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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 5, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EST

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books from hitler on ebay. so you know what folks, let's have an old-fashioned book burning this is how bad it has gotten. cancel culture is a terrible blight on american culture breaks allows whites and the show, i just want to share my disgust with the abrade this cancel culture stuff is got to stop. before i will baby welcome to it. president biden, if you are out there, where the heck are you buddy? you have now been an officer 43 days and still have not given a solo press conference with s the longest stretch for any new president over a century, and that is a long time. since nancy pelosi was in junior high. that's the last time a president is gone this long without a press conference. so why are the puppetmaster's hiding him? sleepy joe climbed into his cocoon way back on january 20 and he's occasionally answered reporter questions but offhand when he is leaving the stager
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giving an the one part we deserve answers. where are the missing's question of this on much grace as it certainly does not help to spell the basement joe in narrative. things only get worse when he promises to answer questions and then something embarrassing like this happened. >> i want to thank you oprah i really made it from the bottom, i want to thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you part and i'm happy to questions that's what i'm supposed to do next, whatever you want me to it do. kennedy: oh no what happens. someone hit the off button. why won't joe confront of a microphone and answer some basic questions from reporters? why has a press secretary jen psaki said the administration is just biding its time, suited there? >> we made a decision
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internally we were not going to have the president propose his forward-looking agenda beyond that. parts of his build back a better agenda still being determined. policy discussion still going on internally until after that bill is signed. after this checks are going out to americans but after that vaccine money is gone out. after the money is going up to schools. kennedy: after we come up with a cure for ebola he's happy to talk to everybody. president biden still also is not addressed congress. which puts them in a small class of presidents who have ignored the legislative branch for this long. insiders say he's waiting until it got that big victory under his belt. perhaps after he signs the covid relief bill and that passes. but why is the white house playing games and leaving us on the dark? let's get into it with tonight's man a panel with that conservative strategist and right turn strategy president chris barron is back. oh yes. and comedian and host a part of the problem it's a podcast it will change your life. he is dave smith.
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and democratic strategists, former dnc advisor one of the favorites, kevin walling is here rounding out the man panel. very manly. so chris barron i've said all along that joe biden is not a man, he is a committee. the person is the figurehead for the committee made a great error last night saying i'll take some questions. and then you can hear nancy pelosi saying no, no he's not going to take questions no i was told there'd be no questions. and then beep bars and tone. [laughter] subject's most embarrassing part of this is, what on earth makes biden handlers think the mainstream media that has slobbered all over him from the very beginning is going to ask him anything but softball? the fact they're actually trying to protect the leader of the free world from going out and hitting softballs, pitch to him by his fans is absolutely terrifying. honestly. it will be one thing if he
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sang like i don't want to go on fox news. or i don't want to go on newsmax, you think cnn has hard-hitting questions? kennedy: yes. and you know why? digital describes of the "new york times" are fleeing. viewers are fleeing from places like msnbc and cnn, dave. and when they realize that, then there'll be reporters who want to have their moments, either with jen psaki, better get with joe biden. it's going to be all too easy to trip him up. but you can't keep him locked up forever. back i guess not. the answer to chris's question is they are really concerned he cannot even handle the easy questions. and it got to say, i look at this i think it's very strange that the baby boomer generation just would not pass the torch of political power. i mean when i was like a teenager in the 90, basically
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all of the same people were in power. joe biden, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi and all these people. they never passed the torch. the situation that we are in now, the president is just way too old. and everybody knows this. at least on the left side of the country will admit it. joe biden is 80 and he looks like an 80-year-old. not a particularly sharp 80-year-old. and to have this guy in the most consequential, high pressure important position in america it's downright insane. it is really something to watch everybody pretend the emperor has closed and they're doing it for long time because her such animosity towards donald trump on the democratic side. but everybody knows this. this guy's just not up to the job. just before we all saw this coming, kevin. we knew this is how they were campaigning. and one of the things i miss
