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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 2, 2021 9:00am-12:00pm EST

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maria: big thank you to dagen mcdowell and brian. have a wonderful tuesday. that will do it for us. "varney & co." begins right now. take it away, stu. stuart: it's a tuesday all day, maria. maria: yes, it is, all day tuesday. stuart: yes-man. good morning. a leading democrat, a man who wanted to be the president of the united states, andrew cuomo, governor of new york is indeed political trouble front page of the "new york post" tells the story, the governor came on strong to a woman he did not know at a wedding and she felt intimidated and a comfortable. is there is an investigation and while that's in progress the government of new york state is in limbo.
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three women have come forward with some form of sexual harassment allegations. there are calls-- some are calling for his resignation. cuomo's troubles have nothing to do with the markets, big rally yesterday and no sellout this morning. dow jones was up 600 yesterday and down maybe 20 this morning. same with the nasdaq, huge gain the yesterday, flat to likely lower this morning, that's true across the board and same with the yield on the 10 year treasury, little change of 1.43% and the same with bitcoin. its holding just under $50000 per coin, 49300. financial markets, not that much action, but do we have some extraordinary stories for you later today. asked you will see, it's hard to believe we have come to this first off the confiscation of wealth, if you have accumulated more than senator elizabeth thinks is legitimate she will see some of your money each and every year.
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you have more than you need, so we will take it off of you. dr. seuss canceled. years ago the author of green eggs and ham and the cat and a half may have used imagery which is now considered by some racist and today is read across america, but the kids will not be reading dr. seuss. we will show you the head of the berkeley federation of teachers taking a child into a private school work he says public schools cannot open until they are safe for. at the border, 13000 children have arrived. who will take them? where will they go? but do not call it a crisis, oh, no, to this administration it's a challenge. in a moment you will see jen sasaki explained president biden will not be pressed with anytime soon, nothing scheduled. you will not answer questions directly about the border are the teachers union or at about anything else.
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very different from the super assessable president trump. tuesday, march 2, all day. a big show with "varney & co." about to begin. ♪♪ stuart: take the money and run. [laughter] stuart: maybe that's the theme for the entire show. went to get to this first off, the white house press secretary jen sasaki defending the administration's transparency. rolled tape. >> why hasn't the administration-- i mean, we are in the middle of a pandemic, isn't that transparency important and would be easy? >> he's meeting with members of the senate virtually today. i released it for you. what else would you like to know when that names.
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>> i think we did released of the names and if we haven't we have every intention to do that this afternoon. >> first press conference? >> not yet, but we will have one and you will be the first to know because you are a little on that. stuart: we should point out it's been 41 days since president biden took office and he has not held a press conference. more on that in "my take" at the top of the 11:00 o'clock hour. lets get to money, a huge rally yesterday, flat to slightly lower this morning we should say yesterday was the best day for the s&p since june and that the best day for the dow jones and monastic in four months. susan, fast-forward to today, what are investors saying? susan: depends on who you ask. you have balls out there raising their outlook on the s&p 500 for this year saying we will get to 4300 by the end of 2021, roughly 10% more from here and actually
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higher than the average wall street forecast calling for 4100 on the s&p by the end of 2021. meantime, yet that they are from the warning coming from bank of america who says there is too much wall street bullishness and it may be a sell signal and the last time they saw this type of one way optimism was in june, 2007, before the financial crisis and even if the stock markets, they said we will see lower returns from here, so you have a ton of investor dollars pouring into stock funds last month, a record $86 billion in february, that's the stimulus, reopening hopes and there's still a lot of money buying in which it sounds pretty, doesn't it? stuart: yes, it does sound bullish. if you have money pouring in prices generally go up. i want to bring in mike murphy, our regular guest and he joins us first thing this tuesday morning, tuesday all day it's the same line, i
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hate to use that word, but it's the same analysis every time. you constantly by the dip and you are going to buy the dip it now; right? >> good morning. yes, and i feel like i have been saying the same thing for the last five years. i was trying to get on yesterday, but you were too busy. anytime we've had a pullback, forget the five-year that i have been joining you, how about the last 150 years? we've never had a selloff in the stock market in this country that didn't result in new highs after the fact. you can go back to the great depression, great recession, any time, so when people get off caught up in headlines and rates going from 1.4 to 16, therefore you should sell your holdings, i think that's a major disservice to their viewers of your program because the people at home for the most part aren't
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traitors and they shouldn't be chasing gamestop or bitcoin. they should be creating portfolios and investing and look at any sale meaning any 10, five, 10, 20% pullback as an opportunity to own quality names. stuart: okay, so are you buying big tech this morning: not this morning. we had a huge rally yesterday. when i was on last week i said with a selloff we were getting in contact that i was pretty money to work, microsoft is a name i love, apple is a name i love. it's not on sale with the big rally so they aren't on sale so nothing out there now that i would feel like i need to put money into, but if i were watching at home looking at a basket of technology, looking at say cute cute cute from the top 100 technology businesses, that's a great place for people to allocate-- allocate money yesterday, today and tomorrow because that's where the growth,
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innovation and the next tech leader of tomorrow will end up in that so you end up owning the next tech leaders without trying to pick will be the next tesla or apple. stuart: triple q, we will watch it and that's where you think we might want to put some of our money with the technology coveys of the futures, triple q it is. mike, sorry you could knock it on yesterday. we did have a big rally and you're going to announce it. sorry we cannot get un. see you soon, mike. listen to this, elon musk began about green eggs and us back back. whenever he says something we reported we try to figure out what he say, so tell me what is he on about? susan: great questions here elon musk has not been a quite-- a fan of spac in the caution is strongly advised with spac, blake scheck companies and others interpret nadine's tweet that might be shade thrown at
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rocket labs which announced a merger with another spac so that tweet may be referring to pigs or ham in this case and as we know it elon musk has not like them in the past. or speculation that starlight michael public that makes up 87% of the valuation for space x and that's how much they raised in cash a few weeks ago, but it could be the dr. seuss theme we will discuss throughout the program and march 2, hast-- happens to be the author's birthday. stuart: it's just so vague, i mean, i don't know what he's talking about the green eggs spac, i mean, we don't know the interpretation. what does he mean? i mean, i don't know what he means, you don't know what he means. i don't know what impact it's had. with the help? pardon my language. frustrating when you
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have a guy who constantly comes out with tweets and i don't know what he means. i don't know where he's pointing. does anyone know where he's pointing? susan: he's very influential so people try to interpret what he means and in some cases you just don't know. stuart: that's true and i don't know what he moved her which marketing moved with the green eggs and snack-- spac tweet he put out. we will revisit, susan. i have a cyber security firm that claims gamestop and dogecoin rallies are fueled by bots and set of social media users. you should be smiling because susan, you know i don't know what bots are nine no, you have have been digging into this so explain. susan: bots, not people could be driving the social media rated stock frenzy according to a cyber security company. they scoured twitter, facebook and twitter and
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say the reddit fueled frenzy may be foreign actors instead of real influencers or users. they found clear patterns of artificial behavior to push gamestop another place with tens of thousands of bots accounts involved in the frenzy and also in dogecoin, but it's important to note it didn't analyze reddit data but they are confident he would find at the same pattern in its more bots controlled than influencers. stuart: credit amount to electronic manipulation? susan: or bad state actors involved, yeah, i think that's their analysis. stuart: here's what we have for the rest of the show. cnn chris cuomo claims he quote obviously and quote cannot report on his brother sexual-harassment scandal, but what about governor cuomo's in
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numerous appearances on his brother show during a pandemic? refresh your memory with this appeared. >> i called mom. she said i was her favorite. >> you think that you are an attractive person now because you are single and ready to mingle? >> this was the swab the nurse with using on you suite nine. stuart: it was all fun and games back and, but now he cannot appear on the show. click at this, 30 cues or has come forward to accuse governor cuomo of sexual-harassment. more on that took johnson & johnson might have the lowest efficacy rate of the three vaccines could the best chance to the height of the variant, however and i will talk about that with infectious disease specialist dr. matt mccarthy in a moment. checking futures, we had a huge rally yesterday, flat to slightly lower this morning. we will be back. ♪♪
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principal. for all it's worth. (announcer) do you want to reduce stress? shed pounds? do you want to flatten your stomach? do all that in just 10 minutes a day with aerotrainer, the total body fitness solution that uses its revolutionary ergonomic design to help you maintain comfortable, correct form.
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that means better results in less time. and there are over 20 exercises to choose from. get gym results at home. no expensive machines, no expensive memberships. go to to get yours now. act now. stuart: check those features, please. huge rally yesterday, hardly any seven this morning. how about rocket companies? they have quicken loans, rocket mortgage the largest home mortgage company in the country up 11% yesterday, up a 12% today. that's a rally in rocket companies said. the digital payment companies, square up premarket, 4%. what is this, susan, they launched a banking division? susan: that's jack dorsey's other company, financial payment
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company and now they will offer business loans, take deposits competing directly with the traditional banks who might be looking over their shoulder as the square has a established relationship with hundreds of thousands of businesses providing a point-of-sale checkout. when it comes to restaurant tables for instance, also the cash out we can transfer money to me in to and millions of americans that have been using cash after storing their stimulus check and given the technologies approach square says they can act more nimbly than a traditional bank. thinking we know is changing since tech is taking over a square is rallying on the back of this news. stuart: i have to get with the program, susan, you are right. susan: that will be an inflection point, i think.
