tv The Evening Edit FOX Business December 2, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm EST
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they far to face. follow me on twitter an instagram on kennedy nation beard facebook kennedy appian. hate melts more night also mark spiegel and jimmy failla is going to be playing party, it's the night of nights. good night. on capitol hill the potential for covid financial relief seems to be gaining steam. while citizens from coast to coast are becoming increasingly frustrated with restrictive lockdown measures and the politicians who happily flaunt them. joining us this hour, congressman lee zeldin, gene sperling and brett tolman. plus kristin tate, steve hilton, congressman effect troy nails. tonight democrats are not only fielding attacks from republicans they're facing some dissent from within their own ranks. the debate, just what is the biden cap net going to do?
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plus reverberations are being felt after the double-whammy from attorney general bill barr who said, no, the justice department has not found any widespread evidence of voter fraud, yes, he did appoint a special ounce sell to probe the origins of the trump russia investigation. critics calling out nasdaq to force companies to include women and minorities on their boards. they say it is another example focus on identity politics taking precedent over efficient capitalism. president obama, remember him, attacks the party about defunding police. they need more than snappy slogans. that is drawing sharp criticism from his fellow democrats. i'm gerry baker in for elizabeth mccdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. gerry: we begin tonight on
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capitol hill where there is potential progress on delivering a covid relief package. fox news congressional correspondent chad pergram has the details. chad? reporter: good evening, gerry. the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is pushing so-called skinny 500 billion-dollar coronavirus bill. he does not want to do a messaging bill, he wants to pass something that can earn the signature of the president of the united states. that is why he believes he hit the sweet spot on this particular piece of legislation here. mitch mcconnell was on the senate floor this morning. he says there may be some daylight. >> finally this week we're seeing cracks starting to form in the democratic leaders stonewall, thank goodness for the country that is finally happening. reporter: coalition of bipartisan senators introduced a 908 billion-dollar plan this week. what mcconnell is referring to house speaker nancy pelosi and senate minority leader chuck schumer saying that plan, quote
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should be used as the basis for immediate bipartisan, bicameral negotiations. democratic west virginia senator joe manchin helped craft that bill. he says mcconnell's effort is lacking. >> i can assure you with my republican colleagues, the way i feel also, i've spoken to governors on all sides, they know they cannot cure their i wills with this money. reporter: now treasury secretary steve mnuchin, he was on capitol hill today testifying before a house committee. he is encouraging lawmakers to come to agreement on a coronavirus bill but ruled out the idea of direct payments today. gerry. gerry: chad, thanks so much for joining us. to the growing backlash against the democrats lockdown double standards, do as i say, not do as i do. these politicians are imposing strict rules on residents and business owners and then ignoring them, doing more or less exactly what they please. joining me now is new york
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republican congressman lee zeldin. thanks for joining me. >> thank you, gerry. gerry: it is striking, isn't it, the most important rule for many democratic governors, leaders, seems to be there is one rule for me and one rule for everybody else. what do we do about that? >> that causes a lot of resentment. one of the key principles in leadership is consistency. also in this particular situation where you're enacting restrictions, limitations on behaviors of individuals, of businesses, you need to be able to pass a basic smell test subjectively for the individual or business. it has to, it can't lack common sense. so in the situation where you might have someone enacting a restriction on say outdoor dining, in enacting a restriction on outdoor dining you say it's a bad situation, after you make the statement, you cast your vote, you go out to eat at a restaurant, that ends up causing resentment
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amongst your constituents. it makes it very difficult. so what you're seeing criticism at the local level and state level in maces like oregon, nevada, in new york and new jersey and elsewhere, is an issue where people really starting to push back against the elected leaders, especially, not only where it lacks common sense, not passing the smell test but also where you might have the elected official flaunting as you pointed out their own restrictions. gerry: congressman, it doesn't seem to be stopping, doesn't seem to be letting up. every day we seem to hear new cases, the san francisco mayor announced today, so many cases in the last week alone of these democratic leaders saying these are the rules but we discover they have done something else. what can people actually do to push back? it looks like if anything we'll get more restrictive measures in many of these states over the next month or so? >> ultimately you have elected officials, some who might be up for election next november or
