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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 31, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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us. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. the radical dems enjoyed, you may recall, surprising success in the november election. in fact, there required only 45,000 votes in three states to win the presidency. so why would they not want the same good fortune all across the country? it turns out they do. two oregon lawmakers -- senatorr ron wyden and congressman earl blumenauer of portland, oregon -- have introduced legislation so that the entire country could provide that good
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fortune to the democrat party. these two fine lawmakerses from oregon where mail-in balloting has been such a success for some time, well, they want everyone to mail in their ballots, all registered voters weeks before any election anywhere. it would be, of course, nationwide and such a boon to the democrats. one at least thinks so because of what happened on november 3rd, 2020. you would also, as it turns out in this legislation, give huge sums of money to the united states postal service. and we all know how much money the postal service always needs, and we also know what great stewards they are of both ballots and billions. the same postal service that nancy pelosi called last year election value the, and was -- central, and was it ever. and the postal workers' unions,
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seven of them, endorsing joe biden for president. and we know how lucky he got with that endorsement. we'll be taking that up with former trump campaign adviser and former manager of the campaign in 2016 corey lewandowski, among those fighting in pennsylvania for president trump in the final, waning hours of the battle for the white house. president biden and radical dems have called for unity in this country, but sometimes they don't talk like it, sometimes they don't act like it. one can be forgiven for, well, being somewhat skeptical of them in their desire for unity because, for example the, speaker pelosi says she wants security protection in the u.s. capitol against the, quote, enemy within. that enemy, she insinuates, is the republican party.
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and alexandria ocasio-cortez says -- it's always good when we begin a sentence that way, isn't it? -- she says senator ted cruz almost had her murdered three weeks ago. that sounds like a criminal affairs doesn't it? if -- affair, doesn't it? not a matter for political rhetoric. but as the left intensifies its attack on the gop, their leaders seem flat-footed and detached, those gop-ers. not a happy situation for the republican party broadly and at large who still consider, most of them -- nearly all of them -- former president trump to be the party's leader. former president trump said after yesterday's mar-a-lago meeting with house minority leader kevin mccarthy that he will work to improve the good fortunes of the republican party in 2022. is the former president not learning from his previous mistakes? we'll take that up with former
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trump white house chief of staff mark meadows and proud trump are republican leo terrell here tonight. we'll also be talking with pastor robert jeffress as is our custom on friday evenings about president biden's authoritarian actions on the issue of abortion. and we'll be talking about the pastor the's new book, "a place called heaven devotional: 100 days of living in the hope of eternity." the pastor will join us, as he always does on a beautiful friday night in america. our top story, the fight against the china virus pandemic. johnson & johnson's single-dose vaccine is only 66% effective in a global study, but the company will file for a emergency use authorization from the federal drug administration next month. the biotech novavax says its vaccine is 90% effective against
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covid-19 but also makes something of a dent on the south african strain. that's a 50% dent. 50% efficacy which, it appears, is the best performance of any vaccine that has been unleashed on the south african strain. pfizer and moderna say their vaccines are somewhat effective against is south african variant which has just arrived in this country. for more on that part of the story, we turn to fox news correspondent jon san serrie. jonathan the. >> reporter: good evening, lou. the south carolina department of health and environmental control has confirmed two cases of that strain that emerged from south africa involving residents of south carolina. federal health officials are concerned because this mutation the is highly transmissable, and all indications are that these two patients became infected not
