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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 14, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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♪. lou: be sure to join us tomorrow evening. attorney robert ray and "new york post" op-ed editor amari are among our guests. we thank you for being with us. we'll see you here tomorrow evening. thanks for joining us. good night from sussex. elizabeth: tonight the new d.c. debate. a big hitch that has the potential to stop a senate impeachment trial in its tracks. potentially ignite a constitutional fight. with us tonight congressman greg stuebe, brett tolman, james carafano, christopher bedford along with ford o'connell, ric grenell and deneen borelli. we've got the big headlines of the day for you tonight. that big new debate over impeachment. we're going to break it down. also we'll talk to you about how federal officials increasingly are concerned about states being targeted for extremist marchs
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and action and potential rioting. these are the states where fights broke out over the vote count. we'll tell you the names of the states and what fbi sources are telling us now. also tonight a new grassroots movement to reopen the economy. it is taking hold nationwide. people have had it. they're at their wits end with elected officials who have shut down their businesses with arbitrary lockdown rules while they break those very same rules. we'll also talk to you about new court victories coming in for these little guys. it's a feel-good story happening now. more on what a new republican congresswoman says will unite the country but will politicians do it. it is this. be accountable for what you say like when critics say when nancy pelosi said, i don't know why there are not more uprisings. or people do what they do in tearing down federal statues, or maxine waters said get up in
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conservative faces in gas stations restaurants, department stores. we have more about that tonight. this new debate, social media poisoning and dividing the country with toxic content as they pick and choose what they want you to see. even twitter's jack dorsey now admits banning accounts, set as quote, dangerous precedent. now this, as the left pushes to cancel, even tries to criminalize anything and everything the other side has to say. we'll talk to but the new can sell conservatism push. here is the issue, your freedom to speak, your right to free speech is way more important than jack dorsey's freedom to banish you or try to cancel you. all this, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez says congress is talking about a new commission to rein in what democrats would decide is disinformation or misinformation. we'll take that on. we've got a new finding from the
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united nations. it shows the utter cruelty of weak border policies that critics warn democrats would make even worse. we also have the new government watchdog report on zero tolerance family separation policy. we'll break down that report tonight. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. elizabeth: okay. welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. let's get right at it with house judiciary's greg stuebe and former u.s. attorney brett tolman. congressman, first to you, what do you make of this, if the senate trial doesn't start monday or tuesday, trump is out of office on january 20th but the constitution does not allow for a senate trial of a private citizen. it covers government office holds. so is the senate, could a senate trial just not go on because it would be unconstitutional?
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>> yeah, i think you have a situation, a circumstance the framers never thought about, impeaching somebody who is no longer precedent. the plain reading constitution you have to impeach a president. if trump is out of office when you start the trial you have a legal questions on your hands whether the senate has authority to move forward in the impeachment trial. you will have a lot of issues. look at the precedent being set, the poor precedent being set in the house. not a single witness was heard, not a single hearing was had, we rushed the impeachment to the floor, pelosi rushed the impeachment to the floor to a vote. not a single witness or hearing or no one had the opportunity to talk to witnesses and that is the situation we find ourselves in. elizabeth: brett, take out what happened with the capitol riots, take out the name trump, look at all the names. look what congressman stuebe is now saying, a dangerous precedent, not a single hearing,
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basically railroading impeachment through without the president getting ready to defend himself. we understand, we've been reporting how mob violence is wrong, trying to overthrow the electoral college certification was wrong. but this is about a, about a hearing. this is about impeachment hearings. what do you make of what congressman stuebe just said? >> look, i've been in trial and i've been in trial when i have weak evidence. can you imagine going to trial with no evidence and expecting that they vote, the senate, being the jury on the impeachment, that they vote when no evidence has been gathered, which is the sole responsibility much the house when it engages in impeachment. it is a dangerous precedent, i agree and the reason for that because there is a gap in the law. the law is imperfect. the constitution does not indicate what should happen. it gives a mandate that the senate has to take up a impeachment. it says it cannot impeach anyone
