tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business December 23, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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family with peace of mind we were talking about. connell: good for you. merrymerry christmas to both ofu guys. that's our final edition of "after the bell" before christmas. thanks for watching us today and every day, we'll see you soon. ♪ ♪ gregg: good evening, everyone, i'm gregg jarrett is sitting in if the vacationing lou dobbs. president trump has followed through on his threat to e view toe the $741 billion national defense authorization act. now, the president had slammed that that bill for failing to terminate section 230 protections for big tech as the president had demanded. president trump also said it restricted his ability to put an end to the endless are wars and i withdraw troops from places like afghanistan, germany and south korea. president trump also taking another stand against lawmakers on capitol hill who have placed the purities of the --
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priorities of the political establishment, the global elites and special interest groups above those of the american people. the president end reprimanding congress for wasting tax dollars on foreign countries instead of providing more money to american workers and businesses affected by the china virus pandemic. in a videotaped message, president trump demanded that congress cut unnecessary items from a clash 1.4 -- $1.4 trillion spending package and use that money to boost stimulus payments for american workers and their families. >> congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the american people who need it. it wasn't their fault, it was china's fault. not their fault. i'm asking congress to amend this bill and increase the true dick lousily -- ridiculously low
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$600 to $2,000 or $4,000 per couple. i'm also asking congress to get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation. gregg: radical dems like nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez are behind the president's push for greater stimulus payment, but that same level of bipartisan support, well, as you know, was missing before the election when the president offered to sign a stand-alone bill for stimulus checks in october. we'll take that up in just a few moments with congressman lance gooden. also ahead this evening, a new bomb shl revelation in the hunter biden corruption scandal. we now know that hunter biden still owns 10% of a chinese private equity firm. just how much of a national security is he? we'll be taking it up later in the broadcast with tom pit --
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fitton of judicial watch, investigativity journalist sara cart, also joined by ian northan who has the latest on the battle for the white house. we'll also ask pastor robert jeffress why joe biden is so gloomy during this joyful christmas period. president trump on his way to florida for the christmas and new year's holidays. he's leaving washington having demanded that congress increase the relief payments for american workers and eliminate all that wasteful, unnecessary spending items to foreign nations. fox news correspondent mark meredith in west palm beach, florida, this evening with more. mark? >> reporter: gregg, good evening. president trump is in the air right now, he has left washington to kick off his holiday break, but as you can imagine, there was a lot of surprise last night when he announced in this video message how he was so unhappy with the stimulus bill that had been negotiated now for several months. this was also negotiated with
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the knowledge of his treasury secretary, steve mnuchin. the president did not take questions as he left d.c., but here's what he had to say last night. >> it really is a disgrace. it's called the covid relief bill, but it has almost nothing to do with covid. i'm asking congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple. >> reporter: democrats are now celebrating the fact that the president wants to increase these direct payments, but it's unclear what kind of appetite senate repalins are going to have for -- republicans are going to have for something hike this. the president has not said if he's going to e view toe the stimulus bill orbit because it's still i tied to that larger funding package. late today the president did veto the national defense authorization act. this was a bill that was passed overwhelmingly in both chambers by both parties. the president was not happy that
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the bill did not include language to address social media companies' liability protection. congress is certainly likely to override this. we heard from house speaker nancy pelosi, she goes next week, december 28th, the house will take up the veto override with bipartisan support. if this does happen, this'll be the first time congress has had a chance to override the president's veto. still unclear what's going to happen with the government funding bill, whether or not he's going to go through with the veto on that. the defense authorization act veto, that was expected. the president will be down here in florida probably in another two hours or so. no official plans on the schedule for the holiday weekend, but he's been tweeting already from the plane, so i can imagine we'll still hear from him. gregg: we surely will. mark meredith, thanks very much. president trump also using his sled owe message on -- video message on social media last night to assure the american people that he is still fighting for free and fair election results. >> one of my most solemn duties
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is to protect the integrity of your saw cred right to vote. over -- sacred right to vote. over the past season weeks, we have put forth abundant evidence proving how the democrats perpetrated this monstrous fraud on the american people and,ing indeed, the world. americans must be able to have complete faith and confidence in our elections. the fought of our democracy depends upon it. now is the time for the american people to raise their voices and demand that this injustice be immediately corrected. our elections must be fair, they must be honest, and they must be transparent, and they must be 100% free of fraud. gregg: well, the president's message coming as a growing number of republican congress members are backing a challenge to the electoral college vote on january 6th. our first guest is among them. joining us now i is congressman lance gooden of texas. congressman, thanks for taking the time.
