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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  January 26, 2021 3:00pm-4:01pm EST

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gas, is a particular across the country and might be getting a little bit more interest if you're stopping a pipeline like keystone. thank you for having here. it is good to see you. we will be watching the numbers coming in "after the bell" microsoft will be busy and i'll be back in the morning posting "mornings with maria". now over to my buddy liz claman. liz: good to see a we are watching microsoft ahead of that but right this minute we are watching an epic war going on the investment underworld death is our but the fight is bending over and up onto wall street and wounding major players. read its wall street looking to take the shirts off the backs, we have one of the top shortselling experts in the world on the state to play and what it means for you even if you are not involved. former security and exchange commission chairman harvey pitt is in here on a fox exclusive.
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how dangerous is fight could get and who might get caught in the regulatory crosshairs. the bigger tug-of-war on wall street kind of edging toward the bulls but it's very fluent at the moment we have green on the screen for the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq. any game for that nasdaq and the s&p will be on trimming brand-new records. we have a true hollywood survival story with hours left before the money was about to run out, amc ceo adam aaron kaman to save the day for his company, how he pulled his covid stricken company right from the jobs of the bankruptcy world, can he keep them obey until the nation sees widespread vaccination. plus jan a yellen has made history in joining joe biden's cabinet but there could be something brewing on the economic front that could make the market and/or stock move. were gonna take it straight to the white house for that. breaking news, we want to show
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you the gamestop, look at them popping once again at this hour. we have the moving considerably at the moment but up under 250% since just the beginning of trade last week which was tuesday because monday was a holiday now we flip it over to the stock of the moment you can see once again it is charging higher we have up 73 and a quarter percent but this is a story well beyond the videogame retail chain stock. david, plural are banding together to tear down the wall street goliath. individual investors have flooded a wall street focused reddit chat room with the goal of aiming their slingshots at hedge funds against game shares. and in a stunning move they appear to be preventing the shorts from making huge profits on the stocks decline. take a look at the post on
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reddit, we need to buy shares and not allow the shares to be shorted, less short of both supply will squeeze those efforts out real quick. they don't realize the rules of the game have changed, they assume they play by the traditional rules, they are not prepared for a bunch of reddit. they will keep shorted in order to keep the stock from rocketing to the moon and hope that we give up, get scared and sell en masse, it's a war and if we blink we lose, if we pull, we win. it's that simple. what is going on what are the four most shortselling experts in the world we welcome managing director predictive analytics. great to have you. how unusual is what were seen play out with the reddit story and other words the little guy banding together to successively collectively squeeze the short-sellers and big game shares. >> take you for having me and i
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am kind of seen this move before in tesla and if you want to look at life for life the laws are very high conviction and loving the stock in moves in the stock in really going against institutional sellers on the street. this is a wild one i've never seen the movie quite like this. liz: how dangerous of a game is a sin does it surprise you that the individual investor in this chat room, exactly we don't know who they are, their names -- but to see individuals squeeze big names like andrew left of citron who tried last week and we were on the story and tried desperately to put out a
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five-point anti-gamestop story, he could not get it he was hammered by the people who flooded his twitter and he could not get on until much later. >> what is important to see about the stock really the shorts are running out of arrows, there is not much stock left beyond the market, were not gonna see the huge shortselling into the name what we see is a short skeet entered squeeze on existing shorts and once we've gotten hit with $7.8 billion worth of losses so far this year so we are seeing them covering but there is such a demand for shortselling because a lot of people are looking for momentum on the downside. liz: what could trigger a rush by the writers, by these individual investors to suddenly get spooked and we seen horses get spooked and they moved the other way and headed to the exit to cash out. were looking on the screen of the calendar of what a ride it is been for gamestop stock going
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back five sessions i mentioned in my research, once we have the long shareholders tell their positions and realize you might see an avalanche of sales and there's a lot of money on the table at some point someone might say i wanted to cash in hand and close out the long positions. liz: the stock is up 1720 plus percent, year over year and i'm looking, the start of 2020 the market capital is 253 million, right now it's more than four and half billion in market cap. we have the activist ryan cohen indies came in and that shaken up the situation but is not enough for a move like that? >> it is a huge move, when you look at it they have increased
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exponentially, your go short with less than $300 million in gamestop is at 5.5 billion. the bets now have gone from the green chips to the big black chips. there is a lot of money on the table which means people are a little bit more apt to act quickly. liz: ihor dusaniwsky, your world has gotten busy over the last couple of days and by the way it is not just gamestop, it's multiple other names that are heavily shorted but this time the floor is moving underneath the short-sellers, let's bring in former security and exchange harvey pitt who joined us in a fox business exclusive. you and i go way back i remember the yahoo chat rooms, it was sort of an echo chamber of people who liked the stock going on and on about it. what do you see about this that is different and a little