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that is a private citizen. we have a gap in the law that gets filled in by the leadership in the senate. so we need wisdom. we need thoughtfulness and consideration for the long term effects of going forward. elizabeth: yeah, going forward. in other words, you can do a snap impeachment, railroad it threw without what congressman stuebe is talking about. let's break it down this way. what if the senate trial starts monday or tuesday, under the constitution could they still go forward with an inquest into a private citizen. >> they can move forward as long as trump is still in office. the chief justice of the u.s. supreme court presides over this. the moment that biden is sworn in as the president, trump is no longer the president, if the trial hasn't started or if the trial has started and that event has occurred, i would imagine a single senator can make a object shun, a legal objection or trump's lawyers make a legal
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objection he is no longer president and therefore under the constitution can be impeached. the justice of the supreme court will oversee this and as a justice will make that determination. elizabeth: brett, supreme court free speech case, brandenburg over ohio it would cover. judge napolitano points that out. the 14th amendment says if you take an oath of office, you take a oath of office you're not supposed to be involved in any insurrectionist activity. can you break this down, brett? >> yeah. first off in terms of the trial starting one day before president trump south of office, in addition to objecting as a senator, i immediately, trumps lawyers should immediately file
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a a restraining order of supreme court, ask for recusal of chief justice sitting on the senate side. there is a lot of issues that would be needed to be sorted out. it is unprecedented. if what they're trying to president for, not only is there in evidence that has been gathered, no sitting judiciary committee in the house questioned witnesses or reviewed documents, they impeached without that evidence, and the same is true in terms of the analysis of what the president did. there has been no meaningful, thoughtful analysis of the president's speech. there is rumors that there was activity that was planned even prior to the speech. so there are too many factual issues to even proceed. elizabeth: we have shown the viewer the last two nights, congressman, exactly what the president said in his speech. critics are saying it was insend
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did i arif. people are saying he did incite a riot with what he said in the speech but given these other factors that we're talking about now, what, ballpark for us the likelihood that this senate trial is going to go forward? >> well, one i don't see anything in that transcript that was incendiary or incite ad riot. the case you quoted, brandenburg versus ohio, lays out a very clear set of elements of incitement of riot or incitement of violence. his speech does not qualify for that or come close to that. so you don't even have the elements of a crime. if you don't have a crime that was committed you have to, you have to have high crimes or misdemeanors in order to be impeached. you don't have that. i don't see how you can move forward. like the attorney was saying, you can do a simple motion to dismiss, one there is no evidence in the record. two, you haven't met the legal framework of a crime being committed and that would qualify for high crimes and
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misdemeanors. elizabeth: he said, quote, fight for trump. we're going to have somebody in there that should not be in there. our country will be destroyed. we're not going to stand for that. the 69 scotus case seems would cover that. we'll stay on the debate. congressman greg stuebe, brett tolman, thanks for joining us. that was a hot debate. we'll keep going at it. good to see you. coming up retired lieutenant colonel james carafano he is talking to us about what federal officials are pointing out, extremist groups in states where the in the states about the vote count. lieutenant colonel james carafano. >> we failed at that 100 days in portland. we failed at the capitol. we need to get our act together seriously and prosecute individuals who foment this type of revolutionary activity.
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♪ elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show retired u.s. army lieutenant colonel james carafano. always great to have you on, sir the fbi an homeland security worried about marchs starting in states where they saw a fight over the vote count. arizona, georgia, minnesota, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania.