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so under the rules in order to meet this challenge on january 6th to take up debate, you have to have at least one u.s. senator. you wrote to your senators, cruz and john cornyn. did they respond? >> they haven't yet, but, you know, one of the reasons i'm doing this now is so i'm not looking for a senator on january 6th. things typically happen in a last minute fashion in washington which is why we're in this budget mess and whew we're down -- why we're down to the wire with only a week and a half to go before the congress closes out the term, so we're starting early. i have said we need free and fair elections, everything you just played in the club of the president seems very non-controversy. i can't imagine any american that would not want the faith of all the electorate to be in the process, and that's what we're shooting for. and on january 6th, i suspect more senators come out and join me in this objection, but we're starting here at home with
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senator cornyn and senator cruz. gregg: all right. let's say you get past the first hurdle and a u.s. senator, one or more, is onboard, then a debate ensues and the vote is taken. how do you prevail if democrats have a majority in the house? >> well, the answer is we may not, but i can promise you we won't prevail if we don't try. and if we we don't continue to fight, it is over, and we will lose are. we're taking it one step at a time. we'll see what happens on january the 6th. two weeks is an eternity e in washington, and so we're making plans, and we're seeing where the new members are, seeing with the senators are. not everyone that will be on the floor in both chambers on january the 6th is currently in office today. so we've got a lot of things that are going to happen as you talked about in the earlier, opening segment. we've got veto override potentially in the coming week, a covid bill that may or may not go down in flames.
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so there's a lot to talk about. gregg: speaking of the covid bill, let's transition to talking about that. it's tied to the omnibus bill, of course. >> right. gregg: but, you know, as americans are finding out the details of this, here is what they're learning about it. money will be going to foreign countries. let's put it up on the screen. $700 million for sudan, $453 million for ukraine, $250 million to the palestinians. $33 million to venezuela, $10 million for gender studies in pakistan, and then, of course, you've got millions going to tibet to monitor climate change. and, oh, by the way, we're paying down sudan's debt, but we're not paying down our own $27 trillion debt. doesn't this now confirm what most people already know, that there are a lot of boneheads in
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congress -- not yourself because you voted against this. >> yeah, it does, and i think it also shows the political blunld or on behalf of nancy pelosi by pairing this together with the covid relief bull. it would be a lot -- bill. it would be a lot easier to sell whatever covid relief bill passed had we put this budget controversy to bed many months ago. but now because congress has punted this until two days before christmas, now the american people are frustrated because they're seeing all this money going out the door in the regular budget bill combined with such little coming into the pockets of everyday americans for the covid relief bill, and there's frustration on both sides. so tomorrow nancy place city has said she's going to try for unanimous consent which means 100% of the house members have to remain silent, and they cannot object. and she's going for this $2,000 payment which is what the president said but failing to mention the president also said
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he wants meaningful cuts in a lot of these line items that you just outlined. so republicans will be putting forth our own unanimous consent bill tomorrow that includes this higher payment number along with meaningful cuts. not everyone, myself included, is onboard with raising this stimulus payment to $2,000, but i'd be willing to go for it if, in fact, with had meaningful cuts, if these wasteful programs are meaningfully and permanently cut and reduced moving forward. i think you'd find a greater appetite for these higher payments. gregg: well, i mean, you understand, of course, how americans are looking at this. wait a minute, i get a paltry $600 -- not myself, but most americans get $600, and you're giving billions and billions of dollars to foreign countries. this is what rand paul said, we can put this up on the screen. we've got a bridge that's broken over ohio river. we wanted a new bridge for ten years. we send money to pakistan for