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in south africa, but in their local community suggesting the variant has already been circulating in south carolina. >> these cases were identified in different parts of the state and not believed to be end deem logically linked. they each did not have any travel history. >> reporter: current vaccines still protect, they offer some protection against the south african strain although not as well as other strains. experts say governments and manufacturers need to remain nimble so they can quickly adapt vaccines to meet emerging threats. >> this is a wake-up call to all of us that we will be dealing, as the virus uses its devices to evade pressure, particularly immunological pressure, that we will continue to see the evolution of knew taxes. >> reporter: health officials, lou, say the faster americans can get vaccinated, the less
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time this coronavirus will have to create further mutations. lou? lou: it's a real struggle for this administration, apparently, to come to terms with the distribution of this vaccine. any, any word from the administration, the cdc, the fda, any of the relevant agencies as to how president biden intends to speed up the distribution? >> reporter: they are looking to ramp it up. the problem right now is the supply, but they say that the companies are able to create more and more vaccine, and so as we go into the spring, you're going to see the vaccine become available to more and more groups. but we may be getting closer to summer before it, before it becomes available to everyone. it may become -- they may open it up to all groups in april, but it may be the end of the summer before all americans who with want the vaccine are able
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to get it. lou: sobering news from the administration. jonathan, thank you very much. jonathan serrie reporting from atlanta. well, the south african strain as well as the strains originating in the u.k. and brazil, are more infectious, more resistant to the vaccine and constantly mutating from the original covid-19 strain. south africa linked one has had at least eight, the brazil-linked virus has had twenty mutations. the u.k. virus, that strain has had twenty-three changes, and they are happening quicker and quicker. well, now to the latest on the stock markets and the internet brokerages that have decided they will decide just who are the winners and who are the losers. texas attorney general ken paxton i says he's investigating
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robinhood, discord, citadel hedge fund and other companies that have suspended stock trading and investing. at least two class action lawsuits have been filed against robinhood. robinhood allowed some trading of gamestop and amc -- as they lefted their restrictions -- lifted their restrictions. no new limits on trading in heavily-shorted stocks as of right now from the policies this morning. but the sec and the white house have been absolutely silent about these companies, these firms and those changing the rules on wall street to benefit hedge funds and the big players. edward lawrence has more on the story for us from washington. ed. >> reporter: hey, lou. yeah, what we're seeing is this app at the center of the war, the battle between wall street and main street here. robinhood bills itself as a free trading app. it's been used by thousands of
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small investors or to bid up the stock pricpr ockstot ttall wallw s.ho nonoyoing dngs,hehe smamall stasaudsedilli bsonfon ll dos ll ls osins this wee weeeeoreeoree the hosege hos fun.ds ynoesterdnoesno aayaysay yaid,t aphaapp ed t tngrang ong o sto ke thobin sai thahat ittt need teded d toed dha do to t ry ro olla cral c too hdleanhee lumevome o tmedededendy t d, d act, fact, ft,aisese asesesehse. w -- a th teth attoey gen's's edopn a anves iga,on, , ,wmak,wm,s o capitolapitol hitia ookintonts as as asas rulats. thlothly ithlylyly a aeein atement.ent. t.t.ey didey dididay,ay initionw will act t aoo prote p ret rll investinves inen theen t facts demonstrate abusive or manipulative trading activity that is hinted -- prohibited by the federal securities laws. but a former regulator that we talked with said that it will be hard for the sec to find a
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violation. >> i think that when it comes to regulating speech or regulating content, that's a huge challenge. and certainly from the securities regulation perspective e, i don't think the sec can ever regulate speech. other than fraudulent speech which everyone has the power to regulate, charging a crime for doing it. >> reporter: and the small investors organized this through reddit and facebook chat groups. both of those platforms have removed those groups, further angering lawmakers on capitol hill wanting to know why. on friday you have lawmakers converging with small investors, small investors and regulators converging with big tech. it all started from a brick and mortar store that a to lot of us probably haven't gone into for us or for our kids for at least 20 years. back to you, lou. lou: well, it's sort of interesting that we're hearing
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that the problem is the speech, the communication amongst those on reddit, whether it be facebook or any other platform. that isn't what caused the problem here, ed. and this is one of the -- the people that caused the problem the hedge funds that are shorting a stock without understanding the ramifications or the marketplace. they thought they saw an easy win, and they got their tails handed to them. it's no laughing matter. they're losing billions of dollars. but it is certainly a criminal matter when people start changing the rules to favor favor big hedge funds and big brokerages. because, remember, the big hedge funds are playing both sides of this along with those retail investors. it is the really a matter that requires considerable, i think, perspective on the part of this country. these folks outwitted the short sellers. short sellers are a, you know,
