tv Kennedy FOX Business January 25, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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laying off people by tens of thousands and it is so wrong for america. lou: jason, congressman moe brooks, and just the news john solomon among the news tomorrow, please join us. good night from sussex. kennedy: look at that, welcome to it. recognize tonight, so much for president biden's unity agenda. democrat impeachment managers watch the impeachment article, singular, from the house to the senate to mark the official beginning of trump impeachment to. this sequel that nobody asked for prayer this is brand-new video of those managers of the nemesis for a second time even though former president trap is now a private citizen living in margaritaville sometime in florida, i think. then a scene right of the 18th
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century, hear ye, they had to physically waddle this thing over to their senate counterparts. and as she will call the house two weeks ago voted 2:30, 297 to impeach the president for inciting insurrection before it a bunch of dumb dumb maniac storm the capitol building and trying to take over. good job idiots. but here's the thing, as of this moment there are not enough votes in the senate to convict because 17 republicans would have to defect. and there is the issue of the completely unpredictable precedents this could set, watch. select this can happen any time the political party has a majority there's a time limit, there is no statute of limitations, that would need the new precedents set that next time republicans are empowered they could reach back and impeach a former democratic president. i think that would be profoundly disruptive in a big mistake. stomach. kennedy: here that jimmy
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carter? we are coming for you buddy, you are on notice for deathly getting impeached for something. you are from the peach state that is half of impeach. where does it end? the topic is so radioactive that even president biden does not want to go near it. listen to this. >> the whole part of keeping someone is to get rid of them. trump is already gone. would president biden support sanctioning him, so they can move on to the people's business? select the president is -- was in the senate for 36 years as you all know. he is no longer in the senate he will leave it up to members of the senate, democrats and republicans to determine how they will hold before president accountable. kennedy: so he was in the senate now is not in the senate, got it. very clear nonanswer. he does not want to touch because the stupid trial is going to scuttle his agenda before gets off the ground. so what happens now?
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the senate get sworn in tomorrow and give thinkers according to plan the actual trial would likely start two weeks from today. and how's that going to shake out? joe dimino is former georgia republican congressman former impeachment manager during president clinton's what it only impeachment trial. he was lucky enough to live one. babar is back, welcome back sir. >> thank you kennedy. kennedy: he is the first former president to be formerly impeached, will he be the last? >> it could very well be that if the democrats move forward with this bogus impeachment, because it is procedurally a non- entity, they could then decide well, maybe a month later, gee there is something else that we discovered that we don't like about trump. so we could go after him again. or maybe there was something we now have discovered we
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don't like about president bush one or bush two. what they have done, kennedy, if they open the door to a whole universe of absolute honor nonsense makes them look like fools because they are fools that senate has no jurisdiction over a former president. end of matter, that should be it. but not for these democrats they want to go after trump disregarding the law, disregarding history, disregarding the constitution and disregarding common sense. kennedy: speaking of disregarding the constitution the chief justice of the supreme court is supposed to preside over the senate trial. we hear chief justice john roberts has no interest once again planed a role in the second impeachment trial in as
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many years. ones that say about his constitutional duties i was told patrick leahy will step in preside, but he might be a little biased having voted for removal on both articles of impeachment the last time around. when he means is the chief justice of the united states can do something that chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell and other senators can't do. and that is read. the chief justice can read the constitution. and the constitution says that when the senate is trying the president, the chief justice presides. while the senate is not trying the president. so, the chief justice and wish to be a signal to the senators that maybe we need to revisit this and rethink this. the chief justice is saying, i don't want any part of this. because i have no authority
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here. stomach we know that two senators are retiring this year, pat toomey and rob portman. do you think their retirements it anyway into how they might vote? back its heart. apartment i don't think site john apartment i know him, we work together in the house. i don't think it would figure into his decision not to run for reelection. he really don't know where he's going to come down on something for it he very well could have such a dislike for former president trump that he would like to vote for its in thanks if i'm going to vote for i can get reelected anyway when we get ahead of the game sam not going to run for reelection anyway. >> that is how they should all legislate per like they are never going to run for office ever again.
