tv Kennedy FOX Business April 13, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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remember the run on toilet paper during the height of the pandemic last year? now toilet paper sales are down 4%. since many pandemic is over? while we report, you decide. i am come that we will see you tomorrow evening, thanks for watching. ♪ ♪. kennedy: when will the pandemic be over? and who decides? there is no denying kids look adorable in their little star wars and dinosaur face masks. but at what point do we let little one stop being terrified of other bodies and services so they do not think everyone and everything is going to kill them? as of today 190 milli- vaccines have been administered, that isn't fantastic and exciting news. it is so appropriate this prescient relief is happening during spring just about everyone's about to feel as glorious as a fully flowering
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cherry blossom tree. unless doctor doom has his way put anthony fauci is add it again for putting the idea of normalcy. even for the recently jazz. is the latest annoying and depressing exchange. >> eating and drinking indoors indoors in barges at okay now? >> no, it's still not okay for the simple reason that the level of infection, the dynamics of infection in the community are still really disturbingly hyper if you are not vaccinated please get vaccinated as soon as vaccine becomes available to you. and if you are vaccinated please remember that you still have to be careful and not get involved in crowded situations, particularly indoors where people are not wearing masks. kennedy: was keeping stories but getting secular second shot evenly one shot j&j is causing bad headlines but the risk feeling crappy leads to
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more facial constraints and months at they shattered why bother get the vaccine at all? that's a simple calculation people make when they hear the top doctor they are supposed to trust stay tuned vaccines do little to lift your misery. note family meals out? no plane trips? i'm sure small businesses and airlines are delighted to hear that dangling dingle berry. all of this self-imposed suffering and life still cannot go back to normal for there only a couple of reasons to maintain this authority terry gripped in the name of science. number one, if you admit the vaccines are extremely effective as they appeared to be have to give the previous administration credit for getting bureaucracy out of the way and putting a rush order on resuming normal life. or number two, it's really about control. if you keep changing the rules you never have to stop playing the game. the people are sick of being pawns in this interminable cruelty. millions more people are being vaccinated every week and heard immunity is more than a
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calculus of the previously infected combined with the vaccinated. it is the understanding that will be reasonably now as a society and individuals we have passed the point of imminent danger, we will decide in the pandemic is done instead of waiting for power-hungry power has to decide everything for us, that is the memo. now the problem is, also lies with the left wing media. cnn for instance being mocked after reticent reporting reported that 10% of fully vaccinated people who fly could still become infected with coronavirus. that is not true. that is a horrible misreading of the data. if our leaders costly with the goalpost as they have been doing in some quarters of the rest flat out lied, who was supposed to listen to it once get into each in a size party panel its intuitive independent women's form senior policy analyst and the federalist contributor inez estep and his hair along with reasons a feature editor. he's got a giant dog and even
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bigger brain peter souter met his back got democrat strategist former biden campaign sergei he birthed that baby and he is still in labor, kevin walling is also back thanks. >> thank you kennedy. kennedy: is so nice to have you here this is what is thinking about today. walking around i lived next to a preschool. it's all these poor little kids know of schools having a mask on a being terrified and constantly sanitizing. but as their parents are standing out front talking about the vaccine they just gotten, thinking to myself, who declares when we go back to normal or when the pandemic is over, inez? >> i think people will declare the pandemic over when they see the numbers were in this weird. were still vaccinating people. i think it's a very reasonable to be optimistic this will be over the more people get vaccinated. i think to be in this very
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weird campus i expect is a lot bigger than the media would have you believe or social media sites would have you believe i could take this very seriously. the protocols and so on. but now i'm super excited to get back to normal life with this vaccine. another dose in a couple weeks i cannot wait to get back to normal life. that's that not overseeing in the media i agree with you is a really bad messaging when you tell people nothing's going to change and you get these vaccines. kennedy: and peter you're supposed to wear to masks in case the first one is not tight enough and you really should not be on a plane party should not be in a restaurant but that's great information for people in their 70s and '80s people in her 20s, 30s, 40s who are climbing the wall, that kind of advice is not advice. it is malpractice, what are you think peter?
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>> doctor fauci's message here is totally wrongheaded it's counterproductive. he sang in one breath you really have to get a vaccine he's right. you should get a vaccine covid is real is still out there it's the best way to protect yourself and the people around you. but vaccination is the path to beating this thing on a personal and societal level. but he's basically saying once you get vaccinated you still cannot really do anything. i think this just goes to a big persistent problem with public health authorities who are in some ways really quite good at informing us of say the course of the virus the nature of it and how it works. that's what they are there to do. but they are not great at determining public policy or helping people make individual decisions. if we were all following cdc health advice all the time no one would ever eat a rare steak or have a cocktail within eggen or whiskey with four whiskeys. kennedy: i would like all those things at once.