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about the trump administration with president trump was crazy like that poop crazy press conferences that when an hour plus, where he fought with people and said outrageous stuff. and everybody loved it. even the people who hated him love to see the president joust. will jump biden ever do that? will he ever have a no holds barred press conference like that? >> i think so it's made for television rights before a budget. >> i bet $20 he will have a press conference coming up. kennedy: over 30 minutes $20000? >> good lord, here's what we're seeing though. you are seeing a communication strategy using the president address different issues every day from the podium part whether it be economic stimulus, covid, and his got an approval rating near 60%. this all trump taking questions like a crazy guy in
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your question, keddy never cracked 50%. maybe it's a winning strategy to not have the present everyday out there fielding wild questions. but focusing on giving speeches about covid relief, about the economic stimulus. kennedy: those are speeches he does not believe in that somebody else wrote. seven he pulls string and he's covid relief, spirit that's part of the problem. before it truly is a committee can barely see the strings it's very impressive. one reason the dunes they want to keep present biden in the basement is because when he pops his head out he insults at the country by today texas governor greg abbott lashed out at the president's assertions that texans and other liberty lovers are engaged in neanderthal thinking for wanting to reopen their economies and the state mask mandate. testify governor. >> first, it is obviously not
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the type of thing a president should be saying. but second, he kind of set on the worst that he could have. the same day he said that, in texas the biden administration was releasing illegal immigrants into our communities, that is neanderthal -type approach to dealing with the covid situation. >> do not get me started lucy. [inaudible] we'll have more of the crisis coming up. more lawmakers including mississippi governor tate read in missouri et cetera josh hawley condemning the president for showing contempt for middle america after billing himself as mr. unity with more and more states scrapping mask mandates and fighting with biden administration on lockdown restrictions, is the president starting to lose control of the country pandemic crisis? chris barron? i think they are because now all they have to do is look at
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the numbers and they go wait a second, my kid is not in school, my state's economy sucks, i can't keep the stuff i want to do, why are we doing this again? and that's what they're asking for it does matter parties they are over it. >> they need the fear though. they need the fear for their legislative agenda has no chance of passing unless you convince people that we have to do it or grandma is going to die. here's what is so outrageous about this. the biden administration on the left asked like texas doing both their mask mandate they are boldly going where nobody's ever gone before print we have no idea what will happen. yes we do, it's like florida have never had a mask mandate. states like new hampshire had not had a mask mandates not like an untested thing for defects are in, we know there is largely no difference between states that had mask mandates and states that did it. in fact the states that had the highest per capita death rates for the states that had mask mandate. and had the most severe
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lockdown. they need to acknowledge the fact they're going to have to push their legislative agenda on its merit some points. not just based on pandemic pouring. kennedy: 's if you're sitting there in texas, david got the governor going hey you know what, things suck just open up the economy, scrutiny mask mandate, let's try and do this we just got a trustee review went to her mask for a mask. and then have beta o'rourke saying they literally went to sacrifice the lives of our fellow texans. who are texans going to listen to? >> while i don't know, beta o'rourke and even joe biden donald trump if the elections were a lot closer than i would like furniture that will be some texans who listen to them. but the reality for those of us is to live in reality is that it has been obvious since about last summer that the lockdowns and mask mandates
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and all these government policies have no demonstrable effect in terms of curtailing the spread in the deaths of the virus. and to collate me and without policy, i guess that neanderthal roaming the earth in 2019 really was not that long ago we were living like normal people. these things, they don't work. the truth is there are certain situations were wearing masks are beneficial. and most people are still going to wear them the situations. usually when you're indoors crowd around a lot of people for long periods of time. but to just see the mass hysteria and delusional thinking for it like when tom brady is walking outside without a mask, 100 feet away from everybody there saying oh my god you're not wearing a mask. these are the same people tell you to faulty science. there is no science that suggests wearing a mask outside does anything. so this is good, it's good to see a little bit more freedom, maybe we'll get back to the ones almost free country that we were.
