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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 14, 2021 5:00am-6:01am EST

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♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the house of representatives has voted to send a single article of impeachment against president trump to the senate. ten rino republicans voted along with the radical dems for the, quote, incitement of an insurrection allegation. those republicans are liz cheney, jamie herera butler, john cath coe, adam kinzinger and peter meyer. and fred upton, dan newhouse,
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anthony gonzales, tom rice and david value day owe. today's vote the latest in the relentless radical dem political persecution of president trump for more than four years by the establishment of both parties, big business, wall street, the corporate media and big tech. did i mention big media? president trump has suffered four years of the radical dems' claims that his election in 2016 was, quote, illegitimate, a brazenly false accusation. but nonetheless, the premise for what has been four years of radical dem persecution. president trump has suffered through constant attacks from the left, the resistance movement if, phony investigations by the fbi and special counsel robert mueller. and now, after having failed the first time they tried to impeach him, the radical left giving
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baseless impeachment a second effort. in the president's final days in office. talk about pure, unadulterated banality on the part of the democrats. during the house debate today, republicans -- including congressman matt gaetz -- passionately defended president trump. >> this president has faced unprecedented hatred and resistance from big need ya -- media, big tech and big egos from congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle. the speaker said to us just moments ago words matter. but apparently, those words don't matter when they're uttered by democrats. when the gentle lady from massachusetts calls for unrest in the streets, when the gentlelady from california brazenly brags that she called for people to get in the faces of those who serve in support of the president. i denounce political violation from all ends of the -- violence from all ends of the spectrum.
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but make no mistake, the left in america has incited far more political violence than the right. for months our cities burned, police stations burned, our businesses were shattered, and they said nothing. they cheerled for it and they fundraised for it, and they allowed it to happen in the greatest country in the world. now, some have cited the metaphor that the president lit the flame. well, they lit actual flames, actual fire -- >> time has expired, there will be order in the house. >> i yield back. lou: for more on the day's developments, we turn now to fox news chief congressional correspondent mike emmanuel. mike. >> reporter: lou, good evening. 222 democrats and 10 republicans voting to impeach president trump. house speaker nancy pelosi making the case president trump must go. >> the president must be impeached, and i believe the president must be convicted by the senate, a constitutional
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remedy that will insure that the republic if will be safe from this man who is so resolutely determined to tear down the things that we with hold dear and that hold us together. >> reporter: house republican leader kevin mccarthy criticized president trump but stopped short of impeachment. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. these facts require immediate action by president trump except to share responsibility. >> reporter: other republicans saying this impeachment coming exactly one week after the capitol riot is being rushed and is unfair. >> if it continues, it won't just be republicans who get canceled, it won't just be the president of the united states. the cancel culture will come for us all. >> reporter: democrats had enough vote to pass this impeachment article for incitement of iption rex.
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their -- insurrection. their tone is serious. >> today we not only demand accountability for his gross misconduct, but more importantly, we declare to the next trump-like aspiring tyrant, not in america. we love our democracy too much. >> reporter: moments ago senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he believes it would best serve the country if congress and the executive branch spend the next seven days completely focused on facilitating a safe inauguration. democrats wanted him to bring the nat back to start the trial immediately, but mcconnell knows even if they started right away, this trial would not be done by the time trump leaves office based on the history of previous impeachments. lou? lou: mike, thank you very much. mike emmanuel reporting from washington. with mcconnell not reconvening the senate before the 19th of january, that means the radical dems and ten pitiful republicans are trying to impeach a
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president who will be out of office. so the question is, can the senate hold an impeachment trial of any president, in particular this president, once he's out of office? j. michael ludwig, a bush-appointed federal judge, wrote about this very issue in "the washington post" yesterday saying the constitution defines impeachment as a tool for which to remove an official from office. and to disqualify them from holding office again. a former president, however, by definition cannot be removed from said office. l, tig -- luttig concludes only the u.s. supreme court can provide a clear answer to the question writing that, quote: it is highly unlikely the supreme court would yield to congress' view that it has the power to impeach a president who is no longer in office when the constitution itself is so clear
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that it does not. in this their final venal and hollow efforts to overthrow this president in the final days of his term, the radical dems have made the farcical claim that president trump incited a riot in his speech before the save america rally. republican congressman greg steube, however, rightly pointed out today president trump never called for such violence during his speech last wednesday. steube also cited a supreme court ruling that throws out the entire basis of the radical dems' callous and vicious attack on the president. >> there was no language in the president's speech that incited or provoked violence. in fact, around the 18-minute mark he stated, and quote: peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. the legal elements of incitement are based on branden burg v.
