tv The Evening Edit FOX Business November 25, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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thanks for being with us this evening. we look forward to a happy thanksgiving all across this great land of ours. have a great holiday and good night and sussex. ♪ ♪ >> breaking news a short time ago, president trump tweeted he's granted a full pardon to his former national security advisor, general michael flynn. with us tonight on this the rest of the days top stories, john cox and congressman brian along with charlie hurt. meanwhile, local and state officials ordering thanksgiving covid lockdowns and restrictions but sparking massive outrage from everyday americans coast to coast fed up that politicians continue ignoring their own rules. wait until you hear the latest outrage on this front.
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plus the far left squad demanding biden get with their program, fuming what they see as defense hogs and other essential high-level officials that don't align with their socialist platform. big tech going off the rails. amazon apparently reversing course after the latest covid booklet, critics crying censorship and where does this end? too new york city, redeploying cops to patrol the subways after a series of attacks in which victims were pushed onto the tracks. while on the west coast, politicians of seattle still planning to cut nearly 20% of the city's police budget. how much longer will and is american citizens have to put up with all this? i'm in for elizabeth mcdonald, the evening edit starting right now. ♪ ♪
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david: let us start with breaking news of president trump's part of general michael flynn, form of national security advisor may be part of several between now and inauguration. general flynn resigned from his post a month into the trump presidency after speeds over 2016 phone call with the russian ambassador during president trump's transition. joining me now, formal federal prosecutor, jim trustee who we trust very much. good to see you very much. first question, did the general deserve it? >> i think so. a thumbs-up or thumbs down on him as a person as much as it is a big thumbs down on the process to ensnare him. from the beginning of the interview, the attorney general's phone call, discovery violations in the case of before judge sullivan, this has had
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constant, misconduct and unfair targeting, with very little on the upside. it's a case of the century to go after anybody for. david: just to reach be repeat specifically, i wrote down some of the problems, he was caught in a perjury trap. that's never a good thing. and you have fbi deputy director lying to the fbi about the circumstances of the case and he was never arrested for lying to the fbi. there are questions about whether documents used to convict general flynn were altered. some say yes and some say no, we still don't know the end of the and then judge sullivan, whether his personal bias was as bad as medicaid's in terms of adjudicating this case. >> judge sullivan is in a position that's unique. anytime a defendant enters a guilty plea and tries to get out, it usually and terribly for the defendant.
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it is a personal matter to the judge. the judge spent an hour and a half asking questions under oath to make sure you know what you're doing when you pled guilty. sometimes, that has to change. they never let the insult go and the focus is on the government suggesting there's something the wrong with bars d.o.j. looking at the entirety of the case and saying enough is enough. i think that forever was the right call to dismiss and explain this in detail. we have a six and a half month wait to dismiss. that is what can be resolved in a day. david: then he brought in these special witnesses. one special witness in particular for an outside opinion, he was clearly biased. this is a guy who's written articles in newspapers exposing his bias against trump and general flynn. david: a retired judge, he's been a piece against the most
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that somehow the judge fight back and not dismiss the case when the government wasn't going forward. there's a lot of gymnastics there. a bunch of briefs, with pretty much killed the force of america with the paperwork on this false case but bottom line, most people i think reasonable people would agree the separation of powers dictates the government in the absence of extraordinary phase is moved to dismiss the case and the defense is okay with that. the judge has that role, to say the case is dismissed. david: speaking about the separation of powers, there's also question about whether the obama administration specifically interfered in this case right from the beginning. the question of whether joe biden himself, who may soon be sitting in the white house actually suggested using the logan act in a meeting during
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the transition. on the general. will be ever get to the bottom of that? by the way, at first he denied ever saying anything about it. joe biden did. in an interview on "good morning america", with george stephanopoulos, he admitted he knew about the obama administration's investigation so he's arty contradicted himself on that. jim: if i remember correctly, there is handwritten notes that talked about biden raised the logan act. that's an undertaking conversation because the logan act was literally sitting there and complete disrepair. it's probably unconstitutional, it's been used twice that we can find in both ended terribly. nobody has been convicted under the logan act so it is not a good piece of law to use so it's extraordinary for anyone to say
