tv The Evening Edit FOX Business November 24, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm EST
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@loudobbstonight. and there's "the trump century. "good night from sussex. david: tonight, the dow soaring past 30,000 for the first time in history thanks in the large part to high hopes for several different covid vaccines fast-tracked through operation warp speed. the cdc director saying that the first vaccine will likely be rolled out by the end of the second week of december. joining us this evening, congressman james comber, former louisiana governor bobby jindal and congressman guy reschenthaler. well, the mounting backlash against democrat governors who
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keep saying do what i say, not what i do when it comes to covid-19 reductions, to this story: why in the world is seattle cutting nearly 20% from its police department budget while violent crimes there keep growing out of control? we debate that. also tonight house are palin control of the senate -- republican control of the senate is in the hands of georgia voters and how fed up californians are making substantial changes in their political landscape. could the land of raw began be shifting -- reagan be shifting to the right? and we've got a capitol hill showdown. senator ted cruz and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez playing the blame game over failing to deliver more covid financial relief. to the border and the arrest of a suspected mexican drug cartel boss charged in connection with the mass consider of the foreman family from america. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, "the evening you
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would admit" starts right now. -- the evening edit starts right now. ♪ ♪ david: and joining me now is house oversight and reform ranking member representative james comber. respective, great to see you. thanks for coming in. joe biden introducing his nominees and apound tees to key national -- appointees to key national security and foreign policy posts. here's how the media is obsessing over biden appointments in the contrast to the way they treated trump appointments in 2016. roll talk about. >> the first latino, first immigrant heading dhs? >> yeah. >> that's a mighty big deal. >> ine stead of drawning the, quote-unquote, washington swamp, he's wading deep into the waters here in washington. >> quite a contrast, ron klain wrote a piece for the atlantic talking about what needed to be done for the pending crisis -- >> you're not draining the swamp, you're just putting a whole bunch of carruthers in it. >> the biden transition team is
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on pace to be the most diverse ever. david: somehow, congressman, the mainstream media missed this quote from the obama secretary of defense, robert gates. he said joe biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. that's the man who worked for obama/biden. where do you come out on all this? >> well, i'm not surprised that the media's gushing over biden's appointees. you know, one person commented that they were draining the swamp. well, they're filling the swamp with more career government bureaucrats. i don't know how that's draining the swamp. and i was just thinking that, you know, biden is -- he was already on the other side of obama on a lot of foreign policy things, so it's going to be put interesting to see how the obama people, many of whom i feel like have always felt like they didn't get enough credit for the great deals they made like the
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iran deal which we all know was the worst foreign policy decision in the history of america. so it'll be interesting to see the criticism leveled by the obama people other than saying that obama's cabinet is diverse, i don't know what other positive things they're going to say from the appointees i've seen thus far. david: well, and there's also mr. biden's history in dealing with countries like china, for example, and specifically the questions about whether his family benefited from policy discussions that he may or may not have had with chinese officials. of course, hunter biden took money from a company that was started by a member of the intelligence services of the communist chinese government, and then you also have some intriguing things like the secretary of state pick, anthony blinken, who we saw today in the rollout of some of the appointees. he met twice with hunter biden back in 2015 and actually wrote
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an e-mail between hunter biden -- here's hunter biden saying do you have a few minutes last week to grab a cup of coffee? i know you're impossibly busy, but would like to get your advice, and blinken replied absolutely. and they had two meetings after that. should the united states senate question mr. blinken about what those meetings were about? >> they absolutely should question him. and in the case that they do not, i can assure you the house oversight republicans will be looking into that. there are a lot of unanswered questions about hunter biden, and i think they have national security 'em applications because we're in a trade -- implications because we're in a trade war with china right now, and is biden beholden to china? all the things that the democrats have questioned about trump with russia -- which we found were not true -- the republicans on the house oversight committee have those same questions about biden with china. and, but the way, china is a much bigger threat to the united states than russia ever was. so we've got a lot of questions,
