tv The Evening Edit FOX Business April 16, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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business tonight." it's been a great pleasure to be with you all week. thanks very much for joining us. "the evening edit" is about to start right now. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: tonight, facebook in a new firestorm for censoring around the world stories detailing a multimillion luxury real estate shopping spree by the marxist cofounder of black lives matter. black lives matter chapters demanding an audit and investigation into where is the $90 million going that blm raised. this happening just days after twitter censored the post about this, and now we've got james o'keefe and harmeet dhillon planning to sue twitter for blocking out the account after his cnn expose. okay, tonight we've got the debate, big tech again picking
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and choosing what american can see. joining us, marc thiessen, alicia -- and gop strategist lloyd matheson. fox nation host kat timpf and kt mcfarland. we've got more on black lives matter. patrice colors, she's out with new statements raising new questions, and we've got details on that big brawl in congress between republican jim jordan and dr. anthony fauci. we're going to see you dr. fauci's evolving position. how he admitted, yes, he did move the goalpost. at, the audacity of democrats trying to intimidate and pack the supreme court to get what democrats want when democrats have the narrowest margin in congress in years. the democrats' new battle plan, yes, this is a raw political
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power play. americans say, no, don't undercut the most important firewall of independence that protects america's rights. critics asking do the democrats want to lose in the midterms? also this, a new attack from the media going after florida republican governor ron desantis. he's a potential 2024 contender. msnbc joining in, delivering the very definition of a smear here without proof or evidence. we've got the story. and the update on new york democrats saying former 2020 contender andrew yang, that this democrat is unfit to be the mayor of of new york city. this after yang was caught on camera laughing at disturbing misogynystic comments. also this, new polls showing a growing majority of americansty ace prove of i.c.e.'s handling of the border crisis and shocking new video. smugglers again dropping a toddler over the border wall, 18 foot high. also more in biden's keeping trump's cap on refugees.
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i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪♪ elizabeth: okay. we begin with former congressional candidate from maryland, kim klacik. it's great to see you. what was your reaction when you saw facebook censoring around the world stories about the real estate shopping spree by the anti-capitalist cofounder of black lives matters, that's patrice colors? four homes worth more than $3 million. what do you a? >> yeah. first of all, thank you so much for having me back. you know what? i'm not shocked and i'm not surprised. we knew that black lives matter was taking in over $90 million in donations, and just a few months ago local chapters did speak up and said they have not seen any of the money hit black communities across the country. so i'm not shocked about it, but guess what? this is the only country in the world where racism can make you a millionaire.
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racism in 2021 is just a racket. it's a race hustle. it's been going on for many, many years and to keep these people in business, and that's why we continue to hear about it. you know, we heard from michael brown's father in ferguson, missouri. it was the hands up, don't shoot incident, and there was lots of riots and looting that happened following that incited by black lives matter. and those businesses that were recented, they lost their livelihood all while patrice was becoming a millionaire. elizabeth: yeah. insurance studies show that black lives matter and antifa riots created at least $2 billion in damages across the country over the riots last spring. thirty people dead in those riots. now colors out with new statements that she's saying she bought the four homes for more than $3 million and saying that it does not run counter to her marxist principles because her family uses them. but is the community using them
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because, you know, we're not being facetious, black lives matter's founding documents say it takes a community to raise a child. she's saying it's okay to have this, my family's using it. >> this is capitalism through and through. she could use that millions of dollars to help black children, but she chose to basically pay a mortgage in a white community. the one house she bought in malibu, california, the black population is at .04%. of course she doesn't live by her own standards, and i'm not shocked. as we saw, that story was censored, and people have to understand when twitter suspended president trump, when they suspended james o'keefe and many other conservatives, you know, you have to understand that there are people behind the scenes that are working with these social media gurus and, unfortunately, we the people are left out of that. elizabeth: yeah.
