tv Kennedy FOX Business March 24, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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at them. keep adding to your position and over 50 years you are going to get very, very wealthy. thanks e for watching kudlow, have a great evening will be back as always tomorrow night. safar all right welcome to it. joe biden your days of hiding out and dodging questions almost over. the president tomorrow scheduled to battle reports to the first time since taking office. it's only taken them 64 days that is a record since inauguration to wait work up the courage to face the jackals is the uptick? the new administration is facing growing backlash, especially since biden used to make big claims he would always be available to the press. yet the exact opposite has happened and it's all getting worse. not only sleepy job refused to hold a press conference the administration is also blocking reporters from covering important issues like border crisis.
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we have a right to know what is going on and where, and what the president planted about all of it. up until now always gotten a like without the white house today. so that mr. president. [inaudible] are you going to go visit the border? event thank you very much. >> you can hear something let's go, let's go, come on joe you're going to be stupid let's get out of here. we don't only want answers about the border crisis in immigration there's also the pandemic, the vaccine, rollout school reopening scum of the stimulus plan the economy, taxes, infrastructure this week's master did last week's mass shooting, gun control the wars in afghanistan and iraq. the china standoff, the list goes on and on and on. so will the president be candidate about any of it? and will reporters grow a pair and finally asked some tough questions and maybe a few follow-ups clustered let's get into it tonight's party pentagon independent women's forum seem senior policy
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advisor in the federals contributor and is that man is here. also recent magazine and editor-in-chief katherine maggie warren, and former clinton d.o.j. spokesperson principal at group gordon communications, it is michael gordon, welcome everyone. >> hey there. >> good to be here. kennedy: inez is that going to be all softballs tomorrow? >> i for one really want to know were biden's dogs are spending the summer, i think that issue really outweighs the issues facing that you listed. if we are going to have serious questions from a press i imagine it will be again about gun control and they will ignore particular the crisis of the board and the fact that biden is put more kids in cages than president trump. >> no, nor some of the reactions of various governors have had to the former crisis with lockdowns. i think it's going to happen, katherine, and the room are
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going to try to feel out the president feel how hard they can go because if you go too hard you will have restricted access. or the white house will bully you into submission peter doocy said he has a binder full of questions, i cannot wait until he goes and asked a few, if he gets called on you think they'll go easy? >> you know i always went depressed to treat every president with the kind of suspicion and hostility on the president don't think they're fundamentally going to be at us especially on questions of transparency and really getting answers to the american people, the dress press are not doing their job i really hope there is at least at this moment of transition of little bit of a sense of shame at the idea of having asked incredibly tough questions to trump and the temptation they will have to go gentle and biden. at the same time you say there are sure a lot of things i
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would like to know. i'm sure they are also chomping at the bit. maybe it will get the antagonistic question asking that i love. kennedy: and for news outlets and organizations that have not been granted access to some of those border sites or even write a longs, michael, they should have questions for the president. what can he possibly say when they are asked why they have been shut out of something when dhs is told them to go back and ask those questions of the administration? >> first they're absolutely going to ask about immigration they're going to ask why the president does not lead the pressure be allowed down that should be transparent for every. they're going to ask a full range of questions they're not going to hold back for their going to ask tough questions for you got to reload the broadcast journalist reporting for the press themselves. absolutely. kennedy: and have not seen jim throw a tantrum with jen psaki
