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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 20, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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♪ larry: my friend tony fauci is a good guy, but now he's saying over the weekend as long as there's any risk at all, we may have to wear masks forever. even with the vaccinations. tony, there's always mask ever, i am "kudlow" let's not do forever. kennedy: a nation and city on edge. the derek chauvin trail in the hands of the jury predict prosecutors make their case or did the defense raised enough doubts? we have a live look at minneapolis where that jury has to consider whether the former minneapolis coffee intentionally killed george floyd or if his death was caused by something else including his training. this case has obviously taken on huge national significance on race and policing. they were right last year after floyd's death as you will remember in the city bracing for more trouble should chauvin be acquitted. what is the mood in situation
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like in the twin cities customer was going out to fox news correspondent mike tobin's live in minneapolis when you see, mike? suspect there's a big crowd of marching around right now, kathie. this is the definition of a peaceful protest a very large teeth peaceful protest people are marching in the street making the voices heard all at a very emotional time. i comes now at the closing of the derek chauvin murder trial only saw the state wrapping suggesting you can believe your eyes what you saw that videotape pointing to that evidence. part of the tape in which thomas suggested they roll george fight over derek chauvin reviews he said he was trained to know better he just did not do better. >> center is on trial not for being a police officer that is not the state versus the police. he is not on trial for who he was.
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he is on trial for what he did. [background noises] >> i pointed to the attention of the situation. george floyd's system drugs, george floyd was able to resist for police officers ultimately involve a reasonable force. and they ask-here is the defense. >> all of the defense shows that mr. chauvin thought he was following his trading party was in fact following his training. he was following minneapolis police apartment policies. he was trained this way at all demonstrates a lack of intent. you have adheres operation safety net which has comprised of so many different law enforcement agencies. 3000 have been called up you can see me how much tension
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how much emotion is in the region. with the minnesota state patrol said today is that everyone out here needs to relax. while enforcement citizens included the boy wait for the verdict of this trial? kennedy. kennedy: say safe out there will be watching all night long. this trend has been competent since they whimpered much of the case was around the gut wrenching video of derek chauvin kneeling on george floyd's neck for almost ten minutes is that enough to convict? or did the defense establish enough hull in the case? you think to discuss criminal defense attorney former prosecutor randy zelin knows both side. randy, what did you state specifically today in those closing arguments? >> certainly started with the defense. i am sure i'm going to be attacked for this and it is okay. i saw a presentation that sounded like ordering dinner.
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i saw no emotion i saw no sense of what a tragedy this was. i saw no sense there was a human being's life that was lost. now i understand the rationale for it. i do not necessarily agree with it. but look, the defense pushed all their chips in. rather than going for a compromise verdict, which probably would have required mr. chauvin to take the stand, breakdown say listen i did not mean to kill him, which he is not charged with. but i did not realize i failed to see that what i was doing with the lead to this man's death. and i have to live with that. that is manslaughter, that gives him a way out. that gives him the opportunity to move on with his life in the case is over. of course in doing that he would have to concede guilt.
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now we arty know he offered to plead guilty to the murder in the fort third degree. but that would not be a stretch they whimpered all that for an acquittal. and in doing so, nine minutes and 29 seconds of the full weight of mr. chauvin his knee on george floyd's neck. george floyd saying i cannot breathe. nine minutes and 29 seconds is intent to assault. it's indifference to this man's life. you get on there, you break down you cry you say my god what did i do? i'm not an animal, i am not a racist i did not recognize that's what i was doing, that is manslaughter. before they have three options your second degree murder third degree murder talked about earlier and second degree manslaughter. what will it take for the jury to convict in the lowest charge here.