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let's go through the property. she looked -- is looking in the bahamas. justin timberlake, tiger woods have homes there. the report is those homes are valued $5-20 million. a fourth home, she's looking at property reportedly there. georgia, a custom ranch, more than three acres, an airplane a hangar. black lives matter is denouncing the stories as, quote, terror by white supremacists when the head of new york city's black lives matter, ten other chapters say where's the money going? as you point out, $90 million. how is it being spentsome they say it's not -- the resources are not being used here of the nonprofit. the question is, look at the expense line. is money going out the door through the expense line item. it's only the irs that regulates nonprofits. >> yeah. well, i'm really glad this is being investigated. you know, i run a nonprofit myself, and you have to have your books clean and clear and ready for anyone to look at them at any point in time, so i'm
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glad there are investors for this. this is -- investigators for this. why are we allowing groups like this to really take advantage of the media, the everyday media cycle. these are things that we should not be paying this much attention to. you know, i travel this country all the time, liz, and i don't want see this racism that we hear about every single day on television of. elizabeth: we hear you. let's listen to patrice colors saying capitalism is worse than covid-19, watch. >> while the covid-19 is tragic, what's more tragic is capitalism. elizabeth: did capitalism kill nearly 600,000 people? if. [laughter] >> not that i recall, no, not at all, you know? but this is the kind of inflammatory things that people like patrice say, and this gets people fired up. and, of course, we hear all the time about covid-19. it is a dangerous virus, and i think we've been taking care of
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it by getting the vaccine, everything that we need, but she has to own up to what she's talking about. she talks about socialism, but i don't see where she's given back to the community at all. elizabeth: kim klacik, it's good to see you. co. come back soon. look who's here, fox news contributor marc thiessen. i love your columns, you're a great writer. >> oh, thank you so much. elizabeth: sure pennsylvania reese colors is also -- patrice colors is also saying, you know, about the black lives matter chapter saying where's the money going, she said, quote, we're not a charity and, quote, they can apply for federal grants. what do you think of that comment? [laughter] >> well, you know what? this is what the media used to be all about, which is investigations of corruption. this is literally why we have a free press, whey our founders -- why our founders wanted us to have a free press. now you have big tech companies where when someone tries to investigate this, like "the new york post," big tech puts their
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big foot and their exaggerated power and stomps them out. so, you know, we don't know what the situation is. we don't know whether she's done anything corrupt or whether everything's on the up up and, but that's why we have a media to investigate thingses, look into things and allow us to have transparency. that's what separates us from communist china. the lack of transparency resulted in a pandemic that's a taken, as you said, almost 600,000 american lives. we need more transparency, and the trend is in the opposite direction. elizabeth: you know what's so weird is, you know, facebook and twitter trying to censor the story. we know that they censored the hunter biden laptop story that the fbi has been investigating also that laptop since 2018. but, you know, at the same time they're doing this, they're allowing posts on their platform showing the personal home addresses of public officials like senators josh hawley and mitch mcconnell, and they're allowing on their platform, you know, abusive rulers from countries like afghanistan and
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politicians from afghanistan, iraq and latin america to harass opponents and mislead people in their countries. so these guys are allowing that on their platform but censoring the other stuff? how do you square that? >> you don't. i mean, and the ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of iran who betweens out anti-semitic tweets on a regular basis, he's fine. americans are are concerned about -- there was a january poll that found that 56% of americans believe journalists and reporters are purposefully trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false. that is a majority of americans believe that the media intentionally, intentionally feeds them false information and then a pew poll last year found 73% of americans believe that social media sites intentionally censor political viewpoints they find objectionable. to this is a convergence of two things where the media, which is
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supposed to be our watch dog and neutral arbiter, is not doing its job, and when someone does try to do their job and does try to investigate, does try to expose corruption and force transparency, then big tech comes down and censors them because they don't like the outcome. elizabeth: yeah. well, that's' what's going on. by the way, james o'keefe with harmeet dhillon suing twitter. your quick final word on that. >> and that's a convergence of the two issues, right? what he did was expose media bias, and big tech came in and censored him, so it's the worst of both worlds. [laughter] he exposed the fact that a cnn producer said they're engaged in propaganda, and then twitter knocked him off of their platform for doing that. elizabeth: wow. we need a reset in the political -- national conversation. marc thiessen, you're good at
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that. it's great to see you. coming up, boyd matheson with more details on that brawl in congress between republican jim jordan and dr. fauci. we're going to show you dr. fauci's flip-flops on covid-19 lockdowns and how he admitted he moves the goalpost. we've got the story. >> americans want to know what's ahead, and right now it seems the democrats don't want to go forward and explain what's in the future because they like the lockdown, because it gives them political power. ♪ ♪ gum damage. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum seal tight. new parodontax active gum repair toothpaste.