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or they're a stinky bunch to begin with. we -- i heard all of the nonsense about how important short sellers are. that's balderdash, and everybody knows it. it's a way for the brokerages, the hedge funds to play the game up and down as the prices move across these markets. it's an outrage, and robinhood should be held to account as all the other brokerages, even those connected to, connected to a major hedge fund -- especially, perhaps, don't you think? >> reporter: yeah. and it's interesting, lou, that when robinhood paused yesterday on their halted trading on those certain stocks, some of the hedge funds were able to cover some of their losses because the stock did fall then as the small investors couldn't buy onto it. and that's been the argument from the small investor -- or from the people supporting those small investors, that here we have the herd, basically,
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out1345r9ed wall street and they're unhappy about it, so they're trying to change the rules in the middle of all this happening. lou: yeah. the herd. i don't like that name. you know, a lot of smart, principally young investors who care about certain things like the gaming stocks and shops that, you know, people in their earlier youth, you know, i admire that. and when you go up against a short, you know, in my opinion, you're on the right side of that deal. so we're going to see what's going to happen. and, by the way, there is the little matter of robinhood. according to reporting in "vice," selling its trades, the internal trades to those hedge funds so they are getting an advantage both in time if data -- and data to move the market in their direction. that the, to me, is something the sec might want to consider
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looking into, and there should be severe consequences for all involved in that little game. ed lawrence, it's a complicated story, a fascinating story and, man, it's good to see the so-called little guys winning. thanks so much. appreciate it. ed lawrence. up next, the dems are recruiting rino senators to help push their open borders agenda we'll take that up and more after the break with former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows. stay with us, we'll be right back. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: just stop. get a hobby. you should meditate. eat crunchy foods. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. are you kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big.
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start stopping with nicorette
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♪ ♪ lou: oh, i'm pleased to say that mark meadows is joining us tonight, our special guest this evening. the former white house chief of staff to president trump, a great american, and it's a delight to see you, mark, and know that you're at least getting a little bit of a breather here to recollect and drive that well known energy of yours forward to your next project. which brings us to the subject, what's next? >> well, i'm going to stay in the fightment i can tell you -- fight. i can tell you, ooh i've joined
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as senior partner for the conservative partnership institute, a networking hub that brings conservatives together to say in the fight. they were a critical part of the impeachment battle when the first impeachment happened. they were front and center during the confirmation of amy coney barrett. and right now, you've mentioned it, we've got a fight on our hand. it's not just the impeachment that's going on, this farce that is going on in the senate coming up here in a week or so, but it's also a fight on amnesty, big tech. we're going to be front and center, and i look forward to reengaging on behalf of the america first agenda and carrying on some of those great policies that the 45th president was able to accomplish over the last four years. lou: it strikes me that if the republican party did not have the trump first, america first
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policies in all areas -- foreign policy, domestic -- the republican party wouldn't be standing for much. it's really stunning, i think, when we all step back, take a breath to see that the mitch mcconnells, the kevin mccarthys, they are, frankly, not up to snuff. these are not leaders. they may be managers of money, you know, fundraising, trying to pick winners and losers amongst a host of candidates whether it's the house or the senate. they're not doing very much for the american people. that seems to me to be a fight well worth having now to bring in a new generation of leaders including ron that ronna mcdaniel at the rnc. she lost her way, and the republican party lost the presidency and control of the senate. >> well, american people, lou, are not going to be fooled.