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are their state capitals ready? >> probably the worst target is a hard target and knowing there is potential for political violence there is awful lot you can do not just defending the target but proactively looking for people that you might suspect are provocateurs and other things. once you know there is a plot out there, there is a lot more to do to make it much more difficult. i'm sure every state capitol is taking that threat seriously. elizabeth: they're seeing threat streeps towards not just federal buildings but also state and local government buildings. all 50 state capitals are in high alert. they're told to be on the lookout. major cities are advised to use s.w.a.t. teams when conducting arrests. in more than two dozen terrorism cases brought by the doj already. law enforcement, our sources keep telling us they're really worried about the sporadic loan
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actor, small cell violence, like the guy, or person they have yet to catch who planted the pipe bops at the dnc and rnc. can you talk about that? >> yeah. so the good news is that you know, lone wolves, some very spectacular successful attacks are done by people more lucky than good. when you're going up against prepared physical security setup, lone wolves are larry successful. that is the good news. the other thing we have to pay attention to, when you say there is a threat and chatter, well there is always chatter, there is always threat streams. just because there is lot of talk doesn't necessarily mean there was a lot of action. there was a case couple years ago the government said they would attack a u.s. convoy. they did research and found nobody on the ground was going to do that, they discovered it was a bunch of talk. when the fbi says there is talk do they have other intelligence? because the talk should lead to
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investigation of physical people. the real world and digital world, you put that together, that tells you what the threat really is. just because there is talk doesn't mean there is an actual plot. but the other important point is there is no such thing as a perfect crime. organizing riots are no exceptions. once you, once you start talking about this and using social platforms, that becomes, like a thread, you pull the thread the whole sweater comes apart. we were really pushing for rico investigations during all the violence this summer because if there is a plot to organize criminal activity the odds are you can find that because these guys are not that good. elizabeth: what happened with the rico investigation idea? >> this is the other -- there are some. this is the other issue i think is have frustrating for people. when you're actually conducting an active investigation telling a lot of people about who you're investigating and why you're investigating them that doesn't help. everybody wants to know what is going on. remember the case of the
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hillsdale strangler a long time ago. he had particular shoe, the reporter found out. they convinced the reporter don't tell anybody, once the murderer knows a story about the shoe it will frustrate us. the thing about rico investigations you don't want to broadcast everything you know. you're using that information to get more information to build a case. that will be true for the summer and true for the capitol attack as well. elizabeth: sounds look the rico investigations are not happening, right? >> again, the justice department isn't going to tell you the progress. they shouldn't. elizabeth: got it. >> on their investigations. that is the mark of a good investigation, not tell the bad guys what you're looking for. elizabeth: all right. lieutenant colonel james carafano, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you, my friend. elizabeth: next up, the federalist senior editor christopher bedford on a brand new grass roots movement that is fighting to reopen the economy. it is taking hold across the country. it is happening nationwide.
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the little guys, the folks out there, they have had it with elected officials who have shut down their businesses with arbitrary lockdown rules while they break those very same rules. we'll talk to you also about new court victories now coming in to reopen the economy. the story next. ♪. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ anywhere convenience. everyday security. bankers here to help. for wherever you want to go. chase. make more of what's yours.
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elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show "the federalist" seen core editor christopher bedford. always great to see you. your take on this, reopen the economy movement nationwide in the restaurant industry. we're seeing it take hold in oregon, michigan, pennsylvania, new york, california, washington. the little guys say we've had it. we've been unfairly singled out while big box stores stay open. what is the reaction to this? >> i've been refreshed to see it here in washington, d.c. i worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years and i almost stayed in it but ended up in ickier life of politics. almost feels like the iran hostages for relief when ronald reagan was inaugurated, governors and mayors now talking about releases their economies now that joe biden has been inaugurated. the cool thing about resistance
