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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 19, 2021 9:00am-12:00pm EST

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maria: have a great tuesday we will see you tomorrow. "varney & co." begins right now. take it away, stu. stuart: i shall. good morning. janet yellin is the nominee for treasury secretary, a major power in the financial world and in one hour she will be outlining her policies. we know what she's going to say, investors love it so i will call this the yellin rally. dow jones industrial will open roughly 200-point gain, a similar gain in percentage terms in the nasdaq and a solid game for the s&p as well. janet yellin will say go
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big with stimulus. $1.9 trillion on the table is an opening bid. she says interest rates are low so borrowing is cheap so do it big time. it's the yellin rally. washington dc prepares for tomorrow's nitration, still looks like an armed camp with extorting statement from stephen cohen. he doesn't trust the natural guard because he says the troops are 90% white males. there is this from hillary, in a podcast with speaker pelosi she implied the russians were behind the riots at the capital. she just can't give it up and she and speaker pelosi want a 9/11 style commission to investigate. the democrats want to use the rights to harass the republicans forever. big show coming your way. in the next three hours we may find out who gets up part in from the outgoing president and
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you will see and hear what the migrants essay as they get closer to our southern border. and they are on their way and joe biden has a problem. "varney & co." is about to begin the ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ stuart: i have to tell you, our producers really come up with the rights music. take the money and run, yes indeed. treasury secretary nominee janet yellin testified before the senate at 10:00 a.m. eastern, take the money and run. susan, what will she say? susan: act big because interest rates are low. she will say there's a consensus right now without further action we risk a longer more
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painful recession now and long-term scarring of the economy later, so yes the $1.9 trillion biden stimulus plan and probably more, but gop members will push back arguing the national debt already 21.6 chilean dollars is already bigger than the entire us economy, something yellin will say she fully understands and appreciates. more spending, market determined exchange rate meaning no weak dollar policy will be other highlights. wall street believes if she is confirmed as the first female treasury secretary given her track record of accommodative policies it's pretty positive for stock markets. stuart: it sure is. on than a call at the yellin rally. let's bring in mike murphy. should i call it the biden yellin rally or just the yellin rally, mike? >> i like just the yellin rally more, but remember this has been
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going on for a long time , long before we knew janet yellin was coming and i think it's more fundamental rally, but if you are going to give it to anyone, give it to yellin. stuart: fundamental rally? tell me more. >> we were held down a lot with a major selloff when the pandemic started and then technology pulled a lot of things forward, so as we started to climb out of the pandemic, i think, companies realize they could do more with less, produce better earnings and that's why the market turned as sharply as it did and i expect the fundamentals to support we talk about dow 30000, doubt 31000 and i kick the fundamentals to support a higher price and from where we are now. stuart: the censorship issue is front and center right among the big tax. do you keep buying big tech at these price levels in this market? >> yeah, so we have talked for a number
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years now how stick with what is working, stick with big tech. that's what's working and we get the growth and innovation. however, in the last 30 days i think things have changed a bit. for me anyway i'm a we talked live on-air when i sold my facebook because i didn't like the way they were running the business. when you look at big tent, i will still say committees like apple, amazon should be bought on any weakness. if they do have pullback, but i'm going to stay way from facebook and i'm even going to start to look at some of the other companies. microsoft i like and i want to buy, but i think big tech driven to these high levels where we are , i think it's an area that you have to watch the censorship closely, but for right now by the dip. anyone that is out there like a facebook, google that is censoring people , be very careful. you have to see how this plays out before you allocate new money to it
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stuart: got it. mike murphy, thank you. apples chief tim cook is defending the move to suspend parler and remove it from apple store. watch lists. >> we looked at the incitement to violence that was on their and we don't consider it free speech incitement to violence has an intersection. if they get their moderation together they would be back on their. stuart: all right here come on in "fox & friends" first cohost todd piro. todd, tim cook says parler is not free speech. what is it? >> he started out talking about yellin and i'm about to start yelling because this offends me as an attorney. tim cook is trying to play supreme court and that's not how it to works. the brandenburg case which a number of your guests have stated says as follows the speech must be directed to produce imminent meaning about to happen violence
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that is likely to, that means more likely than not to lead into that my. what tim cook did here is basically create his own injunction without going through any court. he said look, going to stop this before it happens and he doesn't have that right. if you're sticking to free speech brown, the supreme court said what should happen, tim cook is saying i will do what i want to do because i am higher than the supreme court in that is not right. stuart: well, apple's action actually put parler out of business and hurt them financially. can parler go to court and sue apple for what they did to them? >> i look at this and say yes. i think they can assume on certain hey, you interfered with my business grounds, but i think globally antitrust is going to come into play because what amazon did is basically an
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apple in all these companies basically took more market share by this action. is going to take time to explain that away, but that's basically what they did and so it's going to be curious to see what the biden administration does because typically an antitrust action has to come from the higher levels of government. as for parler suing amazon or apple, we have seen the amazon mehsud and i would not be shocked if the something happened with apple and then how those cases come out will determine what happens with big tech going forward and i bet a dollar to donuts it has to end up at the supreme court because we need answers. just the way it's gone over the course of the last 10 days is untenable and we need answers and we need them now. stuart: agreed 100%. thank you. the big financial companies are out with earnings this morning, several of them. lauren, start with bank of america. lauren: the seizure or one down
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narrow but the numbers were good let me start with this, they are returning as much money as the fed allows them to shareholders, $4.8 billion between buybacks and dividends for the first quarter going back to the fourth quarter, 20.000000000 in revenue, five and half billion income that was missed. ceo says if they continue to see sides of a recovery led by increased customer spending and destabilizing loan demand for businesses and like we saw last week with j.p. morgan and city they are setting aside for less money for loan losses as the economy is improving with not as much consumer and business under stress as first thought. goldman sachs stocks are up import-- income more than doubled, revenue 11.7 billion, but the most and market making an investment banking and finally, charles a
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swap that income 1.1 billion, revenue nearly 4.2 billion, as you see the stock is up in the premarket. financials thanks to interest rates moving higher and improving economy is up more than 40% since november, stuart. stuart: now that is a rally and a half. thank you. on the banks, they could face a very big tax increase under the biden administration. ashley, how big of a tax hike are we talking about? ashley: we are talking big, how about $11 billion. that's according to bloomberg that did the numbers and the said the extra amount of the six biggest banks, j.p. morgan chase, bank of america, citigroup, wells fargo, goldman sachs, and morgan stanley would all have to pay if biden increases the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% this after president trump went from 35 all the way down to my 21%
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and by the way the big banks saved an estimated $42 billion because of the trump tax cut. joe biden has said he won't raise corporate taxes until at least 2022 and it's not just the banks. he unveiled a slew of new taxes on wealthy households including higher income taxes, expanding the payroll tax and yes, fewer deductions, so not only will the banks anymore, but so will many other people. stuart: thank you. looking at future spirit i'm going to call this flat-out rally, the biden rally, yellin rally, but call it what you want, but it's a rally. she claims to be a nonpartisan anchor, but now katie couric is joining other liberals call it for quote the d programming of trump supporters. looks like the left wants to silence the 75 million americans who voted for trout. hillary clinton still cannot let go of her
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obsession with the russians. listen to this. >> i would love to see his phone records to see if he was talking to god where prudent the day the insurgents invaded our capital. stuart: doesn't stop there. she and speaker pelosi are falling for a 9/11 commission to investigate the capitol hill riots. more on that next. ♪♪ there are many names for enthusiast. but there's only one way to become one... by going all in. the new lexus is. with a lower center of gravity, a more responsive suspension, and an aggressive wider stance. this is what we call going all in on the sport sedan. lease the 2021 is 300 for $359 a month for 39 months.
