tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business December 24, 2020 5:00am-6:00am EST
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brother's magical secrets. i'm jamie colby. and that's one strange inheritance no one would take with them. ♪ nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnz beg mcdonald. you're watching evening edit. that does it for us. have a great holiday. >> good evening, president trump has followed through on his threat to veto the 741 billion dollar national defense authorization act, president had slammed that bill for failing to terminate second 230 protections for big tech, as president demanded. president trump also said it restricted his ability to put an end-to-end less wars. and trump also taking another stand against the lawmakers on capitol hill, who placed
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priorities of the political establishment.he globalal elites and special interest groups. above those of the american people, president reprimanding congress for wasting american tax colors on foreign -- dollars on foreign countries. in a videotape message president trump demanded that congress cut unnecessary items from a 1.4 trillion dollar spending package and use that money to boost stimulus payments for american workers and their families. >> congress found money for foreign countries, lobbyists and special interests, while sending bare minimum to the american people. who need it. it was not their fault. it was china's fault. not their fault. i am asking congress to amend this bill, increase the accidentally low 600 dollars to
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$2,000. or $4,000 for a couple. i am also asking congress to immediately get rid of wasteful and unnecessary items from this. >> radical dimms like nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and alexandria ocasio-cortez are behindnd the president's push fr greater stimulus payments, but that same level of bipartisan support, well as you know was missing before the election, when president offered to sign a stand alone bill for stimulus checks inn october. we take that up in a few moments with congressman land gooden. also a new bombshell revelation in hunter biden corruption stan dal he still owns 10% of a private chinese equity term. just how much of a national security is he.
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louhe. >> we take to up later in the broadcast. the latestest on on ba battle fr the white house. and we'll ask pastor jeffers why jobe i don't know ijoe biden isn president trump on his way to florida for christmas and new years holidays, he is leaving washington, demanding congress increase the relief payments for american workers, and eliminate the wasteful unnecessary spending items to foreign nations, our correspondent in west palm beach florida with more. reporter: good evening president trump is in the air right now, he left washington to kickoff his holiday break. there was a lot of surprise last rpnight, when he announced in te video message, how he was so unhappy with the stimulus bill, it was negotiated with knowledge
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of his treasury secretary mnuchin. here is what he said last night. >> it really is a disgrace, it's called the covid relief bill, it has almost nothing to do with covid, i ask congress to amend this bill and increase low 600 to $2000 or 4 thousand for a couple. reporter: democrats celebrate the fact that president wants to increase the direct payments, but unclear what kind of appetite senate republicans would have for something like this. the president has not said if he will veto the stimulus bill or not, still tied to larger government funds package. today president did veto national defense authorization act it was passed overwhelmingly. the veto was expected, president
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of the not happy that bill did not address companies. congress likely to override this we heard from house speaker nancy pelosi, next week, the house will take up veto override with bipartisan support. this wouldid be first time congress had. a chance to override president's veto. unclear what will happen with the larger stimulus bill and government funding bill. president will be here in florida in about two hours. no official plans on the schedule, but he has been tweeting from the plane. i can imagine we'll be hearing from him during the break. >> we will, mark in west palm thank you. >> and president trump also using his video message on social media last night to assure the american people that he isop still fighting for free and fair election results. >> one of my most solemn duties
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to protect the integrity of our sacred right to vote. proving how democrat perpetrated that fraud on american people and the world, americans must be able to have faith and confidence in our election, the faith of our democracy depends on it now is the time for american people to raise their voices and demand that this injustice be immediately corrected, our elections must be fair, and honest. and they must be transparent. and they must be 100% free of fraud. >> president's message as a growing number of republican congress members are backing a challenge to the electoral vote vote on january 6, our first guest among them. congressman lance gooden of texas thank you congressman.