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from small business as lot of these folks in these cities tend to lean rather liberal. they are getting strangled by this repression and they're stepping back, hold on a second. we can't do this. how are we going to have christmas with our families? how will we keep alive family businesses? how are small guys going to keep alive, amazon, dominoes they can do just fine? they're pushing back. a great place to see politics leaving for a second and covid to step back, to fight back against the repressive measures. elizabeth: this little guy saying why is mcdonald's allowed to stay open, costco, target, walmart but we got to shut down? i mean the little guy, the small businesses, they make up half the country's gdp. they make up half of all the country's jobs in this country. they employ so many people, the main engine of our nation's economy. you have the top-down bureaucrats shutting them down
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while they get a taxpayer paid paycheck. we have small businesses, restaurants in upstate new york, cheering, applauding they won a big victory against new york state governor andrew cuomo in shutdowns. the state supreme court, you know what? restaurants you can reopen. the new york governor didn't have the scientific data to justify the restrictions when covid-19 exposure in restaurants and bars according to the governor's own office is only about 1.4%. listen, they get it is lethal. they get it is dangerous. they don't want to get sick. they don't want to make their families sick. it is what is right to keep family's livelihoods going. what do you say? >> restaurants are at the forefront to keep people safe. they want to cater to the most frightened customer to make everyone feel comfortable. restaurants are not in the business making people sick. they're pretty good in keeping you healthy. in baltimore built
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30,000-dollars in outdoor dining areas losing money only for the mayor of baltimore talking about no outdoor dining. david marcus said all the information from new york city, being pulled from all the restaurants, diners, who are you, where are you from, what is your phone number, none of that is being asked for by the city. they're not collecting data. people are not getting sick in restaurants. they are getting sick because it is a disease. it is insane. to shut down restaurants to destroy half the economy, middle class and sometimes upper class, jobs, livelihoods created by owning small business. we're destroying america's entrepreneurial spirit, the science doesn't back them up. it is shameful. >> mayors in oregon, we support the little guys getting their businesses reopen. but you have washington, the governor of oregon, the office there, they're going to visit, they have a list of restaurants they want to visit. the office there of the
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governor's office say we want to stop the vocal minority of owners before the defiance broadens. this is cuckoo language. washington state restaurants are getting slapped, ticketed $145,000 for restraining order, fighting to stay open. you see pennsylvania shutting 109 restaurants, suing 50 of them. so you know, it's a battle royale. it feels so unfair, chris. i took up your time. i'm so sorry. i kept talking. we appreciate you. take the final word. go ahead, final word. >> this is right. the most american thing you have is the right to earn a living. that has been taken from us. we have to fight for that. elizabeth: christopher bedford. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: we're coming into the bottom of the hour. you're watching the fox business network. coming up republican strategist ford o'connell will talk to us about a new republican congresswoman says will unite the country. stand up to take ownership of
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your rhetoric creating chaos. the push to cancel if not criminalize conservatism. we have alexandria ocasio-cortez talking about a congressional commission to look into speech. the story next. ♪. >> that we call it out when it happens on both sides. when you see all of these democrats that are only calling it out now, they did not call it out during the summer. in fact some of them were encouraging some of the violence we saw over the summer, fanning those flames. you can't have it both ways. you have got to be consistent calling out violence. none of us should support that i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media
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♪. elizabeth: okay, let's welcome republican strategist ford o'connell back to the show. ford, it is good to see you. do you agree with this, what newly-elected south carolina republican congresswoman nancy mace said?