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and little disappointed about that. >> well know, first of all he is treated differently in this white house than he was in the other white house. kennedy: that's what if that's really important. kennedy: >> quay street is whether not he will have a tantrum of course for support not if you're an adult you know how to enjoy some few can ask questions that completely melting down just to get a book deal you can make money of your histrionics, anyhow. >> that means you're making my point they're going to ask tough questions pursued for it hope they ask hard questions i don't think they're going too. i think they're just trying to hurry favor here, inez. i hope someone asks about china and whether or not this administration china policy is that all affected by the little we know about the president's son and his shady dealings over there. becca serially doubt that question is going to come up. i agree katherine, i think every president should get a hard drilling from the press
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by the adversary relationship between the force of state and those in power should be in place. unfortunately, it seems to go very, very much by what letter comes after the president's name in regards to political party, whether or not they had grilled. or whether they had grilled in a fairway put out give you an example i think john's with president trump during his term was exactly that balance in my opinion, it was a tough interview at really demanded something from the president. but it also was not got you questions that trying to get the attention and said the present read to me that's what every president should face or have joe biden faces it tomorrow but i've suspicions he will not print i'll be pleasant surprise if he is. kennedy: you do not even have to play gotcha. it's not about that, if he stumbles is going to stumble. that is actually forgiven from this president. but the question is can he be honest? and can he give a straightforward answer to some of these tough questions? well, talk about the wrong man
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for the job, kamala harris teaming up with former president bill clinton this friday for a discussion about empowering women and girls around the world. that sounds great. president clinton of course has been accused of rape, it cozy relationship with convicted child blizzard jeffrey epstein was famously impeached for his employed with a white house intern, member this? >> i want you to listen to neighboring going to say this again, i did not have sexual relations with that woman, ms. lubinski. kennedy: one of clinton's accuser wanting comic tweet today inviting bill clinton to speak on empowering women is like asking jeffrey dahmer to host a cooking class. yeah. the vp is also taking heat for staying silent about new york governor and a cuomo and his troubles. so what is the purpose of this partnership for empowering women? and who thought a this was a good idea? katherine it does not take a
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genius to rose the optics of this are pretty horrible. when i first heard about this, i wondered aloud, well why isn't hillary clinton teaming up with kamala harris? lb somewhat understand bubba bill clinton empowering women, is it april. ready? >> i guess we could theorize because women are impaired because hillary clinton's weight to importune with more important steps they invited bill as a second-best. i think actually what i would like to see that form address, regardless of whether it's clinton or harris, is the democratic agenda for the last year has been really very tough on women. the idea that we are looking at incredible losses in terms of women and the workplace that women of color have been hit hardest and are disproportionately low income by the closing of schools in the closing of businesses. and to me, a party that is campaigning on hairs in the two days before the election, totally leads to this message
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of equity and yet the policies of the democratic party are at odds with that right now part so i would love to see them fly that circle print love to see them take on those tough issues directly instead of i fear this obey which is a kind of fluffy feel-good events. kennedy: suckled be fluffy and feel good because twitter has already exploded with the notion of bill clinton even being there. and one of jeffrey epstein's outspoken accusers is beside herself. she wants him to ask bill clinton not about empowering women but why he was on jeffrey epstein's plane to his private island 27 times. >> i'm going to focus on bill clinton's record from when he was president. >> that's wonderfully convenient and incredibly offensive. >> so he signed the violence against women's act pretty finding family medical leave act but he did a lot of work policy wise on her behalf of women. i'm not going to dispute the
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optics for the reasons you said. but he did have a good record as president read it i also think that biden's back and a wonderful painter. >> are right, i think biden stimulus bill called the infrastructure billable help with all of the causes of equity that important to us prospect that is interesting. and as katherine pointed out, when you throw more money, more public money at problem and you angle for more power and more control, you end up with less equity. regardless of bill clinton cavorting with a pedophile, a dead pedophile, a convicted offender multiple times for which he has not been appropriately pressed. but aside from all the great work he's done with women after praying on an intern, anyhow, inez go-ahead. >> who among his doubts bill clinton's lifelong commitment to empowering women.