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i don't think i am wrong nor my in the minority, kevin. i think peter is absolutely right. if we listen to the cdc, if we listen to the fda we would not have vaccines at all. if we file the typical processes that the fda and the establishment would have us follow it would be three and half more years before we saw anything, can you imagine that? >> know i can't relisten, i am single it itching to get back in those bars. another point to listen to doctor about human to come to that of any got my second i'm ready to get out there. but i think what doctor fauci's role in the government is to kind of play the worst-case scenarios of. kennedy: isn't he powerful? 's neck sure he's powerful he is the respect of the american people. i don't know two power but he's with the american people to the extent it can is a level of respect in this country despite some of the mistakes he has made as part of this process. but he is still universally
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regarded as being pretty honest and spot on when it comes to this pandemic and the response to it but again you've got to give people hope. we are so close. kennedy: that's a thing is not giving people hope. and he responses >> i with you. there is a lot we still do not understand about the virus. i get it, considering what we have learned and how people have been behaving in open states and numbers have been essentially the same as in closed estates, then let's open more states and let people choose for themselves how they interact with one another. because the people are by and large pretty good, and as they do not want to hurt other people. they do not what to get sick themselves. meka think that's exactly what is wrong about the way our public health officials have handled this. they have assumed the american people are stupid and need to be scared in order to follow some of these directives. i actually disagree
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completely. not just doctor fauci all of our public health apparatus. [laughter] i really hope we do not have another big pandemic right after this one. they have blown their credibility to smithereens time after time after time. they were wrong at the beginning about masks, the government agency screwed up testing in the beginning of this pandemic. they have been wrong about thing after thing. as you said this is a new virus i understand information changes. but then you have actual statement saying oh, we actually did not tell you the truth about masks we're worried there is going to be a rush on them. >> there not be enough of them. little old ladies were sitting in their sewing rooms making masks for anyone who would take it. it was not long before people figured out you can macgyver your own mask. people are smart, people are thrifty. people are also able to creatively come up with solutions as they have in restaurants. when in some places they've not been allowed to do that.
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god, and hazards i hope there's not another pandemic round the corner i do not have enough oatmeal. portofino seen a little bit i wish there was a doctor because we have read so many medical questions and health officials are pumping the brakes on the johnson & johnson vaccine that's a little scary for they say they will be reviewing rare and jab. and by rare i'm talking incredibly rare six cases out of more than 7 million people have received the j&j vaccine. less than one in a million chance of having something pretty disasters happen. today doctor fauci said the pauses out of an abundance of caution, here he is. spirit we are totally aware this is a very rare event. we want to get this worked out as quickly as we possibly can. that is why you see the word pause. we just want to hold off for a bit and very well may go back to that. maybe with some conditions may be some not. wound to leave that up to the
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fda and the cdc to investigate this carefully. i don't think was pulling the trigger too quickly. kennedy: what is causing the blood clots? one havarti got the the johnson & johnson vaccine should you be worried because don't worry it now infectious disease specialist senior scholar for the johns hopkins center for health security it is doctor amesh adalja. welcome back sir. >> thanks for having me. so for ocean charge of more things are pretty calm. one of those who who reads everything does not try to scare the be jesus out of everybody. so it should people he's scared because they've gotten the j&j jab? >> actually not. this side effect is something that is very rare. ficus and one and a million pretty happened in a select group of people. we don't have its link to the johnson & johnson vaccine is something that is recognizable, it is treatable. we know a lot about it because we don't happen to the astrazeneca vaccine did very similar type of process we believe. i believe people do not need to be panicked needs to be
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investigated and sort out but is not merit any kind of, what all the pause and all of this consternation over this vaccine. kennedy: how much vaccine are they making every day? or every week? iser and moderna have they stepped up production? and do they have enough now? i think it's about 280 million doses that have been delivered. a hundred 98 million have been administered. is there enough so we do not have to worry about j&j? and if we do not have to worry about j&j. this is on bed up 5% of the vaccines people of god. for luckily got pfizer and moderna we are lucky they'll easily meet the demand of the american public. what i'm really worried about is this type of headline, this type of setback for johnson & johnson. there been multiple setbacks, multiple headlines is going to add to vaccine hesitancy. when they try to resume the johnson & johnson a couple of days i think it's going to be difficult. think the be some spillover effect to the other vaccine that are basically going just