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stuart: good word. i want to move on to johnson & johnson's new vaccine. is reportedly better than pfizer or moderna at protecting you against the variance of the virus. dr. matt mccarthy specializes in infectious diseases and he joins us now. is this the strategy, is this how we fight the variance using j&j vaccine? >> there is a five variance we are watching , south africa, united kingdom, new york, los angeles and brazil. we have seen the vaccines we have now in pfizer, moderna in johnson & johnson are all affected said. there is concern one of the variance might get around the vaccines, but that's happened yet. i have not been worried about these variance yet. we are starting to call them scary variant and we see these headlines that it will be more dangerous. the vaccines we had now work at we are studying it to see if we need to update the vaccines, can
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we give someone a third dose, a booster to essentially flood the battlefield of antibody so we have protection. i went to offer reassurance that we have five variance in this week-- was completely expected. they show some concerning features in a test tube, but in practice we don't see patients fully vaccinated and need up hospital because of one of these variance, so that is good news so far and i'm optimistic that all three vaccines will work. stuart: okay. let me throw this at you, the cdc director warning estates against lifting virus restrictions to soon. listen to this doctor. rolled tape. >> the latest data suggests recent declining cases have leveled off at a high number. i am really worried about reports more states rolling back public health measures. we have recommended protecting people from covid-19. now is not the time to relax the critical safeguards we know can stop the spread of
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covid-19 in our community. stuart: doctor, don't relax the safeguards, are we going backwards? >> well, what we have seen is plummeting in cases which is been the best news in a long time so naturally people want to open up because we have this good news, but in the last week or so we have seen a stall with cases plateau, so what she's getting at is we aren't out of the woods yet. that two things we can really do here are number one, change the messaging. we should be focusing-- the cdc should focus on what people can do after vaccination. so far it's been focus on what you can't do and so the problem you have is people don't know if there led to go out for indoor dining, can they go to a baseball game, we haven't really laid out clear metrics for people in the second thing is bad to expand the vaccinations to people who have hearing impairments. this is crucial.
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we know these variance are emerging in people who have profound deficiencies of their immune system. every american who is an adult in the us should be immediately eligible for a coven vaccination to protect themselves, but also to protect others because we need to prevent the variance from occurring so i understand where she's coming from. she doesn't want to see people take a step back and the most important thing the cdc can do is lay out very clear guidelines of what people can do. i will tell you, the activities outdoors if you're been fully vaccinated at think people should go for it. if you want to go to a baseball game, take your kid and have a good time we are much better than a year ago, let's start looking at that good news and acknowledging it rather than trying to take steps a backward. i'm fine with careful-- careful steps of opening up. stuart: doctor, thank you for joining us. thank you. we appreciate it.
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coming up to a commercial break. then we will take you to wall street and i will show you now we have turned the market around with a big rally yesterday at tiny gains this morning. we will be back. ♪♪
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seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum seal tight. new parodontax active gum repair toothpaste.
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stuart: senators elizabeth warren and bernie sanders are introducing a wealth tax. i don't think it's a tax, it's a 2% confiscation of any money you have over 50 million and goes to 3% if you have more than a billion. let's bring in gary kaltbaum. i call a confiscation. its confiscation of the report do you call it? >> and they are coming after already taxed money. imagine if you started in life, became successful end to people that never created a job or a dime of well telling you they will take 2% of your wealth away from now going forward it. it's in saving and the good news is it will never get off the ground or if they tried 2022
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goodbye to the democrats and 2024 also. is complete confiscation. stuart: i'm not so sure you are right about it making them look bad in 2022. i think it will be very popular in america today you have extra billion dollars, always when is two pennies on the dollar over 50 million. is that too much to ask, that's what they will say. >> i love how they say two pennies. i believe every american loves moving up in life, loves to be successful and if it's a marketed correctly to people that hate, they are coming after you are not just that, we can go back to the administration wanted to do an extra 12.4% tax on people's earnings also and in certain states raising taxes, there is not a tax hike they don't like or a tax cut they do like and if you put that
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together and market it will members will go the right way and that is if we the people, not we the government keep more money in the economy and keep it out of their hands. stuart: are you still in florida? i believe you are in orlando-- i know you are , so give us a report on wide open for business florida. what's it like? >> you would not know there's a virus if you were driving down the streets. every weekend i go out and just checked things out and let me simplify things. i went to disney and universal this weekend. they are open up with capacity constraints, but there are plenty of the people there and all i'm thinking about was all the businesses as he went to these that are now open and doing business and doing well. all you have to do is go to the disneyland in california website today and it tells you they still aren't open and we will let you know when we will open. i just think about the restaurants and hotels in the establishments that don't do any
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business right now because of this ridiculous decision-making. it's a matter of government here saying we believe business and people can take care of themselves to do the right thing versus california. stuart: floridian gary kaltbaum, thank you. just in time to see the bellringing. just to see the market's openness tuesday morning. opening on the opposite side. let's not forget the dow jones went up 600 points yesterday at the opening bell this morning it's up another 30 odd points, 31500 is 11-- where the dow jones is. the s&p, futures showed it going down. we have opened and it's up a tiny fraction. 3900. the nasdaq up a tiny fraction, 13600, almost. i went to show you the rocket companies again, largest home mortgage in
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a country but a tear in this morning, up 11% yesterday and up 11% now. resume, pandemic winter big-time zoom is up 6%, very important form of communications for businesses. susan, the stock is up there do they think business will be just as good when a pandemic is over? susan: huge business. final three months of 2020 seen a huge quarter for zoom, quadrupling in the final months of last year. forecasting a jump of 40% this year, so looks like people will continue to zoom regardless of whether they go back to the office and profits jump to 30 times in the final months of last year despite the fact is giving its a service is way for free to charity in schools and other users, the number of paying subscribers has skyrocketed so large businesses are buying up to net-- to connect their workforce and customers and zoom into
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last year with over 450,000 paying customers with more than 10 employees, sixfold increase from 2020-- 2019. stuart: yes, it is and it's up again. resume, 6% higher. how about big tech overall. let's see where they are. great day yesterday, pulling back today. we have only facebook on the upside, apple slightly higher. at the zero in on apple as they had a big day yesterday and when apple rallies it takes the rest of the markets with it or at least it tends to. any news on apple? susan: we had apple with its a single best day since the a lot october and i think there's bullishness as to whether all the stores reopen for the first time in a year or the fact that warren buffett is still bullish on the stock or that some alice called for iphone shipments will see 220 million handsets shipped to this year, the second-best year going back to make 2015 so the best you're close to six or
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seven years and they are making these predictions for iphone 13 where you will see at least 100 million handsets hold and that's pretty incredible for a company that some say has saturated the market. stuart: i find it very hard to wrap my arms around what is truly a global marketplace. when you're talking about 220 million iphones. susan: that cost $8000 each. stuart: i mean, you are talking an enormous amount of money and i find it hard to get to grips with that. susan: they had their first 100 billion-dollar quarter two and 2020, 100 billion: i was hard to get my head around and some say that is the same throughout this year. stuart: its incredible company. products are terrific and its management is brilliant, i mean, i have to say all of that. say what you like about tim cook and if you are
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climate denier and he doesn't want your business, you can say everything about that you can't deny it's one of the greatest companies of all time. how about china's tesla rival, on your screen down 8%, why are they cutting car production. susan: they reported a larger than expected loss and that's the reason the stock is falling in the issued a forecast that was lower than anticipated because it goes back to the global shortage in chips and batteries, 7500 vehicles a month down from 10000 vehicles that they said they would produce each and every month, but if you look at the numbers and despite that lunar new-- do your holiday, they delivered more than two times the electric-- electric cars in china bending other big rally in electric car company that is up a thousand% over the past year so they are doing two times better on that
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front. stuart: nice to know. thank you. list go to novavax, their ceo says the fda could clear its covid vaccine as early as may. their phase three trial in the us is ongoing, but they hope regulators will accept a trial result from brittany, they might have the virus-- vaccine by may. stock is down six or half percent pure this as the white house confirms yes merck will team up with johnson & johnson to manufacture j&j's new one shot vaccine. president biden will formally announce that-- rather unusual partnership later today. seems like everyone is chipping in to get the vaccine out. beyond to meet, that company as we know landed a major fast food chain to do business with. susan: two of them. stuart: why are you laugh? susan: two of them. stuart: i know sales are down
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but they got an upgrade? susan: update-- city believes most cost issues that impacted beyond meets most recent quarter is temporary. the stock recently fill in after hours, but they did raise money and i think that's why he saw the stock drop before this upgrade by city and they are raised by $750 million. to partnerships with mcdonald's meatless burger and also yum brands which owns taco bell. stuart: got it. i think this is for you, bitcoin, goldman restarting its bitcoin trading desk is. susan: they are bullish. stuart: i think that is bullish. susan: bitcoin also rallied past 50000 yesterday and it shows there is a ton of demand and of the adoption to i guess justify restarting the goldman sachs bitcoin trading desk. they tried this and 2018 but the reboot is taking place with growing institutional interest in trading bitcoin,
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cubbies like tesla and square and also investment banks. they are pretty much higher bitcoin prices from here in the hundreds of thousands in big hedge fund players and even dan loeb the recent hedge fund titans interested in crypto. all of this interest, why not provide the services they want an possible it up with sachs and bitcoin as well, maybe. we will see. stuart: extraordinary range of interest from the big institutions and major players, some of them are in this thing and as you are speaking it just hit $50000 a coin. susan: nice rounded number. stuart: in contrast to bitcoin, look at gold, it's done nothing. $1725 per ounce. bitcoin soars and gold is nowhere near $2000 an ounce appeared 10 year treasury yield this morning is 1.43%.