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gender studies, for goodness sakes, we can't rebuild our own country because we're too busy rebuilding everybody else's country. it's why president trump right, why president trump got all these new blue collar workers into our party. they're sick and tired of shoveling money overseas, they want it here at how many. he's absolutely right about this, but how about this? instead of stimulus checks or in addition to stimulus checks, why don't we op up the american -- open up the american economy, put a stop to these absurd and meritless are lockdowns and shutdowns that are ruining lives and livelihoods, making people impoverished and hungry and lost in do -- in despare. >> and that's right. and the states that are opened up, is it fair that the texas taxpayer is now having to pay for stimulus -- still thelating the new york economy where their government that has the whole
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state shut down? i think what you said is absolutely right. we've got local and state governments that are shutting down their economies and expecting the federal government to pick up the tab, and i think's ridiculous. and states like texas, like florida where the governor's realized that the economy must go on, i think they're in better places. but you're absolutely right, it's absolutely ridiculous that there are portions of the nation that are still shut down. and ironically, those are the same parts of the nation where their leaders are saying that the federal government should bail them out. gregg: and it's not based on science, it's not justified. common sense tells us that, not to mention an egregious unconstitutional violation of civil liberties. wish we had more time, but congressman lance are gooden, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. gregg: coming up next, president trump's latest move to stop the deep state from stonewalling the obamagate investigation. we'll take that up and more after the break with judicial watch president tom fitton. ♪
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indictments. but in 590 days of investigating, durham has only produced one such indictment so far. also breaking, attorney general william barr. [laughter] office today after two years of -- left office after two years of running the justice department. he determined he had no reason to i appoint special counsels to investigate either election fraud or hunter biden's corrupt business ties. our next guest has called out barr's department of justice for turning a blind eye to the biden scandal. joining us now, tom fitton, president of judicial watch. tom, great to see you. >> good evening. gregg: 100%, bill barr is wrong in not appointing a special counsel in the hunter biden case. all he has to do is read 28cfr600 et al., and it says very clearly that if there's a conflict of interest, a special counsel is required. not maybe appointed or only if you want it on a, you know,
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every other sunday. no, it's mandatoriment and i can't -- mandatory. and i can't think of a greater conflict of interest than the son of the president being investigated by dad's justice department, can you? >> yeah. even under the trump justice department, there's a conflict of interest because the justice department, in my view, has been imblue -- implicated or has engaged in an effort to protect joe biden. gregg: right. >> they've had that laptop for a year, they took no significant investigative steps for political reasons, obviously, and that needs to be investigated. they mishandled the investigation, so we need a separate, independent voice taking a look at it. and if the acting attorney general doesn't want to follow the rules as you suggest, gregg, he should be ordered to do so by the president. and if he won't do it, the president can put someone in there until he finds someone who will enforce the rule of law.
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gregg: all right -- >> or he can appoint a special counsel directly. with but my count, seven presidents have directed or appointed special prosecutors since 1875, season presidents. including, most recently, bill clinton. gregg: you know, hunter biden made millions in foreign money by selling access to dear old dad. it's massive influence peddling and corruption, and we now know there's a criminal investigation by the u.s. attorney in delaware. and, you know, some time ago hunter biden's lawyer made a promise that hunter biden would stop doing this sort of stuff. and here is the statement from october from the lawyer. hunter will agree not to serve on boards of or work on behalf of foreign-owned companies. well, "the wall street journal" reports today hunter biden still owns 10% interest this a private
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equity chinese company which, essentially, puts a lie to joe biden's many statements about his son and biden saying, oh, my son will not be involved and anyone in my family involved in foreign businesses. >> yeah. hunter biden is a business partner still with the chinese communist government. his prior business partner also associated with the chinese communist government has disappeared. so this is a dangerous game he's been playing. and we know from evidence from the laptop, which is increasingly being confirmed, that these deals were in part to take care of joe biden. so whenever anyone hears hunter biden, they should substitute the word joe biden. tax the issues, bribery issues, money laundering, conspiracy, foreign agent registration act, extortion, you name it, joe biden's implicated in it.
