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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 21, 2021 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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maloney says quote, questions have been raised about parler's financing and its ties to russia end quote. got to tell you now, the ceo of parler, john matze joins us on this program. he will respond to that. john matze on this program. time's up for me. neil, it is yours. neil: thank you, stuart. that should be interesting, especially now looks like christopher wray fbi staying around. joe biden indicating he will keep him in office. how he will deal with all this. good stuff. stuart, look at minor selloff we have the corner of wall and broad. the records mr. in for joe biden not only starting today with the major averages all in record territory after hitting records yesterday, declining a little bit when it comes to the dow. from the point he was elected to the point he was inaugurated, no american president has had a good of run of things in that
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interim as joe biden. we'll get into that a little bit what that could portend. i should caution that very few presidents have seen this type after runup but jimmy carter came, very, very close. we know how all of that ended. i want to put it in some perspective for you. meantime we're keeping an eye on all of the executive orders. by my last count on the part of president biden, we're at 17. i know, i have added two directives to that essentially the same thing. president writes off on something he wants to see changed right away. all of that reversing the same executive orders, slash, directives we saw out of his predecessor. where is all this going? we'll explore that we have a republicans congresswoman from texas who is saying i want to work with the new administration but he does the darnedest things to stop me along the way. the latest retreat at border of former border officials who will be joining us to look what president biden proposes that at
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least in the case of the former acting attorney general matthew whitaker, he thinks that he should dispose of that notion right away. leon panetta with the read the biden administration is getting from everyone abroad, especially canada's prime minister, now that the biden white house has said that keystone pipeline, well it ain't happening. so much going on. edward lawrence keeping track of flury of executive directives, orders, whatever you want to call it. edward. reporter: we got to use our fingers and toes for all those executive orders. 17 yesterday. maybe 10 more today. they range from ramping up covid testing and vaccinations to tighten up work place safety rules. biden will fund more dollars to the states struggling with the pandemic and economic shutdowns. after a flury of executive orders yesterday, the biden added with the pen. that concerns republicans. listen to this.
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>> quite sure that members of his staff have gone through, said this is what we need to do on day one but it would be better if he actually consulted republicans, had serious, vigorous debate about issues before unleashing executive orders. reporter: he will invoke the defense production act to boost supplies needed to get vaccine shots in arms. it covers n95 masks, face shields and other protective equipment. take the masks, estimates from medical companies going into 2020 that u.s. needed 455 million. between july and september last year the u.s. imported 1.6 billion masks. that demand has not slowed. the u.s. under the trump administration was able to get enough through, increase production here in the u.s. and importing them mainly from china. now appears the biden administration wants to make more of that personal protective gear here in the united states. on vaccines one of the executive
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orders aim to partner with state and local governments to create large vaccination spots. the new administration loves mask mandates. today, one of the executive orders will extend the requirement after mask on airplanes, airports, trains, inner-city buses, something, neil already being done if you're out and about. back to you. neil: thank you, edward. appreciate that. let's go to gillian turner with the latest on some of the immigration policies including the wall hitting a wall. the president plans to stop it, right? reporter: i like how you put that neil. that was good. the wall hitting the wall. neil: yeah. reporter: one of the first things that president biden did as commander-in-chief when he arrived at 1600 pennsylvania avenue yesterday did focus on immigration. he signed a slew of executive orders that reversed some of the trump era key policies on immigration. and then last night the department of homeland security confirmed to fox news that they
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are announcing a 100 day pause in deportations for quote, thousands of certain non-citizens beginning tomorrow. now from day one this is what biden accomplished. construction of the southern border wall, stopped. reversal of the so-called muslim ban and moving to protect the children of undocumented immigrants. take a listen to what he said. >> we will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again. reporter: now the white house says that the moves signaled normalcy and decency for american's families. listen to jen psaki. >> it provides hard-working people who enriched our communities and lived here for decades an opportunity to get citizenship and ensure america is refuge for those fleeing prosecution. reporter: republican national security hawks are striking a very different tone on this same issue, they are saying that this
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mountain of new biden policies is going to ultimately spell catastrophe for most americans. listen to tom cotton. >> we're going to have illegal aliens taking jobs from americans at a time when we still have 10 million americans out of work. that is radical far left policy that the american people don't want. reporter: some of president trump's former homeland security officials sound almost panicked. >> the memo clearly says if you've been in this country since before november 1st of 2020, you are not to be removed. which means you can be in this country legally, convicted of child molestation, convicted of rape, and you won't be removed. there is moratorium on your removal. i never seen anything like this in my career. reporter: the big ticket item is of course draft legislation that the biden administration now. it creates a pathway to sill sendship for 11 million undocumented americans known as dreamers. essentially what it does create a pathway for them, such that
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each person could potentially become a full-fledged citizen in under eight years, neil. neil: all right. gillian, thank you very much. gillian turner in our nation's capital. bob cusack from "the hill." big cheese there, editor-in-chief. bob, so many executive orders, so little time. i don't know where these stack up historically but i do know as we go in modern day times from administration to administration it becomes sort of a stamp of the priorities of the new folks in town. we clearly see a lot of them on the part of joe biden. what do you make of just the sheer number and the approach he is taking? >> well, neil, i think the sheer number and the content, and there is going to be more in the coming days and weeks is really appeasing progressives because big ticket legislation that is going to be tough to get. so health care, on covid and masks as well as abortion,
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mexico city policy, they're all either been done or they're coming. so expect more of these. i know it doesn't sit well with republican as you know, neil, both sides have done it. neil: you know you're right. both sides have done it but normally when, you know, one side does it the other side complains, the roles were reversed four years ago, i get that but it does send a message, maybe a confusing one if you want to reach out to work with the opposition and then you ram, you know executive orders through one after another, republicans can't be faulted for thinking, well maybe he doesn't want to work with us? >> no. that is a fair point especially with also the impeachment trial. joe biden has deferred to nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. there is going to be trial at some point. we don't know exactly when. runs counter to biden's message of unity. so i think that is going to be trouble. remember lot of people on the left, neil, they don't want
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bipartisanship. they want to start off ramming every bill home, get rid of the filibuster, do budget reconciliation, ram bills home like obamacare around trump taxes. so biden has many, many challenges in the weeks ahead. neil: you know, you mentioned in this whole filibuster thing, bob, i think it is going away. i think it has been chipped away, over republican and democratic administrations alike. once it goes, then you need just simple majority for everything from approving a supreme court justice to major legislation, what is the distinction of the u.s. senate versus the house outside of the longer term? >> well you're certainly right, neil, it is chipping away with nominations and supreme court justices and democrats did start it and republicans did continue it. i think there is going to be at least some type of curb on the filibuster. i don't think they can get rid of it completely. again, if you get rid of it completely, number one, you have
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to have the votes. joe manchin is not fond of getting rid of filibuster, maybe on couple issues he would go forfeit republicans will block a lot of things that comes back to haunt you. republicans at some point will have control of the senate. the house is like the senate, you ram everything few on majority line votes. neil: you know, i know you and i generally askew talking about markets but you're a good read of things and the markets have been welcoming the stimulus they think is to come. in fact the bad news we come on jobless claims over 900,000 was deemed yet another reason to make sure generous stimulus gets through. they're counting on that but i'm looking at that 50-50 senate, bob, i'm wondering if they're getting healed of their stock skis. what do you think? >> yeah. i mean the market doesn't care much about the deficit or the debt. at least not now. i don't think anytime soon. neil: right. >> eventually you know, medicare is going bankrupt.
