tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business January 29, 2021 5:00am-6:00am EST
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i'm jamie colby for "strange inheritance." thanks so much for watching, and remember -- you can't take it with you. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the republican party is not only battling the radical dems and the global elite orthodoxies of wall street and corporate america, but also caught in a frustrating dilemma of its own making. the gop lost in 2020 because it refused to acknowledge and to support donald trump as the leader of the party and president of the united states, the most successful one-term president in history. the republican party's congressional leaders -- mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy -- apparently thought they would be done with donald
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trump. they even parroted the vile lies of the radical democrats on capitol hill, schumer and pelosi, as they blamed president trump publicly for the riot at the u.s. capitol earlier this month. >> the mob was fed lies. they were provoked by the president and other powerful people. and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. these facts require immediate action by president trump. accept his share of responsibility, quell the brimming unrest. lou: shame on those two rinos. a week later kevin mccarthy,
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sensing his position was untenable, walked back his statements or tried to. but the damage has been done. the scars will be lasting. and mccarthy was not qualified to lead republicans in the house, and he is in all likelihood -- despite his meeting with former president trump -- not long for it. and with his job in the balance, the house minority leader met with the former president today at mar-a-lago. for more details on that meeting, we go to fox news correspondent phil keating in palm beach, florida. phil, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, lou. the meeting this afternoon between the former president and the house minority leader said to have gone very cordially and also very, very well. trump also pledged during their lunch meeting that he would work with mccarthy to help republicans regain control of the house in 2022.
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trump's pac shared this photo of the two men which appears to have been taken inside trump's mar-a-lago club. the meeting was 100% private. the two men met for their long lunch at noon, and here is a live look at the outside of the expansive, multimillion dollar property which sits between the intercoastal and atlantic ocean. now, it's possible that mccarthy also agreed to the lunch to get back into the good graces of trump of after publicly holding him responsible for the deadly capitol attack on january 6th. and as the gop if weighs how the party moves forward post-trump or with trump, today's meeting could certainly mean that the house minority leader feels trump still holds a lot of sway in the party which at least here the former chairman of the palm beach county republican party absolutely believes he does and supports. mccarthy was in florida yesterday down in the miami area to fundraise in the hopes of taking the house back in two years which would then likely make mccarthy the house majority leader.
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mccarthy retweeted this video from his chat with the miami mayor which spent time regarding entrepreneurialism and leadership and bringing more good jobs to the city. now, this week in washington mccarthy has been hammering his gop colleagues to get unified, stop spatting with each other and stop fighting over policy and politics. we'll see how that goes there, lou. back to you. lou: yes. quite a statement coming from a man who took on the leader of the republican party and did so without so much as batting an eye and now is bleating for forgiveness. phil keating, thanks for being with us. appreciate it. make no mistake, kevin mccarthy was taken to the woodshe would today in one form or the -- woodshed today in one form or the other. and this may be the beginning of big changes in the republican party. congressman matt gaetz is a change agent for the republican party, and he spoke just moments
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ago at the wyoming state capitol in cheyenne where he is campaigning against house republican conference chair liz cheney and the rest of the party establishment. finish we turn now to fox news correspondent kevin corke with more on the gaetz speech and his activism in wyoming. kevin. >> reporter: evening, lou. the former congressman is, frankly, two parts a tip of the hat to the great cowboy state, it's also one part shot across the bow against a congresswoman who, as you know, voted to impeach president trump, who's lost the confidence of many in her party and is now facing calls to have her ousted from her position as chair of the gop conference. matt gaetz testing a bit of trump-style populism over in cheyenne today the, a state that voted overwhelmingly for the former president and whose state party legislators voted to censure liz cheney, daughter of the former vice president who's also been criticized for a number of questionable decisions
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while in leadership including a lack of fundraising effort and for attacking fellow republicans. >> she taunts me for wearing makeup in my television appearances. [laughter] now, makeup only hides the slightest imperfections of the skin. it does very little to conceal the soulless corruption of washington d.c. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: matt gaetz sounding like a real firebrand there. at least 107 republicans, or just over a majority, have already communicated to leaders in the party that they would support removing liz cheney from her leadership post, that happening on a secret ballot, and it's not just lawmakers, lou, who think it's time for cheney to go. this from mollie hemingway, terrific writer in the federalist. they, republicans, should focus on finding a conference chair who is a better team player with better results, someone whose negatives don't outweigh her positives. there is no reason to leave
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cheney in that position. in fact, it's negligence for republicans to keep cheney in the that position. that from mollie hemingway. stefanik and scalise a pair of the high profile names that might be in line for that chair if it becomes available, something we will keep an eye on, lou. lou: yeah. we're always considering every possibility, aren't we, in washington, d.c. in these political, highly-charged moments. kevin corke, thank you very much. we'll be talking with congressman matt gaits -- thank you -- later in the broadcast as well as former reagan white house political director, the savant himself, ed rollins, on the future of the party. congresswoman liz cheney and the rest of the rinos in congress trying to impeach donald trump despite the clear violations of the constitution that would be involved were they to proceed. they were likely emboldened by the republican party itself.