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ohio in which the supreme court is set the standard for free speech. brandenburg's speech called for violence against groups of americans, and the court found that the comments were not directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action. the court found that it was protected speech, and he was calling for violence. that's the current law of the land. the president didn't even mention violence last wednesday, much less provoke or incite it. there was no crime committed and, therefore, no basis for impeachment as you need a high crime or misdemeanor for a basis. you have created a mockery out of the impeachment process, and i urge all my colleagues to stand against it and fight the latest fraud being perpetrated against the american people by the radical left. lou: unrelenting mockery by the radical dems, a second effort. we'll be taking all of this up, as you might suspect, in the broadcast. a great lineup of guests this evening. we're joined in just a few
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moments by congressman jim jordan. he stood up today for the president. investigative journalist sara carter also with us with more on the left's latest effort to remove president trump. we'll also talk to "just the news" editor-in-chief john solomon about the need for president trump to turn over to the american people any and all documents related to obamagate. to turn over to the american people directly. and author alan baa carry joins us as well on big tech's continued efforts to silence conservatives and silence dissent in america. president trump today released a statement in which he once again called for peace acrosses the cup. this is the -- across the country. this is the seventh time he's done so since last week's violent mob entered the capitol. the statement reads: in light of reports of more demonstrations, i urge that there must be no
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violation, no law-breaking and no vandalism of any kind. that is not what i stand for, and it is not what america stands for. i call on all americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. thank you. president trump's statement comes as the pentagon is working to secure the capitol ahead of next wednesday's inauguration of the president-elect, joe biden. as many as 20,000 armed national guard troops have been activated and are being deployed to washington. some of whom have been seen, as you see here, resting on the floors of congress. where are the commanders of our troops in d.c.? why don't these troops have chairs? beds? cots? bedding? shelter? provisions? this is an outrageous scene. and the generals, without
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explanation, have been derelict in the care of those troops. and this is not a picture that we should have to see in this country, nor an experience that these troops should have to undergo. fox news correspondent rich edson is live now outside the capitol and has details. rich. >> reporter: good evening, lou. and a markedly different capitol one week later. much of the capitol now surrounded by layers and layers of fencing. this is 7-foot-tall fencing that's been installed now over the past six or seven days or so, ever since the riot from last week. it has gone in layer and layer around the capitol building, and and here we are about a couple of hundred yards away from the capitol building itself. people have been strolling around through the day, people have been walking throughout the capitol the, but in order to get really anywhere near the capitol building, you have got to have the a capitol pass.