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social security is not in great financial shape. at some point congress will have to deal with this. but if history is any guide, they will deal with it at the late possible minute and it will be more expense system to fix. neil: bob, great continuing to get a read what will happen in our nation's capital. bob cusack, "the hill" editor-in-chief. we should let you know the first foreign leader phone call the president plans to take, i don't know who will initiate, with prime minister of canada trudeau. trudeau is not at all happy with joe biden's plan to nix the keystone pipeline. canada was counting on that for a lot of jobs and business. we'll talk with a number of people with various different views on this but it is the first hard signal that fossil fuels are not going to be very pop under this administration. that is what worries republican newly-elected congresswoman beth van dine who joins us from the
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beautiful state of texas. congresswoman, very good to have you. what do you make of this keystone move? it is not a shock. i think a lot of people were ready for it. the canadians are not happy about it. what do you think? >> you know i had signed on with 16 of my fellow freshmen, republican congressional members to work with the president. the last four years i've been very critical of democrats who spent their entire time fighting to try to undermine the actions of president trump. while president trump was trying to open the economy, while he was focused on national security, working on lowering unemployment rates, working on us competitive globally. i saw an entire party completely focused on impeachment, russian collusion, doing everything they could to stop the success of the president. i didn't want to be one of those. i wanted to reach out across the aisle, saying we need to work with you on issues. we need to work with you on issues like health care and make
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sure people with preexisting conditions are helped. we need to work on expanding our economy again to bring jobs back. i'm working on critical infrastructure projects. in the first day of joe biden's presidency what we saw him do was basically destroy much of the work that has been successful over the last four years. the keystone pipeline was key to that. i mean within one day, one signature of the pen, $1.6 billion in wages gone. thousands and thousands of jobs gone. at a time in this pandemic when we need them the most. he needs to bring republicans to the table to have these discussions because whoever is advising him right now is doing him no favors and is doing the american people no favor. he needs to know about how these policies are going to crush the working families, that so badly right now are looking at ways to put food on their table, to get back to work. none of this is helping them. it is hurting them. he needs republicans at the table to be able to have these
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discussions. neil: you know we've been so focused on senate, congresswoman, what will happen there in 50-50 senate. i think the real battle is in the house where you are, you know the edge that democrats have is barely double digits. i'm wondering how the house plays into this? you talk about you and more than a dozen colleagues similarly-minded want to work with him, a decision like this. all these executive orders that seem to indicate maybe different direction from what he is saying. so what will be your priority in dealing with him, especially when the issue of stimulus comes up, $1.9 trillion package. after that a hike in taxes on upper income and some companies then what? >> while, you know we reached out an olive branch to say we want to work together on policy issues. i said that all along. i will work with any adult in the room actually interested in rolling their sleeves up and working. i will not be shy being critical
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of policies that will crush the american economy, bad for our national security. i'm hopeful that you have a class of 45 new freshman republicans that have come to d.c. to do exactly that, to work for the american people. i think right now you see in leadership that we are going to be very vocal, very strong fighting for working families, fighting for extensions of options, not only job opportunities but options in health care so that people can pick and choose what best fits their families, what they can afford. but those are the things that are really the meat and potato issues. talking about right now you know, ending deportations for the next 100 days, think about what that is causing, just in my great state of texas. opening that up to drug cartels, to gang violence, to human trafficking, we need to help people right now who need it the most, we need to be targeted. we need to be timely. we need to make sure that that extension of policy is helping
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people. right now in one day alone, what i have seen is crushing policies that we're going to need to be vocal about. we'll also have to make sure we're bringing solutions to the table. i know i'm right now working on a number about bills to help voter integrity. we're working on ways of being able to incentivize critical manufacturing jobs, to come back here to make them more competitive globally. those are the things that i'm working on. i look forward to working with folks across the aisle that share those same concerns and dedicated to helping people that need it the most. neil: all right. congresswoman, thank you very much. beth van duyne. newly-elected, newly sworn in texas congresswoman on trying to work with a new administration. we'll see where that goes. a new administration will be later on outlining some of its covid plans which it hopes to find more bipartisan agreement there. it just might have a shot. stay with us. you are watching fox business.
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♪. neil: all right, the dow and s&p selling off a little today from record territory. all three averages by the way hit records on the first day of the biden presidency. the nasdaq though is bucking that trend today. it is up. one of the major averages up appreciably more than 14 points right now. so technology seems to be sprinting along just fine. liz peek on that. gary kaltbaum on that. gary what do you make of that, what technology is doing in the early hours, days of the biden administration? >> technology has been on a romp for a while and yesterday they woke up some of the megacap names that have been sitting pretty much dormant the last six months like google, amazon, apple and the like. so i don't make too much of it that biden is in. the big stuff is yet to come from president biden. that is tax policy and spending policy. so these executives orders i don't think are real market
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movers. my big worry remains the same, the debt and deficits that keep going. i have to say it again between the european central bank and jay powell they're printing $250 billion a month. that is helping markets and asset prices continue higher. i think the endgame is not going to be good news but so far so good. neil: it might be that central bank action, liz peek, that is prompting this enormous runup since election day for joe biden, of the strongest performance of a president from his election to his inauguration that we've ever seen, 2% uptick in the averages during that time. is it because of the stimulus that is coming, because as gary talked about, what the federal reserve plans to do to backstop him, what? >> well i think it is all of the above. we have an unprecedented five
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trillion dollar increase in government spending over the past two years in the u.s. clearly as the virus has now hooked down in terms of number of cases, the economy begins to open up, that flood of spending is going to spur very good growth and gary is totally right. not just in the u.s. we also have a 10 trillion-dollar expansion of balance sheets in terms of a bank of, our own central bank and also the oecd banks. so you have huge stimulus around the world. the world's awash in money. and let's face it, neil, who backed the biden presidency? big business and big tech. so, they're clearly banking on some payback. they're also banking on congress being a restraint on more extreme measures joe biden might want to push through in terms of taxation. so right now, with fed chair powell behind us, and janet
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yellen calling for no increase in rates, my gosh, what could investors be worried about. i think gary is right. at some point the boom is lowered. we can't be spending all this money forever. they will have to begin to pull it back. that will be a very difficult time. but right now, all of the signals are very strong. neil: well, stocks, that signal to your point, liz, is very, very strong. gary, i'm look at a 10-year note yielding 1.1%. i keep repeating that. we say, oh, my god, there is inflation around the corner. it is noteworthy, it had gotten below .7% for last year. i'm wonder what both markets are telegraphing. pup in activity, leave it at that -- pick up in activity or something more, what is it? >> the markets are run by jay powell, he let the interest rates on the long end, believe it or not he is letting interest rates on the long end back up. that is what i would call the virus trade. it started the first week in
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november. as soon as the virus, the vaccine trade was announced, all of the areas that were dead money started lifting. that is the energy, the financials, commodities, and the like. interest rates on the long end. i think that continues as the vaccine gets, you know, put out there and as we get past it. leave no doubt. there is going to be some pent-up demand for economic spending by the consumer going forward. it's a matter of how long it lasts. again, my big worry goes back to the market. there is so much froth and speculation. market doesn't even care about whether a company has sales now, neil. the biggest movers of the last couple months are companies with no sales put on the market through these spacs, these blind pools. i again i think it will be a comeuppance in that. neil: real quick, liz. goldman, jpmorgan, host of others are saying, this is still
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an affordable market. i'm interpreting that, because they think valuations could go higher to be reflected with catchup where this market run up has shown us. what do you make of that? >> i think valuations are pretty lofty at the moment. there is a connection to interest rates. the fact that interest rates might begin to inch slightly higher as gary points out on the long end, i think that argues against higher valuations, neil. i think pretty much all, the only variable right now is that estimates are going up for s&p earnings, usually the case during earnings season. people are ever more optimistic that this whole stimulating of the economy is going to better earnings. again, let's not ignore the fact that the number of covid cases has hooked down across the united states. which means opening up various states like california, new york. really, there is a pretty big jet way right now for earnings increases. but to your point, i would not
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ignore inflation. commodities prices have been going steadily higher. there are other indications in terms of prices of various kinds of equipment and so forth, that is beginning to funnel into end pricing. i think that could be a surprise in the second half? neil: we'll watch it closely. you guys are back a little later in the show. thank you in the meantime very much. there were no problems or incidents at the nation's capital yesterday, through last night, fireworks, all of that. that is a relief, right? unfortunately that was in the u.s. capital. when it comes to other cities across the country, not so much.