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the way to bring the country back together, the way to unity, a sort of come-to-jesus moment, we're sorry, members of congress i have to say i'm accountable for my rhetoric to contributes to chaos what do you think? >> i think in a perfect world mace would be right. look, tensions are running high. we all need to take a deep breath but that is not the reality of the world i live in. democrats want to use violence on capitol hill as battering ram against republicans to consolidate their power. if you give in, do what she is saying you will dishearten the republican base. that is a problem right now. unfortunately republicans saying what they did wrong. democrats don't believe what they did was wrong. they will continue to bowl over republicans in congress. elizabeth: you're saying it would be fatally naive for approximately to say i don't know why there are not more uprisings? it is fatally naive for maxine
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waters to say get up in the faces of conservatives at restaurants. the idea astonishing words matter. we have new push to cancel if not criminalize conservative. go back to the date president trump was inaugurated in 2017 there were riots that day. 17 cops were injured. 217 stores were damaged. 20 minutes into his presidency, "washington post" runs out a headline, the campaign to impeach president trump has begun. what you're saying this will never happen? is that what you're saying because look what happened the last four years? >> no, it is absolutely naive to think you will have the come-to-jesus moment. you're absolutely right the second donald trump was inaugurated the mainstream media and democrats orchestrated a
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four yearer. >> trump, hate trump campaign so they could get back power. they don't think it was wrong to call donald trump a illegitimate president or call his supporters racist bigots or nazis. those were tools to regain power. to them the republicans and trump supporters are not different or have disagreement the. they believe they're evil. you can use every tool to defeat them politically. elizabeth: then we had this. mayor ted wheeler of portland oregon, a local tv reporter what about your rhetoric? what about your not doing anything about the riots that happened there? he took umbrage at that. he said, you're talking to me about this and you're trying to blame me for the chaos that has gone on? so you see it is happening. there is a real sense of grievance out there that people are feeling hey, we see all the stuff happening across the country. what are you guys doing about it? how come you're not taking ownership of it, ford? you know, that is what the
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feeling is. >> i think you're absolutely right. look both sides should take a long look in the mirror. so should the mainstream media with the outrageous headlines, salacious sound bites and rhetoric as well but the bottom line is that is not going to happen. the democratic party and mainstream media is going to band together. they will try to keep republicans down. the idea of going out there to try to say and do the right thing at this moment when everything is sort of heightened, falling on your sword, what the democrats are hoping more republicans will do what rep mace did and civil war ensues in the republican party. elizabeth: cnn saying how dare you equate the capitol riots with the peaceful black lives matters protests? that is not what is going on. that's again, throwing fastballs by the viewer. the problem was this, that there was, this black lives matters protests unfortunately descended into rioting and chaos because antifa and other element took
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over. that is not us saying that. those are local authorities saying that. they were locking officials in buildings, trying to burn them alive by setting them on fire. they blinded an injured more than 2000 cops in 220 riots nationwide. cops were attacked with bricks and molotov cocktails. not one individual was shot or killed by a police officer during these riots. they set on fire at a cost of billions of dollars in property minority neighborhoods, minority owned businesses. parts of cities were turned into lawless autonomous zones inside where two people were murdered. so that is what people out in the, in middle america in the heartland are saying, what is going on here? >> that is exactly right. there is no consistency or even-handedness to this. you're right. many in the media did not call out violence or property destruction in the summer
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because in large part they agreed on that cause. now they're -- elizabeth: joe biden did condemn the violence. so did democrat congressman jim clyburn but it wasn't brought up at the democrat convention. i don't want to retread old ground. people are saying take ownership of it that is how you get unity. ford, we ran out of time. thank you for joining us. we really appreciate it. lou: thank you, emac. elizabeth: still ahead, former acting director of intelligence ric grenell on social media dividing the country with poisonous content. they pick and choose what you want to see. twitter's jack dorsey admits banning accounts is quote a dangerous precedent. we have this, the can sell conservatism movement. people are talking about it right now. i will explain it next. >> you know when you can take down the president of the united states platform to speak on twitter, they can take down
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anybody's and there again, hypocrisy. we have louis farrakhan, the ayatollah, chinese propogandists still have twitter accounts yet the leader of the free world cannot send out a tweet. it is outrageous. investments, key portfolio events, all in one place. because when it's decision time, you need decision tech. only from fidelity.
