tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business January 4, 2021 12:00pm-2:00pm EST
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dominating the senate, would therefore be able to pick and, they would have a leg up when it comes to all kinds of new policies like taxes and regulation. that is why we're selling off. here is david asman. thank you for doing all that hard work. david: what amazes me you do all that heart work 50 weeks of the year. my pleasure, start, thank you very much. welcome to cavuto "coast to coast" in today for neil cavuto. the top story, battle for america as senator schumer puts it, as you will the odds resting on the senate race in georgia. there are two races, possibility of a democrat sweep. president trump and president-elect biden both heading to the peach state to
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make a final pushing for candidates, markets going down on early signs of possible democrat win in both races. gold is down just by about the same percentage as the market. gold is up as the same percentage as the market is down, 2% now, about 2.6% up for gold. plus small business paying it forward. how a maryland pretzel company is helping others after getting help from the barstool fund. you won't want to miss my interview with the owner. also coming up, one oregon mayor is now encouraging businesses in his town to stay open despite his governor's covid restrictions. i will speak to the defiant mayor of sandy, oregon, coming up. record cash flowing into georgia ahead of tuesday's runoff election with president trump and president-elect biden heading to the peach state to push for their own parties. hillary vaughn is in atlanta with more how the future of the economy is on the line here,
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hillary? reporter: david, it is. president-elect biden said so him several in multiple campaign visits to the state in georgia. he was here in december rallying for both democratic candidates, rafael warnock and jon ossoff. he will be back this evening on election night eve to try to do the same. he wants to repeat the turnout they got here in november tomorrow. he they haves that that will be key to getting his agenda through congress. >> i need two senators from this state to want to get something done. not two senators who will just get in the way. reporter: biden's agenda could cost five trillion dollars in new government spending, funded all by taxpayers and some taxpayers, taxes are going to go up under a president biden by 3.2 trillion over 10 years according to some estimates. republicans running here, senator david perdue and kelly loeffler say they will be the
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ones to stop biden's pricey plans from getting green lit by congress. but the democrats on the ticket, rafael warnock and jon ossoff don't necessarily disagree taxes will go up for some but are pointing out the payoff means they can deliver on progressive priorities. >> we need them to vote for access to affordable health care. we need them to vote for a liveable wage. reporter: and the argument that we heard kelly loeffler make today, david, was that not only are taxes going to go up but regulations are also going to go up under a president-elect biden f democrats take control of the senate, that essentially gives biden a free pass to get all of his agenda through. david: think of all the climate change regulations. those alone would cost trillions of dollars for businesses. hillary, thank you very much. stocks retreating today as
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investors grow worried about a possible democrat sweep in tomorrow's two senate races in georgia. oppenheimer warning that stocks could fall 10% if democrats win both runoffs. we have alan knuckman and former fed advisor danielle dimartino booth are here. alan, first to you, we could see from oppenheimer a 10% correction in democrats sweep tomorrow, a lot of investors saying better to take a 2% loss today to eat it if in fact we're wrong about the democrats winning tomorrow. because if they do win, that is a 10% correction? >> we'll have to see. i think that's a little bit negative. optimism wins in my opinion. we've been through a lot the last decade. even the last two months the s&p rallied 10% a 2% pullback after making new all time forever highs, i look at things on
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weekly basis. a new high was made here this morning. that's a positive. let's see what happens here. i'm looking at it as a profit-taking pullback as it stands right now. the market went straight up from 2009 to 2016 under a previous administration. it hasn't been totally negative when democrats are in power. david: danielle, you have to keep in mind where we are. we're about to have this unbelievable worldwide bounce back from lockdowns because of the vaccines. we have at least in four or five of those vaccines we have some from china, some from china, frankly wouldn't take some of those. the point we're going to have probably the biggest economic worldwide economic bounce back since the end of world war ii. that despite any kind of bad economic policies from the biden administration would overwhelm any of the negatives, no? >> well, one would hope that would be the case. it is just you have to bear in mind starting points matter. we entered the year with s&p 500
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which is having the worst day since october and 99 historical percentile evaluations and data going back to are 1881. so the idea was coming into trading today any little thing that went wrong could throw off the market to a great degree given how richly valued stocks are. i think what really spooked market this is morning is that people on trading floors don't really follow polls very closely per se but they do follow predictions which can be influenced. it is closest wall street traders have to a trustworthy poll, before president trump's taped remarks made yesterday 60% probability the senate would stay in the hands of the gop. traders woke this morning to that having fallen to 52%. that is enough to spooked the markets again. we're talking about capital-gains taxes here. corporate tax rates going up. these things eat into margins. as i said when you're perfectly
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priced to perfection, even knowing the vaccine ask out there over the horizon, the littlest disruption can cause markets to teeter as we see day, alan, if you're looking for some indicator there is fear factor going on today, cold is up almost 3%. maybe we can get it up on the screen. a lot of fly to gold right you no. how far up is gold going to go in your mind? >> i'm looking for gold to recover here. it had been in a range for the longest period of time, trading sideways between 1850 and 2050. now it is getting some momentum t had become disconnected from everything. the dollar made two years low. that was not supporting gold. a better indicator what is happening, what i don't think a whole lot is happening is the vix. danielle talked about the concerns, vix is 26. 20 and 40 for eight months going nowhere. so even, that measure of concern
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is still just moderately higher right now. i'm a price guy. let's remember the vix, in january of 2020, was down at 11. so there is a lot more downside in the vix, a lot more up side in the stock market. i'm looking at four thousand from a technical target in that s&p upside. david: interesting. i want to get danielle in, very quickly, danielle, we don't have much time. the fed says they will keep rates low but if the world does come back with a vengance which it probably will after the lockdowns will we see an uptick in inflation? might that discourage the fed from keeping to its promise of keeping rates low? >> that is certainly something else, david, to your point you're seeing reflected in the, in trading today. the specter of inflation, if there is a blue wave, rises appreciably. i mean overnight. and remember those fed facilities that were closed down by treasury secretary steve mnuchin they have to be reopened inside of a new congress with a