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neil: here is good news t was safe in the nation's capital. 25,000 plus guard troops kept things as safe as they could be. it ended up being a flawless
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inauguration. everything went okay. everyone was happy. when it comes to places like denver, seattle, the to land, not so much. not a lot of general media coverage of this, but there were uprisings there but not from the folks you would generally think. dan springer with more in seattle. hey, dan. reporter: yeah, hey, neil. antifa, and the anarchists in the pacific northwest did not get the memo about unity. in fact they didn't want to turn down the temperature what they saw yesterday. they want the temperature to be raised with the biden administration. portland got the worst of it so far with two separate violent protests. the first one kicked off, when 150 people confronted two police officers on bikes without respect or fear of the police officers. they tried to block them leaving the area. taunting them that led to a big police response. the rioters broke windows at businesses and ore fon democratic party office, making
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it clear they oppose the biden administration just as much as they did president trump. federal police used tear gas. portland police con cities indicated weapons, and made at least arrests n seattle the anti-capitalism, anti-biden protest started at the federal building which houses immigration customs enforcement but spread through downtown with a besieged downtown, blocking traffic, burning an american flag in the street, smashing windows at businesses including amazon and starbucks, spray painting several buildings. police made three arrests. we have seen workers removing something they have done in a lot in the city with the violence over the lagslast six months. in denver 50 people protested president biden by marching and burning the american flag on the steps of the state capital. this was definitely not the threat of violence that the fbi had warned about. capitals around the country as you mentioned at the top were on high alert for pro-trump
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protesters, right-wing protesters, armed showing up at capitals and causing violence. that did not happen anywhere. the only violence we saw yesterday was from the far left. by the way, neil, one last point, we have been looking for, not finding any condemnation of the violence in portland or seattle from any of the elected officials in these two cities. neil? neil: incredible. dan, great reporting my friend. dan springer in middle of all of in seattle. matthew whitaker, former attorney attorney with us. what do you make of that? >> this is disappointing. political violence is not the solution. it is not the tradition of our great country. what happened on january 6th should be condemned. what is happening all summer in some of these cities should be condemned. but it seems like on the one hand republicans have condemned all political violence and people on the left sometimes are
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unwilling to condemn those that they believe are supporting their cause. this is what you end up with, these violent an arc differents that don't support either side. in fact they support the destruction of united states of america and our way of life. it is a shame. these politicians need to get control of this in these cities, otherwise it will just continue. people are going to leave, families are not going to be safe. neil: i do suspect if this were a pro-trump group doing this, in any all cities, coverage might have been different. back to those who were behind it? they seem to hold joe biden with little regard they did with donald trump. they seem to think he is too aligned with institutional capitalism and the like, the type of approach, remember they used to have at these world bank and international monetary gatherings we would see around the world years ago. they're just anti-anything establishment. how do we deal with that?
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>> well, it is difficult, because it is an ideology, something they believe in their soul. they are against the american way of business. this is entrepreneurship, this is, you know, kind of the access to capital, destruction of capital when it is not as productive as it could be for another opportunity. so neil, i think to some extent, in these cities, especially in the pacific northwest, there are just these violent radicals that are, that are don't believe in our way of life. i don't know how you combat that. maybe the term reprograming should be used? that only applies to those of us on the right that supported president trump this is the thing where especially these local mayors and police chiefs need to do a better job of getting control of the violence. neil: uprising is an uprising. when people's safety is threatened, you know you're free to protest. you're not free to harm. but leaving that aside, matt, i'm curious, what you make of
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the early moves of the biden administration, especially, some of these moves regarding the border and immigrants and all the rest? your concerns? >> while i was at the department of justice in the first couple of years of this administration, we worked very hard on you know, making the system of immigration work for the american people. one of those was to obviously harden the border and to enforce the laws that were already on the books. i don't think it sends the right message to those that want to enter our country illegally. some of these moves that the biden administration is making on day one of, you know, undoing the border wall for example, that the border patrol wants to help them do their job i think is very dangerous. as you see with the caravans that are trying to make their way to our country, i think this is sending the wrong message to those that want to enter our country illegally. we are the most generous country, neil, as you know,
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admits over a million people a year to permanent legal status in our country. we'll continue that. we need to get the best and brightest from around the world to become american. so they can contribute to our great country. ultimately it has to be organized. it has to serve of the american interests. having unregulated immigration is not the solution. i fear that's the direction we're heading with this biden administration. neil: still early. we'll see. matt whitaker, former acting attorney general, a very divisive time in our country's history. not a divisive time in our markets. the dow and s&p might be falling back a little bit from records. s&p, nasdaq are going at a record. small stocks doing pretty well. they too in and out of records. we're on top of all of this.
