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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 11, 2021 9:00am-12:00pm EST

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maria: great show. thank you for joining us. its thank you to dagen mcdowell-- dagen mcdowell and mark. have a great day. "varney & co." begins right now. take it away, stu. stuart: good morning. for investors, is this a goldilocks moment or what cracks you know, not too hot, not too cold, just about right. 5% growth expected this year, up 25% jump, trillions of dollars and into the economy congress and the federal reserve, new covid cases it down 36%, death down 22%, we are vaccinating close to 2 million people a day and for investors, what could go wrong? new highs are coming first thing this morning
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it's been a great february rally and it continues. remember, the dow was 6500 in march, 2008, nearly 13 years ago and it will open this morning well above 31000 and it's going to edge up again to another record high. s&p, nasdaq, both on the outside in the early going. we have market watchers on the show today who say they are cautious. we will ask them why. the pot stocks up again, the reddit crowd is piling in, legal recreational marijuana will expanded this year that's helping the pot growers, distributors and sellers. they are showing spectacular gains all over again. bitcoin priced close to its high, looking at-- almost at its height, 48200 as of now. mastercard becomes the latest company to support some crypto including bitcoin and we have a remarkable story. bitcoin of mining consumes more electricity than
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argentina and has a carbon footprint larger than new zealand. do climate warriors know this? day three of the impeachment trial starts at noon eastern and that's pretty much all i had to say about that, but we will spend time on the pushback against the new administration's policy. jen psaki waffling on the pipeline and of course the teachers union so reluctant to actually teach. new highs are coming. "varney & co." is about to begin. ♪♪ stuart: who are you? susan: do you ever watch a "csi"? stuart: what's that?
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susan: that's the theme song. i love "the who" back in their day. you will not remember this, but nonetheless. susan: i'm sorry i asked. stuart: i'm sure you are. let's get to bitcoin. $48200 and two more companies getting on board supporting some crypto. start with mastercard. susan: you can swipe your credit card to buy stuff using cryptocurrency now. merchants will also accept crypto pour their goods and mastercard is only supporting a few digital assets and yes that includes bitcoin this will be a separate credit card that mastercard is offering which it doesn't run through their internal system, not yet. meantime, the oldest bank in america, bny mellon also getting into bitcoin allowing customers to buy, hold, transfer and issue bitcoin along with other
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cryptocurrency's. they have moved huge step forward meaning crypto will be treated like any other asset like treasuries, like cash, like gold and it's a big deal well i'll bitcoin continues to grow more mainstream. stuart: both of those stocks up the. susan: definitely. stuart: can you explain this one and you are the one to do the explaining here, bitcoin mining -- bitcoin mining uses more electricity than argentina. susan: mining bitcoin, a lot of power, a lot of electricity and computing power so you need mega advanced computers and chips that it's very difficult. you have all these complex algorithms running through these massive computers to mind bitcoin and it takes a while so that's why see the electricity surge in cambridge researchers say bitcoin mining takes up more energy than holland and the uae, and that power use has skyrocketed
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along with the price of bitcoin, almost quadrupling since november so pretty-- critics say if you think about it if elon musk and tesla are so green minded, it's not the most environmentally minded move to promote bitcoin is a possible payment method for tesla cars. stuart: co2 admission from global bitcoin mining are the same as or greater than new zealand co2 emissions a. susan: here's the catch, they will only be 21 million bitcoin, that's the finite number that will ever be minded that's why bitcoin's surging because it's a limited supply. stuart: are we close to the 21 million yet? susan: i don't think so. $5 million that come online and supply each month from what i understand so i think we are still a ways away. stuart: thank you. good explanation. susan: i thought so. stuart: how about futures?
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you'll like this, the dow jones up 16, at nasdaq up 68, looking at new highs this morning and d.r. barton is with us. listen to this, cases down, death down, 5% growth, profitability and maybe 25%, trillions thrown at the market and the economy, is about a perfect recipe for a bigger rally even a melt up and you are worried cracks. >> well, i think we have the recipe for a melt up in the fact that we are not getting it is a really good thing. we-- once we have these moves, gamestop type of moves come a whatever asset it has to correct with a cautious more cautious steps like i believe we are getting, much more sustainable. on like that a lot better, so i believe that we are-- you said
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at the top of the show sort of the goldilocks place with more stimulus coming in. looks like things are moderating on the coronavirus side. it's a blessing. so, i think we are in a good spot right here, stuart. stuart: i look at your stuff-- i read your stuff and you have a chip play. there's a computer chip shortage of llama play, a way of cashing in on the chip shortage, mx im what is the company and what you like them? >> i like maximum a lot. there's a-- there's one really really big reason we have the chip shortage, more and more companies are going to what's called fabrication less, they are doing design, development, marketing, but not making them. samsung an even bigger taiwan semi conductor of making the majority of
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that chips for the world and so you have a smaller company, not little but a smaller company like this that does also do some of their own fabrication and it puts them a leg up as we continue to seek companies especially as we hear a lot about the automakers, gm just this morning said they had to slow down production because of chip shortages as you said, so not some is coming in with strong growth across the board and they are into autonomous vehicles, the handhelds, they cover a lot of the spectrum and of the little pullback they had recently gives us a chance to get in out of preferable prices. >> we will watch it and see if it moves, see if you can move the market, d.r. barton. thank you. quit worrying. how about uber? write down all they are down 12 cents. they just reported. susan, i bet-- i will bet that their ace in
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the hole is not ridership, but food delivery. susan: you guessed about all on your own. so impressive, but they are still losing money, think that's what the stock market is reacting to, they lost six and a half billion dollars last year, an improvement, believe it or not from previous years and delivery more than doubled their sales to end the final quarter of 2020, but sales were a bit like a mean if you combine mobility and delivery, it came in less than anticipated and they didn't bring profitability guidance and they think sometime this year and 2021 outside of expenses, we note uber is getting bigger into delivery after the about postmates and they closed that deal at the beginning of december and they bought an alcohol delivery company and selling off their unprofitable and really cash shall we say cash squeezing businesses like self driving and flying taxis.
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they said rides are still trying to recover from covid. stuart: uber has done nicely recently. susan: it took a while to-- took more than a year to get back up there. stuart: the offering price was? susan: $45. stuart: and thinking all the way to the 20s and took a long time to get to $63, but that's uber. i like that company, but never invested. susan: we heard about that a lot. never pulled the plug. stuart: when we have here, earnings. pepsi. okay. here's another one, suzanne. i had been eating a lot of doritos during the pandemic. susan: i can't comment. stuart: did i help pepsi's bottom line? susan: probably as pepsico is still getting benefit from pandemic snacking, strong sales of drinks and even starbucks branded coffee did well for them. quaker oats sold pretty well. they are raising their dividends by 5%.
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i wouldn't touch your diet with a 10-foot pole. burger king owner, not doing as well as anticipated showdown in the premarket and they aren't coming back fast enough for wall street. in restaurants, how you track sales and how people enjoy your snacks and foods is by comparable sales that it used to be called foot traffic and during non- covid times like given the delivery take out it was still disappointing. stuart: i went to see wendy's for my bacon jalapeno cheeseburger and that's a meal, i'm telling you. susan: your pants are looking a little tighter these days. [laughter] stuart: can i change the subject futures up 70 on the dow jones, 70 on the nasdaq with a nice gain. we have again all the way across the board, as of the about one third of 1%. that's a rally. tom brady, he quite obviously took a break from his strict diet,
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disney? you could tell the man was really really celebrating his super bowl win. watch this. [cheers and applause] stuart: how about that. even when he's had a few drinks come he's still the best quarterback on the planet. good job the lombardi trophy did not end up on the bottom of tampa bay. i think that's a gronk that took him away. it's not? susan: think it's part of his security detail work he had a few too many tequilas. stuart: looks like. aoc says president biden needs to be pushed on a racing $50000 worth of student that. she's not taking no for an answer. i wonder what professor brian brandenberg makes of that, he's on the show next.
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9:16 am
it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but, can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable.