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under the rules in order to might this tha challenge on jany 6, take up debate, you have to have at least one u.s. senator, you wrote to your senators, cruz and cornyn, did they respond? >> they have not yet. but one of the reasons i am doing this now, so i'm not looking for a senator on january 6, things happen in last minute fashion in washington, which is why we're in a budget mess and down to the wire. and so we're starting early. i have said we need free and fair elections, everything you just played in the clip of the president, seems noncontroversial, i can't imagine any american that would not want the fate of all of electorate to be in process. and on january 6, i suspect that more senators will come out and join me in this objection. w
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or're starting here at home with cornyn and cruz. >> let's say you get pass past the first hurdle. and debate ensues and a vote is taken. how do you prevail if democrats have a majority in the house? >> well, answer is, we may not. butoy can promise you, we won't prevail if we don't try. if we don't continue to fight, i can promise you, it over and we will lose, we are taking it one step at a time, we'll see what happens january 6, two weeks is an eter nitty i eternity in wase making plans and seeing where the senators are. not everyone is in office today, we havehi a lot of things that will happen, you talked about earlearlier we have veto overris
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coming down. there is a lot to talk about between now and january 6. >> the covid bill, we will transition to that it is tied to the omnibus bill. you know. as americans find out details of this, here is what they are learning about it. money will be going to foreign countries, on the screen there 700 million are in sudan, 443 million ukraine, 250 million to palestinians, 33 million to venezuela, and gender studies in pakistan, and tibet for climate change, and we're paying down sudan's debt. but we're not paying down our own 27 trillion dollar debt. doesn't this now confirm what most people already know. there are a lot of bone heads in
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congress. not yourself, because you voted against this. >> yes, it does. and i think it also shows the political blunder on behalf of nancy pelosi. by pairing this together with the covid relief bill. it would be easier to sell whatever covid relief bill passed. had we put this budget converse to bed months ago, but now because we wait until last minute and congress punted it until two days before christmas, american people areic frustrate, they see all this money out the door,, and regular budget bill. combined with little coming to pockets of everyov day americans in the covid relief bill, tomorrow nancy pelosi said he will try for unanimous consent, 100% of house members have to beremain silent, they cannot object, she is going for $2000 payment, that is what president said. she is failing too mention that president also said he wants
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meaningfulul cuts, and a lot of these line items. republicans will put forward our own bill tomorrow, and that includes the higher payment number. along with meaningful cut, not everyone, myself included is onboard with raising stimulus payment to $2 hus, but i would be willing to go for it if we had meaningful cuts, if wasteful programs are meaningfully cut, and reduced moving forward you wouldin find a greater appetite for the higher payments. >> you understand. how americans see this. wait? li get a paltry 600 bucks, most americans get 600 bucks? and you are giving billions and billions of dollars to foreign countries? this is what rand paul said we could put this up in the screen. we have a bridge this is broken over ohio river, we wanted a new bridge for 10 years, we send
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money to pakistan for sender studies, we can't build our own country because we're to busy rebuilding everyone else's country. that what president trump has gottenol right. he is right about this. how about this instead of stimulus checks or in addition to checks why note ope -- not on up the american economy, put a stop to absurd and meritless lockdowns and shut downs that are ruining lives and livelihoods, making people i'm m abov--impoverished and hungry ad lost. >> it is fair that texas taxpayer iso paying for stimulating new york economy. their governor has whole state shut down, i think what you said
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is right. we have local and state governments there arend shutting rndown their economy and expectations federal government to pick up the tab, that ridiculous. states like texas, florida, where the governors realize that economy must go on. i think they are in better places but you are right it is ridiculous that there are portions of nation that are still shut down, and ironically those are same parts nation where their leaders stay that federal government should bailth them out. >> not based on science, not justified, common sense tells us that. and an unconstitutional violation of civil liberties, i wish we had more time congressman lance gooden thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up next, president trump's latest move to stop the obep state from stonewalling obama gate investigation, after the break with judicial watch president t
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stronger case if he pursues indictments. but in 590 days of investigating durham has produced one such indictment so far. also breaking attorney general william barr left office today after two years of running justice department. before leaving office barr determined he had no reason to appoint appreciate -- special counts. our next guest said it was turning a blind eye to the biden scandal, tom fitton of judicial watch. >> thank you. gregg: 100% wrong in note appointing a special counsel? >> it says clearly, if there a conflict of interest a appreciatspecialcounsel is requf
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you want it. no it is mandatory. and i can't think of a greater conflict of interest than the son of a president being investigate by dad's justice department. can you? gregg: yeah. and even under the trump justice department there is a condition flick of interest, justice -- conflict of interest, justice department in my view has been implicated or engaged in an effort to protect joe biden, they had that laptop for a year, took now investigative steps, that needs to be investigated, they mishandled the investigation, we need a separate independent voice taking a look at it, if acting attorney general does not want to follow rules as you suggest, he should be ordered to do so by the president, and then president can put someone else