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♪. neil: all right. it is his first full day as private citizen of the united states. we're talking of course about donald j. trump right now. phil keating in palm beach florida, with how it is going thus far. hey, phil? reporter: neil, yes the former 45th president of the united states, now a private citizen what used to be called the winter white house on palm beach. since the president no longer has a press travel pool nolling all of his movements nor has any
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social media accounts it makes it difficult what he is up to right now. much more difficult. one of the last views publicly of donald trump as he was still president was through the windows as the motorcade drove very slowly down the road wed from the west palm beach internation airport to mar-a-lago. slow driving shows hundreds of die-hard supporters could wave and cheer for him one last time. there are still plenty of people who do not want this to be the last time. we spoke with sid, who chaired the palm beach county republican party for a decade. remains quite active in republican politics, posting weekly columns on-line. the republican party will have its weekly dinner at mar-a-lago this april. it's a big fund-raiser. former president trump has attended in the past which hopes happens again this year. >> what we would like to see happen is, like to see him open
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his campaign account, like the day he gets there, for 2024 because then you have the regulatory infrastructure in place that you can go around raising money instead of just going around making speeches. reporter: you want him to run again? >> of course. every republican does. he is holding 90% of the republicans. biden is not holding 90% of the democrats, not even close. reporter: president trump, then president trump left joint base andrews yesterday morning. he told the crowd of supporters that were there, quote, we'll be seeing you soon. still unclear exactly what that means. but a lot of republicans, especially here in palm beach county hope that means trump does not fade off into the sunset but possibly runs again in 2024. neil? neil: all right, phil keating thank you very much, my friend. meantime keeping track what his
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successor is up to, we do know that joe biden has been busy with executive orders and directives, the most popular which, anything that puts off you know, having to pay your rent for college kids to have to pay anymore on their college loans. this is causing a bit africa nun drum though in washington. who gets relief and who doesn't? ♪. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage.
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♪. reporter: welcome back to "cavuto: coast to coast." i'm kristina partsinevelos in new york city. president biden's push to extend the eviction moratorium is now until march 31st. there is no doubt americans are struggling with one in five falling behind in their rent payments however a eviction moratorium does leave unintended consequences particularly for landlords who feel they are left out of the equation. i'm not talking about the big real estate companies. but i'm talking about small
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mom-and-pop landlords that own private property and rely on the rental properties as their main source of income. it is estimated that tenants own one billion dollars in rent payments. that mean as loss of income for landlords. landlords last month had operating losses or operating income down 22% and operates expenses up 11%. that is an equation that clearly costs landlords thousands of dollars each month. >> it always been a problem tenant even before the covid. >> we're supposed to still maintain paying taxes, mortgages, insurances, and also the at same time fix the house when ever something breaks. >> we can't survive without income. i look at it, you know, this is our personal property. reporter: those are just, just three examples. i spoke to so many landlords going through the same situation where they feel some tenants are taking advantage of the eviction
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moratorium. online, all you have to do is fill out one form, a financial hardship form. you don't have to prove any loss of income. unfortunately a lot of landlords feel they're lift out of the equation, and they're struggling to pay their own mortgages. neil? neil: we don't hear that story a lot, kristina. great reporting, thank you very, very much. reaction back with us, liz peek, gary kaltbaum. this will be a trend i suspect, liz. there is already talk about you know, stopping, you know, and allowing kids to stop student loan payments until they figure out the whole student loan dilemma. maybe that leads to forgiving them. all this other stuff. i am wondering where it is going? >> i think the question is where does it end, neil. the concern about student loans is sort of misplaced in my view. there is no doubt there is a generation that ended up being behind the eight ball financially, unable to buy a home, unable to move out of their parents house, et cetera,
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studies have shown that brookings institute that had much more to do with the great recession, coming out of college at a time where people couldn't get a good job. than borrowing going to college. first of all, only 6% owe over $100,000. the idea everyone comes out with massive debt loads is simply not true. most people go to college, most people borrow money, most people pay it back because college graduates even now, even in this last several years, really during that financial crisis, still earn on average a million dollars more than people who didn't go to college. so i think, you know, sort of wiping out student loans is a really not a very good use of federal spending or federal relief. there are people who need it more. it is sort of a blanket kind of disturbance or dysequalibrium in a market already very
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complicated. i think this could be a big mistake. neil: you could make the argument more you forgive the colleges could be unforgivable and ratchet up prices. besides the pandemic, if you're helping people out, giving loans, obligations, postponing them, you're providing ample wind to these colleges to do what they always do, jacking up the price. >> that is what is going on for years. when you guarranty no matter what you guarranty jacking up prices infinitum. that the is outcome of all of this. the problem with all of this, kristina had a great report on moratoriums renters there is other side of the trade. there is the other side of the people lending the money. the other part of the equation i'm worried about, if they want to do all the forgiving on student loans, there is a lot of wealthy parents cosigning these
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loans for are thrilled with all of this. for a president wants to raise taxes what he calls the wealthy, he will be giving goods to the wealthy if he does that i think it is a mistake. you're also telling all the people that paid back their loans, ha, ha, tough luck, you did the right thing but your timing was off. neil: i want to thank you. apologize for cutting off time. doing this to you a lot. it is not personal, believe me. let's take a real quick look at the dow. we're down 4points. technology stocks are having a good run right now. the worst claims look, with 26,000 jobs filed latest week, bad as it is, some were expecting it was even worse. the thinking of the reverse logic, as awful as a report that is, it means stimulus is indeed coming. it will be more generous than we thought. maybe not entire two trillion dollars wants but joe biden wan.