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will it help me come out swinging? you got this. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. don't miss our presidents day weekend special. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed, . plus, 0% interest for 36 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. stuart: i can tell you how to market's to open, i can't tell you how it will close. we will open on the upper side. 4:00 p.m. is a different story. for nostalgia's sake, here are those much shorted stocks. 10 days ago it was different. gamestop at 50 this morning and amc at $5 a share. show me astrazeneca because they are sales rose 10% in 2020" or in, i person that's because of their vaccine. lauren: i don't think so, stuart appeared they aren't taking profit on the vaccine through
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the course of the pandemic so no, i would say. total revenue grew about 10% last year to make $26 billion and they expect growth to continue this year because their cancer drug pipeline is strong and when we see a wall and people getting infected with covid it means they will go back to their regular doctor. went astrazeneca is a doing that is vaccine related is they are starting to test the new versions of their shot on the new strains of the virus. of the testing is this spring so they say will have a new shot available by fall and then you can get it for the winter, i guess you could these strains are becoming a problem in astrazeneca fighting against it. stuart: thanks. this is for you, also. i think we reported this, the ceo of delta said the biden plan for covid testing before you get on a plane is a horrible idea i understand that guy at
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the southwest is saying something similar. lauren: gary kelly is saying the exact same thing saying it's too expensive for customers and it's a logistical headache for us, for the airlines and he also said what's the point. you are making americans who are traveling in big numbers now to jump through another hoop when vaccinations are being rolled out, so he sees-- the industry sees it as pointless so they are against any federal mandate that should come down if demanding domestic travelers get tested for covid. stuart: alexandria up as you cortez says president biden needs to be pushed on erasing student loan debt. professor brian brenberg joins us now. hold on, if you cancel student debt once, don't you have to do it again for the next generation? what happens in the future? >> yeah, think about it,
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suppose you are a student in the future who wants to borrow money for school and he would say wait a second my older brother got his debt forgiven, why do i have to pay this back. here's the thing, it's not about student debt. the reason aoc won't take no for an answer is a because it's about student debt, it's about socializing higher education and a student debt issuer entry point to do it. that's why senator warren is pushing it, senator sanders is pushing it because they know once you do it once she will do it twice and when you do it twice you will do it from here on out which means a federal government is funding everyone's college education, not the individual. stuart: precisely, the backdoor way to the government tax payer paying for your education. i can see it. i need to talk to about the teacher unions on the proposal maybe one day a week in the classroom for half the students that have the schools by april 30. i think i have asked before, but i'm
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outraged. it's the failure of the teachers union in the public school system. >> it's completely unworkable for parents. it's like the folks involved in this especially the teachers union haven't given one single thought of how families can handle this situation and they haven't given any thought again to what this does to students. look, there's never been a stronger case in this country, stuart, for money following student's out of the public school system and into alternatives like charter schools and private schools and homeschooling. if this is it a clarion call for people to wake up and say this public school system is not about students, i don't know where we will get the call, but it has to stop. what's even more devastating here is the president of the united states who promised to fix this, who promised to get schools open is hedging and he's
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speaking out on both sides of his mouth and he's doing nothing-- this might be a side from health issue, this might be the most critical issue we face in this pandemic and he cannot take a stand where there is a clear standard to be made where the science says so, where the researcher says that there's a clear standard to be made and he is nowhere to be found. stuart: i have to get this in. one school i know that is actually open, the windows are open. it's midwinter, the doors are open source very cold and very loud. the kids have to sit there in their jackets with their hoods up and masks on and date each lunch at that desk, more like a prison, i mean, that's ridiculous. 20 seconds is all you have. >> sounds like my school experience in minnesota. we always did math in a park appeared it's ridiculous. are we actually thinking they will learn anything?
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the answer is no, it's checking the box. we have a check the box school system that doesn't work for kids, doesn't work her that you can't become it doesn't work for the country. we have to get past it yesterday, not three months from now, yesterday. stuart: brian brenberg, thank you for joining us. checking futures. the market opens in precisely seven minutes and we are going up. more on that in a moment. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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aetna medicare advantage plans will help me keep doing what i love. because, for me, this never gets old. call today to learn more or to be connected to a local agent in your community and we'll send you a $10 visa reward card with no obligation to enroll. stuart: i'm going to bring in sandy villere because i want more on this discussion. sandy is back. i'm going to repeat this covid cases way down, death way down, 5% growth for the economy this year, 26% growth in profits maybe this year, trillions firm that the stock market and the economy. what are you worried about? >> there is a modest stimulus and a lot of liquidity floating around, but while history doesn't often repeat itself, it certainly brian's and
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it's starting to become a bit similar to 1998 and 1999 when i saw a lot of speculation and you look at what's going on with gamestop and sort of the most heavily shorted stocks in the russell 2000 up over 80% since october, starting to make me nervous and in getting more calls about bitcoin and things like that and then you look at ~ rai up hundred% some of these cannabis stocks through the red of this-- reddit readers and it feels like there's speculation parts of the market and i'm glad i can sort of avoid a lot of those areas and that would be my suggestion for people. stuart: it's your assumption that the froth in some areas bleeds over into the rest of the market. do you think that happens? >> it could. typically it would be a shift and i go back to 98 and 99 and we shot-- saw a shift from the more value-oriented securities and that is sort of the area we are
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involved with now, so i do hope it spills over into more reasonably priced things in people want to speculate at some point. we are more of an investor than speculator. stuart: i would invest in big tech because their valuations are solid. how about you? >> a glenn, going back to the late '90s timeframe, i mean, march, 2000, nasdaq went down about 70% am not saying the same thing will happen, but as those names get overextended, i would rather be in good quality colorless-- growth names that might be smaller that hasn't been hyped up as the other names. now you see sort of google is up 18% year to date, the facebook and amazon flat year to date so maybe they are starting to stock pick a bit more than buying a basket of everything. stuart: separating the wheat from the chap, good expression. sandy villere, thank you
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for joining us. i'm looking at futures, predicting-- not a strong, but a positive open to the markets. looking at maybe 70-point gain dow jones. if we go up, at any point this morning, we have a new record high, certainly on the dow industrials and maybe the others. thursday morning and we have started trading. started on the upside, 31476 from the dow industrials and i can see about a third of the dow 30 on the upper side so we have again, just a fractional gain for the dow jones and how about the s&p 500, up about a quarter of 1%. pretty solid. nasdaq composite on the upside of that tune of a half a percentage point. 14048 on the nasdaq. here is the low, 10%, not a surprise, susan because-- look, there's
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a housing boom and is the first thing i look at when i'm checking anything to do with real estate require you laughing. susan: i would imagine you look at real estate on the back stages of the real estate section. we know zillow has been a covid up session for a lot of people. also, really strong guidance for its business this year and also, this is the important part they bought online home viewing scheduling platform showing time, roughly around half a billion dollars in cash. one analysis of this two thirds of any visit to any online real estate space goes to zillow, two thirds on online, everyone virtually views these homes on zillow. even stuart varney. stuart: i'm with that in the crowd for once. i robots, the roomba
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vacuum-- vacuum cleaner. our floor manager says they are cleaning up. how about that. you aren't laughing 30 john, she's not laughing at your jokes. susan: i heard him practice it at the commercial break. i robot is selling a lot of these vacuum cleaners much more than anticipated giving really strong sales and profit guidance for the year. looking up i robot, it's all these and if all they sell is roomba vacuum cleaners why aren't they called roomba. they are actually in very sophisticated artificial intelligence defense products. stuart: more than a vacuum cleaner. susan: much more. stuart: all three major indicators have open on the upside. that is a company i know that makes generators, kind of the rolls-royce of the generators, my opinion. they are up 71 per-- seven, to render dollars
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a share, record fourth quarter with a stock more than doubled in the last 12 months, total sales of 29% from a year ago. these are the catastrophe people. i'm doing kershaw-- commercials for them these days. there are reports microsoft, i own a sliver, they tried to buy interest. i called that the ideas noticeboard. what happened? susan: it could've been a 51 billion-dollar deal but microsoft, they were interested for the large number of users as they added 100 million active daily users last year and their business has been spiking especially with home improvements and also they've been selling engage e-commerce products so if you see an appliance or an item of clothing you go and buy it and that's been very good in terms of revenue that they generate. the reporting that microsoft wants to sell more of its cloud products to pinterest
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users and don't forget the windows maker of it-- word the-- why they were interested in the social media company like this and tiktok is a large number of users and also the data that comes with it and how they can tailor their software including hot to maybe something more consumer -based. stuart: and shows you microsoft is ready, willing and able to use its cash. susan: a hundred billion dollars and more on the balance sheet. stuart: how about the pot stocks look at them, a few minutes ago literally minutes ago we were saying they were going straight up. they are-- the reddit crowd is buying in and now they are down big-time. what happened? susan: i don't know specifically what happened in the last few minutes but i will tell you it could be profit taken given the surge in the upward here we have
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seen some of the cannabis stock just in the last week or so i was looking at till ray up 500% during that time and somehow this is the new wallstreetbets reddit brigade interested in buying some of the pot stocks which have also been squeezed meaning may have been shorted as some hedge funds have targeted some of these names that may be -- they may may not make as much money as anticipated and they might be right to take profit. stuart: i'm not claiming any market power, but at 9:00 a.m. we set look at the pot to start going straight up, a couple minutes later evidently the profit taking came in because they are way down. susan: we know social media buyers have been getting in because they anticipate more states to legalize marijuana. they will combine to become the biggest marijuana cannabis stock in the world.
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stuart: my goodness me. when we went on the air, it was up about another 10% and now they are down. susan: they made $3 billion in less than 24 hours this week so yes yes, they been going straight up. stuart: tell me about the speaker business because they make speakers, up 13%. susan: height and speakers, better sales, better profit and they are held by the fact that they are coming down on their promotion not giving out discounts of people are still buying so it's a stronger margin story. stuart: straight up. susan: remember andrew left when he was still publishing his short ideas and he said it might be ripe for a takeover by a larger company like apple. that might still be in the cards they are selling semi- speakers, no discounts now, it's attractive. stuart: and these are speakers that you put in your home or car susan: in your home. stuart: all right. what a performance.
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i have some dow jones winners on your screen, peace on the list on the upside so is coke, procter & gamble etc. here's the winners on the s&p 500 took read them yourself, please, because i can't go through them all. sorry oak-- sorry, radio listeners. the big board, we are still on the outside, but only just 31472. 10 year treasury yield is up 1.15%. gold, 1841 is the price and oil, gas, 58? 48535, nice gain. susan: blew past 48000 because of ny mellon and mastercard allowing more users to use,
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hold, transfer and adoption is here. stuart: who cares if the bitcoin miners use more juice than argentina. oil $58 a barrel meaning gas prices go up. market coverage, we are moving on. mark cuban said no to the national anthem before dallas maverick's game and the nba steps in and says no way, play it. he's trying to do do damage control. watch this spinning during the first preseason game we decided to not play it and see what the response was on knowing that we were going to have ongoing conversations about it. there was never any final decision that we were not play that have some. stuart: sounds like a retreat. but see what pete hegseth says at the top of the 11:00 o'clock hour. looks like tom brady had a few drinks. he's still the best quarterback out there. the vince lombardi trophy did not seem to the bottom of tampa bay.