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worrisome. >> i think there's several things, first the fact when an individual investor gets caught up in the stock movement they may not realize how quick the tide can turn. right now things are going in the direction of those who are long and the shorts are paying a heavy price or will eventually. as this continues there's always a possibility that people will cash out as ihor dusaniwsky said. when that happens you can see the price start to drop again. in the interim what people are betting on the shorts are so squeezed now that the one thing that they need is to start cashing out and buying the stock to cover their short positions, when they do that that will
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drive the price up even further, right now this is a very volatile situation, the real concern when you have individuals and others who aren't used to playing the game involved as they can turn very quickly. liz: do you see any regulatory issues here, if not market manipulation, at least from what i can see but certainly looks like after all of these years of short-sellers making a living by putting out there and not always but sometimes half truths or shades of gray that beat down a stock, the tide has turned and you have the other guy saying the street goes both ways we can do this in her you by bidding up a stock. is there a problem for the regulators and do you foresee them going in and finding out who is behind the names? >> i think there will be
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regulatory action as a result of this. at a minimum you would think that the regulators will want to understand what people were doing and rather the existence is sufficient to cover the volatility we are now seeing. i think there is a real likelihood they will be at least an investigation of the circumstances. liz: as we said is not just gamestop you said you seen this in the past with tesla, there's bed bath and beyond and we know pharma has been part of this, we know gotten swept up into it. there is some real concerns about the validity of their ability to at least move forward at this scale but they certainly have proven they're interested in being a real business, which ones are you watching i heard something as common as macy's
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thrown in here. >> macy's has been a favorite short for a long time yet stocks like national beverage that is on this list, probably the names that have the huge roundups of the names that the shorts are going into, this is changing from a value short play, there were looking for stocks with a run-up in a tradesman. that's kind of what we provide we provide the data that gives you an up-to-date major of what stocks have huge moves and shortages over the recent term so investors can make decisions on that. liz: before we go do you foresee some big funds you are shorting some of these stocks go under or really need a serious lifeline because of his questioning. >> i think the latter needing a serious lifeline is probable given the amount of money that
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have been invested to date. liz: some of the big boys are seeing what it's like when the tables are turned we will follow the story as we have for many days. ihor dusaniwsky and harvey pitt, thank you very much. by the way amc is one of the reddit crowds favorite stock. they have been pushing this big trying to change, ceo adam aaron is coming up in just a few moments. to the markets were seen a recovery of earlier losses, the nasdaq and s&p are heading headfirst to another record close this will be the nasdaq seventh record close, six for the s&p 500, we know a lot of people in the u.s. are borrowing on the margin for more stock but were hitting records there. we are not the only ones, people think of china official issued a
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warning that liquidity could inflate an asset bubble leaving the bank to withdraw about $12 billion of liquidity to the open market operation. on that chinese stocks went south, they moved lower. down to full percentage points, it leads us to wonder will the federal reserve echo that sentiment here. we will know tomorrow and this hour because the fed kicked off the first two day federal reserve meeting of the year end were about 23 hours away from hearing from jerome powell, can you position yourself ahead? it's bringing tom hayes in phil flynn. will jerome powell invoked the b word, no way. >> if asked directly if knowledge that there are some of the pockets in the stock market in some ipos trading at 30 times plus sales in different call auction at record highs and
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certain short squeeze on reddit board. i think what he will do, i think he will double down on keeping rates low until 2023 or when inflation exceeds 2% for more than a year. i think the thing that will surprise the market is that inflation number is going to come sooner than we expect, number one due to wages even without a federal mandate for $15 an hour you have the extended unemployment benefit moving up to 400 per week and state benefits, that is up to $40000 per year annualized run rate, private businesses are going to have to compete with the government for labor as people get vaccinated and as demand comes back materially and cute two in q3, and the drilling cut down you will see prices at the pump start to rise over the coming quarters in the next couple of years. he wants to run hot but i think you will have to act sooner than 2023. liz: we are running up against
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the clock, do you position yourself ahead of tomorrow and how? >> i think you can, china's talking about reducing liquidity in the only economy in the world that is shown growth last year. it's a warning for us in the future keep an eye out for a bubble there is a buildup in the not ready to pop but they are putting some air in it. liz: tom hayes, phil flynn, mixed picture for oil, dow jones industrial up we're coming back with so much more. stay tuned.