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the november that follows, sometimes voters, americans might have a short memory and in other cases they deserve more credit than they get in remembering even if it's a couple years later what happened. with regards to these lockdowns, you can speak up. you can advocate, you can mobilize, you can rally. ultimately when it comes down to that power to enact a restriction or limitation the ultimate power in this great country is to throw these people out of office when it is that time to cast the vote. meantime if you're a small business owner, you might not make it to november of 2022. you ban together with other restaurant owners to push back on the substance as to why a restriction might not make sense or if you're a place of worship, regardless whether you are your capacity is 200 or 2,000 in your state, if you can have the same limit, maybe you need to push back to make your argument
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publicly banning together with other churches and bringing lawsuits. that is why last week you saw the u.s. supreme court rule unconstitutional the restriction on houses of worship in new york state. gerry: as you say the supreme court weighed in on that and weighed in very firm language. do you think there is other legal avenues here? again as these restrictions probably get tater in some places do you think there could be more legal challenges? the supreme court seemed to suggest it, was narrow case, on the issue of religious freedom but the supreme court seemed to indicate a majority willing to take a skeptical view of some of these really, really restrictive measures against peoples freedoms? >> no doubt there is room for additional cases in the right to worship in nevada, regardless of your capacity limit you might only be able to have 50, even if you might normally hold 200, 2,000, only have 50. or go to oregon where you only
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have 25. those cases especially with the supreme court and in the new york case, they have that ability and inclination to rule unconstitutional some limitations. as far as the other businesses one of added props is that these local and state elected officials enacting that restriction on the business and on that industry, they're not at the same time talking about how to get that business through the lockdown. they are ignoring, they're not paying attention to the common sense mathematics, economics of getting that industry through, in new york state if you want to enact a restriction on 10:00 p.m., you can't go to a gym at 10:30 p.m., that will lead to more people going during the day. you have increased the density. as you go state to state, you're seeing a lot of inconsistencies, i think the lawsuits you have strong arguments to be made even if it is not a first amendment, freedom of religion argument i think there are other
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merit-filled arguments to be making where state and federal courts can rule in favor of these local businesses, these industries because they're not going to survive otherwise and you're going to see more business owners and others starting to stand up to some of these restrictions because they can't survive otherwise. gerry: finally, congressman, very briefly, looks like we've got progress, we reported progress on the covid financial relief talks, possible another package coming through. do you think we're moving closer to a deal for more financial relief? >> we'll see. i mean there is, there's a strong need for especially we were talking about those businesses, additional funding for the paycheck protection program is a great example. food assistance and other areas that are being discussed at the table, education, state and local government funding is part of the talks. it is really important that the speaker of the house kind of recalculate her compass where
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exactly her leverage is. she made a strategic mistake not taking the deal before the election. the president went from 1.6 trillion to 1.8 trillion, 1.9 trillion in his offer, the speaker didn't take yes for an answer. she is now in a weaker position. what would be really big mistake waiting until joe biden was president of the united states would help her. the speaker needs donald trump help deliver congressional republican votes. the smart thing for the speaker of the house in work together cutting a deal right now this month because if she waits any longer, she will have even less leverage come less month. gerry: actually as you point out, congressman, many more fellow republican houses in the new house, new congress, that meet next month. congressman lee zeldin, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you, gerry. gerry: former national economic council director for barack obama gene sperling will talk about the incoming biden cabinet, what they will do and
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how hard it might be in the face of rising resistance from republicans and some democrats alike for those nominees to get through. stay with us. >> well the problem with neera tanden not so much her tweets it is her radical liberal ideas. neera tanden has no chance being confirmed. this woman wants congress to hold up coronavirus relief for the american people so we can give checks to illegal immigrants. there is no chance neera tanden will be confirmed our new house is amazing. great street, huge yard. there is a bit of an issue with our neighbors fencing. neighbor 1: allez! (sound from wind chimes) neighbor 2: (laughing) at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save even more. neighbor 2: hey, sarah, hey, peter! neighbor 1: touché. neighbor 2: ahhh! neighbor 1: pret! neighbor 2: en garde! for bundling made easy, go to