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and i can assure you the house investigators on the oversight committee are not going to let up on all the questions that were never answered about hunter biden. and the media, as you know, dud a terrible job press joe biden. they allowed him to stay in his basement, and he never had to address those questions head on. so i think it's pretty, you know, important that the american people and the united states congress get to the bottom of this. david: and then you have the successes, the foreign policy successes of the trump administration. i would say, first and foremost, in the middle east getting rid of isis or at least the caliphate of isis. the caliphate was destroyed. and then the abraham awe cords, these trade -- accords, these peace agreements between arab countries and israel that some people said would never happen. in fact, we have a tape of john kerr true, who's another new -- john kerry, who's another new-old member of the obama, the coming obama -- or the coming biden administration saying
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something in 2017 that turned out not to happen. roll tape. >> there will be no separate peace between israel and the arab world. i want to make that very clear to all of you. i've heard several prominent politicians in israel sometimes saying, well, the arab world's in a different place now. we just have to reach out to them, and we could work some things with the arab world. we'll deal with them and the palestinians. no, no, no and no. david: well, yes, yes, yes and yes. the arab states dud make an agreement with israel without the corrupt palestinian authority playing the muddleman here. middleman here. and i just wonder how much of their willingness to come to the table was because we got rid of the iran deal and, obvious, these arab states can't stand, they're scared to death of what a nuclear iran could do. if we go back to the iran deal, maybe they'll walk away from the
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abraham accords. >> you know, that -- the peace with israel that we've seen with all the peace agreements, they never would have happened if donald trump hadn't taken the courageous step against the democrats' wishes and against the media's wishes and broken the iran deal. and you look at john kerr true's advice -- john kerry's advice about what was possible in the mideast, it was terrible advice are, terrible prediction. and he was the secretary of state. so you can kind of see if husband expert opinion is worth with as much with the climate in husband new role as it was with his role as a diplomat, our climate is probably doomed over the next four years of joe biden as president. david: well, finally, and it's worth more than 20 seconds but that's all we have time for, the rise of isis. are you concerned that it may rise again in syria or some other place? >> well, i think they're going to test joe biden. i mean, they're obviously not impressed with the fact that he's bringing in a lot of the old obama regime. and obama clearly left his
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office with the middle east in a much worse shape than it was when he got there. so i have no doubt they're going to test america's resoft in the middle east -- resolve in the middle east, they're going to test the biden administration's relationship with israel. and i think that the united states needs to be ready for that. congress needs to be ready, our military needs to be ready, and it's something that's probably going to happen, unfortunately. david: hard to know what to be ready for. congressman comer, thank you for coming in. coming up, former louisiana governor on the mounting backlash against democrat governors who keep saying do what i say, not what i do when it comes to covid-19 restrictions. ♪ ♪ >> there's no penalty within the executive order, so there's no way to arrest them, there's no authority to go into their house without a warrant or their permission or your permission or, unless there's an emergency situation. so it's putting law enforcement in a terrible position.
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♪ ♪ >> i don't consider them a law enforcement officer. because you don't have the right to pick laws that you think you will enforce, and you don't enforce laws that you don't agree with. right? that's not a law enforcement officer, that's a dictator. david: david they are not the dictators, the other problem is that wasn't a law. that was new york governor andrew cuomo accusing the police in husband state for notten forcing his dictates to break up large gatherings for thanksgiving, this as there is growing backlash over his and other democratic leaders' violating their own lockdown orders for the holidays. joining me now is former
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louisiana governor bobby e jindal, somebody who i think if he was governor now, would act in a very different fashion from the way governor cuomo's acting. good to see you again, governor. calling police dictators for not enforcing his own dictates, what do you make of that? >> well, david, it's great to see you. i see somebody's still working thanksgiving week. [laughter] look, the arrogance is just stunning. it's not surprising, i guess, anymore, we've seen it is often. you look at the governors of new and california, the governor of california was caught going to a lobbyist's birthday dinner at a fancy restaurant, governor cuomo contra ducted his very own orders to the people of new york saying he couldn't travel to see husband family, meanwhile husband own family was coming to see him. you saw them breaking the rules to gather for a political birthday dinner, one of their fellow colleagues, and they were indignant when they were questioned about it. california legislators flying to a lobbyist-paid conference in