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in there until he can find someone else to enforce the rule of law or he can appoint a special counsel directly, by my count 7 presidents have directed or appointed appreciate prosecutors since 1875, 7, including most recent bill clinton. gregg: hunter biden made millions in foreign money by selling access to dad. it smacks of influence, and corruption, we know there is a criminal investigation. by u.s. attorney in delaware. and you know, some time ago hunter biden's lawyer made a promise that hunter biden would stop doing this sort of stuff. and here is this statement from october. from the lawyer, hunter will agree not to serve onboards of or work on behalf of foreign owned companies. the "wall street journal" reports today that hunter still owns 10% interest in a private
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equity chinese company, when essentially puts a lie to joe biden's many statements about his son and biden saying, oh, my son will not be involved in anyone in my family involved in foreign businesses. >> yeah, hunter biden is a business partner still with the chinese communist government. and this is a dangerous game he has been playing, we know from evidence from the laptop, that these deals were in part to take care of joe biden. so whenever anyone hearing hunter biden, they should substitute the word joe biden tax issues, bribery issue, money laundering, conspiracy, extortion. you name it. joe bidenn -- is implicated in
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it. anyone that tells you otherwise is playing politics to protect joe biden from accountability and evidence of criminal conduct he has been involved in with his family, we found documents before congress released them, we forced them out of government, hunter biden flew on china 5 times while his father was vice president. given chinese intelligence operations why on earth would that be contend nances, this stake he got in bhr . -- it looks like even then he had chinese help, he has investment paid for by chinese communist that can back to him. gregg: i want to ask about
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durham investigation. president trump signing an order that allows durham to prevent classified information and document to a criminal grand jury. the president had do do that -- to do that, because authorize agents like fbi refuse to give approval, why wouldn't they? because they are engaged in a cover-up of their own abuse of power in the president trump-russia collusion hoax, would you agree? >> i would go further. cover-up goes back further. because remember the first executive order or direction was agency had to give access to classify in to justice department, they were stonewalling at the time, now potentially they want to run something through a grand jury, i don't know who the potential targets are, i'm not impressed that anyone significant will be targeted, you can bit bet -- bet
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there were more oc jec objects,a president of united states had to intervene twice, for justice. this is what is incredible. the president that needs to take step for justice, the pardons this week for the victims of mule armueller witch-hunt to org his agency to cooperate with law enforcement, the lawlessness okaabounds within the deep state for sure. gregg: absolutely. and fact that he has been elevated to appreciate council all tills me there will be criminal dimes. >> i hope you are right. gregg: tom fitton thank you. >> coming up next. georgia election official gabrielle sterling has decried
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gregg: welcome back, i am gregg jarrett in for vacationing lou dobbs. appear to be doing nothing about absentee ballots, 200 thousand voter used china virus restriction to declare themselves confined in november election, that status is reserved for elderly or sick. so they can vote absentee without i.d., wisconsin supreme court rule last week however that pandemic was not an excuse for any be able body person tot an absentee ballot. up to republicans to identify every one of those ballots to as
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to which would not count. >> georgia voting system ar manager, sterling has railed against president trump's call for free and fair election, sterling insists that president's charges of electoral fraud c are pure misinformation, wait. yesterday sterling announced woman he bought his house from two years ago used that address to sign up for an aba absentee ballot, and admitting that was fraudulent voting. >> joining us, firm filed a new federal lawsuit demanding state legislatures be allowed to certify electors not governors. before the election is certified by congress on january 25. ian than thank you for joining , your best closing arguments to
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why you should win that case. >> thank you. >>ul reason we should win is because constitution does not have a covid exception, said that state legislatessures decide, they can't dal gat delet task to a governor or secretary of state, when we have accusations from other state like texas saying that wisconsin, and pennsylvania own't follow their statutes, the laws are meant to be followed, if you can't have elected officials trust to follow the law, you can't trust them to votes they are to certify. they need to send a sec second select -- we don't have that in michigan. and wisconsin and other places, to me, a simple task, like trusting will keys of your car to your teenager, you give them the keys be they drive fast.
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they crash the car, what do you do? -ke back the keys, make sure it is done right. gregg: counter argument would be look at article 2. says that state length -- legislature set the rules, those states in setting the rules have followed the electoral count act, a 19th century law that directs governors to certify the results and the slate of electors that represents the will of the people. yes, that same act said that in event of a failed election, state lawmakers step in and point electors. so your hurdle is prove it is
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failed election? >>n? no, i don't think the burdn on the state, it is o opposite, burden would be on whoever job to do in this case secretary of state, their job to prove they did a good job, here, they cannot, in michigan, you know legislature issued subpoenas, instead of responding to them with evidence, secretary of state sent out a memo, instead of responding to request to come in and testify, she refuses to testify. to me that tells you what you need to know, burden is not on bgislature, it is on them to make sure they hold the election officials accountable. when they refuse to answer questions under oath, who refuse to provide evidence or even ordered that destructiontion off evidence that tells me what i need to know, under the constitution their job to fix it. group closess to people, not u..