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♪. gerry: at least one of president-elect joe biden's cabinet picks may already be facing a brick wall when it comes to senate confirmation. joining me to discuss this, other matters, former national economic council director gene sperling, economic policy rolls in both last democratic administrations. >> thanks for having me, gerry. gerry: you may have not heard before the break, tom cotton republican senator from arkansas, no chance near rattan dem, the president biden's pick for office of management and budget. no chance she is confirmed. she seems to be a controversial pick. why do you think joe biden picked her? >> she is eminently qualified. she has run a major organization. she knows a vast amount of policy, gerry, neera tanden is embody meant of the american
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dream. this is somebody who was raised by a single mom, on food stamps, section 8 public housing, roads through ucla and law school and academic, professional success. i have not heard a single respectable reason people would oppose her she is kind of a pull no punches tweeter. gerry: she deleted a 1000 tweets, gene, many whom directed at some senators she is expected to confirm her. you know, you've been around politics a long time. there are risks doing that kind of thing. >> can you think after prominent person say who sits in the white house who tweets much, much harsher things. gerry: he was elected by the people to be fair. >> here is the important thing, you know many of these republican senators tweeted very harsh things about joe biden. he is still going to work with them if they want to work together on policy. neera tanden done some tough tweeting but i think there is no argument she is outside the
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mainstream of democratic party. she is not qualified, that she would be, i think a very inspiring choice would be the first woman of color to head the office of management and budget. nobody is really questioning her qualifications. so i know they're raising a storm but i think when they have to actually stand up to say what it is about neera tanden that they oppose, if the main thing is tough tweets, well, you know, people are going to, what is that thing about you know, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house? i think people will think about that. gerry: i haven't noticed too many abusive tweets from you, between. you have a little more reticence. moving on to the actual economic challenges looks like we're increasingly likely we're probably going to get an economic, some sort of a package before the end of this, before the end of this congress. no certainty in that but we could get something. janet yellen said yesterday when
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she was announced as president-elect biden's pick for treasury secretary, the country still faces serious economic risks and challenges. assume we get some sort of a package the next month, president biden, janet yellen takes office, early january, what more are they going to do to help the economy recover from its current problems? >> well i think you're obviously going to depend on what is in the existing package but i think people have to worry very seriously about a very uneven kind of unfair recovery. i think that if you're fortunate, like i am, perhaps you are, to have continued to be working, maybe saved more, you know, yes, you may have some pent-up demand and that might help the economy and it might mean a lot of people who never lost a job are doing okay but for many people who are dramatically behind in the rent, who lost jobs, i think we all know there is going to be a lot of jobs that are permanently
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lost. i think that requires a strong fiscal response and i think that means real new job creation like infrastructure bill. i think it means having unemployment insurance that allows people who may have permanently lost their job to find new work, find new skills to get those jobs. and i think there is going to be things like child care, small businesses that have closed where it is going to be hard to pay the debt to come back. i think it will take a very serious agenda, i hope the republicans don't take the view just say no because it is joe biden's economy and realize these are their constituents, are their workers, tough workers who maybe aren't in the higher middle class but they have worked hard their whole lives, lost jobs or small businesses or ability to get child care because of pandemic and they need some help because it is the right thing morally, it is the right thing to make sure they
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don't lose their future job opportunities and it will be the right thing for the economy in spurring economic demand which i think will be good across the board. gerry: gene, finally quickly, the overall look of the cabinet so far, seems pretty mainstream, say joe biden type, not a lot of, there haven't been a more from the progressive wing of the party and there is a little bit of rumbling about that. we still have pour positions to come. you think there might be a role for bernie sanders on role for some on the left of the party still to come? very briefly if you would. >> i really don't know the answer. i heard bernie sanders was interested in secretary of labor. i really don't know the answer but i do think that what joe biden has done very carefully is pick people who have been able to draw significant support. janet yellen's number one. she has been popular with the progressives, more moderates, yet the republicans also know that she commands respect globally. so i think they have done well.
