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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  February 9, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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guys, thanks so much for joining you tonight. patrice, chris, good to see you. join us tomorrow night, former deputy national advisor kt mcfarland, investigative . kennedy: will the progressive's and post- swing and the push for a federal minimum wage hike of $15 an hour that will crush low skilled workers, decimate small business and boost mass corporations who will from smaller competitors going bust. bernie sanders has been bending to biden's fragile ear enough to make a new president say this. >> while i do think that we should have a minimum wage stand by itself, $15 an hour and work your way up to 15, it doesn't have to be all pete all the economy shows if you do that the whole economy
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rises. kennedy: or it collapses like a failed soufflé. sounds appetizing before you make it, but in reality, it is a disaster but minimum wage laws geographically brutal because wages fluctuate as much as accents and mullets and a great nation. in massachusetts the average hourly wage is $31.58. by the mississippi italy $19.27. it's a one size fits all federal edict has drastic consequences. in places that cannot afford the pedro. and many businesses who have been hardest hit by the pandemic close or layoff new and lesser trained employees. you know, the people who are most disenfranchised, who are in the greatest need of being lifted out of poverty, restaurants, retail, transportation, these are all sectors that rely on new labor. but they will have to eliminate jobs and increased cost to comply. god i hate the word compliance. so who is most sucker punched by this gouging? people who are already broke,
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who now be forced to pay more, thanks to big government weaknesses. to perpetuate the cruel system that has shown will cost one point by 2025 part and what, when your job is a minimum wage casualty, jen psaki minimum wage hikes have minimal impact on employment, will tell that to the people who are now on food stamps because her job is no automated or obliterated. and what the hell did these government lackeys know? they will always be gainfully employed by the bureaucratic beast and have zero perspective on reality living in their government class. it seems benevolence, it does more harm than these dishonest agents will ever admit? for now it's all malarkey. president biden himself admits it won't be part of the almost 2 trillion-dollar cove in
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package. it's a pain estate to the statist savagery. small businesses and the underemployed are safer now, at least until majority of crazy pinko's are finally running the asylum. and that is the memo. discussions on minimum wage usually center on the effects for the person earning the wage group of businesses themselves often get hurt the most rated facts, a recent statistical analysis found many minimum wage increases need to lower bank credit, higher defaults, lower unemployment, lower entry, and a higher exit rate for small businesses. in other words, it makes it harder for companies, especially small companies to start and operate. if they can't operate they cannot hire. and certainly they can't pay for employees. dollars an hour or anything else for that matter. so why do we keep spinning on this economic merry-go-round? let's get into it with tonight's fantastic party pal.
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from the washington times it got opinion editor fox news contributor charlie hertzberg along with former libertarian party invites personal candidate spike : is on the party panel. an democratic pollster and fox news contributor, my friend jessica tarlov. hello everyone welcomed to the show let's do this together. ♪ ♪ >> hello. subject think you can become things are having us on. before thanks charlie hurt will start with you. democrats are talking about a minimum wage hike at being the while that will fuel economic reinvigoration. but what really reinvigorate in economy? >> well, not that to be sure. i've done a little test over the last couple of weeks for every small business that i walk into and i try to only go to small businesses. every single one of them i going to ask every one of them, how about $15 minimum wage? and they all, they turn ghost white. and the reason is, you've touched on all of it.