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the record of the administration so far in terms of actually quote unquote empowering women. overseas school closures have hit this proportion because women drop by the workforce because schools are not open braid that also this administration pushing of the equality act in equal rightse cd mail, which women rely on that for so much for a great example having separate female prince that separated mail and female inmates buried office that is a threat to vulnerable women to put them in with mail inmates. but that is something they can make happen. i think that it would be nice if vice president harris was actually pushed on the sadness ration policies of the guard to women. i'm very doubtful the president will be doing that. so >> and mom and her helmet women she locked up in cages but she was attorney general in california? the panel returns low but later becoming up teachers
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unions, they have been avoiding vaccines for they've been asking for stimulus money and approval from cdc to return to the classroom for their self by the evening the cdc said yep, you're safe to go, corey deangelis breaks down how we need to get kids back in school and how we can do that. back in a moment. at you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪'s before i venue losing so much sleep actually haven't been sleeping great because my children are not in school, they don't wake up until three in the afternoon. follow the science. unless you are a teacher aide just like the science anymore braid the cdc releasing new guidelines that 3 feet apart in classrooms is sacred that sounds great to everyone except those pesky teachers unions for the american federation of teachers president randi weingarten penned a letter tuesday saying they are not convinced braid the evidence proves 3 feet apart is safe although the world health organization and the american academy of pediatrics and the head of the cdc also the same thing principle the white house ever stop caving to teachers union demands? or will vulnerable student become the crossfire and definitely customer joined me
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to it discuss cato institute scholar and director of school choice, corey deangelis is here, welcome back corey prospect sent thanks much for having me. kennedy: they say they filed the science, there is the science 3 feet that is good. why are they insisting that 3 feet is not scientific enough for them to return to the classroom? why don't they want to go back? i do not understand. >> it's kind of funny a lot of the people who said follow the signs once they don't like the results of what the science study said they to their tune a little bit braid the whole school ripping debate for the entire last year has been more about politics and power dynamics then about safety in real concerns about the virus and needs of individual families. and it is a lot to do with incentive structures. look, the private schools of infighting to reopener they've been open for a long time whereas the public school teachers unions and so many places have been fighting for the opposite and kicking the can down the road every step
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of the way. the difference there is that one of these sectors get your money regardless whether they open their doors for business. so of course they have a strong incentive to keep moving the goal post. at this point taking the goalpost removing them from the stadium so they can use that position of power and leverage for more power and money and staffing. support does not have much money they say oh yeah, that is not enough. your school wasn't open so you been saving all this money, why do you take that money and say it's bended on ventilation? oh there's no ventilation waited more. matt welch pointed out in reason, you should have a pretty substantial data set showing from, as you mention the private schools, the catholic schools, the schools in florida what happens when kids are back in school and they are 3 feet apart. are they dropping like flies? >> no they are not. you interesting appoint out florida basement but 10,000
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$70 per student per year which is about 29% less the national average. and essentially all their students have access in person learning options full-time. more then you look at places like california that spends about 38% more per student per year than florida, and they have much stronger teachers unions. get their state is mostly closed or in person instruction. in families don't have that option over there. this contrast between these two locations again show each of its more about politics and power than it is about safety and the needs of family. i did a recent study at mit, we found no evidence to suggest that higher purple spending across 12000 different school districts the united states, it is not associate with the higher likelihood of reopening in person predict anything some of her evidence found that if anything, the schools that went remote or actually financially better off than there in person counterparts.
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a study by georgetown university researchers similarly found that school district that opted to keep the doors closed, had budget surpluses. look for example in los angeles the estimated to have about a half a billion dollars budget surplus. kennedy: take that money, go to the worst ventilated buildings and put all that money into ventilation's have no more excuses to open things up. another saying we cannot get any bus drivers. but as you pointed out the bus drivers are making more money not working. and so they have quit the profession. >> and fairfax county public schools, their bus drivers were getting paid to drive around empty buses because they were not reopening the schools but they were continuing the bus contracts and having the bus drivers just get practice by driving around town without any student in the buses. and look, there is not enough bus drivers to reopen the school, if that's your excuse to not reopen the schools, and give the families the money and let them figure it out.
