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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 14, 2021 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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average of 21 minutes on the site every single day. that's really extraordinary and now the stock is just gone public and it has gone to the moon, like a lot of other ipos recently, straight up, right from the start. time's up for me. neil, it's yours. neil: all right. thankthankthankthank you, stuar. just another incredible example wall street defying what everybody is saying on main street. we'll watch poshmark. what is interesting i was reading more about it, it avoids inventory are, piling up goods that don't sell. in era when we had neiman marcus, jcpenney, they bought more than they can sell. they don't have that direct relationship. it is relationship between buyer and seller. it works like a charm. keep an eye on that. we're keeping an eye on the next president of the united states six days away from becoming
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president. joe biden will outline his own stimulus plan tonight, 7:15 p.m. it will be in the a national address. he will talk about what could be upwards of $2 trillion of added stimulus to the economy. talk of $2000 stimulus checks, boosting unemployment checks to 600-dollar a week than 300-dollar figure, that republicans, democrats ironed out a few weeks ago. we'll know the details obviously later tonight. florida lawmaker calling on residents and maybe the governor, not so subtle signal, divest anything to do with technology. we'll get the rationale behind that, a day certainly technology, certainly social media more to the point are under the gun. all dropping one donald trump. what happens there? we'll see. meanwhile washington, d.c., is getting ready for next week's big inauguration. there are more troops in the capitol than afghanistan and iraq combined.
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why that is. what they're worried about. a lot of chatter. you often hear that kind of talk. what is behind it? what is behind the worries over it? why are washington officials are saying if you want to catch the inauguration click on your tv. edward lawrence ready to click on what we could expect out of president-elect biden on this stimulus plan. we already got a trillion dollar plan approved a little more than three weeks ago. he wants to up the ante, doesn't he. reporter: money is free. call on president-elect joe biden to bring the country together fell on deaf ears. they're introducing a multitrillion dollar package what biden described. it us likely to have additional 1400-dollars per person of direct payment, pushing total money this year to 2,000-dollars per person. it will have rent forbearance, extended unemployment insurance
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and more. the governor of west virginia says this is what lawmakers should be doing as well as focusing on the vaccine. >> look what is going on across the country from impeachment, how long it took to get the stimulus package out, everything, just politics, politics, politics. and to give you a definition or defined number when we're going to get to everybody in this country, who in the world knows? reporter: last week president-elect biden want as concerted effort to help small businesses in package and low income areas specifically. he is not worried about the cost. >> the whole story is we're going to suggest as i suggested throughout the campaign in infrastructure and health care and a whole thing of things that are going to generate good-paying jobs, that will allow us to grow the economy. reporter: this is the the message the president-elect is hearing from economists with influence. listen. >> if the united states is a less great economy 20 years from
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now, i don't think that will be because we have too much debt. i think that will be because we didn't fix our roads and bridges, we didn't invest in education. it is that failure that i'm most worried about. reporter: so this package is expected to be announces today could have priorities in it, not just stimulus help in it. back to you. neil: edward, thank you very, very much. the fallout, what the markets are looking for. markets generally like stimulus. they don't care where it comes from or how much it could worse renn the deficit or urgent need which they think is the case this is adding fuel to the fire. scott shellady with us, francis newton stacy. francis what do you make more to the point wall street's reaction what will be a lot more spending? i guess they see the upside in that, not deficit, piling debt side. they like the stimulus, how it will help the economy and how it will i guess continue to lift
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stocks? >> you and i both know that doesn't matter until it does but there are some early indicators debt is going to matter. all country world index as opposed to the s&p 500. the s&p 500 was winning out most of last year. that trend is reversed because the rest of the world is coming out of covid a little bit faster with less debt. things like that are starting to show. for right now we have five trillion in assets in money market funds on the sidelines that could jump in at anytime we've also got this two trillion coming in stimulus and the markets are overlooking that against the rise in the 10-year yield which is ultimately tightening. we lost 39 billion off the fed balance sheet last week. that is a little tightening. we have potential for tax increases. right now it is stimulus, stimulus, stimulus. neil: you know we see it in all ways and forms right now despite what happened in the capitol last week through everything that was going on last week,
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even the second impeachment vote against the president of the united states yesterday. markets merrily go up. i know you're asked this question a lot, scott, i get the fact they look past the immediate moment but exactly what moment are they looking at? >> well, they're borrowing a lot of good news from 2021 all right. we did that at back end of last year and we're continuing down that vain today but here is what i have to say. i understand the arguments of stimulus, stimulus, stimulus, right? i can see those things. all the talking heads are pretty much all on board depending whom you speak to are the gdp will be between say 4 and 7% in 2021. you know what? all that is predicated on a solid economy. the foundation is showing some cracks. we had horrible jobs number last friday. we lost 500 leisure hospitality jobs. those restaurants are getting killed. that number will go up.
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we lost 20% of our small businesses. jobless claims again way outpaced what we thought we would have. we're not doing well. throw $4.4 trillion tax plan at that, more regulation? i tell you what, you better have stimulus the foundation we're building this all on could crack. neil: you know i'm wondering, francis if we get the tax hikes. know joe biden wants them. democratic senate, fairly even one, it is a 50-50 with the vice president casting a tie-breaking vote. no guarranty they will get the tax hikes. if that is put off, i imagine wall street would welcome that. that could be a hunch mine, i could be very, very wrong but what do you think? >> i agree with you. the first challenge of the covid pandemic was liquidity. the fed helped with that. the secondary challenge i agree with your other guest solvency on balance sheets. record amount of corporate debt, interest rates on the rise, you
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have flailing economy underneath it. those are cracks that will matter. joe biden certainly campaigned on higher taxes, if you will falling balance sheets, we borrowed very far in the future with forward earnings expectations and multiples, the returns are not slated to be as high for that reason, in the next ten years. if you put all of that math together i don't know if tax hikes will service very welcoming out of the pandemic. neil: you know, scott, stimulus is stimulus. i get that. you touched on it. that republicans like stimulus to be tax cuts and not so much spending. of course they violated the latter part of that by spending like crazy of four years after republican administration. i'm not faulting them. that seems to be a bipartisan bent but democrats are more inclined to think not tax cuts, it is going to be spending. it will be all of this big government sort of bravado here will change things and goose this economy. the fact that wall street so far
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isn't distinguishing, how does this play out, say in the second half of the year? >> well, there is a word i like to use a lot but it is not a good word, hoipium. inpeis great example. not a lot of great places to go with your money. negative reinforcement, whether it bad or good it is good for the stock market because of spending and stimulus. isn't nice the democrats will give us our own money back? i think that is kind of them. at the end we don't know what to do with the economy when we decided to shut it down. when you shut down the economy, take away right of free assembly and earn a living that will cost you money. you can't solve the virus with cash. it has to work itself out. the government is coming to that idea right now. what we'll have is a come to jesus at some point in time maybe we're not seeing earnings come through, we're starting to see the cracks in the foundation and maybe we're starting to be
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worried about taxes. that i think is when we pay the piper. right now we're living on third quarter good news. neil: that is an interesting way to look at it. scott final word. francis thank you as well. very good read on things, guys. we'll have you back a little bit. in the meantime i do want to get back to the virus as well, more to the vaccine issue and why proving such a devil of a time to get vaccine doses out. only 3% of the american population, for example has had any of these vaccines. a little bit more than 10 million. it was not expected to be at this rate. meantime disneyland is offering an on site opportunity for people to get their vaccines. they hope to get it up to 7,000 a day. in new york they will be using the javits center to do much the same. the read from a guy who actually foresaw a lot of this when we spoke, dr. marty makary,
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johns hopkins doctor, author of, the price we pay. what is the problem here? i keep trying to get a simple answer. no one save you attempts to get at it. what is the problem here? plenty of vaccines but they're not going that final mile. >> good afternoon, neil. the distribution is so much more complicated than anybody anticipated. if you think about it these are new distribution paths. distribution warehouses have never been used for this purpose. the networks are new and destination sites are used. there was massive under utilization of pharmacies, growry stores and places with a lot of experience with use of vaccines. when biden asked he would increase vaccination rollout. he said he would use the defense production act. his staff advised him it is is t a production problem. it is a distribution problem. that is the challenge in front of him. neil: doctor, what is the risk, i think in order to get more doses out now, go ahead use what
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prior had been earmarked to be the second doses for individuals in the first wave. i believe there have is a 21 separation between those doses. what is the risk of doing that the mad rush to make sure more and more are getting this that the folks, time for that second dose don't get that or it is delayed ? >> well, neil, we were probably mishead by the old guard medical establish that insisted we had to reserve a second dose for everybody that got a first dose of the we know protective immunity, albeit partial is very good after the first dose. we got more indication of that last night from the j and j phase one and phase two trial results. that protective immunity from the first dose is so good, the strategy should should be get as many doses out there. that would save most amount of lives. it was most odd to most people government was holding back 55% of the vaccine supply for second doses that is going to change.
