tv Kennedy FOX Business April 28, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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>> present biden has his speech tonight sienna has imputed a headline. joe biden to showcase his moderate radicalism in his big congressional, i do not know what moderate radicalism is. read the radical or inoperative marmite will critique it mike pompeo steven miller among others but i am "kudlow" cannot wait for tonight. ♪ ♪. kennedy: it is not quite the same of the union. we are just an hour away from president biden's first joint address to congress. he is expected to pitch a government spending the likes of which this country is not seen in generations. or at least it a few weeks for the only way to pay for, taxing you. prove me wrong, you can't. so how's it going to sell this turkey to the american people? it's going to be a little weird due to coronavirus protocol the president was speaking to a sparse crowd. it's going to be bunch of
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socially distant lawmakers about 250 inside the rotund and the capitol building that is still surrounded by fencing. you can definitely expend a lot of applause from the progressive wing of the democratic party after the president will be pitching his third trillian plus spending package since taking office. republicans it makes them want to barf as it biden's promise of unity is dead and buried. what's he going to say according to excerpts from the speech? from that white house is going to say quote independent experts estimate the american jobs plan will add millions of jobs and trillions of dollars in economic growth for years to come. these are good paying jobs that cannot be outsourced. 90% of the infrastructure jobs created the american jobs plan do not require college degrees, yet dumb dumb 675% did not require an associates degree what is that question with us at all of course he'll
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also say after just 100 days i can report to the nation that i am taking a nap. not really he's going to say america is on the move again. turning peril into possibility, crisis and opportunity, and strength a lot of powerful language there. and it means there's a whole lot of nothing to look forward to how will tonight speech shake out? we can only go to one person for that answer to foxbusiness senior washington correspondent is ten displays it outside the white house permanently, blake burman live from the white house, would you have blake? big i'm here to beautiful night here in washington d.c. no complaints. it is certainly going to be a different look a different feel than what we've got used to in the past but comes to presidential addresses. the actual message from president biden will hear tonight, will be a lot like what we have heard in the recent days in recent weeks. we expect for example he will tout that is the first 100 days is been in office as
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administration is given out more than 200 million doses or 200 doses have been administered during that time. we've gotten some excerpts from the white house. we do and preach at the present to say some of the following just went over it after 100 days i can report to the nation americas on the move again turning peril and possibility, crisis into opportunity, setback into strength. also in advance of tonight suites the white house rolled out another legislative proposal the $1.8 trillion families plan paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy. the president tonight will propose for an example for yourself reeducation having preschool for free and four year old beat free along with two years worth of free commuter college later in life. is also proposing a national paid leaves program to help with childcare by putting a cap on out-of-pocket costs for low and middle income families. who also try to sell the more than 2 trillion-dollar american jobs plan.
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the present splenda sacred to the white house quote the american jobs plan is a blue-collar, blueprint to build america. and it recognizes something i've always said, wall street did not build this country the middle-class built this country and unions built the middle class. that was customary there will be a rebuttal as well. survivor republicans outcome the south carolina senator tim scott. according to excerpts released by his office the senate will given not to operation warp speed into the trump administration. now after the speech this evening present biden will hit the road to try to sell the american jobs plan and the american family plan will be in georgia tomorrow in pennsylvania on friday. kennedy. 's before why deceit not visit the poor ban kids on the southern border. neither him or the vice president have any plans to do that. blake burman thank you so much for that we look forward to it. one of the present will probably safer but what should he say? that is a different metal for
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that with constantine's party panel we've got real clear politics cofounder executive editors well tom bevan is back. long democrat strategist, radio host and fox news contributor leslie marshall. and 2020 libertarian party vice president candidate spike cohen. he is going to break everything down. i'm very much looking forward to all this. welcome what it all. so tom bevan, it's a little too early for him to take a total victory lap, but he will tout some of his successes. but what would you like to hear from the president? [laughter] he is proposing something of $4 trillion tonight. as blake just mention he's going to push the american jobs with us introducing a new planet 2 trillion. it would be nice to know how he is going to pay for that. we know some of the details of that. i'm not sure how much she's going to expose in terms of the taxes he wants to race in halford on the letter that's
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going to go in terms of hitting into the middle class. but he's going to take a victory lap no question about that part also expecting to touch on criminal justice reform. that's something that's a hot topic right now for the houses but a couple of bills out there there's talk of work with tim scott and the senate. i expect that to be another >> he touches on tonight. >> is also touching on immigration, he has to. that is a crisis that's growing by the day more and more people are going to hear about april numbers as its a sore point for this president the fox news latest poll on border security immigration. can he say anything tonight sorted ease the pressure from republicans? >> absolutely. one of the things, you read my mind kennedy. that is exactly he said what
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you want to hear for the president tonight? i wanted as a democrat every time they address congress and the nation. look at universal pre-k to immigration is something i doing to hear about. it was not a democrat problem, ajo biden problem. immigration has been a problem largely for 17 years through various administrations in this country. so i would like to hear some specific sprint thinker going to talk a little more specific in this program later on that and here break it down but that's exactly what the president is kind of signaling is breaking down a much-needed comprehensive peace into more than one part. >> that should be a bigger peace of this. spike, i think with the president is trying to do here these new massive spending packages they all the same price tag.