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let's use it as a predicate, a basis for an ongoing investigation. there is a lot to answer there in terms of unmasking, targeting general flynn of having a double standard in general. whether we ever get to the bottom of that atop want to bet on. david: only have about less than one minute and it's not enough time to explore this in depth. we will do so later in the program but the question of the election, what exactly happened here. look at the overview. i see this as one of us lobbyist elections partly because of the covid but mostly because of the machines used and the way the mail in ballots were sent out to people and the way we suddenly found these some drives that had boats on it. it seemed to be such a slob. i don't know how it will end but i'm glad there is an investigation continuing because we have to resolve this before we go into any other national election. no? jim: i agree. we have to have a full autopsy of all the things that could have been wrong and needed to be
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prevented if there's a criminal case a year end a half from now about these terrible things taking place so again, hopefully there will be enough litigation on fast track we will get back on track and have informed opinions. david: i don't mean to be a ping-pong but i want to take you back to general flynn for second because we are just getting word now in the department of justi justice, this is an official about how they feel about the pardoning of general flynn. the department was not consult consulted, we were given a heads up today they did not get work before. and they throw cold water on it and say they would have preferred to see judge out of in judge sullivan to result in court. we were confident in the likelihood of our success in the case. looks like they wanted to go to court. that being said, this is obviously an appropriate use of the president's pardon. what about that? should this have been resolved
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in a court? with that have made it look, without have cleared general flynn even more? jim: i think so. look, basically president trump got six and a half months in, it's not going to end anytime soon but there's a good thanksgiving no matter what the if there's a dismissal, it's essential thing is a wrongheaded prosecution is not sufficient evidence. if it's pardoned, it can be translated as meaning your guilty so it's not exactly the same as acquittal by nature but a dismissal would typically be so there's a distinction but not enough to change thanksgiving. david: i think the president just got tired of waiting on judge sullivan. i think it's that simple, i have the power to do it, let's do it. there's nothing worse than waiting and waiting whether you are in a jail cell or not. it was still hanging over the
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head of general flynn and he doesn't have a crowd over him anymore. good news. jim trusty. thank you so much for ping-pong back and forth. john cox on local and state officials ordering thanksgiving covid lockdowns and restrictions. sparking massive outrage from everyday americans coast-to-coast for ignoring their own rules. ♪ >> hypocrisy and arrogance. first of all, if elected officials officials don't have to live up to the same rules as the rest, and second, it undermines people's faith and confidence in the government. ♪
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serve booze because you need a health license in order to serve alcohol so we signed the paperwork, we were very good with them and they left. the next day, we got another one. we are up to like 30 something inspections since i was on your show. the state has been coming after us. they opened up a court for us. the court opened for us after they've been shut down. these are the papers we've been dealing with here. we've been weaned, open, we've done about 80 -- 85000 people, no cases. same staff, same people sitting at the bar. >> this is a horrible story. it should not be happening in america. restaurant owners planning last night that he became a target of a resentful government after appeared on tucker's show in the spring to criticize the lockdown orders. this made my wife and me so mad, we literally turned off the television and couldn't take it
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anymore. cities and states all over america ramping up arbitrary restrictions and enforcement coronavirus orders. a lot of business owners complain covid restrictions are being used as political weapons to target specific business owners. joining me now, gubernatorial candidate, john cox. i don't know if this made you as mad as it made me but this is not the way america is supposed to work and it really clarifies the issue of how these shutdowns and arbitrary rulings by leaders who think they are emperors and can go above the law have to a and. john: i agree with you. i got angry, i didn't turn off the tv like you but i am really upset about all of this because i'm a small businessman and i can see what's going on across the country. i see it here in my home state of california with gavin newsom and it's not just the fact that some politicians are using this to go after businesses like you