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i think your point only confirms that neera tanden is actually in the mainstream of progressive thought. she is a fighter but she's, but again, i don't think there is going to be really solid objections i think will hold up when we come to her confirmation hearing. gerry: gene, she is certainly a fighter. gene, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, gerry. gerry: next former u.s. attorney brett tolman weighs in on attorney general bill barr weighing in himself on two major fronts this week, the presidential election and the trump-russia probe. >> well we continue the process of finalizing, counting every single legal vote here in georgia. wednesday at midnight there is recount will be finished. it was requested by the president and his campaign and that will be [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] ♪
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♪. gerry: attorney general william barr had been keeping a low profile of late but not anymore. he made two big announcements yesterday. let's welcome former u.s. attorney brett tolman. thanks for joining us. >> gerry, thank you. gerry: let's start with attorney general barr's remark which drew the president's ire, the justice
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department has found no evidence of widespread fraud so far in the election. no evidence of any significant fraud? do you think he is wrong? do you think there is evidence of widespread fraud? >> well you know the department has backtracked a little bit on those comments and the attorney general has indicated he was referring to what he has seen so far but the investigation is open. now i think that is an important clarification because i think many of us have watched some of the witnesses who have come forward as recent as even today. the postal worker, for example, that indicated he took 180,000 ballots from new york into michigan that were, that were illegal ballots. that is the kind of evidence that is significant. it may be enough to make an impact and i think he may have been going based on what he has had come across his desk so far. gerry: there are many of these allegations out there. as you say there are people
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coming forward with some very specific instances but none has got very far in the courts, has it, bret? the courts have not found anything yet to support the claims of the trump campaign. there are cases going on we know. until they actually get some legal redress, this, this attempt to overturn the so-called, so far what we have in the election results isn't going to work, is it? >> that is really the question but it is not just the courts. keep in mind, while the media calls the election for the people watching across the country and we've been accustomed to that being a quick issue to resolve during elections for most of the history of this country we really have to look at what, you know, what the constitution outlines is that the states are the ones who control those electoral votes and they are the ones who will issue those votes and if they do not have confidence in some of those states, there is also a, you know that route that the
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president could take. i don't know what is going to happen but i think there is enough here that there is some concern. it wouldn't surprise me if it went up to the higher levels in the courts. there are some rulings that are favorable to this president. it wouldn't surprise me that you have also some legislatures in the states like pennsylvania and others lack confidence in the integrity of the election that do something we may not have seen before, gerry in our history. gerry: we're 12 days away from the date when set for the voters of the electoral college voters vote in their states for the electoral college to vote in that way to choose a president. is that really the deadline or do you think the president is still hoping there will be, uncertainty about that process, that there will be alternative slates of electors coming out will ultimately go to congress to decide? how important is that date on december 14th? >> i think it is important, very important because we're so accustomed to that date is the date by which they cast those
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votes. i guess the question will be if they cannot cast those votes, does that mean the courts will be stepping in you know, quicker at that point or will it go to what we've talked about i think these last few weeks, will it go to states themselves having single vote for each state, will they cast the vote? as much as we would like this to be over, it seems that we have a lot of days ahead of us, hard days ahead of us. gerry: finally brett, briefly, other announcement attorney general barr made about john durham the prosecutor looking into the origins of the russia collusion, the alleged russia collusion, making him into a special counsel, tell us the significance of that, briefly again, if you would, what that might mean going forward? >> the special counsel gets distinct authority in the department of justice, authorized by statute. once that appointment is made it
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takes undoing to remove the appointment there is significant pressure on the incoming ag to keep that special appointment in place and allow him to finish his investigation. it will be curious to see what happens. we literally just swapped sides with similar issue with mueller and it will be interesting to see what happens with the incoming administration. gerry: brett tolman, thank very much indeed for joining us. >> thanks, gerry. gerry: just ahead, young americans for liberty analyst kristin tate for critics calling out the nasdaq for a movement to force companies to include women and other minorities on their boards. they say it is another example on obsessive focus on identity. that is taking precedent over the need for efficient capitalism. >> there is this idea among kind of very progressive, the woke, that racial diversity, sexual diversity perhaps are the cardinal virtues, the things
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janie, come here. check this out. let me see. she looks... kind of like me. yeah. that's because it's your grandma when she was your age. oh wow. that's...that's amazing. oh and she was on the debate team. yeah, that's probably why you're the debate queen. - mmhmm. - i'll take that. look at that smile. i have the same dimples as her. yeah. the same placements and everything. unbelievable.