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lest you confuse the american public. they think the song one spending package they're almost fine with that. what they do not realize is we are essentially on a fourth one. >> and also when you look at the fact the american people get ten to 20 cents on the dollar what's being spent. the rest of the crony corporation to put these politicians in office and big government programs. i think if people knew that they also realize the fact that all taxation is ultimately paid for by the end user which means they are the one paying for. also paying for it with effective federal reserve is time to print out endless trillions of notes they then lend to the federal government that reduces the value of your currency, makes the cost of living go up or get stuck with the bill with interest for the next 40 years for that. i think all of a sudden it becomes a lot less attractive. think if i were joe biden, on his staff i would hope you stick to the script, not stare off into the lights too much.
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what would typically see from joe biden is a lot of stammering and a lot of forgetting where he is in place. and helpless and entertainment. i don't think were going to get a lot of real answers respect felix about taking the over or under market i'm going to take the under. i don't think has the stamina and i don't think they will let him go past 60 minutes. we will find out it's all coming up in less than an hour the panel's going stick really have much more with them right up next podcast superstar under fire from doctor felty after telling millions of his listeners, don't get the covid vaccine. who do you trust more with medical advice? the party panel returns to discuss and make it real. that is after the break. that's why we created verizon frontline. the advanced network and technology for first responders.
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before superstar podcast or joe rogan taking heat from the fauci flock after suggesting that young people they do not need to take the covid-19 vaccine, watch. spin it if you are like 21 years old he say to me should i vaccinated customer i say no parody healthy? are you healthy person? like look, don't do something stupid but you should take care of yourself. if you are a healthy person are exercising all the time you are young and eating well,
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i don't think you need to worry about this. before he would on to explain his young daughters had covid will it affect everyone differently, for them it was nothing but a small cold. today doctor fauci pushback calling his comments incorrect. though he did not quite explain how. should we listen to question the party panel >>, tom bevan, leslie marshall and spike cohen. tom i will start with you, is joe rogan wrong here? >> that depends upon your perspective. he is certainly entitled to his opinion paper people said he had to lose his job because he said this that's ridiculous. i do not subscribe to the idea everyone sitting around taking their medical advice from joe rogan. he said i shouldn't take the vaccine therefrom not going to take it for it people should make their own informed decision. fauci's position his pushback was we need to be backdated even if you are young because you do not want to get cold
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and beat on wittingly passing along asymptomatic to other people. you're doing it for the greater good for the common good. look, people have to make their own decision. joe rogan is certainly entitled to his opinion and somehow should be censored or canceled for that is ridiculous. kennedy: does get paid a lot of my to spout his opinion. leslie had the same job you have a talk radio host you do your job is to copy big opinions and people have a lot of them about covid. so, we talked a lot and people had a lot to say about hood should get the vaccine first. okay hold on less than not then ask my question hang on. it's okay. he talks a lot about who should the vaccine first. people huge opinions about that assured them people and vulnerable committees people in nursing homes particularly people of color in nursing homes they should get the vaccine first. but we did not really talk about who should get it last. i think that is a fair discussion, go ahead.