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and anyone who tells you otherwise is just playing politics to protect joe biden from accountability from the evidence of criminal conduct that he's been involved in with his family. taking advantage of his government position. you know, we found documents, gregg, before congress released them, we forced this many out of the government. hunter biden flew to china five times while his father was vice president. gregg: right. >> you know, given chinese intelligence operations why on earth would that even be countenanced in any administration is beyond me. and we all know what was going on. this stake he got in bhr, the chinese communist-affiliated entity, it looks like even then he had chinese help in getting the stake. gregg: right, i do want to ask you -- >> investments that could come back to him. gregg: i want to ask you about the durham investigation before with run out of time. president trump signed an order now, this is incredibly
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revealing, that allows durham to present classified information and documents to a criminal grand jury. now, the president had to do that apparently because the authorizing agencies like the fbi refused to give approval to do that. why wouldn't they give approval? because they're engaged in a cover-up of their own abuse of power in the entire trump-russia collusion hoax. would you agree? >> yeah, i would go further. the cover-up goes back further because, remember, the first executive order or direction was the agencies had to give is the to the classified information to the justice department because, obviously, they were stonewalling at the time. and now potentially they want to run something through a grand jury, i don't know who the potential partners are. i'm not impressed that anyone significant will be targeted. and you can bet there was more objections to using it to get a
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potential indictment or even have a grand jury review them. and so you had the president of the united states had to intervene twice for justice. and this is, this is what's incredible here. it's the president who needs to take steps for justice. the pardons this week for the victims of the mule or witch hunt -- mueller witch hunt to ordering his agencies to cooperate with law enforcement -- gregg: right. >> the lawlessness abounds within the deep state, that's for sure. gregg: absolutely. well, the fact that now classified information being presented to a criminal grand jury, the fact that durham has increased his staff recently and the fact that he's been elevated to special counsel all untiles me there will be -- tells me there will be criminal indictments. >> i i hope you're right. gregg: so fingers crossed andrew mccabe, look out. tom fitton, thanks very much. coming up next, georgia election official gabrielle sterling has decried president
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trump's allegations of electoral fraud in georgia, but now that fraud is hitting sterling very close to home. we're going to have more on that after the break. verizon 5g is next level. now get one of our best 5g phones on us when you buy one. and get $500 when you switch. plus select unlimited plans include disney+, hulu, and espn+. 100% obsessed with "the mandalorian." i watch a lot of sports. it has all my favorite shows. and right now, the gaming the whole family will love is also on us. it's like a gift on top of another gift. gifts keep coming at you. everywhere. this is 5g from america's most reliable network. dcoughing's not new.. this woman coughs...
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muck. ♪ gregg: welcome back, i'm gregg jarrett sitting in for vacationing lou dobbs. wisconsin republicans appear dog doing nothing about thousands of possibly invalid absentee ballots, nearly 200,000 voters used china virus restrictions to declare themselves indefinitely confined in the november election. that status is usually reserved for the elderly or the sick so they can vote absentee without id. the wisconsin supreme court ruled the pandemic was not an excuse for any able-bodied person to get an absentee ballot. it's up to republicans to identify which ones should not count. we asked the republican party
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multiple times today what their doing about it -- they're doing about it, didn't get a response. georgia's voting systems manager, gabriel sterling, has railed against president trump's call for a fair and free election. he insists charges of electoral throwed are pure misinformation. wait a minute. yesterday he announced the woman he bought his house from two years ago used that address to sign up for an absentee ballot. joining us now is the special counsel for the amistad project, an election integrity watchdog, part of the thomas moore society, a conservative law firm. the firm has filed a new federal lawsuit demanding that state legislatures be allowed to certify electors, not governors, before the election is certified by congress on january 59. each -- 5th. ian, thanks for being with us. give me your best closing
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arguments as to why you should win that cause. >> first of all, thanks for having me. the reason is because the constitution doesn't have a covid exception to it. the constitution says that the state legislatures are the ones who decide. so they can't delegate that task to a governor or a secretary of state especially when we've got accusations from other states like texas saying that michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania didn't follow their own statutes. now, the laws are meant to be followed, and so if you can't have election officials trusted to follow the laws as they're written instead of as they wish they were one, then you can't trust them or the votes that they're certifying. so i think it's incumbent upon the state legislatures, we heard from one of the electors earlier that they need a second slate of electors to make sure there's accuracy and integrity in the election. we just don't have that in michigan. and as you said in wisconsin and other places, we don't have it there either. gregg: right. >> that's like trusting the keys to the car to your teenager. they get a ticket, they crash
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the car, what do you do? the legislature takes back those chis and making r -- keys and making sure it doesn't happen again. gregg: let me play devil's advocate. the counterargument would be take a look at article ii. it's somewhat vague and am buggous. it says that state legislatures set the rules, the manner -- is the language -- in which electors are appointed in each state. and those states in setting the rules have simply followed the electoral count act, a 19th century law that directs governors to certify the results and the slate of electors that respect the will of the people. that represent the will of the people. yes, that same act says in the vent of a falled -- failed election, state lawmakers step in and appoint electors. so your hurdle there is to prove it's a failed election?
