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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 2, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EST

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they want right to work states, which is more efficient and more profitable than they have a right for it without federal presidential interference rate that is my take bread coming up tomorrow on smart guy senator rob portman and maria salazar among our gases. kennedy: welcome to what is already a fantastic week. he is back, former president trump making his return to the spotlight like rocky coming out of retirement. arguing the case he is the future of the republican party and could be their best option to win back the whole white house in 2024 it all happened yesterday at seatac in orlando. it strums a major speech since you know. and he made the case that united conservative movement is much stronger than a divided party, watch. >> we have a republican party is going to unite and be stronger than ever before. i am not starting a new party.
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that was fake news. fake news. would not that be brilliant customer could start a new party and divider vote so we could never win. no one not interested in that. i stand before you today to declare that the incredible journey we have begun together, it is far from being over. who knows, i may even decide to beat them for a third time, okay? [cheering] [applause] kennedy: third ten number three so as not starting a new party but he may run again, when he win? cpac straw poll shows former president trump the front runner for the nomination and trump had a warning for any so-called rhinos who try to stand in his way. >> top establishment republicans in washington should be spending their energy and opposing biden poulos the schumer and the
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democrats. the democrats don't have grand standers like admit romney, richard burr, bill cassidy, susan collins. lisa murkowski, pat toomey. kennedy: pat toomey at that you knew me. trump is not here to stay and is it the recipe to beat the democrats in 202010 beyond let's meet tonight and panel and talk it out with at the coast of fox and friends weaken the author of the brand-new book modern wires. pete hegseth is back on with vice president candidates microphone entering : a fan favorite and host of the richard fowler show on fox news, is also fox news contributor richard fowler is back, welcome everyone what an exciting night. this is the only time on earth these three people will be assembled in the same place. [laughter] let's rejoice. it will never happen again maybe in the show again. so, pete, do you still have
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the vapors of the president's speech? did you love it? >> sure, of course per die was there in the hall part there is one take away need to have them cpac, the republican party is still remains unequivocably the party of donald trump. and the agenda that he advanced america first, is front and center for the agenda of republicans. anyone who wants to run against the president's going to have to wait in line for the only question is, does he want to run in 2024? he left that cliffhanger out there. he hinted at it but it is unclear if you're ultimately do it. until he decides, all of the other people on the polls are effectively disciples of donald trump. they will decide after he decides. what you learn from that is the agenda of the president versus capture their publican party it begins the blue-collar blueprint of the republican party. before people at seatac in the straw poll said 95% suggest
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they like the trump agenda. only 68% said yes they want trump to run again. i don't think that's the best idea for them. i don't think he should wait too long because everyone without the contest you might want to run for president pay one person should run for president 2024 is spike colin. joe jorgensen is lovely and she did a great job spike per unit to be atop the ticket. your views have resume with libertarians far and wide bread would be better for the libertarian party if president trump split off and started the patriot party? would that be a good thing for multiparty system? >> the more parties involved the better. it gives voters more choices and it takes away the evil powers that republicans remember this is trump's race to lose in terms the nomination for back when i was a conservative though if i had seen the party that i wanted to, that i had signed onto to
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make government smaller, to cut taxes, to cut spending to cut the debt to protect my right to keep and bear arms of the opposite of all those things instead became a personality builds run it : artist of the pretty upset but am already libertarian. [laughter] 's before there lot of former republicans who are libertarians. i don't know if many of them have gone to the republican party. their art liberty minded republicans and they are certainly my favorites in congress. but richard fowler, a lot of time was spent talking about liz cheney and how she is a war monger. you feel bad for her? [laughter] >> i did not. and, i grew pete on this. i think he is right donald trump is republican party and the republican party's donald trump. with that being said the best case scenario that only get you 74 million votes. in the past election joe biden got 80 million votes. so until the republican party conveyor way that builds a new