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new reason. thank you, pat toomey for that. a lot of nervousness. a lot of it comes down to whether the fed finally gets inflation they have been asking for. this time they might not want it. david: i haven't been asking for it for one. alan, you want to jump in, we've run out of time. >> merry new year. david: merry new year to you. early voting suggesting a edge for democrats in georgia so are republicans energized enough to get out tomorrow? joining us former bush 43 speechwriter and "wall street journal" editorial board member bill mcgurn. let's talk about what happens if there is a sweep tomorrow by democrats. "the wall street journal" editorial board usually doesn't agree with chuck schumer but when he said we're going to take georgia and we're going to take america, we're going to change america, you basically agree with him, maybe not for the same reasons but this would really change america, wouldn't it? >> right. we find it more alarming. look, i also agree with
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joe biden in the ad that he cut for georgia he needs those two senate seats because, because if the, if democrats don't win both those seats, u.s. senate remains in republican hands. it means mitch mcconnell as the majority leader which puts him in a position to block or temper a lot of the biden agenda, maybe to moderate some of the judges and so forth but if republicans don't have that republican senate the democrats have the white house and the house and it's really a free hand to do more or less what they want. david: we are, by the way, right now at session lows. the dow is down 660 points what is the latest you're hearing about republican versus democrat chances in georgia? >> well, look it's very slim. i think the polling is within the margin of error. the democrats do have the advantage in the early vote but
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republicans have an advantage on election day society. i think both trump and republican candidates in the senate races got like 60% of that vote on election day. the real question is who is going to turn out more? some of the democrats you know, one of the things about them is jon ossoff came up about 100,000 votes short of joe biden. rafael warnock, by my count closer to 1.8 million votes short. so what that shows is joe biden doesn't really have coattails. we saw that in the rest of the country where joe biden won but republicans down ballot did pretty well. a lot of this vote was about trump. look it is going to be about two things. it will be can donald trump get the votes out for these republicans to put them over the top? and on the flipside, can the democrats get out voters, mostly african-american voters to put their candidates over the top? so it is all about turnout. david: let's again focus on what
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happens. that's what the market is reflecting right now. the session lows in the market because they're worried about democrats sweeping getting both. we're down over 700 points on the dow. we know that taxes would go up. we know that we would have more regulations. in fact some of those could happen even if there isn't a switch over to a democratic senate but there is real concern, i think in a lot of people, a lot of business people's minds about these climate change policies. john kerry will be in charge of them. this could involve trillions of dollars in changes in business infrastructure, in the price of energy they would be forced to eat up somehow. of course it would eat into their profits. just climate change regulations alone i think would alarm the markets, no? >> yes i think so. that is one of the things you have to look at. not only who would have the majority but who would be the running committees coming up with legislation. i mean biden already has
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trillions in new spending. without a republican majority, there is no way to stop that. mitch mcconnell can't stop everything, he have can hold them up and get them to moderate. without the republican senate, there is only the courts to restrain the biden administration if they go too far in some of those regulations which i think they would. david: by the way there would be changes in foreign policy because of course some of the deals that were made under the obama-biden administration like the iranian deal could become actually treaties if they had the senate t would have worldwide implications. bill, we'll have you back later in the shoaf. stay with us, please. program reminder, you don't want to miss neil cavuto's special coverage of the georgia senate runoffses, starts 7:00 p.m. eastern time on fox business. barstool's dave portnoy raising more than $16 million.
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number keeps going up to help small business of stated by the pandemic. here is another example of that. >> to afford rent for my building. i haven't been able to pay my, pay my bills. i, 91 cents on every dollar that came in this year has went straight to my employees. david: that owner had a wonderful surprise from dave portnoy. he joins me next, to explain how he is paying, what he got from dave portnoy's fund, paying that forward. he will be here next. (ringing)
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- hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good, guess what, i just had my 13th surgery. - really? i just had my 17th surgery. - well, you beat me. - well, i am a little bit older than you. - yeah it's true. how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these. - kind of like how shriners hospitals for children is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened. - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care kids like us who need them most all because of caring people like you.
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>> i offered help to anyone i could. they truly need it. >> i'm glad i could help. >> i -- [bleep], we need the help. i appreciate it, man. i'm serious. i appreciate you, man. you are seriously -- [bleep] david: the barstool fund helping that maryland small business and many others survive the pandemic. now that company is using its good fortune to help others.
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joining me doughboy fresh pretzel. i'm glad you hit pay dirt. dave portnoy is doing great work to pay out to companies like yours. by the way it, was right at the beginning of the pandemic and the lockdowns that you were beginning to expand your company. i mean the timing couldn't have been worse, right? >> absolutely. how we doing. thank you for having us on to share our story. doughboy fresh started as a food truck in baltimore three years ago, we're coming up on four now. we were it practicing for three years as a food truck. we had a building lined up. we started a production facility. we wanted to do a wholesale line of products for other restaurants. we had a whole summer planned with our food truck. we wanted the building to service that. we got licensed on march the 8th. we had a grand opening set for first week in april. david: oh, man.
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>> that obviously didn't happen with covid and everything. david: so you were killed by the initial lockdown or at least hurt by it. >> yes. david: then you had openings and closings, makes it hard to plan anything when you have that kind of uncertainty about your future, right? >> it does, absolutely. we were pivoting back and forth i mentioned with the food truck. there were times we could operate with the food truck and -- on building. focused on the wholesale line. we ended up selling the food truck to keep us going. it was a constant pivot. christmastime i filmed the video for dave and the folks over at barstool. christmastime is a very important time for myself and my company. i learned actually how to make dough from my grandmother. i have her recipe tatooeded here on my arm. david: oh, my goodness. you will never forget it. >> unfortunately this is the first christmas i didn't have my grandmother with me.