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republican national committee chair ronna mcdaniel all but cast aside president trump today saying in a statement that the party will remain neutral on a possible trump 2024 presidential run. now the party's base, which just happens to be trump supporters, his base, are showing just how little they care for such outrageous thinking and statements. a trump-backed poll finds 73% of republican voters and 62% of all voters in wyoming have an unfavorable view of liz cheney. she also trails her primary challenger, state senator anthony bouchard, by 33 points. and what is happening in response? well, the swamp, corporate america, k street going to cheney's aid because they like the way he votes. she votes and talks. more than four dozen k street
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lobbyists are hosting a fundraiser for her in two weeks. you know where corporate america and wall street stand on liz cheney now. well, president biden continues to rule by executive order, signing more of them in his first eight days in office than any president in history. one of biden's executive orders stops the keystone pipeline, an order that may kill as many as 70,000 jobs. finish and it's worth reminding ourselves what president biden had to say about executive actions before he was elected president. >> i have the strange notion, we are a democracy. some of my republican friends and system of my democratic friends even occasionally say, well, if you can't get the votes by executive order you're going to do something. things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. we're a democracy. we needen consensus. lou -- we need consensus. lou: and another of president biden's executive orders would
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kill energy sector jobs, but according to the biden administration those workers could just jump right into green jobs. >> coal plants have been closing over the last 20 years. so what president biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives, that they can be the people who go to work to make the solar panels. >> anybody can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for god sake. anybody who could go down 300-3,000 feet in a mine sure in hell can learn how to program as well. >> and there's going to be people like at jcpenney and other retail, those jobs aren't coming back. give them the tools, six months they'll become a computer coder, we'll pay for it. they are not going back to parts of the retail economy, and we need to give them a lifeline towards the next chapter. lou: well, if you're going to destroy jobs, that's awfully nice of rahm emmanuel and chris
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christie to think about such things and, of course, john kerry. highly authoritative and established expert on job creation. extraordinary. we'll be talking about the authoritarian actions of president biden and the party of hate. we take it up with attorney robert ray, a member of the former president's impeachment defense team, china expert gordon chang with us this evening as is radio host larry elder. turning now to wall street, stocks rebounded from yesterday's sharp losses. the dow gaining 300 points but still off its highs of the day. the s&p up 37, the nasdaq gained 67. and volume on the big board continued heavy trading, 6.9 billion shares. and listen to my reports three time as a day -- times a day on the salem radio network. up next here, congressman matt gaetz. he is a firebrand, he is a populist and he is a republican, and he is going after rino liz
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cheney because of her actions in voting to impeach the former president of the united states. we'll talk to congressman matt gaetz right after these quick messages. please stay with us. ♪ ♪ finally moved in. it's a great old house. good bones, wraparound porch. the pipes are... making strange noises. ♪bagpipes♪ ♪bagpipes♪ ♪bagpipes♪ even the plumbers couldn't help us. nope. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which saves us a ton. for bundling made easy, go to
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>> in washington, d.c. the private insider club are of joe biden, mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, nancy pelosi and liz cheney, they want to return our government to its default setting, enriching them, making them more powerful at our expense. lou: that's congressman matt gaetz, a firebrand, indeed, in the republican party. moments ago standing up for former president trump and against the gop establishment. he is insisting that congresswoman liz cheney be removed from her party leadership post for her impeachment vote against president trump. the congressman joins us tonight from cheyenne, wyoming. congressman gaetz, a terrific rally. it was great to see you there in the midst of all those great westerners and folks from
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wyoming. tell us how you think it went, and did you accomplish your goal? >> we had hundreds upon hundreds of patriots show up today to demand political accountability for liz cheney. liz cheney is the third most powerful republican in congress, but she betrayed the republican party. she betrayed her constituents in wyoming, and i think she should bebe removed. she no longer speaks for republicans or republicanism. but as you know, lou, we are in a fight for the soul of the republican party right now, and i don't think we can win that fight if we only fight on the 8 square or miles of washington d.c. we have to get out in america. we have to excite the people of our great country to put our people and o our nation first ad not to sell out to foreign interests abroad or special interests at home. i think based on the reaction i got in wyoming that america first is alive and well, and it will be the prevailing ideology of our political movement.
