tv Kennedy FOX Business February 1, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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david: that's it for us this evening. lou, plans to be back tomorrow. historian victor davis hanson and "the hill" media columnist joe concha among our guests tomorrow. thanks for joining us. i'm david kennedy: alright now welcome to it. ten republican senators tonight at the white house to play a let's make a deal. and they've got a covid relief plan that cost just a third about $1.9 trillion monstrosity democrats are trying to sell. but will president biden listen to reason? or caved into the radicals who want a blank check for the crazy agenda. and what in the world happened to all the unity? republicans came armed with a 16 billion-dollar bill that it was 160 billion for coke bead vaccine distribution for that's for the same the democrats over the similarly's and thereby the gop block
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pushing for stimulus checks of just about a thousand dollars. and lowering the income threshold for the president once $1400 going to a lot more people. and the republican plan has no new money for state and local governments. something many democrats say is a nonstarter print moments ago main or public center at susan collins says she's hoping for compromise the white house. >> we have demonstrated in the last year that we can come together on a bipartisan package dealing with the covid crisis. in fact, we have done that not just once or twice, we have done it five times. and i am hopeful that we can once again pass a sixth bipartisan covid relief package. >> democrats have all the cards here in d.c. and according to bernie sanders, he is ready to go ahead with or without republicans. mittens?
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>> the question is not bipartisanship. the question is addressing the unprecedented crises that we face right now. if republicans went to work with this, if they have better ideas on how to address those crises, that's great. but with honest with you i've not yet heard that. >> i've not yet heard that. what about the deficit crises? is there any chance we get a bill that only does what it is supposed to? and that is help us get out of this pandemic hell. here's meet to discuss fox news and german professor business and economics at king's college here in manhattan, brian brenberg is back. so bryan, too much money going out. my question is, i know there are seven big differences some subtle differences between what these republican moderate senators what it what president biden and the democrats are proposing. but isn't there still money left over from previous stimuli?
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>> yes there are billions of dollars left over from all of these stimulus packages the senator was just referring to a second ago. he would think well maybe we ought to spend that money first before we go ahead and throw another $2 trillion out the window. but you know kennedy to me it's not just the amount of money we are talking about, that's a big problem to trillion dollars we don't have is a big problem. but the bigger problem is what is in the bill, the substance of what we get past here. it's not just gobs of money going out the door its new mandates. a higher national minimum wage at $15 which would completely crush smoke businesses in the heartland of this country. it is the extension of unemployment benefits until september. okay, right now we are trying but in sending the enhanced benefits until march that makes sense. which makes sense. but by september we should be well into recovered for the lesson want to do is create an incentive for people not to go
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back to work when the whole point is to get businesses to hire. it is about the dollar amount, but it is more than that. it's what's being proposed here. these are not relief projects, these are progressive ideological projects that had nothing to do with coronavirus. >> it's another trojan horse. we have spoken on this show so many times about the damage that can be done with the mandatory minimum wage alone. bernie sanders easy go back to sweden preakness to go to denmark and see they don't have minimum wage laws there for a reason. they also consider themselves not to be democratic socialist utopias but free-market economies. a lot of business killing stuff here. i don't understand the urgency now on the cdo says were going to be back on track to pre-pandemic gdp in 2021 a full employment by 2022. that is without any stimulus. so how can you sell this but
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the opposition saying the opposite? >> that is just it. i think this is a people don't understand largely it has to become part of this debate. if joe biden did nothing in 2021 on the economic front he would look like a genius. he would get the 4% economic growth by the end of the effort he get close to 5% unemployment, all of the numbers will look fantastic. all he has to do is not get in the way of the recovery. yes get the vaccinations out but otherwise let the people do business. the problem is he wants the opposite. just talked about two of the biggest job killers cavity extended unemployment and higher minimum wage for that slows down the recovery he would inherit if he just sat back. the problem is he's not driving the bus but it's ernie sanders in the budget committee that are driving the bus when he is the reconciliation process unless
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joe biden can grab control the will is going to lose the recovery he would've inherited by simply doing nothing but getting out of the way prospective such a good points. to know how hard it is to drive a bus with bernie sanders mittens? [almost impossible. he is driving it straight to hell. that of course bernie sanders doesn't care about republicans. bernie sanders doesn't care about democrats but he wants us shall act in neil marxism that is his guiding principle. and that will crush the economy, believe me. i know somewhere in president biden's heart he once the economy to do well for he has said that, he wants hunter to do well. hunter can't do well if we are leading a global recession and all of the funds in china and saudi arabia, god know where else up. >> this is it pretty make fun of bernie sanders mittens, ha ha it's a joke. the fact his assignment anything that's a joke.