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we're about as close as you can get. i mean, i guess you can also get your car with some music going on. kind of the vibe we've had here in washington, d.c. throughout the day. you mentioned the national guard members. we're expecting, according to the pentagon now, that there will be some 20,000 national guard members in washington, d.c. surrounding the inauguration. it was supposed to be 15,000. they've now upped that to 20,000. so you have got national guard members here, you've got members of the capitol hill police department, all of whom who have been called back and are now here to protect the capitol building over the next few days, a number of other federal police departments here, u.s. secret service is here working on protection because now, according to the department of homeland security, this is now the extended period that the capitol is getting ready for the inauguration. that also includes a number of other items. we're also hearing from defense officials that those members of the national guard, they're also told to be on the lookout for potential ieds over the next several days. and it's not just the capitol
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building here that you're seeing the extra protection. you're also seeing that throughout the city, different checkpoints, a number of major buildings have this type of fencing throughout. so a much different feel, heavy, heavy, heavy security here and also, in a sense, somewhat restricted motion around the nation's capital. lou, back to you. lou: a sad sight but a reassuring sight. it is a terrible moment in american history that we are witnessing, the necessity of our troops in the nation's capitol. rich edson, thank you very much, reporting from washington. up next, more on the radical dems' relentless pursuit of donald trump, trying to overthrow his presidency from the very beginning. congressman jim jordan has been one of the president's strongest defenders throughout and today was certainly no exception. he joins us here next. stay with us, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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lou: breaking this hour, the radicals to send an article of impeachment against president trump to the senate. this is the second time they've tried to impeach the president and remove him from office.
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the first time not a single republican voted with the house democrats. today ten house rinos chose to vote with the dems in what is an outrageous charge that the president incited a riot. our next guest spent this day defending president trump on if if -- on the floor of the house of representatives. joining us now is congressman jim jordan, member of the house judiciary committee and house oversight committee. congressman, great to have you with us. an extraordinary sight, and for you to be a part of this defending the president, your thoughts on this day and its meaning. >> well, it's an unfortunate day, lou. you know, you can't, you can't get past the fact that the democrats have been obsessed with removing president trump from office. 19 minutes, lou. 19 minutes into his administration, on january 20th,
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2017, 19 minutes after he takes the oath of office "the washington post" headline said campaign to begin the push to impeach the president has started. so they're been after him ever since. then we had the mueller investigation, the whole russia investigation, impeachment round one which was based on the anonymous whistleblower with no firsthand knowledge who was biased against the president and who works for joe biden. and now here we are one week before president trump is going to leave office, and they're trying it again. so i don't know of any other word to say that it's been an obsession for the democrats to go after president trump. lou: why is it if the radical dems, congressman, believe that the president was inciting with his speech a riot, a mob to crash through the doors of the capitol, that they have not offered up for the public -- >> yeah. lou: -- a single sentence from
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his speech, there has been no evidence whatsoever presented. as a matter of fact, outrageously, it seems to me, there's not been a hearing to discuss what should be, i would think, each on the part of the radical dems a weighty matter like trying to overthrow the president. >> yeah. what happened a week ago, lou, as we all know, we've all condemned it. it was terrible, it was tragic, it was wrong as wrong can be, but it wasn't because of the president's speech. the president said peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. i think the thing that bothers so many of us and, frankly, the american people, is this double standard. this past summer when all the bad things were going on, there were members who said things like there should be unrest in the streets while there was unrest in the streets. there were members who said there need to be more uprisings while there were uprisings in our cities around the country. that is not healthy, that is not good. republicans have been consistent. we should all be consistent. you been consistent. we should condemn all political
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violence all the time. when it happened last summer and when it happened last week. but that is not what happened today. as i said, they're out to get this president. i think part of it, lou, and i said this in my remarks on the floor, think participant of it's to cancel the president. to cancel the president and all the things that he did for our country; cutting taxes, reducing regulations, putting three great people on the court, before covid the greatest economy in 50 years, lowest unemployment we've had in 50 years, hostages home from north korea, out of the iran agreement, the covid vaccine, building the wall, and on and on i could go. i think they want to cancel the president and get after his legacy, his record of standing up and fighting for the american people. it's unfortunate, and i hope, lou are, i hope the country can come together because it's the greatest country ever. right now what i see happening is not healthy, not healthy for our great nation. lou: no, it is certainly not.