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our laws to be so very different big congressman so much for your time and insight appreciated. strict thank you. surprise surprise more writing last night in the beautiful pacific northwest. wasn't supposed to stop when joe biden became president? this time it happened and t town, tacoma washington after police officer reportedly drove through a crowd that had surrounded his cruiser on saturday nights. a 29 year veteran of the force didn't figure out probably not a great idea to run over rioters for dozens of rioters damaged businesses and set fires across the pierce county courthouse. so how does president biden feel about all of this violence which is really targeted against his administration? the reporters asked that very question, watch. >> i will say from here that president biden condemns violence, any violence in the strongest possible term.
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peaceful protests are cornerstone of our democracy. but smashing windows is not protesting and neither is looting. actions like these are totally unacceptable. anyone committed a crime should be to the folex extent. kennedy: totally unacceptable. you might reverb a sukkot many democrats were silent with anarchists in seattle for a 100 days in declared at the capitol hill's organized protest or chop. the capitol hill a thomas sohn, chop and chess weekday mornings. democrats even railed against president trump for recommending national guard intervention, so who is the of law and order now? it's meat tonight party panel discuss we have townhall political editor and host of the guy benson show, it is on fox news radio everyday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. eastern per lib and reason, katherine mangu-ward.
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in host of the aggressive progressive podcasts it is chris hawn. he looked so surly, welcome everyone it's great to see you. bye also at the hate to see these rights continue in portland. every time they break windows, every time they throw pp bottles at cops it breaks my heart. stomach i am trying to decide kennedy if we are allowed to be angry at this one and acknowledge this when orders this political violence committed by the correct tribes we have more muted in our criticism? i'm still trying to decode with the rules are for the sort of thing. for me it is been very consistent the whole time, political violence is absolutely unacceptable. . , end of story. glenn jenn saki sandwich at the white house today. joe biden would pop up at the campaign no violence that's not good. he also claimed in presidential debate that ntp does not exist is just an idea.
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but antifa his actual human beings but it's an organization of people that are taking part in these riots and acts of the end of wisdom and violence and have been for month after month after month. not just in portland but in that overall region. i cannot help but scoff a little bit at a headline from one of our competitors, cnn, that i was its oral history story in their own words why the protesters gather. we're just sort of massaging origin sanitizing the whole situation. certain people involved in the violence and harsh terms are used for other people involved in violence recently. that double standard does drive a lot of people crazy. >> there were people, katherine, in the beginning her were very much concerned about terminal justice or perform and social justice and police brutality. they had a serious list of
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reforms they wanted to see. no one is as serious as the libertarians have been very consistent on the issue by look at places like tacoma, i see a police officer writing people over and i think they are not going to get any reforms at all, are they. civic does bring back to light maybe some policing reform is in order. those protesters as guy noted was not justified in the property destruction. absolutely not justified in the violence. as they were saying this morning, bow down a couple people in the crowd was essentially. [inaudible] it was bad policing. the going to suffer consequences are probably right about that. it's only low ground at this point further so high ground in my side doesn't ever do political violence but it's also important to keep in mind that as for the capitol rights
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and tivo, it's a very, very small group of people who try to ruin it for the rest of us. hopefully we get turn our attention soup important issues like police form and now guys get the upper hand. kennedy: they're not going to the not going to allow it. they want to take all the oxygen have the entire conversation revolved around them. and burning flags and creating barricades, throwing bottles and demanding more from people be released from county jail, none of that is going to allow for any rational conversation. so what are they want? >> which he said is perfect. as her political violence, anyone who commits political violence is not of my side. they should not be on any legitimate political party site or anyone legitimately believes in our constitution of law and order should automatically denounce political violence as i have
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over the summer, as joe biden did over the summer and again as president of the united states. it's a shame when people think political violence is assigned to one political party or another it's not assigned to those who believe in law and order our form of government. to be thrown away it should be dismissed should be denounce, should be arrested and prosecuted. >> it would help if other news organizations and networks would actually cover what is going on. there are a lot of people who want to be blind to one side of violence in the outreach the exact same thing on the other side. these people hate you. they hate democrats as much as they hate republicans. and they have been appeased and coddled the entire summer. they are just a bunch of bored dumb dumb spirit my panel is brilliant. they're going to return just a little bit. coming up present biden
