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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 15, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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president safe we put on the screen help reagan addressed congress 29 days after, poppa bush 20 days, bill clinton 28 days, trump 39 days. mr. biden at 98 better late than never i guess we thanks for watching folks we will see you tomorrow night. ♪ ♪. kennedy: in a tragic move for a wimping biden has made the correct choice to finally pull out of afghanistan, the war has proven to be expensive, unwinnable, absurd protracted, and there is no definition of victory whatsoever. and we are two decades and. whenever a presidents almost closed the book on america's longest war, next to the war on drugs, they are pulled back into the fracas with promises of an al qaeda or isis on steroids holding itself out of the region toward the next 911. 2400 american servicemen and women have paid with their
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lives there. not to mention over 100,000 civilian deaths according to the un. conservative estimates pegged the 20 year war cost $824 billion. when you factor in a broader range of cost you be naïve not to, we were squeaking over the 2 trillion-dollar mark. and for what? all of the money report in their growing the economy but we have nothing to show for the 24 billion we have torched in the name of economic development. unemployment there is way upward afghan corporations which warded over by successively more corrupt regimes hired cheap labor from afghan and india. you know what they did there? how to make a lot of money, making lots and lots of opium pretty what to make a mark a great again, and the drug war and grow poppies here in the cemetery of the keystone pipeline. but report from the ig for afghan reconstruction it is noted that counter narcotics campaign there has been a
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dismal failure. their word not mine. but i concur. you have got objective listed deaths at goodwill to put it mildly, all for a war that makes us know safer and certainly no better. i am astounded people like senator jeanne shaheen says i am very disappointed in the president's decision to set a september deadline to walk away from afghanistan part she continues, the u.s. to sacrifice too much to bring stability to afghanistan, to leave without verifiable assurances of a secure future. a lady, want to sit around for verifiable assurances? good luck sister. you have better luck sending ben & jerry's and help that's our time to take the bullhorn away and get the hell out of afghanistan for good. and that is the memo. earlier today president biden gave us his reasons for pulling troops out of afghanistan, watch.
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>> i believe that our presence and afghanistan should be focused on the reason we went in the first place. to ensure afghanistan would not be used as a base from which to attack our homeland again. we did that. we accomplish that objective. kennedy: but as i mentioned he is running into differences. >> it is a really reckless decision. i think you do not end wars by announcing that you are leaving. what you do if you see the ground to your enemy. >> the result of this decision today by president biden is cancel insurance policy that in my view, would prevent another 911 priest back withdrawing u.s. forces from afghanistan is a grave mistake. it is a retreat in the face of an enemy that is not yet been vanquished. an abdication of american leadership. kennedy: 's was now the time to finally bring our brave men
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and women home? who have been the for way too long question of joining me tonight fox and friends we can coast author of modern warriors, pete is here, welcome nice to see you. >> hi katie good to see you. kennedy: we are in agreement on this that bring joy to my heart. the doomsayers in both the parties is not just republicans but it is not just what people would consider the usual suspects you have saying the same thing but there is zero justification for any more per traction and afghanistan, what are your thoughts? >> i agree the academy. mitch mcconnell once us to stay until his measure when the enemy is vanquished is reached. when will that be? exactly. listen, i am as you know at recovering neo- conservative prick took me a long time to give the hubris about human nature and what we could do at the end of a rifle in afghanistan. but once you have been there, seen it and understand what we
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are up against you understand why this is a tragic at this .20 years in waste of resources prick does not take away from the heroism so many gave their ice out firsthand. but ultimately what do we get from what we put in? in a world of unlimited resources, fine state forever managed a small possibility turns into another 911 again. that's not the world we live in. the communist chinese are stacking the deck around the globe we are stuck in afghanistan to rebuild the country that does not want to rebuild with afghan security forces saw firsthand we have been training side-by-side for 20 years and still cannot take on the tally band because the taliban has a connection with the population. if you understanding tribal system that you understand why the national government would never work. there are no good options, kennedy. it was the right decision by joe biden he rarely makes the right decision in this case he did. kennedy: you have to give him credit for that per that's
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really interesting point. obviously something president obama ran on a 2008. it's on the key promise will be out of afghanistan by 2014. so is it something president trump ran on. so what is it about the conflict that makes it impossible for american presidents to let go? select the connection to 911. i don't like that they've tied it to the 20th anniversary of 911 it's a propaganda victory unnecessarily for al qaeda, isis and others i do not like that aspect of it. but for so many institutional washington afghanistan was the good war iraq was the bad work there for you cannot quit afghanistan. actually it's backwards for the both had their difficulties but lisette iraqi had a chant, it afghanistan there was never one to remake a society that has no chance of that happening. so it is 911 that kept us there. and then listen, i respect a lot of the people who came on our network and others i know them i know them well.