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but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. (announcer) do you want to reduce stress? shed pounds? do you want to flatten your stomach? do all that in just 10 minutes a day with aerotrainer, the total body fitness solution that uses its revolutionary ergonomic design to help you maintain comfortable, correct form. that means better results in less time. and there are over 20 exercises to choose from. get gym results at home. no expensive machines, no expensive memberships. go to to get yours now. stuart: look at this. general motors is up nearly 7% this morning. why is that collects they are getting a
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2 million-dollar investment going into their driverless car startup called cruise and microsoft is one of the companies involved in giving that the 2 billion-dollar investment. general motors stock on a tear this morning. president trump lifting travel restrictions on europe and brazil, but president-elect biden was quick to say he will reinstate the restrictions. actually, if we reimpose restrictions it's really not good for international travel is it,? ashley: no. the biden administration and public health measures involving international travel may be strengthened, not loosened and president trump issued an executive order lifting travel restrictions on the uk, ireland and a group of 26 european countries and brazil. that would have been effective january 26. trump says the restrictions would be lifted on the same day that a rule requiring international travelers to submit proof of a negative covid test
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takes a fast. the biden administration says with the pandemic worsening and on the advice of a medical team, those restrictions won't be lifted anytime soon. not good news for international travel at all, stu. stuart: thank you. one of biden's covid advisors is calling out new york's governor: for trying to buy vaccines directly from pfizer. what did she say? lauren: this is doctor gander and she essentially called him a hypocrite. she said his request from pfizer could calls more problems than it solves and she said remember in the spring when he said safe bidding against each other was creating a situation like one big ebay, she says if you are buying directly from pfizer and other states want to do the same, rtu creating the same ebay like situation and also made clear that distribution of the
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vaccine is very different from actually getting it into people's arms in the latter which she referred to as the mat last mile of delivery, that's the hard part and that's where we need to beef up and improve how things are going. stuart: you have to be more efficient in putting the shots in arms. now this, and during her podcast with speaker pelosi as her guest, hillary clinton suggested president trump and russia's vladimir putin may have been on the phone during the capitol hill riots. listen to what speaker pelosi said. roll it. >> i would love to see his phone records to see if he was talking to vladimir putin the day the insurgents invaded our capital. do you think we need a 9/11 type of commission to investigate and report everything they could pull together and explain what happened? >> i do. they were doing vladimir putin's business when they did that at the
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incitement of an insurrection by the president of the united states. stuart: let's bring in gregg jarrett, man on the right-hand side of your screen. if they get a commission, they will use it to trash the republicans forever, greg? >> they certainly will, i mean, that's what they have tried to do with various other investigations, principally into the russia hoax, the house, the senate and special counsel set of investigations all of which found that there was no trump russia collusion conspiracy and in fact recently disclosed intelligence documents showing that the cia discovered hillary clinton inventing the russia hoax as a way to distract from her own growing e-mail scandal back in the summer of the 2016, so it's no wonder that hillary clinton continues to peddle the hoax that she
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created, the big lie by hillary clinton. of course, nancy pelosi is fully onboard and always have been. she thinks there is our conspiracy behind everything that donald trump did for four years. stuart: here comes the commission, maybe. if trump is impeached as a private citizen, does that mean that any private citizen can be impeached? ic danger in this. >> it does mean that, stuart. you are correct. would be invalid and unconstitutional. look at article one section four of the constitution. the express language states that the purpose is to remove a president or high official from public office beginning tomorrow at noon you cannot remove trump because he's removed that i operation of law. he lost the election. so, it's clear that nancy pelosi and others
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in the house and democrats in the senate simply want to engage in war of the politics of retaliation and vengeance, which frankly at this stage is abhorrent. stuart: they will never walk away from the right. they will use it forever. gregg jarrett, thank you for joining us. you better look at this. this is called a rally. look at that. green across the board up 200 dow jones, 100 for the nasdaq. on going to call it that yellin rally as she's proposing big government stimulus. i think we are going to show you times square on the way out to. i even see some taxis, but no people. times square, deserted 11 months in. we will be back. ♪♪
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your grooming business is booming. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base. claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at
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stuart: don't you love that green. on going to call it the yellen rally as she begins confirmation hearings in about a half-hour. she's going to say stimulate big-time. david nicholas is with us. david, you think the stock market rally is a bubble and this mountain of money that's coming out wall street will
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burst of the bubble. is that correct, is that your way of thinking? >> stuart, i mean, no question, but with all the federal monetary support we has seen it's the very medicine, the federal stimulus monetary policy that could pop above all. i think they will have a difficult time unwinding. case in point, if you see what happened with 10 year yield, seven days of the year, yields rose 20 basis point. that's unprecedented, so the argument has been there's no alternative, but if race continue to rise and we see another 22 by 30 basis points rise, that could be a difficult narrative for stocks out i think the idea that there's no alternative will shift and that could spell trouble for this run we have seen on the market. stuart: well, can you tell us when the bubble might burst and
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what you are doing today? mean would you sell the day? >> absolutely. we have to watch interest rates. if the 10 year can stay around 1002 met 110 it would be accommodated for stocks, but if we get into the 130s or 40s i think all bets are off and we will start to see asset shifting from equity to bonds when rates get to the mid- 140 to 1504 the 10 year. stuart: why should this mountain of money and all of the printing the feds going to do, why should that raise interest rates? >> inflation. remember, 25% of gdp will be fused into the market this year, that's unprecedented. you cannot do that without getting inflation. this is where as we continue to print and have deficit spending leading to inflation, rates have to follow in
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the fed chairman came out at the beginning of the year to stem rates rising so i think they are concerned. that's why i'm watching rates. as rates rise and we see inflation it could spell trouble for equities. stuart: would i be right in saying that this is a yellen rally today? >> you are spot on, absolutely a yellen rally. she will be accommodated she wants fiscal and monetary stimulus so that's bullish for the markets. stuart: there is a bubble bursting coming, watch interest rates all right. thank you for joining us. we are going to ring the opening bell in a few seconds time, about 15 seconds away. we are going up from the opening bell. i keep saying this. it's a yellen rally. she has opening remarks starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern. she's going to say, if you don't go big now with stimulus, big
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problems are coming later. that's what she's going to say. she's all for a mountain of money launched into the economy along with said printing. they ring the bell. we are off and running. here we go. this is rally day. i don't know how it's going to close, by the way, but we have opened sharply higher. up 230 points, back about 31000 and if you look at the left-hand side of your screen of the doubt 30 stocks, 29 are at. only one is down and i think that's a cisco peered 29 up, one down in the dow jones is gaining. look at the s&p, a gain, same percentage up a .8%. the nasdaq composite now a solid gain up over 1%, so i presume the big
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techs are doing well. earlier this morning's of the big financial companies reported their earnings, charles swabbed down slightly, goldman sachs up a 1%. let's get back to general motors. solid gain, nearly 7% higher with the stock on a tear. they are getting a 2 billion-dollar investment in their driverless car cruise project. microsoft is a supplying some of the money. up goes gm reaching 53 and microsoft up as well. western union up 2% gain. they have a deal with walmart. what's the deal? susan: you will see western union money transfer outlets in more than 4700 walmarts across the country. a bigger deal probably for western union which is why their stock is popping. starting this spring you can walk into walmart to transfer money in the us or even internationally.
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you can pay your bills, exchange currency. we know western union is losing out in this shift to online banking and this helps access more potential customer site is probably a better deal for western union c-1 susan, you know i will become a western union customer. susan: i was thinking that you probably already are. it's probably harder to get you onto the online trend then to walk into walmart physically. stuart: only time will tell. an official at twitter said the company is taking quote a global approach to fighting quote misleading information for does that mean they may ban other world leaders? susan: innings spanning president trump in fighting this information were actions taken that were educated by global data, so in the twitter video leak released not only did we hear from jack dorsey who said twitter's actions and the
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ramifications will be bigger than just banning president trump, but we also heard from another twitter executive who said they will go beyond just permanently suspending accounts. no details and what those plans may be, but we know twitter lost about $30 million last week after banning mr. trump's account due to concerns about engagement especially when you ban on account with 80 million followers. stuart: they lost a $3 billion last week we to in market value, yeah. stuart: okay. thanks. this is for you. facebook, american express, gilead all got upgrades. susan: facebook 325, outperforming from bml same the headwinds have passed meaning a recovery and advertising revenues and also check out american express, double of grades from j.p. morgan.
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it's worth $148 according to jay p.m. and they set a number of factors will help including pent-up demand for leisure travel in the back cathode 2021. also gilead, morgan stout-- morgan stanley sainted outperformed on the back of a potential breast cancer drug and also higher sales of its hiv fighting drug. stuart: thank you, susan peered those are the upgrades. how about downgrades, peloton and julie got downgrades. down sharply, peloton. lauren: down almost 5%. cutting both of these stocks giving peloton 124 price target betting it goes down 20% from here. chewie a 75-dollar price target, 30% drop. they say stocks are emblematic of a market value growth over any semblance of valuation. just for perspective, peloton up 400% in the
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last year and she week of more than 270%, stuart. stuart: got it. let's bring in susan because you are looking at mcdonald's, first of all draft king, was the news? susan: pretty where we get a bearish call on draft king sensed the stocks has quadrupled over the last year but initiated as a cell with $41. 23% down from the current levels and it's because it's basically overbought at this point and that's true given the rally we have seen and also mcdonald's calling it or goldman: don't a buy with about $237. talking about the menu innovation, reopening, investment and technology and that's why they are posted on the golden arches for this year. stuart: we have a vaccine update, pfizer and moderna
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planning to start testing their vaccines on children, but they are facing problems like what, lauren? lauren: getting enough kids enrolled. how many parents will raise their hand and say use my child as a guinea pig when children are largely unaffected by covid same way adults are. the drug company is hoping to have a safe vaccine for the new school year, but that will be a challenge. we know moderna does 12 to 18 year olds last month that they are struggling for more volunteers for another trial. pfizer lined up 2000, 12 to 18 year old spirit oxford is planning to start trials this month working with kids as young as six. i don't know any drugmaker working on the young population. johnson and johnson plans to start their trial in about four to six weeks, so they are behind in terms of getting shots at kids arms, of course you need to herd immunity, so
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essentially almost everyone to get vaccinated. stuart: thank you. there's a laser maker momentum is the name and they are biting-- buying a rival in the buying rival is coherent. sounds like it will be worth a lot of money secret you are right, $5.7 billion to be exact lament him, buying coherent and also the meat leisure manufacturer represents a 49% premium to the company's closing price last friday. look at the stock today in the early going. down 13 and a half percent on that news. coherent up 28%. the transaction is expected to close in the second half of this year , stu. stuart: got it. another one, take a look at halliburton. we had it on the screen
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a moment ago. up about 1%. how did it rains do, ashley? ashley: pretty darn well, posting better than expected profit helped by cost-cutting. halliburton cut its quarterly dividends, cut capital spending and reduced its workforce and executive pay to cope with an industry slump and it apparently paid off at the company's revenue for north america up 26% to 1.2 billion with total revenue of nearly 9% and net income up 16%. beating the dreaded expectations. stuart: let's move on. i have a couple markets to check. let's start with the treasury markets, the yield on the 10 year treasury is 1.11%. gold, what is that doing? at a time when the economy is going to get
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a huge influx of money possibly threatening inflation, gold is only up $8, one half percent on wishing at 1838 per ounce. bitcoin is up 5% back to my $37000 per coin. oil, international energy agency says demand for oil will be lower this year. who cares, the economy will pick up because of the stimulus, so investors are piling into crude with an upside. government money is coming. president-elect biden campaign promises they are coming back to bite him even before he takes office be met first 100 days, no one will be deported. >> europe president will help giving us 100 days to get to the us and gave us legal paper to get a better life.