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wasting no time signing dozens of executive actions. but many of them could be job killers. plus china threatening the biden administration with cold war and possible complications. that doesn't sound fun. the president coddle the china receiver put on big boy pants. mike baker joins me to it discuss, next. you should meditate. eat crunchy foods. go for a run. go for 10 runs! he
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before are we heading into a cold war with china? they're hot put in the water part of the drop of a hat. chinese leaders seems to think separate today he wore the u.s. and their allies in a coordinated effort to cut off china could get nasty. this comes after chinese warplanes buzzed by the breakaway islands of taiwan, just this past weekend. we have a treaty to help defend taiwan if china ever tries to invade the place. and believe me, that word be very, very bad news for everyone. quickly expect our relationship from china next four years because her job now former cia officer and president of diligence llc, all of your diligent needs are met there. it is mike baker respect everyone and every one of your diligent needs. subject and many. so what are china states right
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now? what are they trying to tell the world? they say don't harsh our vibe at purdue and you'd have access our markets and vice versa what you doing eu and usa? >> this latest bit as a direct response. the chinese regime, they place a great deal of importance on public statements of other world leaders and of ceremonies and big events they try to discern every little bit of the meeting. what they have done now is they've looked at the incoming or the new administration with president biden. and biden is talking about forming an alliance with the eu in particular to try to exert ourselves in the world of particulate technology and global trade. and that has got the chinese regime back up. their comments about, they
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have come back at it said look, it is wrong to try to restrict free access to the global markets. how dare you try to impose your will on china. that would all be interesting and not laughable if it would not have been for the regime and previous chinese authorities have spent decades stealing intellectual property and economic espionage. exactly. i don't really take that comment seriously. we also the releasees latest military exercises that have been imposing on taiwan. kennedy: we don't what to go to war with china knowing when separate >> we are not going to war with china. could we have a semi- cold war, a little frigid on the chilly side, we could. but it's not going to hot water. nobody in this new administration is any intention of that. think the chinese authorities know that. they are expecting but i think they're counting on the fact the biden administration is
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going to ease up and be a little softer their stance. >> you know little something about china. used to wear costumes a little outfits go over there and infiltrate their collective marketplace i am told. >> i did iceman three years on the cover. a lot of people do not know that. >> wages outage yourself. sorry. what is the biden administration going to continue in terms of policy from the trump administration? because there are people there are economists who work for this to president say some of that stuff kind of worked. >> and it has. it is painful for the incoming administration to say that, the new secretary of state has admitted as much during hearings for his appointment that there certain things he trump administration was doing, calling out china on their theft of information. not just from our allies but it cost us a vast amounts of
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money, jobs over the years but they have been doing this print this is how they built themselves up into such a superpower was bypassing the research and development phase of all of this. it's a lot of work and they did not want to do that so they stole the information. i think the biden administration will continue that tone in terms of trying to keep that from continuing. kennedy: something has to be consistent. we do have to stop that agree just theft of american companies. enter allies as well. mike baker nixon much great talking to you. it sounds like we are in the same room. >> it is like we are in the same room but we are not. come out to ohio. kennedy: coming up for months san francisco has spent tens of millions every month in hotels but at a brand-new president may force the rest of us taxpayers to foot the bill.
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why is this so much heart malarkey question michael teo in my memo coming up. plus, our years kids still driving you nuts what they learned from home? there's a teachers union voting against reopening. and refusing in person teaching. the panel joins me to it break it down, next. mple. you've got car insurance here. and home insurance here. why not... schuuuuzp.. put them together. save even more. some things are just better together, aren't they? like tea and crumpets. but you wouldn't bundle just anything. like, say... a porcupine in a balloon factory. no. that'd be a mess. i mean for starters, porcupines are famously no good in a team setting. geico. save even more when bundle home and car insurance. introducing a revolution in the world of pain relief: new advil dual action. geico. save even more advil targets pain at the source. acetaminophen blocks pain signals.