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kennedy: amen, that is the solution. chlorate have been doing such good work there funded the students thought the schools, not the districts. that is the next step in all this. parents are mad enough they are mobilized in that direction, corey deangelis thank you so much respect thank you. before coming up one of my all-time favorite reality shows, deadliest catch is back with a brand-new season. it you know i went to alaska to go crab fishing with the boys? out give the ap to my alaskan adventures, next is sigg hansen. hi sega. in three, no! two, keep packing! one. these days, we want sophisticated but simple. cutting edge made user friendly. in other words, we want a hybrid. and so do retailers. which is why they're going hybrid, with ibm.
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seventeenth season just started the show was so successful because the stars are hard living sea captains they are authentic and insane in equal measure and last year a few of the captains invited me to it join them in alaska to show meet their salty slice of the sea. it was no easy journey, new york to seattle, stopped in anchorage, on that one last thousand mile flight to dutch harbor way out in the aleutian islands and legendary crab captain sig hansen was waiting for me on the dock, ready to bust my chops and put me through greenhorn boot camp pretty jeremy to participate in biting ahead off i hear and come to do? check it out. >> i have made it to dutch harbor alaska this is the legendary northwestern. i will be his new greenhorn, he's going to put me through the ringer, oversee let's go. very excited. >> you're making my heart swell. [laughter] ready to go to see?
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kennedy: ready to go to see whatever awaits out there let us go find it. it's the greenhorn. >> i'm here. she doesn't quite look like a television personality. kennedy. kennedy: yes >> some of their hair and makeup for you? kennedy: i don't wake up this beautiful, normal we talk about on my show there is no metal and rope, netting welded together. [inaudible] kennedy: that is a recipe for disaster. [laughter] a lot can go wrong here. like my prom night. [inaudible] here we go.
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okay love on that side? [background noises] i have one hand on it. as good as you get. is that enough? where do you want it? >> that you go. >> build up like this. [cheering] >> forgot one thing we gotta bite ahead off the herring for good luck. support that's about to get real. kennedy: think it to my lustrous host and the captain of this vessel. good luck. >> is no reason tradition, may good fortune filled the pots with the head of this herring.
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all the way and all the way in. [cheering] [cheering] kennedy: alaskan sushi that he coverts why the greatest things i've ever done as i mentioned the deadliest catch is now back, 17th season on discovery plus in the wake of a global pandemic the captains must fight for the industry survival rate let's take a look at how different fishing is this year compared to when i traded out. >> i've been coming up for 42 years. and i've never seen anything like this. it is a fight for survival. [background noises] for our future. crab fishery is the american dream and i'm not-that slip away. kennedy: damn straight due the legend step it up and save the crabbing industry. full get right into it deadliest catch star captain sig hansen.
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to back it's good to be back with a mission man, if gotta get back there. kennedy: can't wait the less of isaiah you and captain keith were arguing at the norwegian rat over who would die first. [laughter] >> okay he is going to win that bet trust me. [laughter] right, i am looking at this going how the hell do you fish during a global pandemic? everything was shut down before you got there. >> it was horrible part i am just glad we've got a job number one. but it was hard to get the job. it's hard to get started because of the pandemic. and under the new regulations of covid and all that stuff we did not even had a summer survey. so basically, fish and game was out there and they surveyed the bottoms, it was not done the summer because of covid. and because of that there is no numbers to go by. and because of that we did not know if there be a season. so thank goodness they take took our past attempt back history from a few years back look like they are doing well
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we were able to go fish. that was step number one. step number two you got a set of precedents, right? because we did not know where the crab were and we were kind of in the dark, we wanted to make sure we are setting a precedence for next year so we can do a next year pray to do that we had to bring in some big dogs like jonathan hill for example. we wanted to make sure the fleet worked as a team so we can catch the crab efficiently and so the numbers are there. and then just kinda set that precedents for the upcoming years, hopefully. kennedy: you guys all had to work together. i know you all know each other , i saw you guys in action sort of mapping things out. because when i was there for your launch, you could not tell if you were going to have to delay the season by a few days because there is a huge storm coming in. you're coordinating in that way. but when it comes to fishing it's pretty solitary. so how did you guys work