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kennedy: i don't know when that's going to happen but i have to be honest, kevin, the reaction to taxes is overshooting it. beta or bourque and gavin newsom by calling this reckless and being so outraged they are missing how to make their states and their economies better. and then calling people neanderthal saying this is neanderthal thinking board is that land on the deplorable scale? that kennedy we are so close to getting past this crisis but we are up to 2 million vaccinations a day, 80 million americans have at least one dose. we are so close. we are all exhausted. we are so frustrated paints but a year this past week since i was in the studio with you last but i'm seeing you in person. it's so close and masks to work. and again, the problem is they become so politicized on both sides it has become a republican democrat issue whether you wear this masks
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pretty get two, three more months before every adult according to president obama will be eligible receive the vaccine we have to hold typing this is coming from a single drive that any kids at home. i was got two daughters at home is very easy for me to it say that. but we are so close to me can't let up. kennedy: we are. we have schools especially high schools fully open. i sense the frustration. chris and dave are right there's a lot of people stopped or masks but if you are immunocompromised if you're older, if you haven't got the vaccine and you want to go to the grocery store, absolutely mask up but that is your choice for that's you exercising your own personal responsibility. that is a politician should encourage. not these oppressive mandates that only add to the spring fever. it's like when that has, nevermind you don't know if masks for that. demand pedals would stick around because i demanded. coming up the senates
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$1.9 trillion to most will still not signed, sealed or delivered. in their starting to tackle. my next guest has a plan of some has big or stay most checks. michigan congressman peter meijer joins me in moments. plus how does life begin? we learned of the universe? what is dark matter? neil degrasse tyson taken the biggest questions of the all right that's a fifth-floor problem... ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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kennedy: welcome it back. do you know what it looks like to set a trillion dollars on fire customer right now the senate is probably work on the covid relief bill which essentially shoveled your tax dollars right into a socialist furnace. but first some political time wasting. actually it is in the biggest sandbagging of political stance pretty senate clerk is been forced to read out loud all 628 pages of the covid relief bill. i am not against it, let's listen in. >> total capacity in such facilities and the date of enactment of this act where shall such capacity include it's only veterans on his behalf. kennedy: well i guess, they are reading this one, which is good but i think we should have story time for they should read all the bills out
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loud. and they should force everyone to listen to it. but after this gop delay tactic is finished the senate will enter a 20 hour debate followed by so-called voter ramah on the bill's provisions but it could get messy as progressive democrats are mad stimulus payments will be less than $2000 will republicans are in an uproar over three to 50 billion are blue state bailout that's built into the package. so how long until we are all relieved of this relief bill? try me now michigan repression republican peter meijer is back on the show. so, you have some thoughts, sir. obviously $1.9 trillion is too big. so how do you whittle that down? >> and simply talk but the blue state bailout part $350 billion kind of right off the bat sounds like going to state starting budget surpluses for that's $1200 per capita per person but that's what has been distributed. but we didn't say was the most
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popular thing? what do people need right now? checks, direct cash, vaccines many testing many ppe. many help open the schools were able to put all that into a package of the trillion dollar list will almost doubling the checks. kennedy: but at the money's not going to open the schools, why should the schools get money? >> has to get condition of it as well for this is a thing the cdc saying well, or doctor fauci saying we need to pass this in order to reopen the schools but again i'm not sure how often they can invoke science as a predicate that actually sang with the science is. but if we need to build a path let's have a bill that puts in the american people but that many of the american people rather than shifting it around to states who are the most politically powerful right now. so far yes that's exactly the tapping with the blue state bailout. those should not be tied to each other. because if the bail out is really just a union bailouts, and you've got families who are suffering not because of