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and what sort of implications about the judge's words about congress event maxine waters statements, what effect will that have on a possible appeal? event i think the trial court arty telegraphed that by saying i think were going to have an appeal here. congresswoman waters statements, they were ill advised, there is no reason for that quite frankly. she should know better part i understand the emotion of the moment. i appreciate the moment but she has got to know better. she is a leader of this country. and the leaders of our country have got to stop behaving like this. we cannot lead with our emotions. we are not children. we have to show better discipline. look there's going to be a whole host of appeal issues here. which is probably bought why mr. chauvin did not take the stand. with got the backdrop of whether not he could get a
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fair trial anywhere in minnesota could he get fair trial anywhere short of being in mars? you got the fact that the jury probably knows about that $27 million verdict which kind of punches out this notion hey, i was just following training. you have the protesting, you have the pressure on this jury were if they acquit minnesota is going to burn. parts of this country are going to burn. that is an unfair burden to put on this jury. the fact they've seen the video beforehand and unfair burden. you cannot expect them to walk into this court room with nothing more than their commonsense and everyday life experiences. because if you do you're kidding yourself for it and if you do they are convicting him before they even took their oath as jurors. >> it is a phenomenal amount of pressure for all of these jurors. and now we just wait on pins and needles to see what they deliver, alright thank you so much randy prideaux suggest mention republican lawmakers accusing congress event maxine
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waters and inciting violence after she traveled to minnesota and urge protesters to get more confrontational, watch. >> i would like to see. [inaudible] placer form but i know the right wing the racist are opposed to it. i don't know it's going to happen to it? no, no, no. as in the first degree. [inaudible] >> we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational. you got to make sure >> now hausman leader mccarthy for waters to be censured because of her comments for the judge in the chauvin trial set her comments could be grounds for the defense team to appeal a potential guilty verdict. so is mad maxine inciting violence? is fars we understand the terms in this modern political
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era, let's get into its knight's manpower we have power of the future cofounder executive director daniel turner is here. love your backdrop. we have former clinton d.o.j. spokesman and recorded principal michael gordon is with us. and look at this, might legendary forever cohost, cohost of the fifth : podcasting one and only matt welch back in action. right gentlemen let's take this apart a little bit. i care what part of the country from i don't care what political party you belong to. to bring the temperature down. that is really critical especially for some of these businesses. god forbid there is an acquittal and there are riots, looting and fires. the businesses that stand to lose everything, is it really worth it to be more confrontational? >> this is exactly the
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definition of interloper. someone who arrives for the not welcome them no skin in the game for this has nothing to do with her congressional district what was her rule for going there what was seek elevating the language to this degree, she asked for police escort while she was there. to stopped in their job or they detect protect hershey incites violence with this abominable language she's flies back to beverly hills where she lives her d.c. water sheet works prince is not her district that's going to burn, her store, her family, her community it's the most deplorable behavior you could expect. we need that to act like adults and not make it worse. kennedy: think be hard-pressed to defend what she said, michael, but what is a better way of addressing this? what's a better way to address a group of people who are arty outrage? this is just a few miles from brooklyn center where they are still ongoing protests in the
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death of daute wright. >> should be a perspective of a black american who seen a lifetime of racial injustice for the whole countries waiting on edge waiting for this verdict and hoping he gets the guilty verdict. i think we should all follow the lead of george floyd's family who has handled this with an enormous amount of dignity despite the injustice that george floyd -- was done to him. i think however they handle it, that is how everyone should communicate. how all of our leaders should communicate. kennedy: should we all just get along, matt welch? >> we can't because people in positions like that respond to the incentives of their jobs which is sadly is not to reward leadership. it's to reward grandstanding. congress doesn't really do anything anymore, it rewards people who hog cameras and you get in front of things and have sympathy at one site of eight travel or any number of
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laws. good have good conversation having to do with criminal justice have to do with immunity of police having the drug war. there is no shortage of things you can do as a legislature in this situation that is not what she is doing because the incentives reward her for doing this. it's deeply irresponsible. my god she wants to them to be even more confrontational? we know what is happened in minneapolis, twice the city has burned. lots of it, lots of innocent people to say more confrontation and street protests ahead of this is very, very irresponsible. orcs need to talk about actually changing clause in a way to prevent needless deaths. >> you are stuck with from
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california she saw it happen in the spring of 1992. it does not get better. people do not naturally calm down and come to their senses. that is why you need grown-ups. she is being childish as any one in this situation she's not helping at all. she's also in a way influencing the jury. if arty establish they have in our normal soul waits on their shoulders. deliberating this verdict. in saying that she disagrees that should be first degree murder. that is on some level hampering that so inappropriate. man cannot returns later they're all man lived after 20 years the longest work and soon be over but how much praised as the president deserve for withdrawal in afghanistan? the next guest michigan congressman and u.s. army veteran joins us to discuss in a when it comes to autism,
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'cause we are. kennedy: here we are back at it fighting for you the good fight performer president trump criticizing president biden for pushing the afghanistan withdrawal affected the 11th after 45 negotiated the seas by may 1.