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stuart: okay. he made that promise and now this is an immediate crisis facing incoming president biden. in my opinion it's a crisis bought on by the democrats themselves. more on that ahead the 11:00 o'clock hour. or something else that may make you angry, democrat congressman steve: suggested trump supporters within the national guard quote might want to do something to biden during his inauguration. weight tool you hear what else he has to say, truly outrageous. we will be right back. ♪♪
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stuart: investors, if you're just joining us, you will like what you see. am calling it a yellen
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rally. look at netflix, they report "after the bell" today. netflix cofounder is with us now. marc randolph, it seems to me the magic number today for netflix is 200 million subscribers. can they get there, do you think connects to her, would be surprised if they didn't report they beat that magic number of 200 this afternoon. i'm going to be sitting there with the ball of his champagne i think toasting. i don't think there will be a lot of other surprises appeared they will probably say a million or so adds domestically, but considering it took us more than five years to get the first million, i'm astounded they can do something like that even in one quarter, but i think what everyone is looking for is not necessarily what happened in 2020, but what about 2021. we have a tremendous number of new entrants in the market and i think these companies -left-curly-bracket this
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wonderful reoccurring revenue model of subscription business, you will find there is a reality that's easy to get the subscribers, but the trick is how do you keep them and i'm curious to see how that shakes out. stuart: look, seems to me disney and netflix are running away with the streaming business. they are ahead, clearly. how did they stay ahead? is a matter of content? >> i think it is, the answer is content, content, content and i think the streaming war is shaking up to be a mono mono battle between netflix and is. i used to save netflix's secret weapon and i quite frankly was a bit cynical other companies could match that, but i am impressed that disney has gone all in. i mean, they really said streaming would be their model and it's showing. stuart: how do you get more and more content when you have god
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movie shoot lockdowns at the moment and they had been suspended? how do you get the content that you say is so necessary? >> there's a lot of international production still going on and i think they anticipate opening production in limited ways even during covid. i know both these companies, netflix and that disney have very aggressive slate's plan to. i think netflix plans 70 new movies next year and we-- which is more than disney and warner combined that disney is no slouch. they are offering up new marvel series, new pixar, new "star wars" things and we will see this new content coming up in 2021. it's really become that table stakes. you need the blockbuster content to acquire the subs, but we are learning you need to keep delivering it over time to keep them and it's really looking like disney and netflix are the two who can do that. the real interesting
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story and the one to watch i think is warner because going into 2021 warner really had neither of those, not a lot of stuff in there streaming catalog or not to keep people, but all of a sudden they announced going forward for 2021 on their theatrical releases will come out of the end day with their streaming stuff and i think that's a very dramatic move. i have to give the academy award of the boldest world-- boldest award to hbo max. stuart: thank you for joining us. we are looking for 200 million subscribers for the netflix report this afternoon. on the release of spiderman, the spiderman spinoff has been postponed. ashley, i think there are other movies facing delays? ashley: they are piling up, stu including the already twice delayed james bond film "no time to die" sony's new cinderella
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adaptation. also under threat is disney black widow set for release this summer along with universals f9. top gun maverick is still such to premiere july 2, but now there are doubts of whether that will happen. roughly a third of us theaters are currently opening meeting two thirds are closed and those that are open operating at reduced capacity. just to emphasize this point, the number one movie in america this past weekend was liam neeson the marksman which made a measly $3 million and this is why the streaming services have the money and the power because they can put things out right away with people at home, the 3 million for the weekend shows you how slow and pitiful the receipts are right now. this could extend into the summer, which theater owners and moviemakers hoped by summer we would be back to something approaching
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normal, stu. stuart: @think you are right to use the word measly. thank you. you can now add former nbc and cbs anchor katie couric to the growing list of people who want to censor trump supporters. watch this. >> the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cold of the trump? stuart: you know, i would really love to know exactly what deprogram means. we are on the story for you. hillary clinton obsession with trump russia collusion the lives to see another day as she suggesting president trump was on the phone talking to vladimir putin on the day of the capitol hill arius. more on that ahead me up for you. ♪♪
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hi, this is margaret your dell technologies advisor to listen, is to hear more than what's being said... and offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard. i understand, let's get started call a dell technologies advisor today.
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are you frustrated with your weight and health? it's time for aerotrainer, i understand, let's get started a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time, all while maintaining safe, correct form. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout.
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plus, you can easily transition from one exercise to the next. want tighter abs and a stronger back to help relieve pain? do the aerotrainer super crunch. the pre-stretch works your abs even harder, engaging the entire core. then it's the back extension, super rock, and lower back traction stretch to take the pressure off your spine and stretch muscles. planks are the ultimate total body exercise. start with a wall plank and progress with maximum muscle activation with comfort. work your lower body with the aerosquat or advanced super squat, all while in a safe, ergonomically correct position for maximum results. build your upper body with pushups. aerotrainer is perfect for bridges and total glute workout. (host) need to reduce stress? just stretch and breathe. (announcer) plus, it's a great platform to enhance yoga and pilates moves, even increase flexibility and reduce back pain for golfers. the aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds.
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train hard, because aerotrainer can take it. it inflates and deflates in less than 30 seconds using the electric pump. aerotrainer works for families, beginners, and athletes. use it anywhere. even strengthen your core while watching tv. head to now. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout, all while maintaining safe, correct form. now it's your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. go to, that's stuart: moments from now janet yellen will face the senate for her treasury secretary confirmation hearing. edward lawrence from washington, what will she say? for mac we expect to hear from janet yellin telling the finance
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committee that we need to go big to avoid a recession. she will make the point that now is not the time to worry about the mountain of debt and will tell senators because interest rates are so low, does no danger with the growing debt. she's also advocate more for regulation. in 2020 she said in a speech there needs to be a new dog frank regulation because those regulations helped after the financial crisis working to solidify the banking system and therefore she's likely to roll back some of the deregulation moves made by the current treasury secretary and she also favors $1.9 trillion relief package and will guide it through congress once confirmed. she is in line to become the next treasury secretary. this is among the first nominees to have a hearing. she's likely to be confirmed with support and will likely become the first female treasury secretary of the united states as she was the first female
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chad-- fed chairman and we learn senator grassley will push back on her saying why do they need to change regulations and policies if the current policies led to the economic boom we had at the beginning of the year before the pandemic hit. stuart: i think that's a fair question. thank you. checking the markets, we have lost a little of the steam that put the dow jones up 200 points at the opening. may be some investors are worried about the wall of money that will hit wall street and the economy. may be it leads to inflation, but we are still up 100 points for the dow jones and 84 for the nasdaq. still do come, bill mcgurn, brian kilmeade, mark morgan all in the second hour of the "varney & co." which is coming for you next. ♪♪
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♪. stuart: the way you move by outkash. we'll steak it. bill mcgurn, ryan kilmeade. in the 11:00 hour, mark morgan, immigration guy that is important, rob smith, joe concha, larry elder. we opened a few hundred points
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higher. we're back up nearly 150. close to 30,100 for the dow jones average. let's look at this. this is the hearing room where janet yellen is set to begin testifying before the senate finance committee. this is her hearing for nomination for the finance committee. the cameras are jerking around a little. the action starts moments from now. and now this. the democrats are about to takes power they have a wish-list. it is must-do list. for population of big democrat states, there are two must-do items. first, they want a bailout. second, repeal salt. believe me these governors are desperate. the biden administration is under extraordinary pressure to
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come through with them, these four democrat run states, new york, new jersey, illinois, california, contributed almost half the electoral college votes that made joe biden president. rewarding the states is a political payoff. all the states were in serious trouble before the pandemic hit. they can't pay pensions of retired state government workers. the pension crisis was made far worse by the lockdowns. these four states restricted, shut down their economies more intensely than most others. a massive bailout is their only hope. as for assault, s-a-l-t. this really hurt them. trump stopped the deductibility of state income taxes. their tax bills went up despite trump tax rate cuts. this is why some people are leaving. by the way, many of them are democrat donors. reverse salt, new york, new jersey, illinois, california
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they get a big boost. these two items are of such great importance, one, probably two, will pass. now what will that do? well, it will infuriate florida and texas. they will be asked to pay for the mistakes of the democrats. worse, perhaps, is that new york, new jersey, illinois, california, they will continue their failed economic policies. after all why change your high taxes and intense regulations when president biden is only too willing to bail you out? the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: all right. scott shellady is with us. the man in the extraordinary jacket and the bow tie, extraordinary performance there. scott, you heard what i got to say. do you agree with me, that the governors of these four states are absolutely praying for a bailout and the repeal of salt?
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>> you're 100% correct on that. i will tell you right now, stuart, as go the left they will be disappointed and there will be problems within the party because of that. and you know more and more we're not supposed to really call it a coincidence that those four worst-run states in the country are all democratic states, right? the left has become party of the don't believe what your eyes are telling you, right? it is just a counsel dense. mostly peaceful protest. meese don't believe what you see, just believe what you hear. we had more problems with covid. so we had to stay locked down longer. we had more problems with pensions so we had to spend more money but it is really just they have done a bad job of managing their own budgets they are going to ask those that have done a very good job, texas, florida, to bail them out. that will cause even more strife. stuart: you don't think they get either of these demands, a bailout, repale of salt?
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>> like you said i think they will get at least one, maybe two. that will not help the situation. it will make them feel good in the beginning. it will be a little sugar water. they realize it won't be enough. they can't give them enough. to that point, i have a crazy idea for them all. when you shut the economy down, these are a large part of ramifications you get. instead of all this money being thrown at the problem, we're throwing money, just open the economy. nothing is going to fix us faster than full restaurants. except now we'll put our grandchildren's grandchildren in debt because we shut the economy down, we don't know what else to do about it. we're trying to take care of people that didn't run their books correctly in the first place. stuart: what do you think about janet yellen at her hearing today about to begin? she is going to say go big with stimulus, 1.9 trillion, that is just a down payment, more to come. what do you make of that the wall of money going to come to the economy? you're shaking your head.
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you don't like it? >> no. it is more sugar water. we have to do a stimulus because we shut americans down. we didn't give them the right to freely as assemble and right to work. you have got to pay them. the best thing to do, cheapest way out is reopen instead of putting your elves in bankruptcy even further. we're giving money away we don't have. all the tax money we're giving back. we're supposed to say thank you for giving my money back? it is absolutely ridiculous. think about it for one second, we're talking two trillion dollars. i said it on the before, stuart, a million seconds back-to-back is 12 days. a billion seconds back-to-back is 31 years. a trillion seconds back-to-back is 31,688 years. i just lost my earpiece. stuart: don't worry. don't worry. the fine performance again. he can't hear me because he lost his earpiece. that was a fine performance. i got to wrap it up. but scott, thanks very much for joining us as always.