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their own choices but because the government is taken away their livelihood, fine. you have to take care of them because they've not made those choices bring the bad choices that new york, california, michigan, and illinois made they don't get bailout for that. i'm sorry. but also i do have an issue schools. because they are not spending money on the students right now. teachers that are working four hours a day, they are not really tugging at my heartstrings. it is so critical for kids to be in school making eye contact with teachers and their peers. and they are not doing that. so only 5% of the essentially $200 billion that will go to schools, that's was being spent in 2021. i don't think they should get a dime more. >> them where's the urgency? if you need to open schools now but it's predicate on funding going out to 2025, this is not a relief bill this is an omnibus appropriation package for its big shop there in a partisan way, every
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single previous colored relates to most package was overwhelmed a bipartisan print and president biden, leader schumer and speaker pelosi took the intentional most partisan route to package this. we're still having smaller checks and paying a chilly dollars more. kennedy: it is insane by this is the definition of insanity. this is why people hate congress, no offense your new there they don't hate you quite as much. hopefully you can find a way to actually cut costs and reduce the size of government. to read the bill? >> [laughter] i tried. it is very, very long. and there are a lot of modifications and subsections. ultimately any billable devote to pass that i will be reading its entirety. i may just tune in for the rest of the pre-voter ramah midnight reading our. kennedy: do you like that do things a good idea customer i have to say, i know ron johnson i'm sorry don johnson is doing this to screw around but i don't have a problem with it.
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to make you can't say you don't know it's in if you give them plenty of opportunity to listen. you don't even have to follow along. kennedy: grabbed a sandwich and sit down on the floor dear job, senators. congressman meijer thank you so much respect thank you katie. sue for hope was summoned listen to reason. meanwhile biden demonstrations piecing anger after 100 illegal immigrants tested positive for covid-19 at the border and then where they forced a quarantine? no they were allowed to board buses to anywhere in these beautiful united states. after news broke texas governor greg abbott said quote, the federal government alone has a responsibility to test, screen, and quarantine illegal immigrants crossing our border who may have covid. texas will not aid a program that makes our country a magnet for illegal immigration. an with illegal immigration is an exaggeration to characterize a biden policy valley. even if these people are literally on their way here
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wearing biden lettuce in t-shirts. [laughter] and they are magnetic. so with the fed border strategy becoming a gross mixture of covid hypocrisy and naïve policy, has he bided it ministration way to clean up this mess customer for man panels back, crisp air, dave smith, kevin walling. so chris, if president biden had a practical plan on immigration what could he do to get republicans on board? because clearly we need to fix the system. >> here is the problem, he does not have a plan. the democrats are like the proverbial dog that caught the car when it comes immigration. they don't know what in the hell to do now. the truth is, democrats have had the demagogue the issue. they've had emotional and manipulation. then heated rhetoric but they've never had a coherent plan when it comes to dealing with illegal immigration. to guess what, you are in charge now. do something about it. kennedy: contact tracing. that something we have been told is critical.
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that is how we will know how to squash the virus depending on from whence it came. how do you contact trace when you don't even inform bus drivers there are people in their vehicles who are positive for covid? >> as chris said, this issue has been demagogic by the democrats bring this is trump's central issue that he ran one out in 2016. and then of course they wanted to demonize him as literally hitler, kids in cages and all the stuff. truth is kids are sitting in cages and immigration still completely messed this contribute i really think rent the center of it is if you have a giant norm is welfare state and a war on drugs it makes it impossible to have any type of saint immigration policy. and so we just don't know what we are doing when it comes immigration. and the truth is that it is heartbreaking to see the child facilities are they are called now and not kids in cages
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anymore. what they plan to do with the people covid positive coming over here is. but the reality of our immigration system is weak, the american taxpayer subsidized immigrants coming to the country. we also subsidize the war on immigration. it is complete insanity. kennedy: go-ahead dear. >> i was just saying, look you can have loose immigration policies. something closer to ellis isle style immigration with no welfare state, the war on drugs or big government. or you can have a huge welfare state and housing and education and healthcare as a human right. but that's going to require very strict border enforcement. and the democrats want all of it. they want the wealth. and the borders. kennedy: this ... stating that per dave's right about that is also right about the war on drugs. but what is happening now, you can't look at from 30,000 feet.