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♪. gerry: the nasdaq has filed a proposal with the securities & exchange commission to require mandatory diversity on the boards of nearly 3,000 companies listed on its u.s. stock exchange. in a statement the president of the nasdaq said, corporate diversity at all levels opens up a clear path to innovation and growth. well joining me now is young americans for liberty analyst kristin tate. kristin, so as i understand it this seems to be one of our most important stock exchanges proposing a progressive agenda if they want to list there? >> that is exactly right, gerry.
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this proposal by nasdaq is wokeness beyond parity and threatens economic growth. there are so many problems with this proposal, first and for most nasdaq has no business micromanaging firms, telling them who they need to get on their board or involved in other corporate governance matters. it is literally none of their business. nasdaq is a marketplace to raise capital and expand the benefits of corporate ownership but secondly diversity in business is a wonderful thing. it allows boards to expand their horizons but mandated diversity has unintended consequences. any potential gains to business or minorities because of the mandate could be offset by the perception that those individuals got their positions simply because of quotas, not because of talents. no serious person qualified to sit on a board of a public company wants to have other people in the room looking at them, thinking that those people may be thinking they're only there because of the color of their skin, their gender or
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their sexual orientation. gerry: nasdaq said rather boldly i think this was good for business. that actually the evidence shows diversity was good for business. if it was good for business you would think companies would do it themselves anyway. why do they need to be told by the nasdaq? >> it may be true that corporations have more diverse boards end up having greater financial success. if that is true nasdaq does not need to force diversity on corporate boards. we live in a country in a free society we judge people based on experience, knowledge, expertise, not based on their physical experience. these mandates are offensive to me and other women as well, perhaps to minorities as well because it suggests that women and minorities cannot make their way forward based on their own merit and that they need to be put in front of the line simply because of their skin color, their gender or their sexual
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identity. it is sort of insulting. gerry: this comes at a time when the appeal to companies of listing on u.s. stock markets has been declining. number of companies publicly listed is down significantly. other companies stock markets are looking to encourage u.s. companies to invest particularly in asia, europe, london. this doesn't seem like a good way to build business for the nasdaq. >> that is exactly right. there are so many ways to raise capital these days. just from a competitive standpoint this is not a good decision for nasdaq. since the mid '90s the number of firms listed on u.s. stock exchanges is down by 25%. increasingly owners are turning to private placements, private equity and venture capital. so this comes at a time when nasdaq already is less competitive than it once was and probably is not a good business decision for them. gerry: now the consolation for those of us skeptical about this, it is a proposal to the sec and doesn't seem right now
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the sec is minded to approve it but of course, when the biden administration takes office it will be able to change the sec commissioners. there is a pretty good chance, presumably given the democrats agenda this actually could happen? >> that is exactly right. a joe biden administration this is very likely to happen especially because increasingly the democrats really do put identity above everything else. they're obsessed with it. really we need to start asking what is diversity? if we really wanted to see more diversity in corporations you would think they would hire people with more diverse opinions or people who perhaps come from different parts of the country or different parts of the world and have different experiences. it is not all about physical appearance or gender. it is really a toxic way to think. it rips people apart and creates division. gerry: exactly. there are not many farmers or people worked up through working
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class communities and companies on corporate boards. that is kind of people you probably need more of. kristin, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me, gerry. gerry: "the next revolution" host steve hilton on congressional negotiators that agreed on a 740 billion-dollar agreed on a 740 billion-dollar military bill that doesn't strip you work hard for your money. agreed on a 740 billion-dollar military bill that doesn't strip stretched days for it. juggled life for it. took charge for it. so care for it. look after it. invest with the expertise of j.p. morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. after all, it's yours. chase. make more of what's yours.