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you are one of the most popular contributors to the program. we appreciate it. thank you, scott. i have a headline for you. it is in the "wall street journal." here is the headline, harvard accusers steve stefanik. stefanik will be removed from the advisory committee because of comments she made about the election. the author is bill mcgurn. he joins us now. harvard hypocrisy, is that what you're saying? >> it is. harvard crest's features the word veritas or truth. they remove a woman who is a very accomplished congresswoman. when she was elected she was the youngest woman ever elected to congress back in 2014 a harvard alum. they don't like her politics. they claim that her statements are not just political differences. what they object to she is undermining democracy and the
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constitution. they don't even have the courtesy to list out the specific things that they deem wrong. you know, even a common thug, if i bopped you over on the head on fifth avenue got you arrested, even a court would give me that courtesy, lay out the specifics of why i'm in court. it is just more of what we're seeing everywhere, blacklists, purges, truth squads, going after people but of course going after republicans. stuart: yeah. it is lying to force us into one officially accepted point of view. here is another example. i think this is at least. katie couric says trump supporters need to be deprogrammed. watch this roll tape. >> the question is how will we almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump. >> there are millions of americans, almost all white, almost all republicans who
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somehow need to be deprogrammed. it is as if they members after cult, the trumpist cult. and we have to be deprogrammed. stuart: bill, i will bring you back into this, what is your reaction to this, deprogrammed, we're members of a cult. you deprogram us, what is that all about? >> well, there is a political purpose to this. you know increasingly the left doesn't want to debate its issues, right? they want to just discredit you and remove you from the debate. like climate instead of arguing over what effects are, you are a climate denier if you don't subscribe not only to the theories, what we should do about it in terms of spending. it sounds a lot like, remember the old phrase are you now or have you ever been a member of the economist party? you can now substitute trump supporter for this. the difference between previous things the people making these
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accusations looking to blacklist people, keep them from job, they have big tech, the media, the academy, they have all the commanding heights on their side. i think it is very scary. and the effort is to paint every single person who voted for donald trump or worked for him as an insurrectionist or white supremacist. stuart: bill mcgurn, thank you very much for joining us this morning, always appreciate it and we'll see you again real soon. let me get back to the market. the rally is holding. we've loft some steam since the opening bell. come on in, lauren. tell us what the big movers of the day are. lauren: you probably never heard it but it is the merge of chrysler, peugeot, psa group. it is largest car-maker in the world. office depot rejected staples takeover bid for the third time.
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the stock doubled in the past three months. palantir will help pg&e in california to improve technology and manage wildfires. the stock is up almost 6%. look at this, rally for gamestop. a popular game play. it was up 6%. it was up actually more than that. there was no news today. this stock doubled last week. robin hood investors interested in it. there is short squeezing going on, and there is hope by the chew which cofounder now on the board to turn this company around. stuart: lauren, thank you very much. we'll foal the rally still in place. we lost a little steam. janet yellen wants to go big on stimulus. we're still own the upside. we'll tell but the latest from hillary clinton. xi is still pressing the russia angle. she want as commission, 9/11
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style to look into the riot. they want to harass republicans forever. back in a moment. ♪.
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(ringing) - hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good, guess what, i just had my 13th surgery. - really? i just had my 17th surgery. - well, you beat me. - well, i am a little bit older than you. - yeah it's true. how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these. - kind of like how shriners hospitals for children is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened. - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care kids like us who need them most all because of caring people like you.
10:14 am
- like me? - no, the people watching us right now at home. - oh, those people. hi people. - kaleb and i know not everyone can help right now, but for those of you who can, we hope you'll this special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors and nurses can keep helping kids like us, who need them now and in the days to come. - your gift will make a huge difference for kids like us. - ooh, ooh, show them them the thank you gift. - okay, okay, hold on a second. with your gift of $19 a month we'll send you this adorable, love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day.
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- i think that's about it buddy, good job. - my pleasure captain. please call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently, or you can go to to give right away. - [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling) so you're a small business, - [both] thank you. or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business.
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wanna lose weight and be healthier? it's time for aerotrainer. a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time. it allows for over 20 exercises. do the aerotrainer super crunch, push ups, aero squat. it inflates in 30 seconds. aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. lose weight, look great, and be healthy. go to that's a-e-r-o stuart: check those markets. i believe we still have a rally going. yes, we do. show me please, general motors on the upside this morning, very solid gain. they're getting a two billion dollar investment for their driverless car cruise project. some of the money is coming from microsoft and general motors really blazing a trail in the electric car market these days and the stock's responding with
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a 6% gain today. 53 bucks on general motors. next case, our next guest says small businesses are being suffocated by the democrats overbearing policies. the gop must fight them he says. that congressman is blaine luetkemeyer, ranking member of the small business committee, republican missouri. what is the best way to help small business? is it the massive stimulus programs that are now being proposed or open up state economies, which is it? >> well, stuart, i think you know, i think it is open up the state economies and i believe if you look at the last three years or first three years i guess would be of the trump administration we know exactly how to stimulate the economy and at the small businesses of the drivers of that economy with you know, lower taxes and less stringent overbearing regulations and so if you do those things the entrepreneurial
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spirit and ability of entrepreneurs to take risk come into play and they suddenly drive the economy. right now we're fearful that with the lockdowns that have occurred which show that they don't work and with the new administration coming in, if it is obama-biden 2.0 is going to be more rules, more regulations, higher taxes, i think our economy is going to stagnate and we're going the wrong direction but it is poised to grow if you keep the hands off of it, solve the pandemic a little bit because people are ready to go to work, businesses are ready to open but this lockdown mentality that a lot of politicians and local leaders have for their cities and states is not working and counterproductive for growing the economy. stuart: agree 100%, congressman, but there is nothing you can do about it. the democrats have majority in the house. 50-50 split in the senate but they run it with kamala harris'
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vote and they run the white house. you can't do much about this, can you? >> the filibuster rule in the decratmo g gfhahaeses0, iff hehebabaeirhe stonraonn 200n 1 enhey rledigve ybodyber a ainh it eigend y d d g rha ge tn the miny iit eececnde a a dginma andonraithitdso vativa.burnsomns ththntprrs b b the issue when ever they, there is something called regulatory flexibility act, that says that every rule and regulation promulgated by the administration has to have a
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analysis done of it with regards to the effect on small business. we in10 to use that to make sure that the number one, do that analysis and number two, if it shows that it will be harmful we'll push back and push back hard. stuart: congressman, we wish you the best of luck with this, thank you very much for being on the show today. much obliged to you. come see us again soon. >> a pleasure, stuart, take care. stuart: thank you, sir. now this, president trump has lifted travel restrictions but biden says not so fast this is an important thing for international travel. what is the state of play, susan? susan: right after president trump issued the executive order lifting travel restrictions to the uk, ireland, 26 european countries and brazil that would come into effect next tuesday. biden's team said hold on just a second, his incoming white house press secretary with the pandemic worsening, more
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contagious variants emerging around the world, this is not the time to lift restrictions on travel. if you can imagine restrictions would be tightened further. that is not good news for the travel industry which said covid is nine times worse than 9/11. they put off international travel for you. you have to quarantine multiple weeks anywhere you travel and some places you don't choose. stuart: i would like to go to new zealand to see my son, my children, his wife. but i can't go. when i go i have to spend two weeks in quarantine when i get there. they don't have any space in quarantine. so you can't go. that is what is happening there. i don't expect to go fora very long time. susan: don't say that. hope for the best. stuart: let's, i always hope for the best. the congressional budget releasing a report showing how many jobs it thinks will be lost under biden's minimum wage plan, 15 bucks an hour at the federal level. how many jobs are we talking about, ashley?
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ashley: a lot. as many as 3.7 million jobs could be lost according to the congressional budget office. wages for 17 million workers would increase if the minimum went to $15 an hour, but, some of the higher earnings would be offset by higher rates of joblessness. the report also adds, the move would reduce business income and raise prices as high labor costs absorbed by bus owners and then in turn passed on to consumers. wage hike expected to reduce u.s. out put through the reduction in employment. in other words, a huge impact. a lot of people losing jobs, stu. stuart: thanks, ash. now we're getting some new details on how parler made their return, however it there seem to be some i would call concerning details. the full story please, lauren. lauren: yeah it is concerning because parler teamed up with a
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rushion-owned technology company in order to make its, i will use the website reachable again. it is not usable. you go online and a message pops up. it is still banned from the app stores of apple and google. ceo john matze told sean hannity will have to build his own infrastructure, start from scratch to get operational. not just amazon, aws refusing to host, but six other vendors as well. with the help of the russians parler is able to have a website with the message but no usable content. stuart: that is outrageous. what an imposition on the free speech of parler. extraordinary stuff. lauren, thank you very much indeed. president-elect joe biden unveiling details about his immigration policy. that as a caravan of many thousands is making its way to the u.s. southern border. we'll break it down for you.
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the new college campuses where differing opinions are just shut down, our next guest says that is exactly what's happening. he will make his case after this ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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i'm a performer. always have been. and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis. voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. and it can help you too. feel the joy of movement with voltaren. are you frustrated with your weight and health? it's time for aerotrainer, a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time, all while maintaining safe, correct form. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout. plus, you can easily transition from one exercise to the next.
