tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business December 16, 2020 12:00pm-2:00pm EST
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top of his lungs, it is some days on set, don't you think? stuart: moi i'm not a multibillionaire like tom cruise. he is not worth a bill. susan: he is worth a lot. stuart: my time is up. three, two, one, neil, it is yours. neil: catching the whole thing with tom cruise. you are against the way he was ranting and waving, even though he is very passionate about covid and following the rules? stuart: he should save his rant for those who deserve it, namely the governor of california. neil: okay. stuart: take that. neil: so just seemed like you were getting mean and nasty with mr. "mission: impossible." yours is a pressure job. stuart: don't you love to see the multimillionaires, world famous stars, ranting, using foul language to the plebians to
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try to make them look good. come on. whose side are you on, neil? whose side? neil: i see you with a s.w.a.t. team of people following your every order and command. so i just wonder pot meet kettle stuart: uses minutes of your precious time, neil. what are you wasting time on me for, neil? neil: because we have 119 other minutes to come. thank you, my friend. i will rant. for no reason. stop that! going to be one of those days. we have a state emergency already in new jersey. not a flake of snow has fallen yet. a state emergency. virginia saying same thing. they're expecting a whopper. you might have heard this before. last year's snow season was one of the lightest on record. will we be getting more snow than that throughout much of the east coast, the northeast, particularly in a single day, if it comes to pass. can you imagine if it doesn't?
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that is the betting it will. governors in virginia, certainly in new jersey already taking plans to put things, matters into their own hands. a governor has that power by the way. he can shut down highways. he can order you to stay in your home. making life difficult for you. if you think it is tough during the pandemic, combine that with a snowstorm, that will be a one-two impact. we've learned about 700 flights already been canceled because of that. expect that to ratchet up dramatically as the day ensues. rick reichmuth with the very latest following this at the fox weather center. rick, what have we got? rick: this is the time you want to stay home because you have the weather outside that is bad. maybe go outside later on and hopefully stay off the roads. we have what could be a dangerous storm not just because of the snow but with really strong winds of this, could cause white-out conditions and take down trees and power lines.
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we'll probably have power outages by the time it is done. rain overnight across parts of the south, into the southeast and the snow beginning across parts of ohio, into pennsylvania this is the last three hours. look at our temperatures here. 23 degrees in boston. 26 in hartford, 26 in new york city. 33 in philly. the snow building in. there is this rain-snow line what we always do with these nor easters especially right along the coast. we know it will be all snow across interior sections. we'll see most of the snow piling up. winter storm warnings from the pink, parts of north carolina, appalachianss northern new england there will be a sharp cut off cutting across southern maine and new hampshire, vermont, probably not getting much precipitation from this at all. where you do get snow you will have a lot of it. this is the forecast radar. watch how it plays out this afternoon. snow building in across the big cities.
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overnight tonight is the main event from this. we'll see times where we have snow falling at the rate of two to three inches an hour. that is really significant snow. it will pile up very quickly. you will notice once this is done tomorrow, temps stay really, really cold for the next three or four days. that means the snow will not melt anytime real quickly, not only warmer temperatures. this time of year the sun angle is really low. the sun will stick around. this is the forecast. the worst across interior sections. look at this, neil, cutoff line from snow to no snow. a foot of snow, go 10 to 15 miles around it. maybe nothing. will be a tough forecast for new york, philadelphia. boston better chance. interior, get better for a walloping. neil: thank you, my friend, rick reichmuth. wilmington, delaware, president-elect joe biden is announcing his pick to run the transportation department, his former require val for democratic nomination, pete
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buttigieg. let's listen in to wilmington the president-elect. >> behind me on the screen, first ever black secretary of defense. the first-ever latino head of the dhs and first ever latino head of hhs the first women, first woman i should say of south asian-american descent to lead omb. the first woman and asian-american to lead the united states, as our lead united states trade representative. the first black woman to chair the president's council on economic advisors. the first-ever woman to hold alexander hamilton's position as treasury secretary. the cabinet just does not have one first, or two of these firsts, but eight precedent-busting appointments. to, a nine, first openly gay nominee to lead a cabinet department. one of the youngest cabinet members ever. the biden-harris cabinet will be
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historic cabinet, a cabinet that looks like america. a cabinet that taps into the best of america a cabinet opening doors and breaking down barriers and accessing the full range of talent. we have so much of it, the full range of talent in this nation. a cabinet that is up to the immediate crises woe face and we face several. the long-term challenges this nation faces in the future are in this cabinet's hand. this cabinet is battle tested, qualified, experienced, creative, innovative and forward-looking and yes representative. today i'm proud to nominate its newest member. for secretary of transportation i nominate mayor pete buttigieg. i got to know pete on the campaign trail. he is one of the smartest people you ever meet. one of the most humble. a mayor from the heartland a management expert. a polly wonk with a big heart. a veteran to attended united
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states navy reserve. intelligence officer, deployed to the afghanistan while he was mayor. a new voice with new ideas determined to move past old politics. the son of a professors. a husband, his husband is an educator. always, always a mark of good character is the way i look at it. by the way, jill and i always enjoyed seeing pete and chris -- chastain i say on the trail. chasten is close friend of jill's and mind. what i admire about pete he is always clear about who he is, what he believes and how he wants to bring people in, not exclude them. he is able to walk in any room, leave people inspired with his ability to describe an america that's best for us, all of us. an america that is hopeful, bold, creative, inclusive. an america that can do literally anything. the department of transportation services a critical mission with
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a critical responsibilities, particularly in this administration. we need someone who knows how to work with state, local and federal agencies. for example, right now one in five miles of our highways are still in, quote, poor condition, according to the society of american engineers. tens and tens of thousands of bridges are in disrepair. some on the verge of collapse, presenting a clear and present danger to people's lives. we're the world's richest nation but we rank 10th, rank 10th in overall quality of our infrastructure according to the world economic forum. there is so much we can do. when i think of climate change, i think about jobs, good-paying union jobs. jobs that put americans to work. making their air cleaner for our kids to breathe, restoring our crumbling roads panned bridges, ports, making it faster, cheaper
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cleaner to transport american-made goods around the country and around the world. i know when you were mayor, pete, when people would come in to decide to whether to build something, they say where is the nearest railroad head? what about the water access? what about so on. this is going to attract businesses. jobs that lay the lines for the second great railroad revolution which is not only will slash pollution, will slash commute times, open up investments in areas connected to metropolitan areas for the first time. you know we selected pete for transportation because of the department -- some of our most ambitious plans to build back better. when president obama put me in charge of the recovery act over $800 billion to take us from crisis to recovery to resurgence modernize transportation infrastructure roads, bridges ports for some of our most critical invests. we invested more in
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infrastructure than anytime since president eisenhower interstate highway projects. projects that received bipartisan support. forged public and private partnerships. when we do the public and private partnerships we invest federal money we pull billions of dollars of private investment for every dollar we put in, federal dollar. put millions of americans to work strengthening our economy, economic competetiveness and rebuilding communities for the future. pete has got a great perspective after mayor that solves problems an brings people together. he has got a vision of the next generation leader and with experience and temperment to lead change today, today. get us out of this economic crisis. for example, helping cities and states to keep transit systems running for front line and essential workers. and then helping to modernize their airports, ports, railways to attract and retain businesses and workers. to advance racial equality,
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racial equity as we build back better include everyone. so zip code doesn't determine your access to a good job, a good school, a good education and health care. to deal with the existential threat of climate change with real jobs, not just 15-dollar an hour job i call for universally but for prevailing wages, union jobs, paying 45, $50 an hour in benefits. helping cities across the country in red states and blue states. red cities and blue cities. to build more climate resuming communities that deal with more extreme floods, droughts and super storms. just look around the country today. what are we faced with? the west is burning. the midwest is being flooded. the east coast is being pummeled by more tornadoes and storms than it ever had. we're in a state that is three feet above sea level. all of us along of the atlantic
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ocean find ourselves with problems in terms of flooding. look, working with states, businesses and labor to install 500,000 charging stations for the next generation of clean vehicles, smart grid system, reducing energy consumption and ushering a green energy economy all across america. some of you may remember i met with five leading ceos in america and five leading unions in america and president of general motors after our conversation, our joint conversation, picked up the phone and called i'm told california and said they're dropping their suit against california. they're all in on making sure that they are a, we're the first in the world to have switch to be able to get to a carbon neutral economic way to power automobiles as a consequence of dealing with electric vehicles. we can own the electric vehicle market.