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and i can tell you having campaigned with the president and gone to a number of rallies all over the country, when you see the kind of energy that is out there -- and it's not just your typical repalin voter. i mean -- republican voter. we had union employees, we had lifelong democrats who said president trump represented really what it was all about which was actually putting america first, putting the forgotten man and woman first but also making sure that he shakes things up. i've never seen an endorsement matter so much as president trump's endorsement. lou: right. >> when you look at the support that we have in the house and the fact that we're very close to retaking the house, that's due in large part to the tireless work that president trump put forward making sure that they got elected. lou: absolutely. and aye never seen a president -- i've never seen a president whose endorsement mattered more in terms of
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results, nor have i seen more recipients of such an endorsement be less grateful and, in point of fact, well, peevish, petty and vindictive against a man they obviously are jealous of and who they fear mightily for his influence among the base, some 75 million people. it's pitiful to watch what happens to mitch mcconnell's face when he hears the name trump. now the issue of the impeachment, the silly -- you called it a farce, i call it the most, just the latest from the party of hate which the democrats have become. now they're talking about censure because they realized, after rand paul called for the vote, that they haven't got any -- they're not even close to having enough people to impeach in this president, obviously, because there's nothing -- he did nothing.
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so censure? are are you kidding me? >> well -- lou: are you going to be able to unite conservatives and republicans and stop that as well? that's just ignorance. >> well, we're going to stop it. not only will we stop it on capitol hill, but we'll stop it across america. you mentioned 75 million people, listen, they haven't forgotten their president. and, candidly, they will make sure that their members of congress see the light x. if they don't, they'll make them feel the heat. and i can tell you this, that some of those members of congress that voted for impeachment in the house, they already see the kind of backlash that they're getting back home. it may have made them a hero in washington, d.c., but it made 'em a skunk back home in their districts. and so it's really critical that we go ahead and get in -- listen, the president is a private citizen right now, and we're going through talking about censure and impeachment when we really need to be talking about how do we create
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jobs, how do we fight big tech, how do we make sure that amnesty not is not the new -- is not the new flavor of the month coming out of this administration. lou: you know, one thing that's been lacking, and i applaud your efforters to bring everybody together the -- efforts to bring everybody together on the right and to focus on it. but those people who voted for impeachment, they also should be a prime target for removal from office. they should be primaried and everyone effort brought to bear to get them out of the party. don't you agree? i mean, this is, this is a fight worth happening. republicans, we watched this president get frustrated as much by the rinos in both the senate and the house as he was by the radical dems who were, you know, blood thirsty low lives. both, in my opinion, have no place in what is an america
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first national policy. >> well, let me just tell you the people of america are very smart. and what happens is, is when you represent a district and some of these districts went overwhelmingly for president trump on november 3rd, and when you look at that constituency, listen, this is a representative form of government, and you're there to represent your district as any member should. they should be a reflection of the people that they represent. sometimes members lose their way. it's our hope that the conservative coelectricities that we can put -- coalitions that we can put together will certainly encourage them to find their path back to where they need to be for their district. lou: and mail-in balloting. wyden wants it for everyone, it worked out so well for the democrats. is that going to be amongst the very first issues that you take up? >> well, it is.
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election integrity, listen, we've got to do something about that. i can tell you that the democrats believe that they used the covid pandemic as a way to actually -- lou: yep with. mark? >> -- to find a way to manipulate. that's what we're going to is -- going to do, work on that right away. lou: mark meadows, great american. thank you. up next, black lives matter, a summer of riots and now, now they're being nominated for a nobel peace prize. figure that one out. civil rights attorney leo terrell will do just that for us of after this quick break. stay with us, we'll be
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us now, leo terrell, civil rights lawyer, staunch supporter of former president trump, also fox news contributor or. leo, good to have you with usment let's start with a nobel peace prize for black lives
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matter, so says a norwegian advocate for black lives matter. he loves the way the message of peace and hope that the black lives matter group has created and spread around the world. >> lou, i'm insulted by the even notion of a nomination of black lives matter. let me be clear, i don't support black lives. black lives matter is a terrorist organization in this country. if the people in stockholm need to see some videotape, i would represent or submit the summer of 2020 in chicago, in portland, in seattle where black lives matter terrorized, burned, looted cities and democratic cities throughout this country. it's insulting to the intelligence of any civil rights organization and to the term peaceful protest. i find it insulting for this terrorist organization to be nominated. lou: well, there's, there are more insults flying, emanating
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from washington d.c. speaker pelosi talking about the enemy within. suddenly -- and insinuating, clearly, that that those are republican enemies. what do you make of her, and what do you think the republican party should do in response? >> two things. first of all, with pelosi, a thin create, a -- hypocrite, a person who looks and focuses on the capitol riot and will not look at what's going on in the northwest, in portland and seattle, will not look at left-wing extreme treatmentist groups. she cannot utter the word antifa or black lives matter destroying cities throughout the country. joe biden, i've been waiting for him to condemn the ongoing terrorism, lou, in the northwest. he refused because the left-wing terrorists represent the base of the democratic party. i heard your excellent interview with mark meadows. he's a trump patriot. what's going on with these rinos in washington, d.c.