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>> is nothing he could get at last it's saying if you're 21 healthy shouldn't get it. here's the brownfield that some states of michigan is a very good example of this right now. in the state of michigan they not only have spikes to sink unusually high numbers of young people in the hospital wards right now. this is not just due to covid-19 oh one but one of that many now five mutation variance of this virus. look, i am a talkshow host, candidate for if you have a heart attack up you get cancer break a leg to not come to me because i am not a doctor. and joe rogan is not a doctor. he can say in my opinion if you're 21, those three words are very powerful. so far he is saying if you're asking me, spite go-ahead is to be young and healthy if you're asking me said. >> joe rogan is never claimed to be a doctor. in fact on the show he talks a lot about the fact he is a comedian. when he was saying that in his peta people under the age of 21 probably do not need to
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take this much of their healthy pride he also said don't do think stupid. kennedy we know the numbers if you're under the age of 21 the odds of dying or having serious complications and color lower than they are from the common flu for that age group. given that, you can decide whether or not you agree with joe rogan. it's interesting the government did not allow doctors or medical professionals to test covid patients for the several weeks the viruses here then started shoving covid patients into nursing home and mental health facilities where the people are most likely to die from it will get more easily infected and then turn around me is that crisis to push for long-term lockdown which have been demonstrated not to work to do anything than to cause massive human suffering economic devastation it is very troubled about the fact that a podcast or about vaccines. so far and many nonmedical people have weighed into your point, spike. so actually, have a lot greater jurisdiction over some of those choices.
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and many of their choices were not informed by science as they have promised. so, leslie i know your husband is a doctor and i am a doctor to a lot of people. >> i did not mention it you did. kennedy: yes i mention it because a lot of people consider to me to it be a medical professional. i do offer advice, especially when it's unsolicited. party panel's returning later on the show's got the speech coming up they will talk about a couple more things to take off there. first up federal investigators today executed search warrants at the home of the new york city home of former president trump's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani also kind of ran for president suffered were told there there to seize his electronic devices. investigators say the warrants or based on suspicion that giuliani violated the foreign agents registration act after he last year push for a probe in the bidens family dealings in ukraine. the former mayor was not seen today but his son andrew spoke
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to reporters implying this was political retribution. >> any american whether your red or blue should be extremely disturbed by what happened here today. i continued politicization of the justice department for this is disgusting. this is absolutely absurd paid the only peace of evidence that they did not take up there today is the only peace of incriminating evidence that is in there. it is not one to my father. it belongs to the current president's son. >> i was watching that video no sound and i thought (harriet shaved. so what comes next to the former mayor? and is the justice department acting as joe biden's personal mercenary force question for tony to discuss attorney, mike chase but welcome back to stem the show once again. let's discuss a little bit what did the feds have on rudy? >> they are indicating they
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are pursuing a violation but with tricky about that is there's not much to a foreign violation claim. this essentially two main elements for your acting on behalf of a foreign government you did not register for the government is going to know full well he did not register. the only question reacts on behalf of foreign government? kennedy: is that hard to prove? >> is not necessarily hard to prove it's a gray area. it's like charcoal and that you will not have always clear evidence the person is acting at the behest of or behalf of. look, whether they need a bunch of material seized from him they already have probable cause they put before a magistrate judge in order to get the search warrant. so presumably they do have evidence on behalf of the on behalf of element in the certain about the registration element. so at the end of the day we all have to wonder what more they looking for.
