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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 4, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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elections. it begins at 5:00 p.m. eastern here. congressman devin nunez, victor david hanson among our guests. kelly loeffler we found out amongst those objecting to the electors. thanks for being with us. good night. elizabeth: we're in breaking news mode. just moments from now president trump will board marine one heading to a rally in georgia. he is refusing to concede as the 117th congress kicks off with a new republican civil war. new calls for impeachment, congress' joint session certifying electoral college vote this week, analysts say it will be the contentious, potentially the most, explosive in 144 years. with us, james comer matthew whitaker, james trust at this,
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tom homan on today's headlines. washington, d.c. mayor calling in the national guard as officials warn against anarchy and we have the update on the fight in the republican party over the dozens of republicans now planning to challenge joe biden's electoral college win and the fight over this. the president's leaked phone call to the "washington post." president trump demands secretary of state in georgia that he find nearly 12,000 votes. the president is suing him. we have the update on this fight and what is happening in georgia. how all of that is sparking new demonstrations across the country as maga fans clash with cops. we have got much more. we'll show you again the country's worst politicians as one democrat mayor pretty much now admits he has been wrong after he let riots destroy his city for seven straight months. the debate, too little too late. this new outrage.
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people now demanding a recall for another democrat mayor who danced on new year's eve while the city collapses economically due to his own shutdownses. this new outrage, we have got more democrat politicians breaking their own covid-19 shut down orders, violating their own rules. and now this, a top state democrat out with a new lockdown a brand new shutdown bill that is literally terrifying people. it is about detaining people. the question where is the aclu on that and the botched lockdowns? we have the debate. we'll show you the new republican congresswoman elect pushing back on washington saying she will pack her gun even inside the halls of congress because washington's d.c., crime is so out of control. gun rights activists cheering this person, this congresswoman-elect but the d.c. police want to talk to her. we've got the story. we have more on the biden team's cushy insiderrism. we'll show you exactly what
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they're accused of doing now to protect hunter biden. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: okay. welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. let's welcome house oversight ranking republican congressman james comer. congressman, where do you stand on the 140 house republicans and dozen or more senators, republican senators saying we're not certify the electoral college votes? how are you coming down on this? where do you stand? >> i share their concern there were countless election irregularities. my focus is on the absentee balloting. these states unilaterally changed their absentee rules in the middle of the game. the reason we have rules pertaining to absentee ballots was to prevent fraud. so when the governors and secretaries of state
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unilaterally changed the rules without getting state legislative approval then you opened up the entire election process to fraud. normally in elections you have one to 3% of the vote is voted by absentee ballots. in some of these states you will have over a third of the vote cast by absentee ballot. there were no poll watchers. there were no people there to verify the signatures. there were no people there to watch the people actually fill out ballots, unlike those of us who voted in person. so i share the concern of a lot of my colleagues about the election irregularities. elizabeth: but, are you officially joining the group of 140 or right now you share their concerns? >> i well i share their concerns. we're going to listen to the debate. we're going to conference tomorrow. i think it's a shame we've gotten to this point. i wish the state legislatures had done their job. i wish the courts would have heard cases that the trump campaign had but here we are in unprecedented territory. we'll have a long conference tomorrow and talk about it.