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where they have basically appeased these democrats in order to be liked is insulting. mitch mcconnell, kevin mccarthy do not represent trump republicans. it's insulting the republican party. lou: and the d.c. police, suddenly we don't hear anything about defunding the police from the left. we heard nothing but, it seemed, for months and months last year from the spring of 2020 to the election. we don't hear anything about it, leo. isn't that an interesting change of direction? we don't see all of this broad swath of rioting and looting and vandalism and violence that the left of brought us on the streets of democratically-led cities. just in the -- it seems to be the favorite hoe ceal spotterland and seattle -- locale spotterland and seattle.
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what do you make of their timidity? >> democrats want to keep 5,000 national guard troops in washington, d.c. so to remind people tata we need these troops there. i tell you right now, those national or guard troops are being used as props only because they're not needed there. if you're going to use the national guard, send them to portland and seattle if you want to really stop the problem. but they won't do that, lou, because those are left-wing terrorists with support of socialists, the aocs, the left wing of the democratic party, and nancy pelosi and joe biden are afraid of their left wing. and that's why you have this total chaos going on with these ridiculous executive orders being signed by joe biden. lou: leo, great to have you with us. good to see you. see you soon. leoer terrell. up next, the deep state who spied on former president trump and his campaign and his
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administration escaping all forms of accounting and punishment. we take that up and more with former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski, here next. stay with us. one of the worst things about a cold sore is how it can make you feel. but, when used at the first sign, abreva can get you back to being you in just 2 and a half days. be kinder to yourself and tougher on your cold sores. did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us now, one of the president's stain the. est supporters -- staunchest supporters of donald. >> transfer and his agenda, corey lewandowski, former senior
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adviser to the 20 trump campaign. he -- 2020 trump campaign. he has a new pac. it's called fight back now, america, to help trump-backed political candidates. corey, great to have you here. your pac has a certain ring to it. it sounds like you mean to get some things done. and i love the name because there are too many republicans -- i think we would agree on this -- willing to talk but not get much done. how's your pac going to be differentiated? >> you know, lou, we want to do exactly what the president said which is we want to make sure more republicans end up in washington, d.c., we take back the house, we take back the senate. but, lou, that does not mean that you get a pass if you're a republican who voted to impeach donald trump in a district which is a +64 like liz cheney in the state of washington -- in the state of wyoming, excuse me. it means holding people accountable for their votes. we have the same goal that kevin mccarthy does, our pac does,
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and mitch mcconnell, which is making sure republicans take back the majorities. but just because you're a republican, if you're adam kinzinger or liz cheney and you're not upholding the values of the republican party and doing what we think is right, we will hold you accountable in your primaries. and when i say fight back now, america, it means to go back and take these people on if their districts. let me just say this, i think that liz cheney's going to have a very difficult re-election effort, but i'm under no false notion that she is going to have a democrat win that election in november. lou: the, you know, it's amazing, steve scalise, kevin mccarthy the, they all want him to stay there, dan crenshaw's all in for liz cheney. this is a woman who voted for impeachment of the president. you mentioned, by the way, mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy. they insulted the president of the united states and said he was responsible for the mob. are -- is yours going to be one
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of those, you know, golly, you know, we have to get along so i'm going to ignore what a rino you are, or are you going to do something about it? the aren't there fights worth having if you're a republican? i am so sick of these, these empty suits parading around like they're some kind of political arch angel that has decided to bless us with their presence. i mean, this is sickening stuff to watch. and i think those 75 million americans who voted for donald trump have had a bellyful. they want to see action, not "kumbaya" and all of this nonsense. they want to see this country get on the right track. >> lou, we have seen an amazing outpouring of support for fight back now, america. grassroots individuals who are donating $5 and $10 because they want exactly what you talked about, which is accountability in our elected officials.