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they seized electronic devices that is huge of information. >> terabytes and terabytes of information. what happens if it's privileged information? is that in any way compromise or case? we met that is where the first hurdles here that sort of remarkable. in that the justice department to execute a search report on the attorney a lot of internal checks and balances. means are feeling very gung ho about this. if the material on there's privilege which some of that will be. he is a practicing attorney some of it will be. the department of justice is going to establish something which is a team that will review the materials first. they will decide whether or not they're going to send that off to the people are actually looking into the case. they are going to decide it's a privilege or not for this one big exception called the
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crime fraud exception. this being used to carry out or commit a crime was not privilege at all. kennedy: that is exciting. this is not as far criminal act. when does that get bumped up into the criminal realm? and when could we possibly see charges here? >> it could be years it could be never. there's a statute of limitations usually about five years. of its five years go by you don't hear anything you might be in good shape. but what might happen years or could be criminal charges that will only come about with the police or criminal information the call. let me pretty fast and pray >> pretty high conviction rate once the feds charge you that's what you told me once, were you lying? >> i was not lying.
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the feds have a pretty high batting average they are better than 96% which include cases that go to trial they are darn near 100, probably 98-point something percent. that's a free-throw shooting percentage right now. >> is a very athletic person i agree with that. i know lots about sports i really do. >> that's why you are our informal sports report as well as legal aid. you are what we call a multitool player, mike chase thinkest measure insight and expertise. >> thank you. according to mike rudy's going up the river, we'll be right back. coming up present biden is set to roll out his massive new spending plan. wait and see see the whopper of a price tag before you barf all over yourself a break at what cost with brian and brandenburg. got brianomics in moments, right here. there he is. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination.
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kennedy: so presidential. present biden expected to announce his latest spending jagged, what he calls the american family plan including universal pre-k, tuition free to beat commuting college for whose that free customer the creation of a national paid leave program and a slew of other social programs that would cost about $1.8 trillion. but is thoroughly the best way to fix our nation's failing schools? here to break down the american federation for children's natural director of research adjunct scholar for the cato institute, corey deangelis is back. hi corey. >> thinkest much for having me. kennedy: this the crab sandwich for there's no the way to describe it. you have got hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars for things like freak commuting college. i do not want to pay for someone's community college pretty special they do not want to go to commuting college how about that?
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>> yes, absolutely purred like you said this is a ton of money the pre-k initiative is but $2 billion for early childcare and pre-k. which is more than the u.s. dedicated to rebuild europe after world war ii through the marshall plan. it's a ton of money and for what? this is just adding another year to an already broken 13 year k-12 education system paired we should not expect adding another year to the beginning to fix the system paid we should focus on the long year of k-12 for students and fix the problem -- make the root of the problem which is their geographic monopoly they do not have richly strong incentives for family pride the only way to do that lazy fun students directly to the schools actually have an incentive to do good job. what is interesting to me actually is that biden supports things like pell grants for higher education where students can choose public or private universities. the same thing in this proposal for pre-k programs for the funding can follow a child to a public or private pre-k provider.
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but then he gets all up in arms only when it comes to the k-12 in between years. everybody on the show probably understands where there is that apparent logical inconsistency. it's because choice is the norm and it comes to higher education, pre-k just about any other industry. throws threatened special interest the profits getting your education dollars regardless of how well do they do, regardless of the satisfaction of the choice of the families. from what we see in the last year regardless they open the doors for business. kennedy: parents are realizing they are beholding to teachers unions. that is the difference between preschool and getting a college degree. yes you have some choice there. but looks like were going to have a completely different system will be living in two different americas. one where you have governors who are signing legislation that allows money to follow
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students instead of funding individual failing schools, they get to take that money and take it where they want to send their child to school. and hopefully they will do the same with colleges and universities that are not necessarily propaganda factories. and then you'll have other people who are beholding to critical race, teachers who retired on duty for their own politicians how's that going to work out? spin back families are fed up with this nonsense over the past year per if you look at three different nationwide the other from morning counsel have surges in support funding students in the past year. the going and gang busters for school choice. the bills and plates of fun
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students teachers unions have overplayed their hand in the pasture done more to advance school choice than anyone could've ever imagined. kennedy: yes i hope they imploded really do. you're watching right now you thought about moving to where the states where you have better school choice because educating our kids so critically important they are learning purred so critically important could move, take your tax dollars with you go investing their own freedom, corey thank you so much. >> thank you. so for how does president biden expect to pay for his latest spending scheme? really the ponzi scheme but if you get taxes you got your price coming in the mail. present biden high earning americans nearly doubling the capitol gains tax for americans who are in more than a million dollars this should not impact most americans they have plans so how would the economy react to this wealth of targeting lefty wishlist?