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can put with the 500,000 charging stations we can put, put a million jobs back in detroit and the midwest building cars. you know pete's going to also carry out the department's duty to keep americans safe on the roads and our highways and our skies. pete will help build back better with job, and hope, with vision and execution and i'm honored, i'm honored he is answering the call to serve this country once again. so please welcome, please welcome the next secretary of transportation, pete buttigieg. pete, all yours. [inaudible]. he got it. okay.
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>> well, mr. president-elect, mad dam vice president-elect, thank you so much entrusting me with this opportunity to serve the american people. i'm humbled by your confidence, eager to do everything in my power to insure that this administration succeeds. my hometown, south bend, indiana, was built by the power of american transportation, from trade along the river whose bend gives our city its name, to the trail lines that connected us to the rest of the country back when we were considered the west, to the livelihoods created by good paying union jobs at places like the aeronautical supplier bendix and giant auto as assembly studebaker. client, infrastructure innovation are helping bring my community into the 21st century. i also have a personal love of transportation ever since childhood. more than once as a college student i would convince a friend to travel nearly
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1000 miles back to indiana with me on amtrak. though i know in this administration i will ats about aspire to be the second biggest train enthusiast around. i spent a spring break in graduate school aboard a charge go ship studying there. travel in my mind is cinnamon news with growth, with adventure, even love, so much so that i proposed to my husband chasten in an airport terminal. don't let anybody tell you o'hare isn't romantic. i want to take this commands to thank chasten for everything that he gives and everything that he sacrifices to support me in public service. first time i ran for office was on a platform of supporting the obama-biden administration rescue of the auto industry and when i did first take office as mayor in a city fighting its way out of the teeth of the great recession infrastructure was at the heart of our vision. we reimagined how vehicles and people moved through the city,
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unlocking new economic vibrancy in our urban core. we built up partnerships from regional collaboration to improve rail service to a public/private partnership that put our city at cutting-edge of buy sell mobility. we form new forms of support for lower wage workers and commutes and added electric charging vehicle infrastructure to help prepare a more sustainable future. we also dealt with the challenges created by generations of often inadequate state and federal infrastructure funding with just enough resources to replenish the paving of every lane mile of street in our city only every one hundred years or so. i faced a constant battle with that natural enemy of all mayors, the pothole. in a community where more than a quarter of our residents lived in poverty we worked to fill in the gaps that were created when underfunded transit resources left too many cut off from
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opportunity just because they didn't have the means toe own a car. at its best transportation makes the american dream possible. getting people and goods to where they need to be. directly and indirectly creating good-paying jobs. at its worse misguided policies and missed opportunities can reinforce racial, economic, and environmental injustice, dividing or isolating neighborhoods, undermining government's basic role to empower everyone to thrive. and now comes a historic opportunity. this administration can deliver policies and resources that will create jobs, rise to the climate challenge and equitiably serve all americans. all while continuing to insure the safety of travelers and workers alike. america has given this administration a mandate to build back better.
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step one in building back better literally is to build. americans shouldn't settle for less than our peers in the developed world when it comes to our roads and bridges, our railways and transit systems. the u.s. should lead the way and i know that in this administration we will. we'll bring together leaders in communities from every corner, labor, and business, left, right, and center, urban and rural communities of color, tribal nations, mayors, counties, states, everyone who has a stake in american infrastructure to design a better future. americans expect us to see to it that the idea of an infrastructure week is associated with results and never again a media punch line. my view of this opportunity is also shaped by being the youngest member so far named to cabinet and the first millenial invited to a seat at that table. newer generations have a lot at
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stake in infrastructure policy by its nature must contemplate both the immediate and long term. the question of how america will look by the middle of this century, the competitiveness of our economy, the security of our climate, for me this isn't academic, it's personal. i'm also mindful that the eyes of history are on this appointment. knowing that this is the first time an american president has ever sent an openly lgbtq cabinet member to the senate for confirmation. i can remember watching the news, 17 years old in indiana, seeing a story about an appointee of president clinton named to be an ambassador, attacked and denied a vote in the senate because he was gay. ultimately able to serve only by recess appointment. at the time i had no aspirations of being appointed by a president to anything. at that age i was hoping to be an airline pilot. i was a long way from coming out
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even to myself, still i watched that story. i learned something about some ever the limits that exist in this country when it comes to who is allowed to belong. but just as important i saw how those limits could be challenged. two decade later i can't help but think of a 17-year-old somewhere who might be watching us right you no, somebody who wonders whether and where they belong in the world or even in their own family and i'm thinking about the message that today's announcement is sending to them. so thank you, mr. president-elect, thank you for honoring your commitment to diversity with this administration that your assembling. thank you, madam vice president-elect for your trailblazing leadership, your encouragement and your friendship. there is no greater source of meaning in professional life than the chance to serve others. i felt that meaning every time i
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laced up my boots when i was in the military. every time i came to work when i was a mayor. and i feel it here now. joining this historic team with such an important mission, preparing to deliver for all americans. thank you. [inaudible]. >> as president-elect biden and i look ahead to the challenges we will inherit upon walking into the white house we are focused on containing this pandemic and delivering relief to all who need it. we are focused on safely reopening our schools and responsibly reopening our economy and as we've said many times we are also focused on building america back better and doing what is necessary to lift up all americans no matter where
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they live, whether it is in big cities, rural areas, or any place in between. one ever the most important ways we will do that is by creating good union jobs to build, operate, and maintain a safe, modern and sustainable transportation system. a transportation system that will help us grow our economy, tackle our climate crisis, and connect all americans to jobs and opportunity. we will transform our roads and bridges, transit systems, railways, ports and airports while powering them with clean energy. to spark a renaissance in american passenger rail that will not only connect our country but unlock job creation and growth across our manufacturing sector and we will expand and upgrade our transportation system in away that is equitable, serving
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communities of every size, urban and rural, across our country. the choice president-elect biden has made to help spearhead this work is simply outstanding. i got to know pete over the last couple of years. we have traveled to the same states, attended the same events and shared a debate stage many times. we have had long conversations, he and i, about the future of our country, about the need for bipartisanship and about family and faith and along the way pete and his wonderful husband chasten have become very dear friends of dougs's and mind. pete is an innovative problem solver. he has a sharp intellect and a deep commitment to uniting people across party lines and meeting our challenges together. he is a trailblazing leader from the industrial midwest who
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understands we need to create opportunities for people of all backgrounds and he is of course a veteran and dedicated public servant who represents the very best of our country and the next generation of american leadership. now pete will bring his remarkable talents to bear, not just on behalf of the people of south bend but on behalf of the people across our nation. in 1966 upon creating the department of transportation president lyndon johnson said america's history is a history of her transportation. with pete's leadership we are ready to write the next great chapter in that history, modernizing our infrastructure, creating jobs and opportunity and helping to usher in a clean energy future for the united states of america. thank you, mr. president-elect, and welcome, pete.