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lou: i want to congratulate you for doing what you're doing by going out, talking with the folks who ostensibly put liz cheney in that congressional seat. we know that she raised more money from pacs than she did from wyoming donors, so it's pretty i clear she effectively s put in that seat despite the people of wyoming and because of her allegiance to, well, wall street, corporate america and what are now her puppetmasters in the establishment. but she'she not alone. kevin mccarthy, the leader of your party in the house conference, the minority leader down talking to the former president, donald trump, america first, m make america great, the man who represented working men and women and their families, and it's a very lonely place right now for those like, say,
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congressman matt gaetz, who support the same values, the same ideals as the former president. your thoughts as you contented contented -- contend with a leadership that is fractured and, frankly, absolutely betraying the ideals of the trump administration and donald trump, the former president. >> well, the current leadership of the republican party is not worth the people of the republican party who have done so much to make america great. and while i may be lonely frequently in washington, d.c., i sure wasn't lonely today in cheyenne, wyoming, because the people of america, they understand that the policies of president trump made their lives better. now liz cheney didn't just raise more money from pacs than from people f in wyoming, she raised more money from pacs than people anywhere. literally, lou, more money from
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pac than from human beings. now, i'm the only republican in congress that doesn't take any pac money from any washington pacs because i think the american people should be our one and only special interest. so i plan to travel the country to ignite our movement, to get out d of washington, d.c. and to insure that we get back to the winning ways of president trump. the establishment think we've got to go back to the days of romney and the bushes and the cheneys. i think we're past that, and we're so much better for it, and it f starts right here in wyomig by the great i folks here replacing liz cheney. i saw a poll yesterday, lou, liz is less -- cheney is less popular than muammar gadhafi was with libyans at the time of his removal. obviously, we don't wish the same thing for liz cheney, we just hope she's defeated in the upcoming election. lou: well, that is one of the, i have to say, most surprising poll comparisons i think i've ever heard, congressman. [laughter] the reality is that she is very
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unpopular with the republican party, and she's almost as unpopular with the entire state as with, as is she with republicans. it's, you've got, you know, k street s money, you can do almot anything. you can laugh at thenyin peoplef wyoming and just keep your seat unless they decide to be activists themselves and understand that one of the great lessons of 2020 was every republican hadad better get out and vote. >> absolutely. and, you know, the political climate in wyoming, i don't think it's very different than where it is all over the country. and so what happened here today should be a message to all republicans. if you try to purge trump theism, if you try -- trumpism, if you try to go back to the america last policiesic of trade deals for corporations, illegal immigration to push down american wages and wars without winning or without end, the base
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of our party will not accept that. we will demand better. and i think that we're getting off to a great start for that today, but it's going to require a lot more work, a lot more effort. and you know what, l lou? i think president trump is going foto be a part of that effort. i don't think he's going to florida to retire and be quiet and be silent. he still loves this country, he will still fight for this country until his dying breath. and we're so grateful to have him as the leader of our movement. lou: well, congressman, i think that you're exactly right, and i know the country hopes that you are exactly right about the former president. he is the leader of the republican party. you know, i hate to break that news to mcconnell and the boys on those marble floors of the senate, but i think they've got a shock or two yet to come. congressman, great of to have you with us. congratulations and ourti thanks for what you are doing there in the state of wyoming as well as back in the swamp.