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their intentions are right. they're always talking with the conditions on the ground. with the condition on the ground as you're never going to meet the condition and trust me we are never going to put it's not going to happen. at some point you cut bait and say we know it's not going to be good, we do not like the people who will take over but hey if russia wants a shot at have added you tried it before it's not going to work for you either. you have to get rid of water to bad guys to do that. before whatever people talk about afghanistan the rate comparisons to vietnam. vietnam leroy there eight and half years. only sounds pretty insensitive when you consider the number of americans who died over there not to mention the millions of north and south vietnamese. but part of the reason we stayed there was to save face. is that is what happened in afghanistan? we are embarrassed? >> i think but there is also a momentum complex it said here's the next chapter what we can accomplish. you can't leave because if you do it's on your watch you have
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to stay committed even to the outcome is totally ambiguous we cannot see where victory is anymore. the taliban is gaining momentum we still say were holding on for its chaos and the lack of political courage. trip started this by the matron pope and the conversation to say let's get out i don't of the value was, joe biden is following through and again bigger threats the comet is chinese he got to build a military ready to deal that not looking backwards and afghanistan. >> you have kids who lost parents on 911 and they were babies on 911. now they are fighting in afghanistan. it's mind boggling. use your ration on your experience to convince more people of the correct side, which politically wrong thank you so much pete hegseth good to talk to you. before meanwhile spent three weeks since president biden put vice president harris in charge of the border crisis. while the situation has gotten much worse, we really see no action from herbert today she told reporters there is a plan
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in the works you guys, and then. [inaudible] >> i talked with the president mexico the president of guatemala, we have plans in the works to go to guatemala. as soon as possible given all of the restrictions in terms of covid and all the things in that nature. kennedy: so she'll be going in guatemala but not the southern border of the united states, that's great republican lawmakers say that's not good enough, watch. >> the president has said, vice president harris is in charge of the board with vice president harris that she was not in charge of the border. nobody seems to be in charge. >> camel harris if she is in charge, i don't know she is. she needs to come down, the president needs to as well. but this has to stop her if she is the vice president of the united states and the president put her in charge as vice president harris needs to go down to the border and see this for herself. because maybe she would then encourage president biden to
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reverse his policy that has failed. >> alright so is the vice president just hoping this will go away she does not look at it? and is the biden demonstration humble enough to reverse some failing policies question let's get into it tonight's party panel we the federal senior editor chris bedford is back on with former libertarian party vice president candidate, he's got a big future in 2024, spica : and beyond part of got democrat strategist and former kamala harris campaign senior advisor sarah evangeline norman, welcome everyone. >> think you can expect hi. kennedy: so chris bedford i will start with you. is it possible root causes and long term strategies only with a couple of the countries that are involved without visiting the southern border and seeing the short-term ongoing crisis that is not abating? >> know i do not think so. that's the thing a graduate student might have the luxury
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for working on the paper. but when you're actually in a position of authority we have been assigned this by the president of the united states you have to make action. for the first week of this going down president joe biden said she is in charge on the 24. two days later one of her senior aides said no, no, no she's not in charge within three days after that jen psaki said that's right she's not in charge. while a few weeks later she's been skipping the confidential briefing part she's not gone down to the border. now she sang what we are going to do to fix this is going to take time for going to fix guatemala, going to fix mexico that sounds great but it might be a little too long term meanwhile in 2019 when she was running for vice president and then she was vice president elect she was saying what was going out the border was a humanitarian crisis but a crime against humanity committed by the united states. now she's got no interest in it. support is and it still is for the fact she's trying to ignore is incredibly cruel, spike.