10:26 am
want tighter abs and a stronger back to help relieve pain? do the aerotrainer super crunch. the pre-stretch works your abs even harder, engaging the entire core. then it's the back extension, super rock, and lower back traction stretch to take the pressure off your spine and stretch muscles. planks are the ultimate total body exercise. start with a wall plank and progress with maximum muscle activation with comfort. work your lower body with the aerosquat or advanced super squat, all while in a safe, ergonomically correct position for maximum results. build your upper body with pushups. aerotrainer is perfect for bridges and total glute workout. (host) need to reduce stress? just stretch and breathe. (announcer) plus, it's a great platform to enhance yoga and pilates moves, even increase flexibility and reduce back pain for golfers. the aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. train hard, because aerotrainer can take it. it inflates and deflates in less than 30 seconds
10:27 am
using the electric pump. aerotrainer works for families, beginners, and athletes. use it anywhere. even strengthen your core while watching tv. head to now. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout, all while maintaining safe, correct form. now it's your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. go to, that's
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stuart: the markets are open, operating. we started with a 200 point gain for the dow. we've lost it. we're up just 80 points at this moment. maybe some people are thinking this wall of money that janet yellen will introduce to the economy may give us some inflation. maybe it is just sugar water. a bit of a pullback on the early morning rally. let's get to the big movers of the day. susan, let's start with facebook. susan: 1% up for half a trillion dollar company at least, at $325. rated on out perform by bmo. headwinds they say have passed and advertising revenue expected this year. double upgrade from american express to overweight by jpp. $148 where jpmorgan says it will go to. number of factors, pent-up
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demand for leisure travel and more swipes of plastic. gilead, potential breast cancer drug will help and higher sales of hiv fighting drugs is a positive as well. stuart: i have got another one for you, susan. we're not exactly in the middle but we started the current earnings season this is real important. profits of a baseline of stock prices, what are we seeing so far? susan: so far we're looking at profit estimates, yes, expectations have been creeping higher. i know you hate talking about expectations but that is kind of what moves the markets. everyone knows what they expect but if you come out ahead that's when you win. we're also in this environment the game is you set expectations low so it is easier to jump. profit broadly down 9% from a year lag. not great but still better than what we saw in the springtime last year when profit collapse ad third during covid. will they be good enough to sustain record stock market
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levels. a lot of investores say we trade five. apple, microsoft, coming out walts are. you will get the answer pretty soon into the earnings season. stuart: is that next week, susan? susan: that is next week. stuart: okay, that's a big deal. susan: can i quickly mention on yellen? you keep talking about money printing, yes, that is factored in, but people think about tapering and pulling back on stimulus. that is something the market is talking about. the federal reserve and government will pull away the punch bowl. that is the answer they're getting from yellen in this testimony. stuart: thank you, susan. we have come back a bit. we are just up 100 points for the dow. all right, let's get back to the big issue censorship. katie couric is the latest call for the deprogramming of trump supporters. watch this again because it is important.
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roll it. >> the question is, how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump? stuart: fascinating. let's bring in tristan justice, he is with "the federalist." tristan, sounds to me like censorship of the newsroom. what say you? >> i would say look, we always hear about white fragility, let's talk about woke fragility. people threatened to quit because the magazine featured conservative writer ben shapiro in the "politico" playbook. quite frankly this university culture is a culture coming for decades. it's a culture quite frankly conservatives have been warning about for decades. we're seeing product of what happens when you read an entire generation of aggressively woke children who are now permeating throughout the nation legacy institutions like the "politico" newsrooms and "new york times"
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newsroom. like we saw with "politico," ben shapiro is guest writer. they take prominent, well-respected conservatives like ben shapiro cloaked in moral rightousness and moral justice. not healthy for free speech, not healthy for discourse and junenallism and already for a country dealing with historic divisions. stuart: what do you want to see what happens? do you want to see the people that run newsrooms, editors and managers, you want to see them stand up to say, hey, we'll put out what we want to put out you know, you're just the troops. you got to follow. do you want to see a strong stand from the people who run newsrooms? >> i think our reporters today are beltway journalists especially need to start acknowledging their biases. if we will heal as a country we need to be honest with our own biases. the "politico" outrage raises
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doubt over staff's dedication to objective journalism. if you can't handle having a conservative writer featured in your publication how dedicated are you to being a truth seeking objective journalist who is dedicated to showcasing both sides? i do think the "politico" editors deserve credit doing the right thing and calling the staff meeting, defending their decision to feature ben shapiro. look, he has a big platform. he is a well-respected individual. we'll feature him in our magazine like people of different perspectives. look, "politico" staff were so outraged ben shapiro having history of using insown did i airy, msnbc chris hayes last fall accused donald trump engaging in mass slaughter over the virus pandemic. we need to acknowledge the double standards and get back to acknowledging our own biases as reporters especially in this day and age, objective journalism
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has gone out the door in so many legacy newsrooms. stuart: the problem the mainstream media is dominated by the woke generation, entirely so there are hardly any other voices. we're forced into uniform opinion, allowable opinion. i don't like it. sir, thank you for being on the show today. this is a terrible situation. tristan, thanks very much for being on the show. come back again soon, please, sir. >> thank you. stuart: joe biden has plans for the border, okay? on day one, plans for the border on day one. lauren, what is he going to do? lauren: reverse donald trump's strict immigration policies. the ap is reporting that biden is going to offer a 8-year path to citizenship for 11 million people living here without legal status, if they pay taxes and complete background checks. some groups like dreamers or agriculture workers, they could qualify for citizenship even faster. while this timeline is fast, it
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does lack teeth. for instance, there is no traditional tradeoff you usually see in an immigration plan. stuart: like enhanced border security or anything that republicans could actually get behind. so this is going to be very difficult to pass a narrowly divided congress. of course there is also an executive action that could happen but you have these images of caravans, thousands of people making their way to the u.s. border. so whatever he announces or declares on immigration, that, that's the image that we're looking at, the caravans of people coming. stuart: it is indeed. i'm reading between the lines here. the bottom line is, once these people get in, if they can get in, they stay, you know? they don't go. they stay. so the objective is, get across that border at all costs because joe biden will support you. amazing. thank you, lauren. we'll have more for you later on in the show remember this one,
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joe biden's campaign promise no one will be deported. remember it? watch this again. >> in the first one the first 10 days of my administration no one, no one will be deported. only deportations will take place is commission of felonies in the united states of america. stuart: okay, the migrants in the latest caravan are telling the biden administration to honor its commitments. tell me more about this, ashley. ashley: yes, well you know the migrant caravan left honduras on friday is spurred on by joe biden's pledge to place 100 day moritorium on deportations. one of those migrants told a reporter was fleeing quote, a bad situation made worse by the pandemic and hurricanes and also the promise of a new u.s. president who will let them into the country. take a listen. >> we have a new president, biden, will help all of us.
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giving us 100 days to get to the u.s. and give us legal paper so we can get a better life. ashley: there you have it. joe biden president-elect promised a pathway to legal permanent residency for those in the country illegally and suspension on deportations by immigration an customs enforcement or i.c.e. critics say it could be just the tip of the iceberg as the biden administration has vowed to undo a number of president trump's immigration policies. it is only just begun. stu? stuart: that's right, ash. once they're in, they stay. next case, a pair of cable news hosts are the latest to blame big tech for the capitol hill riots. you got to watch this. >> sheryl sandberg, mark zuckerberg you guys are pathetic. you need to be shut down. nobody needs what you have to offer. you have destroyed this country.
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stuart: well, more on the push to cancel facebook just ahead for you. plus, new york's governor cuomo, looking to marijuana to help solve his state's massive budget woes. the details after this. ♪
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stuart: new york governor cuomo facing a hugep budget deficit and what is his solution? well, legalize marijuana. kristina partsinevelos is in new york. how is this going to work? reporter: this is tax revenue dollars. they could tax the sale or use of regular creeksal marijuana that could help fill the budget hole expected to be $4 billion for the next fiscal year. this is the third attempt new york tries to legalize
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recreational marijuana. in the past they couldn't agree how to spend the tax revenue dollars from the sale of recreational pot but the governor here did recently address the issue saying that he believes it will spur about 3.5 billion in economic activity. he also said that it could bring roughly $300 million in tax revenue. that is the key point there. we caught up to the ceo of the national cannabis industry association says the tax can't be too high or else the black market will thrive. >> we definitely want to make sure that taxes are not so prohibitive that it pushes the market back underground. i would hope that we can come to a place where it is taxed in a manner somewhat similar to alcohol. reporter: new york would join the already 15 states and d.c. that have legalized recreational marijuana. we could see the trend across the northeast in the coming year. so you might see more of these
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medical or the one right behind me is medical marijuana but more of the shops pop you will around the state but, stu, one sticking point, how will they spend those tax revenue dollars that come in from the sale of recreational marijuana? so far governor cuomo hasn't given too many details. they want an office that regulates the market. they want to invest in communities hit hard by the war on drugs. that is all we know so far. back to you. stuart: it is fascinating, isn't it? they're arguing about how to spend the tax money that they bring in. just amazing. reporter: hasn't even come in yet. stuart: exactly. yes. [laughter]. arguing about how to spend it when it does come in. thanks, kristina. staying in new york and staying with governor cuomo he wants to buy vaccines directly from pfizer. hold on a minute, ash. i don't think the biden team will be happy about that one, are they? ashley: no they are not. the governor wants to buy
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directly from pfizer claiming that the trump administration failed to deliver enough doses. the request would require pfizer to circumvent government operation warp speed to deal with the. can't do that we still need approval. the biden administration says no. they say that cuomo's request would cause more problems than it solves. it is very similar to the vent ventilator last spring when states tried to buy their own. ebay effect. como wants to buy vaccine apparently it is okay. pfizer says no, biden says no. it will not happen. stu. stuart: okay. bright spot of all the lockdowns, florida, where businesses have largely been allowed to operate. brian kilmeade spent time in little havana, right this in
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miami, speaking to bar and restaurant owners. he will tell us about that next. he is going to join the show. hillary clinton can't let go of her russian obsession. watch this again, please. >> i would love to see his phone records, to see whether he was talking to putin the day that the insurgents invaded our capital. stuart: russia, russia, russia. more after this. ♪.