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liz: history on the hill as the first female vice president swears in the treasury secretary. kamala harris doing not honors for janet yellen. moments ago all 100 senators were sworn in as jurors in the second impeachment trial of president donald trump. back at the white house president joe biden focusing on coronavirus stimulus to blake burman, we heard from chuck schumer, now the senate leader that people may have to wait till mid march, what is going on. >> we had some news from chuck schumer, i think it was pretty
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big news and that is because the democrats on the hill, senate republicans are negotiating on the $1.9 trillion package, however, chuck schumer this afternoon has said democrats are willing to roll out a budget as early as next week, why is that important, a budget is the vehicle by which democrats could end up using reconciliation which is a process that democrats can used to go out all of this alone to coalesce all democratic support and move forward with the $1.9 trillion package as they wish. schumer a little while ago laid down a marker for senate republicans during this negotiation. listen to the senate majority leader on the hill this afternoon. >> we want to work with our republican colleagues who advances legislation in a bipartisan way but the work must move forward. preferably with our republican colleagues but without them if we must. we are keeping all options open
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on the table, including using budget reconciliation. >> including using reconciliation. as for senate republicans they are still balking at the size of the package. >> 1.9 trillion is too much for me at this point, if they have evidence it can be paid for in some ways reasonable, a lot of it. i don't think any president expects that the first thing that he puts down is the way something is going to end. >> if democrats keep up going with the budget reconciliation, keep in mind president bush 43 uses a measure to get his tax cuts through so did republicans here in washington four years ago for the tax cuts during the trump administration if democrats go this route, it is possible that the $1.9 trillion package or something like that could end up hitting the floor on the hill either next month or
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potentially even march. liz: sooner rather than later. i'm sure many viewers would like to see that. johnson & johnson we need to look at that stock is climbing higher after the phase three: vaccine trial results will be out by the end of this month, literally any day no wonder the stock is up 2.5% and by the way j&j says once it's approved by the fda it could deliver 100 million doses of the single shot coronavirus vaccine by april. meanwhile the moderna jumping 3% say and it's on track to deploy more than 200 million doses of its vaccine in the u.s. by the end of june. vaccines cannot come soon enough for weary travelers forced to pack the equivalents of the covid green card in their carry-on. we will tell you what that means
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and what you must know before your next trip. the closing bell ringing in 38 minutes the dow climbing up 40 points, the russell still down six points but we have records for the nasdaq and s&p. stay tuned. ♪ municipal bonds don't usually get the media coverage the stock market does. in fact, most people don't find them all that exciting. but, if you're looking for the potential for consistent income that's federally tax-free, now is an excellent time to consider municipal bonds from hennion & walsh. if you have at least
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liz: fox business alert stocks popping and dropping, beyond meat is sizzling with a true pop stock joining forces with soda texico to produce plant-based drinks and snacks. the partnership will also give beyond meat to pepsi's distribution of marketing access as it spreads its wings into the marketing areas it's up 17 and a quarter percent pepsico better than one and a quarter, it is bit code getting accepted by the ivy leagues, harvard, yale and
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brown's have all been shopping for the original crypto currency on coinbase exchange over the past year. and just a reminder, harvard endowment is the mvp it's valued at $40 billion in assets with yale coming in at 30 billion no word on how much either has invested in crypto's but it's also looking at bitcoin for its fund. as for bitcoin down $295 but still 32154. high of at least the past six months $42000 per coin, draftkings living the dream as goldman sachs boost the giant crediting the long-term leadership and sector this as bally's looks to bump up the sports betting options find draftkings rival monkey knife fight in all stock deal that was yesterday, shares are spiking on the news but pulling back today
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we have bally down 4.8% but draftkings is winning at least to date six and a third% of 54.55. a smoking day, shares or climbing i'm looking at about ten and 8% at this hour, france announced plans to use medical cannabis products for experimental use for those patients as well as people battling cancer and drug-resistant epilepsy. at this moment till ray stands at $19 a share starting today if you are flying into the u.s. from anywhere around the globe you must have proof of a covid-19 negative test in hand, the test may be taken no more than three days prior to departure, no test, no boarding joining us now with how passengers are finding a way around the mandatory testing, jeff flock in chicago o'hare.