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i think we've got to get serious. he may look cute sitting in a stage but he's talking about things of harm american families for generations to come. but generations to come for these are real issues sprayed the top line number matters, kennedy but the policy matters. we can't go down the road of going down the road of making it hard for businesses to grow and hire for that is the one thing that will work this year, the only thing that will work as a businesses have the competence to hire you got to let them do it. back they're going to automate, they're going to fire people. it's going to get worse with this mandatory minimum wage forced through. thank you so much brian brenberg, brianomics only here. safeco deceived. before thank you preplanned mind and toes of the mass of 1.9 trillion, every time i say that wernick choke on it. trillion dollar covid relief package push. how many times have you heard the word packet should i? west virginia senator manchin
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denouncing kamala harris for a series of west virginia and arizona television appearances were she attempted to pressure him and other senators into backing the bill against their better judgment. manchin said he's worried about overspending. he is very lonely in the democratic party. in that regard but the crêpe voters, they are calling for more cues in the biden administration of breaking its promise to provide $2000 stimulus checks on center 1400 now being proposed. so is the biden bill to cheap or too expensive? and who ultimately pays the price but let's get into it's mike's party panel we've got reason editor at large and the fifth column podcast host, just nominate for the nobel peace prize matt welch congratulations on that that's a big deal. select women's senior analyst annette step in his back on me both have fantastic walls and very impressed. and for the richard failure show her it's a radio show is
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also fox news contributor it is richard fowler. fowler is going to be the howler about not sending enough money for there is too much money going out, richard, when is it stop? [laughter] >> listen, here's what we know. i don't think the biden white house believe they're going to get all $1.9 trillion for they came to the party and they started out big. they know this going to be negotiating some of that money's going to get whittled down. nelson of the economy is hurting for the january job never showed this, the economy lost one at a 40000 jobs. one 100% of those jobs were women. and that tells you just how bad women are hurting in this economy. and have bad covid-19 and the economic implications of it have hurt women with the trying to do is create a bill that would empower women, not only women but working families are trying to figure how to make ends meet many of them have shut their doors, many of lost their jobs. many of lost family members because of this virus but we
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have to find a way to get the economy back on track. select-and-say just because of the buyers it's because some of the metrics that governors in california are using are kind of a big library >> it goes beyond florida. it's happening in texas, tapping in iowa comments happening in north dakota, south dakota. it's happening all across the country. covid 90 does not know board is needed the economic disparity no borders either. kennedy: exactly but somehow the governors want to lock down entire sectors without following the science. that is when you have businesses closing for good. because there is no recourse paid for going to talk about that a little later in the show. but, kamala it's very interesting she clearly overstepped here with her press pushes and west virginia and arizona. obviously she's trying to get to kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. whether she likes it or not, the most powerful politician in the country.