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here with me now onset fox news contribute professor of business and economics of the kings college and manhattan's. berg this is brian onyx. taxation is theft. much more than that here. as you pointed out this really digs into every aspect, most personal aspect of people's lives. and then takes all their hard-earned tax dollars away from them. spin back the intrusion in everyday life every day at work life in these bills is astonishing. you are talk about childcare, education, health care. you're talking about energy producing about the labor force. every single one of these areas gets targeted by this proposal, not a brilliant but a proposal. yes the question is how do we pay for that? were talking about taxes using taxation is theft. the kind of taxation we are talking about punishes investment. the investment that gives people jobs. kennedy: that's a really good point. i don't think people realize
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what that means. not only is a capitol gains tax going to be raised, but also some of the estate taxes. and businesses are passed down from one generation to the next. what happens here should build a business over the course of your life. a long-term investment get to the end of your life you want to pass that on find out you're going to get walloped by the higher capitol gains tax. you have created something of value. you cannot overstate how these proposals punish the creation of wealth in order to get people addicted unstuck to government programs. that is exactly what's happening this year of $6 trillion. the biden's ministrations trying to do is to get us to pay attention to all the little pieces of this. the key is you've got to look at the whole party have to look at the entire number were talking about here. $6trillion plus a foreign half -- five we already spent his point to get us to ten and a half, $11 trillion of spending this year.
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more than 50% of gdp. that makes world war ii look like a budget maneuver. makes world war ii look like were doing it on the cheap compared to what were paying now. some bills you try to target around the edges. you try to change them a little bit to make them palatable. sometimes in the principal is so bad you have to say no to the whole thing. that is the situation. >> the way this is written how the president is going to address congress and the joint session is as though got a mandate. and is pretending like the presidential election was not close. the republicans did not gain seats in the house. he is pretending like he does not have a 50/50 split in the senate. >> i think he's really overplayed this. i really do politically i don't think this works in his favor. he made a decision i'm going to unify my party from going to unify the progressives in my party. but i'm not going to affect everyday people.
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i really think people at home can look at these numbers if they keep their head of the big picture is not about the individual pieces. all the individual pieces sound nice. when you added up the results is you lose your freedom per you lose your choice pretty talk about schools a second ago. this is truly from the age of two until 22 the government was to be involved in calling the shots in education. who wants to buy into that right now? >> the government helping you. the successive generations are going to have to pay for this that means their economic mobility is completely sacrifice. no one should want to pray this is not helping people. it is a moral it is theft last word. >> they woke up to beauty and necessity of choice they've not seen for very long time. that i think is politically very bad for what biden is trying to do. for we have a shot of the
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house timber were present biden is going to take the stage. in a few minutes there is a gladhanding there are some high-fiving, that is the vice president who is being seated right now. she will open up the joint session before the speaker of the house introduces the president. and there they are historic moment. two women flanking the president. we'll have more on this joint address and the theft from your while thank you very much brian brandenberg, brian onyx. topical storm is next, stay right here. ] ♪♪ ♪♪ when you save money with allstate you feel like you're winning. safe drivers save 40% saving is easy when you're in good hands.