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these companies that have managed to survive, the worst downturn in the history of this country, they survive the pandemic. they have pulled out, they have done everything in their power to stay open and to cling to some storm semblance of life for the idea that these politicians in washington would even be talking about this at a moment like this it would obliterate anyone who has managed to survive this long. it would obliterate them. and as you point out, all this is as it is a job killer. it does nothing to help anyone. it's truly devastating. kennedy: it is devastating but not for places like amazon, spica, because big corporations like that, you're a self imposed wage, which they arty have. but they also know that it is the thing that will crush smaller competitors. and that's why scraper big businesses who often cowrite
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massive entitlement legislation like obamacare. knowing they will be favored through it all. best not only that it also creates the economic conditions friend to pay their employees even less. when you create conditions where the demand for something goes down on the supply for something goes up, that creeds and let the person consuming that thing in this case american labor pay less for that thing. that's exactly what these job killing and dates and all the things the baserunning corporations push for to protect the worker the reality is it's about their smaller competitors out of business and to make it so they can charge less, they can pay less for that american labor. if we do the opposite, we deregulate get rid of the absurd job crushing regulation because the value of american labor to go up, the demand for to go up, the number of americans and for good jobs to go down because they arty have the job so they're able to start their own business, that leads to increases in wages without having to have any kind of mandates or anything that's going to hurt jobs in
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the process. before spike this are all fantastic point that's why you're here. but jessica, the fear isn't this is a minimum wage for the fear is this becomes the maximum wage. and then there is economic stagnation for millions and millions of americans because you no longer have the potential for growth pretty factor just put a ceiling on most of the economy. >> that's an interesting spin on it. i have not heard that much about that being the issue with this. i've heard the real issue that there are millions of americans who are dolts raising families and putting food on the table, earning way less than $15 an hour. sometimes having to take two jobs to support their families. there is a fallacy out there that minimum wage earners are teenagers or recent graduates or people in their young 20s, that is not trooper their people in the 30s, 40s, 50s et cetera. people cannot afford to
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survive on his low-level wages we have. at seven and a quarter on the federal level. i think we are all sensible people on this panel. we can agree it needs to come up from there preserve 100 economists who all won nobel prizes that said 1010 would have an effect on the economy but go to 1010, clinton supported 12-dollar ways of the percent democrats were a few years ago. before i want spike. >> no one will have that discussion was not about business is about people's about americans. >> this is about people are going to lose millions of jobs as a result of the economic experts we are hearing about put us in the mess were in right now for they keep giving us the next set of edicts of what's when to fix this economic mess. that they put us in the system with the newest one for the reality is we are talking about people. we are talking about people who will get the real minimum wage is a result of this job. the real minimum wages when you lose your job and you get
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$0.0 an hour. kennedy: that's the job that matters. when you lose your job that's the job that matters the most. the people in washington the ones that are dictating the edict, they will never lose their jobs. they will always have a government to fall back on with pension. their divorce from reality. so we talk a little bit about the pandemic and how a minimum wage hike would affect companies most affected by the pandemic. now let's talk but the origins of it. the heavily chinese influence world health organization, they just took a field trip on china. they finish along with their investigation into the origins of the virus spread lo and behold they say it probably did not come from the wuhan lab at all. instead at a press cover sit in the international of investigators announced it's highly unlikely escape from the lab. they say the next target of investigation should be farms and supply chains in southeast asia they do business with
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hard markets. former secretary of state mike pompeo says not so fast. >> i hope they got to see all the data come all the signs into the lab, talk to the doctors come interview them come interview them in private in places where they could actually tell the truth about what took place. not under the supervision of a communist party person sitting in the back of room making sure they toe the communist party line. i continuation other significant evidence this weight mail have come from the library. >> in other words it does not smell like team spirit spells like a cover price of the w.h.o. covering for their chinese masters? charlie, i don't believe it. it took almost a year of negotiations to get that team into the country. china was completely opaque, learn is what they do with any evidence between then and now. when i think it a sham investigation your thoughts?
