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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 8, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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spirit, go to lou dobbs pick up my national best-seller, "the trump century" and the great official "lou dobbs tonight" mug. we'll see you tomorrow. good night from sussex. >> president trump celebrating abrasion warp speed. joining us senator rick scott, bobby jindal. fleishman, deneen borelli and brandon judd on all developing stories. some are fighting back against all these confusing, arbitrary lockdown measures imposed by mostly democratic leaders. joe biden's latest cabinet picks
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are igniting firestorms. how will the biden administration handle the deadly crime wave plague many cities amid the defund the police push. mexican government won't even give biden the time of day. i'm david asman in for elizabeth mcdonald. the evening owed did starts right now. ♪. david: we begin with president trump at the white house saying the u.s. is days away from the first safe and effective vaccine to combat coved cove. he covid-19. he signed an executive order giving americans priority over foreign nations. president trump praised the work of "operation warp speed" and the success getting a vaccine so quickly. listen. president trump: life will be much easier for this country
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because of what we've done right now and because of a lot of the people in this room. the job you've done on the vaccine together with a lot of others has been a modern-day miracle. it is really been acknowledged as such. david: meanwhile beltway politicians appear deadlocked over a new covid stimulus relief package. the clock is ticking as the house is scheduled to leave down at the end of the week for the holidays. talk about all this with florida republican senator rick scott. senator, great to see you. thank you for being here. appreciate it when i heard all of the president and all of the people that have been working on "operation warp speed" talk about how this truly is a miraculous introduction after vaccine that could cure the world of the pandemic, i harkened back to the words of joe biden on the campaign trail saying this president has done nothing to help rid us of the covid-19 vaccine. i mean it is just extraordinary how wrong that was.
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>> how unfair. i mean look at what he's done. he and his administration have worked hard to get the vaccines out. it is exciting. i mean i talk to people every day. they're so excited to get this vaccine. they think they will get back to a normal life quickly. if you look at it, get 100 million vaccines out by end of february, i think this economy will take off. so i want to thank president trump. i want to thank his administration what they have done on the vaccine. thank these companies for what they have done. david: yeah. >> they have done an unbelievable job. david: thank the military for all of these operations are working together in a seamless fashion and i can tell you from years of watching washington work, they don't often work as well-coordinate ad as they are now. you have ex-extensive experience in the private sector with one of the largest health care companies in the world. you know what you're talking about. >> it is exciting. we got to get it out. we have to make sure it is out
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with the governors. they have to work to get this out in an efficient manner. i talked to secretary azar that we see their plans, follow their plans. everybody knows what is going to happen to get this vaccine out as quickly as possible. it is exciting, it will be an exciting day we all get back to a normal life to see our families again. david: you talk about the economy. we still have the pending covid relief bill. there are developments from the treasury department i want to talk to you about but first here is fellow colleague, republican colleague in the senate, john kennedy talking in a disparaging way about its future, what might happen with the relief bill. let's roll tape to your reaction. >> i know many members of the media are breathlessly reporting that we're close to a coronavirus deal. i wish that were the case. we don't have our ducks in a row. i'm not sure we know where our ducks are. we are stuck. the democrats want more money
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for state and local government. the republicans want liability for small business people, liability protection. neither side is going to budge in my opinion. david: so, senator, will democrats demands for state bailouts specifically blue state bailouts, kill the deal entirely? >> it sounds like it. it is unfortunate. we need to help people that lost their jobs. we need to keep helping the small businesses. got to get the schools open. we need more money for testing vaccines. it is pretty disappointing, but sure looks likes the democrats are continuing the idea they don't want anything unless they get everything their way. the idea we'll help states pay for bad budgets, why would a florida taxpayer pay for the pension plan of illinois? it doesn't make any sense. david: talk about the way they run their state. illinois, california, new york, they all want bailouts for problems that precede the covid
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virus by years and you run a state that has zero income tax. all those states have income tax, state income taxes, when you add in city, it can be double-digit taxes. can't you give them advice about how to run a state without an income tax? >> cuomo and i got elected governor the exact same time. in eight years i was governor, he was a governor, he kept raising his taxes, increasing his regulation. they spent in new york almost double per person what florida spends. those eight years i paid off a third of the state debt. we added 1.7 million jobs. we cut taxes and fees 100 times. cuomo did just the opposite. then he wants us to pay for his excesses. it is not the covid. we've already given states and locals half a trillion dollars. no, it is about their pension plans they don't want to fund or green new deal costs all sorts of stuff.