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we have to look at it from the groundwork kids are showing up, by themselves. there is something about the biden policy that is incentivizing parents to send their kids alone, which is awful. it is cruel it is insensitive it is horrible. kevin wallingford >> no candidate, we are in absolute agreement. we are at 94% capacity in those facilities given the covid and the amount of children coming across the border. we saw similar situations of this magnitude with president trump and with obama. been down this road before. at the compounding crisis with covid-19. opposite biden indiscretions a top priority. yet the administration has relieved a framework based on what was passed in the democratic senate in 2014 with
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the bipartisan support but something they got 60 plus votes with republicans like marco rubio on board. think you could see the biden abyss duration prioritizes after the covid plan out late next week. i move forward on immigration parts before i guarantee they don't have a plan it's not a comprehensive immigration reform it's not a priority for this administration. they think they're going to do a couple feel-good executive orders and call it a day. it's the worst thing you can do for kids and for families, shame on them. alright thank you guys, thank you dave. coming up present biden promise to do uniting. former president trump paints a new administration is been an absolute disaster. side of the argo with a twist, side of the argo with a twist, chris and kevin r
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kennedy: president biden has
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been in the office more than a month the nation is split wider than jimmy sailors pans on thanksgiving. by now we are all probably sick and tired of political pundits and their back word talking points. we came up with that alternative we are flipping the script, baby, it's part time to "party swap". ♪ ♪ there we are, shaking our heads is going to be fun alright chris barrett is arguing the liberal point of view. and kevin walling, normally our faithful democrat is going to be arguing the conservative side, are you guys ready to play? >> i brought my comb-over just for this. [laughter] stu varney arrigo come immigration, chris this is for you first topic. there is no crisis at the border, chris, so explain might in a pandemic joe biden's catch and release policy is
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the most american and responsible course of action. and how these kids are lucky to be in summer camp. >> look, think the most important thing for us to note at this point is we have ended the awful policies of donald trump. we have ended the kids in the cages. we now have centers, they've got teachers there it's a lot of fun. kids should come. we encourage people to competence really a great time. look, this is the land of the free and home of the brave part is time for us to realize that everybody who wants to walk across the board should be welcome here. we should be doing everything we can to make sure texas is shut down, but the borders wide open. [laughter] kennedy: well said chris, you articulated it beautifully. kevin this is for you. we all agree that kids don't belong in cages. they belong in mexico. so tactless how the president, president trump would've catapulted these urchins back
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to honduras. >> he certainly would've allowed them to walk across the board of those biden teachers for god sake that is ridiculous. again, if got to get these kids back to where they came from. it doesn't matter if they didn't come from mexico, if they came from honduras or panama or what have you. they'll have a great life and mexico. ted cruz loved the demo to great area to go to shoot them back down there. kennedy: ted cruz is really the arbiter of immigration certainty. wherever he vacations, that is where we should send people. >> amen, within my type. [laughter] superhero goat truck 2024. chris, america rejected president trump innate 2020 landslide. tell us why republicans will be fools to nominate him once again in 2024? and why americans are done with the stupid america first agenda. >> look, first off we realize everybody who voted for trump or even thought about voting
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for trump is a sedition is an insurrectionist. i think at this point the only responsible thing we can do is to make a list of everybody voted for trump or thought about voting for trump, and particularly those who may be considered voting fruman 2024 and bring those people and, round them up, get them into some education. because at the end of the day what we really need to have in this country's unity. the only way we're going to get unities if we can convince republicans to drop everything they believe in. that's was going to best for this country. kennedy: we need to reeducate people. we need to treat republicans like uighurs. >> it is a disease. it is a disease. kennedy: it's a sickness, it's a sickness. all right kevin joe biden is calling for unity. we all know no one has been more united than a country run by president trump. what more can president trump do other than run again beat the democrats for a third time
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in 2024? >> clearly is often running from that speech at cpac and alanna. that guy got 74 million votes. more than any other incumbent president in american history. i've been good lord, he has united both mr. potato head and mrs. potato head. he is put dr. seuss back on the bookshelves. he will win again in a landslide come three years from now. kennedy: think he already did predecease all your president, kevin? >> one 100% all the way. before doing a capitol today? kennedy: heck no staying away it's a trap. see for exactly right they want you there. smith art have my cell phone data, get out of here. kennedy: they are spying on everybody but let's talk about the relief bill donelan. chris, america's liberal states have decimated their small businesses, some to their kids education and stole their people's freedom. so obviously they deserve a