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♪. stuart: at her nomination hearing to be treasury secretary janet yellen has said go big with government stimulus. that initially put the stock market way up. well we have moderated that gain a little perhaps because the senate finance committee chair, mr. grassley, he says that the, he says now is not the time to enact a liberal laundry list of structural economic reforms. in other words, maybe this going big with stimulus is facing some opposition. that's why the dow is no longer up 230 points. maybe that is why it is up just 160 points. there is also some negative voices chiming in saying, wait a
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minute, you throw all that money at the economy and you will get inflation, not good news for stock prices. so again, another reason to moderate the rally which we saw right from the opening bell as of this morning. you're looking at mr. grassley in the hearings right now. it is precisely 10:51. that means brian kilmeade joins us. all right, brian, i'm sure you know this, speaker pelosi and hillary clinton, they did a podcast in which clinton suggested the russians were behind the riots and pelosi agreed with clinton on starting a 9/11-style commission to investigate. i'm not going to roll the sound bite all over again because everybody has seen it many times. what do you make of it? >> just shows her ridiculous obsession with something she you had be embarrassed b you ever meet people don't understand they should be embarrassed? that is hillary clinton. if she had a real friend in this world, they would whisper in her ear you're embarrassing
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yourself, whatever name or legacy you had let alone your husband accomplished in the administration. get it straight, hillary clinton, when donald trump got 75 million votes it authenticated 63 million votes. not that you needed that. if you read the report, see understanding mueller was unable to prove any conspiracy, watch the trump campaign they have trouble colluding with themselves let alone with another nation in our legal process. unbelievable. these are the same people who are on president trump for having trouble accepting the result of this election. they still can't do theirs. stuart: but you can use the riot to your advantage if there is a commission to investigate, 9/11 style, you know that will be dragged out for at least a year. they will be trashing republicans and donald trump for at least a year. it is a political weapon that they're wielding here? >> you know, here is the cycle that will be happening. they're trying to divide the republican party enough so they
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don't get skewered and thumped in the midterms. more they keep liz cheney and mitch mcconnell away from kevin mccarthy, steve scalise, jim jordan, the more success they feel they will have at the midterms. when they see the country, they see a party, they see politics. we see the united states of america and sadly they're also adding with this deprogramming of trump supporters they are like a cult, you tell 75 million people they're like a cult. then ask them to join you in your agenda? don't think so. we thought this was a turning point. i still hope there is because biden hasn't said this but hillary clinton, the others who are saying this, steve cohens, they make me wonder why they're in this job and are they worthy of the position? stuart: i want to leave time for your visit to little havana in miami. i have a clip of your visit. roll tape, please. >> when you look around the country and see shutdown, lockdown, what are your thoughts? >> well, remember we talked, i
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have businesses in new orleans. my businesses there are decimated. they're in bad shape. we have proven you can work through it. you can work through it if you are given the responsibility. >> around the country you see everything shut down, what is your answer? >> my heart bleeds for them. it is not the correct thing to do. we know it's a knee-jerk reaction that is not correct. stuart: brian, florida is leading the way here, right? >> they're upset for the 12:00 curfew. what stops at 12? i need to make more money at 12. i have news for you, florida, we shut down at 10:00. new york city is flat-out shut down. i talked to today on the 7:00 show i spent yesterday afternoon with dave portnoy, barstool, you know great things he is doing raising $32 million for small business owners, give them money every month for 12 months, unbelievable. we see nothing but plywood and submarines on the streets which you can't tell me any doctor or
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anthony fauci follower would saver than going indoors. they sit outside in closed tents. we say that is safer. these idiots don't want to roll up their sleeves, talk to business owners. you know what florida says? you better be responsible. i am watching police officers, they're saying please wear a mask. hand them out. if you're belligerent and drunk, they will get on you like any other city. we're in this together. why be flat own your backs. moneywise, their revenue went up 6% year to year in the miami-dade area because they're trying to open up. stuart: yeah. that is the money secret. all right. got it, brian, good stuff. thanks very much indeed. >> go get em, stuart. stuart: i will. starbucks helping washington state vaccine effort. susan, can i get a shot at starbucks? susan: do you think brian gets all the energy from starbucks?
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that is it what i was wondering. no, you will not be able to get vaccine shots in a starbucks if you live in washington state. no. instead you get wonderful service starbucks offers after your vaccine shot and probably during it. so the coffee giant joining washington state's public/private partnership to vaccinate 45,000 residents a day, that is the goal. microsoft, costco, other state based companies participating. that is smart. getting big corporations involved. >> what are they doing? you get a shot of coffee after you get your shot of vaccine, is that it? susan: no. because they're very good at their service, right? they will help individuals walk in, organize their shots and maybe feel better afterwards. stuart: all right. thanks, susan. big show still ahead. mark morgan, immigration, rob smith, the future of the gop, joe concha, newsroom censorship, and california's larry elder. president-elect biden's most immediate challenge, that caravan. we'll be back.
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>> we have to do a stimulus or will shut americans down, we took away the right to work. you have got to pay them. but the problem is the best thing to do and the cheapest way out is to reopen. >> the federal stimulus monetary policy, that's why i'm watching rates as rates rise as we start to see inflation it could spell trouble for equity. >> anyone out there like a facebook, google that is
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censoring people, be very careful, you have to see how this plays out before you allocate new money. >> what cook did here is basically create his own injunction without going through court, he said look i'm going to stop this before it happens and he does not have that right if you're speaking to free-speech grounds. >> increasingly the left does not want to debate the issues, they just want to remove them from the debate. >> nancy pelosi and others in the house and democrats in the senate simply want to engage in more of the politics of and engine ♪ ♪ nothing but a good time ♪ ♪ and it don't get better ♪ ♪. stuart: the name of that band, poison. i repeat, poison. quite a name i would say.
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it is 11:00 o'clock here on the east coast, united states it is tuesday january the 19th, we are monitoring janet yellen's senate confirmation hearing to become treasury secretary she just said she believes in a fair progressive tax code where wealthy corporations pay their fair share, i've heard that before and she also said she will work overtime for a second relief package. she said china is the most strategic competitor. the markets have pulled back from the early rally, we were up over 200 points now janet yellen's testimony rolls on we've got to pull back, were still up but only 117 points, the nasdaq holding on to the very strong gain that is up 100 points right there. and now this. >> this is a migrant caravan on his way to our southern border.
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this is president biden's immediate challenge. they will be here soon, what will the new president do when they arrive. it is fast becoming a crisis, the migrants are not backing off, in fact they will hold joe biden to his promises. listen to this. >> they have a new president, biden, he's going to help all of us, he's giving us 100 days to get to the u.s. and get a paper so we can get a better life. stuart: okay, then 100 days to get here. once the biden team takes over an illegal who gets in expects to stay forever. no wonder they are clearing to get here, they have been invited that that brings with it in enormous problems. we are to have millions unemployed, why do we need more labor, illegals are expensive, cash-strapped america ready to pay up, also a political problem for the incoming president, four years ago president trump called
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a halt and successfully cut illegal immigration dramatically is america ready to reverse course and open our borders again? remember in the november election several border districts in texas voted for trump, they don't want to be overrun, no wonder in official on the biden team asked the migrants to delay their arrival, they know they're not ready for this crisis but remember, this is a crisis of the democrats own making. during the campaign joe biden said let them in and here they come. the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> january the 19th that means were one day away from the inauguration today is the last full day of president trump's term of office. rob smith is with us, i want to talk about the future of the republican party.
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you follow this very closely, who is the party leader as of now and a couple of years from now. >> i would say right now, i did a new episode on my podcast rob smith problematic today you can get on apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast. what i say, it is time for our trump obsession to end but when we talk about who the leader of the republican party is now it really is the maga movement, it's the people that have come together for this populist movement and we have started in america first agenda and it's we who will dictate the future of this party and we will dictate who the next nominee, we who will dictate who is the next congress people, it is we who will dictate the stars and the leaders will be. i think the leader is all of us. stuart: that is a dodge, i'm sorry that is a dodge and you know it.
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good ad for your podcast but a dodge nonetheless. if president trump, donald j trump the leader of the republican party now and will he be the leader in two years time? >> i mean it's complicated stuart, is he the leader of the party right now, absolutely, he got 75 million votes he has a movement of people behind him and there are people that are watching for his next step and i think the best thing that he can do as a leader of the party right now is to use the energy to develop other leaders and to throw his energy and support behind us. stuart: there you go, now i'm with you, here is something, i'm going to do something i'm going to play something which is going to appall you and i think you
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know what is coming democrat congressman steve cohen, he says trump supporters in the national guard might do something to president-elect biden, watch this, rotate. >> there's probably not more than 25% of the people that are there protecting us that voted for biden the other 75% are in the class of the large class of folks that might want to do something. stuart: he says don't trust the national guard if it's 90% white and male. your military guy, do you want to respond to that? >> all respond to that, is absolutely infuriating. the people that are taken out to defend the country are somehow extremist and people that neither social media embedded to see what their political leanings are so they can be trusted to protect the era of this inauguration is complete to be ticketless.
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this is the kind of thinking that we are going into because what they want to do they want to pretend that 75 million people, some in the military, some not all people who voted for president trump in this agenda need to somehow be on a watchlist because they are potential extremist, it is ridiculous, it is dangerous and it somebody who wore the uniform and i think i can speak for a lot of people that are serving right now some that are on the ground in d.c., it is offensive. stuart: i understand exactly where you're coming from i think you're precisely right, rob smith i'll catch the podcast of yours. thank you for joining us, we always appreciate it. back to the markets, by the way did you see that general motors 8% higher they're getting into billion-dollar investment in their cruise project, and 8%, overall the markets are up in
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responding from janet yellen and congress today. john layfield is with us market watcher of the hour. she is planning a once major league spending on the economy, recovery. there is some opposition to this, we are told that the huge spending could create some inflation, it could burst the markets bubble, where you stand on this? >> i don't think were gonna see the inflation necessarily, look at what japan has done for 50 years, people are calling for inflation with the spending we can spend a lot more money it's not good for the economy and not good for the country but you can spend a lot more money than what both people are getting credit for, right now in a pandemic it's time for spending i think this probably passes and i think the biggest thing about this is the covid relief especially as far as the vaccinations.