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kennedy: well who needs both houses of congress inhibited trustee presidential pin. president biden's hand it must be cramping from the flurry of executive orders he has been signing a bit everything from stopping deportation to extending coronavirus relief. one of those extensions go to san francisco to pay their whopping monthly 18 million-dollar homeless hotel tab. integrate economy almost crisis was spiraling out of control but thanks and a turnabout lockdown and virus ravaging the golden state homeless is there is expected to go up an additional 84%.
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when gavin newsom was the mayor san francisco paid a lot of lip service to the massive swath of feces encroaching on every part of a once beautiful city. as governor, he still uses his mouth, but has been unwilling or unable to break the housing logjam that makes it impossible for unsheltered californians defined permanent digs. newsom started project room key which matches the un- house of swanky hotel rooms. it really only meets the needs of a poultry 20% of people. the most desperate for housing are californians sick seniors and their numbers are expected to more than double over the next decade. so why are there so many homeless people in california? i mean the weather is really nice it's a great place to retire. but with construction costs and punishing environmental regulations more gainfully employed people are priced out of the market. medium rent for two-bedroom
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apartment in california $1800 a month. according to the cato incident that took you 5% higher rest of the country. every time i feel that housing measure lands on the ballot people vote for because they are not monsters. but the programs never gain any real traction because it's hard to do business when every single well-intentioned home cost $650,000 a pop. compound the problem is a lack of incentive to change owning laws as the state management agency is heavily invested in real estate. if you keep housing prices high you make a lot more money for your funds. so why change the laws to monkey with that goldmine question michele mayor has been trying for years to pin his particular homeless problem on washington's back side. now he's got a donkey in office is letting him off the hook for gross mismanagement that has been deadly for both homeless people in the businesses that supper when they get a series of intense np pedals blocking
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storefronts. with this executive gift do anything to alleviate the worst homeless crisis in the country? in a word, nope. but lisa let's them bad managers and big spenders off the hook to throw rocks at glass houses. at least they have homes. and that is the memo. governor newsom today announcing he is lifting some of the states heavy duty covid-19 restrictions. that means outdoor dining could be back this week. finally a move in the right direction. why is every other golden state decision such a fiasco? was get back into it the party panel, guy benson, katherine mangu-ward and chris hahn. some guy i will go to start with you. here you had a great economy. there have been -- there's been so much extra money for california to pad their budgets. somehow in a good economy before the pandemic homelessness was strangling the state.
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was this really a federal problem? and will this gift executive action to anything to help the problem? >> it will incentivize more problems. i have in recent years and decades frankly because it is such an incredible, beautiful, naturally abundant place. it takes real effort to screw that up. the politicians of california have done exactly that. through great concerted effort now over a period of time. and it sat on this front on the housing markets. it sat on other fronts as well as people being driven out of that state. here's the thing, candy, as we start to discuss another round of covid relief and trillions of dollars been thrown around, one of the arguments that has been hot in the house and senate now for the last few months is the state and local government assistance peace of the puzzle. or some republicans rightly are concerned that some of
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that money could be used by state and local governments to patch up and paper over decades of incredibly reckless fiscal policy in those places. support meet stop really quickly. because the money that san francisco receives in reimbursement, that was into the general fund. that is exactly it is doing. so katherine, the big issue here, is this a local problem or is it a federal problem? >> so many of californians promises a organic home grown problem for they look to grow stuff out there. it is just so clear that they have made this explicitly one of their initiatives is to make it harder to build. especially in san francisco. it is so hard to build a new building in san francisco. people in other parts of the country i think cannot even grasp how many hoops have to be jumped through. of course her son of housing. homelessness is always a
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multi- faceted problem. eight making more cheap housing possible with the co- such a long ways in solving the problem. instead we've seen a promise been federalized, not with the decision making of folks are way too high up on the change should be locally solved the problem. but also that american taxpayers are paying for san francisco's mistakes. see for chris local or federal? >> i think homelessness and what we talking about the zoning issues in california are clearly a local problem for the impact everyone. yet people on the left and on the right complaining about how hard it is getting thing built in california. not just california but other places around the country could make it harder and harder for people to build. that's making homeless problem even worse. it has to be solved. estimate guy said about the state local government, ice to run a local government. no government can take a hit