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>> thank you. by the way i called the vice president-elect and thanked her for not getting on the highway in the middle of a storm about to come, to come up here. she wanted to be here as you know. thank you all very, very much. -- travel. reporter: [inaudible] >> we're working on that right now. i don't want to get ahead of the line. i want to make sure we demonstrate to the american people it is safe to take. i will be working on that plan right now and when i do it i will do it publicly and so you all can actually witness my getting it done. reporter: [inaudible]. >> i'm confident. reporter: [inaudible]. >> stimulus package is encouraging. it looks like they're very, very close. looks like there is going to be direct cash payments but it is a down payment, important down
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payment what is going to have to be done beginning in the end of january into february, but it is very important to get done. i compliment him on the bipartisan group i'm working together to get it done. thank you all very much. be safe. [reporters shouting questions] neil: you've been listening to the president-elect. he made some news there at the end he is open taking this coronavirus vaccine, pfizer vaccine. he hasn't set a timetable for it. obviously it will be a public event when he does. he also was remarking at progress being made on a bipartisan stimulus measure. was encouraged by the direct payment checks go out to americans. we don't know details on that, how much they will be or what cut off point norfolks to get them but they are moving rapidly on that. but the signature event for this whole pros event, why a business network would carry it, this is president-elect's choice to run the transportation department. for that it was his former rival
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pete buttigieg picked to do that. at age 38, he is the among the youngest cabinet picks a president ever made. bobby kennedy hold as more recent record when his brother john f. kennedy chose him to be attorney general ever the united states when bobby kennedy was all of 35. the youngest cabinet official in american history, that honor goes to alexander hamilton at age 34. he was picked to be treasury secretary. didn't know he would be a hit broadway show but that was centuries later this is now. we're focusing on the position, the transportation department, doesn't sound as sexy or what you hear, treasury, secretary of state but this will be a focus of the new administration when it comes down to climate change, regulating vehicle emissions and all of that, rebuilding the nation's infrastructure. that would be under his purview under buttigieg's per view. he is already on the campaign stop this is something he is in
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lockstep with the president-elect, to encourage electric vehicles, to push for more funding for mass transit. i wanted to see that the u.s. would be carbon neutral by 2050. it was an aggressive measure. i don't know necessarily if the president-elect was onboard with that timeline but he did say it would be a good goal. so this would be an aggressive leader for the transportation department. normally doesn't get the kind of attention it will this time given all of the priorities of the administration has placed on moving away from fossil fuels to more promising the way buttigieg sees it, technologies that will produce clean air and they hope tens of thousands of jobs. joins us now the ceo of career builder. you talk about all of this, this is a field that the incoming administration is tomorrow's new field, clean energy and all of this. is that where also a good many
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careers are, what do you think? >> what i heard, neil, two really important things. one you said is job, potential job creation. this field will touch logistics and what we've seen during the pandemic has been a shift in business of going online. we talked about it for months how e-commerce and online business models have just been beating month over month applications. one of things we're going to see going into the next few years post-covid, that means trucking, logistics will be critical parts of how we get products across our country. so what i heard is continuing to invest in jobs in that area which is exciting to, for all of us to hear. the second thing i heard that was really interesting is the diversity of the cabinet and one of the things that was touched on is the first of many of these. that really correlates with what is happening in the industry that we're seeing as we're encouraging companies and talent
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hiring managers to think not about the exact experience of has this person done the job before, but giving them an opportunity based on their skillset and based on their qualities to match. we're seeing a little bit of that come through in the cabinet in that the appointees have never necessarily been apappointee before, they're getting an opportunity based on their skillset. hopefully companies continue to mirror that, that will lead to a much more diverse workforce. neil: all right. we shall see. i apologize for the truncated nature given the biden announcement here. the president's choice to run the transportation department is his former rival, pete buttigieg, first openly gay person to hold a cabinet position and potentially the youngest. response to that, reaction to that, as well as the stimulus measure on can toll hill all of this concurrent with a massive storm about to hit the east coast of the united states, to
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affect the quarter of all the people in this country along its path. stay with us. ♪. nationwide. and now that sprint is a part of t-mobile we're turning up the speed. upgrading over a thousand towers a month with ultra capacity 5g. to bring speeds as fast as wifi to cities and towns across america. and we're adding more every week. coverage and speed. who says you can't have it all?