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price of oil about $60 a gallon-- i'm sorry, a barrel. at the rate of increase in gas prices as loaded down. average price for a gallon of regular is $2.73, but that's still up 31 cents from a month ago. i'm going to show you something, in fact you are about to look at it right now. this is the head of the teachers union in berkeley california dropping off his daughter for in-person learning at a private preschool. batman led the charge-- in fact man led the charge to shut down in-person learning at public schools took no wonder he's facing a backlash. cancel culture strikes again and this time they are canceling dr. seuss. i have a "my take" on that for you in on your screen coming up some of the reporting today. we will go through them with our retail guy gerald storch. target is doing very
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well. we will be back. ♪♪ i have the power to lower my a1c.
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and even more incredible. ideas start the future, just like that.
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stuart: we are 13 minutes into the trading session with the dow jones up a point, s&p is down six and nasdaq close to a half of a percentage point. dow jones winners on your screen, merck, chevron, while disney, j&j are the winners, modest gain. as for the s&p 500 winners headed by tripadvisor, travel cubbies in the news, doing well, up 5% on tripadvisor. earlier this morning we got retailer reporting earnings. season, go through them, but please start with target. susan: definitely fantastic order for target, taking
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business away from competitors with revenue profit coming in stronger, online sales doubling in the final three months of the shopping of 2020th same-day delivery store pickup proving popular and that's why a lot of people are shopping at target the same store sales jumped by 20%. sales for: way ahead with the bottom line boosted which means they're reinstating their dividend payout to investors find back more stock in that means a stock price usually goes up and also turnaround continuing with you-- you three tele had better earnings after they closed a number of storms, streamlining with a better merchandise and also the hollister division helping with online sales jumping by a third and as you know with the recent retail sales in the month of january when people get their stimulus check they had been spending. stuart: yes, they have indeed. i want to focus on target and bring in
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gerald storch, our retail guy of the morning who used to work at target. to me, jerry, we have got target, walmart cosco, home depot and to me they are the absolute standouts in retailing over the period of the pandemic. what to say you? >> they were the winners we have been talking about them for years, they are picking a massive market share. i might add cosco, might add dollar general to that group in picking a massive market share for years in the pandemic has accelerated debt. 20% same-store sales, who has heard of that? they grew more in sales last year than the prior 11 years, incredible how well they are doing and i think it's going to continue. look, everyone is doing okay and retail now, the consumer has a lot of money and you have seen consistently retail companies beating expectations of there's a big between a pandemic
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winner like target and a pandemic loser like coals. in one case you beat already high expectations that target and by 10% sales shrank and they have a long way to go to be competitive when you look at the things you get from target and the same-day delivery was up massively, 200% with a pickup up 500% at target in the last quarter and they are poised to win quality and value and internet, that's a formula for success as we went those are just astonishing numbers, 500%, is that delivery or pickup? , one of the two. >> ordering online and go to the store and pick it up, but doubling, more than tripling, up 200% you know that's where they delivered to your house so incredible gains at target. it's easy to shop there.
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this is not new. stuart: okay. do with this, please. macy's, the and neiman marcus, i understand they will let customers by now, but pay later. what are they up to? >> well, this is so-called new age of finance on an act. a lot of retailers and at the end of the day the big winners are the same tech companies. lord is a private company based in sweden with like a 30 billion-dollar market and then a 24 billion market they charge the retailers in the customer doesn't pay them as they don't pay on time and then it goes out the window and for the customers steady. retailers pick up extra business and they will pick up extra business from credit hungry customers, but at the end of the day keep in mind if you have to pay customers i giving them a cut rate financing to buy the goods you better
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look at yourself in the real issue is people are coming to determine stores like macy's because they don't want to buy out there so give me a better value with the credit offer won't change the game and meanwhile they will keep coming places like target. by the way walmart is a similar program going after that low income credit hungry customer. it won't change anything in the competitor dynamics we've been talking about. stuart: one year into the pandemic, almost exactly one year into the lockdown of the restrictions. it really did change everything. >> wait until next month is the first time we are up against pandemic numbers and then you will really see incredible numbers. stuart: can't wait. gerald, thank you. we will see you, guaranteed to send a thank you. let's talk about immigration, talk about the border for a moment.
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ill legals are flooding our southern border, but that's not how the administration sees it listen to this. >> do you believe right now there's a crisis at the border? >> i think that the answer is no. i think there's a challenge at the border that we are managing and we had our resources dedicated to managing it. stuart: no border crisis, just a challenge. mark morgan former border chiefs assess this is a crisis and its of the biden's own making. he joins me in the: o'clock hour-- 11:00 o'clock hour. ♪♪
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stuart: this could be a gamestop festival today. gary and-- fcc nomination hearing begins. edward is in dc for this. it's going to be all about gamestop; right? >> it will be an opening statement gear is expected to talk about more transparency and accountability in the markets you know the fcc chairman or the fcc says
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when it takes its eye off the ball and stops evolving is when people get really hurt and this comes as you sediment the reddit revolution and army of small investors that sort of taking on the markets. a lot of the question on both sides of the aisle will likely be about amc , gamestop and the other stocks or shorted targeted by those on investors. this pic by the administration could signal a shift to more of an activist role to the priorities that will champion with a number in fact he will check chanted more transparency about climate change risk for companies, political spending and pay for executives and he may require more transparency about disclosing what stocks firms are shorting. he's coming from the academic world with a reputation of a tough regulator in the obama administration. we could see a real shift in the fcc under him because he's not afraid to take a
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position that are at odds with the administration and he showed that under the obama administration. m i t he researched of technology in the market so he does understand how those new technologies will manipulate the market and he's not afraid to regulate. stuart: interesting word, manipulate the markets. that's what's in question, is a manipulation or what? thank you, edward. checking the markets fast because we have got some green for the dow jones, read in the nasdaq, but some individual stocks really moving. with it zoom. it's-- i'm sorry, disney go to zoom, why not, it's up 3%. they think business will be just great with a pandemic is over. can we go back to disney? that stock is approaching an all-time high. all-time high as $200.60 a share, 196 disney as
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we speak. look at rocket. i'm sorry, i'm getting out of order here. this is my file, folks. target, spectacular earnings report this morning. same-store sales up 21%, that's gigantic and the stock is up 3%. now, the rocket companies including rocket mortgage that's the largest home mortgage company in america. of the stock is up 20%. it was up 11% yesterday. back is a rally in rocket. still ahead, these folks, bill mcgurn, brian kilmeade, then dominic and mark morgan. ♪♪ . .
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♪. ♪ you can't always get what you want ♪ stuart: oh, so true. you can't always get what you want. but you if you try sometime you might just get what you need as they say. good morning, everybody. 10:00 on the east coast. straight to check out your money. mixed market. dow up 50. nasdaq down 21. holding steady last 24 hours, 1.42 9% on the 10-year. same story with the bitcoin. it's right around $50,000 per
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share. been holding at that level for the last, for the last 24 hours. and now this. what are they teaching and when will they teach it in class? these are questions which the teachers union should be answering but they're not. i think they're embarrassed. in the last 24 hours we've heard that dr. suess has been dropped from read across america day. that is today. dropped for some youngsters in public schools. this is the cancel culture at work. the author of "the cat in the hat" and other classics offend the progressives and "green eggs and ham" is out. then there is the school district which dropped advanced studies courses because there weren't enough minority students in the advanced class. so the advanced class is gone. this brave new world everything must be about race. political activism seems to be more important than reading or
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writing. while the teachers are teaching has become very contentious. and so is when the teachers will teach it in class. the teachers union insists they will go back when it's safe. seems to me the teachers will go back when they got the money and they're going to get the money. the administration is offering close to a quarter of a trillion dollars. i guess the teachers holdout was successful. this sure looks like hypocrisy in california. we're showing it to you right now. a parent group taped the leader of the berkeley federation of teachers taking his young child school, in-person teaching, private school, public school union leader. he told the parents public schools could not reopen until they're safe. governor newsom offered the schools over $6 billion in california that is, which will maybe get some kids back in school, maybe this month. as things stand now the union has won. the schools will get an enormous
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amount of money, to the union, i guess that is winning. the kids have lost. they lost a year's worth of education. they have lost a year's worth of solization. many spent a year at home in very difficult circumstances. bottom line the union badly damaged the education of our children and damaged the public school administration. don't hold your breath waiting for this administration to hold them accountable. president biden is in the pocket of the teachers union and so is the entire democrat party. second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: want to bring in bill mcgurn, "wall street journal" guy of the moment. political correctness stops when someone gets a backbone. i've not seen anybody get a backbone yet. what do you say? >> i agree entirely. look, you know what happens?
