tv Kennedy FOX Business April 16, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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dampening and really disarming their ability to have that economics. that driver in their country. survival really, really deep problem with the border climate change and global warning? really heckuva and analysis. i am "kudlow" we will sue tomorrow night. kennedy: note seriously, when will the pandemic be over? when can the masks come off? when can we start living normal lives again question rick every american should be asking these questions. but certain people i will not say who want you to live in fear so they can stay in control. a lot of people have hit a wall. they have had enough or even in congress while this turn into a political fight with lord, i mean dr. anthony fauci of course watch. >> what is against you? when it comes out what number did we get our liberties back? tell me a number tell me a number. >> and% of the mowers of congress givebacks and pay >>
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you are not a doctor, he is what is the number strict thank you for recognizing mr. clyburn respect recognize for five minutes to respect my question is, >> i am claiming my time i'm claiming my time. regular order regular order placement mr. chairman mr. jim i do know what you to answer my question the american people want doctor fascia to answer the question what is it have to be? >> you need to respect the chair and check your mouth. before you hurt her according to doctor fauci the vaccine does not spell the resumption of normal life. dursley? watch. >> eating and drinking indoors and restaurants and bars is that okay now? >> know it's still not okay for the simple reason the level of infection, the dynamics of infection in the community are still relief disturbingly high. kennedy: inventive course of the mask theater. when can we lose them question rick liberty lover kentucky
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congressman thomas massie asked that very question on capitol hill. >> what is the message that we are trying to send to the american people by wearing the stupid masks because all of congress by the way, cut line. not everyone here is vaccinated that is true. >> is the gentleman wish to speak on the amendment? >> yes i am. >> the gentleman is recognized for speaking to the amendment. >> i am asking why we have to wear a mask in the cdc says these are not necessary. now we are in this committee projecting an image they are going to have to wear the mask forever but even though everybody in this room has acquired immunity either through a vaccine or through natural infection. kennedy: joined me to it discuss that very man kentucky republican congressman house judiciary member thomas massie, making waves yesterday. how art where you received by your democrat colleagues on the judiciary committee? >> i had to call one of them out for calling without
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talking with his mask on later on for the rules are ridiculous they cannot comply as well for the other stupid thing is they have a sitting three seats apart. yet we fly here on airplanes shoulder to shoulder. it is all theater, kennedy. before as you've made the point members of congress the vaccine has been made available to you guys. and many of you have also been thick. we know heard immunity is not the just the number people have been vaccinated by people who have been inoculated essentially through natural means who have survived the infection. it may be have better immunity because they contracted covid then people have gotten a job. >> that is right. that is a problem with what we are projecting here in congress. out of the car from a very privately they got the job in the arm predict the vaccine before everybody else by the way in december. now are saying even aware vaccinated even though were immune from other things are still going to where the stupid masks. why are we doing it?
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that's actually going to discourage people from getting the vaccine. i don't if you saw today kennedy, the ceo of pfizer came out and said now you might have to get the vaccine a third vaccine, and then a vaccine every year. in fact you saying until everybody gets vaccinated you're not going to take the masks offered what is it mean? everybody has to get an annual vaccine before we take the masks off? the only way were going to get the masks office we take them off and throw him at the people say we have to wear birds before also anthony found she has to stay relevant for the only way he stays relevant to be continues to scare people. he has not been following hard data, you know this but he has admitted that sometimes he fudge is the numbers. sometimes he makes up the upper threshold for herd immunity. sometimes he says is closer to 80 -- 90% when really it's about 70% break does that to scare people. but that's not incredibly scientific. i think he has amassed so much
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power at this point and effort anyone in that position shakespearean they are not going to give it up easily go gentle into that good night. >> know and that's why i'm a cosponsor of the fire found she act with green. take his salary does the upper this is a great builder, to take a salary 20 and it would do an investigation or an audit of the activities he has directed at the niaid. which i think needs to happen as well. but you are right as soon as the virus goes away or as soon as it goes say then doctor fauci is no longer a household name he goes back induced obscurity from whence he came. until the sooner he does that though we get on with our lives. do you know kennedy, that ron desantis banned doctor fountain doctor berkson coming to florida talking to any government employee there.