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david: how do you pay your bills? >> in florida, what we do we watch our money closely. we don't waste money. our state is funded by property taxes and sales tax. we work on growing jobs, growing businesses. guess what? when you do that revenues skyrocketed. in my eight years revenues went up more people wanted to move in the state, more businesses came in, more jobs. we watched how we spend our money. cuomo, pritzker, newsom, california, they never did this stuff. you want more money? i will give you a lot more money. david: you're taking businesses from new york. >> isn't that freight? david: that is not great if you live in new york as i am. you understand why companies like goldman sachs and others are moving down there, with zero taxes. by the way the treasury department, i wanted to mention this with the covid relief bill said they can use the money they have taken back from the federal reserve board given to them as sort of an insurance policy, half a trillion dollars and they
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can use about $429 billion from that. in addition they have $140 billion that was left over from the ppp program that wasn't used. so that is a total of $570 billion. that is far more than half what's necessary to pay for the entire covid relief bill, just repurposed funds. is that possible to do? >> absolutely. i want to thank steve mnuchin. because he tried to act very responsible to make sure we don't continue to waste any money. we have accountability. he is watching the dollars. but what we still need to do, always remember this is somebody's taxpayer money. let's make sure we still do a targeted bill. help the people that lost their jobs. help small businesses, get our schools open, testing, vaccines, those are things we should do. don't waste peoples money. david: senator on a different issue, the senate races in georgia are you coming coming ue you worried, continuing
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questions about the vote we might had plight keep republican voters from going out voting in january on the senate races? >> i think republican voters are coming out. i've been in georgia. i've been campaigning with kelly loeffler and david perdue. the turnout, i think we'll have a great turnout. people know we have to make sure we keep a republican senate. because we know if chuck schumer controls it, his man is to change the country. he wants to pack the supreme court which will infringe on the first and second amendment. he wants to get rid of private health care insurance. he wants to ruin the medicare program. he wants everybody on a government plan. he wants the green new deal which cost five times our national economy, national gdp, and kill our economy. we've got to win these races. i think we'll win these races because people know what is at stake. david: senator rick scott, former governor of florida, now senator from florida. >> bye-bye. david: coming up 2016 presidential candidate bobby jindal dahl why joe biden's
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latest cabinet picks may indicate he has given the to the party's far left. >> go through with the problem this nomination. he supports "medicare for all." he will be responsible for running medicare, medicaid, obamacare, many other health care programs. he is going to use the discretion the law gives him to try to take away your health insurance on the job. not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa (betsy)) quarter mile of tinsel. of lights. we're made for. (harold) and real snow all the way from switzerland.
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lou: david: joe biden tapping california progress different attorney general javier becerra to run health and human services. he lax health care service. his views on abortion is labeled extreme by pro-life groups. has the self-proclaimed moderate biden caved to extremists? we have 2016 presidential candidate bobby jindal. bobby, we knew some of this would happen and appears it is happening at a very fast pace, biden is giving in to demands from the far left. talking about becerra, clearly in favor of "medicare for all," socialized medicine. he said he is absolutely in favor of it on a "fox news sunday." so what does this tell you about him? >> david, first of all, even
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before we talk about the important issues i want to con frat late you. since the last time i've seen you now have a beautiful new grandson. i've seen pictures, about a-month-old. my mom said if she would have had grandchildren first she would never have kids. congratulations. david: i don't know about that thank you very much, i appreciate that. >> going back to your very serious question about the attorney general's appointment or pending appointment, he does not have the management expertise to run a large bureaucracy. he has no public health background. he represents the far left of the democratic party. not just single-payer or "medicare for all." not just the fact he is out for taking away drug patents. we want to lower drug prices. that is not the way to get it done. as attorney general he defended a california law requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to ad tries for abortion. that is -- advertise for abortion. that is beyond the pale. look at the power next hhs secretary will have.