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i will make my decision obviously before the 6th. elizabeth: okay. now congress does not have the constitutional authority to refuse to count the electoral votes. neither does the vice president. that is under the 12th amendment. they have to go forward with the vote count. the vice president saying he welcomes challenges. we have senators mitch mcconnell. we have senator lindsey graham, tom cotton, bill cassidy. they oppose dozens of republicans pushing for things like a 10-day emergency audit of election results in key states. they say this will damage the republican party. president trump warned senator cotton that people never forget. your reaction to that? >> we're in uncharted territory. 67% of the republicans believe there were massive election irregularities. in fact they think there was fraud in this election that had an impact on the eventual winner. so i believe that a commission is warranted. i believe that we need to investigate this. it is a shame that nancy pelosi
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wouldn't let my committee, the house oversight committee have one hearing after we had countless hearings over russian collusion in the 2016 election. you know, they're fine with voting irregularities if it benefits them. again that puts us in uncharted territory. we'll have a debate. i know there will be at least one state, pennsylvania, where both the house and senate will have two hours of debate. i think that a lot of the proof and evidence that the trump campaign has used in court that hasn't become public will become public then. elizabeth: we have got republican lawmakers protesting the vote certification. some of them also won seia the same electoral college vote and voting civil. we've been digging through the cases. trump-appointed judges, court analysts, they reject these court cases. there are five dozen cases have been rejected. people are saying up to trump's
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legal team to make the sale in court. they didn't make it. they didn't have the evidence. we've been pouring through the documents too. we're trying to find the specific detailed evidence to overturn the vote count we're seeing it is not there. by the way, we'll stay on what is happening right now at a rally in georgia. we'll give you what is happening in just a moment. the president is about to arrive there the president is going to georgia to support kelly loeffler and david perdue. you don't have the evidence and you want a commission to study it, what more will it turn up? >> liz i agree with your criticism of the trump legal team. i don't think they have served the president very well. i have said that publicly. i will continue to say that. the evidence that they should be focused on is the absentee abuse. the fact that you changed the rules in the middle of the game. the rules that were put in place to prevent fraud were unilaterally taken out without legislative approval in pennsylvania or georgia, some of
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these other swing states. that led to a scenario where you had massive amounts of absentee voting that overwhelmingly went in joe biden's favor. 85 plus percent in joe biden favor. you didn't have poll watchers there. you didn't have people to verify the signatures. it's a problem. the reason so many republicans like me are torn on this, this is something should have been taken up in the state legislatures and in the courts. unfortunately they weren't. now here we are faced with a really difficult decision on january the 6th. elizabeth: hear what you're saying. i want to be clear, we've been through the cases as many as we could, trying to find it enough proof to overturn it. again it wasn't there we hear what you say about absentee votes. that is the issue that senator james lankford wants to dig into with a new commission. it is unclear whether they will get any of it done in time for the january 20th inauguration. we'll get to james lankford in a second. now we have this other story of
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president trump pressuring the georgia secretary of state saying find me 12,000 votes. let's listen to the audio of that. this a leaked phone call to the "washington post." let's listen. >> you don't need. of a number because the number in theory i lost by the margin would be 1,779 but you also have -- 11,779. but you have substantial numbers of people, thousands and thousands went to the voting place on november 3rd, were told they couldn't vote, were told they couldn't vote because a ballot had been put in on their name. that is very, very, very, very sad. you had 18,325 vacant address voters. the address was vacant. and then they're not allowed to be counted. i'm notifying you that you're lefting it happen. so, look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes
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which is one more than we have, because we won the state. elizabeth: okay. the president went through an accounting what he thinks is wrong but then critics are saying he overstepped line repeatedly, not just that one time, find me the votes. he is putting pressure on the secretary of state of georgia. what do you say to that story? >> well the president probably didn't need to make that call. it was my understanding the purpose of the call was to be to ensure the integrity of the georgia special senate race but the president is like myself and a lot of people. sometimes he says a few extra words than he probably should say. elizabeth: but he threatened the guy. he threatened him, he threatened him and said fine me the votes. >> i know. elizabeth: "wall street journal," we hear you. we've got 10 defense secretaries saying in the "washington post" saying move on. "wall street journal" editorial barred is saying move on. so is the "new york post"
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editorial board. your final word, congressman. >> the president is frustrated. he feels like he was wronged in the election. he is not a politician. he tries to do what he thinks is best. the media attacked him for four years. he believes with all his heart there was massive fraud. he will have opportunity, mo brooks, jim jordan, present evidence before congress in a public fashion on wednesday and i think then and at that particular point we will see what evidence of fraud they have. i think members of congress, especially the republicans will mate an informed decision on that day. elizabeth: but, we hear you. we hear what you're saying. issue is pressuring an official like that, that he overstepped the line. congressman, we appreciate you coming on. >> thanks for having me, liz. elizabeth: next up, former acting attorney general matthew whitaker how the senate runoff in georgia and the election in
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congress sparked demonstrations. maga fans clashing with cops. we have that and much more coming up. >> january the 5th, going to term the future of our country. >> i think these two georgia senate races on january 5th are without exaggeration the most important senate races of our entire lifetime. if we see a democratic majority, chuck schumer majority, i think they will do generational damage. ♪ rate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ to listen, is to hear more than what's being said... and offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard. i understand, let's get started call a dell technologies advisor today.