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hawaii. i guess covid restrictions are great when lobbyists are playing to flew you or hosting fancy dinners. here's the pop with that our gans. first of all, if our elected leaders don't have to live under the same rules they for the rest of us, we get onerous restrictions. and secondly, it undermines people's faith in their a government. i think this is one of the reasons trump was so popular, one of the reasons he got elected in the first place, people are tired of this permanent political class that passes rules for other people they don't follow themselves. david: they didn't pass the rules, these rules calm as duck tates, as executive order dictates. sometimes they were sort of passed along in a informal way by the legislature, but because clue -- i mean, we are a nation of laws, not of dictates, and that's something that needs to be addressed, right? >> no, look, david, you're exactly right. these executive orders, for example, you've got the mayor of chicago saying people shouldn't
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celebrate thanksgiving, apparently it's going to go out and celebrate joe biden. you've got all across this country you've got this hypocrisy where democrats have apparently discovered the coronavirus doesn't impact political rallies where you're protesting police, but it does impact church services. you remember withdraw back in easter back in the spring in louisville a church had to sue just to have drive-in, drive-up church services. so there's no consistency or rational few here. you're exactly right, with these kinds of executive orders what i worry about is you're putting police in an impossible situation. why in the world would you say -- law enforcement's not going to go inside people's homes and i try to say you can't have more than ten people, we're going to arrest grandmother -- david: sometimes they actually do try to do things that turn out bad. i mean, we have a case in buffalo, new york, where some police or some sheriffs accompanied an inspector who, without being invited or without
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a subpoena, went into a gym to try to shut it down. let's roll the tape because we can show the viewers what happened next. roll tape. >> show me the law. [inaudible conversations] >> you have to leave. you guys have to leave. you have to leave. >> right now you're trespassing without a warrant. you're trespassing. >> we're not there is passing. >> we have a right to be here. >> go get a warrant. >> yes, you do. >> come back with a warrant or leave. >> [inaudible] >> get out! get out! get out! get out! got out! david: so, governor, americans are not going to take it anymore. it's that simple. >> look, david, i think you're exactly right. i think in that case i'm glad law enforcement officials did leave instead of sparking a further confrontation. the reality is we trust people to make their own decisions. i think the best thing our
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leaders can do is let us make our own decision. let people make their own discussions. you know, the cdc is in the process of modifying their own guideline. they're saying, well, 14 days was probably too long for quarantining, we think we can shorten it especially if you're willing to get a test. i think people are more likely to follow reasonable guidelines if they see them applied consistently, secondly, if they understood the rationale behind them and, third, if they see their elected leaders following the rules. we know about governor cuomo e and governor newsom just because they got caught. nancy pelosi got caught doing her haircut, the folks in d.c. got caught having a dinner for new members. how many other exceptions are made for their own vacations, dinners, trips, they tell us to do one thing x they do another, and i think that undermines people's confidence -- david: here's the mayor of los angeles announcing what he's going to try to do to keep people from traveling, and then we have -- today we got news that new york city is going to
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have vehicle checkpoints coming in and going out of the city. now new york city, of course, is an island, or manhattan is, and that makes it easier for those checkpoints to be put up where it can't happen in most big cities, but still we're going to see some major confrontations over this holiday which should be a joyful occasion. of course, it's not because of the virus, but these restrictions are just making it worse with. >> well, look, you're exactly right. it's not the first or last time w seen this hypocrisy, the same politicians who wanted to defund the police in los angeles, minneapolis want their own exceptions. we've got vaccines maybe available as soon as the second week of december into the early months of next year. we just have to get through several more weeks, but i think the withdraw we do it is by doing it together. we don't need top-down restrictions, we e don't need politics passing one set of rules for us, the other for themselves, trust the american people to make good decisions
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for themselves and families, then we can all have a good and safe thanksgiving. david: the land of the free, the home of the brave. governor bobby june call the, thank you for coming in. next, fox news contributors david webb and deneen borelli weigh in on why in the world seattle is cutting nearly 20% from its police department budget in the middle of a violent crime wave. and why a number of cities are reversing course on all this. that's next. >> detroiters, they don't want to defund the police. they support this department. they want more police. and it's been that way for the seven years that i've been the chief here. [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] ♪ [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] ♪ uh, you know there's a 30-minute limit, right? tell that to the rain.