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>> well, no i don't think the burden is on the state legislature. it's just the opposite. the burden would be on whoever's job it was to do, in this case secretaries of state or executive branch agencies, it's their job to prove that they did a good job, and here they can't do that. for example, in michigan, you know, the legislature issued subpoenas, and instead of responding to those subpoenas with ed, the success tower of state sent out a destruction million mow. instead of responding to the request to come in and testify under oath, she's refusing to testify. so, to me, that tells you everything you need to know. the burden is not on the legislature. they delegated this task. the burden is on this many to make sure they hold these election officials accountable, and when election officials refuse to answer questions under oath or refuse to provide evidence or in some cases even order the destruction of evidence, that tells me everything i need to know. that is a bad election. and under the electoral count act or, more importantly, under the constitution it's their job to fix it. the group closest to the people.
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not the u.s. congress, but the state legislatures, those are the ones closest to the people. and there's some with in the way that was set up, and that's been our tradition for the entire time that our country's been in place, the state legislatures, the buck stops with them. and they've got a hard task but no less important for them to do the work when the election officials are either skirting around the rules or avoiding them intentionally altogether. gregg: all right. i've only got a few seconds left, but i read your report, the outset report, the investigation. mark zuckerberg, head of facebook, donated half a billion dollars, as i understand it, in what can only be described as dark money to incomplaint voter -- inflate voter turnout in democratic key states. that strikes me as potentially all legal. >> if i were to do that as a private citizen, it would be
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unlawful. there's no charity exception to those rules, and the fact that it was put in so many places, targeted and those are the spots where we see these irregularities, that's not a coincidence. so you don't have to believe in conspiracy theories. the money's well documented. what's not well documented is where it went. if the government officials spend the money to help america vote act, there's transparency, you can foia those requests, freedom of information act, but when it's a charity, you can't do that. it's concealed, it's hidden. gregg: right. well, you know, the guy's worth billions and billions of dollars, spending it in a way that tells us where his desires lie. ian, thank you very much. coming up next, more on the biden family corruption scandal. what joe biden pledged last year about his family members and their work in foreign countries. we'll have that and more of after the break with investigative journalist sara cart or.
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gregg: well, it's not the end of the story, because he still has 10 percent. a source told fox news that hunter biden is in the process of offloading that investment. right. joining me now, sara carter, investigative reporter, fox news contribute or. not only, sara, does hunter biden still have 10% of a chinese company, but when joe biden said in the debate that his son never made a dime in chinese money, that was a lie. i mean, the senate report found documents showing that $5 million was funneled to hunter biden. so that's demonstrably untrue, what joe biden said. >> well, it's demonstrable thely untrue, gregg, and, you know, the fbi has been sitting on a laptop since last year, 2019, with more and more and more evidence, e-mails and letters that -- and documents that connect hunter biden as well as
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e, i believe from sources that i've spoken to, joe biden to possible, you know -- well, we know for hunter biden money laundering and other issues. and those connections to his father, and it is true, his father absolutely did lie about that. and we know that's just the tip of the iceberg. the 10% in bhr, that's with china, and all of the e-mails that have been discovered on that laptop that the fbi kept from the american people, literally kept the information from the american public, did not do their forthright investigations into hunter biden which show that he was actually using his name to gain, to gain influence and connections both in china and ukraine as well as russia. so this is very serious, and it's unfortunate because it's the american people that are paying the price for this. gregg: peter doocy yesterday asked joe biden, shouted out a question to joe biden, it was