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♪. elizabeth: welcome back. let's welcome back to the show former acting attorney general matthew whitaker. great to have you on. the president is heading to a rally in georgia ahead of the georgia senate run i don't haves tomorrow. i hear he will say the 2020 vote was an constitutional. your take on that and what is going on in georgia right now. >> good to be with you, liz, and happy new year. this president obviously sees what a lot of americans see, that is millions of more voters this time than last. i think almost 25 or more million people voted. the rules were changed late. there was a concerted effort by the left to not only in the lead-up to the election but also on election day to change the rules of the game as the game was being played. and i think some of those, some of those violations could be
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constitutional violations. the president, i totally understand where he is coming from, the frustration he is feeling as he looks at what happened in november. you know, what is at stake in georgia, i think we all understand. if democrats win the senate by small majority, essentially would be the vote of vice president kamala harris, if she is sworn in on the 20th, then, you know, ultimately things like socialism could be at stake, and packing the court, all those kind of things, liz, we heard about in the reed-up to the election could become reality if democrats take the two seats in georgia. elizabeth: i hear what you're saying. i want to be very clear what we were talking about in the a-block. when we went through the allegations of voter fraud we were looking for the evidence. we're open-minded here at "the evening edit." we're open-minded to the allegations. it takes a lot of evidence to overturn the vote, to overturn a
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vote count based on allegations of fraud. we did not see enough allegations of fraud to overturn the vote count. you know this as well as anybody else, sir, that judges are very leery to do that, even trump-appointed judges said they didn't make the sale. now that is the case. we hear what you're saying about changing the rules on mail-in votes and absentee ballots. that is what senator james lankford, senator johnson and senator ted cruz want to look at, right? >> right. elizabeth: they're concerned about this hitting georgia. how will this hit the george georgia race. go ahead. >> liz, give you one sample after change, signature match on the absentee ballots. if you lower the standard or eliminate the standard for matching signatures on return ballot, all those kind of things, while that may not be fraud, ultimately what that does is it lowers the standard and it is more susceptible to fraud.
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i agree. i was in arizona right after the election working in that state to see if there was any fraud in that election. you know what we found was a very close election but ultimately the evidence that was developed did not swing the arizona vote count. elizabeth: right. >> and so i mean -- elizabeth: what we're seeing too. >> i agree with the congressman in the a block. i think the president's legal team did have an obligation to bring the facts to courts. i think ultimately they didn't develop those facts well enough to be persuasive to have a judge, like you said, step in, do unprecedented thing. that is to overrule the vote count on election day. so you're right, but i think it at the same time i'm going to listen very carefully on the 6th to what these members of congress are going to present because if jim sword dan gets up and presents evidence i will listen very carefully as to what that evidence is. elizabeth: we'll be listening too because this is so key to the future of this country how
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we do our vote. no matter, take out the names. take out the names trump and biden, just look what happened. it is pretty darn well sure. >> it is beyond 2020, liz. >> that is the issue. >> it is beyond 2020. it is about the next, about 2022 and 2024. it is about confidence in the system. i know this sometimes election integrity is amorphous to a lot of americans but ultimately it is not a good thing to have 67% of republicans believe that the election was not fair in november of 2020. we need to bring integrity to the process. we need to know what happened. we need to know where the vulnerabilities are and we need to correct them. elizabeth: i'm telling you it is about closing the sale in court. we've been studying this for months. about making it, closing it in court. that is the issue. the georgia race, if republicans lose there, then you have senator bernie sanders running the budget committee, not
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senator lindsey graham. senator ted cruz talking about potential generational damage to the future of the country. your final word, then we got to go. >> senator cruz is absolutely right. what is at stake in georgia tomorrow is going to fundamental set the course of america for a generation. so i hope all georgians look at that very carefully. elizabeth: all right. matthew whitaker, great to see you. thanks for coming on. >> good to see you, liz. elizabeth: coming up fox news contributor david webb on the country's worst politicians. we've got one democrat mayor pretty much admitting he has been wrong after he let seven straight months of rioting destroy his city. while another democrat mayor dancing while his city has soaring crime.