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hhs announced that last week. neil: is there any risk, doctor for the first wave of patients who got the first doses of these various vaccines, when you're looking at moderna or pfizer, that that, they're somehow at risk or not getting as much bang for the shot bite if you will if that second dose is delayed? >> well, neil, you know as a physician i have to be a little careful because i don't want to encourage anyone to skip or take that second dose lightly. it will be a challenge for us especially for older americans to get them to come back for the second dose but the marginal difference between the first dose and second dose in terms of your immunity very minimal. and delaying that second dose by a day, a week are or even a month is probably going to have almost negligible impact on public health. neil: all right. it's rapid dumb questions, doctor, you've always been patient with us, one notion we'll have masks and be forced to wear masks or have to wear masks right through this year.
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that it is not going to go away. is that right? do you think that is the case? >> well look, i have a different outlook than the rest of the medical establishment. i really do think that april is going to be the month of massive deceleration. that is because the medical community has undervalued community natural immunity from prior infection. when you hear somebody say, we need to get 70, 80, or 90% of the country immunized in order to get herd immunity. that is wrong. 30 to 350% of the country right now has some natural immunity. we still want to get everybody immunized for the next winter, for the next season but we'll hit natural immunity and vaccinated immunity at 70 to 90% by april that will result in a massive deceleration. i think by then we can start enjoying our lives a little bit. hug each other. the fall will probably look like a bad flu season. we'll probably recommend masks selectively if anybody feels
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they have symptoms. what asian cultures have done for a a long time actually. neil: speaking of asian cultures, in wuhan we have the world health organization task force trying to get, not only how things are going there now but the epicenter, start of this whole thing, how it did start there, what we might learn from that. what do you think they will find out? how forthcoming do you suspect the chinese will be? what do you think? >> it is disappointing to see what is happening at this point. it is almost comical to see a w.h.o. investigative team go over. one of their first stops today have been the boarded up wuhan food market. we know the market had nothing to do with this. we know there was a lab if at the wuhan virology institute. the work of that accident went to the wuhan hospital where the doctor blew the whistle says he was very concerned. he was silence and later mysteriously died of covid, he was low risk. his number two person was silenced by the police.
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we know really what happened. i think what is happening now is sort of tragic to see a delayed and flawed investigation take place. neil: all right. the back to what you were saying, doctor, about april maybe being a turnaround, a potential turn around be, worst over a month, new jersey you might have heard hit a new high in number of cases reported deaths. it is considering new restrictions. at least 18 other states are in and out of new highs themself. with that doctor i'm combining hospitalizations and death rates. how long does that continue? >> well look, i think people are scared. they have been spooked from the horrors and carnage of the spring and i think people tend to react swiftly not always in a smart way. we know now what we didn't know in the spring. when we were telling people to wash their hands like crazy. we should have told them to wear masks. when we told schools and businesses to close. we should have told them to get help pa filtration around good air flow.
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there are a lot of thing now unfortunately politicians have not matured with the science. as data comes in we have to evolve our strategy. neil: always a pleasure, doctor. we learn a lot. thank you for being a no-nonsense read, no agenda left or right, look where this thing is going. i find that very refreshing. dr. marty makary, johns hopkins university professor, author of, the small price we pay. and much more. the dow up 123 points. you heard about the social media, technology industry push against one donald trump. i want you to meet a public official in florida who wants to lead an assault on the guys who are quieting the president. after this. ♪
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♪. neil: crackdown is probably the most overused phrase we're hearing post the developments last week and storming of the capitol. with six days to about h to go before the inauguration they're not taking any chances.