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allstate. click or call for a quote today. saving is easy when you're in good hands. dignity. it demands a rapid covid test, because we all deserve an answer. it demands a better understanding of your glucose levels, so you can enjoy movie night. and knowing your baby is getting the nutrition he needs, no matter how you choose to feed him. at abbott, we fight for these moments, developing life-changing technologies. because dignity demands it. ♪ ♪
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tired of wearing a cumbersome facemask? then maybe it is time for a climate change. a belgian artist has created a portable terrarium newcomer over your head to protect you from covid-19 according to doctor fauci says you should really be wearing two or three of these things. sure it's a little heavy to walk around with, but at least it looks cooler than a hat. the portable oasis is filled with sweet smelling plants like rosemary and thyme, so it smells like your grandmother's porkchops. nice. some can creator says he initially developed this to cut himself off from the world but found that wearing this strangers come up and talk to him, why not? he seems like a fun guy. [laughter] some people have even told him they wish they had one of these. then again the collapses are wheezing greener on the other side of your face. abortion is dating effort is attracted to someone the glass box up you cannot see them
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anymore. also hard to find a woman who wants to date a pothead. you are my wonder wall. topic number two, wendy's is pledging through remove potentially harmful from their packaging. still no word when they will remove them from their food. last year in environmental agency found fast food wrappers sold at wendy's, mcdonald's and burger king contained psa a group of chemical compounds lead to thyroid disease decreased fertility even shrinking mail genitalia. [laughter] so apparently the only whoppers at burger king are on the menu. no wonder liberal matters environmentalist it's a marketing opportunity in mcdonald's to say everything in order comes with a small fry. the chemical have also been linked to liver damage. but again that could be the
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leader of jack daniels that you brought to burger king in the first place. wendy said the chemicals will be out of their packaging by the end of the year. the bad news is you've so got a few more months of being slowly poison. the good news is now you know why you feel like garbage after eating a bacon ater. a chocolate frosting. was the packaging all along. topic number three, elon musk's put his monkey where his mouth was. a few months ago he promised the world he could teach a monkey to play video games with its mind. using a brain implant. it turns out he meant monkey business. this is page of the monkey. action that is a chimp, sorry. i know you primate freaks are going to get mad. he is playing with a sensor implanted in his brain. you thought videogames were mindless entertainment. i've not seen anyone mastermind control like this since anderson cooper.
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so how does it work? the neural link is implanted into your head after this robot removes a peace of your school. then once it's attached your brain all the kings horses and all the kings men worked to put you back together again. the chip then studies how your neurons fire and learns to interpret them into action. elon predicts by 2030 the link will allow paralyze humans to control computers with their brains. and i predict that by 2030 this will be the only implants the kardashians don't have. i like meg butts and i cannot lie ♪ ♪ will be back with more on present biden's joint address to congress, next. how their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. for some, this is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda - a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer where keytruda is approved
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kennedy: braking is to hearsay look live inside on capitol hill were present biden expected to speak in about ten -- 15 minutes for a big topic tonight will likely be immigration. the crisis under southern border has more the biggest challenges of present biden's first 100 days. and it is getting worse. it has been completely overwhelming for this administration. while tonight the president may tout his so-called accomplishments and start all responsibility for the actions that have left thousands of migrant children abandon at the border with hundreds of thousands more expected over the course of the rest of this
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year. the president and congress need to get their act together and pass some sort of immigration reform to help these desperate kids. so what can president biden face tonight to make a difference on immigration? this could package with the party panel tom bevan, leslie marshall and spike cohen. tom, he cannot keep selling this line is no crisis at the border. that is sacral and inhumane thing to say to kids who have been caught in the middle pair he's got to say something different. look, if i were advising him i would say not to mention it. to skip over it. it is the worst issue out of all of the issues in terms of his handling of it by far. and particularly just among republicans but among independents. every time he opens his mouth on the issue makes it worse but he cannot talk about security is left among us party goes crazy bravely tries to save the line they been using will trump left us a mess or trying to rebuild the system, everybody knows his policy is a mess.
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including democrats. think it's a losing issue for him. i do not think he's going to spend much time on it. he may say tell congress to get some comprehensive immigration passwords not pointed while the details of what's going on down there now. it is a disaster. before it leslie, he could talk about increasing the number of refugees, but the problem is not that arbitrary number. the problem is there is a multiyear backlog to see a judge. so instead of talking about great feelings, why doesn't he appoint more judges to the border to these courts so they can at least help people get through? >> that is actually something democrats have asking presidents whether to barack obama or donald trump to do for years. and hopefully joe biden will come not in the first 100 days but he does have four years at least if not eight to get it done. what he can do with regard to
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immigration and what he can speak about is something that he actually foreshadowed earlier which was breaking this down. there is bipartisan support. one democrat and republican astonished voters for politicians as to the doctor recipients. that is one area that can be discussed. there is also bipartisan agreement that we can perhaps do something to slow down or stop the flow from these countries. that is something vice president kamala harris. it's coming to pieces for us before i'm going to let you in on a little secret, if you tackle doctor first nu telegraph that young people will be citizens, guess what will happen? more kids will then their kids alone on that journey that is not we should do first. what you should do first. [inaudible] okay, we have limited time i'm going to move on. i'm going to live on despite he's down there.