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together to work around the pandemic? smooth think at the end of the day the guys understandably do not set a precedence together, and if the numbers don't come in and we set that bar, everybody once a next year. we want sustainable fisheries, that is what we are all about. and i think the guys just had to suck up their pride and just figure all right, let's communicate for a change. and we are competitive. and that is just how it is. i think they had to put their pride aside and do together on this one. and it paid off it really did. kennedy: how did you do it in terms of keeping the vote safe. there were plenty of fishermen and women in the aleutian island to tested positive for covid there's an entire both those essentially wiped out. how did you keep your votes clean and safe? was a rapid testing wizard testing center you're all on top of each other in the vote. there is nowhere to go once
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you started your season. how do you offset that? >> we live and sail the majority the guys in seattle. we're very careful corn cheating, we tested two or three times the month of december before straight into quarantine. so a lot of the guys they were on their votes to be tested in dutch harbor, they were doing a great job by the way. the state of alaska is doing a great job. dutch harbor especially because it is such a unique fishing port. there's so much product the ghost of that porch. everyone is essential. and so, it was quarantine, testing, you did not leave the vote you are stuck on the vote. a lot of guys are stuck on their votes for weeks on end. that much larger cruise and it hit them hard. some of the processing plants had hundreds of employees that were affected. and literal they had shut those doors. can you imagine the millions and millions of dollars are
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going through those doors with fish, cod, crab and all that product and it needs to be shipped. so everybody is affected. muddled through it. wait in line will the other facility was quarantined. my hat is off to the state, to the town of dutch harbor to the fishing fleet. because at the end of the day everyone worked together. and they got it done it was a struggle it affected everything from the top guy down to the bottom. kennedy: just to be thought the show cannot be anymore challenging when you throw a pandemic in and fight exhausted and fishbone input and can't wait to watch a season thank you so much sig. kennedy: and one start watching on discovery plus. i didn't even notice other my daughter set me up this morning so i catch up on.
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super tell mandy how do you guys are amazing. >> i will do that. support we will go back on missing my heron. [laughter] deadliest catch is nostrum gun discovery plus tuesday 8:00 p.m. on discovery, so good. come at biden's brand-new spending spree. if you thought stimulus bill was a lot of money, wait until you hear how much sleepy joe is throwing at infrastructure. perhaps are the $4 trillion, better check the couch cushions, brian brumberg, brian dominic's, next.
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kennedy: a few thought the $1.9 trillion covid bill was big, wait to get a load of this bloated sequel. i didn't 3 trillion-dollar infrastructure plan, democrats are gearing up for a bill that would port trillions of your jobs into roads, bridges, railroads and unfortunates also going to pay for it (or
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dislike taxpayer funding college universal pre-k. what are the consequences of this level of spending going to be? here with me now fox news contributor the king's college in manhattan, brian brenberg is back, this is brianomics. welcome sir. >> ikeda. kennedy: hey. with this much spending what happens when you get knee-deep into all of this, and then the country runs out of money? will say when debt surpasses gdp, what happens then? we are in that torture bill have money to pay for this situation redo one of two bad things for you can raise taxes on investments, you can raise taxes on businesses switches exec with the biden administration stuck doing right now. including bump net corporate tax rate at the 28% per or you can keep borrowing.
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we are putting the fed in a really, really bad position right now. all of this spending spurs inflation kennedy, the fed has very little room to raise interest rates per because the minute they do our debt interest costs are going through the roof. and that we are in real trouble. we have backed ourselves into a corner sack about shoving us deeper into the corridor. the only way out of it the number one is to quit it with the spending british you said, really not at infrastructure nothing to covid nothing to do with infrastructure. support their new brushless left and the democrat parties were to save us from falling into this economic chasm? is anything in it for them
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talk about raising corporate tax rates on small businesses that will get hurt in places like arizona west virginia? i don't think so, kennedy paid a hate to be a pessimist about it but i don't see either one of those holding lyme push comes to shove. here is why comments to easy to borrow. the fact is for the past decade we have felt like borrowing has had no consequences. that is because the fed has financed finest projected but the politicians are now saying that does not matter. practically speaking every single one of them are modern monetary theorists. it doesn't work. >> yes perdu no it does not work in practice. the problem is they love living in this theory world they keep on spending. so no, i don't think sinema hold the line.