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some one bans dr. suess or some word or some ridiculous nursery rhyme they find offensive, we all chuckle about it or something in private, everyone is afraid to dough it in public, especially anyone in authority. we all know this is absurd and ridiculous but this is the danger. you can give into absurdity and ridiculousness. you know, the kids suffer for it. the parents know better, more with all, they will get kids book themselves and teach it but the other kids won't. we're dumb down curriculum. dulling worst aspects of public education, input from all these crazy people. stuart: i see enormous pressure here for this to stop but it is not stopped yet. do you see any signs that we're going to reverse this nonsense? >> no. you know, if you go back 30 or
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40 years to the demonstrations on campus, you did see a few college presidents take a stand. john silver at boston university. the guy in chicago, i think mr. hyakawa came a senator, san francisco, san francisco state where he was. there is a few. when they do stand up they're immensely popular. you know two years ago i think the dean at the university of chicago wrote a letter to all the incoming freshman, we'll not coddle you. we don't believe in not challenging your beliefs and not doing things you might find offensive, get used to it. it is called free speech. but these, they're distinctive because they're so rare. stuart: yeah. you got it. quickly bill, a third woman has come forward and accused governor andrew cuomo in new york state of sexual harrassment. does he step down or be forced out before the end of his term
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in 2022? >> i think, i think it is likely that he has to step down especially if more women start coming out. i'm not a person who believes that someone should have to resign just by accusations, right? i think that is a really bad system. i would extend that courtesy to governor cuomo who i doesn't agree with on anything, i think he has been very nasty in some of his interactions. he deserves we need to get to the truth of it. now there is an investigation, and it is very dangerous for him becauseth is an investigation from the attorney general's office that he does not control. so, we'll see. i would say this, if we applied the same standard to brett kavanaugh -- to governor cuomo that he did to brett kavanaugh, on something, he would be gone now. i would also say, this is astounding to me, you know, this stuart, any ceo of a
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publicly-traded company there would be a response. only in politics you can drag these things out without accountability. i don't think a publicly-traded company would let this go on. a ceo would be out. stuart: clear your desk, hand over the keys to your office, get out of here, that is what happens in private enterprise, but not in politics. bill, thanks for joining us. see you again real soon. back to the markets please, sure thing, man. we have the dow up 55, the nasdaq down 43. i would call that a mixed marketplace here after yesterday's big rally. look who is here, scott shell lady. we all eagerly await what you got to say, scott. we're waiting for you. try this, the cdc is pouring cold water on reopening, telling states not to reopen because of the recent decline in cases has stalled out. what do you say to that? >> well, first of all what would
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you expect them to say. they will not say have at it, everything is 100ness. a year ago this week they expected 2.1 million people dying from the virus. we have to take them for their words. their words have been historically inaccurate and they're going to always err on the side of caution. i am not surprised they said that at all. i would be much more surprised if she said, hey, we're each 100%. have at it. up to you the consumer to make the decision, not us that would be the shocker. stuart: i'm still very much in favor of florida where you're allowed to make your own cities about the risk you want to take. if you don't like that student, you think it is unsafe, you don't eat there. if you don't want to fly on that plane because you think it is unsafe, you don't fly on that plane. when will we be restored to freedoms here in america, to do what we want to do without hurting anybody else? >> well it's funny this whole thing has become a morality
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question, stuart. the last time we had some sort of systemic threat on our society, the way we live was world war ii, right? back then, if you were afraid of it you were immoral. now 75% later it changed, if you aren't afraid of it you're immoral. i don't know what has happened in those 75 years but we've had a whole sea change of psychological, vandalism to your own brain that has now made it so if you are not afraid of this virus you have something wrong with you, and you're immoral. that's crazy. so, if, when we get back to normal, normal is when we have everything open to 100% whether people go or not, i don't know. but it doesn't matter if you open people up to 25% capacity or 10% capacity or 30, as long as we have those restrictions that will restrict the economy. we can't get normal economy back until we have everything epto let us make the decision to do that. even then, even though it is still going to take time.
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so this whole reopening trade and this you nor yaw, i get it but it is going to be a while before we get back to what we would say is normal. when we finally do, we have to deal with the biden administration and all of their taxes, job-killing taxes. that is going to be another problem. stuart: i wish i had time to talk to but the wealth confiscation proposed by senator warren and sanders. i can tell what you think. unfortunately i'm out of time. save it until the next time, scott, we're dying to hear what you got to say. >> all righty. stuart: see you soon. big movers. susan has the list. big movers. go through it, please. susan: roku, dominant set-top box provider, nielsen, central hub for tv advertising. roku has 51 streaming accounts. streaming 58 billion hours. the fact that its stock is close
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to record highs to raise cash a billion dollars worth. check out lemonade online insurance company losing less money than anticipated in the final month of last year. one million customers by end of 2020. it is pretty quick to accumulate. square, jack dorsey's other company, the banking arm, offering loans, taking deposits, exactly like a bank. they have tens of millions of users on their person-to-person cash transfer app, of hundreds of thousands using the point of sale check out system. banks should look over their shoulder. a lot of people are already familiar with square. nio, a chinese electric car company losing more money in the final three months and also they won't produce as many cars they had guided for because of the chips and battery shortage. stuart: by the way, susan, i notice that micro strategy which i think of as a bitcoin player -- susan: it is bitcoin. stuart: way up today just like you had there with square. bitcoin playing into that a
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little bit as well. susan: bitcoin prices are back up to 50,000. that helped the microstrategy which accumulated two billion, adding another 15 million bitcoin yesterday. stuart: extraordinary stuff. tell me about alibaba. what is this about jack ma losing his title as china's richest person? susan: after falling out of favor with beijing authorities, canceling that record breaking ant ipo, that hurt alibaba shares listed in new york. china's market regulator launched that official anti-tuft probe into alibaba in december. tighter financial regulations which handcuffs the amount of business that his financial arm group can do. as a result, alibaba therapies down some 16% the past six months that means jack ma is still worth a little bit less. he is worth roughly $55 billion. he loses bragging rights. no longer the richest in china. that goes to a bottled water tycoon, worth $60 billion.
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his name is complicated so i won't mention it. the second richest is the owner of tencent. tony ma owns tencent. they own a stake in a lot of companies including tiktok and a lot of gaming companies as well. stuart: got it, susan, thank you very much indeed. >> next the biden administration insists there sew no crisis at the border. despite a huge influx of children that arrive every day. just watch this for a second. >> do you believe right now there is a crisis at the border? >> the answer is no. i think there is a challenge at the border that we are managing. stuart: 13,000 kids at the border. it is not a crisis. no, just a challenge. we have a live report from the border coming up for you. cancel culture coming for dr. suess. we're telling you why one school district is dropping the classic children's books. more than that, by the way. amazon pulling a
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best-selling book from its platform without explanation. we have a report from amazon headquarters on that next. ♪.
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stuart: huge rally yesterday, all across the bored. a mixed market this morning. dow up 50. nasdaq down 40. let's have a look at some of the winners on the nasdaq. baidu, fox corporation, wynn resorts, netease and lululemon. they are the winners on the nasdaq this morning. baidu up over 3%. instacart as you know, and
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as i have learned it is a grocery delivery service, it has doubled its valuation. it is worth $39 billion after a new round of funding. it is considered a unicorn, and it is now the second largest unicorn behind elon musk's spacex. instacart is readying its ipo which will be led by goldman sachs. how about that? next, today is read across america day, a day used to celebrate dr. suess' birthday, but this year it has been canceled, dr. suess has been canceled, put it like that. president biden did not make any mention of dr. suess during his read across america proclamation. six dr. suess books will stop being published because they quote, portray people in ways that hurtful and wrong. adam gillette is with us now. nobody is safe from the cancel
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culture, what anybody said in previous years you're out, nobody is safe, right? >> well that is exactly right. particularly because zeus was a known liberal. he wrote books against industrialization. now he is somehow considered to be a white supremacist. all along i thought "the cat in the hat" was a mixed race cat. i thought at the were dealing with fictitious characters. it is clear these progressives want to tear apart anything americans love. stuart: is it all about race, that it? it all comes down to race you must consider race as the primary factor in everything you do or say, is that it? >> that is consistent what they want in classrooms, things like the 19619 project. they want to convince americans that our country is based on racism. that our country is incredibly inherently evil when in fact the only evil is the book burning farcist progressives. they are the idealogical
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descendants of nazi book bunkers, if you don't tow the line with them they will cancel you. stuart: this is the ideology now being taught in our public schools. what should we do about this? >> the number one thing to do is get kids the heck out of public schools. for decade our public schools are entirely dictated by incredibly powerful teachers unions, leftist organizations like the national education association, the american federation of teachers. they have contribute more money to american politics than george soros. they're not really education organizations as we san sigh, they are political organizations. as if we took one of the most important things in our society, public education, handed it over to political groups like or planned parenthood per say. it is dangerous, radical, accuracy in media will expose them because the mainstream
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media is afraid to do so. stuart: all very well saying get kids out of public schools but you can't do that, can you? you really, you cannot do that. well if you got some money you go to private education, you can go to a religious school, maybe do that but the vast majority of people in this country have to go to public school. there is no way out. >> well it is going to get a heck of a lot easier because we have an incredible opportunity right now to advance education reform, to advance school choice in a wide variety of states. the pandemic has forced every parent to consider alternative forms of education because these teachers have refused to go back to schools. so in states like, right now, like iowa, oklahoma, indiana, so many of them are considering advancing education. republicans still control a significant amount of governors mansions, a significant amount of state legislatures, and now is the best opportunity we'll ever have to advance education savings accounts, charter schools, vouchers, within those
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states. we've got to seize the opportunity. stuart: oh, yes, please, seize the opportunity. adam guillette, we appreciate it always, thank you. listen to this one, amazon is joining the cancel culture, they pulled the book, quote, "harry became salary." it has been on the site for three years. it has been pulled. dan springer outside of amazon headquarters in seattle. why the cancellation, dan? reporter: well, stuart, that is the question. one we obviously posed to amazon. what we got back was a weakly-worded statement about taking this actions like this seriously. they only do it when their content policy agreement is violated but they would not tell us or the author how their content policy was violated. now congress is getting involved. four u.s. senators including marco rubio sent a letter to amazon chief jeff bezos asking the company to explain why it
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pulled the book, writing, quote, amazon openly signaled to conservative americans their views are not welcome on its platform. the book written by conservative skole lar ryan anderson, argues doctors are too quick to give transgender children hormones and surgery. it upset some gay and gender activists. anderson after three years on amazon he's on line bookshelf, it was pulled the day he wrote a op-ed against the equality act a democratic initiative passed thursday in the u.s. house of representatives. >> it doesn't matter how charitable it is, it doesn't matter how rigorously argued it is, it comes to a politically incorrect conclusion. that is what the activists on the left don't like about the book. reporter: opponents of book say thinly researched, does not advocate for the medical care transchildren deserve are happy with amazon, tweeting, we can only hope fewer people write books professing that
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transgender people are mentally ill and not deserving or affirming treatment. the author says this, this is a kinded of a censorship because amazon is by far the biggest player selling books, selling over 50% of all hardcover books and 80% of the ebooks in the entire country. stuart, i read the book, i saw no hint of any hate speech. in fact just the opposite. this author, ryan anderson says all transgender people who identify as transgender shoved be treated with dignity and respect, and compassion. stuart. >> free speech is the issue of the day, the week, the month, the year, the century in my personal opinion. dan, thank you very much for being here. listen to this. one city is the first in the country to ban building any new gas stations. climate activists hope it will not be the last one. we have the story for you, amazing. if elizabeth warren and bernie sanders have their way the wealthy will have to pay some of their, will have some of their
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money just taken off of them. it is called confiscation. that is it what they propose. more on that after this. ♪.