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>> i don't know why anyone would want to come to chicago from overseas today unless you're coming from the north or south, that is the international terminal that you see behind me you are right if you come from anywhere in the world today to chicago or any other u.s. destination whether you're a u.s. citizen or not to be covid negative and be able to prove it but other countries have similar policies in place before the u.s. did and it now comes to life that apparently people were dodging the system in those countries, an ominous travelers told in terms of the test if they had a negative test i just fired up photoshop and change the date on my test. another an ominous travelers saying the motivation is mostly to save money because these tests cost a lot if you're
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overseas somewhere likely more than $100 and i'm kind of scared because they committed a felony but very likely most airlines workers are not looking for this type of fraud. so there you go, you have to have proof that you had a covid test. you can also have an app on your phone that links directly with their medical records but those that advocate for privacy say those apps are really dangerous, a study of 65 of these apps around the world, 82% have privacy issues, 66% turn information over to law enforcement in 40% of those apps track your location, they put a gps on your phone and know where you are at all times. that's why in the u.s., o'hare, i don't think so. liz: oh my, when i see snow like
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that behind you i miss cleveland but i don't miss cleveland. we know about living on great lakes. thank you. you don't want to be charged with a felony just get the test for now. dow jones industrial up 37 points. a big-screen return bigger than the next installment of daniel craig's james bond, movie theater chain amc telling investors and customers no time to die, at least not yet. amc ceo adam aron is here on how he fought off the bankruptcy world to live another day. closing bell ringing in 28 minutes were coming back with the incredible story but right now we don't know how that movie is going in. stay tuned. en a hailstorm hit,
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liz: you know the near death experience are happening every single hour for businesses across the nation clinging to a thread while waiting for covid vaccinations to save the day will talk about a cliffhanger look at amc stock, moving higher at this moment about 10% extended and epic runoff began friday afternoon and kicked in after the theater chain managed to cobble together a financial lifeline of $506 million in equity in 411 indent to keep the business alive. after laying off 35000 employees and bringing the curtain down on 700,000 screens worldwide with a deadly pandemic it the ceo managed to pull his company from the job as a bankruptcy wolves just in the nick of time, how did he do it amc ceo adam aron is here to tell us.