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it allows for over 20 exercises. do the aerotrainer super crunch, push ups, aero squat. it inflates in 30 seconds. aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. lose weight, look great, and be healthy. go to that's a-e-r-o david: the seattle city council has vod to slash the police budget by nearly 20%. now, the cuts coming as the city is facing a soaring crime rate, particularly violent crime, increased homelessness and a mass exodus of cops from the forbes over 100, following a summer scarredded by anti-police riots. let's bring in fox news contributors deneen borelli, we also have -- oh, there he is, david webb, joining us from the david webb show. and, of course, deneen is a fox news contributor. good to see you both. david, first to you. now, we could have picked any major city here run by
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democrats, we should say. new york, san francisco, chicago, l.a. this is something that is terribly unfortunate. you have this rise in violent crime along with a continued interest in defunding the police and disrespecting the police as well. >> well, you know, i'd even go further and let me say that these are no longer run by democrats. these are run by new liberal, progressive or socialist democrats with far-left policies that are hurting the very people they always claim they care about. when you look at the rising rates not just in murders, now minneapolis is coming back, remember that phrase, decade, from your days probably back at "the wall street journal," you look at fear city, new york city in the '70s, you got that manual when you landed at la forward ya. you have -- laguardia. they have literally taken-over
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areas in portland, seattle and other cities that are, frankly, blighted areas. you can't even visit them as a citizen of that city without being harassed or potentially attacked. it's going on in our nation's capital. david: oh, absolutely. >> these fall yours are predictable and dangerous. david: and, deneen, it is the most vulnerable elements of our city that are being hurt by this. i mean, there's -- in new york city we just had another incident, there have been at least three in the past couple of weeks, where a woman who was standing in a subway station waiting for the subway was actually pushed in front of the subway. now, somehow she miraculously, thank god, survived this. she managed to fall in between the tracks, but she, you know, and they caught this guy, which is also very lucky. but these are the people who are suffering, the least able to defend themselves. >> no, you're absolutely right, david. and i did see that video of the woman being shoved under the
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train. thank goodness she's okay and thank goodness they caught this guy. but these are instances that are taking place on a regular basis especially throughout new york. and when you led off with seattle, for example, the seattle city council, think about the hypocrisy here. a majority of them had 24/7 police security. i read about that recently are. i don't know if they still do. but talk about do as i say, not as i do. they want security for themselves but not for their own constituents. so there is a huge hypocrisy there. folks, innocent people are being harmed, and it's a real shame that you have the radical mob that is basically calling the shots now. david: and, david, it's more than just the mayors, it's these city councils. these are, in fact, in some cases worse than the mayor because they're spreading like locusts, you know, in terms of their responsibility for the way a city is run. they're the ones that pass these laws decriminalizing things that
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it's a no-brainer should be criminalized like urinating in public, creating these laws, these no-bail laws so that violent criminals are let out immediately after they are captured with no bail at all. >> yeah. in some of these municipalities, david, if you gather with your family and your family unit, you can literally be fined by the police. but if you use an illegal controlled substance, whatever class federal or otherwise, you can get away with it and a slap on the just. you also look at portland where over 70% of those that were charged were released by the local district attorney's office. cost factors. we're on a business channel. the cost to these communities, the cost to the people, to the businesses, the loss of jobs, the loss of opportunity for anyone especially the young up and comers, that is all going to
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affect for possibly a generation -- david: exactly, tragic. the long-term effects of all this is awful. deneen, final word to you. the black lives matter movement has made it clear, they're saying we are not going anywhere, that during the biden administration they are going to enforce their own will on the so-called moderate elements that may want to crack down on crime that are left in the democratic party. is the biden administration going to recyst this pushback from -- resist this pushback from blm and that left-wing movementsome. >> well, the harris/biden group is, they've been against the police from day one. so you have the police unions who dud not support -- who did not support joe biden and, sadly, we have our law enforcement -- they have a target on their back now, david. who wants to be a police officer now with all of these people who are targeted and ridiculing them and criticizing them -- david: absolutely. >> -- and just going after them
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just because they're police officers. david: that's why you have well over 100 police officers quitting in seattle. god help the people in seattle. david webb, deneen borelli, great to see you both. thank you for coming in tonight, appreciate it. >> thanks, david. david: just ahead, former california republican party chair on the stalks in georgia's -- stakes in georgia's upcoming senate races. and wait until you hear some good news in california where fed-up voters are finally moving successfully to change the political landscape there. >> first of all, you have to look at what he'll do if he gets that majority. they want illegal immigrants to vote, and they want to defund the police while we should be defending our police. they want to pass the green new deal and stack the court. i could go on and on.