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under trump administration they have been aggressive bringing down short term insurance plans bringing down costs. waivers for pro-free market reforms. what i worry about, attorney general becerra, more single mandates and waivers going in the opposite direction. "medicare for all." getting rid of private insurance so unpopular, joe biden had to repeatedly promise the voters he was going not to do. he pick as vice president that is for that. he pick as hhs secretary advocating several fores advocating for single-payer system. i'm worried about the pick. i wish biden, i know he is obsessed with identity politics. i wish he would pick the best people for the job and not worry so much about the identity politics. david: i can't stress enough how important hhs is. when you combine all the public health care parts of the u.s. government, you come up to very
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close to a trillion dollars. if they get more into socialized medicine you go beyond that. john kerry by the way with, a 3 trillion-dollar portfolio in terms of climate change in his new cabinet post. you have all of these trillion dollar policies being run by people that have a very checkered history of running things. i mean i think of john kerry's disasterous policies with regard to the middle east and how wrong he was about the possibilities that were envisioned by trump which trump carried out in terms of the deals between arab nations and israel, something that john kerry said would never happen. i mean, these are academics or public policy people who have very little experience in the real world and when they get in the real world they very often make serious mistakes. >> david, you're exactly right. we tried this we elected a president once with obama, barack obama, who had no
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experience running anything. it was a disaster for our country. i fear we're about to repeat that experience again. put aside the far left ideology. the fact that you have got the next hhs second never run anything. spent career in politics. spent decades in the congress. appointed attorney general of california. i'm biased. i think the best cabinet secretaries come to hhs are former governors in both parties that have experience running these programs that have been on the front lines. you're exactly right. you're exactly right. medicare, medicare, obamacare, the department has been on the front lines of fighting covid and we'll put somebody in charge of that department who has never run any large organization, has no public health background. you can tell bide send nervous about this. well the white house will control some of the covid response. he is trying to take away some of the powers but you also hit a second point. we're seeing more and more far left appointees. biden promised he would be a centrist, more of a moderate democrat. you and i both know the appointees make decisions
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especially hhs. so much power there. think about the discretion trump gave the department, promote things like health savings accounts, work requirements for medication. common sense reforms to bring down the cost of health care. i think we'll see the exact opposite under attorney general becerra. david: donald trump came from the private sector there is a lot more common sense in the private sector than the public sector. i say, lest you climb out on the roof jumping off, good news to report, former governor tom vilsack will be asked to head up agriculture. i think a governor in that position would be much more to your liking. governor bobby jindal. good to see you, my friend. thank you very much. thank you for complimenting my grandson. >> congratulations. david: we'll talk to one of the leaders of the anti-lock down movement. he is the attorney for staten island bar owner leading the charge against covid lock down measures really killing
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businesses from coast to coast. >> de blasio and now cuomo have told the people of staten island, new york city, and the country, that if you speak up to the emperor you get crushed. ♪ retched days for it. juggled life for it. retched days for it. took charge for it. so care for it. look after it. invest with the expertise of j.p. morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. after all, it's yours. chase. make more of what's yours. if you have postmenopausal and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself, 'are my bones strong?' life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones
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♪. >> i'm sure this is a guy who would say he is all in favor of law and order and, you know, he is making a big deal about what's happened with his bar. guess what? law and order means when the state of new york says your bar needs to be closed, your bar needs to be closed to protect peoples health and safety, no excuses. when you violate the law there will be consequences. >> so all these local officials who are saying that's right, we don't have to do any of this, forget this, don't comply, freedom. yeah, freedom to die. congratulations. you went from the lowest death rate in the city of new york to the highest death rate in the city of new york. you gave great advice to your people. more of them died. david: mayor bill de blasio and governor andrew cuomo railing
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against a staten island bar owner who has been defying covid lockdown edicts. meanwhile the bar co-owner, daniel presti's attorneys releasing what they say is surveilance of video of a bizarre incident, involving his client, a car, and two new york city sheriffs. for all this, joining me now is the bar co-owner's attorney. lou, good to see you again. how do you respond to what de blasio and como were saying about you and your client? >> david, thanks for having us. you know, i never want to be disrespectful to the mayor and governor of this state. i certainly didn't vote for him but i never want to be disrespectful but to hear them so arrogantly disparage small business owners throughout this state and city is truly saddening. you have to wonder why anybody would vote for such arrogant people. david: now they say that you are breaking the law. that you are lawbreakers but