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that is the thinking on wall and broad. the worse the numbers look the better that stimulus looks. as we back away from the st. patrick's cathedral, you wonder if the economy has a prayer. ♪
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neil: all right, as we take a look at what's going on in washington, dealing with covid and the goal of the part of the new administration to get 100 million vaccines out in the first 100 days, fear is spreading even among like-minded parties. in new jersey we're getting word that lawmakers are holding a hearing on a man to compel governor phil murphy to make a big change to his management of the coronavirus. it's led by key democratic lawmakers who are saying they have to look at all potential options not only the effort in the state, but the effect of business closures and dining and all of that could come back to haunt the state. they want more flexibility, but all of this vaccine availability gets to be a huge issue. who knows that better right now than, well, new arely-minted president of the united states, joe biden, who's going to be addressing this issue on the role, for example, that an amazon might play to help get those vaccinations out. edward lawrence in washington with all these fast-moving
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developments. >> reporter: hey, neil. president joe biden will speak in about an hour about how his administration plans to tackle the coronavirus. the vice president will be there as he talks about the importance of the flurry of executive orders that he's making. now, they will range from creating a covid-19 testing board, clear guy dance on how to re-- guidance on how to reopen schools. the president is expected to talk about his order for the defense production act. i'm hearing he will prioritize drugmakers to produce the vaccine and put u.s. over other clients. today house speaker nancy pelosi also claiming the trump administration did not have a real plan for production and distribution. >> now we find that they don't -- they didn't even have a plan. as we go forward though, we see immediately that joe biden has -- president biden -- has put forth a plan to crush the
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coronavirus. >> reporter: robert redfield says operation warp speed is the only reason we have a vaccine, and almost 1 million americans a day being vaccinated. republicans say these executive orders need more reaching out in the name of unity that the president calls for. >> i think the scale of joe biden's executive orders, the impact they have on americans is pretty smart. the president preached unity -- >> reporter: now amazon serving a letter saying that it has an arrangement with licensed professionals to deliver the vaccine at their facilities. the company hinting it could vaccinate its own 800,000 employee ares and then help with a national rollout. the trump administration did not get that same offer, but a senior operation warp speed official tells me that they were never doing a federal rollout anyway. still, amazon i trying to get
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favor, possibly, with a biden administration. back to you. neil: all right. edward lawrence, thank you very much. dr. marty makary with us right now, johns hopkins university professor of public health. the price we pay, best selling author. doctor, what do you make of this move now to coordinate policy among the states to get the vaccine out in some states doing okay, others not nearly as much. >> well, i think we're seeing what a bureaucracy looks like. you know, many people have said if we just simply streamlined things and made it more simple, then we would get more people over 65 immunized. and remember, 80% of the deaths are in people over 65. that's only about 50 million americans. now, maybe 10 million of them will never get the vaccine, they'll just refuse, or it'll be too difficult to consent them. getting 40-45 million people immunized to reduce that mortality rate by over 80% is not a hard task. do we want to spend another $400 billion, as biden as proposed,
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on the distribution. is the problem really the supply, or is it the distribution being streamlined versus complex. neil: you know, people get frustrated, maybe rightly so, doctor, on the pace of all of this. businesses that remain closed, dining facilities that are on life support themselves. in new jersey fights among even democrats, the democratic governor and the leaders of the democratic legislature who are saying you've got to show more flexibility here. people are at wit's end here, aren't they? >> the good news, neil, is we are about to experience a significant deceleration in the pandemic. we have already seen a 25% reduction in the seven-day moving average of daily new cases over the last 12 days. we peaked about two weeks ago, neil. and so, you know, it wasn't a good way to get to where we are, unfortunately, we are going to see this deceleration because so many people have gotten the infection, and they've got some
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natural immunity. we're going to supplement that with vaccinated immunity. but i would caution against anybody politicizing what is already a massive deceleration and what will probably be a rapid decline in the virus over the next couple months. neil: now, i know hospitalizations and, tragically, deaths are more lagging indicators, but what do you expect on that front? >> well, we're starting to see a stabilization in hospitalizations, which is good because typically that's a three week lag are, and we're about two weeks off the peak. so, look, it's been a tough run, but i think at this point the end is in sight. i would say that, at the same time i would tell people don't let down can your guard and continue to take it seriously, especially with the new vie variants that may be more contagious. neil: among the executive orders signed by president biden, one that will require masks on federal lands, even federal contractors driving to and from,
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what do you make of that, and how helpful will it be? >> here's my take on it, neil. the more talk about masks, the better. the more pimassinged, the better. -- masked, the better. i think the benefit is almost negligible in outdoor areas, but you know what? we need to stop arguing about masks and recognize we've got about 2-3 months to go, and the more talk about masking especially for implications indoors, the better. neil: you know, there was some gentle ribbing of bill clinton at the inauguration yesterday where he let his mask slip below his nose. the rule of thumb on that, you have to cover the mouth, you have to cover the nose. a lot of people are tired of that. a lot of older people in w -arhoar amar i jgege bu they thor fttha tt. msouida ge, g dtor,ton veeconds,ds,t w y sou?ou?
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>> how > doou e ylainxpla t f at pthots ands anan fghtli atndane lore rateat ionctnhanha the - t l -- l rower i ition iti than than theheenen ?u itecec oecfas.ks d you youxp ein alainlalalabeao he tair hrfff 50 peoe,pl iplpl usecausheca t wyallllearilng s. i think whieeeee t t s ttop argg d mas mng foror a ilalilightorle me month mon mon ll sd. s s s mouth andh nose.ose.ose. door,ou,e a,o-nsennsns y,e apecapap t yo cal 'alemem as youee 'em. ' dr. marty makary, "the price we pay," and i think that could extend to the politics we play. pennsylvania republican congress joins us right now. congressman, if the good doctor is right -- and no need to doubt him, he's the best out here -- when he says he sees a turning points and that the tyke cycle is turning in cases, hospitalizations and, hopefully in time, deaths, it could be happening right we neither us,
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we're just with not seeing it or appreciating it. what do you think? >> well, i'm happy to hear that. we all want to see this thing flatten and get around this new peak that has developed. so let's keep going. let's do the things that need to be done to have a safe work environment, safely go back to schools. if it's masks, so be it. one of the biggest problems with masks were that people felt they were being directed to and being imposed on their liberties, if you will, rather than saying, hey, this is what's necessary. let's truly do all of this together. and if we do this, then we can, in fact, open smarter and safer and truly be in all this together. i think there were some leadership issues, but sure it got political, and that's too bad. but let's be happy about where things are going and move forward safely and smartliment. neil: -- smartly. neil: you know, doctor, your -- congressman, you're far more familiar with the pace of all of
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this, but the biden administration is coming in and the prior administration had no plan to deal with the virus. and i'm thinking to myself, well, there was operation warp speed, that was a plan that got these vaccines out pretty quickly. what did you make of this back and forth in. >> well, look, there was, of course, a plan. it was criticized. there were a number of mistakes made on the state level, on the federal level. you know, president biden has now laid out some of these eos, some of these executive orders. nobody really likes executive orders. it's easy to beat up on them. but many of them are in line with opening safely. they're not about closing, right? they are about opening the economy, doing the things that are necessary, more vaccine distribution. certainly, a couple of executive orders from yesterday shutting down the keystone pipeline, to me, was very much the wrong move. that's not a positive lean-forward plan. but let's embrace those that
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really do make sense in the end. a number of news are going to require legislation -- of these are going to require legislation. we've got to look forward, right? we've got to be part of opening safely, getting the vaccines out, investing where necessary, be part of recovery, and we have a close majority in the house, 50-50 in the senate. maybe we can work together. you know, president biden can weigh in here a lot how united we actually can be and move forward together. neil: all right. we'll see what happens. congressman, great catching up with you. i do appreciate it, sir. >> you too. neil: we're 24 hours into a biden administration, where that puts the wall street community. the read on how the markets are digesting all of that that and particular technology companies. after this. ♪ would --