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♪. stuart: still a mixed marketplace for but we're mostly lower. in fact the nasdaq has taken a turn for the worse, heading south. now it is down .8%. big gains yesterday. giving back some today. the 10-year treasury yield right now is 1.41%. long-term interest rates have been rising. in fact the, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is now pegged very close to 3%. let's bring in mitch roschelle, real estate for this program. mitch, we do have higher mortgage rates, not much but slightly higher. long-term interest rates are slightly higher. is this going to cool down the housing boom? >> a little bit of cooling wouldn't be terrible. but, i think the reality is the supply is so low. i talked to you about that before. based upon last month's print of
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existing homes sales there is a little over one million homes in the market, the sales pace in terms of the number of existing homes sold, is seven million. that is the lowest supply on record. i think the supply demand imbalance will continue to drive up prices. i don't think it will cool off because the demand is so high. i think interest rates would have to get considerably higher to really chill the market totally. stuart: i was blown away by this statistic. more than a quarter of homes for sale in america haven't yet been built. that is really extraordinary. what is that all about? >> well i think when supply is so low, people start looking for you know, where they could buy a home for those who need one. and so what we're doing is, we're taking land, putting homes on them. that can be as much of a, as long as a two year process. i think that is why you're seeing that statistic. normally i would say that new homes are about 20% of the home
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sales market on a really, really good year. so that statistic sort of lines up fairly well with historical trends. stuart: you ever seen anything like it before? >> no. you know, i talked to you about this before. i'm actually in florida and what i can't believe is how hot the market is down here and in fact what's on the market, i can tell you from first-hand experience is a lot of fixer-uppers. you have sellers that think that they should get you know, almost new home prices for homes that need a lot of work. that is what happens sort of when you get to this stage in market, when such limited supply. so i think there is a disconnect. what i do think will happen in places like florida and texas, some other places, i think come the summer, some of these folks who have been waiting to put their homes on the market are going to start putting their homes on the market, we'll start to see a little bit of a pickup in supply. stuart: now a moment ago we put
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a graphic up on the screen. i think it was 303,000 people moving to florida this year. okay, we hear all about new yorkers heading down to florida to escape new york taxes. where else are they coming from? >> california and chicago. in talking to realtors down here, the number of phone calls they're getting from californians and folks from chicago, midwest, we become very new york, new jersey centric living where we live at home and we forget california has a lot higher taxes than we do in new york. they're fleeing for the same reason that new yorkers and new jersey folks are coming down to florida. they will forget chicago as well. stuart: who can forget? mitch roschelle, thanks for joining us. we'll update the real estate market, the red hot market in florida again soon. >> see you soon. stuart: now this, climate activists they're getting their wish, cities, some, one at least is beginning to ban new gas stations.
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susan, where is the first ban? susan: in california which i don't think surprises you. we're talking about pet at that at petaluma , california. gavin newsom wants to phase out all gas-powered cars by 2034. petaluma has a two year moratorium building new gas stations. the bill extends that. it doesn't impact the existing gas station in the city. you can't build and buy any new pumps. petaluma small city, north of san francisco, 61,000, trying to get to carbon neutrality by 2030. where the state of california probably has less ambitious targets of 2045. maybe they're ahead of the curve here. stuart: whatever you say. this one is for you, susan. senators warren and sanders propose, propose what they call a wealth tax.
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susan: yeah. stuart: as you know, susan, that is simply confiscation of money you made yourself. susan: yes. stuart: who does this affect? susan: it is dubbed the ultramillionaires tax. you think about it, would require households with a net worth of more than $50 million to pay a 2% tax on their wealth, not income, each and every year. that means 100 richest would hand over $78 billion of their fortunes. justifying this proposal, elizabeth warren saying the ultrarich and powerful rigged the rules in their favor so much, that the top .1% pay a lower effective tax rate than the bottom 99%. billionaire wealth is 40% higher than before the covid crisis started. now if warren and sanders get their way, jeff bezos, the world's richest would hand over extra tax charge of 5.4 billion this year. musk would pay 5.2 billion. bill gates another 4 billion this year. zuckerberg would fork over $2.9 billion. arguably looks like elizabeth warren is right.
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the world's richest had a great year in 2020. adding close to $600 billion to their net wealth. this tax would capture, 13% of that increase alone last year. but it is unlikely to pass given the narrow majority in the senate. you can rest assured right now, stu. it's okay. stuart: yeah, okay. all right calls to boycott -- that is not the point. confiscation to me is confiscation. it's a disgrace. it is slippery path, if we'll take it i'm not going to be here. calls to boycott the beijing olympics growing louder. the congressman leading the boycott charge, michael waltz, he will join us next hour. despite an influx of migrants at the southern border arriving every day, the homeland security chairman says no, no it is not a crisis. >> do you believe it's a crisis at the border? >> the answer is no. i think there is a challenge at the border that we are managing.
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stuart: all right, no crisis, just a challenge. we'll have a live report from the border for you after this. ♪ [announcer] durán catches leonard with a big left. ♪♪ you can spend your life in boxing or any other business, but one day, you're gonna take a hit you didn't see coming. and it won't matter what hit you. what matters is you're down. and there's nothing down there with you
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but the choice that will define you. do you stay down? or. do you find, somewhere deep inside of you, the resilience to get up. ♪♪ [announcer] and this fight is a long way from over, leonard is coming back. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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it's smarter trading technology for smarter trading decisions. fidelity. stuart: watch out, technology heading south. look at the nasdaq. down nearly 1% after a big gain yesterday. there is a pullback on the dow as well. up 600 yesterday, down 120 this morning. take a look at kohl's, interesting story here. they have added, what, two million new customers. they have a partnership with amazon. you can return amazon purchases to bricks and mortar kohl's. they are up in a down market. president biden reopening
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the migrant facility in texas. this is the same facility that the democrats wanted closed during the trump presidency. remember kids in cages. casey stegall is in texas for us. the administration claims there is no crisis so why are they opening that facility for children. reporter: for a couple of reasons, stuart, because of covid. they can't house as many migrants at detention centers, permanent ones. they have to cut the population in half for social distancing and isolation. they say these temporary facilities are needed. this is a really large campus back here. we're in a very remote part of texas. some 66-acres this sits on. you really get a good perspective how large we're talking about by air. look at these images gathered by the fox news night team drone. it's a mix of trailers, what appears to be tents, a basketball court. officials say it can house up to
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700 children between the ages of 13 and 17. cameras are not allowed inside despite requests this is video from a 2019 tour when the same location was opened for about a month under the trump administration. but immigration advocates here say they were confused when president biden's team just reopened it. >> at the very least it is premature. what the administration needs to do is address the current system, specifically expediting the reunification process in a safe way for children. reporter: so we talked about covid being part of the problem according to the white house. the other problem is, there is a spike of border apprehensions. that is looking at the numbers, specifically unaccompanied minors up 18% in january from the month before according to the data. more than 5700 unaccompanied minors. then it jumped to an average of 2200 a week for february.