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♪ elizabeth: joining us now, gop strategist boyd matheson. what was your reaction when you saw that fight in congress between republican jim jordan and dr. fauci? >> yeah. a whole lot of prop watch going on there as the things were going back and forth, and the story continued to change and evolve. on one hand it's really sad that we ended up having to have that kind of discussion in a committee in congress. we've got a constantly moving goalpost, a lot of changes and challenges going op. we've got to get to the truth because if we don't have this, then we're losing the trust of the american people, and that makes it harder to do the things that we do need to do to move out of the tandemmic, really
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open up the -- pandemic and get the american people back to work. elizabeth: let's watch the fight. let's show you what happened. >> are we just going to continue this forever? when do we get to the point, what measure, what standard, what objective, outcome do we have to reach before americans get their liberty and freedoms back? >> you know, i -- you're indicating liberty and freedom. i look at it as a public health measure to prevent people from dying and going to the hospital -- >> you don't think americans' liberties have been threatened the last year, dr. fauci? are we going to be here two years from now wearing masks and asking the same question? >> well, let me -- you're ranting again -- >> i'm not ranting. >> yes, you are. >> mr. chairman, i don't want you to answer my question, the american people want dr. fauci to answer the question -- >> well -- >> time has expired, sir. you need to respect the chair and shut your mouth. elizabeth: okay. clearly, democrat mac seen
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waters -- maxine waters violated the first article in the congressional codes of conductment the question is should she be, you know, basically disciplined over that. you don't say that in congress. but here's the problem. we're going to show, quickly, i want to show the viewers dr. fauci's flip-flops and how he admitted to "the new york times" in december 2020 that he did move the goalpost on herd immunity, for example, and he changed it after he saw that the, ooh, americans, 60% of them, they don't support vaccines, i'm going to nudge higher the immunity from 60% to 85% on herd immunity. so he's changing based on polls and public perception. >> i think there's a couple of challenges there, liz. one is this is a novel coronavirus, so things are going to evolve and change. that's one component. chalk that one up. the other is that there are benefits to some people for it to extend and to continue on. it actually goes back, good
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examples from the prohibition area, you had the bootlegers and the baptists out on a temp the answer movement, the bootleggers were making a rot of money -- a lot of money off of the fact that they were the only ones that could sell the alcohol. we're seeing some of that now. there are some who are clearly benefiting. and so, to me, the real answer we've got to get to is the common sense stuff, follow the science and then move things forward. we're here in the state of utah, and our unemployment is under 3%. when president biden announced that he was going to, you know, give vaccine toss all, we were already there. we're a month ahead of the rest of of the country -- elizabeth: yeah, okay. got it. >> we already had the mask mandate had been removed, and things are moving forward. so you can follow the science, to be sure, and there'll be tweaks along the way, to be sure. but we also -- elizabeth: yeah, but, you know -- [inaudible conversations] elizabeth: with i hear what
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you're saying. critics are saying, you know, like buck sexton if dr. fauci wasn't on camera all the time, maybe people would feel like they're getting back to normal. he slammed texas for ending its mask mandate saying texas is going to cause a summer, and when covid cases go down, he says, well, maybe it's because more people are doing things outdoors. doesn't that say don't lockdown, don't keep people inside? you know what i mean? the goalposts changing, people are really frustrated. and then he says i have nothing to do with covid-19 at the border. and then in testimony he said he does not agree with what, you know, the biden officials are doing at the border he said that the biden administration are breaking covid-19 protocols at the border. your final word. >> yeah. no, i think the whole key is you've got to lock into what it is, and the more you politicize the scientistses, the more motivation there is for them to be in front of the camera as you said, liz. ultimately, that undermines the confidence of the american people, and when we're uncertain
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as a country, we're frustrated, and people are not likely to do what we do need to do so we can move this thing forward and get the country back on track. elizabeth: yeah. i don't get it. if it's based on science and initially you say 60% is herd immunity and then you say, ooh, they're take more vaccines, i'm going to nudge it to 85%, where's the science in that? body matheson, thanks for joining us. next up, the audacity of democrats trying to intimidate the pack the supreme court to get what democrats want but they have the nay row -- narrowest margin in congress in years. we've got their new battle plan going after the supreme court. next up. today there. ♪ ♪ >> well, the supreme court is our last line of defense against a radical socialist agenda. i know it's a high bar to ratify an amendment, but that's what
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this does. it's worth calling biden out for what he's doing, and that's leading a left-wing takeover of the courts. i think this is the time to be bold in defense of our institutions. ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate click or call to switch today. allstate ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google, turn up the heat.