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actually a very important question. and joe biden's response was incredibly revealing. let's take a listen. >> do you still think that the story from the fall about your son hunter were -- [inaudible] >> yes, yes, yes. god love ya, man, you're a one-horse pony, i tell ya. thank you. thank you. i promise you, my justice department will be totally on its own making these judgments about how they should proceed. gregg: the notion, sara, that this is somehow russian disinformation has already been discredited and debunked. a grand jury conducting a criminal investigation is real, it's not a russian hoax. not even hunter biden disputes the a authenticity of the evidence found on his laptop, and yet, you know, the media's letting him get away with this. >> well, not only is the media lettg hin gim awa whhis,his,hi
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th fbie is, t dtmenararararar or sticee is,orney genyeny m barmars, everybobosboss inlegtthemhe get awayyy wity wii forr o a yea tmeri anca oplee hadee too p uo u u uithh is. is th ameecameneopl phave p bven bb lied the tave bn ver ee t very fyewhat t wer tengeino ll we wre wngilong tngep r t r thee trh. rt t truth aruth and a you ggg,g seanan,,,thsth thaththa atio.wwelingongng t nvbuy f f f people haplveplvepln n tuallyivg thegmerin teoplepe enope enope ino imati t theythey ceyak a infornfdd ls t tingin polls and thanisd ananhat happens. what happens when people in power get away with everything? they can say things that are fundamental lies like joe biden said. this is russian disinformation. gregg: right. >> you would say to joe biden the only russian disinformation that has ever existed publicly was what the dnc and hillary clinton paid for against
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president trump. gregg: i want to play another sound bite from joe biden. you know, he keeps insisting, oh, gee, i won't talk to any perspective attorney general nominee about the case. take a listen to this. >> no. i guarantee you i'm going to do what i said. the attorney general of the united of united states of america is not the president's lawyer. i will appoint someone who i expect to uphold the law as written, not guided by me. [laughter] gregg: that's absurd, sara, because first of all, biden keeps repeating, oh, gee, it's all just russian disinformation about my son. so he is sending a very clear signal to any prospective attorney general -- >> right. gregg: -- nominee that he doesn't want his son prosecuted. so he doesn't need to talk to the a.g., i mean, the message is there. >> you're absolutely right, greging. and it seems like everybody is just kind of throwing their
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hands up in the our, you know? i think -- in the air, you know? i think the one thing we have learned over the last year, maybe the last four years, is that there really is a two-tiered justice system. there is a justice system for us regular folks. we would get thrown in jail or investigated by the fbi, our family members would be investigated, and there's a different system of justice for people like joe biden, right? people who are in power. and this is what is so unfortunate. and here's joe biden making all of these claims, yet, you're right, putting it out there that the, you know, this is all russian disinformation, his son is the smartest man he knows, he could have never done anything wrong even though we're being gas lit. i mean, this is complete gaslighting. we see the evidence right before our very eyes in e-mails, text messages, in documents, and believe me, we've only seen a small portion of them. the fbi is sitting on a slew of documents that they have not released yet, and it's going to be shocking when those documents
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start coming and trickling out over the next few months. what's going to be even more interesting is whether or not somebody's willing to hold their feet to the fire. gregg: all joe biden has to do is appoint someone, eric holder -- obama's attorney general -- who famously bragged i'm obama's wingman, i've got his back. [laughter] that's all he's got to do. maybe he'll pick eric holder -- >> or andrew cuomo. [laughter] gregg: oh, there you go. no, you actually need somebody competent and intelligent for that job. sara carter, thank you very much for being with us. coming up next, americans get ready for the hope and joy of christmas while joe biden delivers doom and gloom. no hope joe. we'll take the it up with pastor robert jeffress next. ♪ ers like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right.