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why she trying to upset him? >> i think we are getting a reminder of why kamala harris did not do wellin the democratic primary. i think every so often we forget how bad a politician kamala harris actually is very think with those west virginia landmines, she showed herself once again to be a pretty awkward politician. and somebody who is difficult to get along with for a lot of people, not just joe manchin. i do think we should pick up on something that joe manchin said pretty said is concerned about sending checks to people were already very wealthy pretty think republicans should pull the same jiu-jitsu's democrats pulled on them before the georgia election, which is to say they should strip out the most popular part of this bill, that the $2000 stimulus check. they should give a clean bill, that should offer that to the democrats and let the democrats fight in favor of slowing down stimulus checks to people who have lost their jobs, right? in a very real crisis, need to
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slow that down because they want to give more money to newsom and cuomo and all of the state governments that it been spending like proper get for decades let them play that game i think it's much smarter than the gang of ten bill the republicans are putting forward. >> sailors were actually offended by the comparison really, we are thrifty compared these idiots. so maps, obviously you cannot bail out everybody. and when you try to do that you end up bailing out the corporations first. and so now we are hearing from ppp and past stimulus that businesses that really did not need any money get all or somehow flush with stimulus money. and you still have people who are hurting and families who are struggling and may never recover at this rate. and they are like we have not seen a dime yet, so what's going on your? spent with things going on as it speaks directly with the
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terrible recession for women, why question why? when the first people in line for the biden stimulus is local school districts 130 billion in k-12 systems that are closed and it democratic strongholds like chicago, like california. what happens when you close schools? right? a parent is not going to be working so much when you got some 6-year-old yapping 10 feet from me try to figure out remote learning. it's terrible. joe biden is on the verge of playing with simran snakes are going to bite him. that's this, the song great trumps scapegoat to blame the coronavirus the teacher stuff for now. he wants to send 170 billion total to k-12 plus another three to 50 billion to bail out states as partners $1.9 trillion package for it which is actually after the fort charlie mccarty spent on
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things. parents right now are so furious. there are no words to describe how furious they are. so if he sends that money or tries to send that money out without no strings attached the same teachers unions who are saying i need to be front and the line of the vaccine but still not so sure about opening the school. he's going have a very serious political problem on his hands. kennedy: he won't stand up to those unions with the goat everyone had their nice chance and ritual come to first in the next block. the panel can say right here. but de blasio come babysit my children. seriously. actually they would not let you in the building on the no-fly list but coming up former president trump has parted ways with his lead impeachment lawyers just a week before the senate trellis such a start. so will the trial turned into a circus? or will the new defense team devise a winning strategy. california governor newsom has fighting offered threat now
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come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. you can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with peace of mind at your local xfinity store. kennedy: welcome back you've got to win this race for just one week to go with
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impeachment trial will begin. all five of his lawyers have called it quits. the former president wanted the team to make the election fraud case and the attorneys were not having it. now leading the charge defense lawyer defended roger stone. and curiously met with jeffrey epstein just days before he died. and then said he was murdered. in former district attorney bruce castor who declined to prosecute all and racist bill cosby. so well this trial be a trainer? or will the new council get the truck train back on track? the party panel has returned, matt welch, inez stepman, and richard fowler. richard lisette i would start with you and i'm going to. what does it tell you if the president's council quit just about a week before the second the impeachment trial is to begin? [laughter] there looking good they don't
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need help? >> yeah, the president might come and defend himself who knows. one of the reasons is the president wanted them to continue to defend this lie there's a mensa voter fraud across the country but that is why he lost the election pretty was a major fraud even otherwise no fraud, there was no evidence, there's no evidence found produced tutor lawyers who will likely take the easier course in defending them saying that impeaching a present that's the longer it officer might be some constitutionality to it either way i don't think it's going to matter much. it seems as though senate republicans are lockstep with this president and they will likely vote not to convict in them not senators at join with democrats. think they get answers to why the president incited a riot at the united states capitol. and the united states capitol was invaded by group of domestic terrorists. back to you think they should let the horns guy testify?