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and in part it's because of a national left-wing media that has decided to be complicit actors in the relentless attacks on the president of the united states. because, as you point out, his first term, his only term in office was historic. >> yeah. lou: in my judgment with, he accomplished more than any president in his first term of any president. and to imagine that this is going without -- there's no consequence for the radical dems to carry out a persecution on this president for more than four years actually. and to be at this point in history. >> their obsession is so much, their obsession at getting the president is so strong they spied on his campaign before he was elected, and now when he's leaving office, the first thing that's going to happen in the new biden administration is going to be a focus on impeaching president trump.
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i do not understand how that is healthy for the country. unfortunately, that's where we're at. i hope we can get past it and do what's good for the nation as we move forward in this new congress. lou: yeah, it's not only not healthy for the country, but it is wrong. it is wrong as it can be. and to have an entire political party committedded to the destruction -- committed to the destruction of a man sitting in the oval office is mind-boggling to even contemplate, let alone witness the reality. today liz cheney, a member of your house leadership, voted with the democrats to impeach this president. there have been calls for her removal from the leadership. your thoughts. >> look, any member can vote their conscience and do what they think is the right vote, but i don't think you can be
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conference chair and take the position she did. and i think, as i said earlier, i think there's going to have to be a second vote, a second election for that office within the republican conference in the house of representatives. lou: and the, and the minority leader of the house saying the president is responsible. he didn't qualify it, bears some part responsible, responsible for what act, again, quoting nothing from his speech. what in the world congressman mccarthy thinking? >> well, leader mccarthy and whip scalise, they voted not to impeach the president, and we appreciate, we appreciate that. i think they have led our conference in a difficult time. what i chose to focus on today is the good work the president's done, this relentless attack he has faced from the swamp and the accomplishments he has made for our country doing what he said he would do. more than any president in my lifetime. and that's what the american people so appreciate.
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lou: the american people have much to have grateful for including your service, congressman. they do not, i believe, have much to have grateful about from their party leadership and from some of the rinos who are in leadership in both the house and the senate, if i may say as we conclude here. but, again, congressman, we thank you and thank you for the defense of the president. >> you bet. lou: appreciate it. congressman jim jordan k a great american. up next, more on nancy pelosi and the radical left's endless efforts to overthrow president trump. investigative journal withist sara carter joins us right after these quick messages. please stay with us as we continue. ♪ ♪ finally moved in. it's a great old house. good bones, wraparound porch. the pipes are... making strange noises. ♪ ♪
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impeachment managers. they include eric swalwell, someone with connections to a chinese spy at one point in his life. as well as congressman ted liu who said in 2018 there would be widespread unrest if president trump fired special counsel robert mueller. and congressman joaquin castro is also on the list of managers. it was castro who docked a number of president trump's donors in the state of texas following a 2019 mass shooting in el paso, texas. house republican louie gohmert today used match city pelosi's own -- nancy pelosi's own words against her to argue against impeaching president trump. listen. >> here's a quote. i just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be. we were called enemies of the state. those are all quotes from our
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speaker. now, on our side, we didn't take those to be impeachable because we didn't believe she surely meant that. but by the democrats taking this action, you're telling me, no, when we say those, we actually mean to incite violence. lou: joining us now, sara carter, investigative reporter, fox business contributor. sara carter, let's start with louie gohmert. it was interesting to hear pelosi's own words which would, by the definition that she's applies at least as best we can tell because there haven't been hearings, there's not been any dialogue outside the leadership of the radical dems, it would be absolutely incitement by her standard. because the president of the united states said nothing even close that would close arely approach -- closely approach those words. >> correct.