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he chucked it from one got to the other, they caught it, thank goodness. "varney & co." roles on this thursday morning. ♪♪ [typing sounds] i had this hundred thousand dollar student debt. two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in debt. ah, sofi literally changed my life. it was the easiest application process. sofi made it so there's no tradeoff between my dreams and paying student loans. student loans don't have to take over for the rest of your life. thank you for allowing me to get my money right. ♪♪
9:40 am
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stuart: dow jones just hit an all-time high. quickly, check out the playboy people, actually. shares have just opened for trading, first day of trading, 1454. that is a 7% gain. chip shortages. apparently hurting everything from gaming casino-- consuls ice should say, gaming consoles and cars. it's a genuine shortage? susan: yes because there's huge
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demand and changing business models when it comes to the chip manufacturers so there's a bottleneck and trade wars and that is incentivizing production and all of this culminating inch or supply so the chip shortage of started off in pcs and other electronic goods and sales boomed during covid with sales working from home. then a chip shortages moving to cars. that gm same would have to cut production i'm a not only here in latin america, but also in mexico and this will impact malibu production another car models. you also have the pc consuls as sony says it cannot get enough chips to put into their playstation five and that's why there-- it's been hard to find. not just that, but the chipmaker say they have noticed this as well. i was looking at the silicon producers in the world, that's russia, china and norway in the top three and trade wars
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have had an impact because there's a trade war. stuart: that's interesting. norway the big chip producer? susan: silicon producers. stuart: there is a difference. i was think about super bowl ad. susan: i think oil, but yes. stuart: richest company in the world. spac has raised to $38 billion just this year, calendar year 2021 and it's only february 11. what the new york stock exchange doing about this, lauren? lauren: fcc approved a rule for the new york stock exchange that affects direct listing which is another alternative in addition to spac for traditional ipos so was the new rule would allow investors to raise fresh capital and issue new shares. what that does is potentially make direct listing more popular and maybe reduces interest in spac where the shell
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company raises money through an ipo and finds an acquisition target. the rule has been approved. it's been internally tested at the new york stock exchange. if it's implemented it's a further democratization of the ipo process and it could if direct listing to become more attractive, that could reduce some of the interest in spac which has been red-hot this year. very complicated, but traditional ipo. stuart: they are trying to cool it down a bit. is that the bottom line? lauren: they are trying to make direct listings for popular. stuart: i got it. lauren: i went around about. stuart: yeah, you are a diplomat, basically. looking at the markets, gathering some steam for the dow jones, up nearly 100, nasdaq doing well, up 76. market guy of the moment is mike lee.
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, running, michael. i want your opinion on something i've been talking about. we have s-lowercase-letter, lower lower death, money surging into the market from the fed and congress. we have profits probably up 25% this year. we have an economy expanding about a 5% rate. we have had a lot of people so cautious in the market now, but i think you are going the other way. you expect the roaring 20s; right? >> stuart, i don't know about the whole decade that all the factors in place for multiple expansion exists in full force and in unison right now. we have an easy money liquidity pumped into the market on a level we have never seen before. we have an opening expanding economy and then we also have earnings growth. we went into the corridor expected a decline of almost 10% year-over-year earnings and looks like we will have almost 2% growth.
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analysts go into quarters always overly optimistic, always to rosie, never do we go into a quarter and earnings come in it this far above analysts estimates. i think expectations for all of 2021 are probably too low so when you have improving earnings on top of expanding liquidity and a growing economy, expensive stocks will get more expensive. stuart: i keep hearing people say what about inflation. you are bound to get inflation when you chucked this money in it what say you on inflation? >> i don't see we will have the inflation. m2 is the amount of money in money markets, checking, savings, short-term treasury and that has ballooned, but what has not exploded is the velocity, how quickly it makes it through the economy. there is almost too much money coming in for that money to multiply quickly and i say
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without the velocity of m2 we won't see the traditional inflation where like you see in a venezuela. what we see is it america where you get asset price inflation so whole prices, stock prices in these things go through the roof, but you don't necessarily see the price of bread-- bread go from a dollar this week to $20 a week after soap for the investor class this works out well, but on the other side of that equation those that don't have financial assets will have hard time acquiring wealth. stuart: it makes sense. makes a lot of sense to me. michael lee, thank you for joining us. thank you. the proctor says hillary clinton says any republican senator who votes to acquit donald trump will be his co-conspirator took she can't stay away from the spirit we have the story, i promise.
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in the 11:00 o'clock hour this morning doctor drew pinsky joins the show and i will ask him what he thinks about getting kids back in the classroom. ♪♪ we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪
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9:53 am
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stuart: had he liked, there are millions of people told to pay tax on unemployment benefits they did not ask for and did not receive. blake berman has the story. oblate, is it all about the fraudulence emergency unemployment checks? >> it is. the care zach from last year, $360 billion for an employment benefits to people who needed it. here's the issue, the labor department says as much as 10% of potentially $36 billion of that was subject to fraud essentially scammer's filing for employment benefits using someone else's name. listen to senator susan collins explained. >> we experienced widespread unemployment compensation fraud last spring. what we sour these criminal enterprises
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ruthlessly exploiting gaps in systems and states all over the country. >> unemployment benefits are taxable meaning if someone files in your name, you could have a really big headache, unfortunately, if you have not had one already. the irs is trying to get ahead of this. in a statement recently quote taxpayers who received an incorrect form for unemployment benefits they did not receive should contact the issuing state agency to request a revised form showing they did not receive these benefits. stuart: what a mess. thank you, blake. now the markets have retreated. we were up 100 points a few minutes ago for the dow jones and now, we are up just 18. nasdaq still out 14000. still ahead, bradley blakeman, north dakota
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senator kevin cramer, pete hegseth and doctor drew pinsky all in the second hour of "varney & co." straight ahead. ♪♪ . . i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen
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and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. (sam) gamers! he who is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. take fuzzywuzzy28. blamin' losses on a laggy network. only one or two. verizon 5g ultra wideband is here, the fastest 5g in the world, with ultra... low... lag! stop blaming the network and start becoming the best gamers in the ga-- that escalated quickly. (sam) 5g ultra wideband, now in parts of many cities. this is 5g built right. only from verizon.
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♪. stuart: this is how we roll florida georgia line. not heard that before. look at this. we're here at 10:00 eastern time and we've just seen the dow move south. we just got into the red. literally a few minutes ago it was up 100. now it is down 24 on the downside. nasdaq holding for now at 14,000. how about those pot stocks? what a turnaround there. at 9:00 they were going straight up, pushed higher we believe by the reddit crowd moving from gamestop to weed. now they're way down. tillry is off 28%. aurora is down. kronos group is down 12%. bitcoin is rallying today.
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48,525 up 3600 bucks, 8%. we have mastercard saying they will join the club of companies supporting cryptos including bitcoin. eastern time, 10:00, thursday, mortgage rates. what have we got, lauren? lauren: 2.73%. that is the rate unchanged from last week for the 30-year mortgage. the 15 year, that moved down 2.19%. bottom line, freddie mac says the real estate market remains solid even if yields move up a little bit. expectations are we'll see at the end of the year, 3 to 3.3%, 30-year fixed-rate. these low rates in general make homes affordable for many people. not all people but many people. stuart: you got that right, lauren. 2.73%. the dow moved to the upside, a small gain now for just 7 points on the dow industrials. now this.
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it is easy to come out of the gates with a flury of executive orders. it is much more difficult to make them stick. when a new policy is revealed, debate begins so does the pushback. on big issues president biden is already bogged down. immigration. 78,000 border apprehensions in january, highest in a decade, double the number from last year. the deputy chief of border patrol said on youtube, because of quote, a perceived shift in immigration and security policy. translation, biden's campaign promises, executive orders encouraged illegal migration. and now the administration is desperate. jen psaki says now is not the time to come. we need, we need time to put a system in place. you don't have the time. they're coming anyway. the biden immigration policy is already stalled and frankly headed for chaos. energy, the climate crowd came out real strong. kill the keystone pipeline and
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other pipelines too. stop oil and gas production on federal land. well the pushback is intense and may well result in a roll back. big labor demand as rethink. attorneys general have filed suit. senator manchin a democrat, he is not happy. the coastal elites. they're delighted to sacrifice great jobs to save the planet but the let's of the country will not sit back quietly. once again jen psaki flounders, rambling about all those wonderful green jobs we assured are coming any day now. the schools, well if you watched this program you will know we are very hot under the collar about the teachers union. they have let the kids down. biden's so-called man has been ridiculed. maybe half the kids will go back maybe half the schools maybe one day a week by april 30th? public education, especially in the cities has been ruined. that is an early policy already in shreds. i think the president is already in trouble.
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the democrats have a tiny majority in the house, the senate is split 50-50. the new administration is riddled with identity and ideological fights. inevitably some of those fresh out of the box policy initiatives are stalled or in retreat. even worse for the democrats, when this impeachment farce is over they won't have donald trump to kick around anymore. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: well, well, hillary clinton says trump will be acquitted in his impeachment trial because, quote, the jury includes his co-conspirators. brad blakeman is here. have at it, brad. >> can you imagine the audacity of hillary clinton to come out from under her rock to start throwing stones at donald trump and republicans in general?
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this is the lady who brought us the russia hoax and the dossier and tried to rig an election to try and distance attention away from her email scandal. the clintons have more in common with a criminal crime family than they do a political dynasty. nobody cares what hillary clinton has to say and just by the grace of god she walks the streets and is not in orange jumpsuit. stuart: coming on strong there, brad blakeman. i understand your position. got it. talk about president biden who spoke i believe for the first time as president with xi xinping of china. his first time as president of china or the leader of china, the two got together. it was a phone call. the headline i read was that biden confronts xi xinping or biden confronts china. you're laughing. you don't think he did? >> no. look, we know there is a history of the bidens in china and biden in particular as vice president.