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raise. shouldn't we be giving more to deep blue states? >> while the answer is yes. essentially the trump administration shut out to kill 100 million people. and they targeted people in blue states like new york and new jersey. that a spy we see the highest death rates per capita were in states like new york and new jersey because quite frankly this was a trump disease. this was something that was forced on our country print it did not have to be like this. if hitler, it would not of been for putin in 2016 in hiller's president promised rain all this people still be live. you still be able to hug grandma. the only responsible thing we can do right now is to write a blank check to governor cuomo and great governors like him all across this country and say spend it however you need to. some of our beautiful. , got a quick care. the dams, 1.9 choi doug covid really build direct money to socialist projects we don't want.
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what could republicans have done better if they were actually in charge? which technically they are. >> it's all this offend this high-speed rail trade and silicon valley so nancy pelosi could get her ice stand for million-dollar fridge. it's out of control by the spending is out of control with got about no on this package. >> yes and every package. i would tell senator perdue that to go vote that way tonight. chris and kevin, great job chris sent that to give you the edge because the reeducation camp. [laughter] [laughter] all right thank you guys so much. coming up, elon musk, future starship he hopes will soon go to mars, went up in flames yesterday. so if humans ever make it to mars safely? if so when? we'll talk to america's favorite physicist about this favorite physicist about this and other favorite physicist about this and other favorite physicist about this and other ♪ ♪ ♪ favorite physicist about this and other ♪ ♪ ♪
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kennedy: oh hi, i was just dancing having a great time here. the best hour of your day and mine elon musk big plans to send humans to mars, might have to put on pause for a bit. video showing the spacex starship touching unsuccessfully within the rocket burst into fireballs after sticking the landing. scientists a leak in the protect propellant tank could be to blame. will we ever get to mars? are mosques hopes and dreams were both within crypto? joining me as true physicist, who we are, how we got here and where we are going, neil degrasse tyson's back. welcome back sir. >> thank you, thanks for having me. kennedy: great book. i love your book it is so good it makes me so happy it brings back all the wonderful memories from physics and astronomy. but then you have so much new stepford so much new stuff
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that has happened all around us in this century, and this decade in the last two years. i must be terribly exciting for someone who does what you do. so looking at elon musk, looking at the push to get to mars. if the go to mars, what will it tells about the universe? >> first of all those explosions as spectacular as they are, i am reminded of a bit of wisdom is shared to feed by a professor when i was in graduate school. what he says was the date you'd no longer make mistakes is the day you can pretty much should be sure you are no longer on the frontier. so when i see those explosion is anyone else testing rockets to mars? no. so you're going to make some mistakes. you're going to fix them, you make it better and you keep at it. and eventually it works, right? no one essay gets impossible to get to mars its banner
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technology. noticing that it's a matter of get it done. it done. that's not what's going on there. i'm not phase in the lease by these explosions. kennedy: the grand scheme of science in astrophysics, who is more important figure. henrietta levitt or elon musk? [laughter] >> henrietta levitt was at the foundation of her understanding of how stars are born, live out their lives and die. and in terms of what stars are made of. before she came around, we really did not know for sure what was going on inside of stars. she came round, locked all the data figured it out she's when the early pioneers of the 20th century of enabling and empowering an entire branch of physics to take hold. that's important. elon musk is also important if the helps is get into space cheaply. when you ask what's more important on a bicycle right? the steering well or the --
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everything matters in order for the whole thing to move forward. so i embrace it all. kennedy: one of the great things you in bracing this book, cosmic queries, is one of the things we don't know. in any other field to be incredibly frustrating. at some point you're banging your head against the wall. it is the un- known that keeps a bull like you, philosophers of science, plaza physicist it's what keeps them going. you talk a lot about but dark matter in your book. will we ever know what that is? >> [laughter] i hope so. the fact that we don't know exit all the more exciting. thanks for capturing the essence of the book in your few sentences that encapsulate it. it's a collection as of questions humans have ever confronted in the history of civilization. worded it all come from?