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senator ed markey seas the public will sign on after they see how the supreme court strikes down progressive laws. is this a threat? >> i think it is part of a long-running strategy that began at least during the trump administration with the new conservative justices to delegitimize the court, to try to intimidate the court, to stay away from potentially controversial issues. i don't think it's going to work on the court. i think the court has mix confidence, i think the court is committed to doing its job. elizabeth: now the democratic push is to try to get justice breyer out. he's against court packing. we had a representative saying, quote, there's no question he should retire at the end of this term. okay, there are no term limits for justices. what's your take on going after breyer? >> yeah. i think -- [laughter] partisans of both sides often hope when they have control of the confirmation process that
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the older justices on their side of the bench if they perceive it will retire. but as we've seen throughout history, justices don't work for the president or congress. so congressmen can hope that happens, but justice breyer will make his own decision, certainly. elizabeth: republican senator tom cotton, house minority leader kevin mccarthy says democrats are trying to intimidate, as you point out, the justices to getting the rulings democrats want. should this scare american, pressuring the most important firewall that protects the right of americans? should americans be concerned about this. >> >> no, i think they should be. and we should. the whole court-packing ideas, this proposal, i think it's fair to say that there's no chance it's going to happen in the current environment. many democrats are against it. but it's dangerous that we're even entertaining the idea and legitimizing it. court packing has been the textbook example of the kind of unconstitutional in a kind of
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spiritual sense move that you just don't make. fda tried it a hundred years ago. it's technically legal to do under the constitution, but it would completely subvert the constitutional order because it wouldn't just reform the court, it would effectively end the court as an independent check on the branches. we all should be pushing back on it, republicans and democrats, and i'm frankly glad to see some democrats have spokennen up against this idea. elizabeth: polls show americans saying, no, they don't want to expanted the supreme court. -- expand the supreme court. senator bernie sanders, dick durbin say no. he says republicans can turn it around and use it too. it just seems so shortsightedded, what they're doing here. by the way, the republicans can filibuster it, but jerry nadler and senator markey admit this saying republicans broke the court and that they develop confirmed conservatives on the
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court, and they're calling that court packing. >> of course it's just, i mean, that's just playing with words. court packing is to fill vacancies when they arrive. there have been aggressive fights in confirmation battles op both sides going back decades, and maybe that's regrettable, and maybe we should turn down the temperature on how we fill say vacancies, but there was no attempt to completely subvert the court as we're talking about here here. elizabeth: okay. pelosi says she has no plans immediately to bring legislation are to the floor. she did say it's not completely out of the question, and kevin mccarthy doesn't trust pelosi on this. watch this. >> do not trust nancy pelosi when she says she will not move it. remember, that's what she said about impeachment before she moved it twice. we've watched her time and time again to come to what the socialists actually can for. she surrendered to the
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socialists many timeses before, and she will do it again. elizabeth: you know, in the biography about nancy pelosi, the number one lesson on power, she said this: nobody's going to give you power, you've got to take it. do you trust nancy pelosi here? >> i trust nancy pelosi to know how to count votes, and there is no way she has the votes to move this forward. i'm sure there's a lot of pressure on the left for it, but it is rightly regarded as a radical proposal. it's been regarded that way for a-up years. it was also politically poisonous when fdr tried it. i don't think nancy pelosi's going to make that mistake, but i still do think it's important for us to defend the court from ideas like this. and you know the way that fdr got control of the judiciary for new dole democrats? -- new deal democrats? we won the election, and he kept winning. that's what nancy pelosi should be focused on doing for her party, not on undermining the supreme court.