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stuart: all this money that is going to hit the economy and more to come after the $1.9 trillion deal, do you think that is good for stocks for the rest of this year? >> i think it's great for stocks if you look at what's going on i heard your segment i complete agree with what you said the pandemic shutdown if you want to stimulate this economy, open up the economy we have not done that because of political reasons or the pandemic and what you're seeing and a lot of this is a way to get vaccinations up to speed where we have herd immunity, we see pent-up demand around the globe right now, the best we seen in decades, global savings rate is the highest is been in decades, the u.s. savings rate is double what it normally is because people don't have anywhere to spend, that money will come out and you add to that was going on in the stimulus bill where you're putting money into the economy as far as unemployment, business benefits, the fed being accommodated in interest rates being low is very good for the
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economy and stock market the first couple of years of the biden administration. stuart: big news, two points real fast, would you by now google and/or facebook, they're on a sharp attack for what i call censorship? >> i would buy on any pullback, absolutely, these companies have 2.7 billion monthly users that is the biggest audience in the history of the world all they have to do is find a way to monetize that which they're doing with payments around the world as far as getting into mobile banking, that is huge for facebook and as far as google there only the backbone of the internet they do have them monopoly but i don't think congress will do anything about it. stuart: short, sharp into the point. john layfield likes his rally. thank you for being here. see you soon, thank you very much. it is a rally, the nasdaq is up
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100, the dow was up 100 so who are the big movers? >> travel stocks are getting good bids, boeing, american airlines, these are likely to benefit if there is more stimulus, more than $2 trillion it means were spending to travel once again, let's check in on tesla finally reaction to the news on why they're rolling off the production line in shanghai and china is a big factor why tesla has rallied 700% the past year and a great day for american express, amax, j.p. morgan over $184 and amex will benefit when people start traveling and eating out once again in the back half of this year, facebook by the way is worth 25% more the current level, 325 out performer, they say headwinds are fast and expect a recovery when it comes to advertising revenue and will get those results next week to see if her inching closer to the goal. stuart: susan thank you very much indeed.
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thousands of migrants are inching and marching to our southern border as of right now, what will happen when they reach the border, acting border chief mark morgan take that on and is coming up on the show shortly. the push to recall california governor gavin newsom gaining more momentum. will tell you how he's responding to the recall calls. first cable news host will be shut down claiming they waited too long to ban president trump. joe concha responds to the heated call to action. joe is next. ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ ♪ walk away ♪ ♪ just walk away ♪ ♪
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stuart: testifying in her nomination hearing to be treasury secretary janet yellen has made headlines on china. what did she say. lauren: she said they should mobilize allies in the right step in china's mo strategic competitor and they need to work with allies to strengthen their own, the u.s. own economy and we know the infrastructure and invest in people according to janet yellen we have heard from the trade representative outgoing trade reps saying we should keep the tariffs in place and you heard biden that they will do that at least for the first few months in office. and other arguments because they know very quickly you love talking about taxes but the fact that janet yellen says they will be competitive when it comes to taxes does not mean they're going to hike the business tax, doesn't that sound what it's saying in the currency will be market determined and they will not engineer a week seller paul's enter policy which stock
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market is positive i think that's what markets are reacting to. stuart: the dow was up 200 when we opened the day of trading, now it's up 50 i wonder what came in to soften the rally, i don't know what it is but it has been soften. susan: the competitive on taxes, that means corporate tax from biden would go up to 28% and they might hold off on that until a firmer footing right? stuart: i thought the market would've reacted more positively but i do agree, that is positive for stocks. we will see, thank you very much, gotta listen to this one to members of the national guard were pulled off inauguration security duty. what is going on? ashley: according to u.s. army official the to have ties to what they call fringe right group militias. exactly who those groups are that the guard members may be associated with is not
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mentioned, they also added no plot against joe biden has been found because this comes on the back of democrat congressman steve cohen claiming that he was worried that national guard members on duty for the inauguration could do something to joe biden although there was no actual evidence of that, this is interesting development to remove from security because of their ties to fringe right group militias. that is the news. stuart: got it, thank you very much, morning joe host calling for facebook to be shut down claiming they waited too long to ban president trump. watch this. >> mark zuckerberg, you guys are pathetic you need to be shut down. nobody needs what you have to offer, you're destroyed this country and quite frankly it is still happening right now.
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>> their business model is having algorithms that promote radicalism that promote anti-americanism that promote violence against this country. stuart: i think we better bring in joe concha for this media watcher. he has his eyes wide open, i think he is shocked of those two. what is really going on beneath the surface, why would those two want to shut down facebook and their destroying the country. >> i think the word that came to my mind is humorous, if you remember not old enough to remember in 2015 trec 2016 you can't find a show that would have on then canada trump more than morning joe for friendly phone interviews. let me show you what "rolling stone" said nobody has covered the trump run could fail -- nobody who's covered the trump run could fail hot and sweaty
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between donald trump and joe. we were talking about platforms here joe provided one way back when. to your point facebook is being banned and blamed and i should say parler is being band and blamed and conservative media being blamed how about the extremist, the horrible people that carried out the siege and injured dozens of officers at the capital that killed one officer also at the capital. look we have to start blaming the people that actually carry this out and say we gotta take on all social media whether it be facebook or parler that's never the answer to squelch speech. stuart: they want to force us all into the allowable point of view, is not a conservative point of view, it's left and center they want to force us all to think like that. here is one more veteran journalist katie couric is going after trump supporters, she says those trump supporters need to be deprogrammed, sounds to me
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like censorship in the newsroom, i think it's arrived already. what do you say? >> was there is a meeting that we missed where they deprogrammed memo got out because eugene robinson said the same thing morning joe that trump supporters need to be deprogrammed and you talked about how morning joe and joe and nico want to have a leftist center conversationally, this country is right and center, gallup had a poll that showed that 37% of americans identify as conservatives and 35 moderate and 24% liberal and when katie couric talk like that, elitist and condescending and it shows a disconnect between those who work in traditional media which is primarily new york and washington with a high mentality and those in the rest of the country that are primarily right of center they hear these people speak this way for tickly the 75 million about it for trump
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that they know that is not me i will not be deprogrammed, maybe i like donald trump policies and i would vote again if he ran in 2024 or 70 like imu carries the populace message. this is the classic disconnect between those who report the news and consuming it. stuart: in earlier guest on the program from the federalist suggest that the intolerance that we've seen on college campuses for years is now spreading to newsrooms where the troops revolt against leadership and block you, shut you out, that is happening in campuses and happening in newsrooms, this is a frightening thing for america's media. >> you see it with ben shapiro or guy benson who wants to speak of the campus. they need tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars of security just to do a speech, these are reasonable conservatives. it starts there and then these people go to work in the industry and they think their job is not to report the news and be journalist and conduct
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journalism but to be activist and conduct activism instead of terms of we will shut down speech we disagree with and that's not who we are as a country. stuart: joe concha, thank you for being here, see you again soon. >> thank you stu b when the vaccine rollout is on the way all across the country by drug companies are struggling to test the shots on one critical group. which group are we talking about, we will tell you in just a moment, thousands of migrants are on the way to america month after president-elect joe biden made this promise. watch it again. >> the first 100 days of my administration no one will be deported out all. stuart: acting border chief mark morgan says the biden administration is putting politics about public safety, they will join us next. ♪
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>> what i want for my people i want patients so we can get to u.s., they have a new president
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president biden these would help all of us he's given us 100 days to get to the u.s. and give us legal so we can get a better life. stuart: he's on his way, that was in the honduran margaret i indeed on his way to the u.s. right now. the u.s. border, blake burman is with us from the white house. is biden going to let the entire caravan in, several thousand people here. >> here's what we know vice president elect kamala harris said the first major legislative proposal of the incoming biden administration is going to be on immigration and they say it's going to be dated back to january 1, here's what we can expect the policy or some of it to be an eight-year process for those who want to become u.s. citizens, however, those in the u.s. under temporary protected status or dreamers people brought to the u.s. by their parents when they were children can apply immediately, the biden administration wants to expand the refugee admissions program, increase work and family visas
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and up the amount of technology at the southern border which would replace the focus of the trump administration in the wall, here is the vice president elect speaking to univision. >> were going to reduce the time from what has currently been 15 years to eight years, we are going to expand protections for dreamers and daca recipients, these are some of the things we will do in our immigration bill and we believe it's a smart inhumane way of approaching immigration. >> one thing to keep in mind, because this is a legislative proposal it would be subject to the 60 vote filibuster so they would have to be a republican brian, if not then the incoming president could use his executive authorities. stuart: we will see what happens, thank you for joining us. i want to bring in acting customs and boarding under border mark morgan, always good to see you. what do you think will actually
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happen when that caravan arrives at the border. are they just going to walk in? >> that's a question but i can tell you right now the answer is going to be no the answers going to be no because what president trump in this administration has provided cbp on the front line they provided the tools and authorities that we need to address illegal immigration, right now currently know they would not get in. but with the new administration, i don't know, they do what they promised they said they were going to do, yes because they said they will stop legal deportation they say they do not want to detain individuals they want to roll back the migrant protection protocol which would reinstitute catch and release and we will release thousands and thousands of illegal aliens in this country and never be heard from again and once they're here they stay here illegally they will reward them with free healthcare, those conditions, who would not come and people asked me all the time what's going to happen when biden takes over, dirty
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happening the caravan is an example of that. stuart: is that the cartels that are organizing these caravans, if so biden i think, i think president biden could come as put them back in business. >> he has, you're absolutely spot on and we've been saying this for a very long time in the caravans right now we predicted it that's exactly what is happening the winners here are the cartels in the human smuggling organization, they are absolutely taken biden's words in his rhetoric during the campaign that the borders are going to be open and it's a very vulnerable population. you heard from the migrants themselves we've been saying what is said that the u.s. trickles down to migrants throughout the western hemisphere and we were left out about that, you displayed a clip from an individual that said biden has given us 100 days to get to the border, that is what is happening. stuart: my judgment is that america politically will not
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stand for this, it is not like ten years ago, whenever light come on in open border, i think times have changed, what say you? >> i think that's absolutely right here's one of the faults that are out there we are talking about the illegal migration and with all due respect the incoming vice president talked about reducing illegal immigration 13 years - 8 years, come on. i think your listeners, that does not pass the straight face test. so you're going to tell committee to go ahead and come in illegally of which will be let in you will not be deported you'll be rewarded. you would rather change that for waiting eight years to do it legally, that's just a logic and common sense. they told them our borders are open, come here illegally we will protect you and reward you and that's what were seeing unfold right now before our eyes. stuart: is a crisis in the making, right there, thank you for joining us, i hope to see you again soon.