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thanks. congressman matt gaetz, a great american. up next here, joe biden's dictator-like use of executive orders that has even "the new york times" saying, whoa, joe! we'll take that up and more. the political savant himself joins us, ed rollins is next. please stay with us. ♪ no one likes to choose between safe or sporty. modern or reliable. we want both - we want a hybrid. so do banks. that's why they're going hybrid with ibm. a hybrid cloud approach helps them personalize experiences with watson ai while helping keep data secure. ♪ ♪ ♪ from banking to manufacturing, businesses are going with a smarter hybrid cloud, using the tools, platform and expertise of ibm. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ lou: a bombshell report from new york's attorney general today absolutely indicting governor andrew cuomo's controversial china virus nursing home policies and report on it. this 76 report indictment finds the state the health department undercounted china virus-related nursing home deaths by as much as 50%. meaning new york's current tally of 8711 nursing home deaths is
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actually about 15,000. joining us tonight is former reagan white house political director and fox business political analyst, the savant himself, ed rollins. ed, great to have you with us. let's start with matt gaetz in wyoming campaigning against congresswoman liz cheney because she voted to impeach the president of the united states. we haven't seen this kind of activism from the republican party in ath very long time. your reaction. >> sounds like he's going to run for governor, move out of florida and run for governor of wyoming which is an interesting state. you know, the bottom line is i think this whole impeachment and the diminishing of the republican party's been overstated. democrats wanted this president since the get go, president trump. i had to laugh as they watched the love affair going on for biden, and it'll continue by the
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mainstream media. if you really analyze this election, how close it was, 43,000 votes was the difference in three states, georgia, and wisconsin. if that would have been shifted, then you would have had 269-269, thehe president would have been reelected. the president won 25 states, biden won 25 states and the district of columbia. trump's margin -- he lost which most democrats, most republicans do by 7,000 votes, he lost new york by 2 million -- 7 million, 2 million. that's the margin. the rest of the country was trump country. so republicans shouldn't be rolling over playing dead, they should be saying we had a great election. we're sorry for the president, the virus created a lot of confusion, ran a great campaign, got many of us certainly the margin in the house increased. we didn't lose a seat anywhere outside of the senate. the bottom line is that trumpism is alive and well, and i think that republicanism is alive and well.
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we've got to quit in-fighting, and if cheney wants to vote, she'll pay the price. go ahead. lou:u: by that you mean be removed? >> well, it takes two-thirds vote to remove her. if they want to remove her, they should remove her. at the end of the day, if they want to defeat her in wyoming, she'll get defeated in wyoming. the reality is we can't be fighting with ourselves. we have all the democrats to fight. they're going to try to undo everything donald trump did with this very slim or margin. go ahead. lou: yeah, let me ask you a question because this is the, you know, mitch mcconnell doesn't want the republican party fighting, ken mccarthy doesn't -- kevin mccarthy doesn't want them fighting. but sometimes, and you as a boxer know this, sometimes a fight's worth having. and this is one about the direction of the country as well as theg. party. when you have rino like mcconnell and mccarthy and the leadership team that mcconnell has assembled in the
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senate and the same with mccarthy, you're talking about an orthodox gop that is staid, it's unimaginative, it is not connected tos people, it is utterly dependent, as you well know, on the good -- [laughter] the good money of the k street, business lobbyists, wall street and big tech. and the american people come way down the list. it is not about americans first, it's about corporate america first. and always. >> well, the president changed a lot inlo this country, president trump. he changed the dynamics, changed the agenda. he did not change the culture of washington. and my sense today is that'll get changed as time goes on, and as we look to the future, we have to track young people, we have to track more women voters. but the reality is we shouldn't be sitting here saying the game is over, because the game's not over. and if you want to -- lou: i've never said the game is over. ed, i didn't say the game is
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over. i said that the fight ought to begin right now andn be had. and let the devil take the -- because this is ridiculous. >> the only argument, the only argument i'll make, the only argument i'll make withon you, u can fight inside behind closed doors, buted publicly you've got to be taking the democrats on. you can't't let them roll this agenda. lou: yeah. >> they will undo by executive orders everything he did. fight behind closed doors, go have primaries, do whatever you want to do and keep your mouth shut about each other. go get the democrats. they're there, they're the ones that are changing the country. lou: see, i've got a different view, if i may share it with you. >> i know i you do. know -- lou: this is -- well, i've got to, it sounds like i better reiterate it, because the fact of the matter is this is a fight worthh having, and it's got to e had. and it better not be behind closed doors, in smoke-filled rooms, because this country gets enough of that from the radical dems and the establishment