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but even try partially praised biden for announcing our troops will come home after 20 long as years. then last night senator lindsey graham lashed out at trump, tweeting quotes with all the respect to former president trump there is nothing a wonderful about allowing safe havens and sanctuary to reemerge in afghanistan rc afghanistan be drawn back into a civil war. so is this just a nether case customer i'm not lindsey anymore, is this just another case of war addicts in washington suffered withdrawal after the u.s. withdrawals from an endless conference strike made out michigan republican congressman fort affairs committee member and iraq war veteran congressman peter meijer welcome back to the show. i know there have been people in both parties were really upset finally withdrawing all the troops from afghanistan.
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what is their obsession? when you cannot outline what victory looks life, or what we are fighting for any tangible objectives, it some point you've got to cut bait. spin it all due respect to senator graham and adjusted to a civil war again we been in the middle of a civil war in afghanistan for the better part of 20 years for the initial objective was to deny sanctuary to al qaeda so they could not attack us. they could not conduct overseas attacks. we been effective over that permitted some continual efforts there we can't be caught in the middle of civil wars per the only way to end this is through negotiated settlement and as long as she was troops are still on the ground there, that type of settlement will be impossible. kennedy: what are we supposed to do and how is it the department of defense is able to pull every success administration further and further into this conflict by
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convincing them there are secrets there that if you pull out a "house of cards" the whole thing will come down and hurt us. because we have already hurt the people who live in afghanistan with all of her billions of dollars for infrastructure. i guess everything is infrastructure now. they have high unemployment and i am sure a great deal of dissatisfaction with u.s. bases in troops still over there. >> i was an aid worker in afghanistan from 21,322,015. as noncombatant in afghanistan for his very clear to me for my experiences there is not a conflict the could and militarily. you mention the generals, image the national security apparatuses grown accustomed to having an opportunity to rack up career promotion points, to have the identity of their careers be rolled into this long multi- decade war, if your change. you fear what you do not
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know. at this point i fear the pentagon fear peace they fear what it looks like to promote a stable afghanistan puts more the burden of the regional actors on pakistan as of the other countries in that region to really carry that waits rather than looking at it as an opportunity to kick the u.s. in the shins. kennedy: but we know from some information request decent reportedly pentagon lied about afghanistan for years. and only compounded the situation. they're still outdated but you are working on legislation to get rid of those. on the book still, we have the 2001 which is used for the war on afghanistan purdue war on afghanistan's most clear application of that. no one doubts that was the intent here we have the 2002 that authorized us to go into iraq and take out saddam
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hussein could we have the number 180 left from the prior time we went into our record was of one on the books from the eisenhower administration. i think there is a good full court press to bipartisan to repeal the 2002, the 91 and the 57 were looking at reform of the 2001. because rather than just afghanistan that's been used to justify and involvement over 19 countries. >> this is the manifestation he was talking about. this really is a fungus that has grown in the dark. good for you at a bipartisan way, shining some light on all of this. thank you congressman thank you for your time. >> thank you kennedy. kennedy: states across the country finally lifting crazy covid restrictions. with eight permanent mask amanda, i will tell you are to hate your freedoms. hate your freedoms. kennedy watch after the break.
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kennedy: what has become of my beautiful beaver state? oregon is to be weird and pristine and outdoorsy burnouts and authoritarian cesspools run by's not gobblers who are considering a permanent mask mandate. one pencil pushers blaming it on a failing legal technicality. but let's be honest of his adult law deep six the law. flexing disproportionate control over every access of life or business, gyms, just cools, it is just too enticing for power mad take those. oregon has meant walt a very high rates and your times pegs it at a 55% increase over the past two weeks. and that is with the stateful of a lonely bearded shut-ins. the guys too. gyms are barely operating at 25% capacity. so people are getting fat and
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cranky, running from antifa his bombs all at the same time. the crazy thing about oregon was a number stinky deadhead ticket fit into a vw bus. or the slightly off folk who swore they had seen sasquatch. now state overrun the rational mood swings between permissive awoken us and incessant scientists from the masked bullies. let's look at texas which has had a far better couple of weeks. new cases are down to 56%, covid and deaths have dropped 64% since the beginning of march. they lift the mask mandate march 10 there reasonably partying, masking when necessarily good hospitalizations are way down. can far more stringent covid restrictions governor cuomo killed way more grandmas than ron desantis and the floridians who survived get to go to disney world and universal.