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♪. neil: all right. well president-elect biden encouraged by some of the progress being made on this covid-19 relief measure. you don't want to get ahead of yourself on this but we've been reporting back and forth that they still talk, and they are coming closer together on this. the very latest from blake burman following it all in washington. hey, blake. reporter: neil, certainly lots of optimism here, certainly within the last 24 hours or so, there is movement as well especially on the front as it relates to direct payments, another round of payments to individuals. i was told by a source earlier this morning they were
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coalescing idea about $600 or so. one of republican senators john thune laid out the possibility how all of this might work. it's a bit choppy but you will get the idea. here is what he told reporters this morning, quote, if they do it the way they're talking about doing it would be somewhere i think 600 to $700 per individual. obviously double that for family and kids and it depends a little bit what kind of triggers there are and what kind of conditions they put on them. seems if they're working out the details here but direct payments certainly a possibility going forward. we also heard today from the top democratic and republican leaders in the senate, mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer. neil what is so important to note what you're about to listen to right now is that both the top republican, the top democrat in the senate are talking about the very same things as to what they could potentially be coalescing around. listen here. >> we need vaccine distribution money, we need to re-up the
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paycheck protection program to save jobs, we need to continue to provide for laid off americans. >> this has been about delivering a lifeline to americans who were laid off through no fault of their own. families struggling to pay the rent, president food on the table, small businesses hanging on for dear life. this has been about saving our schools, our healthcare system and delivering the resources to produce and distribute a vaccine that should finally, finally help our country turn the corner reporter: so ppp, small business loans, money for vaccine distribution, money as well, neil, for unemployment insurance benefits, possibly as well money for another round of direct payments. what you don't hear them talking about right now, liability protection something that had been very important for republicans, widespread funding for state and local governments, something that democrats had been pushing for, just as you heard from the president-elect he described what is being discussed now in washington as
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quote, unquote, important down payment, the belief is, neil that those two contentious items will be left up to the next president and the next congress to deal with. no deal at the moment but things are certainly moving in a very good direction in washington right now, neil. neil: i'm, this might be a very obvious question so forgive me, up is the president on board with this? i mean he likes what they're coming up with he will sign and support whatever they come up with? reporter: i asked press secretary kayleigh mcenany that very question, neil, would the president support whatever the big four, the top negotiators in washington come up with, she wouldn't definitely say yes but what i can tell you, neil, the president definitely wants these direct payments in there as a part of the deal. i was reassured that once again this morning. it is not a red line to the president as it has been described to me but it's something he is pushing for, something they are talking about
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and the white house at this point isn't saying that the president would definitely sign off on everything. of course the details matter but, his top negotiator, the treasury secretary steve mnuchin, is a part of the discussions as well. neil: all right. blake, thank you very much. i see the snow has begun in washington. some call it "snow-mageddon." they call it a lot of snow. keep track of that and new york metropolitan area will be have a foot of snow. you never know until the final flakes have fallen. george pataki, former three-term governor of that wonderful state joins us here. i want to address as governor you deal with that, it comes out of the blue, stays around a while. part of the package includes states like new york. many republican colleagues don't think new york deserves it because a lot of its problems were pre-pandemic of their own making. what do you think? >> certainly new york has
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serious problems pre-pandemic and a lot are their own making but it is not just new york but all states have their revenues dramatically decline because of the covid-19 economic shutdowns. i don't think you can go out of your way to just help new york but i think you look across the board what a fair analysis of the from florida to california, to new york are, look to help them make up that with a subsequent bill but i tell you, neil, new york is not out of the woods. this is a time we should be optimistic. people are getting the pfizer vaccine as we speak, the moderna might be approved this week. that not case in new york. they're talking about massive shutdowns and losses of jobs and restaurants an government revenue this is not exciting time to look to the new york whether or not the washington stimulus comes along. neil: would you, if you were governor in the middle of all of this be shutting down
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restaurants in light of the spikes in cases the state has seen? the governor intimateing it could go way beyond restaurants and indoor dining? what would you have done? >> i would note shut down indoor dining in new york city. first of all the governor has shut down way too long over the summer, did not allow indoor dining when the virus rates were very low. they said go ahead, spend lots of money. remove 3/4 of your tables, put up panels so everybody is isolated to eat indoor safely. they're being told, never mind, just shut down completely. i don't think it makes sense. over 98 1/2% of the infections according to the latest numbers don't come from eating in public places like restaurants. they're private parties, private get-togethers. you know you're going to be safer in one of these restaurants well-prepared than at a private gathering of 60 people not social distancing t makes no sense. it is going to hurt an economy already in dire straits.
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i just hope that they take another look and see this isn't a good idea. neil: all right. we'll see what happens. governor pataki, always good seeing you. i hope you and your family have a healthy and merry safe christmas. good seeing you again. >> merry christmas to your family, neil. neil: thank you, sir. meantime you're looking at midtown manhattan. that is right outside of our fox news studios. they're expecting a lot of snow right now. that obviously complicates things for new yorkers, one out of three americans in its path because this will be a doozy of the storm if it lives up to the expectations t could be just an annoyance but stands by almost every measure to be quite a problem especially people traveling. 700 flights canceled and vaccines trying to get to the destinations. after this. ♪
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♪. neil: taking a look at the markets, whatever the sort of, you know, rambling around in the dow and s&p you know the nasdaq, that has had a record. technology storming back. amazon is having a good day. apple was losing some of the ground it gained on the idea it will increase production for its iphone, maybe up to 30% next year. that is the kind of demand but you know, in the middle of all of this nasdaq races to a high as the snow gets ready to come down. so financials and flakes, after this. when you switch to xfinity mobile,
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♪. neil: all right. new york already has enough to deal with, now an approaching storm, some are saying a blizzard, a nor'easter about to hit the biggest city in the u.s. we're following it very, very closely because all of this comes at a time all indoor dining at a stop in new york city amid a spike of cases with reports that the governor of new york, the mayor of
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new york city are entertaining far more sweeping measures what has been a stubborn spike in cases. what does it mean for new york's economy, which both the mayor and governor were hoping to see turn around by now, maybe with vaccines down the road that is possible but one guy always, always optimistic about the future of new york, one of my favorite guests, ryan sirhan founder and ceo. very good read of things of real estate and environment beyond the big apple. ryan, good to have you back, happy holidays. >> happy holidays. neil: for the real estate industry you would think, given the uptick in foreclosure activity, what's been happening with concern about the virus crackdown or, are we getting ahead of ourselves? >> i think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. i think people like to focus on the negatives, even as the positives are happening all around them left and right.
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you know, if we want to focus on new york city for a second september of this year, 2020, the doldrums of 2020, saw a 12% increase in contract volume year-over-year versus 2019 when there was no pandemic, far away from the election. even november, november was up 3%. the period of time between september and november of this fall, price range of one to three million dollars saw 17% more deals done this fall than we saw last fall. so i read about all of these articles. [inaudible] neil: last fall, before we even had the pandemic. last fall we didn't have the pandemic. >> way before that, no. neil: right. 17% up from then? where is this happening? >> the 1% increase year-over-year for those handful of months over the fall in manhattan is in that one to
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three million dollar price point which is the majority of people who work, live, send their kids to school in new york city and that uptick, we saw it too at my own firm. i launched my real estate firm on september 15th, is from people who left, who were nervous and scared in march and april, who then realized it is time to come back. who realized there are amazing deals to be had. buying in new york city right now is an awesome opportunity. and that it might be the last time new york is really on sale for maybe the next 10 years. those are the calls we're getting left and right. from crisis comes opportunity across the board. the residential housing market has not slowed down. if anything it has gotten incredibly, incredibly exciting and a bit hectic. neil: so when you're noticing that type of activity, and you're looking at the big picture when i heard this week with the indoor dining stopping and then this week all the
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restaurant owners and those sympathetic to them protesting in midtown manhattan, there is now talk, you know, shutdowns akin to what we saw back in, you know, april and may can return because of this unending spike, does it worry you that all of all sudden we're back in the bad old days? >> not really to be honest. i think we have much bigger grip on what's going on now. as scary as it might be. you mentioned before i came on, how stubborn this virus is. there are vaccines. they are coming. they're on the plane. they were first administered in new york two days ago. we're starting with essential workers and slowly working to everybody else. so the end is near and we'll put this behind us. hopefully we'll all learned a lot from it. the government will have learned a lot. policy will learn a lot.