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she passed away in july. david: wow. >> i was, from a covid quarantine. so i wasn't able to see her. my father -- with his mother. he wasn't able to see her for three days until she passed away. it was terrible. christmas morning, i couldn't sleep. i had about a month left of funds. i saw what barstool was doing. i decided to share the story with my grandmother. we share how local we are. all we do, all of our ingredients are local. all of our events are local. everywhere we go bass local. we didn't have that anymore. i filmed the video you guys showed, luckily it wasn't us, it was my followers getting it to dave and barstool saw it and they help. david: great thing about people that don't know the fund, it is not just a one-shot deal, they will pay out on regular basis until the lockdowns are finished
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and until the vaccines get out. >> so what happened, if you saw the video, 91 cents on every dollar came into my business this year went to my employees. david: let me stop you there. how can you pay for the rent and other incidentals when 91 cents out of every buck goes to the employees? >> exactly. audience can tell you that is not what you want -- david: yeah. >> labor. with barstool generously done pledged $15,000 a month to go straight towards our payroll. david: wow. that is great. that frees up your opportunities to have the other stuff working so you can make a profit. we have to leave it at that but i just want to ask, bottom line, how do you feel the responsibility now to pay what you received forward? >> absolutely. i feel an immense amount of responsibility. not everyone gets this opportunity. what we do, we host food trucks on our site, our lot, four times a week. it is called -- food trucks. we have donations going straight
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to these food trucks. we have been blessed. there are people hurting. we have have the food trucks. we know how tough winters are not even when covid is around. we have them side by side. we have a donations page going straight to the food trucks we host on our site. we're trying to pay it forward. david: good stuff, jeff. you're doing good work. it was all made possible by dave portnoy's good work. jeff carter, thanks for coming in. best of luck for you through this winter. meanwhile control of the senate hinges on what happens tomorrow in georgia. we'll talk to voters ahead of president trump's rally there tonight. that's next. ♪. ♪ smooth driving pays off
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georgia crucial senate elections tomorrow. president trump heading there today to boost support for republican candidate kelly loeffler and david perdue as they try to stop democrats from taking control of the senate. correspondent griff jenkins is in dalton, georgia. reporter: david, how are you? the folks are fired up already. [cheering ] the first time a sitting president has come to dalton in 28 years. the big question as the president tries to turn out voters for david perdue and kelly loeffler, what will he say? will he attack brian kemp? will he continue to attack the secretary of state here brad raffensperger. it is causing division among republicans, i talked to the
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local chairwoman, die an putnam. she is confident that voters will turn out but she is worried about the division. >> there is always concern when there is a divide in the party but no, the base is strong the republican base is strong. we want to keep it that way. that is why i feel like the republicans will turn out tomorrow and we will keep the senate. reporter: now, david, this morning at 3:00 in the morning i showed up, freezing, the first guy in line, blake, where are you from, how are you long been here? >> i'm from san diego, california, i've been here since january 1st. reporter: why did you come? >> i wanted to show my sport for president. he has not stopped fighting for
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america. i will not give up on him. i want to be here to show my support from that. reporter: you're not from georgia but a lot of voters are. how important is the election tomorrow? how much faith do you have in the integrity of the election from voter fraud? >> well i think the election is very important. there is a lot of people california putting time, energy, money, usually they're from hollywood just doing spots and doing promos for one side. they're not actually here on the ground engaging people. i figured if i could come here and sleep-over night in 30-degree weather on the ground, maybe that will motivate a few people to go out and vote, find time to make it to the polls. as for for integrity i think it will be a lot better than the last election. all eyes are on georgia. it will be done by the book this time. reporter: blake, thank you very much. david, there is a little sampling of it. over the last few days i talked to many georgia voters. this woman is from kennesaw local area.
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they're wary because of the election, allegations most of them made by president trump. we'll find out what the president has to say tonight and the election tomorrow. david: griff, great stuff as always. two more years, nancy pelosi reelected as house speaker by a slim democrat majority. the house set to vote on a rules package republicans would say silence its own constituents voices. fox news congressional correspondent chad pergram has latest from washington t was a squeakser for the speaker, right? reporter: it was narrow win for nancy pelosi and will likely be her last term. she won re-election by seven votes. she could only lose six votes and become speaker. winning tight votes that is nancy pelosi's hallmark, a testament why she is regarded as the best vote counter in congress. >> every morning in this chamber we take a pledge, one nation
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under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all, every day the congress must live up to that pledge. reporter: house minority leader kevin mccarthy presented pelosi with the gavel but not before delivering a blistering attack on his california colleague. mccarthy criticized remote voting and accused pelosi dragging her feet on coronavirus aid. it wasn't just mccarthy. broad sides came from don young. he is the most senior member of the house. young swore in the speaker. >> i will be honest i do not like what i see. it is time we hold hands to talk to one another. reporter: young said pelosi is the speaker of the house, not just the speaker of the democratic party. young invited lawmakers to have a drink with one another if they face disagreements.
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pelosi wouldn't drink but said she would have ice cream instead. david: i'm surprised she brought that subject up. it didn't do well last time. wednesday could be the day that seals the fate of 2020 presidential elections as arkansas senator, long time supporter tom cotton, if republicans try to overturn the results of electoral college, they play into the democrat plans abolishing the electoral college and federalizing national elections. we have tezlyn figaro. great to see you both. tom cotton is not a never-trumper by any means. i can never think of time he opposed the president. what about somebody that supported him basically in all of his bat smells. >> i'm not a never-trumper either, david.
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i think the president has real achievements. i don't see him listening to these people because i don't think he has done it so far but i think senator cotton's warnings are very apt. they, they're very similar to the warnings of "wall street journal" gave in its own editorials about this. we have to be careful going down this road. in many ways it may serve to you know mine the electoral college and so forth. i would say it is distraction from real work of electoral reform we have to do going forward. most of it may be at the state level, energize the parties but we should be looking at 2024 and how to get you know, how to reverse some of this stuff. i think, for example, the supreme court should retake up that case in pennsylvania. it was outrageous for john roberts to allow them to overturn the constitution which
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leaves these decisions on how to the state legislators and let it be done effectively by the courts. david: that was amazing it wasn't dealt with before the election itself. >> exactly. david: tezlyn, there are charges of sedition, traitor, arson being thrown at republicans who want to challenge the electoral college but remember, maxine waters twice, first in 2001 and then in 2017 also challenged the electoral college. i didn't hear these charges of sedition for her, did you? >> well, maxine waters is not the president of the united states and called the secretary of state of georgia 18 times begging him to turn over this election. senator cotton asking people to slow down and stop doing what they're doing should not be just because it's a great voting strategy. we talked about why senator cotton, hey, president trump, you need to stop. the reason you need to stop because he thinks it will hurt republicans in future.
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at this point time for the games to stop. not because a great voting strategy, in the future right is right, wrong is wrong. i worked for senator sanders when they lost they need to pick up their toys and go home. when hillary clinton lost i said they need to pick up their toys and go home. for four years president trump called -- david: hillary clinton is calling president trump's election illegitimate. i have want to get to bill for a second, the media is playing same game being shocked at challenging the electoral college that a lot of democrats are playing when in fact maxine waters and others did the same thing in 2001 and 2017. let me play a sound bite from "meet the press" yesterday and get your reaction. >> the fact of the matter is we have unsustainable state of affairs in this country where we have tens of millions of people do not view this election result as legitimate. >> you made an allegation there
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was widespread fraud. you have failed to offer specific evidence of that widespread fraud but you're demanding an investigation on the grounds that there are allegations of widespread fraud. so essentially you're the arsonist here. >> this fire was started when you completely ignored, for example, our investigation of hunter biden where republicans and conservatives do not trust the mainstream media and that is what is, that is what has destroyed the credibility of the media. >> i've had enough of hearing this. david: ouch. all i can say, but chuck todd, i never heard chuck todd call maxine waters an arsonist for challenging the electoral college, did you? >> no. look it is just, sometimes they say it is the media didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all. you can't think of a similar comparison and not just on this case where a democrat ever received that kind of treatment. look at this campaign where no
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one wanted to ask joe biden about hunter biden. in fact when people did ask they were told it was russian misinformation. what amazes me of all this, i don't agree with the president's challenges here, in many ways he is only following the advice of hillary clinton who in august told joe biden don't concede under any circumstances. perhaps he should -- david: perhaps model of bernie sanders who tezlyn as you mentioned before. he was very upset at what happened during the run-up to the 2016 election. you could tell that but at the same time he did give it up to hillary? >> well sure. of course he did. of course he was upset but again we can make comparisons what hillary clinton said, what bernie sanders said and say that no one ever did that on the democrat side. show us where a president has ever done what president trump is doing right now. guys, this is pathetic. at this point to be making excuses about this is plain pathetic. it is pathetic to anybody served
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in the armed forces including me at this point if republican want to win in 2022 and 2024 they need to stop this crap. it is embarrassing for our country. it is embarrassing for both parties. i'm an independent, i will not support democrat or republican to be honest with you. david: i think "wall street journal" editorial board with agree with you. thank you both for being here. appreciate it. surge in violent crimes in america's biggest cities is leading a big jump for residents applying for firearms. we'll give you a detail after a short break. stay tuned. time to start brushing with parodontax toothpaste?