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in new york all that is get sucker punched on the bus are thrown up the subway platform, where would you whether live? a world where your grandparents can shoot shops are behind a molding mask for a decade calgon take me to it texas and take a hike from tech savvy states it will never let go of the pandemic. let's be paranoid german folks, increase restrictions while the tax receipts climb and that is the memo. as you know been keeping tabs on governors who let liberty slide during covid burnout hbo bill marr is even taking notice. >> i have read that the governor of florida reads, apparently the governor is also a voracious consumer of the scientific literature. maybe that is why he protected his most vulnerable population, the elderly way better than did the governor of new york. kennedy: does this mean more freedom loving states will end up under the microscope?
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the party panel is back, daniel turner, michael gordon and matt welch. so matt, you have been on real-time with biltmore recently. he has actually taken a more rational approach then some of his other liberal counterpart analyst who been engaging in this pandemic, what are your thoughts? >> at some point you have to start looking at the scoreboard and noticing things are pretty weird. governor abbott of texas was called the baby killer, grandma killer and worse. the trend line plunge since then. you cannot keep this up forever without people kind of laughing and noticing. it's not just mortality right? oregon overall has had decent mortality rates as had washington. but whatever exertions are between democratic states and republican states, it does not
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really seem to impact the actual pandemic. what it impacts because democrats are closed and republicans are open is red states their schools are open. their kids are back-to-school. moms are working. blue states, none of that is true and businesses are destroyed pre-unemployment is up labor force participation is down. that is a people are going to be noticing now that we are all getting back seemed. but the rates are going to plummet for the going say hey this state has jobs, this has growing population adding seats in the congress after the census the states over here they are trying to hold onto every last little law every last little expansion of power that they took during this pandemic. bill marr's not going to be long going forward. >> so michael where would you rather live? would you rather live were freedom flourishes when they never really tell you when the pandemic is over. >> first of all there are a lot of reasons that cause the
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searches the hospitalizations to go up, things like that for there's a lot of reasons and it's not just when particularly a warm weather climate opens up magically they're doing everything right or doesn't break masks do save lives. we should all say that clearly and unequivocably. there are a whole range of factors that go into when cases surged, what cause people to get sick. what causes people to die. kennedy: no one can show what lockdowns particular national lockdowns, they don't have any noticeable, measurable impact. so lockdowns don't work. this heavily enforced masking and social distancing, i don't know that that's working neither, daniel. >> know this is some terrible messaging coming across from
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the president and vice president. even the queen's effusive funeral this weekend with prince philip. >> it was prince philip's funeral was not the queen's funeral she still life rates vegas gives me thank you. the queen was wearing a mask sitting by herself she's vaccinated. kennedy: she is 94. >> viewer vaccinated way of? why your social distancing, where it wiry wearing a mask? we are telling people the present vice president stan eat apart without -- with masks on. if you get a vaccine life goes back to normal parents before they can't tell people that because so many people getting vaccinated now. if you give them freedom, that means you no longer have the power. and they do not want to give up the power. and that is why anthony thought she comes out every week with a new metric and a new edict. because he has to stay front of mind. he has to stay in the news. the story has to be about him, that's why does so much press
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pretty doesn't george make people feel better he does not do it to break down the science but he does it so he remains in the focus, go ahead daniel. >> he also said once that masks don't work. he slipped on it masks multiple times for the messaging on this is just terrible people want to get back we have to let them get back. submit >> he said that one time ago pretty soon he saw what was going on in the countries that masks work fragile things don't get to be controlling. i think sometimes he's overly cautious for sure. but he is coming at it starkly from perspective. kennedy: it's not healthy place not healthy for people to abstain from doctors visits for it things like heart conditions and cancer because they are scared of catching covid when they are not going to catch it at the doctor. and it is very counter to good health for teenagers to be kept out of school when they are harming themselves and killing themselves but that is
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the health we do not talk about an effort he had been god awful and addressing some of those issues but let's go to the board because that's a fun place. the biting admits ration today ordering agencies to change the wording referring to people entering the country illegally. aliens will now be called noncitizens or migrants. it will be swapped with integration. so while porta facilities are overflowing with children allegedly suffering abuse of many strengths, tavis being thrown over fences by human traffickers, the biting administration is focused on word games. and the team cannot in get those right cited the present appeared to accident refer to the border situation as a crisis only to be corrected by his press secretary today. >> none on. [inaudible] >> the president does not field children come into our