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he told me that i wish more governors had done that. they were doing that will trump was president. they were sneaking around using the federal government to convince the governors to kill their economies. thank goodness to run desantis is a stata florida pay >> the numbers are the same and continues to bear that out. a couple things, god forbid were ever in the situation again, we have to realize we cannot put power in the hands of so few. there have to be more doctors put anyone has gotten a second opinion for a series of medical opinion you realize that opinions in medicine can vary wildly. there is a pretty broad spectrum. it is not just one person especially when they are healings are dictating their edicts. that's when it becomes incredibly dangerous i feel jim norton the same perspective let's get some doctors at the cdc and the and i the have seen patients they should be talking to the personal physicians. by that i do not listen to
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congress to get your health advice but we are terrible at balancing the budget for it would not be debate about health advice. don't listen to doctor fauci, don't listen to the cdc they will like to for think is in your best interest. kennedy: even when the cdc gives some sort of moderate recommendation by going from 6 feet of social distancing to three. congress does not allow that. that's the objection congressman mcclintock from california brought up. he said i'm not even on you don't make room for me. like well that's because we have to have 6 feet between us. >> jerrold nadler is not for for go-ahead. smith they flew there in airplanes shoulder to shoulder not to refer to succeed but maybe 6 inches. until that's why it's all theater what is the message were sending? this is just ridiculous, kennedy we need to get back to normal not a new normal. kennedy: yes we do. people are capable of internalizing important
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advice, but not everything just because it equates to control is important congressman massie thank you so much for a >> you kitty. kennedy: maintained the far left trying to dictate when state should and shouldn't (here's another duty-free film maker michael moore demanded michigan governor gretchen whitmarsh sutton on the state of michigan over recent coverts by currency to see director said michigan should go back to a lockdown, watch. >> when you have an acute situation, extraordinary number of cases like we have in michigan, the answer is not necessarily to give a vaccine for the answer to that is to really close things down to go back to our basic spectacle back where we were last spring. >> knows of our the democratic governors not acquiesce, that is good news. anna said his encouraging people to keep wearing their masks and get vaccinated. so it will the left till every state to go into locked out if
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there's an uptake question acquits me tonight's party. got conservative strategist right turn strategy president chris barron is here, lovely and we've got, look at this the core has spun from the greg gutfeld show it's called gutfeld on the fox channel she's also hosted on vaccination "sincerely kat" it is captive hi fruit and liquid is the host of the richard fowler show. fox news contributor be dapper richard fowler welcome back everyone. >> hi. i know everyone decided to talk about michael moran who but work and play game little later on everyone you stick around for that because chris, kat, richard all incredibly competitive. let's talk about competition, chris. stay to have been more competitive and more respectful of civil liberties have essentially the same
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numbers during the pandemic estates to completely lockdown like california and michigan. where would you rather live? estate with very prohibitive restrictions or one that trust you and wants you to make money once her kids go to school? >> it is preeti darn easy. the lockdown did not work the first time. we do not have to guess. we have empirical evidence now we can compare the states that shut down their economies, have hard-core lockdowns versus states that didn't. but we see is actually the numbers are the worst are in states that lockdown the hardest part i was just in free america this past weekend, also known as florida. by the way on a packed flight on the way down to miami. the pilot came on over the loudspeaker and said we are backed up there for flights in front of us. the problem is they are all going to florida. florida is really popular right now. hewitt and whites popular?