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elizabeth: yeah. it's about convincing voters about the merit and credibility of your ideas. it's about the voter. it's not about changing institutions. you know, biden -- what do you want americans to understand about president biden's first 100 days? we see packing the courts, a push to federalize elections, a new democrat resolution to ban the electoral college which is literally the underpinning for civil rights in this country. it's about giving minority states, putting them on the same level as the other states. what do you think of biden's first hundred days? >> interesting to watch. he's had successes, no doubt. it's been a bit surprising that he came in with a very narrow mandate, historically narrow majorities in both houses of congress, and yet he's governing as though he has a massive supermajority behind him or a pretty hard liberal program. he's got some spending out the door, very significant spending. some of these bigger asks, i think, are going to have trouble
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flying. i don't think he's going to have the votes even on the democratic side for these kinds of massive structural changes that some folks are talking about from packing the supreme court -- elizabeth: got it, okay. greg nunziata, come back soon. love to have you on. you're watching the fox business network. we're coming out of the bottom of the hour. just ahead, the washington examiner's alicia krause. we've got a new attack from the media, the media now going after florida republican governor ron desantis. he's a potential gop 2024 contender. we're going to show you how msnbc delivered the very definition of a smear here. no proof, no evidence, big smear. story next. >> what i would say to requester requester -- "60 minutes" and the american people, they have so much con for their viewers to try to gaslight them like this. you know what? admit that it was false. that's the responsible thing to
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do. but i think folks like this, these are corporate media operatives, basically. you know, they had a political mission to smear me. they thought that they could do it, drive by and just go on to the next target, but i have a platform. we have done that, we're going to continue to do that. but, man, how much contempt do they have for their fellow americans? that really bugs me. ♪ ♪ did you know that geico's whole 15 minutes thing... that came from me. really. my first idea was “in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower... over you. figuratively speaking." but that's not catchy, is it? that's not going to swim about in your brain. so i thought, what about...
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elizabeth: let's welcome to the show the washington examiner's alicia krause. thanks for joining us. it's good to see you. the media now going after republican governor ron desantis of florida for his friendship we republican matt gaetz is under investigation. this is the latest push. what do you think? >> i think that they've been afraid of ron desantis for a very long time including way back in early covid days, and i think he's made the right decisions as far as governing
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his state during the lock coupe. listen, we're going -- lockdown. we're going to allow people to remain free. he encouraged schools to reopen, and many people including scientists have said maybe florida isn't having a massive covid resurgence because everybody has herald immunity and vaccines there. he's done a much better job, but the media, i think, is afriday of him being the gop nominee in 2024, and they've had their sights set on him for a very long time. elizabeth: without evidence, joy reid and glenn kushner went after governor desantis implying and insinuating that governor desantis will be implicated in this justice department probe of matt gaetz that involves allegations of sex trafficking and prostitution. again, no evidence offered. let's show the sound bite. watch this. >> just as greenberg's lawyer said about matt gaetz when he left the courthouse the other day, he said, you know what?
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if i were matt gaetz, i don't think i'd if all that comfortable right about now? you have to believe that desantis -- i mean, these are his boys, these are his guys, right? we've seen the pictures, we've heard the stories. you have to believe that ron desantis, if he has done anything wrong, feels like things are creeping closer and closer to him. elizabeth: okay. this is really crossing boundaries of journalism. >> yes. well, yeah -- elizabeth: you're -- go ahead, take it on. >> they're been doing this for a really long time. there is no doubt in my mind why pre-covid even, and it's gotten worse since the study was done at the beginning of 2020 showed that mesh's trust in institutions, specifically the main stream media, was beyond faltering. i doubt you're going to see people like chuck todd fact checking their friends over at msnbc. i think this should have gotten a huge pinocchio e from the
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washington post and mainstream media outlets that just love to cover for one another. and there is zero accountability here. listen, i'm a lover of the first amendment. if they want to be idiots and spew lies on tv, fine. but, i don't know, maybe there should be a disclaimer e when they're just assuming something that we know nothing about. where is the evidence to prove that desantis is going to be indicted next. it's a very, very dangerous stretch to be making. elizabeth: so when you're in the amen corner talking to people who agree with you and you're emotional, then it derails, then you're in over your skis. then you're not doing your viewers a service when you smear a governor without proof. and the idea that this investigation could spark new scrutiny because of the political friendship and it become a liability for desantis -- it's not just msnbc implying this, it's also the associated press.