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♪ ♪
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neil: all right, major averages coming off their highs, not by much. the nasdaq doing just fine. you can thank technology for a second day running. susan li following all of that. >> reporter: hey, neil. after all the talk of antitrust break-ups, section 230 and higher taxes, tech continues to go up and up. the nasdaq hitting another record high today powered by the biggest tech companies around, so the apples, amazon, microsoft, facebook and google. and apple, according to analysts this morning, is worth $152 over at morgan stanley. wall street bullish heading into apple's earnings next wednesday with. people are predicting some blockbuster iphone 12 sales. amazon, apparently -- according to bank of america -- is worth over $4,000. and then google's worth over $2,000 over at piper sandler and facebook's a $275 stock. heading into this new administration, democrats were voicing concerns over the size and influence of big technology companies. but look at apple now, worth $2.2 trillion and counting, and
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these five companies -- amazon, apple, microsoft, alphabet, facebook -- are now worth a quarter of the s&p 500. that's the most influence since 1990 by just a handful of companies. by the way, apple, microsoft, facebook all reporting earnings next week, so at least you get a sense of how they're doing early on in the reporting season. let's check in on bitcoin, something that a lot of people are talking about, lot of buzz, of course, in the stock market, and bitcoin is trading at three week lows, barely above $30,000 at this point. wiping out $100 billion in cryptocurrency market. and there is concern over more government oversight. >> cryptocurrencies are a particular concern. i think many are used, at least in the transactions sense, mainly for illicit financing, and i think we really need to examine ways in which we can curtail their use and make sure that anti-money laundering
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doesn't occur through those channels. >> incoming treasury secretary janet yellen is saying that has a lot of cryptotraders maybe retrading their investments a little bit. also, by the way, we know that cryptocurrency and bitcoin is going more mainstream. blackrock, $8 trillion under asset management, they say they're going to start offering bitcoin trading available in two of their funds. so maybe the bitcoin bonanza isn't over, but you have to look over your shoulder if the government is going to step in. neil? neil: yeah. i love what you were saying on varney about this. you know, it's a risky investment. you could go to zero, that's always a possibility. >> it could go to zero. the watchdog has said that. neil: well put. susan li, thank you very, very much. charlie gasparino is us right now and market reaction to all these developments including the first few hours of a biden administration that so far is
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pleasing the corner of wall and broad. but let's get the read from charlie. good to see you, my friend. what have you got? >> thanks, neil. a couple things. gary gensler, the incoming sec chief, has put cracking down on cryptocurrency use right at the top of his agenda. it's not going to be so much janet yellenen doing that, it will be gensler. he's been academically interested in that for a long time when he was teaching at mit, and from what i understand, that's what he's going for. and by the way, i don't think bitcoin's going to zero anytime soon, just so you know. there's a lot of interest in this stuff, but there's also a lot of froth. in terms of what's on biden's agenda, we're starting to get some sort of feel right now how he's going to approach his very ambitious goals which was covid still the plus now and possibly tax increases later and an infrastructure plan. and i'm getting this from my wall street sources who are donors to biden who are getting this from his senior people, so it's good information.
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it's clearly a snapshot, it's clearly early, but this is really happening. they concede that the divided congress is squeezing his options. you can only use reconciliation, that means 51 votes, once a year. so they would like to do the covid stimulus plan with some republicans and maybe, you know, something like getting the 60 votes. in order to go that route -- and even getting 51 votes given joe manchin's more conservative leanings, that's the west virginia democrat, they're going to have to pare this thing back. it's not going to be $1.9, it's probably going to be pared down to pretty much essentials. if you look at the bill itself, there's a lot of stuff about voting rights and extraneous stuff. there'll be covid relief, from what i understand, is the main priority and checks to people. another thing that's kind of, that's going to go by the wayside will probably be minimum wage hikes. it's difficult to get through right now given the way congress
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is divided. and we're not just talking about the senate. the house, there's plenty -- given, clearly the house is run by the democrats, but republicans made significant gains. combine that with democrats, and it could foil some of biden's agenda, and they they concede t. the other thing that's interesting, neil, is tax increases. obviously, joe biden ran on a number of tax increases, corporate tax the increases, raising the upper rate on people who make more than $400,000 a year. from what i understand, they want to do that towards the end of the year,, and they want to link it to something they can sell it with, and from what i understand, that's an infrastructure spending plan. again, that will come later in the year when we're into the next, essentially, fiscal year, september of october. it's still this year, technically this year, but it's the next fiscal year, and they can do that, again, through reconciliation with 51 votes. but again, joe manchin, he's there, and there's some
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conservative democrats that may not want to go, may not go for if everything. so that's the whole thing, neil. and it's fascinating that people are talking about off-year elections already are, how the republicans take control of the senate and possibly the house because they the, there's razor thin majorities in the democrats in both. and one way you hear people talking about it is if biden jumps the gun, goes too heavy on spending or he jumps the gun on tax increases and starts increasing taxes when maybe the economy hasn't fully recovered from the covid lockdowns and then sinks us back into maybe another economic downturn. that is not good. so there's a lot of moving parts here. and i think that's why the markets are generally favorable right nowment we are seeing, neil, the impact of divided government. it moves, stuff moves slow. there is no blank check for an agenda in a biden administration as there was really for donald trump in his first year.
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republicans really controlled both houses by decent majorities, republican president, they were going to get tough through. they couldn't get through obamacare, but they got through taxes and deregulation. this is a little different because this is very divided government. and as you know, neil, wall street loves divided government. back to you. neil: so very quickly, what you're saying is the likelihood of those tax hikes, at least among some you talk to, isn't going to happen immediately. >> not immediately. i hear it's going to be -- the plan right now is to tie it to infrastructure, to do it towards the end of the year in the next fiscal year where you could theoretically get it through with reconciliation. you don't want to keep using your reconciliation button. you get one a year, okay? neil: blow up the filibuster and make it a moot point. you could blow up the filibuster, right? >> can they blow up the filibuster? joe manchin says no. [laughter] i'm telling you, divided government is, is an interesting thing to watch.
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and we saw it in the obama years where there was constant haggling over budgets and taxes and things of that nature. and you might get that here. well, you're likely to get that here as well. the biden people that i talk to openly concede this. they can't ram stuff through that easy. neil: yeah. it's very tough when it's that close. thank you, my friend. charlie gasparino, he was touching on infrastructure. by the way, pete buttigieg has just wrapped up his confirmation hearing. he is the president's pick to be the transportation secretary, but among some of the things he was saying, i'm very, very confident we can work with together to improve our nation's infrastructure. working together we could yield some positive results for the economy. that is where, apparently, republicans and democrats are increasingly finding common ground. we're on top of that. ♪
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(ringing) - hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good, guess what, i just had my 13th surgery. - really?
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i just had my 17th surgery. - well, you beat me. - well, i am a little bit older than you. - yeah it's true. how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these. - kind of like how shriners hospitals for children is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened. - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care kids like us who need them most all because of caring people like you. - like me? - no, the people watching us right now at home. - oh, those people. hi people. - kaleb and i know not everyone can help right now, but for those of you who can, we hope you'll this special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors and nurses can keep helping kids like us, who need them now and in the days to come. - your gift will make a huge difference for kids like us.