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coalition that has new voters into people of color, and include suburban households then they're going have a very hard time winning back the white house. that's her number one problem. kennedy: this is going to lead us into a couple of topics throughout the show. you know what is going to get the suburban moms back into the republican camp? it's not libertarian i'll be patient, schools, keep schools close you see what happens to the moms who where lululemon who want to go to spin class after drop-off or there is no drop off and they are mad as hell. meanwhile former president trump also hammering president biden for creating a new crisis of the southern border. and failing to reopen the schools for american children, watch. he met joe biden has triggered a massive flood of illegal immigration into our country, the likes of which we have never seen before. joe biden's had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history. that is true. [cheering] [applause] just one short month we have gone from america first to
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america last. think about it, right? america last. millions of american children are having their futures destroyed by joe biden's anti- science school closures. kennedy: the former president also proclaimed joe biden teachers unions have betrayed america's youth. that is true. our school closures of president biden's greatest vulnerability? how loudly doing to say yes, pete hegseth. you can say something else to respect the oil sales there in the hall it was the one time that former president trump looked into the camera and said i call on joe biden to open the schools. and that is indicative of the fact they realize this issue is a front and center for race, creed, or ever you are you meyer kids back in school for any number of reasons. for the wealth of the kids for your own family, because you want tot science actually
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played in the classroom. it is basic common sense. because of the unholy union the left has with unions and they cannot force them to open back up. they have a big liability and vulnerability there. i will say to my liberty and terry and friend spike, the conservatives that were there these cpac or the freedom loving ones. this is a read him loving bunch up there was ever a moment for libertarians to be a part of the republican tents, i think it is now. i know. select things like red flag laws and pump stock bins and increase. [inaudible] that is all set that happened under donald trump and we certainly don't support that. going back to the schools question, let's be very clear, kennedy. the reality is there's no one-size-fits-all school plan. reopening plan or anything related to education is going to work in a rural school in oklahoma or even in new york.
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and also work in the suburban school in urban school earned that has a high rate of spread compared to low rate of spread prince's another perfect example how the federal government's botched education for the answer in education including opening estate all the power, money and decision-making ability that is in central is the federal governor, dismantle completely put it back in the hands of the schools were damn well belong space before all that was it for their put it back in the hands of the parents let the parents and kids decide where they should go to school with these local bureaucrats is screwed up everything and talk about gavin newsom of the later in the show because he is screwed the pooch on schools. but which like to say about this, richard fowler? >> think the school reopening debate what's happening we saw take places upbeat sense very myopic. happy said the loom lemon mom some of the kids returned to school the voices missing from this conversation are the black moms. >> don't think black moms don't where lululemon? they don't work out.
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the point i'm trying to make here and they have keen mistrust for how schools reopen. do know why, covid-19 at their committees the hardest part what they've seen is a lot of people with equity but it comes to decision the vaccine that is not the case. kennedy: richard. >> i campaign in communities of color all last year. what i heard over and over from parents is a schools closing was make it harder for them to work, hard for them to put food on the table, their children were depressed they were not able to socialize so no, especially in the medical professionals and reopen the schools is not the risk of the teachers unions have no real reason to reopen because their salaries are tied to any kind of actual performance being, they are the only one saying this is what should happen. medical professionals, slickness not the case principal yes it is the case. none outside.
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kennedy: richard you're full of hot parts but i will tell you what children of communities of color they are the ones by and large were moms have to go back to work. >> i get way to tell me about my own community, candies that was happening? so far there is a mother that was arrested shed a lever kids in a motel room because she had to go to her job at little caesars because she had no choice. there is no other choice. a lot of kids talk about the divide they cannot be on resume if they don't have peterson don't have internet access but all the more reason because you and your garbage your bureaucrats have not been anything to help people. >> this is not about political party. we were going until about chicago. >> the best present of african-americans he did not expand broadband black committees know we did night of the exam. before what about some the democrat leaders? >> that is nothing to do with the fact we've heard.