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(man)oman) what is happening to my body? (woman) i don't want to look like this anymore. (announcer) you may be suffering from insulin resistance. measure your waist. females measuring more than 35 inches and men measuring more than 40 inches may have insulin resistance. release effectively combats insulin resistance and will help you lose weight safely and effectively. release: available only at ♪. elizabeth: okay. welcome back to the show. let's bring back on fox news contributor david webb, host of the david webb show. david, why did it take seven straight months of letting riots to go out of control for the democrat mayor of portland, oregon, ted wheeler to finally admit he was wrong? they kicked off 2021 with a riot
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in portland again. >> i don't have an answer. i looked at evidence you've been discussing, nightly riots, the burning of a starbucks, the burning of a restaurant, the destruction of property, the exodus. why it took him so long, why he did it that night, i don't think anyone can fathom it. is it possible that his city officials, business leaders, said look, this can't continue. our city is dying. i've looked at the economics of portland. it is destitute. that city is literally dieing. >> they had nearly three dozen riots, five dozen instances of fires being set, vandalism since the spring. tens of, thousands of dollars in just recent one where a mob of antifa chased after police officers. listen to mayor ted wheeler, saying we'll now hold antifa and rioters accountable.
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listen to this. >> who, what, where, when and why. who, violent antifa and anarchists. what. rampaging through portland, breaking windows, spray painting, causing reportedly tens of thousands of dollars of criminal destruction. extensively damaging both taxpayer and privately-funded property. it has been hard for me and for others to accept the reality that there are just some people on this planet who are bent on criminal destruction. my good faith efforts at de-escalation have been met with ongoing violence and even scorn from radical antifa and anarchists. in response it will be necessary to use additional tools and to push the limits of the tools we
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already have to bring the criminal destruction and violence to an end. it is time to push back harder against those who are set on destroying our community and to take more risks in fighting lawlessness. i believe people convicted of criminal destruction should be required to meet with the employees and owners of the businesses that they damage. all of them, should be required to engage in public service. elizabeth: okay. really? good faith efforts? hard for me to take. what, you know, people are saying you should step down now. you allowed 10 of millions of dollars in damages to small business, small businesses there. people were getting stabbed and shot. courthouses, churches damaged. even was apologetic to rioters when they tried to set fire to his own condo building.
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this guy has got to go! >> you know, liz, it's likely and it's likely because it is mostly a theory, that this is now the postelection. prior to the election antifa served the purposes of the left against donald trump. so, as someone who has looked at policy and elections and what has gone on in culture over time, it is possible now they can take actions against antifa because they're no longer useful. they're no longer useful to ted wheeler and the democrats. that is the only thing i can think of time to take them down -- elizabeth: here is the thing. wait, wait. you and i talked about it, taxpayers will be asked to pay for all of this damage. critics say he should be recalled. we're hearing talk of recalling oregon governor kate brown, seattle mayor jenny durkin will not run again. california governor gavin newsom, here in new york city where they're talking abought,
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people are talking recall mayor bill de blasio even though he has only a year left. he is dancing on television on new year's eve, while crime is skyrocketing out of control. shootings have doubled. shootings in the last two years. shootings just in the last year matched the prior two years combined. here he is dancing on new year's eve where he has his own shutdown orders have collapsed the city into economic chaos. i mean, so this is just a little too hard for people to take right now, you know, david? >> look, it is blatant actions by these elected officials. recalling them by the way it is a good effort if it is successful but what us did it really do? they don't actually pay a price. they simply go on to the next thing politically. they supported the agenda of the left. the left will support them. you're right, the people who died in the bodega owners, business owners, employees, whether you're a person that is maintaining the building or the
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owner of the building in new york city, you're paying a price. you're going to be asked, they're going to tax you more. they're going to find more regulations. they're going to heap that on and new york city, talk about another city, america's great city that you and i -- we both love it, is literally dying on the vine as empty streets and even boarded up buildings still in some parts. the taxpayers pay the price. this is your vote. many of you supported them. you did this to yourselves. that is just a harsh reality. elizabeth: yeah they did it to themselves but you know, we've got family members saying hey, our own family members are getting shot. they're getting stabbed. i hate to be so graphic. that is what we're seeing and witnessing here, experiencing here in new york city. people are scared to go down certain streets in the city right now. but then, you know the audacity of dancing on new year's eve. andy cohen is saying enough is enough. tv host andy cohen was saying, stop. we don't want to see that.