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- ooh, ooh, show them them the thank you gift. - okay, okay, hold on a second. with your gift of $19 a month we'll send you this adorable, love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy, good job. - my pleasure captain. please call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently, or you can go to to give right away. - [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling)
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muck if♪ neil: all right, undeniable in the early biden administration, no more wall construction, and deportations, well, they freeze for at least the next 100 days. count brandon judd concerned, the national border patrol council president. very good to have you. what do you make of just these two early biden directives? >> they're concerning. and when you look at what's currently happening in realtime on the border right now, today several of our agents in the tucson sector took into custody 24 una accompanieded minors from guatemala. so we're already seeing that effect of this rhetoric and the policies that are going to be passed. and if we don't get a handle on
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that, there's going to be serious trouble. this is going to be trouble going forward. the one good, and the reason why i'm optimistic is he did appoint or he has nominated a very good secretary for dhs, a secretary that understands policies affect border security. and if mayorkas, when he gets confirmed and he steps in and takes a look at this and looks at, okay, how are we going to get rid of the trump policies, but what policies are we going to put in place to effectuate the same thing that the trump administration accomplished. and if we can do that, then we can still maintain border security, but there is absolutely reason to be concerned. neil: you know, brandon, i don't know where you stand on this honduran caravan, they're calling this, making its way to the united states, that it was triggered by the switch in administrations. others argue that's not the case, that this was between
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soldiers there, guatemalans and hondurans, escalated to the point that had nothing to do with biden coming in, but everything to do with, you know, tensions and troubles south of our border that are going to escalate. so regardless who's in the white house, that will lead to more coming to the border. what do you make of that? >> there is no secret that the moment biden won the presidency that organized crime went into countries like el salvador, honduras and guatemala and started advertising their product, started advertising that they could get them to the united states and that if they got to the united states, they would then be release into the united states. that is not a secret. this violence that is currently going on in honduras has been going on for a long, long time. it was going on during the trump administration, and we didn't see that because the trump administration put in policies that stopped these caravans from
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coming, that stopped these people from crossing our borders illegally and claiming asylum are. he put a stop to that, and we have to look at those policies and say he did a great job from a policy perspective, and he controlled our borders. neil: all right. we'll see how this develops, brandon. thank you for taking the time. brandon judd, national border patrol council president. we're keeping track of a few things but always trying to glean the trend of some of these pronouncements the biden administration has been making and these executive orders. one thing is clear, between rejoining paris climate accord and once again signaling to the world that we're back together with working with the world, the new world order is kind of back to the old world order. leon panetta on that after this. ♪ -- this town tonight. ♪ i'm gonna run this town tonight. ♪ we gonna run this town ♪♪
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neil: you might call this when publishers attack, not only singling out those who might have anything to do with the instigations that led to the riot on the capitol, but now better than 250 administration officials or those with serious ties to donald trump. jackie deangelis has more. >> reporter: good afternoon, neil. when simon & schuster said it wouldn't publish senator josh or hawley's book -- josh hawley's book, it definitely raised eyebrows, especially from regnery publishing who's now publishing this book. blacklisting conservative no, sir is becoming a new norm in the -- authors is becoming a new norm in publishing.
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>> there's another consideration that's growing in publishers' minds, and that is does this author have some affiliation that we don't like. and that's called blacklisting. that's what happened to him with the original publisher. >> reporter: now, this is a fiery debate that's getting even hotter. on the right, the right is saying that the left is only going to condone speech that it agrees with, and we've got other examples that we've been talking about like president trump being banned on twitter, parler, for example, being kicked off the internet. spence penned an op-ed in the "wall street journal" explaining this further where he talked about the 250 self-described publishing professionals, mostly junior employees of major houses. they issued a statement titled no book deals for traitors, and in this statement there is a category where any participant in the trump administration is included. now, the irony here, and i'm making a turn but stay with me, is that president biden yesterday made sure to issue an executive order to reenter the paris climate agreement. but there's also a mandate with
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that to teach green activism in schools meaning all children must learn about climate change. then you've got these liberal commentators who are basically saying that certain parts of the population needs to be deprogrammed. those are trump supporters, neil. so on the right they're asking whose right is it to prescribe what kind of messaging is out there for us and for our children, and the right is asking the question isn't this america? aren't we entitled to free speech? it's a debate we're going to continue to have. neil: yeah. he himself has not addressed any of this. curious, his views on that. jackie, thank you very, very much. with us right now is leon panetta, former white house chief of staff, former defense secretary. leon, very good to have you. what do you make of this, you know, zeroing in on the right and the language, reprogramming and all this? i know these are not statements comeing from joe biden himself, but do you think he needs to address that in the case of publishers who now sort of wiped
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out 200 plus officials who might be entertaining a book from serving in the trump administration? is all this going a bit too far? >> well, my sense is joe biden believes in our constitution, believes in free speech, and for that reason i think would probably say that everybody has a right to be able to express their views. i think that's, that's the right course. i think our country is stronger when everybody has the ability to say what they think. neil: all right. i appreciate your patience, but when publishers line up and say these 250 plus officials, we're not going to accept or even entertain books from them, is that going too far? >> well, you know, again, there are going to be individuals that
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make those kinds of decisions. ultimately, in our system of government, our system system of laws the courts will ultimately decide whether they have the right to do that. and i think that's probably where these kinds of cases are going to wind up. i do think it's important to keep an open mind, to let people have the opportunity to express themselves. you know, i think the message from biden yesterday is that we have to take the time to listen to each other, to listen to their views and not to, not to create outrage every moment, every day, but try to listen and try to work together. and i think that's a basic message we all ought to pay attention to. neil: all right. there's a concept for you. while i have you here, we're just with learning that the senate armed services committee has gone ahead to advance
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four-star general auction, his waiver nomination -- austin, his waiver nomination, waiver to allow him to serve as secretary of defense because he hadn't been out of a military uniform long enough. what do you think about that? >> as secretary of defense, lloyd austin worked for me as a commander not only in iraq, but as commander of centcom, one of the important commands that we have. he's a good man. he's very experienced. he's very qualified. and i think he will do a great job as secretary of defense. so i'm pleased. i had the honor to introduce him to the armed services committee and to stress how important it is that he be able to move forward. and i also stress thed the fact that -- stressed the fact that he really does believe in civilian leadership. yeah, he's a military officer, but we've had military officers like eisenhower and george marshall and george
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washington -- neil: yeah. >> -- all of whom stepped down and took over on civilian jobs. so i feel confident that lloyd will follow many that great tradition. neil: in fact, rumor has it you served with general josh washington, right in -- george washington. [laughter] >> yeah, i was one of the few italians -- [laughter] neil: can you imagine? yeah. i want to get your take on the early read we're getting from joe biden that the new club is kind of like the old club. we're back in the global club when it comes to the president wanting to rejoin the world health organization when, you know, donald trump wanted to sever that relationship, rejoin the paris climate accords when the his predecessor had left that. what to you make of the message he's sending the world right now >> i think it's an important message to the world that the united states is back.