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[inaudible] disfigured on my digital divide. >> super okay. [inaudible] richard trying to defend how much democrats have done for black people in the inner cities. >> no i'm not. >> i made about first spike receiver i met about perspective very good you win this round. and pennell stay here coming up another day, another" most canopied the governors not responding to a second sexual harassment claim, it was just a joke now there is a third accuser but he just made a move that suggest is getting a little nervous about his people problem. karol markowicz from then your karol markowicz from then your post she joins me to it you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so why wait to screen for colon cancer? because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. tell me more. it's for people 45 plus at average risk
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kennedy: governor andrew cuomo is running out of places to hide. and now in another sign he is a panelist at the proverbial creek peace caved into his own attorney general demand that she oversee the inquiry into sexual harassment allegations against him instead of using one of his appointees. this comes after a second former aides that he sexually harassed her, 25 year old charlotte bennett claims cuomo crossed the line when he asked her about her dating and life. and if she ever slept with
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older men. two. the governor issued a statement saying he is sorry if his quote jokes were misinterpreted. in other words, it's their fault for not getting his creepy sense of humor. new york city mayor bill de blasio blessing cuomo saying his apology does not cut it, watch the image. >> that is not an apology. he seems to be same as this kid around, sexual harassment is not funny. it is serious and has be taken seriously. he just clearly was letting himself off the hook. kennedy: but the governor might need more than just a half apology to get off that hook. tonight the "new york times" reporting a third claim a young woman sing coma asked her, can i kiss you? it is 2019 wedding, barf it. at least he asked i guess. but according to a new report in the wall street journal's cuomo has now hired a criminal defense lawyer who used to
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represent woody allen. so is he helping or hurting himself because were chiming on your post calmness and the specter usa contributor, karol markowicz is back. so, carol should we expect even more now that were hearing from a third accuser? >> in out senate line this week and made the joke you and i've been making. anyone who hears these allegations, not a single person is like oh no, i cannot believe governor cuomo would do such a thing. everybody believes it. it sounds exactly like him. we've been listening to his press conferences for the last year we makes inappropriate comments about his daughter's boyfriend, backdating, about all kinds of weird stuff. it seems extremely plausible who make these kind of comments to his underlings as well. we've also heard so many stories about general harassment from him. no one is more happy than mayor duke bill de blasio who suffered years of harassment by the sky, public harassment and is now watching and he's
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so happy about it. kennedy: not letting de blasio off the hook upward i note the blotch is big and opportunist theories using crisis to his advantage. he does get a pass but it is fun seeing people pile on, what has taken the media so long? they actually learn something from their passive role in all of this? >> no, i don't think they will. i think they hoisted him up on this pedestal throughout this last year. they turned him into the superhero were he had done a terrible job and think that's really what i don't want to get allegations stories. he did a terrible job with covid-19. andy had nursing home deaths. his staff admitted to it. all of this is worse than a lot of the sexual harassment allegations against him. to think they may learn anything? no. the next democrat that is a happily decent job with a
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hearer of the moment they will never learn the lesson absolutely not. kennedy: your absolutely right and very correct in pointing out we cannot let these thousands of deaths go this is not a few dozen people who died. this is thousands and thousands of the most beloved and vulnerable new yorkers who were forced to cohabitate in nursing homes and rehabilitation centers with covid positive patients. i hope that is the thing that destroys him. i know there sexual harassment allegations are little more sensationalistic. so there's a little bit more coverage for that because they are not your claims. but i hope we don't lose sight of the nursing home deaths. >> absolutely that's absolutely my take with this whole thing as well. while he has apologized for his awkward comments to staffers, he has not apologized for any of the coverups are the nursing home deaths themselves. fact is eight only apologize
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to the fellow democrats ascend restart this was politically difficult for you when we lied about the nursing home numbers we were afraid of trumps it mean tweets. kennedy: how dare he breed is why will ron kim a democrat has come out and said this governor need to be impeached. the last question you think new yorkers are jealous that california has a mechanism for throwing the bums out with the ballot process? >> i am jealous or sure. i don't know. it was a sad, scary thing is i think governor cuomo could win a fourth term. it is not implausible in new york. it really says something sad about my statement here we are. super alright i'm living hereto for now. man what a bunch of dumb domes, karol markowicz you are awesome your writings been fantastically reporting as always thank you. coming up covered governor gavin newsom accused of dying indoors again despite banning indoor dining across much of the state. will he practice what he preaches?