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it is not just a new york thing or national thing, it is an international thing. we're all in this together. people who need to move, people who are having covid babies, they call got locked up in the spring and didn't have anything else to do. neil: right. >> they're taking advantage after slightly softer real estate market now rather than wait until next spring when there is a fervor again, when there is lines back out the door. that exactly what happened at the beginning of 2012. we're going right back there. neil: all right. hope you're right. it would be good for the no, metropolitan area, say nothing about the general economy. ryan always good having you. thank you very, very much. on that one i don't care if you're left or right, liberal, conservative, you want to see cities like new york coming back, unless they are that will put us all back, wouldn't it? stay with us
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just announced all in-person class will be canceled tomorrow, new jersey declaring a state of emergency so as of this hour, all state offices need to close and governor phil murphy asking all residents simply just to stay off the roads. here at laguardia we are seeing some delays and cancellations and across the country we're see more than 2,000 delays and about 730 flight cancellations that we're seeing ahead of the storm and the weather is no balling backlogs in shipments and the pandemic has overwhelmed the industry this year with more people shopping online also met with temporary employee shortage because of covid-19. now, on top of that december 14- 21 are already the busiest shipping days of the year. ups calling this a historic record of holiday volume and fedex telling fox that it has a contingency plan in place just for today. the storm is also making waves when it comes to testing and
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vaccinations. this week, all 50 states receiving new shipments of the doses that again, need to remain at a temperature- controlled environment. new york could see about 12 inches of snow, testing sites in the city announcing that they will close as early as 2:00 p.m. today. the mayor is urging all drivers to stay off the roads as well. >> you're going to see a constant ramping up but in the meantime the question of the storm, what does it mean? we expect to keep getting the deliveries,, and keep being able to turnaround and get people vaccinated. reporter: so, the first shipment s of the vaccine coming the same week as the first nor'easter of the year, and the season, so 2020 has definitely seen its fair share of hurdles but fedex and ups have both said they will prioritize those shipments of the vaccine instead of packages so you should expect some delays if you're waiting on those holiday gifts.
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neil? neil: all right, i had a feeling , you've got a long day, alex but you're used to those long days alex thank you very much, at laguardia airport, following all of that. john porter of accuweather, the general manager there on what we could be looking at across at least a good chunk of the country. john what can you tell us? >> neil, always good to see you and this is going to be a big storm across the northeast united states, that is going to have a big impact over wide area we're talking about in some places the snow will be measure measured in feet in the interior parts of the north east and we're also going to be dealing with very gusty winds, especially closer to the coast that's going to blow and drift the snow around and it's going to really be essentially shutting down all modes of travel across northeast for the next 12-24 hours, as this storm continues to intensify. the snow is already started across pennsylvania, and in state college it's about to start in philadelphia up to new
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york city by about 5:00 this evening and up into boston around 8:00 or so, and we are expecting around a foot of snow in new york city, but in new york city and right along that i-95 corridor always a critical place for the rain-snow line same thing with this storm. there's big variations, maybe over 25 or 50 miles there can be, you can go from just a couple inches to well over a foot of snow so this is going to be a big challenge. neil: so john, not only once it snows it stays around a while because a lot of these regions it's going to stay pretty cold, right? >> that's correct and it's also worth pointing out, neil, that the big cities, philadelphia, new york, up to boston area, some of them have been in a pretty significant snow drought over the last couple of years, so it's going to take a while for people to remember the fundamentals here of winter driving, certainly the first big storm of the year, and as we talked about those big travel impacts that we're expecting. the other thing is companies are
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facing some interesting challenges in terms of the deliveries, that was just mentioned, both in terms of holiday shipments and also additional covid-19 vaccines, but, neil, many people are working remotely & companies have been call centers need to be planning on what they're going to be doing with those remote employees might be losing power in some places in eastern pennsylvania, new jersey , new york, and up into southern new england so that's going to create additional challenges. it's the first big snowstorm when dealing with the pandemic. neil: good stuff, not good stuff but good insight into those , you make us think, john, we go beyond just people could lose and will lose their power and all those people at home, are kind of, you know, ineffective for their bosses so we'll see how that all goes john porter of accuweather, much much more. want to go right now to mitch daniels the former indiana governor former office budget director, the purdue university president, i believe it's probably one of the best-run colleges in the country. i guess i'm showing my bias there with the former governor,
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but you know, governor this comes at a time where a lot of people were worried with kids when they be returning home from school over thanksgiving break and a lot of them stayed right threw the christmas break, but they be contaminating either their parents or others with whom they come in contact. i don't know how big the numbers are yet, it's a little too soon to tell. are you worried about that, even in the case of purdue students, when they come back to purdue? >> yes, we are. i think that it's appropriate to worry about every aspect of this situation, neil, and it's despite our best precautions, our students will be scattered all over the country, in some cases beyond the country, and no way for us to know. no way for them to know whether they might have come in contact. as you know young people do not get very sick from this disease at all. in fact half of them or more
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don't even show symptoms. we're going to test every student before they come back and others on arrival, but we still anticipate that from some of them will be bringing the virus with them and we'll have to manage it as we did in the first semester. neil: you know, i'm taking the leap, governor, but some businesses are contemplating demanding that employees eventually get this vaccine, vaccines that are coming out, not only the one frohehefizerfit e p yre sooy froroodmer mnam mnana ofsss os overr the e hsmo te mooo come. come. woou f y y torha yor y issue att purdpu,rd auetrdtrddentnt those tch,acorkor there wrehenrere itt bebesco lmeargeargeararnonough i tetsees va ine?cc maket i i mantoryda ctainly,,ve w de'onet w rheheacci innnnhe p tas tast.t. ehthu e vafle the semstter.stst jectioje, fojer , injestinstutst