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>> home i got us at such a sham investigation. it's obvious any normal person and by normal person i mean anyone who isn't in washington making all the rules around here. that from the beginning china has been a bad actor. how bad of an actor? we don't know. i'm not suggesting this was intentional. but it certainly raises a lot of questions. i don't think we can say it's not intentional. china has been a bad actor at every single step of the way. whether it was alerting other countries to the disease, whether it was cooperating with other countries in terms of how to deal with it on how to suppress it, the w.h.o. has been an enabler from the beginning. they have worked at the behest of the chinese comet's government to help cover it up. and to stymie efforts to get to the bottom of all of this. but it is so clearly obvious to everybody who is not in washington. it's kind of like the minimum
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wage thing. is it just a coincidence these big companies that benefit from a higher minimum wage, that they have all the lobbyists in washington? what's going on here? who is washington working for? i don't know it's really curious. kennedy: look at all the people have gotten sick from the virus and have died, jessica, china's reaction to all that has been incredibly cruel. they are treating the rest of the world like a weaker camp. on the facts i have lacked such transparency is condemnable, your thoughts? absolutely. i think that reporting elastic about the senate race that goes on in those camps is some of the most harrowing that it ever read in my entire life. i'm really torn about this. we are all in agreement can end the show, finally i have one. [laughter] the w.h.o. was very difficult to trust at this point. obviously the chinese, whether
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it came from eight penguin and a wet marketer one other lab certain janelle and phil and the rest the world of what was going on millions of people are dead as a result of that. that we know as a blanket statement. i've recently listened to a few podcasts that feature scientists that believe the scientific community is near unanimous in believing this did most likely come from the lab, which refutes the debbie witchel report pretty really hope you're able to get to the bottom of this because if this happens again we see more of the strains that are more harsh, more virile the african one is blown up with astrazeneca. >> 's going to mutate and bury itself in order to find new hosts. i my worry here spike is there could be another pandemic that is worse than this one. sophie can't get to the bottom of this, which could be a test
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run, what on earth is the future look like? >> the thing is i don't trust any proto- communist to believe that the answer to everything is to exert greater government control. and for that matter don't trust the chinese got there. the world health year of negotiations be able to get in. and it just so happens that one of the theories that would completely blow out all of the conventional thinking as to how this virus was created and probably not likely possible the fact that one of the maximum-security bio labs was a dead center on the middle where this virus is expected to originate from. for them to say oh well it's not likely just not even going to look into it. that is circular logic it's the opposite of the scientific method works for you test the hypothesis. i think for them to even get in they had to agree to not even look into that in the first phase sets were to clear. >> it so 2018 there tables of u.s. diplomats sing their
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brave security concerns about that wuhan lab. so there are so many ominous arrows that point to one direction, we will get there at some point. at some point conspiracy theory will become law for a party kennel return at a little bit, coming up a shocking story you need to hear, police revealing a hacker almost poisoned an entire town's water system. how vulnerable are we to cyber attacks? did this happen where you live? would he drinking right now? probably berber. mike baker here to break it out his diligence, that is next. the only one of its kind proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant, regardless of menopause. verzenio + fulvestrant is for hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection.
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and males measuring more than 40 inches may have insulin resistance. to learn how to reverse insulin resistance and lose weight effectively, go online to once again, that's kennedy: is anyone else feeling a little parched? is this the greatest story of a crazy week. a mysterious hacker reportedly breached the water treatment plant near tampa on friday. and almost managed to poison the water supply of the entire town 30 miles with the super bowl. investigators say the altered sodium hydroxide level also known as lightening greed in drain cleaner raising them by more than 100 times. fortunately workers picks the issue before any damage occurred. the mayor warned us not a fluke. >> the important thing is to