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kennedy: what's eating gavin newsom? it's a multi- tentacle base that has almost nothing to do with where the trouble god has been even though in those spotted dining indoors again with george lopez shooting a tik tok video and a part of state that forbids indoor dining. businesses that have been sacrificed on the altar have a 50/50 shot of ever coming back small business owners especially those who retrofitted their sagging injuries for outdoor dining are pissed. 40000 mom-and-pop shops have shuddered as of last august. half of them permanently. they don't care that the governor had a fancy melt the french laundry, they just want him to eat a bag. [inaudible] it is but a dose edo of lock them down, open them up a
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little. the year of confusion has really worn down weary californians. when they do finally go outside, they will have to hopscotch over feces and needles because the homeless crisis has exploded his own public of catastrophe review are 65 or older, while good luck golden girls and boys, you're demographically see a what are 3% uptick in homelessness and the golden state by 2030. thank you for being an enemy, gavin. being distracted by the virus means newsom and his cronies have not had to focus on the wild fire ball at 2020 was the worst year on record for california wildfires. 10,000 structures burned to the ground and over 4 million acres of the state went up in flames. governor gavin likes to blame it on climate change which is a clever way to neither clear the brush and hold the utility cartels accountable when their crappy old equipment falls and ignites all of the dry unmoved
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fuel that is clogging the states hill side if that weren't bad enough newsom's greatest threat comes from angry moms who kids are part actually stuck in front of computer screens as the brain embodies atrophy with year two of the pandemic. newsom is terrified of the teacher-student which are the most god-awful collection of authoritarians on the planet. never forget utla vowed to not let their members go back to work until medicare for all his past. police were defendant, homeless housing was fully funded private charter schools will shut down for good. and these are the people in charge of teaching with this impossible wish list it's obvious teaching is the last thing they want to do. they mostly just want to bully politicians to pad their coffers of the do their bidding. will top tetons teachers for the state is about to bid gavin newsom and his big political dreams good night forever. and that is the memo.
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newsom's thinking pile of failures keep growing. but now is announcing a deal state lawmakers to reopen schools for that deal reportedly offering billions of dollars to push schools to reopen by the end of march. but is it too little too late to get kids back in the classroom? the man panels back, pete hegseth, spike cohen and richard fowler. these are smart men. so back off. pete i will start with you. it is too little too late because california schools mostly closed in mid-may. what you think of all of this? >> i'm sure was a great deal perimeter the governor cut it awesome deal with the unions it will really help the taxpayers, the kids a bit put front and center part of the schools will be open as quickly as humanly possible. teachers unions have shown they are the least essential entity in america today. they could care less about kids and all about themselves. some might gavin newsom, your
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graphic was perfectly completely tethered to them for his political fortune. he will never cross them. he can't. and ultimately he knows his fortunes are tied to them, especially trying to survive the recall. so the kids in california, you better if the taxes targets are made to texas or florida not going back to school as long as gavin newsom is there. some partnered up. because i take that back gavin 's children are in school part which is a wonderful if we had more school choice, maybe more parents to be able to send their kids to school. especially if their tax dollars could follow them paired but you can't do that in states with these massive teachers unions which are so powerful they suck money from the membership and get it mostly to democrat politician spike. >> let's keep track of just how powerful public employee unions are. especially in a state like california. this is a man who twice we know flouted his own
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coronavirus restrictions publicly which is something the rest of us would get fined for possibly do some jail time for. he walks away from it, he has massively contributed to the homelessness crisis. you talked about all the businesses that were forced to spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars retrofitting for security reasons and then told they had to shut down anyway. all of that he walks away unscathed. but if you cross the teachers unions, now you have to pay. to hear his giving billions of dollars of money from the people he put out of business and people he's put on the streets until the stay safe at home and they don't even have a home. i was giving that awaits the teachers union to break again are the only major organization row saying the school should not be reopened. kennedy: what if they do that with grocery store workers? what if grocery store workers that i want to work one day a week not really going to work we would starve to death. >> a couple points here. i will not defend covenant