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knowkn wkn had h h high h h h liance, voluntary,nt farroy,m ff our sntsnt awe aour staff, and i would expect that again this spring. neil: you know, governor, what i was impressed with reading up on what other schools are doing, you were consistent about this , so even when you started off within-person classes, it was always looking at the number of cases on campus and elsewhere to constantly monitor, but to be vigilant about it. a lot of schools, you know, they'd see things drop a little bit and then the cases spiked and then they were off campus parties and the likes of which they just got it out of control. you're always cracking down on that and now i'm sure some of the students didn't relish that sort of thing, but you'd think that that's what's missing. i'm not here to have you judge your colleagues across the country, but that they are inconsistent that you've got to be, you know, 24/7 vigilant
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about this. >> i think we learned three basic lessons, neil and your question reflects each of them in one way or another. one was that especially at a school our size, 45,000 students here, basically a city of 55 or 60,000 people, that we had to start early. we had to make that decision. we had to make it with imperfect information as most such complex decisions do require, but we needed every day to get ready and we took advantage of it. we also left no step untaken at anything we could think of that might limit the spread, we did. looking back some of it probably was superfulous, but we wanted to spare no effort but the main point i would make is the indispensable element of surviving the semester here at purdue was our students. there were almost no examples of
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misbehavior, they all took a pledge to really inconvenience themselves and to forego many of the joys really of typical college life without their leadership really and they really proved the cynics wrong who said that you just can't get young people to look out for themselves or others, and our experience here was a very positive, really uplifting one. neil: well, i think the credit does go to you there because you practice what you preach, which is an odd concept today when i look at what's been happening across the country where leaders are saying one thing but doing quite another but having said that, the success you had in the fall puts more pressure on you for the spring, right? that all of a sudden, well you know, we can dial things back, we can ease up a little bit. how do you prepare for students when they do return in dealing with this? many of their parents, for example, are easing up because
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they see these vaccines out who needs to be shutting down facilities, restaurants which is a big issue in new york, when help is on the way. so how do you go into the spring trying to tell people don't let your guard down. >> that's what we'll be telling people and i certainly hope no one will here or anywhere will relax their vigilance here. we had and we will continue to insist on all the measures that we know, masking, distancing, and regular testing both of those with symptoms and surveillance testing of those who have no symptoms. we don't intend to relax any of that. you know, the problem could be just as tough but in a different way. what we're most worried about now, neil, we do believe we know how to catch and cutoff the spread of any virus, among our students, among our staff, but if like some of the hospital
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s, many of our staff are unavailable. maybe they don't have the virus, but someone in the household does and they have to quarantine those are the problems that we're trying to plan for now. they could be just as severe in a different way than those we wrestled with for the last six months. neil: you know, i'm jogging my head back to when you took over purdue, i think it was around 2012, 2013? >> 2013, yes. neil: okay, so up until then, to which that was running up at a 6 % to 7% clip you put a ceiling to stop that, i don't know what you did to stop that and to keep tuition down, but its continued to the point that it goes through today. you've indicated another two- year commitment to freeze it how are you doing that? >> i would say the central
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answer, neil, is we simply decided that that was our priority, that remaining affordable and accessible especially to families of moderate means was a reason that purdue and other land-grant universities were created in the first place. sometimes we just solve the equation for zero and try to decide what is it we would have to do to avoid imposing increases on our families and i had no idea at the beginning that we'd be able to go even into a second year, let alone to a full 10, but you know, once an organization decides to align around a central priority like that a lot of good things happen. we have expense controls and i must say, the university has grown, so more students sharing the cost of keeping the place going has allowed us to keep the unit price down for everyone. neil: you know, someone who was complementing you on that, you just have to understand, that
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the boss is just cheap himself. i don't know if you're cheap, but whatever it is, it is working but let me ask you. have you ever entertained, i know as a former budget director , we need that kind of thinking in washington. i don't care if you're republican, democrat conservative or liberal because obviously some of these stimulus measures, relief measures they are working on i don't argue that many of them might be warranted. i just worry about the trillions in debt we're adding, governor and i'm wondering, is anyone paying attention to that? are you worried about that? >> i'm worried but i agree with you that very few people have been giving it much thought lately. at some point, i guess people just become numb to all of the zeros, but these are, one irony is that these very young people that we were just talking about are the ones who are going to inherit these problems, inherit these debts, and we've done them a great disservice. nothing new about that except
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that its become dramatically worse due to the exit of the last year, so, you know, my own view has changed to the point, i know longer think that we can avoid a collision with our debts. we passed the point where we could fix them in advance. we're going to have to mitigate them when these unpayable bills come due. neil: real quickly, i'd be re miss if i didn't mention the soon to be inauguration of joe biden. mitch mcconnell recognized him as the electoral college to be the duly-elected next president of the united states. are you surprised that so many republicans held off on that and still are? >> i suppose so. now the system has worked and has produced legitimate victor
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and let's just hope that maybe, as some of the wounds and the controversies in the last year will fade a little bit. we've got big, big problems in this country to work on. you and i just discussed one of them and let's hope for a little bit of comedy and unity in doing so. neil: then do you think donald trump should go to joe biden's inauguration? >> that's not for me to suggest , i mean, to me, one of the most important elements of our democracy, we showed world, really, first george washington showed world that someone who could have been king declined to do so and moved on, and that's the way of a republic. i think the peaceful transfer of power is an important ceremony every time we have it and i rather hope that they will have it this year as we typically have. neil: all right, we'll see what
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happens. i was just trying to throw you a zinger at the end, that you might be so tired at the end of the interview you'd say something stupid. that didn't happen, but maybe next time. >> i don't need help to say stupid things, neil, but maybe i slipped the punch here. neil: i don't think you did. thank you very much, for your service to the governor and service for providing an example to kids. again, i look at colleges very very closely, maybe because i'm a dad of a son in one. what he's doing there is something that is not happening almost anywhere. something to think about, it is possible. - hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - i'm a retired school counselor. [lea] i'm a retired art teacher. [steve] we met online about 10 years ago.