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♪ ♪ gregg: bit of a mixed day on wall street. the dow up 114 points, s&p up 3, nasdaq was down 37. volume on the big board, 3.8 billion shares. a reminder to listen to lou's reports three times a day on the say almost radio network. well, joe biden is sucking the joy off the christmas season, warning americans again of the dark days he sees in fighting the china virus pandemic. >> i'm going to tell it to you
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straight, i'm going to tell you the truth, and and here's the simple truth: our darkest days in the battle against covid are ahead of us, not behind us. so we need to prepare ourselves, to steel our spines. as frustrating as it is to hear, it's going to take patience, persistence and determination to beat this virus. there'll be no time to waste. gregg: our darkest days are ahead of us. makes you feel good around christmas, doesn't it? joining us now, pastor robert jeffress from the first baptist church in dallas, fox business contribute or. obama was hoping and change. biden seems to be doom and gloom. we might call him no of hope joe. no-hope jo. instead of the courageous fdr statement were nothing to fear but fear itself, biden's mantra
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seems to be we have everything to fear, especially fear itself. what kind of leadership is that? why isn't he hailing as a christmas miracle this amazing vaccine? >> you know, gregg, for a leader to lead people through a crisis, he has to both inform and inspire. he has to find that perfect balance between realism and optimism like one son churchill did -- winston churchill did, for example. joe didn't find that balance. it was much too heavy on the doom and gloom and not enough hope. i am glad that he created president trump, as president trump should receive lots of credit, for his excellent leadership if corporation warp speed and bringing this vaccine to fruition. joe should have talked more about that. and, you know, as we come to christmas, gregg, i'd point out one other thing when we think about what happened in bethlehem 2,000 years ago. when you're doing an evaluation of a situation, it's always a
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mistake to leave god out of the equation. when god chooses to intervene in human history, the results can be immediate and dramatic. gregg: you've written wonderfully, pastor, about how christmas really gives people hope. given the conditions currently e and what's happened this year, do you think more americans are going to be spending some durable time in spirit spiritual -- some additional time in spiritual reflection? >> well, actually, gregg, yes. the polls show that. in my op-ed for fox news about the unrelating hope of christmas -- unrelenting hope of christmas, i point out that 88 of the religiously unaffiliated choose to celebrate christmas this year, and 10% of them are going to spend more time in spiritual reflection. and i think the reason is, gregg, the pandemic, the political strife in our country has reminded us of how broken our world really is. we might patch i it it up for a
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little while, but we can't solve the problem. only god can do that. but that's what he did at bethlehem. you know, somebody said if man's greatest need was for an education, god would have sent a teacher. but our greatest need was for forgiveness, and that's why god sent a savior. as the angel said to the shepherd, more unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior who is christ the lord. that's the hope of christmas for all of us. gregg: pastor robert jeffress, thanks for being with us and have a merry, merry christmas. thank you. >> merry christmas to you with, gregg. gregg: we'll be right back with more. ♪ ♪ sofi made it so easy to pay off my student loan debt. (chime) choosing sofi was literally one of the best decisions i could have ever made because it gave me peace of mind. ♪
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♪. gregg: look at that, police in sarasota, florida, spreading holiday cheer with a new video going viral this morning. check this out. ♪. all right, police cruisers putting on a light show. timed to the transsiberian orchestra song, mad russian christmas. the video has been viewed thousands and thousands of time. very nice. tom fitton joined us tonight blasting attorney general bill barr on his last day in office.
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>> the justice department in my view has been implicated or has engaged an effort to protect joe biden. they had the laptop for a year. they took no significant investigative steps for political reasons obviously. that needs to be investigated. they mishandled the investigation. so we need a separate, independent, voice taking a look at it. gregg: and president trump tonight sending a message to iran on twitter warning the iranian regime that if any americans are killed, a single american in iraq, president trump will hold iran responsible. that is going to do it for us tonight. national security expert jim hanson and radio talk show host larry elder are among our guests this coming monday. reminder, follow lou on twitter @loudobbs, like him on facebook, follow him on instagram and
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parler at lou dobbs tonight. i'm gregg jarrett sitting in for the vacationing lou dobbs. hope you all have a happy holiday and a very merry christmas. of the ♪. >> high trauma in washington, d.c. the capitol and nation on edge president trump hinted he might veto the covid relief year-end funding package. with husband congressman michael babin michael pillsbury, ken buck. tom homan on these stories. house majority whip brushes off questions of eric swalwell's ties to suspected chinese spy. questions over hunt hunt foreign business dealings. escalating backlash from anti-covid-19 lockdown movement after new york city mayor
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