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remember he boasted all over the place that he was the point man for president obama for china. look what happened in the eight years under obama and biden. they have given the store away to china. they built military bases out of the south china sea. they dumped steel. they took our intellectual property. look at the trade imbalance we had with china. they hardly stood up to china. you know what? i'm going to ask the democrats to do what they asked president trump to do, release the transcript. let us know what he said if there is audio, let's hear the audio. let's find out how tough president biden was on china. just like they asked with president trump to release his transcripts of conversations with foreign leaders when he was president. let's see if they do that. stuart: no they won't. i don't think they would do that. i don't think it is in their interest and i don't think they will. brad, that was good stuff. thanks for joining us, mr. blakeman. >> thank you. stuart: yes, sir. back to the markets mixed
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picture, we're back on the upside for the dow, nasdaq and s&p. small gains with about 36 minutes worth of trading under our belt. lloyd luke is our market guy of this particular moment and he joins us now. lloyd, sorry, luke lloyd. i'm sorry, luke. >> good morning stu. you're good. stuart: call you any name you like. >> that's exactly right. stuart: luke lloyd, he is a good man. all right. we have a number of market guys on this morning who are kind of worried about overall state of the market. deaths down. covid cases down. money being chucked. are you know the story. are you worried? >> i hear multiple reasons why the people worried about the market, biden $15 an hour minimum wage, increase in taxes. the big worry i hear that the market is big bubble like 2000.
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many companies are crushing their earnings and growing even faster than before the pandemic especially tech and health care. back in early 2,000s companies didn't have earnings. we have record levels of stimulus, more liquidity, more money supply in the economy. that money is looking for new home in the stock market. my biggest long term concern is inflation. stuart: well, if i have it is inflation, why? the gold going up more. we have lots of guys on the show, watch out for inflation, i have not seen gold to even to to 1850. it is waffling around 1840 the moment. >> it had a great run the past year compared to where it was past couple years. by pumping mon into the economy, very via stimulus and keeping interest rates low. if they increase minimum wage, that is even more concerning. why is that concerning? if the inflation runs hot, the fed will be forced to raise
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interest rates to make it come back to earth. this is long-term issue, five or 10 years out. many people are shortsighted especially congress with long term policies. i would have long-term solution than short term fix. stuart: is bitcoin the hedge against inflation? i believe you think it is going to 100 grand. >> i do. stuart: bitcoin a hedge against inflation? >> i do. i think it is a brat hedge against inflation. there is limited supply of bitcoin. stu, isn't it a little crazy there was gold rush mining 200 years ago. now there is internet gold rush in mining called by the coin? i'm bullish on bitcoin for the long term, i do expect to see some sort of government intervention soon given recent attention and size. one trillion dollar market cap it is too big to ignore at this point. you're seeing adoption from tesla, master considered. other large companies will adopt it as well. as more people and companies exchange from the u.s. dollar and bitcoin, the government will want as much visibility as possible. i expect hearings and
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surrounding regulation that will add to volatility to cause bitcoin to pull back a little bit. $100,000 is question at the end. year. stick with your portfolio as a small allocation. stuart: have you to the some? >> sold it at 40. looking to pick it up. i do think it will crash down to $25,000 to develop with all the news surrounding regulation. looking to pick back up at $25,000 and ride it up to $100,000. stuart: good luck, luke lloyd. got it eventually. luke, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. stuart: all right. back to the market. the dow is up 31 points. not huge gains this morning but there are, there are i repeat some big movers, susan. susan: let's talk about pinterest. i love the story. the fact microsoft was in talks to buy up pinterest which is the ideas board as stu calls it. call it pictures. you can call it, you do get ideas from there. there is remodeling ideas. there is fashion ideas.
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so there are some, right? more picture oriented. interesting that microsoft was looking for a 51 billion-dollar deal. talk about zillow. even stu visits zillow to look at hot colonials and flooring houses in zoom. stuart:, you look at address you want to look at, the way you go. the history. susan: "snl" had a clever skit with zillow. even younger millenials who are so interested in going on zillow it is probably much better they say than other things. i will let the watch the skit. you look at that yourself. cannabis stocks. talking about cannabis stocks? stuart: zillow is one of the new economy stocks. 10, 15 years ago, you wouldn't dream of, not many people were buying and selling homes online and looking at homes online, not that many people. now it is standard. susan: the app economy only developed in the last 10 years. zillow has only been around probably for the last 10 years
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as well. it is a housing boom they're riding off of, when i looked at one statistic, 3/4 of anybody looks at homes online where do they go? sill pro. stuart: three quarters, zillow. susan: that is dominant. cannabis, looks like the reddit trade might be losing a bit of steam and momentum. some of stocks jumped over 500% last few days. that is noticeable in tilray, which is combining with afria, that will be the largest marijuana company in the world when that happens. wall street reddit brigade they say they love the cannabis stocks because they love marijuana, also the short interest. not as high as 140% as high in gamestop. 122% highest in tilray. the rest are under 20, maybe 15% or so. so not huge, you would say, tilted is, disproportionate short interest in these stocks. stuart: if you jump into a
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reddit crowd stock and climb, you got to know when to get out. susan: let me ask you this. we talked to jordan belfort, the original wolf of wall street own the show. i would say he is the expert pump and dump. some people say this aggregated social media brigade looks like that. not based on fundamentals. stuart: it does look like it. how do you put a value on a gamestop for example? how do you put a valid you on that? it looks like pump it up, pump it up and dump and take profits. >> you don't want to be on the other end of it. stuart: you don't, holding the bag. as usual we talk about on the show florida is open for business and my next guest says florida is the future. very interesting. he will make his case. feels more like house arrest than college. that is what students at berkeley are saying about the school forcing them to self-sequester. they need a free speech movement
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in berkeley again. they are not going to get it. first it is the keystone pipeline. now the dakota access pipeline, hollywood, hollywood, calling on president biden to halt the access pipeline. the pipeline is in senator kevin cramer's state. he says get out of here. he is next. ♪. research shows that people remember commercials with exciting stunts. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's something you shouldn't try at home. insurance is cool. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ at t-mobile, we have a plan built just for customers 55 and up. saving 50% vs. other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for less than $30 each. call 1-800-t-mobile or go to
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your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but, can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me come out swinging? you got this. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. don't miss our presidents day weekend special. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed, . plus, 0% interest for 36 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. stuart: we got green on the board. it was not that much. nasdaq was up 1/3 of 1%. kraft heinz, they are moving up 5.8%. they sold the planter's nut
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brand to hormel. peanuts go to the spam people. it was $3.3 billion deal. kraft heinz stock is up 5%. >> democrat senator joe manchin calling on president biden to reverse cancellation of keystone pipeline. kevin cramer with us, republican, north dakota. i'm on your side here. we should reverse the cancellation. i can make a very good case, we should reverse it. but can you actually reverse it, can you make it happen? >> interesting question, stu, thank you. certainly we can. senator manchin is right on point. the easiest way to to reverse it the keystone crossings international border. crosses from saskatchewan into montana, because of that the president has this unique authority with a presidential permit. he could easily reverse it.
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congress could as well but he won't. that's right. stuart: he won't. if he did that, the left, aoc, they would be apoplectic. they would desert. >> the problem he could be made to understand there are national security ramifications to this decision. the demand is not going away. the demand is still there. do you get the heavy sour crude oil from canada or venezuela or saudi arabia. somebody is going to get it, instead after pipeline, do you put it on a train which is far less efficient, spew as lot more you know, gas? if you will and worse trucks? it makes no sense whatsoever. stuart: again, can you, i know it makes no sense. i'm with all the way. >> i know. i know. stuart: you know what i'm saying here. >> i do. stuart: he is not going to reverse. here is another one, celebrities, climate activists, indigenous leader signed a letter to president biden, hey, cancel the dakota access
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pipeline. that starts in your state. can you stop that cancellation? >> i believe we can because that one has been permitted. it was originally permitted, very small federal nexus i might add permitted in north dakota by the obama administration. it has been in litigation. since then the last three years the dakota access pipeline successfully, safely, with clean environmental footprint moving over half a million barrels of crude to market for three years. they would have a hard time reversing that that one of. that would have tremendous economic and natural resource, national security ramifications. stuart: north dakota can hang up the hat if you stop keystone and access pipeline and we, we just grind to a halt energywise. >> as you know, stu, the energy independence donald trump achieved, the energy dominance
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we achieved has tremendous ramifications but remember, it is not just the actual jobs that the industry itself creates which are in the millions. it's the entire supply chain of everything we grow, produce, manufacture. it is national security because we're no longer dependent on other countries. all of that goes away if you shut down something like the dakota access pipeline. i don't believe they will. i do believe they will prevail. even the question about it. even litigation that is still going on creates and disincentive for investment in american energy and creates an incentive for people to look elsewhere for their dollars. so we have got to settle this soon. stuart: it is just appealing to the coastal elites and climate crowd. there you have it. mr. senator, always a pleasure. thanks for being on the show. >> always mine, stuart. stuart: let's look at disney. disney fired "the mandalorian" act crest, gina kharan know. susan: kharan know expressed more conservative views in the
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past, she posted a picture on tiktok comparing the political environment to nazi germany and holocaust of jews. gina carano are not employed and no plans to be in the future. her social media post denigrating people based on cultural, political identities abhorrent. some social media posts ignited a hashtag gina carrano. the audience was not happy about these posts. stuart: got it. remember jeep's super bowl commercial with bruce springsteen? here is a part of it. >> the middle has been a hard place to get too lately, between red and blue, between serving and citizen. between our freedom and our fear. stuart: all right. that may be the last time you
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see that ad. i think i know why ad, ash, why don't you tell us all. ashley: jeep says it is pausing that super bowl ad after news that bruce springsteen had been arrested on drunk driving charges late last year. the auto company says it is the right thing to do until the facts can be established. springsteen had starred as you see in the two-minute ad urged commencer to come together, meet in the middle. the musician is accused driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, consuming alcohol in a closed area. you may well not see that ad again, stu. stuart: gone. wasn't that his first come commercial? >> i think. he has been very anticommercial. his voice as narrator is very good. we'll not see it again. stuart: it was good. thanks, ash. got it. look at this.