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year to enroll. so if you want more from medicare, call the number on your screen now to speak with a licensed humana sales agent. learn about humana plans that could give you more healthcare benefits. including coverage for prescription drugs, dental care, eye exams and glasses, hearing aids and more. a licensed humana sales agent will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and, if you're eligible, help you enroll over the phone. call today and we'll also send this free guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. ♪. david: a terrifying rampage in new york city. a man who went after at least 10 people and damaged cars as well this weekend has been arrested. officials say it is this type of rising crime in big cities that is leading to a spike in gun permit requests all over the country. kristina kristina partsinevelos has more on that trend.
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hi, kristina. reporter: hi, david. you're right. 2020 is set to be a record year once all numbers come in. you have, unprecedented convergence. the fact there is civil unrest across the country. elections as well as a pandemic. i spoke to the gun owner of coliseum gun traders we are in uniondale, new york. there has been a steady flood of people. the other thanker says he has seen another increase in salespeople wanting to take safety into their own hands. >> pending civil unrest people are feeling, i think all around, people are just feeling like they need to be able to protect themselves. defunding of police, right? in turn people believe they have to be able to protect themselves reporter: given influx and interest in people purchasing guns in new york what he has
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noted too, permits have been really slow to be approved. he says a lot of this has to do with the lack of manpower. there is 10 people accommodating now 100 applications versus just 10 to 10 ratio before. what we're seeing in this approval rating has been pretty dismal in new york city, about 14% so far. across the country there is no doubt increase in sales. the latest fbi data first seven months of the year, an increase of 91%. 91% in sales compared to last year at this time. americans bought 15.1 million guns, with that you have increase in gun related deaths, increase of 25% for 2020. if we're standing here talking about this gun shop, he is anticipating sales only to continue to climb in the coming months because of possible anxieties revolved around stricter gun control under the
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biden administration. david: and rising crime rate. people want to protect themselves. kristina. thank you very much. a new bill by democrats forcible removal of people with communicable diseases potentially dangerous to the public health this is sparking a huge backlash by civil libertarians. former u.s. attorney guy lewis is here. we had forced internment camps in world war ii. that was a dark part of american history. it looks like these democrats want to return to that? >> david, it's crazy, it's crazy. you're right about the analogy to the korimatsu case you referred to years and years ago. it is interesting you referred to it, just recently chief justice roberts made clear in one of the so-called muslim ban cases that that case, the
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korimatsu case was-off ruled, in his words, it was gravely wrong the day it was decided. it has been overruled in the court of history. surely the goodness, david, this kind of ridiculous proposal follows the same path. david: i got to point out the irony here of these democrats who support the aclu, they claim they're big liberals and everything are commoditying in with policies that that are so retrograde and that essentially are, essentially are an extension of these lockdown orders or edicts i should say, not laws, but edicts by governors. it points to one of the biggest detrimental factors obviously outside of the deaths, the deaths themselves are the worst part of the pandemic are the over reach by governing officials who act more like commissars than representatives? >>id didid youeoue00 1ig%.. de,deede w wll a aeeeeeft, riid m wdl need n t te t t t
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s.s.ere ndeeo be tauoutis. weeed nod b srt s aut a a a a t. th particur lraw tt th're prop'rosin'ringnnew yk rinoriivesesesovn cuouo or hiesig deig u d ded dower to de inemeny aeon he thksins i i i i agerous to th t lth.ea e is eno rtriconnn i man, wom w child c c alace,ce itsidiculouulul tinstunstialti davi tvihi is ica i i i i this i so ettyle gernanc andnd i is unacceptacccc ihe united states of america. these people should be ashamed of themselves. that is my opinion. guy lewis, i know it's yours as well. thank you for being here, appreciate it. former san diego republican mayor kevin falconer -- faulconer, signing the petition to officially remove governor newsom. he is jumping into the race
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and if we win, we get to tell you and doug. how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪ stand back, i'm gonna show ya ♪ ♪ how doug and limu roll, ya ♪ ♪ you know you got to live it ♪ ♪ if you wanna wi... [ music stops ] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ david: efforts to recall democrat governor gavin newsom picking up steam. former san diego mayor kevin faulconer is joining the move and push to get rid of the governor. he launched exploratory
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committee for potential run for governor of his own. kevin faulconer joins me now. mayor, good to have you with us. how close are you getting the signatures you need for a recall? >> they're growing every single over the last month. the enthusiasm for new leadership at the top in california is off the charts. i think rightfully so. it cuts across by the way the entire spectrum, democrat, republican, independent. when folks in california sees what hasn't been working particularly opened and close, not following science during the pandemic we see literally thousands of jobs leaving, private schools are open yet public schools have not safely reopened it is time for a change. david: is it the pandemic itself and the arbitrary rules, as you say, many of them not following the science that the governor has been involved with? is that really what pushed many over the edge in calling for a recall? >> yeah. i think there is a lot of that.