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the official february numbers are not out yet, but customs and border protection says, that additional resources in the form of staffing are also being surged to the southern border to deal with this influx of apprehensions. stuart? stuart: casey stegall, we hear you. thanks so much, casey. markets are down 100 and drop for the nasdaq as well. there have to be big movers on the exchanges. what have we got, susan? susan: zoom is a outperformer after it quadrupled its sales last year and they're still forecasting another 4% jump in sales this year. over 450,000 paying companies with at least 10 employees. yesterday, stu, the app, after-hours, 10% bump during the regular session, 10% afterwards after the earnings. made 20% yesterday in zoom video. a little bit, maybe some of that froth coming off today.
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morgan stanley getting upgrade for diawa to outperform. get lift in morgan stanley. snowflake, berkshire hathaway, warren buffett is a buyer in this cloud computing company. we'll hear earnings from the unicorn. snowflake has more than tripled since the blockbuster ipo last year. finally palantir coming off the worst week since the debut. we were up 2% a few minutes ago. cathie wood, buy on the dip, bought 3 1/2 million shares. also a reddit favorite. you hear people talk about palantir quite a bit in that thread. stuart: very much in the news. the stock has been volatile. thank you, susan. get ready for takeoff. archer announcing a date and a location for their flying electric taxis. the co-ceo is here next hour. he is going to tell us when and where they will take off. first though, a third woman
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accuses new york's governor andrew cuomo inappropriate behavior. is this the straw that breaks his political career? brian kilmeade is here next. how does cuomo recover from this? ♪.
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once again, that's ♪. stuart: seeing a lot of red on the market this morning. the dow is down just 50. it had been down 100 moments ago. the nasdaq still down 100 points. show me twitter, please. they're targeting covid vaccine misinformation. warning labels on tweets they claim are misleading. more on this, susan. susan: twitter would begin applying labels to posts on vaccine that include conspiracy theories, scientifically unfounded or uncredible. that is similar to the company's election integrity policy in january. twitter would permanently suspend any users that violated covid-19 information policies. you have five strikes here. the first strike results in only a warning. subsequent warning violations will accounts locked for 12
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hours or seven days. you can appeal, they say. stuart: censorship by any other name, that would be my opinion. susan: battling misinformation. i will let you handle it. stuart: that is what they say. it is almost 10:51. when it hits 10:51 brian kilmeade will miraculously appear. it is about 10:51 and here he is. brian kilmeade from the radio to your tv screen. serious stuff, brian, a third woman accused governor cuomo of new york of unwanted advances this is the thirst woman to do this. is his political career flat-out finished, brian? >> hard to imagine it will end up positive. three separate accusers with no links to each other expressing similar sentiments, recounting similar stories who corroborated these stories. two journalists broke out into tears when they saw other people saw what he was like, saying they have been bullied. assemblyman kim came out three
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weeks ago, instead of knuckling under, being intimidated and i will destroy you, doubled down with a press conference with janice dean who has a great book, they're pushing back, fighting back. my question, this is somebody will fight to end. he has nowhere to go. he is 63 years old, 10 years left in his political career minimum. considered a front-runner for 2024. in his mind he walks on water. he will try to fight his way through this, no doubt. every day i get up, stuart, you have to see my notes. my first, i have 25 pages of notes. 12 pages on his accusers and his litigic problems. keep in mind, his attorney general has subpoena power to go ahead to do a background on all of these things, and do some type of recommendation. we could be going over this for months. i don't expect him to step aside. he is a little bit like trump, he fights his way through things. stuart: it will be going on for
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months. meanwhile the government of the state of new york is in limbo. what do you do when your governor is under this kind of investigation for months on end? what do you get done? good lord. i have to move on thousand, brian. i know you've been running this on fox news earlier but i want our audience to look at this as well. california teachers union boss who led the charge on school closures, public school closures, was caught dropping his daughter off for in-person, in-classroom learning at a private pre-school. now that is hypocrisy in the extreme. sound off on it, please, brian. >> unbelievable. you know how i feel about the schools reopening. it is laziness, it is unions, bureaucracy. i watch the catholic schools with a small portion, slice of the money making half the salary, not guaranteed, not tenured they're opening up. these charter schools, they're opening up. then you have the other people, especially at berkeley where, there couldn't be more reasons
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in the world to open. instead they find not to open. it turns out he is taking his preschooler, to a private preschool. he says i have no other option. my goodness, thank goodness somebody actually taped this happening. i want the kids to be anonymous but i don't want him to be anonymous. he is emblematic of all these people that say, it is, i'm going to live my life, like gavin newsom. i put my kids in private school. sorry about your kids. i'm going to put my kid in preschool. i'm sorry about your kids. they laugh and they mock in too many instances parents who say, in one instance a couple weeks ago, we have teachers talking to each other they want their babysitters back. no, we want our kids to grow and flourish in and out of classroom, in the hallways, in the gym, on the way, interaction in sports, thankfully long island is getting back to as of monday. that is what we want. there is no reason for it. you watch cuomo start opening things up. newsom is about to be recalled.
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he is opening things up. it is not numbers, it is pressure. don't give up on the pressure. stuart: it is ironic, two huge states, democrat run, the democrat governors are in serious trouble in both. newsom is going to be recalled and cuomo, we don't know how long he is going to last. it is ironic these trump haters are now brought low because they mismanaged their own states. last word to you? >> my final thought is this. the democrats are coming down on democrats. it is not conservatives winning over democrats. look at his accusers. look at the people asking him, kathleen rice asked him for him to resign. democratic mayor of new york city asking him to resign. the democratic party is disappointed with gavin newsom even more than orange county, california. that's the problem. when you lose your own party, that is because your politics are so bad you're hurting our lives. when you hurt our lives and hurt our kids we don't care about politics anymore. they hurt the kids.
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stuart: out of time, brian, thanks as always for being with us. we'll see you again real soon. big hour still to come on "varney & company," ben domenech, mark morgan, congressman michael waltz, archer's adam goldstein all on deck. the white house says there are no plans for president biden to hold a press conference. you know what i miss? a president who never shied away from a media question and you know who that is. "my take" on that coming up next. ♪ i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit ..
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it is not a tax hike they don't like. there is not a tax hike they do like. we the people, we the government keep more money in the economy, keep it out of their hands. >> we never had a selloff in the stock market in this country that didn't result in new highs. look at any sale, 5%, 10%, 20% pullback. >> everyone doing okay and retail. the consumer has a lot of money. they are poised to win quality and value and internet is supporting the success. >> we had a seachange that has
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made it so that if you are not afraid of this virus you have something wrong with you. that is crazy. it is the best as long as we have those restrictions that will restrict the economy. stuart: i like that, rhythm to it. it is 11:00 on the east coast of the united states of america and it is tuesday march 2nd. the market is very different from yesterday, straight up yesterday, down mostly today, the big loss coming in the nasdaq which is down 111 points. that the market, now this. the first thing donald trump
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said at his cpac speech was did you miss me yet? i tell you what i'm this. a robust and vigorous president who answers the country's questions. we do not have that with president biden. this president is hardly robust and rarely strays from the safety of a teleprompter. according to his press secretary there is no timetable, no schedule for when he will give a press conference. he is to say the least very reluctant to open up, even to a very friendly white house press corps. we do miss donald trump who never shied away from the media question. he was the most accessible president in memory and biden is the least accessible. two areas where he really needs to tell us what is going on. first, 13,000 unaccompanied children are now at the border. who will take them? where will they go? we would like to know but you won't get an answer directly from the president. this is a crisis of his own making. they with the disgraceful failure of the teachers union to return to the classroom. why will be president himself
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not directly address what is the most important issue for tens of millions of americans. i think biden is uncomfortable without a teleprompter. i think he gets confused by unexpected questions. he doesn't want to be held accountable for the crises that are breaking out better of his own making. the third hour of "varney and company" is about to begin. ben dominic joins us this morning. you heard my take. i think president biden is scared of getting in front of the cameras, getting in front of the white house press corps. he is scared of it, worried about his performance. worried about getting confused. worried about looking tired. what say you?
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>> i think the team around him is worried about that which is why we have seen these packaged events where everything is off script, this is worse, what happened the other day, conversing with the president of mexico and other mexican leaders. here's a situation on the border the president got to be addressing and i think the previous administration, we will be hearing about it every day from the president himself was what we have is them trotting out various officials who are pretending this crisis is not a crisis, trying to avoid something you said in your open which is this is a crisis of his own making and it clearly is. rolling back these policies along the border has a magnet affect the deleting people not just to send their youngsters but also to attempt to exploit these new rules and it has led not just to the reopening of trump era facilities but additional facilities along the border in order to handle this
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crush. this is running ahead of the typical numbers you would expect this time of year by a significant clip and it is going to lead to the biggest crisis we have seen in a long time on the border. this is an explosive situation and we deserve to hear from the commander in chief about it and we aren't because they are putting him in package scenarios where he can't slip up, just reading off things other people have written. stuart: what do you think of this? president biden erased dr. seuss from the read across america proclamation, no mention at all and dr. seuss enterprises announced they will stop publishing six books because of what they call racist and insensitive imagery. when does this cancel culture movement stop? where's the tipping point? have we reached it? >> i don't think we are close to reaching it. there is no time for any time that is context of historical recognition. dr. seuss himself was someone who changed over the course of his career and viewed things he
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had done earlier as too close to the line or over it when it comes to these images but again that doesn't mean you have to throw the whole thing out. we can appreciate historical context around all sorts of different authors including children's others and that should be part of our history as opposed to something we attempt to erase. stuart: we need somebody with a backbone, someone who says you are wrong, i am not a racist, you're absolutely wrong. we need somebody, don't we? >> that is what it is going to take. unfortunately this is something americans are starting to learn, not just prominent individuals, cancel culture seeks not just to cancel people who are prominence, who are celebrities, who are well-known but also small business owners, local people, neighbors and
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friends, people who say the wrong thing on facebook or make a mistake that in the old days you would be able to say i'm sorry, have an apology or conversation but now people seek not just to cancel you but take away everything you have built, your livelihood, your company and deny you any place in the public square. that is a very toxic phenomena and, one about to be taken on and addressed not just by our leaders but individuals within the culture and within our community. with leaders with backbone. stuart: free speech forever in the united states. thanks for joining us. check that market, down 30 on the dow, 90 on the nasdaq, a few points on the s&p. jason cat joining us this morning. what will stop the rally? we had it up down in march a year ago but bottom line is for 12 years we have been going up. do you see anything on the horizon that brings it to a screeching halt?