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that is a celebration. there you have tom brady throwing the vince lombardi from one yacht to another. i think they're having a real good time. thank god it didn't drop. we have more of that video just ahead for you. while new york, slowly, slowly, starts easing covid restrictions. florida, open for business. my next guest says florida is the model for the nation. i think he is right. we'll make the case after this. ♪ we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit,
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usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ we're made for. my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it, lowering my blood sugar from the first dose. once-weekly trulicity responds when my body needs it, 24/7. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy.
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serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include indigestion, fatigue, belly pain, decreased appetite, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about trulicity. in these uncertain times, it's important to own physical gold. fortunately, there's an easy way to invest at the source right here on american soil. we're golden independence and our advanced stage nevada gold project is located within the largest gold producing complex in the world with an historical resource of over one million ounces and active drilling to expand even further. time is now for golden independence.
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[announcer] durán catches leonard with a big left. ♪♪ you can spend your life in boxing or any other business, but one day, you're gonna take a hit you didn't see coming. and it won't matter what hit you. what matters is you're down. and there's nothing down there with you but the choice that will define you. do you stay down? or. do you find, somewhere deep inside of you, the resilience to get up. ♪♪
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[announcer] and this fight is a long way from over, leonard is coming back. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ stuart: a proclamation from the president. what's it ba about, susan. susan: issued a proclamation to stop the national emergency at border with mexico, saying that he would do that, and construction wall on the southern border as well. remember biden also plans to lift, allow additional 110 refugees into the u.s., raising cap almost 10 times under president trump that was historic low of 15,000. so far his most unpopular
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executive order. only 20% approval. stuart: 78,000 apprehensions at the border just in january. highest a in a decade. 3,000 a day on average. here they come. what is the biden plan? proclamation, stop the wall. susan i think i made my point. governor desantis of florida was panned how he handled the pandemic. florida is booming. here is adam guillette? >> very close. susan: you are batting 1000 a day. stuart: adam, straight to it. you're a florida resident. you say florida is the way of the future for the whole nation. make your case? the. >> unquestionably, the media spent months telling news news was a brilliant hero, that andrew cuomo was emmy-award-winning savior of the covid pandemic. fast forward half a year.
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newsom is about to thrown out of office. cuomo has nursing home scandal and nine top health officials resign. florida is leading the way, our unemployment is half that of new york city. our covid data dramatically better than both states. we've won. stuart: are there any restrictions in place like restaurants, bars, that kind of thing, any? >> that is actually a great question because our restrictions are on the local and individual level. our governor has let the states, i'm sorry, have the counties have their own choice how though handle mask ordinances. restaurants get to choose what capacity they want to be. customers choose whether they want to go to the restaurants. all new yorkers choose is if they move now or move in later. stuart: was there a spike in cases when the open up policy was announced, or soon thereafter. >> there was spike in inaccurate predictions.
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the same people gave us horrible presidential polls, told us when beaches opened up in jacksonville beach and socially distanced in the sand there would be a massive spike in covid. it never happened. instead the new york stock exchange is talking about moving to our state. we could have the jacksonville beach stock exchange. stuart: look i can tell you for a fact here in the new york area the atmosphere is pretty grim. it is not just because of the weather. it is because a lot of things are closed down. there is nobody out and about on the streets. what is the atmosphere in florida? >> well, it is exactly the opposite of course. when i have family and friends i talked to and i visit, they come to visit me, they are shocked we get to do luxurious things like eating in a restaurant. many of them haven't done that in a year up there. people take precautions when they're necessary down here. people make sure to wear a mask when it is necessary. they socially distance. they go about their lives. they send children to school. they go on living normal human
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beings with dramatically lower covid deaths per capita than new york, new jersey, california. stuart: what i hear, come on down from new york, come on down from illinois, but please don't bring your politics with you. i hear that all the time. i'm sure you do too. adam guillette. did i get it right? >> perfect. stuart: thanks for coming on the show, adam. perfect. see you soon. the cdc just announced news for those who are fully vaccinated. got something to do with quarantine, lauren? lauren: yes, if you had two doses of the vaccine and 10 1/2 million americans have, believe it or not, this gets complicated, two weeks have passed since that second shot you can skip quarantine if you think you've been exposed to someone who has been infected. the agency says, this is what a lot of people on the show have said for months, the benefits 6 not mandating unnecessary
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quarantines outweigh the risks. don't just force people to stay home for two weeks. one more thing that the cdc is now recommending, double o sl mas m m one it..rgicalhit aloth c ck oaskrak ey sth tthtthtt rucesucuc ansmission rsiksipkk to 9.6% o bo is br ttente. it i aaysayayood,ood,ood,d,d, de ma.k wila theesesonononet get foy witytwith mash mh m m o ju sing. rt:uaovuanoruauomouomouomof o neyorkw ill w aowans fkkk to sumsdin in t steta verwewehe i is a achchnd ey: tre tlway a a a catchchtchc. ay. too 1 inn anas and stadi stadii ave to presentrerere netineveve cov c-1 c teses with2 hours of the event. of course you have to social distance and wear a mask. first up is the knicks and the nets who play at home on
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february 23rd. the knicks plan to allow 2000 fans at every game. same as new york rangers in the nhl. the baseball season still seven weeks away but the yankees and the mets are selling tickets and working out logistics. not exactly getting back to normal, stu, but encouraging if you like first step. stuart: i think it would discourage people going if you have to have a test within 72 hours. find a place for the test. you have to prove you have the test. a lot of effort. that's for sure. ash, thanks very much indeed. ashley: yeah. stuart: wait a minute. i hear this new strain, i think the south african strain, is popping up in america. do you know where it is popping up here? ashley: yes. two cases now being confirmed in california both in the bay area. the south african variant not regarded as more dangerous but it is believed to be much more easily passed from person-to-person. as of yesterday there have always been 159 confirmed cases of the uk variant detected in
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california as well as 1200 confirmed cases what is now being called the west coast variant. hardly keep up with all of this. but so far the good news is both pfizer and moderna vaccines are believed to be effective against all the new strains of this virus, stu. stuart: got it, ash. thanks very much indeed. will investor fall in love with bumble? that is a dating service which makes its debut any moment now on the nasdaq. we're watching this ipo. we'll bring you the first trade when it occurs. and we'll be back. ♪.
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good morning! the four way is a destination place. right here, between these walls, is a lot of history. i am black. beautiful. i must be respected. black lawyers, doctors, educators, martin luther king, b.b. king, queen of soul aretha franklin. you're sitting in the place where giants ate. the four way, as a restaurant, meant so much to this neighborhood and we wanted to continue that. to have a place where you have dignity and belong, that's the legacy of the four way.
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stuart: i want you to check zillow again please because it has gone straight up. we talked about it a few minutes ago. it has gone straight up from there. you're up nearly 30 bucks.
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zillow crossed 200 bucks a share. more on that in a moment. fedex, this news item doesn't affect the stock price but fedex will commit $5 million to historically black colleges and universities. now there is this after the george floyd protest black owned businesses have seen a surge in sales. grady trimble in chicago. you've been talking to some of the business leaders there, what are they saying? what are they telling you? reporter: they greatly benefited from this, stu. it is also black history month. we're at semicolon bookstore in chicago. danielle mullen is the owner. you told me what happened over the summer there has been wild support for your business. >> absolutely. my business is up 63% this year. i'm incredibly excited about that. reporter: you do more than just sell books. you're involved in your community to a great degree. you have a program where you
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provide free books to chicago public school students and especially those you underserved students and minorities. >> it is clear the shelf. so they can bridge that education al gap. reporter: you're benefiting from it, but you want to be known as really good bookstore. >> really good bookstore ideally. i think it is important but not necessarily to delineate between the two. reporter: we talked to businesses all over chicago, stu, from this store, to clothing stores, to bookstores and coffee shops, black owned businesses they're seeing a surge in sales in february because of black history month but also over the last several months as well. they hope to ride the wave as long as they can. get people in the door, build their business, people realize it's a black owned business but a really good business. stuart: exactly, grady. it has to be a good business. there you go. grady trimble very much indeed. let's talk dating apps shall we or dating services.