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just a matter of minutes as well here at the john knoxville age campus, the plan for today is 90 residents who signed up getting the vaccine, as well as about 80 staff members. the state health department strike team for the elderly will begin administering the pfizer vaccine here for the rest of the afternoon. one of the first volunteers to roll up her sleeve, 88-year-old vera leap, a former school teacher from the st. louis area living out her golden years in south florida. the pandemic's toll has been
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devastating for retirement, assisted living and nursing homes this year, accounting for about 40% nationwide of all fatalities. i asked leap how she felt about being part of this enormous big first step. >> i don't know how i feel about it. you know? how long it's going to be, i have no idea. >> but you're excited to get the shot? >> [laughter] i guess so. reporter: she was such a pleasure. per the cdc guidelines the first people to get the vaccine are the nurses and doctors and hospital staff and senior living facilities and next will be essential workers like police, firefighters and prison workers, and more doses could be coming next week. last night a panel of scientists , like they did last week, recommended to the fda that they grant emergency approval for the moderna vaccine
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, and so if the same thing happens as happened last week, that could really happen any day now and that will certainly strengthen up the supply of vaccines as everybody is just hoping to get everybody to an immunity level and get life a little bit back to normal. neil? neil: yeah, whatever that is. i forget almost, phil, thank you very much, phil keating waiting for governor ron desantis to address reporters and how all that is going. the vaccine is a good idea. i already raised the possibility of company bosses sort of demanding that you take it, and you might have to. they want to demand the safety of all workers. i raised that very issue just a second ago with mitch daniels who was the purdue university president. here is what he had to say about demanding such a vaccine for kids. >> would you force that issue at purdue, that students those who teach, work there, when it becomes large enough and
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available doses get the vaccine, make it mandatory? >> we very well might. we certainly, we've done that with other vaccines in the past. neil: all right, we very well might, dr. dan bachman joins us western medical center emergency physician, doctor thank you for joining us. do you think it's a good idea down the road as vaccines pick up steam that you kind of force the issue? >> well, i think the vaccine is the best thing that we have had so far in our battle against the pandemic. it's a safe vaccine. it's recommended for everyone with very few contraindications, so it should be widely available and i would encourage everyone to consider taking it in terms of being required? you know, that's a harder
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question for sure. i think that certain people in risk groups should really think seriously about this , if they're in those high risk groups. if you're in a lower-risk group there's still benefit to you, but that's where the requirement maybe a little bit more grey zone. neil: you know, besides just getting your insight on the virus, you were among the early health workers to take the vaccine. >> yes. neil: any issues with it, doctor any problems you had with it? anything that you could tell the rest of us who eventually hope to get it ourselves? >> i had it yesterday morning. i had a little bit of soreness in my arm like a flu, and that's it. i felt good last night. i feel good today. went for a run this morning, and yeah.
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it felt safe. i looked at the science behind it, and i think it's a good thing. neil: the reason why i ask, doctor, obviously, this is the first out the pfizer vaccine , but obviously moderna is very close to having its approved maybe this weekend, the first doses of its drug could be out, it's a little different than this one, obviously but i hope some other companies are coming down the pike with treatments of their own from astrazeneca to johnson & johnson. how will you decide for your patients who gets what? >> well, right now, it's really just availability. you know, all of these vaccines are under the eua, the urgency use authorization, but that's not to say that there hasn't been a considerable amount of inspection and, you know, safety monitoring that has gone into
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saying that these vaccines are going to be safe, but in terms of whether it's pfizer or moderna or the next one, it's really availability. it's a scarce resource at this point and as you alluded to , it's being prioritized based on what the risk profiles are. neil: got it. dr. bachmann, thank you very much and thanks for all you've been doing to look after us and everybody. it obviously has been 24/7 work for you, and all these other healthcare workers like the good doctor put themselves in harms way so that we might not be. stay with us. to all the businesses that helped us make it through 2020... thank you for going the extra mile... and for the extra pump of caramel. thank you for the good food... and the good karma. thank you for all the deliveries... especially this one. you've reminded us that no matter what, we can always find a way to bounce forward.
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point neil is what sources are telling the fox business network are these direct payments that republicans would like this thing to be very narrow, relief to small businesses, extended unemployment benefits, but there is some baulking within the republican caucus with both the house and the senate that there should be more writing of checks, the direct payments to everybody, so that's what i think is holding it up right now and by the way, we should point out, neil this is incredibly fluid. it could change any second, it could change as we're talking right now, but they are continuing to debate the stimulus package. again some gop lawmakers are opposed to those checks. there is some talk, and you see this is where the momentum is, in widdling down how much those direct payments could be. something the number that we keep hearing is $600 per person but again, there's a lot of people in the gop side of the
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equation to say keep this really directed to small business aid, extend unemployment benefits and payments certainly, and some other issues, but you know, the direct payment stuff should really come to an end, so again, neil, i guess today, we will know whether there's a deal. they're working feverishly on this. the two, as we reported in the past, neil, the two biggest sticking points were liability protection for businesses off the table, they took that out, to clean this up and also direct aid to state and local governments, again gone. one thing you should notice, you'll notice, neil that if the republicans keep the senate, and win the georgia senate race the runoffs one or two of those , new york city and new york state will get really hit hard on this and some other states, because they will not be able to get the , the republican s will block any direct aid going to them, so this is pretty interesting how this could foreshadow some of
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the debates going forward about stimulus and aid to states and cities hard hit by covid who shutdown. a lot of people on the gop side say why should we be writing andrew cuomo and bill deblasio a check when they chose to shutdown all these small businesses and crush their local economies when the gentleman in florida did not, the governor de santis and some others so one other thing i want to point out kudos to lidia moin ahan who first reported that mayor pete buttigieg was not going to be named the ambassador of china as some other news outlets reported but was at the top of the list to be transportation secretary, huge story here transportation secretary is a big story in terms of the business world, whether there's an infrastructure bill, mayor pete is going to be named to that position, our sources tell us, today, and that decision could come as early as today. neil, back to you. neil: indeed, its already happened, so to your point --
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charlie: so i missed it. i didn't know. neil: you don't have to watch my show. it's not required. charlie: [laughter] neil: now and then, flick it on. are you cooking or something what were you doing? i mean, it's all right charlie: i was actually doing pushups. i was doing pushups, neil. neil: well, i was, while he was announcing it but you can do the pushups. it's okay, don't worry about it, charlie. not as if i'm going to hold a grudge. charlie gasparino making his last appearance on this show. charlie: [laughter] neil: you're doing this , you're doing this , more after this. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements- neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration.
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city. hey, christina. reporter: hi, neil so you're right. you've got the northeast in general, philadelphia, new york, washington, and then are bracing for possibly the biggest snowfall in two years but talk about timing when you're distributing millions of vaccine vaccines through private shipper s like ups and fedex and you have the chief operating officer of operation warp that did warn they have about 2.9 million doses still left to distribute in the coming days, but they did keep a safety stock aside in cold storage, and that means they're not going to ship them anytime soon just in case there happens to be any weather delays. you have the secretary of health and human services that was on fox & friends earlier this morning and he said they are diligently watching the shipment of vaccines. listen in. >> we're following all of that, you know, we literally know where every truck is every box is we track all of that. we have prepositioned cdc people at each place receiving vaccine, so this is fedex, this is ups
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express shipping. they know how to deal with snow in bad weather but we're on it. reporter: ups and fedex also say they're on it when we reached out they said they have meteorologists following the vaccine distribution and they have contingency plans in place should there be any delays , but, neil, this is the busiest week of the year when it comes to shipments. we're expecting roughly 3 billion packages just over the coming week or so, a much- higher amount compared to last year, and so if you're wondering and it's only normal if your gift is going to arrive, fedex told us don't worry you just need to make sure and track your package online, but they are assuring us there shouldn't be any delays, but you have a shipping industry right now that is definitely overworked they've hired more employees but hit by the vaccines, higher volume when it comes to gifts and online purchases right now, and a loom ing storm. back to you.