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david spunt at the justice department with more. reporter: neil, as you speak to you social media accounts are going dark, some temporarily, some perp mentally after what happened last week. companies like twitter are purging these accounts that violate their terms of service. some of those include dangerous conspiracy theories and including qanon and other dangerous conspiracy theories but with sites like twitter, facebook, keeping up the space, add that to parler with an uncertain future, makes the job of law enforcement that much more difficult. some of the posts taken down were offensive even illegal in some cases banning of posts forces potential criminals to go underground. it makes it harder for law enforcement to track them. >> a lot of times when they are talking to each other, they talk to each other in code. for instance, what we found most recently here is the result of the capital incident, all these groups know now that law
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enforcement is out there, really on the internet tracking them. so they cannot talk as openly as they normally do. reporter: as for the investigation, neil, authorities continue to make new identifications in and outside of the capitol. this is one of the new fbi posters out, just one of chunk of people investigators want to talk to. they're looking at thousands if you think about it from outside and inside. yesterday authorities charged olympic swimmer klete keller, entering capitol. he is six foot six. he wore a usa jacket similar to his usa swimming jacket. in court, a man named meredith neil, before the judge he threatened to kill and shoot house speaker nancy pelosi on live television. his court appearance coming up a little later today. as we've been reporting all day, the ceo of parler says his company could be just about done because of the amazon, hosting services not giving them anymore
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space. neil? neil: david spunt, thank you very, very much. meantime count snapchat among the social media concerns that is saying no to donald trump effective on january 20th, thereafter. no donald trump can't use the service. the service wants nothing to do with him. joins all the half dozen or so social media concerns that do not see anything trump as beneficial to themselves or their public but state representative randy fine of florida has some, his concerns about what all of these guys are doing. he has a novel idea to divest funds from big tech in the sunshine state, to deal with this representative, good to have you. explain what you want to do here. >> well i think these companies get to choose who they want to do business with. so do we in the state of florida. i don't like a world in which these big technology companies are seeking to literally silence the views of half of the country. those are my constituents using these sites. i don't think they should be
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forced to invest in companies that simply don't want them. neil: some of them might not much matter. they might not mind what is going on because they made a lot of money directly and indirectly investing in these companies. they have been among the biggest market leaders. so what do you tell them when they hear something like this, you will take out some of the best performing stocks from their teachers portfolios, firemen portfolios, policemen portfolios? >> sure. overwhelming reaction i have gotten as positive. as a former entrepreneur myself, when you tell half your customers to pound sand it typically doesn't work well for you. these have been great performers. i don't know they will be as a result of this. technology companies, ask yahoo!. they do go down over time. my hope these companies reverse themselves, realize they have made a mistake and welcome both conservative and liberal thought, in their programs. neil: what about just leaving it up to those individuals florida
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investors? in other words they don't like it, they share your views and you're right, you're not alone with this anger about what they're doing. let them decide? you don't have to decree what goes in and out of their funds? >> well, we're not going to decree what an individual can invest in. that is freedom. i'm talking about state portfolios. neil: individuals are part of those state portfolios, right? they might be run by the state but they're whole bunch of teachers and firemen and policemen and garbage men, sanitation workers. they're all part of that. so in a way it is their fund, their choice, right? >> no. it us not their choice. a teacher doesn't get to decide how their funds are invested. the state decides. many teachers, firefighters, police officers don't want to invest in these companies said they're not welcome. it is not up to the individual the way the retirement system works. the state makes it be i understand, where you're coming from. a lot of them get year-end returns and see they have pretty
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good numbers. i imagine if it skews to some technology names, you're right, that could be fleeting, they're very pleased with that. they might share your concerns about how far these go to police, you know, content on the right and not nearly as much on the left but they also like these returns? >> well i will tell you this, we had a similar situation in florida a year ago with airbnb. when they chose to discriminate against jewish floridians. i led that fight. the state of florida said they might divest. airbnb got religion. said we'll not discriminate anymore. we're hopeful, by the way i talked to people in a dozen other states about this i'm not sure florida will be the only place you're hearing about this if 10, 15, 20 states, move in this direction. that could be material number of their securities and could have an effect on what happens to their stock price. neil: does governor desantis share your zeal on this issue
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sir? >> governor desantis is focused on getting vaccines out the door, one of the four people in his cabinet, jimmy patronis our cfo said this should be discussed at the next cabinet meeting later this month. neil: all right. please keep us post representative. we'll see where this goes. obviously people are responding both ways which is a fair and balanced indication of reaction you can get. meantime we are focusing right now on the virus itself that is really spiking in so many states, 18 states by last measure, severely states like new jersey. reconsidering adding restrictions. just to be very, very sure, this country, forget about this part of the country, looking at restricting those who come into this country without doing something first. our jeff flock on what that something is next. >> even if you are a u.s. citizen, neil, pretty soon you
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will not be able to get back in the u.s. without a covid-19 test that says you're negative. wheres, whens, whys, house when we come back in just a moment. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam® is clinically proven to shorten colds! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam zinc that cold!
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neil: you want to come here you have to be tested for the virus for any hope visiting here. jeff flock with what they're trying to tell international passengers to do intending to come here. what is going on? reporter: they want to be sure you're not covid positive. they're concerned about the different strains. they feel like you're in foreign country potentially could bring that back in here. who knows what that will mean in terms of people being able to survive. this is the international terminal, already you can see not a whole lot of people. this will not help those numbers. here are the details. all travelers starting very soon
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in about a week 1/2, even if you're a u.s. citizen will have to have a negative covid test. you will have to prove it when you get to the airport. if you can't prove it, you will not be allowed to board the aircraft to come into the u.s. it won't even get out of where you're trying to get to, get from. the test must be a pcr or a rapid test it. has to be conducted within 72 hours of your flight. you will have to have the test even if you already had the vaccine or if you already had covid and have survived it, you will have to have a negative test. this all starts january 26th. neil, as i said, already international travel severely down. even domestic travel obviously down too. take a look at the numbers. the latest tsa checkpoint numbers, 567,000 people. one year ago this time, 1.8 million. so you know, not hard to see how this is impacted travel. just today delta with earnings
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out and oh, boy, it was not a good quarter, not a good year. two billion dollars lost in the quarter. 15 billion lost in the year. people think it could have been worse. the market thinks that. they're burning about $12 million a day. i don't suspect these regulations will help it get any better. maybe that is what you got to do if you want to stem the tide, neil. neil: so, jeff, i assume this applies to americans traveling back from foreign locales, right? reporter: exactly. neil: no matter where you are, who you are you have to test negative, right? reporter: if you can't, you will have to get a test in whatever country you're coming from. if you can't, you can't prove it, i don't care if you're a u.s. citizen they will not let you back into the country. that will open some eyes. neil: very few carriers have instant testing available even though that is available for a lot of folks and a lot of companies have that now.
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it is not universal. so you don't have that -- reporter: exactly. neil: you're in deep doo-doo, right? reporter: you can get tested at o'hare, that isn't helping. you have to be tested before you travel here. can't come into the country and get the test here. you have to figure out where you are. you better be sure you can get a test or you will be stuck somewhere. neil: so you were explaining this to me, that is the international a rifle area there where you are? there is nobody there. reporter: right this is, you know, this is departures actually. downstairs is arrivals. there are very few arrivals this hour of the day. yeah, it is tough time here. i wouldn't want to be in the airline business. neil: no, you're right about that, my friend, thank you very, very much. fascinating report. he mentioned delta. dale at that is optimistic 2021 will be better. like saying after 2020 it has got to be. we hope it is.
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we'll keep the eye on optimistic forecast for delta. that is lifting the stock. let's get the read back with scott shellady and francis newton stacy. francis, think about it, this is another reason for people hearing this i will not travel. this will all die down. i don't feel like it. i can get myself a test, i can do that i guess but i just don't feel like it and i think it pushes that sort of thing off for a lot of people. therein lies the whole travel industry conundrum, right? >> well i think it is sort of a mix between being pent up at home and not traveling for so long. being automobile to meet the requirements to travel. i know i used to be on an airplane a couple times a week. haven't missed it that much this time of year. travel is already a hassle. particularly if you're in a big city. this adds to the hassle. for some people it will be worth it. they're ready for the covid revenge travel. for some people it won't. it sort of remains to be seen.