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power in the u.s. senate. joining me now is talk about the changes in both houses of congress including some very surprising gains for republicans in california, former california republican party chair tom dell v.a. car row. good to see you, thanks for coming in, i appreciate it. now, the democrats in georgia, jon ossoff and raphael warnock, are trying to portray themselves as moderate democrats, but i believe they're anything but, don't you in. >> yeah. both of them are anti-second amendment. you have warknock talking about the fact that policemen are thugs, and, you know, ossoff's talking about stacking the senate, making puerto rico e a state and others so that, you know, in reality this is a great microcosm of the entire country, two very far-left senators against two main stream republicans, and at risk the u.s. senate. so it's a national race that
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comes down to a bunch of georgia voters who probably don't want to be in this position, but they also don't want the senate going democrat. david: and this is the reason why. we put up on the screen there the stakes for the georgia senate races. 9 if the democrats win both of those senate seats, we will unvariably see an increase in taxes -- invariably see an increase in taxes which could send us into a double-dip recession, pack the supreme court even though biden wouldn't answer specifically on that. it's clear that a lot of people in the democratic party would try to do that. the iran nuclear deal, they could turn that into a treaty authorized by the senate, and then statehood for d.c. and possibly pert' toe as well. that would assure democratic victories for decades to come. so the stakes are very high. >> yeah. and keep in mind kamala harris is farther left than joe biden and if she ever became president
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because biden didn't fulfill his term, they could get it then. so these seats are really important. and, you know, in georgia there may have been an aunt-trump vote against -- anti-trump vote among some republicans, but that doesn't cross over, per se, into this senate election. i think there's a better than even chance that they ping both seats and, of course, both republicans got more votes than democrats. david: what if donald trump goes out and campaigns hard for the republicans? >> well, we'll have to see. you know, let's flip that. i would say, david, what's really happening right now is all these far-left picks for the biden cabinet are scaring rank and file georgians because they see how far left he's willing to go just so he can be proven to be president. he's moving early on these things. that far-left nature of his picks hurt the democrats in the georgia race on january 5th. david: well, let's move to california, if we can, because from your -- >> no, you don't want to come
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here. david: well, there's pretty good news from your perspective. you had two, at least two republican women, both of asian descent, who actually beat out incumbents,my khairallah park -- michelle park steel, young kim representing the 39th district, and a couple are still in the balance. so you guys are making progress there. what's happening to california voters? >> yeah. well, both of them friends of mine, young kim and michelle, orange county, they never should have flipped the other way, now those people they ran against had a voting record, so they were able to, again, prove to be mainstream republicans. i think the central valley will be the third seat that's picked up. also gavin gavin newsom's tack it it is -- tax hike was rejected, the anti-uber/lyft ballot was rejected. david: that was good news, yeah. >> when government breaks down,
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sometimes voters pay attention even in california. david: well, and in local races. stockton, california, which has always gone to the left, you have a very brought new star, kevin lincoln. he's a black latino marine veteran. he unseated the liberal democrat there as the mayor. >> yeah. and stockton had trouble years before, bankruptcy and the like. so voters are pushing back which is why we have over 800,000 signatures to recall gavin newsom as well including through my new pac, rescue david: all right. well, it is the land of reagan or at least it was at one point. tom, great to see you. appreciate it. coming up, republican congressman guy rememberren shaller weighs in on a brewing battle between senator ted cruz and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez over who was to blame for congress skipping town without cutting a deal for more emergency covid aid. >> people are hurting out there,
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and it seems to me my democratic colleagues have stuck on a number. they think it's better for them to deny a deal with trump than it is to pass a bill that would help people. ♪ our new house is amazing. great street, huge yard. there is a bit of an issue with our neighbors fencing. neighbor 1: allez! (sound from wind chimes) neighbor 2: (laughing) at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save even more. neighbor 2: hey, sarah, hey, peter! neighbor 1: touché. neighbor 2: ahhh! neighbor 1: pret! neighbor 2: en garde! for bundling made easy, go to shingles doesn't care. i logged 10,000 steps today. shingles doesn't care. i get as much fresh air as possible. good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection.