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♪. elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show former acting director of national intelligence ric grenell. rick, it is great to see you again. thanks for joining us, we really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. elizabeth: twitter's jack dorsey, sure, twitter bans president trump. then twitter's jack dorsey says this, that he feels like banning people is, is going to set a dangerous precedent and he is worried about a failure to promote healthy conversation. what was your reaction when you heard that? >> i think his business partner came in to the room and said, have you seen the stock tanking
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and have you seen how many people are disengaging? and so he had to wind that back and completely change his tune. i mean, this is ridiculous hypocrisy. we've seen it over and over from big tech. frankly let me add one thing. i'm tired of politicians complaining about this. they have to start doing something instead of complaining. they have to act. if i see another politician complain about big tech or censored without doing something, it will cause people to revolt whoever that is, whether a republican or democrat or an independent. we need people who see problems and solve problems. not just complain about them on tv. elizabeth: so but jack dorsey tweeted, if folks don't agree with our rules they can simply go to another internet service and people are saying, the president has a press office up
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the hallway. he can go speak to the press. what is your reaction to that? >> welling, first of all, limiting the president's communication is never a good idea. as people said over and over, you have entire iranian regime leadership that is on twitter. you have the chinese leadership on twitter. you have people constantly pushing out fake news. let my geoff you one example, we had before the election, 50 former u.s. intelligence officials said that hunter biden's laptop was russian disinformation. "politico" pushed that story. that story has not been taken down. "politico" suffered no consequences. so the idea that somehow just we can go to another platform is true but it is also not fair. and that is where i think politicians have to jump in to look at communications tools and to say what, what is fair and what is not fair and somehow come up with a fix.
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elizabeth: because billions of people around the world are getting their information off of twitter. twitter said free and, you know free elections, democracy depends on the free flow of information. they were talking about election in uganda but then twitter basically took down the "new york post" page when the "new york post" reported on hunter biden, right, ric? that is what happened. >> the idea that jack dorsey gets to say go to another place because we're going to censor conservatives, that is unacceptable. if they had a policy where they were going to consistently censor all information that they didn't like and we could see it was being put forward in a fair way, then i think that he would have a point to say, go somewhere else but he is not playing fair when it comes to political positions. and so this is a issue for congress and congress has got to
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step in and do something. elizabeth: i mean, the new push to cancel conservativism, here's the thing, when your freedom to speak, everyone's freedom to speak, their right to free speech matters more than jack dorsey's ability to ban people. free speech is paramount here. let me back up. we have can sell conservativism push. you see it at cnn. people talking about that. alexandria ocasio-cortez is now talking about congress looking into a commission to look into disinformation and misinformation. we had that under the obama administration. the fcc wanted to plant individuals to monitor fox news this is about free speech. the cure for free speech is more free speech. if you don't like it, dangerous speech, to stop that you have more free speech. but twitter still has hashtags
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like hashtag kill trump, #assassinatetrump. that is still bouncing around twitter's website. >> you're touching on elizabeth, the hypocrisy of what jack is keeps pushing. that is where conservatives know it really well. we've seen the hypocrisy for a long time. we're getting sick and tired of it. i go back and keep pounding the idea that politicians have to do something. we can scream about the hypocrisy in the media all day. we can say washington, d.c. types or big tech are out to get us. all of that may be true but they're going to continue to ignore us now more than ever because they control the white house, the senate and the house. so i think the solution is to go, go to congress and come up with the best arguments and get some democrats who, by the way, there are democrats who fear big
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tech, for other reasons than the hypocrisy issue but we should be able to put together a coalition of people that want to regulate a little more on big tech. let me add one thing to everyone who says oh, there is republican talking about regulation. we do want regulation when there is a market failure. we're not against regulation full stop. we're against regulation when there is competition or a market failure and that is what we're seeing right now is a market failure. these big tech companies have too much power and they are penalizing conservatives with that power and they're not being fair and truthful in how they're saying that they are controlling speech in certain areas. they're only controlling it at it, they're only censoring people they don't like which happens to be all conservative speech. elizabeth: which democrats don't like big tech, social media and
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why? >> well some of the hard-core, far left. they have been fearful of big tech. elizabeth warren for instance. so it is going to be an interesting coalition but there are ways that you can put that together and remember, we're so close here it is 50-50. you only need a couple of them. i mean you could go to west virginia senator manchin and try to get him to come over and look at the hypocrisy angle. but i think that there is a plethora of options that congress can do. they just need to, this is their full-time job. they need to study the issue. they need to come up with a solution instead of complaining about it. elizabeth: okay. ric grenell, always great to have your insights. thanks so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> thanks, elizabeth. elizabeth: next up, fox news contributor deneen borelli, on a new finding from the united nations. it shows utter cruelty of weak
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border policies. has critics, democrats, you will make this even worse. that story is next ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it, lowering my blood sugar from the first dose. once-weekly trulicity responds when my body needs it, 24/7. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes.