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because it's free america. there are people living their life with people got vaccinated to now a disease that you are 99% likely to survive, you are now at 99% likely to not get pre-lit under the theater let's reopen the economies to people back to work and back to living life man. support cat you look to things this world you love freedom and you love your home state of michigan. what is going to happen there? what should happen there? what is the best way to tackle this? >> first of all i'm someone who would air on the air of freedom. but, just like chris was saying and you are saying, even if i worked, lockdowns don't work. thank you able to make you feel like you're doing something both at the cost of what? destroying businesses, severe mental health and even physical health impacts. if you look at the states, florida, you can go to the club in florida, why you would
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ever want to do that is beyond the. but you can. you can have your sweaty body around those other sweaty bodies with the ring tone phone music that the kids love for you are free to do that was like here new york, california even michigan has been pretty strict. the way they talk about the need for lockdown you think everyone in florida be dead right now. they are not they are live and clubbing. >> that is a great point. speaking of clubbing of your neighbors here's screaming i want to be adored boomer time at the top of her lungs and think the going to call the police. >> it is better than a club. so richard, i know we have to be responsible part i am all about being responsible but it is ridiculous. people are in grocery stores. people are in superstores. people are on airplanes. air lines are not going to vacate the middle seat.
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they are full. airports are full. you do not have corpses piling up in florida. would you rather live a florida lifer michigan life? [laughter] 's >> look here's the truth for the truth of the matters where the living florida, where they live in michigan this pandemic is cost half a million deaths. we got to drive thing we can to be responsible and understand as we come out of this pandemic it's time to operate in the new normal. why applaud governor whitmer she said she's not going to close down the entire city or state. pointed at precisely where these outbreaks are happening how to get vaccines for these neighborhood. how to get reasons for these hospitals they can treat covid-19. and how do we provide education to folks. how folks in these hotspots or social distancing? >> i don't know if you're going to do it. to be honest hard disease, cancer and diabetes are more lethal than covid.
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and a lot of times those conditions develop over years and years of pattern and behavior. you can save lives by forcing people to eat avocados and one month, you could. i don't think many people would like that. but you would save more than masking and distancing with covid does not make any death less traffic. sickroom party panel coming up with the shocking video. is a child being tossed over the border wall. what the hell is wrong with people? and what is the white house going to do to fix it? the white house joins us to break it all down. break it all down. they join us we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired. expired. expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money.
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kennedy: shocking new video from the border pretty smugly dropping a 2-year-old child over an 18-foot wall into the arms of his father in san diego county. officials say the dad and the kid are citizens of ghana produces border virtual patrol as a tutor 33% increase at the southern border compared to this time last year. the rio grande sector through an 80% spike in attempted crossings. by convicted criminals, very crafty. republican governors are
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refusing the bite administration's request to house of migrant children and their states foster care system. south dakota governor kristi noem tweeting south dakota will not be taking any illegal limit goods by numerous regiments to relocate. my message to illegal immigrants, call me when you are american. so governor known call me when you you're not in a full print okay we clearly need to fix the immigration system so much is broken here. but is this really the way to do it? chris, kat, richard. richard i'll let you start but everyone has managed to screw the separate known has plans the vice president is not taking it seriously. republican governors like christie no sound like heartless and cruel jerks. what do we do now? >> you know, honestly that is a great question, candy. we have this weird polarized
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conversation around immigration but folks like ted cruz are having border crossing reality shows. then i think you have the biden white house who is not really feared out how they want to deal this. the good news is only 83 days and we have a long ways to go to come up with a plan. my hope is congress can hammer out a bipartisan agreement on how we modernize immigration number two how do we empower the state department other entities 96 government to really deal with what's happening on the northern triangle so we can stop folks before they start trying to take this very, very, very, very treacherous and depressing journey from the northern triangle to the united states border. kennedy: that is true. i totally agree with you have to figure out root causes and have an honest economic discussion about that. but you also have thousands of kids to know where to go living in horrible, deplorable situation each other covid being sexually assaulted. being underfed print not being watched properly.