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richard? i think they should let all of them testify and ask to set them down there. most would say will or the rally were donald trump told us to come down received republicans were doing. or incite a riot. sue hecht i think this was a wish attempt, the thing is this is not a courtroom verdict talk about it so yes we have lawyers defending from. what is a stage for public opinion. it is a political game. you are doing is giving the the greatest showman and america a huge stage to defend himself again. that's really what this is going to be. i think it's a huge mistake thing is going to continue to raise tension in the country. i think we could all do with the little bit of a cooling off period to let cooler heads prevail. this is not going to do that part is going to of the exact opposite direction is going to confirm for so many voters in
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this country that their voices are somehow legitimate and washington. that's what they're going to take away from this. kennedy: matt, still very much donald trump's party, correct? >> he has been talking about hers people have talking about starting a patriot party. which action requires work that's a problem right there. but also it is donald trump's party. he's trumped extraordinaire run reelection to head up the rnc unanimously. the people who run the state parties are almost all trump loyalists. many of whom did things during the last election like shut down primary elections although they were competitors writing. that is something we really have not seen before. we never seen the rnc merged with the reelection campaign of a president. snake went ahead and did that thing too. remember the republican platform every four years had a platform, they hit control beyond 2016, it is trumps party.
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like to play a lot of tentative met romney, sass and whoever qualified brave for a weekend or two. they shave a lot of the same kind of morays as a journal to cover them. but the reality of the republican party right now is it is donald trump's party until proven otherwise. is josh hawley out there quickening the polls in people's chest? is it going to be met? no. >> josh hawley and ted cruz are trying to capitalize on the passionate trumped republicans have. got to go somewhere. >> said marco. everybody. [laughter] [laughter] everyone is trying to do it and it is not working. the impeachment then will show, just like the georgia recount election showed that republicans are terrified of crossing donald trump. they make it look ridiculous
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everything this thing is extended placement that. kennedy: undecided if donald trump wins that means that rob felt worn off and john also get kicked out of the senate and david perdue and kelly loeffler come back. that's a fact. [laughter] that's a lot that the constitution. aren't the panels going to be right back. coming up to king mcdonald was going to pay their place in covid vaccine. that's a million times better than the government forcing you to take it. that is in my memo plus shooting up as the saga continues to rock the street. but why should you jumping to get rich? i will lend you some of my silver, that is coming up. bundling for example. you've got car insurance here. and home insurance here. why not... schuuuuzp.. put them together. save even more. some things are just better together, aren't they? like tea and crumpets. but you wouldn't bundle just anything. like, say... a porcupine in a balloon factory.
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shots. it is a win/win because the cap got bombs in close proximity is a daily super spreader event for a lot of fast food workers. even if they're only spreading obesity and heart disease to loyal patrons. now with inoculation, they can feel good about playing greasy grab free from the rona all the while enticing customers to eat in peace without glaring at the fry cook poking their bun for trader joe's and olive garden are following suit to incentivize workers to take the job with similar bonuses which keeps their workforce safe. aunt is an excellent marketing tool for choosy germ freaks who once the love tree of chain dining with the peace of mind that only comes by knowing your service not is not going to kill you. some big governmental us think paying people to get the shot is the only way to achieve heard immunity. as just last month, went kaiser foundation poll showed some americans, over half of them are still set against the vaccine. our favorite almost president world-class welter, john
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delaney said we should get paid up to $1500 for full fox nation. in future new york city mayor and perennial giveaway free, and her gang he concurs. but these guys are rich, what people pay out of their own deep pockets. couple boarding people to vaccine bill is much better than the government requiring people to take a mystery medicine brother there is some precedent for states actually mandated indy such vaccine tyranny and not the fed spirit but would you quit your job if they made you get the vaccine? for most people i am amazed to hear them complaining part i cannot imagine the side effects of these vaccines could be nearly as toxic as sitting around getting uber eats a making cocktails for another year. bring on the jabs corporate america. if it takes fast food is to set the standard and open up this economy and our lives again i have to say i am loving it. and that is the memo.