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mentioned but the rank hypocrisy of gavin newsom who you actually might know was caught making his own rules, having dinner at a huge restaurant a lot of other people in an enclosed space despite the fact that he's been telling californians not to do this and of course, you heard lobbyist dinner was $15000. it is not just the hypocrisy of breaking his own rules, is also the fact that he's having dinner with these lobbyists were making so much money off of lobbying governor newsom is making every problem in california worse because of the problems that are put upon us by these lobbyists. it really adds up to us to of hypocrisy and i'm telling you right now, maybe this will break
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a little news but we should have gavin newsom resigning as the governor of california. the incompetence and hypocrisy that accompanied this effort here so far has been awful. david: coast-to-coast, i think you did make some news there. your voice is as significant an influence in california politics but you may push a resignation movement but you have it in maine in california and now in denver, colorado the mayor, after he came out with a tweet said, advising his people, it wasn't in order but he advised his people to stay home. he flew to mississippi in order to be there for family holiday for thanksgiving. he was advising the citizens of denver to stay where they are. we should mention, he just came out moments ago with and i'm
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sorry statement explaining why he did so, he hasn't seen his daughter for a while. i am sympathetic to not wanting to stay home for thanksgiving but you don't send orders to the people as an elected leader and then do exactly what you are ordering or advising them not to do and apparently, he went to mississippi. he is not in denver right now. john: let me be clear. apologizing is a wonderful thing and i think newsom did that but at the same time, we have people all over california, almost 2 million people are unemployed and can barely afford to eat. he's out having this meal with lobbyists and then i don't know if you saw this today, $1 billion of unemployment compensation money has been going to inmates and convicts in prison, people like scott peterson who killed his wife. they are collecting literally hundreds of millions of dollars
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of unemployment compensation while we have so many people in california that are unemployed because of a lot of these shutdowns the politicians like gavin newsom and the governor of maine. david: we got to rush but these lockdown decisions are not based on science. always talk, liberals are talking about you got to do what i say. the department of health, and i'm sure you know this, defense it restaurant shut down orders with a study. when you read the study, the study says there's no significant evidence of any increase in covid cases as a result of outside dining and yet, they have orders to shut down outside dining so they are using evidence that refutes the lockdown. john: we've asked dozens of times of the governor for data
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that shows outbreaks are happening at restaurants and they are not. you're absolutely right. there is no scientific data of the business roundtable out here has asked for the data as well and we get nothing but crickets from the authorities. david: at least on the outside dining, that is true but they used this study to crackdown on outside dining. they're not doing anything consistent. everything they do is hypocritical and none is based on science. good to see you, my friend. next, texas republican congressman, brian on the far left squad demanding team biden get with the squad program fuming over what they say is joe biden's defense hawks. as the democratic crackup beginning even before the inauguration? stay tuned. ♪
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joe biden started to name his cabinet picks but he's reportedly are getting fierce pushback and not just from republicans. joining me now, texas congressman, brian babin. good to see you. i want to talk about republican pushback in the concerns mr. john, former secretary of state, presidential candidate, he now has a $3 trillion portfolio on
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climate change. this is a guy who spent almost $2 billion in cash to the iranians, the terrorist iranian government. that was pure appeasement. nothing changed their attitudes to the one iota. could the same thing, i'm wondering, happened with china or india could he try to bribe them into doing the right thing with climate change? that is the big sticking part that many of us have with the paris accord. brian: yes indeed. i think if he's done it once, he'll certainly do it more. we seen him dealing with, during the last four years with the trump administration, he's been dealing with foreign powers on a number of occasions including the iranians. telling them to hang on. i don't trust this guy for one second. david: he was also dead wrong on