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congress, but state legislatures. and -- and that been our tradition for the entire time our country has been in place. state re legislatures, the buck stopsar with them. they have a hard task. or avoiding them. gregg: last question, i read your report, amistad report, mark zuckerberg. had a facebook donate half a billion dollars as i understand, da what can be described as dark money to inflate voter turn out in key democratic swing states. that strikes me as potentially illegal. is it? >> it never happened before, if i did that as private citizen it would be unlawful, but for a
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charity it is unprecedented. therexc is no charity exceptiono those rules, it was put in so plan--many places, that not a coincidence. the money is well documented. what is not well documented is where it went. government officials spent money through the cares act, there is pra tran person transpn it a y charity you can't do tha. itde is hidden. gregg: guy is worth billions, he is spending it in a way that tells us where his desires lie. ean --ierk an. ian thank you. m>> more on biden family corruption scandal. we'll have that and more after the break, with investigative journalist sara cart ir. this is decision tech.
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operation, whatsoever, period, end of story. gregg: it is not the end of the story, he still has 10%. a source told fox news hunter biden is in the process of off loading that investment, right. >> joining me now, sara carter fox news contributor, not only does hunter biden still have 10% of a chinese company but when joe biden said in a debate his son never made a dime in chinese money. that was a lie. senate report found documents showing that 5 million bucks was funneled to hunter biden. that is untrue what joe biden said. >> well, it is untrue, and you know fbi has been sitting on a laptop since last year, 2019, with more and more and more evidence e-mails, and letters that and documents that
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connection hunter biden as well as i believe from sources i spoke to joe biden. to possible you know, well we know for hunter, money laundering and other issues, and the connecttion to his father, his father did lie about that, we know that is just the tip of the iceberg. 10% with china, and e-mails that have been discovered on the laptop. that fbi kept from american people, kept that information from american public. did not do their forthright investigation to hunter biden, he was using his name to gain influence in connects in china and ukraine and russia. this is serious, it is unfortunate, the american people are paying the price for this. gregg: compute peter doocy dooca
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question of joe biden. >> about your son -- >> yes. god police officer yo love you e verse pony, thank you, i promise you my justice department will -- how they should. >> notion that this is somehow russia disinformation is discredited, and debunked, the ground jury conducting a criminal investigation is real, not a russian hoax. not even hunter biden disputes the authenticity of evidence found on his laptop. yet, you know media is letting him get away with this. >> well, not only is media
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letting him get away with this but fbi is. the department of justice is. attorney general william barr is. everyone is letting them get away withm it. for over a year american people had to put t up with this. american people have been lied to, there have been very few news outlets, fox one of very few willing to tell the truth, willing to report the truth. john solomon was willing to report the truth. and you gregg and sean hannity and a few other, but very few people have been giving the american people enough information that can make an informed decision at voting polls, this is what happens, what happened when people in l power get away with everything, they can say things, i would say to joe biden, only russia disinformation thatn has everrickiveric
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-- >> i want to play a sony bite from joe biden. -- a sound bite from joe biden. he keeps insisting. he will not talk to any perspective attorney general nov he about the case. >> no, the attorney general of united states of america is not the president's lawyer. i will appoint someone who i expect to enforce the law. as the law is written. not guided by me. gregg: that is absurd. biden keeps repeating, that all just russian disinformation. about my son. so he isfo sending a very clear sing nasing signal to any perspe attorney general nom hurricane harvenominee that hedoes not wae the, the message is already there. >> you are right, and seems that everyone is just throwing their
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hands up. i thinkhehe that one thing thate have learned over last year, maybe over last 4 years, is that there is a two tier justice system, there is a justice system j for us regular folks,ry would get thrown in yale or investigate by -- we would get clone in jail or investigated by the fbi. andop a different sort of just s for people in power. hire is joe biden making all of theetsts claims, yet you are right, putting it out there that you know this is all russia disinformation, his son is the smartest man he knows, he could have never done anything wrong. even though it -- we're being gas lit, we see the evidence right beforen, our very eyes, e-mails, and text-messages and documents, we havess only seen a small portion of them, fbi is sittingg on a slew of documents that they have not released yet. it will be shocking. when those documents start
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coming and trickling out. what will be more interesting is whether or not someone is rolling to hold their neat t feo thepp fire.ou gregg: maybe he will picturic holder. >> or cuomo. gregg: there you go, you need someone competent and intelligent for that job. sara carterr thank you. >> coming up next, americans get ready for hope and joy of christmas, while joe biden delivers doom and gloom. no hope joe. we'll take it up with pastor robert jeffers research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual!