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spike, if i did vice president says she's only tackling the root causes, what is the root cause of our immigration crisis, spike cohen? >> the root causes are but joe biden push for the senate for the multiple decades he was in there. if you look at the war on drugs that led to narco terrorist taking over entire countries using political violence and continuing to did not support them has been the single biggest contributor to the massive surge of migrants coming from central america. and joe biden is one of the architects of those policies. i we know now that for all this talk about scaling back on the war on drugs he's expanding it down to the war on menthols and newport. i just not look like that's ending anytime soon punishing people of color for using drugs and putting them in jail for it and causing violence in central america. the reality is as long as we continue to have a war on drugs that destabilizes central america and a war on migration that gives rise to smuggling cartels and creating this crisis is only going to get worse and worse and
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worse. and he can keep building cages and putting families and children in it. he can keep talking about dignity and justice while expanding upon the war on migration. but none of that is going to fix it pretty only fix it by addressing the actual cause. kennedy: in the drug war and legalize drugs that time tackle the root cause, tom, wesley, and spike think you also much. coming up with that light update on capitol hill and the president congress. that in minutes stay here man: "fender bender," take 1. tonight's matchup: me versus an ugly fender bender. if i can eke out a win, it's going to be a miracle, baby! uh, mr. vitale? it wouldn't be a miracle because geico gives you a team of experts to help manage your claim. it's going to be a nail-biter. no, the geico team is there for you 24/7. geico is awesome, baby! (shouting) too much? i think we got it. yeah. thanks. thank you. geico. great service without all the drama. (vo) ideas exist inside you,
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>> here we go breaking his minutes away from president biden's joint address to congress, let's go to jacqui heinrich on capitol hill. >> president biden will unveil the american families plan the $1.8 trillion free community college anybody wants it, free peak enter pre-k to three and four -year-olds, the white house wants to pay for this by increasing taxes on corporations and the rich but combined with a morgan jobs plan the proposed spending is totaling around $4 trillion and the price tag has found no support from the gop, reportedly frustrated president biden. saying to the american people, i know you at home wonder who these jobs are for you, been forgotten in an economy rapidly changing, these are good paying jobs that can be outsourced, 90% of the infrastructure created in
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the american jobs plan don't require a college degree, 75 don't require an associates degree. all of this is not enough for progressives, republicans feel there's no into the wish list that pressuring biden while democrats seek to address racial, economic and environmental disparities through legislation, tim scott delivering a gop response expected to grace the power of the free market economy. he is a black man a report representing the same minority and underserved communities that democrats prioritize. he will say impart just before covid we had the most inclusive economy in my lifetime, the lowest unemployment ever reported for havoc in americans, hispanics and asian americans, the was for women in 70 years. wages were going faster for the 25% than the top 25%. scott will make the case republicans under president trump advanced equity by expanding opportunity for all americans in his response to president biden's speech
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tonight. >> remember when michael rubio kept ringing water during his response. i always like that. >> he told tim scott to drink water earlier. thank you so much for the update, thank you for watching the show, live coverage of the joint address to congress begins right now. special presentation. ♪ ♪ >> good evening from washington. i'm john roberts. this is fox news special coverage of president joe biden's first joint address to congress. president biden has arrived on capitol hill after a short motorcade wide from the white house. tonight's address expected to be part victory lap for his accomplishments, part sales pitch for the next steps of his agenda. the president set to ask congress for $1.8 trillion in new spending tonight to pay for universal preschool, two years of free community college, and more than $200 billion for child care. of course, it would all come at
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