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i know a few hundred of them are being sent to private lakeside cottages and michigan which sounds wonderful, kat, your routing and for the rest of the lives for the good have this great cottage and then go meet harsh reality after that. it's being paired go-ahead paid >> i agree. obviously congress has to do something about this. but they probably won't be able to find the time with all of the mean tweets to each other that they have to do all day long. kennedy: good burden. >> to come here legally there is so much needless redtape that is so ridiculous that i can't see any explanation for it other than redtape for the sake of redtape. plenty of people time you're want to contribute to our accounting. anyone his nonviolent was to contribute to the economy should absolute be able to do separate there are so many deserving people that fit that. but, look. congress is necessary for meaningful change and duncan
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on each other. they tried that they've been trying that comment does not seem to be a winning strategy though. kennedy: probably could bright bills on twitter. with these in real stuff get done. chris there's urgency about some things and no urgency about others. even you have life or death situations. so anytime something happens with covid is like that's it, clamp down, lock it up. we are going to tell you everything you have to do. but we have kids who are dying literally to get into this country. well, maybe i'll get there maybe i won't put up or want to talk to someone but not anytime soon. >> richard said the goodness it's only 83 days in the time for buying to have a plan for it he is been a running for president for years. they screamed about trumps treatment of kids at the
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border. i know he's actually president. bobby had a plan. when he ran for president he did he say i have annoyed with helen going to do and i get to be president when it becomes immigration? >> he said that about court packing not about immigration to be favorite >> to demagogue the issue. he has vice president lied to the american people but they said present troubles putting kids in cages. the same cages the obama administration have that are now called your child detention facilities under biden. this is actually politics at one 100% worse. we have a crisis at the border. we all agree there is no easy fix to this. but what the fix it definitely isn't, the fix is not demagogue the issue. running for president that have no blue thank god were only three days into this, screw that. this should done it on day one
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promised he would. >> immigration orders on day one. made it worse arguably. the panel returns very, very soon. i winced making it better it is game night hoosier money on, chris, kat, richard question who is the skills to pay your bills that's coming up later bright person of this ideas is ready to bust out of the pandemic like superman. the economy is making major gains with unpleasant sitting at its lowest point since the start of the pandemic that's great news. jobless claims last week at five and 76000 progressive most point of the approved meantime retail sales and margin jumped 9.8%. on the bar and restaurant industry thought 13.4% surge in sales but keep going to your local watering hull. keep tipping, keep sipping.
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what is this mean for you? which of the growth continues new kings wealth management chief investment officer fox news contributor scott martin. scotty with the hottie body. scott this is all great. >> that reminded me of seventh grade all over again they give her call me bruce before i have the majority got house starts with up and up and up. say the stock market worse the bad news in this? sounds too good to be true almost doesn't it? i believe is going to be one of the situations candy wherever they keep coming in better and better police the earnings getting better. we see more government spending. sinkable go back to work. everything gets really going to get back to the actual full reopening.