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they don't trust the government to get it right is mcdonald's with the a bonus pay the best way to get more people vaccine against the coronavirus customer departed panel is back, matt welch, inez stepman and richard fowler. i don't libertarians are split on this issue. i don't the government telling people to have to get the jab. i don't mind the company saying you know what, or going to give an extra hundred bucks if you go ahead and take the shot, your thoughts? >> yes i think the 50% numbers are going to be a lot lower in terms of people who are against doing it. there's plenty of government jobs in particular work will be a requirement and it your public facing jobs. companies are out there making this thing work a lot better is all around us. we have two vaccines approved in this country, we should have more. there's really no reason we don't have marks of the fda is very slow.
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it's only this week we finally approve the at-home test which could've been approved nine or 12 months ago. could've changed shape of all of this. private companies are out there stepping up and bring incredible supply chain work just to make sure amazon's been astoundingly good. what you see instead see things like andrew cuomo 12 sees all of the ways vaccine is distributed. that people with punishment they don't get the way he likes it by low behold new york city badge of a distributing vaccines where they have my hometown of long beach, california sydney demanded an extra $4 and hero pay for grocery store workers, greats. what happens to grocery stores when this decide to close down because they don't want to pay extra money mandated by the government? not selling more requirement
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hurts before their bed with the groceries workers union i guarantee it. as you, like me are all for this. i see the private sector doing the best work here. you cvs and walgreens saying come on let us have it will get the vaccine out there. our pharmacist talk to our customers every single day. we can make this a work. regarding distributed millions of flu vaccines. why the holdup? >> absolutely. i would love for the pharmacies to get in on this game for our love for as many as possible to get in on this game. most important for the government to not have these ridiculous restrictions work like walking a tight rope between not giving the vaccine to the wrong people but making sure it doesn't expire once you unfreeze it and there are signs on both ends of this. all of this regulation definitely slows things down seen that with the vaccine rates.
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aren't in favor of mcdonald's giving their workers time off and additional pay to go get this vaccine. do you think this highlights how far down public trust in government institutions have fallen. the cdc does not have any kind of credibility after the last eight/ten months. think they lost the the moment they endorsed forever mass gatherings of their telling people they could not gather. kennedy: my issue with the cdc is where two masks, or five masks, where full-body condoms wherever you go. so richard, i'm guessing you're going to say this just not enough government we need more. >> no, i'm not going to say that at all. i think there is an inherent mistrust for the government, for community of colors is uniquely worse because for black people we were tested on african-americans given the side i pretty think in addition to that peace of the dissertation currently see the
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group that needs of the most african americans are dying at a higher rate their white counterparts to covid print were not getting the vaccine is much as her white counterparts are. as i many labor unions included teachers chicago are raising their voices. on the west side of the city covid goes to the roof. wait a minute, wait a minute and on the north side is going to be more vaccines than on the south side with educators are forced her back to work. but we are asking for here is equity what it comes to distributing this vaccine. if mcdonald's is good help do that all for it. so far i think a lot of those people should go work at mcdonald's and get out of the classrooms for you don't hear about mcdonald's workers unions to screwing everything up. smith because mcdonald none on. there also able to come together. before i loved every many of it, or depend thanks for kicking off the week right, matt, inez, richard you're all invited to wherever i go,
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probably not the greenroom anytime soon castella can come into the building at because of the dumb vaccine for thank you. the game stop iran that fiascoes headed to capitol hill that's excited by the democratic chairwoman maxine waters says she was to find out if robin hood held down the little guy from the hedge fund pretend like they were in cahoots but meanwhile the same reddick former sponsor for the fiasco are added again this week. look at that that's so cute. this time with silver which cross $30 a troy ounce today. the metal that launched a thousand ships but is an eight year high so do the smalltime traders stand a chance? or is the limelight going to bring the whole thing down with me fox news contributor and max funds.calm cofounder jonas is back. welcome back jonas. back what you think is going to happen when robin hood ceo
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goes before congress? what is he going to say? is he going to be honest that is just helping out the big billionaire hedge funders and squash in the dreams of people who finally thought they'd make a buck on wall street? >> the impale her. the irony is they seem to be going after him for the one thing he did not rob his customers from. the whole business model has been squeezing customers with margin interest loans, selling traits off to hedge funds that confront run them. selling the stocks off to hedge funds too short that they own that customers the spin the business model from day one. on it everyone thanks it's a conspiracy theory where the hedge fund called up there billionaire founder of this company and said freeze the traits of a gutter shortstop. that's the only thing they didn't do this charlie abusive to their customers. and that's with the investigation is going to be perspective you see me?