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lou: your thoughts. >> you're right, lou. they use impeachment as a political weapon, and i think congressman gohmert did a great job of pointing that out. even if you look at maxine waters. remember, this has come from the very beginning. jim jordan was absolutely right. within minutes after president trump was elected in 2016, within minutes they were already calling for his impeachment. this was a weapon from the left. but mind you this, it's not so much about president trump. this is a lesson for every single american. they are sending a message to all the 75 million americans that voted for president trump that they will impeach your choice. that it must be their choice. and we have to be really careful here to see how they're using this. and remember, maxine waters also came out and said, you know, to target trump voters, target maga voters. and now what are we seeing repeatedly in the news? constantly calling trump voters or america first voters or maga voters terrorists, comparing
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them to hezbollah in "the washington post." what kind of rhetoric is this when we're supposed to be conforming, coming to unity, coming together, bringing our nation together? instead what we've seen from the democrats over the past few days is nothing buddy visiveness -- but divisiveness, calling people white supremacists, pitting people racially against one another and now impeaching the president of the united states. so we have to understand what's happening here. it's far beyond just hatred towards president trump. this is about feckless lawmakers and lawmakers who have ripped us off for decades protecting themselves, protecting their own pockets and protecting their position in washington d.c. and they do not want the american people to see that or know that, and that is what president trump exposed. lou: and the president-elect's inaugural theme, we are told, will be america united as his party charges ahead attacking
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the president and attacking, frankly, the 75 million americans who voted for donald j. trump. this is outrageous, and it is -- if you will forgive what has become a very popular and perhaps hackneyed expression -- this is orwellian to see this democrat party say one thing, mean an entirely different thing and then act in an entirely different way. it's shameless. >> right. well, we've seen a two-tiered justice system for the last four years, lou. i mean, we've seen it exposed. you've exposed it on your show, others have too. we've seen what evidence has poured out that the system was weaponized, that the fbi was weaponized against president trump and his administration, that the intelligence community was weaponized. and then we saw a department of justice that failed to do
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anything, to hold anybody accountable. they kept saying, oh, look what happened. here's a report, here's another report. here's an inspector general report. here's a report from devin nuñes. we've exposed all of it, and nobody was held accountable. the american people are frustrated. they have every reason to be frustrated. people don't condone violence or what happened on capitol hill, but there was nothing in president trump's speech, nothing that suggested that he wanted to incite any violence. they rammed this impeachment through without any, any debate. they just rammed it straight through, and they've been wanting to do this from the beginning. so i think now is the time to really look at who our leadership is, who the people are, lawmakers, republicans as well as democrats and say to ourselves as americans, who are we, what are our freedoms, what do we represent, where's our constitution, where's our bill of rights. and, you know, we need to start speaking up. lou: sara carter, thanks for
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being with us. good to see you. up next, it's time for president trump to unveil the truth about obamagate to the american people. not the senate, not the house. declassify and release are those documents to the american people. let americans decide who is responsible for the greatest political scandal in american history. we take it up with "just the news" editor-in-chief john solomon when we continu before we talk about tax-smart investing, what's new? -audrey's expecting... -twins! ♪♪ we'd be closer to the twins. change in plans. at fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan.
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lou: breaking news now, former u.n. ambassador samantha power has secured a role in the biden administration: power chosen to be the director of the u.s. agency for international development. her position will be elevated to membership on the national security council. with a week left before president trump leaves office, he should release, in my opinion, any and all obamagate documents. and on this broadcast, i'd like to call for the president to do just that without redactions directly to the american people and forthwith. john solomon has put on his web site,, some of those documents that the american people want to see. those documents include all the requests from the obama administration unmasking overseas calls of the trump
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campaign transition and family members through the trump inauguration. documents gathered in department of justice inspector general michael horowitz's interviews with the former mi-6 agent christopher steele, the author of the lurid and absolutely false dossier. old fbi text messages about the russia investigation among comey, mcing cape, strzok -- mccabe, strzok, prestand and page. communications among comey and mccabe about the general michael flynn investigation and records related to steele's contact with state department officials. just some of the documents and some of the documents we'd like, mr. president if you would, to