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gregg: a bit of a mixed day on wall street, dow up 114, volume 3.8 billion shares. reminder to listen to lou's reports 3 times a day on salem radio network. >> joe biden is sucking the joy out of christmas season. warning americans again of the dark days he sees in fighting the china virus pandemic.
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>> i'm going to tell it to you straight. i'm going to tell you the truth, here is the simple truth. our darkest days in the battle again covid-19 are ahead of us, not behind us. we need to prepare ourselves, steel our spines, as frustrating as it is to hear it will take patience, persistence. and p determination to beat the viewer virus. no time to waste. >> darkest days are ahead of us, that makes us feel good, joining us pastor robert jeffers. always great to talk to you. obama was hope and change. biden seems to be doom and gloom, maybe we should call him no-hope joe. instead of we have in addition o fear but fear biden mantra seems
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to be we haveen everything to fear, especially fear, what kind of leadership is, that why isn't he hailing as a christmas miracle this amazing vaccine? >> you know, gregg for a leader to lead people through a crisis be he has to inform and inspire. he has to find that perfect balance between realism and optimism. like winston churchhill for example, joe did not find that, to heavy gloom and doom, not enough hope, i am glad he credit the president trump as president trump should receive a lot of credit for his excellent leadership in operation warp speed and bringing that vaccine to fruition, joe should have talk moreal about that. you know, as we come to christmas, one there are thing. we -- other thing with bethlehem
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you do an evaluation of a situation, it always a mistake to leave god out of the equation. gregg: you have written wonderfully about how christmas really gives people hope. given the conditions what happened this year,d do you thik more americans will spend some additional time in spiritual reflecttion? >> well, gregg, yes poles show that. in my op-ed for fox news but unrelenting highway patrol of h- hope of christmas, they shoe che to celebrate christmas this ye year. theea pandemic, political striv, has reminded us of how broken our world is. we might patch it up for a
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while, but we can't solve the problem, only god can do that. you that is what he did in bethlehem. if our greatest need was education, god would have sene teacher, gothy send a savior our greatest need is forgiveness, on to you is born this day, in city of david, a savior who is cite t the lord what is our hope. >> pastor robert jeffers thank you. >> merry christmas. gregg: we'll be right back with more. broken windshield... take 1... hey guys, my windshield just got broken, i feel like i need to blow off some steam. let's go... 1, 2, 3, 4... mr. blanks? there's no need to be stressed. geico makes it easy to file a claim online, on the app, or over the phone. yeah, but what if i never hear back?
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alyson: 180 over 111. jodie: 182 over 100 and i had a heart attack and cardiac arrest, and then a stroke. vo: your blood pressure numbers could change your life. frank: a lot of people don't understand, including myself, i didn't know, now i do, the impact of having a stroke. william: my memory is shot. alyson: when i woke up, i couldn't speak. mick: if i would have followed a treatment plan, i would not be in this situation. frank: it's a tough jouney. vo: lowering your high blood pressure could save you from a heart attack or stroke. if you've stopped your treatment plan, restart it or talk to your doctor about creating one
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that works better for you. start taking the right steps at frank: it's a new life but i'm going to make it better. i'm coming back. ask your doctor, check your blood pressure. ♪. gregg: look at that, police in sarasota, florida, spreading holiday cheer with a new video going viral this morning. check this out. ♪. all right, police cruisers putting on a light show. timed to the transsiberian orchestra song, mad russian christmas. the video has been viewed thousands and thousands of time. very nice. tom fitton joined us tonight blasting attorney general bill barr on his last day in
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office. >> the justice department in my view has been implicated or has or engaged in an effort to teprotect joe biden. they have had that laptop for instance for a year per they took no significant investigative steps for political reasons obviously. and that needs to be investigated. they mishandled theve investigation so we need a separate independent voice taking a look at it. >> and president trump tonight sending a message to iran on twitter morning the iranian regime if any americans are killed, a single american and iraq president trump will hold iran responsible. that is going to do it for us hotonight. a national security expert jim hansen and radio talkshow host larry elder are among our guests this coming monday. a reminder, follow lou on
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twitter at lou dobbs, like him on facebook, follow him on instagram and parlor at lou dobbs tonight. i want to thank you for joining us. i am greg jarrett sitting in for thee vacationing lou dobbs. i hope you all have a >> good morning, everybody, i'm jackie deangelis in for maria bartiromo. the speak speaker on same said. when we can expect a new bill ahead. more presidential pardons, president trump handing out pardons to notable allies like roger stone and paul manafort in final days of 2020. we explore this morning. and examining the hunter biden investigation, doj
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