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i think the fact they are not talking about a short-term solution and it long term approach just goes to show they are very unserious about this. and i do not know democrat party has a philosophy in terms of immigration other than just saying words that kind of sound nice every once in a while. your thoughts here? >> their policies as same as or republicans of the different string they care about the migrants. the reality is joe biden just showed us with their policies going to be when they seat the family property in texas today actually to continue to build the wall that joe biden said he would not build one more mild of. probably what he meant he would complete to its full completion probably know how to end the war the disaster that's happening on the border. number one we need to end the war on drugs which killed the cartel this causing all the violence people are fleeing here to get away from here to begin with. number two we need to end the war migration that created the smuggling cartel and the humanitarian disaster that happened as a result of those
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two things prettily and the bad policies that lead to it linger backs with the founders intended which is where people can come and go as they please. that is with the countries founded on. kennedy: sarah? >> so kamala was put in charge yes the vice president the vice president was put in charge of focusing on the long-term underlying issues that are causing people to flee to this country. and without addressing those issues these people are literally going to continue to run for their lives. now the biden administration is working on the board apart besought more shelters be put up there trying with foster families receive arts cages it's awful bridesmaid in their cages. specs before if you had your child in summer camp with julia child sleep in those conditions, sarah? >> what i am not disagreeing with you there needs to be
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more done paid what i was asked about is what is kamal harris focused on virtues focus on the long-term solutions that need to be done that is why people are fleeing here in the first place. violence, the economic hardship, poverty without solving this, whatever bandit would put on the border are not going to be enough. people are going to continue to come here as they have for decades. kennedy: so spike shouldn't you be able to solve two crises at once if you are the immigration czar as vice president harris has been appointed? >> i am not sure what she's doing and guatemala. enter the war on drugs. if she's going to announce an end to the warm drugs is going be a major first step in solving the problem. this is not strictly economics problem. now the violence is causing it even worse economic downturn. but these are folks who been poor for generations but they did not leave until their existence in their home country was a threat to their life and they had to flee to be able to survive.
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that's what led to these massive caravans coming on the first place. until we address the narco violence that's happened as a direct result of the failed disasters warned drugs this is going to continue purchase going on there for a photooptical on. before we can have what? >> i'm. >> are we going to have trucks bring legal fence into the country they did not envision militia with walls and envisioned a border with the country. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> they are human. alcohol is a cultural part of america. [inaudible] [inaudible] kennedy: judah by their trafficking humans? it's incredibly lucrative and they have the infrastructure to do it. because they are selling drugs to americans because there is a demand for its written making drugs illegal and bombing facilities where they make cocaine, heroin and everything else does not do anything to tamp down the demand is part of the drug war
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that failed vincent same thing i pointed out my monologue on afghanistan or there's one major structural change we can make in this country that would have an enormous impact on economics and immigration it would be to end the drug war and legalize drugs and make them in this country but because guess what? you're going to do them. if you make drugs legally. [inaudible] snafu not be work with drug smugglers in afghanistan. why they work with drug smugglers in afghanistan there were about drug deaths customer gets a direct cause. kennedy: they will struggle anything. it's true. [laughter] >> kennedy i'm with you. so are with you to thank you. the panels one can back a little bit. coming up a new twist in a fight to reopen schools in california. some kids finally returned to the classroom that is great. but their teachers are staying home buried the new reality of zoom and a room. california congressman
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move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. kennedy: parents in san francisco are spit mad. kids are being sent to school kind of only two zoom in a