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republicans. this has to be a fight led by a party that is committed to working men and women and tear families -- and their families and putting america first as always at the top of the agenda. and that has got to be vocal, it's not to be energetic, and it has got to, be persistent and nonstop, in my opinion. and donald trump is still the man to lead that effort, and i hope that's what he'll do without apology or without constraint. you get the last word. >> i'm sure he's going to be an important factor to to this, i just don't think you can give up, lose everything at this point in time. and i've tried to say this to you over the years, mcconnell gave a lot of the agenda that trump succeeded, you know? they've taken shots at him in kentucky forever. he is the leader, he counts votes well. he's going to save trump from embarrassment in the senate in this impeachment fight -- lou: he's embarrassed -- ed, i
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would love to believe that statement that you just made, but there is nothing he has done or said to this point that supports it in any way. he has beenas callow, he has betrayed the president and the party with his ridiculous parroting of left-wing talking points. you know, he has been an outrage and a disgrace to the party and to -- as far as i'm concerned -- to the senate itself. you getce this last word. >> look back on the agenda, when you look back at the agenda, the judges, every single accomplishment that trump and he made --- lou: well, i would have to say too you that -- [inaudible conversations] made that possible was a guy, the only thing that made that possible, ed, was the fact of a fellow by the name of donald trump got himself elected president or otherwise we'd have had four straight years of lost presidential elections to the radical dems and their, well, cunning ways. >> what i'm saying is -- [inaudible conversations] all
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right. you and i continue to argue. we need to win the midterms. lou: the fight's got to be now. >> right. lou: need to win the fight now. up next, red storm rising -- good to see you, ed -- the chinese communist party threatens war with taiwan. we'll take that up and more after this quick break. the gatestone institute's gordon chang j “could have been me” by the struts hey, mercedes? how can i help you? the 2021 e-class. motortrend's 2021 car of the year. i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media for 45 years.
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lou: breaking news, president biden's choice to be commerce secretary, or gina ramando, claims to be tough on china but refuses to commit to keeping chinese companies such as huawei on the government entities list. senator ted cruz criticizing her refusal saying, quote: it already looks like team biden is rushingru to embrace the worst elements of the chinese communist party. huawei is a global espionage operation masquerading as a technology company, and the senate should use every tool at our disposal to keep huawei on the entities list. well, joining us now is gordon chang, columnist, author, senior fellow at the gatestone institute, great american. gordon, let's start with, first of all, aren't you proud of senator p cruz? he is really stepping to the front of the spear in this effort to defend the united states from the chinese
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communists. your thoughts. >> absolutely proud of senator cruz, and he was absolutely right. you know, nobody should serve as commerce secretary unless they're going to commit to the senate and to the american people that they'll keep huawei and other chinese companies on the entity list. huawei is a danger to the united states, it's a danger to our allies and friends and partners. it'sng going to steal the worlds data as it's been trying to do. it's going to try to manipulate devices onra the fifth generatin wireless communication networks. senator cruz is absolutely right. lou: you know, i'm struck also by president xi jinping's warning to president biden to not be confrontational, to not confront the chinese whether referring to the south china sea, s whether it is on the failure of chinese container ships tose pick up u.s. agricultural products to ship to
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china. this, it looks to me like the confrontation is originating again with the chinese and the good president of communist china is, well, playing a p.r. game. >> yes. and people in the region in asia know that xi jinping is testing biden. the chinese don't respect him. they think they can push him around. and as we saw from the commerce secretaryy nominee, i think beijing believes they don't even have to lift a finger. so this is one of those dangerous moments, lou, where china is really arrogant. lou: and china telling taiwan that independence would mean war. this along with the overflights and all of the naval activities in the south china sea, china is really pressing, as you say, testing president biden but also pressing u.s. interests in a way
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that is a new level for even their expansionary foreign policy. >> yes, you're absolutely right about that. what we have seen, of course, those two very belligerent air provocations on saturday and sunday against taiwan. now with xi jinping's warning to taiwan, which really is a warningg to president biden. so right now the chinese think that they can do what they want, and that makes this one of those times where things can go really wrong. because when dictators don't respect leaders of democracies, that's when we have these really big wars in history. so biden right now is under the spotlight because the chinese just think that they can kick him. lou: and right now the chinese own a majority of the freighters, the container ships that traverse global, global routes to every continent.