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neil: well, fortunately for scott he travels private but it is still a hassle there but he is trying to make do. scott, am beginning to wonder what the impact of all of this is. i talked to a top doctor a little while ago he can see this at least through april but that could be a turning point, the april period, worst cases of deaths, hospitalizations, new cases, that tide could start turning presumably as more vaccines get distributed. we're 10 million in this country, 3% of the population. by that time we will be quadruple that, we could make inroads. what dowhat do you think about ? >> i agree what he said about herd immunity. i think he is too early. he has more optimism than i do. if they're telling us we have to still wear a mask neil, even if we got the vaccine, we'll have to socially distance, right? now you put a barrier to entry
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for travelers in and out of the country. i don't know how much that test is going to cost but if we're going to have to wear a mask even with the vaccine, social distancing we'll ask restaurants and leisure community to have 50% of their customers or 50 percent of their revenues for however long this year. these don't bode well for coming back online. listening to everything, i feel like i'm going to give up this gig and go into the testing gig. who says, who says it is going to stop at airplanes? what about buss? what about trains? what about movie theaters? what about cruise ships? they're going to slowly but surely start to eke in. the testing gig where you want to be, not this gig. i think this will be more of the same. i don't know who will pay for it because i know those things are expensive. with that being expensive, that will slow the economy down! neil: that's the fear i guess, francis, one of the other things you keep hearing about, the
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leisure, hospitality industry, airlines, cruises, all of that, they're pushing things back a little. i believe disney to say all right, we'll not be ready to go. we're not exactly covid green-lighted yet. maybe push it back another month. others indicate in that same space, even when they are ready to go, they don't know if they're ready to go with a lot of passengers because a lot of passengers are not quite keen on doing it. that delay, delay, delay could be a problem, couldn't it? >> oh, certainly. i like scott's idea of switching gigs into the testing gig so i can fly private from now on. but no, it's true. the sentiment is safety. passengers don't want to go unless they feel it's safe but at some point, i feel april is probably early, at some point the sentiment will change now no hassle. it will go from safety to no hassle. then we'll find sort of our equalibrium of, you know, what
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hurts business because it is such a hassle versus what safety is and i think as the vaccine rolls out, as people get confident with herd immunity when it occurs, people just get covid fatigue, i think businesses will also get lax if they won't get canceled, so there you go. neil: all right. guys, thank you both very, very much. we'll be monitoring all of this. also the latest from the world health organization. they have got investigators right now in wuhan trying to understand not only how things are going there, remember that is where it all started about a year ago. we didn't know it at the time. they had a problem that was running out of control. they want to know the timeline on that, what led to that. are they make anything progress? after this. ♪ tv and boom, it's got all my favorite shows right there. i wish my trading platform worked like that. well have you tried thinkorswim? this is totally customizable, so you focus only on what you want.
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"cavuto: coast to coast" with this news that a w.h.o. world health organization led team of scientists now on the ground in wuhan china trying to get to the bomb of the origins of covid-19. w.h.o. confirming to fox they arrived today. they will go into required two-week quarantine they will confer via video with the chinese counterparts after months of setbacks and delays by chinese officials. w.h.o. tells us they expect to visit a number of places in wuhan. the hope they get to the market where the virus originated and the research lab where some have said it was release from. they have will look at evidence and conducting interviews. china made a big deal of the group's arrival, dragging their heels onth dr. dragging their, they are pushing conspiracy china not being the source of this disease but being
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italy, spain or even the u.s. military. beijing deals with a flare-up of the disease. a reported death from covid in the last six months or so. it came in a region near beijing. beijing itself is open but about 20 million people in the suburbs now experiencing a lockdown. the probe already got off to a bad start. two researchers were held back in singapore as they tried to connect to would you hauge. it was claimed by chinese officials that they tested positive for covid antibodies. apparently you can't even have that show on your record and get into china. after this break, more neil and "cavuto: coast to coast". there are many names for enthusiast.
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with aerotrainer, the total body fitness solution that uses its revolutionary ergonomic design to help you maintain comfortable, correct form. that means better results in less time. and there are over 20 exercises to choose from. get gym results at home. no expensive machines, no expensive memberships. go to to get yours now. ♪. neil: all right. everyone waiting to hear what joe biden has in store for more stimulus for the economy. he is going to lay it out tonight. could be a 2 trillion-dollar package. the real biggie what he wants to do when it comes to the affordable care act what some are calling biden care. hillary vaughn on all of that. hi hillary. reporter: president-elect biden wants to bring back the individual mandate. that is the penalty which punishes people that opt out of health care t could cost them a
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lot of money. 695 bucks for adults who opt out. $2000 more for a family of four. this impacts younger people, many who work in the service industry out of work right now, have lost health care or simply can't afford to pay for coverage or this individual mandate penalty. >> president-elect biden has a lot of work to do across the board. you know is going to be putting those, you know, executive orders in, you know as soon as he takes office. one thing, like the individual mandate isn't going to break the backs of people whose backs have been shattered across the country during this time. reporter: biden also wants to let illegal immigrants enroll in the exchange and they won't get slapped with a fine because they don't, it is levied through taxes. if you are not filing taxes the individual mandate will not
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affect you. health care policy expert at kaiser foundation tells me buys err plan to let people here illegally could have impact on your premiums. if everyone enrolls of preexisting conditions that could raise prices for everyone. he is not planning on subsidized care for illegal immigrants. they would have to shelf out the full price. immigration reformed a advocates doubtful, providing pricey out of their coverage is democrats endgame. steve, director of research of immigration studies says he thinks it is part of a longer game for democrats to pave the way for government subsidized coverage for illegal i am my i am -- immigrants. neil. neil: bill mcgurn, "wall street journal" editorial board member, so much more. i would would be remiss if i didn't get spending and reviving
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affordable care act and trillions that could go in that. a lot of money. >> sure is. give this to joe biden, he told us about it, right? his unity platform was filled with lots of spending. now he is going to be president and he is going to make good on it. and i think it is a real problem for us. the health care thing as i understand it is add a lot more people who are expensive and are not going to pay and then force other people to pay, primarily young people i think. to pay for this. you know, we've kind of been through this before. i'm not sure it will have a happy ending. neil: yeah. the markets don't seem to care. i know we talked about this in the past, bill, between the spending plan for stimulus, of the spending plan on health care, even bringing back the individual mandate, things that would normally be concerns of the markets, so far not. what are they seeing that maybe i'm not? >> i don't know that they're seeing.
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we'll see what happens when it is done. it is hard to keep track of all these spending things. maybe they just say, on scale of things, this isn't as damaging as some of the other stuff. but it is going to have real consequences. you know i remember all the happy talk about obamacare until people really started to getting their premiums kick in and so forth. so. of it was not front-loaded, spread the pain out until later. so people didn't realize exactly what they were going to get until we got it. you know, paraphrase of nancy pelosi. we have to pass it to find out what was in it. we sort of had to live with it to really feel that. of course the legal ground has changed on the individual mandate and so forth. so it just seems to me we're going to be starting with a bang and it is going to be challenged in court. i don't know where the answer is going to be. neil: real quickly, i apologize for the tight time but it looks like joe biden might have to compete with an impeachment
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hearing against a former president in the senate. i cannot imagine he welcomes that? >> well that is what i would think and especially if there is a delayed trial, three months from now, having worked in a white house you're always trying to get your agenda through. there is always something up there. do they want donald trump put back in the middle of the debate at that time with all the legal questions and so forth there? i can't, i can't imagine that. it just seems to me a lot of people are acting without thinking ahead, i mean thinking ahead for joe biden. he is like the prom queen and the past prom queen will enter the hall. neil: yeah. that is a very good analogy. bill mcgurn, thank you very much. we'll see what the incoming and outcoming kings and queens are doing. ♪.