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we don't want to see mayor de blasio to dance on new year's eve where he allowed chaos in his city. >> he is not mayor de blasio, this is warren wilhelmp, jr., the sandinista marxist he worked with the sandinistas in nicaragua. he changed his stripes, political leopard doesn't change his spots. he ran against police. ran against law enforcement. his actions are proven this that when you talk to men and women of the precinct level, family members, victims of crime. they have won't up a little too late. now the hard work is going to be to reverse what rudy giuliani did when cleaned up that city. when he made new york a safe place again. he will get the tourism, the loss of all of that. they're dancing in times square. come on, emac. you and i remember when there would be 200,000 people there by 5:00 p.m. ready for new year's eve. this time you had two people
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dancing. elizabeth: it violated the oath they swore to protect. that is protecting new yorkers around the people of the other, citizens of those other cities too. they swear and oath to protect them, they broke that oath. david, thank you for joining us. >> happy new year my friend. elizabeth: you too. just ahead "the federalist" senior editor christopher bedford. we have a new bill coming in from a new york state. democrat politicians are violating their own covid shut down orders but we've got a top new york state democrat with a new lockdown, shutdown bill that is literally terrifying people. we're talking constitutionalists, civil rights activists and more. where is the aclu on this? that story next. >> quite honestly, liz, this is fueling the recall effort in california, these over the top responses, these over the top responses are angering people even more.
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♪ elizabeth: okay let's welcome "the federalist" senior editor christopher bedford. christopher, a new piece of legislation in new york state is really shocking and unprecedented t would give power to the governor of new york or any his della geese to issue a order to round up individuals they deem a health threat without any court review for 60 days. your reaction? >> it is insane. it is frightening. assemblyman nick allen who introduced this bill has been there for 27 years now. he has been pushing this through every single year since the ebola crisis about five years ago. it really goes to show how far we've come since two weeks to flatten the curve where this whole country went from an attempt to be a culture of care for your neighbor, take care of
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the elderly, watch out for family members, take sacrifices to protect those who are vulnerable in your community all the way to where we are now, scream at people in the street for not wearing masks, inform on your neighbors. this idea that you can lock up americans like this because they might be a public health hazard. a definition by the way which is extremely broad and does not just mean covid. elizabeth: you know if people were told that year ago this would happen, what would they have said? if they saw this coming a year ago, wouldn't people have been up in arms said what are you doing? why are you doing this? your lockdowns are slamming us, now you want to detain us in some kind of a detention facility or medical facility because you're going to deem we are contagious and public health threat. this violates all sorts of constitutional provisions. what do you say, chris? >> it is frightening and sad. i was talking to friends how the lockdown will likely continue
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for another six months. how many small businesses have been destroyed. how much suspicion there in our community. we have created a culture informing on your neighbor like we're some kind of totalitarian country. it has been a slow boil where people have not been willing to get out because they want to be team players. it has gone too far. the government is arbitrarily wrecking our businesses t needed a lot of anger in our country. certain political ideas can live together but now there is a new way of living under the law. that is frightening. elizabeth: okay, it doesn't just say for the coronavirus. for other contagious diseases. we've got the, we've got the president now with the first daughter heading to a rally in georgia. we have breaking news. he have is now at joint base andrews. he will lay out the case for what happened in the 2020 vote. that there was instances of voter fraud that was not given a true and fair airing, fair airing in the courts or in the media. now we've got republicans in congress talking about a commission to look into what
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exactly, exactly happened. let's switch to this story for just a quick second, chris. we've got senators ron johnson, james lankford, ted cruz, they're getting hammered for saying we got to look what happened in the 2020 vote. what is your word? >> that is really sad to see this much of the country, the amount of anger that exists who feel like they have been cheated. whether or not that turns out to be true, an entire part of the country and legislators refuse to investigate it. it is an important question goes down to the health of the republic. exactly like you said earlier, take donald trump and joe biden out of it. don't we care about inintegrity of elections? it will not succeed this effort, at least overturning the election but this should be a curiosity and make sure it never happens again. elizabeth: people are really on edge about this. democracy is so fragile, right? we need to protect democracy, our democratic systems and what