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what laws have actually been broken, specifically laws? >> well, as far as it relates civilly to the bar i don't know of a specific law that has been broken other than the governor's edict that declare an orange zone across half of new york, staten island. i don't know if that is a legal order. we've been challenging those orders. the governor in this state has been basically given a blank check by the wisdom of our legislature, and, what they have been, what they basically given governor cuomo, is the power to pretty much do anything he wants at anytime he wants. david: without any summons or warrants or any of that, any real legal representations that are supposed to be made, they're nonexistent, correct? >> you know we brought lawsuits,
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we brought four different lawsuits against the governor and the mayor of this city. we're about to bring lawsuits on behalf of the parents of new york city against mandatory testing. back to the restaurants, we brought up lawsuits. we've been turned down by judge after judge. i'm happy the people of los angeles got a sympathetic judge to rule and uphold the constitution and require the city of los angeles now to show the science, quote-unquote, science behind chosing down the restaurants. we still have not been blessed to see it here in new york city. david: but lou the point is, you're called lawbreakers when in fact they're not issuing laws that are approved by the new york state legislature. they're upset you're violating the governor's edicts based on seat of the pants politics. >> that is exactly right. this orange zone restriction was completely arbitrary and capricious. it was drawn across half of
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staten island. literally up the block you can have the same cheeseburger and danny can't serve. we've gone over this. everything about this is arbitrary. they say the, the positivity rate, the positivity rate in staten island on one section is about 6%. on another section it is 4%. so you're telling me you need to shut down small businesses across the island and probably monday across the city because of two people out of 100 difference? instead of four people, six people tested positivity and you're closing down all small businesses because of that? i don't know if that is science or just statistics. david: lou, finally i got to ask you about this incident. maybe we can rerack the footage of the two sheriffs that were chasing your client who got in a car, was trying to get away from them. it appears they are not in uniform and that your client was
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afraid that they were attacking him in some way and therefore he ran away or tried to get away in his car and now one of the person, who was on the hood is claiming that two of his legs were broken. what is the latest on that? >> i'm glad you asked me that question. first thing i want to say, we are 100% certain that that officer did not break both of his legs. as a matter of fact he was in the sheriff's office processing the arrest for four hours after the event. we have video of that same sheriff's deputy after he removes himself from the car, sprinting after the car, like a linebacker on the new york sweats. as a matter of fact the new york jets could have probably used him he ran so fast. that is an complete utter lie put out by the sheriff's office to change the narrative about danny presti, to make him lose support. as far as the incident goes, it was 1230 at night. he was leaving the bar. he was two blocks away from the bar on a dark staten island
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street where from behind, not in front, from behind, out of the shadows, came two people dressed in complete black. they yelled, hey, presti, started sprinting after him. they did not declare themselves sheriffs deputies. that is why danny was fearful for his life. as a matter of fact, he would have really appreciated if the nypd was there. obviously they didn't know about it, so they couldn't be there, he would have loved to have two police officers there. david: has your client been arrested for attacking a police officer? anything like that? >> oh, question. he was arrested again that night. david: what's the charge? >> assaulting a police officer. assaulting a law enforcement officer. they weren't police officers. assaulting a law enforcement officer. this is what we find so ironic. my partner mark fonte and i have been practicing criminal law 40 years between us. in all our time of practicing
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criminal law we have never ever dealt with a sheriff's deputy and believe me, if the d.a.'s office or the sheriff's department really, truly thought he ran over a sheriff's deputy, they would have set bail at half a million dollars or more. they released him on his own recognizance. that is a clear indication they do not truly think he ran over a sheriff's deputy. david: it is a clear indication how these edicts going on all over the country are spinning way out of control and all kinds of unintend consequences will happen as a result of it if it continues. lou gelormino, thanks for coming on and speaking with us. >> thanks for david. i appreciate it. david: just ahead, congressman chuck fleishman how the increasingly authoritarian dictates of our governors are tearing at the very social fabric of america. >> we opted to stay open after
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the second shutdown and we had overwhelming support. as things have progressed in our area, a lot more businesses have chosen to do the same thing. and it is not a matter of you know, bucking the system as you might say but it is a matter of survival. ♪. research shows that people remember commercials with exciting stunts. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's something you shouldn't try at home... look, liberty mutual customizes home insurance so we only pay for what we need. it's pretty cool. that is cool! grandma! very cool.