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simplify life. g...i can file and manage myss claim, all on the geico app. it's not just easy. it's giving-your-dog -your-fitness-tracker easy. oh, good boy. yes, you got it! woo! already got my 40,000 steps today... can i get a what what! no pain, no gain! haha... it's geico easy. with fast and convenient claims service. look how fast i'm running! good boy, chester. ♪. gerry: president trump is vowing to veto a defense spending bill unless it includes section 230 of the 1996 communications act, unless it includes revocation of that i should say. essentially that is a shield for the tech industry. he wants that repealed but negotiators have come to bipartisan agreement on the defense spending bill without that measure in it. joining me now is the host of
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"the next revolution" on the fox news channel, steve hilton. thanks very much for joining me. >> great to be with you. gerry: steve, explain if you would for us why this section 230 of the communications act is so important and particularly how tech companies, social media companies use it to essentially avoid accountability for what appears on their platforms? >> the original idea was to enable those who had comments and others, from people who were not part of the company platforms, if you like, to publish comments from other people, from consumers, from any person, and if they needed to take them down in certain very narrowly defined cases then they were able to do that without falling foul of first amendment protections. that was the idea of it, to enable companies who ran these platforms, enabling people to express their views to very narrowly and very surgical ways
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take down comments that were criminal or offensive or and so on. what actually happened since then this very surgical provision has been blown wide open. so what you see now from these platforms like facebook, twitter, so on, is actually what could be described as editorial control. they are deciding what can be published in certain key areas and we saw that most dramatically in the election. so the argument is they are now behaving just like publishers of newspapers or channels like the one we're on right now, if that is the case they should no longer be protected from being sued by people who feel that their free speech rights have been infringed. that is the protection that they now have. what it means is, the reason all these companies are so profitable, is that they have been able to get all this content out there that people want to consume without paying for the journalists and editors
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and so on to actually manage that operation. so any news organization actually, there is a big cost there, to putting out a decent newspaper or website or tv channel. facebook and twitter, they don't have to pay for any of that because we're all providing the content. this is the heart heart of their business model. gerry: steve, you mentioned it during the election campaign, steadily over the last few years they have become increasingly platforms that exclude a lot of conservative opinion, promote liberal progressive view of the world. they are allowed to get away with that because there are tech platforms, they're not as you say, publishers or television news organizations or show television shows like the one you host? >> exactly right. now, in terms of what we do about this of course it is clear i think, any reasonable person would agree that these platforms are taking on the role of editorial control. they are effectively publishers, not just neutral platforms that allow anyone to express their
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view. 230 we've been discussing is part of it. even if you got rid of that protection, my worry is that these platforms have become so big and they have such dominance over our conversation that actually that still wouldn't limit their power. so i have argued all along the real answer to the dominance here of platforms like facebook and twitter and their ability to censor our political and cultural conversation is to actually reduce their power by breaking them up. not enough to deal with section 230. you have got to break them up. so you have more competition and the place you start i think is with facebook where you have to unwind the acquisitions that it made, instagram and what's app particularly enable it to amass two billion users around the world. that is what you really got to do. that is the real solution so to break these companies up. so you have multiple, pluralistic set of platforms f one wants to sensor conservatives that doesn't
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matter so much because there is another one over here where conservatives are free to express their views. if you have that on a bigger scale, then we won't have those concerns about the monopolizing and controlling of our political debates. gerry: where is this going to go? we know the trump administration through the justice department and the ftc has been pursuing these big tech companies. we don't know obviously what the final recommendations they will seek, although the legal remedies they seek but are trying to take on the big tech companies in much the same way you're talking about. we'll have a biden administration in a month's time dominated by many people who have got into tech companies and come out of tech companies. i saw a story the other day maybe eric schmidt, former ceo of google may be a tech czar for the biden administration t looks very likely under biden these companies will get bigger and more powerful, aren't they? >> that is exactly right. you have got, you've got ex-facebook employees, so on in the biden transition team.