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strap like that to the moderna vaccine and the fisa vaccine. i think were going to have a challenge to commence the last group of people this is safe and effective vaccine for is going to make life better that's going to be a big challenge. kennedy: that's a really critical group of people for their most skeptical of government experts were telling them do this, don't do that because you get the vaccine life is still going to suck. they're going to be the last ones were the only ones they listen to our their friends and family members and neighbors have gotten the vaccine. and that infectious joy and relief people have when they get vaccinated and there two weeks out from their second shot, that is the biggest selling point that they have got. that's the ultimate marketing tool. i look at some of the statements by anthony fauci he is really on doing that good marketing and goodwill. >> happy very carefully do not undersell this vaccine. i tell people to accept a the
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vaccine, you can basically go back to most of your normal life pretty think whatever your risk tolerances you're not going to be someone who has a severe case of covid-19 pretty not likely to be a spreader of this. i think this is something we need to tell people. they need to see this vaccine is a value to the personal life. if they don't do not going to get it. i think that something we've been trying to combat but there been so many naysayers, people of undercut the vaccine barely have to really look at this vaccine is a great peace of technology that will improve your personal life. kennedy: speaking of spreaders reading an article in the near post about people who attend orgies. our orgies safe fall participants have been vaccinated? >> probably say from covid-19 is probably something else you can catch their prey. [laughter] yes believe you do not need a mosquito net you will catch it. all right doctor amesh adalja thank you so much. >> thanks or have any parts before coming up searching at the borders white house strikes a deal central
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american countries and wait until he heard the administration is asking federal workers to do to help solve the crisis. dust off your babysitting skills. director immigration joins me. i said his name wrong again, but i love him he is annexed. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. these are the people who work on the front lines. they need a network that's built right. that's why we created verizon frontline. the advanced network and technology for first responders. built on america's most reliable network. built for real interoperability. and built for 5g. it's america's #1 network in public safety. verizon frontline. built right for first responders.
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kennedy: welcome back. plagiarism looks like the white house is once again from the trump administration playbook just days after we learned it might add to the border while pretty fighting team enough central american countries have agreed to beef up their own security, which will hold mexico, guatemala honduras and thousands of new troops to their borders. the white house says this should encourage immigrants from surging north but will it work was marked with been allocated institute of immigration studies alex nowrasteh. your name is beautiful and you deserve better than this. >> but it's poorly spelled so i cannot blame you. kennedy: who needs a name that's easy pc when you got a brain like yours, alex. so let us discuss. something interesting you brought up by reference at last night on the show is, what think about why people are coming here in the first
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place. the biting administrations talk about achish payment to people in the northern tribal to dissuade them from coming north. maybe they have a little spending money they won't seek employment in the united states for you made the point that, that would never be enough. you need to increase their income to three times in order to stop immigration. how do we do that? >> i do not think the u.s. government can do that. the ironic thing if we gave them the cash, they would probably use it to hire smugglers that come up to the border to try to come. we have the exact opposite effect. these countries need to do is to adopt a more free market policies have more representative government. and there's not really much the u.s. government can do except encourage free trade and the drug war and to allow some legal immigration from these countries so people can send money back on meth about all we can do. kennedy: yes when i say we i mean the free market. the u.s. government is giving
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too much prayer think there so much problem at -- summit school in puma says that all he compounds it that's not making anything better saudi solution oriented plan this in menstruation or the lasted menstruation or the next administration has. i want to figure out how do we create a climate so capitalism can thrive and take root in that part of the world? certainly they've got natural resources other than heroin and marijuana. >> and guatemalans, hondurans and mexicans when they come to the u.s. they do incredibly well for themselves. they send money home, their entrepreneurial. decent governments have really bad policies that rob people that have oppressive regulations. an enormous amount of crime where they steal in services from people at the point of a gun for the need to reform these policies. the u.s. government could get off their back a little could stop giving them money to fight drug wars. maybe not invade this country so often. i think that would help.
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but ultimately it's on these countries to really perform and they need to do it. did the people there are entrepreneur and intergenic they just need the incentive to produce the prosperous country like the one we enjoy. >> that is what we need to investigate as a society, how do we encourage more capitalism? it is not the devil. it is the solution here. it's too much bad government, which is making these lies absolutely unbearable. so now i got the surge that we talked about several times now part of got kids incentivized to come over the border by themselves. they are piling up in these facilities and giving each other covid rates and nasty celebration. they're asking federal workers take four months off and go babysit. is that a good solution? >> no, it is not a solution >> to the temporary band-aid to help. for most of these of federal workers at probably do more good babysitting kids than doing their normal job, right?