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borders seeking refuge in violent economic hardships and other dire circumstances is a crisis. kennedy: kids sleeping 100 to a room where they are catching covid and where they are being sexually abused, that is a crisis. will anyone solve this problem or will they keep playing verbal twister? that i would like to start with you. when you change words here and there, it seems like you're doing something. but you are not actually tackling problems long-term and short-term. >> the thing that really sticks in my craw is the president trying to inflate refugees with the border crisis. i know that sounds like the same thing. but in fact it isn't. the refugee process you got to be far away you got to beat libya, go to your local embassy or consulate if it is open for it apply to this it's a long screening process. if everything is approved and you do interviews you might
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get on a plane. that is not the same as dropping the 4-year-old over the fence or knocking on border gates asking for asylum but those are different. however they tried to pass off on friday keeping refugee cap the number of refugees we take at an all-time low establish fight donald trump it my point of view and all-time low border crisis we cannot have more refugees. this is a president who knows it better scared of politics and is not doing the right thing. >> they're not doing the right thing, michael, sorry. >> the crisis whether to call a crisis or not is silly they should just call it a crisis and move on and focus on the substances as you say. doesn't bother me if they change how they refer to people coming into this country we should treat them with compassion and dignity. but most of the energy should not be on the rhetoric.
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most should be on the substance of solving was going on out there. kennedy: complete the greatly greatly, daniel take us home. the event we should call them rainbows and butterflies. and they can blast republicans are being opposed it rainbows and butterflies great questions play a game of semantics and let's not solve the problem. we were not talking about immigration for a long time because things were getting better at the board approved all biden had to do was not mess it up or he messed it up. this is totally on him. so far i don't know president trump really solved our border issues either. >> we are fixing it we're getting better. support presidents have both houses that he felt something like immigration not healthcare. you guys did a great job daniel, michael, and matt welch. coming up. >> thank you. i new push to bust up big tech companies in the name of free speech. but our lawmakers working against your best interest?
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kennedy: just getting ready to rumble. gillibrand reliance on the big tech giants. introducing legislation the big tech act. case you cannot tell by they strengthen government ability for facebook and amazon. after it shut down parler back in january. but his big government intervention the right play here which party is a bigger sledgehammer print let's break it out that max offends cofounder fox news and contributor jonas ferris. he is so powerful his middle
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name powers and entire corporation. david: thanks for coming back. >>'s before when i heard is sponsoring this peace of legislation about the misspelled liz warren. >> is very strange republicans started the antitrust that's an all republican thing that kind of got taken over by democrats later on. so josh is sort of in the -- there is a history here of republicans. teddy roosevelt and the original sherman antitrust act also from republican senator. kennedy: that was like 1700 years ago. >> it was spread believe it or not a lot of these rules would still apply fact this is my biggest beef about it. i understand where he's going with this for there are some issues with big tech companies. i think tech companies are going to ruth david did this very quick the bacon of certain conservative sites. it gave republicans a path to
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join democrats to altman to add new legislation. my beef is you do not need legislation. with teddy roosevelt that it is he took old legislation finally applied aggressively with the very aggressive attorney general and really ripped up a whole bunch of huge giant companies. everybody got busted out. very popular with the public and then expanded on out with new legislation the clayton act et cetera. there's plenty of violations here from short monopoly power things. but they've got a free pass from the government for a lot of reasons. number one spinner number one industry do not want to get in the way there's a lot of benefits to consumers most of the monopoly powers affecting other businesses of the government does not look out for them as strongly as user consumer. kennedy: monopolies are they really competing with each other? in the $100 million market cap is pretty arbitrary. >> very arbitrary. the cap every stock today is
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100 billion-dollar tassels got several hundred billion they deny have a 1% share of the market. he should be using market share that it's where the power comes not from the arbitrary market cap. there are examples with google and apple. it's basically to companies that control the app business. now i do not disagree with companies. sue for amazon marketplace as well. kennedy: the not as big and the app area. there basically three or four that controlled the internet. kennedy: but parler sued amazon. smith because it was the double whammy. it was the hosting the amazon got into and i believe this bill is trying to get amazon out of the hosting. that is why these four companies have so much power. all of the surge all the hosting a lot of these areas basically the four companies can shut off the internet for you as a business as a person. that is a real issue. again there's been a lot of benefit to consumers. be very difficult, it's a very
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seriously strong thing is why it will never pass a gel amazon the split off from their web services is not going to happen with all the lobbyists and biting in charge. kennedy: the lobbyists and the free lunch man come there's so much free lunch in silicon valley. i do love amazon very much i was buying dumb stuff today for absolutely no reason, god bless america thank you very much jonas. topical storm is next, it it's a wishlist on wheels.
