do go home for thanksgiving to just stay home for the rest of the semester and complete their classes online, the leadership institute campus reform we have seen more extreme recommendations from other colleges and universities across the nation for example boston university is encouraging their
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students to skip family gatherings and stand campus and have a friends giving instead and you assess student to talk to they said this would be an infringement on their rights and at the end of the day it should be their personal decision on where or how they want to spend the thanksgiving. >> absolutely 100% i am with you on this. students have had a terrible year, mostly away from the campus, i am not so sure that virtual learning really works that well, the big deal to me, you have lost a year of the university experience. to me that was really important, when i was in college rubbing up against other people who shared your interest in talking all the time, that's what college is all about, that's been destroyed i feel bad for you guys. >> that is true and a lot of colleges and universities seemed like they're making their students choose between education and family, is colleges and universities cared about the well-being of their
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students they would be encouraging rather than discouraging students to go home and spend the quality time with her family, at the end of the day we can agree that 2020 was an unprecedented year and what americans in college students need most more than ever is to go home and spend the quality time with her family. stuart: alaska when real fast, woody thing about canceling student debt? >> a lot of students tend to follow what they see on social media when you have members of the squad like alexander causey of cortez, she is tweeting that student loan forgiveness is go good, that's an easy tweet to retweet but she does not provide any data analysis or fax beyond what that would do for our country, she has been tweeting that it would cost $1.7 trillion to cancel student loan debt and this is concerning because students are being brainwashed because are not going out and searching for the fact, they think everything is going to be handed on the silver platter but in reality that's not how the world works. stuart: well said, thank you very much for being with us his
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morning, i hope you have a great thanksgiving. a completely different story, listen to this, to cancel the rockefeller christmas tree. how can a tree because in any trouble? ashley: actually as one person's name is brian, faculty member at columbia university and an environmental journalist. back to you, kidding. he published an article entitled cancel the rockefeller santa christmas for good, why because the rockefeller tree he says, nothing more than an icon of american exceptionalism of free hacked down and left with no dignity as it's transported to midtown manhattan the very center of the concrete and steel heart of capitalism and on top of all of that in our was found in the tree this year highlights americans toxic relationship
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with nature. happy holidays everyone. stuart: i think you said it all, that was really cool. stuart: we are up 500 points in the dow is awfully close to 30100, the dow hit 30000 a few minutes ago, now 30100 is really close, i promise you more "varney" after this. - i sent your new prescription to the pharmacy.
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- thanks. - download the free app today. ♪ ♪. stuart: i want to make time for this, about a week ago on this program i was talking about the sound quality of it vinyl old-fashioned record. i was saying how much i like the quality and lo and behold what do i get, dena martin sent me to records, that is on screen with her dad, she is the daughter of dean martin and when she heard me talking about vinyl in the sound quality that you get from it, she sent me too records of hers, she is a singer and she even autograph them, thank you
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very much indeed. i really hope that you have a great thanksgiving and susan, do you ever remember hearing vinyl quality sound. susan: yes in kindergarten when they put it on the record and i love the process but i heard the sound quality is much better. stuart: it's dynamic it comes right at you. thank you very much indeed. neil all give you 30000, don't worry. neil: i'm impressed you said something as nice of an italian american. that is very cool, almost as cool as the dow 30000, thank you very much, we are up about 500 points and a lot of that is like waiting and waiting and waiting, if you think about it back in march when the pandemic was hitting we dipped below 19000, remember a lot of people say 10000, here we come, itef
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