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i thought to bath in that sense both want to make sure we get these kids out of these facilities and we want make sure we have an immigration system that functions, have a federal employees via babysitters we need a legal immigration's essence of these kids, their parents can come together they can come at the end of their visas was a pretend to be daycare for several months for it and then hands them off to their illegal immigrant families in the united states. boon to let the men legally through regulated system through regular visas and get the government and get out of being a daycare. kennedy: build a wall around the welfare state. alex nowrasteh thank you so much respect thank you. spent second night of violence and looting in minnesota. now calling to an end but who will grandma's in
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for welcome back after two nights of trouble place in minnesota ready for more writing and looting. comes out after the killing of dante rice for defunding and abolishing the police altogether with one even coming from a congresswoman. tweeted it was not an accident policing in our country is inherently and intentionally racist big dante wright was met with aggression and violence i'm done with those who condone government-funded murder no more policing incarceration militarization it cannot be reformed. so congress when protected by military fence and thousands of national guard soldiers wants to abolish the police pray today white house press secretary jen psaki asked if
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the president feels the same way, watch. >> jamaica of those comments you disavow more policing? >> that is not the president's view. the presidency as there is necessary outdated reforms that should be put in place. there is accountability that needs to happen. that the loss of life is far too high. >> that is far too hybrid she still did not say thing abolishing the police probably not the answer. but what can be done between the extreme to keep citizens, police intercity state for joining me tonight in studio fox news political analyst the speakeasy has a fox news primetime 7:00 p.m. in the box news channel lawrence jones welcome back my >> i love the studio the nightclub. sweetheart that's right going to be sweet. that's absolutely right so were going to be done because we cannot drink on camera legibly. our rights over going to talk about this. there is inherent racism or society. you cannot deny that.
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talking about tim scott getting stop six times in the capitol. if you and i made the same wrong term only one of us would get pulled over. >> it's hard to because i have such respect for cots. it's a difficult conversation there's nowhere in my life or i make an excuse for the way i look. i'm going to go out there and do my job like everybody else. we the blue you back the community my fear of that is first of all humanity. you cannot state law and order get people due process. this just because someone creates a criminal act does not mean they should not be able to go home that night. we can go into different cases when it's justified and when it wasn't justified.
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but when republicans do not provide a response to what is happening in america it comes to that relationship it leaves room for bad ideas. on the squad and the radicals them into defiant of course it's ridiculous respect they do not know what they're talking about. it's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. if any one of the families were in harm way they would pick up the phone a downline when one if not that's it admission everyone gets to go to firearms. you have to build to defend yourself if you call the police when you've been assaulted or your life is in danger you see something suspicious or you have a firearm within it all times respect these are the same people today would you have firearms as well. they have security details protected by the capitol who begged nancy placidity the ideas are dumb. there has to be something to fill your void you cannot say business as usual because people are set up.
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this shooting in particular is heartbreaking because i feel for the family mr. wright he deserved to go home that day. i know people want this to be black and white i don't think she meant to shoot him. this person had 26 years how does that happen to mark before a socket to my brother he's a smart person he said he did not know anything about the details of this officer that sprung forth for long time i bet she's retired on duty i bet she's lazy in is not had proper training. and she kind it which she was supposed to do but reach for the wrong weapon and kill the guy because he was pulled over for tabs and air freshener. personally that should not happen respect where peeping being pulled over for that? i understand people with on order. but we have got to choose.