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>> i mean, it's really not a surprise that they are really stretching here. and i think in a lot of ways they're trying -- we actually have evidence that shows how governors like gash miesome and andrew cuomo have been incredibly hypocritical, have adhered to the lobbyists who have actually begin them money unlike the faux public scandal that desantis was hit with a couple of weeks ago and time after time have covered up what they and their administrations have done through this entire pandemic and reopening process. elizabeth: so andrew cuomo had a friendship with president joe biden. new york governor andrew cuomo spoke at the dome accurate convention -- democrat convex. he's under investigation by current -- is this going to bring down president biden? >> oh, of course not. in fact, you've even seen the white house not even commenting strongly on that -- elizabeth: well,ing that's the point.
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>> the party of me too, and, yes, all women. but once they get power, they help their friends also in power and never hold them accountable. elizabeth: all right. elisha, great to have you on. come back soon. coming up, fox nation host cat temp. we've got the up -- kat timpf. former 2020 democrat contender andrew yang unfit to be the mayor of new york city? after he was caught on camera laughing at disturbing misogynystic comments. the story next. you can spend your life in boxing or any other business, but one day, you're gonna take a hit you didn't see coming. and it won't matter what hit you. what matters is you're down. and there's nothing down there with you
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andrew yang, he's running for mayor of new york city. they say he's unqualified after he was caught on a tiktok video laughing at brutally misogynystic comments. we don't want to get into the details of how graphic it was, but it's not a good look for yang right now. what do you think? >> i have a different opinion, actually. i agree that t not a good look. i also have seen it being posted online, tiny pieces of it, suggesting that he's talking about something that would not be consensual even though he discusses the importance of consent earlier in the same video. now, he also seems to be really, really uncomfortable. he didn't know -- this wasn't a planned thing. this was somebody on the street with a camera. i kind of took it as nervous laughter, and he walks away. i'm also somebody who, though,
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prefers to just err on the side of not canceling people just because we do live in this society where especially if you're a public figure, there can be, you know, you'll be on video all the time. there could be something you said that could be taken out of context. he's also somebody who has been in the past willing to show others the same grace, so i'm going to show him that grace. elizabeth: we hear what you're saying. in other words, let's be fair to both sides and put it into the entire context of what the entire video, what he said in the entire clip. but, you know, we hear exactly what you're saying. at the end though the, he's laughing at the suggestion of violence against women. he seems to linger too long in laughing, then makes a hand gesture as if to say, you know, cut this. and then later on he's saying, you know, that was plainly inappropriate, i didn't find it funny. we don't want to get too much
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into the weeds of it, but, you know, this is the age of video cameras and smartphone cameras. i gotta tell you, i mean, this stuff can really ignite fast. what do you say? >> yeah. i personally did not interpret it as an act of violence are against women given the full context of the video. i thought it was very clear he was talking about a consensual act. but as you point out, something like that can be a bad look, right? and you have to be really careful, really, really careful. you never know what's going to be on video, what people are going to take from it, how people are going to feel about it. that was my feeling. i know there are a lot of people who do feel very differently. but that's just my take on it. elizabeth: yeah. and then, you know, there isen ab issue that reportedly there's reports of toxic masculinity accusations and this kind of rogue culture at yang's campaign and the operations he's been in. that -- >> right.