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humana, a more human way to healthcare. ♪. david: to california now san mateo county health officer dr. scott more row is reinforcing the county's stance not following a new covid-19 stay at home order. joining me chuck fleishman on the house appropriations committee. let me ask you. this is san mateo's leading public health official saying that these edicts are dead wrong. so in other words the people issuing these edicts whether they're governors or in some cases mayors around the country are not following science.
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they are following their own authoritarian instincts whatever they happen to be. why do you think they are doing this? ironically this is coming from mostly from party, one party that continues to say you have to follow the science. they're contradicting the science by some of these orders. >> well, david, i think you're absolutely right. it has been rather arbitrary and sporadic the way some of these executives when they're typically democratic governors, democratic mayors, are trying to invoke their own ideas about either science or what should be done with the restaurants but the american people know better. i trust the people, i trust the science. but the american people are wise. we've gone through this covid situation. we can keep restaurants open, especially outside. do proper social distancing but what i think these governors and mayors need to realize is that they are hurting american entrepreneurs. they are destroying people who have built their businesses up
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over years. this is just not going to come back. so again, i would always rather trust the people than the edicts of these executive officers. david: you know what? they're also destroying and working on destroying is the social fabric of this country where law enforcement officers are refusing to carry out the orders of lawmakers because they're not making law, they're making edicts. they're acting more like commissars than like representatives. >> i have always been very worried of executive orders even when they come from the executive branch. i believe when we pass a law in washington it should go through the house, the senate and the white house. i believe that for the statehouse as well. they have state legislatures and governors need to play by the rules but we are in times of crisis, sometimes in times of crisis certain executives, particularly left-wing executives, governors and mayors, seem to take it upon themselves to issue these
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orders. people don't want it, law enforcement doesn't want it. it puts law enforcement really in an untenable position. let's hope these leaders will retract this, realize the american people are convivial people, we're in a holiday season. we're hurting all year. let us go out, eat, drink, and enjoy ourselves. david: it may be conspiratorial but there are a lot of folks out there who believe democrats issuing these edicts don't want the economy to improve under donald trump as it was so dramatically. we had a 33% increase in the gdp in the third quarter. that was hurting democrats charges that trump policies weren't working when in fact the economy was doing that v-shaped recovery biden and his supporters said wouldn't happen. >> you're absolutely right. we've seen unemployment tick down. we've seen the economy tick up. in my great state of tennessee
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largely driven by sales tax revenues, we're booming, doing exceedingly well. david: do you think the booming, the recovery they said would never happen which is one reason why they're ordering lockdowns at least until president trump is out of office? >> i don't know what drives these left-wing governors and left-wing mayors. typically they like lockdowns and authoritarian rule when it is something that they favor and then they go to the other end of the spectrum, they refuse to follow federal law when looking at i.c.e. and things like that, detentions, they deter our federal officials many times when they're carrying out existing law. so there is a bit of hypocrisy there but again i turn to the american people who know better. we know how to eat out safely. we know how to handle ourselves properly but the american people want to be free. we want to be vibrant. david: absolutely. >> we're cognizant of the problems of this pandemic but we have a great economy. it is going to be strong and the american people will get it
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right. david: yeah. particularly when the edicts are so in violation of science itself, not just the rules of market but also the rules of science. representative chuck fleishman, thank you very much for coming in. good to see you. coming up fox news contributor deneen borelli how the biden administration might handle a spike in deadly crimes as his party's far left continues to push the effort to defund the police. >> the truth of the matter is individuals like aoc and others members of the squad in congress who have been advocating for the defunding of our police, we've seen this happen already in places like los angeles, new york. ♪ non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement.