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i also think it is hypocrisy that we've seen from the governor. but i also think, again there are some other issues. for example, homelessness, continuing to skyrocket in so many cities across california. here in san diego county, we're the only region where homelessness went down by double digits. it is time to bring a change. somebody who can actually make a difference, get the state back, we need a california comeback. we need it soon. >> well a lot of companies agree with you, by the way, having moved either to texas or arizona or somewhere else, lower taxed state. elon musk of course the most recent moving down to texas. his fremont plant is still there but for how long nobody knows. hewlett-packard doing the same. palantir. so exactly what is happening to the revenues? i understand there was this windfall of $26 billion that they got from silicon valley because a lot of those huge companies have been doing well
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but it is the small companies i worry about. they're the ones being hurt the hardest by arbitrary lockdowns, are they not? >> you hit the nail on the head. look the strength of the economy of any state, particularly here in san diego is our small businesses, medium sized businesses and of course our large businesses that literally create tens of thousands of jobs. to see that flight that has been occurring out of our state it is unacceptable. we need a governor that recognizes we want you to located in california. we're going to actually cut regulations to make you successful, particularly as we get on the other side of this pandemic to put californians back to work. not have an attitude says all the companies can leave it is okay. it is not okay. we need to change the dynamic. folks are ready for a change and californians are ready to get back to work safely. david: player, we're following your progress, thanks for
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>> that is what i'm fighting for for every single georgian and that's what's on the ballot tomorrow, january 5, tuesday, this is why georgians have to get out to vote, the american dream is on the ballot. >> tomorrow georgia voters send a message that echoes not just from "coast to coast" but down to generations about what we stand for in the state. >> we get our vote out tomorrow and we will show america the georgians know what is at stake in georgia, this is the last line of defense against the radical socialist agenda. >> because the only thing that can cause this to go the wrong way is complacency. david: this is good to be one of the critical elections of our time, what happens in one single state in the union, happens all tomorrow, the runoff elections for two senate seats, it will be critical and change america one way or the other. welcome back to cavuto "coast to
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coast", i am david asman filling in for neil cavuto, stock plunging from record highs over concerns about a possible democrat sweep in georgia, president trump and president-elect biden will be there today as a senate balance of power remains up for grabs, connell mcshane is in marietta georgia with the latest on what business owners are bracing for their. >> the concern about the democratic sweep seems to come into play after the president's call with the georgia secretary of state yesterday have people thinking that the sweep might come to for ration and if it does you can see further selling in the stock market, they said you could see a 10% selloff if the democrats were to take control, speaking the selloff in the market more than 600 points on the dow today for small business owners about this, we get both sides of the story at the ground level, they say the election for them in many ways comes down to a battle over more money versus more freedom, and
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overly simplistic way of looking at it and things might not be that simple we stop by this place called manuals tavern yesterday and it was interesting because the crowds inside the bar were much smaller than they normally would be this time of year and the owner brian was telling us unfortunately for him that is par for the course these days but it might not be if you were operating in a red area of georgia as opposed to a blue one. >> i live outside the perimeter, i live 40 miles from here and he when he got north georgia restaurants are full, voting out there is different than the voting in town. that is just the way it is. the attitude is different, who is right, who is wrong i don't know but here in atlanta with a dense population of fear in the virus is real. >> the impact on business in a
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place like that is very real as well, restaurant owners in the red area might be reading for republicans to keep control of the senate with an emphasis on continue reopening and lower taxes, the business owner in the blue area seem to think more about stimulus. >> i live outside the parameter, i live 40 miles from here and when you go out in north georgia the restaurants are full and voting out there is different than the voting in town, that is just the way it is. the attitude is different, who is right, who is wrong, i don't know but here in atlanta with a dense population, the fear of the virus is real. >> i'm going to assure you that brian does not repeat himself that much in person, what he was going to say in the second soundbite they lost so much in sales and real damage done to the business that he is hoping if the democrats do come in they will spend more money and that might hold them over till you
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get to the other side, a larger point a lot of this depends on where you live, what your attitude on the virus but everybody agrees there is a lot of money on the line in these elections tomorrow whether george or someone else in the country and we see that in the market today. david: the pandemic changes everything, did in november and it still does now. i thought that i wanted to cement his point by repeating it. i got his point but he had to say it twice for me. good to see you, enjoy the weather looks like they will have good weather. stocks are sliding from record highs as it seems democrats may have a shot at taking both seats, let's get reaction from market watcher jonathan hoenig, i guess what investors are doing is figuring if i take a 2% loss today, it is better than risking a 10% loss tomorrow. >> there easily could be a 10% loss given though the political ways are blowing seems to be a dead heat now in georgia as you said although 600 points in the
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dow only takes us back where we were about a week in a week and half ago when it comes to the major market embassies. this is not even a correction at this point, there's a lot of factors impacting the stocks right now with happening in georgia, google with the potential for unionization, big tech is calling the shots as well as what's happening politically, after a stellar 2020, a lot of investors say when you take a look at what's happening in georgia maybe now is an opportunity to take the profits off the table on the first day of trading in 2021. david: is an interesting subject to possible unionization, 200 workers for google or apple but the parent company that want to unionize, if in fact the democrats take the senate you will have people like bernie sanders who has an idea of a complete overall of what a corporation means putting the power, giving 20% of the company over to workers and giving workers the potential to manage
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the company, rather be managed by individuals chosen by stockholders it would be managed by this committee of workers, we saw how that worked out in the soviet union, not too well. >> notches the soviet union but in our own country, time and time again we have seen the major union push in industries whether it's steel, coal, construction, manufacturing, the airline or the automobiles, elon musk in the last year talked about it destroyed the automobile industry. god forbid truly that happens when it comes to the technology in the industry, it's blue lettering that the push to google, the average google employee makes about a quarter of a million dollars a year and time and time again, when unions make big pushes, you see the employment drop, invest less, and shareholders make last. this is a risk when it comes to google and technology sector as
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well, the new unionization of the great firms. david: private sector unionization is down below 7% and if it was not for the public sector jobs which are growing over 30%, it'll be much lower in this country but it is amazing that somebody take a quarter of a million dollars will be joining union to demand more rages only in silicon valley, good to see you, by the way your gold is up 3%, he's been pushing for goals for a while, congratulations on that one, as we've been saying all eyes on the atlanta suburbs after democrat leaning voters there propelled president-elect biden to a georgia win in the 2020 race, democrats are banking on the same group of people to flip the two senate seats and ultimately take control of the entire u.s. senate, jackie deangelis is here with the latest on that. >> good afternoon we will watch a suburb very closely, not as populated in the surrounding
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parts of the state but very important when it comes to republican voters and as you mentioned things changed in the last race, what i want to do is take a look where we are right now, people have not been watching this closely, these are the four candidates, two races, republican perdue, republican loeffler you heard those names in the coming days, this is one of the most expensive races on record between advertising on both sides for both races, we are talking almost $500 million because a lot is at stake and that's what i want to talk to about right now. take a look at this, this is where we were before but this is where we are in the senate, what if, democrats have 48 republicans have 50 if we were to get a clean sweep in the democrats did not get this two-seater would be a tie in kamala harris has the deciding vote so respectively the democrats would have the senate