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we are showing you the markets a lot of green across the screen, i'm showing you bitcoin, 37855. bank of america is saying something about bitcoin. susan: the same bitcoin is the crowded train on the planet, a president biden into bitcoin. they say from retail and institutional and that's according to bank of america survey of investors that managed half a trillion dollars worth of assets, they know what they're talking about. also from deutsche bank survey where investors say there's a better chance bitcoin will fall by 50% and jump another 100%. so that's always pretty cautious to me. stuart: okay i'm not sure how to take bitcoin, i'm really lost on that you got a straight me out susan, i have one more for you, you have news on something which i intend to join and that is amazon prime.
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susan: you won't chillout $120 a year for the right to ship anything that you want and watch amazon prime videos, that what you're saying is. stuart: i have someone else does it for me. susan: you use 70 else's subscription you're one of the 42 million that pays for amazon prime, these are the latest numbers that, from consumer intelligence, 142 million is bullish. that is up 40% from a year ago when 112 lien subscribed to amazon prime, i was surprised as anybody covid has missed a boom for amazon business with a higher 400,000 last year and why this committee is close to $2 trillion. stuart: that is 142 million paid next number of dollars per month, that is cash flow big time, reoccurring casco. thank you susan. let's bring you up to speed on gambling, two huge lotto jackpots still up for grabs
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combined value 1.6 billion, we want to know what you would do with the money if you one, e-mail us at varney we might share your answers. if you do win you'll find relatives coming at you like you don't believe. next case, big cities expanding their vaccine rollout to younger patients. however, a lot of nursing homes in rural areas still have not gotten their jobs, we have a report from illinois coming up next. ♪ all i need is a miracle ♪ ♪ all i need is a miracle ♪ ♪ all they need is you ♪ ♪ all they need is a miracle ♪ ♪
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stuart: is pretty clear states are hitting a few snags and the vaccine rollout, 31 million doses have been delivered with
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just 12 million people have actually received a job. grady trimble at a long-term care facility in rockford illinois where there waiting to get their first round of doses. what do you have grady? >> they are and it might be several weeks before they get the first doses i want to show you the numbers for long-term care facilities in illinois it illustrates the problem, 66000 roughly doses have been administered so far but the state had allocated more than 300,000 doses of the vaccine for long-term care facilities like this one, unfortunately as jacqui o'keefe will tell you, you guys are still waiting, we were here if you weeks ago and no sign of when you would get the vaccine now they're telling you three weeks from now for the first dose even though your residents are among the most notable. >> that is true we did receive word that we will have our first
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vaccination clinic on february 11 but that's three and a half weeks away. >> what the holdup and how do we fix this to get the residence vaccinated. >> i'm not sure what the holdup is, regardless it's frustrating and what is important, hopefully everybody sees the urgency that the residents are feeling to get out of their apartment. >> just to point out at this assisted living facility, this is the dining hall and people thrive on socialization and they haven't really been able to use the space for a long time now, they are hoping to get those shots so they can get a little bit of normalcy back. stuart: wouldn't that be nice, get together, talk, conversations again, that is what you need, thank you very much indeed, take the vaccine maker, up and down all over the place and what they're doing today sum up, some down but these companies are hitting a snag with vaccines for children, what is going on?
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>> it is a big problem, pfizer and moderna have started their trials and teenagers but there seem to have trouble enrolling more of them, many parents believe why would we introduce a vaccine that has potential risks to a generally healthy population, the other issues young children, can you rolldown inoculation to two -year-olds, who is going to set the limit and what age will the be, for kids who have gotten infected with covid-19 the numbers in the u.s. are 2.2 million and 188 have died. as we talk about getting herd immunity, more people including kids are going to have to get a vaccine when it's available. stuart: which parent would allow their very young child, i hate to say guinea pig but a test run, a lot of parents would not be seen doing that. thank you. we've been showing you this los angeles times article, look at
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it again, make america california again, that is biden's plan, california is a mess, homelessness, blackouts, a surging virus why would anyone want that for the rest of the country the california expert larry elder will trying him on that one. larry is next. ♪
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i got a bike. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stuart: los angeles county is the first in the nation to surpass 1 million covid cases. larry elder is with us is morning. it seems like l.a. is out of control and a new strain was just discovered in los angeles. clearly it is a mess, you live there i think, don't you? >> i certainly do i live right in los angeles so i can vote for the mayor but the city has been a mess for a long time, the coronavirus just piled on city services are bad and underfunded the pension liability is underfunded, taxes are crazy, the prices of houses are much
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higher but with the stupid rules and regulations, california and l.a. have been a mess for very long time and that is the direction frankly the countries going yet, but harassed a woman from california who is obvious ago to be vice president will have a great deal of influence over joe biden and pushing to left-wing policies like we here have in california. stuart: some people say governor newsom bungled the vaccination rollout, what do you say. >> he had a lot of promises but i find all around the country, frank the what this shows you is the acidity of expecting government to complete the takeover healthcare which is what the democrats want, they want single-payer while complaining about the vaccine rollout vaccine that they did not believe will be possible within a short period of time that he came down and that is one reason in my opinion so many people are not ready they did not believe donald trump when he announced operation warp speed to have a vaccine developed by the end of last year they were
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wrong and they were not ready. stuart: is governor newsom going to be recalled, last time we checked the petition had i think over 1 million signatures, they need about 1.5 - 1.6, they will probably get there, are they going to get there? will he be replaced? >> as colin powell once said in a speech i went to the first time he said he got shot it opened up his nostrils, their nostrils are opened up, there will be enough signatures to put this issue on the ballot whether he gets recalled as a holdover ballgame because he remains enormously popular among democrats about 85% approval rating although generally his rating is gone down but as long as he has the approval rating among democrats that outnumber registered republican 3 - 1 he will probably be in good shape. stuart: i want to get back to this, i'm sure you see already but i'm going to show it to our
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viewers again the headline from the l.a. times make america california again. that is biden's plan that's what the los angeles times says. i have to tell you the rest of the country doesn't necessarily want to be like california. >> i sure hope not, ceo has been around for 16 years every single year california is rated the worst date in which to do business out of all of the states in america texas is pretty much always rated number one, you are right i don't think the rest of the country wants to be like california but much of it unfortunately does. stuart: we do hear you, were short on time but larry elder we will see you again real soon. >> see you next time. stuart: hollywood pushing back the release of even more blockbuster movies. ash, which may be. ashley: we are talking about mobius the spider-man spinoff that was scheduled for release in march, the already twice
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delay new james bond film no time to die new cinderella adaptation among many, many others, why, the third of u.s. theaters are open right now, they are at limited capacity, theater chain owners and studio executives had hoped for a robust return by spring, now even summer is considered optimistic and by the way with the theaters mostly closed or limited capacity the numbers of coming releases are going to be sold to streaming services through themselves are desperate for fresh new content, amazon paid 200 million for a movie at an action, an action for streaming services because of the backup of these films is a fascinating development that the theater chain has more misery. stuart: you are right, that is fascinating stuff, let's get to streaming, streaming services,
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they are facing what i believe is a brand-new problem, tell us. lauren: keeping their customers, all of your friends are talking about one show and let's say you can only get it on hulu you sign up for hulu and benj the show and cancel your subscription, a huge problem for the streaming service because they're spending so much money on content and needs to pay off in the end, they did a survey and they found in the last year basically half the people said they cancel at least one service and that figure had doubled from six month prior the more time we spend at home the more we watch the more we cancel. he used to be how many streaming services do you pay for in most people said three, now the answer is five and you can add one more to the list paramount plus is a new streaming service that will launch march 4 from viacom cbs. there is so much to choose from, gets confusing and expensive.
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stuart: another fascinating story, thank you very much. a quick check of the big board the rally is holding pretty solid up 144, janet yellen just said she believes capital gains should be taxed at some point. that is not news, the question is will they be taxed annually before you actually sell the make the gain. that is the question. more "varney" after this. ♪ . . and trulicity activates my body to release it, lowering my blood sugar from the first dose.
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>> huge lotto jackpots up for grabs this week. tonight's megamillions jackpot, 850 million. tomorrow's powerball, 730 million. ash, susan, lauren, first after you will, ashley, would you buy a ticket? ashley: yeah. yeah absolutely. i'm not going to put, not going to put my rent money on it, yeah, for some fun. stuart: lauren? lauren: never bought a lotto ticket in my life. my husband has a deal with everybody we know half, half, whoever wins. he bought a lot. stuart: susan, would you buy a ticket in these lotto drawings, and if you did and if you won, would you share it with the rest of us? >> let's all go half, half in, how about that? stuart: i'm in. i'm in. you buy the ticket.
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i do not know where to get them. well, we'll agree to differ on this again. maybe i will buy my first ever lottery ticket. maybe i won't. we'll see. thanks, everybody. great show. thanks for being with us one and all. my time is up. neil, it is yours. neil: i know not a one of them said they would share anything with you. that is kind of revealing. stuart: noticed that too. yeah, yeah. neil: take that. thank you, stuart, very, very much. we have a lot going on this last full day of the trump presidency. this will give us a chance to take a look at his economic record. some antics, tweets, notwithstanding, i'm watching a lot of media coverage of the trump years. one network saying the worst president of all time. looking at the market, economy before the pandemic and surge since the pandemic, i thought at the would


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