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neil: all right, here is the good news, there are at least 50 million doses of various vaccines to deal with covid-19 out there. here's the bad news, only about 0 million, a little bit -- 10 million if, a little bit more, have actually gotten out to americans. it's the final mile and the problem getting it to the final group of folks that need it, but it's a small percentage not only of the available advantage seens, but of the american
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population. so a number of states are expanding the pool and do it rather aggressively. probably no more so than the state of florida right now which, regardless of policies, is getting very high marks for the way it's handling all this and staying open for business in the middle of all of this. ashley webster in palm coast, florida. here's ashley now with the latest. [laughter] >> reporter: hey, neil. i did not draw the short straw. hi, neil. listen, florida has been very aggressive, as you say, in tackling the distribution and the actual final last stage of giving people the vaccine. behind me is a publix supermarket store, has just begun offering the vaccine to a number of people. i want to give you the details on what the publix are doing. they're offering the moderna vaccine. all you have to do is go on their web site, register, come in, get your shot and come back in 28 days for the second one.
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people 65 years old and over also eligible, they can take up to 1235 -- 125 patients per day and it costs absolutely nothing. the pilot program with publix in the state of florida began with just 22 locations in three counties, but that has quickly spread because the governor, ron desantis, says, look, they're doing it so well, we should give them more vaccine because they're handling it very smoothly. now 12 counties and 122 pharmacies inside publix supermarkets are offering the vaccine. in fact, things change rapidly, neil, when the state of florida added that group, 65 years old and older. certainly, a big population here in florida, but at the time the cdc did not include that group. that led to governor ron desantis saying, look, we're leading the way. take a listen. >> he was recommending folks,
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not a lot of younger workers. i rejected that because i thought we had to focus on elderly. so we said we're doing 65 plus. we were the first state in the country to do that. a couple of other states followed suit and now, lo and behold, what's happened with cdc? they're saying you should do 65 plus. >> lo and behold. and, in fact, 60% of the vaccines already handed out or given through shots is in that age group, neil, 65 plus. so you can go inside get your bread, your milk, your eggs, and you can get your vaccine at the same time. [laughter] maybe an example for other states. neil: absolutely. and, you know, publix is a great supermarket chain, immaculate, the service ised good. >> reporter: yeah. neil: it just makes sense. ashley, great job. i know you're working very hard there, don't tax yourself throe. ashley webster, palm coast,
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florida. by the way, as he was wrapping up there, we're getting news out of the federal reserve, jerome powell, the chairman, saying the time to raise interest rates is no time soon, signaling that trying to come out of the pandemic and hoping for a better year after aing rocky year last year. not for the markets, for the economy. now is not the time to even consider that, and all of this in an environment where we know the next president of the united states is going to be open to a lot of stimulus. later tonight joe biden outlines what's expected to be $2 trillion in extra spending that will include the likes of $2,000 checks, virus stimulus he cans, if you will -- checks, if you will. also higher jobless benefits from the $300 a week that was just passed a few weeks ago, maybe make it $600, maybe extend it from 10 weeks to 20 weeks. liz peek, fox news contributor, gary kaltbaum with us as well,
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extraordinary on so many levels. gary, 'emed with you, then -- ended with you, let me begin with you on the markets finding -- oh, i apologize, gary's not there. hope he comes back. liz, let me ask you what i was going to ask. this notion that the markets like probably what the federal reserve chairman is saying, and they like what a democratic incoming president will be doing because it's going to stimulate, and they like stimulus. what do you think? >> yeah. look, the market basically prices stocks on future expected earningsing, and this incredible flood of stimulus spending combined with uber-low interest rates means a lot of industries are going to do very well. we've seen that during 2020, that some sectors of the economy really boomed while others that were under lockdown did not. but, neil, everyone is optimistic that this rush of new spending is going to be very good for the market. i do think the at some point
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people are going to stop and say, wait a minute, this is not organic growth. we've got to go back to opening up the economy. the vaccine has to get out. we have to have real demand creating, you know, a vibrant, growing economy. just throwing more money into people's savings accounts, which is what happened last year and could happen again, is not, you know, i think it's a sugar rush, and it won't last forever. neil: there's nothing wrong with sugar rushes, young lady. just because you're thinker don't dismiss them. [laughter] we just got word that the u.s. budget gap rose about 61%, so we're at $573 billion per quarter. for the year a deficit, total debt of $3.3 trillion. that 3.3 trillion added to our national debt. that is for one year. is anyone looking at these numbers? i generally am of the age now
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that it's not going to have to be my if immediate worry, my kids' worry. i could deal with that, they're just knot going to be able to -- not going to be able to. is anyone worrying about this stuff in. >> i think we're going to start hearing those worries voiced by republicans in congress, and they're standing on shaky legs considering they've been behind and enthusiastic about most of this spending. but, yes, i think we will begin to hear about these deficits and the debt of this country. these are unprecedented numbers, neil, and the fact that now they're being backed up by so-called modern monetary theory, which i think is absolute hogwash. you cannot indefinitely spend not only more than you have coming in, but way more than you have coming in. there will be a day of reckoning. i have no idea when or how, but i think we have to begin to imagine cutting back on this flow of government, you know, spending. and i don't think biden is at all interested in doing that.
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we're talking about a $2 trillion stimulus package and then another trillion dollar infrastructure bill. holy crow. when does it end? neil: you know, the thinking is that it leads to a boom, you get growth, that can eradicate a lot of problems. that was what helped bill clinton with the internet and technology boom, and that provided untold revenues for uncle sam. but barring that -- and i don't see that, but then again who knows -- it's going to be dicey, right? >> well, i think that, you know, at some point people are going to begin to imagine, and a tantrum will take place because people are going to start to think that the fed's going to be less accommodative, and i think we're going to start the seeing some voices raised about paring back budgets. look, there's no question the economy is in trouble the, but much of it is because of government shutdowns, because new york and california have
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suppressed activity in so many sectors of those states and many other states as well. and i get it, they're very concerned, those governors, about covid. but the lockdowns don't appear to be having much effect, and meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of businesses are going under. wouldn't it be better to maybe open up those economies and hope and also push out the vaccine as quickly as possible and get those companies hiring again? that's the big problem here. neil: yeah. that's what's going on in florida, so they must be doing something right. >> got it. neil: always a pleasure, liz, thank you very much. liz peek taking a look at all of these developments. this, of course, as we're six days away from inaugurating joe biden to be the next president of the united states, but a lot of security concerns. publicly are, everyone is being told just don't go, watch it on tv. members of congress, of course, they have a free ticket to this thing, but one this particular telling me even with that, she's not really keep on being there for the big day. take a look.