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david: republican texas senator it'd cg horns on twitter with progressive squad member democrat alexandria ocasio-cortez over whose party is responsible for stalling a coronavirus relief bill after congress left washington for a weeklong thanksgiving are recess with no deal on the table. let's welcome in republican congressman guy reschenthaler. thanks for coming in. you're always so optimistic and happy, even if it's bad news we're talking about. [laughter] you make me feel better. let's talk about whats' boeing on here, because -- what's going on here was the charge from ted cruz is that democrats are
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stalling this bill in order to help them out in the georgia senate race. how would that actually help democrats? >> well, david, first off, i always enjoy coming on with you, and as always, please just call me guy. as far as the democrats stall thing, they stalled on a covid relief package all through the summer and all through the fall. they are using the american people as pawns to score cheap political points. but just as it backfired on nancy pelosi actually losing seats in the house when she was projected to pick up 20, it's also going to backfire in georgia with these runoff elections because at the end of the day, david, people know that there are americans out there that need help. it's the republicans who have the plan that's roughly $500 billion to make sure that we have more unemployment compensation, to make sure that we have direct stimulus payments, we go directly to american citizens. and, of course, money for the very popular program ppp and the
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loan and grant programs. it's the democrats that have been stalling. david: well, let me just challenge you then. in that case, i would suggest that you disagree with mr. cruz because it couldn't possibly help, if what you say is true, it couldn't possibly help democrats in the georgia race. i really think the democrats have thought this out. i mean, they -- particularly nancy pelosi is about as manipulative in her, in her what she does and what she asks other congressional members to do. so don't you think they thought about this and think that americans would blame republicans if this thing doesn't pass? >> well, is nancy pelosi calculating? absolutely, she is. here's the calculation that's going on, david. the democrats are trying to ride two horses at the same time. you saw them do it with biden, they're trying to do it in the special election. because they're trying to be moderate enough to pick up swing voters, but they still have to
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be far enough to motivate their base and keep the radicals onboard. that's why nancy pelosi will not cave on the relief package and why she's stalling because she wants this radical agenda9 that the far left is calling for such as direct stimulus payments to illegal immigrants, tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires in blue states and, of course, bailing out the budgets of these blue states where their budgets have been mismanaged for years. but nancy pelosi cannot meet us halfway, us being republicans, she can't meet us halfway with any what i would call a skinny covid relief package because if she does, it's going to be viewed as a sellout to their far-left radical base and drive their turnout down in the special election. david: let me ask you about something that's kind of off the radar but might be used in the final weeks of the trump administration. secretary of the treasury mnuchin just announced about a week ago that he was going to take money back from the federal
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reserve bank that had been given to the fed for emergency relief loans if necessary. a lot of it wasn't necessary, over $100 billion. i don't know the exact amount because it's unclear how many loans actually went out, but it was only about 13 billion in loans. so you're going to add 100 billion or so back into the treasury department that maybe could be repurposed by the trump administration for relief aid. is that possible? >> it is possible, but remember, in the other relief programs the democrats put a lot of strings on those funds with the administration. but at the end of the day, not all the money has been allocated. sadly, where the money has been exhausted is is where the money needs to go to replenish it. and, again, direct stimulus payments to individuals who really need help and then targeting money at businesses and industries that need the money. again, i'd like to see more ppp, which is the paycheck protection program, more funds into that to help small businesses and then
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the idle loans and grants program. we should be focused where we need to focus, and that's to give aid to people and businesses that need it. but, again, the democrat wish list is being floated around and it's being stalled out in the hopes of getting, it's just outlandish. there's no way that giving stimulus payments to illegal immigrants is going to help the situation and, again, tax cuts to million theirs in blue states and bailing out blue states' budgets, it's just not relevant to what's going on. david: all right. well, there are only eight days left in the congressional calendar, eight days to get something done and, meanwhile, millions of americans need help, so i hope something is done. congressman guy reschenthaler, thanks for coming on. >> thank you, david. david: next on "the evening edit," brandon judd on the arrest of a suspected mexican drug cartel boss charged in connection with that horrific massacre of a mormon family from