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release. joining us now is john solomon, best selling author, great american. you i know, john, have actually seen some of these documents, and you have been, just like me, as interested in their being made public, released to the public. let's start with the question why do you believe it hasn't happened to this point? >> i think it's the same bureaucracy that started four years ago and three months trying to hamper this president even before he became president. they have slow ared the processes down -- slowed the processes down. they've made excuses why documents can't be released, sources and methods. there's many ways to get the essence of the information out. so i think the bureaucracy has slow-walked all the way through this process. there's been a lot of progress made. 90% of the documents on that list of 40 you just mentioned i put out on "just the news" are declassified, they just need to
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be released. about 10% a are a awaiting foot-dragging by bureaucrats, but he should be able to deliver this, one of his final unmet promises from his last four years in office. lou: what happened to the report by executive order that he insisted be met by december 18th and the agency simply defied him? >> they did, yeah. it's this pattern throughout every moment of the trump presidency, bureaucrats not respecting the authority of the duly-elected president and slowing him down, lying to him, creating lies about him which the russia case is all about, creating a false story. this is the bureaucracy's protecting themselves from their failures, and i think it's going on right now. today i learned of a very important document with, it's going to shock you -- maybe not shock you, lou, because you've been pretty critical of the bureaucracy. this is a document kept from the
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impeachment trial, the first one, where the president had the right to put on a defense. it's a november 22, 2016, e-mail from george kent, the democrats' star witness. the guy with the bow tie, remember? he wrote an e-mail casting blame or assigning blame to joe biden for the whole burisma/hunter biden thing. he makes a very derogatory remark, he moves it into the classified system. it's been kept from american eyes including my lawsuit and others. why is it relevant? the president was impeached on the reason there was no reason to look at hunter biden. here's a state department official raising serious concerns about joe biden's actions in ukraine in the final days of the obama/biden administration. that's how well the deep state has played keepaway from this ask and, more importantly, the american public. lou: they have created a fiction, and it turned into the
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dossier authored by christopher steele. they have invented plots. in addition to the plot originally, apparently, conceived by hillary clinton. donald trump's opponent in the 206 election. and the -- 2016 election. and the fbi and the entire power of the federal government turned behind that piece of fiction and assailed a legitimately-elected, legally-elected president of the united states. it is horrific. and we deserve to know not just -- we deserve more than these scraps that come from some dusty file hidden away in the recesses of the cia, the state department, whichever -- the department of justice. john, is it not reasonable to presume that the fbi, the department of justice, all of these intelligence agencies knew about the george kent
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memorandum? >> oh, there's no doubt they knew about it. i've within in contact -- i've been in contact with several government officials over the last 24 hours as i tracked this down. they've knowned about it, and they -- they've known about it, they tried to play keepaway, and they would play dumb and say do you really want this? why would you want this in i mean, these guys are professionals at the mean of keepaway. if we had an american volleyball team made up of cia and state department official, they'd be very good. they would never let the ball hit the ground because they're always moving it, keeping it away from the american people who are their ultimate boss. it's shameful. and i think right now in the capitol, the same thing is going on. relevant documents, documentses that would show that the sergeant at arms in the house and senate kept metropolitan police, they're being kept from us. we just got a foia rejection saying they can't release these because it may be personally
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embarrassing, personally -- privacy invading to let the american people know what they knew in advance about the capitol siege. it goes on day in and day out. the american people are not treated, the ultimate customer of these federal and local agencies. lou: you know, a number of metaphors, similarly ares can be used -- similarlies can be used to describe the process of the deep state and their actions or the responsibilities to the american people. but we are, first and foremost, citizens, and our choice in leaders is being disrespected by the deep state, the radical dems, and there is every reason, every reason for every american to be skeptical of their government, every agency, every department and every one of these, quote-unquote, careerists who have not been playing