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the abraham accords but that's another thing. go ahead. brian: that's exactly right. i think we know who's controlling democratic side these days. we are seeing pushback on the biden administration when he's trying to name a couple of folks on his cabinet. -- because of the hypocrisy we seen the last four years, but the radical wing of the democratic party is controlling them. the aoc squad, they are going to have to be, they will have to pay attention to these. david: forgive me, let me just focus on a couple of the targets that aoc has in mind. one is michelle, she's recognized as being a tough hawk in some circles because of her views on iraq. she could be the next secretary of defense and then there's anthony lincoln who's been
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targeted, cap as secretary of state. some people thought he was much of a hawk because he was in favor of giving the ukrainians weapons but eventually the trump administration did give, offense of weapons to the ukrainians to use against the russians for the invasion. what you think about this? how will biden and a pleasing the radicals or will he avoid the radicals on these questions? brian: i think you will have to listen to his radical base. he won't have to. there are some moderate democrats, there's no question but that is not who runs the show. the day after watching rudy giuliani and the hearing in pennsylvania and gettysburg, i can tell you this race is not over yet. i'm convinced, if we heard some of the things that came out of this thing today of vote spikes, 600,000 plus votes, voting for
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one man, joe biden and out of the 600,000, 570,000 went for joe biden, it's this incredible thing. we've got to have some answers. this is not about one thing or one election. this is about preservation of our republic. the peaceful transfer of power. if we don't have the confidence in our election process, the consequences be direct for our country. 11505 years ago, gettysburg was the turning part, the greatest conflict this country has been in. today, we may gettysburg today in this hearing, may be turning and preserving our great republic. david: i'll be talking about the voting machines in the next segment so we will get that but the final piece, this guy name bruce reed who apparently wants to get the job of director,
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there is a petition out against him calling him a deficit hawk. aoc and the others prefer to spend, spend, spend trillions. you can always print more but if you need it without any consequence. do you think biden will concede to the left? does bruce reed have a real chance at being director? brian: i am happy to see him being appointed, at least an attempt. he was biden's foreign chief of staff from what i understand but i am not holding my breath to see how long biden pulled out against the scrawled squad to get bruce reed in the rather than some of the same calibers as bernie sanders. they are pushing back on him as well, they want to keep him in the senate but they want to have their way, they want radicals, socialist takeover of this
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country. open borders, government control healthcare, the american people spoke 73 million americans voted against that nonsense. let's see what happens, i think the tail of the radical wing of the democratic party is wagging the dog. david: more like 74 million but who speaking numbers here? brian: that's right. david: imagine bernie sanders, socialist bernie sanders being in charge of the budget. that would be an incredible thing to see. i never thought i would see that. brian: that's for sure. david: great to see you again. thank you for coming in. appreciate it. still ahead, charlie on big tax? , apparently reversing course, the latest covid-19 book, critics warning it's a slippery slope with no end in sight.
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>> your policies are applied in a selective matter. you claim it was hacked materials but you didn't block the distribution of the new york times or alleged to talk about president trump's tax returns even though a statute makes it a crime to distribute tax returns without their consent. you didn't block that discussion, did you? ♪ for some of us, our daily journey is a short one when you drive less, you pay less with pay per mile insurance from allstate you've never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today allstate no one likes to choose between safe or sporty. modern or reliable. we want both - we want a hybrid.
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stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. ♪ tum tum-tum tum tums this is a frightening development in american history, books that are informative and well referenced getting banned by amazon. elex berenson's latest unreported truths in covid. it appears they've reversed that decision but how soon before climate change skeptics are banned? maybe books on religion been and others. democrats senator chris coons suggestion to silicon valley that they should actually impose
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more censorship. listen to that. >> i cannot think of greater harm and climate change, which is transforming literally our planet and causing harm to our entire world. i think we are expanding never get on as we speak. i recognize the pandemic and misinformation about covid the media can cause harm but i urge you to reconsider because helping disseminate climate denial was, in my view, further accelerates one of the greatest existential threats to our world. david: let's the opinion editor, charles. charlie, when i heard u.s. senator suggesting we needed more censorship on an issue about which scientists you disagree, i don't want to hear that anymore, all sites disagree. no, some capable scientists disagree on points regarding covid-19. climate change and a whole range of issues, that scared me and