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and then it's kind of like now watery going to do? for the next couple quarters of an gore okay but if you're playing at home that's what it 80 days depends on the court of the two of them added together 90 days each as quick math without a calculator. the reality is once that day comes a full reopening happens her rehab was as it did once upon a time have the right to reallocate your portfolio. kennedy: sourcing reallocate to bitcoin? smith coins bars restaurants are big grocery stores gas station because gas prices are out of control. bitcoin is an interesting caller are sore things called goldberg those are alternative assets things like currency as well that are rousing because of the government spending and because interest rates are going up. i think the traditional portfolio this is super excited to everybody at home. kennedy: money is exciting. >> stocks and bonds want to make money to things that bitcoin things like gold or big asset to have in the
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reopening does happen. kennedy: that is so hot. just the idea of walking around with gold coins jangling in your pantaloons. stephanie set for something hope some bubbles i hope it's prosperity. we keep spending and supporting each other because that is what lists this beautiful free market economy. scott martin thanks so much respect seo. so far by prince fabius with fakeness or florida. as a story phony or didn't really happen in the sunshine state? play along the whole family and your crazy uncle vito and your crazy uncle vito we've got room for everyone
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sometimes a spider monkey is a sadist when the state. we determined the sun soaks shenanigans when the paver games during kennedy, fake news or florida. the find a of outrageous and hilarious headlines, our contestants need to decide if it is fake news or actually happen in the sunshine state pretty party panel is back, chris, kat, richard are you already to play. >> oh yeah i am already out for blood. i love it. this is a fierce competition i want everyone on top of the game, here we go. hadley number one for chris, florida man steals jail camera on way out of county lockup. news or florida? statement look for my just got back from spending some time in florida. this sounds like florida to me. >> you are corrected five year old steven booked into a jail on criminal mischief while awaiting relief he disconnected a webcam from the jail computer and slipped it into his pocket with his
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little locket good job chris. that's if you can tire out. florida man buys portion it with fake check he printed at home. fakeness or florida? >> fake news. >> 41-year-old casey kelly bought a porsche 911 turbo with a with a check is able to drive it off the lot was later arrested for trying to use more fake checks to buy a rolex produced trying to buy three let's watch it. some is waxing so her guys, he looked exactly like i expected him to. [laughter] is a real catch. richard this is for you, here is your headline. florida woman arrested for planting drugs in a middle school girls locker so her daughter could take her spot on the field hockey team, fakeness or florida? >> oh wow. as an alumna of florida high
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school in broward county florida coming up so that's fakeness. >> you are correct richard you and chris are tied, kat is below at this porpoise drama rip might weave out. kennedy: do not rip your we've got we need you to be so garbled so pretty for this but here's chris's next headline performed man arrested for wandering hotel naked and trying to enter rooms while telling people he was batman, fakeness or florida? [laughter] 's tunic i think i did this last friday night so i'm going to say florida. lap next before it is florida. 49-year-old christopher jackson there is hair batman was arrested at a motel he was saying the coming naked loitering after climbing the building from outside and gaining entry to the third floor toward the hole till manager he was batman. it looks like val kilmer. [laughter] catheters free of. florida woman arrested both picking up a stranger's grave so she could bury her dog in it because it had a nice
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tombstone, fakeness or florida. >> fake news bruce vick that is correct, kat you are on the board. chris europe from one. richard you are yours. you composed of the tightly brewed florida woman arrested for stomping on 16 goose eggs worth $200 each because she thought they were rotten. fakeness or florida, richard? >> that sounds so fake that it is florida but >> that is correct richard gale charged with criminal mischief for stomping on goose eggs. she told police she thought they were rotten and did out other animals to get them and get sick. that is a lot of goose eggs. that's a lot of $3000 in goose eggs. they were not stank and nasty. okay chris ford about arrested after bring a hotplate to a publix supermarket taking eggs out of the carton cooking them in the store and sticking the scrambled eggs in his pockets so he could steal them. fakeness or florida? this is so tough.