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keepaway, john, in my opinion. they've been stonewalling and secreting what should be public knowledge. >> good choice of words. i agree with you. lou: -- for doing so. >> i agree. lou: so the president, can he, in your judgment, release these documents that are the, that underline and tell the true story of obamagate? can he get it done? does he have the power? >> he certainly has the power. i know he has the will to do it because he's looked me in the eye and said i'm doing it. he tweeted out before he lost his twitter account. he's still the president of the united states. he should exercise this authority. it is a tremendous value and gift to the american people to give us this transparency. it could be one of his final acts of his presidency. i hope he because it. on behalf -- i hope he does it. on behalf of the american people, they'll get to see the truth for the first time. lou: and as john solomon has just reported, we know without question that the first
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impeachment inquiry by the democrat party, nancy pelosi and schumer-led, was an absolute fraud perpetrated on the american people and a travesty as well as the greatest political scandal. john and i both call upon you, mr. president. please, please release those documents to the american people. we deserve them. and so do you. up next, youtube continues big tech's purge of all things trump. author alan bokhari has a book about just that topic. it's timely, and he's with us here next. stay with us. no one likes to choose between safe or sporty. modern or reliable. we want both - we want a hybrid. so do banks. that's why they're going hybrid with ibm. a hybrid cloud approach helps them personalize experiences with watson ai while helping keep data secure. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us now, alan bokhari, author of "deleted: big tech's battle to erase the trump movement and steal the election." he's broken a number of stories on big tech power, out of control power, including google executives saying president trump and his populist movement will be a blip in history. alan, great to have you with us and congratulations on the book. we recommend it to our audience highly. your thoughts about parler and what we have seen, an
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unprecedented event. all of silicon valley and big tech converging to destroy this one social media company. >> hi, lou. it's great to be on. what we're witnessing really is the eventing of the corporate oligarchs -- revenge of the corporate oligarchs. five years of breitbart news which is the merit merging of the power of the democratic party with the up checked corporate power -- unchecked corporate power of big tech giants. and by forcing parler off the internet, one of the few social networks where you could have free speech, they sent a message to the american public we are not going to allow you to have free speech on the internet anymore. you're not going to have it again, you're not going to threaten our power and our narrative ever again. and anyone who tries to do it will be destroyed. lou: and president trump paying a price in the form of political persecution for challenging the
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establishment as well. parler has filed a lawsuit against amazon for denying its contract, tearing up its contract, in effect, that keeps parler alive. do they prevail? >> hopefully they do prevail because it's going to be a very important case for free speech on the internet. but it's also important that we don't see this as just, you know, a corporation trying to squelch a competitor. they are doing that, but it's much more than that. it's, as i said, it's the democratic party using these giant corporations as its muscle to squelch dissent, to tamp out competing points of view. and it's actually very similar to what the chinese communist party does. it uses so-called private corporations as an arm of the state, an arm of political power. that's now happening in america, and i think we're going to see a lot more of it as democrats increasingly call for retribution against their political opponents.
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lou: indeed they are. and, alan, we hope you will come back with us soon to discuss these very important issues. alan bokhari, the book is hashtag deleted, and we recommend it to you. thanks so much. before we go to wreak, a reminder -- to break, a reminder to go to, pick up a copy of "the trump century," a great read about our historic president, and be sure to grab your official "lou dobbs tonight" mug. stay with us, we'll broken windshield... take 1... hey guys, my windshield just got broken, i feel like i need to blow off some steam. >> test. >> test if i never hear back? that's gonna make me want to go jab...jab! nope! your geico claims team is always there for you. that makes me want to celebrate with some fireworks. 5,6,7 go... boom, boom, boom, boom boom boom boom boom boom, yeah! geico. great service without all the drama.
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♪. lou: please join us here tomorrow. china expert gordon chang, former congressman jason chaffetz among our guests. maria: good thursday morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo, it is thursday january 14th. your top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. president trump impeached a second time with just one week left in office. why possibility of a senate trial is uncertain. a shocking admission from the ceo of twitter. jack dorsey, calling his company's ban on president trump a dangerous precedent. we have much more on that. plus the future of parler, ceo john maetz warning the app may never come back. all coming up on attack on free speech. new optimism over another


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