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may make me think about somebody in silken valley listen. apparently amazon was listening and the comfortable at first to ban alex's book. >> it is a profound misunderstanding of the concept of free speech. the idea of free speech is that people are intelligent enough to figure out, we've threw what's fact and fiction, what is right and what's wrong. we don't need the government, we don't need massive tech companies that control 90% of the speech in this country. controlling what is the people here and see. alex berenson is writing some of the most intelligent stuff, the most unaffected, unbiased by political pressures, stuff out there right now uncovered but even if he weren't, the idea of censoring him is a profoundly terrifying thing the people i blame more than anybody else for
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this, people like senator coons are the worst because they are in positions of power and pushing it but the other people, the fourth of state. our republic does not exist without an honest, vigorous media and the most basic thing they are supposed to defend his freedom of speech. they are supposed to fight censorship. not only do they permit they've been doing it themselves this year. i think the 2020 will be a watershed year in terms of what the media has done to completely destroy its own credibility and it's not just themselves they are destroying, it is our republic they are destroying. david: i understand amazon is a private company and free to do what they want but to have a u.s. senator who took an oath to defend the constitution of the u.s., really spit on the notion of what the first amendment is. not only are you supposed to
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support the law and constitution but the spirit of the constitution, the spirit of the first amendment is the open form is the best way to get to the truth. actually, these companies are breaking some rules like section 230 which says that since they are open forms, they should not editorialize which they are doing so they are violating the rules as well as the spirit -- the senator to do that is outrageous. >> the other thing that i think is important to remember, the best way to get to the truth, the best way to get to the best solutions for something is to have a free, open and honest exchange about it and without that, we will never get anywhere but also, i do think these tech companies deserve and ask risk not only because of section 230 but also because they have in effect, assumed a role in our
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communication system in this country. our ability to talk to one another to a degree was never seen before and the idea that they -- i agree with you about free market, i think people should be able to tell people, anybody who walks into the store, you don't come in unless you are a mask or whatever, i don't have a problem with that but when you have monopolies that control 80 -- 90% of the communication in our country among citizens, it becomes a different game. david: charlie, i couldn't agree with you more -- >> you have people like chris coons in charge of regulating. david: i have to ask one final question on the election itself, there was talk this morning that perhaps president trump was going to conceive the election results. now clearly it is not that way.
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there 74 million americans who voted for donald trump. he cares more about the people who supported him than any president i've ever seen. i think he really does love the people. he doesn't want to let them down. a lot of them, including, not just old that white guys that support president trump. today i had an uber driver from africa and an african immigrant who came from there to america, they thought it was a fair election. trump is trying to appeal. how does he appeal to those people and recognize the results of the election at the same time? >> i think it's an important step he's directed the administration to start the transition process with joe biden but he can also complain at every step about the process, the voting process, the election process and he can complain bitterly about it. he's not complaining for himself, he's complaining for 74 million people and 10 million more who came out four years ago for him.
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can continue to fight for them i've got to tell you, i think it is so important that he continue to do that because he's been a fighter for these people from the beginning and i don't think he should start backing down n now. david: great to see you. thank you for being here. coming up, former police officer retired ice acting director, tom and how to fix policing policies in american cities. new york city redeploying cops to patrol the subways after a series of attacks in which victims were pushed onto the tracks. >> thank goodness she's okay and thank goodness they call this guy but these are instances taking place on a regular basis, especially throughout new york. when you let off with seattle for example, the seattle city council, think about the hypocrisy here, a majority of them 24/7 police security.