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>> it very well could be higher tax regime. what it won't be in my humble view is this inflation scare. markets in recent weeks or recent days have been concerned the fed won't be able to thread this needle, they want to run inflation a little high at 2% and are concerned they will not put that genie back in the bottle. in my view, inflation spikes are temporary. this economy is normalizing much faster than people realized and all these supply demand idiosyncrasies will be worked out. it is not about the level, it is about the speed and that is what the market got concerned about. we are not concerned about that at all. stuart: you would be concerned about raising taxation. would that be concerned about raising business taxes, concerned about raising income taxes or i know you manage the
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money of some wealthy people this wealth confiscation proposed by bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. >> all of the above quite frankly. i don't think higher taxes are on the immediate horizon. the economic recovery will be very robust but still going to be fragile. it is the 2022 events. corporate taxes on the low hanging fruit. no one will cry a river for fortune 500 company whose tax rate goes up 5% or 7%. a on corporate earnings estimates and perhaps on multiples was ultimately they go after lowering the exemption for estate tax, that is low hanging fruit and they will go after higher income tax rates. if they go for financial transaction tax or billionaires tax that starts to take liquidity out of the capital markets. it this incentivizing healthy
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risk-taking like we saw with a short squeeze and that will not be good for markets. stuart: but i am not selling yet. that is the bottom line. i'm not selling yet. thanks for joining us, see you again soon. back to the markets and i want to say the big movers, target is one of the big movers today. >> reporter: on the earnings call as well making comments that are rallying the stock. target had a fantastic order taking business from competitors. you had profit that came in much stronger, online doubling as well, same day delivery, store pickup very popular and the ceo on the earnings call recommended a robust increase in a dividend payouts was there might be some profittaking that you buy on the rumor still on the new. coals had a great quarter, sales way had in the bottom
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line assisted by tax benefit and just like target, they are looking to reinstate their dividend payout to investors in buying back stock. when you give money back to investors the stock price usually goes up. a new redit short squeeze favorite, rocket company, this is an online mortgage company. 40% of stock is being shorted by hedge funds so the stock has spiked by 20% this morning because the redit crowd is trying to kill the short like they did with game stop. an interesting dynamic and twitter, labeling vaccine misinformation but also raising $1.5 billion in bonds of this dilution affect. stock is the record highs, doubling the users, $315 million in two years and some say twitter is a goodbye in this environment.
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stuart: i'm fascinated by rockets. 40% short interest in rocket in a short squeeze like the old days four weeks ago and now it is up 18%. they are getting caught by the looks of it. >> see if there are any casualties. stuart: that is what i would like to see. there are growing calls to boycott beijing's winter olympics. republicans say china needs to be held accountable for human rights violations and other problems with china. boycott deal and picks? yes or no? representative michael walsh will join us on that question. president biden promised to reverse trump's tough immigration policies and the migrants listened. remember this? >> i'm here today because i'm dreaming to get to the us. i just want to get to the us, a new president, president biden,
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has given us 100 days to get to the us. stuart: it was january 18th, two days before the inauguration and now there's a flood of migrants arriving at the border. the white house says it is not a crisis. mark morgan is the former border chief and he has a message for the white house. he will join us next. ♪♪
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bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with peace of mind at your local xfinity store. >> you believe there is a crisis of the border? >> the answer is no.
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the prior administration dismantle the immigration system in its entirety. the entire system was gutted. >> no border crisis, just a challenge and whose fault is it? trump of course. let's bring in the man who used to run policy, mark morgan. is this a challenge or a crisis? which is it? >> it is a crisis. we all know it is a crisis. what is disturbing is secretary of dhs use the white house as a platform to intentionally lie and mislead the american people. i stood where he is standing and there's a tremendous responsibility with that. the comments and misinformation, he absolutely betrayed that responsibility by doing so.
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80,000 in a month, 9000 unaccompanied children this month alone we are going to see. why is he building more facilities are told not to come? why is always happening if it is not a crisis? he blatantly lied to the american people. stuart: is a crisis of the ministration's on making. it is different treatment, this is a crisis they are not willing to accept that. it's not willing to face the white house press corps even though it is friendly, they won't be accountable. >> talk about what was made. that is absurd, it acknowledges the fact, they talk about any very effective tool and policy,
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it closed significant loopholes in the system. they didn't have a single thing in place except a strategy is a strong message to the cartels, don't come yet. the american people are not buying it for a minute. >> some proposal being talked about, 800,000 people from mexico into the united states, they could work and go back. it has been talked about but what do you make of it? >> it is another indication that we have no orders. especially during covid, we are letting the president of mexico drive our policies, president
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biden can push through his radical amnesty bill. 600,000 on top of the millions coming in illegally and they will overstay or remain illegally, that is okay, that is what the democrats want because eventually they will give them the pathway to citizenship because they think that will equate to a democratic vote. this is part of the grand scheme. stuart: is this the biggest crisis facing our country at the moment? >> i believe so because here's why. not only does everything that happened at our borders impact every aspect of our national and economic security but this is something they didn't have to do. you were spot on. they created this, they didn't have to do this. the way they are doing it is as fast as they are doing it. this is a crisis they created and now every aspect of national economic securities impacted because of what they
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were doing. stuart: stuart: we appreciate what you've got to say and hope you can come back soon. thank you. now i'm really going to change the subject and talk about the golden globes. the ratings hit a record low. how big was the drop? >> 60% drop from last year. this was virtual so it wasn't an in person event like last year. there were some awkward moments and some technical lynches. 6.9 million viewers tuned in this year. you had 18 million watching last year. quite a difference and this might be an all-time low for the nbc golden globes. cbs won sunday with over 6 million on average watching each hour starting from 60 minutes through prime time, not a good look for the golden globes.
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stuart: terrible. i thought it might be because of some political angle but apparently it is not, just declining interest. >> also virtual, bicoastal, awkward technical glitches. i can understand. stuart: we don't have technical glitches. >> never. stuart: we are perfect, smooth sailing all the way. show me disney. what is this about the ceo saying inpatient customers are changing the future of movie releases. >> is not sure there is going back to pre-pandemic theatrical release windows. the time movies are exclusively shown first on the big screen before being streamed digitally. the disney ceo, the media tech conference, he did reiterate disney, commitment to theatrical releases, if moviegoers even want to go back to the theater. that exclusive window might be narrowing. i remember disney did release
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their move on blockbuster and charged in excess of $30 to watch it but have that experience and disney plus has been hugely successful, 90 million subscribers in 14 months of operation, it took netflix 9 years to get that number, the blockbuster simultaneously online and in theaters at the same time starting with that wonder woman sql over the christmas holiday and that was hugely successful. the movies are different, the theatrical window is toast. stuart: toast indeed, changed completely. the pandemic made a few differences. talking about pot stories. >> pot and cbd, what does that mean?
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stuart: this is my story. i was looking at the prompter. we are talking can opiate growth. the pot guy has got that. they are launching a cbd infused sparkling water in america and have a successful rollout in canada. stock is up 4%. spike seltzer with cbd, beyond meet, down ever so slightly. the citigroup analyst upgraded the stock, it was neutral, now he says buy it. why? because restaurants are reopening. not sure they will be serving beyond meet but they will be reopening. older people, this one is not for you but you will probably comment on it. older people are having
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significant problems getting the vaccine because they can't figure out the internet to get an appointment. we will help some people solve that. we've got a report on it. even a pandemic can't stop spring break. tourists heading to florida causing concerns about a new spike in the virus. michael wolf joins me from florida next. ♪♪ leave all your sorrow out here on the golan dock ♪♪
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in the market still heading south. not a huge decline except for the nasdaq which is close to one%. our next guest introduce a resolution to boycott the beijing olympics in 2022. florida congressman michael waltz joins us now. you have mike pompeo behind you. he wants to boycott. who would it really hurt other than all those american athletes who have been training for years for the 2022 beijing olympics. >> will hurt the chinese communist party.