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they love inflation and they will not fight it would inflict push comes to shove you look at turkey right now, a look at what's happening now, that is exactly what we are setting ourselves up for. when he says is not worried about inflation i say i don't care if you think it's a problem, your only job should make sure it never becomes a problem. >> look at the venezuela bread once you are on that hand cartel there's no turning around. brian brenberg thanks much can we see bakken students going to happen soon. you bet. kennedy: brianomics. let's from the usually only happens to ms. starbucks. joe biden is set to become the first ever octogenarian president and americans history. he is now reportedly warming up to the idea is second term, why not a third? sources close to present by these considering a reelection run. for those deploying lung home,
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joe biden will be turning 82 years old in 2024, i think that's great going be 79 this year. have you seen this guy lately? the kind of thing that happened to 78, how much final his second term being? departed panel is back, inez stepman, katherine mangu-ward, and michael gordon. is that a great idea second term for joe biden? snack absolutely is a great idea for first wasn't really well right now he's more popular than trump ever was. by the way, trump assignment running again this only for your age gap respect while i'm not a republican it i'll tell you all that is a bad idea. i'll even care that sounds ageist. you gotta get these old numbers out of office that means nancy pelosi, hoyer, all of them just done. i don't care, when people in their 60s start looking like sexy, which they are don't get me wrong, then it is time for a paradigm shift.
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>> soaked candidate once give you my prediction though. biden is going to be reelected to a second term but he's going to step down reasonably early on and kamala harris will become the first woman president and biden will get additional place in history for doing that. that's really excited because she will of done it on her own. how paternalistic, katherine your thoughts? >> i do think the presidency is the one ring. once they have it they're not going to let it go. kennedy: that is for sure. i think that universal we should assume from the start. forced to choose between a geriatric joe biden and eight peak of her powers kamala harris i'm not actually sure which sounds worse to me. i would agree with you i'd
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love to see a woman president elected on her own merit. i don't like the idea of debate and switch. in so i hope to work step aside for him she shouldn't run as a nominee and when her own right. i noticed? >> i'm certainly not a fan of kamala harris for president or the first female president should be handed that position by man. kamala harris dropped out fairly early in the democratic party she's never proven she's able to run and win on a national level. in terms of the presidency, opposition did win his vp but that position was given to her. i do not know why having three presidents of the last four be born in 1946 was not enough or skeptical backwards in time? ugly 1946 of the first year of the baby boomer generation bird we actually decided no more boomers were going to go into the generation going to go backwards for geriatrics.
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[laughter] rp republican democrats would buy whatever canada's they come, but i do think there is something historical and not good about having all of our major leaders on both sides be geriatric. there is a reason why we should probably have more gen x politicians. as a manella lineal gen x folks this is your call you're losing too too much in urbana you forgot that some of you need to run for president. >> that's fine i'm not going to run for president going to run for enlightened, much more enticing position. thank you so much a great hump day, hump night, topical storm is next. most reliable network. we designed our 5g to make the things you do every day, better. with 5g nationwide, millions of people can now work, listen, and stream in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities where people can use massive capacity,
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kennedy: new york state officials have reached a deal to vote on a law that would legalize marijuana. now potheads have to wait for it to pass. that is having high hopes, this is a topical storm. topic number one, a california man claims he found shrimp tails, dental floss, a peace of string canopy and a box of cinnamon toast crunch. while my mama always said life was like a box of cinnamon toast crunch. you never know what you are
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going to get. on monday tweeted photos of what looked to be shrimp tails. port out of his cereal box asking for an explanation in the company's defense they do look crunchy, so at least they got that right. i don't know what he is complaining about for the best part of cinnamon toast crunch what's how it always major milk taste like the pacific ocean. the alleged shrimp tails were only eight filled up of sugar. tweeted focus that other objects he found inside. sadly these were all healthier teeth than the actual cereal. the makers of cinnamon toast crunch of this could not possibly have happened when the facilities i hope they are rights. a story like this could be a real serial killer. i said it. topic number two. and now, to sighting in york city, not talk about an american flag, take a look at this pod of dolphins.