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and if the republicans got the two seats there would be 52 and we could have a split decision which would make it equally contentious. there is so much to watch for tomorrow night. i want to show you how close it was and remind you one more time what he saw when he came to the 2020 general election in georgia 49.5% for joe biden and 49.3% for president trump, so close a difference of just under 12000 both their, when it comes to what were watching in the senate, i'm going to go back, bear with me for a moment make sure i get my buttons right. look at georgia specifically because this all comes to advanced voting, here's what we have right now more than 3 million people voted in advance that stopped on thursday and this is really interesting because you look at your early in person a little bit more than 2 million those tend to lean right, meal and ballots a little bit less than a million those
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tend to lean left that gives you a sense of what is going on, also both presidential candidates are going to be campaigning, mike pence in georgia today as well. this is going to depend on turnout in person as well for the overall election about 5 million people voted, there is still vote so we need to count tomorrow and that's why we will be watching so closely. david: everybody will be watching closely, thank you very much, democrats hope they have an early lead in the georgia runoff says more than 3 million early votes have been cast, will georgia republicans and president trump himself who will speak there tonight be able to get out there voters, joining me now liberal commentators radio show host ethan bourbon and independent women's forum senior policy analyst patrice. , how does the president thread the needle tonight when he speaks before georgians to say essentially that yes the vote counters got it wrong on election day in november but you
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should go out to vote anyway, why when a lot of republicans say they got it wrong in november what's to make sure they're not going to get around tomorrow. >> i think the president can certainly do two things, number one he can set the stakes, their extremely high and this is beyond the 2020 election this is about the future of our country in the next four years, what kind of government will we see if we have abiding the administration incoming that is unrestrained, able to pursue far left socialist policies and getting rid of the 2017 tax cuts they gave thousands of dollars to average families, unleashing the power of the market that is being allowed workers wages to ride so rapidly, they get rid of that and positioned it in those terms i think that motivates people to say it's really important that we turn out to vote. next there are election issues and irregularities every time
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and certainly i think the president wants to call out what is happened in this year but he can still do that and say we still need your vote to put over and above. david: meanwhile as patrice would like him to focus on what is happening with the economy, the potential for economic changes under democratic senate, there's all these personal attacks, that's inevitable in this environment, raphael warnock has faced a lot of personal attacks about domestic disputes because we saw the police video with his ex-wife and charges of child brutality with regard to his summer camp that he is associated with, or any of the charges sticking or are builders looking beyond that to the policy changes? >> not only are the sticking with the voters that are going to win this for jon ossoff and raphael warnock hopefully but they really don't have any affect because for a party that
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stands by a guy with dozens of sexual assault claims, the 11780 sedition sounding attacks in an hour long phone call released yesterday, it is hollow, furthermore the age old red scare argument of socialism without ever defining what that is, i don't see that the democrats are talking about controlling production, why don't we use terms that are re real, what you are going to see is the millionaire class, the hedge fund millionaire class will pay more taxes, the working class is going to get supported more through a terrible pandemic about economy. those are the things you will see you tomorrow. david: i would push back a little bit on what ethan said we are seeing specific signs of what socialism means, we saw it in bernie sanders platform in which he wants to change corporate accountability and essentially get far more control of corporations to the government to the federal
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government then exists now. it's pretty clear that the government would play a far more intrusive role in the economy than they do now if democrats take control of the senate. >> absolutely going to ask you what would happen to workers, a lot of their freedom, democrats want to eliminate independent contracting in this country, small business owners who hang their own shingles and 1099 workers for example, they want to eliminate those positions by enacting federal reclassification of independent contractors, that is part of it, getting rid of work laws across the country, i think what you would see, not just socialism but a total change, a total transformation to the negative for workers, small business owners and businesses in this country. david: were running out of time but ethan i want to get you on this issue, nancy pelosi warning barely her fourth term, a slim
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margin green sundaes houseboat, democrats have the slimmest margin that we have seen in congress and over 100 years, while her narrow victory make it difficult for her to herd boats from her own caucus. >> no, bernie sanders did not win so why you keep bringing that up his silly. david: he would have more power if democrats control the senate but that's why we bring it up. let's focus on speaker pelosi for the minute. >> aoc voted for nancy pelosi to maintain the speakership. this is clear that nancy pelosi is in control of the house, yes just like the republicans who were more divided than the democrats, the democrats have always been abroad that brings a lot of ideas to the table that have people like meet a pro-business democrat who is part of the party. there is always negotiations that need to go on and nobody
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better than nancy pelosi for that position. david: very quickly, we have people like joe manchin who is a very moderate democrat, might republicans try to bring him over on some votes? very quickly. >> i think so if you see democrats pushed towards defunding the police rhetoric and if you see them pushing the far left ideas, that has been brought in under the big tent, yeah i think joe manchin will say wait a minute that's way too far and a lot of democrats would agree with that. david: great to see you, we will be watching you carefully tomorrow. don't wish special coverage in the georgia senate runoff right on fox business, neil cavuto will kickoff the coverage at 7:00 p.m. eastern time tomorrow night, be sure to tune in. google workers unionizing amid tensions between executive, details on what employees are looking for from leadership. that is next. ♪
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coming off the record probably this weekend with a crypto currency down at 17% overnight trading at 31000 and change coming off the record levels above 34000. still up over 300% and experts say because there aren't a whole lot of bitcoin each and every day that is available it tends to be exaggerated up and down, down we have slack suffering a global outage and slack is a work chat help remote work during covid around 12 million daily users of the work chat, they're a little confused and working in the dark we have tesla starting off the new year like it ended in rally mode after almost delivering 500,000 cars, 50 cars short of 500,000 of the milestone a pretty good record year in record quarter in this year will only get better with austin and berlin factory set to open and you mentioned google is unionizing only 200 plus have joined the new alphabet workers union but it
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goes to all employees, contractors and temporary staff that includes those google, youtube and the driving car unit. alphabet employs more than 130,000 around the world and it has been some of the most activist around protest against sexual misconduct against and project maven in a recent firing of an a.i. executive, isn't it interesting amongst the higher tech group, google is unionizing but not amazon or whole foods just yet. david: whole foods focus has been on the employees themselves, the employees as personal managers and that might save them from unionization but who knows, anything can happen it is amazing to see tesla of 3% on a day when the market is down, the stock market keeps going up, great to see you, happy new year one oregon mayor is encouraging businesses to deify his own governors lock down orders, we will be talking to the mayor the mayor is sandy
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my husband had to do everything for weeks. and the thing is, there's nothing you can do about it! well, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaat? prevented. you can get vaccinated. frank! they have shingles vaccines! whaaat? that's what i said. we're taking you to the doctor. not going through that again. you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older get vaccinated for shingles now.