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they're refusing to pick up u.s -- primarily the western ports, western u.s. ports -- to pick up agricultural products that have been bought that are part of the phase one trade agreement, and they are turning, turning back some billion dollars inning agricultural products because they want to hurry home, they say, to pick up more goods to export to the united states. it's remarkable what we're witnessing here, the gall if you will of the communist chinese. >> and this also shows the folly of those people who believed in globalization. that the united states didn't need to own ships, that the united states could fend on china for pharmaceutical properties -- products. this list just goes on and on, lou, of how people thought that we could just live in a world with peace with a communist regime, and it's proven not to
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be the case. and that's why this point is one where the united states is in jeopardy. we can not assume that we're going to get through this. lou: president trump led this country to energy independence and was on his way to creating balanced trade around the world not just with china. but we are now watching, for example, without even hesitation 48 lobbyists, k street lobbyists banding together to support congresswoman liz cheney? there is just no shame on the part of the donor class, the corporate america, the u.s. multi-nationals, wall street, they --- and, of course, big tech. they mean to have their will work, and their more aligned -- they're more aligned, frankly, the radical left and particularly big tech and wall street with the chinese policies, economic policies than they are with the previous
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administration's economic policies which drove this country toco a level of prospery we hadn't -- that was unprecedented really. your thoughts. >> and you've been talking for years, lou, about how corporate america, the chambers of commerce and wall street really saw that their interests were aligned with communist china and with others that meant the united states harm. they felt they had more interest with elites in those regimes than with american workers. so we had a lot of administrations prior to trumpmp that really put the american worker last. and, you know, right now we're seeing theei emergence of these forces again, and this is dangerous for our democracy. lou: gordon chang, always great to have you with us. thanks for being with us, gordon. good to see you. see you again soon. up next, washington, d.c. doesn't have to worry, apparently, about black lives matter riots any longer now that joe biden is president. and antifa? don't give it a thought.