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like other states across a could do the vaccines not being disturbed equitably to people of color let's put that on the shelf or just a second think he has mismanaged this. but that being said to think of a conversational funding going to school chef to ask yourself why? many of the schools maritime especially in black and brown communities are old-school blink at the pay for new ventilation you have to pay to keep students socially distance you have to pay for masks at the pay to make sure the bathrooms are up and running. that cost money. so where i grew the governor is so far they're still getting all that money. >> need to open up the kids can be sacred >> they're getting all that money 5% of the wondered $30 billion in the covid relief, 5% goes to school this year. 5% of that money. >> billions of dollars air in our community of color. input into the federal government and given education choices from people who do not care about them. the best we can help schools of colored every other school of colors to give the teachers
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and the teachers and individuals school their six their mining their power their individual decisions back so they can think where the money because think of the trillions of dollars and inspect the nearly 50 years since the department of education was created. during that time the student to teacher ratio has gone up the literacy rate has gone down. it education standards across the board have gone down. it's dropped in to national rankings even that we spend more money per student than almost any other country on earth but this is not a money problem, it is a government problem. kennedy: amen. which u.s. predators and it did not bomb the middle east? that's a trick question they all happen it's a new word executive branch tradition that president biden engage in this weekend delivering fresh air strikes to iran backed militia in syria. but simon shows own party not happy with the decision. highlight a tweet from jen psaki highlight that.
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in 2017 wrote what is the legal authority for strikes? the brutal detail but as syria is a sovereign country by which represent omar's", great question. pretty sure jen just circled back on valid. now most of the constitution said the present has get approval from congress before going to war. because it does. that's fine let democrats the nw neocons? [laughter] may become of course anyone in the white house feels they have the authority to make this kind of strength. my problem is i'm a little more hawkish than you and the sense my problem is it's not tethered to an actual strategy of heather dealing with iran ths of casper than open at the negotiating table without preconditions or they have effectively said okay, we'll go back to the delisting to get a pass at the bottom of the bomb a few sheds in syria as a result. it's not as if with the trump
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administration did was maximum pressure you're not getting a bob and qassem soleimani is dead in baghdad. that is a real approach to a photo. which is something you can agree with but is strategically coherent. but the biden administration there is no coherence to it as you point to you could trigger wart no in once. a greater war they're not actually to workers before elkanah phone after $4 trillion in covid relief spending. spike your thoughts? >> my thoughts with us utterly utterly shocked the pentagon made up of largely from cronies are raytheon, boeing and rest that the industrial complex inside the right way to proceed with this was air strikes. i'm still reeling from that. let's be clear about something , this all started for the pretext of an attack that supposedly happened before this. we know this happen because the government told us it did. of course there's no previous history the government lying to us, to set off airstrikes or wars. we don't have the weapons of
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mass destruction in iraq and we don't have the uss maine or the ignoring of the signals that led up to pearl harbor attack. we have a history of the government lying to us to get us into yet another war. i'll people to think about for second what would happen if name a government, the government of iran, china, put bases around the entire u.s. and surrounded the u.s. they were in canada, their new mexico there mostly caribbean islands. their fleets right off of our shores for their flying drones just outside of our territory. they are constantly threatening us with more an invasion and liberation if we do not dismantle our nuclear program. this constant perpetual will never end until the troops are home where they belong to protect this country. >> we have way too many bases open all over the world. richard your final thoughts, delete needy new au mf? >> the truth of the matter is
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our strategy around the middle east when congress signed a like check to the white house about who the president is you can do what everyone in the middle east as long as you claim some sort of war on terrorism. we are seeing happened in the his ministrations just the white house will do and the people don't take back our power because we are the ones with the clear war. really what have a conversation about middle eastern policy just look at george w. bush, barack obama donald trump you'll see three presidents had mindless strategies when it comes the middle east because were still there there's no peace respect amen. three wonderful gentlemen who made stunning intelligent points. and everyone got along, and look great doing it thank you man panel, spike, richard. >> thanks a much candidate. super thousands and thousands of expiring covid-19 vaccines been thrown in the trash, why? you will not believe why.