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look, i'm a believer, neil, in the united states exercising world leadership. it goes back to world war ii and to our leadership in the post-world war ii era. we were there. we were building alliances, we were working with others, we were engaged with the rest of the world: and as a result of that, i think we were able to advance greater peace and prosperity. i think the key in a global world is not to run away from global world, it's to engage with the global world whether it's trade, whether it's security, whether it's finances. that's the reality of the kind of world we live in, and i'm glad to see we're back to that. neil: you know, we're getting every indication that at least the chinese press, government controlled as it is, that they're happy donald trump is gone. does it worry you on just that military level alone that they're happier with joe biden in the white white house?
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>> well, you know, i think, i think the key is this, that joe biden recognizes the threats from china like we all do. you know, china is being aggressive. south china sea and hong kong and taiwan with the uighurs and others and very aggressive in the world. but at the same time, they're a country that, you know, we immediate to have a dialogue with, we need to communicate with because i think that's going to be the key to trying to resolve some of our differences. so i think it has to be done from strength. you've got to be able to negotiate, but negotiate from strength. and if because i think biden believes that we have to maintain a strong military presence in the pacific, i think he will send a message that, yes, you know, we'll talk to you, but we'll only talk to you because we have deployed our strength to the pacific. neil: all right. we'll have to watch it very
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closely. leon panetta, always great catching up with you. be safe, be well. >> take care, neil. neil: all right. leon pa net a that, former white house chief of staff, defense secretary, played a key role in so many administrations here. all right, you can see we turned positive on the dow jones industrials here. what if, though, joe biden was seen in pushing for a $15 minimum wage that would set the new federal wage? right now a lot of states and cities have a $15 minimum wage, but if this became the blueprint from the federal government, then what? what happens to those markets? ♪ ♪ every time that you cross my mind -- ♪ well, -- and all the time. ♪ you make my heart
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aerotrainer works for families, beginners, and athletes. use it anywhere. even strengthen your core while watching tv. head to now. aerotrainer's unique design allows for over 20 exercises for a total body workout, all while maintaining safe, correct form. now it's your turn to lose weight, look great, and be healthy. get off the floor and get on the aerotrainer. go to, that's neil: you want a covid vaccine? it's gotten to be that desperate right now where a lot of people are so eager to get their hands on that vaccine and a shot in the arm that they'll do almost anything to get it, even crossing state lines. ashley webster in florida with more on that. hey, ashley. >> reporter: hey, neil. yes, indeed.
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vaccine tourism, as some have called it. and at the beginning, governor ron desantis of florida said, fine, first come, first served. but there's been a big backlash, and you can't do that anymore. we did see a rush of people from out of state, from other countries, canada and argentina to name just a few, and that has not gone down well with floridians. we're in volusia county, and all of the people here, well over 1200 will be coming through here today, they sign up online, and they have to prove they are from florida. either part-time residency or full-time residency, but no out of staters, no one from any other country. i spoke to a couple of people this morning who just received their shots, and they said that's only fair. no one should be allowed to jump the line. take a listen. >> i don't think it's fair. i mean, we've lived here all of
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our lives, and this -- we only get so many, so we should be entitled to the ones that we get. >> we're against it. >> reporter: why? >> it's distribute based on the number of people that live in the state, as i understand it. so you've got other people coming in, you're going to deprive people that live here. >> reporter: so now there is no vaccine tourism, neil. and this operation has gone remarkably smoothly. they will be keeping these people rolling through until 4:00 eastern this afternoon. once they get their shot, they are asked to park right here and wait for 15 minutes in case there's any reaction to the shot. they have an ambulance ready to go. we haven't seen anything, thankfully, like that since we've been here. and then they are given a date to come back in 28 days, how about that? government operation that's going very, very smoothly are. maybe florida could teach some of the other states how it's done, neil. neil: yeah. what a concept. thank you very much, ashley webster, in all of that.
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all right, later on today we're going to get some details out of president biden over a separate series of executive orders to deal with the coronavirus. now we'll get the full sense of that. in the meantime, a lot of talk about the executive orders he has already administered, some 17 of them that deal with a host of issues including a push -- this was not executive order, but it's a goal -- to hike the minimum wage at the federal level to $15 an hour. dan get trued on that, dell trued -- get trued and company. he's an accountant by training. he's well aware of money that goes in and out. dan, very good to see you. let's say he gets his wish and it is up to $15. you and i already know in a lot of areas just to compete with the available talent it's already there or close to it. but this becomes now the new federal standard from which i'm sure all those wages would rise further more. what do you think? >> this is being sold, neil, as
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an emotional issue as opposed to one based upon merit. and the reason i say that is because when you're going to raise the minimum wage and let's say you can have someone making $7.50, and now going to go to $15 an hour, you are now doubling the cost for that employer for that employee. now, what does that mean? i'll tell you what it means, it's a tax on the employer. it's something they now have to pay that they didn't have to before, and it doesn't achieve the desired outcome which is to give people a basic living that they can survive on. but it's going to cause inflation because companies are not going to be able just to absorb their wages doubling and say that's okay? no. they're going to pasta cost along to the -- pass that cost
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along to the ultimate purchasers of the product. that means prices go up. and who does that hurt the most? it's the lowest wage earners. neil: all right. but still a in a lot of cities that have experienced these, we've not seen inflation raise its ugly head. further more, janet yellen in her confirmation hearing says she sees minimal job losses from the $15 minimum wage. what do you say? >> well, i don't agree with that, neil. and let's look at the jobless number today at 900,000. i think there's a combination of things that are going on here. i think employers are looking at technology to either replace or at least reduce workers. and now when you're going to add to that an increase in the cost for a human, they're going to look to artificial intelligence to replace those workers. it's just that simple. the pandemic has shown us that
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companies willing to adapt to the environment to be able to survive. neil: so real quickly, dan, some of the economic matters that joe biden has addressed, it's still day one, the first full day of his presidency. what do you think that's like so far? markets seem to like the tone, the tenor. >> but markets like the tenor, but that's also skewed towards big tech, and big tech is doing great in this environment because, as we just said, technology is is being used to replace workers. that's a great thing for them. and not only that, you can see how they are pandering to the biden administration because they don't want to be broken up. amazon saying they're going to distribute vaccines. so i think the market's a little bit skewed by the power of big tech. if we look beyond that, i'm not so sure the picture is as rosy. neil: interesting.
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all right, dan, thank you very much. dan geltrude following all of that. we're at records again today. stay with us, you're watching fox business. ♪ oh, what's love got to do, got to do with it? ♪ what's love but a secondhand emotion. ♪ . .
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transitions™ ♪. neil: there are rocket launchps and there are rocket launches. this thing was the coolest thing
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going. richard branson's virgin galactic launching from una 747 wing out into space. he is my special guest tomorrow with the virgin orbit ceo. catch him tomorrow. charles payne right now. hey, charles. charles: great news, neil, investors can go along with the ride. big money in aerospace. can't wait to see the interview, my friend. neil: awesome, buddy. charles: thank you, neil. president biden talking about fighting covid-19 and wrapping up vaccinations and testing nationwide masks mandate and reopening schools and businesses. we'll bring you the latest when we have it. we'll get reaction from rebecca walser the true price of the biden fan.


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