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now, this story shows the utter cruelty of weak border policies. the united nations is reporting that mexico found the remains of more than 250 individuals who died along the u.s.-mexico border because human smugglers, human traffickers left them there. a lot of these individuals also, separate from passed away they may have been assaulted. women get raped along the way. children get attacked. that is what the united nations is finding today. deneen, what do you say? >> it is very dangerous illegal border crossing, liz. this are all kinds of weather conditions and with the smugglers, yes, they abuse the people. they abandon them. they take their money. there is no food. there is no water. so it is very treacherous and dangerous in more ways than one. in regards to the deaths, yes, that is very tragic indeed but
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you're looking at folks who were in desperate situations and they are willing to risk their lives just to cross the border but it is illegal. it is wrong. they need to come to the united states the right way, the legal way. it is not fair to those who have waited online for years to come into the united states who paid money, who had to get a lawyer or whatever it was they had to do. it is not fair for them when it comes to trying to get into the united states. it should be done the right way. elizabeth: you know, we're talking to experts too. they say if you give any signal that you will be able to cross in any way, that endangers people trying to come here the wrong way. at least 810 died along the southern border trying to cross in 2019. that is the story that has been out there, deneen. >> no, you're right. what we shouldn't do is have the
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signal go out across the world that it is a great idea to try to come into the united states illegally because perhaps you will get free services from the government. you will get freebies. so again people need to do the right thing and come here legally. we are a country of laws and so, law-abiding citizens, we try to do the right thing and work hard you about unfortunately we have democrat politicians who are for open borders, they want to abolish i.c.e. they want to, they support sanctuary cities. what about our citizens here in the united states who could use assistance. the homeless population is off the charts. we have veterans who could use assistance who are down and out on their luck who have done amazing things for our country to keep us safe. so what about taking care of home instead of taking care of those who are trying to come here illegally? elizabeth: yeah. we have a new government
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watchdog group, government watchdog report, rather, about the trump administration zero tolerance policy when it came to family separation. you know agencies were overwhelmed. the trump administration, the watchdog is saying was not ready for the fallout. 3,000 family separations. that was bad. they were not ready to manage the fallout. now we're hearing from border patrol it is still growing? that was a bad story. there is also this story. deneen, growing, historic drug cartel violence the likes we have never seen before, just south of our u.s. border. the trump administration tried to designate drug cartels as terrorist organizations. they couldn't do it. what are your thoughts on that? >> the gang activity, the cartels are horrible, they are throughout the country, don't be misled if they don't think they could be in your backyard. in parts of new york it is
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really bad when it comes to the drug cartels. so we need to be concerned about the safety and security of americans and not put out a neon sign you can come across the borders illegally and you will be taken care of because it is wrong. elizabeth: now mexico is pushing back on the u.s. saying we're not going to allow the dea, fbi, cia other border officials inside of mexico to help batdrug cartels. this could spiral into a bad thing. final word. >> they're sending the wrong message indeed. they should help control the border for safety and security ever mexico citizens and also united states citizens. elizabeth: all right. deneen borelli, thank you so much for joining us. we really appreciate it. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: okay. thank you so much for watching. i'm elizabeth macdonald. you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox
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business. that does it for us. thank you so much for watching. we hope you have a good evening. ♪ mcshane in new york, we'll see you back here same time tomorrow. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. dramatic new developments to report this evening. first, president trump is declassifying top secret documents all related to obamagate; that is, the coordinated and years-long spying against a presidential candidate and, ultimately are, the president of the united states and his administration. that of donald j. trump. we'll have the shocking details. "just the news" editor-in-chief john solomon will join us on this important story here this evening. and president trump raising new concerns about the unprecedented


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