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and, again, our goal, of course, is to have republicans have a check valve on a overzealous, super liberal democrat in the white house. we know what the policies of the left are, and we have to have a stopgap measure. but just because you're a republican, if you're adam kinzinger or you're liz cheney, you might as well just go run as a democrat. we're not going to allow that to happen. and i want to see kevin mccar and mitch mcconnell be the leaders in washington that they have the opportunity to be. you know, lou, you and i have watched washington for a long time, and what we've seen is the insurgents, the individuals who come to washington without making this their career are the ones that have the most impact, jimmy jordan and mark meadows, and matt gaetz and all those members of the freedom caucus who didn't make this their career, didn't decide they wanted to be in elected office for 30 years. they've come to washington, d.c., by and large, for a short period of time to change the system, to work with people like donald trump, to fundamentally transform washington. we need more of that, not less.
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lou: is you talked -- have you talked to the president recently? how's he doing? >> look, the president, as has widely been reported, had a meeting with kevin mccarthy yesterday, and he said, look, i'm going to be involved in these races, i'm going to be involved in 2022. donald trump has the highest popularity of anybody in the republican party with over 95% approval rating, he has a massive war chest, he has an unbelievable track record when it comes to endorsements of republicans in primaries. so, look, i think he's making the transition from being the leader of the free world to a private citizen. i don't think it's an easy transition, but we know one thing about donald trump. your listeners know, your viewers know, this is a man who's never stopped fighting. from the time he came down that escalator, to today, the he continues to fight for the values that put america first, and i think those are the values those 75 million who voted for him continue to support. lou: corey, great to have you with us. what's the name of that pac one more time? >> fight back now, america.
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and join us, come give a small donation, and let's hold these people accountable. lou: you got it. i just wanted to hear it one more time. i like the ring of it. [laughter] >> thanks, lou. lou: corey lewandowski, thank you. another executive order from president biden. my gosh, what is it, 30 some odd executive orders, and we're barely eight days into it, nine days into it. americans paying for abortions overseas? what's that about? we'll have more on the biden abortion extremism after of the break. we'll take it up with pastor robert jeffress. and please go to where you can pick up your copy of "the trump century," a great read about our great president. you can also pick up your official "lou dobbs tonight" mug. they go together perfectly. that's, we'll be right back. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is hard. you get advice like: just stop.