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bumble supposed to go public today, later this morning maybe. their shares were priced to open at 43 but what is the inklings of the opening price, lauren? lauren: 63. way above the range which started at 37 to $39. this gives this dating app where the woman makes the first move at least an 8 billion-dollar valuation. i want to appointment out how popular it is. bumble and another site they own called badu, they have 42 million monthly active users, sending 150 million message as day. as we await this trade, this first trade on the nasdaq, the question is, is on line dating future of dating? that is silly question. people have been online dating for years. is on line dating curtail when they go to the bar again to actually have a conversation in person? stuart: that is the question, isn't it. yeah. where things get back to normal when, if they ever do, will face-to-face conversations take the place of electronic
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conversations. only time will tell, lauren. you know that. not supposed to say it of course. >> >> back to the markets, please. we've got plenty of green but not a huge rally by any means. which ones are you watching? susan: let's talk zillow since i know you're really hot on that stock. stuart: it is amazing. susan: up 17%, now 18% because of a huge quarter they put in. much better sales, much better profit and they're guiding for a large bounce this year in 2021. they really dominate when it comes to the online real estate market. we know we are in a housing boom. also announcing a purchase, acquisition of half a billion dollars of home that is another add-on to their services. talk about uber as well going the opposite direction. they also reported yesterday after the bell. coming back. they lost about $6 billion last year. sales didn't live up to forecasts, however, uber eats delivery, more than doubling at
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the end of 2020. that is really how they will make their money going forward. some recovery when it comes to rides. they are still forecasting they will make money outside expense this is year. stuart: again, when you get back to normal, whenever, whatever that is -- susan: how long is uber eats ride go? how long does the momentum carry through. wouldn't you say consumer habits have changed? they will hold on to some of that shift, don't you think of delivery? stuart: i think they would. susan: that is positive for the stock and company. stuart: once you get into it, it is easy, you do it. whether you get back to normal or not i would imagine. susan: talk about under armour. getting an upgrade in under armour. stuart: 4%. susan: reported a surprise profit instead of losing money last year. this is acom brac story for this stock. you want to talk about restaurant brands since we're talking about your dietary needs. stuart: talk about it. susan: burger king, popeye's chicken not selling burgers and fried chicken wings as
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anticipated. stuart: i'm more interested in the cryptos and which companies are backing bitcoin which by the way is up nearly 8% at $48,485. susan: looking to cross 49,000 today. this is a big deal. mastercard, you can now swipe your credit card to buy stuff using cryptocurrency. that is adoption. stuart: my mastercard in my pocket in my pocket? susan: a different card to be issued. mastercard will allow the service in the future which is a big, big deal. merchants can also accept cryptocurrency for their goods. it goes both ways. mastercard is supporting a few digital assets not all of them t includes bitcoin t will be a separate credit card. it will not run through the existing mastercard network. oldest bank in america, bny mellon getting into bitcoin. they allow customers hold, buy, transfer, issue bitcoin in other currencies. crypto will be traded like cash
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or gold. stuart: bank of new york, mastercard both stocks up because of the crypto connection? susan: absolutely. definitely. more adoption, more users. a younger clientele who bill bank with you and use your credit cards much longer that is a very good thing. stuart: 48,800 is the price on bitcoin right now. thank you, susan. nba now requires teams to play the national anthem. mark cuban and the mavericks tried to opt out but the nba says no, you will play the anthem. pete hegseth is here on that just ahead. you may have never heard of it the biden center has taken in $67 million worth of donations from china, some of it anonymously. this is a significant story. our next guest has the details straight ahead. ♪.
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stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with peace of mind at your local xfinity store.
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stuart: president biden speaking, this is moments ago about his first conversation with china's xi xinping. do you have some bullet points on what was spoken about in this conversation. susan: he said it went well. we know it was a short conversation t was on infrastructure and.
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stuart: two hours. susan: lasted two hours. looking ways for power automobiles, rail initiatives. back and forth when it comes to politics first of all, he brought up hong kong. and also trade relationships and commerce. stuart: the headline that i read was, biden confronts china. susan: i would agree. is that the, is that the right way to set a new tone for a relationship to talk about controversial top picks like taiwan, hong kong, shinzhen, uyghurs. stuart: he did confront them? susan: i would say, those are contentious topics not everybody would want to breach in a first phone call with a world leader. stuart: is he going to release the transcript? they insisted that trump release transcripts of his conversations with foreign leaders. is he going to do it? is he going to release the transcript? susan: i'm not sure about that. that would be interesting to see i think read through. stuart: my dollar says no he won't release the transcript. susan: because? stuart: he doesn't want to. because he doesn't want to know
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what they really talked about. susan: you have to remember it's a business relationship. in terms of trade tariffs, those will stay on at least until china proves that it can deal in a fair and balanced tradery. stuart: let's talk more about the china connection. president biden indeed has some lucrative ties to china. angela is, i'm terribly sorry, angela, i made dreadful mistakes, i apologize. no insult intended believe me. >> owe, that is quite all right. stuart: you unearthed a significant story here. it is about the funding of what is called the biden center at the u penn. how much did china give to the biden center and what strings were attached? this is your story. lay it out. >> that is the biggest question and there are gop lawmakers right now who are trying to find out what we don't know.
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there is reason to believe that the university of pennsylvania had significant unreported foreign financial ties and a lot of that funding coincides with the establishment of the biden center. i understand that president biden met with the chinese leader xi xinping earlier this morning and one thing that may or may not have come up in that conversation is a trump era proposed rule that president biden has aimed to roll back. he is actually revoked it already. it says that universities under the biden administration do not have to disclose their contracts with something called confucius institutes, which are propaganda wing essentially of the chinese communist party. stuart: wait a second. as i understand it, your story is that the chinese contributed $67 million to the biden center at upenn? 20 million of that was anonymous. so we don't know exactly who gave it.
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i want to know, if you can spell it out, what were the strings attached? did certain subjects have to be taught at that center or did certain subjects have to be stayed away from at the biden center? >> well the leadership institutes campus reform reported quite a bit on what sort of influence china is actually buying. of course they're not funding american universities out of the kindness of their hearts but two accomplish a goal and that is you know, to extend their soft power. so because of the move that the biden administration just made to revoke that rule he is essentially saying the american public is not entitled to know what sort of connections that universities may have with confucius institutes and he may be taking his foot off the gas as it was under the trump administration identifying foreign funding sources as required by the law. stuart: angela. we'll leave it right there. thanks for joining with us a unique story. i think it is very important. thanks for joining us.
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appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: oh, we've got another big hour just ahead. how is this for layout. pete hegseth, senator john barrasso, dr. drew himself. we'll all be back with the 11:00 hour for you. ♪ (judith) at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why. (money manager) because our way works great for us! (judith) but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. (money manager) so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? (judith) nope, we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. (money manager) but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? (judith) we don't have those. (money manager) so what's in it for you? (judith) our fees are structured so we do better
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when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. at t-mobile, we have a plan built just for customers 55 and up. saving 50% vs. other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for less than $30 each. call 1-800-t-mobile or go to obsession has many names. this is ours. the new lexus is. all in on the sports sedan. lease the 2021 is 300 for $359 a month for thirty nine months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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i believe we are, he said at the top of the show. goldilocks. we got more stimulus coming in, it looks like things are moderating on the coronavirus side. >> starting to make me a little nervous. going back to the late 90s time frame in march and 2000. >> the biggest concern i hear is that the market is in his huge bubble. that is not the case. many companies are crushing their earnings and growing even faster than before the pandemic. >> we expected a decline of almost 10% and it looks like we will come out with almost 2% growth. ♪♪
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>> clearwater stadium for a sporting event. both part of a group. the virus can be spread in a group spread widely so how do you make groups safe? question.
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governor cuomo of new york says stadiums can reopen at 10% capacity if everyone who attends show a negative public test taken within the previous 72 hours. the biden administration wants you to show a negative test before you get on a plane. this is about opening up safely, stress the word safely. there's no such thing as totally safe. no such thing for now, zero virus risk. are we going to let you will make their own decisions about risk or do we try to reassure the public that we are minimizing risk of covid testing passports? i'm with the florida plan. i want to make my own decision. if i don't think it's safe to fly, i don't like. if eating at the restaurant looks risky, i don't eat at that restaurant. as the opposite of the testing regime. if you have to show proof of a
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negative test, your activity is being restricted not like your choice but the judgment of the authorities. there is more to it than that. the testing plans are extremely disruptive. the ceo of delta airlines called a horrible idea. he says it would be a logistical nightmare, tying up testing resources and confusing passengers. he says time for people to start reclaiming their lives. yes, sir, exactly. reclaim your freedom and the freedom to travel and go to work will never be totally free of the virus risk to let judge for ourselves the risk we are prepared to take, we make the judgment. open up. florida has that estate is a beacon to us all. the company is about to begin in the third hour. ♪♪
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come on, back me up here. i'm politicians telling me what risks are allowed and earned. >> i'm with you. i'm not for the quadruple masking they want now, i don't know what next. of course i am with you. every number of the media and everyone behind a news desk needs to take one trip, go to florida, go to texas, south dakota three trips and look and see how people manage to do precisely what you said about unnecessarily obligating life. freedom is messy messy but it's a risk calculation of every individual and knowing the threats and adjusting accordingly. the three market correction, if people feel unsafe, they are not going to go there.
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then the restaurant takes more protocol to make sure customers feel safe and they get more business. all incentives are in the right direction. the lockdowns, a continued desire for control at zero risk tolerance. of course that's what safety experts will want. they want drupal masks but life is about choices and we are ready to reclaim our lives. i was surprised delta said that but if you imagine vaccines showing a vaccine test before you get on a plane, it's already collocated enough. stuart: i'm glad you're with me because i never want to cross you. what you make of the nba ordering? you will play the anthem before the game. do you think they are right? >> of course they are right but it shouldn't come to this. you know when they play the games in the china, they play the chinese national anthem. you play the anthem, you stand for it but think how far we have
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slid. i can hear the anthem in the background right now. every player in the nba, this is not a win, it's a reality check of where we are. we went from kneeling to should we kneel? should we stand to do even play it? the woke nba is a reflection of corporate america today they are not what the american people. stuart: your batting to put you. your batting 1000 actually that's pretty good. did you see the story we ran earlier this morning that but going mining consumes more electricity than argentina? the bit coin minors have a bigger carbon footprint than new zealand. are you trying to kill the plant? >> it makes me proud. i told you to buy a 25 so should still be your initial advisor. this is less about bitcoin and
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more about argentina. that's what happens when you try socialism. you can't produce energy and provide for your people. my bitcoin does take a lot of energy but when the price keeps going up, they keep finding capacity and it's a network no one control and try to rain and but you can't resolve these climate guys, climate warriors, a lot of them like bitcoin. they love it and yet, you got this carbon footprint. >> they are looking the other way, come on. as long as they can reject and make a bunch of money, it's the same story the biden administration blocks on the pipeline they are okay with the pipeline in afghanistan. double standards are everywhere. turns out bitcoin might change the whole economy. they are not going anywhere.
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stuart: why do we have this conversation every week? because bitcoin is close to $50000 and i didn't get it. that's why we have it. [laughter] thank you very much, pete. i hope to see you again soon. i'm going to stay on the market because we got some green, not a huge rally. let's bring in shayna. going to say the same thing to you that i've said to a whole bunch of people this morning. covered cases down, deaths down. vaccination rates up. a wall of money flooding into the economy and markets, printed money, spend money. profitability way up. 5% this year but are you as a stock market investor and analysis. >> anytime have so much in the headlines and so much good going on, is the most important time to think about risk management.