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they are so cute. they were spotted swimming in new york's east river, someone save them. yep, nope, scroll down there we are. no the other way, someone keep governor cuomo away from those blowholes, they are the rapists of the secret only in new york and go from brand-new subway full of masturbating homeless to seeing majestic dolphins. this was an embarrassing day for new york jets when they heard dolphins were in town, they immediately began sucking their thumbs and crying. site to say the dolphins may have come to the river while chasing prey making some the only lifeforms in new york still working for their food release appeared to be common dolphins which paradoxically makes the siding very unusual. although it's not the weirdest marine life citing this week. he also found crabs. topic number three. a cargo ship has become stuck in egypt's suez kanawha
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blocking all waterway traffic. so now, if you want to get through you'll have to walk like an egyptian. this is the container ship that turned sideways while on its way to the netherlands. so now we know what the captain was smoking. 1300-foot ship is blocking move saudi, russian oil tankers. here in america we are still energy independent nevermind, said the vote was pushed off course by a sudden strong wind for this is be the same breeze that attacked president biden last very scary. [laughter] areas, he's never going to get through. our president is as strong as one of the world's largest container ships, i have never been so proud. meanwhile the suez kanawha chairman order crews who freed the ship by any means necessary whether by digging it out the land or pulling it loose with tugboats, i am paraphrasing pretty what he actually says is whatever
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floats your vote. thankfully a military spokesperson said no u.s. navy ships have been affected by the closure, mostly because the entire fleet is on standdown from an anti- trump seminar. very good, topic number four. prices going going in the coffee industry is about to pour over her to supply nightmares creating an american coffee shortage. personally i blame the been counters for the bean dip. but maybe i am being too harsh. the report claims the shortage of shipping containers has led to a backlog of coffee beans and producer companies like brazil while sinking u.s. coffee stockpiles to six years loper this is bad news for the white house. present biden needs three cups everyone just to forget his own last name. at least dunkin' donuts will be fine, there's no coffee in the coffee anyway. exporters and a scrabbling to retina shipping containers while paying to repair old ones from portion of the repairman keep telling them, okay, but first coffee.
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one brazilian supplies of the coffee shipments were already arriving 15 days late they may pronounce it lots i. the ban is the coffee prices are about up the good news is, we'll see how much liberals really care about their precious illegal once they find out there taking up valuable coffee space. that is said, i will be right back. new polident propartial helps purify your partial and strengthens and protects natural teeth. so, are you gonna lose another tooth? not on my watch! this is andy, my schwab financial consultant. here's andy listening to my goals and making plans. this is us talking tax-smart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest. this is andy reminding me how i can keep my investing costs low and that there's no fee to work with him. here's me learning about schwab's satisfaction guarantee. accountability, i like it.
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kennedy: think of was the best out of your day. foment twitter an instagram at kennedy nation. facebook candy fbm e-mail kennedy appian basement that converts more game that kept crisp air, tom bevan's, make every day crisis and a smuggler's paradise. the business that's booming in areas between ports of entry at the southwest border. we are live from texas in just moments as the biden administration points the finger at former president donald trump for the migrant surge. plus, europe's struggling to contain a third covid wave. how the nations overseas are responding as infections continue to rise. a report from london this hour. and americans are rolling the dice with their stimulus checks. in one state that's roaring back to life. i'm jackie deangelis, and this is "fox business tonight." ♪
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