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elizabeth: there's a history of misogyny here, kat. your final word. alleged misogyny. >> yeah, i've heard of those allegations and, again, i don't know him. i'm just talking about the specific video and especially given those a allegations, i think some people might take it more seriously. but for me personally, i thought a lot of the outrage was taken out of context, but a lot of people saw it and felt very differently. elizabeth: yeah. i mean, it's talking -- we can't get into the graphic details of it. >> yeah. [laughter] elizabeth: but it is violent. it's bad stuff. yeah, we hear you, kat. all right, thanks for your perspective. it's good to see you. >> you too. elizabeth: we're going to stay on that story. people are really upset about what andrew yang was laughing at. it's graphic stuff. we just want to warn you. up next, former deputy national security adviser kt mcfarland. a growing majority of americans, again, they disapprove of biden's handling of the border crisis.
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liz: joining is now national deputy advisor kt mcfarland, we have news for you, earlier in the day the biden administration said were gonna keep the refugee cast at the trump era levels at 15000. the white house after a backlash saying we are going to lift it. if they can change the policies there, how come they can't change the policies to make the border more secure as they were under the trump era as they attempted to be. >> this is a hail mary pass, they're not gonna solve the border problem that they created by lifting the caps a little bit. this really makes me so mad, trump has solved the problem, we had a secure border in a process, humanitarian process, people can remain in their own countries, they can apply, they can apply from mexico to enter the united states but no, biden
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could not help himself, he had to reverse everything that trump did and what biden has created as a three-pronged crisis, humanitarian crisis because half the women who are coming have been sexually assaulted, the coyotes are throwing babies over walls to get people to pay for their transit, there is a health crisis because half of the people are testing positive for covid and it's a national security crisis because god knows who's coming into the country we have no control over an open border in a huge economic crisis. >> we are just showing disturbing footage, san diego border patrol released shocking new video that human smugglers dropping, this is painful, a 2-year-old over an 18-foot high border wall, this is what was caught on camera. , stay on this for just a second, this is what was caught on camera there is likely much more of that out there and we
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got also this, biden's poll numbers are dropping on the border the majority of americans saying we don't like what he's doing we disapprove of his handling of the border crisis. >> worry are the united states of america and the biden administration has enabled the nastiest people on the planet, the coyotes, human traffickers, smugglers, he enabled them and empower them to do what they're doing, to bring people into the united states, if somebody doesn't pay, they are throwing babies over walls, i'm just appalled the united states government is complicit in this, it's a stain against america and the biden administration but as an american i am outraged. larry: we have human smugglers, we have not seen this dropping toddlers over walls, it is so dangerous. now we have republican saying we want to push on a bill saying the white house, you have to designate drug cartel as foreign
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terrorists, the texas governor saying you have to do that but watch the white house press secretary claiming that biden's porter policies are fine and this is also jen psaki making fun of questions about where is the vice president, how come the vice president is not at the border after biden ordered, the hearers to oversee it. >> we don't have any intention to rethink to treating kids across the border. >> what is the role that the republican has quite critical of the vice president. >> they need more to do. >> this is what u.s. taxpayers are paying for it for press secretary to mock and make fun
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and dodge and not answer questions and continuously tap dance and not give straight answers on a serious problem, kt, you talked about it, fentanyl sees at the border is tripling we have historic drug overdoses in this country. so now we have a problem with major drug cartels operating in u.s. cities. but this is an up problem for the white house press secretary the president or the vice president. >> i guess they think they can get away with it they know the major media would cover it, social media isn't going to cover, they will get away with it there is a reason the vice president is not going to the border there is a reason no senior official of the biden administration is getting anywhere near the border, because they have to answer pretty uncomfortable questions about their role in allowing this humanitarian crisis to happen and to continue. so it's better for them to continue it's not there, laugh
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it off, it's okay, meanwhile coyotes are throwing 2-year-old toddlers off of walls. liz: it's amazing, thank you for coming back on it's good to see you we hope you have a good weekend. >> thank you. liz: i am elizabeth macdonald you been watching "the evening edit", that does it for us. we hope you have a good weekend, join us again on monday. thank you for watching. ♪ ♪ ♪. larry: hello everyone welcome back to "kudlow", i am larry kudlow great to be with you this evening fox today closed higher across-the-board another new record for the dow and s&p 500, the economy is booming
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