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there are three key risks to the market right now and to are pretty obvious and one is not so obvious. the first thing, the vaccine as we get these new variants, it is a concern for the vaccine rollout has improved. we have companies like merck coming in and helping with manufacturing, cases down 60%. i think that is a lower risk. second is inflation, that is a big topic of concern, yield curve is unseasoned to the reflection of that but as the economy global, it's less of an influence on inflation and even though we have a monetary policy in the u.s. and abroad, largely speaking it's difficult for inflation to pick up because the economy is so global. stuart: so you're not worried --
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sorry, i interrupted. >> no problem. the third thing is the rising speculation in the market. we saw a bit of that game stop and amc, we have a lot of ipos coming out the stack industry for ip rollout and activity and over-the-counter penny stock market that's concerning to me because it affects liquidity and a liquidity crisis is the worst case scenario when everything is going right. stuart: you got three concerns, do they add up to a sell signal? >> they don't by any means. the third concern is liquidity because of unusual activity of micro caps in particular and worth looking at and we are thinking about how you manage risk for this event but i don't think it's necessarily some
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reason to get defensive in your position by any means. stuart: i understand entirely. thank you for joining us this morning. great answer. three said it, set up. do we have significant big time movers. >> pop stock because the wall street bets trade seems to lose a bit of steam today. it's down 35%, organic man, one we don't talk about but we should because the stocks have gone 50%. 79% yesterday. explosive and you have to figure out the credit game stop and amc and first of all, they say they
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like weed so why not buy the stock if they like the product? they also hope the upcoming merger which will create the world just company, it's the anticipation of state legalizing marijuana and is why we have this push up from what i see, is up six 100% this year. six 100%. stuart: when you get a runoff like we've had in the last day or so and then a drop like this, it is a dump. >> yes but it goes back to what we learned from the game stop saga, you have to know what you're getting into and what you are investing in. you have to be able to stomach hellos if you are going to stomach the house. timing the market, even warren buffett says he can't do it. but can the average person do it? stuart: probably not. down 35%. when we went on the air this morning, it was up 20% on your
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screen, the results of avocado tequila apparently. this is the antics it got up to after the super bowl, a boat parade yesterday. lombardi trophy to another boat, it didn't sink. they call it, thankfully but we are going to show a bit of that. all airline travelers could be required to take a covid test, maybe. the airlines say it would destroy their business, great story. we are on it. we will discuss impeachment trial picks back up again in less than an hour. john says the whole thing is unconstitutional. that's his opinion and he joins me next. ♪♪
11:14 am
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! [ squawks ] how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops!
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[ laughter ] good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha. no, buddy! buddy, it's a filter! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ because the truth is, this attack never would have happened but for donald trump. >> she felt this many months with repeated messaging he made them believe their victory was stolen and inside of them he could use them to steal the election for himself. stuart: you heard it right there. democrats going after president lincoln the capitol hill right. the impeachment trial starts up again in approximately 20 minutes. john barrasso is with us this
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morning. my opinion is that this impeachment is a farce and it will hurt the democrats. do you agree with me? >> first, the video we saw was disturbing, criminal, a riot, it was violet. we saw the police overwhelmed and my hat is off to everyone there protecting the people in congress and the capital building. every one of those people involved in the break into the capital needs to be identified, prosecuted to the full extent of the law. about the democrats in this impeachment, impeaching a former president of the united states, didn't even send the articles over until he was out of office and not focusing on the issues i hear about at home in wyoming, the issues people are concerned about which is getting back to work, getting kids back to school and getting the virus
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behind us with the vaccines you saw again yesterday when president biden essentially surrendered to the teachers union about kids attacking american energy and the jobs that come with it. stuart: you are a doctor, we heard the cdc is recommending double masks now. what you make of that? >> the cdc says do something to protect ourselves until everybody gets fascinating. the cdc said safe for kids to go back to school but this administration, they are both ambitious approach is one day a week for half schools in america, that is failing the american people, preventing moms and dads taking care of kids to get back to work and i think we ought to listen to the cdc and teachers ought to in terms of getting kids back to school. stuart: i think the president should perhaps listen to we the people. at the moment, he's only listening to the teachers union and i don't think that will change, i don't think he can.
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the far left never let him. >> the far left all the whole let him go back in the terrible mistake he made to cancel the pipeline. what's done with oil and gas for american energy and close to 1 million jobs lost as a result of his efforts of pandering to the far left, item after item resident biden, who claimed unity working in a divisive way this impeachment is part of the efforts the democrats for further division instead of working together to unite the country move forward and get the disease behind us the people back to work. stuart: be canceled the stone pipeline. they talked about stopping the code to access pipeline they are going to go all kinds of pipelines. >> the impact in wyoming is dramatic. the canceling of the energy leases on public land brings money in to help pay for schools
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and students projects around the state will bring money into the federal government as well. over 30,000 jobs being lost in addition to the revenue that helps our state so it's devastating. it's an attack on people who make their lives and livelihood related to energy and it's an energy america needs. we become an energy superpower. we need to act like it. that's not what joe biden the democrats are doing, they will make us more dependent on the energy and less able to produce the jobs and the american energy that powers our economy and military this great country. stuart: thanks for being with us. i know you have to leave to take part in the trial publicans and 48 minutes so thanks for being here. stuart: we've got stocks moving and there's news on it. look at craft finds go up six and a half%. they sold their net business to hornell.
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3.3 billion dollars, this will include most products under the planters brand. right now taxi has moved a little slower, a solid earnings so, they've done very well with the snack division during the pandemic. i loved the readers, i've been eating a lot of them that affected their earnings report but the stock is down. show me disney. they report right after the closing bell, at the moment they are at 189. it had a great run up recently. let's see what they are doing with their streaming service. that will be a key this afternoon. how many subscribers to disney+? plus one of the big numbers to watch for disney. >> 100 million is the number two watch for the quarter. stuart: as you said, they're probably going to be about that. >> i think so, so yes. stuart: they better you well.
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i just read this, the white house considering restrictions on the channel to florida. domestic travel or foreigners going to florida? >> just a consideration. the reason is the uk variance taking hold in florida. look at cdc numbers, 343 cases, basically a third of the cases of the variance in the u.s. are from florida. officials say we are not sequencing enough so the numbers overall are probably higher than that so add that to concerns that yes we are rolling out the vaccine, but we don't know how protected vaccines are to the new variance so talk of any restriction coming is preliminary but reportedly
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harold is doing a good job on this. they say it's being considered right now, potential restrictions. stuart: revolution, i'm telling you that. thank you with got to get back to tom brady. we've been showing you the lombardi toss one got to the other without dropping it. i think you have something to drink before this. what were you drinking? >> you think? before, during and after. during the boat parade, at one time you see them throwing the lombardi trophy from his. he recorded it just like he did in the game. watch it again. none was they would have needed
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a diver to find that, thank goodness they didn't have to. the brady about the boat, trying to find it, drunk tom brady went viral all over social media. he got a big smile. we tweeted the video saying this is hilarious, noting to see her, i think he meant nothing to see here. just a little avocado tequila. a good time, why not? amazing. stuart: did you hear his daughter? saying no, dad. [laughter] as you said, luckily they didn't drop it the administration defending its plan to bring kids back to school, long day a week by the end of april. drew pinsky, doctor drew pinsky what he thinks about that. he's on the show but first, the stone pipeline cancellation, hollywood is not satisfied.
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celebrities want you to cancel all these pipelines. more on that coming up. ♪♪ how am i doing? some say this is my greatest challenge ever. governments in record debt; inflation rising and currencies falling. but i've seen centuries of rises and falls. i had a love affair with tulips once. lived through the crash of '29 and early dot-com hype. watched mortgages play the villain beside a true greek tragedy. and now here i am, with one companion that's been with me for millennia; hedging the risks you choose and those that choose you.
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so ominous. president biden the pipeline, did that on day one. there's more, hollywood wants him cancel the dakota access pipeline as well. how many signatures have they got for this? >> a few hundred. many from celebrities. jane fonda, leonardo dicaprio, reynolds, share, all asking the biden administration, killed the dakota pipeline like you did the keystone. it takes 570,000 barrels of oil a day from the north dakota region to the midwest. it's been operating since 2017 and pays taxes to the four states it runs through. the owner of the pipeline says 99.98% is on private property and they've had 559 meetings with local officials.
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opponents like the celebrities we showed say it's an environmental risk, they want to kill it and the jobs it creates. you have senator kramer echoing what he said, this is not just jobs, it's national security for the u.s. because it's using her own oil and its oil we could ask for internationally. stuart: i'd love to put that list of celebrities of the there is a single one of them with less than $1 million, probably 10 million. rich people on the coast, they don't care about the type and jobs they are destroying. that is my last word. let's bring in attorney general in montana attorney general, you are leading a dozen other states attorney general reversing keystone cancellation. you're going to court, on what grounds are you are going for reversal?
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>> thanks, we have not sued yet. we've sent a sharply worded letter to the biden administration asking them to reconsider but we are reviewing all constitutional avenues we can get ourselves in a district court on the federal side and i think we will be successful. stuart: it sounds that it political the legal. it would be difficult for president biden to reverse cancellation of he don't because the far left, the climate people would go apoplectic so it's not going to be happening politically. i want to know if you've got a strong legal case to reverse the cancellation. >> we believe we do. i think there is ground to bring this, i don't think we've got 13 other states attorneys general to sign on if we didn't think we had a good legal case to bring your little. i don't think president biden looked at the legalities or the effects on the ground i think
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it's completely to satiate his liberal friends on the coast i don't think there's any consideration of actual effects that canceling the project would have on a state like montana. stuart: you go to court, you probably will, it stays in court for a long time, that's the way it happened in this country and during that time, you can't keep building the pipelines. they come to a stand still. what you say? >> i think that is accurate. i don't think any of us are under illusions that we can keep this product going. the best we can do given the fact that joe biden is in the white house right now is to let him know is not okay and we are not going to take this lightly and we are going to keep fighting to keep the project alive. it to file for a state like montana or south dakota where the pipeline goes through.