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room. sounds like something you do in ecstasy at what is your singles nights you pervert but it's not. they go to class the teacher stay home. kids big laptops and headphone and a grown-up monitor gets paid to sit in the classroom to keep the kids and mine. and maybe the monitor is a pervert as well put i don't knows a part of california's outrageous resistance to file the actual science and return to in person learning. which require students and teachers with the governor apparently does not plan to make the kids learn anytime soon. >> we value in person education. this disease is not taken the summer off it will not didn't take easter weekend off as deadly as it's ever been. we must prepare now for a full and person instruction. come this next school year. >> even the bureaucrats behind him is muffling under his mouth, next school year, come
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on man at that rate those poor kids will practically be two years behind their peers in other states but florida kids were the first ever going to look like geniuses. so how are these students ever going get back on track was enjoined me to it discuss california republican congressman darrell issa, welcome back to the show. >> >> it is interesting that newsom has no answer for why the proposal might one day a week is safe for five days a week is dangerous. also no answer for the fact congressional district we have public of the smaller ones have gone back to work full-time with the kids in the classroom as early as last october. and have had no major problems with covid. they've dealt with it successfully. so you cannot compare the science of suburbs with the science of cities. but he can compare small
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school districts with powerful central union districts like san diego, l.a. and san francisco when she's not willing to take on because quite frankly he is weak. kennedy: let me ask you this particular governor of california, there was an effort to get you on the ballot, which i think being a good idea. you're one of the politicians but does a fantastic jeopardy of a lot of explains the private sector. if you are the governor of california, would you dismantle the teachers unions? >> of air traffic controllers they don't go back to work replace them. they proven they've done it safely while in fact whether not willing to take on the union for the difference between the democrat turned republican ronald reagan he had strength of his conviction. he's terrified of all the
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sector unions. they want to be treated as essential workers. every time you get closer to in person learning and teaching they come up with a new demand. they have givebacks and finally get back said they want childcare customer finding a childcare. they would hold kids hostage and get ransom money from the federal government they get that as well per day get all of that but they still on average only teach in person about two hours a day. it is unconscionable. >> it is devastating to a subset of our students. and even the charter schools for that distance is growing. the former infects are back to teaching kids the large
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inner-city schools aren't. hoping epidemic in the years to come they've lost a year are governors unwilling to get a spine with the teachers unions. stand up to them you are absolutely right. during such an incredible disservice receive the virus is not take the summer off but kids can, schools can stop going to be summer school there may be a week and generally, good lord. congressman thank you so much. >> to talk to. support coming up aoc calling to abolish the police. both that actually accomplish? the ultimate goal to discuss the ultimate goal to discuss in moments ♪ na na na na
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bill clinton: right now, the covid-19 vaccines when ywhwhyowh fwhir jirob are available to millions of americans. george bush: so, we urge you to get vaccinated when it's available to you. barack obama: that's the first step to ending the pandemic and moving our country forward. it's up to you.
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kennedy: the streets from minneapolis have been a wash of violence and looting this week as you have seen. in the squad, the squad predictably blaming the police. it is a natural reaction but they are going pretty far here. aoc said cops are part of an indefensible system that promotes killing. right now the officer who shot and killed donte wright setting up the latest round of unrest is charged with second-degree manslaughter. the police chief has resigned. they've joined the writers and the derek chauvin trial should be days away from a verdict brady situation is ready to further explode. police have never been less popular. so will call to abolish end in tragedy question of who will protect the people of minnesota if things keep getting worse question of the party panels back chris bedford, spike cohen and sarah evangeline norman. chris, i will start with you.