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like this covid-19 pandemic place on them and survive. the only government that can patch that up as local government. it's absolutely vital to the recovery. when you see more people unemployed, more problems of our homelessness but hope the next stimulus package has a large chunk of money for state and locality. kennedy: amazing how a death rates are spiking, hospitalizations are skyrocketing, now miraculously, just a week into the biden administration it's okay to go ahead and reopen the cities. that should've been done months ago and you would've had plenty of tax revenue from patrons and restaurants. restaurants able to pay their workers. but now 50% of those are unemployed pretty what percentage of them do you think is homeless? in chicago the teachers are acting like children per the union but ended with thousands of windy city teachers vowing to keep cutting class until they are all vaccinated. that process is not yet
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started for the data pointing to a relatively low risk of contracting coronavirus in schools, parents are accusing the teachers union of playing politics with their kids education. and even their lives. them schools in nevada scrambled with the response and increase in adolescent suicides potentially linked to the social isolation and oppression that comes with pandemic closures. so it is the chicago teachers union thinking? should we be bothered by this or is it a heavy-handed democrat here that we have all been waiting for? all right guy going to take it first. >> look at his infuriating part is thought to chicago come up the road from where i sit in fairfax county, virginia did teachers said once get higher up on the list for the fox nation prints they said okay were going to put you on the list. and then they said fine, still not good enough or not going to commit to coming back into the classroom next school year. ring from the union bosses in chicago and elsewhere, we
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might be vaccinated but the kids may not be by that point sprayed that could be dangerous. there's no signs whatsoever that supports this. over and over again the data has shown the opposite. the vaccines are not approved for children. we could be waiting forever or four years of this is a standard some of these unions are going by. and i help parents are paying attention to the priorities of these unions. it's very clearly not the well-being and education of children. something quite different and that is outrageous. before heavy art school choice week, katherine, some tremendous work showing the correlation between cities with very heavy-handed teachers unions who are indefinitely right and other cities were there's more school choice and schools are open. >> that is right. national school choice week is a big thing. for every year end this year it's obvious some people of always had school choice.
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some people have resources some people have the ability to do everything from starting pods for the kids to changing schools to going to private schools. there's so much more open than public schools especially in big cities. it has really been a natural experiment what they can do for kids. school choice means a choice to just attend school part were not even talk about anything fancy at this point. and in big cities parents don't have resources are stuck. they were told the government would provide this service for them. they pay taxes for this service. another kids are home. they are losing weeks and months of learning time. >> we are ten months into this part we are almost at a year into this failing model. as they have and have-nots birth you have money or could go to private school are going to be fine. their learning, their evolving, they are growing. your kids in public school in the big city, screw them.
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chris last words. so back here in new york, schools are mostly open public and private currency for another not know they're not in new york city they absolutely are not. come over and babysit my kids, babysit my children. >> new york state have very powerful teachers union part outside of the sea they are largely open for their open for a period of time in the city they close in the recent spike the going to reopen soon. support what the fall? >> is not a situation of union good, union bad. their real concerns about safety that need to be addressed as they happen school districts and private schools that have open. sue for gavin newsom's children are in school. i guess they are fine. so if you are rich and scrubbed your fine, you can go to school. if you are poor and have no choice, then you can sit and get depressed for its vacant is a real problem it is a real problem with got to make sure
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every child has access to go to school per think it's important i think it should be the number one priorities in the schools (every school every day. kennedy: tele to ucla doing to defund the police that what medicare for all before they let the teachers go back to work for it that a cold day in hell. panel thinkest much always good to talk to you, katherine ngai. coming up with the stroke of a pen, once again president biden killing jobs and weakening our energy independence. so why did he cancel the keystone xl pipeline? republican congressman bryan steil is fuming and he is next. ♪♪ [ engines revving ] ♪♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh.