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happened in 2020 us did deserve a commission study went on, what do you say? >> i was up in philadelphia reporting after the election, instead of relaxing after we hoped to after 2020 was over, it was insane. if you do a federal investigation down in philadelphia at the docks the chances you find voter fraud are very high. the amount of cases come through philadelphia, they're not even looking for voter fraud, they find it, added on to the charges. there are people with a straight face saying there is no such thing. voters in florida, georgia, voters in texas, they're very angry about this and it's a threat. elizabeth: yeah i mean, take out the word trump, this is about transparency. we have to see what happened. we have to see the evidence of voter fraud and give it a vetting. say stop it and don't let it happen again. you know, that is the thing. if there are laws that have been violated, laws made ad hoc on the fly to accommodate people when they didn't really need to
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go that far, that is an issue that needs to be addressed rather. christopher bedford, thanks for joining us, really appreciate it. >> thank you. elizabeth: coupling up former federal prosecutor jim trusty, more what is being said about the biden team cushy insiderrism. a new report shows exactly what they are accused of doing now to protect hunter biden. that story next. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market. it's smarter trading technology for smarter trading decisions. fidelity. those are advanced poses. that's why at cvs, we're making not making excuses a little easier, with the vitamins and supplements you may need. now get a $10 gift card when you spend $30. cvs. healthier made easier. now get a $10 gift card when you spend $30. my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower my a1c.
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u.s. attorney's office in 2018, the same year that they were looking to see if hupp hunt was cheating on his taxes. what do you think. >> it's a lot to find out. "washington times" has full access to copy of the hard drive from hunter's laptop. they pulled a number of emails between mr. mackler and hunter biden. he denied knowing there was investigation into hunter that year. for the moment we have to accept that. the hope from my perspective as a former prosecutor, that office that they walled off mr. mackler. this is long-time friend of biden family. employee of biden family. he shouldn't be in the mix about knowing anything about this case against hunter. elizabeth: could he block probes into hunter biden? they're looking reportedly into money laundering allegations involving hunter biden's laptop. it is unclear if he is the
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target. this guy, mackler gave numerous players in the democrat party reportedly so he can call them to do business dealings. >> a lot of question marks. he was federal employee. there are hatch act implications for doing this. bottom line he is not probably affirmatively into a position to wipe out any investigation that the delaware u.s. attorney's office has going. that doesn't mean there is not a lot to be concerned about. all the candidates for the next attorney general's position saying make this thing go away. the last thing though want to have is hunter biden's investigation under their stewardship. u.s. attorney es office is having open case. being very quiet. talked to by hunter biden's attorney you know that at this point. i think there is still a possibility over the next three or four weeks the situation changes dramatically, either with indictment, a soft plea. some sort of a resolution that
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makes the case go away, ends questions that can be pursued when it comes to foreign interests. elizabeth: jim, separate from that, congress recently outlawed the use of shell off-balance sheet shell companies because they are tend to be used to hide the money flows and used in things involving money laundering. you know, here is what is going on. the hunter biden and biden family members have been accused of doing just that, using shell companies to hide money flows, millions of dollars running out of russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, china. it is really striking congress put a stop to shell companies. what do you say? >> look, shell companies are not per se illegal. when they're used to manipulate and hide money trails they're a big clue. i think there is a lot to look at in terms of the biden money trail coming into the shell companies. elizabeth: jim, thanks for joining us. >> see you, liz. elizabeth: next up, retired
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i.c.e. acting director, former police officer tom homan on the new republican congresswoman saying i'm going to carry a gun inside the halls of congress. washington police want to have a conversation with her. they have got the story next. ♪ sanctuary music (kids laughing) ♪ upbeat tempo ♪ sanctuary music it's the final days of the wish list sales event sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first month's payment.