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driving to a wedding in the bodder state of -- border state of sonora. brandon judd, national border patrol council president. brandon, good to see you. do we know now what happened? >> yeah. so as far as the mexican cartel member being caught by the law enforcement, this is a huging win for the -- huge win for the trump administration as far as continuing to put direct pressure on the mexican government to do what is necessary to go after those individuals that do harm to american citizens as well as mexican citizens. when you have an administration that cares about the american people and continues to push forward, we see the safety and security of the united states that we need. and even though this administration is outgoing, they continue to do what is necessary for the american public to secure the american people. and we need to continue to put that pressure on the mexican government because we know that corruption exists, and we know
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that corruption shields these cartel members. david: so while we're seeing more headlines, that's actual a good thing because it shows the progress we're making getting the bad guys down there. another example of that, they found this mass grave, apparently, near guadalajara,113 bodies. this could have happened years and years ago, but we're just uncovering these things now. >> and what's scary about that is knowing that people continue to cross the borders illegally into the united states. a lot of these people are gang members, and they bring that crime from mexico e into the united states. and what scares the law enforcement community the most is as you ignore laws, even the small laws, when you start ignoring those laws, the criminals, the organizations start chipping away, check upping away, and they take -- chipping away and they take more and more until the safety of the american public is erode9.
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so we have to look at this and say what's going on in mexico. we can't have that come to the united states. we have to have border security, otherwise we start seeing that type of violence here in the united states. david: well, and it's not just violence. it's concern about covid too. we know the restrictions in mexico are far more easily broken than they are in the united states. not that i'm defending lockdowns, but there is a danger. and we see, we see these awful instances of desperate immigrants trying to make their way to the united states. of course, the economic situation in mexico's even worse than the united states. they're coming in all sorts of forms, in household items like refrigerators and washing machines and mattresses and things like that. i'm just wondering if the caravans, particularly in a biden administration, we might see the reemergence of these caravans. >> no, you can absolutely expect to see that. as i put a uniform on, as i go out on the border and i patrol
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the border and i look for people that are smuggling in narcotics, smuggling in humans, dangerous people from other countries, even from china, we have to look at it and say, okay, what role is the administration going to play. what are, what helps are they going to give the law enforcement community to secure the borders to insure that that doesn't happen. and, frankly, i'm going back to the obama administration, and there wasn't a whole lot of support. so we can expect to see the same tube of lawless -- type of lawlessness unless the biden administration does a complete and total 180 from -- david: well, that's unlikely, particularly with the left pushing them. and as we know, you and i covered latin america for a long time, word gets around fast. there is a grapevine among immigrants, and that's why i'm wondering whether we are going to have caravans. another thing that i'm sure is operating on the grapevine is questions about whether the wall will be taken down.
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i mean, we have much more successful wall than the sort of haphazard stuff that you saw, we're seeing pictures of it now. any idea of whether the trump walls will be taken down or at least not improved on? >> so i guarantee they're not going to be improved on. i don't know that they're going to take down the walls because overtalking about billions of dollars that's just going to be thrown away into the trash. the biden administration knows that walls work. they understand that. they're just not going to go out and say that they work. so i don't know that they're going to take the walls down. in fact, i would suspect that they don't because they know how effective they are. and they don't want to do that and cause this mass immigration surge even though it is coming, they don't want to cause it immediately by taking those walls down. they don't want to send the message to the criminal cartels that they can operate with impunity. david: let's hope you're right on that. brandon judd, national border
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patrol council president. great to see you again, brandon, thank you so much. appreciate it. and thank you, folks, for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. liz should be back tomorrow night. that does it for us, have a great evening. ♪ i'm connell mcshane in new york, see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. history made on wall street today. a huge rally. the dow jones industrials climbing over the 30,000-point milestone for the first time in history. the dow jones industrials closing at 30,045 points, up 455 points on the day. the s&p up 58, the nasdaq gaining 156. in less than four years, president trump unleashed the market. since his inauguration the dow jones industrials gaining more than 10,000 points, and the market cap
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