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put everybody on notice. and i think that's really the purpose of today is to make sure that everyone realizes it's a bad actors are out there. it's happening. so really take a hard look. >> this your typical disgruntled employee question could bad actor like russia worming their way into your plumbing? and could this happen in your town as well, 20-meter discussed cia director and chairman and ceo and founder of goodness, mike baker. welcome back baker. >> founder of goodness? >> that's right, you need that on our congratulations. i live in l.a. in 1991 i was working nights at the radio station and did not pay much attention to the news. i got up to take a shower in the afternoon, and my eyes started burning because there was a bunch of bleach in the water supply. and my skin and my eyes burned so badly. then he went to work and they
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sit oh no there's a big public alert that you weren't supposed to take shower drink anything. i said i just drink a gallon. i have been glowing ever since. how easy is it for stuff like this to happen? how often does that happen? student this is why it's an important story to talk about 20 minutes a small town of florida 15 minutes north of tampa, wisest important? this sort of a probe income attack intrusion into critical infrastructure, here in the united states happens on a daily basis and has been happening on a daily basis for years now. particular over the last decade. and i think if the general public understood, and just vulnerable parts of our infrastructure or, we are talking the power grid paper talking water treatment facilities, nuclear power plants for the transportation system the banking system, that is really where the next big global conflict will take place in cyberspace. one of the first things that
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will happen as attacks on the homefront in these areas. the shutdown of banking what happened you can get cash. transportation shutdown you can get food to supermarkets burke you can't get gas at gas stations. the water treatment facility get screwed with. the hard part is not the small town that experience an attack. it is the bigger picture than the fact that it's happening every day. before mike seems like something like this could just be a run-through for someone. this is a dry run to see if they can get into a bigger system. and luckily someone figured it out and was alerted for that much lie when into the water system. but you're absolutely right. and we have known this for years. this is an issue that democrats tried to raise in 2016 but did not really do anything about it. our cybersecurity seems to be pretty lackluster. so that we've gone a long ways to try to improve our office
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offensive and defensive capabilities. but we've got a long ways to go frankly. yes a lot of the intrusions, a lot of the attacks that take place. most of them are state sponsored russian try to be the number-one perpetrators iran and north korea going certain for trying to catch up. they're all about mapping and collecting information to understand how our systems work. and where they mapping and gathering this information? you're doing it to free a flavor for future conflict for the need that information to go on the offensive. we are getting better at detecting and working to improve our defenses. we still have a ways to go. we still don't understand the pentagon, don't have a game plan for what constitutes an active or in cyberspace. scenic let me ask this is a former cia person, we do the same thing? are we screwed with their water supply? >> it's my birthday i can do that. [laughter]
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>> you were not around doing rubbish like me and my grandpappy. [laughter] we are very good. everyone out there watching should hope are very good the offense event defensive capabilities. we don't want 20 sources and methods. i have some the best post read minds out there. important to understand that if we didn't do it, is not the rest of the world were tickly the countries it don't have her interest at heart which of the u.s. is engaged in this we want to it either. i thought healthworks. every nation acts in its own worst business, we are faced with these intrusions every single day. and we've got it infrastructure look at our power grid, she was never designed standard terrorist attack. whether a physical terror attack or cyber attacks. smith that's why level, my bicycle and a good knife, not even kidding.
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a bicycle and a knife was smith that's all i need. they rely on our water supply, a fun and your prom night boys thank you very much. coming up democrats when their second attempt to convict president trump in the senate today. as the whole thing constitutional? and what happens to the former president when it's all over? molly hemingway joins me does to discuss inut moments, join me here. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i'm a performer. always have been. and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis. voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief
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there he is we've not seen him in a while the impeachment sequel is finally begun. just like most sequels it's not worth the price of admission thus far. they cannot get the original judge >>. the democrats open the show by playing clips of the capitol hill riots. and shedding some tears, watch. soon if i told her how sorry i wasn't i promised her that it