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how to get to be this way? how will it all end customer is their life in the universe? we pose these questions in each chapter addresses them according to what we know. and in some cases what we know was a little spotty. we are very candid about that. and in other cases we are not even sure for asking the right question. and so, this is a book not written so that has answers to all of your questions. it's written such that it elevates your questions to the paramount levels and then we see what we can do with what we have learned either in the last century, as you said in the last decades or years. >> that's what's so exciting about it. everything we do learn something new once you have started that pursuit it is addictive you want to learn more and more your book is great for that. i love the way you write. >> we do our kids are curious and filled with wonder. curiosity and wonder combined
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sites as we say the twin engines of exploration. kennedy: that is the greatest gift, doctor neil degrasse tyson thank you so much. tyson thank you so much. cosmic queries, get the was that your great-grandmother, keeping the family together? was that your grandfather, paving the way for change. did they brave mother nature... and walk away stronger?
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kennedy: market cuban has announced fans canal by dallas maverick tickets. in other words it's still totally worthless. that dunk was a layout folks, this is a topical storm. topic number one. an endangered species of american ferrets has been cloned from an animal who died 30 years ago. this is also how tupac keeps making new music. meet elizabethan a black footed ferret measurement frozen cells of their name will it died in 1988 prints too early to set the new clone has retained memories of its previous life other than his first words were don't tell me how cheers and approaches also confuse white mtv dj was hosting the show and foxbusiness until now a living blackfoot and ferreted descended from just seven individuals who species depends on to keep breeding for its survival.
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thank goodness the furry community is notoriously horny. scientists hope elizabethan will add some much needed genetic diversity to the mix by breeding with the group. currently she is just 68 days old. according to the esteemed founders of the lincoln project, that's old enough. topic number two. move over blood of christ there's a new religious alcohol in town. now you can have an easter sunday monday with the new cadbury cream egg beer. they'll make church go by faster red cadres teaming up with goose island for a limited edition stout with a taste that will make you wish you had coronavirus. it's attribute to the changing of scene in just a few sips of the spare make everything you ate that day spring forth. on sheer lawn. nothing like celebrating the joyful resurrection with a violent regurgitation. hope you had a good friday. this is the worst easter food
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collaboration since pizza hut zone. cadbury's is a limited time promotions way to celebrate the 50th anniversary, believe me i get it. when i turned 15 i'm going to be full of alcohol to for the entire year. and then x50 after that. topic number three, this show is not just about me it's also about what you think of the. this is viewer mail. omar kicks us off with kennedy nation is supposed to be funny? take up your pants omar everybody laughs when you do that. bonnie tweets, i just watched this idiot for the second time. first and last. [laughter] my god you're so funny. you come drink a beer on my 50th deal be dead by them. stephanie said embarrassing and unprofessional, that's the sediment hr meeting. even ends the night if kennedy nation you need a napa woman.
12:56 am
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kennedy: think he is so much what the best every day can velma instagram and twitter at kennedy nation, on basement candy at the end for e-mail for next week to hate mail. also subscribe to my podcast
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