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neil: oh, man you talk about a bad combination of events christina thank you very very much that storm, by the way, is making its way up the east coast right now. we were looking at virginia a little while ago. is this around leesburg, virginia, guys? is that what this is? so that's heading up here. you know, people are being hold, take precautions and virginia, by the way, the governor already declared a state of emergency. the governor of new jersey has done the same. one by one you can expect pretty much all the states along this path to see similar emergencies put into effect. this is not an issue for , you know, people who live in very much more warmer locations, san diego comes to mind, kevin faulk ner joins us, the former san diego mayor, maybe i could be talking to the next governor, i'll get into that in just a second, mayor, but it's interesting how all of this is happening amid a spike
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in cases. so much so that the new york metropolitan area where a lot of the snow is headed there's no indoor dining at restaurants and its put off now for weeks. i know many in your state have been trying to petition governor newsom to call restaurants essential workers, essential businesses. do you support that? >> 100%, that's right, neil and i will tell you bipartisan efforts this week at the california state senate and rightfully so, to really get back to allow us to have outdoor dining, primarily because it's safe, and we've spent so much time as you and i have talked about before of look we want to follow the science, we have one goal. keeping everybody safe and healthy, but yet when we've had these executive orders from the governor here in california we had outdoor dining. it was working. our small businesses invested so much energy, effort, capital, to
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make it safe, and then again, to have it shutdown again just about a week and a half ago in california, it's incredibly difficult. that's why you're seeing this bipartisan effort pushback and i've said all along, we have to protect lives, and we also have to protect livelihoods. that's what we need to be doing in california. neil: well, apparently enough californians are annoyed that they are signing petitions to call, you know, for the governor to step down. i don't know how much progress that is making or to have a recall election, i think governor davis was the last to experience it, when arnold schwarzenegger came to power. are you interested in challeng ing him if it gets to that point? if not in a recall, you know, in the next election? >> well, absolutely. i'm giving it very serious consideration and we need new leadership because it's not working for california and it's
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failing democrats, it's failing republicans, and it's failing independents and particularly when we've seen the hypocrisy that's coming out of the governor' office, as we've seen moving the goal post and conflicting rules where californians have been working very very hard to do the right thing and follow the guidelines wearing the face mask and social distancing, as i said we have one goal to keep everybody safe but yet when we've seen what's been happening out of sacramento a lot of people up and down the state know it's time for a change. neil: real quickly then, mayor as you know many companies have been leaving california. hewlett packard enterprises, oracle moving to texas, you've even heard elon musk, while not moving all of tesla over there he wants to go to texas but it is a pattern that's picking up steam. if you were to run for governor, if you were to become governor, how would you halt that exodus? >> well first and foremost, to let them know that we have a governor that supports business,
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manufacturing and industry and good quality jobs in california. i think that's incredibly important. a governor that says we want to actually pass policies to grow and keep us in california and a governor who says we're not going to tax you out of existence or tax you into leaving for another state. i think that this is one of the biggest things we are facing here in california, neil, with a lot of great companies, that have started in california, some that have been here for generations, but they want to know that they have that support at the top. they want to know that they have a state that's vested in their success. they want to know they have a governor that is actually going to support job creation, so i think there are just some of the things that i think we need to change in this state. neil: all right, mayor we'll see what happens thank you very very much, the former mayor of san diego, kevin faulconer. by the way we did put out calls to governor newsom, it has not been returned, hope springs eternal it always does. stay with us.
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neil: all right, we have another caravan to worry about not for the trump adminitration but the one that could be coming in on january 20, and maybe as soon as january 20, grady trimble in arizona with the latest. grady? reporter: neil, if they do make it here to arizona, this is what they'll be met with. several miles of newly- constructed border wall running all the way to the mountains that you see in the distance to the east also running several miles to the west but if joe biden gets into the white house on january 20, he has other plans when he does get there. he says he will stop construction of the wall immediately. this comes at a time when the number of people caught illegally crossing the border has gone up in recent months. nearly 70,000 in the month of november alone, that's up 64% compared to the same month last
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year. the number of unaccompanied children found near the border also going up, and some have suggested that those crossing know the biden administration will be more lenient on immigration. you mentioned that caravan. they started in honduras and making their way through central america and that is making its way here right now. they're coming from honduras escaping an area ravaged by two hurricanes and experiencing a major economic down turn because of the pandemic so this could be the first test on immigration for the biden administration. >> human smugglers already see that loud and clear and they are already feeling the perceptions that with a change of administration our borders are going to be wide open and it is absolutely increasing illegal migration right today. reporter: and joe biden has said he'll make a $4 billion commitment to solve what he says are the root causes of immigration from central america , but those who take a
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harder line stance on immigration say that that could work over time, but what we need is something to stop illegal immigration right now, neil, and many of them believe that part of that system is this voila long with border patrol agents who many for it on a regular basis, neil. neil: all right thank you my friend very very much grady trim ble following all that in arizona so imagine if we get to the same caravans and issues how would a biden administration deal with that i guess we will soon find out after january 20 if grady is right maybe as soon as january 20, but the dow down 75 nasdac is putting in a good day good enough to be in-n-out of record territory, the technology stocks are doing just fine i think by now you know the drill on this. it's waiting for the version and that is a stimulus package, on top of a plan to keep the government lights on for maybe upwards of another 10 months or so, but whose counting? we are, because that's what we
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a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam® is clinically proven to shorten colds! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam zinc that cold! ♪. neil: all right. want to take to you pennsylvania right now as this storm begins to move up north. invariably talking about storms in the northeast i hear from those who get it all the time like in the dakotas out west,
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washington state and others saying you don't know anything about snow. well this is upwards of a foot or more of snow in a region doesn't get anything like that could in one day today get more than it got all of last year. so there. you deal with it. we're just trying to. okay? , okay, here is charles payne. hey, charles. charles: that is called spring in north dakota, neil. thanks a lot. neil: you're right. charles: i'm charles payne this is making money. the market in a wait-and-see mode but tech, consumer discretionary stock have been strong all session long. bitcoin is erupting higher. it is about how much cash will cascade in the economy with the fed expected to get creative as they provide more accommodation. we'll find out in a few seconds from now. we'll hear from chairman powell at 2:30 p.m. eastern time. the latest scuttlebutt has congress cutting 600 doll lal
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checks to each household. will they finish before leaving town? everyone is protesting. we'll get reaction from contributor tammy bruce. all that and so much more on "making money." let's go to washington, d.c., for the very latest on the fed to edward lawrence. reporter: no rate increases, through 2023 the federal reserve specifically mentioned in their statement how much it will buy in treasurys and mortgage-backed securities. it will stay at 80 billion a month in treasurys and 40 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities. that will continue they say until substantial further progress reached in the economy full employment. they will not shift into long-term bonds. the fed see as contraction of 2.4% for this year. that is cut in half from the projection from the last roughly in half fromhe
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