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>> i cannot really see a bright >> great i have a great visually ready? just pretend you can see this. >> that's amazing. specular love looking at the world through my silver glasses. >> [laughter] much better than rose-colored glasses. >> much better print i love silver, shredded buys much silver as we can the same wall street form they are checking silver through the roof i like it, what are your thoughts? >> silver his gun stock there's no stopping it now. it has to go to one or $57 to get to its old high inflation adjusted the last time someone tried to manipulate the price higher. which was the junta brothers in the late 70s. unfortunately this a lot of mistakes are being made by the ready gang. which i'm kind of cheering for because i like the idea of beating up these billionaires have bought all of the houses around me. this is not how you do it.
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first of all but worn buffet calls diversifying, the going to run out of money in the hedge funds aren't. moreover the whole idea of silver does not make sense compared to the game stop game process because it's not really shorting it like they think. it's a conspiracy theory itself that gold and silver have had for decades about mysterious dark forces like j.p. morgan nipper and the price down the real pressure be 80 or $90 a share or an out switch is nonsense. meanwhile their buying, the biggest asset manager in the world is going to now make fees off of this money that they're putting. >> we know for hearing city now might be behind the big silver screen. you can't squeeze these coins you can't squeeze it jonas. good to talk to us always. stay safe there's a blizzard here, he's in florida he's fine. coming up, californians are furious over the lockdown.
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wait to hear about his complicated model for determining what to close but i will breakout longtime california resident bryan suits after the break. stay with me. ♪♪ [ engines revving ] ♪♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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♪ ♪. kennedy: there is a blizzard in new york city. they are so close the petition to recall california governor gavin newsom and his beautiful hair has reached one point to million signatures with 83000 more to force a statewide vote. still cannot read the writing on the wall for the embattled governor making enemies by the debris california teachers union refused to work in schools without vaccines. and today we learned he relies on a secret computer program to make his big dumb lockout decision sprays of these crises piling up all over his
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well billed ahead, arsenate days and office number quest mark joining me los angeles radio host bryan suits his back. tell me everything about this recall. why gavin? why are they working against you? >> it is scaring him. they cracked a million signatures, he started to take it seriously. suddenly after the most lethal month and the entire covid arc of january he suddenly softened the lockdown. sign this petition to recall him. i send the petition because i hate the picture. [laughter] for that alone. [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] the deal is it has been cumulative. it's not just a famous french laundry indoor mask dining thing. kennedy: is an early dinner.
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to back it should not matter but as an early dinner. a months ago he blame the covid spread in california on that vietnam ease nail salon industry. they're practically an operating room. when you go and get your nails done, they are wearing a mask and all of that. >> i am completely out your absolute right about that. >> they showed the rest of l4 in the vietnamese community rose up screamed him daddy backed off he said wait a second thought this was science data. the model at scientific you can't see it because you don't understand it because it's no smart people in california. the epicenter of the world's technology. kennedy: not to mention ucla. >> i hear it's an okay school. here's the deal. it's the final straw was that french laundry thing.