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going to go with fakeness prince >> you are very good at this, chris you are in the lead with three points. can't come here you go florida man tries to evade arrest by cartwheeling away on the cops. fakeness or florida? >> kat you're not having your own night. 40-year-old gymnast arrested for blocking traffic, let's watch some cartwheels. he was doing flips in the middle of the road pretties arrested he wiggled free from the popo try to cart wheel away craig caught charge of battery on a law-enforcement officer and resisting arrest for the judges only gave him an 8.7. that's going to hurt his overall part here you go, richard, born a man arrested after mailing a live alligator to a neighbor in his apartment complex as a retribution for stealing his parking space. fakeness or florida? >> i hope the alligator was live when he got nailed fake
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news. see for that is fakeness richard and chris you are all tied. we have time for one more round customer okay here we go the final-round this is worth two points apiece. two points. so kat, if they both lose it and you win, you are tied. >> i don't doing the math. >> found a man arrested for trying to get alligator drug. fakeness or florida, chris? steve at florida. kennedy: that is indeed in florida. you have five, chris. >> i'm never leaving the house again. >> before florida man steals a neighbor's dog leaves behind a note claiming is supported by homeland security. take his or florida? >> fake news. sue for that is in fact fake news. if richard gets this wrong that you are tied for last. richard, florida man arrested for camping at disney world
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while it was closed for coronavirus, fakeness or florida? >> that sounds like something a floridian would do. i am saying that is florida. >> richard and christie both tied 42-year-old richard mcguire set up camp at distance discovery and come in various making old duck face there. like donald duck he told police is a tropical paradise for weeks and record you to videos. resection influencer. you wouldn't all-expenses-paid trip to florida penitentiary congratulations to both of you. >> yes excellent. [laughter] a. [laughter] there is retribution. alright thank you guys so much beautifully played. coming up rolling out a plan to pass the supreme court. for more, what kind of effect of this have on our society? what is it mean for your
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♪ ♪ before could be a kangaroo court if the crazy nonsense have their say be the supreme court may be the only branch of government that american still trusts. those days might be over soon a group of democrats including massachusetts senator ed markey inert congressman jerry nadler formally launched an effort to taxi top court with four new justices that could swing the balance of the court in the liberals favor for decades. maybe even permanently. joe biden is said enough court packing over the years, joe? >> president roosevelt clearly had the right to send to the united states senate and ice age senate a pack the court but as a bonehead idea basic
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stood firm and 37 the court packing attempt is particular example descendents resolve in today's debates respect i would not get into court packing. we have three justices next time around we lose control they have three justices. we begin to lose any credibility the court has it all. the last thing we need to do is turn the supreme court into political football. whoever is the most votes gets whatever they want. presidents come and go supreme court justices stay for generations. kennedy: would do words matter to president biden? the democrats really unhinged enough to still the only institution they don't control? stop the still joining me now kate at windsor to constitutional studies is the author of supreme disorder judicial nominations and the politics of america's highest court. what better person to talk to than ilia shapiro welcome back. good to be back with you. you have this feel-good exercise on the left. and you people like jerry
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nadler and ed markey saying we are going to pack the corporate thing people on the right like ted cruz ava going have a constitutional amendment. we need nine for it's really funny because ed markey on 2016 was standing in front of a # we need nine which was also what to advertise, go ahead. >> we have markey and nadler heading up an effort and pelosi saying i'm not going to bring it to the floor you note the seriousness of this is. really, if anything is strength to toss a bone to the left wing base. also it may be trying to roberson brett kavanaugh little bit. probably like michael corleone he's tried to get out of the immediate attention but they keep bringing the court. and you know what, i agree with joe biden. all this clips you paid for know who else, bernie sanders of the two last man standing in the democratic primaries pretty much the only two candidate for the presidency on the democratic side that were against court packing for those reasons that biden said craig sanders i'm not going to
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the accent is that if we do this and the republicans do it organ of 87 justices it's crazy i agree, vertebrates >> it is crazy you cannot just keep adding people because you take something and you dissolve its credibility entirely. and almost instantly. don't we kind of need the supreme court right now? >> you not depoliticize or legitimate institution by politicizing and the legitimating it. it is bonkers logic. in american history, fdr of course is example that was brought even those he usually reelected in a landslide in 1936 the court packing was so unpopular and transparently political the democrats lost eight seats in the house and ate in the senate in the next midterm. even before then from the beginning of the american republic, when court packing dealing with the size the court has been trite going back to adams and jefferson, it is always blown up in the
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faces of those trying it and is not to the benefit of the republic. kennedy: they hated each other, adams and jefferson. to make absolutely. sue for its interesting because as you have pointed out fdr was president for so long by the time he died, almost every justice on the court was appointed by him except for two, right? >> as i wrote in supreme disorder is it not on by the time he died but just four years after his court packing plan in 1941. to his first term he did not get to appoint anyone for his reelected, four years later he's made eight appointments, so this is height court pack the old-fashioned way. maintain power, right out the cycle of retirements and deaths, and that's how you do it. but this is not going anywhere. especially since biden disappointed his super commission, 36 people. imagine that kind of committee meeting. and then they are not going to come up with that priest helping to kick the issue down the road.