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i'm curious about your intentions next week for the joe biden inauguration. i assume you plan to attend, but are you anxious? are you worried or? >> i am. and originally, and i said a couple of days i was intent on attending, but i've heard there's chatter on something happening on january 17th, and there's potential violation on the 20th. i'm not sure i am going to attend now because it's just, it's a sad day when you have to worry about your safety to go to an event or to go to work, what might happen. and last week was a real wake-up call for us. neil: all right. people are scared. even members of the u.s. congress. and given what they went through last week about this time, you can certainly understand. andy card, one of the most honorable people who has ever served, chief of staff for bush 43, there on 9/11, very calm hand in the middle of a storm. if it were me, tied be like don knotts on a bad episode. [laughter]
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but he joins us now. >> i don't want you to have a sugar rush, but i do like cannoli ares too. [laughter] >> i'm like with you. napoleons are good too. if you can get both, you're off to the races. andy, let me and you what you think next week's going to be like. obviously, there have been a lot of security threats that have been passed along. that's something you and president bush started to listen more close arely to chat exercise something like that, so something must be going on to issue this warning to all 50 statementses, even with the nation's capital that had better than 15,000, i think that's the last number, of national garden troops in the capitol. that's more than we have in afghanistan and iraq combined right now. what do you make of it all? >> well, it's unprecedented. and i think, unfortunately, it's warranted because of what happened on january 6th, which was outrageous. i do think that the inauguration will go forward, there will be a new president, and there will be a number of people there including, i think, president george w. bush and laura bush. and this, by the way, i think is going to be his eighth inaugural
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he will have attended which may be a record. at any rate, it's important the president-elect take the oath of office. if they can't do it on the steps of capitol in public, they can do it privately. ronald reagan ended up taking the oath privately, and then he reenacted the whole thing later on -- neil: that was in '85, right, when he was reelected, right? it was so cold, they had to do it indoors. that's the only recent example akin to anything like this. >> well, it's important that we do it. i'm glad that -- secret service will do a remarkable job with the support of the capitol police, the national guard and everybody else. i tell you, it's very important. but what's most important is that the president take his oath of office so that we have a president at noontime on january 20th who can meet challenges that are known or unknown. and, by the way, i hope that the administration, the current administration is sharing all of
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the intelligence on all of the chatter that's taking place domestically and internationally to pay attention to what could be a challenge to our democracy, to our national security and to our diplomatic challenges. so this is a critical time, but it's one that we do have to celebrate. we, the people, are very important. you know, david mccullough, a great historian, writer who told us about the spirit of america, and as citizens, as we the people, we've got to decide who are we and what do we stand for. this is a time for all of us to come together and polish our democracy. this is a transition of power that is consistent with our constitution. we've got to make sure it happens, the whole world is watching, and it is a dangerous time domestically and internationally. neil: you know, andy, i don't know if you had a chance to listen to the president's remarks after he was impeached for a second time. he didn't mention impeachment at all, more about keeping the calm, no violence, you know,
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it's a message from his own people, destroyed that message, bad for the country, and i wondered to myself, i was listening to that, if he had said this a week ago, it would have been a very different world. of course, you can't correct the past. but your thoughts on how he is leaving the white house. >> well, he's done a terrible job of guiding our democracy through this time. and i think that the reaction in congress was not inappropriate. i think if i had been a member of congress, i would have voted to impeachment that doesn't mean i think it should go to trial in the senate. if he's going to be out of office by the time the article of impeachment gets over to the senate, i tend to think they should just let it go by and not proceed, let president biden start healing the country and bringing us together and dealing with this pandemic and addressing the challenges. that's what i'm for. i want our constitution to demonstrate its ability to work, and we can do that, we've done that.
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it's a terrible stain on our democracy, what happened on january 6th, and i wish the president had been more outspoken realtime when it was happening saying, hey, this isn't what i want you to do, this is not who we are. we're much better than that. do not look like you are attacking our government, stop any insurrection, i don't want to be a party to it. but he didn't do that, and what he said was important, what he said yesterday, i think was important. neil: yeah. a little late. andy, how do you think -- what kind of figure will he be in the republican party going forward? >> i think we don't know yet. his ego is still much bigger than any room that he enters, and we know that. he's going to be a force. i hope that he will be a force to polish our democracy and restore our republican party to the viability that is demanded in a two-party existence in our democracy. and that's what we have. we've stumbled into a two-party democracy. it's worked for a very long
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time. i want our republican party to find its sea legs and get up and start doing what the party does. donald trump hijacked the party. it wasn't like he was a republican, you know, grew up in the republican party, supported the republican party. he didn't. but he demanded the republican -- commanded the republican party, and he didn't take it to a good start. we've got to polish that. i wish the leadership would step up and say that's not who we are, we're better than that, we're going to do it. and i would look to the nation's governors. we've got a majority of governors are republican governors. they understand what it means to lead, and i hope that they will be working on polishing our party and restoring it to the viability it had before this horrible reaction to an election that was diseased by the people, by -- decided by the people and denied by the the sitting president. neil: all right, andy card, former chief of staff for bush 43, always good seeing you, my friend. box of cannolis on the way. by the way, and andy intimated
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this, but not only is former president george w. bush going to be at the biden administering, but so is barack obama and bill clinton. in fact, they'll all be at the tomb of the unknown soldier shortly after the inauguration to recognize the sacrifice of our american military through so many crises including this latest one. we'll have more after this. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam® is clinically proven to shorten colds! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds!
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neil: explain what you want to do here. >> well, i think these companies get to choose who they want to do business with, so do we in the state of florida. i don't like a world where these big technologies are seeking to silence the views of nearly half the country. those are my con constituents, i don't think they should be forced to invest in companies that simply don't want them. neil: getting a lot of buzz on that florida representative who wants to stop investing on pension funds in the sunshine state, investing in technology companies especially those that he said unfairly from prevent and stomp on conservative thought, opinion and these days anything having to do with donald trump. all of this at a time when parler's ceo is indicating right now that this, you know, what he has called a vendetta against
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his site continues. he might not be around that much longer. amazon, apple, google have all but shut it down at least the on their sites and their app centers. susan li on the fallout from all of this. hey, super. >> reporter: and also some philosophical tweeting from jack dorsey last night. an interesting long thread writing that banning trump was not a decision to celebrate. and he even admitted that having to ban an account has real and significant ramifications. while there are clear and obvious exceptions, he tweets, i feel a ban is a failure of ours to ultimately promote healthy conversation and a time for us to reflect on our operations and the environment around us. so it's interesting that dorsey recognizes there are consequences to his actions, but then says he's going to build an alternative to twitter. completely decentralized and open source platform. it's interesting that the founder and other than wants -- owner wants an alternative here. twitter's competitor, parler
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hasn't been able to get back online. a hearing is starting right at this hour, we know that parler is suing amazon for breach of contract, antitrust after being de-platformed on sunday night. they were also kicked off apple, google app stores, and that means the future looks bleak for parler. parler's ceo says they may never come back. now another social media giant, snapchat, joining twitter and facebook in banning president trump. 250 million or so visit snapchat every day, twitter has slightly less, but both are way behind facebook which has over 2 billion. so far wall street selling down, twitter is down by 11%, facebook down around 7%. and i guess banning the u.s. pratt has set -- the u.s. president has set dangerous precedent which may open the door to less engagement and less advertising revenue. neil: which, to your point, is one of the things dorsey himself
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is worried about. but it is what it is. great reporting as always, susan. [laughter] early in the morning, late at night, nonstop. great job. another end ierizing bunny for you, charlie gasparino joining us right now. charlie, with snapchat now the latest to say we don't want anything to do with you, donald trump, where is this going? i mentioned at the outset this florida representative who wants florida to stop investing in these companies, pull out of these companies. i pointed out, of course, for a lot of those teachers, policemen, firemen, what have you, they've made a lot of money on these stocks. but, obviously, there's a current that's going to counter all of this. what do you think? >> the pension fund angle is very interesting. we should point out that in the past, i've covered pension funds my entire career, the big pension funds had a lot of sway in terms of social policy was the new york retirement funds, the one run by the new york state comptroller's office and,
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of course, calpers out in california. as those states lose population -- by the way, those pension funds become much more indebted, their nonfunded liabilities grow, and the population is moving to florida which adds bigger pension funds and more clout. so you could see a situation where red or purple states like florida or maybe even georgia at some point turn around and say to -- or arizona as well, even though they voted for biden, these are purple states that could go either way. you could say these states that are gaining population turn around and say to social media, okay, if we -- we're going to set parameters. if we have socially-conscious parameters which every government pension fund has, we can direct this socially-conscious platform to your corporate behavior including your banning. and that would be a real problem if pension funds started banning twitter, started selling tech stocks. particularly twitter.