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would not be like this again. the next time that she came back to the capitol with me. and you know what she said? she said dad, i don't want to come back to the capitol. kennedy: 's daughter is still live that's fine for the present legal team argued the impeachment was a sham, he would tear the country apart, watch this. >> this trope tear this country apart perhaps like we've only seen once before in our history. the house and managers in their wisdom, have hired a movie company in the large law firm to create, manufacture and place relay package designed by experts to chill and horrify you and our fellow americans. >> the slippery slope principle will take hold of the go forward what is happening today and schedule to happen later this week. see for in the end of the senate voted 56 to 44 the impeachment trial was in constitutional with six
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republicans breaking ranks to join democrats is one more vote bill cassidy switch sides. that is it a bad omen for president trump? and what do we expect to see the days ahead with the trial? here me now sedro leonard's mollie hemingway is back. so what did you think of these opening arguments as they were, molly? >> well, i really did not pay that much attention to them. because the seconds impeachment is number tickly series rethink your favorite political philosopher is karl marx if i'm correct. that history repeats itself the first time its tragedy the second time as farce. except the first impeachment was pretty farcical any second impeachment is farcical. and the many reasons it's a joke is there very serious constitutional questions. and the high water mark for democrats here that need to
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get 67 senators total. it looks like they only have 56 total that even believe the entire operation is constitutional. they've already fallen well short of what they need. everyone knows how this is going to end. everyone understands is for political partisan reasons. if you like this kind of television, that is fine. it's not really grabbing my attention so much. >> these democrats are saying, their argument this is constitutional. this is how the constitutional process is supposed to work. but what they are leaving out which seems to be pretty critical to the constitution's due process. >> just even if they can do this kind of impeachment really is an unsettled question in terms of the constitution, two big reasons the constitution calls for impeachment and subsequent trials of actual officers written resident trumpets no longer president present. he left like a month ago. it's not something that's
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really in question. the second thing is impeachment trials are the purpose removing from office someone who is in office. it's not a totally settled question. also due process and the merits of the case. if telling people to go fight hard for whatever the cause is, isn't pizza bowl offense you're going to have to impeach five under 35 people on capitol hill they do it all the time. kennedy: thought bruce katherine products important points. he brought up the jurisdictional hurdle here. and with the impeachment managers are going to have to overcome. he also talked about nancy policies delay. that is why we are straddling two presidencies. because yes donald trump is impeach for the second time will he still president. but nancy pelosi delayed delivering the articles of impeachment to the senate. until after he was no longer in office. so it's like they have created a constitutional pickle here.
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>> was totally unconstitutional to impeach the president wiley's president. you can impeach for any reason you want but they did not have a tickly good cases no constitutional burden. but to then delay and delay as she did the first time she did this like a year ago, getting this papers over to the sentence you now have this question about whether it is even proper at all it's about a couple of things the democrats want to make sure their party can be unified and the one thing that really unifies them which is hatred of donald trump. also to try and attempt to get the republican party to separate itself from its voters paired the pull up any kind of week republican they can who falls prey to the arguments in the media and democrats. you got a couple there but looks like they don't have enough to do as well as they had hoped for. >> i think they shop person aimed later just like the last time. when it does not really solve the problem that we are in they don't have a plan for
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that. mollie hemingway thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: there is always a backup plan isn't there? democrats safe this impeachment fails, it most certainly will, they will still issue a center of president trump by simple majority which would forbid him from ever running for public office again. why didn't they do that in the first place? but without in impeachment conviction, that will be to send a hole up in court. after an impeachment or censure, would president trump want to drive back into the political swamp? could he be content to write off into a golf course and the sun? it will be very hot pretty have to work ten top. the panels met, charlie herz, spike cohen and jessica tarlov. carly will start with you. there are whispers from within the former presidents camp he is going to seek retribution for it he is not politically finished. and the gop will coalesce behind him, when you think about that?