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double digits across the country from this time last year. chicago is up 53%, philadelphia up 39%, houston up 45%, l.a. up 2% and washington, d.c., up 17%. new orleans up an astounding 63%. aside from the staggering numbers, these cities have another thing in common, they are run by democrat mayors. joining me now is fox news contributor deneen borelli. i don't think that is coincidental, deneen. the policies that have, i think are responsible for these astounding rates is not covid. these rates began to go up before covid. at least in cities like chicago and new york and philadelphia. so it does precede covid. the mayors would tell you it is all about covid. that is the reason why, but that is not it. it is specifically the policies that stopped preemptive policing that have led to these stats. >> you're absolutely right,
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david. these numbers are staggering by the way. you have innocent, law-abiding citizens who are basically held hostage in their own homes because they don't know if they're going to get shot at or mugged or their car is hijacked from them. the failed policies of these democrat leaders in these big cities are killing these communities. that is what people really need to understand and recognize and i think, when you mentioned with the intro something about biden and how he would handle it if he is in the white house, that is if he ends up in the white house, harris and biden, law and law and order, safety and security was not a priority when biden is on the campaign trail. when you look at their radical base, they're about chaos. they're not about law and order or safety and security. david: they still haven't figured out hoe they will deal
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with black lives matter this movement is becoming more powerful. they have been given billions of dollars by all the corporations, the liberal leaning corporations or corporate boards giving money to them. so they're empowered with cash. they have political power as well. they're not going to let go. they're going to continue to drive home their principle slogan which is to defund the police. >> you're absolutely right and people need to really understand what black lives matter is all about. they are radical activists. this is not some warm and fuzzy organization. they want to disband the family. they want to defund the police. again it is about chaos, not about law and order. some of the leaders in this movement are already making demands at joe biden and at kamala harris because they feel like they owe them because they helped with the minority vote support. david: forgive me for interrupting but kamala harris already had preferred the rhetoric of blm, much of which
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is dead wrong, over even the obama administration's doj. for example, michael brown's killing in ferguson, missouri, she called that back in 2019, august of 2019, murder, which is something that obama's own department of justice found was not so. that he was not murdered. that circumstances involved with his killing did not go so far as to call what happened to him murder. >> no, you're absolutely right and those are facts. here is another fact. kamala harris supported the minnesota freedom fund which is a fund to provide bail money for people in minnesota when they're arrested so they can be back out on the streets again to commit more crimes. how much sense does that make? david: so will this involve nationalizing these policies that have so far just been rhetoric on the campaign trail? no oh, i would, i would think
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that that would be the case, david. if biden-harris end up in the white house expect more chaos and more senseless killings and lawlessness. people feel they can get away with this stuff. they feel many boldened to harm people, take what they want and not held accountable. david: what kills me, deneen, i've lived in new york city for decades. i've seen it go up and seen it go down. all the policies advocated by the left now are policies lead to more crime. all the policies they're talking about getting rid of are policies that actually help people, particularly in minority communities. i mean that's where the murders and the killings most often take place. so if black lives matter they should be for more policing not less. it is that simple. quick last word. >> i agree. it is not about black lives matter, david. again it is chaos, not law and order and they don't care about black lives because if they did they would be out there
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supporting effort like school choice and safety and security to keep our communities safe. david: great point. deneen, great to see you. thank you so much for being here. >> thanks, david. david: coming up next national border patrol council president brandon judd what happens to our borders if a biden administration plans to follow through on the promises to rip apart president trump's biggest immigration achievements. doing, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa we're portuguese? i thought we were hungarian. can you tell me that story again?