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as i said a bone tossed to the bassford also a transparent attempt to pressure john roberson brett kavanaugh, the court in general to not make waves. support kavanaugh's leg don't pressure me as an beach week. ilya shapiro thank you so much love your riding in your talking. talking. take care. did you know that geico's whole 15 minutes thing... that came from me. really. my first idea was “in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower...
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kennedy: new survey finds one third of remote workers would rather quit their jobs and go back to working in the office. and that number is even higher among governor cuomo staffers. [laughter] that is a work around. and this is a topical storm. topic number one. begin today inside event distinguish a story in military ceremony were damp squad celebrated the commissioning of a naval ship by working for top military officers. now i know why they call down under. this is one oh 1 dollar cauldron, grabbing their ankles and shaking in front of the royal australian navy. the newest shipper later on they showed blooming onion. i can't blame them i excited over fleet week two, high fellows. the knaves are the proud of their officers sitting through
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the entire performance without a single dishonorable discharge. even if these gals do not cooldown they might attract a heat seeking missile. one official competency inappropriate said standard should be higher, i think he is just being a petty officer. course on military leaders would never allow dancing like this unless it was on top of an american flag. thank you for your cervix. topic number two, french police investigating international ring of allergan thieves and now the pieces are coming together. new report claims lego robberies are on the rise to satisfy a black market for the tiny toys there like tide pods. the demand is due to limited editions that have become items there's apparently a lot of blockheads out there. the lego café quarter that set sold for 152,007 print output so over 3000 per probably because is known for outdoor
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dining. and that lady falcon is sold for up to 3500. the wastage of money on this hunk of junk you got a new hope lock up your blocks these are on the loose. lego batman cannot be everywhere at once. number three. a shocking video of an angry anger animal headbutting a sheep herding drum brake that's terrible help anderson cooper was not badly damaged. note you're looking at the fields of wales were the eyes of a flying dog drone through the eyes i should say the country of wales has more sheep than people. and the people of wales have more fingers than teeth. [laughter] as you can see the drone was having a fine time hurting this flock. one woolly mammoth just could not stand for a second longer. she's tired of getting pushed and she launched at it headfirst, boom knocked it out of the sky. she is not always this anger. i think she was having a bad
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day. usually sheep or not this headstrong with this one is a real woolly bully. the drone is now broken without a shepherd the lambs are on the lam. clarice. this is like a fair fight to me but the drone said it was a sheep shot. topic number four, speaking of worthless drones with reader comments dumb dumb for this is fewer may bret start this off with kennedy nation, same trash different oh no it is the same it's a big old fat full of garbage for that hurt my feelings. scout tweeted kennedy nation just made a full of herself but what else is new. not you, scout you old scampered hairy wrote wish you were fired writers and by new material could not tune in for the new episode since i copulate ten minutes or so frank died. i'll carry go gummy or cigar leave me alone. rebecca ends the night with
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kennedy nation you are a big dumb baby back in the day. never rebecca silver you and your mom and dad have no idea. left? it always ends on a hideout for a love you guys so much are so good to me. we'll be right when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to
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please subscribe to my podcast candy save the wedding fine on spotify, apple news podcasts are common in depth conversation will drop tomorrow (announcer) this is real country music. ♪ on the road again ♪ ♪ just can't wait to get on the road again ♪ (announcer) live and on stage ♪ the life i love is making music with my friends ♪ ♪ and i can't wait to get on the road again ♪ (announcer) the way it was meant to be. ♪ livin' on love, buyin' on time ♪ ♪ without somebody, nothin' ain't worth a dime ♪ (announcer) country stars who are true to their roots... ♪ let's go to luckenbach, texas ♪ ♪ waylon, and willie, and the boys ♪ (mellow country music) ♪ this successful life we're living's got us feudin'
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