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everything's fine. unless you're in the northwest. we take it up with radio host larry elder. but before we go to break, please go w to, pick up your copy of "the trump century," a great read about our great president. you can also grab your official bs"lou dobbs tonight" mug. that's, we're coming right back, stay withwe us. ♪ research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual! what does it do bud? it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! and what did you get, mike? i got a bike. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ lou: china virus shutdowns, black lives matter and antifa riots appear to have been conveniently used by radical dems for political gain in washington, d.c. and around the country. seven days after president biden's inauguration, the city's radical dem mayor, muriel bowser, tweeted that the city is, quote, open. she added that it is time for the local businesses to put away all that, all of that wood and take down those boards from their windows and doors. washington, d.c. is open despite the fact that she also wants the national guard, some 6,000 troops, to remain there through march. i wonder what,t, how she squares
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that up. larry elder, host of the larry elder show on the salem radio network, joining us here tonight. good to have you with us, or larry. your thoughts y about, well, taking down the wood to protect your store. and asking for 6,000 national guard troops. that's, there's a little strain on credulity and reason there. [laughter] >> well, the whole thing is kini of strange. i was struck by that presentation, lou, that susan rice put on where she outlined the plan to attack systemic racism. let's stipulate that her former boss, barack obama, is probably the most popular, powerful, respected black person in america. what has he said about systemic racism over the years? he ran in 2008. he was, at the time, the number two behind hillary when he got an interview on "60 minutes," and he was asked, senator obama, if you don't win, will it be because of racism? and, lou, the man said, no, it will be because i have not -- i have failed to articulate a
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vision that the american people can embrace. the year before that obama in 2007 giving a speech before a black church, giving his best preacher oratory, and he said that the moses generation, aireferring to martin ruther kig general -- luther king generation, had us 90% of the wayf there to mlk's dream. now, for perspective, 8% of americans believe that elvis is still alive or that there's a strong possibility he is alive. every major city has had a black mayor, a black superintendent of schools or a black police chief or sometimes all three at once. cities like baltimore, 2015 when freddie gray died? the mayor was black, the police chief was black, the number two person behind the police chief wass black, all the city council democrat majority black, the state attorney who brought the charges against the six officers, black. three of the six officers, black. the judge before whom two of the officers had their cases tried,
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black. the u.s. attorney at the time, loretta lynch, black. the president of the united states, black. and we're still talking aboutck systemic racism? if systemic racism is a problem, then a lot of these so-called black leaders have been committing it. let's knock it off. the number one problem, lou, as i told you many times, 70% of black kids are brought into the world without a dad in the home, and obama once said a kid without a father is five times more likely to be pure, nine times more likely to be -- poor, nine times more likely to drop out of school, and twenty times more likely to end up in jail. why have we gone from having 25% of black kids born outside of wedlock in 1955 to 70% right now? i argue that we, with our welfare state, we've incentivized women to marry the government, and we've incentivized menen to abandon their financial and moral responsibility, and we're not having that conversation, lou. lou: we'rere not having that conversation, and i'm not
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otcertain that anyone in the bin administration would acknowledge the facts that you've just shared with all of us here this evening. that in and of itself is, it's really stunning to think about. but this president has made it pretty clear what we were going to contend with if, indeed, he was to be elected, were to be elected president. >> right, right. lou: among those people that he is nominating to head the doj civil rights division. a person who has said this, that -- in a letter to the harvard crimson, that blacks have superior physical and mental abilities. [laughter] if a white person had written that, we know that the crimson would have probably put a strong edit on that, and there would have been considerable outrage. it is, it's beyond me why there is such a, you know, just such
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an absurd idea of systemic racism in any expression and why tit is -- it's racism itself, i don't understand why the word systemic has to be in it other than to really support the idea that we need some giant, vast system to deal with it which clearly we t don't. we just simply need to be our better selves. >> no different than joe biden saying if you don't know whether or not you want to vote for me, vote for donald trump, you ain't black. same thing, same kind of attitude. [laughter] lou: well -- [laughter] i think that you told the president something that he mightt want to consider. we appreciate it, larry elder -- >> i hope so. lou: we'll all consider it, as a matter of fact. thanks so much, larry. good to see you. stay with w us, we're coming rit back. ♪k ♪k ♪k ♪k ♪k these days, we want sophisticated but simple. cutting edge made user friendly.
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♪. lou: breaking news now. the endless assault against breaking news now, the endless assault against former president donald trump goes on. as republican senators are apparently considered century the former president now that they know an impeachment conviction is impossible. radical dem, to mccain you remember him and susan collins are working together, a real statement of bipartisanship to censure the president since
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they can't impeach him. that only requires a simple majority. a simple majority of ignoramuses in the u.s. senate. the disgrace is almost complete for both parties and the senate. angst for being with jackie: good morning, i'm jackie deangelis, the reddit robin battle lives on, trading of stocks like game stop, nokia after halting trades yesterday. robin hood facing lawsuits as members of congress on both sides of the ailse call for investigation. honey well reporting this hour. futures are under pressure.
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