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this is not how you do criminal justice reform. when you have platitudes and a lot of sloganeering they do actually start defunding the police in places like portland, near city, minneapolis, stage crime starts to go up. in fact in portland, mers have shot up three 100%. in new york city shootings have gone up 41%. and in l.a. 31% increase as well. these are all places where they diverted money away from police departments without fixing the inherent problems, your thoughts. >> you know exactly what it's like a new york saber i can type what it's like you're in my neighborhood in washington d.c. violent carjackings are up a dimmick immigrant woodhead's head bashed to death against a pole by two young girls who took his car, violently from a man murdered him read the mayor was more concerned unlike a vice president about tackling the root cause of why they would commit this absolute cold-blooded murder. meanwhile down my street
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literally on my street for weeks and weeks there is razor wire is run the capitol because aoc demanded our military, demanded our police, demanded >> barron razor wire defend her against qanon every single day and night. we cannot even travel to the streets. the rising crime is out of control for this is a horrible mistake in training, must be terrible on this police officer who meant to pull her taser and instead pulled a gun. but it's not a reason to riot. those writers are not there to cause trouble there to cause damaging chaos. kennedy: yes and i do nothing they're going to get there reform that the people who are at the forefront, they are not going to get that. >> that is exactly correct. the reality is this the federal government does is with everything from rev there's a crisis the problem is we did more buddy. if that were the case why did it get worse when he got more money? we need to defend allies the police and get the police back
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into the hands of the communities who have to live with whatever the policies are. more importantly we need to hold bad actors and government including the police accountable. if we did something similar we would be held accountable just like they should be part also lead to get rid of the police unions they are such big part of this problem. kennedy: himself like you said that part is to stop as i am at teachers unions, that is how i feel about the police unions. they are compounding the problem. they are not invested i'm sorry good finisher thought. >> absolute your showbread if you are i actively shot someone as it obtains them we would immediately go to jail in immediately be held accountable. no point would be good to go home and have a police guard and have barricades put up around our house to protect us from people. the reality is this is what happens of people in power are not held accountable. we need to stop looking at this as a problem that government can solve are the only way they can solve is get out of it put it back in the hands of the community so they can decide with their police policies look like. kennedy: i was in detroit one
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day, sarah, nine the most completely dandy could not call 911. so some was shot a civilian would have to drive into the hospital. some would threaten someone else with a firearm that had hope for the best. is this really the best solution defunding the police? >> i am for excuse me reforming the police, not defunding the police. and frankly it is time for both police reform and gun reform. the last few weeks we saw two mass shootings and another black man dead by police. and you know what? we do not have more crime than other countries, other developed countries. no, the differences we have more guns. we have 44% of the world's gonna wear 4% of the world's poor population. it's way too easy to get guns without a trace. and by the way, no amendment ever said that you can have
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whatever weapon you want. with technology and the power of should we revisit this question works before think you're wrong on that one, i what what the government had died can have that pays big the right of people to write and bear arms should not be infringed is not a gun problem we don't have more crime we have less crime than develop with more gun sock homicides if you are ralph's other fewer types of murder but we have fewer kidnappings and fewer robberies. in general were actually safer because people are able to defend themselves in the areas that had the highest crime in the most gun-control respect that is crazy that is crazy why do we have 70 mass shootings then? >> what you do be able to defend yourself? would not have all these at mass shooting and kills by policeman if we weren't so gun happy. knowing 2019. [inaudible] >> mass shootings happen areas of gun control alt mass shootings happens but could i
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just. kennedy: can i interject something at things just as tragic when 20 people in chicago were killed in different shooting incidents. it is just as tragic as if there's one mass shooting incident. i don't know, there's something out the loss of human life that i think is just as profound if it is solitary or if it happens in a larger group. but somehow that does not get as much attention. go ahead chris. >> but don't say all lives matter don't say black lives matter what happens in chicago, or baltimore, or washington d.c., or anywhere else for where police generally are not involved with this is political it's not looking for bring solutions pretty just looking for power. they do not want no police they just want to be the police. kennedy: that's absolutely right. >> and they have the highest gun control the areas with the highest gun violence have the highest gun-control part because when we know when you make guns illegal the only people who have guns of the people who don't care what the law is. that is not a good recipe for
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gun violence. kennedy: so sarah went to to respond to that for a few got progressives we need to abolish the police, and that is what has been discussed in the public sphere, are you attending she doesn't exist? are you pretending she's not a sitting congresswoman with crime in her district? >> with all due respect she's not sensuous to abolish police. she wants to reform police. kennedy: she said they're not reform bill and she said abolish the police. she said that. he met progressive democrats want to rebuild. that is absolutely true. and i think from what we have seen it's absolutely necessary. make yes absolutely. i'm income on, why are we holding a police to no culpability? and those people they are supposedly arresting have to be absolutely perfect.