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is it more important for americans to go at home, was that worth it? was that stop worth it? it's not enough in some of those their life. and so, like i said. i have grace for everyone in the situation part i don't think she needs to be tried for capitol murder. but she does have to pay the piper because someone did not go home. >> i'm sorry but she should. even if it is gross incompetence that kid is dead like his story ends and it could not happen at it worst time in a worse place. >> the city is already on edge there two different cases but life was lost respect yes the anger is already there. you said it brilliantly earlier just came with a bunch of gasoline imported all of this? black cop space but they could
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and having this conversation i don't just say community policing part i say community relationship. the community should step in first and then the police should back them up or it has to be hand-in-hand. i grew up with that i no good cops. i grew up a wedding to be those cops a lot more can be dumpy >> absolutely lawrence jones don't be strange of respect i won't be. but you've got to bring booze. okay. [laughter] all right, meantime some democrats are in fight it rest of the squad. speaker of the house nancy pelosi bless them and a bucket interview claims nancy used a childlike tone when discussing aoc and gave the squad advice saying you are not a one-person show this is the congress and the united states pizza who is writing the show on the democrat side of the aisle customer departed panels back inez stepman, peter suderman, and kevin wilding. i'm going to serve you kevin
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this is your party. give some pretty clear issues here. you also had a report from a non- political entity same aoc and other members of the squad very ineffective in terms of getting bills out of committee and getting any legislation passed. they do act as one model list is clearly frustrating leadership for the view from here? >> candidates a good point. i will note you say the same level of inefficiency on the right flank with jim jordan and the freedom caucus because you have those extremes it just like to tweet and go on tv and do not get their work done include the squad with that. nancy pelosi is that map is she runs at caucus like an iron fist gorged john weiner in his book today there are some fissures in our part of assessing donald trump calling mitch mcconnell a dumb s ob in front of his own party leadership this past week and part i will take the democrats out of it was sought out a
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mar-a-lago any day. support just goes to show, peter, both parties have real issues. but thank you democrats have been better about projecting unity. see like joe biden coming in when his the crack open up to a chasm? what is the issue? >> it's real easy to project unity when you have just one control of both chambers of commerce and the white house. and you have also decided money isn't real anymore, right? this is holding the parties together at the moment they've all basically decided to discard any pretense of fiscal responsibility. that allows them to do everything for everyone instead of walk into the kitchen and paying off all the cooks the dormant in the guy bringing out his table he's paying off all of the different elements.
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for a while right? it's some point you run out of other people's money to spend that point the fissures in the democratic party we already started to see are going to be more apparent. they are going to make it harder for the coalition to continue governing. kennedy: it is interesting. nowadays people do not really want to do anything they want to seemed like they're doing something. i think that's what establishment democrats are doing that their trendiest hashtags and language to seemed like they really care. but, their actions do not essentially beat their hashtags do they? >> gas and aoc beating them at that game. i know she has not had many legislative accomplishments. think we are moving into an era of politics for those matter less and your ability to tell your story and sob in front of the cameron have
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viral tik tok is actually powerful form of politics but i despise it does not make it in cognizant of how powerful it is part i agree with you aoc is beating democrats at their own game in terms of turning this into emotional soundbites. before we have republicans that say we wish we had on aoc penalty what ran pull through on some lipstick you're almost there. party panel thank you so much you guys are fantastic. love talk with all of the inez, peter, and kevin. coming up as a war with russia inevitable? some military experts say it's looking like rocky for all over again. he ordered the military to the military border are we prepared to stop him with logs of meat? that is next. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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russian tanks artillery into smitty's 50000 troops now knew the russian border with ukraine. russia claims as part of a military exercise but russian-speaking rebels have been in a slow burning war to break away from ukraine since 2014. it is possible these troops are part of a russian campaign to end the stalemate. meanwhile russia says the u.s. better stay out of it the warpage for the two superpowers is inevitable. what is putin's goal here? what's the chance the u.s. gets involved oh dear lord, everything a former state department senior advisor for president bush the younger and the older and center for national interest senior fellow christian whiting is back. welcome back christian. >> rate to be here kennedy. so what is russia doing here? >> it's probably not a prelude to war you can never be certain. almost every russian invasion plan begins with sorted that
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military exercise to amass what's happening but it's far more likely that putin is trying to intimidate ukraine, possibly to pressure them into making a move that would justify russian intervention. it's also possible putin is sending a message to washington. he did not like being called the killer in an outbreak of verbiage this may be a way of frankly reminding the left there is a very little we can do in response respect that is true but are they broke? can they really afford this level of flexing? make it is interesting. of course europe's economy is ten times the size of russia's. you are not talking about a massive expenditure or willing to devote a part of its economy. we tried repeatedly into behaving differently each time
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the outcome is the same and rushes willing to encourage economic downside to do what it wants and to preserve its sovereignty. nothing here would be beyond the financial capabilities and requirements of the kremlin. >> telling about these russian speaking separatist? >> this is an issue, the eastern part of ukraine you have parts of the country were more than 80% of the people speak russian and currently at russian antics more than 90% of people speak russian they are. a lot of these people hold russian passports a lot have an affinity more for russia part of russia than the train. no witnesses a part of their country kept slip away by a hybrid warfare little green men. these are sort of the low hanging fruit if putin doesn't want to access russia's border this of the logical place to
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do it. so far that's true there are things going on here that a been simmering now for seven years. is this something that is going how does this resolve this to peaceful resolution with putin charger does ukraine have to wait for the next strongman to hopefully have a more rational conversation about their border? putin to use the frame gone after low hanging fruit. c's takes with little bloodshed. talk about parts of georgia parts of ukraine he also has an incentive to do this. there's a lot of talk including georgia. they maintain smoldering crises there.