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twitter is not the sort of financial equal of facebook. it needs to have engagement on its platform to make money for its, for the company. it needs, in many ways it needs donald trump on that platform. they made a calculated decision to ban him, and i think it's going to have a real business impact. but if people start banning twitter, people start leaving twitter, if share holder e ors start selling, particularly these public pension funds run by republicans, they could have a real problem. we should point out that in the near term, that's more of a long-term problem, but in the near term the problem is all on donald trump. he's the, here's the issue he faces. he's going to be a private citizen in a few days. there's lots of talk about him looking to start a news channel. news channels today are much more about the sort of confluence of different medias including social media with the news. if he does not have access to
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social media, he cannot start a news channel or it's going to be very difficult for him. i just don't know how you get your message out. because every reporter, as you know, we all use social media. somebody who gets sucked into it for not good reasons, but we promote our scoops. it drives traffic to your show when i say i'm going to break a story on cavuto. he's not going to have that, and that's going to be a real problem. for all his business interests, but particularly if he thinks about starting a news channel. and the snapchat thing, as you know, is the latest mark against him. it's like they're closing off every single avenue for him to get his, to get his word out. and, you know, participant of me says he -- part of me says he deserves it, the other part says, god, this is scary stuff. this is big brother, 1984, you know? some guy with a beard saying who could say what like jack dorsey.
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neil: my prediction, he'll be back on twitter soon after leaving office. just a crazy hunch, but i just think to your point about the financial hit, he's going to be back. >> from a business standpoint, that makes a ton of sense because they are getting hit. they need his interaction more than facebook. facebook has a different business model. twitter needs the clicks, needs people engaging to sell, to make money. so i think you're probably right. [laughter] neil: yeah, we'll see. we'll watch it closely. thank you very much, charlie. great job, as always, my friend. best in the buzz, following all of that -- best in the business. we're also following right now congress. you know, so much and so often everyone says these guys can't walk, chew gum at the same time. technically, they tried that and they can't, it's true. but look at how fast they moved on impeachment. imagine if they'd moved up that fast to come up with stimulus, to come up with the kinds of
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things americans really need. it proved that they can be fast when they want to. ♪ thunder, lightning then the thenar. ♪ feel the thunder, lightning then the thunder.
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neil: in the new year, what if congress could move as fast on things that really, really matter, let's say like avoiding a government shutdown or getting stimulus out or helping people who really need it, small businesses and individuals who through no fault of their own are really hurt by the pandemic. if they could move as fast as hay did in the few days it took them to impeach the president of the united states. i'm not here to judge whether that was a valid effort or even a needed one. i'm not here to play politics with it, just a reminder that it is proof that when congress really wants to do something and quickly, it can do it. it just did it. and now, of course, we're back
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to wondering what are we going to get on stimulus, what are we going to get if we want to rework health care and all of that. are they going to work under that same time frame here. gary kaltbaum, i think, is good with us now. he just had to plug in a couple of things, and he's back with us. glad to see you, gary. liz peek back with us as well. gary, let me get your make on that. i mean, when people say, oh, congress can't do things quickly, i don't know. they moved quickly on this. i think they're capable of doing it. >> oh, they're very good at driving to the hoop when need be. and, neil, they had a deal for, like, $1.8 trillion back in september, october, but there was something call an election coming up, and guess what happened? i give kudos to lesley stahl and her interview with nancy pelosi asking her about being an obstructionist. and nancy pelosi turned into ralph kramden --
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[laughter] it's a shame it comes down to politics, but i will tell you, you now have pretty much unfettered power now going forward. and i suspect a lot of spending is going to be done quite quickly as we move forward. i don'tthey'll do what they cale budget reconciliation, and we're going to spend our way into oblivion. and some is necessary, but i'm worried about some of the non-necessities. neil: but, you know, they did prove -- and on this impeachment effort, liz, even though it was just ten republicans, it was ten more than voted a few months ago to impeach donald trump: a different environment. it shows what the two parties can do when they're of like minds here. and i'm just wondering whether you see any like-minded issues that they'll agree on and get stuff done. now, getting stuff done is always in the eye of the beholder, i grant that, as gary alluded to. that they will get stuff done, what do you think? >> neil, the problem is the end
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goal may be shared; that is, everyone agrees on infrastructure spending. but it's how you get there that always is the problem. and it, frankly, i think one of the things that would be an incredible winning platform for some legislator would be running on bills being no more than 50 pages, because we always get -- and you though this -- 2,000 payments where every legislator has inserted something important to his district or her district can, they think, and that's where all the squabbles arise. it's really unfortunate that congress can't go from a to b, and they did this in impeachment, i agree with you. why? because it was a very simple thing. this is what we want to do, there's no spending involves, there's no pork to be handed out. everybody just signed on who wanted to on a single mission of impeaching donald trump. i think it was a travesty. i don't think that impeachment should be a political weapon
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which is how it really came across as opposed to a last resort effort, but nonetheless, in terms of spending bills you know they get all, you know, messed up with everybody's -- neil: absolutely. >> -- little pet project. neil: that's what takes the time. gary, to liz's point then, if they could have -- most americans agree on providing relief to people who through no fault of their own are hurting, individuals who might welcome stimulus checks and need it, those who might need some benefit to keep going a little longer because of the slow rollout in so many states to get back to work, to provide really to small businesses, other businesses paycheck protection programs that have clearly worked and resonated. and leave it at that. that you could get both sides together very, very quickly without all these add-ons, moving quickly, if not more quickly than we did on the impeachment front. your thoughts? >> unfortunately, wishful thinking. they have shown time and time
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again through the years when they have bills, the add-ons -- and, look, we highlighted some of the ridiculousness that are the put into these bills. you know, whether it's the lobbyists or who their friends are, beats the heck out of me how you do lizards, you know, on a treadmill and things like that. i'm just hoping that they recognize that this is a very important time in this country's history, and i can tell you point-blank, neil, because i've worked very closely with families here, there are a ton of people still on their backs. you have parents up at three in the morning looking at the ceiling worried about where the food's going to come from because they still don't have their jobs at hotels or service industry. so i'm just praying they get it right. from what i'm hearing, i do believe they've got some good things in there, but when i start reading about climate change and things like that in a bill like this, i'd rather them wait. again, go back to wishful
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thinking. i think they're going to spend a lot, and that's what's helping markets, and we'll see where it takes us. neil: yeah, we will. gary, final word. liz, want to thank you as well. six days away, of course, from joe biden becoming the 46th president of the united states. they are worried though, a lot of troops are already in the capitol. security experts are worried and sending out word to all of the nation's governors, be on guard, be on watch not only for inauguration day, but every day leading up to it and right of after that. jennifer griffin, our national security correspondent, following these fast-moving developments. jennifer. >> reporter: hi, neil. well, we just saw here an an capitol hill thousands of national guard arrive just moments ago behind us. they were bringing with them m-4 rifles. we saw them unloaded from one of the trucks behind us. some of these buses you see, they were all carrying national guard from various states. part of that 20,000 authorized
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group that are coming to secure the capitol ahead of the inauguration. but, again, this was a very large influx just moments ago here on capitol hill. as you mentioned, national security officials do tell us they have had conference calls with state governors about the threat to their state capitols as they harden the capitol and make it a much more difficult target. right now we're standing in what feels like a green zone. i've described how the perimeter is now being guarded by u.s. troops from the national guard. we've learned the entire d.c. mall will be closed to the public during the inauguration. security officials tell me they are also closing basement parking lots in d.c. near the capitol for fear of truck bombs, and they are pushing the perimeter of the new barbed wire fencing a few blocks back away from that that is encircling the capitol itself. after last week's attack, they are requesting more and more national guard authorization up
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to 20,000. more than twice of what was mobilized for the obama inauguration when threats were also extremely high. one web site that the feds are monitoring has 1.7 million followers and is calling for upwards of 100,000 armed protesters to disrupt the ine august ration. there have even been requests by the police here on capitol hill for 50 caliber machine guns, though that has not been signed off on by the pentagon. security officials are weighing whether to ban trucks entering the capital in the coming days for fear of those vehicle-borne ieds. as one senior national security official put it to me, i don't underestimate any of these groups, not after last week. many have members with military training. the pentagon is concerned about how many veterans were seen breaching the capitol. the mayor urging visitors to stay home. >> we have asked americans not to come to the washington, d.c.