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there is a mismatch happening here. there are two americas, if you don't see that, i really think you need to study our nation's history. and frankly, i want the police to have more funding. or at least a change of funding spread around. kennedy: less funding and lower taxes, spike and would let you wrap this up. >> i think we might be looking at this the wrong way. what if we do abolish the police the progressives don't have anyone to enforce the rules, taxes, mandates. that might be a utopia in the making and might rethinking this as we are talking for a lap x before very good. let's spitball that for the next time. i want to thank party panel chris bedford great to see you. spike cohen, sarah welcome to the show. well done. we are totally going to shift gears here. because we are going to talk about the universe man to spark it up if you've got it because the universe is the most pressing seeker purple going to talk about a unified theory in physics all that bridge the gap between our world and alien civilization
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question mckee is a legend theoretical physicist dr. michio kaku he's next to talk about his new book the god about his new book the god michael: this is the story of two brothers.
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kennedy: right if you thought 2020 was a wild there just wait until the aliens get here. nasa's telescopes set to launch in october will allowed to see 13 billion light-years away potentially discover the origin of the universe. experts say that means is a possibility of contact with alien life with the next century that is exciting for my next guest not so convinced putting up the bat signal in inviting conquering civilizations to our fourth of july barbecue is the best idea for joining me tonight theoretical physicist and author of the seller new book "the god equation", the quest
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for theory of everything. professor michio kaku. welcome back to the show. >> glad to be on the show great honor pursue for this is what i love about your book. fantastic book for you talk about the origin of the discovery of all of the different forces that we have with newton it was a gravitational force. with saturday with not a mathematician maxwell they discovered the electromagnetic field. the fact that the universe was sort of shepherded and run by fields in general by the curious discovered the nuclear force. and of course einstein talking about space time and how space and time bands when einstein kind of being a failure out of college. and then he has his issues with quantum mechanics. there is so much in this book. base started out saying there is still a quest for a unified theory of the very big and very small.
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is that really necessary? >> will i think so. first of all the holy grail, the holy grail, the holy grail of science is to find one unifying principle. one equation perhaps no more than 1 inch long that eluded einstein for the last 30 years of his life read such a theory would allow us to quote read the mind of god. so we are talking about sewer that was according to include at the end of your book, fantastic. spanky was courted from einstein himself buried einstein believed yes this is god's handiwork the ultimate theory "the god equation" he spent so many years chasing after. and just two weeks ago outside chicago at the laboratory they found a deviation that may indicate perhaps like clue to the final theory of everything. a lot of scientists are very excited. one candidate is called string theory.