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if you're turning 65, staying on top of your game takes a plan. that's why at aetna, we take a total, connected approach to your health and wellness with medicare vantage plans designed to surround you with the care you need every day. aetna medicare advantage plans. kennedy: president biden claims jobs with the centerpiece of his new economic agenda. that sounds great. today he signed his maid and america executive order, take
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it away joe. back i've long set i do not accept the defeatist a few of the forces of automation and globalization can't ass can keep union jobs from growing here in america. we can create more of them, not fewer of them. kennedy: i don't know about that. don't worry joe it's not robust killing jobs, it is you. president biden swept executive orders to cancel the keystone xl pipeline, rejoin the paris climate recorded raise the minimum wave have real consequences. thousands of american jobs. that sucking sound that is not ross perot. leaders have been calling on the president to reconsider his decision. will he listen? because you know, unity come on man. join me now wisconsin congressman bryan steil. welcome to the shewbread >> thanks for having me on. kennedy: 's joe biden job killer? >> man, day one of his administration with the stroke of a penny killed thousands of jobs.
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you think that maybe abstracted north and south dakota when he tried to kill the keystone pipeline. but those jobs are also jobs in the state of wisconsin. i talked to the men and women who are impacted by this decision. they are out of work. he needs to reconsider reverse this decision immediately. and if he is not willing to, congress is to act. kennedy: think about it. i understand it's got good intentions, and understand their environmental issues and tribal issues with the pipeline itself. there is probably a better way of assessing it than doing something so rational point when americans are really, really struggling. so many businesses are shutting down for good. this seems like one of those things that may not be a day one thing. this may be like day 222 thing possibly. but also, don't we want to be energy independent in this country? that wasn't the issue for so long that we are propping up horrible, horrible dictatorship with her love of foreign oil? >> that should not be a thing
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at all. it's clear part is not just he's killing he's making is more dependent on countries like russia. more dependent on the middle east. more dependent on venezuela. we need to have a secure supply of north american energy to give her jobs and energy moving along. kennedy: would you work with joe biden on? submit a think we should be able to work on infrastructure for the first thing he does on day one of his administration, he by the pen kills thousands of private sector infrastructure jobs but it is beyond frustrating after speech that discusses unity that it lifts the pen, kills thousands of jobs on something, info structure, but something we should biblically together and work on. kennedy: i got a weird question for you. everything is obsolete political. and joe manchin is the biggest wildcard in the senate. so is killing the keystone xl pipeline, is that somehow enhance energy production in west virginia? >> i think he's just playing to his far left liberal
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activist base whether the thing he what's best for the american people. i think he put that in front of american jobs, american energy independence, i think it is to be reversed immediately. kennedy: we need more nuclear power plants to placement we need in all of the above approach. the talk about green energy. green energy is fine we can toward that party to talk about individuals who their jobs on the keystone pipeline knowing that a job might be there for them in the future is not a lot of comfort to folks have to pay the mortgage, pay the rent and pay the grocery bill. >> by the way 11000 jobs killed immediately. 8000 of them union jobs. thank you so much congressman, good to have you. >> thank you. kennedy: topical storm is next, i am in prison. (judith) but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. (money manager) so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? (judith) nope, we tailor portfolios to our client's needs.
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(money manager) but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? (judith) we don't have those. (money manager) so what's in it for you? (judith) our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. “could have been me” by the struts hey, mercedes? how can i help you? the 2021 e-class. motortrend's 2021 car of the year. research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel.