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david: bob public schools are experiencing a decrease in enrollment amidst the pandemic some private catholic schools are offering in person or seen huge spike,. >> catholic schools have been struggling in the weak economy with the parents ability to pay thousands of dollars of tuition but for those schools i can offer in person learning they have seen improvements and enrollments in queens and brooklyn enrollments are up 39%, amazing performance. especially in elementary and middle school the schools are
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packed. and the boston the diocese there says enrollments are up 15% as close like maria regina and hartsville new york, they say it's been great, offering classes to more students but also had problems. listen. >> i think all schools are seen impact because we had to implement all the protocols which is an additional expense that was on a budget, we are managing, but it is difficult and we are a school for middle-class working parents. >> according to a national trade organization, closures of catholic schools nationwide, closures are actually up 50%, some 2% of the 6100 catholic schools out there have closed this year nowhere is the problem worse than los angeles los angeles work three catholic schools have closed, enrollment is down 10%, all in all it's a
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mixed bag but for those schools to offer in person learning they are doing very well indeed. david: parents and students do not like virtual learning, it does not work for many reasons. thank you very much, republican mayor sandy oregon stan pulliam has a message for kate brown, we are opening, the mayor is encouraging businesses to keep their doors open and defiance of the states covid restriction, mayor stan pulliam joining me now. congratulations, a bold move but how is the governor reacting? >> , thank you, it's been an outstanding weekend, my belt is about a bit tighter after supported the local businesses and we have yet to hear how the governor is going to respond, i will tell you this, after watching mass riots and looting happening in downtown portland
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on new year's eve we expect the same charity for the local small business owners along our main street with the governor provide the groups in portland riding in the street. david: that is harsh but strong point that you make, what about enforcement, has the governor indicated or are you concerned he might try to enforce rules that you are now violating. >> we have yet to hear anything from the governor but the restaurants and bars and fitness centers only opened up one level underneath the government mandates in the communities like portland with an extreme level we opened under high, we had all the face coverings, social distancing and sanitizing in place but we open the doors and put employees back to work, if the governor does not want people to break her mandate then she needs to change her guidelines, the businesses are to the end, they have to open basically do not have a choice, the choice before them was everything that they work for
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their entire lives were to go against this mandate. david: the other problem with mandates, your mandate and mandates i california, new york and elsewhere, michigan a lot of them are not based on science, the politicians say we have to focus on science and when you have a 0 infection rate coming from outdoor dining in california and they enforce the mandate against outdoor dining, it doesn't make any scientific sense, now certain judges are green without consensus, one in new york upstate where the judge said the governor has to provide some scientific evidence for his lockdown orders, are you looking to the same sort of decision? >> you are right the double standard have to stop, the fact that we can pack into support corporate america but we cannot mainstream, we are not sure what the courts are going to do and
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were certainly not sure what the politicians are going to do but what people forget is the people, the people is where the power is it's where our authority comes from that will take the people to stand up and come back against the mandates, that's what were doing in oregon with the small business owners opening. david: very last question, are you receiving support from the people in your community, not just the business people but the folks who may not have a personal stake in all of this questioning. >> absolutely, it's been really heartwarming around the block supported a lot of the local businesses over the weekend, it is been encouraging watching people walking with their flags and patriotic songs with tears in their eyes. this is been a moment time in oregon and we look forward to businesses opening in the days ahead. david: we look forward to see how your situation turns out particular the response of the governor, please come back and see us again. >> we will, thank you.
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david: happy new year. stocks recovering a little bit but still way down ongoing concerns of the battle for the senate in georgia charlie gasparino on what wall street is bracing for on tomorrow's runoff. that is next. ♪ ♪ metastatic breast cancer is relentless, but i'm relentless every day. and having more days is possible with verzenio, proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant. verzenio + fulvestrant is for women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy.
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keep doing what i love. because, for me, this never gets old. call today to learn more or to be connected to a local agent in your community and we'll send you a $10 visa reward card with no obligation to enroll. david: president trump heading to georgia to boost support for republican candidates kelly loeffler and david perdue, the crowds are lining up for that rally, fox news correspondent rick jenkins is in dalton, georgia, not just george into her there, right? >> that is right they have come from all across the country, california, michigan, this is maybe the youngest trump supporter from local here in georgia. that a boy, david these people are really fired up here because they know this could indeed possibly be the last trump rally of his administration and it's going to be interesting what we have to say to them, his main
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focus is to rally supporters for kelly loeffler and david perdue, he has been anything but quiet about his opposition to the election, the secretary of state with a phone call that was released and of course his past on the governor brian kemp for who he is called an obstructionist for not getting more involved in the election when he was contesting as well of wanting him to resign, what we don't know yet, whether his visit will continue to divide the local georgia officials. i tell you there is a gentleman that i want you to meet, this is david, david is from dalton, i'm talking to david asman and telling him dalton, georgia
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where the early voting shows republicans need to turn out, will you vote tomorrow and are you concerned about the integrity of the election. >> and boating in the morning at 7:00 a.m. and i'm not concerned, i'm concerned in cobb county and fulton county i think that's where the fraud was in the state of georgia. >> are you concerned that the president says there is widespread voter fraud but he is rooting for perdue and loeffler in the election here even the committee chairwoman is worried about possible problems. >> i'm not worried about problems in dalton, the trump supporters are going to show up for perdue and loeffler in google when the state of georgia come tomorrow night. >> quickly, are you worried that there could be division amongst the gop with the president attacking the governor and the secretary of state? >> i believe this is the trump party, i believe the governor
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and secretary of state have done the georgia people and injustice and this is trump's party. >> will quickly amount of time the what your name. >> jack i am 18. >> the first time is in 2020 developer donald trump and i will vote tomorrow before scho school. >> why are you building. >> i feel like this is our last chance to save this country, if the senate goes blue, so was the entire country, this is our last chance to stop it. >> thank you very much, david asman that is what is happening in north georgia will cover it all day and bring you the results tomorrow if indeed we get them it could go on for days. david: let's hope not, thank you very much, good to see you, a final peach state push is on president trump and joe biden making campaign stops in georgia today as the candidates make the final pitches, fox news correspondent peter doocy is live in atlanta with the very
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latest. hi peter. >> good afternoon, kelly loeffler closing argument has a lot to do with allegations of abuse that are directed at her democratic opponent raphael warnock. >> when he was asked if he would pack the supreme court with the liberal justices he said he had not thought about it and he said he would pack the court fundamentally change american eraser constitution. he has refused to answer questions about child abuse and domestic abuse investigations. >> warnock will be here with joe biden and he's been on the trail already avoiding questions about the allegations and trying to turn them around in into a slight into the opponent loeffler. >> we have seen in georgia, she has been in washington for months even though this is her first time she has wasted no time embracing the values of the
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swamp she can't justify her tenure. >> jon ossoff is out campaigning saying he think this race will come down to a few thousand votes telling canvassers he said the thought about a race but a political party for the real human consequences. his opponent david perdue remains in quarantine, he claims to have three negative test for covid-19 but after close contact with the staffer who was infected perdue has been isolated and he's only one out of four candidates on the ballot tomorrow who is not out there trying to drum up support in person that means he will probably miss the trump rally this evening unless something changes. david: one quick question has raphael warnock ever answer the charges against him or does he turn the question around? >> the last couple of times that he has been asked about it in