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string theory says that music, the music of subatomic particle is the language of the universe itself. there is a tremendous amount of excitement that maybe, just maybe we'll see the very first clues right outside chicago. kennedy: and maybe was right because that was his work and his philosophy. you made your name with your partner in string field theory. which was able to incorporate the faraday and maxwell fields in gravitation with quantum mechanics which before had not been done. so in short string field theory the closest we've come so far? >> suffer the answer is yes. if you had a super microscope that sees an electron you see most textbooks say. you'd see a rubber band. you twanged the rubber band vibrates at a different frequency and becomes an adrenal part you twanging
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again enough times it becomes all the zoo the zoo of subatomic particles we found so far. this is a unifying principle. so physics then becomes the laws of harmony of these vibrating strings. chemistry is the ability you complaint in these vibrating strings for the universe is a symphony of strings. and then the mind of god pre-the mind of god would be cosmic of music. cosmic music resonate through hyperspace that would be the mind of god. kennedy: would you come up that unifying theory does that mean science is done? that's the word she pointed out beginning of the 20th century so close to figuring everything out we would not need to look for anything else. >> like a chess game after 2000 years of investigating the forces you mention a fear how ponds move how the bishop moves. once we find the equation will
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become grand masters. grand masters. we'll be able to answer the deepest question. for example children asked the question of the universe is expanding what is its expanding into? or is there a white hole on the other end of a black hole? kennedy: is there? >> or gateways other universe. the next question you're going to ask me is elvis presley still live? >> he's in the white hole with the white jumpsuit. i love that you figured out string field theory and ten dimensions. we can only know four. we could never experience the higher dimension. but my goodness how satisfying it is to access through physics. he did such an amazing job with the historic journey take us right into the future, doctor michio kaku thank you very much respect yes the book is it good so the near time
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and amazon bestseller. a lot people one of the holy grail of science. kennedy: it's a great read "the god equation" go get it "the god equation" go get it now. [ crowd cheering ] [ engine revving ] [ race light countdown ] ♪♪ ♪♪ when you save money with allstate
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kennedy: disney world has announced it will not allow
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its employees to have visible tattoos. wait until they find out snow i has a lady and the tramp stamp that the perfect gem picture-perfect princess this is the topical storm pre-topic number one, a skier in france found a way to go on the hill both ways by strapping a giant bantu is back in using it to propel them to the top of the mountain. look at this, this video is a real french tickler, at first he tried to propel himself. then of course it ran out of gas after camp the idea to use the biggest fan he had, my biggest fan as men named clay's imminent picture of a dog named lenny brady might carry me up a mountain two. you've got to admit that is a beautiful scenery. france is something special when you don't have to speak with the people. i've always wanted to visit the french alps for although i still call them the freedom alps part i once lived in france with a promiscuous
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roommate. one day i came home and she had a frog in her throat. [laughter] this is the best video of the pandemic well done guys. topic number two. steve urkel was my neighbor for a while per he's an actor and is launching his own line of marijuana called purple purple i love capitalism. it is so darned smooth you think it was made by stephan for the new strain was greater partnership with 710 labs after met the company ceo in an airplane turned out those he first of many times the two would get high together. action this makes perfect sense for potheads or counseling waking up next to broken objects asking did i do that? he says his melt longtime pot smoker which is ironic because his career is more of a one-day hitter, love you buddy. it is important to him that his personal strain be the best on the market. but of course israel best bud is still eddie. that is sweet. topic number three.
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a team of mit scientists have translated the structure of a spider web into music. in fact the team is so talented at translating things into music they might be able to do with the cardi b album. here we go, let's listen to a spiderweb. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. kennedy: it's not bad. select the no doubt version better. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ no? sars bug music goes i prefer the beatles. still i get the feeling this artist really has legs. talk about spinning a record. there's some debate over what genre this is where a lot of flies say this is trapped music. spiders say it is also house. the song really sticks in your head and on your hands coming a close, anything else it touches. it is still nice to hear music on the web with no ads.
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12:59 am
kennedy: thanks which was the best arbor day and your night. that his record fell between
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an instagram at kennedy nation. oh my gosh look at that. basement candy fb and e-mail kennedy fb and for tomorrow night we got kat timpf, barrett and congressman thomas massie. next wins we have an end of (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. (the paris sisters) ♪ i love how your eyes close ♪ ♪ whenever you kiss me ♪ ♪ and when i'm away ♪♪ (announcer) do you remember your first date? (bobby vinton) ♪ she wore blue... ♪ -slow dancing. -♪ ...velvet ♪ (announcer) and that very first kiss. (shelley fabares) ♪ johnny angel ♪ ♪ how i love him ♪ (announcer) it was a special time in your life. it was the teen years. ♪ they say that breaking up is hard to do ♪


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