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kennedy: president biden has ended a ban on trans gender troops serving in the military grade biden said he does not care how the troops identify or who they sleep with, as long as it was on the floor of a freezing parking garage. oh, that was stone cold. and this a topical storm big topic number one, it is mouth trumpet monday. and tonight we meet the mug behind the harebrained color scheme of yeah, there you go. 31-year-old dressy trent
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cooper for breaking into a woman storage unit and stealing $50000 in gold and silver. that bastion for the elderly victim said she was heartbroken by the loss because she needed that money to help a nice nigerian prince and contacted her online. lycée jesse sold numerous sam heirlooms from this sold them for drugmaker to hope he saved cash for a happy to give several gold coins away to friends, one of which was tracked on by police leading to his arrest. so i guess you could say he blew his own cover. jesse's been condemned by both poppet smurf and cookie monster who worry his hate or can be used to justify biased against the blue community. sad. topic number two. we now join our neighbors to the north for a game of narco polo. there are grocery stores in canada, 46 pounds of cocaine hidden in shipments of bananas.
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and you thought the produce at whole foods was expensive. police of the shipments were delivered as part of a botched drug trafficking operation. if you are an optimist, and unbelievably successful banana harvesting operation. the drugs were discovered accidentally by grocery store employees he became suspicious when hunter biden opened a smoothie shop next door. police say the cocaine originally came from columbia which they determined the health of the most experienced strippers. the scouts are used to playing hide the banana on cocaine for it or as they call it, ask appeal. the royal canadian mounted police at 800 thousands of doses were seized and other words, some colombians lost eight of banana bread. no no, the other. escobar, that is right. topic number three. here we go.
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there's nothing more unsettling that an unexpected car crash, take it for me, i host 14 nights a week. but without the safety features of a motorcycle accident can be much more dangerous which inspired one company to do some legwork to help keep bikers safe and looking bad to the bone. check out the prototype for these two airbag, designed to blow up and protect you from motorcycle falls. these attractive bottoms to hit the market since depends, which ironically also guard to get skidmarks for the company said the pants can be tied to a motorcycle so the user falls off their hall, the airbag will trigger and provide cushion for the pollution. users can deflate and refill their pants with compressed air from a gas can. or they can do the old-fashioned way, by having dinner at triple today. topic number four. the miami heat have announced plans use coronavirus sniffing dogs at some home games to
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screen answer for the enter the stadium. all of the new york knicks are way ahead of them. they have been using dogs and their starting lineup since 2001. a new report said the heat will seat 200 fans per game next season. approximate 10% of their arenas capacity. or as the orlando magic called a great turnout. the incoming fans will have an option of taking rapid covid test which will give them results in 45 minutes or team of coronavirus dogs will bark at the detected virus. also if you have bacon that day cats have the ability to detect illnesses. they just do not want to report it because they do not care if you live or die. mba officials admit it could be weird having animals in a sports stadium. but lisa can't be worse than philadelphia eagles fans and their much better potty trained for this coronavirus sniffing ideas catching fire in washington d.c. in fact whether biden insist on sniffing everyone who comes into the white house, although in his case, it's because he
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is the one who's sick. >> mouth trumpet monday i will be right back. everyone remembers the moment they heard... "you have cancer.” how their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. for some, this is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda—a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer, where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment,
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if you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have new or worse cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, increased hunger or thirst, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in urine or eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, confusion or memory problems, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant or have lung, breathing, or liver problems. today keytruda is fda-approved to treat 16 types of advanced cancer. and is being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see the different types of cancer keytruda is approved
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to treat at, and ask your doctor if keytruda can be part of your story. ♪ ...and they found themselves in a magical land. and then what happened? where's our family from? was he my age? so nana and pops eloped? ...and then what happened, daddy? well, before us, there were your great, great, great grandparents.
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the best hour of your day you can follow me on twitter an instagram, facebook, tomorrow night robby soave, and doctor marc siegel, make every day kennedy. good night. liz: tonight getting america open, getting america vaccinated. the media even newsweek same democrats and state governors in california to new york you cannot use the covid scapegoat, that was donald trump anymore, it is now on you. you have to stop covid and the safe bottlenecks on vaccines. in the biden administration is on you to give a clear picture of vaccine supplies. and how you will get america vaccinated prover hearing the plan of execution. blaming trump weeks and does not cut it anymore. with this tonight
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