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how can we get these doses into people's arms or whatever anatomy governor cuomo, you pervert, except the trashcan. doctor amesh adalija joins me next to explain. ♪ ♪ ♪ why do you build me up, build me up... ♪ ♪ buttercup... ♪ ♪ baby just to let me down! ♪
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♪ ♪'s before that is the vaccine, clever for it all right there were developed in haste and now some are going
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to waste. vaccine centers around the country been caught with bile suppression covid vaccine that have been thought and opened that have to be trashed by the clumsy system has created groups of vaccine scavengers who are lurking around health centers hoping to get the leftover shop sprayed authorities in places like california and idaho are against the ingenuity. a dr. lost his job for going-vaccines hours before the dozers would have expired. so why are shots being wasted? and should you become a backseat hunter to save them? here to save infectious disease specialist at johns hopkins center for health security senior scholar, doctor amesh adalija. welcome back to the show doctor. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: this is why the most fascinating stories. because people can't figure how to get the vaccine prelaw people signed up to get it, they solve the doses and the people dealt show up. why not put them in people's arms isn't throwing them away? why is there any outrage about
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that at all? suspect there shouldn't be this is exactly what we want to dip or what to make sure no vaccine dose goes to waste. that it is always going into someone's arm or even at that arm is not someone in a high priority group. if the alternative is to throw the trashcan really serves no purpose. i think these vaccine scavengers, they are serving a vital role the ecosystem of picking up these vaccines that otherwise have been the trashcan. they really should be applauded for what they are doing. and all these vaccine centers seem to come up with a way to make this more uniform so people can be on these lists and they know that when there's going to be leftovers they can get them into someone's arm and put them to use. kennedy: get some 17-year-old app developers to figure this out part of a the only one to understand technology? there's a doctor in houston, who opened up a vial and could only vaccinate one person. that means there were ten doses (so he called up people in their 70s who are either immune compromised or taking care of other people who are immunocompromised, got people the vaccine, he was fired.
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and they went to the police. he could spend a year in prison for being a good person and a good doctor. that man deserves his job back and a handsome settlement. >> definitely. that man is a hero and would've done exactly what we would've done up a reluctant and empty vibrant really speaks of the fact that so many people are worried about process that should forgive the overarching goal is. and that the uses priority groups dog that manically and don't realize that it is better to get more people vaccinated in the end for even if you have to deviate from the priority group in certain circumstances. kennedy: i suggested, sounds like i'm being funny but i'm not. i love the weiner mobile. that was not just my prom night. but the oscar mart weiner mobile but think we need eight mobile you need to go to communities that are mostly neat and instead of expecting little old ladies to show up, go to them. go to churches and community centers. drive up there, thought out some vaccines and put them in the people's arms, where they
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not doing that? >> they are starting to the mobile fox nation role as we get further along in the fox nation process. it's going to be easier with the johnson & johnson vaccine. we don't really have to worry about keeping a really, really cold temperature for this is something you likely will see happen we will have mobile vans or people can be vaccinated and just walk up the way they do for flu vaccines in certain areas. kennedy: got a vaccine vaccine that my tysabri healthcare centers in your neighborhood that are doling out the vaccine that have too much bread because it is a damn shame that they're throwing these things away. even if it is younger people. even if it's move the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s get them the vaccine for the more people who are vaccinated the immortal life can get back to normal with the fact that california and idaho are against it is so backwards. are you helpful their vaccines and natural immunity or taking cold? >> i deafly think risk a decrease in spread but have probably happened with a third
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of the population being look at nursing home cases nursing home just were already seen the benefits from the vaccine. see if our beautiful love to see it doctor, thank you so much. much. super topical storm is next it ♪♪ (car horn) ♪♪ (splash) ♪♪ turn today's dreams into tomorrow's trips... with millions of flexible booking options. all in one place.