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event, but instead to participate virtually. and we know that is the right choice and the west way to keep -- the best way to keep everyone safe. >> reporter: so, neil, you can see these buses behind me, all of them were carrying u.s. national guard troops who have just offloaded with their m-4 rifles. they are heading into the capitol which now looks much more like a military staging ground than it does the heart of our nation's capital. back to you. neil: yeah. i keep forgetting they're in washington d.c. man, oh, man. jennifer griffin, thank you very much. [laughter] we'll have more after this. there are there ♪ ♪ ♪
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neil: all right. well, it might be a small world after all, but at least for disneyland in california, it's been a closed world. that is until someone came up with the idea why not use the facilities, and they're ample and big, as a vaccination center
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and maybe get upwards of 7,000 people vaccinated a day? that's exactly what they're doing. william la jeunesse with the late from anaheim, california. william, what's going on? >> reporter: well, behind me, there is a line of cars, people going here, people usually coming in from there. they lined up this morning around six a.m. of course, the irony is disney is open for covid chat but closed because of the virus. california is in a catch-up mode if right now. of course, it's being criticized for failing to basically use more than a third of the vaccine supply they received. 10,000 people signed up to get the vaccine here. the web site crashed. hundreds showed up without an appointment, about 3,000 walked away with their first shot. but get this, neil, in los angeles officials now estimate one in three people, that's 3 million residents, have now been infected with the virus. this as the state hits about 500
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fatalities a day. and remember, it was california where officials believed they were doing everything right, the first to impose a lockdown, close businesses, no beaches and playgrounds, early testing and tracing. so what went wrong? well, experts point to several factors. i'll give it back to you, neil, right now. back to you. neil: all right. very good. thank you, william with. apologize for that. some of those several factors are no other places that disney does have the large compound, this is very similar to what they're doing in new york using the javits center, then for conventions and that kind of thing. how many of those do you think are going on these days? so when life gives you lemons for a lot of these institutions, how about making some lemonade and helping people out in the process? so good news on that front. stay with us.
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♪ ♪ neil: all right, some of you might get sick of hearing this, my stories when i was growing up, but my italian dad used to say to me, neil, stay humble, because in your case it'll come in handy. his message was don't get ahead of yourself. don't start thinking you're all that when it can end just like that. i was reminded of that yet again
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in another real-life example about the turn of fortunes for one donald trump, where he has gone in the last week among especially republicans who used to fear him. ten of them in the house voted to impeach him, and many, many more rebuking him. it's like they're not afraid anymore, they're not sucking up to him anymore, they're not doing any of the things that used to be the classic proof of power and being drawn to it. now donald trump is repelling the very same people he once put the fear of god into. laura reef joins us now, brand and marketing expert. it is another reminder this happens a lot, especially in corporate america, huh? >> fortunes can change overnight. and as quickly as they go down, sometimes they can come back up. and that's one thing you can't ever count donald trump out. he's gone bankrupt five times, and yet he became president, right? >> you're right. i see in corporate america, i
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can remember people find it hard to believe maybe owing to my age when steve jobs was kicked out of his own company, and he was a god, right? then he comes back years later to return the conquering hero. but when that can happen to someone like that, it's a reminder that it can happen to you. it just happened to the president of the united states. i mean, people have to remember that. >> they do. and at the start you made a really good point about being humble. i think that's what everyone expected when trump got covid, that that would wake him up, make him humble, put on a mask. and in your segment before, look how fast congress can act to impeach him. where's the vaccine? my parents can't find the vaccine, nobody can. why aren't they doing that? all politician its are looking terrible throughout this whole thing. we need future leaders. and this will allow some republicans to, you know, look to the future. we've got to find some people with some real sense of real ideas.
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it's ideas that build brands. listen, trump's brand was built on building a wall, right? he's a builder, he was going to make america great again. what could have been the office is now, or unfortunately, what's going to be remembered for, how he left office, complaining, whining, i won, i should have won, all this terrible rhetoric. and this exit is not a good way to leave things. had he left in a better way, he would have had a better chance to keep that brand going. today it has a less prosperous future in the future. neil: but it's a lesson to people who used to be afraid to take him on and they are now, that maybe if they had done that earlier, been comfortable enough in their own skin to try it -- i know they were worried about being premarried or having awful things tweeted about them, but they could -- the president did have a lot of big successes, but it is being severely tarnished by this breakdown in the end. >> it is. it's severely tarnished. and they were afraid of him
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because he was doing rather well the first two years, right? the economy was up, people were feeling better. it was looking like he was going to have a landslide, right? are you better off four years -- than four years ago? people were like, yeah -- neil: you're right. >> and right now, you know, the last year and how he's handled it, it's your reaction to things. obviously, nobody could control -- neil: absolutely are. you've got to handle it. laura ries, brand and marketing expert, and stay humble. [laughter] ♪ ♪ gotta let go of all of our flaws -- ♪ we both know we ain't kids no more. ♪
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. . . shingles? dios mio. so much pain. maria had to do everything for me. she had these awful blisters on her back. i don't want shingles when i'm your age. actually, if you're 50 or older, you're at increased risk that's life, nothing you can do... uh, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? prevented. you can get vaccinated. where? at your pharmacy, your doctor's - hold on! don't want to go through that! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles. now.
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♪. neil: all right. a good example of say staying modest and grounded with success, my next guest, charles payne. hey, charles. charles: neil, thank you very much. i appreciate it. good afternoon, everyone. i'm charles payne. this is "making money." breaking right now the major markets in the green on hopes the fed will not take away the punch bowl and president-elect joe biden will ask for trillions when he outlines his economic plan later this evening. a massive spike in initial jobless claims guaranties big government spending. maybe he should go for the whole ball of wax. the old wall street guard are worried. they are worried about the rush of small investors into the market, microcap stocks and make too many ipos.


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