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how can we after they unleashed this virus on the world, after they covered it up, still won't share the relevant data, 2 million around the world did, in the middle of a genocide where they have their muslim population literally in concentration camps, slave labor, forced sterilization of their women, how can they reward the chinese communist party with the global platform, and their propaganda and superior to ours. 180, with genocide going on and going to call out all these multinational companies, nbc will be broadcast, apple, benefiting slave labor, all
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about social justice but they make millions off of these claims in the communist party. i don't see why we allow that to happen. >> will that kill be olympics forever? >> i don't think so. newt gingrich and richard scott to move the game but now we are 12 months out and they refused. with these authoritarian regimes, we know what germany did after 1936, what vladimir putin did in 2014, when he invaded criteria months, and he had the game to await the south
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china sea, and the virus unleashed on the world, i've your what will happen if these things happen again in beijing. >> you are from florida, we are worried about the were spring breaker, a new wave of virus cases. >> this is south florida, dissuading spring breakers, we don't have the cruise industry, we don't have international tourism, tens of millions of europeans coming in, a lot of businesses in tourism industry and other struggling. we are not locked down like california, new york and other states, we are not wide-open. we continue to walk a common
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sense middle line. no business owner wants together customers or employees sick. let's leave that in the power of business owners and not the government. stuart: are most people in florida as you drive around, walk around, go in stores, are most people deserving the rules, like wear a mask, keep social distance, wash your hands? is that going on? >> that is what i see. people are wearing masks in airports, on the plane, following the guidelines. you walk through the restaurants you wear it but take it off when you are eating, put it back on, people don't want to get sick, it is not good for business to get people sick. this is about our society and our schools have been open since last of august. we let families decide whether you go in person or do virtual. that is not for washington dc
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to decide and we don't have teachers and students dying in the streets, dealing with this virus in a common sense way. if we want to stimulate the economy and help people let's open it and let people walk out that middle ground. stuart: it is called individual liberty and freedom in the united states of america under our constitution. what a concept. >> let power in the hands of the people. stuart: good stuff, see us again soon. here's a subject close to my own heart. older people having real trouble getting on the internet to secure a vaccine apartment. the tech guy of the moment, kirk knutsen, how do you secure the jab?
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>> for all of us, it is as complicated as one can imagine, state to state, county to county, booking a vaccine appointment is a complete and utter nightmare in this country. it is as easy as making a left turn by making three right turns. it is just nuts. in order to gain it you need to play the game of poker to get a vaccine appointment. i have some tips that are working for people. number one is to have a speed and be focused on this by doing this homework, find the state vaccine resources, county resources and save them. also save the links to all the available appointments websites. where i live they have the county seat, city site, cds, rite aid, walgreens, find out patterns. cvs upload new appointments between 5:00 and 6:00 am is what i observed. rite aid 11:15 and night.
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walgreens rumored around midnight. when you learn about patterns and the resources around you, getting ahead of everybody out, we set up auto fill on your browser which brings me to the tip of use your laptop or computer over the phone or tablet. it will fill in the blanks of the appointment site so you don't have to do that every time. arm yourself with a browser extension that refreshes the page for you, looking to hope that some time block, there's a browser extension that does that, you have to stop it. visual ping lets you send notifications.
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there are no appointments at this time. when you set this notification up, at, get the vaccine. if not, it is coming. stuart: if not you hire your grandchildren or grandchildren, get 10 bucks and they get me an appointment. it is that simple. that is how it works. in real life that is exactly how it works. i think you are all right. i have said news, vernon jordan has passed. he was a civil rights leader, class act to diminish jordan worked with lyndon johnson all the way through barack obama, the closest political friendship, advised clinton in
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the 1992 campaign. vernon jordan, and everybody he touched. jordan was 85. [announcer] durán catches leonard with a big left. ♪♪ you can spend your life in boxing or any other business, but one day, you're gonna take a hit you didn't see coming. and it won't matter what hit you. what matters is you're down. and there's nothing down there with you but the choice that will define you. do you stay down?
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stuart: well, i guess i'm not going to be buying a volvo anytime soon because they are going to stop selling gasoline powered cars. why does this happen? >> why does this impact you. you can't buy a volvo because they're going electric? stuart: the next car i buy will be a gasoline powered car. >> develop your gas tank. is that what you want to do is go to a store to pay for the gas instead of pay with your credit card? stuart: here's where you are wrong. i live in new jersey where you
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are not allowed to pump your own gas, where you don't pump your own gas, you have to have it done for you. >> i don't get it. volvo by 2030 will stop selling these gas vehicles, that is earlier than general motors, 2035, volvo -- they are well ahead of the curve because already in 2019, all the models they sold were either hybrids were battery-powered and by 2030 volvo says they will save up the hybrid, any car that has an internal combustion engine, the writing is on the wall with more governments mandating electric and california governor gavin newsom all electric by 2035 and volvo will sell exclusively online so no more showrooms and that is taking it further than tesla. you have to go online and it is electric. stuart: online stuff doesn't work for me and that is the
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fact. there you go. there are a lot of blue-collar jobs available and there are more available now than before the pandemic. lydia hugh is that a dhl packing facility in new jersey where they have been hiring big time. how many did they higher? >> they added across the country in addition to the temporary seasonal workers in the fourth quarter alone. that averaged around 1000. it was all to keep up with this package order from across the country, people who were staying at home during the pandemic, things that were delivered to them directly. this area you're looking at is the final area that we are sorting, sorting takes place,
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it is handed off to the postal carrier for final delivery. not just dhl that is hiring. according to the labor department businesses are hiring couriers and messengers. one lost his job in the restaurant industry. >> the situation, i was looking for something pandemic proof. to be in that same position again, something dhl offered. >> reporter: that worker tells us he's happy at dhl, has no plans to return to the restaurant industry anytime soon. stuart: might be a place most pipeline workers. thank you, see you again tomorrow. have you ever wanted a george jetson kind of ride. watch this.
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♪♪ meet george jetson ♪♪ his boy elroy ♪♪ stuart: looks like an electric taxi. we are not quite there yet but can soon be. another flying taxi is on its way. archer aviation co-ceo joins us next. ♪♪ jane his wife ♪♪
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stuart: trip advisor doing well today up 7% and i will tell you why. citigroup raised its price target to $62 a share. up it goes, 7.5%. let's talk space travel. what do we have? space x and elon musk. >> rocket lab has plans to build a huge new rocket call the neutron you can fly astronauts into space by 2024. rocket lab went public. the reason behind elon musk after the morning tweeted on green eggs, we know musk is not
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a fan of these blank check company that there might be trash talking that rocket lab as far as green eggs and ham. 's values rocket labs at $4 billion give them 3 quarters of $1 billion in cash to invest in his new rocket technology in the neutron rocket will carry payloads of 8800 kilograms into orbit. how incredible and impressive is that? it will be partially reusable and carry astronauts, people just like space x did. stuart: do you know anything about this company called orbital assembly? they are talking about a space hotel opening? tell me more. >> when you go? 2027 might be a bit optimistic and you won't be going to. they are looking at sometime this decade the they will finish construction on this first space hotel. orbital assembly is the company, they plan to begin building this voyager station
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in lowers orbit by the year 2025. we are getting renderings, looks like an episode of star trek, individual pods attached to a rotating wheel, tons of amenities, air, water power, the earth viewing lounges, bars, rooms for 400 and it will circle the globe every 90 minutes. it is all just renderings and something that could happen. nothing concrete. stuart: i am sure it will eventually but whether it happens by 2027. on a similar note, let's bring in archer aviation. they plan to launch their network of flying taxis in los angeles by 2024. adam goldstein is the co-ceo of archer. i am fascinated by this. you will confirm for me you are taking off your air taxis, by
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2024 in los angeles. >> thanks for having me back on the show. archer is building electric aircraft, vertical takeoff and landing, up to 60 miles. in the certification process with the faa. we have to get through the certification process, 2024. this is technology that has been worked on for over a decade. this is not new technology. moving on that r&d phase into the commercialization phase, if you think about tesla, you are going from the propulsion days to tesla's phase where technology that has been worked on for over a decade is commercialized and see the things happening here. for archer to get to market, no new technology needs to be invented.
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stuart: can you give me any idea of the price he would charge on a 100 mile trip? you go from la to san diego if you were flying that route, what would be your charge? >> these vehicles are used for urban air mobility. think less than 100 miles, lax to maybe malibu or ax to beverly hills. trips that would typically take you something like 60 minutes or 90 minutes on the ground. those are the trips that would be really flying. we will be charging something similar, $3 to $4 per passenger mile. if you think of a trip like manhattan to jfk that will be between $60 and $70 in an uber x and something similar in an archer vehicle. it is a big change in technology taking place and when you go electric it allows
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you to remove significant amount of parks, typified the vehicles, reduce maintenance costs, releases your fuel costs and you have vehicles that are luxury products affordable for the mass-market. no new technology has to have that. stuart: i think it is fantastic. thank you very much for joining us from archer aviation. appreciate it. come back again soon. adam goldstein, all right. more varney after this. hi, i'm pat and i'm 75 years old.
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12:00 pm
♪. stuart: 2 1/2 hours ago we opened up this market, figured where are we going? a big rally yesterday. where are we going today? this is tuesday and we headed south. whether we close like this don't know but right now we're in the red. neil, it's yours. neil: all right. stuart, thank you. given what happened yesterday, my friend, hardly a crisis but we'll watch it. you know, a lot of issues that were soaring yesterday, one of the dow's best performances certainly going back for the s&p in the better part of nine months. we'll be monitoring this. there are a lot of catalysts at work. at the very least the on going talks on the stimulus front. we'll get into those. markets are confused on different reads we're getting. we'll talk to senator rand paul, chuck grassley and democratic representative manuel cleaver where this process goes. i hasten to add, they hope to have a stimulus


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