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>> of the court of the biggest and misunderstandings of donald trump in washington is the reason people like donald trump so much is because they hate washington. and they wanted to send the great orange monster to washington to shake things up. because they despise washington. in a weird way, the more washington hates donald trump, it makes his supporters only like him more. but it is this weird sort of situation. then you have this whole other thing on the other side of things rehab democrats, is molly just pointed out. emma kress entire animating argument in politics right now is to hate donald trump. kennedy: they have to keep this going. he is a fundraiser for the midterms. he cannot -- you cannot send him gentle into the good night or whatever. alright so, spike, we now have
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a great example of why both parties suck. this is an exercise in futility. nobody gets what they want in the end. it's a giant distraction from our real problems at hand. is there anything about this that could be good? realistic for third parties particularly the libertarian party. >> of ink anyone paying attention this is all kissing cousin, good cop bad cop we'd expect for the last several decades pretty mention the fact that they really want to get rid of trump they would've moved on with the centering invoking the 14th amend it. let's go even further. why did they not rubberstamp every single thing to get trillions dollars to donald trump to fully fund his agenda, or almost fully fund his agenda for all of four years. they were resisting him so hard, why did they rob americans of trillions of dollars to give donald trump almost every pen he asked or. the reality is democrats need donald trump every bit as much as republicans needed barack
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obama. they need to play the same good cop bad cop or team to keep americans voting either for their site or against the other side. sabia clinical pundits that spend all day on tv expend with their site is good and the other side is bad. the reality is when it's time for them to come together to hand up trillions to cronies to impose further upon our lives they come together in record time. now we don't even blink it seems like a bargain we talk about spending. it's absolutely right both parties and they are both guilty. so jessica let's play fun thought experiment. what should i do with my post- presidency which is a question that i would say that he needs
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to typically take a year out of the spotlight, stay off of social media. let everyone cooldown. it's not just democrats were appalled by what happened on generally six, were tired of the tweeting and the erratic behavior or a lot of republicans were strong supporters of the president and also liked his agenda. he had near unanimous support across the republican party for policies. so just take a little bit of a time out and come back as a slightly more measured version. so far think that's probably going to happen very >> that's never going to happen. >> it's going to be a nightmare but is feasible but i think if he got a good private sector opportunity or he could make money again and be welcome back into high society. so far make money great again is what i would say. we are still talking were still talking. she met stuart gotta stop talking for you guys thank you very much i've enjoyed every moment of this party fail.
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charlie, spike, jessica thank you purred coming up what is the libertarian take on this whole impeachment trial? caitlyn said you vice president gene healy, he has some thoughts and he is next. whoops! loading zone. darn it. pull hard to starboard! too small! seriously? because it...ugh. oh! follow him! steady... steady... oh! thunderation! to the northern lot where there be parking spaces as big as whales! geico. see all the ways you could save. as doctors, we make evidence-based recommendations to our patients. in a recent clinical study,
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kennedy: everyone on the left and on the right has their opinion on the former president second impeachment. but what do some of my fellow libertarians think basement joint amino vice president cato institute, gene healy is here. he says. [inaudible] if that is not impeachable nothing is. so why should liberty minded individuals take this text customer cuter discuss vice president at the aforementioned cato institute author of indispensable remedy the broad scope to the constitution impeachment power, gene healy. >> hi things or having me on. why not censure white not
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center get a felony conviction and then censure, and then automatic you can't run for anything ever again? >> censures a constitutional remedy that made andrew jackson really mad at one time. wasn't exactly hard to do. it is never cost any other president a good night sleep. most people can't remember anyone who was censured. if so impeachment is the real constitutional censure but it's what leaves a mark. as a libertarian i always thought, i've always been for impeaching more presidents. it's just beyond my wildest dreams that twice in one term, twice invasive of the space of year is more than i would have expected. kennedy: or less. you say leaves the ultimate markets a great facial disc racial. but democrats didn't even bring it up over the summer at the dnc. because it didn't leave that
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much of a mark. like joe biden one, but some of the states he won were so, so close that the election could have gone the other way. so i don't know what impeachment does, is it hopes that in your mind that it does so much reputational damage of the former president just can't run again? he's not going to be removed or whatever. go ahead. >> being impeached much less being impatient twice is always going to be the first paragraph of a presence wikipedia entry. and presidents, donald trump may be a special case. it has been said that shamelessness is a superpower. but in general, president don't want to do things they can be impeached for. even though we've never removed within a scent trail yet so far. sue fuller so close and johnson. when i say we, i mean everyone back in 1867 or whatever was
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left all right, so i do think it is a superpower. the problem i have with this impeachment trial is it's not going to lead to a conviction and removal. number one, number two it takes away what really happened at the capitol. we are no longer talking about that. we are now once again just focused on the solitary person who, his bases more excited than ever. and now they have a reason to forget what happened and to distance themselves from it. >> the framers recognize impeachment would agitate the passions of the parties. that is what hamilton said. i do think we are focused on it. and, i think when tempers cool, i think this will be an important part of trump's legacy. and you know what? 230 years of almost unbroken
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peaceful transfer of power something that's worth a little legal wrangling over i think of. sue for the legal wrangling is still there much in process. i appreciate your compliment, thank you so much it's great to talk with you. >> thank you. kennedy: topical storm is next. ! (naj) but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. (money manager) so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? (naj) nope, we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. (money manager) but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? (naj) we don't have those. (money manager) so what's in it for you? (naj) our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so why wait to screen for colon cancer? because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages.