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that some people say are arbitrarily shutting down our businesses, shutting down our schools. your your wafer generation of kids, your kids are going to a private school and then you go to the most exclusive restaurant in america without a mouse. hypocrite goes beyond that. means about a million and half signatures, 2 million to cover the signatures, he is scared he is terrified. before they still have over a month to get the 300,000 signatures i bet they're going to this is compounding. this isn't just about the lockdown now. this is about the bleak economic forecast. the number of people who are leaving california and the high taxes and hamstrung regulations that will be left behind. >> the running joke as he is the salesman of the of for two years running. there's never been an outflow of wealth, not just the work
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people but the wealth is fleeing the state. another state in america has a funding model at california were 400,000 californians pay 50% of the state revenue. his only defense is, i'm not cuomo. smith, whose voice that is, semantics gavin newsom. [laughter] sounds like the crime take a bite of french laundry. [laughter] [laughter] will call you later you're the best. topical storm is next if i compose myself ♪ ♪ h■ñsrú ■nga■■
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kennedy: swedish furniture giant i can't reportedly purchase 11 acres of forest in georgia. so the next time you buy a dress that you'll have to start by chopping down your own treatment all right head for the tall timber because this is the topical storm. topic number one, kraft is releasing a new pink macaroni and cheese disturbed your sweetheart on valentine's day. which is ironic because in making someone mac & cheese is usually awake to say i don't love you. the new pink apostate treat is
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a perfect gift for the girlfriend you met on okay covid. it's also a great prank because your valentine will first think you're serving them able of raw meat. then they will find out the truth. it will really be disappointed by the new mac & cheese will taste just like candy but with even less nutritional value. strange it might seem a little odd to serve your loved one pink craft instead of totally natural fluorescent orange color, it will make a great story for therapist, that is right. this really is just a side dish. the main course should be something classier like hamburger helper edible. and if you are looking for a drink parent, kraft suggests toilet white argue who. i like to mix them both. [laughter] chocolate martini. [laughter] topic number two. it is a mug shot monday. and tonight we meet a salty driver with sour grapes who
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fled from police to the bitter end. in ohio salt truck driver is accused of trying to run over police and leading them on a car chase while dumping salt on their squad cars to thwart their pursuit. our democrats call it a peaceful protest. police officer say they were in the middle of a traffic stop and 36-year-old omar armstrong came speeding stored them in the city salt truck. forcing them to jump out of the way to avoid being hit by the officers chased after armstrong for 30 minutes as he raise the bet of his truck and dropped his salt cargo all over them, 18 style. seems like everybody's dumping on police these days. thankfully has a go gadget chopper wasn't working or he really might've gotten away. police caught up with armstrong and he is now under arrest for the salt assault. topic number three. the mayor of amsterdam is threatening to ban foreign
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to ists fm visinis tishe cannisnnafnénnnnnn ergoes h shottt high n on tf aheporthert amerdamay m sorays s ss ss s th theheotse caé aract indwr ofwr o trist who ho stbleeeeou t tghghghgh the t c y lvvoent in gden. thin o the l thepeficallyy y tdtt aricans wd wdndnd a a a a iir iet riaalontiyti am icsicre ahreatehrea tnio t stop woprieangng wdeoo shooo,hoo thatha. e mayors intduntdduo csese se see famou f red lightight distrt to attct a bet atetelate o visivirs but amican sayhey can't c get higegh or getet off,,hen wnn ge ohe plane? the mayor's proposal would set up erotic center away from the city with the current brothels could be moved to another the cities workers at say ironically that would really screw them. the new plan would force an uncomfortable bus ride to get to the new brothel zone to put
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on the bright side, they would all be asleep on the ride back. i'll be right back. mouth trumpet monday. get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! [ laughter ] oh, good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha. no, buddy! buddy, it's a filter! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette
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♪. kennedy: think of what the best out of your day involvement twitter instagram at kennedy nation, tomorrow night katie pavlich, steve hilton and emily compound neo. i won't be able to sleep tonight. good night. ♪ >> good evening everybody. tonight, americans demanding less talk. jackie: the stakes are rising by the day war between congress, wall street establishment and the little guy. from main street, wall street, battles of the schoolyard fight. we have the frustrated father who went viral sled his
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