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you're like tom cruise and mission impossible when he was hanging by the rope with his arms out but he caught his sweat droplet before it hit them in oleum what are the hours leading up to this for you as ceo? >> is a great week because it brings into close to $1 billion per yesterday morning and we have runway now but it was not the hours leading up, it was the year leading up to the financing we went from being the largest movie theater chain in the world, most successful, we think the best in a blink of the eye last march we had to show liver theaters with five and a half billion dollars of revenue and our revenue went to nothing overnight, the press was filled with talk about running out of cash in 2020 and the possibility of a bankruptcy, for different
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times in 2020 we had to raise hundreds and hundreds of million dollars to prevent bankruptcy filing and in fact we raise $1 billion between april and november and we got $1 billion of assistance from our creditors and landlords are theater landlords have been spectacularly understanding over the past year. that takes us to the end of 2020 we are out of cash again because the virus is still rising and theaters are still close but sure enough with hard work and a lot of will we put together $400 million and a $500 million equity raise on the new york stock exchange, got us the cash to live to tell the tell. liz: were you sweating in out because at this point your fifth attempt and asking people to throw money into something that
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they don't know how it's going to come out in the end, a shriveled pile of smoking green money that is no longer existing. talk about the challenge and how you did it this recent round. >> look it wasn't that we were sweating in. i think my senior management would really power through this crisis. we knew what we had to do we had to raise money and we set off to do it. and we have done it four times already so we thought we could do it again and we did it again, i was not worried, i thought we would get there but i knew it would go right to the wire, in my heart of hearts i was new we would make it. we raised a lot of money and bought ourselves a lot of time, the difference now as opposed to
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the last ten months is vaccinations are here, i just got my first vaccination dose ten days ago, by the way i did not pull any strings my local public accounting had 25000 slots available with people over 65, i am 66 i rolled up my sleeve and happily took the pfizer injection. as i said -- go ahead. liz: i was going to say about california, you're in kansas but about california, gavin newsom the governor lifted the mandatory lockdown, we expect the heart of hollywood not only the movie theaters that you have so many but also the industry itself, can you hang on to vaccinations go all the way to california? >> sure but clearly that's a positive step to stay at home
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order that the california governor has lifted. about two thirds of the theaters across the country are all pretty open. we sold tickets to millions and millions of guest dating back to august and because of our commitment to health and safety protocols we work with harvard school of public health were not worried that a single case of a transmission of virus at our theaters. with theaters opening a movie titles releasing we have a future again and i'm looking forward to a healthy strong summer knock on wood. liz: i hope the desk is what, we cannot see it. please come back, we know in july maverick with tom cruise the updated top gun we cannot wait to see that that's when we want to see hopefully things are much better. congratulations. thank you and hang in there. >> thank you very much. liz: adam aron ceo of amc
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theaters. we are coming right back, the dow is barely clinging onto green it is up to points, stay tuned this may change after the backend of the commercial break. ♪
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and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time. it allows for over 20 exercises. do the aerotrainer super crunch, push ups, aero squat. it inflates in 30 seconds. aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. lose weight, look great, and be healthy. go to that's a-e-r-o liz: a private equity chief and wall street giant leon black is getting replaced as ceo but some insiders are apparently unhappy he will maintain his role as chairman. charlie gasparino has been talking to people close to apollo. what are they saying? >> is not just that insiders that are worried including one that is one of the cofounders who wanted to completely sever ties with leon black following the disclosure that leon black
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had an extensive relationship with jeffrey epstein the convicted pedophile who killed himself in his jail sale after being hit with more child sex charges. he essentially was one of his biggest clients that paid $158 million over the years, we understand that clients are voicing their displeasure to apollo specifically saying that they think it's an optics problem that leon black will remain with the company, this is how they split the baby on this as he steps down in ceo in july when he turned 70 at that point leon black remains as chairman and he'll still have a role inside the firm and i can tell you clients are voicing their displeasure at that move and one thing i am hearing buzzing around private equity circles including among some of the clients they believe that mark
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rowen who is replacing leon black as the ceo may have to sever complete ties with black they are talking if there is clients uphold money and the big ones and remember why the opposite of the problem, companies like any pe company including apollo, blackstone, you name it, they manage money for public pension funds, they manage money for teachers and unions and it's those types of businesses that have a real problem with being associated with the firm whose ceo had this close of ties to somebody like epstein. so you could see them pulling money and a lot of people think rowan could force blackout earlier if that'll happen, we should point out josh harris the number two lost data ceo from what i understand is saying he's going to remain at the firm in
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remains committed to be that the firm in helping mark rowen as the ceo even though he passed over the job, we should point out there's no love lost between josh harris and leon black, that feud continues pre-this is a dysfunctional family and could get more dysfunctional as people pull their money out. i want to make one point the you had harvey pitt on on the stuff that i've been recording out the last couple of days, what they basically do people are buying heavily shorted stocks and causing a massive short squeeze that are squeezing many hedge funds one the already needed capital infusion to stay alive, what i keep hearing there are more funds that could be threatened this is not the last receipt of this in the sec has to look at this, it's a bazaar situation where companies and stocks like blackberry, gamestop, bed bath and beyond are just going up like 40% in a
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few days for no other reason. liz: looking gamestop, gamestop is up 91% right now, it did not start off like that. >> here's why it's fascinating a lot is not just a big hedge fund going in targeting doing a short squeeze on this, it's also the retail getting involved through no commission trading at robinhood piggybacking that stuff after talking about it on reddit and a short squeeze obviously if i short a stock, i borrow it, isolate and my hope is to repay at a lower price but if the stock keeps going up i lose a lot of money then i have to sell my other assets and i can get squeeze to death that's what happened to melvin, it could happen to others. it's a fascinating story. a bull raid as they tell. liz: a bull raid, i like that.