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so i don't think there will be a fair hearing in the white house if that is the shape of the administration. however in congress, you've got a large and growing number i think of representatives and senators on both sides who actually share this agenda. so you have among the republicans senator josh hawley who is very strong. elizabeth warren has been strong on the pro-competition side of this, arguing to break up some of these platforms. so you might get more action actually in congress because people are realizing that wherever you come from politically, it is not a good idea for such important parts of our economy and our society to be having power concentrated in a tiny number of hands that we see right now. gerry: steve hilton, thank you very much indeed for joining us. check out steve's show, "the next revolution" on fox news channel this sunday. up next, we have pa texas sheriff turned congressman on the far left squad who have been fuming at president obama after he warned the movement to defund
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the police, that it is time to stop preaching snappy slogans to the choir and time to start making real change. >> we have 55 homicides this year. that is up from context from 28 last year. this is the highest we've had at least 12 years. things are not going well in seattle but i can't say i'm this is andy, my schwab financial consultant. here's andy listening to my goals and making plans. this is us talking tax-smart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest. this is andy reminding me how i can keep my investing costs low and that there's no fee to work with him. here's me learning about schwab's satisfaction guarantee. accountability, i like it. so, yeah. andy and i made a good plan. find your own andy at schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. (betsy)) quarter mile of tinsel. of lights. find your own andy at schwab.
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go to, that's ♪. gerry: president obama has been speak out against those in his own party who talk about defunding the police warning democrats in a new interview they need policies that work for everyone. watch this. >> if you believe as i do that we should be able to reform the criminal justice system so that it's not biased and treats everybody fairly i guess you can use a snappy slogan like defund the police but you know you lost a big audience the minute you say it. which makes it a lot less likely you will get the change you want done. gerry: joining me texas congressman elect troy nails, currently an elected sheriff. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, gerry.
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gerry: i want reaction to what president obama said. before you do that, i hope you learn what he said there, i want you to listen to what president obama said a few months ago speaking at the funeral of congressman john lewis. listen to this, listen to the contrast. >> may be gone but today we witnessed with our own eyes police officers kneeling on the necks of black americans. george wallace may be gone but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators. gerry: so, sheriff, this, right now president trump, president obama is criticizing democrats for saying defund the police but just recently he was comparing current police officers to the days of bull connor of 50 years
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ago when there was very clearly police -- what do you make of this change of heart on behalf of president obama? >> i believe those comments at the funeral were irresponsible and quite honestly dangerous to law enforcement and the american people. now his comments about this snappy slogan i agree with him. i think the slogan is bad. it is bad taste and also dangerous but what is even more alarming is the policy behind the slogan. you want to actually defund police across america? i mean any day you can wake up and read a newspaper across this country specifically let's just use chicago as an example, and you are seeing a significant increase in violent crime specifically, homicides in chicago and other cities across the country. and it is irresponsible and it is dangerous and i think that the american people, the american people support their
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law enforcement. and when you have the extreme left talk about let's defund police while we are seeing a significant increase in homicides across our large cities, chicago is 53%. the city of houston, which neighbors me in my district, increase of 28%. you've had 300 homicides in baltimore. 440 in philadelphia. and the american people quite honestly are scared. they want to see responsible leadership, not only in the mayors in these city councils but they will want to see that same leadership in washington. that is exactly what i'm going to do. gerry: but it is interesting, sheriff, i think to some extent you mentioned this, what president obama was talking about the slogan, defund the police. didn't like the slogan. it seemed to turn off understandably voters in election. democrats lost seats and they
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say precisely because of that slogan. they want to get rid of slogan but cutting police budgets in major cities like seattle and elsewhere. they still do believe they want to significantly reduce the ability of law enforcement to do their job. >> you've seen it in seattle. the city council reduced their budget by 20%. it is affecting law enforcement in seattle. it is hurting the people that call seattle home. officers are leaving by the dozens, retiring because, think about this, you're a brand new, 25-year-old police recruit academy graduate. you want to get into law enforcement in seattle? you will go out there and make 50 to $60,000 a year. you're going to work night shift. have off on monday and tuesday. you will be there risking your life each and every day to protect those people. you have a servant's heart. then what you're going to do is you're going to have a city -- gerry: sheriff i have to cut you
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off. thank you for joining us. congratulations on the election. thank you for your service. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. gerry: i'm gerry baker in for elizabeth macdonald. you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. have a really good in new york, see you back here same time tomorrow. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the battle for the white house is now a full-fledged struggle for the survival of this constitutional republic. there are less than two weeks to go before the electoral college is set to cast their votes for either president trump or joe biden. president trump's legal team have made significant advances in six battleground states, and american patriots this those states are coming -- in those states are coming forward with allegation after allegation of election abuse, irregularities, anomalies, outright fraud and raw intimidation.
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