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♪. david: joe biden has pledged to pull back much of the immigration border policy that has been a hallmark of the trump administration but will the open border faction of biden's party demand even more than that? i'm joined by national border patrol council president brandon judd. so, brandon, how far do you think a biden administration would go in overturning a lot of progress by president trump in securing our borders? >> well, you have to think that they're going to have to go as far as the left is going to want them to go. if they don't, they will not turn out the voter in 2024. you have to think all of the progress that we've made, toe pensionly could end could end up potentially get repealed. the left blocked everything the trump administration had to do.
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he had to enact most policies by executive order. the biden administration will try to reverse all of that, and that is going to harm us on the border, i can tell you right now. we're already seeing it today as the numbers start to skyrocket, number of people crossing the border since the legislation. david: do you think all of this will lead to the same consequences essentially brought trump to office in 2016? for example, the caravans which continued on into the trump administration but stopped as a result of his actions? >> certainly. this is going to be a referendum item in 2022. it will be as early 2022 we'll expect to see that republicans are going to be able to run on this particular issue as the border becomes more and more unsecure. as more people cross the border illegally. 2022 will be telling and of course 2024 in the presidential election. of course anybody, any conservative is going to make this issue of border security is absolutely imperative to the
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this country. they will turn around and they will point to what trump was able to do on the border. they're going to use that against biden in 2024. david: brandon, forgive me, what about mexico itself? you had this kind of strange alliance between a leftist president of mexico and a conservative president in the united states and they actually made progress. the president of mexico did follow through on some of his promises to stop those caravans, central american caravans from reaching the united states. is all of that going to disappear? >> well president obrador found out how beneficial it has been to his country to keep people from blowing through mexico up to the united states. he found out this is less crime in his communities. he has found out that a lot of the bad things that were happening in his country were associated with those caravans that were coming up through, with the people being smuggled through, with the cartels.
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it is actually worked out in his favor. it worked out in his benefit to work with president trump. you would think that president obrador is going to push back against the biden administration if they do try to repeal all of the progress that president trump has made. david: now let's bring it it home to i.c.e. i.c.e. became the punching bag of the left in this election. a lot of people said they were for completely eliminating i.c.e. kamala harris didn't go quite that far. she was quote a complete overhaul of i.c.e. she said we should start from scratch. what do you think that means? >> again, the radical left is going to push very, very hard to stop deportations, stop i.c.e. from going after criminals in our communities. they want that to stop. again that stablizes our cities, destabilizes our communities,
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destablizes our government. that is what the radical left wants to see. you should expect they will try to limit i.c.e.'s authority as much as they possibly can. except for getting rid of it all together up front. jo brandon, last question, you represent border patrol agents nationwide. how difficult is it going to be to recruit border patrol agents and i.c.e. agents under these circumstances? >> very difficult. right now we're seeing a lot of people that are leaving the border patrol as we speak. we have a lot of the upper management that is leaving the border patrol right now as you and i are currently talking. we have a lot of agents talking to me. frankly difficult for me to put on a uniform to go out there to do the job i'm supposed to do because we're not going to have the support that we had under president trump. david: well, let me just, if i could encourage you in any way, you should put on the uniform with great pride because you do the nation a lot of good as do
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all agents working on border patrol. or at least9% of -- 99% risk their lives for doing that hard work. brandon, thanks for being here. appreciate it. i'm david asman. in for elizabeth macdonald. we'll be back tomorrow. lou: good evening, everybody. we begin with a major development in the battle for the white house. the u.s. supreme court has rejected the republican effort to have all mail-in ballots in pennsylvania thrown out which, of course, would reverse or the outcome of the election there. the court, without comment or without signature, refused to rule on the constitutionality of pennsylvania's election law leaving in place whatever the circumstances of this extraordinary election. the expanded


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