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elizabeth: welcome back to the show former i.c.e. acting director tom homan. he is a former police officer. tom, this is quote a story. democrats in the media outraged at republican congressman-elect laura will fight for the carry gun in the halls of congress. d.c. police will talk to her about it. she has second amendment right what do you say? >> d.c. police have enforcement authority in the d.c. but not capitol hill. capitol hill is federal authority. 1200 capitol police are in charge and safety on capitol hill. i applaud the congresswoman. she has second amendment right. she has that right as long as she abides by the state and local laws commuting to and from the capitol. by now, i will say this, as long as capitol police are aware who she is, that she is carrying a firearm, so if any thing happens
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in the future, well aware who she is, she has a gun that makes sense. when i was i.c.e. director went to the hill, me and my security detail had to tell capitol police we are armed. as long as she follows the capitol police properly. elizabeth: she is from colorado. i'm five foot tall. i weigh 100 pounds. i need to defend myself. washington, d.c. chief of police saying that she is going to be subject to the same penalties and fines as anyone else caught on the washington, d.c. streets doing open carry, carrying a firearm out in the open. what do you say to that? >> well, first i agree with the first statement, it is washington, d.c. is a dangerous city especially who she is. look if you're conservative, if you believe in the second amendment right, if you, if you believe, if you're supporter of president trump you have a target on your back just for
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those things. i know from personal experience. so because of who she is, what she stand for, certain people on the left don't like her, she will be targeted. how many maga events are trump supporters assaulted some seriously whether washington, d.c., seattle, new york, oakland. myself i had people show up at my house on a sunday morning. i never seen a biden supporter wearing a biden hat get attacked. never seen a black lives matter member or antifa get attacking. always is the far left doing attacking. i understand the concern for safety, she should have the concerns especially in washington, d.c. elizabeth: she is a mom. she has got for kids. she is saying she will fight to preserve the rule exempting members of congress, you know, from carrying, basically from a u.s. capitol gun ban, saying i'm not going to let a bunch of gun grabbing democrats take away my constitutional right to protect myself. so we've got dozens of
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republicans saying you know what, lauren boepert. we sport you. >> i have been retired two years. i carry firearm under federal law enforcement safety act. i exercise my second amendment rights. capitol hill is pretty safe because of 1200 law enforcement officers. i said this people like aoc and squad, defund the police, they never said the defunding the capitol police for protecting them. i applaud the congresswoman for exercising her second amendment rights. i think it is enshrined in our constitution. she has all the right, has good reason to do it. i don't see why anybody would want to push back on it. elizabeth: amid, you noted defund the police and skyrocketing crime. there has been a explosion of u.s. citizens trying to buy guns and trying to get gun permits. as our own kristina partsinevelos, just here in
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new york city, nearly 9,000 first-time gun permit applications since march but they're only, the authorities are only approving 1100. the approval rate is dropping. used to be 70% approval rate last year. now it is just like 14%. what is going on here? >> who controls the legislature and approving authority. democratic mayors. we see what is happening in cities. i understand the need for people that want to buy firearms to protect themselves and families. we've seen rioting and lawnessness in the cities. some jurisdictions sheriff approve it. where does the sheriff come from? what authority is he acting under? depends what jurisdiction you're in. if you have a legal right to own a firearm. you can justify why you need to carry that firearm no one should say no to you. no one can trump, no one can trump the united states constitution. i don't care if it is new york,
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california or any of them. the u.s. constitution is prime legal document this country stands by. elizabeth: all right. tom, we ran out of time. wish which had more time. tom homan, thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. evening, e. happy new year. it is great to be back with you on this week in which the fate of the are public actually hangs in the -- republic actually hangs in the balance. two senate races in georgia will determine which party controls the u.s. senate, and dozens of republicans in congress are expected to stand up for president trump and to challenge electoral college votes, at least some of them, for joe biden. the i events of -- events of this week are not born out of a single campaign season. it is important for us all to remember that. all of this, all


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