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kennedy: jennifer lopez semi sexy boyfriend have undergone couples therapy. the therapist was surprised to hear alex say did not like being needled all the time. [laughter] that is a steroid jab. and this is a topical storm. topic number one, shall obama 's launching a children's cooking show on netflix. that's just not just a mad lib is also a news story. waffles and moshe fells a pair puppet to to cook healthy meals around the world with michelle obama. also finite, it is an tivo. here is michele holding a gift for meghan markle. that's what of harry's most prized possessions, michele says they shall for kids of all ages, which she made sure by testing it on george w. bush. that's also how she learned the original waffles puppet.
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michele has adored puppetry ever since she saw her husband work with joe biden. also this is the only cooking show where the chinese needed lunch in the end. michele says she loves answering children's questions about healthy food. she just wishes they would stop asking what melania eats. nancy pelosi is also launching a new show shall be kidnapping a different dalmatian each week for their fur. topic number two. been cut up and reassembled as birkenstock. which sounds like an idea cooked up by someone who wears birkenstocks. he begs us to retell between $11,500,000, are being used as raw material for new luxury line of sandals. actually that was all army hammers idea. but we know what he makes his shoes out of. birkenstocks retail for up to
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$76000 a pair. the good news is, instead of toe jam, they give you rancid raspberry preserves between your piggies. officer foot fungus will be, questions is most like kevin sprague encompasses positions and art collectors have already made purchases perfect they really went to some issues that have to get a rapper to surgically implant when in his face. that's premature all the kids care about these days. it's a pink diamond. topic number three. it's time for your therapy session and mine. so let this video will your soul with kibble. a group of therapy dogs in training taking a break to play. oh, i love them and i love how they repurpose, hold on tight account video. actually this is also how the kansas city cheese transfer the super bowl for the only differences they rolled over easier. when you complain of your childhood they always say that's rough. just don't take it personally
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if they throw up on themselves in the middle of the story fits in perfectly or therapist in your best friend. [laughter] have not read round since this many blondes as my prom night. you know what customer workbench of sites i've the longer you get to look at these puppies. at least that's what chelsea handler would've said about her sweater puppies. joe shows her moves. topic number four. you too chicken to express your love to that someone special this valentine's day? now you can melt their heart without opening your beak. from american express hoover eaten sidekick, check out these new valentine's day sandwiches with custom love notes that read i am yours, the mine, xoxo or you can send all three. case giving someone a symmetry valentine's day is not enough of a mixed message. actually this is how they say everything in chris christie's house. i love you get in my belly.
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9:00 pm
before like a prayer the winner was noel my job to the best of your day, tomorrow at tim's, jason and you. reminder make every day kennedy day. evening. elizabeth: tonight stocks hitting record highs as investors shrug off impeachment. it is a way where america saw shocking new footage of the capitol riots. now this. americans on the stock market, media looking ahead to the future. it is about reopening, getting america moving again, guesting america vaccinated again. we're hearing word what president trump is planning to do next. joining the show, fred barnes, ford o'connell, danny coulson, hands von spakovsky, vince collagnese and ron vitello. growing number of cities


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