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that prevents us from making that move. see for this is what we have to do, christian i'm not trying to tell your job he's a ukraine expert bridge the only one who can solve this, am i wrong? he's really knows how to work a boardroom he's probably fun to hang out? christian white thank you so much. >> thank you kennedy. kennedy: topical storm is next.
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kennedy: music superstar ushers being accused of using fake money at a strip club. but in his defense, all of the body rt was waiting the back cash at our fake two. that is paying funny money for phony baloney and the sick topical storm. topic number one. dominance or poorly testing out a new self driving pizza delivery robot. it is a delivery boy of tamara prete bring you pizza from yesterday. if you are lucky. the new robot rolls out delivering pizza sodas and desserts to customers and door steps.
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then when you're done gorging yourself you can hitch a ride to the hospital for your cardiac arrest. multitasking lava. customers receive a pin code which they will apply into the robot to retrieve their orders. because it's dominus that pin count is 6969. i just hope the pizza taste the same without the delivery guys a cigarette ashes on top. the company says the houston experiment will give them insight and abdominals customers prefer to interact with robots. i guess is they'll try to get it high. this is been thoroughly researched, dominus as they are confident there's a strong strong market for robotic delivery based on the success of seth myers. topic number two, incredible video from a california nest cam were a bear wandered into a home and was chased away by tiny dogs. first, there he is the bare storms into the backyard like the owns the place. takes a lovely drink from the
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owners water fountain and is basically california's tax policy in an animal video part i will take this it's mine now. then he finds his way to the kitchen for some illegal indoor dining. hey, where's your mask smoky? actually this was no accident. turns out the bear was sent by the feds to ask about a mean tweet directed at aoc. that's what happens when you poke the bear. [laughter] then the homeowners two terriers run to the rescue. escort and meme barking up a storm and fierceness of their dog hero dmx. rest in peace. too soon. because the bear to fleeing the sea entrancing fast the bear is not really afraid he knew if he stuck around long the dog was her talk about which vaccine they got. and he just not could dare to have that conversation again. moderna, pfizer. topic number three. if you are a settling for the ultimate travel bag, you might
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want to stick this under your wing. louis vuitton selling a $39000 airplane shaped bag, this is perfect for a 12-year-old who makes half a billion dollars a year. fashion insiders say the airplane bag is part of the brain's attempt to capture more masculine and that makes sense because the men i know always dress more plain. then when running this bag has just as many working engines sn united flights. and more legroom than spirit airlines paid reviews so far are a mixed bag. some people think is a sad sack others say it looks like personally i think it makes for hilarious conversation. portion of that conversation will happen entirely behind your back when everybody's making fun of you. that is so rich, topic number four. pentagon has invented a microchip that can detect covid-19 from inside your belly customer can case the government's getting under your skin up the chip is designed to be implanted
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inside you and continuously test your bloodstream. but if i really wanted the government inside of me i would go work for governor cuomo. gross. once implanted the shippable sent alerts of the detect trayce of covid-19 but you can also set it to vibrate when a new season of bridget and becomes available. the pentagon says the chip will not track you, right. that's good news as a fraidy computer chip in my bloodstream would be invasive. while it is not been fda approved the pentagon is approved in other covid lighting device arty in use. official site of also invented a dialysis machine that can remove the comforting virus from your blood or you can just drink and jack daniels. before we go, don't forget it is tickle me tuesday. you only have three minutes to guess this punchline but do not treat under sheet. use tickle me tuesday.
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[laughter] teddy loves the tickle beat tuesday and diaper doctrines almost got it right in mark he was right on the money thank you for what's the best out of your day. feldman twitter an instagram at kennedy nation facebook in the event e-mail kennedy appian at tamara knight robby soave and. [inaudible] make every day a trend 12. >> a roadblock for j&j's one stop shop. the vaccine put on pause to give the fda and cdc time to investigate a possible negative health effects would look at the doctors taken just moments. plus, not so smooth sailing. cruise lines still crippled by the pandemic. we are take you live to port canaveral this hour. and, president biden is facing foreign policy challenges on multiple fronts. could we be heading towards global
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