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kennedy: los angeles bind become america's first major city to offer guaranteed income to the poor if any other break in the perpetually charmed career of johnny depp. that is a payday for penniless pirates. and this is a topical storm. topic number one a florida driver caught on camera smashing through a traffic gate and jumping the car over a drawbridge. or as they called in florida being in a hurry. watch as the driver plows to the flashing warning signs like matt gates at an island retreat. daredevils driving a hud day santa fe just like in the fast and furious franchise. police say two traffic gates us had damage in the crested drivers drivers when shelter
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sows cracked as his bloodstream and now the incredible jump there we go. the drawbridge emotion the dryvit races. you had which for a hungry's or import for miles per hour but this point the gases on about 40 or 50 michael stringham's wide but still a dangerous stunt by the speed demon clears it no problem. police did they believe they've identified the driver from the license plate will likely face charges. but of course you'll jump that bridge when he comes to. i miss michael's gap for the record. topic number two. the main legislators considering a proposal to legalize a biking style funerals. although you might be in for a culture stock when you go for a bagger, the new bill would allow use of piracy on which a body is burned in the open air, fun. so even have a death to be a total smoke shall. about three quarters of the people in maine offer cremation over burial it is less expensive for it also the
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only time in their lives they can build temperatures warmer than 65 degrees. the proposed body burns will take place only on designate private burial grounds i will be open to the public. consult watch of viking funerals twice a year when they played the packers. a report that outdoor cremations do not pose significant health risks to the general population. but be careful, name, if you burn enough dead bodies out the open, you might end up smelling like new jersey. that is the other memo, topic number three. this is another good one. mug shot monday we need a real boost out meat 44-year-old rudy. he has been deported after scamming wealthy wind collectors out of millions of dollars by selling counterfeit wine per affect the only person who's made more. [inaudible] these are remnants of the operation found at rudy's
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home. that's recent poor inexpensive wines into high-priced bottles. two buck shots selling for $2500 a pop. had fake labels, wax seals sold them to make a collectors. it would on for eight years afforded rudy lavish cars private jet. but like all winos he got sloppy produce, after selling vintages that did not exist from years went winemakers were not in business for it also kept spelling cabernet with the wide the end. it did not help he was pouring it into old poland spring bottles. that was a giveaway. rudy's been flown back to stone country of indonesia after serving nearly nine years in prison. tough break rudy. if you cannot do the time, don't fake the wyatt you know he's getting that tattoo. topic number four welcome to jamaica. a canadian lawmaker axially. naked on the zoom session of parliament. now the whole world is seen as legislative body.
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let's take a gander ourselves. free will eat baby he represents the district naked as a toronto blue jays during a virtual meeting of the house of commons for this is a clear violation of parliamentary rules because each screen is all supposed to include one member. amos says this was unfortunate error. which of the strongest air ache canadian lawmakers ever use. he said is changing into his work clothes after jogging did not know the camera was on. that does not explain why he was making duck face the whole time. william promises his colleagues he'll be more careful this will not happen again. while it better not the canadian parliament has three streaks and you're out policy. more strict then you have to walk. i'll be right back at the mouth trumpet meant that use the # and play along with your the # and play along with your mouth the oh, i've traveled all over the country.
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