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♪. liz: closing bell ringing in five minutes. records are in jeopardy. we're seeing selling into the close. the dow, nasdaq, s&p have turned negative in last couple minutes. we're keeping an eye on it, until then two widely-held names are set to report earnings after the bell. microsoft hitting a record after its report. the world's largest coffee chain starbucks is about to reveal its numbers. david asman in the fox business newsroom. >> how are you, liz? we'll start with microsoft. both of these companies have almost doubled in value since the covid lows in march. they're very exciting stocks to watch. very different reason for their success, a lot of their success is based on cloud computing, all the work at home programs, that
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they have, not only programs but new products focused on that have been very successful. it is the second largest cloud producers, cloud company next to amazon. it is really moving. that is where investors focus most of their attention. they're into other things. their gaming products. the xboxs are doing very well. we have some pads out there that a lot of people are focusing on. they have the office 365. but again, almost doubled since the march lows. a company that is actually done better than the march lows in terms of doubling its value is starbucks? everybody said that it is going to take years for starbucks to get over covid. they have come back dramatically. primarily because of what is happening in china. their international sales have increased enormously. a lot of investors think that they will meet their 10% epa growth targets. so starbucks, and microsoft, two stocks reporting. investors are looking at them very, very carefully, hoping for
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better things to come. liz: yeah. always hoping for better things. david, good to see you. thank you very much. as dangerous new mutations of the covid-19 virus spread out from the uk, south africa, brazil, can genomics save the day? today's "countdown" closer has investment that can capitalize on it. carver financial services has 1.6 billion under management. randy carver running the show. how do you invest, there is always a trade, is there not? >> there is, liz. there are a lot of etfs that, pfizer, moderna. we think the better play would be broader genomics. i think the story is that these mra technologies are going to pave the way for a lot of new treatments and so the play we're looking at is arkg.
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arc genomic revolution etf. liz: okay. so talk about the holds holdings. some of those, genomics, teledoc, twist bioscience. how much after connection do you see there with some of these names? >> you know, obviously they don't own pfizer moderna right now. they do own things like arteris or crisper. so again while i don't know that it is directly related to a covid play, i think it is actually a bigger play as we're seeing a lot of early stage trials for the mrna vaccines for everything from influenza to rabies. but the exciting stuff is, what they're doing with cancer antigens that the fact that some of these companies are working on vaccines.
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they will actually treat multiple diseases. so we think you again, you can do the biotech play like ibb or bbh but we do think that some of these tangential things will play out. liz: depending on the index, randy, we have five, six records so far this year apiece. do we have the steam to keep this going all year? what do you foresee on the horizon? >> that is a great question. we do some pullbacks and choppiness more broadly. the interesting thing is, and some of your previous guests have mentioned this, that every time it starts to get worse stimulus gets passed which kind of pushes it right back up again. and i think, at some point that's not going to continue but in the near term that we'll continue to see more stimulus pushed out. now it is interesting you say that because especially in areas
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like clean energy. we've seen positions triple in the last year. [closing bell rings] since the election some of are up 20, 30% in the last few weeks. liz: indeed. randy carver. great to have you. thank you so much. that will do it for us. no records. tomorrow, federal reserve. connell: we're fighting for gains and for records throughout the day on wall street back and forth we go but doesn't look like we will get it here. investors weighing some of the strong corporate earnings results that have come in against the stimulus expectations as they have been now for a up number of weeks. as we close the dow is down by 22 points. it is down fourth day in a row, dow jones industrial average, s&p by six. nasdaq is down 10 points as we settle things in at the close. any gain for the s&p and nasdaq would have been a record today. the s&p intraday hit an all time high earlier in the day. but we fall short at the close. now on deck for us this hour is


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