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kennedy: alec baldwin has welcome their sixth child together couple hopes she will grow up one day two bit actor like her father. but for now, she is just at home, in her crib, lying in her crib, like her mother. how. [inaudible] i do not even know this is a baby, how you say baby? this is a topical storebrand topic number one. with a mug shot monday. tonight we come face-to-face with a faker covid 19 year old brandon souls was arrested for making his own kidnapping so he could get off work. now staffers for governor cuomo are wondering why they did not think of that. police say they come brandon tied up and gagged on the side of the road, random reportedly told them he had been beaten and kidnapped by to mask the men who drove them to the
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desert and left in there to rochford once again, staffers for governor cuomo wondering why did we pull a joshi's millett? please investigate for days before brenda confessed he stage the whole crime to get out of his job at a tire store. in other words, this guy is a real lug nuts. this isn't brandon's worst hoax in high school he got class by claiming he was pregnant and is water just broke. branded his pretty guilty to reporting false information pretty says he learned his lesson and from now on you'll get out of work the same way the rest of us do, by masturbating on zoom. [laughter] that's fun. topic number two. and now a video that will make you yell cranky at the zoo and australia, it's trish of the elbit enjoying a private concert from the symphony orchestra, watch this. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ kennedy: that's great. more peanuts please. loves classical music in fact number one manufacture of piano keys. they also enjoy bluegrass, but mostly just eating it. this was just a practice for the orchestra. there about too go on tour in australia so they needed to get used to performing for wild animals. some say this is the weirdest elephant party since he pack. trisha 64 years old which means she's got 1 foot in the elephant graveyard. she's lived at this new home for six years, this is the first time they have played any song for her that was not men at work. [laughter] the zoo said they hope to make trish's final year's peaceful and pleasant. then when she passes they will celebrate her life by enjoying it on the. [inaudible] topic number three. remote honor say software update to that robot vacuum
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cleaner is causing some units to act in appeared drunk. i do not blame them for drinking because that job really sucks. [laughter] get it. i robot set a limited number of remotes or affected by the faulty uptake that causes them to spin and circles and bump into furniture, which is also what they do when they are sober. multiple user seven units now move more radically than ever before behave as if they been on a drinking binge. and others, they sit at home for hours eating day-old pizza and a bunch of other stuff off the floor. they also keep crying and asking alexa, why are you mad at me? the manufacturer acknowledges this is a huge probably because roombas are supposed to clean up your mess after eight night of drinking, not the other way around. i robot working to reverse the software outbreak. your vacuum cleaners has been drinking please do the right thing. topic number four.
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if they mistake as a york city responding to indoor dining capacity limits by filling empty tables with celebrity wax figures. as opposed to real celebrities that are made of silicone. brooklyn's iconic steakhouse has teamed up with madame tussauds wax museum to stuff their empty space with stars like john hand and tonight show host jimmy found. although here he looks as stiff and lifeless as seth meyers hears al rocher assuring guests of stairs predicted nightly cloudy with a chance of meat sweats brace hears audrey hepburn famous for movies like funny face and my fair lady. and i say, what about breakfast at tiffany's? actually this manikin eats more than she ever did as a human. the restaurants had to make some adjustments to serve its new wax clientele. they now serve only cold the steaks because hot food literally melts their faces literally melts their faces of how do we ensure families facing food insecurity
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♪ is love, sweet love ♪ ♪ it's the only thing that there's just too little of ♪ ♪ what the world needs now is love, sweet love, ♪ ♪ no not just for some but for everyone.♪
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♪ ♪. kennedy: it is time for malcolm trump at monday print use the # bath trump monday. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [thank you for watching the best of your day. just admit it.
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you'd love it pretty calm and twitter an instagram at kennedy nation. facebook kennedy fbm. e-mail kennedy at be for tomorrow night robby soave, alexander wilkes, tim carney and you better believe it won't be a tuesday party unless you are the following program is a paid commercial presentation for total gym fitness. [music] everybody work out. feel the energy. build a better body. the best you can be. another body easy as 123. oh. ahh. better body as easy as 123 with total gym. i feel fabulous and when you feel good about yourself, you feel , you know, good about your work, and your marriage, and


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