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were looking live from times square, this is the night before thanksgiving. things look peaceful out there on the ground but underground in the subway, things are getting pretty scary. three people pushed onto the subway tracks in one week. twenty such incidents so far this year. now the mayor is speaking up, police presence in the subway. better than nothing but is it too little, too late? on the criminals winning the rhyme were? joining me now, a lot of people don't know, former police officer. tom. great to see you again. i think it is clear and you can feel on the streets, the criminals think they have the upper hand. they are poisonous, daytime robberies and assaults, physical assaults are ordered. you can see it all over. you see it in crime statistics, total murder numbers are up
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36.8%, almost 37% shooting victims, the number is up over one 100%, 102.9%. transit crimes are down about 27% but that's because very few people take the subway more, they are scared to go down there. >> the only ones making these decisions are the criminals. the taxpayers expect to be protected, they expect to show up, they expect the police to show up. $1 billion out of the police department, i was an ice director. i had a $7 billion budget. every year i had to decide what i can or can't do. for every dollar you take from the police department means less enforcement so less patrols, less cars, less money undercover operations. what's really insulting to the taxpayers in new york city is
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that even though you deplete them that much money which hurts security, he didn't take one dime out of his own personal security detail. david: exactly. the most frustrating thing for us, we lived here long enough, we know how to fix the problem. it takes proactive policing policies like giuliani brought in when he became mayor and was voted twice as mayor. it takes backbone but that's the one thing that is totally missing the people that run the city right now. >> absolutely. i could friend bernie, they see that. you're right, the belief should be a consequence and deterrence for illegal activity but knee-jerk reaction, unfortunate, the knee-jerk reaction because we got bad cops, abolish them, it is ridiculous. the people who suffer are the minority communities, the least
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able, the people least able to defend themselves like the little old ladies getting smashed on the street or pushed in front of the boys, is horrible. we got to take a break but stay with us. we're coming back after a quick break to talk about how a biden administration could impact immigration. stick with us, we'll be right back. ♪
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to the border now, just one of the major promises kept by donald trump was securing our border with mexico, increasing funding which has been done by the more than 450 miles of new fencing stopping the influx of illegal immigrants following our borders in caravans which have largely ceased. will this progress be reversed in a biden administration? back with me, tom moment. what we see a return of the caravans? >> real, aoc, is been plenty arrested and indicted for corruption in congress so maybe -- [laughter] the issue of the borders is serious. worked with espressos, i respect everyone of them but no one has
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done it more than president trump. 80% illegal immigration because of his work, because of him. we've been very successful on the border. let's under a biden presidency. it's obvious what will happen. he's already made promises of deportation, stop enforcement. will give you free healthcare. we'll get rid of ice detention. why do we do that you won't be deported or detained, you can get a job because ice is not involved. on top of that, we'll give you healthcare. david: you talk about defunding police, there is the movement to defund ice, get rid of it entirely. some people want to abolish ice. again, biden has not said this but he's being pushed by the leftist forces within the democratic party to do that. i'm wondering what ice agents
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feel right now or border patrol agents feel. >> law enforcement, including ice, 1%. they have a gun on their hit every day. they are all patriots but there never going to defund. they can't defund ice because they don't know what ice does. 700 women from trafficking last year, 2200 sexual predators, opioids and but no, they kill every man, woman and child twice over, the agency is the biggest part and fees a security problem preventing thousands in this country. give me a break. if they don't like what ice does, then change the law. they are enforcing the laws and if they don't like it, change it. do your job. they do their job in a standup
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fashion. david: what about the wall? biden said he's not going to tear down the wall that but trump put up but will he build any more? how might it infect affect this? >> illegal immigration went down, lives are saved. joe biden voted for secure fence act in 2006. why do you vote for something like that in 2006? it works. before he makes a decision, make look at the data. this is the wall the border patrol has been begging for for decades. the president listened to the experts on the ground and gave the tools they need to secure that border. it helps protects the agents, they need it. i hope he does not pull the wall or fun stop funding the wall. david: finally, daca.
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the kids are born here of illegal immigrants, the president at one time, president trump in 2017 said he loves these kids and wants to do what he can to help them but he did change some of the policies, a war for more illegal immigration. will that be resolved? is a chance for compromise between president trump's position and what the biden administration might want? >> no. they've got to address border security first and then daca. they created this out of thin air, what happened in 14, 15 and 16? hundreds of thousands mothers dragged their children across the border. now joe biden talks about 11 million, that is a decade old number. when you reward illegal behavior, it brings more illegal behavior. daca, border out of control.
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david: unintended consequences. good to see you. thank you very much for coming and. i'm in for elizabeth mcdonald. you're watching the evening at it a foxbusiness. that does it for us. thanks for watching and enjoy a wonderful thanksgiving. have a good evening. ♪ , everybody. we begin tonight with breaking news. president trump has pardoned general michael flynn. the president today tweeting this, quote: it is my great honor to announce that general michael t. flynn has been granted a full pardon. congratulations to general flynn and his wonderful family, i know you will now have a true ally fan taic -- truly fantastic thanksgiving. the president's pardon comes 316 days since general flynn withdrew his guilty plea, 202 days since the justice department told judge emmet sullivan to dismi
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