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you're talking about almost $60 million in tax revenue to five of the poorest counties in montana they are already designated high-powered counties and keystone xl set to become the largest property tax payer in those counties and with the stroke of a pen, president biden took it away, the counties will remain in poverty, unfortunately and its money away from schools and police departments, local chefs and firefighters, go down the list. the economic impacts here are huge. stuart: we wish you well. mr. attorney general, thank you for this morning. keep us informed. president biden brings in more foreign workers under his sweeping immigration overhaul. foreign workers, how many are we talking? >> i wish we knew. joe biden wants to allow
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students and workers to enter the u.s. by increasing the number of employment -based green cards but the limit right now, 140,000 a year is backed up for quite some ways so what will be expanded to? he has not said but it's a way to increase the supply of skilled text workers without raising programs like the h1b says without upsetting labor unions. he's trying to get around it. google, apple, facebook and so on calling for an increase in text workers allowed in the u.s. saying basically they need engineers for countries like india because they are not enough skilled americans. joe biden's proposal calls for the past for citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u.s., the daca crowd. we don't have a number which is a bit worrying. stuart: you got that right. thanks. back to money.
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let's talk chipmakers we been reporting on this for some time and chipmakers want something from president biden. >> they wrote a letter, they want president biden and his administration to offer more attacks incentives and grant some more are manufactured here in the u.s. because they are being produced in korea and taiwan in the turning companies like ford and gm they've reduced production of plant that hurt american workers, less pickups on the roads chevy malibu is for consumers but not just companies, sony, soft saying gaming consoles can't be kept in stores. there have been shortages so why not produce some of these in the u.s. where you have more control? stuart: they want money for factories? >> that's right.
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intensifies these companies to produce them here. you're not going to compete with korea or taiwan or even china. stuart: that's true. changing the subject, i'm going to show you what looks like an ordinary house but it's not. anything but. this is the first 3d printed house to hit the market. we'll give you a tour after this. ♪♪
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the world's first 3d printed home has been built and it's for sale in new york. christina is there. quick question, how long did it take to build? how much does it cost? reporter: it took 48 printing hours, but to build the actual
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foundations and walls and then they had to get tyler's to put on the roof and those other finishing but the foundation and core of the house took 48 printing hours. just shy of $300,000, this is the model here. it's in riverhead new york near the hampton. $300,000 is a lot of money, the reason is because the land itself was at least 150 the extra bees so you can understand what is at 300k but this is a model, no furniture. you have a bit of an echo and these walls are all concrete, really solid block over here and you can see the difference here, i spoke to the man with the plan, he explained how the roadblocks laid them out. >> we building a portable machine on site and they come in layer by layer. you can see right here, we start
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at the bottom into the top, follow the floor plan. this is an example of what to put inside the walls, one and a half in whatever geometry you want in here. reporter: the house will be available for the public to buy, 1400 square feet. 299 -- all those numbers, it's available now but the interesting thing is the house is 41% made by a robot the rest involved manual labor and the importance of the engineering firm is to make affordable housing. they believe this is the future, especially in populated cities like manhattan and experts. you can see it's a one-of-a-kind, the first one ever to hit the market for sale. that's what makes it the first and you can see slabs, you can add finishing obviously but one giant machine they bring on
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location so they are going to make the official house in march and there's a lot of snow, hence the reason i am in the model house right now. stuart: christina, thank you so much. see you later. show me his yellow. real estate, $200 a share, up 16%. big plans. >> another big year forecast with the housing boom underway. u.s. home prices went up by 14% this morning to record low mortgage rates. one analysis suggesting two thirds of all real estate online shopping goes to cillo and the health shop online, $500 million deal and wall street likes this announcement, they are saying zillow is around $215 so as an elf, this covid zillow session, the new poor young millennial's. stuart: that's going a little far, i'd say. watch.
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>> time for a new campaign. >> on zillow. >> on zillow. [inaudible] [laughter] >> look at that colonial and mahogany floors. yes, not just for the older folks but young ones, they love looking at zillow, it's a new pastime and obsession. stuart: i love it. wait a minute. >> i think we have an instigators price here. seventy-six dollars apiece the last i checked. they went out around 30 -- $43. with these larger ipos, it will take a while to match up in the orders might take a while. stuart: makes the reverse -- >> the woman makes the first move. pricing since its high evaluation. stuart: okay.
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>> there are a lot of dating apps, like you would know. [laughter] stuart: come on. next case. therapeutic company, they say they can monitor your immunity to covet. they can tell you whether you are immune or not. how does that work? will ask the ceo and we've got doctor drew pinsky on the shelf next. ♪♪ ♪♪
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want to save hundreds on your wireless bill? with xfinity mobile you can. how about saving hundreds on the new samsung galaxy s21 ultra 5g? you can do that too. all on the most reliable network. sure thing! and with fast nationwide 5g included at no extra cost. we've got you covered. so join the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction. and get a new samsung galaxy starting at $17 a month. learn more at or visit your local xfinity store today.
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liberty mutual customizes- wait... am i in one of those liberty mutual commercials where they stand in front of the statue of liberty and talk about how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? uhhh... yes. huh... what happens in this one? seagulls.
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oh, i like it. how are you doing? (seagulls sounds) only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ heart attacks. interesting stock. up 19% today. the got a technology immunity. the ambassador, doctor sue pinsky, doctor drew by any other name ceo albano. i'll go to your first i want you to tell me, how can you tell a person is immune to covet? how does the technology work? >> stuart, we are looking at multiple intellect and high specificity, we can identify multiple components of the
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immune system related to covet immunity status and that's how we can determine what someone's immunity status is. stuart: you want my blood, urine, saliva what you look at? >> right now we are looking for blood and if you don't mind, probably the core message we want to leave you and your audience, as we move through the next stage of the pandemic, we need to think and change our mindset to begin inking about reduction status, not only infection status will be key for all of us to get back to normal life. stuart: let me bring in doctor drew. what is your role? >> i've been working with the company, i am a post- covid patient and a long holler, i am a subject in an analysis going on i asked how you do it, it's a
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finger prick and pipette blood in their the things they send you for instance for me, i have an antibody profile against multiple antigens and it turns out my antibody quantitative levels are in the order of at least ten times the level of an average vaccine recipient which can be compared against. i do not want to take a vaccine from somebody who needs it, i want to wait until my unity getzlaf until it's time to get a booster. we are seeing a lot of vaccine adverse reactions in the previous covid patient. thank you, i've had enough of covid, i want to make sure my immune function is down enough so i don't have such an exuberant response that i get it again i am a long holler as well, i'm having lovely things covid leaves you with but that's being studied in my immune response to see how it correlates to perhaps of novel therapeutics for lung colors as
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well. stuart: let me turn it around. suppose i go to you and you tell me i am immune, that's good news but does it mean, can i still carry it and transfer it? >> what are you asking that of? [laughter] the answer is, we don't know categorically. however, one thing we can do is check the percentage of neutralizing the bodies meaning be ability of antibodies you have to destroy the virus. i'm not one 100%. that means the probability of me being able to carry the virus is very low will i continue to wear a mask? yes and that will take care of the risks. by the way, there are variants out there as well, i'd like nothing to do with that so it will not change behavior much but it makes me feel more secure as i go out in the world. stuart: one last question, can you detect immunity from other things, not just covid? >> yes.
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the score is a platform to get immunity status for various applications. covid is only one application and that's the initial application we are launching for obvious reasons to address the challenge of covid but we see the score for other infectious diseases and other applications as well as, or such as organ rejection so platform for multiple applications in the future. stuart: i want to thank you for being on the show, i am sorry i am out of time but things being on the program sucks 20%, all good stuff. thank you very much indeed. quick check of the big board, we are down 28-point but there will be more bernie if we look at times square. it's not snowing now but it was before. a year into the pandemic. ♪♪ oops, you think i'm in love.
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hey, our worker's comp insurance is expiring. should i just renew it? yeah, sure. hey there, small business owner. pie insurance here with some sweet advice to stop you from overpaying on worker's comp. try pie instead and save up to 30%. thirty percent? really? sure! get a quote in 3 minutes at that is easy. so, need another reminder? no, i'm good. reminder for what? oh. ho ho, yeah! need worker's comp insurance? get a quote in 3 minutes at stuart: just want to say, ashley, thanks very much indeed for filling in for me yesterday. somebody was concerned where i had gone to? ashley: a lot of tweets came in, stu. one viewer, george, tweeted out, where in the world is stuart varney any? others thought perhaps alien abduction, maybe you were taken ill. a lot of concern out there, stu. stuart: i'm alive and well, living right here on the set,
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raring to go. had an unavoidable doctors appointment, okay? sorry about that. before we leave you i got to tell you bumble has not opened for trading yet. we've got an indication of $77 a share. supposed to go out at 43. how is that for a rally? my time's up, but neil it is yours. neil: we're waiting on bumble. at 43 it would have a 7 billion-dollar valuation. you get up to 76 almost double that. we'll follow that. dow drifting down on maybe indications from nancy pelosi they are still pushing from the house, sending to the senate a measure that calls for raising the federal minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. whether that takes anymore or shape in $1.9 trillion stimulus plan, anyone's guess. meantime joe biden making surprising comments about china, worried that the country could be on the verge of eating our lunch when it comes to a number of economic


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