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the disorganized media availability, he just immediately turns the question into an attack on loeffler and says that she doesn't have anything better to talk about other than that. that's where were at with reverend warnock. david: thank you very much, good to see you, i appreciate it. stocks falling dramatically today and the first trading day of 2021 after a profitable 2020 for investors, one thing spooking investors is a report of a 10% market slide if democrats sweep both senate races tomorrow. charlie gasparino on what wall street can expect, it's better to lose one or 2% today than 10% tomorrow. [laughter] >> yeah that's one way of looking at it. >> we don't mean oppenheimer to tell us that a dense sweep of the georgia runoffs and kamala harris soon to be vice president be the tie-breaking vote on major pieces of legislation it
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could be problematic for stocks we've been singly not on fox business for months and the latest polls as they have been tightening and looking like the democrats are quite frankly pulling ahead, market players and you can see it in the betting market when they traded off today the betting market predicted started saying it's likely that the dems were going to win in warnock and soft were going to be loeffler and david perdue, that is when the stocks took a major leg down, their off their lows, i will say this there is no doubt that this is what is moving the market today when you get higher taxes on investments, you the small investor who watch fox business are going to get hammered if joe biden goes through what he said he's going to go through, you may do okay if it keeps printing money but there is going to be some calibration of investing based on stock prices faced on higher capital gain and higher
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taxes on investors in higher corporate tax rate which he basically said during the campaign he was going to race, the one thing i would say the trading markets are not always right and the polls have been horrible when it comes to the average trump holder and i saw the last two were clearly republican voters in georgia are fired up and here's where i'll tell you i spoke with the key wall street government affairs official today and i asked him do you think the republicans have a shot, he said if they can turn out the republican voters, not just republicans, the republican leaning voters who generally vote late if they can turn them out and keep them enthusiastic there is a window to put victory from both perdue and kelly loeffler and maybe with the last guest, he is going to vote no matter what. david: the 18-year-old was among the crowd, very quickly, a lot
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of people think the deregulation policies of the trump administration where all of this is important in the economic boom than the lower tax rates we know we will get more regulations even if the senate stays republican-controlled with the biden administration, that is going to be a big cost cutting into profit right? >> here's the thing market still may go up, they will have to adjust to more socialism obviously that biden promised if he goes through that stuff and they will be scare factor to pick up the feet. market can still go up and you can have what a slow recovery coming out of the pandemic once we all get vaccinated which is what happened during the obama years, extremely slow economic growth and wage growth vertically on the low end as upper income made a lot of money trading stocks on 0% interest rates. david: it hurts a little guide where than anybody else, good to see you, happy new year to you,
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the uk the first in the world to rollout astrazeneca vaccine, how soon can we see it rolled out, the details next. ♪ pay off my student loan debt. they were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. i got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy. ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪
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are hoping it could be any day or week from johnson & johnson or astrazeneca that we could see cases coming out. of course we don't want to see more cases but with so many cases in the united states is speed up the clinical trials. david: the uk becoming the first in the world to rollout the astrazeneca vaccine amidst surging coronavirus cases, when can we see it injected into the arms of americans, doctor matt mccarthy joins us now, good to see you how soon before the vaccine makes a dent in the surges that we see particular as we see rollout in the uk? >> it's going to be a little bit, the rollout is happening slower than we like but we have to remember this was a holiday and i expect to see the rollout starting to pick up steam over the next couple of weeks, astrazeneca vaccine is really interesting, there are two doses in there saying 70% effective but that is not quite right, 62%
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of effective of one dose and 95% of another dose, but the calling is 70% for now i'm keeping a close eye on how the rollout proceeds in the uk because it will give a lot of information of how it will play out in the united states when it becomes approved in the spring. david: one of the problems we are having here and i'll put up a front page from the new york post we have a lot of vaccine but it's not been sent out as quickly as it is and in new york there is about two thirds of the vaccine available to new yorkers that are being warehoused and stored in the stuff astrazeneca stores, you'll have to keep it as cold as the vaccines that we have right now but i am wondering if we don't use those vaccines quickly, will they be ruined? >> this is an impending disaster and we are not using these vaccines we have come so far that we gotta get the shots into people's arms and you make a
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great point that astrazeneca vaccine stores stably for six months when it can be refrigerated. we have a lot more wiggle room and also much more cheaper this is something that only cost three or $4 a dose, the astrazeneca vaccine is one you will see deployed all over the world to make that dent as you mentioned and i expect to see a real dent in cases starting at the end of march, beginning of april we still have a few difficult months ahead but this is a bright spot moving forward. david: again i believe the vaccines we are using, pfizer really has to be kept at subzero temperature, not every facility can keep them in one of those containers for very long but that another good thing about astrazeneca not the messenger rna type of vaccine that people are weary of. >> that is right you know the science behind these things, astrazeneca is a dna vaccine which is different than the rna, dna is much more durable and
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that's why we don't have to handle it with delicate precaution, it is the vaccine that is going to make it into the third world and the vaccine you can have in a pharmacy four months that astrazeneca vaccine will be a huge step forward for public health and will likely see it rolled out in a few months there was dosing issues with the initial trial that concerned people like me that go through data for a living where they found a lower dose had a higher efficacy and they will clarify all that stuff very soon and you will see this be a big boon for the public health community. david: i'm going to drag you kicking and screaming into the political world, i'm sure you heard about this, a judge in upper new york state the governor cannot call for lockdowns anymore unless he has a science to back it up, do you think he is going to get the scientific proof, a lot of people say his lock towns do not
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make sense scientifically. >> you don't have be on your show to talk politics but always my foot and say there's no evidence that lockdowns are helpful, there is a lot of detrimental effects that can happen whether mental health, all kinds of bad things where people don't follow the rules when you have a state-mandated lockdown, you're not going to have the hard-core science to support the lockdown. david: then of course the judge said if you don't have the science you're gonna have to work on compromise with businesses i talked to businesses so far the governor has not been calling he may go ahead no matter what and defiance of the judge or whatever. , doctor mccarthy as well. thanks for being here. wall street spiking over the georgia senate runoff races, the vix index is on pace to finish at a two month high. gold is way up as well. more cavuto "coast to coast" right after the break. ♪
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david: ugly first day of trading in 2021. that is no way to describe it. we were down well over 700 points earlier in the session. now down to about 450 to the downside. nasdaq down by same percentage. not everything is down. look at gold, people are worry what will happen to georgia, if there is democrat sweep, what it means for company profits.
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53 bucks, closing in on $1950 for an ounce. tesla on a day when the market is down, tesla is up almost 4% trading at $732.58. the the best news for the market charles payne is here. we have, or may have a charles payne effect. >> i'm thrilled to be back, david. this is making money. now we're tumbling hard. but remember it, was a remarkable 2020. so the question is what will 2021 bring? we'll be examining trends and history, portfolio moves investors should consider as this new year should get underway. president trump pressing georgia's election chief to find enough votes to overturn joe biden. this as more republicans join the extraordinary effort to overturn
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