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get a hobby. you should meditate. eat crunchy foods. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. are you kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us this evening, pastor robert jeffress from the first baptist church of dallas and fox business contributor. his new book is out, it's titled "a place called heaven devotional: 100 days of living in the hope, in the hope of
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eternity." it is a devotional, it is "a place called heaven." i love that title, pastor. great to have you with us. we want the recommend your new book to our audience, to everyone. and it's great to see you. we've got some politics to talk about tonight. president biden is not slowing down those executive orders, and he's rolling back the administration's anti-abortion rules. he is, he's unrelenting. i don't think you're surprised by anything he's doing. what can you do about it? >> well, we continue to call out the hypocrisy of this. you know, yesterday he overturned the mexico city policy that prohibited tax dollars from sporting inter-- supporting international abortions. and it's a policy president trump had actually not only put back in place, but expanded. and it's interesting, lou, that last week when jen psaki, his press secretary, was asked what
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biden was going to do about that, she deflected and she simply said, you know, remember, biden is a devout catholic, and he goes to church regularly. well, lou, you can't be in church on sunday saying jesus wants the little children of the world and on thursday be in the oval office signing a death warrant for millions of unborn children around the world. that's hypocrisy. every catholic, every evangelical, everyone who believes in the bible ought to be outraged by biden's actions. lou: you know, in a poll 77% of voters oppose sending taxpayer dollars overseas to pay for abortions. this is a man now in the oval office who doesn't really care about either legislating, getting the people's will behind him, persuading people of a viewpoint. he is simply signing fiats and
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ordering them to be fulfilled. it is, it's despotic, i mean, it really is. and i don't care who the president is, once you have to move to the level of an executive order without consensus in the country, you're going to -- the result will be division, do you not agree? >> oh, i agree 100%. and, look, the reason he has to resort to executive orders, he can never get the support of the american people behind this. but he doesn't have to because joe biden, kamala harris were bought and paid for by planned parenthood. and they do this in the name of reproductive rights. biden talked about it yesterday, about protecting women's health. well, what about the health of the hundreds of thousands of baby girls he is dismembering through abortion and taxpayer dollars? this is just unbelievable, but it's a preview, lou, of coming attractions under the biden/harris administration. lou: and where is the republican
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party? where is their voice? where is the broad voice of so many evangelicals, catholics? i mean, where is the catholic church? it's a fundamental teaching of the catholic church. and all we hear is silence. >> well, lou, you know, you can -- we hear talks about unity. look, i'm all for unity, but you can tie e the tails of the dog and the cat together. they might be united, but they're not unified. and you're never going to have republicans and democrats, conservatives and liberals united when they have completely different visions for america. the bible says how can two walk together lest they be agreed. i don't pretend, i don't think weaver going to have unity. we're going to have unity. i think the best we can hope for is civility, but we're not getting much of that from the democrats right now. lou: nor, in my opinion, are we likely to. and they -- we all know when
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president biden talks about unity, what he's really talking about is muting republicans and conservatives. even rinos who want to be liked by the, by the good president. the left now is blaming christian schoolers, home schoolers for the capitol hill riot. i mean, i've seen a lot of extraordinary remarks, but this one is getting, is one of the most astonishing. your reaction? >> yeah, the huffington post is actually blaming a christian home school -- christian home schoolers for having curriculum that is anti-science and religion-centered, and that's what caused the capitol hill riots. it reminds me when emperor nero burned rome and then blamed the christians for it. they want to muzzle and silence those who believe in the principles of christianity. lou: pastor robert jeffress, as always, great seeing you on this
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beautiful friday evening in america. thanks so much. again, his new book is called "a place called heaven." it's a devotional, 100 days of living in the hope of eternity, available now. stay with us, we're coming right back. back. ♪ you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so why wait to screen for colon cancer? because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers
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♪ ♪ lou: well, this evening the white house chief of staff mark meadows on the fight ahead for
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the republican party. >> the impeachment that is going on, this farce that is going on in the senate coming up here in a week or so. but it's also a fight on amnesty, big tech. we're going to be front and center, and i look forward to reengaging on behalf of the america first agenda and carrying on some of those great policies that the 45th president was able to accomplish over the last four years. lou: former chief of staff for president trump, mark meadows. that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. please join us here monday. jason miller, kenneth starr, jason chaffetz and tom fitton among our guests. we hope you'll be with us for that. and please visit, pick up your copy of "the trump century," great read about the great president. you could also pick up your official "lou dobbs tonight" mug.
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that's, and we appreciate you dropping by. and thanks for dropping by here this evening. thanks for joining us. have a great weekend. good night from sussex. ♪ ♪ ♪ harvey levin: the objects people choose to keep in their home define who they are. this is... - can i try? - you can try if you like. okay. i'm harvey levin. this is a portrait of a towering giant-- on the basketball court and in life. man: shaq spins. and he dunked it! and he knocked david down! levin: shaquille o'neal's life started out bleak-- dirt poor and headed for disaster. did you ever break into places? in houses? uh, yeah. of course. but basketball changed everything. you made your first million dollars, and you blew through it in two days. how'd you do that? one-- i had no idea who fica was. that was just his opening act.


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